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MacRuby & HotCocoa
Tasty Apps for OS X

                      Thilo Utke 2009
     About - Web developer - macruby - - Upstream - Alex - Web developer - WebApplications - doningtext
     - forex-metal - In business for a while - bootstrap - Paper-C - fast - rails - ruby - reliable - testing - rspec
     - cucumber - ruby - reliable - macs - ruby - rails - text mate - fast - plugins - gems - tools - interesting
     techs - iphone - mac - tools - Objective-C - features like ruby - smalltalk - more code - Hello World
     Example - not so fast - unlike ruby - dropped it - heard about macruby 0.3 relase - on top of Obj-C -
     get curious - less code - on Mac - with Cocoa - major API - Desktop Applications - More like ruby -
     liked it - Its from Apple! - from - RubyWrapper for NSObject 2001 - Integration with ProjectBuilder (IB
     2002) - 2006 Laurent Sansonetti - 10.5 shipped with OS X - 2008 MacRuby shall replace RubyCocoa -
     RubyCocoa is a scripting Bridge - Syntactic Sugar - Syntax Mismatch - 2 Object Graphs - Green
     Threads vs. native Threads - Ruby 1.8 and ObjectiveC - Standard Libs Broken - Slow!!! - Mismatch like
     String != NSString => more Code - Picture - Ruby first Class Citizen - MacRuby - Ruby 1.9 - Native
     Threads - Matches better with Obj Syntax - Faster - Tighter Integration with Obj-C - Share Base classes
     - Share Infrastructure - GC - MacRuby 0.5 - the best Ruby for Mac - In Development - NO GLI - Share
     IO - On top of LLVM - Doing optimizations - Calls Obj-C - class/methods/obj all Obj C - show Methods
     - No more libffi but uses a new C-dispatcher - Picture! - Show Mixing MacRuby with ObjC - Compiles
     Code JIT - soon AOT - other Platforms - iPhone? - IB integration! - Framework - main_rm - Outlet -
     Action - Delegates - Like ActiveRecord Callbacks - but fixed names - you tell who handle it - first
     responder - Delegate for Application - Show Random Number Gen with IB - Code Obj-C/MacRuby-

All the things I’d like to talk about.

 Objective-C Encounter

 Apple - Ruby


 MacRuby 0.5

 MacRuby <-> Obj-C

 Interface Builder Integration

 Back to Code with HotCocoa

I’m a WebDeveloper.

My Company
Alexander Lang, also Founder and Owner of Upstream
Wrote CouchPotato. Talks about Ruby Libs for CouchDB
We did Community, Productivity, Finance and Educational Websites. Our own product is
Rails enabled us to build WebApps really fast.

I love Ruby!
To be fast and deliver reliable applications, we build software with test first.
New libraries, gems and technics keep WebDevelopment interesting.


Still I get bored easily, so I play with new technologies.
Thats why I have an iPhone.
That’s why Alex has an iPhone.
That’s why we play with couchDB.
That’s why I thought Obj-C might be interesting.

             Ruby                          Obj-C

Ruby and Obj-C have a common ancestry.
Ruby                                Obj-C

                                Garbage Collection
                                Object Oriented

Characteristics they have in common.
Ruby             Obj-C


           FFI, C-Ext        C-SuperSet

           methodname(1,2)   method: 1 name:2

           Interpreter       Compiler

Things that differ.
Grabbed this book to start with Obj-C.
First Objective-C App
   @interface Foo : NSObject
     IBOutlet NSTextField *textField;

   - (IBAction)gerneate:(id)sender;
   - (IBAction)seed:(id)sender;

   @impelemtation Foo

   - (IBAction)generate:(id)sender
     int generated = (random() % 100) +1;
     [textField setIntValue:generated];

   - (IBAction)seed:(id)sender
     [textField setStringValue:@quot;Generator seededquot;];

My first Obj-C code with header files, types, many braces and semicolons.
Felt like back in C programming class. Thrown Obj-C away.
Yes, Ruby spoiled me.
MacRuby 0.3

Heard about MacRuby with the 0.3 release.
First Objective-C App
   class Foo
 attr_writer :text_field
 def seed(sender)
 @text_field.StringValue = quot;Generator doesn't need to be seeded ;)quot;
 def generate(sender)
 @text_field.StringValue = (rand(100) + 1)

Same Obj-C Tutorial App with MacRuby.
Header files, types, braces, and semicolons are gone. Much less code. Yeah!
It is from Apple!
Apple wants Ruby to be a
                         first class citizen
                             on OS X

Where that comes from.

 Ruby extension for NSObject
and NSClassFromString function
     by Hisakuni Fujimoto

  RubyCocoa Project

Ruby 1.6.7 on OS X 10.2

                 Ruby 1.8.2 on OS X 10.4

For a long time nothing happened.

           Laurent Sansonetti from Apple
                joined RubyCocoa

Things started to move.

           Ruby 1.8.6, Rails, RubyGems
                 and RubyCocoa
                  on OSX 10.5

Big move


        App              Std Lib                           Obj-C

   Ruby Code              GC                GC     IO      GCC
               MRI 1.8                           Obj-C Runtime

RubyCocoa Architecture
  Use Objects from Obj-C in Ruby and vice versa
  Syntax matching
    [Class initWith:(type) p1 other:(type) p2]
    Class.initWith_other(p1, p2)
  App           Std Lib                             Obj-C
  Access to C-Structs
Ruby Code         GC                 GC     IO      GCC
        MRI 1.8                           Obj-C Runtime
  Messaging between Obj-C and Ruby is slow!


  App         Std Lib                           Obj-C

Ruby Code         GC             GC     IO      GCC
        MRI 1.8                       Obj-C Runtime
       Two Object Spaces
          quot;Hiquot; != @quot;Hiquot;
       Green Threads vs. Native Threads Frameworks

        App               Std Lib                                Obj-C

   Ruby Code                GC                  GC         IO    GCC
               MRI 1.8                                 Obj-C Runtime

RubyCocoa can run only on the MainThread.
Ruby needs patching to allow to work with the Obj-C runtime.
  Duplicated infrastructure


  App         Std Lib                           Obj-C

Ruby Code         GC             GC     IO      GCC
        MRI 1.8                       Obj-C Runtime
  Duplicated libraries
   Ruby’s causing hang ups

  App         Std Lib                           Obj-C

Ruby Code         GC             GC     IO      GCC
        MRI 1.8                       Obj-C Runtime
Thanks to RubyCocoa for some cool apps, like GitNub.

                shall replace RubyCocoa
                            in the future

The appearance of MacRuby

                    MacRuby gets popular

        Ruby 1.8.7, Rails 2.3, RubyGems
                            and RubyCocoa
                               on OSX 10.6

Community starts to grow.
Gets buzz, because it for example faster than YARV.
Appears more in screencasts/conferences.

Apple Stayes true to ruby
MacRuby 0.5

            App         Std Lib
                 Ruby Code

         JIT/AOT          GC            IO     GCC
                             Obj-C Runtime

MacRuby architecture
MacRuby 0.5
         Object => NSObject
         RubySpecific extensions
  App        Std Lib
     Ruby Code

  LLVM   Same Primitives
 JIT/AOT     GC             IO      GCC
                 Obj-C Runtime
./miniruby -e 'p, true)'

   [:quot;sortUsingFunction:context:quot;, :quot;exchangeObjectAtIndex:withObjectA
   tIndex:quot;, :removeAllObjects, :quot;getObjects:range:quot;, :quot;containsObject
   :inRange:quot;, :removeObjectsInRange, :removeObjectAtIndex, :removeLas
   tObject, :quot;replaceObjectAtIndex:withObject:quot;, :quot;insertObject:atInde
   x:quot;, :addObject, :quot;countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:quot;, :ob
   jectAtIndex, :count, :mutableCopyWithZone, :copyWithZone, :classFor
   Coder, :finalize, :hash, :isEqual, :sortUsingDescriptors, :filterUs
   ingPredicate, :initWithContentsOfURL, :initWithContentsOfFile, :sor
   tUsingSelector, :quot;removeObjectsFromIndices:numIndices:quot;, :removeObj
   ectsAtIndexes, :quot;replaceObjectsAtIndexes:withObjects:quot;, :quot;insertObj
   ects:atIndexes:quot;, :quot;sortUsingFunction:context:range:quot;, :quot;initWithOb
   jects:count:quot;, :initWithCapacity, :removeObjectsInArray, :quot;removeOb
   jectIdenticalTo:inRange:quot;, :removeObjectIdenticalTo, :quot;removeObject
   :inRange:quot;, :removeObject, :quot;removeObject:range:identical:quot;, :setAr
   ray, :quot;setObject:atIndex:quot;, :addObjectsFromArray, :quot;replaceObjectsI

With the extra second argument set on true, you can see the Obj-C methods.
MacRuby 0.5
                             Generate Obj-C calls for Ruby code
                             Intermediate Representation (IR)
            App              Std Lib
                             Optimization             Frameworks
                 Ruby Code
                             JIT compiler to execute code
          LLVM               ~ 3 x faster than YARV
         JIT/AOT                   GC         IO        LLVM
                             AOT compiler very soon
                                   Obj-C Runtime

LLVM = Low Level Virtual Machine
MacRuby 0.5
                               Generate Obj-C calls for Ruby code
                               Intermediate Representation (IR)
             App               Std Lib
                               Optimization                          Frameworks
                  Ruby Code
                               JIT compiler to execute code
           LLVM                ~ 3 x faster than YARV
          JIT/AOT                 GC                    IO                LLVM
                               AOT compiler very soon
                                    Obj-C Runtime

AOT Compiler might allow to build for the iPhone. The garbage collection is still an open
VM_DUMP_IR=1 ./miniruby -e 'p quot;Hello RailsWayCon!quot;'

   quot;Hello RailsWayCon!quot;
   IR dump ----------------------------------------------
   ; ModuleID = 'Roxor'

   define i64 @0(i64 %self, i8* %sel) {
 %0 = tail call i64 (i8*, i64, i8*, i8*, i8, i32, ...)*
   @rb_vm_dispatch(i8* inttoptr (i64 4309091648 to i8*), i64 %self, i8*
   inttoptr (i64 4308940784 to i8*), i8* null, i8 0, i32 1, i64
 ; <i64> [#uses=1]
 ret i64 %0

   declare i64 @rb_vm_dispatch(i8*, i64, i8*, i8*, i8, i32, ...)

How the IR in LLVM looks?
MacRuby 0.5
                           One runtime
            App            One Lib
                           Std object space
                           Shared infrastructure
                    Ruby Code
                           Multithreaded             Obj-C
          JIT/AOT             GC           IO        GCC
                               Obj-C Runtime

No GIL is needed.
MacRuby 0.5

MacRuby is not fully functional yet.
Not installable around 85% RubySpecs passes.
You can play with miniruby.
MacRuby 0.4

“Stable” version
Using Frameworks
       #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

   framework 'Cocoa'

Require a framework
Calling Obj-C Methods
    [dog makeNoise:@”wuff” level:6];

dog.makeNoise “wuff”, level:6

dog.makeNoise “wuff”, :level => 6
Defining Methods for Obj-C
- (id) makeNoise:(NSString)noise

def makeNoise(noise, level:level)
Using Structs
       NSError* error;

   //MacRuby 0.4
   error = Pointer.new_with_type('@')

   //MacRuby 0.5
   error =

Pointers are often used as a means for output parameters, mostly for error handling.
alloc & init

[[NSMutableArray alloc] init]

Array.alloc.init ==

Use Ruby from Objective-C
   id dog = [NSClassFromString(@quot;Dogquot;) new];
   [dog bark]

   id dog = [[MacRuby sharedRuntime]
   [dog performRubySelector: @selector(bark:)];

Ruby Parameters are always objects, careful when passing primitives!

MacRuby is supported in XCode.
Interface Builder

Also support by Interface Builder
Read this book to learn more about Interface Builder and XCode.
Interface Builder

Wire the GUI to your code.

References to GUI elements
attr_writer :stalutation

attr_accessor :user_input

Methods, which are supposed to be called on UI events.
def showSalutation(sender)

 @stalutation.stringValue = quot;Hi RailsWayCon!quot;

Specific to Ruby Cocoa and other frameworks.
def applicationDidFinishLoading(message)
     // do somehting here

                                             I am your delegate

         Answer my Emails!

Alternative explanation: ActiveRecord callbacks with fixed names defined in another object.
With InterfaceBuilder you get very much, very fast, with very little code but rather static.
Good for small Apps, prototypes, App parts.
More control, understanding, flexibility.
Hello World MacRuby
   framework 'Cocoa'
   app = NSApplication.sharedApplication
   window = NSWindow.alloc.initWithContentRect([0,0,200,60],
     styleMask:NSTitledWindowMask | NSClosableWindowMask | NSResizableWindowMask ,
   window.title = 'Hello World'
   label = NSTextField.alloc.initWithFrame(NSZeroRect)
   label.stringValue = quot;Hello RailsWayCon!quot;
   label.frameOrigin = NSMakePoint((window.contentView.frameSize.width / 2) -
   (label.frameSize.width / 2)),
     (window.contentView.frameSize.height / 3))

No InterfaceBuilder -> lots of code
HotCocoa. Not only a tasty drink but a smart Lib shipped with MacRuby.

Ruby Wrapper for major frameworks

        Constructors with smart defaults
        Constants mapped to Symbols
        Custom methods
        Easy delegation

Constructors- Building the instances of the mapped classes using the correct class-specific
Smart Defaults - Default constructor parameters to minimize the needed parameters
Constant Mapping - Use of Ruby symbols to minimize the text and incr. readability
Custom Methods- Ruby-friendly API for commonly used methods
Delegate Methods - Ruby-friendly methods for delegating instances
Hello World HotCocoa
  require 'hotcocoa'
  include HotCocoa
  application do
    window = window(title: 'Hello World', frame: [0,0,200,60])
    label = label(text:'Hello RailsWayCon!', layout: {align::center})
    window << label

Same App done with MacRuby.
Constructors with Smart Defaults
   styleMask:NSTitledWindowMask |
   NSClosableWindowMask |
   NSResizableWindowMask , 

window(title: 'Hello World', frame: [0,0,200,60])
Constant Mappings

button.bezel = :rounded
Custom Methods

window << label
Delegate = self
button.action = 'sayHello'
def sayHello
 p 'Hello!'

botton.on_action {p 'Hello!'}
HotCoco Documentation


see /hotcocoa/mappings

HotConsole at gitHub to play arround
Lot of work to do to understand all available OS X frameworks.
So What?

The implications of MacRuby

Better Tool Support

 != Apple | XCode | InterfaceBuilder
 HotCocoa, Rucola (App. Gen.)
Mature Testing Libraries

 TestUnit (working)
 Mocha (working)
 Cucumber (GUI manipulation?)
More applications for MAC!


Help: MacRuby-devel on MacOSForge
Twitter: @MacRuby

Thilo Utke 2009 for RailsWayCon
Upstream-Agile GmbH (

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MacRuby & HotCocoa

  • 1. MacRuby & HotCocoa Tasty Apps for OS X Thilo Utke 2009
  • 2. Overview About - Web developer - macruby - - Upstream - Alex - Web developer - WebApplications - doningtext - forex-metal - In business for a while - bootstrap - Paper-C - fast - rails - ruby - reliable - testing - rspec - cucumber - ruby - reliable - macs - ruby - rails - text mate - fast - plugins - gems - tools - interesting techs - iphone - mac - tools - Objective-C - features like ruby - smalltalk - more code - Hello World Example - not so fast - unlike ruby - dropped it - heard about macruby 0.3 relase - on top of Obj-C - get curious - less code - on Mac - with Cocoa - major API - Desktop Applications - More like ruby - liked it - Its from Apple! - from - RubyWrapper for NSObject 2001 - Integration with ProjectBuilder (IB 2002) - 2006 Laurent Sansonetti - 10.5 shipped with OS X - 2008 MacRuby shall replace RubyCocoa - RubyCocoa is a scripting Bridge - Syntactic Sugar - Syntax Mismatch - 2 Object Graphs - Green Threads vs. native Threads - Ruby 1.8 and ObjectiveC - Standard Libs Broken - Slow!!! - Mismatch like String != NSString => more Code - Picture - Ruby first Class Citizen - MacRuby - Ruby 1.9 - Native Threads - Matches better with Obj Syntax - Faster - Tighter Integration with Obj-C - Share Base classes - Share Infrastructure - GC - MacRuby 0.5 - the best Ruby for Mac - In Development - NO GLI - Share IO - On top of LLVM - Doing optimizations - Calls Obj-C - class/methods/obj all Obj C - show Methods - No more libffi but uses a new C-dispatcher - Picture! - Show Mixing MacRuby with ObjC - Compiles Code JIT - soon AOT - other Platforms - iPhone? - IB integration! - Framework - main_rm - Outlet - Action - Delegates - Like ActiveRecord Callbacks - but fixed names - you tell who handle it - first responder - Delegate for Application - Show Random Number Gen with IB - Code Obj-C/MacRuby- All the things I’d like to talk about.
  • 3. Outline Intro Objective-C Encounter Apple - Ruby RubyCocoa MacRuby 0.5 MacRuby <-> Obj-C Interface Builder Integration Back to Code with HotCocoa Impact
  • 6. Alexander Lang, also Founder and Owner of Upstream
  • 7. Wrote CouchPotato. Talks about Ruby Libs for CouchDB
  • 8. We did Community, Productivity, Finance and Educational Websites. Our own product is
  • 9. Rails enabled us to build WebApps really fast.
  • 11. To be fast and deliver reliable applications, we build software with test first.
  • 12. New libraries, gems and technics keep WebDevelopment interesting.
  • 13. Boring!!!! Still I get bored easily, so I play with new technologies.
  • 14. Thats why I have an iPhone.
  • 15. That’s why Alex has an iPhone.
  • 16. That’s why we play with couchDB.
  • 17. That’s why I thought Obj-C might be interesting.
  • 18. SmallTalk Ruby Obj-C Ruby and Obj-C have a common ancestry.
  • 19. Ruby Obj-C Reflective Dynamic Garbage Collection Object Oriented Characteristics they have in common.
  • 20. Ruby Obj-C Closures FFI, C-Ext C-SuperSet methodname(1,2) method: 1 name:2 Interpreter Compiler Things that differ.
  • 21. Grabbed this book to start with Obj-C.
  • 22. First Objective-C App @interface Foo : NSObject { IBOutlet NSTextField *textField; } - (IBAction)gerneate:(id)sender; - (IBAction)seed:(id)sender; @end @impelemtation Foo - (IBAction)generate:(id)sender { int generated = (random() % 100) +1; [textField setIntValue:generated]; } - (IBAction)seed:(id)sender { srandom(time(NULL)); [textField setStringValue:@quot;Generator seededquot;]; } My first Obj-C code with header files, types, many braces and semicolons.
  • 23. o_0 Felt like back in C programming class. Thrown Obj-C away. Yes, Ruby spoiled me.
  • 24. MacRuby 0.3 Heard about MacRuby with the 0.3 release.
  • 25. First Objective-C App class Foo attr_writer :text_field def seed(sender) @text_field.StringValue = quot;Generator doesn't need to be seeded ;)quot; end def generate(sender) @text_field.StringValue = (rand(100) + 1) end end Same Obj-C Tutorial App with MacRuby.
  • 26. 0_0/ Header files, types, braces, and semicolons are gone. Much less code. Yeah!
  • 27. It is from Apple!
  • 28. Apple wants Ruby to be a first class citizen on OS X Where that comes from.
  • 29. 2001 Ruby extension for NSObject and NSClassFromString function by Hisakuni Fujimoto
  • 30. 2002 RubyCocoa Project Ruby 1.6.7 on OS X 10.2
  • 31. 2005 Ruby 1.8.2 on OS X 10.4 For a long time nothing happened.
  • 32. 2006 Laurent Sansonetti from Apple joined RubyCocoa Things started to move.
  • 33. 2007 Ruby 1.8.6, Rails, RubyGems and RubyCocoa on OSX 10.5 Big move
  • 34. RubyCocoa Frameworks App Std Lib Obj-C Ruby Code GC GC IO GCC Bridge MRI 1.8 Obj-C Runtime RubyCocoa Architecture
  • 35. RubyCocoa Use Objects from Obj-C in Ruby and vice versa Syntax matching [Class initWith:(type) p1 other:(type) p2] Frameworks Class.initWith_other(p1, p2) Extending/Inheriting/Overwriting App Std Lib Obj-C Access to C-Structs Ruby Code GC GC IO GCC Bridge MRI 1.8 Obj-C Runtime
  • 36. RubyCocoa Messaging between Obj-C and Ruby is slow! Frameworks App Std Lib Obj-C Ruby Code GC GC IO GCC Bridge MRI 1.8 Obj-C Runtime
  • 37. RubyCocoa Two Object Spaces quot;Hiquot; != @quot;Hiquot; Green Threads vs. Native Threads Frameworks App Std Lib Obj-C Ruby Code GC GC IO GCC Bridge MRI 1.8 Obj-C Runtime RubyCocoa can run only on the MainThread. Ruby needs patching to allow to work with the Obj-C runtime.
  • 38. RubyCocoa Duplicated infrastructure Frameworks App Std Lib Obj-C Ruby Code GC GC IO GCC Bridge MRI 1.8 Obj-C Runtime
  • 39. RubyCocoa Duplicated libraries Ruby’s causing hang ups Frameworks App Std Lib Obj-C Ruby Code GC GC IO GCC Bridge MRI 1.8 Obj-C Runtime
  • 40. Thanks to RubyCocoa for some cool apps, like GitNub.
  • 41. 2008 MacRuby shall replace RubyCocoa in the future The appearance of MacRuby
  • 42. 2009 MacRuby gets popular Ruby 1.8.7, Rails 2.3, RubyGems and RubyCocoa on OSX 10.6 Community starts to grow. Gets buzz, because it for example faster than YARV. Appears more in screencasts/conferences. Apple Stayes true to ruby
  • 43. MacRuby 0.5 App Std Lib Frameworks Ruby Code Obj-C LLVM JIT/AOT GC IO GCC Obj-C Runtime MacRuby architecture
  • 44. MacRuby 0.5 Object => NSObject RubySpecific extensions App Std Lib Frameworks Ruby Code Obj-C LLVM Same Primitives JIT/AOT GC IO GCC Obj-C Runtime
  • 45. ./miniruby -e 'p, true)' [:quot;sortUsingFunction:context:quot;, :quot;exchangeObjectAtIndex:withObjectA tIndex:quot;, :removeAllObjects, :quot;getObjects:range:quot;, :quot;containsObject :inRange:quot;, :removeObjectsInRange, :removeObjectAtIndex, :removeLas tObject, :quot;replaceObjectAtIndex:withObject:quot;, :quot;insertObject:atInde x:quot;, :addObject, :quot;countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:quot;, :ob jectAtIndex, :count, :mutableCopyWithZone, :copyWithZone, :classFor Coder, :finalize, :hash, :isEqual, :sortUsingDescriptors, :filterUs ingPredicate, :initWithContentsOfURL, :initWithContentsOfFile, :sor tUsingSelector, :quot;removeObjectsFromIndices:numIndices:quot;, :removeObj ectsAtIndexes, :quot;replaceObjectsAtIndexes:withObjects:quot;, :quot;insertObj ects:atIndexes:quot;, :quot;sortUsingFunction:context:range:quot;, :quot;initWithOb jects:count:quot;, :initWithCapacity, :removeObjectsInArray, :quot;removeOb jectIdenticalTo:inRange:quot;, :removeObjectIdenticalTo, :quot;removeObject :inRange:quot;, :removeObject, :quot;removeObject:range:identical:quot;, :setAr ray, :quot;setObject:atIndex:quot;, :addObjectsFromArray, :quot;replaceObjectsI With the extra second argument set on true, you can see the Obj-C methods.
  • 46. MacRuby 0.5 Generate Obj-C calls for Ruby code Intermediate Representation (IR) App Std Lib Optimization Frameworks Ruby Code JIT compiler to execute code GCC LLVM ~ 3 x faster than YARV JIT/AOT GC IO LLVM AOT compiler very soon Obj-C Runtime LLVM = Low Level Virtual Machine
  • 47. MacRuby 0.5 Generate Obj-C calls for Ruby code Intermediate Representation (IR) App Std Lib Optimization Frameworks Ruby Code JIT compiler to execute code GCC LLVM ~ 3 x faster than YARV JIT/AOT GC IO LLVM AOT compiler very soon Obj-C Runtime AOT Compiler might allow to build for the iPhone. The garbage collection is still an open question.
  • 48. VM_DUMP_IR=1 ./miniruby -e 'p quot;Hello RailsWayCon!quot;' quot;Hello RailsWayCon!quot; IR dump ---------------------------------------------- ; ModuleID = 'Roxor' define i64 @0(i64 %self, i8* %sel) { MainBlock: %0 = tail call i64 (i8*, i64, i8*, i8*, i8, i32, ...)* @rb_vm_dispatch(i8* inttoptr (i64 4309091648 to i8*), i64 %self, i8* inttoptr (i64 4308940784 to i8*), i8* null, i8 0, i32 1, i64 34360384192) ; <i64> [#uses=1] ret i64 %0 } declare i64 @rb_vm_dispatch(i8*, i64, i8*, i8*, i8, i32, ...) ------------------------------------------------------ How the IR in LLVM looks?
  • 49. MacRuby 0.5 One runtime App One Lib Std object space Frameworks Shared infrastructure Ruby Code Multithreaded Obj-C LLVM JIT/AOT GC IO GCC Obj-C Runtime No GIL is needed.
  • 50. MacRuby 0.5 MacRuby is not fully functional yet. Not installable around 85% RubySpecs passes. You can play with miniruby.
  • 52. Using Frameworks #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> framework 'Cocoa'     Require a framework
  • 53. Calling Obj-C Methods [dog makeNoise:@”wuff” level:6]; dog.makeNoise “wuff”, level:6 dog.makeNoise “wuff”, :level => 6    
  • 54. Defining Methods for Obj-C - (id) makeNoise:(NSString)noise level:(NSInteger)level; def makeNoise(noise, level:level)  
  • 55. Using Structs NSPoint(0,1),1)  
  • 56. Pointer NSError* error; //MacRuby 0.4 error = Pointer.new_with_type('@') //MacRuby 0.5 error =   Pointers are often used as a means for output parameters, mostly for error handling.
  • 57. alloc & init [[NSMutableArray alloc] init] Array.alloc.init == Array.alloc.initWithArray([1])== Array.arrayWithArray([1])
  • 58. Use Ruby from Objective-C //Possible id dog = [NSClassFromString(@quot;Dogquot;) new]; [dog bark] //Safer id dog = [[MacRuby sharedRuntime] evaluateString:@quot;Dog.newquot;]; [dog performRubySelector: @selector(bark:)]; Ruby Parameters are always objects, careful when passing primitives!
  • 59.
  • 61. Interface Builder Also support by Interface Builder
  • 62. Read this book to learn more about Interface Builder and XCode.
  • 63.
  • 64.
  • 65. Interface Builder Wire the GUI to your code.
  • 68. ACTIONS Methods, which are supposed to be called on UI events.
  • 69. def showSalutation(sender) @stalutation.stringValue = quot;Hi RailsWayCon!quot; end
  • 70. Delegates Specific to Ruby Cocoa and other frameworks.
  • 71. def applicationDidFinishLoading(message) // do somehting here end I am your delegate Answer my Emails! Alternative explanation: ActiveRecord callbacks with fixed names defined in another object.
  • 72. With InterfaceBuilder you get very much, very fast, with very little code but rather static. Good for small Apps, prototypes, App parts.
  • 74. Hello World MacRuby framework 'Cocoa'     app = NSApplication.sharedApplication   window = NSWindow.alloc.initWithContentRect([0,0,200,60],   styleMask:NSTitledWindowMask | NSClosableWindowMask | NSResizableWindowMask ,   backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered,   defer:false)   window.title = 'Hello World'   label = NSTextField.alloc.initWithFrame(NSZeroRect) window.contentView.addSubview(label) label.stringValue = quot;Hello RailsWayCon!quot; label.setEditable(false) label.setSelectable(false) label.setBezeled(false) label.setDrawsBackground(false) label.sizeToFit label.frameOrigin = NSMakePoint((window.contentView.frameSize.width / 2) - (label.frameSize.width / 2)),   (window.contentView.frameSize.height / 3)) window.display window.orderFrontRegardless No InterfaceBuilder -> lots of code
  • 75. by: HotCocoa. Not only a tasty drink but a smart Lib shipped with MacRuby.
  • 76. HotCocoa Ruby Wrapper for major frameworks AppKit WebKit QtKit CoreGraphics CoreImage
  • 77. HotCocoa Constructors with smart defaults Constants mapped to Symbols Custom methods Easy delegation Constructors- Building the instances of the mapped classes using the correct class-specific APIs Smart Defaults - Default constructor parameters to minimize the needed parameters Constant Mapping - Use of Ruby symbols to minimize the text and incr. readability Custom Methods- Ruby-friendly API for commonly used methods Delegate Methods - Ruby-friendly methods for delegating instances
  • 78. Hello World HotCocoa require 'hotcocoa' include HotCocoa   application do   window = window(title: 'Hello World', frame: [0,0,200,60])   label = label(text:'Hello RailsWayCon!', layout: {align::center})   window << label end Same App done with MacRuby.
  • 79. 0_0/
  • 80. Constructors with Smart Defaults NSWindow.alloc.initWithContentRect([0,0,200,60], styleMask:NSTitledWindowMask | NSClosableWindowMask | NSResizableWindowMask ,  backing:NSBackingStoreBuffered,    defer:false) window(title: 'Hello World', frame: [0,0,200,60])  
  • 83. Delegate = self button.action = 'sayHello' def sayHello p 'Hello!' end botton.on_action {p 'Hello!'}  
  • 85. Lot of work to do to understand all available OS X frameworks.
  • 87. Movement ?
  • 88. Better Tool Support != Apple | XCode | InterfaceBuilder HotCocoa, Rucola (App. Gen.) HotConsole
  • 89. Mature Testing Libraries TestUnit (working) Mocha (working) Rspec Shoulda Cucumber (GUI manipulation?)
  • 91. Thanks Start: Help: MacRuby-devel on MacOSForge Twitter: @MacRuby Thilo Utke 2009 for RailsWayCon Upstream-Agile GmbH (