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Gujarati- English Learner’s Dictionary
             Babu Suthar
                (Second draft)

        A Nirman Foundation Project

      Department of South Asia Studies
         University of Pennsylvania
             820 Williams Hall
              36th and Spruce
          Philadelphia PA 19104

                  Babu Suthar

In Memory of
Harivallabh Bhayani


We will revise this draft again after we receive comments and suggestions from the
scholars and the users. There are still problems with phonetic transcription of some
words. We will fix them as soon as we get feedback from the scholars. Meanwhile,
we request the users to consult us before using information from this dictionary in
their reserach.


Babu Suthar


Gujarati is a poor language of the rich people. This language does not have scientifically
written grammar books. Whatever grammar books it has are mainly pedagogic. It does
not have well written dictionaries either. There are some, monolingual as well as
bilingual, but many of them are impressionistic and outdated. This language is divided
into many social and geographical dialects, but very few of them have been explored.
Many dialects still await their documentation. It has attracted many linguists, but their
impact on the language, speakers, and writers has been negligible. Gujaratis are
everywhere, and so is Gujarati; but Gujarati rarely is taught systematically. The children
of Gujarati Diaspora learn some Gujarati either from their parents or from Gujarati
language classes run mainly by Hindu temples. There is no well written teaching material
either. Some individuals have created some material, but much of it lacks
professionalism. In addition, it is also faulty either in grammar or in pragmatics or both.
This is unfortunate. In order to overcome this situation, partially if not fully, the
Department of South Asia Regional Studies, University of Pennsylvania has taken a
leadership role. They have encouraged designing teaching material under which we have
created three textbooks: Gujarati Reader 1, 2 and 3. The Reader 1 is devoted to the
writing system, while the Reader 2 is devoted to written conversations. The Reader 3 is a
collection of Aesop’s fables rendered in Gujarati. This dictionary is a part of that project
but it has been funded by the Nirman Foundation, Washington DC. It is perhaps the first
dictionary of the language created for the beginning student who is learning Gujarati
language as a second language. It is also the first dictionary in Gujarati which gives
phonetic transcription of the head words in International Phonetic Alphabet. Besides, it is
also the first one that gives graphemic transcription of each head words. This dictionary
will certainly facilitate the learner in learning the differences between spoken and written
        I am thankful to Nirman Foundation. Without their support this dream would have
remained unfulfilled. I am also thankful to Prof. Bhikhu Parekh and Dr. Chandrakant
Shrof for taking personal interest in this project. I can not forget Prof. Guy Welbon,
former Chairperson of the South Asia Regional Studies, University of Pennsylvania, who
underlined the need of creating teaching material and supported all the projects. This
dictionary is the third project that he supported. I am also thankful to Prof. Michael W.
Meister, the Chairperson of the Department of South Asia, for encouraging me in
finishing this work. Finally, I am thankful to Prof. Buckley, Department of Linguistics,
University of Pennsylvania, and Dr. Bharti Modi, Ex. Chairperson, Department of
Linguistics, The M.S. University of Baroda for ofering me guidance on various issues
related to compiling dictionary.

Babu Suthar
Sunday, June 29, 2003


1. Explanatory notes   7
2. Abbriviations       10
3. Dictionary          12
               A       12
               Aa      20
               ;       25
               :       26
               w       26
               W       29
               ¢       30
               Ae      30
               AE      32
               Ao      32
               AO      33
               k       33
               `       41
               g       46
               3       52
               c       55
               2       62
               j       65
               z       70
               4       73
               5       75
               6       77
               7       79
               t       80
               9       87
               d       88
               0       96
               n       100
               p       111
               f       132
               b       137
               -       146
               m       154
               y       167
               r       168
               l       175
               v       183
               =       200
               q       205
               s       205
               h       229

               x              235
               }a             235

4. Gujarati Parts of speech   236
5. Numerals                   255

Explanatory Notes:

Structure of the entries: Each entry contains five parts in the following order: 1. Head-
word, 2. Phonetic transcription, 3. Graphemic transcription, 4. Grammatical designation
and 5. Gloss. In addition, some entries may contain example.

1. Head-word: Head-word is the word to be glossed. It is given here in Gujarati script.
Spellings such as gÅga, p¨jo, 5*6I, sNt and sMp are avoided in favor of more traditional
spellings g&ga, p&jo, 5&6I, s&t and s&p.

2. Phonetic transcription: For each head-word phonetic transcription is given here in
Broad transcription. Syllabic division is also marked. This will facilitate the learners in
learning how to pronounce the words and how to relate them with their grapheme
structure. However, stress pattern is left unmarked.
        Phonetic transcription is given in International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) which is
given bellow:


                                      Front     Central Back

                         Close        i                   u

                         Close-mid e                      o

                         Open-mid ´                       ø

                         Open         a


              Pharyngeal    vl.

              Velar         vd.



              Palatal       vd.



              Retroflex     vd.




              Post alveolar vl.   ˇ

              Alveolar      vd.


              Dental        vd.



              Labiodental   vd.

              Bilabial      vd.








3. Graphemic transcription: For each word graphemic transcription is also given using
the following symbols. This will help students learning the relationship between sound
and later with is not always symmetrical in Gujarati.


A      Aa     ;      :      w      W      ¢
      a      i      ii     u      uu     ru≤

Ae     AE     Ao     AO     A&     AŠ
e      i     o      u     m     h


k      `      g      3
k     kh    g     gh

c      2      j      z
c     ch    Ô     Ôh

4      5      6      7      8
ˇ     ˇh    Î     Îh    ¯

t      9      d      0      n
t     th    d     dh    n

p      f      b      -      m
p     ph    b     bh    m

y      r      l      v
y     r     l     v

=      q      s
ß     s°    s

h      X      x      }a
h     Æ     kß    gn

4. Gloss: Gloss illustrates the main sense of the word. In some cases, more than one
meaning are given in the order of their prominence.


adj.            adjective
advb.           adverb
conj.           conjunction
fem.            feminine
hon.            honorific
masc.           masculine
neut.           neuter
postp           postposition
pron.           pronoun
v.intr.         intransitive verb
v.dat.          dative verb
v.exp.          experiencer verb           transitive verb


/./             syllabic break
<.>             boundary of the letter
Axy /k.ß.j/ <.kß.j> adj.
                     A                        1.imperishable. 2. inexhaustible.

Akb&0 /˙/ <.k.b~.dh> adj. .      Axr /k.ß.r/ <.kß.r> masc. .1. a
1. intact. 2. neither opened nor broken.      letter, 2. a syllable

Ak6avu& /k.Î <.k.Î> v.intr.     Axr /k.ß.r/ <.kß.r> adj. .
to get angry.                                 indestructible.

Ak6avu& /k.Î <.k.Î> v.intr.     Axr=Š /k.ß.r.ß.h/ <.kß.r.ß.h>
to have cramp.                                adv.. 1.literally. 2. letter by letter. 3.
                                              word by word.
AkmRk /.kr.m.k/ <.k.rm.k> adj. .
intransitive. a verb that does not take a     Axa&= /k.ßa~.ß/ <.kßa~.s> masc. a
direct verb.                                  degree of latitude.

AksIr /k.sir/ <.k.sii.r> adj. .           A`&6 /.k˙¯.Î/ <.kh~.Î> adj.
effective.                                    1.unbroken. 2. ceaseless.

AkSmat /.ks.mat/ <.k.sma.t> neut.        A`&&i6t /.k˙¯.Îit/ <.kh~.Îi.t> adj. .
. accident                                    1.unbroken. 2. constant.

AkSmate / <.k.sma.te>           A`tro /.k˙ <> masc.
advb.. accidentally.                          .1. an experiment. 2. a trial

AkXam8 /k.Æa.m¯/ <.k.Æa.m.¯>            A`bar /k˙.bar/ <> neut. . a
fem.                                          news paper
1. perplexity. 2. acute worry.
                                              A`a6o /.k˙a.Îo/ <> masc. . a
AkXavu& /k.Æ <.k.Æ> v.intr. .   gymnasium
to get angry.
                                              A`at /.k˙at/ <.kha.t> masc. .1. a bay.
Akk6 /k.k.Î/ </.kk.Î> adj. 1. stiff.    2. a gulf
2. unbending.
                                              Agi8t /.g.¯it/ adj. .<.g.¯i.t> 1.
AkkrmI / <.kk.r.mii> adj.       innumerable. 2. uncounable.
                                              Ag8otr /.g.¯ <.g.¯o.t.t>
Akkl /k.kl/ <.kk.l> fem. . sense.       adj. . sixty nine.

Axt /k.ß.t/ <.kß.t> adj. .1. whole.     Ag*ya=I /.g.¯ja.ßi/ <.g.¯ja.ßii> adj. .
2. unbroken.                                  seventy nine.

AgTy /.gt.j/ <> neut.             AigyarI /.gi.ja.ri/ <.gi.ja.rii> fem. . a
important.                                   small fire temple in which Parsis keep
                                             their sacred fire.
AgTyta /.gt.j.ta/ <> fem. .
importance.                                  Agocr / <.go.c.r> adj.
                                             1.beyond senses. 2. imperceptible.
Agm cetI /.gm.ce.ti/ <.g.m.ce.tii>
fem.                                         AiGn / <.gni> masc. .fire
1.forsight. 2. precaution.
                                             AiGndah / <.gni.da.h> masc.
Agm va8I /¯i/ <¯ii>         . cremation ceremony.
fem.1. prophecy. 2. mysterious words.
                                             AiGns&Skar /
AgMy /.gm.j/ <.g.mj> adj. .1.          <.gni.s~.ska.r> masc. . cremation
mysterious. 2. inaccessible.                 ceremony.

Agrb]aI / <.g.r.b.ttii>     A3i4t /.g˙.ˇit/ adj. improper.
fem. . incense stick.
                                             A3ru& /.g˙.ru~/ <> adj.
Agv6 /g.vÎ/ <.g.v.Î> fem.              difficult.
                                             Ac&bo / <> masc. .1. a
Agaw /.ga.u~/ <.ga.u> prep.. before.       surprise, 2. an astonishment

AgawnI / <.ga.u.nii> adj. .      Acank /.ca.nk/ <.ca.n.k> advb. .
previous (in terms of time).                 1.suddenly, 2. accidentally

Agaw9I /.ga.u.t˙i/ <.ga.u.thii> advb.      AcUk /.cuk/ <.cuu.k> advb.
.in advance.                                 .1.without a mistake, 2. sure

AgasI / <.ga.sii> fem. . terrace.   A2t /.c˙t/ <.ch.t> fem. .1.scarcity,
                                             2. shortage
Aigyar /.gi.jar/ <.gi.ja.r> adj.
.eleven.                                     A2tu& /.c˙.tu~/ <.ch.tu~> advb.
                                             .1.secret, 2. hidden
Aigyarmu& / <>
neut. the eleventh day after death.          A2bDa /.c˙b.Îa/ <.ch.b.Îa> masc. .
                                             chicken-pox (honorific).
Aigyars / <.gi.ja.r.s> fem.
the eleventh day of a fortnight of a         A2Ut /.c˙ut/ <.chu.t> adj. .
Hindu lunar month.                           untouchable

A2o6o /.c˙o.Îo/ <.cho.Îo> masc. a            A}aan / <.gna.n> neut. .
chain of gold or silver                        ignorance

Ajgr /Ô.gr/ <.Ô.g.r> masc. . a           A}aanI / <.gna.nii> adj.
python                                         .ignorant

Ajb /.Ôb/ <.Ô.b> adj. .1. strange, 2.     A4k /.ˇk/ <.ˇ.k> fem. .1. surname,
surprising                                     2. a family name. 3. last name.

Ajmavvu& /Ô <.Ô>         A4kvu& /.ˇ <.ˇ> v.intr. . to 1. to try, 2. to test.                   stop.

Ajmo /Ô.mo/ <.Ô.mo> masc. . parsley         A4kX /ˇ.kÆ/ <.ˇ.k.Æ> fem. . an
AjvaXvu& /Ô.vaÆ.vu~/ <.Ô.va.Æ.vu~>   inference
.to cleanse.
                                               A4p4u& /ˇ.p.ˇu~/ adj. <.ˇ.p.ˇu~>
AjvaXIyu& /Ô.va.Æi.Ôu~/ <.Ô.va.Æii.ju~>     1.intricate, 2. complex
neut. 1. the bright half of a lunar month,     A4vavu& /ˇ <.ˇ> v.intr. . to
2. Small holes in the roof foe admitting       wander.
                                               A5vai6k /ˇ˙.va.Îik/ <.ˇÎi.k>
AjvaXu& /Ô.va.Æu~/ <.Ô.va.Æu~> neut.        adj. . weekly
                                               A5vai6yu& /ˇ˙.va.Îi.ju~/ <.ˇÎi.ju~>
Aj&po /.Ô.mpo/ <.Ô~.po> masc. .            neut. a week
                                               A5&g /.ˇ˙˜.g/ <.ˇh~.g> adj. . out and
Aja8 /.Ôa¯/ <.Ôa.¯> adj. . ignorant         out.

Aja*yu& /.Ôa.¯yu~/ <.Ôa.¯ju~>                A55a; /.ˇ˙ˇ˙a.i/ <.ˇhˇha.i> fem. . a
adj.1.unknown, 2. stranger                     religious vows of the Jains. A person
                                               who takes this vow fasts for the period
AjaybI /.Ô <.Ôa.j.bii> fem. .1. a   of eight days.
wonder, 2. a surprise
                                               A55a8u& /.ˇ˙ˇ˙a.¯u~/ <.ˇhˇha.¯u~> adj. .
A@8R /.Ôir.¯/ <.Ôii.r¯> neut.              ninety eight.
                                               A55avn /.ˇ˙ˇ˙ <.ˇhˇha.v.n>
Ajey /.Ôej/ <.Ôe.j> adj. .                  adj. fifty eight.
                                               A5yotr /.ˇ˙ <.ˇhjo.t.r> adj. .
Ajo6 /.Ôo.Î/ <.Ôo.Î> adj. . unique          seventy eight.

A5yasI /.ˇ˙ <.ˇhja.sii> adj. . eighty   A7I /.Î˙i/ <.Îhii> adj. . two and a
eight.                                           half.

A6kvu& /.Î <.Î> .to       A8gmo /¯ <.¯> masc.
touch.                                           . dislike.

A6`e p6`e /Î.k˙e pÎ.k˙e/                       A836 /¯.g˙Î/ <.¯.gh.Î> adj. .
<.Î.khe p.Î.khe> adv..1. beside,             unskilled
2. adjacent to, 3. side by side.
                                                 A80ayuR& /¯.d˙a.rju~/ <.¯.dha.rju~> adj.
A6g /.Îg/ <.Î.g> adj. .1.                   & advb. unexpected.
immovable, 2. unperturbed.
                                                 A8manItu& /¯ <.¯.ma.nii.tu~>
A6c8 /Î.c¯/ <.Î.c.¯> fem. .                adj. .unfavorable.
                                                 A8vr /¯.vr/ <.¯.v.r> masc. a
A6talIs /Î.ta.lis/ <.Î.ta.lii.s> adj.        relative of the bridgroom who assists
forty eight.                                     him during marriage ritual.

A6d /.Îd/ <.Î.d> masc. a kind of            Ai8 /.¯i/ <.¯i> fem. sharp point of
pulse                                            anything.

A60u& /Î.d˙u~/ <.Î.dhu~> adj. half.           Aiti9 /.ti.t˙i/ <.ti.thi> masc. . a guest
                                                 who comes without prior information.
A6plu& /.Î <.Î> neut. .1.a
mischief, 2. a prank                             Aitrek /.ti.rek/ <> masc. . an
A6vu& /Î.vu~/ <.Î.vu~> . to touch.
                                                 AtIt /.tit/ <.tii.t> masc. . past.
A6s5 /Î.sˇ˙/ <.Î.s.ˇh> adj. .sixty
eight.                                           Atu4 /.tuˇ/ <.tu.ˇ> adj. . unbreakable.

A6oA6 /Îo.Î/ <.Îo..Î> postp.                A]ar /ˇ.ˇr/ <.tt.r> neut. .perfume
.very closely.
                                                 ATy&t /t.jn.t/ <.tj~.t> adj. .
A66o /Î.Îo/ <.ÎÎo> masc. .a meeting           excessive
place of unsocial element.
                                                 ATyacar / <> masc. .
A7Xk /.Î˙.Æk/ <.Î.Æ.k> adj. .             tyranny
                                                 ATyare / <> adv.. just now
A7ar /.Î˙ar/ <.Îha.r> adj. . eighteen.
                                                 A{a /t.r/ <.tr> advb.. at this place

                                             A0Iru& /.d˙ <> adj. .
A96avu& /t˙.Î <.th.Î> v.intr.   impatient.
.1. to collide, 2. to hit against.
                                             A0ur&u /.d˙ <> adj. .
A9a8u& /.t˙a.¯u~/ <.tha.¯u~> neut. .       incomplete.
                                             A)0r /d˙.d˙r/ <.dhdh.r> advb..1.
Ada /.da/ <.da> fem. . action.             unsupported, 2. hanging in mid air.

Adalt / <.da.l.t> fem. . a       An9R /.nr.t˙/ <.n.rth> masc. . a
judicial court.                              misinterpretation.

Adavt /.da.vt/ <.da.v.t> fem. .         An&t /.nn.t/ <.n~.t> adj. .1.endless,
enmity.                                      2. infinite.

A±+y /.drß.j/ <.dr.ßj> adj. .          Anaj /.naÔ/ <.na.Ô> neut. .grain.
                                             Ana9 /.nat˙/ <> adj. . orphan.
Ade`a; /.de.k˙ai/ <.de.kha.i> fem. .
jealously                                    Ana9a[am /.na.t˙a.ßr.m/
                                             <.na.tha.ßr.m> masc. . an
Ade`u& /.de.k˙u~/ <.de.khu~> adj. .        orphanage.
                                             Anadr /.na.dr/ <.na.d.r> masc. .
Ad-Ut /d.b˙ut/ <.d.bhu.t> adj. .        an insult.
wonderful                                    Anamt / <.na.m.t> fem. .
A0kcru& /d˙ <>
adj. partly baked or cooked.                 AnamI /.na.mi/ <.na.mii> adj. .
A0m /.d˙m/ <.dh.m> adj. mean.
                                             Ainyimt / <.ni.j.mi.t> adj.
A0mUw& /d˙.mu.u~/ <> adj. .       irregular.
                                             Aini¾t /.niß.cit/ <.ni.ßci.t> adj. .
A0mR /.d˙r.m/ <.dh.rm> masc. .1.       uncertain.
the reverse of religion, 2. immoral.
                                             AnIit /.ni.ti/ <.nii.ti> fem.
A0vc /d˙.vc/ <.dh.v.c> advb..1.        immorality.
in the middle, 2. midway.
                                             Anukr8 /.nu.k.r¯/ <.nu.k.r.¯>
Ai0kar /.d˙i.kar/ <.dhi.ka.r> masc. .     neut.
a right.                                     immitation.

AnukUX /.nu.kuÆ/ <.nu.kuu.Æ> adj. .       Apvad /p.vad/ <> masc. . an
suitable.                                    exception.

Anuk/m /.nu.krm/ <>             Apiv{a /.p.vit.r/ <> adj.
masc. .1. order, 2. sequence.                unholy.

Anu-v /.nu.b˙v/ <> masc.        Ap=Bd /p.ßb.d/ <.p.ß.bd> masc.
experience.                                  an abuse.

Anu-vI /.nu.b˙.vi/ <> adj.     Ap=ukn /p.ß <.p.ßu.k.n>
experienced.                                 masc. . ill-omen.

Anuman / <> neut. .       Ap&g /.p˜.g/ adj. . <.p~.g> 1. lame,
an inference.                                2. crippled.

Anuvad /.nu.vad/ <> masc.         Apasro / <> masc. .
translation.                                 a Jain monestry.

Anusrvu& / <>     ApUj /.puÔ/ <.puu.Ô> adj. . not
v.intr to follow.                            worshipped.

AnuSnatk / <.nu.sna.t.k>     Apexa /.pek.ßa/ <.pe.kßa> fem. .
adj. post-graduate.                          expectation.

AnuSvar /.nus.var/ <.nu.sva.r> neut.      Ap/g4 /.pr.gˇ/ <.pr.g.ˇ> adj. .
a sign written on the top of a letter that   unpublished.
indicates a nasal sound or nasalization
of a vowel.                                  Aip/y /p.ri.j/ <.pri.j> adj. .
Ane /.ne/ <.ne> conj.. and.
                                             Afva /p˙.va/ <> fem. . a
Anek /.nek/ <.ne.k> adj. . many.          rumors.

ANyay /n.jaj/ <.nja.j> masc. .            Afsos /p˙.sos/ <> masc. .1.
injustice.                                   repentance, 2. alas.

Apco / <> masc. .             Abj /.bÔ/ <.b.Ô> adj. . one
indigestion.                                 thousand millions.

Apj= /p.Ôß/ <.p.Ô.ß> masc.             Abjopit /.b.Ôo.p.ti/ <.b.Ôo.p.tii>
.disgrace.                                   adj. a millionaire

Apman / <> neut. .          A-8 /.b˙¯/ <.bh.¯> adj. .
an insult                                    illiterate.

                                            ArIso / <> masc. .a
A-av /.b˙av/ <.bha.v> masc. .            mirror.
dislike.                                    Are /.re/ <.re> inter.. an exclamation
                                            expressing surprise, `oh’.
Ai-n&dn /.b˙i.nn.dn/
<.bhi.n~.d.n> masc. congratulation.     A9R /r.t˙/ <.rth> masc. 1. meaning,
(Honorific)                                 2. wealth.

Ai-neta /.b˙ <> masc.   Alg /.lg/ <.l.g> adj. . separate.
. a male actor.                             AlI /.li/ <.lii> fem. . a female friend
                                            for a female.
Ai-p/a.y /.b˙i.pra.j/ <.bhi.pra.j>
masc. . an opinion.                         Alop /.lop/ <.lo.p> adj. . invisible.

Ai-man /.b˙ <> neut.      AlOkIk /.lu.kik/ <.lu.kii.k> adj. .
. arrogance.                                devine.

Ai-manI /.b˙ <>        Avd=a /v.d.ßa/ <.v.d.ßa> fem. .
adj. . arrogant.                            misfortune.

A_yas /b˙.ja.s/ <.bhja.s> masc. .1.     Avnvu& / <> adj. .
study, 2. practice.                         new.

Amr /.mr/ <.m.r> adj. immortal.        Avyv /.v.jv/ <.v.j.v> masc. .a
Amaru& / <> pron.. our
(exclusive).                                Avro0 /v.rod˙/ <> masc. .a
Amas /.mas/ <.ma.s> fem. . the last
day of the dark half of a lunar month.      Avlokn / <.v.lo.k.n>
                                            neut. . observation.
Amuk /.muk/ <.mu.k> adj. . some.
                                            Av+y /vß.j/ <.v.ßj> advb. . surely.
AmULy /.mul.j/ <.muu.lj> adj.
.priceless.                                 Avsr / <.v.s.r> masc. an
Ame /.me/ <.me> pron.. we
(exclusive).                                Avsan /v.san/ <> neut.
AyoGy /.jog.j/ <.jo.gj> adj. .
improper.                                   AvXa; /v.Æai/ <.v.Æa.i> fem. improper

AvXu& /v.Æu~/ <.v.Æu~> adj. up side
down.                                           As&~y /.s¯.k˙j/ <.s~.khj> adj.
Avaj /.vaÔ/ <.va.Ô> masc. .1.voice, 2.       innumerable.
                                                As&toq /.sn.toß/ <°> masc. .
Avarnvar /.var.n.var/                         dissatisfaction.
<> advb. .frequently.
                                                As&-v /.sm.b˙v/ <> adj.
AvaXu& /.va.Æu~/ <.va.Æu~> neut. . the        .impossible.
gums of teeth.
                                                As&mt / <.s~.m.t> adj.
Aivny /.vi.nj/ <.vi.n.j> masc.             .disagreeing.
                                                As&SkarI /.sams.ka.ri/ <.s~.ska.rii>
A=kt /.ßk.t/ <.ß.kt> adj. . weak.         adj. . uncivilized.

A=a&t /.ßa~n.t/ <.ßa~.t> adj. . troubled.   Asa)y /.sa.d˙j/ <.sa.dhj> adj. .
A=u)0 /.ßud˙.d˙/ <.ßu.dhdh> adj. .
                                                Asur /.sur/ <.suu.r> masc. . demon.

A=u- /.ßub˙/ <.ß> adj.                   AiS9r /.st˙i.r/ <.sthi.r> adj. .
inauspicious.                                   unstable.

Aqa6 /.ßaÎ/ <.s°°a.Î> masc. ninth            ASpQ4 /.spß.ˇ/ <.sp.s°ˇ> adj. .
month of the Vikram era.                        vague.

AsTy /.st.j/ <> neut. .1. false,     ASvC2 /.svc.c˙/ <.sv.cch> adj. .
2. untrue.                                      impure.

Asr /.sr/ <.s.r> fem. .effect.             ASvS9 /.svs.t˙/ <.sv.sth> adj.
                                                1.restless 2. sick.
Asl /.sl/ <.s.l> adj. .original.
                                                ASva-aivk /.sva.b˙
Ashkar /.sh.kar/ <.s.h.ka.r>              <> adj. . unnatural.
masc. .
non-co-operation.                               ASvIkar /.svi.kar/ <.svii.ka.r> masc.
                                                1.rejection 2. denial.
Ashay /.s.haj/ <.s.ha.j> adj. .
helpless.                                       Aih&sk / <.hi~.s.k> adj. .
As¬ /.sh.j/ <.s.hj> adj. .

Aihsa / <> fem. . non-          A&tr / <~.nt.r> neut. .1.the
vilence.                                         heart 2. the mind. [an abstract notion that
                                                 refers to one’s conscience.]
AhI& /.hi~/ <.hi~> advb. . here.
                                                 A&itm /n.tim/ <~.ti.m> adj. . last.
AhI&ya& /.hi~.ja~/ <.hi~.ja~> advb. .same as
AhI&.                                            A&te /n.te/ <~.te> advb. .1. finally 2. at
Ahoho /.ho.ho/ <.ho.ho> excl.. an
exclamation expressing surprise.                 A&dr /n.dr/ <~.d.r> postp. .1. in 2.
                                                 within 3. inside 4. into.
AX`am8u& /Æ.k˙am.¯u~/ <.Æ.kha.m.¯u~>
adj. .1. unfavorable 2. disagreeable.            A&daj /n.daÔ/ <~.da.Ô> masc. . an
AXgu& /Æ.gu~/ <.Æ.gu~> adj. .1.detached
2. uncommon.                                     A&0a0U&0I /n.d˙a.d˙u~n.d˙i/
                                                 <~.dha.dhuu~.dhii> fem. . chaos.
A&kur /˜.ku.r/ <~.ku.r> masc. .1. a
sprout 2. an offshoot.                           A&0apo /n.d˙a.po/ <~.dha.po> masc. .
A&g /˜.g/ <~.g> neut. . the body.
                                                 A&0arIyu& /n.d˙a.ri.ju~/ <~.dha.rii.ju~> neut.
A&grxk /˜.g.rk.ß.k/                         . the dark half of a lunar month.
<~.g.r.kß.k> masc. .a body-guard.
                                                 A&0aru& /n.d˙ <~.dha.ri.ju~> neut. .
A&gU5I /˜.gu.ˇ˙i/ <~.guu.ˇhii> fem. . a        darkness.
finger ring.
                                                 A&bo6o /Îo/ <Îo> masc. . a
A&gU5o /˜.gu.ˇ˙o/ <ˇho> masc. .a          knot of plaited hair of a woman.
                                                 A&= /mß/ <~.ß> masc. .a part, a section
A&g/ej /˜.g.reÔ/ <~.gre.Ô> masc. . an
Englishman.                                                            Aa
A&g/e@ /˜Ôi/ <~.gre.Ôii> fem.
                                                 Aa /a/ <a> proun.. this.
                                                 Aakar /a.kar/ <a.ka.r> masc. .1. shape
A&t /n.t/ <~.t> masc. . an end.
                                                 2. form.
A&tr / <~.t.r> neut. . distance.
                                                 Aaka= /a.kaß/ <a.ka.ß> neut. . sky.

                                                 Aaka&xa /a.ka~.kßa/ <a.ka~.kßa> fem. .

Aak<it / <a.kru≤.ti> fem. . a         Aacrkucr / neut.
diagram.                                       .miscellaneous food or household
Aak/m8 /ak.r.m¯/ <¯> neut.
. an attack.                                   Aacar / <> masc. .behavior.

Aaxep /ak.ßep/ <a.kße.p> masc.                AacayR / <> masc. 1. a
.accusation.                                   principal 2. a spritual leader. (Honorific)

Aa`re /a.k˙.re/ <> advb.              Aa2u& /a.c˙u~/ <a.chu~> adj. dim.
                                               Aaj /aÔ/ <a.Ô> fem. today.
Aa`lo /ak˙.lo/ <> masc. . a bull.
                                               Aa@@ /a.Ôi.Ôi/ <a.Ôii.Ôii> fem. an humble
Aag /ag/ <a.g> fem. . fire.                   request.

Aagbo4 /ag.boˇ/ <ˇ> fem. a            Aa@vn /a.Ô <a.Ôii.v.n> adj. .
steamer.                                       lifelong.

Aagm / <a.g.m> masc.                   Aaju baju /a.Ôu ba.Ôu/ <a.ÔÔu> adv.
religious texts of the Jains.                  around.

Aaglu& / <> adj. . previous.    Aa4lu& /aˇ.lu~/ <a.ˇ.lu~> adj. .this much.

AagX /a.gÆ/ <a.g.Æ> advb. .1. in front      Aa4o /a.ˇo/ <a.ˇo> masc. . flour.
of 2. in future.
                                               Aa5 /aˇ˙/ <a.ˇh> adj. . eight.
AagamI / <> advb.
1.ensuing 2. forthcoming.                      Aa5m /a.ˇ˙m/ <a.ˇh.m> fem. . the
                                               eighth day of bright or dark half of the
AagahI / <a.gaa.hii> fem. .a           Hindu month.
                                               Aa68I /aÎ.¯i/ <a.Î.¯ii> fem. . a wooden
Aaigyo / <> masc. . 1. a fire   round stood to shape rotali or puri .
fly, 2. a glowworm, 3. a lightning bug.
                                               Aa6{aIs /a.Ît.ris/ <a.Î.trii.s> adj. .
Aag/h /ag.r.h/ <> masc. .a           thirty eight.
strong request.
                                               Aa6u& /a.Îu~/ <a.Îu~> adj. . crosswise.
Aa3at /a.g˙at/ <a.gha.t> masc. a shock.
                                               Aa6o=pa6o= /a.Îoß.pa.Îoß/
Aa3u& /a.g˙u~/ <a.ghu~> advb. . distant.       <a.Îo.ß.pa.Îo.ß> masc. neighbours.

                                                Aan&d /a.nn.d/ <a.n~.d> masc. .1.
Aa8vu& /a¯.vu~/ <a.¯.vu~> .1. to fetch   pleasure 2. joy.
2. to bring.
                                                AanakanI / <> fem.
Aa8u& /a.¯u~/ <a.¯u~> neut. .                   1.hesitation 2. indecision.

AaTma / <a.tma> masc. . soul.             Aap8e /ap.¯e/ <a.p.¯e> pron.. we
Aa9m8u& /a.t˙m.¯u~/ <¯u~> adj. .
western.                                        Aapi]a / <a.p.¯e> fem. . trouble.

Aa9mvu& /a.t˙ <> v.intr      AapmeXe /Æe/ <Æe> advb. .
.to set.                                        atomatically.

Aadr /a.dr/ <a.d.r> masc. .respect.          Aaple /ap.le/ <a.p.le> fem. . give and
Aad=R /a.dr.ß/ <a.d.rß> adj. . ideal.
                                                AapvItI / <a.p.vii.tii> fem. .1.
Aada=I=I /a.da.ßi.ßi/ <a.da.ßii.ßii> fem. .     autobiography 2. good and bad events of
migraine.                                       life.

Aaid /a.di/ <a.di> adj. first.                  Aapvu& / <> . to give.

Aaid /a.di/ <a.di> advb. . etc.                 AapoAap /a.po.ap/ <a.po.a.p> advb. .
AaidvasI / <> masc.
.1. aboriginal, 2. tribal.                      Aafro /ap˙.ro/ <> masc. . gas
                                                due to indigestion.
Aadu& /a.du~/ <a.du~> neut. .green ginger.
                                                AafUs /a.p˙u:s/ <a.phuu.s> fem. . a
Aade= /a.deß/ <ß> masc. . an order.       kind of mango.

Aa0ar /a.d˙ar/ <a.dha.r> masc. .1. a           Aab£ / <a.b.ruu> fem.
support 2. an evidence.                         .reputation.

Aa0uink /a.d˙u.nik/ <> adj. .        AabehUb / <> adj. .
modern.                                         exact.

Aa0e6 /a.d˙eÎ/ <a.dhe.Î> adj. . elderly.       Aabohva / <> fem. .
Aa)yaiTmk /a.d˙jat.mik/ <a.dhja.tmi.k>
                                                Aa- /ab˙/ <> neut. . sky.
adj. spiritual.

Aa-ar /a.b˙ar/ <a.bha.r> masc. .              Aam&{a8 pi{aka /¯ p.tri.ka/
thanks.                                        <a.m.ntr.¯ p.tri.ka> fem. .an
                                               invitation letter.
Aa-as /a.b˙as/ <a.bha.s> masc.
.illusion.                                     Aayno / <> masc. . a mirror.

Aa-Uq8 /a.b˙u.߯/ <a.bhu.s°.¯> neut. .      Aaya. /a.ja/ <a.ja> fem. . a maid servent.
                                               Aayat /a.jat/ fem. . import.
Aam /am/ <a.m> advb. .in this manner.
                                               Aayojn /Ôn/ <a.ja.t> neut. .
Aamjnta /am.Ôn.ta/ <a.m.Ô.n.ta>            management.
adj. .1. the common people, 2. laymen.
                                               AartI /ar.ti/ <a.r.tii> fem. .1. a sacred
Aam8e /am.¯e/ <a.m.¯e> pron.. these           lamp 2. a religious prayer sung with a
persons.                                       sacred lamp.

Aamtem /am.tem/ <a.m.te.m> advb.             Aarpar /ar.par/ <> advb. .
.here and there.                               through one end to another.

Aam9I /am.t˙i/ <a.m.thii> advb. .from         Aar&- /a.rm.b˙/ <> masc. .
this side.                                     beginning.
                                               Aaram /a.ram/ <a.ra.m> masc. . rest.
AamdanI / <a.m.da.nii> fem.
.income.                                       AaroGy /a.rog.j/ <> neut. .
AamNya /amn.ja/ <a.m.nja> fem. .
respect for the elders.                        Aarop /a.rop/ <> masc. .
Aamr8 /a.m.r¯/ <a.m.r.¯> advb. .
till the end of life.                          Aalvu& / <> .to give.

AamlI / <a.m.lii> fem. .the             Aavk /a.vk/ <a.v.k> fem. income.
tamrid tree.
                                               Aavkar /av.kar/ <a.v.ka.r> masc. .
AamXvu& /a.mÆ.vu~/ <a.m.Æ.vu~> . to
twist together.
                                               Aav6t /av.Ît/ <a.v.Î.t> fem. . a
Aam&{a8 /¯/ <a.m.ntr.¯>
neut. an invitation.
                                               Aav6vu& /a.vÎ.vu~/ <a.v.Î.vu~> v.exp..

Aav6u& /av.Îu~/ <a.v.Îu~> adj. . of this     Aasn / <a.s.n> neut. . a seat
size.                                         (formal).

Aavrda /a.vr.da/ <a.v.r.da> fem.           Aas pas /as.pas/ <> advb.
.life-span.                                   around.

Aavvu& / <> v.intr. to come.   Aasman / <> neut. .
                                              the sky.
Aavu& / <> advb. .of this kind.
                                              AaiStk /as.ti.k/ <a.sti.k> adj. . theistic.
Aaveg /a.veg/ <> masc. . an
excitement.                                   Aaso / <> masc. . the last month
                                              of Hindu calander.
Aave= /a.veß/ <ß> masc. . an
emotional excitement.                         AaS9a /as.t˙a/ <a.stha> fem. .1. faith 2.
Aa=y /a.ßj/ <a.ß.j> masc. . an
intention.                                    AaSvad / <a.sva.d> masc. .a
Aa=re /aß.re/ <a.ß.re> advb. .1. about 2.
approximately 3. roughly.                     Aahaha /a.ha.ha/ <a.ha.ha> inter.. an
                                              exclamation signifying surprise.
Aa=ro /aß.ro/ <a.ß.ro> masc. .shelter.
                                              Aahar /a.har/ <a.ha.r> masc. . food
Aa=a /a.ßa/ <a.ßa> fem. . hope.               (formal).

Aa=a7 /a.ßaÎ˙/ <a.ßa.Îh> masc. . the         AahIr /a.hir/ <a.hii.r> masc. . a
nine month of the Hindu calendar.             shepherd community.

Aai=q /a.ßiß/ <a.ßi.s°> fem. . a blessing.   Aahuit / <a.huu.ti> fem. .1. an
                                              offering 2. a sacrifice.
Aai=vaRd /a.ßir.vad/ <a.ßi.rva.d> masc.
a blessing. (honorific)                       AaXs /a.Æs/ <a.Æ.s> fem. .laziness.

Aa¾yR /aß.cr.j/ <a.ßc.rj> neut. . a       AaXo4vu& /a.Æoˇ.vu~/ <a.Æo.ˇ.vu~> v.intr. . to
surprise.                                     wallow.

Aa[am /aß.rm/ <a.ßr.m> masc. .a            Aa&k /a~k/ <a~.k> masc. . tables of
hermitage.                                    multiplications.

Aa¼asn /aß <a.ßva.ß.n> masc.        Aa&k6a=aS{a /a~k.Îa.ßaß.tr/
. consolation.                                <a~.k.Îa.ßa.str> neut. . statistics.

Aa&k6o /a~k.Îo/ <a~.k.Îo> masc. .1. a             Aa&bo / <> masc. . a mango tree.
number 2. a number-sign.
                                                   Aa&su& u/ <> neut. . a tear.
Aa&kvu& / <> . to
estimate a price.
Aa&` /a~k˙/ <> fem. . an eye.
                                                   ;C2vu& /ic.c˙.vu~/ <> . to
Aa&g8u& /a~g.¯u~/ <a~.g.¯u~> neut. . open         wish.
space in front of a house.
                                                   ;C2a /ic.c˙a/ <i.ccha> fem. .1. desire 2.
Aa&gXIyat /a~.g.Æi.jat/ <a~.g.Æi.ja.t> adj. .   wish.
a child of the former husband of a
                                                   ;jner /iÔ.ner/ <i.Ô.ne.r> masc. . an
remarried woman.
Aa&ckvu& / <> . to
                                                   ;jaro /i.Ô <i.Ô> masc.
snatch forcfully.
Aa&ckI / <a~.c.kii> fem. .hiccup.
                                                   ;jjt /iÔ.Ôt/ <i.ÔÔ.t> fem. .1. reputation
Aa&cko /a~c.ko/ <a~.c.ko> masc. . a jerk.         2. a woman’s chasity.

                                                   ;55oter /iˇ˙.ˇ˙o.ter/ <i.ˇhˇho.te.r> adj. .
Aa&jvu& /a~Ô.vu~/ <a~.Ô.vu~> . to anoint
                                                   seventy eight.
eyes with collyrium.
                                                   ;5yasI /i.ˇ˙ <i.ˇhja.sii> adj. . eighty
Aa&tr6u& /Îu~/ <a~.t.r.Îu~> neut. .
                                                   ;tr / <i.t.r> adj. . another.
Aa&trraiQ4^y / raß.ˇri.ja/
<a~.t.r.ra.s°ˇri.j> adj. . international.
                                                   ;ithas /i.ti.has/ <i.ti.ha.s> masc.
Aa&trvu& / <> .to
block.                                             ;nam /i.nam/ <> neut. .1. a gift
                                                   2. a present 3. a prize.
Aa&trIk /a~t.rik/ <a~.t.rii.k> adj. .
internal.                                          ;mam /i:.mam/ <> masc. . the
                                                   chief prise of Muslims (honorific).
Aa&doln / <> neut. .
agitation.                                         ;mart / <> fem. . a
                                                   big building.
Aa&08 /a~.d˙¯/ <a~.dh.¯> neut. . water
boild for cooking food.

;yX /i:.jÆ/ <i.j.Æ> fem. . a kind of
                                              wkr6o /Îo/ <u.k.r.Îo> masc. .a
;laj /i:.laÔ/ <Ô> masc. .a cure.
;laycI / <> fem.
                                              wkXvu& /u.kÆ.vu~/ <u.k.Æ.vu~> v.intr. . to
;+k /i:ß.k/ <i.ßk> masc. . love.
                                              wkXa4 /uk.Æaˇ/ <u.k.Æa.ˇ> masc. .
                                              uneasiness and perspiration caused by
;iSptal /i:s.pi.tal/ <i.spi.ta.l> fem. . a
                                              wkaXvu& /u.kaÆ.vu~/ <u.ka.Æ.vu~> .to
;Slam /is.lam/ <i.sla.m> masc. . Islam.
                                              make something boiled.
;N±Iy /in.dri.j/ <i.ndrii.j> fem. . a       wkel /u.kel/ <> masc. . a solution.
                                              wkelvu& / <> .to
                        :                     read (in the sense of deciphering).

                                              wkelvu& / <> .to
:ja /iŠ.Ôa/ <ii.Ôa> fem. .injury.             solve.

:6lI /iŠÎ.li/ <ii.Î.lii> fem. . a South      wkelvu& / <> . to
Indian food dish.                             untwined.

:d /iŠd/ <ii.d> fem. . a festival of         w`a8u& /u.k˙a.¯u~/ <u.kha.¯u~> neut. . a
Muslims.                                      riddle.

:d6u& /iŠd.Îu~/ <ii.d.Îu~> neut. . a food    wgamvu& / <> .
item made out of fermented flour.             to raise something to strike.

:=an /iŠ.ßan/ <ii.ßa.n> fem. .north-east.    w3ra8I /ug˙.ra.¯i/ <u.g.ra.¯ii> fem. .
                                              collection of money due from.
:¼r /iŠß.vr/ <ii.ßv.r> masc. .god.
                                              w3ravvu& /ug˙ <>
:sa: /iŠ.sa.iŠ/ <> masc. a   .to collect money by contribution.
:&4 /iŠˇ/ <ii~.ˇ> fem. .a brick.             wca4 /u.caˇ/ <ˇ> masc. .
:&6u& /i~Š.¯du~/ <ii~.Îu~> neut. . an egg.
                                              wcapt / <> fem. .

wCcar / <u.cca.r> masc. .                w6avvu& /u.Î <u.Îa.v.Î>
pronunciation.                          . to use up.

wCcarvu& / <> .     wtarvu& / <> . to
to pronounce.                                    unload. See wtrvu&

wC2vas /uc.c˙.vas/ <>               wtarvu& / <> .to
masc. . exhaling.                                make a copy.

w2Xvu& /u.c˙Æ.vu~/ <Æ.vu~> v.intr.       wtaru& / <> masc. . a
1. to jump, 2. to be tossed.                     passenger.

w2aXvu& /u.c˙aÆ.vu~/ <u.cha.Æ.vu~> .      wtaro / <> masc. .1. an
to toss up.                                      inn. 2. a lodging house.

w2ervu& /u.c˙ <> . to   wtaro / <> masc. .1. a
raise.                                           copy. 2. a transcript.

wjagro /u.Ô <u.Ô> masc. .           wtavX /u.ta.vÆ/ <u.ta.v.Æ> fem. .
abstinence from sleep.                           haste.

wja8I /u.Ôa.¯i/ <u.Ôa.¯ii> fem. a picnic.        w]am / <> adj. . the best.

wjj6 /uÔ.ÔÎ/ <u.ÔÔ.Î> adj. barren             w]ar / <> masc. . an
(land)                                           answer.

w5m8u& /u.ˇ˙m.¯u~/ <u.ˇh.m.¯u~> neut.         w]ar / <> masc. the North.
a ritual performed after death.
                                                 w]aejk /ut.te.Ôk/ adj. . stimulating.
w5vu& /uˇ˙.vu~/ <u.ˇ> v.intr. . to get
up.                                              wTpi]a / <u.tte.Ô.k> fem. .
w5a6vu& /u.ˇ˙aÎ.vu~/ <u.ˇha.Î.vu~> .
to wake up.                                      wTpadk / <u.tpa.d.k> masc.
                                                 1. a producer. 2. a manufacturer.
w5a&trI /u.ˇ˙a~n.t.ri/ <u.ˇha~.t.rii> fem. .
a theft.                                         wTpadn / <u.tpa.d.n> neut. .
                                                 an act of producing.
w6aw /u.Îa.u/ <u.Îa.u> adj. .
extravagant.                                     wTsv / <u.ts.v> masc. . a
w6avvu& /u.Î <u.Î> . to
make something fly.

wTsah /ut.sah/ <u.tsa.h> masc. .1.        wpcar / <> masc. .1. a
enthusiasm. 2. zeal.                       remedy. 2. cure.

w9lavvu& /ut˙ <>   w pjvu& /u.pÔ.vu~/ <u.p.Ô.vu~> v.intr. 1. to depose. 2. to over turn. See   .to grow
                                           wpjavvu& /up.Ô <u.p.Ô>
wdar /u.dar/ <u.da.r> adj. . generous. to reproduce.

wdas /u.das/ <u.da.s> adj.                wpde= /up.deß/ <ß> masc. .
.1.unconcerned. 2. dejected.               preaching.

wdahr8 /u.da.h.r¯/ <u.da.h.r.¯>       wpngr / <u.p.n.g.r>
neut. 1. an example. 2. an illustration.   neut. . a suburb.

wd3a4n /ud.g˙a.ˇn/ <u.d.gha.ˇ.n>       wpnam /up.nam/ <> neut. . a
neut. . an inauguration.                   nickname.

w¥e= /ß/ <u.dde.ß> masc. . an      wpyog /up.jog/ <> masc. . use.
                                           wpr / <u.p.r> postp. 1. above.
w)0ar /ud˙.d˙a.r/ <u.dhdha.r> masc. .    2. on. 3. over something.
                                           wpra&t /up.ra~t/ <u.p.ra~.t> advb. .1.
wd-v /ud.b˙.v/ <> masc.       additionally. 2. besides.
.1. birth. 2. creation.
                                           wprI /up.ri/ <u.p.rii> masc. . a superior
wdyog / <u.djo.g> masc. .1. a   officier.
vocation. 2. an industry.
                                           wpvas /up.vas/ <> masc. . a
w0rs /ud˙.rs/ <u.dh.r.s> fem. .        fasting.
                                           wps&har /up.sam.har/ <u.p.s~.ha.r>
w0ar /u.d˙ar/ <u.da.r> adj. . given or    masc. a summary.
taken on credit.
                                           wpa6 /u.paÎ/ <Î> masc. .
wnaXu& /Æu~/ <Æu~> adj. .        withdrawal of money.
pertaining to summer.
                                           wpa6vu& /u.paÎ.vu~/ <Î.vu~> . to
wnaXo /Æo/ <Æo> masc. .          lift.
                                           wpay /u.paj/ <> masc. . a cure.
wpkar /up.kar/ <u.p.ka.r> masc. . an

wmda /um.da/ adj. . <u.m.da> 1. best.           W`6vu& /u.k˙Î.vu~/ <Î.vu~>
2. excellent.                                    v.intr. . to be ripped off.

wmr / <u.m.r> fem. . age.                W`a6vu& /u.k˙aÎ.vu~/ <uu.k˙a.Î.vu~>
                                                 .1. to tear off, 2. to dismember.
wmXko /u.mÆ.ko/ <u.m.Æ.ko> masc. .
an outburst of warm feeling.                     Wgrvu& / <> v.intr. .
                                                 to escape.
wm&g /u.m˜.g/ <u.m~.g> masc. zeal.
                                                 Wgvu& / <> v.intr. . to
wmervu& / <> .to      grow.
                                                 Wgvu& / <> v.intr. . to
wmero / <> masc. . an             rise.
                                                 Wckvu& / <> .1.
wl4avvu& /ul.ˇ <u.l.ˇ> .   to life. 2. to raise.
to turn up side down.
                                                 W2rvu& /u.c˙ <> v.intr.
wlecvu& / <> . to     . to be brought up.
raise up water.
                                                 Wjvvu& /u.Ô <uu.Ô> v.tra.
wLle` /ul.lek˙/ <> masc. . a        .to celebrate.
                                                 WjXu& /uÔ.Æu~/ <uu.Ô.Æu~> adj. .1. bright. 2.
w+kervu& /uß <u.ß> .     shining.
to instigate.
                                                 W5vu& /uˇ˙.vu~/ <uu.ˇ> v.intr. . to
w&dr /un.dr/ masc. .<u~.d.r> 1. a rat.        stand up.
2. a mouse.
                                                 W6vu& /uÎ.vu~/ <uu.Î.vu~> v.intr. . to fly.
w&bro / <> masc. the
threshold of a door.                             W8p /u.¯p/ <uu.¯.p> fem. .a
                      W                          Wtrvu& / <> v.intr. .
                                                 to climb down.
WkXvu& /u.k .vu~/ <uu.k.Æ.vu~> v.intr. .
to boil.                                         W9lvu& /u.t˙ <> v.intr. .
                                                 to be up-side-down.
WkaXvu& /u.ka.Æ.vu~/ <u.ka.Æ.vu~>
.to boil.                                        W9lo /u.t˙.lo/ <> masc. .1. an
                                                 upset. 2. an overturning.

W0; /u.d˙.i/ <uu.dh.ii> fem. . a white
ant.                                            W&0Iyu& /u~n.d˙i.ju~/ <uu~.dhii.ju~> neut. . a
                                                food made of vegetables, various types
Wn /un/ <uu.n> neut. . wool.                   of beans, roots and etc. Popular in South
Wpj /u.pÔ/ <uu.p.Ô> fem. .1. a farm
product. 2. an income.                          W&0u& /u~n.d˙u~/ <uu.dhu~> adj. . bottom
Wp6vu& /u.pÎ.vu~/ <uu.p.Î.vu~> v.intr.
.1. to be lifted. 2. to set out a journey.                           ¢
                                                ¢ju /ru.Ôu/ adj. . <ru≤.Ôu> 1.soft. 2.
W-aW- /u.b˙a.ub˙/ <>
hurriedly.                                      ¢8 /ru¯/ <ru≤.¯> neut. . a debt.
W-u& /u.b˙u~/ <uu.bhu~> adj. . standing
                                                ¢tu /ru.tu/ <ru≤.tu> fem. . a season.
                                                ¢iq /ru.ßi/ <ru≤.s°i> masc. . a sage.
Wl4I /ul.ti/ <uu.l.ˇii> fem. . vomiting.

Wl4u& /ul.ˇu~/ <uu.l.ˇu~> adj. .1. opposite.                        Ae
2. contrary.
                                                Ae /e/ <e> adj. .that.
WlXvu& /u.lÆ.vu~/ <uu.l.Æ.vu~> v.intr. .
to be bumped.                                   Aek /ek/ <e.k> adj. .one.1.

Whapoh /u.ha.poh/ <uu.ha.po.h> masc.           Aek4a8u& /ek.ˇa.¯u~/ <e.k.ˇa.¯u~> neut. . a
. uproar.                                       kind of fasting in which a person eats
                                                only once a day.
W&3 /u~˜.g/ <> fem. . sleep.
                                                Aek6o /ek.Îo/ <e.k.Îo> masc. . the sign
W&ckvu& / <>       of number 1.
.to lift up.
                                                Aekta /ek.ta/ <e.k.ta> fem. . unity.
W&ca; /u~.cai/ <> fem. . height.
                                                AektaXIs /ek.ta.Æis/ <e.k.ta.Æi.s> adj. .
W&cu& / <> adj. . high.           forty one.

W&4 /u~ˇ/ <uu~.ˇ> neut. . a camel..            Aek{aIs /e.k.tris/ <e.k.trii.s> adj. .
                                                thirty one.
W&6a; /un.Îa.i/ <uu~.Îa.ii> fem. . depth.
                                                Aekdm / <e.k.d.m> advb. . at
W&6u& /u~¯.Îu~/ <uu~.Îu~> adj. . deep.          once.

                                                 Aeks5 /ek.sˇ˙/ <> adj. . sixty
Aek0aru& /ek.d˙ <> adj. .1.     one.
constant. 2. incessant.
                                                 Aeksr`u& /˙u~/ <e.k.s.r.khu~>
AekpxI /ek.p.kßi/ <e.k.p.kßii> adj. .         adj. . uniform.
one sided.
                                                 Aek&dr /ekn.dr/ <e.k~.d.r> advb. .
AekpiTn]v /                        totally.
<e.k.p.tni.ttv> neut. monogamy.
                                                 AekaAek /e.ka.ek/ <e.ka.e.k> advb. .
Aekm / <e.k.m> fem. . fist day           suddenly.
of bright or dark half of Hindu month.
                                                 Aeka8u& /e.ka.¯u~/ <e.ka.¯u~> adj. . ninety
Aekma{a /ek.mat.r/ <> adj. .         one.
the only one of a type.
                                                 Aekad=I /e.ka.d.ßi/ <e.ka.d.ßii> fem. .
Aekmek /ek.mek/ <> advb. .             the eleventh day of dark or bright half of
mutually.                                        a Hindu month.

Aekrag /ek.rag/ masc. . <e.k.ra.g> 1.          Aeka=I /e.ka.ßi/ <e.ka.ßii> adj. . eighty
unity. 2. harmony.                               one.

Aek£p /ek.rup/ <e.k.ruu.p> adj. . of           Aeka&kI / <e.ka~.kii> adj. . one act
similar form.                                    play.

Aekl dokl /e.kl do.kl/                         Aeka&t /e.ka~n.t/ <e.ka~.t> neut. . lonely.
<> adj. . lonely.
                                                 AekI sa9e / sa.t˙e/ <> advb.
Aeklpe4u& /ˇu~/ <e.k.l./pe.ˇu~>       . all at atime.
adj. . selfish.
                                                 Aekek /ek.kek/ <> advb. . one by
Aeklvayu& / <> adj.   one.
. lonely.
                                                 Aekotr / <e.ko.t.r> adj. .
Aekvgu& / <> adj. . all     seventy one.
                                                 Aekya=I /e.kja.ßi/ <e.kja.ßi> adj. . eighty
Aekvcn / <e.k.v.c.n> neut.          one.
. singular.
                                                 Ae4le /eˇ.le/ <e.ˇ.le> advb. . therefore.
AekvIs /ek.vis/ <> adj. . twenty
one.                                             Ae5u& /´.ˇ˙u~/ <e.thu~> neut. . the left over

Ae6I /e.Îi/ <e.Îii> fem. . heel.              seventy nine.

AelcI / <e.l.cii> fem. . cardamom.     Aog8Is /og.¯is/ <o.g.¯i.s> adj.
AelcI / <e.l.cii> masc. . an
ambassador. (honorific)                       AoXgvu& /ø.gÆ.vu~/ <o.g.Æ.vu~> v.intr
Aev6u& /ev.Îu~/ <e.v.Îu~> advb. . of that
size.                                         AoicNtu& /ø.cin.tu~/ <> advb. .
Aevu& / <> advb. . of that
manner.                                       AoC2v /oc.c˙v/ <o.cch.v> masc. . a
Aevama& / <> advb. . in
the mean time.                                Ao2abolu& /o.c˙ <> adj.
                                              . reserved.
Ae= /´ß/ <e.ß> masc. .enjoyment.
.                                             Ao2u& /o.c˙u~/ <o.chu~> adj. . less than
AEravt /i.ra.vt/ <i.ra.v.t> masc. .      Aojar /o.Ôar/ <o.Ôa.r> neut. . an
Indra’s elephant (with seven trunks).         instrument.
                                              Ao4 /oˇ/ <o.ˇ> masc. . an ebb.
AE¼yR /i.ßv.rj/ <i.ßv.rj> neut.
godliness.                                    Ao4lo /oˇ.lo/ <o.ˇ.lo> masc. . a raised
                                              platform adjoining the outer wall of a
                     Ao                       building.

Aog8calIs /o.g¯.ca.lis/                      Ao4vu& /oˇ.vu~/ <o.ˇ.vu~> v.tran.. to hem.
<o.g.¯.ca.lii.s> adj. . thirty nine.
                                              Ao7vu& /oÎ˙.vu~/ <o.Î> .1. to
Aog8{aIs /o.g¯.tris/ <o.g.¯.tri.s>        wrap over the body. 2. to wear a sari.
                                              Aor6o /or.Îo/ <o.r.Îo> masc. . a room.
.twenty nine.

Aog8pcas /o.g¯.p.cas/                       Aorvu& / <> . to sow
<o.g.¯.p›.ca.s> adj. .forty nine.          seeds.

                                              AorI /o.ri/ <o.rii> fem. .1. small-pox 2.
Aog8sa;5 /o.g¯. sa.iˇ˙/
<o.g.¯.sa.i.ˇh> adj. .fifty nine.
                                              Aolvvu& / <> . to
Aog*yaAe&=I./og.¯ja. ´~ßi/ <o.g.¯ja.e.ßii>

AosrI /os.ri/ <o.s.rii> fem. . the front        kcrape4I /kc.ra pe.ˇi/ <ˇii>
open part of a house.                            fem. a dust bin.

Ao=Iku& /o.ßi.ku~/ <o.ßii.ku~> neut. . a         kcro / <> masc. .
pillow.                                          garbage.

AoX` /o.Æk˙/ <o.Æ.kh> fem. . idenitity.       kcva4 /kc.vaˇ/ <ˇ> masc. .1.
                                                 grumbling. 2. dissatisfaction.
AoXvu& /oÆ.vu~/ <o.Æ.vu~> . to comb
(hair).                                          kca= /k.caß/ <ß> fem.
                                                 1.unripenness. 2. imperfection. 3.
AoX&gvu& /o.Ƙ <o.Æ> .   deficiency.
to cross over.
                                                 kcu&br / <,b.r> neut.
                                                 raw vegetables cut into pieces.
                                                 kcorI / <> fem. . a type
AOicTy / <> adj. .            of food.
                                                 kijya`or /k.Ôi.ja.k˙or/ <k.Ôi.ja.kho.r>
AOdICy /u.diŠ.cj/ <u.dii.cj> masc. . a       adj. quarrelsome.
sub-caste of Brahmin
                                                 kjo6u& /k.Ôo.Îu~/ <k.Ôo.Îu~> neut. . an
AOpcarRIk / <>         unfit match.
adj. . formal.
                                                 k4ko /kˇ.ko/ <k.ˇ.ko> masc. . a piece.
AOq0 /u.ßd˙/ <u.s°.dh> neut. a
medicine.                                        k4ok4I /k.ˇo.k.ˇi/ <k.ˇo.k.ˇii> fem. . a
Aodyoigk /u.djo.gik/ <>
adj. . industial.                                k4oro /k.ˇ <k.ˇ> masc. . a
                       K                         k58 /k.ˇ˙¯/ <k.ˇh.¯> adj. . hard.

kkko /kk.ko/ <k.kko> masc. .                  k5In /k.ˇ˙in/ <k.ˇhii.n> adj. .
alphabet.                                        difficult.
kckc /kc. kc/ <k.c.k.c> fem. .1. a         ki5yaro /k.ˇ˙ <k.ˇ> masc.
boring talk. 2. a quarrel.                       .a woodcutter.
kc6vu& /k.cÎ.vu~/ <k.c.Î.vu~> to      k5e6o /k.ˇ˙e.Îo/ <k.ˇhe.Îo> masc. . a
trample.                                         railing.

k5or /k.ˇ˙or/ <k.ˇho.r> adj. . harsh.       kd£pu& / <k.d.ruu.pu~> adj. .
k5oX /k.ˇ˙oÆ/ <k.ˇho.Æ> neut. . pulses.
                                               kdavr /k.da.vr/ <k.da.v.r> adj.
k6ko /kÎ.ko/ <k.Î.ko> masc. .1.a            .huge.
2. penniless.                                  kn6gt /k.nÎ.gt/ <k.n.Î.g.t>
                                               fem. . harassment.
k6vu& /kÎ.vu~/ <k.Î.vu~> adj. . bitter in
taste.                                         kNya /kn.ja/ <k.nja> fem. .1. an
                                               unmarried girl. 2. Virgo.
k6akU4 /k.Îa.kuˇ/ <k.Îa.kuu.ˇ> fem. .
unnecessary botheration.                       kp4 /k.pˇ/ <k.p.ˇ> neut. . deceit.

k6Iyo /k.Î <k.Î> masc. .1. a       kp6a&l]aa& /kp.Î <k.p.Îa~.l.tta~>
mason 2. a brick-layer                         neut. pl.. clothes.

k6I /k.Îi/ <k.Îii> fem. .1. a hook 2. an     kp6u& /kp.Îu~/ <k.p.Îu~> neut. . cloth.
                                               kpru& / <> adj. . tough.
k6u& /k.Îu~/ <k.Îu~> neut. . an armlet.
                                               kpaX / / <Æ> neut. . the
k7&gu& /k.Î˙˜.gu/ <k.Î> adj. .1.     forehead.
clumsy 2. awkward in shape.
                                               kpas /k.pas/ <> masc. . a
k7I /k.Î˙i/ <k.Îhii> fem. .a food item.      cotton plant.

k8 /k¯/ <k.¯> masc. a grain.                kpoX /k.poÆ/ <k.po.Æ> adj. . a sub
                                               caste in Bania community.
k8svu& /k.¯ <k.¯> v.intr.
. to groan.                                    kf /kp˙/ <> masc. .cough.

k9Xvu& /k.t˙Æ.vu~/ <Æ.vu~> v.intr.   kb@yat /k.b.Ôi.jat/ <k.b.Ôii.ja.t>
.to deteriorate.                               masc.
k9a /k.t˙a/ <k.tha> fem. . a stroy.
                                               kbjo /kb.Ôo/ <k.b.Ôo> masc. . a
k9akar /k.t˙a.kar/ <k.tha.ka.r> masc.       blouse.
. a story teller.
                                               kbr / <k.b.r> fem. . a grave.
kd /kd/ <k.d> neut. . size.
                                               kba4 /k.baˇ/ neut. . a cup-board.

kbUtr / <k.buu.t.r> neut. .
a pigeon.                                     kra /k.ra/ <k.ra> masc. pl..1. hail-
kmnsIb /km.n.sib/ <k.m.n.sii.b>
adj. . unfortunate.                           krar /k.rar/ <k.ra.r> masc. . a written
kmr / <k.m.r> fem. . a waist.
                                              kirya8u& /k.ri.ja.¯u~/ <k.ri.ja.¯u~> neut. .
kmX /k.mÆ/ <k.m.Æ> neut. . a lotus.      grocery.

kmXo /km.Æo/ <k.m.Æo> masc. .              kiryavr /k.ri.ja.vr/ <k.ri.ja.v.r>
jaundice.                                     neut. . a bride’s father’s gift to
                                              bridegroom and his relatives.
kma; / <> fem. .
earnings.                                     kru8 /¯/ <¯> adj. .1.
                                              pathetic 2. tragic.
kmavu& / <> v.intr. . to
earn.                                         kru8a /¯a/ <¯a> fem. .
kmurt / <> neut.
inauspicious time or hour.                    k£p /k.rup/ <k.ruu.p> adj. . ugly.

kmot /k.mot/ <> neut. .              kro6 /k.roÎ/ <Î> adj. . ten
unnatural death.                              millions.

kmosm / <>               kro6 /k.roÎ/ <Î> fem. . a spine.
fem. .1. bad weather. 2. untimely.
                                              kro6rjju /k.roÎ.rÔ.Ôu/ <Î.r.ÔÔu>
krksr / <k.r.k.s.r> fem.      fem. . the spinal cord.
. economy.
                                              kroiXyo /Æ <Æ> masc. .
krgrvu& / <>       a spider.
v.intr. . to request humbly.
                                              kl&k /k.lnk/ <k.l~.k> neut. .1. a blot
krclo /k.rc.lo/ <k.r.c.lo> masc. . a     2. a blemish.
                                              kla / <> fem. . art.
krj /k.rÔ/ <k.r.Ô> neut. . a debt.
                                              klak /k.lak/ <> masc. . an hour.
krmavu& / <> wither.                            klakar / <> masc. .
                                              an artist.
krvu& / <> . to do.

kLpna / <> fem. .             k;& /k.i~/ <k.ii~> advb. .1. where? 2.
imagination.                                     some.

kLpvu& / <> . to      k;&k /k.i~k/ <k.ii~.k> advb. .
imagine.                                         something.

kLya8 /kl.ja.¯/ <k.lja.¯> neut. .            k&kav4I /kn.ka.vaˇi/ <k~.ka.v.ˇii> fem. .
well-being.                                      a small bowl to keep k&ku>

kviy{aI /k.v.ji.tri/ <k.vji.tri> fem. .a     k&ku /kn.ku/ <k~.ku> neut. . a red
female poet.                                     powder/ paste used in rituals and certain
                                                 social customs such as putting bindi on
kiv / masc. . <> a male poet.         the forehead.

k=u& /k.ßu~/ <k.ßu~> adj. . whatever           k&kotrI /k.nko.t.ri/ <k~.ko.t.rii> fem. .
thing.                                           an invitation letter.

k=u&k /k.ßu~k/ <k.ßu~.k> adj. .               k&jUs /kn.Ôus/ <k~.Ôu.s> adj. . miserly.
                                                 k&4aXvu& /kn.ˇaÆ.vu~/ <k~.ˇa.Æ.vu~> v.intr. .
ksrt /ks.rt/ <k.s.r.t> fem. . an           to be bored.
                                                 k&4aXo /kn.ˇa.Æo/ <k~.ˇa.Æo> masc. .
ksa; /k.sai/ <> masc. . a               medium.
                                                 k&5 /k¯t˙/ <k~.ˇh> masc. .1. the throat
kso4I /ˇi/ <ˇii> fem. . a test.      2. a vocal tune.

khe8 /k.he¯/ <k.he.¯> neut. . a               k&5I /k¯.ˇ˙i/ <k~.ˇhii> fem. . a kind of
message.                                         necklace.

khevt /k.he.vt/ <k.he.v.t> fem. . a         k&do; /kn.doi/ masc. . a confectioner.
                                                 k&doro / <> masc. . a
khevu& / <> . to say.   waist-band.

k¬agru& / <>          k&parI / <> fem. . a
adj. . obedient.                                 shivering.

kXtr /kÆ.tr/ <k.Æ.t.r> neut. . a           k&pvu& / <> v.intr. .1. to
kind of body pain.                               shiver 2. to tremble.

kXI /k.Æi/ <k.Æii> fem. . a bud.               k&sar /km.sar/ <> masc. .a

kak6I /kak.Îi/ <ka.k.Îii> fem. .            ka7vu& /kaÎ˙.vu~/ <ka.Î> . to
cucumber.                                    take out.

kaka /ka.ka/ <ka.ka> masc. hon..             ka8u& /ka.¯u~/ <ka.¯u~> adj. .1. a hole, 2.
paternal uncle.                              one-eyed.

kaka@ /ka.ka.Ôi/ <ka.ka.Ôii> masc. . a       katr / <ka.t.r> fem. . scissors.
brother of the father-in-law.
                                             katrvu& / <> . to
kakI / <ka.kii> fem. . a paternal      cut with scissors.
uncle’s wife.
                                             katrI /kat.ri/ <ka.t.rii> fem. .a wafer-
kakI@ /Ôi/ <ka.ka.Ôii> fem. . the      thin slice.
wife of the brother of the father-in-law.
                                             kadv /ka.dv/ <ka.d.v> masc. . mud.
kag6o /kag.Îo/ <ka.g.Îo> masc. . a
crow.                                        kan /kan/ <ka.n> masc. . an ear.

kagX /ka.gÆ/ <ka.g.Æ> masc. .1. paper     kap /kap/ <ka.n> masc. . reduction.
2. a letter.
                                             kap6 /ka.pÎ/ <ka.p.Î> neut. . cloth.
kagaroX /Æ/ <Æ> fem. .
rowdism.                                     kaplI / <ka.p.lii> fem. . a
                                             clipping of a paper.
kac /kac/ <ka.c> masc. .1. glass 2.
mirror.                                      kapvu& / <> . to cut.

kacbo / <> masc. . a          kapo /ka.po/ <ka.po> masc. .1.a cut. 2 a
tortoise.                                    mark made by cutting.
kaic&6o /¯.Îo/ <ka.c~.Îo> masc. . a    kabr / <ka.b.r> neut. . a kind
chameleon.                                   of bird.
kacu& / <> adj. .1.unripe 2.    kabU /ka.bu/ <ka.buu> masc. . control.
                                             kam /kam/ <ka.m> neut. . work
kajX /ka.ÔÆ/ <ka.Ô.Æ> neut. .eye-salve.
                                             kam /kam/ <ka.m> masc. . sexual
kaju /ka.Ôu/ <ka.Ôu> neut. . a cashew-nut.
ka4 /kaˇ/ <ka.ˇ> masc. . rust.              kamclaw& /kam.c.lau~/ adj. .tentative.

kamcor /kam.cor/ <> adj. .
not inclined to work.                         kaXju& /kaÆ.Ôu~/ <ka.Æ.Ôuu> neut. .1.the
kamdar /kam.dar/ <ka.m.da.r> masc. .
a manual worker.                              kaXu& /la.Æu~/ <ka.Æu~> adj. . black.

kamdev / <> masc. .        kaXotrI /ka.Æo.t.ri/ <ka.Æo.t.rii> fem. . a
ther god of love.                             letter containg someone’s death’s
kam0&0o /ka.d˙n.d˙o/ <ka.m.dh~.dho>
masc. .1. business 2. profession.             ka&krI /ka~k.ri/ <ka~.k.rii> fem. . a smll
kaydo / <> masc. . a law.
                                              ka&kro / <> masc. . a
kaym / <ka.j.m> adj. . forever.      pebble.

karkun /kar.kun/ <ka.r.ku.n> masc. . a      ka&4aXu& /ka~.ˇa.Æu~/ <ka~.ˇa.Æu~> adj. . throny.
                                              ka&4o /ka~.ˇo/ <ka~.ˇo> masc. . a thorn.
kar`anu& /kar.k˙ <>
neut. . a factory.                            ka&4o /ka~.ˇo/ <ka~.ˇo> masc. . a weighing
kar8 /ka.r¯/ <ka.r.¯> neut. .1. a
reason 2. a cause.                            ka&5o /ka~.ˇ˙o/ <ka~.ˇho> masc. .1. a bank 2.
                                              a shore 3 a coast.
kartk / <ka.r.t.k> masc. . the
first month of Hindu year.                    ka&6u& /ka~¯.Îu~/ <ka~.Îu~> neut. . a wrist.

kartUs /kar.tus/ <ka.r.tu.s> neut. . a      ka&do /ka¯.do/ <> masc. . onion.
                                              ka&0 /ka~n.d˙/ <ka~.dh> fem. . one of the
kar-ar /kar.b˙ar/ <ka.r.bha.r> masc. .      shoulders.
                                              ka&skI / <ka~.s.kii> fem. . a small
kal /kal/ <ka.l> fem. .1.tomrrow 2.          comb mainly for women.
                                              ka&sko /ka~s.ko/ <ka~.s.ko> masc. . a
kavtru& / <> neut. .   comb.
                                              ikLlo /kil.lo/ <ki.llo> masc. . a fortress.
kaVy /kav.j/ <ka.vj> neut. . a poem.
                                              ik=or /ki.ßor/ <ki.ßo.r> masc. . a minor
kaX@ /kaÆ.Ôi/ <ka.Æ.Ôii> fem. . care.        boy.

                                               ku&-ar /kum.b˙ar/ <ku~.bha.r> masc. . a
ik=orI /ki.ßo.ri/ <ki.ßo.rii> fem. . a minor   potter.
                                               ku&varu& / <> adj. .
kI4lI /kiˇ.li/ <kii.ˇ.lii> fem. . a kettle.   unmarried.

kI6I. /ki.Îi/ <kii.Îii> fem. . an ant.         kUk6o /kuk.Îo/ <kuu.k.Îo> masc. . a
kI6o /ki.Îo/ <kii.Îo> masc. . an insect.
                                               kUk6I /kuk.Îi/ <kuu.k.Îii> fem. . a hen.
kImt / <kii.m.t> fem. . price.
                                               kUtrI /kut.ri/ <kuu.t.rii> fem. . a female
kIitR /kir.ti/ <kii.rti> fem. . fame.          dog.

ku4u&b /ku.ˇum.b/ <ku.ˇu~.b> neut. . a       kUtru& / <> neut. . a dog.
                                               kUtro / <> masc. . a male
ku4ev /ku.ˇev/ <ku.ˇe.v> fem. . a bad         dog.
                                               kU9lI /kut˙.li/ <> fem. . scandal.
kutUhl /ku.tu.hl/ <ku.tu.h.l> neut.
curiosity.                                     kUdvu& / <> v.intr. . to
kudrt /kud.rt/ <ku.d.r.t> fem. .
nature.                                        kudavvu& / <>
                                               see kuda6vu.
kUXdev /kuÆ.dev/ <ku.Æ.de.v> masc. . a
family deity.                                  kUvo /ku.vo/ <ku.vo> masc. . a water-
kuStI /kus.ti/ <ku.stii> fem. . wrestling.
                                               kU&cI / <ku~.cii> fem. .1. a key 2. a
kuseva / <> fem. . a         clue.
                                               kU&pX /ku.mpÆ/ <kuu~.p.Æ> fem. . a
kuha6I /ku.ha.Îi/ <ku.ha.Îii> fem. . a         sprout.
small axe.
                                               ke4lu& /keˇ.lu~/ <ke.ˇ.lu~> adj. . how much.
kuha6o /ku.ha.Îo/ <ku.ha.Îio> masc. . an
axe.                                           ke6 /k´Î/ <ke.Î> fem. .a waist.

ku&6X /ku¯.ÎÆ/ <ku~.Î.Æ> masc. a kind       ked /k´d/ <ke.d> fem. . a prison.
of ear ring.
                                               kem /k´m/ <ke.m> advb. .why.

                                                 kotrvu& / <> .1.
kedI /k´.di/ <ke.dii> masc. .a prisoner.         to engrave 2. to carve.

kerI /k´.ri/ <ke.rii> fem. .a mango.             ko9mIr /kot˙.mir/ <> neut.
kev6u& /kev.Îu~/ <ke.v.Îu~> adj. .how big
                                                 ko9XI /kot˙.Æi/ <Æii> fem. .a purse
kevu& / <> adj. .of what kind.      of cloth.

kesr / <ke.s.r> neut. .saffron.         ko9Xo /koˇ˙.Æo/ <Æo> masc. .a
                                                 large beg of cloth.
kesrI /kes.ri/ <ke.s.rii> adj. .saffron
colored.                                         kodaXI /ko.da.Æi/ <ko.da.Æii> fem. .1. a
                                                 hoe 2. a spade.
keX /keÆ/ <ke.Æ> fem. .a banana-tree.
                                                 konu& /kø.nu~/ <> pron.. whose.
keXv8I /ke.Æv.¯i/ <ke.Æ.v.¯ii> fem. .1.
bringing up. 2. training.                        kopru& / <> neut. .a kernel
                                                 of a coconut.
keXvvu& /ke.Æ <ke.Æ> .to
bring up.                                        kom /kom/ <ko.m> fem. .a caste-group.

keXu& /ke.Æu~/ <ke.Æu~> neut. .a banana.         komvad /kom.vad/ <> masc.
                                                 .1. communalism 2. castism.
ko; /ko.i/ <ko.i> prono..someone.
                                                 korvu& / <> .to bore a
kogXIyu& /kø.g.Æi.ju~/ <ko.g.Æii.ju~> neut.    hole.
                                                 kolso / <> masc. .coal.
kogXo /køg.Æo/ <ko.g.Æo> masc. .1. a
mouthful of liquid 2. a gargle.                  kolahl / <> masc. .a
                                                 continuous loud noise.
ko5I /ko.ˇ˙i/ <ko.ˇhii> fem. .a large vessel
to stor grain.                                   koi== /ko.ßiß/ <ko.ßi.ß> fem. .an effort.

ko6Iyu& /ko.Îi.ju~/ <ko.Îii.ju~> neut. .a kind   kohvu& / <> v.intr. .to rot.
of earthern lamp.
                                                 koXI /ko.Æi/ <ko.Æii> fem. .a caste.
ko7 /koÎ˙/ <ko.Îh> masc. .leprosy.
                                                 koXu& /ko.Æu~/ <ko.Æu~> neut. .a pumpkin.
ko8I /kø.¯i/ <ko.¯ii> fem. .an elbow.
                                                 kO4uiMbk /ku.ˇum.bik/ <ku.tu~.mbi.k>
                                                 adj. pertaining to a family.

                                           `jU.rI /k˙.Ôu.ri/ <kh.Ôu.rii> fem. .a date
kO-a&6 /ku.b˙a~nÎ/ <ku.bha~.Î> neut.    tree.
.a scandal.
                                           `jUro /k˙.Ô <kh.Ô> masc. .a
kO&s /kums/ <ku~.s> masc. .a bracket.   centipede.
Ex. [], {}, ( ).
                                           `4kvu& /k˙.ˇ <kh.ˇ>
kyare / <> advb. .when.       v.exp.. to repent.

kya& /kja~/ <k.ja~> advb. .where.         `4p4 /k˙ˇ.pˇ/ <kh.ˇ.p.ˇ> fem. .an
k/ur /kru.r/ <kru.r> adj. .cruel.
                                           `4ml /k˙ˇ.ml/ <kh.ˇ.m.l> masc.
k/o0 /kro.d˙/ <kro.dh> masc. .anger.     .a bug.

                                           `4mI5u& /k˙ˇ.mi.ˇ˙u~/ <kh.ˇ.mii.ˇhu~>
                     `                     adj. sour and sweet.
``6vu& /k˙.k˙Î.vu~/ <Î.vu~>     `4rag /k˙ˇ.rag/ <kh.ˇ.ra.g> masc. .a
v.intr. .to rattle.                        quarrel.
``6avvu& /k˙k˙.Î                   `4lo /k˙ˇ.lo/ <kh.ˇ.lo> masc. .a law-
<k˙.k˙.Î> .to knock (on    suit.
a door etc.).
                                           `4vvu& /k˙.ˇ <kh.ˇ>
`ckavu& /k˙ <>      .to make things sour.
v.intr. .to hesitate.
                                           `4aro /k˙.ˇ <kh.ˇ> masc. .a
`ca`c /k˙.ca.k˙c/ <>        motor truck.
advb. densely.
                                           `4u&b6u& /k˙.ˇumb.Îu~/ <kh.ˇu~.b.Îu~>
`Ccr /k˙ <> neut. .a      adj. slightly sour.
                                           `6k /k˙.Îk/ <kh.Î.k> masc. .a
`jancI /k˙.Ô <kh.Ôa.n.cii>        rock.
masc. .a cashier.
                                           `6klo /k˙.Îk.lo/ <kh.Î.k.lo>
`jano /k˙.Ô <kh.Ô> masc. .a     masc. .a pile.
                                           `6kI /k˙Î.ki/ <kh.Î.kii> fem. .a lane.
`jUr /k˙.Ôur/ <kh.Ôu.r> neut. .a date
fruit.                                     `6tl /k˙Î.tl/ <kh.Î.t.l> adj. .a
                                           strongly built.

`6bc6u& /k˙Î.bc.Îu~/
<kh.Î.b.c.Îu~> adj. .rough.              `ru& /k˙.ru~/ <> adj. .correct.

`6ecok /k˙.Îe.cok/ <kh.Î>           `re`r /k˙.re.k˙r/ <>
advb. publicly.                              advb. .1. truly 2. indeed.

`8vu& /k˙¯.vu~/ <kh.¯.vu~> .to      `cR /k˙r.c/ <kh.rc> neut. . expense.
                                             `las /k˙.las/ <> adj. .1.
`tro /k˙ <> masc.             exhausted 2. the end.
                                             `lasI /k˙ <> masc. .a
`tvvu& /k˙ <>   sailor.
.to make an entry in a ledger.
                                             `lel /k˙.lel/ <kh.le.l> masc.
`dbdvu& /k˙                       .disturbance.
<> v.intr. .to boil with
a simmering sound.                           `vas /k˙.vas/ <> fem. .name
                                             of a community.
`pvu& /k˙ <> v.intr. .to
be sold.                                     `s /k˙s/ <kh.s> fem. .scabies.

`br /k˙.br/ <kh.b.r> fem. .news.        `s`s /k˙s.k˙s/ <> fem.
                                             .poppy seeds.
`-o /k˙.b˙o/ <kh.bho> masc. .the
shoulder.                                    `se6vu& /k˙.seÎ.vu~/ <Î.vu~>
                                             .to move.
`m8 /k˙.m¯/ <kh.m.¯> neut. .a
food item.                                   `X`X /k˙Æ. k˙Æ/ <kh.Æ.kh.Æ> advb.
                                             .the rippling sound of a water flow.
`mvu& /k˙ <> .to
tolerate.                                    `&`ervu& /k˙n.k˙ <>
                                    .to pluck down.
`mIs /k˙.mis/ <kh.mi.s> neut. .a
shirt.                                       `&jrI /k˙µ.Ô.ri/ <kh~.Ô.rii> fem. .a
                                             small tambourin.
`rpvu& /k˙ <>
.to hoe.                                     `&jvaXvu& /k˙µ.Ô.vaÆ.vu~/
                                             <kh~.Ô.va.Æ.vu~> .to seratch.
`rvu& /k˙ <> v.intr. .to
fall (fruit, leaves etc.)                    `&6 /k˙¯.Î/ <kh~.Î> masc. .1. a part
                                             2. a room. 3. a continent.
`rab /k˙.rab/ <kh.ra.b> adj. .bad.

`&i6yer /k˙¯.Îi.jer/ <kh~.Î> neut.
.a ruin.                                      `atr /k˙ <kha.t.r> neut. .house-
                                              breaking (by theif)
`a; /k˙a.i/ <kha.ii> fem. .1. a ditch 2. a
trench.                                       `atrI/k˙at.ri/ <kha.t.rii> fem. .trust.

`aw0ru& /k˙a.u.d˙.ru~/ <>       `atavhI /k˙a.ta.v.hi/ <kha.ta.v.hii>
adj. . gluttonous.                            fem. a ledger.

`ajlI /k˙aÔ.li/ <kha.Ô.lii> fem. .a food     `atu& /k˙a.tu~/ <kha.tu~> neut. .an account.
                                              `a0a`orakI /k˙a.d˙
`aju /k˙a.Ôu/ <kha.Ôu> neut. .a food item.    <kha.dha.kho.ra.kii> fem. .1.
                                              maintenance 2. livelihood.
`a4kI /k˙aˇ.ki/ <kha.ˇ.kii> masc. .a
butcher.                                      `angI /k˙ <kha.n.kii> adj.
`a4lo /k˙aˇ.lo/ <kha.ˇ.lo> masc. .a cot.
                                              `anu& /k˙ <> neut. .a drawer.
`a4vu& /k˙aˇ.vu~/ <kha.ˇ.vu~> .to be
benefited.                                    `aboicyu& /k˙ <>
                                              neut. .a puddle.
`a4u& /k˙a.ˇu~/ <kha.ˇu~> adj. .sour.
                                              `amI /k˙a.mi/ <kha.mii> fem. .a defect.
`a6I /k˙a.Îi/ <kha.Îii> fem. .a creek.
                                              `aru& /k˙ <> adj. .salty.
`a6o /k˙a.Îo/ <kha.Îo> masc. .a pit.
                                              `arek /k˙a.rek/ <> fem. .a dry
`a8 /k˙a¯/ <kha.¯> fem. .a mine.             date.

`ai8yo /k˙a.¯ <kha.¯> masc. .a       `al /k˙al/ <kha.l> fem. .skin.
                                              `alI /k˙ <kha.lii> adj. .1. empty 2.
`a8u& /k˙a.¯u~/ <kha.¯u~> neut. .a dinner.    poor 3. purposelessly.

`atmurt /k˙ <>       `avu& /k˙ <> .to eat.
neut. .a ceremony of laying a foundation.
                                              `as /k˙as/ <kha.s> adj. .1.special 2.
`atr /k˙ <kha.t.r> fem.               personal. Ex. Aa maro `as ma8s 2e.
                                              `as /k˙as/ <kha.s> advb. .specially.
`atr /k˙ <kha.t.r> neut.              Ex. hu& `as tmara 3er AavI=.
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Guj engdictionary

  • 1. Gujarati- English Learner’s Dictionary Babu Suthar (Second draft) A Nirman Foundation Project Department of South Asia Studies University of Pennsylvania 820 Williams Hall 36th and Spruce Philadelphia PA 19104  Babu Suthar
  • 2. 2
  • 4. 4 ↓ We will revise this draft again after we receive comments and suggestions from the scholars and the users. There are still problems with phonetic transcription of some words. We will fix them as soon as we get feedback from the scholars. Meanwhile, we request the users to consult us before using information from this dictionary in their reserach. ↓ Babu Suthar
  • 5. 5 Introduction Gujarati is a poor language of the rich people. This language does not have scientifically written grammar books. Whatever grammar books it has are mainly pedagogic. It does not have well written dictionaries either. There are some, monolingual as well as bilingual, but many of them are impressionistic and outdated. This language is divided into many social and geographical dialects, but very few of them have been explored. Many dialects still await their documentation. It has attracted many linguists, but their impact on the language, speakers, and writers has been negligible. Gujaratis are everywhere, and so is Gujarati; but Gujarati rarely is taught systematically. The children of Gujarati Diaspora learn some Gujarati either from their parents or from Gujarati language classes run mainly by Hindu temples. There is no well written teaching material either. Some individuals have created some material, but much of it lacks professionalism. In addition, it is also faulty either in grammar or in pragmatics or both. This is unfortunate. In order to overcome this situation, partially if not fully, the Department of South Asia Regional Studies, University of Pennsylvania has taken a leadership role. They have encouraged designing teaching material under which we have created three textbooks: Gujarati Reader 1, 2 and 3. The Reader 1 is devoted to the writing system, while the Reader 2 is devoted to written conversations. The Reader 3 is a collection of Aesop’s fables rendered in Gujarati. This dictionary is a part of that project but it has been funded by the Nirman Foundation, Washington DC. It is perhaps the first dictionary of the language created for the beginning student who is learning Gujarati language as a second language. It is also the first dictionary in Gujarati which gives phonetic transcription of the head words in International Phonetic Alphabet. Besides, it is also the first one that gives graphemic transcription of each head words. This dictionary will certainly facilitate the learner in learning the differences between spoken and written Gujarati. I am thankful to Nirman Foundation. Without their support this dream would have remained unfulfilled. I am also thankful to Prof. Bhikhu Parekh and Dr. Chandrakant Shrof for taking personal interest in this project. I can not forget Prof. Guy Welbon, former Chairperson of the South Asia Regional Studies, University of Pennsylvania, who underlined the need of creating teaching material and supported all the projects. This dictionary is the third project that he supported. I am also thankful to Prof. Michael W. Meister, the Chairperson of the Department of South Asia, for encouraging me in finishing this work. Finally, I am thankful to Prof. Buckley, Department of Linguistics, University of Pennsylvania, and Dr. Bharti Modi, Ex. Chairperson, Department of Linguistics, The M.S. University of Baroda for ofering me guidance on various issues related to compiling dictionary. Babu Suthar Sunday, June 29, 2003
  • 6. 6 Content 1. Explanatory notes 7 2. Abbriviations 10 3. Dictionary 12 A 12 Aa 20 ; 25 : 26 w 26 W 29 ¢ 30 Ae 30 AE 32 Ao 32 AO 33 k 33 ` 41 g 46 3 52 c 55 2 62 j 65 z 70 4 73 5 75 6 77 7 79 t 80 9 87 d 88 0 96 n 100 p 111 f 132 b 137 - 146 m 154 y 167 r 168 l 175 v 183 = 200 q 205 s 205 h 229
  • 7. 7 x 235 }a 235 4. Gujarati Parts of speech 236 5. Numerals 255
  • 8. 8 Explanatory Notes: Structure of the entries: Each entry contains five parts in the following order: 1. Head- word, 2. Phonetic transcription, 3. Graphemic transcription, 4. Grammatical designation and 5. Gloss. In addition, some entries may contain example. 1. Head-word: Head-word is the word to be glossed. It is given here in Gujarati script. Spellings such as gÅga, p¨jo, 5*6I, sNt and sMp are avoided in favor of more traditional spellings g&ga, p&jo, 5&6I, s&t and s&p. 2. Phonetic transcription: For each head-word phonetic transcription is given here in Broad transcription. Syllabic division is also marked. This will facilitate the learners in learning how to pronounce the words and how to relate them with their grapheme structure. However, stress pattern is left unmarked. Phonetic transcription is given in International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) which is given bellow: Vowels: Front Central Back Close i u Close-mid e o Open-mid ´ ø Open a
  • 9. 9 Consonants: Pharyngeal vl. h Velar vd. g˙ g ˜ vl. k˙ k Palatal vd. µ Ô˙ Ô j vl. c˙ c Retroflex vd. Î˙ Î ¯ Æ vl. ˇ˙ Post alveolar vl. ˇ ß Alveolar vd. r l Dental vd. d˙ d n vl. t˙ s t Labiodental vd. v Bilabial vd. m b˙ b vl. p˙ p non-asp. asp. Approximant approximant Fricative Lateral Plosive Nasal Trill
  • 10. 10 3. Graphemic transcription: For each word graphemic transcription is also given using the following symbols. This will help students learning the relationship between sound and later with is not always symmetrical in Gujarati. Vowels: A Aa ; : w W ¢ a i ii u uu ru≤ Ae AE Ao AO A& AŠ e i o u m h Consonants: k ` g 3 k kh g gh c 2 j z c ch Ô Ôh 4 5 6 7 8 ˇ ˇh Î Îh ¯ t 9 d 0 n t th d dh n p f b - m p ph b bh m y r l v y r l v = q s ß s° s h X x }a h Æ kß gn 4. Gloss: Gloss illustrates the main sense of the word. In some cases, more than one meaning are given in the order of their prominence.
  • 11. 11 Abbriviations adj. adjective advb. adverb conj. conjunction fem. feminine hon. honorific masc. masculine neut. neuter postp postposition pron. pronoun v.intr. intransitive verb v.dat. dative verb v.exp. experiencer verb transitive verb Symbols: /./ syllabic break <.> boundary of the letter
  • 12. Axy /k.ß.j/ <.kß.j> adj. A 1.imperishable. 2. inexhaustible. Akb&0 /˙/ <.k.b~.dh> adj. . Axr /k.ß.r/ <.kß.r> masc. .1. a 1. intact. 2. neither opened nor broken. letter, 2. a syllable Ak6avu& /k.Î <.k.Î> v.intr. Axr /k.ß.r/ <.kß.r> adj. . to get angry. indestructible. Ak6avu& /k.Î <.k.Î> v.intr. Axr=Š /k.ß.r.ß.h/ <.kß.r.ß.h> to have cramp. adv.. 1.literally. 2. letter by letter. 3. word by word. AkmRk /.kr.m.k/ <.k.rm.k> adj. . intransitive. a verb that does not take a Axa&= /k.ßa~.ß/ <.kßa~.s> masc. a direct verb. degree of latitude. AksIr /k.sir/ <.k.sii.r> adj. . A`&6 /.k˙¯.Î/ <.kh~.Î> adj. effective. 1.unbroken. 2. ceaseless. AkSmat /.ks.mat/ <.k.sma.t> neut. A`&&i6t /.k˙¯.Îit/ <.kh~.Îi.t> adj. . . accident 1.unbroken. 2. constant. AkSmate / <.k.sma.te> A`tro /.k˙ <> masc. advb.. accidentally. .1. an experiment. 2. a trial AkXam8 /k.Æa.m¯/ <.k.Æa.m.¯> A`bar /k˙.bar/ <> neut. . a fem. news paper 1. perplexity. 2. acute worry. A`a6o /.k˙a.Îo/ <> masc. . a AkXavu& /k.Æ <.k.Æ> v.intr. . gymnasium to get angry. A`at /.k˙at/ <.kha.t> masc. .1. a bay. Akk6 /k.k.Î/ </.kk.Î> adj. 1. stiff. 2. a gulf 2. unbending. Agi8t /.g.¯it/ adj. .<.g.¯i.t> 1. AkkrmI / <.kk.r.mii> adj. innumerable. 2. uncounable. unfortunate. Ag8otr /.g.¯ <.g.¯o.t.t> Akkl /k.kl/ <.kk.l> fem. . sense. adj. . sixty nine. Axt /k.ß.t/ <.kß.t> adj. .1. whole. Ag*ya=I /.g.¯ja.ßi/ <.g.¯ja.ßii> adj. . 2. unbroken. seventy nine.
  • 13. 13 AgTy /.gt.j/ <> neut. AigyarI /.gi.ja.ri/ <.gi.ja.rii> fem. . a important. small fire temple in which Parsis keep their sacred fire. AgTyta /.gt.j.ta/ <> fem. . importance. Agocr / <.go.c.r> adj. 1.beyond senses. 2. imperceptible. Agm cetI /.gm.ce.ti/ <.g.m.ce.tii> fem. AiGn / <.gni> masc. .fire 1.forsight. 2. precaution. AiGndah / <.gni.da.h> masc. Agm va8I /¯i/ <¯ii> . cremation ceremony. fem.1. prophecy. 2. mysterious words. AiGns&Skar / AgMy /.gm.j/ <.g.mj> adj. .1. <.gni.s~.ska.r> masc. . cremation mysterious. 2. inaccessible. ceremony. Agrb]aI / <.g.r.b.ttii> A3i4t /.g˙.ˇit/ adj. improper. fem. . incense stick. A3ru& /.g˙.ru~/ <> adj. Agv6 /g.vÎ/ <.g.v.Î> fem. difficult. inconvenience. Ac&bo / <> masc. .1. a Agaw /.ga.u~/ <.ga.u> prep.. before. surprise, 2. an astonishment AgawnI / <.ga.u.nii> adj. . Acank /.ca.nk/ <.ca.n.k> advb. . previous (in terms of time). 1.suddenly, 2. accidentally Agaw9I /.ga.u.t˙i/ <.ga.u.thii> advb. AcUk /.cuk/ <.cuu.k> advb. .in advance. .1.without a mistake, 2. sure AgasI / <.ga.sii> fem. . terrace. A2t /.c˙t/ <.ch.t> fem. .1.scarcity, 2. shortage Aigyar /.gi.jar/ <.gi.ja.r> adj. .eleven. A2tu& /.c˙.tu~/ <.ch.tu~> advb. .1.secret, 2. hidden Aigyarmu& / <> neut. the eleventh day after death. A2bDa /.c˙b.Îa/ <.ch.b.Îa> masc. . chicken-pox (honorific). Aigyars / <.gi.ja.r.s> fem. the eleventh day of a fortnight of a A2Ut /.c˙ut/ <.chu.t> adj. . Hindu lunar month. untouchable
  • 14. 14 A2o6o /.c˙o.Îo/ <.cho.Îo> masc. a A}aan / <.gna.n> neut. . chain of gold or silver ignorance Ajgr /Ô.gr/ <.Ô.g.r> masc. . a A}aanI / <.gna.nii> adj. python .ignorant Ajb /.Ôb/ <.Ô.b> adj. .1. strange, 2. A4k /.ˇk/ <.ˇ.k> fem. .1. surname, surprising 2. a family name. 3. last name. Ajmavvu& /Ô <.Ô> A4kvu& /.ˇ <.ˇ> v.intr. . to 1. to try, 2. to test. stop. Ajmo /Ô.mo/ <.Ô.mo> masc. . parsley A4kX /ˇ.kÆ/ <.ˇ.k.Æ> fem. . an AjvaXvu& /Ô.vaÆ.vu~/ <.Ô.va.Æ.vu~> inference .to cleanse. A4p4u& /ˇ.p.ˇu~/ adj. <.ˇ.p.ˇu~> AjvaXIyu& /Ô.va.Æi.Ôu~/ <.Ô.va.Æii.ju~> 1.intricate, 2. complex neut. 1. the bright half of a lunar month, A4vavu& /ˇ <.ˇ> v.intr. . to 2. Small holes in the roof foe admitting wander. sun-light. A5vai6k /ˇ˙.va.Îik/ <.ˇÎi.k> AjvaXu& /Ô.va.Æu~/ <.Ô.va.Æu~> neut. adj. . weekly .light A5vai6yu& /ˇ˙.va.Îi.ju~/ <.ˇÎi.ju~> Aj&po /.Ô.mpo/ <.Ô~.po> masc. . neut. a week restlessness A5&g /.ˇ˙˜.g/ <.ˇh~.g> adj. . out and Aja8 /.Ôa¯/ <.Ôa.¯> adj. . ignorant out. Aja*yu& /.Ôa.¯yu~/ <.Ôa.¯ju~> A55a; /.ˇ˙ˇ˙a.i/ <.ˇhˇha.i> fem. . a adj.1.unknown, 2. stranger religious vows of the Jains. A person who takes this vow fasts for the period AjaybI /.Ô <.Ôa.j.bii> fem. .1. a of eight days. wonder, 2. a surprise A55a8u& /.ˇ˙ˇ˙a.¯u~/ <.ˇhˇha.¯u~> adj. . A@8R /.Ôir.¯/ <.Ôii.r¯> neut. ninety eight. indigestion A55avn /.ˇ˙ˇ˙ <.ˇhˇha.v.n> Ajey /.Ôej/ <.Ôe.j> adj. . adj. fifty eight. unconquerable A5yotr /.ˇ˙ <.ˇhjo.t.r> adj. . Ajo6 /.Ôo.Î/ <.Ôo.Î> adj. . unique seventy eight.
  • 15. 15 A5yasI /.ˇ˙ <.ˇhja.sii> adj. . eighty A7I /.Î˙i/ <.Îhii> adj. . two and a eight. half. A6kvu& /.Î <.Î> .to A8gmo /¯ <.¯> masc. touch. . dislike. A6`e p6`e /Î.k˙e pÎ.k˙e/ A836 /¯.g˙Î/ <.¯.gh.Î> adj. . <.Î.khe p.Î.khe> adv..1. beside, unskilled 2. adjacent to, 3. side by side. A80ayuR& /¯.d˙a.rju~/ <.¯.dha.rju~> adj. A6g /.Îg/ <.Î.g> adj. .1. & advb. unexpected. immovable, 2. unperturbed. A8manItu& /¯ <.¯.ma.nii.tu~> A6c8 /Î.c¯/ <.Î.c.¯> fem. . adj. .unfavorable. obstacle A8vr /¯.vr/ <.¯.v.r> masc. a A6talIs /Î.ta.lis/ <.Î.ta.lii.s> adj. relative of the bridgroom who assists forty eight. him during marriage ritual. A6d /.Îd/ <.Î.d> masc. a kind of Ai8 /.¯i/ <.¯i> fem. sharp point of pulse anything. A60u& /Î.d˙u~/ <.Î.dhu~> adj. half. Aiti9 /.ti.t˙i/ <.ti.thi> masc. . a guest who comes without prior information. A6plu& /.Î <.Î> neut. .1.a mischief, 2. a prank Aitrek /.ti.rek/ <> masc. . an excess A6vu& /Î.vu~/ <.Î.vu~> . to touch. AtIt /.tit/ <.tii.t> masc. . past. A6s5 /Î.sˇ˙/ <.Î.s.ˇh> adj. .sixty eight. Atu4 /.tuˇ/ <.tu.ˇ> adj. . unbreakable. A6oA6 /Îo.Î/ <.Îo..Î> postp. A]ar /ˇ.ˇr/ <.tt.r> neut. .perfume .very closely. ATy&t /t.jn.t/ <.tj~.t> adj. . A66o /Î.Îo/ <.ÎÎo> masc. .a meeting excessive place of unsocial element. ATyacar / <> masc. . A7Xk /.Î˙.Æk/ <.Î.Æ.k> adj. . tyranny plentiful. ATyare / <> adv.. just now A7ar /.Î˙ar/ <.Îha.r> adj. . eighteen. A{a /t.r/ <.tr> advb.. at this place
  • 16. 16 A0Iru& /.d˙ <> adj. . A96avu& /t˙.Î <.th.Î> v.intr. impatient. .1. to collide, 2. to hit against. A0ur&u /.d˙ <> adj. . A9a8u& /.t˙a.¯u~/ <.tha.¯u~> neut. . incomplete. pickle A)0r /d˙.d˙r/ <.dhdh.r> advb..1. Ada /.da/ <.da> fem. . action. unsupported, 2. hanging in mid air. Adalt / <.da.l.t> fem. . a An9R /.nr.t˙/ <.n.rth> masc. . a judicial court. misinterpretation. Adavt /.da.vt/ <.da.v.t> fem. . An&t /.nn.t/ <.n~.t> adj. .1.endless, enmity. 2. infinite. A±+y /.drß.j/ <.dr.ßj> adj. . Anaj /.naÔ/ <.na.Ô> neut. .grain. invisible. Ana9 /.nat˙/ <> adj. . orphan. Ade`a; /.de.k˙ai/ <.de.kha.i> fem. . jealously Ana9a[am /.na.t˙a.ßr.m/ <.na.tha.ßr.m> masc. . an Ade`u& /.de.k˙u~/ <.de.khu~> adj. . orphanage. jealous Anadr /.na.dr/ <.na.d.r> masc. . Ad-Ut /d.b˙ut/ <.d.bhu.t> adj. . an insult. wonderful Anamt / <.na.m.t> fem. . deposit. A0kcru& /d˙ <> adj. partly baked or cooked. AnamI /.na.mi/ <.na.mii> adj. . nameless. A0m /.d˙m/ <.dh.m> adj. mean. Ainyimt / <.ni.j.mi.t> adj. A0mUw& /d˙.mu.u~/ <> adj. . irregular. half-dead. Aini¾t /.niß.cit/ <.ni.ßci.t> adj. . A0mR /.d˙r.m/ <.dh.rm> masc. .1. uncertain. the reverse of religion, 2. immoral. AnIit /.ni.ti/ <.nii.ti> fem. A0vc /d˙.vc/ <.dh.v.c> advb..1. immorality. in the middle, 2. midway. Anukr8 /.nu.k.r¯/ <.nu.k.r.¯> Ai0kar /.d˙i.kar/ <.dhi.ka.r> masc. . neut. a right. immitation.
  • 17. 17 AnukUX /.nu.kuÆ/ <.nu.kuu.Æ> adj. . Apvad /p.vad/ <> masc. . an suitable. exception. Anuk/m /.nu.krm/ <> Apiv{a /.p.vit.r/ <> adj. masc. .1. order, 2. sequence. unholy. Anu-v /.nu.b˙v/ <> masc. Ap=Bd /p.ßb.d/ <.p.ß.bd> masc. experience. an abuse. Anu-vI /.nu.b˙.vi/ <> adj. Ap=ukn /p.ß <.p.ßu.k.n> experienced. masc. . ill-omen. Anuman / <> neut. . Ap&g /.p˜.g/ adj. . <.p~.g> 1. lame, an inference. 2. crippled. Anuvad /.nu.vad/ <> masc. Apasro / <> masc. . translation. a Jain monestry. Anusrvu& / <> ApUj /.puÔ/ <.puu.Ô> adj. . not v.intr to follow. worshipped. AnuSnatk / <.nu.sna.t.k> Apexa /.pek.ßa/ <.pe.kßa> fem. . adj. post-graduate. expectation. AnuSvar /.nus.var/ <.nu.sva.r> neut. Ap/g4 /.pr.gˇ/ <.pr.g.ˇ> adj. . a sign written on the top of a letter that unpublished. indicates a nasal sound or nasalization of a vowel. Aip/y /p.ri.j/ <.pri.j> adj. . disguisting. Ane /.ne/ <.ne> conj.. and. Afva /p˙.va/ <> fem. . a Anek /.nek/ <.ne.k> adj. . many. rumors. ANyay /n.jaj/ <.nja.j> masc. . Afsos /p˙.sos/ <> masc. .1. injustice. repentance, 2. alas. Apco / <> masc. . Abj /.bÔ/ <.b.Ô> adj. . one indigestion. thousand millions. Apj= /p.Ôß/ <.p.Ô.ß> masc. Abjopit /.b.Ôo.p.ti/ <.b.Ôo.p.tii> .disgrace. adj. a millionaire Apman / <> neut. . A-8 /.b˙¯/ <.bh.¯> adj. . an insult illiterate.
  • 18. 18 ArIso / <> masc. .a A-av /.b˙av/ <.bha.v> masc. . mirror. dislike. Are /.re/ <.re> inter.. an exclamation expressing surprise, `oh’. Ai-n&dn /.b˙i.nn.dn/ <.bhi.n~.d.n> masc. congratulation. A9R /r.t˙/ <.rth> masc. 1. meaning, (Honorific) 2. wealth. Ai-neta /.b˙ <> masc. Alg /.lg/ <.l.g> adj. . separate. . a male actor. AlI /.li/ <.lii> fem. . a female friend for a female. Ai-p/a.y /.b˙i.pra.j/ <.bhi.pra.j> masc. . an opinion. Alop /.lop/ <.lo.p> adj. . invisible. Ai-man /.b˙ <> neut. AlOkIk /.lu.kik/ <.lu.kii.k> adj. . . arrogance. devine. Ai-manI /.b˙ <> Avd=a /v.d.ßa/ <.v.d.ßa> fem. . adj. . arrogant. misfortune. A_yas /b˙.ja.s/ <.bhja.s> masc. .1. Avnvu& / <> adj. . study, 2. practice. new. Amr /.mr/ <.m.r> adj. immortal. Avyv /.v.jv/ <.v.j.v> masc. .a limb. Amaru& / <> pron.. our (exclusive). Avro0 /v.rod˙/ <> masc. .a hurdle. Amas /.mas/ <.ma.s> fem. . the last day of the dark half of a lunar month. Avlokn / <.v.lo.k.n> neut. . observation. Amuk /.muk/ <.mu.k> adj. . some. Av+y /vß.j/ <.v.ßj> advb. . surely. AmULy /.mul.j/ <.muu.lj> adj. .priceless. Avsr / <.v.s.r> masc. an occasion. Ame /.me/ <.me> pron.. we (exclusive). Avsan /v.san/ <> neut. death. AyoGy /.jog.j/ <.jo.gj> adj. . improper. AvXa; /v.Æai/ <.v.Æa.i> fem. improper behavior.
  • 19. 19 AvXu& /v.Æu~/ <.v.Æu~> adj. up side down. As&~y /.s¯.k˙j/ <.s~.khj> adj. Avaj /.vaÔ/ <.va.Ô> masc. .1.voice, 2. innumerable. sound. As&toq /.sn.toß/ <°> masc. . Avarnvar /.var.n.var/ dissatisfaction. <> advb. .frequently. As&-v /.sm.b˙v/ <> adj. AvaXu& /.va.Æu~/ <.va.Æu~> neut. . the .impossible. gums of teeth. As&mt / <.s~.m.t> adj. Aivny /.vi.nj/ <.vi.n.j> masc. .disagreeing. .immodesty. As&SkarI /.sams.ka.ri/ <.s~.ska.rii> A=kt /.ßk.t/ <.ß.kt> adj. . weak. adj. . uncivilized. A=a&t /.ßa~n.t/ <.ßa~.t> adj. . troubled. Asa)y /.sa.d˙j/ <.sa.dhj> adj. . incurable. A=u)0 /.ßud˙.d˙/ <.ßu.dhdh> adj. . Asur /.sur/ <.suu.r> masc. . demon. impure. A=u- /.ßub˙/ <.ß> adj. AiS9r /.st˙i.r/ <.sthi.r> adj. . inauspicious. unstable. Aqa6 /.ßaÎ/ <.s°°a.Î> masc. ninth ASpQ4 /.spß.ˇ/ <.sp.s°ˇ> adj. . month of the Vikram era. vague. AsTy /.st.j/ <> neut. .1. false, ASvC2 /.svc.c˙/ <.sv.cch> adj. . 2. untrue. impure. Asr /.sr/ <.s.r> fem. .effect. ASvS9 /.svs.t˙/ <.sv.sth> adj. 1.restless 2. sick. Asl /.sl/ <.s.l> adj. .original. ASva-aivk /.sva.b˙ Ashkar /.sh.kar/ <.s.h.ka.r> <> adj. . unnatural. masc. . non-co-operation. ASvIkar /.svi.kar/ <.svii.ka.r> masc. 1.rejection 2. denial. Ashay /.s.haj/ <.s.ha.j> adj. . helpless. Aih&sk / <.hi~.s.k> adj. . non-violent. As¬ /.sh.j/ <.s.hj> adj. . unbearable.
  • 20. 20 Aihsa / <> fem. . non- A&tr / <~.nt.r> neut. .1.the vilence. heart 2. the mind. [an abstract notion that refers to one’s conscience.] AhI& /.hi~/ <.hi~> advb. . here. A&itm /n.tim/ <~.ti.m> adj. . last. AhI&ya& /.hi~.ja~/ <.hi~.ja~> advb. .same as AhI&. A&te /n.te/ <~.te> advb. .1. finally 2. at last. Ahoho /.ho.ho/ <.ho.ho> excl.. an exclamation expressing surprise. A&dr /n.dr/ <~.d.r> postp. .1. in 2. within 3. inside 4. into. AX`am8u& /Æ.k˙am.¯u~/ <.Æ.kha.m.¯u~> adj. .1. unfavorable 2. disagreeable. A&daj /n.daÔ/ <~.da.Ô> masc. . an estimate. AXgu& /Æ.gu~/ <.Æ.gu~> adj. .1.detached 2. uncommon. A&0a0U&0I /n.d˙a.d˙u~n.d˙i/ <~.dha.dhuu~.dhii> fem. . chaos. A&kur /˜.ku.r/ <~.ku.r> masc. .1. a sprout 2. an offshoot. A&0apo /n.d˙a.po/ <~.dha.po> masc. . blindness. A&g /˜.g/ <~.g> neut. . the body. A&0arIyu& /n.d˙a.ri.ju~/ <~.dha.rii.ju~> neut. A&grxk /˜.g.rk.ß.k/ . the dark half of a lunar month. <~.g.r.kß.k> masc. .a body-guard. A&0aru& /n.d˙ <~.dha.ri.ju~> neut. . A&gU5I /˜.gu.ˇ˙i/ <~.guu.ˇhii> fem. . a darkness. finger ring. A&bo6o /Îo/ <Îo> masc. . a A&gU5o /˜.gu.ˇ˙o/ <ˇho> masc. .a knot of plaited hair of a woman. thumb. A&= /mß/ <~.ß> masc. .a part, a section A&g/ej /˜.g.reÔ/ <~.gre.Ô> masc. . an Englishman. Aa A&g/e@ /˜Ôi/ <~.gre.Ôii> fem. Aa /a/ <a> proun.. this. .English. Aakar /a.kar/ <a.ka.r> masc. .1. shape A&t /n.t/ <~.t> masc. . an end. 2. form. A&tr / <~.t.r> neut. . distance. Aaka= /a.kaß/ <a.ka.ß> neut. . sky. Aaka&xa /a.ka~.kßa/ <a.ka~.kßa> fem. . desire.
  • 21. 21 Aak<it / <a.kru≤.ti> fem. . a Aacrkucr / neut. diagram. .miscellaneous food or household articles. Aak/m8 /ak.r.m¯/ <¯> neut. . an attack. Aacar / <> masc. .behavior. Aaxep /ak.ßep/ <a.kße.p> masc. AacayR / <> masc. 1. a .accusation. principal 2. a spritual leader. (Honorific) Aa`re /a.k˙.re/ <> advb. Aa2u& /a.c˙u~/ <a.chu~> adj. dim. .finally. Aaj /aÔ/ <a.Ô> fem. today. Aa`lo /ak˙.lo/ <> masc. . a bull. Aa@@ /a.Ôi.Ôi/ <a.Ôii.Ôii> fem. an humble Aag /ag/ <a.g> fem. . fire. request. Aagbo4 /ag.boˇ/ <ˇ> fem. a Aa@vn /a.Ô <a.Ôii.v.n> adj. . steamer. lifelong. Aagm / <a.g.m> masc. Aaju baju /a.Ôu ba.Ôu/ <a.ÔÔu> adv. religious texts of the Jains. around. Aaglu& / <> adj. . previous. Aa4lu& /aˇ.lu~/ <a.ˇ.lu~> adj. .this much. AagX /a.gÆ/ <a.g.Æ> advb. .1. in front Aa4o /a.ˇo/ <a.ˇo> masc. . flour. of 2. in future. Aa5 /aˇ˙/ <a.ˇh> adj. . eight. AagamI / <> advb. 1.ensuing 2. forthcoming. Aa5m /a.ˇ˙m/ <a.ˇh.m> fem. . the eighth day of bright or dark half of the AagahI / <a.gaa.hii> fem. .a Hindu month. prediction. Aa68I /aÎ.¯i/ <a.Î.¯ii> fem. . a wooden Aaigyo / <> masc. . 1. a fire round stood to shape rotali or puri . fly, 2. a glowworm, 3. a lightning bug. Aa6{aIs /a.Ît.ris/ <a.Î.trii.s> adj. . Aag/h /ag.r.h/ <> masc. .a thirty eight. strong request. Aa6u& /a.Îu~/ <a.Îu~> adj. . crosswise. Aa3at /a.g˙at/ <a.gha.t> masc. a shock. Aa6o=pa6o= /a.Îoß.pa.Îoß/ Aa3u& /a.g˙u~/ <a.ghu~> advb. . distant. <a.Îo.ß.pa.Îo.ß> masc. neighbours.
  • 22. 22 Aan&d /a.nn.d/ <a.n~.d> masc. .1. Aa8vu& /a¯.vu~/ <a.¯.vu~> .1. to fetch pleasure 2. joy. 2. to bring. AanakanI / <> fem. Aa8u& /a.¯u~/ <a.¯u~> neut. . 1.hesitation 2. indecision. AaTma / <a.tma> masc. . soul. Aap8e /ap.¯e/ <a.p.¯e> pron.. we (inclusive). Aa9m8u& /a.t˙m.¯u~/ <¯u~> adj. . western. Aapi]a / <a.p.¯e> fem. . trouble. Aa9mvu& /a.t˙ <> v.intr AapmeXe /Æe/ <Æe> advb. . .to set. atomatically. Aadr /a.dr/ <a.d.r> masc. .respect. Aaple /ap.le/ <a.p.le> fem. . give and take. Aad=R /a.dr.ß/ <a.d.rß> adj. . ideal. AapvItI / <a.p.vii.tii> fem. .1. Aada=I=I /a.da.ßi.ßi/ <a.da.ßii.ßii> fem. . autobiography 2. good and bad events of migraine. life. Aaid /a.di/ <a.di> adj. first. Aapvu& / <> . to give. Aaid /a.di/ <a.di> advb. . etc. AapoAap /a.po.ap/ <a.po.a.p> advb. . automatically. AaidvasI / <> masc. .1. aboriginal, 2. tribal. Aafro /ap˙.ro/ <> masc. . gas due to indigestion. Aadu& /a.du~/ <a.du~> neut. .green ginger. AafUs /a.p˙u:s/ <a.phuu.s> fem. . a Aade= /a.deß/ <ß> masc. . an order. kind of mango. Aa0ar /a.d˙ar/ <a.dha.r> masc. .1. a Aab£ / <a.b.ruu> fem. support 2. an evidence. .reputation. Aa0uink /a.d˙u.nik/ <> adj. . AabehUb / <> adj. . modern. exact. Aa0e6 /a.d˙eÎ/ <a.dhe.Î> adj. . elderly. Aabohva / <> fem. . climate. Aa)yaiTmk /a.d˙jat.mik/ <a.dhja.tmi.k> Aa- /ab˙/ <> neut. . sky. adj. spiritual.
  • 23. 23 Aa-ar /a.b˙ar/ <a.bha.r> masc. . Aam&{a8 pi{aka /¯ p.tri.ka/ thanks. <a.m.ntr.¯ p.tri.ka> fem. .an invitation letter. Aa-as /a.b˙as/ <a.bha.s> masc. .illusion. Aayno / <> masc. . a mirror. Aa-Uq8 /a.b˙u.߯/ <a.bhu.s°.¯> neut. . Aaya. /a.ja/ <a.ja> fem. . a maid servent. ornaments. Aayat /a.jat/ fem. . import. Aam /am/ <a.m> advb. .in this manner. Aayojn /Ôn/ <a.ja.t> neut. . Aamjnta /am.Ôn.ta/ <a.m.Ô.n.ta> management. adj. .1. the common people, 2. laymen. AartI /ar.ti/ <a.r.tii> fem. .1. a sacred Aam8e /am.¯e/ <a.m.¯e> pron.. these lamp 2. a religious prayer sung with a persons. sacred lamp. Aamtem /am.tem/ <a.m.te.m> advb. Aarpar /ar.par/ <> advb. . .here and there. through one end to another. Aam9I /am.t˙i/ <a.m.thii> advb. .from Aar&- /a.rm.b˙/ <> masc. . this side. beginning. Aaram /a.ram/ <a.ra.m> masc. . rest. AamdanI / <a.m.da.nii> fem. .income. AaroGy /a.rog.j/ <> neut. . health. AamNya /amn.ja/ <a.m.nja> fem. . respect for the elders. Aarop /a.rop/ <> masc. . accusation. Aamr8 /a.m.r¯/ <a.m.r.¯> advb. . till the end of life. Aalvu& / <> .to give. AamlI / <a.m.lii> fem. .the Aavk /a.vk/ <a.v.k> fem. income. tamrid tree. Aavkar /av.kar/ <a.v.ka.r> masc. . AamXvu& /a.mÆ.vu~/ <a.m.Æ.vu~> . to welcome. twist together. Aav6t /av.Ît/ <a.v.Î.t> fem. . a Aam&{a8 /¯/ <a.m.ntr.¯> skill. neut. an invitation. Aav6vu& /a.vÎ.vu~/ <a.v.Î.vu~> v.exp.. to know.
  • 24. 24 Aav6u& /av.Îu~/ <a.v.Îu~> adj. . of this Aasn / <a.s.n> neut. . a seat size. (formal). Aavrda /a.vr.da/ <a.v.r.da> fem. Aas pas /as.pas/ <> advb. .life-span. around. Aavvu& / <> v.intr. to come. Aasman / <> neut. . the sky. Aavu& / <> advb. .of this kind. AaiStk /as.ti.k/ <a.sti.k> adj. . theistic. Aaveg /a.veg/ <> masc. . an excitement. Aaso / <> masc. . the last month of Hindu calander. Aave= /a.veß/ <ß> masc. . an emotional excitement. AaS9a /as.t˙a/ <a.stha> fem. .1. faith 2. devotion. Aa=y /a.ßj/ <a.ß.j> masc. . an intention. AaSvad / <a.sva.d> masc. .a tasting. Aa=re /aß.re/ <a.ß.re> advb. .1. about 2. approximately 3. roughly. Aahaha /a.ha.ha/ <a.ha.ha> inter.. an exclamation signifying surprise. Aa=ro /aß.ro/ <a.ß.ro> masc. .shelter. Aahar /a.har/ <a.ha.r> masc. . food Aa=a /a.ßa/ <a.ßa> fem. . hope. (formal). Aa=a7 /a.ßaÎ˙/ <a.ßa.Îh> masc. . the AahIr /a.hir/ <a.hii.r> masc. . a nine month of the Hindu calendar. shepherd community. Aai=q /a.ßiß/ <a.ßi.s°> fem. . a blessing. Aahuit / <a.huu.ti> fem. .1. an offering 2. a sacrifice. Aai=vaRd /a.ßir.vad/ <a.ßi.rva.d> masc. a blessing. (honorific) AaXs /a.Æs/ <a.Æ.s> fem. .laziness. Aa¾yR /aß.cr.j/ <a.ßc.rj> neut. . a AaXo4vu& /a.Æoˇ.vu~/ <a.Æo.ˇ.vu~> v.intr. . to surprise. wallow. Aa[am /aß.rm/ <a.ßr.m> masc. .a Aa&k /a~k/ <a~.k> masc. . tables of hermitage. multiplications. Aa¼asn /aß <a.ßva.ß.n> masc. Aa&k6a=aS{a /a~k.Îa.ßaß.tr/ . consolation. <a~.k.Îa.ßa.str> neut. . statistics.
  • 25. 25 Aa&k6o /a~k.Îo/ <a~.k.Îo> masc. .1. a Aa&bo / <> masc. . a mango tree. number 2. a number-sign. Aa&su& u/ <> neut. . a tear. Aa&kvu& / <> . to estimate a price. ; Aa&` /a~k˙/ <> fem. . an eye. ;C2vu& /ic.c˙.vu~/ <> . to Aa&g8u& /a~g.¯u~/ <a~.g.¯u~> neut. . open wish. space in front of a house. ;C2a /ic.c˙a/ <i.ccha> fem. .1. desire 2. Aa&gXIyat /a~.g.Æi.jat/ <a~.g.Æi.ja.t> adj. . wish. a child of the former husband of a ;jner /iÔ.ner/ <i.Ô.ne.r> masc. . an remarried woman. engineer. Aa&ckvu& / <> . to ;jaro /i.Ô <i.Ô> masc. snatch forcfully. .monopoly. Aa&ckI / <a~.c.kii> fem. .hiccup. ;jjt /iÔ.Ôt/ <i.ÔÔ.t> fem. .1. reputation Aa&cko /a~c.ko/ <a~.c.ko> masc. . a jerk. 2. a woman’s chasity. ;55oter /iˇ˙.ˇ˙o.ter/ <i.ˇhˇho.te.r> adj. . Aa&jvu& /a~Ô.vu~/ <a~.Ô.vu~> . to anoint seventy eight. eyes with collyrium. ;5yasI /i.ˇ˙ <i.ˇhja.sii> adj. . eighty Aa&tr6u& /Îu~/ <a~.t.r.Îu~> neut. . eight. intestine. ;tr / <i.t.r> adj. . another. Aa&trraiQ4^y / raß.ˇri.ja/ <a~.t.r.ra.s°ˇri.j> adj. . international. ;ithas /i.ti.has/ <i.ti.ha.s> masc. .history. Aa&trvu& / <> .to block. ;nam /i.nam/ <> neut. .1. a gift 2. a present 3. a prize. Aa&trIk /a~t.rik/ <a~.t.rii.k> adj. . internal. ;mam /i:.mam/ <> masc. . the chief prise of Muslims (honorific). Aa&doln / <> neut. . agitation. ;mart / <> fem. . a big building. Aa&08 /a~.d˙¯/ <a~.dh.¯> neut. . water boild for cooking food.
  • 26. 26 ;yX /i:.jÆ/ <i.j.Æ> fem. . a kind of worm. w wkr6o /Îo/ <u.k.r.Îo> masc. .a ;laj /i:.laÔ/ <Ô> masc. .a cure. dunghill. ;laycI / <> fem. wkXvu& /u.kÆ.vu~/ <u.k.Æ.vu~> v.intr. . to .cardamom. boil. ;+k /i:ß.k/ <i.ßk> masc. . love. wkXa4 /uk.Æaˇ/ <u.k.Æa.ˇ> masc. . uneasiness and perspiration caused by ;iSptal /i:s.pi.tal/ <i.spi.ta.l> fem. . a heat. hospital. wkaXvu& /u.kaÆ.vu~/ <u.ka.Æ.vu~> .to ;Slam /is.lam/ <i.sla.m> masc. . Islam. make something boiled. ;N±Iy /in.dri.j/ <i.ndrii.j> fem. . a wkel /u.kel/ <> masc. . a solution. sense. wkelvu& / <> .to : read (in the sense of deciphering). wkelvu& / <> .to :ja /iŠ.Ôa/ <ii.Ôa> fem. .injury. solve. :6lI /iŠÎ.li/ <ii.Î.lii> fem. . a South wkelvu& / <> . to Indian food dish. untwined. :d /iŠd/ <ii.d> fem. . a festival of w`a8u& /u.k˙a.¯u~/ <u.kha.¯u~> neut. . a Muslims. riddle. :d6u& /iŠd.Îu~/ <ii.d.Îu~> neut. . a food wgamvu& / <> . item made out of fermented flour. to raise something to strike. :=an /iŠ.ßan/ <ii.ßa.n> fem. .north-east. w3ra8I /ug˙.ra.¯i/ <u.g.ra.¯ii> fem. . collection of money due from. :¼r /iŠß.vr/ <ii.ßv.r> masc. .god. w3ravvu& /ug˙ <> :sa: /iŠ.sa.iŠ/ <> masc. a .to collect money by contribution. Christian. :&4 /iŠˇ/ <ii~.ˇ> fem. .a brick. wca4 /u.caˇ/ <ˇ> masc. . restlessness. :&6u& /i~Š.¯du~/ <ii~.Îu~> neut. . an egg. wcapt / <> fem. . misappropriation.
  • 27. 27 wCcar / <u.cca.r> masc. . w6avvu& /u.Î <u.Îa.v.Î> pronunciation. . to use up. wCcarvu& / <> . wtarvu& / <> . to to pronounce. unload. See wtrvu& wC2vas /uc.c˙.vas/ <> wtarvu& / <> .to masc. . exhaling. make a copy. w2Xvu& /u.c˙Æ.vu~/ <Æ.vu~> v.intr. wtaru& / <> masc. . a 1. to jump, 2. to be tossed. passenger. w2aXvu& /u.c˙aÆ.vu~/ <u.cha.Æ.vu~> . wtaro / <> masc. .1. an to toss up. inn. 2. a lodging house. w2ervu& /u.c˙ <> . to wtaro / <> masc. .1. a raise. copy. 2. a transcript. wjagro /u.Ô <u.Ô> masc. . wtavX /u.ta.vÆ/ <u.ta.v.Æ> fem. . abstinence from sleep. haste. wja8I /u.Ôa.¯i/ <u.Ôa.¯ii> fem. a picnic. w]am / <> adj. . the best. wjj6 /uÔ.ÔÎ/ <u.ÔÔ.Î> adj. barren w]ar / <> masc. . an (land) answer. w5m8u& /u.ˇ˙m.¯u~/ <u.ˇh.m.¯u~> neut. w]ar / <> masc. the North. a ritual performed after death. w]aejk /ut.te.Ôk/ adj. . stimulating. w5vu& /uˇ˙.vu~/ <u.ˇ> v.intr. . to get up. wTpi]a / <u.tte.Ô.k> fem. . production. w5a6vu& /u.ˇ˙aÎ.vu~/ <u.ˇha.Î.vu~> . to wake up. wTpadk / <u.tpa.d.k> masc. 1. a producer. 2. a manufacturer. w5a&trI /u.ˇ˙a~n.t.ri/ <u.ˇha~.t.rii> fem. . a theft. wTpadn / <u.tpa.d.n> neut. . an act of producing. w6aw /u.Îa.u/ <u.Îa.u> adj. . extravagant. wTsv / <u.ts.v> masc. . a festival. w6avvu& /u.Î <u.Î> . to make something fly.
  • 28. 28 wTsah /ut.sah/ <u.tsa.h> masc. .1. wpcar / <> masc. .1. a enthusiasm. 2. zeal. remedy. 2. cure. w9lavvu& /ut˙ <> w pjvu& /u.pÔ.vu~/ <u.p.Ô.vu~> v.intr. 1. to depose. 2. to over turn. See .to grow w9lvu& wpjavvu& /up.Ô <u.p.Ô> wdar /u.dar/ <u.da.r> adj. . generous. to reproduce. wdas /u.das/ <u.da.s> adj. wpde= /up.deß/ <ß> masc. . .1.unconcerned. 2. dejected. preaching. wdahr8 /u.da.h.r¯/ <u.da.h.r.¯> wpngr / <u.p.n.g.r> neut. 1. an example. 2. an illustration. neut. . a suburb. wd3a4n /ud.g˙a.ˇn/ <u.d.gha.ˇ.n> wpnam /up.nam/ <> neut. . a neut. . an inauguration. nickname. w¥e= /ß/ <u.dde.ß> masc. . an wpyog /up.jog/ <> masc. . use. intention. wpr / <u.p.r> postp. 1. above. w)0ar /ud˙.d˙a.r/ <u.dhdha.r> masc. . 2. on. 3. over something. salvation. wpra&t /up.ra~t/ <u.p.ra~.t> advb. .1. wd-v /ud.b˙.v/ <> masc. additionally. 2. besides. .1. birth. 2. creation. wprI /up.ri/ <u.p.rii> masc. . a superior wdyog / <u.djo.g> masc. .1. a officier. vocation. 2. an industry. wpvas /up.vas/ <> masc. . a w0rs /ud˙.rs/ <u.dh.r.s> fem. . fasting. cough. wps&har /up.sam.har/ <u.p.s~.ha.r> w0ar /u.d˙ar/ <u.da.r> adj. . given or masc. a summary. taken on credit. wpa6 /u.paÎ/ <Î> masc. . wnaXu& /Æu~/ <Æu~> adj. . withdrawal of money. pertaining to summer. wpa6vu& /u.paÎ.vu~/ <Î.vu~> . to wnaXo /Æo/ <Æo> masc. . lift. summer. wpay /u.paj/ <> masc. . a cure. wpkar /up.kar/ <u.p.ka.r> masc. . an obligation.
  • 29. 29 wmda /um.da/ adj. . <u.m.da> 1. best. W`6vu& /u.k˙Î.vu~/ <Î.vu~> 2. excellent. v.intr. . to be ripped off. wmr / <u.m.r> fem. . age. W`a6vu& /u.k˙aÎ.vu~/ <uu.k˙a.Î.vu~> .1. to tear off, 2. to dismember. wmXko /u.mÆ.ko/ <u.m.Æ.ko> masc. . an outburst of warm feeling. Wgrvu& / <> v.intr. . to escape. wm&g /u.m˜.g/ <u.m~.g> masc. zeal. Wgvu& / <> v.intr. . to wmervu& / <> .to grow. add. Wgvu& / <> v.intr. . to wmero / <> masc. . an rise. addition. Wckvu& / <> .1. wl4avvu& /ul.ˇ <u.l.ˇ> . to life. 2. to raise. to turn up side down. W2rvu& /u.c˙ <> v.intr. wlecvu& / <> . to . to be brought up. raise up water. Wjvvu& /u.Ô <uu.Ô> v.tra. wLle` /ul.lek˙/ <> masc. . a .to celebrate. mention. WjXu& /uÔ.Æu~/ <uu.Ô.Æu~> adj. .1. bright. 2. w+kervu& /uß <u.ß> . shining. to instigate. W5vu& /uˇ˙.vu~/ <uu.ˇ> v.intr. . to w&dr /un.dr/ masc. .<u~.d.r> 1. a rat. stand up. 2. a mouse. W6vu& /uÎ.vu~/ <uu.Î.vu~> v.intr. . to fly. w&bro / <> masc. the threshold of a door. W8p /u.¯p/ <uu.¯.p> fem. .a deficiency. W Wtrvu& / <> v.intr. . to climb down. WkXvu& /u.k .vu~/ <uu.k.Æ.vu~> v.intr. . to boil. W9lvu& /u.t˙ <> v.intr. . to be up-side-down. WkaXvu& /u.ka.Æ.vu~/ <u.ka.Æ.vu~> .to boil. W9lo /u.t˙.lo/ <> masc. .1. an upset. 2. an overturning.
  • 30. 30 W0; /u.d˙.i/ <uu.dh.ii> fem. . a white ant. W&0Iyu& /u~n.d˙i.ju~/ <uu~.dhii.ju~> neut. . a food made of vegetables, various types Wn /un/ <uu.n> neut. . wool. of beans, roots and etc. Popular in South Gujarat. Wpj /u.pÔ/ <uu.p.Ô> fem. .1. a farm product. 2. an income. W&0u& /u~n.d˙u~/ <uu.dhu~> adj. . bottom upward. Wp6vu& /u.pÎ.vu~/ <uu.p.Î.vu~> v.intr. .1. to be lifted. 2. to set out a journey. ¢ ¢ju /ru.Ôu/ adj. . <ru≤.Ôu> 1.soft. 2. W-aW- /u.b˙a.ub˙/ <> gentle. advb. hurriedly. ¢8 /ru¯/ <ru≤.¯> neut. . a debt. W-u& /u.b˙u~/ <uu.bhu~> adj. . standing ¢tu /ru.tu/ <ru≤.tu> fem. . a season. upright. ¢iq /ru.ßi/ <ru≤.s°i> masc. . a sage. Wl4I /ul.ti/ <uu.l.ˇii> fem. . vomiting. Wl4u& /ul.ˇu~/ <uu.l.ˇu~> adj. .1. opposite. Ae 2. contrary. Ae /e/ <e> adj. .that. WlXvu& /u.lÆ.vu~/ <uu.l.Æ.vu~> v.intr. . to be bumped. Aek /ek/ <e.k> adj. .one.1. Whapoh /u.ha.poh/ <uu.ha.po.h> masc. Aek4a8u& /ek.ˇa.¯u~/ <e.k.ˇa.¯u~> neut. . a . uproar. kind of fasting in which a person eats only once a day. W&3 /u~˜.g/ <> fem. . sleep. Aek6o /ek.Îo/ <e.k.Îo> masc. . the sign W&ckvu& / <> of number 1. .to lift up. Aekta /ek.ta/ <e.k.ta> fem. . unity. W&ca; /u~.cai/ <> fem. . height. AektaXIs /ek.ta.Æis/ <e.k.ta.Æi.s> adj. . W&cu& / <> adj. . high. forty one. W&4 /u~ˇ/ <uu~.ˇ> neut. . a camel.. Aek{aIs /e.k.tris/ <e.k.trii.s> adj. . thirty one. W&6a; /un.Îa.i/ <uu~.Îa.ii> fem. . depth. Aekdm / <e.k.d.m> advb. . at W&6u& /u~¯.Îu~/ <uu~.Îu~> adj. . deep. once.
  • 31. 31 Aeks5 /ek.sˇ˙/ <> adj. . sixty Aek0aru& /ek.d˙ <> adj. .1. one. constant. 2. incessant. Aeksr`u& /˙u~/ <e.k.s.r.khu~> AekpxI /ek.p.kßi/ <e.k.p.kßii> adj. . adj. . uniform. one sided. Aek&dr /ekn.dr/ <e.k~.d.r> advb. . AekpiTn]v / totally. <e.k.p.tni.ttv> neut. monogamy. AekaAek /e.ka.ek/ <e.ka.e.k> advb. . Aekm / <e.k.m> fem. . fist day suddenly. of bright or dark half of Hindu month. Aeka8u& /e.ka.¯u~/ <e.ka.¯u~> adj. . ninety Aekma{a /ek.mat.r/ <> adj. . one. the only one of a type. Aekad=I /e.ka.d.ßi/ <e.ka.d.ßii> fem. . Aekmek /ek.mek/ <> advb. . the eleventh day of dark or bright half of mutually. a Hindu month. Aekrag /ek.rag/ masc. . <e.k.ra.g> 1. Aeka=I /e.ka.ßi/ <e.ka.ßii> adj. . eighty unity. 2. harmony. one. Aek£p /ek.rup/ <e.k.ruu.p> adj. . of Aeka&kI / <e.ka~.kii> adj. . one act similar form. play. Aekl dokl /e.kl do.kl/ Aeka&t /e.ka~n.t/ <e.ka~.t> neut. . lonely. <> adj. . lonely. AekI sa9e / sa.t˙e/ <> advb. Aeklpe4u& /ˇu~/ <e.k.l./pe.ˇu~> . all at atime. adj. . selfish. Aekek /ek.kek/ <> advb. . one by Aeklvayu& / <> adj. one. . lonely. Aekotr / <e.ko.t.r> adj. . Aekvgu& / <> adj. . all seventy one. together. Aekya=I /e.kja.ßi/ <e.kja.ßi> adj. . eighty Aekvcn / <e.k.v.c.n> neut. one. . singular. Ae4le /eˇ.le/ <e.ˇ.le> advb. . therefore. AekvIs /ek.vis/ <> adj. . twenty one. Ae5u& /´.ˇ˙u~/ <e.thu~> neut. . the left over food.
  • 32. 32 Ae6I /e.Îi/ <e.Îii> fem. . heel. seventy nine. AelcI / <e.l.cii> fem. . cardamom. Aog8Is /og.¯is/ <o.g.¯i.s> adj. .nineteen. AelcI / <e.l.cii> masc. . an ambassador. (honorific) AoXgvu& /ø.gÆ.vu~/ <o.g.Æ.vu~> v.intr melt. Aev6u& /ev.Îu~/ <e.v.Îu~> advb. . of that size. AoicNtu& /ø.cin.tu~/ <> advb. . suddenly. Aevu& / <> advb. . of that manner. AoC2v /oc.c˙v/ <o.cch.v> masc. . a festival. Aevama& / <> advb. . in the mean time. Ao2abolu& /o.c˙ <> adj. . reserved. Ae= /´ß/ <e.ß> masc. .enjoyment. . Ao2u& /o.c˙u~/ <o.chu~> adj. . less than necessary. AE AEravt /i.ra.vt/ <i.ra.v.t> masc. . Aojar /o.Ôar/ <o.Ôa.r> neut. . an Indra’s elephant (with seven trunks). instrument. Ao4 /oˇ/ <o.ˇ> masc. . an ebb. AE¼yR /i.ßv.rj/ <i.ßv.rj> neut. godliness. Ao4lo /oˇ.lo/ <o.ˇ.lo> masc. . a raised platform adjoining the outer wall of a Ao building. Aog8calIs /o.g¯.ca.lis/ Ao4vu& /oˇ.vu~/ <o.ˇ.vu~> v.tran.. to hem. <o.g.¯.ca.lii.s> adj. . thirty nine. Ao7vu& /oÎ˙.vu~/ <o.Î> .1. to Aog8{aIs /o.g¯.tris/ <o.g.¯.tri.s> wrap over the body. 2. to wear a sari. adj. Aor6o /or.Îo/ <o.r.Îo> masc. . a room. .twenty nine. Aog8pcas /o.g¯.p.cas/ Aorvu& / <> . to sow <o.g.¯.p›.ca.s> adj. .forty nine. seeds. AorI /o.ri/ <o.rii> fem. .1. small-pox 2. Aog8sa;5 /o.g¯. sa.iˇ˙/ measles. <o.g.¯.sa.i.ˇh> adj. .fifty nine. Aolvvu& / <> . to Aog*yaAe&=I./og.¯ja. ´~ßi/ <o.g.¯ja.e.ßii> extinguish. adj.
  • 33. 33 AosrI /os.ri/ <o.s.rii> fem. . the front kcrape4I /kc.ra pe.ˇi/ <ˇii> open part of a house. fem. a dust bin. Ao=Iku& /o.ßi.ku~/ <o.ßii.ku~> neut. . a kcro / <> masc. . pillow. garbage. AoX` /o.Æk˙/ <o.Æ.kh> fem. . idenitity. kcva4 /kc.vaˇ/ <ˇ> masc. .1. grumbling. 2. dissatisfaction. AoXvu& /oÆ.vu~/ <o.Æ.vu~> . to comb (hair). kca= /k.caß/ <ß> fem. 1.unripenness. 2. imperfection. 3. AoX&gvu& /o.Ƙ <o.Æ> . deficiency. to cross over. kcu&br / <,b.r> neut. raw vegetables cut into pieces. AO kcorI / <> fem. . a type AOicTy / <> adj. . of food. appropriateness. kijya`or /k.Ôi.ja.k˙or/ <k.Ôi.ja.kho.r> AOdICy /u.diŠ.cj/ <u.dii.cj> masc. . a adj. quarrelsome. sub-caste of Brahmin kjo6u& /k.Ôo.Îu~/ <k.Ôo.Îu~> neut. . an AOpcarRIk / <> unfit match. adj. . formal. k4ko /kˇ.ko/ <k.ˇ.ko> masc. . a piece. AOq0 /u.ßd˙/ <u.s°.dh> neut. a medicine. k4ok4I /k.ˇo.k.ˇi/ <k.ˇo.k.ˇii> fem. . a crisis. Aodyoigk /u.djo.gik/ <> adj. . industial. k4oro /k.ˇ <k.ˇ> masc. . a bowl. K k58 /k.ˇ˙¯/ <k.ˇh.¯> adj. . hard. kkko /kk.ko/ <k.kko> masc. . k5In /k.ˇ˙in/ <k.ˇhii.n> adj. . alphabet. difficult. kckc /kc. kc/ <k.c.k.c> fem. .1. a ki5yaro /k.ˇ˙ <k.ˇ> masc. boring talk. 2. a quarrel. .a woodcutter. kc6vu& /k.cÎ.vu~/ <k.c.Î.vu~> to k5e6o /k.ˇ˙e.Îo/ <k.ˇhe.Îo> masc. . a trample. railing.
  • 34. 34 k5or /k.ˇ˙or/ <k.ˇho.r> adj. . harsh. kd£pu& / <k.d.ruu.pu~> adj. . ugly. k5oX /k.ˇ˙oÆ/ <k.ˇho.Æ> neut. . pulses. kdavr /k.da.vr/ <k.da.v.r> adj. k6ko /kÎ.ko/ <k.Î.ko> masc. .1.a .huge. piece 2. penniless. kn6gt /k.nÎ.gt/ <k.n.Î.g.t> fem. . harassment. k6vu& /kÎ.vu~/ <k.Î.vu~> adj. . bitter in taste. kNya /kn.ja/ <k.nja> fem. .1. an unmarried girl. 2. Virgo. k6akU4 /k.Îa.kuˇ/ <k.Îa.kuu.ˇ> fem. . unnecessary botheration. kp4 /k.pˇ/ <k.p.ˇ> neut. . deceit. k6Iyo /k.Î <k.Î> masc. .1. a kp6a&l]aa& /kp.Î <k.p.Îa~.l.tta~> mason 2. a brick-layer neut. pl.. clothes. k6I /k.Îi/ <k.Îii> fem. .1. a hook 2. an kp6u& /kp.Îu~/ <k.p.Îu~> neut. . cloth. earring. kpru& / <> adj. . tough. k6u& /k.Îu~/ <k.Îu~> neut. . an armlet. kpaX / / <Æ> neut. . the k7&gu& /k.Î˙˜.gu/ <k.Î> adj. .1. forehead. clumsy 2. awkward in shape. kpas /k.pas/ <> masc. . a k7I /k.Î˙i/ <k.Îhii> fem. .a food item. cotton plant. k8 /k¯/ <k.¯> masc. a grain. kpoX /k.poÆ/ <k.po.Æ> adj. . a sub caste in Bania community. k8svu& /k.¯ <k.¯> v.intr. . to groan. kf /kp˙/ <> masc. .cough. k9Xvu& /k.t˙Æ.vu~/ <Æ.vu~> v.intr. kb@yat /k.b.Ôi.jat/ <k.b.Ôii.ja.t> .to deteriorate. masc. constipation. k9a /k.t˙a/ <k.tha> fem. . a stroy. kbjo /kb.Ôo/ <k.b.Ôo> masc. . a k9akar /k.t˙a.kar/ <k.tha.ka.r> masc. blouse. . a story teller. kbr / <k.b.r> fem. . a grave. kd /kd/ <k.d> neut. . size. kba4 /k.baˇ/ neut. . a cup-board.
  • 35. 35 kbUtr / <k.buu.t.r> neut. . a pigeon. kra /k.ra/ <k.ra> masc. pl..1. hail- stones. kmnsIb /km.n.sib/ <k.m.n.sii.b> adj. . unfortunate. krar /k.rar/ <k.ra.r> masc. . a written agreement. kmr / <k.m.r> fem. . a waist. kirya8u& /k.ri.ja.¯u~/ <k.ri.ja.¯u~> neut. . kmX /k.mÆ/ <k.m.Æ> neut. . a lotus. grocery. kmXo /km.Æo/ <k.m.Æo> masc. . kiryavr /k.ri.ja.vr/ <k.ri.ja.v.r> jaundice. neut. . a bride’s father’s gift to bridegroom and his relatives. kma; / <> fem. . earnings. kru8 /¯/ <¯> adj. .1. pathetic 2. tragic. kmavu& / <> v.intr. . to earn. kru8a /¯a/ <¯a> fem. . kindness. kmurt / <> neut. inauspicious time or hour. k£p /k.rup/ <k.ruu.p> adj. . ugly. kmot /k.mot/ <> neut. . kro6 /k.roÎ/ <Î> adj. . ten unnatural death. millions. kmosm / <> kro6 /k.roÎ/ <Î> fem. . a spine. fem. .1. bad weather. 2. untimely. kro6rjju /k.roÎ.rÔ.Ôu/ <Î.r.ÔÔu> krksr / <k.r.k.s.r> fem. fem. . the spinal cord. . economy. kroiXyo /Æ <Æ> masc. . krgrvu& / <> a spider. v.intr. . to request humbly. kl&k /k.lnk/ <k.l~.k> neut. .1. a blot krclo /k.rc.lo/ <k.r.c.lo> masc. . a 2. a blemish. crab. kla / <> fem. . art. krj /k.rÔ/ <k.r.Ô> neut. . a debt. klak /k.lak/ <> masc. . an hour. krmavu& / <> wither. klakar / <> masc. . an artist. krvu& / <> . to do.
  • 36. 36 kLpna / <> fem. . k;& /k.i~/ <k.ii~> advb. .1. where? 2. imagination. some. kLpvu& / <> . to k;&k /k.i~k/ <k.ii~.k> advb. . imagine. something. kLya8 /kl.ja.¯/ <k.lja.¯> neut. . k&kav4I /kn.ka.vaˇi/ <k~.ka.v.ˇii> fem. . well-being. a small bowl to keep k&ku> kviy{aI /k.v.ji.tri/ <k.vji.tri> fem. .a k&ku /kn.ku/ <k~.ku> neut. . a red female poet. powder/ paste used in rituals and certain social customs such as putting bindi on kiv / masc. . <> a male poet. the forehead. k=u& /k.ßu~/ <k.ßu~> adj. . whatever k&kotrI /k.nko.t.ri/ <k~.ko.t.rii> fem. . thing. an invitation letter. k=u&k /k.ßu~k/ <k.ßu~.k> adj. . k&jUs /kn.Ôus/ <k~.Ôu.s> adj. . miserly. something. k&4aXvu& /kn.ˇaÆ.vu~/ <k~.ˇa.Æ.vu~> v.intr. . ksrt /ks.rt/ <k.s.r.t> fem. . an to be bored. exercise. k&4aXo /kn.ˇa.Æo/ <k~.ˇa.Æo> masc. . ksa; /k.sai/ <> masc. . a medium. butcher. k&5 /k¯t˙/ <k~.ˇh> masc. .1. the throat kso4I /ˇi/ <ˇii> fem. . a test. 2. a vocal tune. khe8 /k.he¯/ <k.he.¯> neut. . a k&5I /k¯.ˇ˙i/ <k~.ˇhii> fem. . a kind of message. necklace. khevt /k.he.vt/ <k.he.v.t> fem. . a k&do; /kn.doi/ masc. . a confectioner. proverb. k&doro / <> masc. . a khevu& / <> . to say. waist-band. k¬agru& / <> k&parI / <> fem. . a adj. . obedient. shivering. kXtr /kÆ.tr/ <k.Æ.t.r> neut. . a k&pvu& / <> v.intr. .1. to kind of body pain. shiver 2. to tremble. kXI /k.Æi/ <k.Æii> fem. . a bud. k&sar /km.sar/ <> masc. .a sweet.
  • 37. 37 kak6I /kak.Îi/ <ka.k.Îii> fem. . ka7vu& /kaÎ˙.vu~/ <ka.Î> . to cucumber. take out. kaka /ka.ka/ <ka.ka> masc. hon.. ka8u& /ka.¯u~/ <ka.¯u~> adj. .1. a hole, 2. paternal uncle. one-eyed. kaka@ /ka.ka.Ôi/ <ka.ka.Ôii> masc. . a katr / <ka.t.r> fem. . scissors. brother of the father-in-law. katrvu& / <> . to kakI / <ka.kii> fem. . a paternal cut with scissors. uncle’s wife. katrI /kat.ri/ <ka.t.rii> fem. .a wafer- kakI@ /Ôi/ <ka.ka.Ôii> fem. . the thin slice. wife of the brother of the father-in-law. kadv /ka.dv/ <ka.d.v> masc. . mud. kag6o /kag.Îo/ <ka.g.Îo> masc. . a crow. kan /kan/ <ka.n> masc. . an ear. kagX /ka.gÆ/ <ka.g.Æ> masc. .1. paper kap /kap/ <ka.n> masc. . reduction. 2. a letter. kap6 /ka.pÎ/ <ka.p.Î> neut. . cloth. kagaroX /Æ/ <Æ> fem. . rowdism. kaplI / <ka.p.lii> fem. . a clipping of a paper. kac /kac/ <ka.c> masc. .1. glass 2. mirror. kapvu& / <> . to cut. kacbo / <> masc. . a kapo /ka.po/ <ka.po> masc. .1.a cut. 2 a tortoise. mark made by cutting. kaic&6o /¯.Îo/ <ka.c~.Îo> masc. . a kabr / <ka.b.r> neut. . a kind chameleon. of bird. kacu& / <> adj. .1.unripe 2. kabU /ka.bu/ <ka.buu> masc. . control. raw. kam /kam/ <ka.m> neut. . work kajX /ka.ÔÆ/ <ka.Ô.Æ> neut. .eye-salve. kam /kam/ <ka.m> masc. . sexual kaju /ka.Ôu/ <ka.Ôu> neut. . a cashew-nut. desire. ka4 /kaˇ/ <ka.ˇ> masc. . rust. kamclaw& /kam.c.lau~/ adj. .tentative.
  • 38. 38 kamcor /kam.cor/ <> adj. . not inclined to work. kaXju& /kaÆ.Ôu~/ <ka.Æ.Ôuu> neut. .1.the lever. kamdar /kam.dar/ <ka.m.da.r> masc. . a manual worker. kaXu& /la.Æu~/ <ka.Æu~> adj. . black. kamdev / <> masc. . kaXotrI /ka.Æo.t.ri/ <ka.Æo.t.rii> fem. . a ther god of love. letter containg someone’s death’s message. kam0&0o /ka.d˙n.d˙o/ <ka.m.dh~.dho> masc. .1. business 2. profession. ka&krI /ka~k.ri/ <ka~.k.rii> fem. . a smll pebble. kaydo / <> masc. . a law. ka&kro / <> masc. . a kaym / <ka.j.m> adj. . forever. pebble. karkun /kar.kun/ <ka.r.ku.n> masc. . a ka&4aXu& /ka~.ˇa.Æu~/ <ka~.ˇa.Æu~> adj. . throny. clerk. ka&4o /ka~.ˇo/ <ka~.ˇo> masc. . a thorn. kar`anu& /kar.k˙ <> neut. . a factory. ka&4o /ka~.ˇo/ <ka~.ˇo> masc. . a weighing machine. kar8 /ka.r¯/ <ka.r.¯> neut. .1. a reason 2. a cause. ka&5o /ka~.ˇ˙o/ <ka~.ˇho> masc. .1. a bank 2. a shore 3 a coast. kartk / <ka.r.t.k> masc. . the first month of Hindu year. ka&6u& /ka~¯.Îu~/ <ka~.Îu~> neut. . a wrist. kartUs /kar.tus/ <ka.r.tu.s> neut. . a ka&do /ka¯.do/ <> masc. . onion. cartridge. ka&0 /ka~n.d˙/ <ka~.dh> fem. . one of the kar-ar /kar.b˙ar/ <ka.r.bha.r> masc. . shoulders. management. ka&skI / <ka~.s.kii> fem. . a small kal /kal/ <ka.l> fem. .1.tomrrow 2. comb mainly for women. yesterday. ka&sko /ka~s.ko/ <ka~.s.ko> masc. . a kavtru& / <> neut. . comb. fraud. ikLlo /kil.lo/ <ki.llo> masc. . a fortress. kaVy /kav.j/ <ka.vj> neut. . a poem. ik=or /ki.ßor/ <ki.ßo.r> masc. . a minor kaX@ /kaÆ.Ôi/ <ka.Æ.Ôii> fem. . care. boy.
  • 39. 39 ku&-ar /kum.b˙ar/ <ku~.bha.r> masc. . a ik=orI /ki.ßo.ri/ <ki.ßo.rii> fem. . a minor potter. girl. ku&varu& / <> adj. . kI4lI /kiˇ.li/ <kii.ˇ.lii> fem. . a kettle. unmarried. kI6I. /ki.Îi/ <kii.Îii> fem. . an ant. kUk6o /kuk.Îo/ <kuu.k.Îo> masc. . a cock. kI6o /ki.Îo/ <kii.Îo> masc. . an insect. kUk6I /kuk.Îi/ <kuu.k.Îii> fem. . a hen. kImt / <kii.m.t> fem. . price. kUtrI /kut.ri/ <kuu.t.rii> fem. . a female kIitR /kir.ti/ <kii.rti> fem. . fame. dog. ku4u&b /ku.ˇum.b/ <ku.ˇu~.b> neut. . a kUtru& / <> neut. . a dog. family. kUtro / <> masc. . a male ku4ev /ku.ˇev/ <ku.ˇe.v> fem. . a bad dog. habit. kU9lI /kut˙.li/ <> fem. . scandal. kutUhl /ku.tu.hl/ <ku.tu.h.l> neut. curiosity. kUdvu& / <> v.intr. . to jump. kudrt /kud.rt/ <ku.d.r.t> fem. . nature. kudavvu& / <> see kuda6vu. kUXdev /kuÆ.dev/ <ku.Æ.de.v> masc. . a family deity. kUvo /ku.vo/ <ku.vo> masc. . a water- well. kuStI /kus.ti/ <ku.stii> fem. . wrestling. kU&cI / <ku~.cii> fem. .1. a key 2. a kuseva / <> fem. . a clue. disservice. kU&pX /ku.mpÆ/ <kuu~.p.Æ> fem. . a kuha6I /ku.ha.Îi/ <ku.ha.Îii> fem. . a sprout. small axe. ke4lu& /keˇ.lu~/ <ke.ˇ.lu~> adj. . how much. kuha6o /ku.ha.Îo/ <ku.ha.Îio> masc. . an axe. ke6 /k´Î/ <ke.Î> fem. .a waist. ku&6X /ku¯.ÎÆ/ <ku~.Î.Æ> masc. a kind ked /k´d/ <ke.d> fem. . a prison. of ear ring. kem /k´m/ <ke.m> advb. .why.
  • 40. 40 kotrvu& / <> .1. kedI /k´.di/ <ke.dii> masc. .a prisoner. to engrave 2. to carve. kerI /k´.ri/ <ke.rii> fem. .a mango. ko9mIr /kot˙.mir/ <> neut. coriander. kev6u& /kev.Îu~/ <ke.v.Îu~> adj. .how big ko9XI /kot˙.Æi/ <Æii> fem. .a purse kevu& / <> adj. .of what kind. of cloth. kesr / <ke.s.r> neut. .saffron. ko9Xo /koˇ˙.Æo/ <Æo> masc. .a large beg of cloth. kesrI /kes.ri/ <ke.s.rii> adj. .saffron colored. kodaXI /ko.da.Æi/ <ko.da.Æii> fem. .1. a hoe 2. a spade. keX /keÆ/ <ke.Æ> fem. .a banana-tree. konu& /kø.nu~/ <> pron.. whose. keXv8I /ke.Æv.¯i/ <ke.Æ.v.¯ii> fem. .1. bringing up. 2. training. kopru& / <> neut. .a kernel of a coconut. keXvvu& /ke.Æ <ke.Æ> .to bring up. kom /kom/ <ko.m> fem. .a caste-group. keXu& /ke.Æu~/ <ke.Æu~> neut. .a banana. komvad /kom.vad/ <> masc. .1. communalism 2. castism. ko; /ko.i/ <ko.i> prono..someone. korvu& / <> .to bore a kogXIyu& /kø.g.Æi.ju~/ <ko.g.Æii.ju~> neut. hole. cholera. kolso / <> masc. .coal. kogXo /køg.Æo/ <ko.g.Æo> masc. .1. a mouthful of liquid 2. a gargle. kolahl / <> masc. .a continuous loud noise. ko5I /ko.ˇ˙i/ <ko.ˇhii> fem. .a large vessel to stor grain. koi== /ko.ßiß/ <ko.ßi.ß> fem. .an effort. ko6Iyu& /ko.Îi.ju~/ <ko.Îii.ju~> neut. .a kind kohvu& / <> v.intr. .to rot. of earthern lamp. koXI /ko.Æi/ <ko.Æii> fem. .a caste. ko7 /koÎ˙/ <ko.Îh> masc. .leprosy. koXu& /ko.Æu~/ <ko.Æu~> neut. .a pumpkin. ko8I /kø.¯i/ <ko.¯ii> fem. .an elbow. kO4uiMbk /ku.ˇum.bik/ <ku.tu~.mbi.k> adj. pertaining to a family.
  • 41. 41 `jU.rI /k˙.Ôu.ri/ <kh.Ôu.rii> fem. .a date kO-a&6 /ku.b˙a~nÎ/ <ku.bha~.Î> neut. tree. .a scandal. `jUro /k˙.Ô <kh.Ô> masc. .a kO&s /kums/ <ku~.s> masc. .a bracket. centipede. Ex. [], {}, ( ). `4kvu& /k˙.ˇ <kh.ˇ> kyare / <> advb. .when. v.exp.. to repent. kya& /kja~/ <k.ja~> advb. .where. `4p4 /k˙ˇ.pˇ/ <kh.ˇ.p.ˇ> fem. .an intrigue. k/ur /kru.r/ <kru.r> adj. .cruel. `4ml /k˙ˇ.ml/ <kh.ˇ.m.l> masc. k/o0 /kro.d˙/ <kro.dh> masc. .anger. .a bug. `4mI5u& /k˙ˇ.mi.ˇ˙u~/ <kh.ˇ.mii.ˇhu~> ` adj. sour and sweet. ``6vu& /k˙.k˙Î.vu~/ <Î.vu~> `4rag /k˙ˇ.rag/ <kh.ˇ.ra.g> masc. .a v.intr. .to rattle. quarrel. ``6avvu& /k˙k˙.Î `4lo /k˙ˇ.lo/ <kh.ˇ.lo> masc. .a law- <k˙.k˙.Î> .to knock (on suit. a door etc.). `4vvu& /k˙.ˇ <kh.ˇ> `ckavu& /k˙ <> .to make things sour. v.intr. .to hesitate. `4aro /k˙.ˇ <kh.ˇ> masc. .a `ca`c /k˙.ca.k˙c/ <> motor truck. advb. densely. `4u&b6u& /k˙.ˇumb.Îu~/ <kh.ˇu~.b.Îu~> `Ccr /k˙ <> neut. .a adj. slightly sour. mule. `6k /k˙.Îk/ <kh.Î.k> masc. .a `jancI /k˙.Ô <kh.Ôa.n.cii> rock. masc. .a cashier. `6klo /k˙.Îk.lo/ <kh.Î.k.lo> `jano /k˙.Ô <kh.Ô> masc. .a masc. .a pile. treasure. `6kI /k˙Î.ki/ <kh.Î.kii> fem. .a lane. `jUr /k˙.Ôur/ <kh.Ôu.r> neut. .a date fruit. `6tl /k˙Î.tl/ <kh.Î.t.l> adj. .a strongly built.
  • 42. 42 `6bc6u& /k˙Î.bc.Îu~/ <kh.Î.b.c.Îu~> adj. .rough. `ru& /k˙.ru~/ <> adj. .correct. `6ecok /k˙.Îe.cok/ <kh.Î> `re`r /k˙.re.k˙r/ <> advb. publicly. advb. .1. truly 2. indeed. `8vu& /k˙¯.vu~/ <kh.¯.vu~> .to `cR /k˙r.c/ <kh.rc> neut. . expense. scratch. `las /k˙.las/ <> adj. .1. `tro /k˙ <> masc. exhausted 2. the end. .danger. `lasI /k˙ <> masc. .a `tvvu& /k˙ <> sailor. .to make an entry in a ledger. `lel /k˙.lel/ <kh.le.l> masc. `dbdvu& /k˙ .disturbance. <> v.intr. .to boil with a simmering sound. `vas /k˙.vas/ <> fem. .name of a community. `pvu& /k˙ <> v.intr. .to be sold. `s /k˙s/ <kh.s> fem. .scabies. `br /k˙.br/ <kh.b.r> fem. .news. `s`s /k˙s.k˙s/ <> fem. .poppy seeds. `-o /k˙.b˙o/ <kh.bho> masc. .the shoulder. `se6vu& /k˙.seÎ.vu~/ <Î.vu~> .to move. `m8 /k˙.m¯/ <kh.m.¯> neut. .a food item. `X`X /k˙Æ. k˙Æ/ <kh.Æ.kh.Æ> advb. .the rippling sound of a water flow. `mvu& /k˙ <> .to tolerate. `&`ervu& /k˙n.k˙ <> .to pluck down. `mIs /k˙.mis/ <kh.mi.s> neut. .a shirt. `&jrI /k˙µ.Ô.ri/ <kh~.Ô.rii> fem. .a small tambourin. `rpvu& /k˙ <> .to hoe. `&jvaXvu& /k˙µ.Ô.vaÆ.vu~/ <kh~.Ô.va.Æ.vu~> .to seratch. `rvu& /k˙ <> v.intr. .to fall (fruit, leaves etc.) `&6 /k˙¯.Î/ <kh~.Î> masc. .1. a part 2. a room. 3. a continent. `rab /k˙.rab/ <kh.ra.b> adj. .bad.
  • 43. 43 `&i6yer /k˙¯.Îi.jer/ <kh~.Î> neut. .a ruin. `atr /k˙ <kha.t.r> neut. .house- breaking (by theif) `a; /k˙a.i/ <kha.ii> fem. .1. a ditch 2. a trench. `atrI/k˙at.ri/ <kha.t.rii> fem. .trust. `aw0ru& /k˙a.u.d˙.ru~/ <> `atavhI /k˙a.ta.v.hi/ <kha.ta.v.hii> adj. . gluttonous. fem. a ledger. `ajlI /k˙aÔ.li/ <kha.Ô.lii> fem. .a food `atu& /k˙a.tu~/ <kha.tu~> neut. .an account. item. `a0a`orakI /k˙a.d˙ `aju /k˙a.Ôu/ <kha.Ôu> neut. .a food item. <kha.dha.kho.ra.kii> fem. .1. maintenance 2. livelihood. `a4kI /k˙aˇ.ki/ <kha.ˇ.kii> masc. .a butcher. `angI /k˙ <kha.n.kii> adj. .secret. `a4lo /k˙aˇ.lo/ <kha.ˇ.lo> masc. .a cot. `anu& /k˙ <> neut. .a drawer. `a4vu& /k˙aˇ.vu~/ <kha.ˇ.vu~> .to be benefited. `aboicyu& /k˙ <> neut. .a puddle. `a4u& /k˙a.ˇu~/ <kha.ˇu~> adj. .sour. `amI /k˙a.mi/ <kha.mii> fem. .a defect. `a6I /k˙a.Îi/ <kha.Îii> fem. .a creek. `aru& /k˙ <> adj. .salty. `a6o /k˙a.Îo/ <kha.Îo> masc. .a pit. `arek /k˙a.rek/ <> fem. .a dry `a8 /k˙a¯/ <kha.¯> fem. .a mine. date. `ai8yo /k˙a.¯ <kha.¯> masc. .a `al /k˙al/ <kha.l> fem. .skin. miner. `alI /k˙ <kha.lii> adj. .1. empty 2. `a8u& /k˙a.¯u~/ <kha.¯u~> neut. .a dinner. poor 3. purposelessly. `atmurt /k˙ <> `avu& /k˙ <> .to eat. neut. .a ceremony of laying a foundation. `as /k˙as/ <kha.s> adj. .1.special 2. `atr /k˙ <kha.t.r> fem. personal. Ex. Aa maro `as ma8s 2e. .hospitality. `as /k˙as/ <kha.s> advb. .specially. `atr /k˙ <kha.t.r> neut. Ex. hu& `as tmara 3er AavI=. .fertilizer.