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▸ physics

▸ cryptography

▸ embedded systems

▸ dynamic languages

▸ dns provisioning

▸ network scaling

▸ highly questionable taste in music
Eleanor McHugh

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

var a [3]int

fmt.Println("len(a):", len(a))

fmt.Println("cap(a):", cap(a))

fmt.Printf("a: %v (%T)n", a, a)

fmt.Printf("a[1]: %v (%T)n", a[1], a[1])

fmt.Printf("a[0:1]: %v (%T)n", a[0:1], a[0:1])

a = [3]int{3, 2, 1}

fmt.Printf("a: %v (%T)n", a, a)

a[0] = a[1]

for i, v := range a {

fmt.Printf("a[%v]: %vn", i, v)



go run 001_array.go

len(a): 3

cap(a): 3

a: [0 0 0] ([3]int)

a[1]: 0 (int)

a[0:1]: [0] ([]int)

a: [3 2 1] ([3]int)

a[0]: 2

a[1]: 2

a[2]: 1


package main

func main() {

var a [3]int

_ = append(a, 1)


go run 002_array.go

# command-line-arguments

./002_array.go:6:13: first argument to append must be a slice;
have a (variable of type [3]int)

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

var s []int

fmt.Println("len(s):", len(s))

fmt.Println("cap(s):", cap(s))

fmt.Printf("s: %v (%T)n", s, s)

fmt.Printf("s[0:1]: %v (%T)n", s[0:1], s[0:1])


go run 003_slice.go

len(s): 0

cap(s): 0

s: [] ([]int)

panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [:1] with
capacity 0

goroutine 1 [running]:


GoGenericsTalk/003_slice.go:11 +0x171

exit status 2


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

var s []int

s = append(s, 0, 1, 2)

fmt.Printf("s: %v (%T)n", s, s)

fmt.Printf("s[:1]: %v (%T)n", s[:1], s[:1])

fmt.Printf("s[1:]: %v (%T)n", s[1:], s[1:])

s = append(s, s...)

fmt.Printf("s: %v (%T)n", s, s)

s = make([]int, 3, 6)

fmt.Printf("s: %v (%T)n", s, s)

s = []int{2, 4, 6}

s[1] = s[2]

for i, v := range s {

fmt.Printf("s[%v]: %vn", i, v)



go run 004_slice.go

s: [0 1 2] ([]int)

s[:1]: [0] ([]int)

s[1:]: [1 2] ([]int)

s: [0 1 2 0 1 2] ([]int)

s: [0 0 0] ([]int)

s[0]: 2

s[1]: 6

s[2]: 6

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

var s string

fmt.Println("len(s):", len(s))

fmt.Printf("s: %v (%T)n", s, s)

fmt.Printf("s[0:1]: %v (%T)n", s[0:1], s[0:1])


go run 005_string.go

len(s): 0

s: (string)

panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [:1] with length

goroutine 1 [running]:


GoGenericsTalk/005_string.go:10 +0xf1

exit status 2


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

s := "abc"

fmt.Println("len(s):", len(s))

fmt.Printf("s: %v (%T)n", s, s)

fmt.Printf("s[0:1]: %v (%T)n", s[0:1], s[0:1])

s = "cba"

for i, v := range s {

fmt.Printf("s[%v]: %v (%T)n", i, v, v)


b := []byte(s)

for i, v := range b {

fmt.Printf("b[%v]: %v (%T)n", i, v, v)



go run 006_string.go

len(s): 3

s: abc (string)

s[0:1]: a (string)

s[0]: 99 (int32)

s[1]: 98 (int32)

s[2]: 97 (int32)

b[0]: 99 (uint8)

b[1]: 98 (uint8)

b[2]: 97 (uint8)

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

var m map[int]int

fmt.Println("len(m):", len(m))

fmt.Println("m[1]", m[1])

m[1] = 1


go run 007_map.go

len(m): 0

m[1] 0

panic: assignment to entry in nil map

goroutine 1 [running]:


GoGenericsTalk/005_map.go:10 +0xf9

exit status 2


package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

var m map[int]int

m = make(map[int]int)

m[1] = 1

fmt.Println("m[1]:", m[1])

delete(m, 1)

fmt.Println("m:", m)

x, ok := m[1]

fmt.Printf("x: %v, ok: %vn", x, ok)

m = map[int]int{0: 2, 3: 6}

fmt.Println("m:", m)

for k, v := range m {

fmt.Printf("m[%v]: %vn", k, v)



go run 008_map.go

m[1]: 1

m: map[]

x: 0, ok: false

m: map[0:2 3:6]

m[0]: 2

m[3]: 6

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

var c chan int

c = make(chan int)

go send(c, 0, 2, 4, 6)



func send(c <-chan int, v {

for _, n := range v {

c <- n




func receive(c chan<- int) {

for n := range c {

fmt.Println("n:", n)



go run 009_channel.go

# command-line-arguments

./007_channel.go:15:3: invalid operation: cannot send to
receive-only channel c (variable of type <-chan int)

./007_channel.go:17:8: invalid operation: cannot close receive-
only channel c (variable of type <-chan int)

./007_channel.go:21:17: cannot range over c (variable of type
chan<- int) (receive from send-only channel)

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

var c chan int

c = make(chan int)

fmt.Println("cap(c):", cap(c))

go send(c, 0, 2, 4, 6)



func send(c chan<- int, v {

for _, n := range v {

fmt.Println("sending:", n)

c <- n




func receive(c <-chan int) {

for n := range c {

fmt.Printf("len(c): %v, n: %vn", len(c), n)



go run 010_channel.go

cap(c): 0

sending: 0

sending: 2

len(c): 0, n: 0

len(c): 0, n: 2

sending: 4

sending: 6

len(c): 0, n: 4

len(c): 0, n: 6

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

var c chan int

c = make(chan int, 16)

fmt.Println("cap(c):", cap(c))

go send(c, 0, 2, 4, 6)



func send(c chan<- int, v {

for _, n := range v {

fmt.Println("sending:", n)

c <- n




func receive(c <-chan int) {

for n := range c {

fmt.Printf("len(c): %v, n: %vn", len(c), n)



go run 011_channel.go

cap(c): 16

sending: 0

sending: 2

sending: 4

sending: 6

len(c): 3, n: 0

len(c): 2, n: 2

len(c): 1, n: 4

len(c): 0, n: 6

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

var c chan int

c = make(chan int, 16)

go func(c chan<- int, v {

for _, n := range v {

fmt.Println("sending:", n)

c <- n



}(c, 0, 2, 4, 6)

for n := range c {

fmt.Println("n:", n)


fmt.Println("n:", <-c)


go run 012_channel.go

sending: 0

sending: 2

sending: 4

sending: 6

n: 0

n: 2

n: 4

n: 6

n: 0

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

var c chan int

c = make(chan int, 16)

go func(c chan<- int, v {

for _, n := range v {

fmt.Println("sending:", n)

c <- n



}(c, 0, 2, 4, 6)

for n := range c {

fmt.Println("n:", n)


n, open := <-c

fmt.Printf("n: %v, open: %vn", n, open)


go run 013_channel.go

sending: 0

sending: 2

sending: 4

sending: 6

n: 0

n: 2

n: 4

n: 6

n: 0, open: false

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

c := make(chan int, 16)

done := make(chan bool)

go func(v {

for _, n := range v {

fmt.Println("sending:", n)

c <- n



done <- true

}(0, 2, 4, 6)


for {

select {

case n, ok := <-c:

if ok {

fmt.Printf("len(c): %v, n: %vn", len(c), n)


case <-done:

break Receiver




go run 014_channel.go

sending: 0

sending: 2

sending: 4

sending: 6

len(c): 3, n: 0

go run 014_channel.go

sending: 0

sending: 2

sending: 4

sending: 6

len(c): 3, n: 0

len(c): 2, n: 2

len(c): 1, n: 4

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

c := make(chan int)

done := make(chan bool)

go func(v {

for _, n := range v {

fmt.Println("sending:", n)

c <- n



done <- true

}(0, 2, 4, 6)


for {

select {

case n, ok := <-c:

if ok {

fmt.Printf("len(c): %v, n: %vn", len(c), n)


case <-done:

break Receiver




go run 015_channel.go

sending: 0

sending: 2

len(c): 0, n: 0

len(c): 0, n: 2

sending: 4

sending: 6

len(c): 0, n: 4

len(c): 0, n: 6

go run 015_channel.go

sending: 0

sending: 2

len(c): 0, n: 0

len(c): 0, n: 2

sending: 4

sending: 6

len(c): 0, n: 4

len(c): 0, n: 6

package main

import "fmt"

type ISlice []int

func (s ISlice) Sum() (r int) {

for _, x := range s {

r += x




func main() {

s := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("%v.Sum() = %vn", s, s.Sum())


go run 014_udt.go

[0 1 2 3 4].Sum() = 10

package main

import "fmt"

type Summable interface {

Sum() any


type ISlice []int

func (s ISlice) Sum() any {

r := 0

for x := len(s) - 1; x > -1; x-- {

r += s[x]


return r


type FSlice []float32

func (s FSlice) Sum() any {

r := float32(0)

for x := len(s) - 1; x > -1; x-- {

r += s[x]


return r


func main() {

var s Summable

s = ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("%v.Sum() = %vn", s, s.Sum())

s = FSlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("%v.Sum() = %vn", s, s.Sum())


go run 017_udt.go

(main.ISlice)[0 1 2 3 4].Sum() = 10

(main.FSlice)[0 1 2 3 4].Sum() = 10

package main

import "fmt"

type Numeric interface {

~int | ~float32


type Summable[T Numeric] []T

func (s Summable[T]) Sum() (r T) {

for _, x := range s {

r += x




type ISlice = Summable[int]

type FSlice = Summable[float32]

func main() {

i := Summable[int]{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("(%T)%v.Sum() = %vn", i, i, i.Sum())

i = ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("(%T)%v.Sum() = %vn", i, i, i.Sum())

f := Summable[float32]{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("(%T)%v.Sum() = %vn", f, f, f.Sum())

f = FSlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("(%T)%v.Sum() = %vn", f, f, f.Sum())


go run 018_udt.go

(main.Summable[int])[0 1 2 3 4].Sum() = 10

(main.Summable[int])[0 1 2 3 4].Sum() = 10

(main.Summable[float32])[0 1 2 3 4].Sum() = 10

(main.Summable[float32])[0 1 2 3 4].Sum() = 10

package main

import "fmt"

func Sum(s any) (r any) {

switch s := s.(type) {

case []float32:

var f float32

for _, x := range s {

f += x


r = f

case []int:

var i int

for _, x := range s {

i += x


r = i




func main() {

i := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", i, i, Sum(i))

f := []float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", f, f, Sum(i))

r := Sum(f).(float32)

fmt.Println("r =", r)


go run 019_generic_func.go

Sum([]int[0 1 2 3 4]) = 10

Sum([]float32[0 1 2 3 4]) = 10

r = 10

package main

import (




type ISlice []int

type FSlice []float32

func Sum(s any) (r any) {

if s := reflect.ValueOf(s); s.Kind() == reflect.Slice {

switch s.Type().Elem().Kind() {

case reflect.Int:

var x int

for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ {

x += int(s.Index(i).Int())


r = x

case reflect.Float32:

var x float32

for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ {

x += float32(s.Index(i).Float())


r = x





func main() {

i := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", i, i, Sum(i))

f := []float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", f, f, Sum(f))

in := []interface{}{int(0), float32(1), int(2)}

fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", in, in, Sum(in))

is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", is, is, Sum(is))

fs := FSlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", fs, fs, Sum(fs))


go run 020_generic_func.go

Sum([]int[0 1 2 3 4]) = 10

Sum([]float32[0 1 2 3 4]) = 10

Sum([]interface {}[0 1 2]) = <nil>

Sum(main.ISlice[0 1 2 3 4]) = 10

Sum(main.FSlice[0 1 2 3 4]) = 10

package main

import (




type ISlice []int

type FSlice []float32

func Sum(s any) (r any) {

if s := R.ValueOf(s); s.Kind() == R.Slice {

T := s.Type().Elem()

V := R.New(T)

E := V.Elem()

switch T.Kind() {

case R.Int, R.Int8, R.Int16, R.Int32, R.Int64:

for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ {

E.SetInt(E.Int() + s.Index(i).Int())


case R.Float32, R.Float64:

for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ {

E.SetFloat(E.Float() + s.Index(i).Float())



r = E.Interface()




func main() {

i := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", i, i, Sum(i))

f := []float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", f, f, Sum(f))

in := []interface{}{int(0), float32(1), int(2)}

fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", in, in, Sum(in))

is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", is, is, Sum(is))

fs := FSlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", fs, fs, Sum(fs))


go run 021_generic_func.go

Sum([]int[0 1 2 3 4]) = 10

Sum([]float32[0 1 2 3 4]) = 10

Sum([]interface {}[0 1 2]) = <nil>

Sum(main.ISlice[0 1 2 3 4]) = 10

Sum(main.FSlice[0 1 2 3 4]) = 10

package main

import "fmt"

type Numeric interface {

~int | ~float32


func Sum[T Numeric](s []T) (r T) {

for _, x := range s {

r += x




type ISlice []int

type FSlice []float32

func main() {

i := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum[%T](%v) = %vn", i[0], i, Sum[int](i))

f := []float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum[%T](%v) = %vn", f[0], f, Sum[float32](f))

is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum[%T](%v) = %vn", is[0], is, Sum[int](is))

fs := FSlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum[%T](%v) = %vn", fs[0], fs, Sum[float32](fs))


go run 022_generic_func.go

Sum[int]([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10

Sum[float32]([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10

Sum[int]([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10

Sum[float32]([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10

package main

import "fmt"

type Numeric interface {

~int | ~float32


func Sum[T Numeric](s []T) (r T) {

for _, x := range s {

r += x




type ISlice []int

type FSlice []float32

func main() {

i := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum[%T](%v) = %vn", i[0], i, Sum(i))

f := []float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum[%T](%v) = %vn", f[0], f, Sum(f))

is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum[%T](%v) = %vn", is[0], is, Sum(is))

fs := FSlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum[%T](%v) = %vn", fs[0], fs, Sum(fs))


go run 023_generic_func.go

Sum[int]([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10

Sum[float32]([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10

Sum[int]([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10

Sum[float32]([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10

package main

import "fmt"

type Numeric interface {

~int | ~float32


type Indexable[T any] interface {



func Sum[T Indexable[E], E Numeric](s T) (r E) {

for _, x := range s {

r += x




type ISlice Indexable[int]

func main() {

is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum[%T](%v) = %vn", is[0], is, Sum(is))


go run 024_generic_func.go

# command-line-arguments

./023_generic_func.go:23:8: invalid composite literal type


package main

import "fmt"

type Numeric interface {

~int | ~float32


func Sum[T Indexable[E], E Numeric](s T) (r E) {

for _, x := range s {

r += x




type Indexable[T any] interface {



type ISlice []int

type FSlice []float32

func main() {

is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum[%T](%v) = %vn", is[0], is, Sum(is))

fs := FSlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum[%T](%v) = %vn", fs[0], fs, Sum(fs))


go run 025_generic_func.go

Sum[int]([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10

Sum[float32]([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10

package main

import "fmt"

type Indexable[T any] interface {



func Append[T Indexable[E], E any](s *T, e E) {

*s = append(*s, e)


type ISlice []int

func main() {

is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

is2 := append(make(ISlice, 0), is...)

Append(&is2, 5)

fmt.Printf("Append[%T](%v, %v) = %T%vn", is, is, 5, is2, is2)

fs := []float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fs2 := append(make([]float32, 0), fs...)

Append(&fs2, 6)

fmt.Printf("Append[%T](%v, %v) = %T%vn", fs, fs, 6, fs2, fs2)


go run 026_generic_func.go

Append[main.ISlice]([0 1 2 3 4], 5) = main.ISlice[0 1 2 3 4 5]

Append[[]float32]([0 1 2 3 4], 6) = []float32[0 1 2 3 4 6]

package main

import "fmt"

type Iterable interface {

Range(f func(int, int))


func Sum(s Iterable) (r int) {

s.Range(func(i, v int) {

r += v




type ISlice []int

func (s ISlice) Range(f func(int, int)) {

for i, v := range s {

f(i, v)



func main() {

is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum(%v) = %vn", is, Sum(is))


go run 027_high_order_func.go

Sum([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10

package main

import "fmt"

type Iterable interface {

Range(f func(int, int))


func Sum(s Iterable) (r int) {

s.Range(func(i, v int) {

r += v




func main() {

f := []float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum(%v) = %vn", f, Sum(f))


go run 028_high_order_func.go

# command-line-arguments

./028_high_order_func.go:29:38: cannot use f (variable of type
[]float32) as type Iterable in argument to Sum:

[]float32 does not implement Iterable (missing Range method)


package main

import "fmt"

type Iterable interface {

Range(f func(int, int))


func Sum(s Iterable) (r int) {

s.Range(func(i, v int) {

r += v




type FSlice []float32

func (s FSlice) Range(f func(int, int)) {

for i, v := range s {

f(i, v)



func main() {

fs := FSlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum(%v) = %vn", fs, Sum(fs))


go run 029_high_order_func.go

# command-line-arguments

./029_high_order_func.go:13:8: cannot use v (variable of type
float32) as type int in argument to f

package main

import "fmt"

type Iterable interface {

Range(f func(int, any))


func Sum(s Iterable) (r any) {

s.Range(func(i int, v any) {

r += v




type ISlice []int

func (s ISlice) Range(f func(int, any)) {

for i, v := range s {

f(i, v)



type FSlice []float32

func (s FSlice) Range(f func(int, any)) {

for i, v := range s {

f(i, v)



func main() {

is := FSlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum(%v) = %vn", is, Sum(is))

fs := FSlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum(%v) = %vn", fs, Sum(fs))


go 030_high_order_func.go

# command-line-arguments

./030_high_order_func.go:11:3: invalid operation: operator + not
defined on r (variable of type any)

package main

import "fmt"

type Numeric interface {

~int | ~float32


type Iterable[T Numeric] interface {

Range(func(int, T))


func Sum[T Numeric](s Iterable[T]) (r T) {

s.Range(func(i int, v T) {

r += v




type ISlice []int

func (s ISlice) Range(f func(int, int)) {

for i, v := range s {

f(i, v)



func main() {

is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum(%v) = %vn", is, Sum(is))


go 031_high_order_func.go

# command-line-arguments

./031_high_order_func.go:30:39: type ISlice of is does not match
Iterable[T] (cannot infer T)

package main

import "fmt"

type Numeric interface {

~int | ~float32


type Iterable[T Numeric] interface {

Range(func(int, T))


func Sum[T Numeric](s Iterable[T]) (r T) {

s.Range(func(i int, v T) {

r += v




type ISlice []int

func (s ISlice) Range(f func(int, int)) {

for i, v := range s {

f(i, v)



type FSlice []float32

func (s FSlice) Range(f func(int, float32)) {

for i, v := range s {

f(i, v)



func main() {

is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum(%v) = %vn", is, Sum[int](is))

fs := FSlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum(%v) = %vn", fs, Sum[float32](fs))


go 032_high_order_func.go

Sum([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10

Sum([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10

package main

import "fmt"

type Numeric interface {

~int | ~float32


type Iterable[T Numeric] interface {

Range(f func(int, T))


func Sum[T Numeric](s any) (r any) {

switch s := s.(type) {

case Iterable[T]:

fmt.Printf("case Iterable[%T]n", s)

var x T

s.Range(func(i int, v T) {

x += v


r = x

case []T:

fmt.Printf("case %Tn", s)

var x T

for _, v := range s {

x += v


r = x




type ISlice []int

func (s ISlice) Range(f func(int, int)) {

for i, v := range s {

f(i, v)



func main() {

is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum(%v) = %v[%T]n", is, Sum[int](is), is[0])

fs := []float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fmt.Printf("Sum(%v) = %v[%T]n", fs, Sum[float32](fs), fs[0])


go 033_high_order_func.go

case Iterable[main.ISlice]

Sum([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10 [int]

case []float32

Sum([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10 [float32]

package main

import "fmt"

type Numeric interface {

~int | ~float32


type Indexable[T any] interface {



func Reduce[T Indexable[E], E Numeric](s T, f func(E, E) E) (r E) {

for _, v := range s {

r = f(r, v)




func main() {

is := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

ir := Reduce(is, func(x, v int) int {

return x + v


fmt.Printf("Reduce(%v, f()) = %v [%T]n", is, ir, ir)

fs := []float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fr := Reduce(fs, func(x, v float32) float32 {

return x + v


fmt.Printf("Reduce(%v, f()) = %v [%T]n", fs, fr, fr)


go 034_reduce.go

Reduce([0 1 2 3 4], f()) = 10 [int]

Reduce([0 1 2 3 4], f()) = 10 [float32]

package main

import "fmt"

func Reduce(s any, f func(any, any) any) (r any) {

switch s := s.(type) {

case []int:

var x int

for _, v := range s {

x = f(x, v).(int)


r = x

case []float32:

var x float32

for _, v := range s {

x = f(x, v).(float32)


r = x




func main() {

is := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

ir := Reduce(is, func(x any, v any) any {

return x.(int) + v.(int)


fmt.Printf("Reduce(%v, f()) = %v [%T]n", is, ir, ir)

fs := []float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fr := Reduce(fs, func(x any, v any) any {

return x.(float32) + v.(float32)


fmt.Printf("Reduce(%v, f()) = %v [%T]n", fs, fr, fr)


go 035_reduce.go

Reduce([0 1 2 3 4], f()) = 10 [int]

Reduce([0 1 2 3 4], f()) = 10 [float32]

package main

import (


R "reflect"


func Reduce(s any, f func(any, any) any) (r any) {

if s := R.ValueOf(s); s.Kind() == R.Slice {

T := s.Type().Elem()

V := R.New(T)

E := V.Elem()

switch T.Kind() {

case R.Int, R.Int8, R.Int16, R.Int32, R.Int64:

for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ {

v := R.ValueOf(f(





case R.Float32, R.Float64:

for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ {

v := R.ValueOf(f(






r = E.Interface()




func main() {

is := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

ir := Reduce(is, func(x any, v any) any {

return x.(int) + v.(int)


fmt.Printf("Reduce(%v, f()) = %v [%T]n", is, ir, ir)

fs := []float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fr := Reduce(fs, func(x any, v any) any {

return x.(float32) + v.(float32)


fmt.Printf("Reduce(%v, f()) = %v [%T]n", fs, fr, fr)


go 036_reduce.go

Reduce([0 1 2 3 4], f()) = 10 [int]

Reduce([0 1 2 3 4], f()) = 10 [float32]

package main

import "fmt"

type Numeric interface {

~int | ~float32


type Reducible[T Numeric] []T

func (s Reducible[T]) Reduce(f func(T, T) T) (r T) {

for _, x := range s {

r = f(r, x)




type ISlice = Reducible[int]

func main() {

is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

ir := is.Reduce(func(x, v int) int {

return x + v


fmt.Printf("(%T)%v.Reduce(f()) = %v [%T]n", is, is, ir, ir)

fs := Reducible[float32]{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

fr := fs.Reduce(func(x, v float32) float32 {

return x + v


fmt.Printf("(%T)%v.Reduce(f()) = %v [%T]n", fs, fs, fr, fr)


go 037_reduce.go

(main.Reducible[int])[0 1 2 3 4].Reduce(f()) = 10 [int]

(main.Reducible[float32])[0 1 2 3 4].Reduce(f()) = 10 [float32]

package main

import "fmt"

type Numeric interface {

~int | ~float32


type Reducible[K comparable, E Numeric] map[K]E

func (m Reducible[K, E]) Reduce(f func(E, E) E) (r E) {

for _, x := range m {

r = f(r, x)




type IMap = Reducible[int, int]

func main() {

im := IMap{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4}

ir := im.Reduce(func(x, v int) int {

return x + v


fmt.Printf("%v.Reduce(f()) = %v [%T]n", im, ir, ir)

fm := Reducible[int, float32]{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4}

fr := fm.Reduce(func(x, v float32) float32 {

return x + v


fmt.Printf("%v.Reduce(f()) = %v [%T]n", fm, fr, fr)


go 038_reduce.go

map[0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4].Reduce(f()) = 10 [int]

map[0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4].Reduce(f()) = 10 [float32]

package main

import "fmt"

type Numeric interface {

~int | ~float32


type Reducible[T Numeric] chan T

func (c Reducible[T]) Reduce(f func(T, T) T) (r T) {

for x := range c {

r = f(r, x)




func (c Reducible[T]) Pump(v ...T) {

for _, v := range v {

c <- v




type IChan = Reducible[int]

type FChan = Reducible[float32]

func main() {

ic := make(IChan)

go ic.Pump(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)

ir := ic.Reduce(func(x, v int) int {

return x + v


fmt.Printf("(chan ic).Reduce(f()) = %v [%T]n", ir, ir)

fc := make(FChan)

go fc.Pump(0, 1, 2, 3, 4)

fr := fc.Reduce(func(x, v float32) float32 {

return x + v


fmt.Printf("(chan fc).Reduce(f()) = %v [%T]n", fr, fr)


go 039_reduce.go

(chan ic).Reduce(f()) = 10 [int]

(chan fc).Reduce(f()) = 10 [float32]

package main

import "fmt"

type Numeric interface {

~int | ~float32


func Reduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) {

switch c := c.(type) {

case []T:

for _, x := range c {

r = f(r, x)


case map[int]T:

for _, x := range c {

r = f(r, x)


case chan T:

for x := range c {

r = f(r, x)





func Pump[T Numeric](ic chan<- T, v ...T) {

for _, v := range v {

ic <- v




func main() {

is := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}

ir := Reduce(is, func(x, v int) int {

return x + v


fmt.Printf("Reduce(%v, f()) = %v [%T]n", is, ir, ir)

im := map[int]int{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4}

ir = Reduce(im, func(x, v int) int {

return x + v


fmt.Printf("Reduce(%v, f()) = %v [%T]n", im, ir, ir)

ic := make(chan int)

go Pump(ic, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)

ir = Reduce(ic, func(x, v int) int {

return x + v


fmt.Printf("(chan ic).Reduce(f()) = %v [%T]n", ir, ir)


go 040_reduce.go

Reduce([0 1 2 3 4], f()) = 10 [int]

Reduce(map[0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4], f()) = 10 [int]

(chan ic).Reduce(f()) = 10 [int]

package main

import (


R "reflect"


type Numeric interface {

~int | ~float32


func Reduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) {

switch c := c.(type) {

case chan T:

for x := range c {

r = f(r, x)


case string:

for _, x := range c {

r = f(r, T(x))



switch c := R.ValueOf(c); c.Kind() {

case R.Map:

for i := c.MapRange(); i.Next(); {

r = f(r, i.Value().Interface().(T))






func Pump[T Numeric](ic chan<- T, v ...T) {

for _, v := range v {

ic <- v




func DoReduce(c any) {

ir := Reduce(c, func(x, v int) int {

return x + v


fmt.Printf("[%T]Reduce(%v, f()) = %v[%T]n", c, c, ir, ir)


func main() {

ic := make(chan int)

go Pump(ic, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)



DoReduce(map[int]int{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4})


"0": 0, "1": 1, "2": 2, "3": 3, "4": 4})


go 041_reduce.go

[chan int]Reduce(0xc00001c0c0, f()) = 10[int]

[string]Reduce(01234, f()) = 250[int]

[map[int]int]Reduce(map[0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4], f()) = 10[int]

[map[string]int]Reduce(map[0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4], f()) = 10[int]

package main

import (


R "reflect"


type Numeric interface {

~int | ~float32


func Reduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) {

switch c := c.(type) {

case [1]T:

for x := range c {

r = f(r, T(x))


case [2]T:

for _, x := range c {

r = f(r, T(x))



switch c := R.ValueOf(c); c.Kind() {

case R.Array:

for i := 0; i < c.Len(); i++ {

r = f(r, c.Index(i).Interface().(T))






func DoReduce(c any) {

ir := Reduce(c, func(x, v int) int {

return x + v


fmt.Printf("[%T]Reduce(%v, f()) = %v[%T]n", c, c, ir, ir)


func main() {



DoReduce([2]int{0, 1})

DoReduce([5]int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4})


go 042_reduce.go

[[0]int]Reduce([], f()) = 0[int]

[[1]int]Reduce([0], f()) = 0[int]

[[2]int]Reduce([0 1], f()) = 1[int]

[[5]int]Reduce([0 1 2 3 4], f()) = 10[int]

package main

import "fmt"

type Numeric interface {

~int | ~float32


type Reducible[T Numeric] interface {

Reduce(func(T, T) T) T


type ISlice []int

func (s ISlice) Reduce(f func(x, v int) int) (r int) {

for _, v := range s {

r = f(r, v)




type FArray [3]float32

func (a FArray) Reduce(f func(x, v float32) float32) (r float32) {

for _, v := range a {

r = f(r, v)




func Reduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) {

switch c := c.(type) {

case Reducible[T]:

r = c.Reduce(f)




func DoReduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) {

r := Reduce(c, f)

fmt.Printf("[%T]Reduce(%v, f()) = %v[%T]n", c, c, r, r)


func main() {

DoReduce(ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, func(x, v int) int {

return x + v


DoReduce(FArray{0, 1, 2}, func(x, v float32) float32 {

return x + v



go 043_reduce.go

[main.ISlice]Reduce([0 1 2 3 4], f()) = 10[int]

[main.FArray]Reduce([0 1 2], f()) = 3[float32]

package main

import "fmt"

type Numeric interface {

~int | ~float32


type Iterable[T Numeric] interface {

Range(f func(int, T))


type Reducible[T Numeric] interface {

Reduce(func(T, T) T) T


func Reduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) {

switch c := c.(type) {

case func(int) (T, bool):

for i := 0; ; i++ {

if v, ok := c(i); ok {

r = f(r, v)

} else {







func DoReduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) {

r := Reduce(c, f)

fmt.Printf("[%T]Reduce(%v, f()) = %v[%T]n", c, c, r, r)


func Adder[T Numeric]() func(T, T) T {

return func(x, v T) T {

return x + v



func main() {

DoReduce(func(x int) (int, bool) {

return x, (x < 5)

}, Adder[int]())

DoReduce(func(x int) (float32, bool) {

return float32(x), (x < 5)

}, Adder[float32]())


go 044_reduce.go

[func(int) (int, bool)]Reduce(0x108e700, f()) = 10[int]

[func(int) (float32, bool)]Reduce(0x108e720, f()) = 10[float32]

package main

import "fmt"

type Numeric interface {

~int | ~float32


type Iterable[T Numeric] interface {

Range(f func(int, T))


type Reducible[T Numeric] interface {

Reduce(func(T, T) T) T


func Reduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) {

switch c := c.(type) {

case func(int) (T, bool):

for i := 0; ; i++ {

if v, ok := c(i); ok {

r = f(r, v)

} else {







func DoReduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) {

r := Reduce(c, f)

fmt.Printf("[%T]Reduce(%v, f()) = %v[%T]n", c, c, r, r)


func Adder[T func(I) (E, bool), I, E Numeric](f T) func(E, E) E {

return func(x, v E) E {

return x + v



func main() {

i := func(x int) (int, bool) {

return x, (x < 5)


DoReduce(i, Adder(i))

f := func(x int) (float32, bool) {

return float32(x), (x < 5)


DoReduce(f, Adder(f))


go 045_reduce.go

[func(int) (int, bool)]Reduce(0x108e700, f()) = 10[int]

[func(int) (float32, bool)]Reduce(0x108e720, f()) = 10[float32]

package main

import "fmt"

type Numeric interface {

~int | ~float32


func Reduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) {

switch c := c.(type) {

case func(int) (T, bool):

for i := 0; ; i++ {

if v, ok := c(i); ok {

r = f(r, v)

} else {




case NFunc[T]:

r = Reduce((func(int) (T, bool))(c), f)




type NFunc[T Numeric] func(int) (T, bool)

func DoReduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) {

r := Reduce(c, f)

fmt.Printf("[%T]Reduce(%v, f()) = %v[%T]n", c, c, r, r)


func Adder[T Numeric]() func(T, T) T {

return func(x, v T) T {

return x + v



func main() {

DoReduce(func(x int) (int, bool) {

return x, (x < 5)

}, Adder[int]())

DoReduce(func(x int) (float32, bool) {

return float32(x), (x < 5)

}, Adder[float32]())

DoReduce(NFunc[int](func(x int) (int, bool) {

return x, (x < 5)

}), Adder[int]())


go 046_reduce.go

[func(int) (int, bool)]Reduce(0x108e700, f()) = 10[int]

[func(int) (float32, bool)]Reduce(0x108e720, f()) = 10[float32]

[main.NFunc[int]]Reduce(0x108e740, f()) = 10[int]

package main

import (


R "reflect"


type Numeric interface {

~int | ~float32


func Reduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) {

if c := R.ValueOf(c); c.Kind() == R.Func {

for i := 0; ; i++ {

p := []R.Value{R.ValueOf(i)}

if p = c.Call(p); p[1].Interface() == true {

r = f(r, p[0].Interface().(T))

} else {







type NFunc[T Numeric] func(int) (T, bool)

func DoReduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) {

r := Reduce(c, f)

fmt.Printf("[%T]Reduce(%v, f()) = %v[%T]n", c, c, r, r)


func Adder[T Numeric]() func(T, T) T {

return func(x, v T) T {

return x + v



func main() {

DoReduce(func(x int) (int, bool) {

return x, (x < 5)

}, Adder[int]())

DoReduce(func(x int) (float32, bool) {

return float32(x), (x < 5)

}, Adder[float32]())

DoReduce(NFunc[int](func(x int) (int, bool) {

return x, (x < 5)

}), Adder[int]())


go 047_reduce.go

[func(int) (int, bool)]Reduce(0x108e700, f()) = 10[int]

[func(int) (float32, bool)]Reduce(0x108e720, f()) = 10[float32]

[main.NFunc[int]]Reduce(0x108e740, f()) = 10[int]

package main

import (


R "reflect"


type Numeric interface {

~int | ~int8 | ~int16 | ~int32 | ~int64 |

~uint | ~uint8 | ~uint16 | ~uint32 | ~uint64 |

~float32 | ~float64


type Iterable[T Numeric] interface {

Range(f func(int, T))


type Reducible[T Numeric] interface {

Reduce(func(T, T) T) T


func Reduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) {

switch c := c.(type) {

case Iterable[T]:

c.Range(func(i int, v T) {

r = f(r, v)


case Reducible[T]:

r = c.Reduce(f)

case string:

for _, x := range c {

r = f(r, T(x))


case T:

r = f(r, c)

case []T:

for _, x := range c {

r = f(r, x)


case map[int]T:

for _, x := range c {

r = f(r, x)


case func(int) (T, bool):

for i := 0; ; i++ {

if v, ok := c(i); ok {

r = f(r, v)

} else {




case chan T:

for x := range c {

r = f(r, x)



switch c := R.ValueOf(c); c.Kind() {

case R.Map:

for i := c.MapRange(); i.Next(); {

r = f(r, i.Value().Interface().(T))


case R.Array:

for i := 0; i < c.Len(); i++ {

r = f(r, c.Index(i).Interface().(T))


case R.Func:

for i := 0; ; i++ {

p := []R.Value{R.ValueOf(i)}

if p = c.Call(p); p[1].Interface() == true {

r = f(r, p[0].Interface().(T))

} else {








package main

import R "reflect"

func Reduce[T any](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) {

switch c := c.(type) {

case interface{ Range(f func(int, T)) }:

c.Range(func(i int, v T) {

r = f(r, v)


case interface{ Reduce(func(T, T) T) T }:

r = c.Reduce(f)

case string:

for _, x := range c {

r = f(r, x)


case T:

r = f(r, c)

case []T:

for _, x := range c {

r = f(r, x)


case map[int]T:

for _, x := range c {

r = f(r, x)


case func(int) (T, bool):

for i := 0; ; i++ {

if v, ok := c(i); ok {

r = f(r, v)

} else {




case chan T:

for x := range c {

r = f(r, x)



switch c := R.ValueOf(c); c.Kind() {

case R.Map:

for i := c.MapRange(); i.Next(); {

r = f(r, i.Value().Interface().(T))


case R.Array:

for i := 0; i < c.Len(); i++ {

r = f(r, c.Index(i).Interface().(T))


case R.Func:

for i := 0; ; i++ {

p := []R.Value{R.ValueOf(i)}

if p = c.Call(p); p[1].Interface() == true {

r = f(r, p[0].Interface().(T))

} else {








func main() {}

go 049_reduce.go

# command-line-arguments

./049_reduce.go:15:13: cannot use x (variable of type rune) as
type T in argument to f

package main

import "fmt"

func Reduce[T any](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) {

switch c := c.(type) {

case interface{ Range(f func(int, T)) }:

c.Range(func(i int, v T) {

r = f(r, v)


case interface{ Reduce(func(T, T) T) T }:

r = c.Reduce(f)




func DoReduce[T any](c any, f func(T, T) T) {

r := Reduce(c, f)

fmt.Printf("[%T]Reduce(%v, f()) = %v[%T]n", c, c, r, r)


type ISlice []int

func (s ISlice) Range(f func(int, int)) {

for i, v := range s {

f(i, v)



type FArray [3]float32

func (a FArray) Reduce(f func(x, v float32) float32) (r float32) {

for _, v := range a {

r = f(r, v)




func main() {

DoReduce(ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, func(x, v int) int {

return x + v


DoReduce(FArray{0, 1, 2}, func(x, v float32) float32 {

return x + v



go 050_reduce.go

[main.ISlice]Reduce([0 1 2 3 4], f()) = 10[int]

[main.FArray]Reduce([0 1 2], f()) = 3[float32]

package main

import "fmt"

func Reduce[T any](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) {

switch c := c.(type) {

case string:

for _, x := range c {

r = f(r, any(x).(T))





func DoReduce[T any](c any, f func(T, T) T) {

r := Reduce(c, f)

fmt.Printf("[%T]Reduce(%v, f()) = %v[%T]n", c, c, r, r)


func main() {

DoReduce[rune]("01234", func(r, x rune) rune {

return r + x - 48



go 051_reduce.go

[string]Reduce(01234, f()) = 10[int32]


package main

import (


R "reflect"


func Reduce[T any](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) {

switch c := R.ValueOf(c); c.Kind() {

case R.String:

for _, x := range c.Interface().(string) {

r = f(r, any(x).(T))





func DoReduce[T any](c any, f func(T, T) T) {

r := Reduce(c, f)

fmt.Printf("[%T]Reduce(%v, f()) = %v[%T]n", c, c, r, r)


func main() {

DoReduce("01234", func(x, v rune) rune {

return x + v - 48



go 052_reduce.go

[string]Reduce(01234, f()) = 10[int32]

package main

import R "reflect"

func Reduce[T any](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) {

switch c := c.(type) {

case interface{ Range(f func(int, T)) }:

c.Range(func(i int, v T) {

r = f(r, v)


case interface{ Reduce(func(T, T) T) T }:

r = c.Reduce(f)

case string:

for _, x := range c {

r = f(r, any(x).(T))


case T:

r = f(r, c)

case []T:

for _, x := range c {

r = f(r, x)


case map[int]T:

for _, x := range c {

r = f(r, x)


case func(int) (T, bool):

for i := 0; ; i++ {

if v, ok := c(i); ok {

r = f(r, v)

} else {




case chan T:

for x := range c {

r = f(r, x)



switch c := R.ValueOf(c); c.Kind() {

case R.Map:

for i := c.MapRange(); i.Next(); {

r = f(r, i.Value().Interface().(T))


case R.Array:

for i := 0; i < c.Len(); i++ {

r = f(r, c.Index(i).Interface().(T))


case R.Func:

for i := 0; ; i++ {

p := []R.Value{R.ValueOf(i)}

if p = c.Call(p); p[1].Interface() == true {

r = f(r, p[0].Interface().(T))

} else {








func main() {}

package main

import "fmt"

func Map[T any](s []T, f func(T) T) (r []T) {

for _, v := range s {

r = append(r, f(v))




func DoMap[T ~int | ~float32](s []T) {

r := Map(s, func(v T) T {

return v * 2


fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r)


func main() {

DoMap([]int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4})

DoMap([]float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4})



Map([0 1 2 3 4], func()): [0 2 4 6 8]

Map([0 1 2 3 4], func()): [0 2 4 6 8]

package main

import "fmt"

type Iterable[T any] interface {

Range(func(int, T))


func Map[T any](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) {

switch s := s.(type) {

case Iterable[T]:

s.Range(func(i int, v T) {

r = append(r, f(v))


case []T:

for _, v := range s {

r = append(r, f(v))





func DoMap[T ~int | ~float32](s []T) {

r := Map(s, func(v T) T {

return v * 2


fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r)


type ISlice []int

func (s ISlice) Range(f func(i, v int)) {

for i, v := range s {

f(i, v)



func main() {

DoMap(ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4})

DoMap([]int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4})

DoMap([]float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4})



Map([0 1 2 3 4], func()): [0 2 4 6 8]

Map([0 1 2 3 4], func()): [0 2 4 6 8]

Map([0 1 2 3 4], func()): [0 2 4 6 8]

package main

import "fmt"

func Map[T any](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) {

switch s := s.(type) {

case interface{ Range(func(int, T)) }:

s.Range(func(i int, v T) {

r = append(r, f(v))





func DoMap[T ~int | ~float32](s any) {

r := Map(s, func(v T) T {

return v * 2


fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r)


type NFunc[T any] func(int) (T, bool)

func (f NFunc[T]) Range(p func(i int, v T)) {

for i := 0; ; i++ {

if r, ok := f(i); ok {

p(i, r)

} else {





func Limit[T any](i, j int, f NFunc[T]) NFunc[T] {

return func(x int) (r T, ok bool) {

if i <= x && x <= j {

r, ok = f(x)





func main() {

DoMap[int](Limit(0, 4, func(x int) (int, bool) {

return x, true


DoMap[float32](func(x int) (float32, bool) {

return float32(x), (x < 5)




Map(0x108afc0, func()): [0 2 4 6 8]

Map(0x108ae20, func()): []

package main

import "fmt"

func Map[T any](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) {

switch s := s.(type) {

case func(int) (T, bool):

for i := 0; ; i++ {

if v, ok := s(i); ok {

r = append(r, f(v))

} else {







type NFunc[T any] func(int) (T, bool)

func (f NFunc[T]) Range(p func(i int, v T)) {

for i := 0; ; i++ {

if r, ok := f(i); ok {

p(i, r)

} else {





func DoMap[T ~int | ~float32](s any) {

r := Map(s, func(v T) T {

return v * 2


fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r)


func Limit[T any](i, j int, f NFunc[T]) NFunc[T] {

return func(x int) (r T, ok bool) {

if i <= x && x <= j {

r, ok = f(x)





func main() {

DoMap[int](Limit(0, 4, func(x int) (int, bool) {

return x, true


DoMap[float32](func(x int) (float32, bool) {

return float32(x), (x < 5)




Map(0x108aee0, func()): []

Map(0x108ae20, func()): [0 2 4 6 8]

package main

import "fmt"

func Map[T any](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) {

switch s := s.(type) {

case NFunc[T]:

for i := 0; ; i++ {

if v, ok := s(i); ok {

r = append(r, f(v))

} else {







type NFunc[T any] func(int) (T, bool)

func (f NFunc[T]) Range(p func(i int, v T)) {

for i := 0; ; i++ {

if r, ok := f(i); ok {

p(i, r)

} else {





func DoMap[T ~int | ~float32](s any) {

r := Map(s, func(v T) T {

return v * 2


fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r)


func Limit[T any](i, j int, f NFunc[T]) NFunc[T] {

return func(x int) (r T, ok bool) {

if i <= x && x <= j {

r, ok = f(x)





func main() {

DoMap[int](Limit(0, 4, func(x int) (int, bool) {

return x, true


DoMap[float32](func(x int) (float32, bool) {

return float32(x), (x < 5)




Map(0x108aee0, func()): [0 2 4 6 8]

Map(0x108ae20, func()): []

package main

import (


R "reflect"


func Map[T any](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) {

if s := R.ValueOf(s); s.Kind() == R.Func {

for i := 0; ; i++ {

p := []R.Value{R.ValueOf(i)}

if p = s.Call(p); p[1].Interface() == true {

r = append(r, f(p[0].Interface().(T)))

} else {







func DoMap[T ~int | ~float32](s any) {

r := Map(s, func(v T) T {

return v * 2


fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r)


func main() {

DoMap[float32](func(x int) (float64, bool) {

return float64(x), (x < 5)




panic: interface conversion: interface {} is float64, not

goroutine 1 [running]:

main.Map[...]({0x1099520, 0x10b0678?}, 0xc000107f10?)

GoGenericsTalk/050_high_order_func.go:21 +0x325

main.DoMap[...]({0x1099520, 0x10b0678})

GoGenericsTalk/050_high_order_func.go:31 +0x52


GoGenericsTalk/050_high_order_func.go:65 +0x79

exit status 2

package main

import (


R "reflect"


func Map[T any](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) {

if s := R.ValueOf(s); s.Kind() == R.Func {

defer func() {



for i := 0; ; i++ {

p := []R.Value{R.ValueOf(i)}

if p = s.Call(p); p[1].Interface() == true {

r = append(r, f(p[0].Interface().(T)))

} else {







func DoMap[T ~int | ~float32](s any) {

r := Map(s, func(v T) T {

return v * 2


fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r)


func main() {

DoMap[float32](func(x int) (float32, bool) {

return float32(x), (x < 5)


DoMap[float32](func(x int) (float64, bool) {

return float64(x), (x < 5)




Map(0x108f560, func()): [0 2 4 6 8]

Map(0x108f580, func()): []

package main

import (


R "reflect"


type Numeric interface {

~int | ~float32


func Map[T Numeric](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) {

if s := R.ValueOf(s); s.Kind() == R.Func {

V := R.ValueOf(r).Type().Elem()

for i := 0; ; i++ {

p := []R.Value{R.ValueOf(i)}

if p = s.Call(p); p[1].Interface() == true {

switch V.Kind() {

case R.Int, R.Int8, R.Int16, R.Int32, R.Int64:

r = append(r, f(T(p[0].Int())))

case R.Float32, R.Float64:

r = append(r, f(T(p[0].Float())))


} else {







func DoMap[T Numeric](s any) {

r := Map(s, func(v T) T {

return v * 2


fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r)


func main() {

DoMap[float32](func(x int) (float32, bool) {

return float32(x), (x < 5)


DoMap[float32](func(x int) (float64, bool) {

return float64(x), (x < 5)




Map(0x108f560, func()): [0 2 4 6 8]

Map(0x108f580, func()): [0 2 4 6 8]

package main

import (


R "reflect"


func Map[T any](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) {

if s := R.ValueOf(s); s.Kind() == R.Func {

for i := 0; ; i++ {

p := []R.Value{R.ValueOf(i)}

if p = s.Call(p); p[1].Interface() == true {

r = append(r, f(p[0].Interface().(T)))

} else {







func DoMap[T ~int | ~float32 | ~float64](s any) {

r := Map(s, func(v T) T {

return v * 2


fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r)


func main() {

DoMap[int](func(x int) (int, bool) {

return x, (x < 5)


DoMap[float32](func(x int) (float32, bool) {

return float32(x), (x < 5)


DoMap[float64](func(x int) (float64, bool) {

return float64(x), (x < 5)




Map(map[0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4], func()): [0 2 4 6 8]

Map(map[0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4], func()): [0 2 4 6 8]

Map(map[0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4], func()): [0 2 4 6 8]

package main

import (


R "reflect"


func Map[T any](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) {

switch s := R.ValueOf(s); s.Kind() {

case R.Map:

switch s.Type().Key().Kind() {

case R.Int, R.Int8, R.Int16, R.Int32, R.Int64:

r = make([]T, s.Len())

for i := s.MapRange(); i.Next(); {

x := int(i.Key().Int())

if x >= len(r) {

n := make([]T, x+1)

copy(n, r)

r = n


r[x] = f(i.Value().Interface().(T))






func DoMap[T ~int | ~float32](s any) {

r := Map(s, func(v T) T {

return v * 2


fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r)


func main() {

DoMap[int](map[int]int{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4})

DoMap[int](map[int8]int{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4})

DoMap[int](map[int32]int{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4})



Map(map[0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4], func()): [0 2 4 6 8]

Map(map[0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4], func()): [0 2 4 6 8]

Map(map[0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4], func()): [0 2 4 6 8]

package main

import (


R "reflect"


func Map[T any](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) {

if s := R.ValueOf(s); s.Kind() == R.Array {

defer func() {



for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ {

r = append(r, f(s.Index(i).Interface().(T)))





func DoMap[T ~int | ~float32](s any) {

r := Map(s, func(v T) T {

return v * 2


fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r)


func main() {

DoMap[int]([3]int{0, 1, 2})

DoMap[float32]([3]float32{0, 1, 2})

DoMap[float32]([3]float64{0, 1, 2})



Map([0 1 2], func()): [0 2 4]

Map([0 1 2], func()): [0 2 4]

Map([0 1 2], func()): []

package main

import "fmt"

func Map[T any](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) {

switch s := s.(type) {

case string:

for _, x := range s {

r = append(r, f(any(x).(T)))


case chan T:

for x := range s {

r = append(r, f(x))





func DoMap[T ~int | ~rune](s any) {

r := Map(s, func(v T) T {

return v * 2


fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r)


func Pump[T any](ic chan<- T, v ...T) {

for _, v := range v {

ic <- v




func main() {

ic := make(chan int)

go Pump(ic, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)





Map(0xc00011c000, func()): [0 2 4 6 8]

Map(01234, func()): [96 98 100 102 104]

package main

import R "reflect"

func Map[T any](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) {

switch s := s.(type) {

case interface{ Range(f func(int, T)) }:

s.Range(func(i int, v T) {

r = append(r, f(v))


case string:

for _, x := range s {

r = append(r, f(any(x).(T)))


case []T:

for _, v := range s {

r = append(r, f(v))


case map[int]T:

r = make([]T, len(s))

for i, v := range s {

if i >= len(r) {

n := make([]T, i-1)

copy(n, r)

r = n


r[i] = f(v)


case chan T:

for x := range s {

r = append(r, f(x))



switch s := R.ValueOf(s); s.Kind() {

case R.Array:

for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ {

r = append(r, f(s.Index(i).Interface().(T)))


case R.Map:

switch s.Type().Key().Kind() {

case R.Int, R.Int8, R.Int16, R.Int32, R.Int64:

r = make([]T, s.Len())

for i := s.MapRange(); i.Next(); {

x := int(i.Key().Int())

if x >= len(r) {

n := make([]T, x+1)

copy(n, r)

r = n


r[x] = f(i.Value().Interface().(T))



case R.Func:

for i := 0; ; i++ {

p := []R.Value{R.ValueOf(i)}

if p = s.Call(p); p[1].Interface() == true {

r = append(r, f(p[0].Interface().(T)))

} else {














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Generics, Reflection, and Efficient Collections

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  • 4. ARRAYS 001_array.go package main import "fmt" func main() { var a [3]int fmt.Println("len(a):", len(a)) fmt.Println("cap(a):", cap(a)) fmt.Printf("a: %v (%T)n", a, a) fmt.Printf("a[1]: %v (%T)n", a[1], a[1]) fmt.Printf("a[0:1]: %v (%T)n", a[0:1], a[0:1]) a = [3]int{3, 2, 1} fmt.Printf("a: %v (%T)n", a, a) a[0] = a[1] for i, v := range a { fmt.Printf("a[%v]: %vn", i, v) } } go run 001_array.go len(a): 3 cap(a): 3 a: [0 0 0] ([3]int) a[1]: 0 (int) a[0:1]: [0] ([]int) a: [3 2 1] ([3]int) a[0]: 2 a[1]: 2 a[2]: 1 002_array.go package main func main() { var a [3]int _ = append(a, 1) } go run 002_array.go # command-line-arguments ./002_array.go:6:13: first argument to append must be a slice; have a (variable of type [3]int)
  • 5. SLICES 003_slice.go package main import "fmt" func main() { var s []int fmt.Println("len(s):", len(s)) fmt.Println("cap(s):", cap(s)) fmt.Printf("s: %v (%T)n", s, s) fmt.Printf("s[0:1]: %v (%T)n", s[0:1], s[0:1]) } go run 003_slice.go len(s): 0 cap(s): 0 s: [] ([]int) panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [:1] with capacity 0 goroutine 1 [running]: main.main() /Users/eleanormchugh/Documents/go/src/ GoGenericsTalk/003_slice.go:11 +0x171 exit status 2 004_slice.go package main import "fmt" func main() { var s []int s = append(s, 0, 1, 2) fmt.Printf("s: %v (%T)n", s, s) fmt.Printf("s[:1]: %v (%T)n", s[:1], s[:1]) fmt.Printf("s[1:]: %v (%T)n", s[1:], s[1:]) s = append(s, s...) fmt.Printf("s: %v (%T)n", s, s) s = make([]int, 3, 6) fmt.Printf("s: %v (%T)n", s, s) s = []int{2, 4, 6} s[1] = s[2] for i, v := range s { fmt.Printf("s[%v]: %vn", i, v) } } go run 004_slice.go s: [0 1 2] ([]int) s[:1]: [0] ([]int) s[1:]: [1 2] ([]int) s: [0 1 2 0 1 2] ([]int) s: [0 0 0] ([]int) s[0]: 2 s[1]: 6 s[2]: 6
  • 6. SLICES 005_string.go package main import "fmt" func main() { var s string fmt.Println("len(s):", len(s)) fmt.Printf("s: %v (%T)n", s, s) fmt.Printf("s[0:1]: %v (%T)n", s[0:1], s[0:1]) } go run 005_string.go len(s): 0 s: (string) panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range [:1] with length 0 goroutine 1 [running]: main.main() /Users/eleanormchugh/Documents/go/src/ GoGenericsTalk/005_string.go:10 +0xf1 exit status 2 006_string.go package main import "fmt" func main() { s := "abc" fmt.Println("len(s):", len(s)) fmt.Printf("s: %v (%T)n", s, s) fmt.Printf("s[0:1]: %v (%T)n", s[0:1], s[0:1]) s = "cba" for i, v := range s { fmt.Printf("s[%v]: %v (%T)n", i, v, v) } b := []byte(s) for i, v := range b { fmt.Printf("b[%v]: %v (%T)n", i, v, v) } } go run 006_string.go len(s): 3 s: abc (string) s[0:1]: a (string) s[0]: 99 (int32) s[1]: 98 (int32) s[2]: 97 (int32) b[0]: 99 (uint8) b[1]: 98 (uint8) b[2]: 97 (uint8)
  • 7. MAPS 007_map.go package main import "fmt" func main() { var m map[int]int fmt.Println("len(m):", len(m)) fmt.Println("m[1]", m[1]) m[1] = 1 } go run 007_map.go len(m): 0 m[1] 0 panic: assignment to entry in nil map goroutine 1 [running]: main.main() /Users/eleanormchugh/Documents/go/src/ GoGenericsTalk/005_map.go:10 +0xf9 exit status 2 008_map.go package main import "fmt" func main() { var m map[int]int m = make(map[int]int) m[1] = 1 fmt.Println("m[1]:", m[1]) delete(m, 1) fmt.Println("m:", m) x, ok := m[1] fmt.Printf("x: %v, ok: %vn", x, ok) m = map[int]int{0: 2, 3: 6} fmt.Println("m:", m) for k, v := range m { fmt.Printf("m[%v]: %vn", k, v) } } go run 008_map.go m[1]: 1 m: map[] x: 0, ok: false m: map[0:2 3:6] m[0]: 2 m[3]: 6
  • 8. CHANNELS 009_channel.go package main import "fmt" func main() { var c chan int c = make(chan int) go send(c, 0, 2, 4, 6) receive(c) } func send(c <-chan int, v { for _, n := range v { c <- n } close(c) } func receive(c chan<- int) { for n := range c { fmt.Println("n:", n) } } go run 009_channel.go # command-line-arguments ./007_channel.go:15:3: invalid operation: cannot send to receive-only channel c (variable of type <-chan int) ./007_channel.go:17:8: invalid operation: cannot close receive- only channel c (variable of type <-chan int) ./007_channel.go:21:17: cannot range over c (variable of type chan<- int) (receive from send-only channel)
  • 9. CHANNELS 010_channel.go package main import "fmt" func main() { var c chan int c = make(chan int) fmt.Println("cap(c):", cap(c)) go send(c, 0, 2, 4, 6) receive(c) } func send(c chan<- int, v { for _, n := range v { fmt.Println("sending:", n) c <- n } close(c) } func receive(c <-chan int) { for n := range c { fmt.Printf("len(c): %v, n: %vn", len(c), n) } } go run 010_channel.go cap(c): 0 sending: 0 sending: 2 len(c): 0, n: 0 len(c): 0, n: 2 sending: 4 sending: 6 len(c): 0, n: 4 len(c): 0, n: 6
  • 10. CHANNELS 011_channel.go package main import "fmt" func main() { var c chan int c = make(chan int, 16) fmt.Println("cap(c):", cap(c)) go send(c, 0, 2, 4, 6) receive(c) } func send(c chan<- int, v { for _, n := range v { fmt.Println("sending:", n) c <- n } close(c) } func receive(c <-chan int) { for n := range c { fmt.Printf("len(c): %v, n: %vn", len(c), n) } } go run 011_channel.go cap(c): 16 sending: 0 sending: 2 sending: 4 sending: 6 len(c): 3, n: 0 len(c): 2, n: 2 len(c): 1, n: 4 len(c): 0, n: 6
  • 11. CHANNELS 012_channel.go package main import "fmt" func main() { var c chan int c = make(chan int, 16) go func(c chan<- int, v { for _, n := range v { fmt.Println("sending:", n) c <- n } close(c) }(c, 0, 2, 4, 6) for n := range c { fmt.Println("n:", n) } fmt.Println("n:", <-c) } go run 012_channel.go sending: 0 sending: 2 sending: 4 sending: 6 n: 0 n: 2 n: 4 n: 6 n: 0
  • 12. CHANNELS 013_channel.go package main import "fmt" func main() { var c chan int c = make(chan int, 16) go func(c chan<- int, v { for _, n := range v { fmt.Println("sending:", n) c <- n } close(c) }(c, 0, 2, 4, 6) for n := range c { fmt.Println("n:", n) } n, open := <-c fmt.Printf("n: %v, open: %vn", n, open) } go run 013_channel.go sending: 0 sending: 2 sending: 4 sending: 6 n: 0 n: 2 n: 4 n: 6 n: 0, open: false
  • 13. CHANNELS 014_channel.go package main import "fmt" func main() { c := make(chan int, 16) done := make(chan bool) go func(v { for _, n := range v { fmt.Println("sending:", n) c <- n } close(c) done <- true }(0, 2, 4, 6) Receiver: for { select { case n, ok := <-c: if ok { fmt.Printf("len(c): %v, n: %vn", len(c), n) } case <-done: break Receiver } } } go run 014_channel.go sending: 0 sending: 2 sending: 4 sending: 6 len(c): 3, n: 0 go run 014_channel.go sending: 0 sending: 2 sending: 4 sending: 6 len(c): 3, n: 0 len(c): 2, n: 2 len(c): 1, n: 4
  • 14. CHANNELS 015_channel.go package main import "fmt" func main() { c := make(chan int) done := make(chan bool) go func(v { for _, n := range v { fmt.Println("sending:", n) c <- n } close(c) done <- true }(0, 2, 4, 6) Receiver: for { select { case n, ok := <-c: if ok { fmt.Printf("len(c): %v, n: %vn", len(c), n) } case <-done: break Receiver } } } go run 015_channel.go sending: 0 sending: 2 len(c): 0, n: 0 len(c): 0, n: 2 sending: 4 sending: 6 len(c): 0, n: 4 len(c): 0, n: 6 go run 015_channel.go sending: 0 sending: 2 len(c): 0, n: 0 len(c): 0, n: 2 sending: 4 sending: 6 len(c): 0, n: 4 len(c): 0, n: 6
  • 16. USER-DEFINED COLLECTIONS 016_udt.go package main import "fmt" type ISlice []int func (s ISlice) Sum() (r int) { for _, x := range s { r += x } return } func main() { s := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("%v.Sum() = %vn", s, s.Sum()) } go run 014_udt.go [0 1 2 3 4].Sum() = 10
  • 17. USER-DEFINED COLLECTIONS 017_udt.go package main import "fmt" type Summable interface { Sum() any } type ISlice []int func (s ISlice) Sum() any { r := 0 for x := len(s) - 1; x > -1; x-- { r += s[x] } return r } type FSlice []float32 func (s FSlice) Sum() any { r := float32(0) for x := len(s) - 1; x > -1; x-- { r += s[x] } return r } func main() { var s Summable s = ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("%v.Sum() = %vn", s, s.Sum()) s = FSlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("%v.Sum() = %vn", s, s.Sum()) } go run 017_udt.go (main.ISlice)[0 1 2 3 4].Sum() = 10 (main.FSlice)[0 1 2 3 4].Sum() = 10
  • 18. USER-DEFINED COLLECTIONS 018_udt.go package main import "fmt" type Numeric interface { ~int | ~float32 } type Summable[T Numeric] []T func (s Summable[T]) Sum() (r T) { for _, x := range s { r += x } return } type ISlice = Summable[int] type FSlice = Summable[float32] func main() { i := Summable[int]{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("(%T)%v.Sum() = %vn", i, i, i.Sum()) i = ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("(%T)%v.Sum() = %vn", i, i, i.Sum()) f := Summable[float32]{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("(%T)%v.Sum() = %vn", f, f, f.Sum()) f = FSlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("(%T)%v.Sum() = %vn", f, f, f.Sum()) } go run 018_udt.go (main.Summable[int])[0 1 2 3 4].Sum() = 10 (main.Summable[int])[0 1 2 3 4].Sum() = 10 (main.Summable[float32])[0 1 2 3 4].Sum() = 10 (main.Summable[float32])[0 1 2 3 4].Sum() = 10
  • 19. USER-DEFINED COLLECTIONS 019_generic_func.go package main import "fmt" func Sum(s any) (r any) { switch s := s.(type) { case []float32: var f float32 for _, x := range s { f += x } r = f case []int: var i int for _, x := range s { i += x } r = i } return } func main() { i := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", i, i, Sum(i)) f := []float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", f, f, Sum(i)) r := Sum(f).(float32) fmt.Println("r =", r) } go run 019_generic_func.go Sum([]int[0 1 2 3 4]) = 10 Sum([]float32[0 1 2 3 4]) = 10 r = 10
  • 20. USER-DEFINED COLLECTIONS 020_generic_func.go package main import ( "fmt" "reflect" ) type ISlice []int type FSlice []float32 func Sum(s any) (r any) { if s := reflect.ValueOf(s); s.Kind() == reflect.Slice { switch s.Type().Elem().Kind() { case reflect.Int: var x int for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ { x += int(s.Index(i).Int()) } r = x case reflect.Float32: var x float32 for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ { x += float32(s.Index(i).Float()) } r = x } } return } func main() { i := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", i, i, Sum(i)) f := []float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", f, f, Sum(f)) in := []interface{}{int(0), float32(1), int(2)} fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", in, in, Sum(in)) is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", is, is, Sum(is)) fs := FSlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", fs, fs, Sum(fs)) } go run 020_generic_func.go Sum([]int[0 1 2 3 4]) = 10 Sum([]float32[0 1 2 3 4]) = 10 Sum([]interface {}[0 1 2]) = <nil> Sum(main.ISlice[0 1 2 3 4]) = 10 Sum(main.FSlice[0 1 2 3 4]) = 10
  • 21. USER-DEFINED COLLECTIONS 021_generic_func.go package main import ( "fmt" "reflect" ) type ISlice []int type FSlice []float32 func Sum(s any) (r any) { if s := R.ValueOf(s); s.Kind() == R.Slice { T := s.Type().Elem() V := R.New(T) E := V.Elem() switch T.Kind() { case R.Int, R.Int8, R.Int16, R.Int32, R.Int64: for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ { E.SetInt(E.Int() + s.Index(i).Int()) } case R.Float32, R.Float64: for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ { E.SetFloat(E.Float() + s.Index(i).Float()) } } r = E.Interface() } return } func main() { i := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", i, i, Sum(i)) f := []float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", f, f, Sum(f)) in := []interface{}{int(0), float32(1), int(2)} fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", in, in, Sum(in)) is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", is, is, Sum(is)) fs := FSlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum(%T%v) = %vn", fs, fs, Sum(fs)) } go run 021_generic_func.go Sum([]int[0 1 2 3 4]) = 10 Sum([]float32[0 1 2 3 4]) = 10 Sum([]interface {}[0 1 2]) = <nil> Sum(main.ISlice[0 1 2 3 4]) = 10 Sum(main.FSlice[0 1 2 3 4]) = 10
  • 22. USER-DEFINED COLLECTIONS 022_generic_func.go package main import "fmt" type Numeric interface { ~int | ~float32 } func Sum[T Numeric](s []T) (r T) { for _, x := range s { r += x } return } type ISlice []int type FSlice []float32 func main() { i := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum[%T](%v) = %vn", i[0], i, Sum[int](i)) f := []float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum[%T](%v) = %vn", f[0], f, Sum[float32](f)) is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum[%T](%v) = %vn", is[0], is, Sum[int](is)) fs := FSlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum[%T](%v) = %vn", fs[0], fs, Sum[float32](fs)) } go run 022_generic_func.go Sum[int]([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10 Sum[float32]([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10 Sum[int]([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10 Sum[float32]([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10
  • 23. USER-DEFINED COLLECTIONS 023_generic_func.go package main import "fmt" type Numeric interface { ~int | ~float32 } func Sum[T Numeric](s []T) (r T) { for _, x := range s { r += x } return } type ISlice []int type FSlice []float32 func main() { i := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum[%T](%v) = %vn", i[0], i, Sum(i)) f := []float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum[%T](%v) = %vn", f[0], f, Sum(f)) is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum[%T](%v) = %vn", is[0], is, Sum(is)) fs := FSlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum[%T](%v) = %vn", fs[0], fs, Sum(fs)) } go run 023_generic_func.go Sum[int]([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10 Sum[float32]([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10 Sum[int]([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10 Sum[float32]([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10
  • 24. USER-DEFINED COLLECTIONS 024_generic_func.go package main import "fmt" type Numeric interface { ~int | ~float32 } type Indexable[T any] interface { ~[]T } func Sum[T Indexable[E], E Numeric](s T) (r E) { for _, x := range s { r += x } return } type ISlice Indexable[int] func main() { is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum[%T](%v) = %vn", is[0], is, Sum(is)) } go run 024_generic_func.go # command-line-arguments ./023_generic_func.go:23:8: invalid composite literal type ISlice 025_generic_func.go package main import "fmt" type Numeric interface { ~int | ~float32 } func Sum[T Indexable[E], E Numeric](s T) (r E) { for _, x := range s { r += x } return } type Indexable[T any] interface { ~[]T } type ISlice []int type FSlice []float32 func main() { is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum[%T](%v) = %vn", is[0], is, Sum(is)) fs := FSlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum[%T](%v) = %vn", fs[0], fs, Sum(fs)) } go run 025_generic_func.go Sum[int]([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10 Sum[float32]([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10
  • 25. USER-DEFINED COLLECTIONS 026_generic_func.go package main import "fmt" type Indexable[T any] interface { ~[]T } func Append[T Indexable[E], E any](s *T, e E) { *s = append(*s, e) } type ISlice []int func main() { is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} is2 := append(make(ISlice, 0), is...) Append(&is2, 5) fmt.Printf("Append[%T](%v, %v) = %T%vn", is, is, 5, is2, is2) fs := []float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fs2 := append(make([]float32, 0), fs...) Append(&fs2, 6) fmt.Printf("Append[%T](%v, %v) = %T%vn", fs, fs, 6, fs2, fs2) } go run 026_generic_func.go Append[main.ISlice]([0 1 2 3 4], 5) = main.ISlice[0 1 2 3 4 5] Append[[]float32]([0 1 2 3 4], 6) = []float32[0 1 2 3 4 6]
  • 27. HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS 027_high_order_func.go package main import "fmt" type Iterable interface { Range(f func(int, int)) } func Sum(s Iterable) (r int) { s.Range(func(i, v int) { r += v }) return } type ISlice []int func (s ISlice) Range(f func(int, int)) { for i, v := range s { f(i, v) } } func main() { is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum(%v) = %vn", is, Sum(is)) } go run 027_high_order_func.go Sum([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10
  • 28. HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS 028_high_order_func.go package main import "fmt" type Iterable interface { Range(f func(int, int)) } func Sum(s Iterable) (r int) { s.Range(func(i, v int) { r += v }) return } func main() { f := []float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum(%v) = %vn", f, Sum(f)) } go run 028_high_order_func.go # command-line-arguments ./028_high_order_func.go:29:38: cannot use f (variable of type []float32) as type Iterable in argument to Sum: []float32 does not implement Iterable (missing Range method) 029_high_order_func.go package main import "fmt" type Iterable interface { Range(f func(int, int)) } func Sum(s Iterable) (r int) { s.Range(func(i, v int) { r += v }) return } type FSlice []float32 func (s FSlice) Range(f func(int, int)) { for i, v := range s { f(i, v) } } func main() { fs := FSlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum(%v) = %vn", fs, Sum(fs)) } go run 029_high_order_func.go # command-line-arguments ./029_high_order_func.go:13:8: cannot use v (variable of type float32) as type int in argument to f
  • 29. HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS 030_high_order_func.go package main import "fmt" type Iterable interface { Range(f func(int, any)) } func Sum(s Iterable) (r any) { s.Range(func(i int, v any) { r += v }) return } type ISlice []int func (s ISlice) Range(f func(int, any)) { for i, v := range s { f(i, v) } } type FSlice []float32 func (s FSlice) Range(f func(int, any)) { for i, v := range s { f(i, v) } } func main() { is := FSlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum(%v) = %vn", is, Sum(is)) fs := FSlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum(%v) = %vn", fs, Sum(fs)) } go 030_high_order_func.go # command-line-arguments ./030_high_order_func.go:11:3: invalid operation: operator + not defined on r (variable of type any)
  • 30. HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS 031_high_order_func.go package main import "fmt" type Numeric interface { ~int | ~float32 } type Iterable[T Numeric] interface { Range(func(int, T)) } func Sum[T Numeric](s Iterable[T]) (r T) { s.Range(func(i int, v T) { r += v }) return } type ISlice []int func (s ISlice) Range(f func(int, int)) { for i, v := range s { f(i, v) } } func main() { is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum(%v) = %vn", is, Sum(is)) } go 031_high_order_func.go # command-line-arguments ./031_high_order_func.go:30:39: type ISlice of is does not match Iterable[T] (cannot infer T)
  • 31. HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS 032_high_order_func.go package main import "fmt" type Numeric interface { ~int | ~float32 } type Iterable[T Numeric] interface { Range(func(int, T)) } func Sum[T Numeric](s Iterable[T]) (r T) { s.Range(func(i int, v T) { r += v }) return } type ISlice []int func (s ISlice) Range(f func(int, int)) { for i, v := range s { f(i, v) } } type FSlice []float32 func (s FSlice) Range(f func(int, float32)) { for i, v := range s { f(i, v) } } func main() { is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum(%v) = %vn", is, Sum[int](is)) fs := FSlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum(%v) = %vn", fs, Sum[float32](fs)) } go 032_high_order_func.go Sum([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10 Sum([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10
  • 32. HIGHER ORDER FUNCTIONS 033_high_order_func.go package main import "fmt" type Numeric interface { ~int | ~float32 } type Iterable[T Numeric] interface { Range(f func(int, T)) } func Sum[T Numeric](s any) (r any) { switch s := s.(type) { case Iterable[T]: fmt.Printf("case Iterable[%T]n", s) var x T s.Range(func(i int, v T) { x += v }) r = x case []T: fmt.Printf("case %Tn", s) var x T for _, v := range s { x += v } r = x } return } type ISlice []int func (s ISlice) Range(f func(int, int)) { for i, v := range s { f(i, v) } } func main() { is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum(%v) = %v[%T]n", is, Sum[int](is), is[0]) fs := []float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fmt.Printf("Sum(%v) = %v[%T]n", fs, Sum[float32](fs), fs[0]) } go 033_high_order_func.go case Iterable[main.ISlice] Sum([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10 [int] case []float32 Sum([0 1 2 3 4]) = 10 [float32]
  • 34. REDUCING COLLECTIONS 034_reduce.go package main import "fmt" type Numeric interface { ~int | ~float32 } type Indexable[T any] interface { ~[]T } func Reduce[T Indexable[E], E Numeric](s T, f func(E, E) E) (r E) { for _, v := range s { r = f(r, v) } return } func main() { is := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} ir := Reduce(is, func(x, v int) int { return x + v }) fmt.Printf("Reduce(%v, f()) = %v [%T]n", is, ir, ir) fs := []float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fr := Reduce(fs, func(x, v float32) float32 { return x + v }) fmt.Printf("Reduce(%v, f()) = %v [%T]n", fs, fr, fr) } go 034_reduce.go Reduce([0 1 2 3 4], f()) = 10 [int] Reduce([0 1 2 3 4], f()) = 10 [float32]
  • 35. REDUCING COLLECTIONS 035_reduce.go package main import "fmt" func Reduce(s any, f func(any, any) any) (r any) { switch s := s.(type) { case []int: var x int for _, v := range s { x = f(x, v).(int) } r = x case []float32: var x float32 for _, v := range s { x = f(x, v).(float32) } r = x } return } func main() { is := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} ir := Reduce(is, func(x any, v any) any { return x.(int) + v.(int) }) fmt.Printf("Reduce(%v, f()) = %v [%T]n", is, ir, ir) fs := []float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fr := Reduce(fs, func(x any, v any) any { return x.(float32) + v.(float32) }) fmt.Printf("Reduce(%v, f()) = %v [%T]n", fs, fr, fr) } go 035_reduce.go Reduce([0 1 2 3 4], f()) = 10 [int] Reduce([0 1 2 3 4], f()) = 10 [float32]
  • 36. REDUCING COLLECTIONS 036_reduce.go package main import ( "fmt" R "reflect" ) func Reduce(s any, f func(any, any) any) (r any) { if s := R.ValueOf(s); s.Kind() == R.Slice { T := s.Type().Elem() V := R.New(T) E := V.Elem() switch T.Kind() { case R.Int, R.Int8, R.Int16, R.Int32, R.Int64: for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ { v := R.ValueOf(f( E.Interface(), s.Index(i).Interface())) E.SetInt(v.Int()) } case R.Float32, R.Float64: for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ { v := R.ValueOf(f( E.Interface(), s.Index(i).Interface())) E.SetFloat(v.Float()) } } r = E.Interface() } return } func main() { is := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} ir := Reduce(is, func(x any, v any) any { return x.(int) + v.(int) }) fmt.Printf("Reduce(%v, f()) = %v [%T]n", is, ir, ir) fs := []float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fr := Reduce(fs, func(x any, v any) any { return x.(float32) + v.(float32) }) fmt.Printf("Reduce(%v, f()) = %v [%T]n", fs, fr, fr) } go 036_reduce.go Reduce([0 1 2 3 4], f()) = 10 [int] Reduce([0 1 2 3 4], f()) = 10 [float32]
  • 37. REDUCING COLLECTIONS 037_reduce.go package main import "fmt" type Numeric interface { ~int | ~float32 } type Reducible[T Numeric] []T func (s Reducible[T]) Reduce(f func(T, T) T) (r T) { for _, x := range s { r = f(r, x) } return } type ISlice = Reducible[int] func main() { is := ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} ir := is.Reduce(func(x, v int) int { return x + v }) fmt.Printf("(%T)%v.Reduce(f()) = %v [%T]n", is, is, ir, ir) fs := Reducible[float32]{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} fr := fs.Reduce(func(x, v float32) float32 { return x + v }) fmt.Printf("(%T)%v.Reduce(f()) = %v [%T]n", fs, fs, fr, fr) } go 037_reduce.go (main.Reducible[int])[0 1 2 3 4].Reduce(f()) = 10 [int] (main.Reducible[float32])[0 1 2 3 4].Reduce(f()) = 10 [float32]
  • 38. REDUCING COLLECTIONS 038_reduce.go package main import "fmt" type Numeric interface { ~int | ~float32 } type Reducible[K comparable, E Numeric] map[K]E func (m Reducible[K, E]) Reduce(f func(E, E) E) (r E) { for _, x := range m { r = f(r, x) } return } type IMap = Reducible[int, int] func main() { im := IMap{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4} ir := im.Reduce(func(x, v int) int { return x + v }) fmt.Printf("%v.Reduce(f()) = %v [%T]n", im, ir, ir) fm := Reducible[int, float32]{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4} fr := fm.Reduce(func(x, v float32) float32 { return x + v }) fmt.Printf("%v.Reduce(f()) = %v [%T]n", fm, fr, fr) } go 038_reduce.go map[0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4].Reduce(f()) = 10 [int] map[0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4].Reduce(f()) = 10 [float32]
  • 39. REDUCING COLLECTIONS 039_reduce.go package main import "fmt" type Numeric interface { ~int | ~float32 } type Reducible[T Numeric] chan T func (c Reducible[T]) Reduce(f func(T, T) T) (r T) { for x := range c { r = f(r, x) } return } func (c Reducible[T]) Pump(v ...T) { for _, v := range v { c <- v } close(c) } type IChan = Reducible[int] type FChan = Reducible[float32] func main() { ic := make(IChan) go ic.Pump(0, 1, 2, 3, 4) ir := ic.Reduce(func(x, v int) int { return x + v }) fmt.Printf("(chan ic).Reduce(f()) = %v [%T]n", ir, ir) fc := make(FChan) go fc.Pump(0, 1, 2, 3, 4) fr := fc.Reduce(func(x, v float32) float32 { return x + v }) fmt.Printf("(chan fc).Reduce(f()) = %v [%T]n", fr, fr) } go 039_reduce.go (chan ic).Reduce(f()) = 10 [int] (chan fc).Reduce(f()) = 10 [float32]
  • 40. REDUCING COLLECTIONS 040_reduce.go package main import "fmt" type Numeric interface { ~int | ~float32 } func Reduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) { switch c := c.(type) { case []T: for _, x := range c { r = f(r, x) } case map[int]T: for _, x := range c { r = f(r, x) } case chan T: for x := range c { r = f(r, x) } } return } func Pump[T Numeric](ic chan<- T, v ...T) { for _, v := range v { ic <- v } close(ic) } func main() { is := []int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4} ir := Reduce(is, func(x, v int) int { return x + v }) fmt.Printf("Reduce(%v, f()) = %v [%T]n", is, ir, ir) im := map[int]int{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4} ir = Reduce(im, func(x, v int) int { return x + v }) fmt.Printf("Reduce(%v, f()) = %v [%T]n", im, ir, ir) ic := make(chan int) go Pump(ic, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4) ir = Reduce(ic, func(x, v int) int { return x + v }) fmt.Printf("(chan ic).Reduce(f()) = %v [%T]n", ir, ir) } go 040_reduce.go Reduce([0 1 2 3 4], f()) = 10 [int] Reduce(map[0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4], f()) = 10 [int] (chan ic).Reduce(f()) = 10 [int]
  • 41. REDUCING COLLECTIONS 041_reduce.go package main import ( "fmt" R "reflect" ) type Numeric interface { ~int | ~float32 } func Reduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) { switch c := c.(type) { case chan T: for x := range c { r = f(r, x) } case string: for _, x := range c { r = f(r, T(x)) } default: switch c := R.ValueOf(c); c.Kind() { case R.Map: for i := c.MapRange(); i.Next(); { r = f(r, i.Value().Interface().(T)) } } } return } func Pump[T Numeric](ic chan<- T, v ...T) { for _, v := range v { ic <- v } close(ic) } func DoReduce(c any) { ir := Reduce(c, func(x, v int) int { return x + v }) fmt.Printf("[%T]Reduce(%v, f()) = %v[%T]n", c, c, ir, ir) } func main() { ic := make(chan int) go Pump(ic, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4) DoReduce(ic) DoReduce("01234") DoReduce(map[int]int{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4}) DoReduce(map[string]int{ "0": 0, "1": 1, "2": 2, "3": 3, "4": 4}) } go 041_reduce.go [chan int]Reduce(0xc00001c0c0, f()) = 10[int] [string]Reduce(01234, f()) = 250[int] [map[int]int]Reduce(map[0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4], f()) = 10[int] [map[string]int]Reduce(map[0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4], f()) = 10[int]
  • 42. REDUCING COLLECTIONS 042_reduce.go package main import ( "fmt" R "reflect" ) type Numeric interface { ~int | ~float32 } func Reduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) { switch c := c.(type) { case [1]T: for x := range c { r = f(r, T(x)) } case [2]T: for _, x := range c { r = f(r, T(x)) } default: switch c := R.ValueOf(c); c.Kind() { case R.Array: for i := 0; i < c.Len(); i++ { r = f(r, c.Index(i).Interface().(T)) } } } return } func DoReduce(c any) { ir := Reduce(c, func(x, v int) int { return x + v }) fmt.Printf("[%T]Reduce(%v, f()) = %v[%T]n", c, c, ir, ir) } func main() { DoReduce([0]int{}) DoReduce([1]int{0}) DoReduce([2]int{0, 1}) DoReduce([5]int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}) } go 042_reduce.go [[0]int]Reduce([], f()) = 0[int] [[1]int]Reduce([0], f()) = 0[int] [[2]int]Reduce([0 1], f()) = 1[int] [[5]int]Reduce([0 1 2 3 4], f()) = 10[int]
  • 43. REDUCING COLLECTIONS 043_reduce.go package main import "fmt" type Numeric interface { ~int | ~float32 } type Reducible[T Numeric] interface { Reduce(func(T, T) T) T } type ISlice []int func (s ISlice) Reduce(f func(x, v int) int) (r int) { for _, v := range s { r = f(r, v) } return } type FArray [3]float32 func (a FArray) Reduce(f func(x, v float32) float32) (r float32) { for _, v := range a { r = f(r, v) } return } func Reduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) { switch c := c.(type) { case Reducible[T]: r = c.Reduce(f) } return } func DoReduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) { r := Reduce(c, f) fmt.Printf("[%T]Reduce(%v, f()) = %v[%T]n", c, c, r, r) } func main() { DoReduce(ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, func(x, v int) int { return x + v }) DoReduce(FArray{0, 1, 2}, func(x, v float32) float32 { return x + v }) } go 043_reduce.go [main.ISlice]Reduce([0 1 2 3 4], f()) = 10[int] [main.FArray]Reduce([0 1 2], f()) = 3[float32]
  • 44. REDUCING COLLECTIONS 044_reduce.go package main import "fmt" type Numeric interface { ~int | ~float32 } type Iterable[T Numeric] interface { Range(f func(int, T)) } type Reducible[T Numeric] interface { Reduce(func(T, T) T) T } func Reduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) { switch c := c.(type) { case func(int) (T, bool): for i := 0; ; i++ { if v, ok := c(i); ok { r = f(r, v) } else { break } } } return } func DoReduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) { r := Reduce(c, f) fmt.Printf("[%T]Reduce(%v, f()) = %v[%T]n", c, c, r, r) } func Adder[T Numeric]() func(T, T) T { return func(x, v T) T { return x + v } } func main() { DoReduce(func(x int) (int, bool) { return x, (x < 5) }, Adder[int]()) DoReduce(func(x int) (float32, bool) { return float32(x), (x < 5) }, Adder[float32]()) } go 044_reduce.go [func(int) (int, bool)]Reduce(0x108e700, f()) = 10[int] [func(int) (float32, bool)]Reduce(0x108e720, f()) = 10[float32]
  • 45. REDUCING COLLECTIONS 045_reduce.go package main import "fmt" type Numeric interface { ~int | ~float32 } type Iterable[T Numeric] interface { Range(f func(int, T)) } type Reducible[T Numeric] interface { Reduce(func(T, T) T) T } func Reduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) { switch c := c.(type) { case func(int) (T, bool): for i := 0; ; i++ { if v, ok := c(i); ok { r = f(r, v) } else { break } } } return } func DoReduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) { r := Reduce(c, f) fmt.Printf("[%T]Reduce(%v, f()) = %v[%T]n", c, c, r, r) } func Adder[T func(I) (E, bool), I, E Numeric](f T) func(E, E) E { return func(x, v E) E { return x + v } } func main() { i := func(x int) (int, bool) { return x, (x < 5) } DoReduce(i, Adder(i)) f := func(x int) (float32, bool) { return float32(x), (x < 5) } DoReduce(f, Adder(f)) } go 045_reduce.go [func(int) (int, bool)]Reduce(0x108e700, f()) = 10[int] [func(int) (float32, bool)]Reduce(0x108e720, f()) = 10[float32]
  • 46. REDUCING COLLECTIONS 046_reduce.go package main import "fmt" type Numeric interface { ~int | ~float32 } func Reduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) { switch c := c.(type) { case func(int) (T, bool): for i := 0; ; i++ { if v, ok := c(i); ok { r = f(r, v) } else { break } } case NFunc[T]: r = Reduce((func(int) (T, bool))(c), f) } return } type NFunc[T Numeric] func(int) (T, bool) func DoReduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) { r := Reduce(c, f) fmt.Printf("[%T]Reduce(%v, f()) = %v[%T]n", c, c, r, r) } func Adder[T Numeric]() func(T, T) T { return func(x, v T) T { return x + v } } func main() { DoReduce(func(x int) (int, bool) { return x, (x < 5) }, Adder[int]()) DoReduce(func(x int) (float32, bool) { return float32(x), (x < 5) }, Adder[float32]()) DoReduce(NFunc[int](func(x int) (int, bool) { return x, (x < 5) }), Adder[int]()) } go 046_reduce.go [func(int) (int, bool)]Reduce(0x108e700, f()) = 10[int] [func(int) (float32, bool)]Reduce(0x108e720, f()) = 10[float32] [main.NFunc[int]]Reduce(0x108e740, f()) = 10[int]
  • 47. REDUCING COLLECTIONS 047_reduce.go package main import ( "fmt" R "reflect" ) type Numeric interface { ~int | ~float32 } func Reduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) { if c := R.ValueOf(c); c.Kind() == R.Func { for i := 0; ; i++ { p := []R.Value{R.ValueOf(i)} if p = c.Call(p); p[1].Interface() == true { r = f(r, p[0].Interface().(T)) } else { break } } } return } type NFunc[T Numeric] func(int) (T, bool) func DoReduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) { r := Reduce(c, f) fmt.Printf("[%T]Reduce(%v, f()) = %v[%T]n", c, c, r, r) } func Adder[T Numeric]() func(T, T) T { return func(x, v T) T { return x + v } } func main() { DoReduce(func(x int) (int, bool) { return x, (x < 5) }, Adder[int]()) DoReduce(func(x int) (float32, bool) { return float32(x), (x < 5) }, Adder[float32]()) DoReduce(NFunc[int](func(x int) (int, bool) { return x, (x < 5) }), Adder[int]()) } go 047_reduce.go [func(int) (int, bool)]Reduce(0x108e700, f()) = 10[int] [func(int) (float32, bool)]Reduce(0x108e720, f()) = 10[float32] [main.NFunc[int]]Reduce(0x108e740, f()) = 10[int]
  • 48. REDUCING COLLECTIONS 048_reduce.go package main import ( "fmt" R "reflect" ) type Numeric interface { ~int | ~int8 | ~int16 | ~int32 | ~int64 | ~uint | ~uint8 | ~uint16 | ~uint32 | ~uint64 | ~float32 | ~float64 } type Iterable[T Numeric] interface { Range(f func(int, T)) } type Reducible[T Numeric] interface { Reduce(func(T, T) T) T } func Reduce[T Numeric](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) { switch c := c.(type) { case Iterable[T]: c.Range(func(i int, v T) { r = f(r, v) }) case Reducible[T]: r = c.Reduce(f) case string: for _, x := range c { r = f(r, T(x)) } case T: r = f(r, c) case []T: for _, x := range c { r = f(r, x) } case map[int]T: for _, x := range c { r = f(r, x) } case func(int) (T, bool): for i := 0; ; i++ { if v, ok := c(i); ok { r = f(r, v) } else { break } } case chan T: for x := range c { r = f(r, x) } default: switch c := R.ValueOf(c); c.Kind() { case R.Map: for i := c.MapRange(); i.Next(); { r = f(r, i.Value().Interface().(T)) } case R.Array: for i := 0; i < c.Len(); i++ { r = f(r, c.Index(i).Interface().(T)) } case R.Func: for i := 0; ; i++ { p := []R.Value{R.ValueOf(i)} if p = c.Call(p); p[1].Interface() == true { r = f(r, p[0].Interface().(T)) } else { break } } } } return }
  • 49. REDUCING COLLECTIONS 049_reduce.go package main import R "reflect" func Reduce[T any](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) { switch c := c.(type) { case interface{ Range(f func(int, T)) }: c.Range(func(i int, v T) { r = f(r, v) }) case interface{ Reduce(func(T, T) T) T }: r = c.Reduce(f) case string: for _, x := range c { r = f(r, x) } case T: r = f(r, c) case []T: for _, x := range c { r = f(r, x) } case map[int]T: for _, x := range c { r = f(r, x) } case func(int) (T, bool): for i := 0; ; i++ { if v, ok := c(i); ok { r = f(r, v) } else { break } } case chan T: for x := range c { r = f(r, x) } default: switch c := R.ValueOf(c); c.Kind() { case R.Map: for i := c.MapRange(); i.Next(); { r = f(r, i.Value().Interface().(T)) } case R.Array: for i := 0; i < c.Len(); i++ { r = f(r, c.Index(i).Interface().(T)) } case R.Func: for i := 0; ; i++ { p := []R.Value{R.ValueOf(i)} if p = c.Call(p); p[1].Interface() == true { r = f(r, p[0].Interface().(T)) } else { break } } } } return } func main() {} go 049_reduce.go # command-line-arguments ./049_reduce.go:15:13: cannot use x (variable of type rune) as type T in argument to f
  • 50. REDUCING COLLECTIONS 050_reduce.go package main import "fmt" func Reduce[T any](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) { switch c := c.(type) { case interface{ Range(f func(int, T)) }: c.Range(func(i int, v T) { r = f(r, v) }) case interface{ Reduce(func(T, T) T) T }: r = c.Reduce(f) } return } func DoReduce[T any](c any, f func(T, T) T) { r := Reduce(c, f) fmt.Printf("[%T]Reduce(%v, f()) = %v[%T]n", c, c, r, r) } type ISlice []int func (s ISlice) Range(f func(int, int)) { for i, v := range s { f(i, v) } } type FArray [3]float32 func (a FArray) Reduce(f func(x, v float32) float32) (r float32) { for _, v := range a { r = f(r, v) } return } func main() { DoReduce(ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, func(x, v int) int { return x + v }) DoReduce(FArray{0, 1, 2}, func(x, v float32) float32 { return x + v }) } go 050_reduce.go [main.ISlice]Reduce([0 1 2 3 4], f()) = 10[int] [main.FArray]Reduce([0 1 2], f()) = 3[float32]
  • 51. REDUCING COLLECTIONS 051_reduce.go package main import "fmt" func Reduce[T any](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) { switch c := c.(type) { case string: for _, x := range c { r = f(r, any(x).(T)) } } return } func DoReduce[T any](c any, f func(T, T) T) { r := Reduce(c, f) fmt.Printf("[%T]Reduce(%v, f()) = %v[%T]n", c, c, r, r) } func main() { DoReduce[rune]("01234", func(r, x rune) rune { return r + x - 48 }) } go 051_reduce.go [string]Reduce(01234, f()) = 10[int32] 052_reduce.go package main import ( "fmt" R "reflect" ) func Reduce[T any](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) { switch c := R.ValueOf(c); c.Kind() { case R.String: for _, x := range c.Interface().(string) { r = f(r, any(x).(T)) } } return } func DoReduce[T any](c any, f func(T, T) T) { r := Reduce(c, f) fmt.Printf("[%T]Reduce(%v, f()) = %v[%T]n", c, c, r, r) } func main() { DoReduce("01234", func(x, v rune) rune { return x + v - 48 }) } go 052_reduce.go [string]Reduce(01234, f()) = 10[int32]
  • 52. REDUCING COLLECTIONS 053_reduce.go package main import R "reflect" func Reduce[T any](c any, f func(T, T) T) (r T) { switch c := c.(type) { case interface{ Range(f func(int, T)) }: c.Range(func(i int, v T) { r = f(r, v) }) case interface{ Reduce(func(T, T) T) T }: r = c.Reduce(f) case string: for _, x := range c { r = f(r, any(x).(T)) } case T: r = f(r, c) case []T: for _, x := range c { r = f(r, x) } case map[int]T: for _, x := range c { r = f(r, x) } case func(int) (T, bool): for i := 0; ; i++ { if v, ok := c(i); ok { r = f(r, v) } else { break } } case chan T: for x := range c { r = f(r, x) } default: switch c := R.ValueOf(c); c.Kind() { case R.Map: for i := c.MapRange(); i.Next(); { r = f(r, i.Value().Interface().(T)) } case R.Array: for i := 0; i < c.Len(); i++ { r = f(r, c.Index(i).Interface().(T)) } case R.Func: for i := 0; ; i++ { p := []R.Value{R.ValueOf(i)} if p = c.Call(p); p[1].Interface() == true { r = f(r, p[0].Interface().(T)) } else { break } } } } return } func main() {}
  • 54. MAPPING COLLECTIONS 054_map.go package main import "fmt" func Map[T any](s []T, f func(T) T) (r []T) { for _, v := range s { r = append(r, f(v)) } return } func DoMap[T ~int | ~float32](s []T) { r := Map(s, func(v T) T { return v * 2 }) fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r) } func main() { DoMap([]int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}) DoMap([]float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}) } 054_map.go Map([0 1 2 3 4], func()): [0 2 4 6 8] Map([0 1 2 3 4], func()): [0 2 4 6 8]
  • 55. MAPPING COLLECTIONS 055_high_order_func.go package main import "fmt" type Iterable[T any] interface { Range(func(int, T)) } func Map[T any](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) { switch s := s.(type) { case Iterable[T]: s.Range(func(i int, v T) { r = append(r, f(v)) }) case []T: for _, v := range s { r = append(r, f(v)) } } return } func DoMap[T ~int | ~float32](s []T) { r := Map(s, func(v T) T { return v * 2 }) fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r) } type ISlice []int func (s ISlice) Range(f func(i, v int)) { for i, v := range s { f(i, v) } } func main() { DoMap(ISlice{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}) DoMap([]int{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}) DoMap([]float32{0, 1, 2, 3, 4}) } 055_high_order_func.go Map([0 1 2 3 4], func()): [0 2 4 6 8] Map([0 1 2 3 4], func()): [0 2 4 6 8] Map([0 1 2 3 4], func()): [0 2 4 6 8]
  • 56. MAPPING COLLECTIONS 056_map.go package main import "fmt" func Map[T any](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) { switch s := s.(type) { case interface{ Range(func(int, T)) }: s.Range(func(i int, v T) { r = append(r, f(v)) }) } return } func DoMap[T ~int | ~float32](s any) { r := Map(s, func(v T) T { return v * 2 }) fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r) } type NFunc[T any] func(int) (T, bool) func (f NFunc[T]) Range(p func(i int, v T)) { for i := 0; ; i++ { if r, ok := f(i); ok { p(i, r) } else { break } } } func Limit[T any](i, j int, f NFunc[T]) NFunc[T] { return func(x int) (r T, ok bool) { if i <= x && x <= j { r, ok = f(x) } return } } func main() { DoMap[int](Limit(0, 4, func(x int) (int, bool) { return x, true })) DoMap[float32](func(x int) (float32, bool) { return float32(x), (x < 5) }) } 056_map.go Map(0x108afc0, func()): [0 2 4 6 8] Map(0x108ae20, func()): []
  • 57. MAPPING COLLECTIONS 057_map.go package main import "fmt" func Map[T any](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) { switch s := s.(type) { case func(int) (T, bool): for i := 0; ; i++ { if v, ok := s(i); ok { r = append(r, f(v)) } else { break } } } return } type NFunc[T any] func(int) (T, bool) func (f NFunc[T]) Range(p func(i int, v T)) { for i := 0; ; i++ { if r, ok := f(i); ok { p(i, r) } else { break } } } func DoMap[T ~int | ~float32](s any) { r := Map(s, func(v T) T { return v * 2 }) fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r) } func Limit[T any](i, j int, f NFunc[T]) NFunc[T] { return func(x int) (r T, ok bool) { if i <= x && x <= j { r, ok = f(x) } return } } func main() { DoMap[int](Limit(0, 4, func(x int) (int, bool) { return x, true })) DoMap[float32](func(x int) (float32, bool) { return float32(x), (x < 5) }) } 057_map.go Map(0x108aee0, func()): [] Map(0x108ae20, func()): [0 2 4 6 8]
  • 58. MAPPING COLLECTIONS 058_map.go package main import "fmt" func Map[T any](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) { switch s := s.(type) { case NFunc[T]: for i := 0; ; i++ { if v, ok := s(i); ok { r = append(r, f(v)) } else { break } } } return } type NFunc[T any] func(int) (T, bool) func (f NFunc[T]) Range(p func(i int, v T)) { for i := 0; ; i++ { if r, ok := f(i); ok { p(i, r) } else { break } } } func DoMap[T ~int | ~float32](s any) { r := Map(s, func(v T) T { return v * 2 }) fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r) } func Limit[T any](i, j int, f NFunc[T]) NFunc[T] { return func(x int) (r T, ok bool) { if i <= x && x <= j { r, ok = f(x) } return } } func main() { DoMap[int](Limit(0, 4, func(x int) (int, bool) { return x, true })) DoMap[float32](func(x int) (float32, bool) { return float32(x), (x < 5) }) } 058_map.go Map(0x108aee0, func()): [0 2 4 6 8] Map(0x108ae20, func()): []
  • 59. MAPPING COLLECTIONS 059_map.go package main import ( "fmt" R "reflect" ) func Map[T any](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) { if s := R.ValueOf(s); s.Kind() == R.Func { for i := 0; ; i++ { p := []R.Value{R.ValueOf(i)} if p = s.Call(p); p[1].Interface() == true { r = append(r, f(p[0].Interface().(T))) } else { break } } } return } func DoMap[T ~int | ~float32](s any) { r := Map(s, func(v T) T { return v * 2 }) fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r) } func main() { DoMap[float32](func(x int) (float64, bool) { return float64(x), (x < 5) }) } 059_map.go panic: interface conversion: interface {} is float64, not float32 goroutine 1 [running]: main.Map[...]({0x1099520, 0x10b0678?}, 0xc000107f10?) /Users/eleanormchugh/Documents/go/src/ GoGenericsTalk/050_high_order_func.go:21 +0x325 main.DoMap[...]({0x1099520, 0x10b0678}) /Users/eleanormchugh/Documents/go/src/ GoGenericsTalk/050_high_order_func.go:31 +0x52 main.main() /Users/eleanormchugh/Documents/go/src/ GoGenericsTalk/050_high_order_func.go:65 +0x79 exit status 2
  • 60. MAPPING COLLECTIONS 060_map.go package main import ( "fmt" R "reflect" ) func Map[T any](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) { if s := R.ValueOf(s); s.Kind() == R.Func { defer func() { recover() }() for i := 0; ; i++ { p := []R.Value{R.ValueOf(i)} if p = s.Call(p); p[1].Interface() == true { r = append(r, f(p[0].Interface().(T))) } else { break } } } return } func DoMap[T ~int | ~float32](s any) { r := Map(s, func(v T) T { return v * 2 }) fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r) } func main() { DoMap[float32](func(x int) (float32, bool) { return float32(x), (x < 5) }) DoMap[float32](func(x int) (float64, bool) { return float64(x), (x < 5) }) } 060_map.go Map(0x108f560, func()): [0 2 4 6 8] Map(0x108f580, func()): []
  • 61. MAPPING COLLECTIONS 061_map.go package main import ( "fmt" R "reflect" ) type Numeric interface { ~int | ~float32 } func Map[T Numeric](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) { if s := R.ValueOf(s); s.Kind() == R.Func { V := R.ValueOf(r).Type().Elem() for i := 0; ; i++ { p := []R.Value{R.ValueOf(i)} if p = s.Call(p); p[1].Interface() == true { switch V.Kind() { case R.Int, R.Int8, R.Int16, R.Int32, R.Int64: r = append(r, f(T(p[0].Int()))) case R.Float32, R.Float64: r = append(r, f(T(p[0].Float()))) } } else { break } } } return } func DoMap[T Numeric](s any) { r := Map(s, func(v T) T { return v * 2 }) fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r) } func main() { DoMap[float32](func(x int) (float32, bool) { return float32(x), (x < 5) }) DoMap[float32](func(x int) (float64, bool) { return float64(x), (x < 5) }) } 061_map.go Map(0x108f560, func()): [0 2 4 6 8] Map(0x108f580, func()): [0 2 4 6 8]
  • 62. MAPPING COLLECTIONS 062_map.go package main import ( "fmt" R "reflect" ) func Map[T any](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) { if s := R.ValueOf(s); s.Kind() == R.Func { for i := 0; ; i++ { p := []R.Value{R.ValueOf(i)} if p = s.Call(p); p[1].Interface() == true { r = append(r, f(p[0].Interface().(T))) } else { break } } } return } func DoMap[T ~int | ~float32 | ~float64](s any) { r := Map(s, func(v T) T { return v * 2 }) fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r) } func main() { DoMap[int](func(x int) (int, bool) { return x, (x < 5) }) DoMap[float32](func(x int) (float32, bool) { return float32(x), (x < 5) }) DoMap[float64](func(x int) (float64, bool) { return float64(x), (x < 5) }) } 062_map.go Map(map[0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4], func()): [0 2 4 6 8] Map(map[0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4], func()): [0 2 4 6 8] Map(map[0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4], func()): [0 2 4 6 8]
  • 63. MAPPING COLLECTIONS 062_map.go package main import ( "fmt" R "reflect" ) func Map[T any](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) { switch s := R.ValueOf(s); s.Kind() { case R.Map: switch s.Type().Key().Kind() { case R.Int, R.Int8, R.Int16, R.Int32, R.Int64: r = make([]T, s.Len()) for i := s.MapRange(); i.Next(); { x := int(i.Key().Int()) if x >= len(r) { n := make([]T, x+1) copy(n, r) r = n } r[x] = f(i.Value().Interface().(T)) } } } return } func DoMap[T ~int | ~float32](s any) { r := Map(s, func(v T) T { return v * 2 }) fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r) } func main() { DoMap[int](map[int]int{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4}) DoMap[int](map[int8]int{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4}) DoMap[int](map[int32]int{0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4}) } 062_map.go Map(map[0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4], func()): [0 2 4 6 8] Map(map[0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4], func()): [0 2 4 6 8] Map(map[0:0 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4], func()): [0 2 4 6 8]
  • 64. MAPPING COLLECTIONS 063_map.go package main import ( "fmt" R "reflect" ) func Map[T any](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) { if s := R.ValueOf(s); s.Kind() == R.Array { defer func() { recover() }() for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ { r = append(r, f(s.Index(i).Interface().(T))) } } return } func DoMap[T ~int | ~float32](s any) { r := Map(s, func(v T) T { return v * 2 }) fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r) } func main() { DoMap[int]([3]int{0, 1, 2}) DoMap[float32]([3]float32{0, 1, 2}) DoMap[float32]([3]float64{0, 1, 2}) } 063_map.go Map([0 1 2], func()): [0 2 4] Map([0 1 2], func()): [0 2 4] Map([0 1 2], func()): []
  • 65. MAPPING COLLECTIONS 064_map.go package main import "fmt" func Map[T any](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) { switch s := s.(type) { case string: for _, x := range s { r = append(r, f(any(x).(T))) } case chan T: for x := range s { r = append(r, f(x)) } } return } func DoMap[T ~int | ~rune](s any) { r := Map(s, func(v T) T { return v * 2 }) fmt.Printf("Map(%v, func()): %vn", s, r) } func Pump[T any](ic chan<- T, v ...T) { for _, v := range v { ic <- v } close(ic) } func main() { ic := make(chan int) go Pump(ic, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4) DoMap[int](ic) DoMap[rune]("01234") } 064_map.go Map(0xc00011c000, func()): [0 2 4 6 8] Map(01234, func()): [96 98 100 102 104]
  • 66. MAPPING COLLECTIONS 065_map.go package main import R "reflect" func Map[T any](s any, f func(T) T) (r []T) { switch s := s.(type) { case interface{ Range(f func(int, T)) }: s.Range(func(i int, v T) { r = append(r, f(v)) }) case string: for _, x := range s { r = append(r, f(any(x).(T))) } case []T: for _, v := range s { r = append(r, f(v)) } case map[int]T: r = make([]T, len(s)) for i, v := range s { if i >= len(r) { n := make([]T, i-1) copy(n, r) r = n } r[i] = f(v) } case chan T: for x := range s { r = append(r, f(x)) } default: switch s := R.ValueOf(s); s.Kind() { case R.Array: for i := 0; i < s.Len(); i++ { r = append(r, f(s.Index(i).Interface().(T))) } case R.Map: switch s.Type().Key().Kind() { case R.Int, R.Int8, R.Int16, R.Int32, R.Int64: r = make([]T, s.Len()) for i := s.MapRange(); i.Next(); { x := int(i.Key().Int()) if x >= len(r) { n := make([]T, x+1) copy(n, r) r = n } r[x] = f(i.Value().Interface().(T)) } } case R.Func: for i := 0; ; i++ { p := []R.Value{R.ValueOf(i)} if p = s.Call(p); p[1].Interface() == true { r = append(r, f(p[0].Interface().(T))) } else { break } } } } return }
  • 67. RESOURCES ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣