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Scalable and Modular CSS FTW!	

          e Legend of the Birth of MetaCoax

Tweeting tall tales	

I am:	



This fine event is:	

@fitc #FITCAms	


And I’m telling the tale of:	

And tell stories about CSS
I like to make stuff
The Legend of the Birth of MetaCoax
chapter 1
Problems in Poësia	


chapter 2
The Teachings of the Masters	


chapter 3
Insights and Epiphanies	


chapter 4
Ousting Selector Evil 	


chapter 5
Chapter 1
Problems in Poësia
You know how all stories start…	

There was a Kingdom called Poësia	

Emperor Eric
On the surface, all was fine…	

Behind the city’s walls…	

It was a nightmare of dis-organization	

Top architects and designers	

Who hired builders	

Some believed in mastery…	

Others were not of that mind	

Put together with whatever was handy	

Shabby new structures	

They didn’t start off evil	

…but they slowly became so over time	

Follow suit and try to fit in
Fight by trying to become !important	

He sent out his two most trusted aides…	

They traveled far and wide…	

And found the prophet Marcot	

The gospel of Responsive
He spoke of a championne	

They traveled south to Mijami…	

                                    Photo: Denise Jacobs
To find Djieh and Djinn!
Chapter 2
The Teachings of the Masters
They went deep into the canyons	

The Dry Wind appeared to them	


“Don’t Repeat Yourself”	


Never repeat a style/property definition…ever.
DRY CSS: Thinking	

When looking at making a style declaration for a
selector, always have an answer to the question	

Why isn’t this part of a group?” 	

Then figure out how to make it one.
DRY CSS: Approach	

Groups define shared properties. 	


Group selectors with shared properties, rather than
defining them separately. 	


While the groups have many selectors, each
property/value pair is defined only once.

•  Name the groups based on their role in the design	


•  Use the name as an ID at the top of the list and a
    class at the bottom	

•  Group selectors that share properties above the
   properties they share
For example	

.entry .wp-caption,!
#full-article .entry img,!
.recent-comment .comment-text,!
.roundup h3,!
#post-categories td.label,!
#post-archive roundup h3,!
.subscription-manager ol,!
   background-color: #fff;!
   border-color: #ccc;!
The Ninja	


Object Oriented CSS
Was ruthless

    CSS bytes/page	

   HTML bytes/page	




OOCSS: Signs you need it	

•  Large number of floats = bad grid	


•  Large number of margins = you need a reset css	


•  Large number of font-size  !important = 
    cascade is not being leveraged
OOCSS: The Gist	

•  Employ DRY	


•  Separate structure and presentation	

•  Modularize
OOCSS: Do’s	

•  Use CSS grids	

•     Keep selector chains as short as possible	


•     Give rules the same weight/strength	


•     Use hr as a page section delimiter	


•     Style classes rather than elements
OOCSS: Don’ts	

•  Avoid attaching classes to elements	

•  Avoid using IDs as styling hooks, use them for JS
   hooks and page anchors	

•  Avoid the descendent selector	

•  Don’t over-semanticize class names	


•  Avoid classnames that are related to the appearance
    of the style
OOCSS: The process	

1.  Determine the site-wide “legos” (ie, reusable

2.  Separate	

  –  Container and Content 	

  –  Structure and Skin 	

  –  Contour and Background 	

  –  Objects and Mix-ins 	

3.  Mix and match container and content objects to
    achieve high performance design.	

4.  Skin for visual difference
OOCSS: The Media Module	

OOCSS: The Media Module	

!-- media -- !
div class=media !
 !img class=fixedMedia
src=myImg.png / !
 !div class=text !
 !... !
 !/div !
OOCSS: The Media Module	

/* ====== media ====== */!
.media {margin:10px;}!
.media, .bd {overflow:hidden;
_overflow:visible; zoom:1;}!
.media .img {float:left; margin-
right: 10px;}!
.media .img img{display:block;}!
.media .imgExt{float:right; margin-
left: 10px;}!
The Lumberjack	


Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS
SMACSS: Style categories	

•    Base	

•    Layout	

•    Module	

•    State	

•    Theme
SMACSS: Curb your enthusiasm	

Selectors should be “shallow” instead of “deep”	


Strive for the shallowest possible.
SMACSS: Deep selector	

div#col2.column div.bestRight
p.bestTitle !
SMACSS: Shallow selector	

p.bestTitle !
SMACSS: Shallow selectors 101	

•  Avoid tag selectors for common elements unless
    completely predictable.	


•  Use class names as the right-most (key) selector	

•  Use the child selector
SMACSS: On “classitis”	

You’re better off adding classes to the elements in
question and repeating the class in the HTML than
having overly-specific styles.	


Instead of being classitis, using multiple classes
clarifies intent and increases the semantics of
elements in question.
SMACSS: Module candidates	

•    Nav bars	

•    Carousels	

•    Dialogs	

•    Widgets	

•    Tables	

•    icons
SMACSS: States	

State changes can be notated by class names like	


SMACSS: What’s in a name?	

an example module:	


a callout module:	


a callout module with a collapsed state:!
SMACSS: Words of Wisdom	

“Constrain, but don’t choke.	


Consider selector performance, but don’t waste too
much time on it.”
The Brit	

CSS For Grown Ups
event_IAP9410 (audio)
He lived his own nightmare	

CSS For Grown Ups	

Don’t style pages, style modules.	


Have a style module library that you can reuse.
CSS For Grown Ups	

Think of your styles as being in layers:	

•  document – from HTML code, element selectors	

•  base styles	

•  module styles	

•  layout styles
CSS For Grown Ups	

Easy determination:	

A tag as part of the selector = a document style	


If you create a class for it, you release it from the tag
and make it a module style.
CSS For Grown Ups: Don’t	

…make modules variations based on IDs, base them
on classes instead	


#sidebar .promo-box = bad 	


.promo-box { ... } = okay!

.promo-box-light { ... } = better!
CSS For Grown Ups: Modules	


Related/sub-styles: module’s name extended with
two dashes 	


javascript class prefixed with js:	

CSS For Grown Ups: Typography	


CSS For Grown Ups: Helpers	

“Surgical layout helpers” which are things like
paddings, margins, and gutters as separate classes. 	


.margin-top {margin-top: 1em;}!
Chapter 3
Insights and Epiphanies
The Masters all speak the same truths	

Their teachings	

•     Ids? Not so much.	


•     Classes? Aww yeah!	


•     With selectors, less is more	


•     Get your module on	


•     Naming conventions? !Important
Can be simplified to this:	

•  Structure and Inform	

•  Reduce	


•  Recycle and Reuse
Structure and Inform	

Structure and Inform	

•  Utilize a naming convention to establish structure
   and meaning	

•  Categorize styles in the document or into multiple

•  Employ grids for consistent page structure

            Photo: Denise Jacoba

•  Eliminate inline styles	


•  Write the shortest chain of elements possible in


•  Drop elements: as qualifiers and selectors	


•  Choose classes over ids
Recycle  Reuse	

Recycle  Reuse	

•  Leverage the cascade better to cut down on
    redundant style declarations	


•  Modularize page components to reuse throughout

•  Extend modules through subclassing
They figured out the key!	

What do you do when you build?	


What should we call it? Hmmm…	

measure twice, cut once css à	


mtco css à	


meta coa css à	


And thus, MetaCoax was born!	



         { Measure twice: cut once; }
Djiejh and Djinn went to Poësia…	

Chapter 4
Ousting Selector Evil
Institute change in 3 phases	

(1) Initial phase	

•  Optimize selectors 	

•  Reduce the redundant
Optimize Selectors 	


•  Eliminate qualifier selectors [oocss]	

•  Eliminate the middleman	


•  Have the shortest chain possible [oocss, smacss]
Qualified selectors	

       div#!            div.!


Eliminate qualifier selectors	

Selectors like 	

div#widget-nav div#widget-nav-
slider ul li span!

Could easily be simplified into 	

#widget-nav-slider .name span!

with the exact same outcome.
Eliminate the middleman	

If you must use a descendent selector, then eliminate
all unnecessary elements in it:	

.widget li a!

would become	

.widget a!
Have the shortest chain possible	

For example, instead of 	

#toc  LI  A!

it’s better to create a class, such as 	

Reduce the Redundant	

•  Leverage the cascade by relying on inheritance

•  Review, revise and reduce !important 
   [oocss, smacss]
Leverage the cascade with inheritance	

font-family !
font-size    !!
font-variant !!
font-weight !!
line-height !!
list-style-image   !!
list-style-position   !!
list-style-type !!
text-indent !!
Not using the cascade	

       font!          font-size!


Review, revise and reduce !important 	

If there are a lot of styles that are !important then…
For example…	


(2) Intermediate phase	

•  Clear the cruft	

•  Create preliminary portable styles [cfgu]	

•  Begin instituting modules based on design patterns
   [oocss, smacss, cfgu]	

•  Institute a Grid [oocss]
Clear the cruft	

•  Eliminate inline styles  decrease use of span	


•  Eliminate styles that rely on qualifiers high in the
    DOM [oocss]	

•  Use classnames as key selector [smacss]	


•  Create preliminary portable styles [cfgu]
Eliminate styles that rely on qualifiers high
in the DOM div#lowercontent
a.title { !
background: #bc5b29; !
color: #fff !important; !
text-decoration: none; !
Too high in the DOM	


Create preliminary portable styles	

•  Typographic classes for headings, etc.[cfgu] 	


•  Surgical layout helpers [cfgu]
Is surgery necessary?	

    margin-top!       margin-bottom!


Institute a Grid	

•  Use CSS3 box-sizing	


•  Make the grid and images fluid
Bad grid	

        width!   margin!


Good grid	

.l-col-1-1   {float:none;}!
.l-col-1-2   {width:50%; *width:43%; }!
.l-col-1-3   {width:33.33333%; *width:32.33333%;}!
.l-col-2-3   {width:66.66666%; *width:65.66666%;}!
.l-col-1-4   {width:25%; *width:23%; }!
.l-col-3-4   {width:75%; *width:72%;}!
.l-col-1-5   {width:20%; *width:19%;}!
.l-col-2-5   {width:40%; *width:39%;}!
.l-col-3-5   {width:60%; *width:59%;}!
.l-col-4-5   {width:80%; *width:79%;}!
.l-col-1-6   {width:16.6%; *width:15.6%;}!
Make the grid and images fluid	

img {!
max-width: 100%;!
height: auto;!
(3) Advanced phase	

•  Continue modularizing page elements 
   [ocss, smacss, cfgu]	

•  Continue cleaning-up selectors and styles	


•  Separate CSS files by category [smacss]
Chapter 5

Inbred selectors banished	

Ended the Specificity Wars	

Ready for a responsive future	

New best practices	

Reset with Normalize.css	

Use a better Clearfix	

Still using this?	


div class=clear/div!
.clear { clear: both; }!
The New Clearfix	

/* For modern browsers */!
.cf:before, .cf:after {    !
  content:;    !
display: table;!
} !
.cf:after { clear: both;} !
/* For IE 6/7 (trigger hasLayout) */!
.cf { *zoom:1; } !
And a better Divider	


div class=divider/div!
div.divider {!
border-top: 1px solid #ABAA9A;!
clear: both;!
The Ninja says	

hr !
…And Image replacement	

.hide-text {!
text-indent: 100%;!
white-space: nowrap;!
overflow: hidden;!
Use an icon element	

Instead of this:	


li class=favorite!
span class=icon favorite/span!
span id=favorite-poem-insert-
point class=favorite/span!
Use an icon element	

Do this:	


pi class=icon icon-comment/i23
.icon {background-image:
url( sprites.png ); }!
.icon-comments {background-position: 0
-30px; } !
Share the Love	

Just revamping the code isn’t enough…	

“Even the cleanest code gets ruined by the first non-
expert to touch it.”	


- Nicole Sullivan, 
The Cascade, Grids, Headings, and Selectors from an
OOCSS Perspective
Website styleguide	

Styleguide Creation Process	

1.  Determine the unique elements and components
    that will be in the styleguide. Also notate the main
    colors for text, header, links, and buttons.	

2.  Start styling the core elements of the pages:
    headings, links, tables, blockquotes, unordered and
    ordered lists, and forms. 	

3.  Style the components that override the base styles,
    such as search boxes, breadcrumb navigation, themed
    buttons, and variations in modules. Include
    interaction styles: hover, focus, active states.
Styleguide creation process	

4.  Add layout last and put the components into
    place. Each layout could be presented as a
    separate document.	

5.  Document your coding process: naming
    conventions and the thinking behind decisions of
    grouping, classifying components, etc.
So everyone can access the treasures	

With the knowledge of The Masters
The code has been improved!	


            Start!   Finish!


And made Poësia…	

(You know how I’m going to end this)	

Character list and Resources
The Marcot	

…is Ethan Marcotte, the creator and author of
Responsive Web Design (RWD)	

The Dry Wind	

…is Jeremy Clarke, the developer of DRY CSS.
The Ninja	

…is Nicole Sullivan, the creatrice of Object
Oriented CSS (OOCSS)	

The Lumberjack	

…is Jonathan Snook, the creator and author
of Scalable and Modular CSS (SMACSS)	

The Brit	

…is Andy Hume, the creator of CSS for Grown
Ups (I like to shorten this to CFGU).	


…is Jennifer Dixon, front-end developer
Illustrations by	

Lorenzo Grandi
My books	

The CSS Detective             Smashing Books #3            InterAct With 

                     #3 1/3	

                        Web Standards:






                              My chapter: 	


                              “Storytelling in Webdesign”
And I am…
Now I really mean it!
Thank You!	


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Scalable and Modular CSS FTW!

  • 1. Scalable and Modular CSS FTW! e Legend of the Birth of MetaCoax /  *  Denise  R.  Jacobs   Future.  Innova6on.  Technology.  Crea6vity.   Amsterdam,  Netherlands   18  February  2013  */  
  • 2. Tweeting tall tales I am: @denisejacobs This fine event is: @fitc #FITCAms And I’m telling the tale of: #metacoax
  • 3. And tell stories about CSS
  • 4. I like to make stuff
  • 5. The Legend of the Birth of MetaCoax chapter 1 Problems in Poësia chapter 2 The Teachings of the Masters chapter 3 Insights and Epiphanies chapter 4 Ousting Selector Evil chapter 5 Triumph!
  • 7. You know how all stories start…
  • 8. There was a Kingdom called Poësia
  • 10. On the surface, all was fine…
  • 11. Behind the city’s walls…
  • 12. It was a nightmare of dis-organization
  • 13. Top architects and designers
  • 14. Who hired builders
  • 15. Some believed in mastery…
  • 16. Others were not of that mind
  • 17. Put together with whatever was handy
  • 18. Shabby new structures
  • 19. They didn’t start off evil
  • 20. …but they slowly became so over time
  • 21. Follow suit and try to fit in
  • 22. Fight by trying to become !important
  • 23. He sent out his two most trusted aides…
  • 24. They traveled far and wide…
  • 25. And found the prophet Marcot
  • 26. The gospel of Responsive
  • 27. He spoke of a championne
  • 28. They traveled south to Mijami… Photo: Denise Jacobs
  • 29. To find Djieh and Djinn!
  • 30. Chapter 2 The Teachings of the Masters
  • 31. They went deep into the canyons
  • 32. The Dry Wind appeared to them
  • 34. DRY CSS “Don’t Repeat Yourself” Never repeat a style/property definition…ever.
  • 35. DRY CSS: Thinking When looking at making a style declaration for a selector, always have an answer to the question Why isn’t this part of a group?” Then figure out how to make it one.
  • 36. DRY CSS: Approach Groups define shared properties. Group selectors with shared properties, rather than defining them separately. While the groups have many selectors, each property/value pair is defined only once.
  • 37. DRY CSS: How •  Name the groups based on their role in the design •  Use the name as an ID at the top of the list and a class at the bottom •  Group selectors that share properties above the properties they share
  • 38. For example #LIGHT-WHITE-BACKGROUND,! .translation,! .entry .wp-caption,! #full-article .entry img,! .recent-comment .comment-text,! .roundup h3,! .post-header-sharing,! #post-categories td.label,! #post-archive roundup h3,! .subscription-manager ol,! .light-white-background! {! background-color: #fff;! border-color: #ccc;! }!
  • 40. The Ninja
  • 43. Outcome CSS bytes/page HTML bytes/page 19% 44% decrease decrease
  • 44. OOCSS: Signs you need it •  Large number of floats = bad grid •  Large number of margins = you need a reset css •  Large number of font-size !important = cascade is not being leveraged
  • 45. OOCSS: The Gist •  Employ DRY •  Separate structure and presentation •  Modularize
  • 46. OOCSS: Do’s •  Use CSS grids •  Keep selector chains as short as possible •  Give rules the same weight/strength •  Use hr as a page section delimiter •  Style classes rather than elements
  • 47. OOCSS: Don’ts •  Avoid attaching classes to elements •  Avoid using IDs as styling hooks, use them for JS hooks and page anchors •  Avoid the descendent selector •  Don’t over-semanticize class names •  Avoid classnames that are related to the appearance of the style
  • 48. OOCSS: The process 1.  Determine the site-wide “legos” (ie, reusable pieces) 2.  Separate –  Container and Content –  Structure and Skin –  Contour and Background –  Objects and Mix-ins 3.  Mix and match container and content objects to achieve high performance design. 4.  Skin for visual difference
  • 49. OOCSS: The Media Module
  • 50. OOCSS: The Media Module !-- media -- ! div class=media ! !img class=fixedMedia src=myImg.png / ! !div class=text ! !... ! !/div ! /div!
  • 51. OOCSS: The Media Module /* ====== media ====== */! .media {margin:10px;}! .media, .bd {overflow:hidden; _overflow:visible; zoom:1;}! .media .img {float:left; margin- right: 10px;}! .media .img img{display:block;}! .media .imgExt{float:right; margin- left: 10px;}!
  • 52. The Lumberjack
  • 53. SMACSS Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS
  • 54. SMACSS: Style categories •  Base •  Layout •  Module •  State •  Theme
  • 55. SMACSS: Curb your enthusiasm Selectors should be “shallow” instead of “deep” Strive for the shallowest possible.
  • 58. SMACSS: Shallow selectors 101 •  Avoid tag selectors for common elements unless completely predictable. •  Use class names as the right-most (key) selector •  Use the child selector
  • 59. SMACSS: On “classitis” You’re better off adding classes to the elements in question and repeating the class in the HTML than having overly-specific styles. Instead of being classitis, using multiple classes clarifies intent and increases the semantics of elements in question.
  • 60. SMACSS: Module candidates •  Nav bars •  Carousels •  Dialogs •  Widgets •  Tables •  icons
  • 61. SMACSS: States State changes can be notated by class names like .is-active! .is-collapsed! .btn-pressed!
  • 62. SMACSS: What’s in a name? an example module: .example! a callout module: .callout! a callout module with a collapsed state:!
  • 63. SMACSS: Words of Wisdom “Constrain, but don’t choke. Consider selector performance, but don’t waste too much time on it.”
  • 64. The Brit
  • 65. CSS For Grown Ups grown-ups-maturing-best-practises event_IAP9410 (audio)
  • 66. He lived his own nightmare
  • 67. CSS For Grown Ups Don’t style pages, style modules. Have a style module library that you can reuse.
  • 68. CSS For Grown Ups Think of your styles as being in layers: •  document – from HTML code, element selectors •  base styles •  module styles •  layout styles
  • 69. CSS For Grown Ups Easy determination: A tag as part of the selector = a document style If you create a class for it, you release it from the tag and make it a module style.
  • 70. CSS For Grown Ups: Don’t …make modules variations based on IDs, base them on classes instead #sidebar .promo-box = bad .promo-box { ... } = okay! .promo-box-light { ... } = better!
  • 71. CSS For Grown Ups: Modules .promo-box! Related/sub-styles: module’s name extended with two dashes .promo-box--eco! javascript class prefixed with js: .js-login!
  • 72. CSS For Grown Ups: Typography .h-headline! .h-subheadline! .h-byline! .h-promo!
  • 73. CSS For Grown Ups: Helpers “Surgical layout helpers” which are things like paddings, margins, and gutters as separate classes. .margin-top {margin-top: 1em;}!
  • 75. The Masters all speak the same truths
  • 76. Their teachings •  Ids? Not so much. •  Classes? Aww yeah! •  With selectors, less is more •  Get your module on •  Naming conventions? !Important
  • 77. Can be simplified to this: •  Structure and Inform •  Reduce •  Recycle and Reuse
  • 78. Structure and Inform
  • 79. Structure and Inform •  Utilize a naming convention to establish structure and meaning •  Categorize styles in the document or into multiple documents •  Employ grids for consistent page structure
  • 80. Reduce Photo: Denise Jacoba
  • 81. Reduce •  Eliminate inline styles •  Write the shortest chain of elements possible in selectors •  Drop elements: as qualifiers and selectors •  Choose classes over ids
  • 82. Recycle Reuse
  • 83. Recycle Reuse •  Leverage the cascade better to cut down on redundant style declarations •  Modularize page components to reuse throughout site •  Extend modules through subclassing
  • 84. They figured out the key!
  • 85. What do you do when you build?
  • 86. Exactly!
  • 87. What should we call it? Hmmm… measure twice, cut once css à mtco css à meta coa css à MetaCoax!
  • 88. And thus, MetaCoax was born! { Measure twice: cut once; }
  • 89. Djiejh and Djinn went to Poësia…
  • 91. Institute change in 3 phases
  • 92. (1) Initial phase •  Optimize selectors •  Reduce the redundant
  • 93. Optimize Selectors •  Eliminate qualifier selectors [oocss] •  Eliminate the middleman •  Have the shortest chain possible [oocss, smacss]
  • 94. Qualified selectors div#! div.! 1259 836
  • 95. Eliminate qualifier selectors Selectors like div#widget-nav div#widget-nav- slider ul li span! Could easily be simplified into #widget-nav-slider .name span! with the exact same outcome.
  • 96. Eliminate the middleman If you must use a descendent selector, then eliminate all unnecessary elements in it: .widget li a! would become .widget a!
  • 97. Have the shortest chain possible For example, instead of #toc LI A! it’s better to create a class, such as .toc-anchor!
  • 98. Reduce the Redundant •  Leverage the cascade by relying on inheritance [oocss] •  Review, revise and reduce !important [oocss, smacss]
  • 99. Leverage the cascade with inheritance color! font-family ! font-size !! font-style! font-variant !! font-weight !! font! line-height !! list-style-image !! list-style-position !! list-style-type !! list-style! text-align! text-indent !! text-transform! visibility! white-space! word-spacing!
  • 100. Not using the cascade font! font-size! 100 112
  • 101. Review, revise and reduce !important If there are a lot of styles that are !important then…
  • 102. UR DOIN’ IT WRONG
  • 103. For example… !important! 126
  • 104. (2) Intermediate phase •  Clear the cruft •  Create preliminary portable styles [cfgu] •  Begin instituting modules based on design patterns [oocss, smacss, cfgu] •  Institute a Grid [oocss]
  • 105. Clear the cruft •  Eliminate inline styles decrease use of span •  Eliminate styles that rely on qualifiers high in the DOM [oocss] •  Use classnames as key selector [smacss] •  Create preliminary portable styles [cfgu]
  • 106. Eliminate styles that rely on qualifiers high in the DOM div#lowercontent div.children.videoitem.hover a.title { ! background: #bc5b29; ! color: #fff !important; ! text-decoration: none; ! }!
  • 107. Too high in the DOM body#! 936
  • 108. Create preliminary portable styles •  Typographic classes for headings, etc.[cfgu] •  Surgical layout helpers [cfgu]
  • 109. Is surgery necessary? margin-top! margin-bottom! 189 112
  • 110. Institute a Grid •  Use CSS3 box-sizing •  Make the grid and images fluid
  • 111. Bad grid width! margin! 327 738
  • 112. Good grid .l-col-1-1 {float:none;}! .l-col-1-2 {width:50%; *width:43%; }! .l-col-1-3 {width:33.33333%; *width:32.33333%;}! .l-col-2-3 {width:66.66666%; *width:65.66666%;}! .l-col-1-4 {width:25%; *width:23%; }! .l-col-3-4 {width:75%; *width:72%;}! .l-col-1-5 {width:20%; *width:19%;}! .l-col-2-5 {width:40%; *width:39%;}! .l-col-3-5 {width:60%; *width:59%;}! .l-col-4-5 {width:80%; *width:79%;}! .l-col-1-6 {width:16.6%; *width:15.6%;}!
  • 113. Make the grid and images fluid img {! max-width: 100%;! height: auto;! }!
  • 114. (3) Advanced phase •  Continue modularizing page elements [ocss, smacss, cfgu] •  Continue cleaning-up selectors and styles •  Separate CSS files by category [smacss]
  • 116. Structure
  • 117. Inbred selectors banished
  • 118. Ended the Specificity Wars
  • 119. Ready for a responsive future
  • 120. New best practices
  • 121. Reset with Normalize.css
  • 122. Use a better Clearfix Still using this? div class=clear/div! …! .clear { clear: both; }!
  • 123. The New Clearfix /* For modern browsers */! .cf:before, .cf:after { ! content:; ! display: table;! } ! ! .cf:after { clear: both;} ! ! /* For IE 6/7 (trigger hasLayout) */! .cf { *zoom:1; } !
  • 124. And a better Divider Seriously? ! div class=divider/div! …! div.divider {! border-top: 1px solid #ABAA9A;! clear: both;! }!
  • 126. …And Image replacement .hide-text {! text-indent: 100%;! white-space: nowrap;! overflow: hidden;! }!
  • 127. Use an icon element Instead of this: li class=favorite! span class=icon favorite/span! span id=favorite-poem-insert- point class=favorite/span! /li!
  • 128. Use an icon element Do this: pi class=icon icon-comment/i23 comments/p! ...! .icon {background-image: url( sprites.png ); }! ! .icon-comments {background-position: 0 -30px; } !
  • 129. Share the Love
  • 130. Just revamping the code isn’t enough… “Even the cleanest code gets ruined by the first non- expert to touch it.” - Nicole Sullivan, The Cascade, Grids, Headings, and Selectors from an OOCSS Perspective
  • 131. Website styleguide
  • 132. Styleguide Creation Process 1.  Determine the unique elements and components that will be in the styleguide. Also notate the main colors for text, header, links, and buttons. 2.  Start styling the core elements of the pages: headings, links, tables, blockquotes, unordered and ordered lists, and forms. 3.  Style the components that override the base styles, such as search boxes, breadcrumb navigation, themed buttons, and variations in modules. Include interaction styles: hover, focus, active states.
  • 133. Styleguide creation process 4.  Add layout last and put the components into place. Each layout could be presented as a separate document. 5.  Document your coding process: naming conventions and the thinking behind decisions of grouping, classifying components, etc.
  • 134. So everyone can access the treasures
  • 135. With the knowledge of The Masters
  • 136. The code has been improved!
  • 137. Srsly! Start! Finish! 7500 2250
  • 138. And made Poësia…
  • 139. (You know how I’m going to end this)
  • 140. Character list and Resources
  • 141. The Marcot …is Ethan Marcotte, the creator and author of Responsive Web Design (RWD)
  • 142. The Dry Wind …is Jeremy Clarke, the developer of DRY CSS.
  • 143. The Ninja …is Nicole Sullivan, the creatrice of Object Oriented CSS (OOCSS)
  • 144. The Lumberjack …is Jonathan Snook, the creator and author of Scalable and Modular CSS (SMACSS)
  • 145. The Brit …is Andy Hume, the creator of CSS for Grown Ups (I like to shorten this to CFGU).
  • 146. Djinn …is Jennifer Dixon, front-end developer extraordinaire
  • 148. My books The CSS Detective Smashing Books #3 InterAct With Guide #3 1/3 Web Standards: My chapter: “Storytelling in Webdesign”
  • 150. Now I really mean it!
  • 151. Thank You!