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ERC II Project 3
Growth Heroes
and Their Wider Economic Impact
Jun Du, Karen Bonner, Enrico Vanino
ERC, Aston University
ERC End Project Meeting
13 December, 2016
Structure of this presentation
•  Background, rationales and objectives of Project 3
•  Fast growth firm definition matters: findings and
•  Fast growth firms and their wider economic
impact: findings and implications
•  Research outputs, dissemination and further work
•  Questions and comments
…	and	a	baffling	produc/vity	puzzle!	
High Growth Firms and Productivity
- Evidence from the United
Kingdom, 2014, Du Jun and Yama
Temouri, Small Business Economics,
Decomposing UK Aggregate Labour
Productivity and Growth, 1998-2013, 2015,
Du Jun and Karen Bonner, ERC Report
Problem 1: Fast growth firms definition
High growth firms, in
(OECD, 2007)
High impact
Growth heroes
(Du and Bonner
Top performers
Millennium 2000
firms (Hart et al 2016)
High growth
High employment
growth firms
(Clayton et al, 2013)
High growth firms, in
Objective 1: To understand the differences in fast growth
definitions and their implications
Problem 2: Limited predictability of
fast growth firms
Growth persistence is not at firm
level, but at regional level	
•  The predictability of fast growth
episodes remains limited
•  firm growth is typically highly
discontinuous and high
employment growth is not
persistent among firms
•  Recent research on growth
persistence beyond single
firms – at regional level Objective 2: To understand what
it means for a region to have
more fast growth firms
High	Growth	Firms	
Growth	heroes	 Top	10s	
Feature	 Employment	criterion	 Produc=vity	criterion	 Top	performers	along	distribu=on	
Growth	Heroes	
Growth	Super	
Heroes	(GSHs)	
firms	(≥10	
OECD	defini;on-	OECD	
2007	defini;on:	more	
than	10	employees	and	
annual	average	growth	in	
employment	of	20%	or	
more	in	3	year	period	
produc;vity	in	a	3	
year	period	by	
turnover	and	
employment	(Du	
and	Bonner	2015)	
as	Growth	
Heroes	but	with	
above	average	
produc;vity	in	
base	year	
Firms	with	
growth	lies	
within	top	
percen;le	in	
a	3	year	
Firms	with	
growth	lies	
within	top	10	
percen;le	in	
a	3	year	
Firms	with	
growth	lies	
within	top	10	
percen;le	in	
a	3	year	
Micro	(<10	
Clayton	OECD-matching	
defini;on	for	smaller	
firms	-–	Firms	with	fewer	
than	10	employees	
whose	employment	
grows	by	at	least	8	in	3	
years	(Clayton	et	al	2013)	
We looked at:
Defini=on	 		 Overall	
Bigger	firms	
Micro	firms	
Employment	criterion		
HGFs	 1.1	 7.1	 	--	
Small	HGFs	 1.6	 	--	 2	
Produc;vity	criterion	
Growth	Heroes	(GHs)	 6.9	 12.7	 6.2	
Growth	Super	Heroes	(GSHs)	 1.6	 3.3	 1.4	
Top	10s	in	distribu;on	of	
Employment	growth	 18.3	 5.9	 21.6	
Turnover	growth	 15.2	 9.9	 17	
Produc;vity	growth	 15.3	 15.3	 16	
Note: % relates to share of total stock of firms alive in the base year (national total survivors).
Data source: the ONS Business Structure Database (BSD) 1997-2013.
We find:
Presence of fast growth firms in the economy
Contribution to the economy
Growth Heroes
Top 10s
By size
t growth
firms (≥10
Jobs (stock), % 4.6 16.1 5.3 3.5 7.7 10.9
Jobs (net creation), % 96.2 53.7 14.5 96.0 52.7 -45.1
Turnover (stock), % 7.1 12.8 8.3 5.5 5.8 7.1
Turnover (growth)
81.9 70.8 61.6 96.8 278.9 156.4
Productivity (level)
248.7 96.7 221.6 270.1 111.1 83
Productivity (Growth)
-37.4 38.9 43.2 -45.1 395.1 751
Micro firms
Jobs (stock), % 0.5 6.1 1.4 12.3 12.0 14.8
Jobs (net creation),% 25.7 12.0 2.4 71.3 35.7 -6.2
Turnover (stock), % 1.2 0.7 0.4 3.7 1.6 1.5
Turnover (growth)
103.2 208.9 163 86.9 413.5 297.7
Productivity (level)
473.5 87.6 205.3 226.8 102.1 77.9
Productivity (Growth)
-73.1 52.4 42.6 -50.6 218 389.1
We also find:
Contribution of fast growth firms to the economy
So overall:
Contribution of fast growth firms to the economy
Employment	based	
Produc=vity	based	
Bigger	firms		 Micro	firms		 Bigger	firms		 Micro	firms		
OECD-HGFs	 Small	HGFs	 GHs	 GSHs	 GHs	 GSHs	
Jobs	(stock)	
Jobs	(net	job	
Turnover	(stock)	 ££££	 £	 ££	 £	 £	 £	
££	 £££	 ££	 ££	 £££££	 ££££	
★★★	 ★★★★
★★	 ★★★★	 ★★	 ★★★★	
ê	 êê	 ★★★	 ★★★	 ★★★★	 ★★★
Definition matters!
•  Applying policy on different type of fast growth firms will
affect different business populations which will result in
different outcomes.
•  Way forward: Growth Super Heroes + OECD HGFs
Employment-based high
growth firms generate lots of
jobs but have mixed
productivity records
high growth firms have
mediocre job creation
records but show
productivity superiority
Regional and industrial externalities
•  Role of location factors (both in the literature of economic
georgrphy and HGFs)
•  Region-industry perspectives
–  Regional effects examined in relation to the industrial portfolio and
–  Knowledge spillovers within (MAR externalities) and across industries
(Jacob, 1969)
–  Localisation externalities: non-knowledge spillovers
–  Urbanisation externalities
Main Data Source:
•  Business Structure Database 1997-2013 by the UK Data Service
quasi-totality of UK firms about industrial classification, postcode,
employment and turnover.
•  Total final sample of 36,601,155 observations, 6,253,704 UK
Manufacturing: 500,000 firms, 2,800,000 observations;
Professional services: 2,300,000, 11,200,000 observations
Industrial and Regional Data:
•  Region-industry employment, productivity, net entry rate and agglomeration
index (BSD database);
•  ONS input-output tables for product and services supply and demand and
gross value added (GVA) for all sectors at the 2-digit level in the UK;
•  R&D intensities at the regional and industrial level from UK Innovation
Survey database (CIS);
•  Location and size of science parks in the UK are collected from the UK
Science Park Association (UKSPA) website.
Geographical Distribution of fast growth firms
OECD employment-based High Growth
Relatively more evenly distributed across the
Productivity-based Growth Super Heroes:
Agglomerated around urban and highly populated
Region-industrial Distribution of fast growth firms
OECD employment-based High Growth firms:
Prof. services, food, publishing and media,
environmental goods, non-metal products (more
labour-intensive sectors)
Productivity-based Growth Super Heroes:
Machinery, automotive, transport equipment
(more capital intensive manufacturing sectors)
Estimation: manufacturing and professional services sectors, large vs small, old vs
young enterprises and in low and high-tech sectors. Panel FD-fixed effects model.
Firm	growth:	jobs	or	
Firm	control	
•  size	
•  age	
•  productivity	
•  foreign ownership	
•  group	
Regional	and	industrial	control	
•  R&D intensity	
•  Growth potential	
•  Industrial vitality (net entry rate)	
•  science parks location	
Region-industry spillover effects of fast growth
firms (OECD-HGFs or GSHs):	
•  Horizontal externalities: share of fast growth firms within
•  Vertical externalities – suppliers & customers: fast
growth firms in upstream and downstream sectors
•  Geographic externalities: share fast growth firms at the
postcode level, gravity force of fast growth firms
Fixed	effects	
•  Regional (NUTS 3-digit level)	
•  industrial (SIC 2-digit level)	
•  time
Finding 1- Industry externalities on Employment growth
Horizontal	sector	 SGHs	 OECD	HGFs	
Prof.	Services	 é★★	
Manufacturing	 ê★	 ê★★	
Suppliers	 SGHs	 OECD	HGFs	
Prof.	Services	 ê★★★	 ê★★★	
Customers	 SGHs	 OECD	HGFs	
Prof.	Services	 é★★★	 ê★★★	
Manufacturing	 é★★★	
Finding 2- Industry externalities on Productivity growth
Suppliers	 SGHs	 OECD	HGFs	
Prof.	Services	 é★★★	 é★★★	
Manufacturing	 é★★★	 ê★★★	
Horizontal	sector	 SGHs	 OECD	HGFs	
Prof.	Services	 ê★★★	 é★★★	
Manufacturing	 é★★★	 é★★★	
Customers	 SGHs	 OECD	HGFs	
Prof.	Services	 é★★★	 é★★★	
Manufacturing	 é★★★	 é★★★	
+ +
Finding - Industry externalities on productivity growth
Suppliers	 SGHs	 OECD	HGFs	
Prof	serv	 Overall	 é★★★	 é★★★	
Overall	 é★★★	 ê★★★	
Low	tech	 é★★★	 ê★★★	
High	tech	 é★★★	
Large	 é★	
Small	 é★★★	 ê★★★	
Old	 é★★★	 ê★★★	
Young	 é★★★	 ê★★★	
Horizontal	sector	 SGHs	 OECD	HGFs	
Prof	serv	 ê★★★	 é★★★	
Overall	 é★★★	 é★★★	
Low	tech	 é★★★	 é★★★	
High	tech	
Large	 é★★★	 é★	
Small	 é★★	 é★★	
Old	 é★★★	 é★★	
Young	 é★	
Customers	 SGHs	 OECD	HGFs	
Prof	serv	 Overall	 é★★★	 é★★★	
Overall	 é★★★	 é★★★	
Low	tech	 é★★★	 é★★★	
High	tech	
Small	 é★★★	 é★★★	
Old	 é★★★	
Young	 é★★★	
+ +
Finding 3: Regional distribution of externalities
EMPLOYMENT: negative effect in peripheral
areas (Scotland and Northern England), positive
in urban and populated areas (London, South-
East, Birmingham, Northern Powerhouse)
PRODUCTIVITY: positive effects on productivity
where negative impact on employment growth: rural
and sub-urban peripheral areas
Finding 4: Region-industry distribution of externalities
•  Negative on Employment: automotive, fuels, optical instruments, textile and apparel
•  Positive on Productivity: prof. services, chemicals, computer industry
•  Largest spillovers in peripheral areas: Wales, NI, North-East England
Finding 5 – Geographic Externalities
1.  Postcode Agglomeration same
as industrial externalities:
- negative on employment
- positive on productivity
2. FG Gravity Force
1. FG Postcode Agglomeration
2. FG Gravity force:
Positive demonstrative and
market-creation effects on both
employment and productivity
Gravity =
Summary and discussion
Key message: Beyond job creation and productivity improvement within their
own organizations, high growth firms have externalities to other firms in the
region, within and across industrial sectors.
Industrial externalities of fast growth firms:
Horizontal effects:
•  Competition-led efficiency improvement with positive productivity
•  Sign of reallocation of inputs to more productive (and likely more
innovative) firms within sectors
•  Competition-led crowding out effects for skills and labour
Vertical effects:
•  Increased demand for services and products along supply chain –
positive market creation effect
•  Improved productivity and efficiency in upstream sectors – knowledge
spillovers effects
•  Competition-led crowding out effects for skills and labour in the upstream
Summary and discussion (conti)
Regional disparity:
•  Advantageous urban areas in labour and skill provision
•  Interestingly, the areas of more high growth incidences are not
necessarily those which benefit most from it
Geographic externalities:
Local Agglomeration (Postcode level)
§  Competition-led efficiency improvement with positive productivity spillover
§  Competition-led crowding out effects for skills and labour
Gravity Force
§  Demonstration effects and new local demand for services and products
with positive externalities on both employment and productivity growth
Research output, dissemination and
further research
•  Two	reports,	two	policy	briefs,	publica;ons,	
Blog	and	media	
•  Dissemina;on	
–  RSA	Winter	conference	2016,	24	November,	London.	
–  ERC	annual	conference,	30	November	2016.	
–  Associa;on	of	American	Geographers	Annual	Mee;ng	in	
Boston,	April	5-9,	2017.	
•  Further	research
If	you	would	like	any	more	informa;on	about	this	
research	please	contact	us:	
Jun	Du		
This work contains statistical data from ONS which is Crown Copyright. The use of these
data does not imply the endorsement of the data owner or the UK Data Service at the UK
Data Archive in relation to the interpretation or analysis of the data. This work uses
research datasets which may not exactly reproduce National Statistics aggregates.

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Project 3. final presentation. december 2016

  • 1. ERC II Project 3 Growth Heroes and Their Wider Economic Impact Jun Du, Karen Bonner, Enrico Vanino ERC, Aston University ERC End Project Meeting 13 December, 2016
  • 2. Structure of this presentation •  Background, rationales and objectives of Project 3 •  Fast growth firm definition matters: findings and implications •  Fast growth firms and their wider economic impact: findings and implications •  Research outputs, dissemination and further work •  Questions and comments
  • 4. Background … and a baffling produc/vity puzzle! High Growth Firms and Productivity - Evidence from the United Kingdom, 2014, Du Jun and Yama Temouri, Small Business Economics, 44:123–143 Decomposing UK Aggregate Labour Productivity and Growth, 1998-2013, 2015, Du Jun and Karen Bonner, ERC Report
  • 5. Problem 1: Fast growth firms definition High growth firms, in employment (OECD, 2007) High impact firms Growth heroes (Du and Bonner 2015) Top performers Millennium 2000 firms (Hart et al 2016) High growth entrepreneurs Gazelles High employment growth firms (Clayton et al, 2013) High growth firms, in value Objective 1: To understand the differences in fast growth definitions and their implications
  • 6. Problem 2: Limited predictability of fast growth firms Growth persistence is not at firm level, but at regional level •  The predictability of fast growth episodes remains limited •  firm growth is typically highly discontinuous and high employment growth is not persistent among firms •  Recent research on growth persistence beyond single firms – at regional level Objective 2: To understand what it means for a region to have more fast growth firms
  • 8. Defini=on High Growth Firms (HGFs) Growth heroes Top 10s Feature Employment criterion Produc=vity criterion Top performers along distribu=on Growth Heroes (GHs) Growth Super Heroes (GSHs) Employment growth Turnover growth Produc;vity growth Bigger firms (≥10 employees) OECD defini;on- OECD 2007 defini;on: more than 10 employees and annual average growth in employment of 20% or more in 3 year period Increase produc;vity in a 3 year period by increasing turnover and employment (Du and Bonner 2015) as Growth Heroes but with above average produc;vity in base year Firms with employment growth lies within top 10 percen;le in a 3 year period Firms with turnover growth lies within top 10 percen;le in a 3 year period Firms with produc;vity growth lies within top 10 percen;le in a 3 year period Micro (<10 employees) Clayton OECD-matching defini;on for smaller firms -– Firms with fewer than 10 employees whose employment grows by at least 8 in 3 years (Clayton et al 2013) We looked at:
  • 9. Defini=on Overall firms Bigger firms (≥10 employees) Micro firms (<10 employees) Employment criterion HGFs 1.1 7.1 -- Small HGFs 1.6 -- 2 Produc;vity criterion Growth Heroes (GHs) 6.9 12.7 6.2 Growth Super Heroes (GSHs) 1.6 3.3 1.4 Top 10s in distribu;on of Employment growth 18.3 5.9 21.6 Turnover growth 15.2 9.9 17 Produc;vity growth 15.3 15.3 16 Note: % relates to share of total stock of firms alive in the base year (national total survivors). Data source: the ONS Business Structure Database (BSD) 1997-2013. We find: Presence of fast growth firms in the economy
  • 10. Contribution to the economy High Growth Firms Growth Heroes Top 10s By size HGFs GHs GSHs Employmen t growth Turnover growth Productivity growth Bigger firms (≥10 employees ) Jobs (stock), % 4.6 16.1 5.3 3.5 7.7 10.9 Jobs (net creation), % 96.2 53.7 14.5 96.0 52.7 -45.1 Turnover (stock), % 7.1 12.8 8.3 5.5 5.8 7.1 Turnover (growth) 81.9 70.8 61.6 96.8 278.9 156.4 Productivity (level) 248.7 96.7 221.6 270.1 111.1 83 Productivity (Growth) -37.4 38.9 43.2 -45.1 395.1 751 Micro firms (<10 employees ) Jobs (stock), % 0.5 6.1 1.4 12.3 12.0 14.8 Jobs (net creation),% 25.7 12.0 2.4 71.3 35.7 -6.2 Turnover (stock), % 1.2 0.7 0.4 3.7 1.6 1.5 Turnover (growth) 103.2 208.9 163 86.9 413.5 297.7 Productivity (level) 473.5 87.6 205.3 226.8 102.1 77.9 Productivity (Growth) -73.1 52.4 42.6 -50.6 218 389.1 We also find: Contribution of fast growth firms to the economy
  • 11. So overall: Contribution of fast growth firms to the economy Employment based Produc=vity based Bigger firms Micro firms Bigger firms Micro firms OECD-HGFs Small HGFs GHs GSHs GHs GSHs Jobs (stock) Jobs (net job crea;on) Turnover (stock) ££££ £ ££ £ £ £ Turnover (growth) ££ £££ ££ ££ £££££ ££££ Produc;vity (level) ★★★ ★★★★ ★ ★★ ★★★★ ★★ ★★★★ Produc;vity (growth) ê êê ★★★ ★★★ ★★★★ ★★★
  • 12. Definition matters! •  Applying policy on different type of fast growth firms will affect different business populations which will result in different outcomes. •  Way forward: Growth Super Heroes + OECD HGFs Employment-based high growth firms generate lots of jobs but have mixed productivity records Productivity-based high growth firms have mediocre job creation records but show productivity superiority
  • 14. Regional and industrial externalities •  Role of location factors (both in the literature of economic georgrphy and HGFs) •  Region-industry perspectives –  Regional effects examined in relation to the industrial portfolio and activities –  Knowledge spillovers within (MAR externalities) and across industries (Jacob, 1969) –  Localisation externalities: non-knowledge spillovers –  Urbanisation externalities
  • 15. Data Main Data Source: •  Business Structure Database 1997-2013 by the UK Data Service quasi-totality of UK firms about industrial classification, postcode, employment and turnover. •  Total final sample of 36,601,155 observations, 6,253,704 UK Manufacturing: 500,000 firms, 2,800,000 observations; Professional services: 2,300,000, 11,200,000 observations Industrial and Regional Data: •  Region-industry employment, productivity, net entry rate and agglomeration index (BSD database); •  ONS input-output tables for product and services supply and demand and gross value added (GVA) for all sectors at the 2-digit level in the UK; •  R&D intensities at the regional and industrial level from UK Innovation Survey database (CIS); •  Location and size of science parks in the UK are collected from the UK Science Park Association (UKSPA) website.
  • 16. Geographical Distribution of fast growth firms OECD employment-based High Growth firms: Relatively more evenly distributed across the country. Productivity-based Growth Super Heroes: Agglomerated around urban and highly populated areas.
  • 17. Region-industrial Distribution of fast growth firms OECD employment-based High Growth firms: Prof. services, food, publishing and media, environmental goods, non-metal products (more labour-intensive sectors) Productivity-based Growth Super Heroes: Machinery, automotive, transport equipment (more capital intensive manufacturing sectors)
  • 18. Methodology Estimation: manufacturing and professional services sectors, large vs small, old vs young enterprises and in low and high-tech sectors. Panel FD-fixed effects model. Firm growth: jobs or produc=vity Firm control •  size •  age •  productivity •  foreign ownership •  group Regional and industrial control •  R&D intensity •  Growth potential •  Industrial vitality (net entry rate) •  science parks location Region-industry spillover effects of fast growth firms (OECD-HGFs or GSHs): •  Horizontal externalities: share of fast growth firms within industry-region •  Vertical externalities – suppliers & customers: fast growth firms in upstream and downstream sectors •  Geographic externalities: share fast growth firms at the postcode level, gravity force of fast growth firms Fixed effects •  Regional (NUTS 3-digit level) •  industrial (SIC 2-digit level) •  time
  • 19. Finding 1- Industry externalities on Employment growth Horizontal sector SGHs OECD HGFs Prof. Services é★★ Manufacturing ê★ ê★★ Suppliers SGHs OECD HGFs Prof. Services ê★★★ ê★★★ Manufacturing Customers SGHs OECD HGFs Prof. Services é★★★ ê★★★ Manufacturing é★★★ H S C - +
  • 20. Finding 2- Industry externalities on Productivity growth Suppliers SGHs OECD HGFs Prof. Services é★★★ é★★★ Manufacturing é★★★ ê★★★ Horizontal sector SGHs OECD HGFs Prof. Services ê★★★ é★★★ Manufacturing é★★★ é★★★ Customers SGHs OECD HGFs Prof. Services é★★★ é★★★ Manufacturing é★★★ é★★★ H S C + + +
  • 21. Finding - Industry externalities on productivity growth Suppliers SGHs OECD HGFs Prof serv Overall é★★★ é★★★ Manufacturing Overall é★★★ ê★★★ Low tech é★★★ ê★★★ High tech é★★★ Large é★ Small é★★★ ê★★★ Old é★★★ ê★★★ Young é★★★ ê★★★ Horizontal sector SGHs OECD HGFs Prof serv ê★★★ é★★★ Manufacturing Overall é★★★ é★★★ Low tech é★★★ é★★★ High tech Large é★★★ é★ Small é★★ é★★ Old é★★★ é★★ Young é★ Customers SGHs OECD HGFs Prof serv Overall é★★★ é★★★ Manufacturing Overall é★★★ é★★★ Low tech é★★★ é★★★ High tech Large Small é★★★ é★★★ Old é★★★ Young é★★★ H S C + + +
  • 22. Finding 3: Regional distribution of externalities EMPLOYMENT: negative effect in peripheral areas (Scotland and Northern England), positive in urban and populated areas (London, South- East, Birmingham, Northern Powerhouse) PRODUCTIVITY: positive effects on productivity where negative impact on employment growth: rural and sub-urban peripheral areas
  • 23. Finding 4: Region-industry distribution of externalities •  Negative on Employment: automotive, fuels, optical instruments, textile and apparel •  Positive on Productivity: prof. services, chemicals, computer industry •  Largest spillovers in peripheral areas: Wales, NI, North-East England
  • 24. Finding 5 – Geographic Externalities 1.  Postcode Agglomeration same as industrial externalities: - negative on employment - positive on productivity 2. FG Gravity Force 1. FG Postcode Agglomeration 2. FG Gravity force: FG Positive demonstrative and market-creation effects on both employment and productivity growth Gravity = EitEjt dijt 2
  • 25. Summary and discussion Key message: Beyond job creation and productivity improvement within their own organizations, high growth firms have externalities to other firms in the region, within and across industrial sectors. Industrial externalities of fast growth firms: Horizontal effects: •  Competition-led efficiency improvement with positive productivity spillovers •  Sign of reallocation of inputs to more productive (and likely more innovative) firms within sectors •  Competition-led crowding out effects for skills and labour Vertical effects: •  Increased demand for services and products along supply chain – positive market creation effect •  Improved productivity and efficiency in upstream sectors – knowledge spillovers effects •  Competition-led crowding out effects for skills and labour in the upstream sectors
  • 26. Summary and discussion (conti) Regional disparity: •  Advantageous urban areas in labour and skill provision •  Interestingly, the areas of more high growth incidences are not necessarily those which benefit most from it Geographic externalities: Local Agglomeration (Postcode level) §  Competition-led efficiency improvement with positive productivity spillover §  Competition-led crowding out effects for skills and labour Gravity Force §  Demonstration effects and new local demand for services and products with positive externalities on both employment and productivity growth
  • 27. Research output, dissemination and further research •  Two reports, two policy briefs, publica;ons, Blog and media •  Dissemina;on –  RSA Winter conference 2016, 24 November, London. –  ERC annual conference, 30 November 2016. –  Associa;on of American Geographers Annual Mee;ng in Boston, April 5-9, 2017. •  Further research
  • 28. If you would like any more informa;on about this research please contact us: Jun Du This work contains statistical data from ONS which is Crown Copyright. The use of these data does not imply the endorsement of the data owner or the UK Data Service at the UK Data Archive in relation to the interpretation or analysis of the data. This work uses research datasets which may not exactly reproduce National Statistics aggregates.