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"Glutathione is the most important molecule that most
physicians have forgotten about."
Your life literally depends on glutathione.
Glutathione (GSH) is the body’s master antioxidant, defending every
cell from damaging free radicals, chemical toxins and radiation.
Glutathione is even able to detoxify heavy metals (such as mercury).
From the age of 20, your body's natural production of this vital
tripeptide declines by around 15% every decade. Glutathione levels
are further reduced by stress, exercise, infection, injury and
environmental toxins.
By the age of 40, most people are severely depleted in glutathione,
resulting in reduced energy levels, increased inflammation and an
acceleration of the disease process.
Without enough glutathione, the liver cannot cope with the
accumulation of toxins, and the immune system cannot function
properly. Without glutathione the cells have little resistance against
bacteria, viruses and cancers. The body cannot even make use of
vitamins such as C and E, without the presence of glutathione!
Many diseases have now been associated with glutathione
deficiency, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cystic
fibrosis, cancer, chronic fatigue, MS, heart
disease, asthma,diabetes, macular degeneration and many
others. Glutathione supplementation can be of great benefit in
treating many of these conditions, and may help to slow the aging
process. Glutathione supplementation can be of great benefit in
treating and possibly preventing many of these conditions.
The benefits of glutathione:
Support your immune system
Detoxify your liver
Reduce inflammation
Increase energy
Improve heart and lung function
Improve joint mobility
Slow down the aging process
Improve athletic performance & recovery
High Glutathione = Youth + Health + Longer Life!
Low Glutathione = Early Disease + Death!
Which of these sounds better to you?
Effects of Glutathione – What is it and Why Should You Care
Before we get deeper into discussing what the benefits of
glutathione can play in your life, you need to understand exactly
what it is.
GSH is a powerful combination of three amino acids, L-Cysteine, L-
Glutamic Acid, and Glycine.
These three amino acids when combined produce the most powerful
antioxidant known. It can be found in every cell of the human body
and is responsible for aiding in the protection of the cells.
What is Glutathione?
Glutathione is our body's most powerful antioxidant and
defender. Created by every single cell, glutathione performs many
vital functions. Glutathione detoxifies and protects cells from the
damage caused by oxidative stress, toxins and radiation. Glutathione
decreases inflammation and strengthens the immune system. In fact,
it is so important that scientists call glutathione "The Defender of
the Cell".
"This I believe is the most incredible nutriceutical discovery in
my lifetime and unfortunately most doctors know nothing
about it..." Dr Don Colbert
L-Glutathione Reduced
Reduced glutathione is a ubiquitous antioxidant involved in many
cellular functions such as detoxification, amino acids transport,
production of coenzymes and recycling of vitamins E and C. By
serving as a critical nucleophilic scavenger, glutathione blocks free
radical damage to all types of tissues. Glutathione is the most
abundant intracellular thiol (sulfur containing compound) and low
molecular weight tripeptide founded living cells.
Every cell in the body’s first line of defense is the substance,
Glutathione. It plays a crucial role in function and multiplication of
lymphocytes to combat organisms like bacteria, viruses and
Without proper levels of Glutathione, researchers found that our
cells literally commit suicide, by undergoing a process known as
programmed cell death. Unfortunately, as we get older our
Glutathione levels decline.
Glutathione (GSH) is concentrated in the liver, where it functions as a
key detoxifying agent. It is the major naturally occurring antioxidant
in the cell. Other lesser antioxidants like vitamin C and E depend on
glutathione for their function.
Some of the many functions of glutathione in the body:
Glutathione is the Cell's Master Antioxidant
Glutathione is considered the master antioxidant due to its unique
ability to neutralise many types of free radicals that assault the cell,
causing oxidative stress. It is the only antioxidant that recycles itself
again and again to continue fighting free radicals and defending our
Glutathione Protects the Lungs
The epithelial cells lining the lungs have a protective screen of
glutathione, to protect against free radical damage by oxidative
stress. If this glutathione layer is depleted by chronic infection,
inhaled pollutants or smoking, inflammation and damage can occur.
Glutathione supplementation has been shown to provide great
benefit in lung disease.
Glutathione is a Powerful Chelator of Heavy Metals
We are exposed to heavy metals from many sources, such as
mercury in dental amalgam fillings. Scientists agree that dental
amalgam fillings leach toxic mercury into the bloodstream and
estimate the amount to be up to 27 µg/day. Fortunately, glutathione
is one of the cell's most powerful chelating agents and able to help
detoxify these heavy metals.
Glutathione Protects the Brain
Glutathione decreases oxidative stress in the brain. Glutathione is
known to be depleted in the brains of people with Parkinson's
disease, depression, autism, ADHD and other brain disorders.
Glutathione improves mental clarity and memory. It also helps
prevent the formation of amyloid plaque in the brain that can lead
to Alzheimer's disease.
Glutathione Is The Primary Detoxifier of the Cell
We are confronted by over 80,000 chemicals in the air we breathe,
the food and water we ingest. Many of these toxic chemicals enter
our cells and must be eliminated to protect the cell and maintain
optimum function. Glutathione is the cell's first line of defence
against chemicals and toxins and when present in optimal amounts is
the primary detoxifier that can eliminate many of these toxins.
Glutathione is the Protector of the Immune Cell
Our immune cells are designed to protect us, but what protects the
immune cell? Glutathione is the protector of the immune cell and
allows newly formed immune cells to proliferate.Glutathione also
helps protect us against viruses such as influenza,
as glutathione blocks the activation of virus particles.
Glutathione Reduces Inflammation
All inflammation begins at the cellular level, and inflammation is
associated with deficient glutathione levels. Glutathione is a
powerful natural anti-inflammatory that acts to decrease
inflammation and boost the immune system. In scientific studies,
glutathione supplementation has been shown to reduce
inflammatory markers such as Nuclear Factor Kappa Beta, Tumour
Necrosis Factor alpha (TNFa) and C-Reactive Protein (CRP).
Glutathione is Essential for Fertility
Glutathione is the essential molecule that allows the sperm to bind
to the egg at conception! Scientific studies have demonstrated that
low glutathione levels may be linked with infertility and pregnancy
Glutathione Allows the Body to Absorb other Vitamins
Glutathione allows the vitamins that we acquire from food or
supplements (such as Vitamin C and E) to be converted into a usable
state so that they can be utilised by the cell. We cannot make use of
these vitamins unless our glutathione levels are optimised first.
"Without Glutathione, other important antioxidants cannot do their
job adequately to protect your body against disease."
Alcohol depletes our Glutathione Levels
Drinking alcohol rapidly depletes our body of vital glutathione
stores. Dr Don Colbert advises that "anyone who drinks alcohol
should be taking Cellgevity". Pharmaceutical medications (such as
paracetamol) also have the effect of lowering glutathione levels.
Glutathione is Vital for the Eyes
The eyes contain very high concentrations of glutathione.
Glutathione detoxifies the aqueous fluid of the inner eye and is
essential for maintaining the transparency of the lens. Scientific
studies show that glutathione plays an important role in the
prevention of cataracts, glaucoma, retinal disease and diabetic
Protection from Radiation
Glutathione also helps to protect our cells from the free radical
damage caused by electromagnetic radiation such as the microwave
radiation from cordless phones, WiFi and mobile phones, as well as
medical radiation sources such as X-Rays and CT scans.
Prostate Problems
Enlargement of the prostate gland is very common, affecting 80% of
men over the age of 80. The hypertrophy (enlargement) is more
often benign than malignant.
Glutathione deficiency has been linked with the
increased likelihood of developing an enlarged prostate or prostate
The Vital Role of Selenium
Brazil nuts are high in selenium
A recent study by the National Cancer Institute showed that
selenium supplementation dramatically reduced the incidence of
prostate cancer.
Selenium is essential for the production of glutathione peroxidase,
the enzyme that mediates antioxidation by glutathione.
Glutathione supplementation can help to prevent and treat prostate issues
There is increasing evidence that the glutathione system provides a
vitally important defence against prostate problems. Glutathione
supplementation and dietary changes are an important way to
maintain a healthy gland as well as providing protection against the
development of prostate cancer.
Diabetes and Glutathione
Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person
has high blood sugar, either because the body does not produce
enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is
produced. Prolonged high blood sugar levels causes many serious
Antioxidants are very Important in Diabetes
Glutathione is the body's most powerful antioxidant, and has many
positive benefits in people with diabetes and impaired glucose
tolerance. Glutathione has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity
in diabetics.
Glutathione status is closely tied to the progression and severity of
diabetes. People with poorly controlled diabetes often have
significant depletion of blood glutathione levels. Many of the
complications of diabetes are linked to oxidative damage due to the
elevated blood sugar levels.
Complications that may arise as a result include damage to the large
and small blood vessels ("peripheral vascular disease"); diabetic
retinopathy; kidney disease; nerve damage ("neuropathy"); skin
problems; dental problems; and increased risk of infection due to a
weakened immune system.
As the body's "master antioxidant", glutathione helps to reduce
oxidative stress and its consequences. Research studies have
shown that supplementation with glutathione precursors may help
to reduce oxidant induced diabetic complications such as those
shown below.
Cardiovascular Disease
How a heart attack happens
Cardiovascular disease remains the biggest cause of deaths
worldwide. The risk factors for cardiovascular disease have
traditionally been considered age, high blood pressure, high
cholesterol, smoking, family history, poor diet and a lack of
exercise. More recently doctors are realising the importance of
underlying inflammation and are using blood levels of inflammatory
markers (e.g. C reactive protein) to predict coronary risk.
Oxidative stress is now recognised as a key event in the
development of atherosclerosis. An initial oxidative injury to a blood
vessel triggers the artery to form a cholesterol cap over the area of
injury. Over time, this can build up into a fatty plaque which can
grow large enough to stop the flow of blood. Thrombus (blood clot)
can form over the plaque and break off, blocking supply to blood to
vital organs such as the brain (resulting in a stroke) or heart
(resulting in a heart attack). Since oxidative injury is the first step in
cardiovascular disease, it makes sense that sufficient antioxidant
defence is required to stop the damage.
Increasing Glutathione levels will:
Lower blood pressure
Reduce the risk of heart attack
Improve immune function
Decrease inflammation
Improve vascular health
Protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals
Slow the oxidation of fats
Assist with the uptake of other antioxidants
What is Glutathione?
Glutathione is our body's most powerful antioxidant and plays
a key role in the prevention of cancer.
Glutathione performs a number of vital roles in the body to keep
cells functioning optimally. Glutathione neutralises the harmful free
radicals that build up in the body and would otherwise damage cells.
Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that contribute to virtually
every degenerative disease, including cancer and the aging process.
Additionally, glutathione chelates and removes heavy metals and
toxins from the body, protects cells against radiation damage,
and boosts the immune system. Glutathione also regulates levels of
tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF1), an important immune
modulator involved in cell death.
Unfortunately many factors conspire to reduce our vital glutathione
stores, including chronic illness, aging, stress, toxins and
Glutathione supplementation beneficial after chemotherapy
Low glutathione levels are commonly found among those
undergoing chemotherapy. A glutathione supplement is thought to
be very beneficial after a course of chemotherapy, to restore
glutathione levels.
Research scientists Bogliun et al (see abstract opposite) studied
women with ovarian cancer who were being treated with
chemotherapy. Some of the women were also treated with
intravenous glutathione.
Those given the glutathione not only had fewer toxic side effects
from the chemotherapy but also had better overall survival rates.
Glutathione: A bullet proof vest?
According to Patrick Holford, author of Say No To
Cancer: ‘Glutathione deserves attention as it is perhaps the most
important antioxidant within cells and has proven to be highly
cancer protective.’
The anti-cancer properties of glutathione are well documented. In
1981 a group of scientists gave a group of rats a known carcinogen,
then treated half of the rats with glutathione. After eight months
there were no survivors in the control group, but 81% of the rats that
had received glutathione were still alive.
Glutathione has been shown to stimulate apoptosis (cell death) of
malignant cells while leaving healthy cells unaffected. When our
glutathione levels are optimised it's rather like wearing a bullet proof
vest, protecting us from oxidative damage.
Arthritis and the role of Glutathione
Arthritis is a painful and debilitating condition characterised by
inflammation of the joints. Osteoarthritis is the most common form
of arthritis, and is a degenerative condition related to aging. The
cartilage that normally cushions our joints gets worn away as we age
causing the bones to rub together, creating inflammation of the
Rheumatoid arthritis is an immune disease that can strike at any age
and is triggered when the body's own immune system starts to
attack the joints and other tissues.
Rheumatoid Arthritis is an Immune Disease
Rheumatoid arthritis of the hand (left) and normal hand (right)
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory condition, often
affecting the hands. This xray shows a normal hand on the right,
characterised by clean contours of the bone structure and well
defined joint spaces (highlighted by arrow) where the cartilage is
located. In contrast, the xray to the left shows a severe case of RA
showing irregular bony growths and diminished joint spaces.
Inflammation is at the root of all disease
It is now known that cellular inflammation is at the root of most
diseases, including arthritis.
Glutathione is our body's most powerful natural antioxidant and
anti-inflammatory molecule. Created by every single cell,
glutathione plays an important role in the immune system and has
potent anti-inflammatory effects.
Scientists have discovered that people with arthritis
have significantly reduced glutathione levels.
Gluten free and still in pain?
Gluten damages the small intestines and causes chronic
inflammation. This inflammation extends to other parts of the body
and helps explain why gluten can often trigger other disorders,
including Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, joint pain, skin disorders
(eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, etc.), heart disease, fatigue, depression
and other mood disorders from inflammation in the brain.
A gluten-free diet reduces inflammation and allows the gut to
recover, often alleviating symptoms elsewhere in the
body. However, new research shows that the small intestines never
complete heal on a gluten free diet in up to 60 percent of adults.
Intestinal Inflammation and Leaky Gut Syndrome
Switching to a gluten-free diet is often not enough to recover gut
health new research reveals. Many people continue to experience
gut inflammation, poor absorption of nutrients due to damage of the
intestinal lining, and leaky gut syndrome, which is when undigested
food and pathogens to escape into the bloodstream, causing further
One possible solution is to check for other food
intolerances. Because gluten causes leaky gut syndrome, undigested
food escapes into the bloodstream and provokes an immune
reaction. This leads to allergies and sensitivities to many other foods.
Many people need to eliminate all grains, as well as dairy and
sometimes even legumes.
Glutathione Reduces Gut Inflammation
It is important to use nutritional supplementation to help alleviate
the gut inflammation that results from gluten intolerance.
Glutathione is a vital antioxidant for repairing and protecting
intestinal health.
The botanical compounds resveratrol and curcumin have also been
shown to reduce inflammation.
Resveratrol is a potent antioxidant found in red wine and grape skin,
and curcumin is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory derived from
What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?
HSV1 virus
People with chronic fatigue syndrome, as the name suggests, suffer
from extreme exhaustion, but there are also other symptoms such as
loss of memory or concentration, enlarged lymph nodes,
unexplained muscle pain, headaches and unrefreshing sleep. Other
signs may include abdominal pain, allergies and food sensitivities,
bloating, chest pain, chronic cough, diarrhoea, dizziness, dry mouth
and earache.
People with CFS often suffer reactivation of latent viruses that were
already in their body from an earlier time (such as Epstein Barr virus,
Shingles or Herpes Simplex type 1). It is known that glutathione
depletion is associated with the re-activation of several types of
viruses, including herpes simplex type 1. Some scientists believe that
the virus itself may cause the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
Glutathione depletion is a key factor in Chronic Fatigue
Glutathione is made inside every cell of the body and performs many
vital roles including ‘mopping up’ harmful free radicals and
detoxification of heavy metals in the liver, to rid our bodies of toxins
such as mercury, pesticides, synthetic hormones etc. Without
enough glutathione, the immune system will not function properly.
Many people develop low glutathione levels due to toxin build up,
aging, chronic illness,stress and dietary deficiencies. Often people
who develop chronic fatigue will report that they were feeling
increased stress before the CFS symptoms started appearing.
Physical or emotional stress causes an increase in the stress
hormone cortisol which will lower glutathione levels, which in turn
weakens the immune system.
How to increase your glutathione levels
You can increase your glutathione levels by taking the advanced
supplement Cellgevity which provides all the essential precursors
and nutrients that your body needs to make glutathione. A nutritious
diet, drinking plenty of water and regular exercise will also assist.
Boosting your glutathione levels will help to eliminate toxins from
your body and will result in a healthier immune system.
Eating sulphur-rich foods, such as broccoli, cauliflower, garlic,
onions & eggs.
Eating selenium-rich foods, such as seafood and brazil nuts
Daily supplementation with Cellgevity
Regular moderate exercise
Drink plenty of water to assist with the detoxification process
Glutathione - Your Body's Own Master Antioxidant!
You may or may not have heard about glutathione before. But you
have heard of antioxidants , right? You can’t watch the evening news
any more without hearing that this skin cream or that fruit juice is
high in antioxidants.
I just saw a commercial for 7-Up that is being advertised as "7-Up
Antioxidant" because it has some Vitamin E in it. Did I hear that right
- Vitamin E in 7-Up?
So antioxidants are now mainstream. Why do we need them?
Very simply, you have oxidative stress going on in your body all the
time, and antioxidants fight oxidative stress. The balance between
your oxidative stress and antioxidants in your body may be one of
the key indicators of your overall health today.
If antioxidants were so important, wouldn’t you think your body
would make it’s own? Well, in fact, it does, and the most powerful
antioxidant you have in each of your cells is called “glutathione”
(Gloo-ta-thigh-own). It is absolutely essential for good health.
What happens when your body doesn't make its own glutathione?
Without it, your liver would fail from accumulation of toxins, your
cells would die from oxidative stress, and your immune
system would leave you vulnerable to bacteria, viruses, and disease.
In short, if you didn't have glutathione, you wouldn’t last long. But
don’t worry! Help is on the way. Actually, we have lots of it typically
when we are younger, but due to stressors in our air, water, food,
water, and environment in general, as we begin aging, our levels
typically begin falling in our 40's.
And chances are, if we are younger than that, and suffer from a
chronic ailment, we are already deficient in this precious protein. So
what can be done to help? First, let's define it.
Glutathione - What Is It?
What exactly is it? Technically speaking, glutathione is a tripeptide,
or protein, made up of three amino acids.
Even more specific, it is glutathione sulfhydryl, and it may be
abbreviated as GSH.
The essential amino acids needed to produce it in your cells are
glutamate, or glutamic acid, glycine, and cysteine. Of these, it is
hardest to find available cysteine in our diet.
As a result, cysteine is considered the rate-limiting factor for GSH
production in our cells. It is the missing puzzle piece that you need to
find if you are going to raise your levels for improved health.
Who first discovered glutathione? It has always been there, in each
of your cells, but a man by the name of J. de Rey-Pailhade first
discovered it using a microscope to examine the human eyeball in
He initially named the substance "philothione" (Greek for sulfur
loving) based on how it reacted towards sulfur. Later, after further
observations were made about its structure between 1921-1941, F.
Gowland Hopkins, the "Father of Biochemistry" of Cambridge,
England, renamed the substance "glutathione". The term continues
in usage to this day.
In the 1980's, Alton Meister and his colleagues at Cornell University
began a renaissance with further study on the functional and
metabolic aspects of GSH. Since then, glutathione has been the
subject of prolific research in its many aspects.
Please click this link for an actual picture of glutathione as it is
viewed under an electron microscope at the Florida State University.
(this link opens in a new window).
Since it was discovered, for the last 100 hundred years or so, not
much more was known about what it did or how to effectively raise
it until recently.
In the last few years, there has been an interesting development.
Research is being done at an ever increasing rate today. As a result, it
is now understood that a healthy eyeball has high levels of GSH, and
an eyeball with cataracts is lacking in it.
If you go to (this opens in a new window) right
now, you will find over 100,000 medical studies to date on this
amazing substance in each of your cells.
Now that is a lot of information!
Glutathione has hundreds of functions in the body. But for most
people, if we are able to remember the 5 main benefits, we will be
familiar with about 90% of what GSH does:
I will give you AN IDEA here:
What a great IDEA!
For a more thorough explanation of these functions, please
click here (this link opens in a new window) and read the section
entitled "Glutathione has multiple functions": You will find it in the
6th paragraph.
For now, we will learn how GSH is first and foremost your body’s
own master Antioxidant. What exactly does that mean?
Well, all antioxidants can be classified into two major categories -
exogenous and endogenous. Simply put, that means that some are
external to our bodies, meaning our body does not make them
(exogenous), and others are made by our bodies (endogenous).
Now when it comes to antioxidants made by the body, GSH is The
Master because it recycles these other antioxidants.
That means when you take a Vitamin C, and it does its job of
neutralizing a free radical, this amazing protein can recharge it by
donating a Hydrogen molecule. How exactly does this work?
Well, at any given time, you have millions of free radicals circulating
in your body. Sounds scary, doesn’t it? Free radicals are oxidized
For example, the most dangerous and plentiful free radical in your
body is an OH molecule. When a water or H-H-O molecule loses a
Hydrogen, it is oxidized and becomes O-H. This process happens all
day long, whether we realize it or not, and becomes a cascading
effect when one cell loses it’s Hydrogen, and steals another one from
the cell next to it, causing damage all over your body.
But GSH saves the day. It continually regenerates Hydrogen at the
cellular level! So it can donate H back to OH so it can become water
So if your cells are high in this protein, then they can continue to
assist all of the antioxidants you are taking to do their job more
efficiently. So that is a win - win situation ! Your best bet is to make
sure you have plenty of antioxidants in your diet, but you
absolutely must have glutathione for them all to work properly.
So what happens when your body doesn't make it's own
glutathione? Without it, you will cease to exist. With low levels of it,
you may suffer from poor health. But with optimized or high
levels in your system, you now hold in your hand the key to great
So GSH is something you need to have plenty of to win this race for
life. It is the most powerful antioxidant that your body makes.
Remember when cholesterol and vitamins were not well known? At
the rate research is being conducted on this amazing protein, it is
only a matter of time before it also becomes a household word.
I was surprised just this week to pull a box of instant potatoes off the
shelf in my pantry to see the word "glutathione" being highlighted as
a beneficial ingredient!
The good news is you are hearing about it today, and as you read on,
you will discover how this amazing protein can have a significant
impact on your overall health today, and for the rest of your life.
In conclusion, glutathione is your body's most powerful antioxidant.
You make it right in your cells. It is also an immune system builder,
detoxifier, energy booster, and has an anti- aging effect on the body.
Would you like to hear what medical doctors are saying about
glutathione? Watch the 9 minute tutorial below that describes what
it does, and also learn about a clinically proven glutathione enhancer
named Immunocal.
About Glutathione and Immunocal
IMMUNOTEC - Immuno Byte (Colds)
Glutathione: The "mother" of all antioxidants...
Facts About Glutathione
Glutathione And Cancer - What Do I Need To Know To
Protect My Health?
What is Glutathione and cancer?
Chances are you were searching for these two terms, and more
specifically you want to know how glutathione relates to
cancer. The role of glutathione and cancer has been well
documented. First let's start with the definition of cancer. Cancer is
defined as a group of diseases characterized by unrestricted growth
of cells in general tissue or a specific organ.
You are probably familiar with glutathione at this point, but if you
would like a quick refresher, click here.
Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases known to mankind today,
second only to cardiovascular disease.
There are more than 100 types currently identified, and they are all
at varying levels of aggression. Many are treatable or even curable,
depending on the stage at which they are found.
It is estimated that one out of three Americans will eventually die
from cancer. The most common cancers for men are cancers of
the prostate, lung and colorectal cancer.
Following that are bladder cancer and lymphoma. The most
common cancers for women are breast, then lung, and colorectal
cancer. Closely following are uterine cancer, and ovarian cancer.
To minimize the risk for glutathione and cancer, American Cancer
Society recommends maintaining an appropriate body weight ,
eating a variety of daily fruits and vegetables, high-fiber foods, and
limiting saturated fats, alcohol, and salt-cured, smoked, and nitrate-
preserved foods. This is taking a preventive approach, and is gaining
popularity today.
Glutathione and Cancer- Reaction or Prevention?
Much of the treatment today is reactive, meaning, nothing is done
until the cancer is diagnosed, then the sudden emphasis is on curing
it. More and more people today are realizing that taking a proactive
approach to cancer, to prevent it before it occurs, is the wise choice.
It is now generally recognized that attention to three factors can do
much to prevent cancer before it starts.
These are adequate nutrition through proper diet, avoiding and
ridding of carcinogens or cancer-causing substances, and reinforcing
the body’s immune system.
Normally, healthy cells replicate in order to grow, heal damaged
tissues, or replace normally lost cells. Sometimes, though, this ability
to regulate growth goes out of whack, and they can multiply without
control, resulting in what eventually is found to be cancerous tissue.
Sometimes the cells replicate to the point where the cancer has
spread beyond the primary site, referred to as metastasis. Often
there are cancerous cells growing inside a person without them even
being aware of it until there are symptoms that something is wrong.
There is growing evidence that cancer starts out as a genetic
mutation in our DNA. Learn more about DNA mutation here.
Why the lack of self-regulation? There are many factors thought to
be behind this, including environmental carcinogens, radiation,
genetic makeup, poor diet, viruses, and strength of the immune
Glutathione and Cancer: DNA Mutation
Cancer begins with a mutation or abnormal change in the DNA or
genetic material of the cell. This re-programming can result in
uncontrolled growth. One theory being considered now is that when
free radicals form, or oxidative stress occurs, in the cell nucleus, the
DNA may be damaged.
Another theory suggests that a weakened immune system caused by
poor diet and/or cigarette smoke is not able to tackle the problem at
its earliest stages, allowing free radical damage to rage on, with the
resulting damaged cells multiplying and replicating over and over
until cancer is identified at the site.
One of the most important ways that we can consider is to minimize
this risk as much as possible by raising our glutathione levels.
Glutathione and Cancer Prevention:
Glutathione and Cancer: Antioxidation:
If we were able to prevent the damage to the cell DNA and nucleus
in the first place, we could stop the process of damaged cell
replication in it’s tracks. Because glutathione (GSH) is the cell’s major
antioxidant, it can mop up free radicals on the cellular level as soon
as they form.
This would prevent the ensuing damage that leads to cancer.
Additionally, GSH recycles and makes more effective all other
antioxidants, like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Selenium. And the best
part is, if that wasn’t enough protective help, we have also found
that glutathione can actually help repair damaged and mutated
There is a study published by the Journal of the National Cancer
Institute that points to the role of a properly functioning glutathione
enzyme system can ward off cancer. It focused on a particular GSH
enzyme, GSTM 1.
Glutathione and Cancer: Detoxification:
Glutathione plays a specific role in the detoxification of many well
known cancer causing substances and cell damaging substances in
our environment.
Basically, GSH binds to these toxic substances, through a process
called chelation, or direct conjugation. It renders them harmless,
just like a guard would remove a loaded shotgun from an armed
invader. Then the toxin can be safely removed from the body, in the
form of waste.
Your liver and kidneys are your body’s main organs of detoxification,
and it is no surprise that the highest concentrations of glutathione
are found in these organs. Raise your glutathione, disarm a few
armed men, and you give your liver and kidneys a hug. They will
thank you later.
Glutathione and Cancer: Strengthened Immune Response:
One of glutathione’s effects on the human immune system is to
modulate or control the growth of the soldiers or “good guys” in
your body that destroy the “bad guys”.
By strengthening the good army, your body can win the war when
challenged, and you can remain healthy. Those that are immuno-
suppressed, meaning their immune system is weak, are more prone
to cancer. There is a form of treatment being investigated called
immunotherapy, which is an attempt to strengthen the immune
system to fight off the cancer.
DNA Mutation, DNA Damage, Glutathione, And Your
What is DNA mutation, DNA damage, and how does this relate to
glutathione and my health? First, let's start with the definition of
DNA.DNA, or Deoxyribonucleic Acid, is the genetic material
contained in "X" shaped structures in each of our cells called
chromosomes. Each of our cells contains molecules of DNA.
Each of these molecules are made up of smaller building blocks
called nucleotides. These are cytosine, guanine, adenine, and
thymine, and are sometimes denoted as C, G, A, and T.
These nucleotides are linked into long strands, into a twisted double
helix design. Just as letters make up a word, these 4 nucleotides
combine in specific combinations to make amino acids.
Amino acids are the components of all living things, and the essential
amino acids cysteine, glycine, and glutamate all combine to make a
protective protein involved in DNA repair called glutathione.
This is not intended to be an exhaustive definition of DNA, but the
focus of this page will be about DNA mutation, and how a protein
called glutathione relates to protecting the DNA in each and every
one of your cells. For a general overview of glutathione, click here.
So, Now We Can Answer The Question: What is DNA
DNA mutation is defined as a change to the nucleotides in human
DNA that can result from many factors. This mutation may be caused
by mistakes during the phase of cell division.
It is thought that mutated DNA leads to malignancies, which in turn
may be one of the main causes of cancer.
Other common causes of DNA mutation are external sources, such as
exposure to ultraviolet radiation, other environmental toxins, or
viruses. This type of mutation may also come about
through oxidative stress within the cell. We will discuss a little more
about oxidative stress later in the page. These mutations are
generally classified as harmful, and so to protect our health, we are
interesting in learning how to protect ourselves from all types of
DNA mutation. This is essential for our health.
There is one important note, though. DNA mutation and DNA
damage are two different things. DNA damage refers to physical
abnormalities in the DNA, and they can be repaired by enzymes. It is
thought that human aging is a result of cumulative DNA damage.
Mutation of DNA, on the other hand, is a change in the base
sequence of the DNA, and it has been long understood that this
condition is not reversible. However, there is evidence that this is
not always the case.
It is important to note that glutathione and it's related enzymes can
repair DNA damage before it becomes a mutation, and there is also
growing evidence that mutations can be repaired by glutathione as
One reason this is so important is that our cells are always dividing
and multiplying. DNA replication is what happens when cells divide
and multiply. If you have one cell with DNA mutation, and that cell
divides, and then that cell divides, you could start out with one
mutated cell and end up with several thousand or more cells
affected by this dangerous mutation in a short amount of time.
Because of this process of mutation and replication, it is very
important to prevent DNA mutation by repairing it when it is still in
the damaged phase.
There is an innate repair structure in the cell that involves enzymes
that recognize and repair DNA damage. Since this occurs all day long
in our DNA, this DNA repair becomes very important in protecting
the body from disease.
The rate of DNA repair is dependent on many factors, including what
type of cell it is, it's age, and it's antioxidant capabilities. The latter
can be measured by the level of glutathione present in the cell.
To learn more about what an antioxidant is, click here.
It is well known that glutathione plays an important role in the
synthesis and repair of DNA. New research coming out is showing
the relationship between free radical damage and subsequent DNA
code breakdown.
If we can reduce oxidative stress by raising glutathione, we can
protect our genetic code contained in the DNA. When glutathione
soaks up free radicals as they form in the cell, subsequent damage to
the DNA and its nucleus is avoided.
And by thus repairing this damage before it becomes a mutation,
we can do much to protect our health by raising our glutathione
Oxidative Stress Is Everywhere- What It Is And How To
Fight It!
Many of us have heard that oxidative stress, or oxidation, is all
around us. Just what is it?
If you are looking for technical chemistry definitions, this refers to a
redox reaction or gets into balancing redox equations and
understanding our antioxidant defense system.
But for most of us, we can understand it like this: It is the rust on
metal, like the rusty nails below. How would you like to step on one
of those?
Or it is like the brown discoloration on an apple left on the counter
too long, or in this case, an apple that becomes thoroughly rotten.
Eww! Which apple looks to be in better shape to you?
Which one would you rather look like? In the human body, oxidation
is a byproduct of living and what causes us to age. If we are wrinkling
up on the outside, like the man in this photo below, the same
damage is going on internally, we just can't see it. Biology news
articles contain lots of current information and research on this
subject that affects all of us.
This explains why this baby's skin has such a radiant glow, and as we
age, we see this damage in our skin, our body's largest organ.
But what we can't see is the damage that is going on inside, to our
internal organs, causing a dramatic impact on our health. Think
about that for a minute!
The difference between the baby's skin and the old man's is oxidative
stress! And that makes all the difference in your health as well. In the
human body, each day that we as humans live and breathe, eat and
drink, we place continuous stress on every cell in our bodies. Every
cell in turn must protect itself or suffer damage. Each and every cell
in the body is a biological machine, and with each passing day, the
cells become worn down by trying to stay alive.
Just like all machines, our cells get their energy from the
consumption of fuel, like the food we eat and the air we breathe, but
in so doing there is a price to pay. In this redox reaction, which is
short for reduction and oxidation, there are waste products
produced, which are referred to as free radicals or free radical
If you think of a match lighting up a piece of timber, you get heat
and flame, but ash is produced as a byproduct or waste. Oxidation is
necessary for us to process nutrients and function, but free
radicals are the waste that is generated in our bodies as a result.
Our cells have a tall order- to neutralize and remove these wastes on
an ongoing basis in order to stay healthy. If your cells are healthy,
then you too are healthy!
What Are Medical Professionals Saying About Oxidative
Note what medical doctors are now saying about oxidation and
"Glutathione (GSH) deficiency contributes to oxidative stress and
therefore appears to play a key role in the pathology of
many diseases…"
"Each and every cell in the body is a biological machine that is
gradually worn down by the work of staying alive... Like all machines,
cells derive their energy from the consumption (oxidation) of fuel -
nutrients and oxygen - but at a price.
This process produces harmful waste products (free radicals and
oxyradicals). One of our cell's most routine tasks is to neutralize and
remove these wastes, and the key substance it uses is glutathione.
Glutathione is the body's principal antioxidant."
The Best Anti Aging Product - Find It Here!
Interest in finding the best anti aging product that really works is at
an all-time high today. On the previous page, you learned that
glutathione levels are very high in the healthy elderly. You have
learned a lot so far!
You also know that the average human life span is getting longer
with advances in health care, but along with that, humans most
importantly want not only to live longer, but better, with a higher
quality of life as they age.
And they are looking for the best anti aging product to help them to
do just that. Is that true of you? Chances are, if you are looking for
the best anti aging product, your friends are probably looking too.
Regarding the length of our human life span, note what Duke
University demographer James Vaupel said: “There is no evidence
that human life expectancy is anywhere close to its ultimate limit.”
Perhaps we were indeed made to live much longer than we do?
Could we have been created to live even forever?
Is the secret to unlocking this scientific secret for the best anti aging
product somehow connected to this precious little
glutathione molecule?
What does research tell us about glutathione as the best anti aging
Note what some other noteworthy professionals are now saying. In
the bestseller “Stop Aging Now!”, Jean Carper is quoted as saying,
“You must get your levels of GSH (glutathione) up if you want to
keep your youth and live longer. High blood levels of GSH predict
good health as you age and a long life. Low levels predict
early disease and death.” Think of that!
High Glutathione = Youth+Health+Longer Life!
Low Glutathione = Early Disease + Death!
Which of those sounds better to you?
These experts are joining a growing list of researchers who are
publishing their findings about anti aging nutrients, and the results
are astounding to say the least.
How many people do you know that would like to keep their youth,
live longer and have optimal health? Probably every single person
you know.
If you knew you had just found the best anti aging product, would
you let them know? Absolutely, you would. I would too, and that is
why I am letting you know about it here.
And therein lies the tremendous value of this information. You have
just struck gold. Human aging is a hot topic, and it touches each and
every one of us. And now you know about the best anti aging
product, and you and all you know can benefit from using it.
Since human aging affects all of us, glutathione is for two groups of
people - the sick and the healthy. Have I left anyone out? It is very
interesting to note that decreases in GSH due to age are seen in all
tissues of the body, including the liver, kidney, lung, heart, spleen,
and the brain. If we raise these levels, this will indeed dramatically
affect our aging process. As one of the anti aging foods, it will help us
to age better.
How To Raise Glutathione - What Are The Best Ways?
Would you like to know how to raise glutathione? By now, you are
an expert on the subject. Click here for a quick review.
You know all about it, you know you need it, and you can't get it by
eating it. If you still think that you can, check out this medical study
done in 1992 that laid that theory to rest.
To view the study, "The systemic availability of oral
glutathione,"click here.
So, now that we have that covered, don't waste your money on oral
glutathione supplements, whether they are reduced or otherwise at
the health food store or online. They simply won't help you to know
how to raise glutathione. They won't work. now, what are the best methods for boosting your
glutathione levels?
How To Raise Glutathione With Natural Products:
Oral Glutathione: There are a number of foods that have been found
to be high in glutathione, including fresh fruits, vegetables, and
meats. You can also buy it in pill or powder form from nutritional
companies. Why not just eat it, after all?
The problem with this approach is that the body breaks it down, and
most of it is eliminated. So as a result, this will have no effect on
raising glutathione.
Cysteine or L-Cysteine: This is commonly referred to as free cysteine.
It is considered a non-essential amino acid , which means it can be
made by the human body. It can be found in foods like meats, dairy
products, and certain foods.
We can also buy this at the health food store, and you will see it by
itself, or more commonly in whey protein powders for bodybuilders.
In this case, it is great for building muscle, but will do very little to
raise your glutathione.
It is easily oxidized in the digestive tract, just like glutathione, and as
a result, the absorption into the cells is limited. Cysteine that does
make it into the bloodstream can be further oxidized and do more
damage than good.
So while cysteine is one of the three building blocks of glutathione,
this alone has a negligible impact on how to raise glutathione levels.
Methionine or L- Methionine: Methionine is an essential amino acid
that may also be used by the body to make cysteine if enough of it is
available. Together, cysteine and methionine make up the two sulfur
containing amino acids. Its derivative, SAM, is discussed above.
This too is available in foods, pharmaceutical supply outlets, and
health food stores. The way methionine is made into glutathione is
very complex. One of the risk factors for methionine is that it also
produces homocysteine, which is a high risk factor for hardening of
the arteries.
Melatonin: This is a hormone that naturally occurs in the brain. It is
made by the pineal gland. It is a derivative of the amino acid L-
tryptophan and the neurotransmitter serotonin.
There are some food sources for melatonin, including the tart
montmorency cherry, oats, sweet corn, rice, bananas, tomatoes, flax
seed, sunflower seeds, and several leaves, such as feverfew.
Melatonin has other roles as well, including functioning as an
antioxidant, and also to effectively raise glutathione levels.
There have been many studies done on this aspect of melatonin, but
as of yet, the long term safety of melatonin has not been well
established, and the effect varies from person to person. If taken as a
supplement, this product should only be used in conjunction with
your health care professional.
Glutamine: Glutamine is the most abundant free amino acids found
in the body. It is useful in raising glutathione. One of the few amino
acids that crosses the blood-brain barrier, it is normally plentiful in
the diet today.
There are many functions of glutamine, including it’s role in
metabolizing and maintaining lean muscle. It can also build up your
immune system, play a role in anti-cancer therapy, boost brain
function, and detoxify the body.
Glutamine supplies the body with glutamate, one of the three amino
acids that raise glutathione, and it is the second most important
component after cysteine. Glutamate is found in many plant and
animal sources, but is easily destroyed by cooking.
It is also found in raw spinach, parsley, and raw meat, but with the
health risks associated with the latter, is not recommended.
Completely healthy individuals don’t need supplemental glutamine.
Any serious use of this supplement for help in how to raise
glutathione should be monitored by a health care professional.
Lipoic Acid: This is also commonly referred to as Alpha-Lipoic Acid.
The roles of this substance are as an antioxidant, neutralizer of toxins
and heavy metals, and recycler of other antioxidants like Vitamin C
and Vitamin E. It occurs naturally in the body, and is also available on
the shelves of health food stores. it can also be found in small
amounts in foods like spinach and broccoli.
Lipoic Acid works by keeping glutathione in its reduced state. This is
good, because in its reduced stated, glutathione can do its job as an
antioxidant. So they have a partnership of sorts. One reason
glutathione is called the Master Antioxidant is because it also helps
to keep lipoic acid in it’s reduced state as well.
There is some research demonstrating that a lipoic acid supplement
is best taken along with L-Carnitine for the best results in raising
There are promising results with lipoic acid being demonstrated with
medical studies. For some, there are short term side effects, and so
more research is being done on this substance to see what other
benefits it may have in addition to raising glutathione.
Glutathione Injections: Typically administered by injection, or
intravenously (IV), this is very effective in how to raise glutathione
blood plasma concentrations temporarily, but does not raise it in the
lymphocytes where you need it to build up your immune system.
A standard dosage may be mixed with saline, and is best
administered alone rather than combined with other antioxidants.
It can be injected up to three times a week. While somewhat
effective short-term, it is expensive, and requires the assistance of a
health professional. Since the glutathione molecule is too large to
pass into your white blood cells, it does not feed your immune
system and help you to ward off illness.
Another drawback to IV glutathione administration is the short half
life. Glutathione is raised, but it typically only lasts a few hours in the
body and so has to be administered several times. Blood glutathione
levels will peak following administration, and then taper off in some
cases to even lowerlevels of glutathione than you had before the
glutathione injection. Long term, this would not be helpful to you.
Given these drawbacks, getting glutathione injections is less than
The best way for how to raise glutathione is to manufacture it in the
cell, where it lasts longer and also builds up your immune system. As
an alternative, injections work very well and have been shown in
studies to have a beneficial effect on many disease states including
Parkinson's Disease and Autism.
Undenatured Whey Protein: Also called bioactive whey protein.
Undenatured whey protein is a globular protein isolated from whey.
The most common form of whey available comes from cow’s milk.
Raw milk contains about 20% whey. Because of pasteurization and
the legal requirements regarding this today, all milk being sold
commercially now is pasteurized and thus “dead” from a biological
So, the milk that you buy in the grocery store does not contain
undenatured whey protein and will not help you to learn how to
raise glutathione.
All whey proteins that you can buy in the store are denatured, which
means they are not bioactive. If you can buy it in a tub, and it comes
in vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry, it is great as a dietary source of
whey, but has been “killed” in this way and will have no effect on
how to raise glutathione levels in your cells.
It is not undenatured whey protein, and it is not bioactive, even if
the label says it is. It will not help you to know how to raise
To have a measurable affect on glutathione levels, the protein must
be bioactive or undenatured. This will also help to build up your
immune system.
What this means is the whey must be processed in such a manner
that the heat-sensitive proteins and amino acids are preserved.
When these amino acids are preserved, you end up with an efficient
way to deliver cysteine to the cells. This is an important factor to
consider when learning how to raise glutathione in your cells.
The form in which it is found in mother’s breast milk and in raw
cow’s milk is called bonded cysteine, and is an excellent delivery
vehicle for the cell to make glutathione.
It has been well known now for many years that babies who are
breast fed as infants have very high glutathione levels, and as a
result, they have stronger immune systems and resist disease longer
as adults. This is because they received lots of bonded cysteine from
their mother while breast feeding!
And adults who continue the process by consuming undenatured
whey protein also have higher resistance to disease and stronger
immune systems. The common factor is bonded cysteine
supplementation! This is a key factor in knowing how to raise
glutathione in your cells.
For how to raise glutathione, there is a slide presentation on
the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) website
entitled “Method of Intracellular GSH Enhancement: Undenatured
Whey Protein Concentration”. To view this presentation, click here.
Slides 19-27 may be interesting for you to view, and they
demonstrate how this product works to enhance the immune
system, and also why cystine is the preferred form of amino acid for
manufacturing glutathione in the cells. What is cystine?
A technical note regarding terms here. This can get a little confusing.
Here is the difference between cysteine and cystine, and some
interchangeable terms that are used with cystine.
Cysteine : One free cysteine molecule, limited in it's ability to raise
Cystine = two cysteine molecules linked together by a sulfur bond =
bonded cysteine = very effective in raising glutathione.
The journey of a bonded cysteine or cystine molecule from the
mother’s breast or cow’s udder to your cells to make glutathione is a
fascinating journey indeed. Let's follow along!
When bonded cysteine is consumed from the mother's breast, or
from undenatured whey protein made from raw cow's milk, it is in
the form of two cysteine molecules bonded together by a sulfur
bond. When free cysteine is consumed, it is normally destroyed in
the gut.
But when two of them are bonded together, it makes them "safe",
and this bond is pepsin and trypsin resistant, which means your
digestive enzymes will not be able to dissolve this bond. This is a
good thing and what makes bonded cysteine so special!
The bonded cysteine is absorbed through the intestinal walls into the
bloodstream, which carries it to each and every cell in your body.
That's 100 trillion cells in an average human body, and it goes to
each and every one of them!
Once the bonded cysteine enters the cell, it then breaks apart
into two free cysteine molecules, and then each of these cysteine
molecules can combine with available glycine and glutamate
and make glutathione right there in each and every cell.
It's quite a masterfully designed process!
Much published research can be found using undenatured whey
protein online today. When glutathione is raised in this manner, it
has the best overall effect on the body, including building up the
immune system.
For a complete and thorough discussion of undenatured whey
protein, how it works, and why we think it is the best way for raising
glutathione, click here.
How To Raise Glutathione with Other Factors Necessary For
Selenium: A trace element or micronutrient that is primarily an
antioxidant. There are a number of medical studies showing
selenium's effects on many diseases states, and most agree the main
way this works is by elevating glutathione peroxidase, an important
enzyme of glutathione. So selenium can be helpful in how to raise
glutathione. Selenium is found in selenium-rich soil, so much
depends on the source of the food.
The suggested daily intake is 40-70 micrograms per day. If you are in
good health, you should need no more than that. It is rare to be
deficient in selenium if you are in good health. Additionally, caution
should be exercised, since too much can cause toxicity, leading to a
condition called selenosis.
Vitamin B1, B2: These are water soluble vitamins that help to
maintain glutathione and its related enzymes in their active forms.
B1 or Thiamine is found in cereal grains, yeast, pork, brown rice,
certain vegetables, and eggs. B2 or Riboflavin is also essential for
glutathione production and energy
B2 can be found in dairy products, leafy
green vegetables, liver, legumes, and
yeast. The current recommended daily
dose of these vitamins is 10-50 mg/day for
most people.
However, many health professionals feel
this may be too low , and so the optimum
may be up to 300 mg/day. Since they are
water soluble, any excess is excreted from
the body and so toxicity is not normally an
Vitamin B6, B12: These too are water soluble vitamins. They play an
important role in glutathione synthesis. B6 is crucial for the function
of many amino acids and essential fatty acids. It also helps with
glucose and lipid metabolism.
B12 helps to produce red blood cells, myelin, DNA, and other
neurological tissues. For this reason, it plays a key role in the normal
functioning of the brain and nervous system. B12 also helps to
regenerate folate in the body.
Folic Acid: Also known as folate, helps with making DNA and
transmission of nervous signals. It has also been shown to help with
cardiovascular disease. Children and adults alike need folic acid to
prevent anemia or iron deficiency.
For learning how to raise glutathione , folate helps to make sure
available cysteine is converted into glutathione rather than
homocysteine. Under normal circumstances the recommended
dosage of B6 is 10-50 mg/day, B12 is 10-50 mcg, Folic acid of 400
mcg per day.
Vitamin C: Also known as ascorbic acid, this is probably the best
known water soluble vitamin. Most living organisms can make their
own Vitamin C, but humans cannot, so it must be supplemented.
Vitamin C has been the subject of medical studies regarding it's role
as an antioxidant for many years now. Vitamin C has a key role in
glutathione metabolism. It is involved in the glutathione enzyme
system which keeps Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and other antioxidants in
their reduced state.
This preserves their ability to keep on working as antioxidants in the
body, effectively recycling them and making them work over and
over again before being disposed of by the body.
There have been many studies showing that Vitamin C supports and
raises glutathione levels and activity. By the same token, when there
is not enough glutathione, Vitamin C is far less effective and rapidly
So we can see why they go hand in hand with one another. There is
much controversy over the adequate dose of Vitamin C needed . If
glutathione levels are adequate, than 200-1,000 mg/day should be
Vitamin E: This is a fat-soluble vitamin that comes in a close second
as the most popular supplement in America today. Besides its role as
an antioxidant, Vitamin E has been shown to be helpful in many
areas of disease prevention today. It also plays a role in
It also plays an important role in the glutathione enzyme system
which, like Vitamin C , keeps the other antioxidants in their reduced
state so they can keep doing their job mopping up free radicals.
There are two forms of Vitamin E, natural and synthetic. The natural
form is denoted by d, as in d-alpha tocopherol, and the synthetic
form as dl, as in dl-alpha tocopherol. The natural forms are better for
you. Vitamin E can be found in avocado, nuts, seeds, spinach,
vegetable oils, wheat germ, milk, asparagus, and eggs.
The recommended daily dosage for Vitamin E ranges from 25-50
IU/day, although most of us would probably experience more benefit
of higher doses of 100-1200IU/day. So Vitamin E can be very helpful
in finding out how to raise glutathione in your cells.
If a person has adequate levels of glutathione, 400 IU/day should be
sufficient. If excessively consumed, it can provoke gastrointestinal,
cardiovascular, and neurological side-effects, so caution should be
How To Raise Glutathione With Other Micronutrients:
Magnesium, Vanadium, and Zinc:
Magnesium deficiency can lead to the impairment of an important
glutathione enzyme needed for glutathione production.
Vanadium is a trace element that depends on glutathione to remain
in a reduced state to increase it's bioavailabiity. In high doses,
Vanadium is toxic and may have an adverse effect on glutathione
Zinc deficiency also reduces glutathione concentration, especially in
red blood cells. Zinc also is toxic in higher levels, and may also reduce
glutathione if it is over-consumed.
A high quality multiple vitamin and mineral supplement that supplies
the optimal amounts of these co-factors and micronutrients should
be taken along with your glutathione enhancer for best results in
how to raise glutathione.
In conclusion, to learn how to raise glutathione, cysteine is the
amino acid that is lacking the most. But it must be in a form that can
survive the trip from our mouth to our cells, which free cysteine does
not do well. Also, eating glutathione is ineffective in showing us how
to raise glutathione levels.
Several drugs and natural products can show us how to raise
glutathione quite efficiently. NAC or N-acetyl-cysteine is a powerful
drug used in critical care, toxicology, and pulmonary medicine. It is
well researched and clinically proven to be valuable in learning how
to raise glutathione levels.
Many natural products either support or directly show us how to
raise glutathione levels. Undenatured whey protein as in Immunocal
is a very effective method, and by delivering bonded cysteine to the
cells safely, the way our body was designed to raise it, is an excellent
way to deliver the necessary amino acids to the cell for glutathione
production. Because of this, Immunocal is the best way to know
how to raise glutathione in your cells. This is the method we use to
raise our glutathione every day!
What is Undenatured Whey Protein?
Note: For the benefit of misspellings, this applies to whey protien as
well. Regarding undenatured whey protein, for a brief overview,
along with other ways for raising
glutathione levels, click here.
Let’s start first with whey protein in
general. This is the protein that has
been isolated from whey. Whey is
the liquid material that is left behind
after the solids have been removed from cow or bovine milk.
There are many manufacturers that have taken this whey protein
and processed it into mixtures that can be used forbuilding
muscle or for muscle building and muscle development. You can
find a large array of whey protein powder to make a breakfast
smoothie, or protein drink, at any general nutrition, weight training,
or bodybuilding supplements store or supplier. I recently saw a whey
protein like this at Costco called Muscle Milk. Another one that is
good for a high protein diet for use in a breakfast smoothie is called
Designer Whey. These are very popular today for protein shakes and
protein drinks.
Whey protein is an excellent source of dietary protein, and is very
effective in building muscle for athletic nutrition, or for anyone who
would like to reduce their body fat, and build muscle through
exercise and/or bodybuilding supplements. But all protein
supplements are not created equal. This type of whey protein is
classified as denatured.
What does denatured mean? This simply means that the whey
protein has been processed at a high temperature, usually above 160
degrees Fahrenheit or 72 degrees Celsius. This process is also known
as pasteurization.
The milk you buy in the store has been pasteurized, which means
that it has been denatured or cooked at a high temperature to
ensure that all microorganisms that may harm you have been
So to put it all together, what is undenatured whey protein? It is
protein from whey that has not been denatured. This means that the
protein must be processed in such a way that harmful organisms are
destroyed, but the heat sensitive amino acids that make it bioactive,
called branched chain amino acids, are not harmed.
It has not been pasteurized, but processed at a lower temperature
than traditional pasteurization in order to preserve the amino acids
that are thermolabile, or destroyed by high heat.
Terms that can be used interchangeably for undenatured whey
protein are high biological value whey protein and bioactive whey
protein. You may also hear it referred to as undenatured whey
protein isolate, or undenatured whey protein concentrate.
An undenatured whey protein with a high biological value means it
contains a high amount of essential amino acids. This kind of whey
protein processed from raw cow’s milk has a very high amount of
bonded cysteine in it, along with other essential branched chain
amino acids, so is has a high biological value, with one particular
brand having a biological value of >110 BV.
As more people find out about the value of high biological value
whey protein, a manufacturer may suggest on the label of their
product that they are providing such a special protein. The very fact
that it is in a tub is your first telling sign that this is not true. Truly
bioactive whey protein is quite expensive to make and requires
special technology to do so.
Bioactivity is reduced when exposed to heat, air or moisture, so if it
is in a tub, it is not undenatured whey protein. Another way that you
can tell it is not bioactive is if it is flavored. If it comes in vanilla,
chocolate, or strawberry, then it has been hydrolyzed, which means
it has been denatured in order to make it easier to mix. You can also
check the nutritional supplements information on the label as well. It
may list cysteine as an ingredient, but this will be lost in the digestive
This is not bioactive whey protein, and will not help you in raising
glutathione in your cells.
Undenatured whey protein has a very unmistakable quality to it: it is
unflavored and very difficult to mix. If you pour some bioactive
whey protein powder into a liquid, it will float and resist mixing. This
is one way to know you have truly undenatured whey protein.
For an in-depth discussion of the biological property, unique
formulation,and potency of Immunocal, as well as other factors
besides the bonded cysteine to consider when comparing other
undenatured whey protein isolates or whey protein concentrates
with Immunocal, please click here.
What Does Undenatured Whey Protein Do?
Undenatured whey protein will help you to build muscle just like
regular whey protein will. The main reason you want to take it in an
undenatured form is if you want to raise glutathione in addition to
building muscle. That is the only reason you need to know the
difference between the two, and it is an important difference.
Regular whey protein will build muscle!
Undenatured whey protein will raise glutathione!
For an overview of what glutathione is, what it does, and why you
need it, click here.
For a review of all the ways for how to raise glutathione, click
here. We will now discuss in more detail what undenatured whey
protein does, which is one of the ways for raising glutathione, and
how this works.
Bioactive whey protein contains three specific proteins that are very
high in essential amino acids that are missing from our diet today.
The proteins are: albumin or bovine serum albumin, lactoferrin, and
lactalbumin. These proteins are very high in the essential amino acid
called bonded cysteine.
Bonded cysteine, which is two cysteine molecules linked together, is
also called cystine. It is found in raw meat, raw eggs, and raw cow’s
milk. Once you cook these three foods, the bonded cysteine or
cystine is destroyed, since the bond that holds them together
is thermolabile or destroyed by heat.
Most of us today do not consume these foods raw, nor do we
recommend that you do. Babies who are breast-fed have access
to bonded cysteine in their mother’s breast milk until they are
weaned. The closest food that we have to mother’s breast milk as
adults is bovine or cow milk in raw form.
It is interesting to note, however, that years
ago, before pasteurization, when people consumed raw milk from
their local or family farm, they had higher glutathione levels in their
Now that we don’t have access to these foods in safe amounts, we
have an even greater need than ever before to find a good source
of bonded cysteine, so that we can be effectively raising glutathione
in our bodies.
The three amino acids that are needed by the body for how to raise
glutathione are cysteine, glycine, and glutamate. Glycine and
glutamate are plentiful in our diet, but cysteine is not. And since
cysteine by itself is destroyed in the gut, it needs to be bonded in the
way we find it in undenatured whey protein to do the job
Thus, bonded cysteine is considered the rate limiting factor for
raising glutathione in our cells. The journey of a bonded cysteine
molecule from the mother’s breast or cow’s udder to your cells to
make glutathione is a fascinating journey indeed. Let's follow along!
When bonded cysteine is consumed from the mother's breast, or
from undenatured whey protein made from raw cow's milk, it is in
the form of two cysteine molecules bonded together by a sulfur
bond. When free cysteine is consumed, it is normally destroyed in
the gut.
But when two of them are bonded together, it makes them "safe",
and this bond is pepsin and trypsin resistant, which means your
digestive enzymes will not be able to dissolve this bond. This is a
good thing and what makes bonded cysteine so special!
The bonded cysteine is absorbed through the intestinal walls into the
bloodstream, which carries it to each and every cell in your body.
That's 100 trillion cells in an average human body, and it goes to
each and every one of them!
Once the bonded cysteine enters the cell, it then breaks apart into
two free cysteine molecules, and then each of these cysteine
molecules can combine with available glycine and glutamate, and
makeglutathione, right there in each and every cell.
It's quite a masterfully designed process!
So, put very simply, undenatured whey protein raises
glutathione in your cells!
How much raw milk does it take to make Immunocal?
We need 300 liters (125 gallons) of fresh, raw milk to produce
1 kilogram (2.2 lbs.) of Immunocal. It is produced using a gentle
process and low temperatures to preserve the biological
activity of the proteins.
First and only patented natural protein scientifically
and clinically PROVEN to optimize your immune
Immunocal is a specially formulated protein derived from whey.
Unlike most commercial whey products, it contains the richest
source of glutathione building blocks available. Only Immunocal has
the research and international patents to prove this.
How does Immunocal work? The immune system is incredibly
complex, but a major cornerstone relies on its ability to obtain a
molecule called glutathione. Glutathione exists in every cell of your
body and is essential for life and critical for health. This molecule is
constantly being used up in dozens of your body’s functions and is
difficult to replace. Glutathione is your body’s master antioxidant, its
chief detoxification enzyme and is literally food for the immune
system. Immunocal restores optimal glutathione levels.
Many natural products are available that claim to help your immune
system, but very few have undergone the rigorous testing and
published human trials that Immunotec has accomplished over the
years. Over forty published scientific and medical articles attest to its
remarkable credibility.
Besides its ability to raise glutathione and all the benefits that come
with it, Immunocal has the highest BV (Biological Value) of any
protein available on the market, supplying all the amino acids your
body needs.
Raises glutathione to optimize your immune system on a sustained
Fights off free radicals by boosting your body’s master antioxidant
Helps eliminate pollutants and toxins
Enhances your energy and sense of well-being
Improves physical performance
Helps mental acuity
What is Immunocal?
Immunocal is an all-natural protein derived from milk.
It is a specially-prepared whey protein isolate.
If someone is lactose intolerant, can they take Immunocal?
Yes, the lactose in Immunocal is removed during its
production. Less than 1% lactose remains and legally the
product can be called “lactose-free”. It should be noted that
being lactose-intolerant is different than having a milk protein
allergy (see below).
If someone has a milk allergy, can they take Immunocal?
Most people who claim they have a milk “allergy” are actually
not allergic, they are lactose intolerant. If this is the case, they
can take Immunocal. If they have a true allergy to milk
proteins, they should avoid it. However, the majority of milk
protein allergies (80%) are to a protein called “caseine”. There
is very little caseine in Immunocal (generally less than 1.5%).
What is “whey”?
Whey is a group of proteins found in milk.
What is a whey protein “isolate”?
Whey proteins can be produced in different concentrations.
“Regular” whey protein can be anywhere from 20% to 70%.
Whey protein “concentrates” are between 70% and 90%. A
whey protein “isolate” is over 90% pure protein. Technically
this is difficult and expensive to achieve without harming the
protein’s structure.
Why is a whey protein isolate desirable?
Only isolates have thoroughly removed from them the fat, fat-
soluble toxins, water, water-soluble toxins, lactose, and other
contaminants from the protein. It is the “purest” form of
There are other whey protein isolates on the market. How is
Immunocal different?
Immunocal is patented to work.
Immunocal is the only one with extensive research published in
medical journals.
Immunocal is produced in a special way to preserve the
proteins’ natural structure so that it retains its profound effect
on your cells.
Immunocal is clinically proven to work in human beings.
Immunocal appears in the American PDR (Physicians' Desk
Immunocal appears in the Canadian CPS (Compendium of
Pharmaceuticals and Specialties).
How does the manufacture of Immunocal differ from other whey
Immunotec’s proprietary manufacturing process preserves the
critical disulfide bonds in the glutathione precursor cysteine.
By delivering this delicate protein to the cell, it enables the
body to create glutathione and maximize immune system
levels. Other whey proteins are often manufactured using high
heat (pasteurization) and harsh methods of mixing, resulting in
a denatured and ineffective product.
Do other whey protein isolates work?
As a source of amino acids, whey protein has a superior
nutritional advantage over other types of protein. All whey
protein isolates are a good source of protein. However, there
are many other variables that need to be considered in a
whey’s quality. Most importantly is the degree in which the
protein resembles its original form in nature. This is easily
altered in the harvesting, manufacturing, packaging, storage
and shipping, and quality control of the product. Other whey
protein isolates have not been thoroughly tested in clinical
trials done on human beings, so it’s anybody’s guess as to
whether they work or not.
What does Immunocal do?
Immunocal improves your immune system.
Immunocal improves your physical performance.
Immunocal improves your mental performance.
How does Immunocal work?
Immunocal supplies the rare building blocks (precursors) for
your cells to make glutathione.
Immunocal supplies all the essential amino acids required by
your cells and tissues.
Immunocal supplies other peptides (small proteins) critical for
many aspects of your health.
What is Immunocal Platinum?
It is Immunocal with two additional components added: CMP
and RMF.
What is CMP?
CMP stands for "Cytokine Modulating Peptides".
Cytokines are small biologically active proteins that act as
signals in the immune system to turn on or off inflammation.
CMP can modulate the inflammatory response in cells and
tissues. Out-of-control inflammation can compromise healthy
aging and has been discovered to play a critical role in a
growing list of health problems. In essence, CMP "turns down
the signal" for inflammation.
What is RMF?
RMF stands for "Redox Modulating Formula".
Developed by Dr. Wulf Droge, RMF includes a proprietary
blend of naturally occurring citrate minerals, which act to
lower acidity levels in the body and to restore its natural pH
balance. This serves to support the strength of bones as we
age, helps the healthy functioning of kidneys, and contributes
to your overall well-being. RMF also includes a very small
amount of creatine, which signals cells to better regulate sugar
Can Immunocal Platinum be mixed with Immunocal?
Immunocal regular and Immunocal Platinum can be mixed
together if desired.
There are other whey protein isolates on the market. How is
Immunocal Platinum different?
Immunocal is patented to work.
Immunocal is the only one with extensive research published in
medical journals.
Immunocal is produced in a special way to preserve the
proteins' natural structure so that it retains its profound effect
on your cells.
Immunocal is clinically proven to work in human beings.
Immunocal appears in the American PDR (Physicians' Desk
Immunocal appears in the Canadian CPS (Compendium of
Pharmaceuticals and Specialties).
How does the manufacture of Immunocal Platinum differ from
other whey proteins?
Immunotec's proprietary manufacturing process preserves the
critical disulfide bonds in the glutathione precursor cysteine.
By delivering this delicate protein to the cell, it enables the
body to create glutathione and maximize immune system
levels. Other whey proteins are often manufactured using high
heat (pasteurization) and harsh methods of mixing, resulting in
a denatured and ineffective product.
What does Immunocal Platinum do?
Immunocal Platinum improves your immune system.
Immunocal Platinum improves your physical performance.
Immunocal Platinum improves your mental performance.
Immunocal Platinum reduced inflammation.
Immunocal Platinum reduces total body acidity.
How does Immunocal Platinum work?
Immunocal Platinum supplies the rare building blocks
(precursors) for your cells to make glutathione.
Immunocal Platinum supplies all the essential amino acids
required by your cells and tissues.
Immunocal Platinum supplies other peptides (small proteins)
critical for many aspects of your health.
What is glutathione?
It is a substance that is produced by your own cells that is
fundamental to life.
Glutathione plays many roles, the most important of which
It is your body’s master antioxidant.
It provides fuel for a properly functioning immune
It is critical for the removal of hundreds of toxins and
It is a source of cellular energy.
Why can’t a person just eat glutathione?
Glutathione is broken down by digestion and very little if any
can get from your mouth to your cell where it’s needed. To
raise glutathione effectively, you must give your cells the
building blocks (precursors) to make glutathione yourself.
How have the benefits of Immunocal been proven? How do we
know it works?
Immunocal has had research performed starting as far back as
the late 1970’s at McGill University (Canada’s foremost
Medical School). There continues to be much effort in
publishing human clinical trials in respected peer-reviewed
medical journals worldwide. These articles are easily available
Who can NOT take Immunocal?
Anyone with a specific allergy to the components.
This does NOT include lactose. Immunocal is lactose-free.
Anyone taking immunosuppressant medication to avoid
rejection of an organ transplant.
Always ask your health professional before taking any
Can pregnant or lactating women take Immunocal?
No adverse effects have been reported. A health care
practitioner should be consulted prior to use if the person is
pregnant or has reason to believe she is, or if she is
How should Immunocal be stored?
Immunocal should be stored in a cool dry place to maximize
shelf-life and preserve efficacy; we suggest temperatures of
70-90°F (21-32°C).
How much raw milk does it take to make Immunocal?
We need 300 liters (125 gallons) of fresh, raw milk to produce
1 kilogram (2.2 lbs.) of Immunocal. It is produced using a gentle
process and low temperatures to preserve the biological
activity of the proteins.
What is the difference between taking Immunocal as opposed to
taking other antioxidants?
Immunocal, as such, is not an antioxidant but provides the
building blocks for the synthesis of glutathione, which is the
principal intracellular antioxidant. More importantly, it serves
as a detoxifying agent for multiple toxins that we encounter on
a daily basis through our diet. In the case of antioxidants
“More” does not mean “Better”. Immunocal gives you optimal
antioxidant performance because it cannot push glutathione
levels higher than what the cell is designed to make under
ideal circumstances.
What is Immunocal?
Immunocal is an all-natural non-prescription health product available
worldwide. This special protein holds many national and
international patents and is medically recognized in the Physicians’
Desk Reference (“PDR” U.S.A.) and Compendium of Pharmaceutical
Specialties (“CPS” Canada). It has undergone over 30 years of
research and has been taken safely and effectively by millions of
What does Immunocal do?
Immunocal acts in two ways – it is a very high quality protein that
provides all the amino acids your body needs, and, more critically, it
raises a substance in your body called “glutathione”. Glutathione
plays many roles in your body, the four most important of which can
be summarized by the acronym:
AID = E2
A – Antioxidant: Glutathione is the body’s “Master Antioxidant”
I – Immune System: Glutathione is critical for immune function
D – Detoxification: Glutathione is your cell's key detoxification
– Glutathione contributes to your overall energy at many levels
How does Immunocal work?
The Natural Health Products Directorate of Health Canada has issued
an NPN (Natural Product Number) for the specific health claim
“Immunocal is a natural source of the glutathione precursor
cysteine for the maintenance of a strong immune system.” (NPN-
Immunocal contains specific fragile proteins that supply your body
with the building blocks needed for the production of glutathione in
your cells. These building blocks are called “precursors” and
glutathione precursors are relatively rare in our normal diets.
Unfortunately, eating glutathione itself does not effectively raise
glutathione in the cells; this is why we need the precursors.
Why is Glutathione Important?
Glutathione is an essential component of your cells, with low
glutathione levels, cells cannot perform many of their functions
properly. Although glutathione functions in dozens of roles in our
metabolism, the major functions can be summarized in four areas:
1. It is the major antioxidant produced by the body. Antioxidants
such as vitamins C or E cannot be made by your body and in
fact could not work properly if glutathione were not present.
2. Our immune systems depend on a steady supply of
glutathione. Without it, our immune defenses become
3. It is important in detoxifying many substances including heavy
metals, breakdown products of cigarettes and automobile
exhaust, many cancer-causing agents, and a multitude of
pollutants and toxins we encounter on a daily basis.
4. The major source of energy produced in our cells is derived
from tiny structures called mitochondria. These mitochondria
would literally burn up without the presence of glutathione.
What Causes Us to LOSE Glutathione
Every day our bodies are exposed to factors that drain our levels of
glutathione: Stress, pollution, radiation, infection, drugs, poor diet,
aging, injury and fatigue. These all contribute to glutathione
depletion which, in turn, leads to cellular aging, disease and death.
“Concern about maintaining one’s glutathione level will eventually
be on par with other health maintenance issues.” says Dr. Bounous.
How can you Raise Glutathione?
Some pharmaceutical drugs such as N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC)have
been developed to provide these precursors but there are also
natural ways to raise glutathione levels. Vitamin C, E and selenium
indirectly support glutathione function. Milk thistle (silymarin),
alpha-lipoic acid and L-cysteine may have moderate effects.
However, medical research indicates that the most effective natural
way to raise glutathione is by feeding the individual specific cysteine
and cystine-rich proteins as found in undenatured whey protein
isolates. Through its unique formulation and proprietary
manufacturing process, Immunocal is a nutraceutical containing
undenatured whey proteins designed to raise glutathione. In fact, it
is the only protein patented to raise glutathione levels naturally.
This type of natural approach to addressing health concerns is a
welcome complement to conventional medicine, which has
historically marginalized nutritional therapy. The key in bridging this
gap between traditional medicine and natural medicine lies in
appropriately formulating supplements based on solid research.
Do healthy people need glutathione?
Optimal glutathione levels are important for everyone. Although you
are hopefully in good health right now, glutathione levels fall as we
age, and are lowered by a great number of very common illnesses.
There is a constant demand for glutathione in our daily life; stress,
pollution and infectious disease are all causes of glutathione
depletion. For those that exercise regularly, glutathione is especially
important to replenish to avoid injury, improve recovery time and
keep your immune system strong.
Which illnesses may be affected by
raising glutathione?
Many disease states are characterized by low glutathione levels.
Immunocal has been developed as a strategy to help sustain
glutathione levels. Glutathione deficiency states include, but are not
limited to: AIDS and cancer muscle wasting, chemical and infectious
hepatitis, radiation poisoning, malnutrition states, strong physical
stress, and acetaminophen toxicity. Many other problems including
cardiovascular, lung, digestive and kidney disorders are associated
with glutathione deficiency and are cited in numerous medical
Who should avoid Immunocal?
People who have a specific allergy to milk proteins (this is different
from lactose intolerance) need to avoid this product. People who are
taking immunosuppressive medication in the case of organ
transplants should not take this product.
Who should be cautious with
People who are on a protein-restricted diet need to calculate into
their daily equation 9 grams of protein per pouch and should not
exceed their daily protein limit. Keep in mind that Immunocal has a
very high “biological value” as a protein and will supply an excellent
source of amino acids for those individuals who may be challenged
Are there side effects and what do I do
about them?
Abdominal cramps and bloating can occasionally occur. This is
usually corrected by increasing your fluid intake. Rarely, some
individuals may experience a rash with this product. Although this
may indicate an allergy, it may represent a “detoxification reaction”.
In both cases, discontinuing the product should resolve the
symptom. If any symptoms are severe or persistent, contact your
health care practitioner.
Is Immunocal safe to take with
There have been no known harmful side effects of using Immunocal
or any other Immunotec product while on medications. However, to
be safe, it is suggested to consult with your physician if you have any
How much should I take and when
should I take it?
As a natural source of the glutathione cysteine precursor for the
maintenance of the good health, 10 grams per day (one pouch) is
recommended. As a natural source of the glutathione cysteine
precursor for the maintenance of a strong immune system, 20 grams
per day is recommended (two pouches). Clinical trials in patients
with AIDS, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cancer
and chronic fatigue syndrome have used 30 - 40 grams per day
without ill effect.
Immunocal is best administered on an empty stomach or with a light
meal. Concomitant intake of another high protein load may
adversely affect absorption.
How many packages are in one box of
There are thirty (30) packages of Immunocal in every box. This is the
same for Immunocal or Immunocal Platinum.
How do I prepare or mix Immunocal?
The proteins in Immunocal are very fragile. Do not heat this product
or add it to hot liquids. Do not use a high-powered blender to
mix. Heat and severe mechanical action will break down the protein
and diminish the usefulness of the product.
Immunocal is a dehydrated powder. It must be rehydrated with
liquids before use. If left standing too long after mixing, the
usefulness of the product may be reduced. It is generally
recommended to consume the product within 30 minutes of mixing.
Special low-speed blenders or mixing cups can be made available
through Immunotec Inc.’s distribution networks.
Using the Immunotec hand mixer:
Fill a glass or container with 180-240 ml (6-8 oz) of your
favorite juice or liquid*. Add Immunocal - you'll find it easiest
to first squeeze the pouch to fit the container - and mix until
Using the Immunotec shaker:
Pour 60 ml (2 oz) of liquid to the fill line. Add 1-2 pouches of
Immunocal. Seal and shake for 10-15 seconds. Add more liquid
and drink immediately.
Or choose an alternative method that suits your personal
preferences and lifestyle:
Empty one pouch of product into a small container, add 2
tablespoons of your favorite juice or liquid and make a gravy-
like paste. Add 180-240 ml (6-8 oz) of juice or liquid, stir and
Add the product to applesauce or yogurt.
Immunocal Mixing Video
How do I store Immunocal?
Try to keep Immunocal in a cool dry place. Avoid prolonged exposure
to hot environments. Refrigeration will prolong the life of the
product but is optional.
What is Immunocal Platinum?
More Valuable than GOLD!
Immunocal has been Immunotec’s flagship product for years.
Immunocals’ action is based on the benefits of raising glutathione.
The wealth of research on glutathione and the aging process speaks
for itself. What is it about the “Platinum” formulation that takes this
a step further? Let’s examine this closer.
The major impact on your health that Immunocal bestows is by
providing the building blocks or “precursors” for your cells to be able
to make glutathione. This is a technology that we continue to refine.
Both Immunocal and Immunocal Platinum represent the only
patented protein proven to do this. In the development of
Immunocal Platinum, we have looked very carefully both at protein
metabolism and at potential components of whey proteins that
relate to aging. Two separate formulations have been added to
Immunocal – CMP™* and RMF.
CMP (Cytokine Modulating Peptides)
Cytokines are little molecules that the immune system uses to
regulate inflammation. Inflammation plays a role not only in issues
like aches and pains, but also in cardiovascular and neurological
health. Inflammation has been pointed to as one of the key factors
driving the aging process. What CMP does, is “turn down the
volume” on these cytokines.
*CMP is a trademark of Glanbia LLC.
RMF (Redox Modulating Formula)
RMF is an exclusive development from Immunotec’s research and
development team mastered by Dr. Wulf Dröge. The major objective
here was to decrease the amount of acid formed in the body
(important to the kidneys), and as a second benefit, reduces the
amount of calcium lost (important in bone health).
Who should take Platinum?
We all should take Platinum. Although it was initially developed with
the “Baby-Boomers” and geriatric populations in mind, it became
clear that there were benefits for overweight individuals, athletic
individuals, people with circulation challenges and others. Certainly,
good old Immunocal has proven benefits for all these groups, but
Platinum represents the next generation in immune enhancement
and will become the new standard in the immune health market. The
recommended serving size is unchanged from Immunocal and it can
be combined with Immunocal as desired.
Turn a triple into a HOME RUN!
Immunocal Platinum provides a triple action on your immune health
– Raising glutathione represents Preventative immunity, the cytokine
modulating proteins representing Reparative Immunity. Attention to
the proper acid-base balance helps lead to Sustained Immunity. Turn
this triple into a homer by topping it off with the other supplements
your health professional may recommend to you!
What is the difference between
Immunocal and Immunocal Platinum?
Immunocal naturally boosts glutathione levels in the human cell,
helping the immune system to perform at optimal levels. The
Platinum product contains the same glutathione-enhancing
ingredients as Immunocal, but was designed specifically for baby
boomers. Among its many features, Immunocal Platinum works with
the body to repair damaged cells and to improve mood, energy, well-
being, alertness, concentration and clarity, all important to the
maturing population. It also helps maintain proper muscle function
and maintain bone health by reducing calcium loss.
Does Immunocal contain any additives?
The product is additive-free; the sole ingredient is undenatured
whey protein isolate.
Can a person who is lactose-intolerant
take Immunocal?
Yes, since each pouch of Immunocal contains less than 1% lactose, it
is usually well-tolerated in people who are lactose-intolerant. It
should be noted that being lactose-intolerant is different than having
a milk protein allergy.
How does the manufacture of Immunocal
differ from other whey proteins?
Immunotec’s proprietary manufacturing process preserves the
critical disulfide bonds in the glutathione precursor cysteine. By
delivering this delicate protein to the cell, it enables the body to
create glutathione and maximize immune system levels. Other whey
proteins are often manufactured using extreme heat and harsh
methods of mixing, resulting in a denatured and ineffective product.
What are the Immunocal/Immunocal
Platinum pouches made of, and are they
The pouches are made of low-density polyethylene; the Immunocal
Platinum pouch also contains foil layers. The pouches are not
What does undenatured mean?
Immunocal works by providing important glutathione precursors to
the cell. It is critical that these precursors remain intact or
undenatured during the manufacturing and mixing processes in
order to enhance the immune system. That is why the manufacture
(Immunotec) recommend that Immunocal not be heated or subject
to harsh mixing in order to preserve its bioactivity.
What is the difference between
Immunocal and other whey proteins?
While other whey proteins may be good sources of nutrition, only
Immunocal is proven to raise glutathione levels and enhance the
immune system. Immunocal has a proprietary and unique
formulation developed by Immunotec who uses a proprietary
manufacturing process for its production.
Why can’t glutathione be taken in pill
Glutathione is produced by the body in the cell when the necessary
precursors are provided. Immunocal delivers cysteine to the cell so
that it can produce glutathione. Pills pass through the digestive
system and little, if any, glutathione is absorbed.
Top of Page
GLUTATHIONE - Most Powerful Antioxidant
GLUTATHIONE - Most Powerful Antioxidant
GLUTATHIONE - Most Powerful Antioxidant
GLUTATHIONE - Most Powerful Antioxidant
GLUTATHIONE - Most Powerful Antioxidant
GLUTATHIONE - Most Powerful Antioxidant
GLUTATHIONE - Most Powerful Antioxidant
GLUTATHIONE - Most Powerful Antioxidant
GLUTATHIONE - Most Powerful Antioxidant
GLUTATHIONE - Most Powerful Antioxidant
GLUTATHIONE - Most Powerful Antioxidant
GLUTATHIONE - Most Powerful Antioxidant
GLUTATHIONE - Most Powerful Antioxidant
GLUTATHIONE - Most Powerful Antioxidant
GLUTATHIONE - Most Powerful Antioxidant

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GLUTATHIONE - Most Powerful Antioxidant

  • 1. "Glutathione is the most important molecule that most physicians have forgotten about." Your life literally depends on glutathione. Glutathione (GSH) is the body’s master antioxidant, defending every cell from damaging free radicals, chemical toxins and radiation. Glutathione is even able to detoxify heavy metals (such as mercury). From the age of 20, your body's natural production of this vital tripeptide declines by around 15% every decade. Glutathione levels are further reduced by stress, exercise, infection, injury and environmental toxins.
  • 2. By the age of 40, most people are severely depleted in glutathione, resulting in reduced energy levels, increased inflammation and an acceleration of the disease process. Without enough glutathione, the liver cannot cope with the accumulation of toxins, and the immune system cannot function properly. Without glutathione the cells have little resistance against bacteria, viruses and cancers. The body cannot even make use of vitamins such as C and E, without the presence of glutathione! Many diseases have now been associated with glutathione deficiency, including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cystic fibrosis, cancer, chronic fatigue, MS, heart disease, asthma,diabetes, macular degeneration and many others. Glutathione supplementation can be of great benefit in treating many of these conditions, and may help to slow the aging process. Glutathione supplementation can be of great benefit in treating and possibly preventing many of these conditions. The benefits of glutathione: Support your immune system Detoxify your liver Reduce inflammation
  • 3. Increase energy Improve heart and lung function Improve joint mobility Slow down the aging process Improve athletic performance & recovery High Glutathione = Youth + Health + Longer Life! Low Glutathione = Early Disease + Death! Which of these sounds better to you?
  • 4. Effects of Glutathione – What is it and Why Should You Care Before we get deeper into discussing what the benefits of glutathione can play in your life, you need to understand exactly what it is. GSH is a powerful combination of three amino acids, L-Cysteine, L- Glutamic Acid, and Glycine. These three amino acids when combined produce the most powerful antioxidant known. It can be found in every cell of the human body and is responsible for aiding in the protection of the cells.
  • 5. What is Glutathione? Glutathione is our body's most powerful antioxidant and defender. Created by every single cell, glutathione performs many vital functions. Glutathione detoxifies and protects cells from the damage caused by oxidative stress, toxins and radiation. Glutathione decreases inflammation and strengthens the immune system. In fact, it is so important that scientists call glutathione "The Defender of the Cell". "This I believe is the most incredible nutriceutical discovery in my lifetime and unfortunately most doctors know nothing about it..." Dr Don Colbert TheDoctors'Choicefullinterview-DrColbertandDrHarringtondiscuss Glutathione
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  • 12. L-Glutathione Reduced Reduced glutathione is a ubiquitous antioxidant involved in many cellular functions such as detoxification, amino acids transport, production of coenzymes and recycling of vitamins E and C. By serving as a critical nucleophilic scavenger, glutathione blocks free radical damage to all types of tissues. Glutathione is the most abundant intracellular thiol (sulfur containing compound) and low molecular weight tripeptide founded living cells. Every cell in the body’s first line of defense is the substance, Glutathione. It plays a crucial role in function and multiplication of lymphocytes to combat organisms like bacteria, viruses and parasites. Without proper levels of Glutathione, researchers found that our cells literally commit suicide, by undergoing a process known as programmed cell death. Unfortunately, as we get older our Glutathione levels decline.
  • 13. Glutathione (GSH) is concentrated in the liver, where it functions as a key detoxifying agent. It is the major naturally occurring antioxidant in the cell. Other lesser antioxidants like vitamin C and E depend on glutathione for their function. Some of the many functions of glutathione in the body: Glutathione is the Cell's Master Antioxidant Glutathione is considered the master antioxidant due to its unique ability to neutralise many types of free radicals that assault the cell, causing oxidative stress. It is the only antioxidant that recycles itself again and again to continue fighting free radicals and defending our cells. Glutathione Protects the Lungs The epithelial cells lining the lungs have a protective screen of glutathione, to protect against free radical damage by oxidative stress. If this glutathione layer is depleted by chronic infection, inhaled pollutants or smoking, inflammation and damage can occur. Glutathione supplementation has been shown to provide great benefit in lung disease.
  • 14. Glutathione is a Powerful Chelator of Heavy Metals We are exposed to heavy metals from many sources, such as mercury in dental amalgam fillings. Scientists agree that dental amalgam fillings leach toxic mercury into the bloodstream and estimate the amount to be up to 27 µg/day. Fortunately, glutathione is one of the cell's most powerful chelating agents and able to help detoxify these heavy metals. Glutathione Protects the Brain Glutathione decreases oxidative stress in the brain. Glutathione is known to be depleted in the brains of people with Parkinson's disease, depression, autism, ADHD and other brain disorders. Glutathione improves mental clarity and memory. It also helps prevent the formation of amyloid plaque in the brain that can lead to Alzheimer's disease. Glutathione Is The Primary Detoxifier of the Cell We are confronted by over 80,000 chemicals in the air we breathe, the food and water we ingest. Many of these toxic chemicals enter
  • 15. our cells and must be eliminated to protect the cell and maintain optimum function. Glutathione is the cell's first line of defence against chemicals and toxins and when present in optimal amounts is the primary detoxifier that can eliminate many of these toxins. Glutathione is the Protector of the Immune Cell Our immune cells are designed to protect us, but what protects the immune cell? Glutathione is the protector of the immune cell and allows newly formed immune cells to proliferate.Glutathione also helps protect us against viruses such as influenza, as glutathione blocks the activation of virus particles. Glutathione Reduces Inflammation All inflammation begins at the cellular level, and inflammation is associated with deficient glutathione levels. Glutathione is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory that acts to decrease inflammation and boost the immune system. In scientific studies, glutathione supplementation has been shown to reduce inflammatory markers such as Nuclear Factor Kappa Beta, Tumour Necrosis Factor alpha (TNFa) and C-Reactive Protein (CRP).
  • 16. Glutathione is Essential for Fertility Glutathione is the essential molecule that allows the sperm to bind to the egg at conception! Scientific studies have demonstrated that low glutathione levels may be linked with infertility and pregnancy complications. Glutathione Allows the Body to Absorb other Vitamins Glutathione allows the vitamins that we acquire from food or supplements (such as Vitamin C and E) to be converted into a usable state so that they can be utilised by the cell. We cannot make use of these vitamins unless our glutathione levels are optimised first. "Without Glutathione, other important antioxidants cannot do their job adequately to protect your body against disease." Alcohol depletes our Glutathione Levels Drinking alcohol rapidly depletes our body of vital glutathione stores. Dr Don Colbert advises that "anyone who drinks alcohol should be taking Cellgevity". Pharmaceutical medications (such as paracetamol) also have the effect of lowering glutathione levels.
  • 17. Glutathione is Vital for the Eyes The eyes contain very high concentrations of glutathione. Glutathione detoxifies the aqueous fluid of the inner eye and is essential for maintaining the transparency of the lens. Scientific studies show that glutathione plays an important role in the prevention of cataracts, glaucoma, retinal disease and diabetic blindness. Protection from Radiation Glutathione also helps to protect our cells from the free radical damage caused by electromagnetic radiation such as the microwave radiation from cordless phones, WiFi and mobile phones, as well as medical radiation sources such as X-Rays and CT scans. Prostate Problems Enlargement of the prostate gland is very common, affecting 80% of men over the age of 80. The hypertrophy (enlargement) is more often benign than malignant.
  • 18. Glutathione deficiency has been linked with the increased likelihood of developing an enlarged prostate or prostate cancer. The Vital Role of Selenium Brazil nuts are high in selenium A recent study by the National Cancer Institute showed that selenium supplementation dramatically reduced the incidence of prostate cancer. Selenium is essential for the production of glutathione peroxidase, the enzyme that mediates antioxidation by glutathione. Glutathione supplementation can help to prevent and treat prostate issues There is increasing evidence that the glutathione system provides a vitally important defence against prostate problems. Glutathione supplementation and dietary changes are an important way to maintain a healthy gland as well as providing protection against the development of prostate cancer.
  • 19. Diabetes and Glutathione Insulin Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because the body does not produce enough insulin, or because cells do not respond to the insulin that is produced. Prolonged high blood sugar levels causes many serious complications. Antioxidants are very Important in Diabetes Glutathione is the body's most powerful antioxidant, and has many positive benefits in people with diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance. Glutathione has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity in diabetics. Glutathione status is closely tied to the progression and severity of diabetes. People with poorly controlled diabetes often have significant depletion of blood glutathione levels. Many of the complications of diabetes are linked to oxidative damage due to the elevated blood sugar levels. Complications that may arise as a result include damage to the large and small blood vessels ("peripheral vascular disease"); diabetic retinopathy; kidney disease; nerve damage ("neuropathy"); skin problems; dental problems; and increased risk of infection due to a weakened immune system. As the body's "master antioxidant", glutathione helps to reduce oxidative stress and its consequences. Research studies have shown that supplementation with glutathione precursors may help to reduce oxidant induced diabetic complications such as those shown below.
  • 20. Cardiovascular Disease How a heart attack happens Cardiovascular disease remains the biggest cause of deaths worldwide. The risk factors for cardiovascular disease have traditionally been considered age, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, family history, poor diet and a lack of exercise. More recently doctors are realising the importance of underlying inflammation and are using blood levels of inflammatory markers (e.g. C reactive protein) to predict coronary risk. Oxidative stress is now recognised as a key event in the development of atherosclerosis. An initial oxidative injury to a blood vessel triggers the artery to form a cholesterol cap over the area of injury. Over time, this can build up into a fatty plaque which can grow large enough to stop the flow of blood. Thrombus (blood clot) can form over the plaque and break off, blocking supply to blood to vital organs such as the brain (resulting in a stroke) or heart (resulting in a heart attack). Since oxidative injury is the first step in cardiovascular disease, it makes sense that sufficient antioxidant defence is required to stop the damage. Increasing Glutathione levels will:
  • 21. Lower blood pressure Reduce the risk of heart attack Improve immune function Decrease inflammation Improve vascular health Protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals Slow the oxidation of fats Assist with the uptake of other antioxidants What is Glutathione? Glutathione is our body's most powerful antioxidant and plays a key role in the prevention of cancer. Glutathione performs a number of vital roles in the body to keep cells functioning optimally. Glutathione neutralises the harmful free radicals that build up in the body and would otherwise damage cells. Free radicals are highly reactive molecules that contribute to virtually every degenerative disease, including cancer and the aging process. Additionally, glutathione chelates and removes heavy metals and toxins from the body, protects cells against radiation damage, and boosts the immune system. Glutathione also regulates levels of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF1), an important immune modulator involved in cell death.
  • 22. Unfortunately many factors conspire to reduce our vital glutathione stores, including chronic illness, aging, stress, toxins and chemotherapy. Glutathione supplementation beneficial after chemotherapy Low glutathione levels are commonly found among those undergoing chemotherapy. A glutathione supplement is thought to be very beneficial after a course of chemotherapy, to restore glutathione levels. Research scientists Bogliun et al (see abstract opposite) studied women with ovarian cancer who were being treated with chemotherapy. Some of the women were also treated with intravenous glutathione. Those given the glutathione not only had fewer toxic side effects from the chemotherapy but also had better overall survival rates. Glutathione: A bullet proof vest? According to Patrick Holford, author of Say No To Cancer: ‘Glutathione deserves attention as it is perhaps the most important antioxidant within cells and has proven to be highly cancer protective.’ The anti-cancer properties of glutathione are well documented. In 1981 a group of scientists gave a group of rats a known carcinogen, then treated half of the rats with glutathione. After eight months
  • 23. there were no survivors in the control group, but 81% of the rats that had received glutathione were still alive. Glutathione has been shown to stimulate apoptosis (cell death) of malignant cells while leaving healthy cells unaffected. When our glutathione levels are optimised it's rather like wearing a bullet proof vest, protecting us from oxidative damage. Arthritis and the role of Glutathione Arthritis is a painful and debilitating condition characterised by inflammation of the joints. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, and is a degenerative condition related to aging. The cartilage that normally cushions our joints gets worn away as we age causing the bones to rub together, creating inflammation of the joint. Rheumatoid arthritis is an immune disease that can strike at any age and is triggered when the body's own immune system starts to attack the joints and other tissues. Rheumatoid Arthritis is an Immune Disease Rheumatoid arthritis of the hand (left) and normal hand (right)
  • 24. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory condition, often affecting the hands. This xray shows a normal hand on the right, characterised by clean contours of the bone structure and well defined joint spaces (highlighted by arrow) where the cartilage is located. In contrast, the xray to the left shows a severe case of RA showing irregular bony growths and diminished joint spaces. Inflammation is at the root of all disease It is now known that cellular inflammation is at the root of most diseases, including arthritis. Glutathione is our body's most powerful natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory molecule. Created by every single cell, glutathione plays an important role in the immune system and has potent anti-inflammatory effects. Scientists have discovered that people with arthritis have significantly reduced glutathione levels. Gluten free and still in pain? Gluten damages the small intestines and causes chronic inflammation. This inflammation extends to other parts of the body and helps explain why gluten can often trigger other disorders, including Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, joint pain, skin disorders (eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, etc.), heart disease, fatigue, depression and other mood disorders from inflammation in the brain. A gluten-free diet reduces inflammation and allows the gut to recover, often alleviating symptoms elsewhere in the
  • 25. body. However, new research shows that the small intestines never complete heal on a gluten free diet in up to 60 percent of adults. Intestinal Inflammation and Leaky Gut Syndrome Switching to a gluten-free diet is often not enough to recover gut health new research reveals. Many people continue to experience gut inflammation, poor absorption of nutrients due to damage of the intestinal lining, and leaky gut syndrome, which is when undigested food and pathogens to escape into the bloodstream, causing further inflammation. One possible solution is to check for other food intolerances. Because gluten causes leaky gut syndrome, undigested food escapes into the bloodstream and provokes an immune reaction. This leads to allergies and sensitivities to many other foods. Many people need to eliminate all grains, as well as dairy and sometimes even legumes.
  • 26. Glutathione Reduces Gut Inflammation It is important to use nutritional supplementation to help alleviate the gut inflammation that results from gluten intolerance. Glutathione is a vital antioxidant for repairing and protecting intestinal health. The botanical compounds resveratrol and curcumin have also been shown to reduce inflammation. Resveratrol is a potent antioxidant found in red wine and grape skin, and curcumin is a powerful natural anti-inflammatory derived from turmeric. What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? HSV1 virus People with chronic fatigue syndrome, as the name suggests, suffer from extreme exhaustion, but there are also other symptoms such as loss of memory or concentration, enlarged lymph nodes, unexplained muscle pain, headaches and unrefreshing sleep. Other signs may include abdominal pain, allergies and food sensitivities, bloating, chest pain, chronic cough, diarrhoea, dizziness, dry mouth and earache. People with CFS often suffer reactivation of latent viruses that were already in their body from an earlier time (such as Epstein Barr virus, Shingles or Herpes Simplex type 1). It is known that glutathione depletion is associated with the re-activation of several types of viruses, including herpes simplex type 1. Some scientists believe that the virus itself may cause the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
  • 27. Glutathione depletion is a key factor in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Glutathione is made inside every cell of the body and performs many vital roles including ‘mopping up’ harmful free radicals and detoxification of heavy metals in the liver, to rid our bodies of toxins such as mercury, pesticides, synthetic hormones etc. Without enough glutathione, the immune system will not function properly. Many people develop low glutathione levels due to toxin build up, aging, chronic illness,stress and dietary deficiencies. Often people who develop chronic fatigue will report that they were feeling increased stress before the CFS symptoms started appearing. Physical or emotional stress causes an increase in the stress hormone cortisol which will lower glutathione levels, which in turn weakens the immune system. How to increase your glutathione levels
  • 28. You can increase your glutathione levels by taking the advanced supplement Cellgevity which provides all the essential precursors and nutrients that your body needs to make glutathione. A nutritious diet, drinking plenty of water and regular exercise will also assist. Boosting your glutathione levels will help to eliminate toxins from your body and will result in a healthier immune system. Eating sulphur-rich foods, such as broccoli, cauliflower, garlic, onions & eggs. Eating selenium-rich foods, such as seafood and brazil nuts Daily supplementation with Cellgevity Regular moderate exercise Drink plenty of water to assist with the detoxification process Glutathione - Your Body's Own Master Antioxidant! You may or may not have heard about glutathione before. But you have heard of antioxidants , right? You can’t watch the evening news any more without hearing that this skin cream or that fruit juice is high in antioxidants. I just saw a commercial for 7-Up that is being advertised as "7-Up Antioxidant" because it has some Vitamin E in it. Did I hear that right - Vitamin E in 7-Up? So antioxidants are now mainstream. Why do we need them? Very simply, you have oxidative stress going on in your body all the time, and antioxidants fight oxidative stress. The balance between your oxidative stress and antioxidants in your body may be one of the key indicators of your overall health today. If antioxidants were so important, wouldn’t you think your body would make it’s own? Well, in fact, it does, and the most powerful antioxidant you have in each of your cells is called “glutathione” (Gloo-ta-thigh-own). It is absolutely essential for good health.
  • 29. What happens when your body doesn't make its own glutathione? Without it, your liver would fail from accumulation of toxins, your cells would die from oxidative stress, and your immune system would leave you vulnerable to bacteria, viruses, and disease. In short, if you didn't have glutathione, you wouldn’t last long. But don’t worry! Help is on the way. Actually, we have lots of it typically when we are younger, but due to stressors in our air, water, food, water, and environment in general, as we begin aging, our levels typically begin falling in our 40's. And chances are, if we are younger than that, and suffer from a chronic ailment, we are already deficient in this precious protein. So what can be done to help? First, let's define it. Glutathione - What Is It? What exactly is it? Technically speaking, glutathione is a tripeptide, or protein, made up of three amino acids. Even more specific, it is glutathione sulfhydryl, and it may be abbreviated as GSH. The essential amino acids needed to produce it in your cells are glutamate, or glutamic acid, glycine, and cysteine. Of these, it is hardest to find available cysteine in our diet. As a result, cysteine is considered the rate-limiting factor for GSH production in our cells. It is the missing puzzle piece that you need to find if you are going to raise your levels for improved health. Who first discovered glutathione? It has always been there, in each of your cells, but a man by the name of J. de Rey-Pailhade first discovered it using a microscope to examine the human eyeball in 1888. He initially named the substance "philothione" (Greek for sulfur loving) based on how it reacted towards sulfur. Later, after further observations were made about its structure between 1921-1941, F. Gowland Hopkins, the "Father of Biochemistry" of Cambridge,
  • 30. England, renamed the substance "glutathione". The term continues in usage to this day. In the 1980's, Alton Meister and his colleagues at Cornell University began a renaissance with further study on the functional and metabolic aspects of GSH. Since then, glutathione has been the subject of prolific research in its many aspects. Please click this link for an actual picture of glutathione as it is viewed under an electron microscope at the Florida State University. (this link opens in a new window). Since it was discovered, for the last 100 hundred years or so, not much more was known about what it did or how to effectively raise it until recently. In the last few years, there has been an interesting development. Research is being done at an ever increasing rate today. As a result, it is now understood that a healthy eyeball has high levels of GSH, and an eyeball with cataracts is lacking in it. If you go to (this opens in a new window) right now, you will find over 100,000 medical studies to date on this amazing substance in each of your cells. Now that is a lot of information! Glutathione has hundreds of functions in the body. But for most people, if we are able to remember the 5 main benefits, we will be familiar with about 90% of what GSH does: I will give you AN IDEA here: What a great IDEA! For a more thorough explanation of these functions, please click here (this link opens in a new window) and read the section entitled "Glutathione has multiple functions": You will find it in the 6th paragraph. For now, we will learn how GSH is first and foremost your body’s own master Antioxidant. What exactly does that mean?
  • 31. Well, all antioxidants can be classified into two major categories - exogenous and endogenous. Simply put, that means that some are external to our bodies, meaning our body does not make them (exogenous), and others are made by our bodies (endogenous). Now when it comes to antioxidants made by the body, GSH is The Master because it recycles these other antioxidants. That means when you take a Vitamin C, and it does its job of neutralizing a free radical, this amazing protein can recharge it by donating a Hydrogen molecule. How exactly does this work? Well, at any given time, you have millions of free radicals circulating in your body. Sounds scary, doesn’t it? Free radicals are oxidized molecules. For example, the most dangerous and plentiful free radical in your body is an OH molecule. When a water or H-H-O molecule loses a Hydrogen, it is oxidized and becomes O-H. This process happens all day long, whether we realize it or not, and becomes a cascading effect when one cell loses it’s Hydrogen, and steals another one from the cell next to it, causing damage all over your body. But GSH saves the day. It continually regenerates Hydrogen at the cellular level! So it can donate H back to OH so it can become water again! So if your cells are high in this protein, then they can continue to assist all of the antioxidants you are taking to do their job more efficiently. So that is a win - win situation ! Your best bet is to make sure you have plenty of antioxidants in your diet, but you absolutely must have glutathione for them all to work properly. So what happens when your body doesn't make it's own glutathione? Without it, you will cease to exist. With low levels of it, you may suffer from poor health. But with optimized or high levels in your system, you now hold in your hand the key to great health! So GSH is something you need to have plenty of to win this race for life. It is the most powerful antioxidant that your body makes.
  • 32. Remember when cholesterol and vitamins were not well known? At the rate research is being conducted on this amazing protein, it is only a matter of time before it also becomes a household word. I was surprised just this week to pull a box of instant potatoes off the shelf in my pantry to see the word "glutathione" being highlighted as a beneficial ingredient! The good news is you are hearing about it today, and as you read on, you will discover how this amazing protein can have a significant impact on your overall health today, and for the rest of your life. In conclusion, glutathione is your body's most powerful antioxidant. You make it right in your cells. It is also an immune system builder, detoxifier, energy booster, and has an anti- aging effect on the body. Would you like to hear what medical doctors are saying about glutathione? Watch the 9 minute tutorial below that describes what it does, and also learn about a clinically proven glutathione enhancer named Immunocal. VIDEOS About Glutathione and Immunocal IMMUNOTEC - Immuno Byte (Colds) Glutathione: The "mother" of all antioxidants... Facts About Glutathione TheDoctors'Choicefullinterview
  • 33. Glutathione And Cancer - What Do I Need To Know To Protect My Health? What is Glutathione and cancer? Chances are you were searching for these two terms, and more specifically you want to know how glutathione relates to cancer. The role of glutathione and cancer has been well documented. First let's start with the definition of cancer. Cancer is defined as a group of diseases characterized by unrestricted growth of cells in general tissue or a specific organ. You are probably familiar with glutathione at this point, but if you would like a quick refresher, click here. Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases known to mankind today, second only to cardiovascular disease. There are more than 100 types currently identified, and they are all at varying levels of aggression. Many are treatable or even curable, depending on the stage at which they are found. It is estimated that one out of three Americans will eventually die from cancer. The most common cancers for men are cancers of the prostate, lung and colorectal cancer. Following that are bladder cancer and lymphoma. The most common cancers for women are breast, then lung, and colorectal cancer. Closely following are uterine cancer, and ovarian cancer. To minimize the risk for glutathione and cancer, American Cancer Society recommends maintaining an appropriate body weight , eating a variety of daily fruits and vegetables, high-fiber foods, and limiting saturated fats, alcohol, and salt-cured, smoked, and nitrate- preserved foods. This is taking a preventive approach, and is gaining popularity today.
  • 34. Glutathione and Cancer- Reaction or Prevention? Much of the treatment today is reactive, meaning, nothing is done until the cancer is diagnosed, then the sudden emphasis is on curing it. More and more people today are realizing that taking a proactive approach to cancer, to prevent it before it occurs, is the wise choice. It is now generally recognized that attention to three factors can do much to prevent cancer before it starts. These are adequate nutrition through proper diet, avoiding and ridding of carcinogens or cancer-causing substances, and reinforcing the body’s immune system. Normally, healthy cells replicate in order to grow, heal damaged tissues, or replace normally lost cells. Sometimes, though, this ability to regulate growth goes out of whack, and they can multiply without control, resulting in what eventually is found to be cancerous tissue. Sometimes the cells replicate to the point where the cancer has spread beyond the primary site, referred to as metastasis. Often there are cancerous cells growing inside a person without them even being aware of it until there are symptoms that something is wrong. There is growing evidence that cancer starts out as a genetic mutation in our DNA. Learn more about DNA mutation here. Why the lack of self-regulation? There are many factors thought to be behind this, including environmental carcinogens, radiation, genetic makeup, poor diet, viruses, and strength of the immune system. Glutathione and Cancer: DNA Mutation Cancer begins with a mutation or abnormal change in the DNA or genetic material of the cell. This re-programming can result in uncontrolled growth. One theory being considered now is that when free radicals form, or oxidative stress occurs, in the cell nucleus, the DNA may be damaged. Another theory suggests that a weakened immune system caused by poor diet and/or cigarette smoke is not able to tackle the problem at
  • 35. its earliest stages, allowing free radical damage to rage on, with the resulting damaged cells multiplying and replicating over and over until cancer is identified at the site. One of the most important ways that we can consider is to minimize this risk as much as possible by raising our glutathione levels. Glutathione and Cancer Prevention: Glutathione and Cancer: Antioxidation: If we were able to prevent the damage to the cell DNA and nucleus in the first place, we could stop the process of damaged cell replication in it’s tracks. Because glutathione (GSH) is the cell’s major antioxidant, it can mop up free radicals on the cellular level as soon as they form. This would prevent the ensuing damage that leads to cancer. Additionally, GSH recycles and makes more effective all other antioxidants, like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and Selenium. And the best part is, if that wasn’t enough protective help, we have also found that glutathione can actually help repair damaged and mutated DNA! There is a study published by the Journal of the National Cancer Institute that points to the role of a properly functioning glutathione enzyme system can ward off cancer. It focused on a particular GSH enzyme, GSTM 1. Glutathione and Cancer: Detoxification: Glutathione plays a specific role in the detoxification of many well known cancer causing substances and cell damaging substances in our environment. Basically, GSH binds to these toxic substances, through a process called chelation, or direct conjugation. It renders them harmless, just like a guard would remove a loaded shotgun from an armed
  • 36. invader. Then the toxin can be safely removed from the body, in the form of waste. Your liver and kidneys are your body’s main organs of detoxification, and it is no surprise that the highest concentrations of glutathione are found in these organs. Raise your glutathione, disarm a few armed men, and you give your liver and kidneys a hug. They will thank you later. Glutathione and Cancer: Strengthened Immune Response: One of glutathione’s effects on the human immune system is to modulate or control the growth of the soldiers or “good guys” in your body that destroy the “bad guys”. By strengthening the good army, your body can win the war when challenged, and you can remain healthy. Those that are immuno- suppressed, meaning their immune system is weak, are more prone to cancer. There is a form of treatment being investigated called immunotherapy, which is an attempt to strengthen the immune system to fight off the cancer. DNA Mutation, DNA Damage, Glutathione, And Your Health! What is DNA mutation, DNA damage, and how does this relate to glutathione and my health? First, let's start with the definition of DNA.DNA, or Deoxyribonucleic Acid, is the genetic material contained in "X" shaped structures in each of our cells called chromosomes. Each of our cells contains molecules of DNA. Each of these molecules are made up of smaller building blocks called nucleotides. These are cytosine, guanine, adenine, and thymine, and are sometimes denoted as C, G, A, and T. These nucleotides are linked into long strands, into a twisted double helix design. Just as letters make up a word, these 4 nucleotides combine in specific combinations to make amino acids.
  • 37. Amino acids are the components of all living things, and the essential amino acids cysteine, glycine, and glutamate all combine to make a protective protein involved in DNA repair called glutathione. This is not intended to be an exhaustive definition of DNA, but the focus of this page will be about DNA mutation, and how a protein called glutathione relates to protecting the DNA in each and every one of your cells. For a general overview of glutathione, click here. So, Now We Can Answer The Question: What is DNA Mutation? DNA mutation is defined as a change to the nucleotides in human DNA that can result from many factors. This mutation may be caused by mistakes during the phase of cell division. It is thought that mutated DNA leads to malignancies, which in turn may be one of the main causes of cancer. Other common causes of DNA mutation are external sources, such as exposure to ultraviolet radiation, other environmental toxins, or viruses. This type of mutation may also come about through oxidative stress within the cell. We will discuss a little more about oxidative stress later in the page. These mutations are generally classified as harmful, and so to protect our health, we are interesting in learning how to protect ourselves from all types of DNA mutation. This is essential for our health. There is one important note, though. DNA mutation and DNA damage are two different things. DNA damage refers to physical abnormalities in the DNA, and they can be repaired by enzymes. It is thought that human aging is a result of cumulative DNA damage. Mutation of DNA, on the other hand, is a change in the base sequence of the DNA, and it has been long understood that this condition is not reversible. However, there is evidence that this is not always the case. It is important to note that glutathione and it's related enzymes can repair DNA damage before it becomes a mutation, and there is also
  • 38. growing evidence that mutations can be repaired by glutathione as well. One reason this is so important is that our cells are always dividing and multiplying. DNA replication is what happens when cells divide and multiply. If you have one cell with DNA mutation, and that cell divides, and then that cell divides, you could start out with one mutated cell and end up with several thousand or more cells affected by this dangerous mutation in a short amount of time. Because of this process of mutation and replication, it is very important to prevent DNA mutation by repairing it when it is still in the damaged phase. There is an innate repair structure in the cell that involves enzymes that recognize and repair DNA damage. Since this occurs all day long in our DNA, this DNA repair becomes very important in protecting the body from disease. The rate of DNA repair is dependent on many factors, including what type of cell it is, it's age, and it's antioxidant capabilities. The latter can be measured by the level of glutathione present in the cell. To learn more about what an antioxidant is, click here. It is well known that glutathione plays an important role in the synthesis and repair of DNA. New research coming out is showing the relationship between free radical damage and subsequent DNA code breakdown. If we can reduce oxidative stress by raising glutathione, we can protect our genetic code contained in the DNA. When glutathione soaks up free radicals as they form in the cell, subsequent damage to the DNA and its nucleus is avoided. And by thus repairing this damage before it becomes a mutation, we can do much to protect our health by raising our glutathione levels.
  • 39. Oxidative Stress Is Everywhere- What It Is And How To Fight It! Many of us have heard that oxidative stress, or oxidation, is all around us. Just what is it? If you are looking for technical chemistry definitions, this refers to a redox reaction or gets into balancing redox equations and understanding our antioxidant defense system. But for most of us, we can understand it like this: It is the rust on metal, like the rusty nails below. How would you like to step on one of those? Or it is like the brown discoloration on an apple left on the counter too long, or in this case, an apple that becomes thoroughly rotten. Eww! Which apple looks to be in better shape to you? Which one would you rather look like? In the human body, oxidation is a byproduct of living and what causes us to age. If we are wrinkling up on the outside, like the man in this photo below, the same damage is going on internally, we just can't see it. Biology news articles contain lots of current information and research on this subject that affects all of us. This explains why this baby's skin has such a radiant glow, and as we age, we see this damage in our skin, our body's largest organ. But what we can't see is the damage that is going on inside, to our internal organs, causing a dramatic impact on our health. Think about that for a minute! The difference between the baby's skin and the old man's is oxidative stress! And that makes all the difference in your health as well. In the human body, each day that we as humans live and breathe, eat and drink, we place continuous stress on every cell in our bodies. Every cell in turn must protect itself or suffer damage. Each and every cell in the body is a biological machine, and with each passing day, the cells become worn down by trying to stay alive. Just like all machines, our cells get their energy from the consumption of fuel, like the food we eat and the air we breathe, but
  • 40. in so doing there is a price to pay. In this redox reaction, which is short for reduction and oxidation, there are waste products produced, which are referred to as free radicals or free radical damage. If you think of a match lighting up a piece of timber, you get heat and flame, but ash is produced as a byproduct or waste. Oxidation is necessary for us to process nutrients and function, but free radicals are the waste that is generated in our bodies as a result. Our cells have a tall order- to neutralize and remove these wastes on an ongoing basis in order to stay healthy. If your cells are healthy, then you too are healthy! What Are Medical Professionals Saying About Oxidative Stress? Note what medical doctors are now saying about oxidation and antioxidants: "Glutathione (GSH) deficiency contributes to oxidative stress and therefore appears to play a key role in the pathology of many diseases…" "Each and every cell in the body is a biological machine that is gradually worn down by the work of staying alive... Like all machines, cells derive their energy from the consumption (oxidation) of fuel - nutrients and oxygen - but at a price. This process produces harmful waste products (free radicals and oxyradicals). One of our cell's most routine tasks is to neutralize and remove these wastes, and the key substance it uses is glutathione. Glutathione is the body's principal antioxidant." The Best Anti Aging Product - Find It Here! Interest in finding the best anti aging product that really works is at an all-time high today. On the previous page, you learned that
  • 41. glutathione levels are very high in the healthy elderly. You have learned a lot so far! You also know that the average human life span is getting longer with advances in health care, but along with that, humans most importantly want not only to live longer, but better, with a higher quality of life as they age. And they are looking for the best anti aging product to help them to do just that. Is that true of you? Chances are, if you are looking for the best anti aging product, your friends are probably looking too. Regarding the length of our human life span, note what Duke University demographer James Vaupel said: “There is no evidence that human life expectancy is anywhere close to its ultimate limit.” Perhaps we were indeed made to live much longer than we do? Could we have been created to live even forever? Is the secret to unlocking this scientific secret for the best anti aging product somehow connected to this precious little glutathione molecule? What does research tell us about glutathione as the best anti aging product? Note what some other noteworthy professionals are now saying. In the bestseller “Stop Aging Now!”, Jean Carper is quoted as saying, “You must get your levels of GSH (glutathione) up if you want to keep your youth and live longer. High blood levels of GSH predict good health as you age and a long life. Low levels predict early disease and death.” Think of that! High Glutathione = Youth+Health+Longer Life! Low Glutathione = Early Disease + Death! Which of those sounds better to you? These experts are joining a growing list of researchers who are publishing their findings about anti aging nutrients, and the results are astounding to say the least.
  • 42. How many people do you know that would like to keep their youth, live longer and have optimal health? Probably every single person you know. If you knew you had just found the best anti aging product, would you let them know? Absolutely, you would. I would too, and that is why I am letting you know about it here. And therein lies the tremendous value of this information. You have just struck gold. Human aging is a hot topic, and it touches each and every one of us. And now you know about the best anti aging product, and you and all you know can benefit from using it. Since human aging affects all of us, glutathione is for two groups of people - the sick and the healthy. Have I left anyone out? It is very interesting to note that decreases in GSH due to age are seen in all tissues of the body, including the liver, kidney, lung, heart, spleen, and the brain. If we raise these levels, this will indeed dramatically affect our aging process. As one of the anti aging foods, it will help us to age better. How To Raise Glutathione - What Are The Best Ways? Would you like to know how to raise glutathione? By now, you are an expert on the subject. Click here for a quick review. You know all about it, you know you need it, and you can't get it by eating it. If you still think that you can, check out this medical study done in 1992 that laid that theory to rest. To view the study, "The systemic availability of oral glutathione,"click here. So, now that we have that covered, don't waste your money on oral glutathione supplements, whether they are reduced or otherwise at the health food store or online. They simply won't help you to know how to raise glutathione. They won't work. now, what are the best methods for boosting your glutathione levels?
  • 43. How To Raise Glutathione With Natural Products: Oral Glutathione: There are a number of foods that have been found to be high in glutathione, including fresh fruits, vegetables, and meats. You can also buy it in pill or powder form from nutritional companies. Why not just eat it, after all? The problem with this approach is that the body breaks it down, and most of it is eliminated. So as a result, this will have no effect on raising glutathione. Cysteine or L-Cysteine: This is commonly referred to as free cysteine. It is considered a non-essential amino acid , which means it can be made by the human body. It can be found in foods like meats, dairy products, and certain foods. We can also buy this at the health food store, and you will see it by itself, or more commonly in whey protein powders for bodybuilders. In this case, it is great for building muscle, but will do very little to raise your glutathione. It is easily oxidized in the digestive tract, just like glutathione, and as a result, the absorption into the cells is limited. Cysteine that does make it into the bloodstream can be further oxidized and do more damage than good. So while cysteine is one of the three building blocks of glutathione, this alone has a negligible impact on how to raise glutathione levels. Methionine or L- Methionine: Methionine is an essential amino acid that may also be used by the body to make cysteine if enough of it is available. Together, cysteine and methionine make up the two sulfur containing amino acids. Its derivative, SAM, is discussed above. This too is available in foods, pharmaceutical supply outlets, and health food stores. The way methionine is made into glutathione is very complex. One of the risk factors for methionine is that it also produces homocysteine, which is a high risk factor for hardening of the arteries. Melatonin: This is a hormone that naturally occurs in the brain. It is made by the pineal gland. It is a derivative of the amino acid L- tryptophan and the neurotransmitter serotonin.
  • 44. There are some food sources for melatonin, including the tart montmorency cherry, oats, sweet corn, rice, bananas, tomatoes, flax seed, sunflower seeds, and several leaves, such as feverfew. Melatonin has other roles as well, including functioning as an antioxidant, and also to effectively raise glutathione levels. There have been many studies done on this aspect of melatonin, but as of yet, the long term safety of melatonin has not been well established, and the effect varies from person to person. If taken as a supplement, this product should only be used in conjunction with your health care professional. Glutamine: Glutamine is the most abundant free amino acids found in the body. It is useful in raising glutathione. One of the few amino acids that crosses the blood-brain barrier, it is normally plentiful in the diet today. There are many functions of glutamine, including it’s role in metabolizing and maintaining lean muscle. It can also build up your immune system, play a role in anti-cancer therapy, boost brain function, and detoxify the body. Glutamine supplies the body with glutamate, one of the three amino acids that raise glutathione, and it is the second most important component after cysteine. Glutamate is found in many plant and animal sources, but is easily destroyed by cooking. It is also found in raw spinach, parsley, and raw meat, but with the health risks associated with the latter, is not recommended. Completely healthy individuals don’t need supplemental glutamine. Any serious use of this supplement for help in how to raise glutathione should be monitored by a health care professional. Lipoic Acid: This is also commonly referred to as Alpha-Lipoic Acid. The roles of this substance are as an antioxidant, neutralizer of toxins and heavy metals, and recycler of other antioxidants like Vitamin C and Vitamin E. It occurs naturally in the body, and is also available on the shelves of health food stores. it can also be found in small amounts in foods like spinach and broccoli. Lipoic Acid works by keeping glutathione in its reduced state. This is good, because in its reduced stated, glutathione can do its job as an
  • 45. antioxidant. So they have a partnership of sorts. One reason glutathione is called the Master Antioxidant is because it also helps to keep lipoic acid in it’s reduced state as well. There is some research demonstrating that a lipoic acid supplement is best taken along with L-Carnitine for the best results in raising glutathione. There are promising results with lipoic acid being demonstrated with medical studies. For some, there are short term side effects, and so more research is being done on this substance to see what other benefits it may have in addition to raising glutathione. Glutathione Injections: Typically administered by injection, or intravenously (IV), this is very effective in how to raise glutathione blood plasma concentrations temporarily, but does not raise it in the lymphocytes where you need it to build up your immune system. A standard dosage may be mixed with saline, and is best administered alone rather than combined with other antioxidants. It can be injected up to three times a week. While somewhat effective short-term, it is expensive, and requires the assistance of a health professional. Since the glutathione molecule is too large to pass into your white blood cells, it does not feed your immune system and help you to ward off illness. Another drawback to IV glutathione administration is the short half life. Glutathione is raised, but it typically only lasts a few hours in the body and so has to be administered several times. Blood glutathione levels will peak following administration, and then taper off in some cases to even lowerlevels of glutathione than you had before the glutathione injection. Long term, this would not be helpful to you. Given these drawbacks, getting glutathione injections is less than desirable. The best way for how to raise glutathione is to manufacture it in the cell, where it lasts longer and also builds up your immune system. As an alternative, injections work very well and have been shown in studies to have a beneficial effect on many disease states including Parkinson's Disease and Autism.
  • 46. Undenatured Whey Protein: Also called bioactive whey protein. Undenatured whey protein is a globular protein isolated from whey. The most common form of whey available comes from cow’s milk. Raw milk contains about 20% whey. Because of pasteurization and the legal requirements regarding this today, all milk being sold commercially now is pasteurized and thus “dead” from a biological standpoint. So, the milk that you buy in the grocery store does not contain undenatured whey protein and will not help you to learn how to raise glutathione. All whey proteins that you can buy in the store are denatured, which means they are not bioactive. If you can buy it in a tub, and it comes in vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry, it is great as a dietary source of whey, but has been “killed” in this way and will have no effect on how to raise glutathione levels in your cells. It is not undenatured whey protein, and it is not bioactive, even if the label says it is. It will not help you to know how to raise glutathione. To have a measurable affect on glutathione levels, the protein must be bioactive or undenatured. This will also help to build up your immune system. What this means is the whey must be processed in such a manner that the heat-sensitive proteins and amino acids are preserved. When these amino acids are preserved, you end up with an efficient way to deliver cysteine to the cells. This is an important factor to consider when learning how to raise glutathione in your cells. The form in which it is found in mother’s breast milk and in raw cow’s milk is called bonded cysteine, and is an excellent delivery vehicle for the cell to make glutathione. It has been well known now for many years that babies who are breast fed as infants have very high glutathione levels, and as a result, they have stronger immune systems and resist disease longer as adults. This is because they received lots of bonded cysteine from their mother while breast feeding!
  • 47. And adults who continue the process by consuming undenatured whey protein also have higher resistance to disease and stronger immune systems. The common factor is bonded cysteine supplementation! This is a key factor in knowing how to raise glutathione in your cells. For how to raise glutathione, there is a slide presentation on the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) website entitled “Method of Intracellular GSH Enhancement: Undenatured Whey Protein Concentration”. To view this presentation, click here. Slides 19-27 may be interesting for you to view, and they demonstrate how this product works to enhance the immune system, and also why cystine is the preferred form of amino acid for manufacturing glutathione in the cells. What is cystine? A technical note regarding terms here. This can get a little confusing. Here is the difference between cysteine and cystine, and some interchangeable terms that are used with cystine. Cysteine : One free cysteine molecule, limited in it's ability to raise glutathione. Cystine = two cysteine molecules linked together by a sulfur bond = bonded cysteine = very effective in raising glutathione. The journey of a bonded cysteine or cystine molecule from the mother’s breast or cow’s udder to your cells to make glutathione is a fascinating journey indeed. Let's follow along! When bonded cysteine is consumed from the mother's breast, or from undenatured whey protein made from raw cow's milk, it is in the form of two cysteine molecules bonded together by a sulfur bond. When free cysteine is consumed, it is normally destroyed in the gut. But when two of them are bonded together, it makes them "safe", and this bond is pepsin and trypsin resistant, which means your digestive enzymes will not be able to dissolve this bond. This is a good thing and what makes bonded cysteine so special! The bonded cysteine is absorbed through the intestinal walls into the bloodstream, which carries it to each and every cell in your body.
  • 48. That's 100 trillion cells in an average human body, and it goes to each and every one of them! Once the bonded cysteine enters the cell, it then breaks apart into two free cysteine molecules, and then each of these cysteine molecules can combine with available glycine and glutamate and make glutathione right there in each and every cell. It's quite a masterfully designed process! Much published research can be found using undenatured whey protein online today. When glutathione is raised in this manner, it has the best overall effect on the body, including building up the immune system. For a complete and thorough discussion of undenatured whey protein, how it works, and why we think it is the best way for raising glutathione, click here. How To Raise Glutathione with Other Factors Necessary For Production: Selenium: A trace element or micronutrient that is primarily an antioxidant. There are a number of medical studies showing selenium's effects on many diseases states, and most agree the main way this works is by elevating glutathione peroxidase, an important enzyme of glutathione. So selenium can be helpful in how to raise glutathione. Selenium is found in selenium-rich soil, so much depends on the source of the food. The suggested daily intake is 40-70 micrograms per day. If you are in good health, you should need no more than that. It is rare to be deficient in selenium if you are in good health. Additionally, caution should be exercised, since too much can cause toxicity, leading to a condition called selenosis. Vitamin B1, B2: These are water soluble vitamins that help to maintain glutathione and its related enzymes in their active forms. B1 or Thiamine is found in cereal grains, yeast, pork, brown rice, certain vegetables, and eggs. B2 or Riboflavin is also essential for
  • 49. glutathione production and energy metabolism. B2 can be found in dairy products, leafy green vegetables, liver, legumes, and yeast. The current recommended daily dose of these vitamins is 10-50 mg/day for most people. However, many health professionals feel this may be too low , and so the optimum may be up to 300 mg/day. Since they are water soluble, any excess is excreted from the body and so toxicity is not normally an issue. Vitamin B6, B12: These too are water soluble vitamins. They play an important role in glutathione synthesis. B6 is crucial for the function of many amino acids and essential fatty acids. It also helps with glucose and lipid metabolism. B12 helps to produce red blood cells, myelin, DNA, and other neurological tissues. For this reason, it plays a key role in the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. B12 also helps to regenerate folate in the body. Folic Acid: Also known as folate, helps with making DNA and transmission of nervous signals. It has also been shown to help with cardiovascular disease. Children and adults alike need folic acid to prevent anemia or iron deficiency. For learning how to raise glutathione , folate helps to make sure available cysteine is converted into glutathione rather than homocysteine. Under normal circumstances the recommended dosage of B6 is 10-50 mg/day, B12 is 10-50 mcg, Folic acid of 400 mcg per day. Vitamin C: Also known as ascorbic acid, this is probably the best known water soluble vitamin. Most living organisms can make their own Vitamin C, but humans cannot, so it must be supplemented. Vitamin C has been the subject of medical studies regarding it's role as an antioxidant for many years now. Vitamin C has a key role in
  • 50. glutathione metabolism. It is involved in the glutathione enzyme system which keeps Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and other antioxidants in their reduced state. This preserves their ability to keep on working as antioxidants in the body, effectively recycling them and making them work over and over again before being disposed of by the body. There have been many studies showing that Vitamin C supports and raises glutathione levels and activity. By the same token, when there is not enough glutathione, Vitamin C is far less effective and rapidly depleted. So we can see why they go hand in hand with one another. There is much controversy over the adequate dose of Vitamin C needed . If glutathione levels are adequate, than 200-1,000 mg/day should be sufficient. Vitamin E: This is a fat-soluble vitamin that comes in a close second as the most popular supplement in America today. Besides its role as an antioxidant, Vitamin E has been shown to be helpful in many areas of disease prevention today. It also plays a role in detoxification. It also plays an important role in the glutathione enzyme system which, like Vitamin C , keeps the other antioxidants in their reduced state so they can keep doing their job mopping up free radicals. There are two forms of Vitamin E, natural and synthetic. The natural form is denoted by d, as in d-alpha tocopherol, and the synthetic form as dl, as in dl-alpha tocopherol. The natural forms are better for you. Vitamin E can be found in avocado, nuts, seeds, spinach, vegetable oils, wheat germ, milk, asparagus, and eggs. The recommended daily dosage for Vitamin E ranges from 25-50 IU/day, although most of us would probably experience more benefit of higher doses of 100-1200IU/day. So Vitamin E can be very helpful in finding out how to raise glutathione in your cells. If a person has adequate levels of glutathione, 400 IU/day should be sufficient. If excessively consumed, it can provoke gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and neurological side-effects, so caution should be exercised.
  • 51. How To Raise Glutathione With Other Micronutrients: Magnesium, Vanadium, and Zinc: Magnesium deficiency can lead to the impairment of an important glutathione enzyme needed for glutathione production. Vanadium is a trace element that depends on glutathione to remain in a reduced state to increase it's bioavailabiity. In high doses, Vanadium is toxic and may have an adverse effect on glutathione production. Zinc deficiency also reduces glutathione concentration, especially in red blood cells. Zinc also is toxic in higher levels, and may also reduce glutathione if it is over-consumed. A high quality multiple vitamin and mineral supplement that supplies the optimal amounts of these co-factors and micronutrients should be taken along with your glutathione enhancer for best results in how to raise glutathione. In conclusion, to learn how to raise glutathione, cysteine is the amino acid that is lacking the most. But it must be in a form that can survive the trip from our mouth to our cells, which free cysteine does not do well. Also, eating glutathione is ineffective in showing us how to raise glutathione levels. Several drugs and natural products can show us how to raise glutathione quite efficiently. NAC or N-acetyl-cysteine is a powerful drug used in critical care, toxicology, and pulmonary medicine. It is well researched and clinically proven to be valuable in learning how to raise glutathione levels. Many natural products either support or directly show us how to raise glutathione levels. Undenatured whey protein as in Immunocal is a very effective method, and by delivering bonded cysteine to the cells safely, the way our body was designed to raise it, is an excellent way to deliver the necessary amino acids to the cell for glutathione production. Because of this, Immunocal is the best way to know how to raise glutathione in your cells. This is the method we use to raise our glutathione every day!
  • 52. What is Undenatured Whey Protein? Note: For the benefit of misspellings, this applies to whey protien as well. Regarding undenatured whey protein, for a brief overview, along with other ways for raising glutathione levels, click here. Let’s start first with whey protein in general. This is the protein that has been isolated from whey. Whey is the liquid material that is left behind after the solids have been removed from cow or bovine milk. There are many manufacturers that have taken this whey protein and processed it into mixtures that can be used forbuilding muscle or for muscle building and muscle development. You can find a large array of whey protein powder to make a breakfast smoothie, or protein drink, at any general nutrition, weight training, or bodybuilding supplements store or supplier. I recently saw a whey protein like this at Costco called Muscle Milk. Another one that is good for a high protein diet for use in a breakfast smoothie is called Designer Whey. These are very popular today for protein shakes and protein drinks. Whey protein is an excellent source of dietary protein, and is very effective in building muscle for athletic nutrition, or for anyone who would like to reduce their body fat, and build muscle through exercise and/or bodybuilding supplements. But all protein supplements are not created equal. This type of whey protein is classified as denatured. What does denatured mean? This simply means that the whey protein has been processed at a high temperature, usually above 160 degrees Fahrenheit or 72 degrees Celsius. This process is also known as pasteurization. The milk you buy in the store has been pasteurized, which means that it has been denatured or cooked at a high temperature to ensure that all microorganisms that may harm you have been destroyed.
  • 53. So to put it all together, what is undenatured whey protein? It is protein from whey that has not been denatured. This means that the protein must be processed in such a way that harmful organisms are destroyed, but the heat sensitive amino acids that make it bioactive, called branched chain amino acids, are not harmed. It has not been pasteurized, but processed at a lower temperature than traditional pasteurization in order to preserve the amino acids that are thermolabile, or destroyed by high heat. Terms that can be used interchangeably for undenatured whey protein are high biological value whey protein and bioactive whey protein. You may also hear it referred to as undenatured whey protein isolate, or undenatured whey protein concentrate. An undenatured whey protein with a high biological value means it contains a high amount of essential amino acids. This kind of whey protein processed from raw cow’s milk has a very high amount of bonded cysteine in it, along with other essential branched chain amino acids, so is has a high biological value, with one particular brand having a biological value of >110 BV. As more people find out about the value of high biological value whey protein, a manufacturer may suggest on the label of their product that they are providing such a special protein. The very fact that it is in a tub is your first telling sign that this is not true. Truly bioactive whey protein is quite expensive to make and requires special technology to do so. Bioactivity is reduced when exposed to heat, air or moisture, so if it is in a tub, it is not undenatured whey protein. Another way that you can tell it is not bioactive is if it is flavored. If it comes in vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry, then it has been hydrolyzed, which means it has been denatured in order to make it easier to mix. You can also check the nutritional supplements information on the label as well. It may list cysteine as an ingredient, but this will be lost in the digestive process. This is not bioactive whey protein, and will not help you in raising glutathione in your cells.
  • 54. Undenatured whey protein has a very unmistakable quality to it: it is unflavored and very difficult to mix. If you pour some bioactive whey protein powder into a liquid, it will float and resist mixing. This is one way to know you have truly undenatured whey protein. For an in-depth discussion of the biological property, unique formulation,and potency of Immunocal, as well as other factors besides the bonded cysteine to consider when comparing other undenatured whey protein isolates or whey protein concentrates with Immunocal, please click here. What Does Undenatured Whey Protein Do? Undenatured whey protein will help you to build muscle just like regular whey protein will. The main reason you want to take it in an undenatured form is if you want to raise glutathione in addition to building muscle. That is the only reason you need to know the difference between the two, and it is an important difference. Regular whey protein will build muscle! Undenatured whey protein will raise glutathione! For an overview of what glutathione is, what it does, and why you need it, click here. For a review of all the ways for how to raise glutathione, click here. We will now discuss in more detail what undenatured whey protein does, which is one of the ways for raising glutathione, and how this works. Bioactive whey protein contains three specific proteins that are very high in essential amino acids that are missing from our diet today. The proteins are: albumin or bovine serum albumin, lactoferrin, and lactalbumin. These proteins are very high in the essential amino acid called bonded cysteine. Bonded cysteine, which is two cysteine molecules linked together, is also called cystine. It is found in raw meat, raw eggs, and raw cow’s milk. Once you cook these three foods, the bonded cysteine or
  • 55. cystine is destroyed, since the bond that holds them together is thermolabile or destroyed by heat. Most of us today do not consume these foods raw, nor do we recommend that you do. Babies who are breast-fed have access to bonded cysteine in their mother’s breast milk until they are weaned. The closest food that we have to mother’s breast milk as adults is bovine or cow milk in raw form. = It is interesting to note, however, that years ago, before pasteurization, when people consumed raw milk from their local or family farm, they had higher glutathione levels in their blood. Now that we don’t have access to these foods in safe amounts, we have an even greater need than ever before to find a good source of bonded cysteine, so that we can be effectively raising glutathione in our bodies. The three amino acids that are needed by the body for how to raise glutathione are cysteine, glycine, and glutamate. Glycine and glutamate are plentiful in our diet, but cysteine is not. And since cysteine by itself is destroyed in the gut, it needs to be bonded in the way we find it in undenatured whey protein to do the job successfully. Thus, bonded cysteine is considered the rate limiting factor for raising glutathione in our cells. The journey of a bonded cysteine molecule from the mother’s breast or cow’s udder to your cells to make glutathione is a fascinating journey indeed. Let's follow along!
  • 56. When bonded cysteine is consumed from the mother's breast, or from undenatured whey protein made from raw cow's milk, it is in the form of two cysteine molecules bonded together by a sulfur bond. When free cysteine is consumed, it is normally destroyed in the gut. But when two of them are bonded together, it makes them "safe", and this bond is pepsin and trypsin resistant, which means your digestive enzymes will not be able to dissolve this bond. This is a good thing and what makes bonded cysteine so special! The bonded cysteine is absorbed through the intestinal walls into the bloodstream, which carries it to each and every cell in your body. That's 100 trillion cells in an average human body, and it goes to each and every one of them! Once the bonded cysteine enters the cell, it then breaks apart into two free cysteine molecules, and then each of these cysteine molecules can combine with available glycine and glutamate, and makeglutathione, right there in each and every cell. It's quite a masterfully designed process! So, put very simply, undenatured whey protein raises glutathione in your cells! How much raw milk does it take to make Immunocal? We need 300 liters (125 gallons) of fresh, raw milk to produce 1 kilogram (2.2 lbs.) of Immunocal. It is produced using a gentle process and low temperatures to preserve the biological activity of the proteins.
  • 57. First and only patented natural protein scientifically and clinically PROVEN to optimize your immune system! Immunocal is a specially formulated protein derived from whey. Unlike most commercial whey products, it contains the richest source of glutathione building blocks available. Only Immunocal has the research and international patents to prove this. How does Immunocal work? The immune system is incredibly complex, but a major cornerstone relies on its ability to obtain a molecule called glutathione. Glutathione exists in every cell of your body and is essential for life and critical for health. This molecule is constantly being used up in dozens of your body’s functions and is difficult to replace. Glutathione is your body’s master antioxidant, its chief detoxification enzyme and is literally food for the immune system. Immunocal restores optimal glutathione levels.
  • 58. Many natural products are available that claim to help your immune system, but very few have undergone the rigorous testing and published human trials that Immunotec has accomplished over the years. Over forty published scientific and medical articles attest to its remarkable credibility. Besides its ability to raise glutathione and all the benefits that come with it, Immunocal has the highest BV (Biological Value) of any protein available on the market, supplying all the amino acids your body needs. BENEFITS Raises glutathione to optimize your immune system on a sustained basis Fights off free radicals by boosting your body’s master antioxidant Helps eliminate pollutants and toxins Enhances your energy and sense of well-being Improves physical performance Helps mental acuity What is Immunocal? Immunocal is an all-natural protein derived from milk. It is a specially-prepared whey protein isolate. If someone is lactose intolerant, can they take Immunocal? Yes, the lactose in Immunocal is removed during its production. Less than 1% lactose remains and legally the product can be called “lactose-free”. It should be noted that being lactose-intolerant is different than having a milk protein allergy (see below). If someone has a milk allergy, can they take Immunocal? Most people who claim they have a milk “allergy” are actually not allergic, they are lactose intolerant. If this is the case, they can take Immunocal. If they have a true allergy to milk proteins, they should avoid it. However, the majority of milk protein allergies (80%) are to a protein called “caseine”. There is very little caseine in Immunocal (generally less than 1.5%). What is “whey”? Whey is a group of proteins found in milk.
  • 59. What is a whey protein “isolate”? Whey proteins can be produced in different concentrations. “Regular” whey protein can be anywhere from 20% to 70%. Whey protein “concentrates” are between 70% and 90%. A whey protein “isolate” is over 90% pure protein. Technically this is difficult and expensive to achieve without harming the protein’s structure. Why is a whey protein isolate desirable? Only isolates have thoroughly removed from them the fat, fat- soluble toxins, water, water-soluble toxins, lactose, and other contaminants from the protein. It is the “purest” form of protein. There are other whey protein isolates on the market. How is Immunocal different? Immunocal is patented to work. Immunocal is the only one with extensive research published in medical journals. Immunocal is produced in a special way to preserve the proteins’ natural structure so that it retains its profound effect on your cells. Immunocal is clinically proven to work in human beings. Immunocal appears in the American PDR (Physicians' Desk Reference). Immunocal appears in the Canadian CPS (Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties). How does the manufacture of Immunocal differ from other whey proteins? Immunotec’s proprietary manufacturing process preserves the critical disulfide bonds in the glutathione precursor cysteine. By delivering this delicate protein to the cell, it enables the body to create glutathione and maximize immune system levels. Other whey proteins are often manufactured using high
  • 60. heat (pasteurization) and harsh methods of mixing, resulting in a denatured and ineffective product. Do other whey protein isolates work? As a source of amino acids, whey protein has a superior nutritional advantage over other types of protein. All whey protein isolates are a good source of protein. However, there are many other variables that need to be considered in a whey’s quality. Most importantly is the degree in which the protein resembles its original form in nature. This is easily altered in the harvesting, manufacturing, packaging, storage and shipping, and quality control of the product. Other whey protein isolates have not been thoroughly tested in clinical trials done on human beings, so it’s anybody’s guess as to whether they work or not. What does Immunocal do? Immunocal improves your immune system. Immunocal improves your physical performance. Immunocal improves your mental performance. How does Immunocal work? Immunocal supplies the rare building blocks (precursors) for your cells to make glutathione. Immunocal supplies all the essential amino acids required by your cells and tissues. Immunocal supplies other peptides (small proteins) critical for many aspects of your health. What is Immunocal Platinum? It is Immunocal with two additional components added: CMP and RMF. What is CMP? CMP stands for "Cytokine Modulating Peptides".
  • 61. Cytokines are small biologically active proteins that act as signals in the immune system to turn on or off inflammation. CMP can modulate the inflammatory response in cells and tissues. Out-of-control inflammation can compromise healthy aging and has been discovered to play a critical role in a growing list of health problems. In essence, CMP "turns down the signal" for inflammation. What is RMF? RMF stands for "Redox Modulating Formula". Developed by Dr. Wulf Droge, RMF includes a proprietary blend of naturally occurring citrate minerals, which act to lower acidity levels in the body and to restore its natural pH balance. This serves to support the strength of bones as we age, helps the healthy functioning of kidneys, and contributes to your overall well-being. RMF also includes a very small amount of creatine, which signals cells to better regulate sugar levels. Can Immunocal Platinum be mixed with Immunocal? Immunocal regular and Immunocal Platinum can be mixed together if desired. There are other whey protein isolates on the market. How is Immunocal Platinum different? Immunocal is patented to work. Immunocal is the only one with extensive research published in medical journals. Immunocal is produced in a special way to preserve the proteins' natural structure so that it retains its profound effect on your cells. Immunocal is clinically proven to work in human beings. Immunocal appears in the American PDR (Physicians' Desk Reference). Immunocal appears in the Canadian CPS (Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties). How does the manufacture of Immunocal Platinum differ from other whey proteins? Immunotec's proprietary manufacturing process preserves the critical disulfide bonds in the glutathione precursor cysteine. By delivering this delicate protein to the cell, it enables the
  • 62. body to create glutathione and maximize immune system levels. Other whey proteins are often manufactured using high heat (pasteurization) and harsh methods of mixing, resulting in a denatured and ineffective product. What does Immunocal Platinum do? Immunocal Platinum improves your immune system. Immunocal Platinum improves your physical performance. Immunocal Platinum improves your mental performance. Immunocal Platinum reduced inflammation. Immunocal Platinum reduces total body acidity. How does Immunocal Platinum work? Immunocal Platinum supplies the rare building blocks (precursors) for your cells to make glutathione. Immunocal Platinum supplies all the essential amino acids required by your cells and tissues. Immunocal Platinum supplies other peptides (small proteins) critical for many aspects of your health. What is glutathione? It is a substance that is produced by your own cells that is fundamental to life. Glutathione plays many roles, the most important of which are: It is your body’s master antioxidant. It provides fuel for a properly functioning immune system. It is critical for the removal of hundreds of toxins and pollutants. It is a source of cellular energy. Why can’t a person just eat glutathione? Glutathione is broken down by digestion and very little if any can get from your mouth to your cell where it’s needed. To raise glutathione effectively, you must give your cells the building blocks (precursors) to make glutathione yourself.
  • 63. How have the benefits of Immunocal been proven? How do we know it works? Immunocal has had research performed starting as far back as the late 1970’s at McGill University (Canada’s foremost Medical School). There continues to be much effort in publishing human clinical trials in respected peer-reviewed medical journals worldwide. These articles are easily available on-line. Who can NOT take Immunocal? Anyone with a specific allergy to the components. This does NOT include lactose. Immunocal is lactose-free. Anyone taking immunosuppressant medication to avoid rejection of an organ transplant. Always ask your health professional before taking any supplements. Can pregnant or lactating women take Immunocal? No adverse effects have been reported. A health care practitioner should be consulted prior to use if the person is pregnant or has reason to believe she is, or if she is breastfeeding. How should Immunocal be stored? Immunocal should be stored in a cool dry place to maximize shelf-life and preserve efficacy; we suggest temperatures of 70-90°F (21-32°C). How much raw milk does it take to make Immunocal? We need 300 liters (125 gallons) of fresh, raw milk to produce 1 kilogram (2.2 lbs.) of Immunocal. It is produced using a gentle process and low temperatures to preserve the biological activity of the proteins. What is the difference between taking Immunocal as opposed to taking other antioxidants? Immunocal, as such, is not an antioxidant but provides the building blocks for the synthesis of glutathione, which is the principal intracellular antioxidant. More importantly, it serves as a detoxifying agent for multiple toxins that we encounter on a daily basis through our diet. In the case of antioxidants
  • 64. “More” does not mean “Better”. Immunocal gives you optimal antioxidant performance because it cannot push glutathione levels higher than what the cell is designed to make under ideal circumstances. What is Immunocal? Immunocal is an all-natural non-prescription health product available worldwide. This special protein holds many national and international patents and is medically recognized in the Physicians’ Desk Reference (“PDR” U.S.A.) and Compendium of Pharmaceutical Specialties (“CPS” Canada). It has undergone over 30 years of research and has been taken safely and effectively by millions of individuals. What does Immunocal do? Immunocal acts in two ways – it is a very high quality protein that provides all the amino acids your body needs, and, more critically, it raises a substance in your body called “glutathione”. Glutathione plays many roles in your body, the four most important of which can be summarized by the acronym: AID = E2 A – Antioxidant: Glutathione is the body’s “Master Antioxidant” I – Immune System: Glutathione is critical for immune function D – Detoxification: Glutathione is your cell's key detoxification enzyme E2 – Glutathione contributes to your overall energy at many levels How does Immunocal work? The Natural Health Products Directorate of Health Canada has issued an NPN (Natural Product Number) for the specific health claim “Immunocal is a natural source of the glutathione precursor cysteine for the maintenance of a strong immune system.” (NPN- 80004370)
  • 65. Immunocal contains specific fragile proteins that supply your body with the building blocks needed for the production of glutathione in your cells. These building blocks are called “precursors” and glutathione precursors are relatively rare in our normal diets. Unfortunately, eating glutathione itself does not effectively raise glutathione in the cells; this is why we need the precursors. Why is Glutathione Important? Glutathione is an essential component of your cells, with low glutathione levels, cells cannot perform many of their functions properly. Although glutathione functions in dozens of roles in our metabolism, the major functions can be summarized in four areas: 1. It is the major antioxidant produced by the body. Antioxidants such as vitamins C or E cannot be made by your body and in fact could not work properly if glutathione were not present. 2. Our immune systems depend on a steady supply of glutathione. Without it, our immune defenses become weakened. 3. It is important in detoxifying many substances including heavy metals, breakdown products of cigarettes and automobile exhaust, many cancer-causing agents, and a multitude of pollutants and toxins we encounter on a daily basis. 4. The major source of energy produced in our cells is derived from tiny structures called mitochondria. These mitochondria would literally burn up without the presence of glutathione. What Causes Us to LOSE Glutathione (GSH)? Every day our bodies are exposed to factors that drain our levels of glutathione: Stress, pollution, radiation, infection, drugs, poor diet, aging, injury and fatigue. These all contribute to glutathione depletion which, in turn, leads to cellular aging, disease and death. “Concern about maintaining one’s glutathione level will eventually be on par with other health maintenance issues.” says Dr. Bounous. How can you Raise Glutathione?
  • 66. Some pharmaceutical drugs such as N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC)have been developed to provide these precursors but there are also natural ways to raise glutathione levels. Vitamin C, E and selenium indirectly support glutathione function. Milk thistle (silymarin), alpha-lipoic acid and L-cysteine may have moderate effects. However, medical research indicates that the most effective natural way to raise glutathione is by feeding the individual specific cysteine and cystine-rich proteins as found in undenatured whey protein isolates. Through its unique formulation and proprietary manufacturing process, Immunocal is a nutraceutical containing undenatured whey proteins designed to raise glutathione. In fact, it is the only protein patented to raise glutathione levels naturally. This type of natural approach to addressing health concerns is a welcome complement to conventional medicine, which has historically marginalized nutritional therapy. The key in bridging this gap between traditional medicine and natural medicine lies in appropriately formulating supplements based on solid research. Do healthy people need glutathione? Optimal glutathione levels are important for everyone. Although you are hopefully in good health right now, glutathione levels fall as we age, and are lowered by a great number of very common illnesses. There is a constant demand for glutathione in our daily life; stress, pollution and infectious disease are all causes of glutathione depletion. For those that exercise regularly, glutathione is especially important to replenish to avoid injury, improve recovery time and keep your immune system strong. Which illnesses may be affected by raising glutathione? Many disease states are characterized by low glutathione levels. Immunocal has been developed as a strategy to help sustain glutathione levels. Glutathione deficiency states include, but are not limited to: AIDS and cancer muscle wasting, chemical and infectious hepatitis, radiation poisoning, malnutrition states, strong physical stress, and acetaminophen toxicity. Many other problems including cardiovascular, lung, digestive and kidney disorders are associated
  • 67. with glutathione deficiency and are cited in numerous medical references. Who should avoid Immunocal? People who have a specific allergy to milk proteins (this is different from lactose intolerance) need to avoid this product. People who are taking immunosuppressive medication in the case of organ transplants should not take this product. Who should be cautious with Immunocal? People who are on a protein-restricted diet need to calculate into their daily equation 9 grams of protein per pouch and should not exceed their daily protein limit. Keep in mind that Immunocal has a very high “biological value” as a protein and will supply an excellent source of amino acids for those individuals who may be challenged nutritionally. Are there side effects and what do I do about them? Abdominal cramps and bloating can occasionally occur. This is usually corrected by increasing your fluid intake. Rarely, some individuals may experience a rash with this product. Although this may indicate an allergy, it may represent a “detoxification reaction”. In both cases, discontinuing the product should resolve the symptom. If any symptoms are severe or persistent, contact your health care practitioner. Is Immunocal safe to take with medication? There have been no known harmful side effects of using Immunocal or any other Immunotec product while on medications. However, to be safe, it is suggested to consult with your physician if you have any questions.
  • 68. How much should I take and when should I take it? As a natural source of the glutathione cysteine precursor for the maintenance of the good health, 10 grams per day (one pouch) is recommended. As a natural source of the glutathione cysteine precursor for the maintenance of a strong immune system, 20 grams per day is recommended (two pouches). Clinical trials in patients with AIDS, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome have used 30 - 40 grams per day without ill effect. Immunocal is best administered on an empty stomach or with a light meal. Concomitant intake of another high protein load may adversely affect absorption. How many packages are in one box of Immunocal? There are thirty (30) packages of Immunocal in every box. This is the same for Immunocal or Immunocal Platinum. How do I prepare or mix Immunocal? The proteins in Immunocal are very fragile. Do not heat this product or add it to hot liquids. Do not use a high-powered blender to mix. Heat and severe mechanical action will break down the protein and diminish the usefulness of the product. Immunocal is a dehydrated powder. It must be rehydrated with liquids before use. If left standing too long after mixing, the usefulness of the product may be reduced. It is generally recommended to consume the product within 30 minutes of mixing. Special low-speed blenders or mixing cups can be made available through Immunotec Inc.’s distribution networks. Using the Immunotec hand mixer: Fill a glass or container with 180-240 ml (6-8 oz) of your favorite juice or liquid*. Add Immunocal - you'll find it easiest
  • 69. to first squeeze the pouch to fit the container - and mix until blended. Using the Immunotec shaker: Pour 60 ml (2 oz) of liquid to the fill line. Add 1-2 pouches of Immunocal. Seal and shake for 10-15 seconds. Add more liquid and drink immediately. Or choose an alternative method that suits your personal preferences and lifestyle: Empty one pouch of product into a small container, add 2 tablespoons of your favorite juice or liquid and make a gravy- like paste. Add 180-240 ml (6-8 oz) of juice or liquid, stir and drink. Add the product to applesauce or yogurt. Immunocal Mixing Video How do I store Immunocal? Try to keep Immunocal in a cool dry place. Avoid prolonged exposure to hot environments. Refrigeration will prolong the life of the product but is optional. What is Immunocal Platinum? More Valuable than GOLD! Immunocal has been Immunotec’s flagship product for years. Immunocals’ action is based on the benefits of raising glutathione. The wealth of research on glutathione and the aging process speaks for itself. What is it about the “Platinum” formulation that takes this a step further? Let’s examine this closer. The major impact on your health that Immunocal bestows is by providing the building blocks or “precursors” for your cells to be able to make glutathione. This is a technology that we continue to refine. Both Immunocal and Immunocal Platinum represent the only patented protein proven to do this. In the development of Immunocal Platinum, we have looked very carefully both at protein
  • 70. metabolism and at potential components of whey proteins that relate to aging. Two separate formulations have been added to Immunocal – CMP™* and RMF. CMP (Cytokine Modulating Peptides) Cytokines are little molecules that the immune system uses to regulate inflammation. Inflammation plays a role not only in issues like aches and pains, but also in cardiovascular and neurological health. Inflammation has been pointed to as one of the key factors driving the aging process. What CMP does, is “turn down the volume” on these cytokines. *CMP is a trademark of Glanbia LLC. RMF (Redox Modulating Formula) RMF is an exclusive development from Immunotec’s research and development team mastered by Dr. Wulf Dröge. The major objective here was to decrease the amount of acid formed in the body (important to the kidneys), and as a second benefit, reduces the amount of calcium lost (important in bone health). Who should take Platinum? We all should take Platinum. Although it was initially developed with the “Baby-Boomers” and geriatric populations in mind, it became clear that there were benefits for overweight individuals, athletic individuals, people with circulation challenges and others. Certainly, good old Immunocal has proven benefits for all these groups, but Platinum represents the next generation in immune enhancement and will become the new standard in the immune health market. The recommended serving size is unchanged from Immunocal and it can be combined with Immunocal as desired. Turn a triple into a HOME RUN! Immunocal Platinum provides a triple action on your immune health – Raising glutathione represents Preventative immunity, the cytokine modulating proteins representing Reparative Immunity. Attention to the proper acid-base balance helps lead to Sustained Immunity. Turn this triple into a homer by topping it off with the other supplements your health professional may recommend to you!
  • 71. What is the difference between Immunocal and Immunocal Platinum? Immunocal naturally boosts glutathione levels in the human cell, helping the immune system to perform at optimal levels. The Platinum product contains the same glutathione-enhancing ingredients as Immunocal, but was designed specifically for baby boomers. Among its many features, Immunocal Platinum works with the body to repair damaged cells and to improve mood, energy, well- being, alertness, concentration and clarity, all important to the maturing population. It also helps maintain proper muscle function and maintain bone health by reducing calcium loss. Does Immunocal contain any additives? The product is additive-free; the sole ingredient is undenatured whey protein isolate. Can a person who is lactose-intolerant take Immunocal? Yes, since each pouch of Immunocal contains less than 1% lactose, it is usually well-tolerated in people who are lactose-intolerant. It should be noted that being lactose-intolerant is different than having a milk protein allergy. How does the manufacture of Immunocal differ from other whey proteins? Immunotec’s proprietary manufacturing process preserves the critical disulfide bonds in the glutathione precursor cysteine. By delivering this delicate protein to the cell, it enables the body to create glutathione and maximize immune system levels. Other whey proteins are often manufactured using extreme heat and harsh methods of mixing, resulting in a denatured and ineffective product.
  • 72. What are the Immunocal/Immunocal Platinum pouches made of, and are they recyclable? The pouches are made of low-density polyethylene; the Immunocal Platinum pouch also contains foil layers. The pouches are not recyclable. What does undenatured mean? Immunocal works by providing important glutathione precursors to the cell. It is critical that these precursors remain intact or undenatured during the manufacturing and mixing processes in order to enhance the immune system. That is why the manufacture (Immunotec) recommend that Immunocal not be heated or subject to harsh mixing in order to preserve its bioactivity. What is the difference between Immunocal and other whey proteins? While other whey proteins may be good sources of nutrition, only Immunocal is proven to raise glutathione levels and enhance the immune system. Immunocal has a proprietary and unique formulation developed by Immunotec who uses a proprietary manufacturing process for its production. Why can’t glutathione be taken in pill form? Glutathione is produced by the body in the cell when the necessary precursors are provided. Immunocal delivers cysteine to the cell so that it can produce glutathione. Pills pass through the digestive system and little, if any, glutathione is absorbed. Top of Page