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Presented By
Iqra Naz
Mahnoor Abrar
Ayesha Bibi
Madiha Nasim
Zehra Batool
Nayyab Mousada Khan
Iqra Riaz Ahmed
Abqa Maarib
Mishal Idress
Farheen Bahadur
Discussion is based on three categories:-
1st Category : It comprises things that form the Preliminaries of this
Worship, and whose identification is necessary for practicing this worship.
2nd Category : This category deal things that constitute the Elements.
3rd Category : This Category is about things that relates to associated
matters, and these are Ahkam for the acts.
First Category
This category based on two things:
1. The Identification of the Obligations and conditions.
2. The person for whom it is Obligatory.
Two kinds of conditions of obligation:
1. Condition of Validity.
2. Condition of Obligation.
of Jurist’s
• There is no dispute among its
of Jurist’s
• Dispute about its Validity when
Performed by the Minor (Sabi).
• Allah Almighty Said, "And pilgrimage to the
house is a duty unto Allah for mankind, for
him who can find a way thither”.
Opinion of Jurist’s:
Three opinions on its “Validity” when performed by Minor:
Imam Malik
& Al-Shafi
• They maintained that it is permissible.
Imam Abu
• He Prohibited it.
• They differed about the validity of its
performance of behalf of an infant.
Supporting Evidence:
• Well known Tradition of Ibn e Abbas which is recorded by
Al-Bukhari and Muslim.
Reason of disagreement:
• Disagreements stem from the conflict of a tradition with principles.
• Those who permitted on the basis of tradition of Ibn Abbas.
• Those who disallowed this relied on the principle that worship is not
valid if performed by one lacking discretion.
The Condition for Obligation being a Muslim:
There is no dispute among the Jurist’s about the Stipulation
of Ability (Both physical and financial).
There is disagreement over the details of this Ability.
It is considered to be of two kinds.
• Direct.
• Delegated.
Kinds of Abilities:
In direct Ability:
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Al-Shafi, Imam
Abu Hanifa &
Ahmad, Ibn-e-
Abbas & Umar
ibn-al- Khattab
• Held that condition for these are food
provision and Availability of
Imam Malik
• He said that, for the person who is able to
walk the availability of riding animal is
not a condition of obligation and
pilgrimage is obligatory for him.
Supporting Evidence:
• Tradition from the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Reason of disagreement:
• Disagreement arises from the conflicts between the tradition.
• It is laid down for the elaboration of ability and the general implication of its
• Imam Abu Hanifa and Al-Shafi apply it to everybody.
• While Imam Malik apply to a person who is not able to walk and also did not
have strength to eke out a living on the way.
Ability by Delegation:
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Imam Malik
& Imam Abu
• Maintain that Delegation is not
Imam Al-
• Maintain that it is binding.
Supporting Evidences:
• Well known tradition of Ibn-Abbas recorded by (Al-Bukhari and
• In case of dead person there is a tradition that was recorded by Al-
Bukhari & also from Ibn Abbas.
Reason of disagreement:
• Disagreement arises from the conflict of Analogy with a tradition.
• Analogy dictates that acts of worship can not be performed by one person
on behalf of another by delegation.
Perform Hajj for “Someone else”
Opinions of Jurist’s:
They disagreed about the person who performs Hajj for someone else,
who may be living or dead.
Imam Malik
• If a person performed the obligation for
himself that would be better, for the person
who performed hajj on the behalf of dead
Al-Shafi &
• It is the condition that he should have
performed the obligation for himself.
Imam Abu
• if a person, who had not performed hajj for
himself, did perform hajj for another it
would be converted to a personal
Supporting Evidence & Reason of disagreement:
• The reliance of these Jurist’s is upon the tradition Ibn-
• The group of jurist’s objected to this tradition as it was
narrated as “Mawaquf” up to Ibn-Abbas did not
contain the name of the companion.
Offering wage to perform Hajj for “Someone else”
Jurist’s also differed, about a person who offers himself for a wage to perform Hajj
on behalf of someone else.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Malik &
• Disapproved this but if it is happen
it is permissible.
Imam Abu
• Do not permit it.
Reason of disagreement:
• Purpose to seek nearness of Allah Almighty, and wages are not
Allowed for that.
• Group who permissible of earning wages for writing the mushaf
and construction of the mosques, which is also a way of seeking
nearness of Allah Almighty.
“Time” when pilgrimage become obligatory
Jurist’s disagreed whether the command necessities
immediate or delayed.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Malik & his
• The apparent opinion of the later jurist’s
of his school is that it is delayed but his
disciples from Baghdad said it is
Imam Abu
• Held the opinion that it is Immediate.
• Held that it is spread out over a period of
Reason of disagreement:
• The reliance of those who say that it spreads over a out over a
period of time.
• The reliance of those who say that it spreads over a span of time (is
not immediate) is that Hajj became obligatory years before when
Prophet (PBUH) performed Hajj.
• If it is required immediate compliance the Prophet (PBUH) would
not have delayed the performance of his Hajj. If he had done so,
because of an excuse he would have explained.
Obligation of Hajj for woman without his Mahram
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Malik &
• Said that this is one alternative
condition for the obligation.
Imam Abu
Ahmed &
• Said that availability of a willing
husband or a mahram is a
condition for the obligation.
Supporting Evidence & Reason of disagreement:
• Established from the Prophet (PBUH) through Abu Sa’id Al-
khudri, Abu Hurayra, Ibn Abbas and Umer.
• Reason for disagreement arises from the conflict of the
command for hajj and of taking up for it with the proscription
about a woman travelling alone without her Mahram.
Obligation of “Umrah”?
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Ahmed &
group of
• Held the opinion that it is
Malik &
group of
• Held the opinion that it is Sunnah.
Imam Abu
• Said that it is Voluntary.
Supporting Evidence:
Reason of disagreement:
• Quranic Verse.
• Tradition of Ibn Umar and the tradition of Al-Hajjaj ibn Arta from
Muhammad Ibn Al-Munkadir from Jabir ibn Abd Allah.
• Tradition of Abu Salih Al-Hanafi.
• The reason for the disagreement stems thus from the conflicts of traditions
on the subjects, and the vacillation of the command requiring completion
between whether or not gives rise to an obligation.
“Elements of Pilgrimage”
In this chapter we will discuss about time , location and acts.
Kinds Of Hajj:
(to start with
hajj and
(to start with
umrah then
wait for start of
hajj , enjoying
the act
during hajj)
both hajj
Chapter 1:
• The first condition for Ihram is that of location and time.
• Location: for hajj is called as Muwaqit
• Jurist agreed that muwaqit are where intention to start the hajj
as well as wearing hajj attire
• Location for people of Medina (DHU AL –HULAYFA)
• Location for people of Syria (AL JUHFA)
• Location for people of Najd (Qarn)
• Location for people of Yemen (YALAMLAM)
Opinions of Jurist’s:
said if they adopt
ihram at AL
Shafi &
Al thwari Said if they
adopt ihram at
Dhat Irq.
Supporting Evidences:
• All this is established from Messenger of Allah
(PBUH) in tradition of IBN UMAR and others.
Missing any act:
Opinions of Jurist’s:
1. Majority : (the person who misses these points though he has in
mind to go through Ihram and does after crossing them is liable for
atonement by slaughter of animal (dam)
2.Imam Shafi: if he returns to miqat and perform ihram there
liability for atonement is dropped
3.Imam Malik: liability for atonement is not dropped if he returns.
4 . Another group: said if he did not return to miqat , his hajj
become invalid, he should return and begin the rites of umrah.
Residence (nearer mecca)
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Miqat for his
ihram is his
Shafi Abu hanifa
and thawri:
it is better for
person to start
from miqat in
their case is an
Malik ishaq
and ahmad :
start from
muwaqit is
zahrities :
not permitted
to commence
ihram from
other than
Supporting Evidences:
• Sunnah established by messenger of Allah
(PBUH) is therefore better.
• Ibn umar, ibn Masud and others.
Residence (Medina):
Person who did not commence ihram from the resident of
medina and start from AL JUHFA (Syria).
he will be liable
for atonement.
Imam Malik
And His
he will not be Liable
for atonement.
• Whether it is one of the rites the relinquishment of
which make a person liable for atonement.
binding for them to
adopt ihram except
woodcutter or
similar person.
Malik no binding except
person intend to
perform hajj or
Umrah , person not
resident of Mecca
group of
• The resident of Mecca adopt ihram in case of hajj.
• In case of Umrah they go outside the boundaries of haram
that is necessary.
• Sight new moon of dhul hajj pilgrims moves toward Mina
on 8th of dhul hajj.
Chapter 2:
Miqat for the time is also determined of three
types of hajj.
1. Shawwal
Opinions of Jurist’s:
(three month) IMAM SHAFI
(two first month
and first nine days
of Dhul hajj)
(two month plus
ten days of Dhul
Supporting Evidence:
• In the word of Exalted, “THE PILGIMAGE IS
2:197 )
• The evidence of second group is termination of
the ritual state of ihram before compilation of
three months.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Imam Malik
commencing of ihram
before hajj but such
commencing is valid
in his view
Imam shafi
His ihram is to be
converted to
Abu hanifa
Did not allow to
commence at any
other time
Complete the performance of pilgrimage and Ummrah for Allah.
• Jurist’s agreed that umrah is permissible at any time of the year ,
except the day of HAJJ.
• Abu hanifa said it is allow to perform Umrah except day of Arafa
, day of sacrifice , day of tashriq.
Chapter 3:
Section 1: This section covers the discussion of the Act to be
Avoided in the ritual state of ihram.
Removal of
Dirt, Cutting
of Nails
Kinds of cloth to wear:
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Not allowed to wear such thing as laid down in the
tradition given.
Imam Shafi
and Others
Allowed in the condition if one can not find loin-
Supporting Evidence::
• From Abdullah ibn e Umer
Reason Of Disagreement:
The other groups relays on the tradition of ibn e Abas “Trousers are for those
who does not find a loin cloth and shoes for on who cannot find sandals
Their opinion differ because according to Maliki’s Prophet Muhammad
would have given Exemption in this matter as he did in the case of shoes.
Wearing Of Shoes (cut down):
Opinions of Jurist’s:
agree and permit to wear shoes which are cut down if
a person does not find sandals.
does not allow atonements.
Reason of disagreement:
• They contradict on the tradition of Ata “in cutting them down there is
waste and Allah does not like waste.
Wearing Cloths dyed with Wars and Saffron:
Opinions of Jurist’s:
It is allowed to wear dyed cloths because there is
no perfume in it.
Did not allow
Supporting Evidence:
• Malik has recorded form Ali.
All Jurists Agree not to wear Perfume
Disagreement occur on permissibility on whether the person can wear it or
not if he is about to form(state of) Ihram.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Reason of Disagreement:
• 1st Group reliance on the tradition from Salwa aby Yala.
• 2nd Group reliance on the tradition of Hazrat Ayesha.
Sexual Intercourse:
All Jurists Agree on the prohibition of this act.
Supporting Evidence:
The words of exalted, "There is (to be) no lewdness nor abuse nor angry
conversation on the pilgrimage.
Removel the dirt, Cutting Hair, killing lies:
All Jurist’s Agree on the all other act except washing of head.
Reason Of Disagreement:
Maliki’s reliance on the fact that Abdullah Ibn e Umer did not wash head in the
state of ihram’.
• All Jurists Agreed not to hunt and not to eat hunt meal.
• Evidence:
• Words of Exalted, "To hunt on land is forbidden you as long As you are n the
ritual state of ihram’
• They Disagreed on the situation whether a person can hunt or eat hunt meal if
he is not in the state of ihram.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
(Prohibited)under All Circumstances
As long as it has not been hunting for Muhrim it is
Opinions of Jurist’s:
(Not Allow, Marriage is void.
Abu Hanifa Nad Thawri b (Allowed)
Reason Of Disagreement:
1. Uthman ibn e Affan (not Allowed)
2. 2. Ib ne Abbas (Allowed)
Chapter 4:
Discussion Of the Rites of Pilgrimage:
There are three types of Hajj.
Hajj Tamattu-----performing Umrah then Hajj.
Hajj Ifrad----- Performing Hajj Only
Hajj Qiran-----performing umrah and hajj together.
Discussion Of Tamattu:
All jurist agree that this is the kind of rite.
Who is eligible for being Mutammati?
According to Al Hassan the Ummrah during the days of Hajj amounts
to Tamattu
The jurists Agree the person who is not residing in the vicinity of
Masjid al haram is eligible for being Mutammati.
According to Tawus the person who performs Ummrah before the month of Hajj
and then stays in Mecca till the Hajj and performs it in the same year is
considerd as Mutammatu
Al Thawri said they are the residents of Mecca Alone.
Zahiries said they are those whoi live in the boundries of Haram
According to Abu Hanifa the residents of Muwaqit and Mecca can also
be called mutammati.
There are two other kinds of tamattu:
1.Conversion of
Haj into Ummrah
-Majority jurists
Disapproved this.
-Ibn e Abbas
permitted it
Evidences: Prophet
Allowed it.
of Haj into
-Majority jurists
Disapproved this.
-Ibn e Abbas
permitted it
Evidences: Prophet
Allowed it.
Conditions of Tamattu, According to Malikï’s View
Should perform Hajj and Umrah in the single month.
Should occur in the same year.
Should perform part of the umrah in hajj months.
Should perform the Ummrah before the hajj.
Should commence the hajj after completing Umrah.
Place of resident should be other than Mecca.
Discussion Of Qiran:
Qarin is the pronouncing of the Ihram(Intention) For Performing the Hajj
and the Umrah together.
According to Malik a person can combine Hajj and Ummrah (Qiran) as long as he has
not commenced a single is considered disapproved after the circumambulation
and before the id tawaf prayer. If he does so it becomes binding upon him.
• (Ifrad):
• Ifrad is a Kind of Hajj that is devoid of these attributes and this is performed
by the person who is not Mutammati nor Qarin.
• One begins by pronouncing the Ihram (intention) only for Hajj.
Chapter. 5
Discussion of the Ihram:
Issue no 1— Bathing before commencing Ihram:
 Consider bathing is sunna for ihram.
considered that ablution is sufficient.
Bathing for the ihram has greater significance
then bathing for the Friday prayers.
it is obligatory.
Opinions of the Jurist’s:
Evidence of zahiri school of thought:-
• Mursal report by Malik in the tradition of Asma
Reason of disagreement:
• Majority relies on the principle that the original rule is freedom
from liability until an obligation is established by a disprovable
Issue no 2—Intension:
All jurist agreed that(ritual state of) ihram cannot be assumed without
forming an intention.
Opinions of the Jurist’s:
Malik &
Intension without the talbiya is sufficient
Talbiya in hajj is like the initial takbir in the prayer,
except that any word used as a substitute for the
talbiya are sufficient.
Reason of Disagreement:
• They disagreed on whether the intension is enough without the
pronouncement of Talbiya.
Issue no 3―words of the talbiya:-
All the jurists agreed on the words of Talbiya of messenger of Allah.
Opinions of the Jurist’s:
 Talbiya must be in the same words—obligatory.
 All jurist agreed on desirability of the same
Supporting Evidence:
• Narrated by imam Malik from Nafi from Ibn-Umar and from the prophet of Allah
so, it carries highest degree of authenticity
• Weather the Talbiya should be in these words or it must contain substitute.
Issue no 4—Raising of voice with talbiya;-
What is the hokum for raising of voice with Talbiya?
Opinions of the Jurist’s:
Zahiries considered obligatory.
Majority considered as desirable/recommended.
Supporting Evidence:
Related by imam malik about the saying of holy prophet.
About women’s talbiya:
• All jurist agreed.
• As related by Abu Umar is that she(a women) should be able to hear herself
pronouncing it.
Issue no 5---Talbiya a rukn or condition:
Weather talbiya is an element or just a condition.
Opinions of the Jurist’s:
He did not consider talbiya to be an element of hajj,
and held that the person who neglects it, will be liable
for atonement by slaughtering a sacrificial animal.
 Majority jurists consider it to be a rukn
Supporting Evidences:
Holly prophet says’ Acquire your rites from me(my actions).
Issue no 6---Talbiya after ihram prayers:-
What, if Muhrim recites talbiya after two rak’as of Ihram prayer.
Opinion of the Jurist’s:
The jurists consider desirable after two rakas
of ihram prayers.
consider it desirable that it follow the
supererogatory prayers.
Supporting Evidence:
• Mursal report; holy prophet use to observe two rak’as at Dhu al-
Issue no 7---Location of commencing Ihram:
The tradition differ about the location from where holy prophet
commenced the ihram.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
The tradition that he did so from the area around Dhu
He did so from the mosque at Dhu Al-Hulaifa after
praying in it.
The Holy prophet adopted ihram when he reached Al-
He pronounced the ihram and talbiya when his mount
rose up with him.
Ibn-abbas was asked about the disagreement then he said that each has related not
his first talbiya but the one he heard for the first time.
Issue no 8--When(time) muhrim stops pronouncing talbiya;
With respect to time when Muhrim should stop pronouncing the talbiya.
Opinions of the Jurist’s:
Malik &
stop pronouncing talbiya when the sun went down
on the day of arafa.
Abu Bakr, Uthman and Ali use to stop
pronouncing the talbiya after the declining of the
sun on the day of the arafa.
Muhrim is not to stop reciting talbiya until he
throws pebbles at the first pillar at mina.
Supporting Evidences:
• The messenger of Allah continue to pronounce talbiya until he
threw pebbles at the Jamar at-ul-Aqaba.
• They disagreed on the time when he is to discontinue two opinions.
A person has to stop talbiya when he has finished
throwing the pebbles.
He is to stop when he throws the first pebble.
Issue no 9---Time to stop talbiya during Umrah:
when to stop pronouncing talbiya while performing umrah.
Opinion of Jurist’s:
Malik and
A person has to stop talbiya after reaching haram.
 According to him a person should stop talbiya on
commencing circumambulation.
Supporting Evidences:
• Malik followed ibn-umar and urwa.
• Al-shafi relay on the argument that the meaning of talbiya is response for returning to
the circumambulation, so it should not be stop till the commencement of the act.
Reason of disagreement:
• It stems from the conflict of analogy with the practice of some of the companions.
Issue no 10---conversion of hajj into umrah:
Majority of the jurists agree.
They disagree about the conversion of umrah into hajj.
Supporting Evidence:
Abu thawr said hajj cannot be converted into umrah nor can umrah
be converted into hajj, just as one prayer cannot be converted into
Chapter 6:
Discussion of the circumambulation of the house:
Basically there are four main topics:
SECTION =1:Description of the circumambulation of the house:
Majority of the jurists agreed for circumambulation → obligatory or recommended.
• On hukum of ramal.
• 1st three circuits
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Said that it is Sunnah.
Ibn abbas al-shafi,
Hanifa, Ishaq,
Ahmad and Abu-Thawr
vary on the point
Imam Malik
Imam Malik’s Students
Reason of disagreement:
Those who
deem it
Liable to
Those who did
not consider it
Not impose
any duty
Traditon of Ibn-Tufail from Ibn-Abbas and also an evidence related by
Imam Malik.
For women there is no Ramal.
1- No Ramal for the person:
Ramal for the person who begins the ihram of Hajj from Mecca.
• No Ramal
• Also the person
who are
• On residents of
Mecca weather
they are to adopt
Ramal if they
perform hajj.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Imam shafi
• In each session of
• Before the day of
• Followed by sa’y
there is Ramal.
Imam malik
• Consider it
• Not consider
Reason of disagreement:
• Weather Ramal was adopted for an underlaying reason or weather it
pertains to travelers.
• Background ---When prophet (PBUH) performed Ramal he had travelled
to Mecca.
 Jurists agreed that Salutation of the two corners is Sunnah ====For
man, Not for women.
Whether the salutation was to be made on all corners.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
1st Majority
Salutation is made at only two corners.
Reason of Disagreement:
•Tradition Of Ibn-e-Umer.
•Prophet (PBUH).
•Did not make the salutation except at two corners.
Salutation should be made on all corners .
“Tradition (jabir) who said, when we circumambulated we made the
salutation at all corners”
3-Kissing of black stone;
What is the hokum for kissing of black stone.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
All Jurists agreed
Supporting Evidence:
•Tradition of Umar Ibn .
•Al- khatab .
•Related by Malik.
4-Two rak’as of prayer:
• Two rak’as of prayer is Sunah of circumambulation.
Opinions of Jurist’s
Jurists considered two rak’as of prayer Sunah after
completion of the circuits.
Majority worshipper observes them at the end of each week.
Some predecessors did not made distinction between on the basis of week.
1-No fixed time and day for circumambulation.
2-No fixes rak’as
Supporting Evidence:
• Evidence of majority relies upon the action performed by messenger of Allah.
Section=2 discussion of its description:
It include the delineation of its boundary.
Opinions of Jurist’s
• Consider Hijr is part of the house,
and whoever circumambulates the
house is bound to include Hijr in it,
and that is condition for Tawaf al-
Majority of the
• Consider it Sunnah.
Abu Hanifa
and his disciple
Supporting Evidence:
•Evidence of majority is related by Imam Malik from Aisha.
•Evidence for Hanifa is the apparent meaning of verse.
1-Time of its permissibility:
Jurists disagreed about the time of its permissibility.
According to imam Malik his disciples. Umar Ibn-al-khattab, Abu saaid Al-khudri and
some other jurists permissibility of circumambulation after the morning prayer and Asr,
and its prohibition at the time of sunrise and sunset
Sa’id ibn Jubayr, Mujahid and a group said abomination after morning prayer
and Asr, and its prohibition at sunrise and sunset.
Al-Shafi and a group of jurists permit it at all time.
Based on tradition.
2-Circumambulation without purification:
Without purification a person can perform circumambulation or not.
• Consider that circumambulation is
not valid without purification.
weather intentionally or due to
Imam Malik and
Abu Hanifa
• Considered valid and repetition
desirable and also liable for
•Considered ablution valid if a person is
not aware of it, but invalid if he is aware
of it.
•Stipulates the purification of the dress
of person making circumambulation as
he does for one praying.
Supporting Evidences:
•Considered purification necessary relay on a tradition.
•Those who permitted without purification relay on the
consensus of the jurists.
Section. 3: Discussion of its types and their Ahkam:
Jurists agreed that circumambulation is of three types.
1. Circumambulation of greeting (Tawaf al-Qudum) on arrival in Mecca.
2. Tawaf-al-Ifada after throwing pebbles at the first pillar on the day of
3. The farewell circumambulation(before departure from Mecca).
4. Jurists agreed that Tawaf-al-Ifada is obligatory and without which
circumambulation is lost.
Supporting Evidences:
 The evidence of Tawaf-al-Ifadai s the words of exalted.
 Majority jurists consider that Tawalf-al-Qudum is not a valid substitute for
Tawaf-al-Ifada if the pilgrims forget the latter.
Jurists agreed that residents of Mecca is obliged to perform Tawaf-al-Ifada
and the person performing Umrah only obligation is for initial
They also agreed that the person performing Umrah before hajj is under
obligation to perform two circumambulation, one for each.
Tradition of Hazrat Ayisha.
Jurist’s disagreed on the qarin.
Imam Malik, Shafi, Ahmed, Jabir,Abd Allah and Abu Thawr maintained that one
circumambulation and one say is sufficient for Qarin.
Al Thawr, Al Awazi, Abu Hanifa and Ibn Abi-Layla maintained that 2
circumambulation and 2 says are obligatory.
•Evidence for the first group is tradition of Aisha.
•Evidence for the second group is tradition from Ibn-Masud.
Discussion of the Sa’y between Al-safa and Al-Marwa:
ISSUE no.1: Discussion of its Hukm:
Imam Malik,Imam
shafi,Ahmad & ishq
[It is obligatory]
if pilgrim does
not perform it,
hajj still
obligatory (in
next season).
[It is Sunnah]
returning to
performing ,
(liable to
atonement by
slaughtering an
Some Jurist’s
(Imam Abu Hanifa)
relinquish it.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Reason of disagreement:
On the basis of Traditions.
evidences Who said obligatory on the basis of report “ that the Prophet(
P.B.U.H) used to perform sa’y and say, ‘perform the sa’y for Allah
has pescribed the sa’y for you’”. Related by al-shafi.
Who said not obligatory, on the words of Exalted, “Lo! (the
mountains) as-Safa and al-Marwa are among the indications of
Allah. It is therefore no sin for him who is on pilgrimage to the
house (of God) or visiteth it, to go around them”.
Majority decided === one of act of hajj, described
as an act of the Prophet(P.B.U.H).
ISSUE no.2: Discussion of its description:
No conflict: Majority jurists Sunnah of sa,y between al-safa and al-
Marwa is that the worshipper having ascended al-safa is to go down its
slope after completing the supplication.
• Walk normal pace until reaches the bottom of masil
• Adopt Ramal (for males) no Ramal for females.
• Coming closer to al-Marwa he ascends it until he see the House.
• Supplication and takbir in same way he said at al-safa.
• Sa’y begins from safa and ends at Marwa.
• It should be completed in 7 rounds.
• If begning from al-Marwa before going to al-Safa journey annulled.
Beginning of sa’y:
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Majority jurists
[begins from safa
and ends at Marwa].
[doesn’t know begins
at Marwa his act
considered valid].
Supporting Evidence:
• Saying of Prophet(P.B.U.H) “We begin with that with which Allah begin, so
we begin with Safa”, and this he meant the words of the Exalted, “Lo! (the
mountains) al-safa and al-Marwa are among the indications of Allah. It is
therefore no sin for him who is on pilgrimage to the house (of God) or
visiteth it, to go around them”.
Time of sa’y:
• No determined opinion about the time on the basis of tradditon of Jabir.
• Tradition: “that the Prophet (P.B.U.H) when he stood al-safa, pronounced
the takbir three times and said, “There is no god but Allah alone, and He
has no partner, His is the dominion and for Him is all praise, and He has
power over all things”.
Issue no.3: Discussion of its conditions:
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Majority Jurist’s
Purity from
menstruation is
one of its
condition, as is the
case with the
Imam Abu Hanifa
said ablution is
not condition for
Supporting Evidence:
• Tradition of Aisha, Prophet(P.B.U.H) said “Do what all
pilgrims do, but do not circumambulate the House and do not
perform the sa’y between al-safa and al-Marwa”.
Issue no. 4: Discussion of its order:
Jurists Agreement [order position]:
Sa’y should be performed after the circumambulation.
If Sa’y performed before circumambulation [Disagreement]
Opinions of Jurist’s:
• Go back, perform the circumambulation
• even if he has moved out of Mecca.
• If he didn’t realize this, in (umra, hajj), cohabited
with women  obligation for hajj in the next season.
1st Group
• Not liable for anything
• leaves Mecca, not obliged to return, but
liable for atonement.
Imam Abu-
Chapter 8:
Moving out to ‘Arafa’
• Moving out on the day of Tarwiya (8th of Dhu al-Hijja) to Mina
staying there the eve of Arafa.
Jurists agreed:
• Imam leads the people in prayer at Mina ( zuhr, asr , maghrib and isha)
are curtailed over.
• This act is not a condition for validity of hajj for the person who is
short of time.
• On 9th Dhu al-Hijja when sunrises imam walks with the people from
Mina up to Arafa ==station there.
Chapter 9:
The station at Arafa:
Identification of its hukm and its description and conditions:
 Imam leads the people in prayer Arafa on the day of Arafa
before declining of sun.
 They agreed upon unanimously in the acts of Prophet
 The sunnah for this is that he should come to the mosque
at Arafa on the day of Arafa along with people.
 As we have said we should combine the zuhr and asr
The Jurist’s agreed:
• Hukm of stopping at Arafa that’s essential element
(arkan) of hajj.
Majority Jurist’s:
• was the person who misses this under an obligation
to perform hajj in the next season and to make
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Time to call prayer by Mu’adhdhin for Zuhr & Asr prayers
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Imam Malik:
• Major part of his sermon is over mu’adhdhin
should call for prayer
Imam Shafi:
• Make call when imam begins the second Sarmon.
Imam Abu Hanifa:
• When Imam ascend the pulpit he should order the
M’adhdhin to make call in case of Friday
congregational prayer.
Supporting Evidence:
• In the tradition of Ibn al-Mundhir (related to Malik)
Reason of disagreement:
• Time for call to the prayer by Mu’adhdhin for the Zuhr
and Asr prayers.
Two prayers are to be combined with two calls for
prayer and two calls for commencement:
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Imam Malik:
• Said they are to be combined with two calls for
prayer and two calls for commencement.
Al-Shafi, Abu Hanifa Al-thawri Abu-Thawr:
• They are to be combined for one prayer and two
calls for commencement.
Supporting Evidence:
Reason of Disagreement:
• Evidence for Al-Shafi is the tradition of Jabir about the
description of Hajj.
• Whether these two prayers are to be combined with
two calls for prayer and two calls for
Obligation of Friday prayer at Mina and Arafa:
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Imam Malik:
• Friday congregational prayer is not obligatory at
mina or arafa except during the days of hajj.
• Have same opinion.
Imam Abu Hanifa:
• Said if leader of the hajj is person whose prayer
cannot be curtailed at both places he is to lead
Friday prayer if he has chance.
Supporting Evidence:
Reason of Disagreement:
• Related from Abd Allah Ibn Ma’mar al dayli “The Hajj is
Arafat, thus he who makes it to Arafat before the rise of the
dawn has made it.”
Obligation of Friday Prayer at Mina and at Arafa.
• The first condition for assumption of station of Arafa after prayer
there’s no disagreement.
• They disagreed about the person who stays at Arafa till after declining
of sun his hajj is complete.
Chapter 10:
Discussion of acts at Muzdalifa:
Identification of its hukm its description and its time:
They agreed on the person who after stationing Arafat spends
the day of sacrifice at Muzdalifa combining Maghrib and Isha
prayers at night with Imam hajj is complete.
They argued on description of act of Messenger of Allah.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Al-Awza’I and group of
Tabi’un said its
The provinces of Jurist’s
said that’s its not
obligation of hajj.
Al-Shafi said the persons
who spend first half night
there and then leaves not
spending whole night is
Supporting Evidence:
Reason of disagreement:
• In the tradition of Urwa ibn Mudarris (al-Bukhari and Muslim).
• They disagreed on whether staying at Muzdalifa till after the
morning prayers spending night there is sunnah of hajj or
one of its obligation.
Chapter 11:
All the jurists agreed upon that the Prophet PBUH stopped at AL
MASHAR AL HARAM, till after he had observed the morning
prayer. Then he departed from there before sunrise towards
MINA then he threw stone at the JAMRAT AL AQABA after
They also agreed that the Prophet PBUH did not threw pebbles
at other jamrat besides it on the day of sacrifice.
They disagreed about the case of person who throws stone
before sunrise.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
• It is not permitted.
Majority Jurist’s:
• It is desirable that if he do it after sunrise.
Imam Al-Ahafi:
Supporting Evidence:
• Those who prohibited it on the basis of acts and sayings Prophet
• Those who permitted on the basis of tradition recorded by Abu
Dawud and also another tradition of Asma.
• All jurists agreed that the desirable time for
throwing the pebbles at the jamrat is from the
rising of sun up to its decline but if he do this
before the setting of the sun on the day of
sacrifice, his act is valid.
• They disagreed about the case when a person
do it till after the setting of the sun and do it
during the night or next day.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
• Liable for the Atonement by slaughtering an
Imam Malik:
• Distinguished between both times.
Imam Abu Hanifa:
• There is no liability for him.
Abu Yousuf & Al-Shafi:
Supporting Evidence:
• Prophet PBUH made exemption for those tending the camels to
throw pebbles during the night and the other tradition which was
reported by Ibn Abbas and this opinion was adopted by majority.
All the jurists agreed on the acts of Prophet PBUH that he threw
pebbles during his hajj at the jamra on the day of sacrifice, he
then sacrificed a she camel , then had his head shaved, and
thereafter performed the tawaf al-ifada.
These acts are sunnah of hajj according to all the jurist.
They disagreed about the case of someone who
advances an act over the sequences or delays it.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Malik said that , the
person who shaves his
head before throwing
pebbles is liable for
Al shafi, Ahmad,
Dawud and Abu thawr
said that there is no
liability for him.
Imam Malik view that person who shaves his head before
slaughtering the animals is under no liability, also the
person who slaughter the animal before throwing the
Abu Hanifa said that if a person shaves his head or throws
the pebbles before he makes the sacrifice , he is liable for
atonement by slaughtering the animal.
Zufar said that he is liable for atoning three times.
• They agreed that the person who make the sacrifice before throwing
pebbles is not liable for anything.
• They agreed that the total numbers of pebbles are seventy.
• They agreed that pilgrim will throw a pebble again if it does not strike
the jamarat al-aqaba.
• They agreed on the size of stone that Is similar to the size of date stone.
• They agreed that one sun for throwing pebbles at the three jamarat
during the day of tashriq is that it be undertaken the declining of sun.
• They disagreed when the pilgrims throws pebbles before declining of
the sun during the day of tashriq. Majority maintained that the person
who throws pebbles before declining the sun is to repeat the
performance after it is decline.
Supporting Evidence:
• Related from Abu Jaffar Muhammad Ibn Ali that he said
throwing of pebble is undertaken any time from moment of
the rising of sun until it sets.
They disagreed that the person who did not threw pebbles at
Jimar during the days of tashriq up to the time when sun
sets on the last of these days Is not permitted to do so after
these days.
They disagreed about the obligation for this in terms of
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Malik said that the
person who relinquishes
the throwing of pebbles
at the Jimar in part or
completely or even at
one of them, he is liable
to atonement by
slaughtering an animal.
Abu Hanifa said that if e
is relinquishes this
completely he is liable
for atonement by
slaughtering an animal,
but if he misses one pillar
or more he is liable to
feed needy person.
Al shafi said that for
each pebble missed he
his liable for one Mudd
of food, for two pebbles
it is two mudds, and for
three he is liable for
sacrificing an animal.
“Ahkam for the acts”
Chapter 1:
The source for the confinement are the words of the exalted, "The jurist disagreed over
the meaning of his verse the cause of which is the hukm of the person prevented due to
disease or by the enemy.”
The first point of their disagreement over this verse is whether the person prevented is
besieged by the enemy or he is prevented b disease.
• Group of jurists said that gere it means the person besieged by the enemy.
• Some other jurists said that here it means the person prevented by disease.
Chapter 2:
• Compensation
Meaning of reparation:
• The act of causing death, slaying- through
hunting etc.
Meaning of Killing game:
Believers! Do not kill game while you are in the state of pilgrim
sanctity.110 Whoever of you kills it willfully there shall be a
recompense, the like of what he has killed in cattle - as shall be
judged by two men of equity among you - to be brought to the Ka'bah
as an offering, or as an expiation the feeding of the needy, or its
equivalent in fasting111 in order that he may taste the grievousness of
his deed. Allah has pardoned whatever has passed; but Allah will
exact a penalty from him who repeats it. Allah is All-Mighty. He is
fully capable of exacting penalties.”
Details of the Ahkam
Details of the Ahkam
• whether the obligation for killing game is payment of its
value or payment with a similar animal.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
• obligation is for a
similar animal ABU HANIFA:
• there is a choice,
to pay the value
or to buy an
animal with the
same value
• Whether new ruling was required for a person killing game with
reference to cases already decided by predecessors.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
• New ruling is
• If decision in
accordance with
the predecessors
it is permitted.
• Whether the verse implies an order or whether there is a choice.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
• There is a choice
• Verse implies an order.
• Whether the value is to be that of the game killed or that of the substitute animal-
if the person chooses to feed needy person, so that he may purchase food in the
value, and this in accordance with the opinion that permits such an obligation.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
MAALIK: Procure value of animal
AL SHAAFI: Procure value of
substitute animal.
Malik, al shafi, al-hijaz Jurist’s
• fast one day for each mudd of food,
and that amount should be given to
each needy person..
Jurist’s of kufa
• fast one day for every two mudds of
food, and that is the amount of food to
be provided to a poor person.
• killing of game by mistake.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
• Reparation is
to be paid
• Said no one
• Group participating in the killing.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Malik, Al-Thawri and
a group of Jurist’s:
• Full reparation required
in state of ihram
• One reparation
as a group
• Made a distinction
in state of
ihram: liable for
full reparation
Not in ihram:
liable for one
as a group
• Whether one of the two estimators can be one who has killed
the game.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
• Said not
• Said it is
Abu Hanifa
and his
• Differed on this
• Place where the needy need to be fed.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
• Where the
game was
hunted or
adjacent to it if
food isn’t
sufficient for
that place
• Said only the
needy of
Makkah need
to be fed
Abu Hanifa:
• Said any place
• killing game within haram not in the state of ihram.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
• Reparation is must.
Abu Dawud and his disciples:
• Said no reparation required.
• What is game and what is not?
Unanimous agreement that all creatures on land are forbidden except for 5
offending ones
catch from the sea is permitted to the person in state of ihram.
Supporting Evidence:
From the Quran: “to hunt and to eat fish of the sea is made lawful
for you, a provision for you and for seafarers but to hunt on land is
forbidden on you so long as you are on pilgrimage”
• MEANING OF AILMENT: An illness, typically a minor one.
Supporting Evidence:
From the Quran: “And whoever among you is sick or hath ailment of the
head must pay a ransom of fasting or alms giving or offering”.
From the Sunna: “Fast for three days or feed six needy persons with two
muds for each person or make a sacrifice of a goat, whichever you do will
be sufficient for you”
Jurist’s unanimously agreed that obligatory on every
person who removes cause of ailment due to necessity.
Person who removes it without necessity.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
• liable for atonement by
slaughtering animal
• Liable for ransom
Conflict in intentions and forgetfulness:
• Doing intentionally or in
forgetfulness is the same.
• No ransom for one doing out
of forgetfulness.
Supporting Evidence:
 “And there is no sin for you in the mistakes you make unintentionally but
what your hearts propose(that would be a sin for you” – Al-Quran
 “liability for mistake and forgetfulness has been lifted from my ummah”
– hadith
• How much food to be given?
Opinions of Jurist’s:
• Food to be given equal to two mudds
• For what act does ransom become obligatory?
• Unanimous agreement that it becomes obligatory upon a
person who shaves off his head due to necessity arising
from disease or due to an injury caused in the head
Supporting Evidence:
• Ibn Abbas said , A disease is that he have sores in his head and an
ailment is that he have lice or such other things
• Majority jurists agree that anything that is not allowed to the muhrim like
stitched garments, shaving head, clipping nails-if he permits himself he is
liable for ransom
• one group of
jurist’s say no
liability in
clipping nails
• atonement of
say one nail= feeding one person, two nails= feeding
two people, three nails= slaughter animal
Says no liability unless all nails clipped
 Abu Muhammad + Ibn Hazm:
may clip nails or trim whiskers and no ransom for
person who shaves head
• Shaving head from rest of the body.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
• Entails ransom DAWUD:
• No ransom
• no ransom for
small number of
hair unless an
ailment is
removed then
slaughtering as
Al hasan+ Abu
Thawr+ Al Shafi
• one hair requires
one mudd, two
hair two mudds
to be fed, three
atonement by
Abd al Malik
and disciple of
• small number
of hair requires
feeding, large
• Place of ransom.
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Malik + Mujahid:
• may do wherever he chooses, in Makkah or his own homeland-
this stands for slaughter, fasting, feeding
Shafi + Abu Hanifa:
• sacrifice and atonement not valid outside Makkah but
fasting may be done wherever
ibn abbass:
• sacrifice in Makkah whereas
feeding and fasting wherever
• Whether shaving head is a rite of hajj or an act with which ihram is
Opinions of Jurist’s:
Malik = shaving primarily of pilgrims and those performing umrah, of
greater merit than clipping hair, obligatory on a person who has missed
his hajj- having been prevented by disease, enemy, excuse
Abu Hanifa:
such person not obliged to shave head
Supporting Evidence:
• Oh Allah have mercy upon those who shave their heads” “and those
who clip their hair” – hadith
❖ Those who made it a rite=liability
❖ Those not considering it a rite= no liability
Chapter 4:
Discussion of Expiation for Mutamatti:
Consensus of Jurist’s:
Expiation as an obligation for
Mutamatti. Evidence: “then who-so-ever
enjoyed freedom of restriction of
the Ihram by commencing with
Umra before the Hajj, (shall
make) such offering as can be
had with ease”.
Offering that can be had
with ease
Malik: term “Hady”
refers to goat.
Evidence: “(The
fortfiet) to be brought as
an offering to the
Ibn Umar: term
“Hady” refers to
Evidence: “Such
offering as can be had
with ease”.
Interpretation: cow of
lower quality than the
other and badana (she-
camel) of a lower
quality than the other.
Opinions of Jurist’s
Consensus: maintenance of
order in expiation.. Unable to
make an offering is under the
obligation of fasting.
Disagreement: time
during which one shifts the
obligation of an offering to
Reason of
condition stipulated
initially for the
worship continues
to hold throughout
its performance.
Malik: the obligation of
fasting transfers when the
person begins fasting,
even if he is able to make
an offering during that
Abu Hanifa: in the first 3 days of
fasting if he is able to make an
offering it becomes binding upon
If he finds in the next 7 days, then
it’s not binding.
Opinions of
Consensus: compilation of
fasting for 3 days in the
first 10 days of Dhul-
Hijjah with the obligation.
Evidence: “And who-so-ever
can’t find (such gifts), then fast
for 3 days while on pilgrimage.
Disagreement: observing fasts
during his occupation with the rites
of Umra and before he forms the
Ihram for the Hajj.
Malik: permitted fasts of
expiation during the days of
Mina. But prohibited them
before the commencement of
rites of Hajj.
Abu Hanifa: not allowed
during the days of Mina but
allowed them before the
commencement of rites of Hajj.
Opinions of
There are two types of freedom from Ihram:
• Full freedom.
• Partial Freedom.
Consensus: Partial freedom
disengages the pilgrim from
all prohibitions except sexual
intercourse, use of fragrance
and hunting.
Disagreement: What
becomes permissible?
Malik: Pilgrim frees from all
restraints except matters
related to women that is,
contracting marriage,
intercourse and the use of
Evidence: words of the
Exalted: “but when ye have
been freed from Ihram, then
go hunting”.
Opinions of
person who cohabits
number of times.
Imam Malik and
Liable only for single
Abu Hanifa:
For single session of
cohabitation, liable for
single offering. For several
sessions, liable for each act
of cohabitation.
Muhammad Ibn al Hasan:
Single offering is sufficient
even if the act is repeated for
several times unless he has
made the offering for the first
act of cohabitation.
Opinions of
Disagreement: Liability of
woman for making an
If he persuaded her, she is liable for offering.
But if he forced her, he is liable for two
He is liable only for
one offering.
Opinions of
Kind of offering.
Malik and Abu Hanifa:
Should be a goat.
Al Shafi: less than Badana(she-camel) is
not enough, if he can’t find one, the value
of Badana is to be converted into dirhams
and value of dirhams into food, and he is
then to fast one day for each mud of
Opinions of
Chapter 5:
Discussion of Expiations not expressly laid down.
Consenus: withdrawing
Sunnah smakes the person
liable for atonement as Hajj
becomes defective.
Zahirites: In cases of worship,
they reject Qiyas and did not
uphold the imposition of
atonement unless it was laid
down in the text. If a pilgrim
avoids an act which is Sunnah,
is liable for ransom. But, if the
act is desirable, then he is not
liable for ransom.
Opinions of Jurist’s
Rites of pilgrimage are of two kinds
1. Rites that are emphatic Sunnah
2. Rites that are desirable
Evidence: Person who misses the rites which are
desirable, do not give rise to atonement.
Disagreement: Identification of a rite as Sunnah/
desirable/ obligatory.
liability on the person
who passes the Miqat
without forming the
intention of the Ihram
liable for
atonement by
slaughtering an
2nd Group: (Malik, Ibn al-
Mubarak, al-Thawri) liable
for atonement even if he
returns to Miqat to form
3rd Group (al-shafi, abu-Yusuf,
Muhammad and al-Thawri) : if returns
to Miqat, not liable otherwise liable.
4th group: (Abu-Hanifa) : if
returns by pronouncing Talbiya,
then not liable. Otherwise, liable.
Opinions of
Consensus: performance of
circumambulation for one
who forgets or misses one of
the circuits as long as he is in
Disagreement: on returning
Al-Thawri: may offer two
raka’as as long as he is in
Al-Shafi, Abu-Hanifa: may
offer them whenever he
Opinions of
Disagreement: walking as
a validity for
circumambulation of a
capable person.
Malik: It is a condition
like standing up in prayer,
if unable to do so it is
Al-Shafi: Riding during
circumambulation is
permitted as Prophet
circumambulation of the
House while riding in the
absence of illness.
Opinions of
Chapter 6:
Discussion of the offering (Hady):
 Hady is means of expressing gratitude for have been
granted the ability to perform hajj and umrah in the same.
 It is an animal sacrifice carried out by the pilgrims.
 It is sign of respect to Allah almighty.
 It gives us remembrance of prophet Ibrahim's act of
willingness to slaughter his son at Allah's command
Identification of its Obligation:
The hady of Tamattu and Qiran.
 whoever does hajj tamattu (entering ihram for umrah ,then existing ihram ,
then entering ihram for hajj)
 Qiran (entering ihram for umrah and hajj, and remaining in ihram up till
rituals have completed).
2 Sacrifices offered as a penalty for omitting obligatory part of hajj.
 whoever omit one of the obligatory part of hajj has to make up for this by
3 Sacrifice offered because of the pilgrims doing wrong which is prohibited
in haram.
Identification of species and age:
Jurist agreed that offering should include 8 categories explicitly mentioned by
Offering should first be a camel then a cow than a sheep then a goat.
Valid Age of Animals:
Five years.
One year.
Two years.
Opinion of Jurist’s:
• They agreed that the Judha
(six month old ) is not valid
• It is thaniy (one year old) and
what ever is older is permitted.
Majority of
• They approved the Judha
for offering
Group of
Supporting Evidence:
Because of tradition of the Prophet PBUH from Abu Burda when he ordered
him to make the sacrifice again saying “A Judha is valid in your case but for
no one other than you”
Tradition of Jabir who said the messenger of Allah Prophet PBUH said , ‘’
do not slaughter anything less than a musina (a full grown animal).
Reason of disagreement:
Conflict between the general with specific implication.
Identification Place And Time:
They said it is
sunnah to
driven the
offering from
outskirts of
Al Shafi ,Al Thawr,
Abu Thawr
They said
taking the
offering to the
arfa is sunnah
,but there is no
penalty for one
who do not
take there.
Abu Hanifa
He said it is
not sunnah to
take the
offering to arfa
Opinion of Jurist’s:
Supporting Evidence:
• Prophet PBUH did so and
said “acquire your rites from
Abu Hanifa
• He said prophet PBUH did
so as his residence is outside
the haram.
Reason of disagreement:
Disagreement arise from the conflicts between the traditions.
 Place of slaughter.
The destination of the offering is the ancient house ,as the words of
the Exalted,” And afterward they are brought to the ancient house”.
Jurist agreed that no one is permitted to slaughter inside the kabba
,nor in masjid al haram.
Opinion of Jurist’s:
Al Shafi and Abu
They said that slaughtering it in haram out side the
mecca is valid.
Al tabri He said that the slaughtering is permitted wherever the
person making the offering desires except for the
offering if Qiran.
Imam Malik If the sacrifice is made for hajj at Mecca and for the
umrah at mina it is permitted

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  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3. Presented By Iqra Naz Mahnoor Abrar Ayesha Bibi Madiha Nasim Zehra Batool Khadija Nayyab Mousada Khan Iqra Riaz Ahmed Abqa Maarib Mishal Idress Farheen Bahadur 255-FSL/LLB5Y/S21 233-FSL/LLB5Y/S21 256-FSL/LLB5Y/S21 262-FSL/LLB5Y/S21 260-FSL/LLB5Y/S21 261-FSL/LLB5Y/S21 258-FSL/LLB5Y/S21 257-FSL/LLB5Y/S21 263-FSL/LLB5Y/S21 265-FSL/LLB5Y/S21 264-FSL/LLB5Y/S21
  • 4. PILGRIMAGE TO MECCA Discussion is based on three categories:- 1st Category : It comprises things that form the Preliminaries of this Worship, and whose identification is necessary for practicing this worship. 2nd Category : This category deal things that constitute the Elements. 3rd Category : This Category is about things that relates to associated matters, and these are Ahkam for the acts.
  • 5. First Category This category based on two things: 1. The Identification of the Obligations and conditions. 2. The person for whom it is Obligatory. Two kinds of conditions of obligation: 1. Condition of Validity. 2. Condition of Obligation.
  • 6. Agreement of Jurist’s Supporting Evidence • There is no dispute among its obligation. Disagreement of Jurist’s • Dispute about its Validity when Performed by the Minor (Sabi). • Allah Almighty Said, "And pilgrimage to the house is a duty unto Allah for mankind, for him who can find a way thither”.
  • 7. Opinion of Jurist’s: Three opinions on its “Validity” when performed by Minor: Imam Malik & Al-Shafi • They maintained that it is permissible. Imam Abu Hanifa • He Prohibited it. Malik’s Disciples • They differed about the validity of its performance of behalf of an infant.
  • 8. Supporting Evidence: • Well known Tradition of Ibn e Abbas which is recorded by Al-Bukhari and Muslim. Reason of disagreement: • Disagreements stem from the conflict of a tradition with principles. • Those who permitted on the basis of tradition of Ibn Abbas. • Those who disallowed this relied on the principle that worship is not valid if performed by one lacking discretion.
  • 9. The Condition for Obligation being a Muslim: There is no dispute among the Jurist’s about the Stipulation of Ability (Both physical and financial). There is disagreement over the details of this Ability. It is considered to be of two kinds. • Direct. • Delegated.
  • 10. Kinds of Abilities: In direct Ability: Opinions of Jurist’s: Al-Shafi, Imam Abu Hanifa & Ahmad, Ibn-e- Abbas & Umar ibn-al- Khattab • Held that condition for these are food provision and Availability of transportation. Imam Malik • He said that, for the person who is able to walk the availability of riding animal is not a condition of obligation and pilgrimage is obligatory for him.
  • 11. Supporting Evidence: • Tradition from the Holy Prophet (PBUH). Reason of disagreement: • Disagreement arises from the conflicts between the tradition. • It is laid down for the elaboration of ability and the general implication of its words. • Imam Abu Hanifa and Al-Shafi apply it to everybody. • While Imam Malik apply to a person who is not able to walk and also did not have strength to eke out a living on the way.
  • 12. Ability by Delegation: Opinions of Jurist’s: Imam Malik & Imam Abu Hanifa: • Maintain that Delegation is not Binding. Imam Al- Shafi • Maintain that it is binding.
  • 13. Supporting Evidences: • Well known tradition of Ibn-Abbas recorded by (Al-Bukhari and Muslim). • In case of dead person there is a tradition that was recorded by Al- Bukhari & also from Ibn Abbas. Reason of disagreement: • Disagreement arises from the conflict of Analogy with a tradition. • Analogy dictates that acts of worship can not be performed by one person on behalf of another by delegation.
  • 14. Perform Hajj for “Someone else” Opinions of Jurist’s: They disagreed about the person who performs Hajj for someone else, who may be living or dead. Imam Malik • If a person performed the obligation for himself that would be better, for the person who performed hajj on the behalf of dead person. Al-Shafi & Imam • It is the condition that he should have performed the obligation for himself. Imam Abu Hanifa • if a person, who had not performed hajj for himself, did perform hajj for another it would be converted to a personal performance.
  • 15. Supporting Evidence & Reason of disagreement: • The reliance of these Jurist’s is upon the tradition Ibn- Abbas. • The group of jurist’s objected to this tradition as it was narrated as “Mawaquf” up to Ibn-Abbas did not contain the name of the companion.
  • 16. Offering wage to perform Hajj for “Someone else” Jurist’s also differed, about a person who offers himself for a wage to perform Hajj on behalf of someone else. Opinions of Jurist’s: Malik & Al-Shafi • Disapproved this but if it is happen it is permissible. Imam Abu Hanifa • Do not permit it.
  • 17. Reason of disagreement: • Purpose to seek nearness of Allah Almighty, and wages are not Allowed for that. • Group who permissible of earning wages for writing the mushaf and construction of the mosques, which is also a way of seeking nearness of Allah Almighty.
  • 18. “Time” when pilgrimage become obligatory Jurist’s disagreed whether the command necessities immediate or delayed. Opinions of Jurist’s: Malik & his Disciples. • The apparent opinion of the later jurist’s of his school is that it is delayed but his disciples from Baghdad said it is Immediate. Imam Abu Hanifa • Held the opinion that it is Immediate. Imam Al-Shafi • Held that it is spread out over a period of time.
  • 19. Reason of disagreement: • The reliance of those who say that it spreads over a out over a period of time. • The reliance of those who say that it spreads over a span of time (is not immediate) is that Hajj became obligatory years before when Prophet (PBUH) performed Hajj. • If it is required immediate compliance the Prophet (PBUH) would not have delayed the performance of his Hajj. If he had done so, because of an excuse he would have explained.
  • 20. Obligation of Hajj for woman without his Mahram Opinions of Jurist’s: Malik & Al-Shafi • Said that this is one alternative condition for the obligation. Imam Abu Hanifa, Ahmed & Majority • Said that availability of a willing husband or a mahram is a condition for the obligation.
  • 21. Supporting Evidence & Reason of disagreement: • Established from the Prophet (PBUH) through Abu Sa’id Al- khudri, Abu Hurayra, Ibn Abbas and Umer. • Reason for disagreement arises from the conflict of the command for hajj and of taking up for it with the proscription about a woman travelling alone without her Mahram.
  • 22. Obligation of “Umrah”? Opinions of Jurist’s: Al-Shafi, Ahmed & group of Jurist’s • Held the opinion that it is obligatory. Malik & group of Jurist’s • Held the opinion that it is Sunnah. Imam Abu Hanifa • Said that it is Voluntary.
  • 23. Supporting Evidence: Reason of disagreement: • Quranic Verse. • Tradition of Ibn Umar and the tradition of Al-Hajjaj ibn Arta from Muhammad Ibn Al-Munkadir from Jabir ibn Abd Allah. • Tradition of Abu Salih Al-Hanafi. • The reason for the disagreement stems thus from the conflicts of traditions on the subjects, and the vacillation of the command requiring completion between whether or not gives rise to an obligation.
  • 25. In this chapter we will discuss about time , location and acts. Kinds Of Hajj: (to start with hajj and perform umrah afterwards) 1.Ifrad (to start with umrah then wait for start of hajj , enjoying the act prohibited during hajj) 2. Tamattu (to combine both hajj and umrah) 3.QIRAN Chapter 1:
  • 26. DISCUSSION OF THE CONDITION FOR “IHRAM” • The first condition for Ihram is that of location and time. • Location: for hajj is called as Muwaqit • Jurist agreed that muwaqit are where intention to start the hajj as well as wearing hajj attire • Location for people of Medina (DHU AL –HULAYFA) • Location for people of Syria (AL JUHFA) • Location for people of Najd (Qarn) • Location for people of Yemen (YALAMLAM)
  • 27. Opinions of Jurist’s: said if they adopt ihram at AL AQIQ is preferable. Imam Shafi & Al thwari Said if they adopt ihram at Dhat Irq. Majority
  • 28. Supporting Evidences: • All this is established from Messenger of Allah (PBUH) in tradition of IBN UMAR and others. • UMAR IBN AL KHATAB.
  • 29. Missing any act: Opinions of Jurist’s: 1. Majority : (the person who misses these points though he has in mind to go through Ihram and does after crossing them is liable for atonement by slaughter of animal (dam) 2.Imam Shafi: if he returns to miqat and perform ihram there liability for atonement is dropped 3.Imam Malik: liability for atonement is not dropped if he returns. 4 . Another group: said if he did not return to miqat , his hajj become invalid, he should return and begin the rites of umrah.
  • 30. Residence (nearer mecca) Opinions of Jurist’s: Majority: Miqat for his ihram is his residence. Shafi Abu hanifa and thawri: it is better for person to start from miqat in their case is an exemption. Malik ishaq and ahmad : start from muwaqit is better. zahrities : not permitted to commence ihram from other than Miqat.
  • 31. Supporting Evidences: • Sunnah established by messenger of Allah (PBUH) is therefore better. • Ibn umar, ibn Masud and others.
  • 32. Residence (Medina): Person who did not commence ihram from the resident of medina and start from AL JUHFA (Syria). he will be liable for atonement. Imam Malik And His Disciples he will not be Liable for atonement. Abu Hanifa
  • 33. REASON OF DISAGREEMENT: • Whether it is one of the rites the relinquishment of which make a person liable for atonement.
  • 34. PASS BY LOCATION: (NOT PERFORMING HAJJ) binding for them to adopt ihram except woodcutter or similar person. Imam Malik no binding except person intend to perform hajj or Umrah , person not resident of Mecca Another group of Jurist’s
  • 35. RESIDENT OF MECCA: • The resident of Mecca adopt ihram in case of hajj. • In case of Umrah they go outside the boundaries of haram that is necessary. TIME: • Sight new moon of dhul hajj pilgrims moves toward Mina on 8th of dhul hajj.
  • 36. Chapter 2: DISCUSSION OF MIQAT OF THE TIME: Miqat for the time is also determined of three types of hajj. 1. Shawwal 2. DHU AL QADA 3. FIRST NINE DAYS OF DHU AL HAJJA
  • 37. Opinions of Jurist’s: IMAM MALIK (three month) IMAM SHAFI (two first month and first nine days of Dhul hajj) IMAM ABU HANIFA (two month plus ten days of Dhul hajja)
  • 38. Supporting Evidence: • In the word of Exalted, “THE PILGIMAGE IS (IN) WELL KNOWN MONTH”(QURAN 2:197 ) • The evidence of second group is termination of the ritual state of ihram before compilation of three months.
  • 39. COMMENCE IHRAM BEFORE MONTHS OF HAJJ: Opinions of Jurist’s: Imam Malik disapprove commencing of ihram before hajj but such commencing is valid in his view Imam shafi His ihram is to be converted to ummrah Abu hanifa Did not allow to commence at any other time Evidence: Complete the performance of pilgrimage and Ummrah for Allah.
  • 40. TIME TO PERFORM UMRAH: • Jurist’s agreed that umrah is permissible at any time of the year , except the day of HAJJ. • Abu hanifa said it is allow to perform Umrah except day of Arafa , day of sacrifice , day of tashriq.
  • 41. Chapter 3: Section 1: This section covers the discussion of the Act to be Avoided in the ritual state of ihram. Clothing Perfume Marriage Removal of Dirt, Cutting of Nails Sexual intercourse
  • 42. Clothing Kinds of cloth to wear: Opinions of Jurist’s: Not allowed to wear such thing as laid down in the tradition given. Imam Shafi and Others Allowed in the condition if one can not find loin- cloths. Supporting Evidence:: • From Abdullah ibn e Umer
  • 43. Reason Of Disagreement: The other groups relays on the tradition of ibn e Abas “Trousers are for those who does not find a loin cloth and shoes for on who cannot find sandals Their opinion differ because according to Maliki’s Prophet Muhammad would have given Exemption in this matter as he did in the case of shoes.
  • 44. Wearing Of Shoes (cut down): Opinions of Jurist’s: agree and permit to wear shoes which are cut down if a person does not find sandals. does not allow atonements. Reason of disagreement: • They contradict on the tradition of Ata “in cutting them down there is waste and Allah does not like waste. Wearing Cloths dyed with Wars and Saffron: Opinions of Jurist’s: It is allowed to wear dyed cloths because there is no perfume in it. Did not allow
  • 45. Supporting Evidence: • Malik has recorded form Ali. Perfume: All Jurists Agree not to wear Perfume Disagreement occur on permissibility on whether the person can wear it or not if he is about to form(state of) Ihram. Opinions of Jurist’s: Disapproved Allowed
  • 46. Reason of Disagreement: • 1st Group reliance on the tradition from Salwa aby Yala. • 2nd Group reliance on the tradition of Hazrat Ayesha. Sexual Intercourse: All Jurists Agree on the prohibition of this act. Supporting Evidence: The words of exalted, "There is (to be) no lewdness nor abuse nor angry conversation on the pilgrimage. Removel the dirt, Cutting Hair, killing lies: All Jurist’s Agree on the all other act except washing of head. Allowed Not Allowed Reason Of Disagreement: Maliki’s reliance on the fact that Abdullah Ibn e Umer did not wash head in the state of ihram’.
  • 47. Hunting: • All Jurists Agreed not to hunt and not to eat hunt meal. • Evidence: • Words of Exalted, "To hunt on land is forbidden you as long As you are n the ritual state of ihram’ • They Disagreed on the situation whether a person can hunt or eat hunt meal if he is not in the state of ihram. Opinions of Jurist’s: Permitted (Prohibited)under All Circumstances As long as it has not been hunting for Muhrim it is Permitted
  • 48. Marriage: Opinions of Jurist’s: (Not Allow, Marriage is void. Abu Hanifa Nad Thawri b (Allowed) Reason Of Disagreement: Traditions: 1. Uthman ibn e Affan (not Allowed) 2. 2. Ib ne Abbas (Allowed)
  • 49. Chapter 4: Discussion Of the Rites of Pilgrimage: There are three types of Hajj. Hajj Tamattu-----performing Umrah then Hajj. Hajj Ifrad----- Performing Hajj Only Hajj Qiran-----performing umrah and hajj together.
  • 50. Discussion Of Tamattu: All jurist agree that this is the kind of rite. Who is eligible for being Mutammati? According to Al Hassan the Ummrah during the days of Hajj amounts to Tamattu The jurists Agree the person who is not residing in the vicinity of Masjid al haram is eligible for being Mutammati. According to Tawus the person who performs Ummrah before the month of Hajj and then stays in Mecca till the Hajj and performs it in the same year is considerd as Mutammatu Al Thawri said they are the residents of Mecca Alone. Zahiries said they are those whoi live in the boundries of Haram According to Abu Hanifa the residents of Muwaqit and Mecca can also be called mutammati.
  • 51. There are two other kinds of tamattu: 1.Conversion of Haj into Ummrah -Majority jurists Disapproved this. -Ibn e Abbas permitted it Evidences: Prophet Muhammad Allowed it. 1.Conversion of Haj into Ummrah -Majority jurists Disapproved this. -Ibn e Abbas permitted it Evidences: Prophet Muhammad Allowed it.
  • 52. Conditions of Tamattu, According to Malikï’s View Should perform Hajj and Umrah in the single month. Should occur in the same year. Should perform part of the umrah in hajj months. Should perform the Ummrah before the hajj. Should commence the hajj after completing Umrah. Place of resident should be other than Mecca.
  • 53. Discussion Of Qiran: Qarin is the pronouncing of the Ihram(Intention) For Performing the Hajj and the Umrah together. . • According to Malik a person can combine Hajj and Ummrah (Qiran) as long as he has not commenced a single is considered disapproved after the circumambulation and before the id tawaf prayer. If he does so it becomes binding upon him. • • (Ifrad): • Ifrad is a Kind of Hajj that is devoid of these attributes and this is performed by the person who is not Mutammati nor Qarin. • One begins by pronouncing the Ihram (intention) only for Hajj.
  • 54. Chapter. 5 Discussion of the Ihram: Issue no 1— Bathing before commencing Ihram: Majority Jurists Abu-Hanifa ,Thawri Imam malik Imam Zahiri  Consider bathing is sunna for ihram. considered that ablution is sufficient. Bathing for the ihram has greater significance then bathing for the Friday prayers. it is obligatory. Opinions of the Jurist’s:
  • 55. Evidence of zahiri school of thought:- • Mursal report by Malik in the tradition of Asma Reason of disagreement: • Majority relies on the principle that the original rule is freedom from liability until an obligation is established by a disprovable command.
  • 56. Issue no 2—Intension: All jurist agreed that(ritual state of) ihram cannot be assumed without forming an intention. Opinions of the Jurist’s: Malik & shafi Abu Hanifa Intension without the talbiya is sufficient Talbiya in hajj is like the initial takbir in the prayer, except that any word used as a substitute for the talbiya are sufficient. Reason of Disagreement: • They disagreed on whether the intension is enough without the pronouncement of Talbiya.
  • 57. Issue no 3―words of the talbiya:- All the jurists agreed on the words of Talbiya of messenger of Allah. Opinions of the Jurist’s: Imam zahiri  Talbiya must be in the same words—obligatory. majority  All jurist agreed on desirability of the same words----recommended. Supporting Evidence: • Narrated by imam Malik from Nafi from Ibn-Umar and from the prophet of Allah so, it carries highest degree of authenticity Disagreement: • Weather the Talbiya should be in these words or it must contain substitute.
  • 58. Issue no 4—Raising of voice with talbiya;- What is the hokum for raising of voice with Talbiya? Opinions of the Jurist’s: Zahiries considered obligatory. Majority considered as desirable/recommended. Supporting Evidence: Related by imam malik about the saying of holy prophet. About women’s talbiya: • All jurist agreed. • As related by Abu Umar is that she(a women) should be able to hear herself pronouncing it.
  • 59. Issue no 5---Talbiya a rukn or condition: Weather talbiya is an element or just a condition. Opinions of the Jurist’s: Imam Malik Majority He did not consider talbiya to be an element of hajj, and held that the person who neglects it, will be liable for atonement by slaughtering a sacrificial animal.  Majority jurists consider it to be a rukn Supporting Evidences: Holly prophet says’ Acquire your rites from me(my actions).
  • 60. Issue no 6---Talbiya after ihram prayers:- What, if Muhrim recites talbiya after two rak’as of Ihram prayer. Opinion of the Jurist’s: Majority Imam malik The jurists consider desirable after two rakas of ihram prayers. consider it desirable that it follow the supererogatory prayers. Supporting Evidence: • Mursal report; holy prophet use to observe two rak’as at Dhu al- hulayfa.
  • 61. Issue no 7---Location of commencing Ihram: The tradition differ about the location from where holy prophet commenced the ihram. Opinions of Jurist’s: 1st group The tradition that he did so from the area around Dhu Al-hulaifa. 2nd group He did so from the mosque at Dhu Al-Hulaifa after praying in it. 3rd group The Holy prophet adopted ihram when he reached Al- Bayda. 4rd group He pronounced the ihram and talbiya when his mount rose up with him. Disagreement: Ibn-abbas was asked about the disagreement then he said that each has related not his first talbiya but the one he heard for the first time.
  • 62. Issue no 8--When(time) muhrim stops pronouncing talbiya; With respect to time when Muhrim should stop pronouncing the talbiya. Opinions of the Jurist’s: Malik & companions Ibn- shihab Majority stop pronouncing talbiya when the sun went down on the day of arafa. Abu Bakr, Uthman and Ali use to stop pronouncing the talbiya after the declining of the sun on the day of the arafa. Muhrim is not to stop reciting talbiya until he throws pebbles at the first pillar at mina.
  • 63. Supporting Evidences: • The messenger of Allah continue to pronounce talbiya until he threw pebbles at the Jamar at-ul-Aqaba. Disagreement: • They disagreed on the time when he is to discontinue two opinions. 1st group 2nd group A person has to stop talbiya when he has finished throwing the pebbles. He is to stop when he throws the first pebble.
  • 64. Issue no 9---Time to stop talbiya during Umrah: when to stop pronouncing talbiya while performing umrah. Opinion of Jurist’s: Malik and Hanifa A person has to stop talbiya after reaching haram. Imam shafi  According to him a person should stop talbiya on commencing circumambulation. Supporting Evidences: • Malik followed ibn-umar and urwa. • Al-shafi relay on the argument that the meaning of talbiya is response for returning to the circumambulation, so it should not be stop till the commencement of the act. Reason of disagreement: • It stems from the conflict of analogy with the practice of some of the companions.
  • 65. Issue no 10---conversion of hajj into umrah: Majority of the jurists agree. Disagreement: They disagree about the conversion of umrah into hajj. Supporting Evidence: Abu thawr said hajj cannot be converted into umrah nor can umrah be converted into hajj, just as one prayer cannot be converted into another.
  • 66. Chapter 6: Discussion of the circumambulation of the house: Basically there are four main topics: SECTION =1:Description of the circumambulation of the house: Majority of the jurists agreed for circumambulation → obligatory or recommended. Disagreement: • On hukum of ramal. • 1st three circuits Opinions of Jurist’s: Said that it is Sunnah. Ibn abbas al-shafi, Hanifa, Ishaq, Ahmad and Abu-Thawr vary on the point Imam Malik Imam Malik’s Students
  • 67. Reason of disagreement: Those who deem it Sunnah Liable to atonement Those who did not consider it Sunnah Not impose any duty
  • 68. Tradition/evidence: Traditon of Ibn-Tufail from Ibn-Abbas and also an evidence related by Imam Malik. For women there is no Ramal. 1- No Ramal for the person: Ramal for the person who begins the ihram of Hajj from Mecca. Agreement • No Ramal • Also the person who are performing Tammattu Disagreement • On residents of Mecca weather they are to adopt Ramal if they perform hajj.
  • 69. Opinions of Jurist’s: Imam shafi • In each session of circumambulation • Before the day of Arafa • Followed by sa’y there is Ramal. Imam malik • Consider it desirable. Ibn-umar • Not consider them Reason of disagreement: • Weather Ramal was adopted for an underlaying reason or weather it pertains to travelers. • Background ---When prophet (PBUH) performed Ramal he had travelled to Mecca.
  • 70. 2-Salutation—Agreement;  Jurists agreed that Salutation of the two corners is Sunnah ====For man, Not for women. Disagreement: Whether the salutation was to be made on all corners. Opinions of Jurist’s: 1st Majority Salutation is made at only two corners. Reason of Disagreement: •Tradition Of Ibn-e-Umer. •Prophet (PBUH). •Did not make the salutation except at two corners.
  • 71. 2nd group Salutation should be made on all corners . Reason: “Tradition (jabir) who said, when we circumambulated we made the salutation at all corners” 3-Kissing of black stone; What is the hokum for kissing of black stone. Opinions of Jurist’s: All Jurists agreed
  • 72. Supporting Evidence: •Tradition of Umar Ibn . •Al- khatab . •Related by Malik. 4-Two rak’as of prayer: • Two rak’as of prayer is Sunah of circumambulation. Opinions of Jurist’s Jurists considered two rak’as of prayer Sunah after completion of the circuits. Majority worshipper observes them at the end of each week. Some predecessors did not made distinction between on the basis of week. 1-No fixed time and day for circumambulation. 2-No fixes rak’as
  • 73. Supporting Evidence: • Evidence of majority relies upon the action performed by messenger of Allah. Section=2 discussion of its description: It include the delineation of its boundary. Opinions of Jurist’s • Consider Hijr is part of the house, and whoever circumambulates the house is bound to include Hijr in it, and that is condition for Tawaf al- Ifada. Majority of the Jurist’s • Consider it Sunnah. Abu Hanifa and his disciple
  • 74. Supporting Evidence: •Evidence of majority is related by Imam Malik from Aisha. •Evidence for Hanifa is the apparent meaning of verse. 1-Time of its permissibility: Jurists disagreed about the time of its permissibility. Disagreement: According to imam Malik his disciples. Umar Ibn-al-khattab, Abu saaid Al-khudri and some other jurists permissibility of circumambulation after the morning prayer and Asr, and its prohibition at the time of sunrise and sunset Sa’id ibn Jubayr, Mujahid and a group said abomination after morning prayer and Asr, and its prohibition at sunrise and sunset. Al-Shafi and a group of jurists permit it at all time. Evidences: Based on tradition.
  • 75. 2-Circumambulation without purification: Without purification a person can perform circumambulation or not. Disagreement: • Consider that circumambulation is not valid without purification. weather intentionally or due to forgetfulness. Imam Malik and Shafi Abu Hanifa Abu-Thawr Al-Shafi • Considered valid and repetition desirable and also liable for atonement. •Considered ablution valid if a person is not aware of it, but invalid if he is aware of it. •Stipulates the purification of the dress of person making circumambulation as he does for one praying.
  • 76. Supporting Evidences: •Considered purification necessary relay on a tradition. •Those who permitted without purification relay on the consensus of the jurists. Section. 3: Discussion of its types and their Ahkam: Jurists agreed that circumambulation is of three types. 1. Circumambulation of greeting (Tawaf al-Qudum) on arrival in Mecca. 2. Tawaf-al-Ifada after throwing pebbles at the first pillar on the day of sacrifice. 3. The farewell circumambulation(before departure from Mecca). 4. Jurists agreed that Tawaf-al-Ifada is obligatory and without which circumambulation is lost.
  • 77. Supporting Evidences:  The evidence of Tawaf-al-Ifadai s the words of exalted.  Majority jurists consider that Tawalf-al-Qudum is not a valid substitute for Tawaf-al-Ifada if the pilgrims forget the latter. Jurists agreed that residents of Mecca is obliged to perform Tawaf-al-Ifada and the person performing Umrah only obligation is for initial circumambulation. They also agreed that the person performing Umrah before hajj is under obligation to perform two circumambulation, one for each. Tradition of Hazrat Ayisha.
  • 78. Disagreement: Jurist’s disagreed on the qarin. Imam Malik, Shafi, Ahmed, Jabir,Abd Allah and Abu Thawr maintained that one circumambulation and one say is sufficient for Qarin. Al Thawr, Al Awazi, Abu Hanifa and Ibn Abi-Layla maintained that 2 circumambulation and 2 says are obligatory. Evidences: •Evidence for the first group is tradition of Aisha. •Evidence for the second group is tradition from Ibn-Masud.
  • 79. Chapter:7 Discussion of the Sa’y between Al-safa and Al-Marwa: ISSUE no.1: Discussion of its Hukm: Imam Malik,Imam shafi,Ahmad & ishq [It is obligatory] if pilgrim does not perform it, hajj still obligatory (in next season). kufis [It is Sunnah] returning to homeland without performing , (liable to atonement by slaughtering an animal). Some Jurist’s (Imam Abu Hanifa) [Voluntary] No obligation who relinquish it. Opinions of Jurist’s:
  • 80. Reason of disagreement: On the basis of Traditions. evidences Who said obligatory on the basis of report “ that the Prophet( P.B.U.H) used to perform sa’y and say, ‘perform the sa’y for Allah has pescribed the sa’y for you’”. Related by al-shafi. Who said not obligatory, on the words of Exalted, “Lo! (the mountains) as-Safa and al-Marwa are among the indications of Allah. It is therefore no sin for him who is on pilgrimage to the house (of God) or visiteth it, to go around them”. Majority decided === one of act of hajj, described as an act of the Prophet(P.B.U.H).
  • 81. ISSUE no.2: Discussion of its description: No conflict: Majority jurists Sunnah of sa,y between al-safa and al- Marwa is that the worshipper having ascended al-safa is to go down its slope after completing the supplication. • Walk normal pace until reaches the bottom of masil • Adopt Ramal (for males) no Ramal for females. • Coming closer to al-Marwa he ascends it until he see the House. • Supplication and takbir in same way he said at al-safa. • Sa’y begins from safa and ends at Marwa. • It should be completed in 7 rounds. • If begning from al-Marwa before going to al-Safa journey annulled.
  • 82. Beginning of sa’y: Opinions of Jurist’s: 1st Majority jurists [begins from safa and ends at Marwa]. 2nd Ata [doesn’t know begins at Marwa his act considered valid].
  • 83. Supporting Evidence: Tradition: • Saying of Prophet(P.B.U.H) “We begin with that with which Allah begin, so we begin with Safa”, and this he meant the words of the Exalted, “Lo! (the mountains) al-safa and al-Marwa are among the indications of Allah. It is therefore no sin for him who is on pilgrimage to the house (of God) or visiteth it, to go around them”. Time of sa’y: • No determined opinion about the time on the basis of tradditon of Jabir. • Tradition: “that the Prophet (P.B.U.H) when he stood al-safa, pronounced the takbir three times and said, “There is no god but Allah alone, and He has no partner, His is the dominion and for Him is all praise, and He has power over all things”.
  • 84. Issue no.3: Discussion of its conditions: Opinions of Jurist’s: 1st Majority Jurist’s Purity from menstruation is one of its condition, as is the case with the circumambulation (tawaf). 2nd Imam Abu Hanifa said ablution is not condition for sa’y.
  • 85. Supporting Evidence: • Tradition of Aisha, Prophet(P.B.U.H) said “Do what all pilgrims do, but do not circumambulate the House and do not perform the sa’y between al-safa and al-Marwa”. Issue no. 4: Discussion of its order: Jurists Agreement [order position]: • Sa’y should be performed after the circumambulation. If Sa’y performed before circumambulation [Disagreement]
  • 86. Opinions of Jurist’s: • Go back, perform the circumambulation • even if he has moved out of Mecca. • If he didn’t realize this, in (umra, hajj), cohabited with women  obligation for hajj in the next season. 1st Group • Not liable for anything Al-Thawri • leaves Mecca, not obliged to return, but liable for atonement. Imam Abu- Hanifa
  • 87. Chapter 8: Moving out to ‘Arafa’ • Moving out on the day of Tarwiya (8th of Dhu al-Hijja) to Mina staying there the eve of Arafa. Agreement Jurists agreed: • Imam leads the people in prayer at Mina ( zuhr, asr , maghrib and isha) are curtailed over. • This act is not a condition for validity of hajj for the person who is short of time. • On 9th Dhu al-Hijja when sunrises imam walks with the people from Mina up to Arafa ==station there.
  • 88. Chapter 9: The station at Arafa: Identification of its hukm and its description and conditions:  Imam leads the people in prayer Arafa on the day of Arafa before declining of sun.  They agreed upon unanimously in the acts of Prophet (PBUH).  The sunnah for this is that he should come to the mosque at Arafa on the day of Arafa along with people.  As we have said we should combine the zuhr and asr prayers.
  • 89. The Jurist’s agreed: • Hukm of stopping at Arafa that’s essential element (arkan) of hajj. Majority Jurist’s: • was the person who misses this under an obligation to perform hajj in the next season and to make sacrifice. Opinions of Jurist’s:
  • 90. Time to call prayer by Mu’adhdhin for Zuhr & Asr prayers Opinions of Jurist’s: Imam Malik: • Major part of his sermon is over mu’adhdhin should call for prayer Imam Shafi: • Make call when imam begins the second Sarmon. Imam Abu Hanifa: • When Imam ascend the pulpit he should order the M’adhdhin to make call in case of Friday congregational prayer.
  • 91. Supporting Evidence: • In the tradition of Ibn al-Mundhir (related to Malik) Reason of disagreement: • Time for call to the prayer by Mu’adhdhin for the Zuhr and Asr prayers.
  • 92. Two prayers are to be combined with two calls for prayer and two calls for commencement: Opinions of Jurist’s: Imam Malik: • Said they are to be combined with two calls for prayer and two calls for commencement. Al-Shafi, Abu Hanifa Al-thawri Abu-Thawr: • They are to be combined for one prayer and two calls for commencement.
  • 93. Supporting Evidence: Reason of Disagreement: • Evidence for Al-Shafi is the tradition of Jabir about the description of Hajj. • Whether these two prayers are to be combined with two calls for prayer and two calls for commencement.
  • 94. Obligation of Friday prayer at Mina and Arafa: Opinions of Jurist’s: Imam Malik: • Friday congregational prayer is not obligatory at mina or arafa except during the days of hajj. Al-Shafi: • Have same opinion. Imam Abu Hanifa: • Said if leader of the hajj is person whose prayer cannot be curtailed at both places he is to lead Friday prayer if he has chance.
  • 95. Supporting Evidence: Reason of Disagreement: • Related from Abd Allah Ibn Ma’mar al dayli “The Hajj is Arafat, thus he who makes it to Arafat before the rise of the dawn has made it.” Obligation of Friday Prayer at Mina and at Arafa. • The first condition for assumption of station of Arafa after prayer there’s no disagreement. • They disagreed about the person who stays at Arafa till after declining of sun his hajj is complete.
  • 96. Chapter 10: Discussion of acts at Muzdalifa: Identification of its hukm its description and its time: They agreed on the person who after stationing Arafat spends the day of sacrifice at Muzdalifa combining Maghrib and Isha prayers at night with Imam hajj is complete. They argued on description of act of Messenger of Allah.
  • 97. Opinions of Jurist’s: Al-Awza’I and group of Tabi’un said its obligation. The provinces of Jurist’s said that’s its not obligation of hajj. Al-Shafi said the persons who spend first half night there and then leaves not spending whole night is liable.
  • 98. Supporting Evidence: Reason of disagreement: • In the tradition of Urwa ibn Mudarris (al-Bukhari and Muslim). • They disagreed on whether staying at Muzdalifa till after the morning prayers spending night there is sunnah of hajj or one of its obligation.
  • 99. Chapter 11: DISCUSSION OF THE THROWING OF PEBBLES AT THE JAMRAS: AGREEMENTS All the jurists agreed upon that the Prophet PBUH stopped at AL MASHAR AL HARAM, till after he had observed the morning prayer. Then he departed from there before sunrise towards MINA then he threw stone at the JAMRAT AL AQABA after sunrise. They also agreed that the Prophet PBUH did not threw pebbles at other jamrat besides it on the day of sacrifice. DISAGREEMENTS They disagreed about the case of person who throws stone before sunrise.
  • 100. Opinions of Jurist’s: • It is not permitted. Majority Jurist’s: • It is desirable that if he do it after sunrise. Imam Al-Ahafi: Supporting Evidence: • Those who prohibited it on the basis of acts and sayings Prophet PBUH. • Those who permitted on the basis of tradition recorded by Abu Dawud and also another tradition of Asma.
  • 101. TIME OF THROWING PEBBLES • All jurists agreed that the desirable time for throwing the pebbles at the jamrat is from the rising of sun up to its decline but if he do this before the setting of the sun on the day of sacrifice, his act is valid. AGREEMENTS: • They disagreed about the case when a person do it till after the setting of the sun and do it during the night or next day. DISAGREEMENTS:
  • 102. Opinions of Jurist’s: • Liable for the Atonement by slaughtering an animal. Imam Malik: • Distinguished between both times. Imam Abu Hanifa: • There is no liability for him. Abu Yousuf & Al-Shafi:
  • 103. Supporting Evidence: • Prophet PBUH made exemption for those tending the camels to throw pebbles during the night and the other tradition which was reported by Ibn Abbas and this opinion was adopted by majority.
  • 104. SEQUENCE OF ACTS MAINTAINED BY PROPHET (PBUH) AGREEMENTS: All the jurists agreed on the acts of Prophet PBUH that he threw pebbles during his hajj at the jamra on the day of sacrifice, he then sacrificed a she camel , then had his head shaved, and thereafter performed the tawaf al-ifada. These acts are sunnah of hajj according to all the jurist. DISAGRREMENTS: They disagreed about the case of someone who advances an act over the sequences or delays it.
  • 105. Opinions of Jurist’s: Malik said that , the person who shaves his head before throwing pebbles is liable for redemption. Al shafi, Ahmad, Dawud and Abu thawr said that there is no liability for him.
  • 106. Imam Malik view that person who shaves his head before slaughtering the animals is under no liability, also the person who slaughter the animal before throwing the pebbles. Abu Hanifa said that if a person shaves his head or throws the pebbles before he makes the sacrifice , he is liable for atonement by slaughtering the animal. Zufar said that he is liable for atoning three times.
  • 107. AGREEMENTS: • They agreed that the person who make the sacrifice before throwing pebbles is not liable for anything. • They agreed that the total numbers of pebbles are seventy. • They agreed that pilgrim will throw a pebble again if it does not strike the jamarat al-aqaba. • They agreed on the size of stone that Is similar to the size of date stone. • They agreed that one sun for throwing pebbles at the three jamarat during the day of tashriq is that it be undertaken the declining of sun. DISAGREEMENT: • They disagreed when the pilgrims throws pebbles before declining of the sun during the day of tashriq. Majority maintained that the person who throws pebbles before declining the sun is to repeat the performance after it is decline.
  • 108. Supporting Evidence: • Related from Abu Jaffar Muhammad Ibn Ali that he said throwing of pebble is undertaken any time from moment of the rising of sun until it sets.
  • 109. They disagreed that the person who did not threw pebbles at Jimar during the days of tashriq up to the time when sun sets on the last of these days Is not permitted to do so after these days. They disagreed about the obligation for this in terms of expiation. Opinions of Jurist’s: Malik said that the person who relinquishes the throwing of pebbles at the Jimar in part or completely or even at one of them, he is liable to atonement by slaughtering an animal. Abu Hanifa said that if e is relinquishes this completely he is liable for atonement by slaughtering an animal, but if he misses one pillar or more he is liable to feed needy person. Al shafi said that for each pebble missed he his liable for one Mudd of food, for two pebbles it is two mudds, and for three he is liable for sacrificing an animal.
  • 111. Chapter 1: DISCUSSION OF THE PERSON PREVENTED The source for the confinement are the words of the exalted, "The jurist disagreed over the meaning of his verse the cause of which is the hukm of the person prevented due to disease or by the enemy.” DISAGREEMENT: The first point of their disagreement over this verse is whether the person prevented is besieged by the enemy or he is prevented b disease. • Group of jurists said that gere it means the person besieged by the enemy. • Some other jurists said that here it means the person prevented by disease.
  • 112. Chapter 2: DISCUSSION OF THE AHKAM OF REPARATION OF GAME: • Compensation Meaning of reparation: • The act of causing death, slaying- through hunting etc. Meaning of Killing game:
  • 113. DISCUSSION OF CHAPTER BASED ON VERSE FROM THE QURAN: Believers! Do not kill game while you are in the state of pilgrim sanctity.110 Whoever of you kills it willfully there shall be a recompense, the like of what he has killed in cattle - as shall be judged by two men of equity among you - to be brought to the Ka'bah as an offering, or as an expiation the feeding of the needy, or its equivalent in fasting111 in order that he may taste the grievousness of his deed. Allah has pardoned whatever has passed; but Allah will exact a penalty from him who repeats it. Allah is All-Mighty. He is fully capable of exacting penalties.”
  • 114. TWO MAIN DISAGREEMENTS REGARDING: Details of the Ahkam Details of the Ahkam
  • 115. ISSUE 1: • whether the obligation for killing game is payment of its value or payment with a similar animal. Opinions of Jurist’s: MAJORITY: • obligation is for a similar animal ABU HANIFA: • there is a choice, to pay the value or to buy an animal with the same value
  • 116. ISSUE 2: • Whether new ruling was required for a person killing game with reference to cases already decided by predecessors. Opinions of Jurist’s: MALIK AND ABU HANIFA: • New ruling is required. SHAAFI: • If decision in accordance with the predecessors it is permitted. ISSUE 3: • Whether the verse implies an order or whether there is a choice.
  • 117. Opinions of Jurist’s: MALIK AND ABU HANIFA: • There is a choice Zufar: • Verse implies an order. ISSUE 4: • Whether the value is to be that of the game killed or that of the substitute animal- if the person chooses to feed needy person, so that he may purchase food in the value, and this in accordance with the opinion that permits such an obligation.
  • 118. Opinions of Jurist’s: MAALIK: Procure value of animal killed AL SHAAFI: Procure value of substitute animal. AGREEMENT ON EQUIVALNCE OF FASTS WITH FOOD. OPINIONS ON HOW MUCH TO BE GIVEN TO NEEDY BASED ON MUDDS: Malik, al shafi, al-hijaz Jurist’s • fast one day for each mudd of food, and that amount should be given to each needy person.. Jurist’s of kufa • fast one day for every two mudds of food, and that is the amount of food to be provided to a poor person.
  • 119. ISSUE 5: • killing of game by mistake. Opinions of Jurist’s: MAJORITY: • Reparation is to be paid Zahirites: • Said no one required ISSUE 6: • Group participating in the killing.
  • 120. Opinions of Jurist’s: Malik, Al-Thawri and a group of Jurist’s: • Full reparation required in state of ihram Al-Shafi: • One reparation as a group Abu-Hanifa: • Made a distinction in state of ihram: liable for full reparation Not in ihram: liable for one as a group
  • 121. ISSUE 7: • Whether one of the two estimators can be one who has killed the game. Opinions of Jurist’s: MALIK: • Said not permitted Al-Shaafi: • Said it is permitted Abu Hanifa and his disciples: • Differed on this issue ISSUE 8: • Place where the needy need to be fed.
  • 122. Opinions of Jurist’s: MALIK: • Where the game was hunted or adjacent to it if food isn’t sufficient for that place Al-Shaafi: • Said only the needy of Makkah need to be fed Abu Hanifa: • Said any place ISSUE 9: • killing game within haram not in the state of ihram. Opinions of Jurist’s: MAJORITY: • Reparation is must. Abu Dawud and his disciples: • Said no reparation required.
  • 123. ISSUE 10: • What is game and what is not? Unanimous agreement that all creatures on land are forbidden except for 5 offending ones catch from the sea is permitted to the person in state of ihram. Supporting Evidence: From the Quran: “to hunt and to eat fish of the sea is made lawful for you, a provision for you and for seafarers but to hunt on land is forbidden on you so long as you are on pilgrimage”
  • 124. CHAPTER 3: DISCUSSION OF RANSOM FOR AILMENT AND THE HUKM OF THE PERSON SHAVING HIS HEAD BEFORE THE APPOINTED TIME. • MEANING OF AILMENT: An illness, typically a minor one. Supporting Evidence: From the Quran: “And whoever among you is sick or hath ailment of the head must pay a ransom of fasting or alms giving or offering”. From the Sunna: “Fast for three days or feed six needy persons with two muds for each person or make a sacrifice of a goat, whichever you do will be sufficient for you”
  • 125. Agreement Jurist’s unanimously agreed that obligatory on every person who removes cause of ailment due to necessity. Disagreement Person who removes it without necessity. Opinions of Jurist’s: ABU HANIFAAND SHAAFI: • liable for atonement by slaughtering animal IMAM MALIK: • Liable for ransom
  • 126. Conflict in intentions and forgetfulness: ABU HANIFA+ MAALIK + AL THAWRI+ AL LAYTH: • Doing intentionally or in forgetfulness is the same. ZAHIRITES AND SHAAFI: • No ransom for one doing out of forgetfulness. Supporting Evidence:  “And there is no sin for you in the mistakes you make unintentionally but what your hearts propose(that would be a sin for you” – Al-Quran  “liability for mistake and forgetfulness has been lifted from my ummah” – hadith
  • 127. ISSUE 1: • How much food to be given? Opinions of Jurist’s: MAALIK+ SHAFI+ ABU HANIFAAND THEIR DISCIPLES: • Food to be given equal to two mudds ISSUE 2: • For what act does ransom become obligatory? AGREEMENT: • Unanimous agreement that it becomes obligatory upon a person who shaves off his head due to necessity arising from disease or due to an injury caused in the head
  • 128. Supporting Evidence: ISSUE 3: • Ibn Abbas said , A disease is that he have sores in his head and an ailment is that he have lice or such other things • Majority jurists agree that anything that is not allowed to the muhrim like stitched garments, shaving head, clipping nails-if he permits himself he is liable for ransom FIRST GROUP: • one group of jurist’s say no liability in clipping nails SECOND GROUP: • atonement of slaughtering animal  SHAFI+ABU THAWR: say one nail= feeding one person, two nails= feeding two people, three nails= slaughter animal ABU HANIFA: Says no liability unless all nails clipped  Abu Muhammad + Ibn Hazm: may clip nails or trim whiskers and no ransom for person who shaves head
  • 129. ISSUE 4: • Shaving head from rest of the body. Opinions of Jurist’s: MAJORITY: • Entails ransom DAWUD: • No ransom DISTINCTIONS: Malik • no ransom for small number of hair unless an ailment is removed then slaughtering as ransom Al hasan+ Abu Thawr+ Al Shafi • one hair requires one mudd, two hair two mudds to be fed, three atonement by sacrifice Abd al Malik and disciple of Malik • small number of hair requires feeding, large requires sacrifice
  • 130. ISSUE 5: • Place of ransom. Opinions of Jurist’s: Malik + Mujahid: • may do wherever he chooses, in Makkah or his own homeland- this stands for slaughter, fasting, feeding Shafi + Abu Hanifa: • sacrifice and atonement not valid outside Makkah but fasting may be done wherever ibn abbass: • sacrifice in Makkah whereas feeding and fasting wherever
  • 131. ISSUE 6: • Whether shaving head is a rite of hajj or an act with which ihram is removed Opinions of Jurist’s: Malik = shaving primarily of pilgrims and those performing umrah, of greater merit than clipping hair, obligatory on a person who has missed his hajj- having been prevented by disease, enemy, excuse Abu Hanifa: such person not obliged to shave head Supporting Evidence: • Oh Allah have mercy upon those who shave their heads” “and those who clip their hair” – hadith ❖ Those who made it a rite=liability ❖ Those not considering it a rite= no liability
  • 132. Chapter 4: Discussion of Expiation for Mutamatti: Consensus of Jurist’s: Expiation as an obligation for Mutamatti. Evidence: “then who-so-ever enjoyed freedom of restriction of the Ihram by commencing with Umra before the Hajj, (shall make) such offering as can be had with ease”.
  • 133. Disagreement: Offering that can be had with ease Malik: term “Hady” refers to goat. Evidence: “(The fortfiet) to be brought as an offering to the Kaaba”. Ibn Umar: term “Hady” refers to camel/cows. Evidence: “Such offering as can be had with ease”. Interpretation: cow of lower quality than the other and badana (she- camel) of a lower quality than the other. Opinions of Jurist’s
  • 134. Consensus: maintenance of order in expiation.. Unable to make an offering is under the obligation of fasting. Disagreement: time during which one shifts the obligation of an offering to fasting. Reason of Disagreement: condition stipulated initially for the worship continues to hold throughout its performance. Malik: the obligation of fasting transfers when the person begins fasting, even if he is able to make an offering during that period. Abu Hanifa: in the first 3 days of fasting if he is able to make an offering it becomes binding upon him. If he finds in the next 7 days, then it’s not binding. Opinions of Jurist’s
  • 135. Consensus: compilation of fasting for 3 days in the first 10 days of Dhul- Hijjah with the obligation. Evidence: “And who-so-ever can’t find (such gifts), then fast for 3 days while on pilgrimage. Disagreement: observing fasts during his occupation with the rites of Umra and before he forms the Ihram for the Hajj. Malik: permitted fasts of expiation during the days of Mina. But prohibited them before the commencement of rites of Hajj. Abu Hanifa: not allowed during the days of Mina but allowed them before the commencement of rites of Hajj. Opinions of Jurist’s
  • 136. There are two types of freedom from Ihram: • Full freedom. • Partial Freedom. Consensus: Partial freedom disengages the pilgrim from all prohibitions except sexual intercourse, use of fragrance and hunting. Disagreement: What becomes permissible? Malik: Pilgrim frees from all restraints except matters related to women that is, contracting marriage, intercourse and the use of fragrance. Evidence: words of the Exalted: “but when ye have been freed from Ihram, then go hunting”. Opinions of Jurist’s
  • 137. Disagreement: person who cohabits number of times. Imam Malik and Shafi: Liable only for single offering Abu Hanifa: For single session of cohabitation, liable for single offering. For several sessions, liable for each act of cohabitation. Muhammad Ibn al Hasan: Single offering is sufficient even if the act is repeated for several times unless he has made the offering for the first act of cohabitation. Opinions of Jurist’s
  • 138. Disagreement: Liability of woman for making an offering. Malik: If he persuaded her, she is liable for offering. But if he forced her, he is liable for two offerings. Shafi: He is liable only for one offering. Opinions of Jurist’s
  • 139. Disagreement: Kind of offering. Malik and Abu Hanifa: Should be a goat. Al Shafi: less than Badana(she-camel) is not enough, if he can’t find one, the value of Badana is to be converted into dirhams and value of dirhams into food, and he is then to fast one day for each mud of food. Opinions of Jurist’s
  • 140. Chapter 5: Discussion of Expiations not expressly laid down. Consenus: withdrawing Sunnah smakes the person liable for atonement as Hajj becomes defective. Zahirites: In cases of worship, they reject Qiyas and did not uphold the imposition of atonement unless it was laid down in the text. If a pilgrim avoids an act which is Sunnah, is liable for ransom. But, if the act is desirable, then he is not liable for ransom. Opinions of Jurist’s Rites of pilgrimage are of two kinds 1. Rites that are emphatic Sunnah 2. Rites that are desirable Evidence: Person who misses the rites which are desirable, do not give rise to atonement. Disagreement: Identification of a rite as Sunnah/ desirable/ obligatory.
  • 141. Disagreement: liability on the person who passes the Miqat without forming the intention of the Ihram liable for atonement by slaughtering an animal. 2nd Group: (Malik, Ibn al- Mubarak, al-Thawri) liable for atonement even if he returns to Miqat to form Niyya. 3rd Group (al-shafi, abu-Yusuf, Muhammad and al-Thawri) : if returns to Miqat, not liable otherwise liable. 4th group: (Abu-Hanifa) : if returns by pronouncing Talbiya, then not liable. Otherwise, liable. Opinions of Jurist’s
  • 142. Consensus: performance of circumambulation for one who forgets or misses one of the circuits as long as he is in Mecca. Disagreement: on returning home. Al-Thawri: may offer two raka’as as long as he is in Haram. Al-Shafi, Abu-Hanifa: may offer them whenever he pleases. Opinions of Jurist’s
  • 143. Disagreement: walking as a validity for circumambulation of a capable person. Malik: It is a condition like standing up in prayer, if unable to do so it is permissible. Al-Shafi: Riding during circumambulation is permitted as Prophet performed circumambulation of the House while riding in the absence of illness. Opinions of Jurist’s
  • 144. Chapter 6: Discussion of the offering (Hady):  Hady is means of expressing gratitude for have been granted the ability to perform hajj and umrah in the same.  It is an animal sacrifice carried out by the pilgrims.  It is sign of respect to Allah almighty.  It gives us remembrance of prophet Ibrahim's act of willingness to slaughter his son at Allah's command
  • 145. Identification of its Obligation: The hady of Tamattu and Qiran.  whoever does hajj tamattu (entering ihram for umrah ,then existing ihram , then entering ihram for hajj)  Qiran (entering ihram for umrah and hajj, and remaining in ihram up till rituals have completed). 2 Sacrifices offered as a penalty for omitting obligatory part of hajj.  whoever omit one of the obligatory part of hajj has to make up for this by sacrificing 3 Sacrifice offered because of the pilgrims doing wrong which is prohibited in haram.
  • 146. Identification of species and age: Jurist agreed that offering should include 8 categories explicitly mentioned by Allah. Offering should first be a camel then a cow than a sheep then a goat. Valid Age of Animals: Five years. Camel One year. Sheep Two years. Cow
  • 147. Opinion of Jurist’s: • They agreed that the Judha (six month old ) is not valid • It is thaniy (one year old) and what ever is older is permitted. Majority of Jurist’s • They approved the Judha for offering Group of jurist
  • 148. Supporting Evidence: Because of tradition of the Prophet PBUH from Abu Burda when he ordered him to make the sacrifice again saying “A Judha is valid in your case but for no one other than you” Tradition of Jabir who said the messenger of Allah Prophet PBUH said , ‘’ do not slaughter anything less than a musina (a full grown animal). Reason of disagreement: Conflict between the general with specific implication.
  • 149. Identification Place And Time: Malik They said it is sunnah to driven the offering from outskirts of Mecca. Al Shafi ,Al Thawr, Abu Thawr They said taking the offering to the arfa is sunnah ,but there is no penalty for one who do not take there. Abu Hanifa He said it is not sunnah to take the offering to arfa Opinion of Jurist’s:
  • 150. Supporting Evidence: Malik • Prophet PBUH did so and said “acquire your rites from me. Abu Hanifa • He said prophet PBUH did so as his residence is outside the haram.
  • 151. Reason of disagreement: Disagreement arise from the conflicts between the traditions.  Place of slaughter. The destination of the offering is the ancient house ,as the words of the Exalted,” And afterward they are brought to the ancient house”. Jurist agreed that no one is permitted to slaughter inside the kabba ,nor in masjid al haram.
  • 152. Opinion of Jurist’s: Al Shafi and Abu Hanifa They said that slaughtering it in haram out side the mecca is valid. Al tabri He said that the slaughtering is permitted wherever the person making the offering desires except for the offering if Qiran. Imam Malik If the sacrifice is made for hajj at Mecca and for the umrah at mina it is permitted