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Speculative Locking:
Breaking the Scale Barrier
Gil Tene, VP Technology, CTO
Ivan Posva, Senior Staff Engineer
Azul Systems
© 2005 Azul Systems, Inc. | Confidential
Multi-threaded Java Apps can Scale

New JVM capabilities improve
multi-threaded application scalability.
How can this affect the way you code?
Speculative locking reduces effects of Amdahl's law


©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.

Why do we care?
Lock contention vs. Data contention
Transactional synchronized {…}
Effects on how you code


©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Why do we care?
Multithreaded everywhere

• Java™ Applications naturally multi-threaded
─ Thread pools, work queues, shared Collections

• Multi-core CPUs from all major vendors
─ 2 or more cores per chip
─ 2 or more threads per core
─ A commodity 4 chip server will soon have 16 threads
─ Heavily multicore/multithreaded chips are here

• Amdahl’s law affects everyone
─ Serialized portions of program limit scale


©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Amdahl’s Law
Serialized portions of program limit scale

• efficiency = 1/(N*q + (1-q))
─ N = # of concurrent threads
─ q = fraction of serialized code

fraction of
serialized code












processors (N)
©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Amdahl’s Law Effect on Throughput


throughput scale factor










©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Amdahl’s Law Example

• The theoretical limit is usually intuitive
─ Assume 10% serialization
─ At best you can do 10x the work of 1 CPU

• Efficiency drops are dramatic and may be less intuitive


Assume 10% Serialization
10 CPUs will not scale past a speedup of 5.3x
(Eff. 0.53)
16 CPUs will not scale past a speedup of 6.4x
(Eff. 0.48)
64 CPUs will not scale past a speedup of 8.8x
(Eff. 0.14)
99 CPUs will not scale past a speedup of 9.2x
(Eff. 0.09)
It will take a whole lot of inefficient CPUs to [never] reach a 10x

©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.

Why do we care?
Lock contention vs. Data contention
Transactional synchronized {…}
Effects on how you code


©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Lock Contention vs. Data Contention

• Lock contention:
An attempt by one thread to acquire a lock
when another thread is holding it

• Data contention:
An attempt by one thread to atomically access
data when another thread expects to
manipulate the same data atomically


©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Data Contention in a
Shared Data Structure

• Readers do not contend
• Readers and writers don’t always contend
• Even writers may not contend with other


©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Synchronization and Locking
Locks are typically very conservative

• Need synchronization for correct execution
─ Critical sections, shared data structures

• Intent is to protect against data contention
• Can’t easily tell in advance
─ That’s why we lock…

• Lock contention >= Data contention
─ In reality: lock contention >>= Data contention

©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Database Transactions
The industry has already solved a similar problem

• Semantics of potential failure exposed to the

• Transactions: atomic group of DB commands
─ All or nothing

• Data contention results in a rollback
─ Leaves no trace

• Application can re-execute until successful
• Optimistic concurrency does scale

©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.

Why do we care?
Lock contention vs. Data contention
Transactional synchronized {…}
Effects on how you code


©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.

There is no spoon.
What does synchronized mean?

• It does not actually mean:
grab lock, execute block, release lock

• It does mean:
execute block atomically in relation to other blocks
synchronizing on the same object

• It can be satisfied by the more conservative:
execute block atomically in relation to all other threads

• That looks a lot like a transaction
“The Java Language Specification”, “The Java Virtual Machine Specification”, JSR133

©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Transactional synchronized {…}

• Two basic requirements
─ Detect data contention within the block
─ Roll back synchronized block on data contention

• synchronized can run concurrently
─ Azul uses hardware assist to detect data contention
─ Azul VM rolls back synchronized blocks that

encounter data contention


©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Transactional synchronized {…}

• The Azul VM maintains the semantic meaning of:
execute block atomically in relation to all other threads

• Uncontended synchronized blocks
run just as fast as before

• Data contended synchronized blocks
still serialize execution

• synchronized blocks without data contention
can execute in parallel


©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Transactional synchronized {…}
It’s all transparent

• No changes to Java code
─ The VM handles everything

• Nested synchronized blocks
─ Roll back to outermost transactional synchronized

• Reduces serialization
• Amdahl’s Law now only reflects data contention
─ Desire to reduce data contention


©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Implementation in a VM
How does it fit in the current locking schemes?

• Thin locks handle uncontended synchronized blocks
─ Most common case
─ Uses CAS, no OS interaction

• Thick locks handle data contended synchronized blocks
─ Blocks in the OS

• Transactional monitors handle contended synchronized
blocks that have no data contention
─ Execute synchronized blocks in parallel
─ Uses HW support


©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.

Why do we care?
Lock contention vs. Data contention
Transactional synchronized {…}
Effects on how you code


©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Data Contention and Hashtables

• Examples of no data contention in a Hashtable
─ 2 readers
─ 1 reader, 1 writer, different hash buckets
─ 2 writers, different hash buckets

• Examples of data contention in a Hashtable
─ 1 reader, 1 writer in same hash bucket
─ 2 writers in same hash bucket


©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Measurements: Hashtable (0% writes)


Spec. Locking













©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Measurements: Hashtable (5% writes)


Spec. Locking













©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.

Why do we care?
Lock contention vs. Data contention
Transactional synchronized {…}
Effects on how you code


©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Coding Techniques
How to make use of this new reality?

• Use coarse grain synchronization
─ Simpler data structures, simpler code
─ Simplicity equals stability
─ Easier to optimize

• Focus on data contention, not on lock contention
• Reduce unavoidable data contention
• wait() and notify() can become the dominant
reason for serialized execution

─ Stripe queues and other uses of wait()/notify()


©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Why Coarse Grain Synchronization?

• You can spend effort to reduce lock contention

Reader/writer lock
Stripe locks per bucket
Stripe reader/writer locks per bucket
How do you grow the table?
Gets complex fast

• But there is no lock, it’s a synchronized block
• With transactional synchronized
─ Keep synchronization coarse
─ Focus on data contention


©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Minimizing Data Contention 1

private Object table[];
private int
public synchronized void put(Object key, Object val) {
// missed, insert into table
table[idx] = new HashEntry(key, val, table[idx]);
size++; // writer data contention
public synchronized int size() {
return size;


©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Minimizing Data Contention 2

private Object table[];
private int
public synchronized void put(Object key, Object val) {
// missed, insert into table
table[idx] = new HashEntry(key, val, table[idx]);
sizes[idx]++; // reduced writer data contention
public synchronized int size() {
int size = 0;
for (int i=0; i<sizes.length; i++) size += sizes[i];
return size;


©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Minimizing Data Contention 3

private Object table[];
private int
private int cachedSize;
public synchronized void put(Object key, Object val) {
// missed, insert into table
table[idx] = new HashEntry(key, val, table[idx]);
cachedSize = -1; // clear the cache
public synchronized int size() {
if (cachedSize < 0) { // reduce size recalculation
cachedSize = 0;
for (int i=0; i<sizes.length; i++)
cachedSize += sizes[i];
return cachedSize;

©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Minimizing Data Contention 4

private Object table[];
private int
private int cachedSize;
public synchronized void put(Object key, Object val) {
// missed, insert into table
table[idx] = new HashEntry(key, val, table[idx]);
if (cachedSize >= 0) cachedSize = -1; // avoid contention
public synchronized int size() {
if (cachedSize < 0) {
cachedSize = 0;
for (int i=0; i<sizes.length; i++)
cachedSize += sizes[i];
return cachedSize;

©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Double Checked Locking Avoided
Singleton pattern

• Needs to be synchronized at initialization
─ Further synchronization seems to be a waste
─ Web is full of examples of how wrong you can go

• Transactional synchronized keeps it simple
public class Simple {
private Helper helper = null;
public synchronized Helper getHelper() {
if (helper == null) {
helper = new Helper();
return helper; // no data contention once initialized
// other functions and members

©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Unavoidable Data Contention

public synchronized void deposit(long amount) {
balance += amount;

public synchronized void translate(int dx, int dy) {
x += dx;
y += dy;


©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Example: striping work queues

• Stripe work across multiple queues
Task task = new WorkTask(…);
Queue queue = queues[task.hashCode() % queues.length];
synchronized (queue) {

• Workers can be statically assigned to a queue
synchronized (queues) {
queue = queues[num_workers++ % queues.length];


while (true){
synchronized (queue) {
Task task = queue.dequeue();
} Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.

Why do we care?
Lock contention vs. Data contention
Transactional synchronized {…}
Effects on how you code


©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.

• Transparent transactional synchronized() is available
• Simplify data structures, save development time
─ Use coarse grain locking
─ Let the VM deal with the scaling problem

• Further optimization
─ Be aware of data contention
─ Stripe stats gathering
─ Stripe wait() and notify()


©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
Our Lawyers made us say this…

"Azul Systems, Azul, and the Azul arch logo are trademarks of Azul
Systems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Sun, Sun
Microsystems, Java and all Java based trademarks and logos are
trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the
United States and other countries. Other marks are the property of their
respective owners and are used here only for identification purposes."


©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
© 2005 Azul Systems, Inc. | Confidential
Thank you.
© 2005 Azul Systems, Inc. | Confidential

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Speculative Locking: Breaking the Scale Barrier (JAOO 2005)

  • 1. Speculative Locking: Breaking the Scale Barrier Gil Tene, VP Technology, CTO Ivan Posva, Senior Staff Engineer Azul Systems © 2005 Azul Systems, Inc. | Confidential
  • 2. Multi-threaded Java Apps can Scale New JVM capabilities improve multi-threaded application scalability. How can this affect the way you code? Speculative locking reduces effects of Amdahl's law 2 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 3. Agenda Why do we care? Lock contention vs. Data contention Transactional synchronized {…} Measurements Effects on how you code Summary 3 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 4. Why do we care? Multithreaded everywhere • Java™ Applications naturally multi-threaded ─ Thread pools, work queues, shared Collections • Multi-core CPUs from all major vendors ─ 2 or more cores per chip ─ 2 or more threads per core ─ A commodity 4 chip server will soon have 16 threads ─ Heavily multicore/multithreaded chips are here • Amdahl’s law affects everyone ─ Serialized portions of program limit scale 4 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 5. Amdahl’s Law Serialized portions of program limit scale • efficiency = 1/(N*q + (1-q)) ─ N = # of concurrent threads ─ q = fraction of serialized code 1.0 fraction of serialized code 0.10% 0.50% 1.00% 2.00% 5.00% 20.00% efficiency 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 1 5 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 processors (N) ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 6. Amdahl’s Law Effect on Throughput 100 0.10% 0.50% 1.00% 2.00% 5.00% 20.00% ideal throughput scale factor 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 6 11 21 31 41 51 61 processors 71 81 91 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 7. Amdahl’s Law Example • The theoretical limit is usually intuitive ─ Assume 10% serialization ─ At best you can do 10x the work of 1 CPU • Efficiency drops are dramatic and may be less intuitive ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ 7 Assume 10% Serialization 10 CPUs will not scale past a speedup of 5.3x (Eff. 0.53) 16 CPUs will not scale past a speedup of 6.4x (Eff. 0.48) 64 CPUs will not scale past a speedup of 8.8x (Eff. 0.14) 99 CPUs will not scale past a speedup of 9.2x (Eff. 0.09) … It will take a whole lot of inefficient CPUs to [never] reach a 10x ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 8. Agenda Why do we care? Lock contention vs. Data contention Transactional synchronized {…} Measurements Effects on how you code Summary 8 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 9. Lock Contention vs. Data Contention • Lock contention: An attempt by one thread to acquire a lock when another thread is holding it • Data contention: An attempt by one thread to atomically access data when another thread expects to manipulate the same data atomically 9 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 10. Data Contention in a Shared Data Structure • Readers do not contend • Readers and writers don’t always contend • Even writers may not contend with other writers 10 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 11. Synchronization and Locking Locks are typically very conservative • Need synchronization for correct execution ─ Critical sections, shared data structures • Intent is to protect against data contention • Can’t easily tell in advance ─ That’s why we lock… • Lock contention >= Data contention ─ In reality: lock contention >>= Data contention 11 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 12. Database Transactions The industry has already solved a similar problem • Semantics of potential failure exposed to the application • Transactions: atomic group of DB commands ─ All or nothing ─ From “BEGIN TRANSACTION” to “COMMIT” • Data contention results in a rollback ─ Leaves no trace • Application can re-execute until successful • Optimistic concurrency does scale 12 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 13. Agenda Why do we care? Lock contention vs. Data contention Transactional synchronized {…} Measurements Effects on how you code Summary 13 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 15. What does synchronized mean? • It does not actually mean: grab lock, execute block, release lock • It does mean: execute block atomically in relation to other blocks synchronizing on the same object • It can be satisfied by the more conservative: execute block atomically in relation to all other threads • That looks a lot like a transaction “The Java Language Specification”, “The Java Virtual Machine Specification”, JSR133 15 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 16. Transactional synchronized {…} • Two basic requirements ─ Detect data contention within the block ─ Roll back synchronized block on data contention • synchronized can run concurrently ─ Azul uses hardware assist to detect data contention ─ Azul VM rolls back synchronized blocks that encounter data contention 16 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 17. Transactional synchronized {…} • The Azul VM maintains the semantic meaning of: execute block atomically in relation to all other threads • Uncontended synchronized blocks run just as fast as before • Data contended synchronized blocks still serialize execution • synchronized blocks without data contention can execute in parallel 17 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 18. Transactional synchronized {…} It’s all transparent • No changes to Java code ─ The VM handles everything • Nested synchronized blocks ─ Roll back to outermost transactional synchronized • Reduces serialization • Amdahl’s Law now only reflects data contention ─ Desire to reduce data contention 18 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 19. Implementation in a VM How does it fit in the current locking schemes? • Thin locks handle uncontended synchronized blocks ─ Most common case ─ Uses CAS, no OS interaction • Thick locks handle data contended synchronized blocks ─ Blocks in the OS • Transactional monitors handle contended synchronized blocks that have no data contention ─ Execute synchronized blocks in parallel ─ Uses HW support 19 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 20. Agenda Why do we care? Lock contention vs. Data contention Transactional synchronized {…} Measurements Effects on how you code Summary 20 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 21. Data Contention and Hashtables • Examples of no data contention in a Hashtable ─ 2 readers ─ 1 reader, 1 writer, different hash buckets ─ 2 writers, different hash buckets • Examples of data contention in a Hashtable ─ 1 reader, 1 writer in same hash bucket ─ 2 writers in same hash bucket 21 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 22. Measurements: Hashtable (0% writes) 100000 Locking Spec. Locking 10000 1000 100 10 22 Th re ad s 12 8 Th re ad s 64 Th re ad s 32 Th re ad s 16 Th re ad s 8 4 Th re ad s 1 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 23. Measurements: Hashtable (5% writes) 100000 Locking Spec. Locking 10000 1000 100 10 23 Th re ad s 12 8 Th re ad s 64 Th re ad s 32 Th re ad s 16 Th re ad s 8 4 Th re ad s 1 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 24. Agenda Why do we care? Lock contention vs. Data contention Transactional synchronized {…} Measurements Effects on how you code Summary 24 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 25. Coding Techniques How to make use of this new reality? • Use coarse grain synchronization ─ Simpler data structures, simpler code ─ Simplicity equals stability ─ Easier to optimize • Focus on data contention, not on lock contention • Reduce unavoidable data contention • wait() and notify() can become the dominant reason for serialized execution ─ Stripe queues and other uses of wait()/notify() 25 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 26. Why Coarse Grain Synchronization? • You can spend effort to reduce lock contention ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ Reader/writer lock Stripe locks per bucket Stripe reader/writer locks per bucket How do you grow the table? Gets complex fast • But there is no lock, it’s a synchronized block • With transactional synchronized ─ Keep synchronization coarse ─ Focus on data contention 26 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 27. Minimizing Data Contention 1 private Object table[]; private int size; public synchronized void put(Object key, Object val) { … // missed, insert into table table[idx] = new HashEntry(key, val, table[idx]); size++; // writer data contention } public synchronized int size() { return size; } 27 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 28. Minimizing Data Contention 2 private Object table[]; private int sizes[]; public synchronized void put(Object key, Object val) { … // missed, insert into table table[idx] = new HashEntry(key, val, table[idx]); sizes[idx]++; // reduced writer data contention } public synchronized int size() { int size = 0; for (int i=0; i<sizes.length; i++) size += sizes[i]; return size; } 28 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 29. Minimizing Data Contention 3 private Object table[]; private int sizes[]; private int cachedSize; public synchronized void put(Object key, Object val) { … // missed, insert into table table[idx] = new HashEntry(key, val, table[idx]); sizes[idx]++; cachedSize = -1; // clear the cache } public synchronized int size() { if (cachedSize < 0) { // reduce size recalculation cachedSize = 0; for (int i=0; i<sizes.length; i++) cachedSize += sizes[i]; } return cachedSize; } 29 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 30. Minimizing Data Contention 4 private Object table[]; private int sizes[]; private int cachedSize; public synchronized void put(Object key, Object val) { … // missed, insert into table table[idx] = new HashEntry(key, val, table[idx]); sizes[idx]++; if (cachedSize >= 0) cachedSize = -1; // avoid contention } public synchronized int size() { if (cachedSize < 0) { cachedSize = 0; for (int i=0; i<sizes.length; i++) cachedSize += sizes[i]; } return cachedSize; } 30 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 31. Double Checked Locking Avoided Singleton pattern • Needs to be synchronized at initialization ─ Further synchronization seems to be a waste ─ Web is full of examples of how wrong you can go • Transactional synchronized keeps it simple public class Simple { private Helper helper = null; public synchronized Helper getHelper() { if (helper == null) { helper = new Helper(); } return helper; // no data contention once initialized } // other functions and members … } 31 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 32. Unavoidable Data Contention Accounts public synchronized void deposit(long amount) { balance += amount; } Points public synchronized void translate(int dx, int dy) { x += dx; y += dy; } 32 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 33. wait()/notify() Example: striping work queues • Stripe work across multiple queues Task task = new WorkTask(…); Queue queue = queues[task.hashCode() % queues.length]; synchronized (queue) { queue.enqueue(task); queue.notify(); } • Workers can be statically assigned to a queue synchronized (queues) { queue = queues[num_workers++ % queues.length]; } 33 while (true){ synchronized (queue) { queue.wait(); Task task = queue.dequeue(); } task.execute(); } Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems. ©2005
  • 34. Agenda Why do we care? Lock contention vs. Data contention Transactional synchronized {…} Measurements Effects on how you code Summary 34 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 35. Summary • Transparent transactional synchronized() is available • Simplify data structures, save development time ─ Use coarse grain locking ─ Let the VM deal with the scaling problem • Further optimization ─ Be aware of data contention ─ Stripe stats gathering ─ Stripe wait() and notify() 35 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 36. Our Lawyers made us say this… "Azul Systems, Azul, and the Azul arch logo are trademarks of Azul Systems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Sun, Sun Microsystems, Java and all Java based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. Other marks are the property of their respective owners and are used here only for identification purposes." 36 ©2005 Azul Systems, Inc. Strictly Confidential. Do not distribute or share any of this information without specific approval from Azul Systems.
  • 37. Q&A © 2005 Azul Systems, Inc. | Confidential

Editor's Notes

  1. Reader/writer locks are an attempt at solving this but they do not solve this completely because they do not distinguish different buckets usually.
  2. In summary, we have discussed the CIO Challenges, the emerging category of BTO and Mercury Interactive’s new BTO solution suite. Let’s discuss how customers get started and see results through BTO. Unlike the mega projects of the last decade, BTO solutions are not monoliths that require tens of millions of dollars, several years of implementation and still present an uncertain outcome. BTO is incremental and immediate – focusing first on improving what the customer has “today”. In 3-6 weeks customers can see improvements in their existing environments.  
  3. Talking points: HW is conservative, can detect false collision without data contention.
  4. Reader/writer locks are an attempt at solving this but they do not solve this completely because they do not distinguish different buckets usually.
  5. Hashtable size: 100 entries
  6. Same Hashtable as before, now with some collisions.
  7. Make size() cheap and reduce the window of potential data contention inside size().
  8. For the Accounts example one could argue the use of concurrent.Atomics, since this only updates a single variable. Whereas a Point cannot be updated with one atomic operation.