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Parks, Recreation & Community Services
                                         City of Reno

                                                            Summer 2011
                                                         Swim Lessons p.14
                                                          Pool Schedules p.16
                                                           Summer Camps p.37


              C ont act                       .gov
                              ren odirect@reno ation
                 Email us at: r General Inform
                             o                       cies
                 334-2262 f r After-Hours Emergen
                 352-4249 f ine @
                  Follow us on
               Facility                                           Address                      Phone       Fax
               Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center
                                                                  1301 Valley Road             334-2262    321-8338
               Southside Cultural Center                          190 East Liberty Street      334-2260    334-2449
               McKinley Arts & Culture Center                     925 Riverside Drive          334-2417    334-2598
               Teglia’s Paradise Park Activity Center             2745 Elementary Drive        356-3176          -
               Neil Road Recreation Center                        3925 Neil Road               689-8484    689-8487
               Park Maintenance/Urban Forestry                    2055 Idlewild Drive          334-2270    334-2471
               Special Events Office                              925 Riverside Drive          334-2417    334-2598
               Rosewood Lakes Golf Course                         6800 Pembroke Drive          857-2892    857-4488
               Sibayan Youth & Recreation Center                  1090 Bresson Avenue          326-6666          -
               Reno Tennis Center                                 1901 Plumas Street           689-2975          -
               Northwest Pool                                     2925 Apollo Way              334-2203          -
               Idlewild Pool                                      1805 Idlewild Drive          334-2267          -
               Traner Pool                                        1600 Carville Drive          334-2269          -
               Plumas Gym                                         475 Monroe Street            334-2262          -
               Athletic League Rain-out Hotline                                                334-6268          -
                    = Key Registration Sites. Contact us for drop-in programs and schedules.

                    All class schedules, facility hours and instructors are subject to change and/or cancellation.

                                       HOLIDAYS – CENTERS AND OFFICES CLOSED
                               Contact us for hours at Rosewood Lakes Golf Course & Northwest Pool

                                                                   Independence Day
               Labor Day                 Monday, September 5                                   Monday, July 4

               Nevada Day                Friday, October 28        Veterans Day                Friday, November 11

  2           WWW.RENO.GOV                                                              printed on 30% recycled paper

  Topic                                                             TABLE OF CONTENTS
                                                           Program Registration                 4
     City Continues to                                     Facility Schedules                   5
      Focus on High                                        Adaptive Recreation                  6

      Quality Service                                      Dance                                8

                                                           Martial Arts                         10
The start of the 2011 Summer-Fun time of year is
almost upon us and we are preparing an enjoyable,          Fitness                              11
and satisfying season for Reno residents, visitors
and those who live in the Truckee Meadows.                 Pools & Aquatics                     14

Over the past two years, the City of Reno Parks,           Senior Services                      19
Recreation and Community Services Department
has undergone significant reduction in staffing            Adult Sports                         23
levels, its additional reliance on volunteers, and the
                                                           Golf & Tennis                        24
need to focus City resources on priority recreation,
parks, arts, and culture services. The prioritization of   Urban Forestry                       25
services have been chosen by the Reno City Council
with input by citizens, user groups, neighborhood          Outdoors                             26
organizations, and the Boards and Commissions
representing Parks and Recreation.                         Trails                               28
Despite the reduction in resources, the City staff         Park Listings                        29
remains committed to providing the highest quality
service to our citizens, volunteers, user groups,          Rentable Shelters & Facilities       31
and all participants in our programs and services.
We continue to rely on our dedicated volunteers to         Arts & Culture                       34
help us provide these services, maintain our parks,
and delivering our programs. Consult our website at        Youth Programs                       35
WWW.RENO.GOV for more information on becoming
a volunteer.                                               Special Events                       39

We look forward to a brighter future for our
community and we invite you to continue to join
us in improving your quality of life by engaging
in the programs and services offered by the City
of Reno Parks, Recreation, & Community Services
Department. We’re waiting for You!

Parks, Recreation & Community Services                                                      775-334-2262          3

              Register in Person, By Phone, Fax or Online
              •	 Fill out a Household Account Form                          Mission Statement
                 (valid through May each year)                          To provide excellent parks, recreation,
              •	 Sierra Kids and camps require a Participant               and cultural opportunities which
                 Information Form
                                                                         enhance the quality of life within the
              •	 Call or visit a   site listed on page 2 or for
                                                                                  Reno community.
                 online service, go to WWW.RENO.GOV and
                 select Parks, Rec. & Community Services
              •	 Registration/payment is required in advance,
                 prior to use of programs, services or facilities.   Senior Dimensions
                 Registration/payment is taken up until the
                                                                     Health Plan of Nevada, Inc.
                 registration deadlines or when a program is full.
                                                                     (HPN) has contracted with the
                 Call for more information or download the rules
                                                                     City of Reno to provide all
                 and forms from our website.
                                                                     of HPN’s contracted Medicare members certain
              •	 Requests for Refunds, Transfers or Credits must     fitness and wellness services and
                 be received on the written form by the criteria     benefits. Any eligible person enrolled
                 deadlines. Call for more information or download    with HPN can receive a basic
                 the rules and form from our website.                fitness membership with the City
                                                                     or fitness program enrollment
              Some programs have a registration deadline
                                                                     at no charge. Programs
              and many fill to capacity. It is advised to register
                                                                     in this brochure with the
              early to ensure your space. Fees are subject to
                                                                     Senior Dimensions logo qualify as
              City Council approval and can change.
                                                                     programs available as part of this
                                                                     HPN Medicare benefit.

                  Scholarships                                       Volunteering is the perfect way to develop a new
                  The City of Reno is committed to providing         skill, to discover a new talent or give back to the
                  recreational opportunities to all residents        community. Volunteer opportunities for the City
                  regardless of economic circumstances.              of Reno Parks Recreation and Community Services
                  For this reason, a limited fund scholarship        Division include but are not limited to: Greenhouse
                  program is available to those who qualify.         horticulture, Friends of the Rose Garden, Adopt-
                  If you have wanted to participate in our           a-flower bed, Seniors, Inclusion and Adaptive
                  senior programs, all-day camps, before-            Recreation, Golf, Arts, Community Garden, Special
                  and after-school programs or qualified             Events, and Administration. Long-term volunteers
                  activities but couldn’t because of financial       receive background checks prior to serving. For
                  circumstances, we encourage you to apply.          more information contact April Wolfe at 333-7765.
                  Information is kept strictly confidential. For
                  additional information call 334-2260.

  4           WWW.RENO.GOV                                                                printed on 30% recycled paper

 S ched  ules
 Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center                                    Northwest Pool
             1301 Valley Road                                               2925 Apollo Way
              (775) 334-2262                                                 (775) 334-2203
 Monday - Thursday                 7 a.m. - 9 p.m.          Mon/Wed/Fri                      7 a.m. - 8 p.m.
 Friday                            7 a.m. - 8 p.m.          Tue/Thur                         7 a.m. - 9 p.m.
 Saturday                          9 a.m. - 3 p.m.                                           Available for
                                   Available for                                             events/rentals
                                   events/rentals           Sunday                           12 p.m. - 4 p.m.

 Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center                        Teglia’s Paradise Park Activity Center
                   Pool                                                 2745 Elementary Drive
              (775) 334-2262                                                (775) 356-3176
 Monday                            7 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.       Tuesday - Wednesday            8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
 Tuesday                           7 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.                                      Available for
 Wednesday                         7 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.                                      events/rentals)
 Thursday                          7 a.m. - 8:30 p.m.                                      Available for
                                                            Saturday - Sunday
 Friday                            7 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.                                      events/rentals
                                                                     Rosewood Lakes Golf Course
 Saturday                          8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
                                                                        6800 Pembroke Drive
 Sunday                            Available for                           (775) 857-2892
                                                            7 days a week
                                                                                             7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
            Neil Road Recreation Center                     March - November
                   3925 Neil Road
                                                                       Southside Cultural Center
                   (775) 689-8484
                                                                        190 East Liberty Street
 Monday - Friday                    9 a.m. - 9 p.m.                         (775) 334-2260
                                    Available for                                            Hours to be
 Saturday - Sunday                                          Monday - Friday
                                    events/rentals                                           determined

                 Parks Maintenance                                  McKinley Arts & Culture Center
                 2055 Idlewild Drive                                     925 Riverside Drive
                   (775) 334-2270                                          (775) 334- 2417

 Monday - Friday                    7 a.m. - 4 p.m.         Monday - Friday                  9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

     = Key Registration Sites
          Facility schedules and hours of operation are subject to change. Facilities have activities
          offered at specific times within each operating day. Contact each facility for specifics.

Parks, Recreation & Community Services                                                            775-334-2262          5
Adaptive Recreation

                               Access for All                                Adaptive Golf
                                                                             Rosewood Lakes Golf
                      The City of Reno welcomes the opportunity to           Course offers six week
                      provide accommodations to people with disabilities     sessions of golf instruction.
                      so that full participation in leisure and recreation   Whether you are an
                      programs, classes, services and facilities may be      absolute beginner or
                      enjoyed by all. If you or a family member require      a seasoned veteran,
                      a reasonable accommodation to participate in a         you’ll find a place at our golf clinics taught by golf
                      program, please call a minimum of five business        professionals. Fee: $60 per session
                      days prior to the start of the program.                 Sundays          July 10 - Aug 21       11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
                                                                              Wednesdays Sept 14 - Oct 19             11 a.m. - 12 p.m.
                      Efforts will be made to accommodate your
                      request. If you have any questions or need
                      additional information please contact Inclusion
                      Services at 334-2262. Hearing impaired individuals
                      can use Nevada Relay - dial 711 for assistance.

                                                         is the best way
                                  Newsletter to stay current
                                                         on adaptive
                      recreation opportunities. A typical issue includes
                      upcoming community events, sports and social
                      programs and area resources. Download a copy
                      from our website or call Inclusion/Adaptive Services                            RENO
                      at 334-2262 to have each issue emailed to you.
                                                                             U.S. Paralympics, a division of the U.S. Olympic
                                                                             Committee, and the City of Reno have partnered to
                                                                             create Paralympic Sport Reno. Paralympic Sport Reno
                                                                             is a community-based sports club developed to involve
                      Out and About
                                                                             youth and adults with physical and visual disabilities in
                      This community outing
                                                                             sports and physical activity, regardless of skill level and
                      program is geared
                                                                             raise the profile of Paralympic sport nationally. Contact
                      for young adults ages
                                                                             us for a detailed schedule of activities and clinics.
                      15 years and up with
                      disabilities and their
                                                                             About U.S. Paralympics:
                                                                             U.S. Paralympics, a division of the U.S. Olympic
                      Join us for bowling,
                                                                             Committee, is dedicated to becoming the world
                      cooking, golfing, fishing,
                                                                             leader in paralympic sports movement and to
                      field trips and more.
                                                                             promoting excellence in the lives of persons with
                      Contact us for a detailed schedule of activities.
                                                                             physical disabilities.

   6                  WWW.RENO.GOV                                                                   printed on 30% recycled paper

                                                                                                                Adaptive Recreation
Adaptive Equipment Rental Program                        Northern California/Nevada Adaptive
What do you do when you                                  Cycling Series
want to play but don’t                                                                       Join us while we
have the toys?                                                                               cycle various
YOU RENT!                                                                                    locations in
Our adaptive                                                                                 Northern
recreation                                                                                   California
equipment is                                                                                 and Nevada
available to rent                                                                            throughout the
(sport wheelchairs,                                                                          summer. There
roller sleds, bowling ramp, handcycles, etc.). Renting                                       will be a series
makes it affordable for participants to try before       of organized rides in the Bay Area, Sacramento,
      they buy, be a weekend warrior, gain skills, and   Lake Tahoe and Reno. Each ride will offer routes of
              be involved in more than one sport.        varying distances for beginner to advanced cyclists.
               For more information call Inclusion/      Aug 6               Lake Tahoe, CA
                       Adaptive Services at 334-2262.
                                                         Oct 22              Berkeley, CA

                                                         For more information or to sign up contact:
                                                         April Wolfe - City of Reno Parks, Recreation &
                                                         Community Services
                                                         775-333-7765 or

Parks, Recreation & Community Services                                                         775-334-2262                 7
Dance Classes
                      Cla sses
                Tap Dance
                Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center
                           Beginner Tap – Age 7 - 12
                                                                Ballet Dance
                        Saturday 12:30 p.m. - 1:20 p.m.         Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center
                June 18 - July 16   (4)    80455          $20             Creative Ballet – Ages 3 - 6
                July 23 - Aug 13    (4)    80456          $20            Monday 5:30 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.
                *no class July 2                                June 6 - June 27    (4)   80607          $35
                Sept 10 - Oct 15    (6)    80457          $30   Aug 1 - Aug 22      (4)   80608          $35
                        Beginner Adult Tap – Ages 13+           Aug 29 - Sept 26    (4)   80609          $35
                        Saturday 11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m.        *no class Sept. 5
                June 18 - July 16   (4)    80370          $20   Oct 3 - Oct 24      (4)   80610          $35
                July 23 - Aug 13    (4)    80371          $20             Creative Ballet – Ages 3 - 6
                *no class July 2                                         Tuesday 5:30 p.m. - 6:15 p.m.
                Sept 10 - Oct 15    (6)    80372          $30   June 7 - June 28    (5)   80612          $35
                     Intermediate Adult Tap – Ages 13+          Aug 2 - Aug 30      (4)   80613          $40
                           Wednesday 6 p.m. - 7 p.m.            Sept 6 - Sept 27    (4)   80614          $35
                June 15 - July 27   (7)    80376          $35
                                                                          Beginner Ballet – Ages 4 - 6
                Sept 7 - Oct 19     (7)    80377          $35
                                                                           Monday 5 p.m. - 5:50 p.m.
                           Advanced Tap – Ages 13+
                                                                June 13 - July 11   (4)    80355          $20
                             Monday 6 p.m. - 7 p.m.
                                                                July 18 - Aug 8     (4)    80356          $20
                June 13 - July 11   (4)    80386          $20
                                                                Sept 12 - Oct 17    (6)    80357          $30
                *no class July 4
                                                                         Beginner Ballet – Ages 7 - 12
                July 18 - Aug 8     (4)    80387          $20
                                                                       Saturday 10:30 p.m. - 11:20 a.m.
                Sept 12 - Oct 17    (6)    80390          $30
                                                                Jun 18 - July 16    (4)    80360          $20
                             Senior Tap – Ages 50+
                                                                July 23 - Aug 13    (4)    80361          $20
                          Wednesday 9 p.m. - 10 a.m.
                                                                Sept 10 - Oct 15    (6)    80362          $30
                June 15 - July 27   (7)    80395          $35
                                                                       Intermediate Ballet – Ages 7 - 12
                Sept 7 - Oct 19     (7)    80396          $35
                                                                         Wednesday 5 p.m. - 5:50 p.m.
                *Instructor approval required for               June 15 - July 27   (6)    80365          $30
                advanced classes
                                                                Sept 7 - Oct 19     (7)    80366          $35

  8             WWW.RENO.GOV                                                        printed on 30% recycled paper
Dance Classes
                                                                                                          Dance Classes
Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center
This is a fun and exciting way of learning two kinds
of dance. Students will learn basic and intermediate
ballet steps plus enjoy the jam-in style of jazz
dance. Students have recital opportunities. Tights,
leotard, ballet and/or jazz shoes are required.
               Ballet Jazz – Ages 6-10
           Tuesday 6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.
 June 7 - 28           (4)       81055          $35
 August 2 - 30         (4)       81056          $40
 Sept 6 - 27           (4)       81058          $35

Hip-Hop Jazz
Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center
Enjoy this fun fast action class while dancing
to favorite pop artists. A dance combination of           Belly Dance
lyrical, hip hop and jazz will be taught. Loose fitting   Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center
athletic clothes and jazz shoes are required.                   Beginner Belly Dance – Ages 13+
  Ages 6 - 10 – Monday 6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.                       Thursday 6 p.m. - 7:15 p.m.
June 6 - June 27       (4)        80718         $35       June 30 - Aug 4        80656           $55
                                                          Aug 11 - Sept 15       80661           $55
Aug 1 - Aug 22         (4)        80719         $35
                                                          Sept 22 - Oct 27       80656           $55
Aug 29 - Sept 26       (4)        80731         $35           Intermediate Belly Dance – Ages 13+
   Ages 10+ – Tuesday 7:15 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.                       Thursday 7:15 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
                                                          June 30 - Aug 4        80658           $55
June 7 - June 28       (4)        80722         $35
                                                          Aug 11 - Sept 15       80663           $55
Aug 2 - Aug 30         (5)        80723         $40       Sept 22 - Oct 27       80656           $55
Sept 6 - 27            (4)        80727         $35             Beginner Belly Dance – Ages 13+
                                                                  Wednesday 5:45 p.m. - 7 p.m.
                                                          June 29 - Aug 3        80704           $55
Senior Ballroom Dance Workshop
Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center                   Aug 10 - Sept 14       80706           $55
Join other active seniors and learn a variety of          Sept 21 - Oct 26       80665           $55
dances. You don’t need a partner to attend these
dance classes, just lots of enthusiasm! A $0.50
drop-in fee or Senior Activity Pass applies.               Troupe Jasmine Advanced/Rehearsal – 13+
       Ages 55+ – Tuesday 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.                         Wednesday 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
May 3 - Aug 30               80212                        June 29 - Aug 3        80711
                                                          Aug 10 - Sept 14       80712
*Instructor approval required for                         Sept 21 - Oct 26       80713
advanced classes

Parks, Recreation & Community Services                                                     775-334-2262           9
Martial AR
Martial Arts
               Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center
               Dan Zan Ryu Jujitsu is an internationally recognized
               system of Hawaiian jujitsu that engages student
               in a lifetime of self discovery. DZR teaches self-      Valentine’s Kempo Karate
               defense that is effective on the streets and            Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center
               competitive on the mat or in the cage, while            Valentine’s Kempo Karate is a traditional form of
               developing students’ character and ethical              Karate, which gives students of all ages the training
               principles. Students of DZR not only practice           to progress through the belt ranks of White Belt
               techniques, but also belief in Kokua (helping spirit)   - Black Belt. The focus is on respect, discipline and
               and Ohana (family spirit).                              honor.
                                  Jujitsu – Ages 13+                                    Beginner – Ages 8+
                  Tues/Thurs 7 - 8 p.m. & Sat 10 - 11 a.m.                   Monday/Wednesday 7 p.m. - 8 p.m.
               June 2 - 30          (13)       81365            $60    June 6 - June 22     (6)                    $40
               July 2 - 30          (13)       81366            $60    July 6 - July 27     (7)                    $40
               August 2 - 30        (13)       81367            $60
                                                                       Aug 1 - Aug 29       (10)                   $40
                             Kid’s Jujitsu – Ages 5-13
                                                                       Sept 5 - Sept 28     (8)                    $40
                      Tuesday/Thursday 6 p.m. - 7 p.m.
                                                                       Oct 3 - Oct 31       (9)                    $40
               June 14 - 30         (6)        81358            $40
                                                                       Nov 2 - Nov 30       (9)                    $40
               July 5 - 28          (8)        81359            $50
                                                                       Dec 5 - Dec 28       (8)                    $40
               Aug 2 - 30           (7)        81360            $45
                                                                                      Advanced – Ages 8+
               Goju-Ryu Karate School
                                                                             Monday/Wednesday 8 p.m. - 9 p.m.
               Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center
               Learn how to defend yourself with Goju-Ryu              June 6 - June 22     (6)                    $40
               Japanese style martial art. Goju-Ryu Karate             July 6 - July 27     (7)                    $40
               contains five progressive programs of instruction.
               The first is devoted to the warming up exercises        Aug 1 - Aug 29       (10)                   $40
               used by the Instructor. The second basic form deals     Sept 5 - Sept 28     (8)                    $40
               with the fundamentals of blocking, striking and
                                                                       Oct 3 - Oct 31       (9)                    $40
               kicking. The third basic move leads into the two
               major programs, Kata and Kumite.                        Nov 2 - Nov 30       (9)                    $40
                         Goju-Ryu Karate – Ages 7-12                   Dec 5 - Dec 28       (8)                    $40
                             Tuesday 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m.
               June 7 - July 5             82955          $40
               July 12 - July 26           82605          $40
               Aug 2 - Aug 30              82606          $40
                         Goju-Ryu Karate – Ages 13+
                          Thursday 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m.
               June 2 - June 30            82957          $40
               July 7 - July 28            83607          $40
               Aug 4 - Aug 25              82606          $40

  10           WWW.RENO.GOV                                                                  printed on 30% recycled paper
ess Cl asses

Fitn                                                   Personal Training
                                                       Get the coaching and motivation
Jazzercise                                             you need to achieve the fitness
When you love your workout,                            lifestyle you want with ACE
the results come easy.                                 Certified Personal Trainers.
That’s why Jazzercise blends
                                                       Fitness should be a lifestyle
aerobics, yoga, pilates and kick
                                                       activity - like brushing your
boxing movements into fun
                                                       teeth. This one-on-one
dance routines set to fresh
                                                       program will help get you
new music. All fitness levels
                                                       started on an exercise lifestyle
are welcome! Taught by Joy
                                                       designed to keep you fit and healthy.
Brackney at the California
                                                       The first session is an assessment of
Building in Idlewild Park.
                                                       your fitness level and a conversation
For ages 16+.
                                                       about your goals. In later sessions, the instructors
Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri 9 - 10 a.m.
                                                       teach proper techniques to develop strength,
June 1 - 29               81062          $36           endurance and flexibility.

July 1 -29                81063          $36           Homework - additional independent workouts - can
                                                       be expected to complement and reinforce training
August 1 - 31             81064          $36           sessions. EMNECC, by appointment. Fee: $25 for a 45
                                                       minute session.
$36 for one month, $65 for two months,
$90 for three months                                   Contact Laurel at 972-4825 or Sheryl at 813-2930 for
                                                       information or to schedule an appointment.

                                                       Baby-Boot Camp
                                                       Baby Boot Camp stroller-based fitness classes
                                                       are designed specifically to help moms get fit. It
                                                       takes the place
                                                       of a personal
Workout while mixing Latin dance moves with            trainer at a time
aerobic steps. The routines feature interval           in your life when
training sessions where fast and slow rhythms and      you need one
resistance training are combined to tone and sculpt    more than ever.
your body while burning fat. You do not have to        Classes combine
know how to dance to Zumba. Appropriate fitness        strength-training
clothes required. Must be registered to participate.   exercises with cardiovascular drills. Pilates, yoga and
Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. at the Evelyn       abdominal exercises help improve core strength.
Mount Northeast Community Center.                      The stroller, resistance tubes and even your child
                                                       are used as an integral part of the workout.
June 1 - 22               82312          $30
                                                       Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 9:30 a.m.
                                                       at Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center
                                                       Register online at

Parks, Recreation & Community Services                                                        775-334-2262           11
itness a c i l i t i e s
          F       F
          Reno’s two recreation centers are great facilities for            The Neil Road Recreation Center has a circuit training
          fitness and exercise activity. At the Evelyn Mount                room that uses both hydraulic resistance equipment
          Northeast Community Center patrons have access                    and calisthenics to provide a full-body workout.
          to a weight room fully equipped with dumbbell and                 Patrons can also use the gymnasium for activities
          barbell weight equipment, cable resistance machines,              like volleyball, basketball and pickle ball. Miguel Ribera
          a universal machine, floor mats and Swiss balls.                  Park makes other activity possible including strolling,
          The cardio room is filled with treadmills, elliptical             soccer, and more.
          trainers, stair steppers, and upright & recumbent                 Fees to use the facility vary and are based on the
          bicycles. EMNECC also has locker rooms, a full-sized              ammenities one plans to use. Stop by one of these
          gymnasium, a four-lane lap pool and paved pathways                facilities for a tour and to discuss with staff which
          through the adjacent Dick Taylor Park that provide                fees apply to you.
          variety to any workout routine.                                         * These fees below do not apply at NRRC.
                                                                                   Drop-in Fitness, etc. is $.50 for seniors.
                                Pool Fees
                          LAP SWIM/PUBLIC SWIM
                                                                                           Open Gym Fees
                             Single Punch Pass Quarterly                                       Single  Punch Pass Quarterly
                                                         Annual                              Admission (10 Visits) (3 months)
                             Admit. (10 Visits) (3 mths)
             Adult (18+)        $5        $45          $150        $360      Adult (18+)          $2              $20              $60
            Senior/Child                                                    Youth/Senior
                                $2        $15           $60        $150                           $1              $10              $30
           (55+/under 6)                                                     (8-17/55+)
            Youth (6-17)        $3        $25           $90        $225                Fitness Center Fees
                          Water FITNESS CLASSES                                                Single  Punch Pass Quarterly
                                        Single Admission                                     Admission (10 Visits) (3 months)
            Adult (18+)                           $6                         Adult (18+)          $4              $35              $80
           Youth/Senior                                                     Youth/Senior
                                                  $5                                              $3              $25              $60
            (8-17/55+)                                                       (14-17/55+)

                                             Combination Passes and Fees
                      FITNESS CENTER & OPEN GYM                                           FITNESS CENTER & POOL
                      Good for the Fitness Center and Open Gym                    Good for the Fitness Center, Open Swim and Lap Swim

                             Single        Punch Pass           Quarterly                     Single  Punch Pass Quarterly
                           Admission        (10 Visits)        (3 months)                   Admission (10 Visits) (3 months)
           Adult (18+)          $5              $45              $100       Adult (18+)          $6              $55              $120
          Youth/Senior                                                         Youth/
           (14-17/55+)          $4              $35               $80          Senior            $5              $45             $100
                           PREMIUM - Good for the Fitness Center, Open Gym, Open Swim and Lap Swim
                                                       Single                      Punch Pass                         Quarterly
                                                     Admission                      (10 Visits)                      (3 months)
                  Adult (18+)                             $7                           $65                               $175
                                                          $6                           $55                               $150
 12       WWW.RENO.GOV                                                                                printed on 30% recycled paper
Water Fitness

                                                                                                                                                             water Fitness
   Water is a great environment for exercise. Buoyancy takes the impact off of
   leg joints allowing exercises to improve muscular strength, balance and fitness
   levels. Get high-impact results from a low-impact workout. No swimming skills
   are required.
                  Northwest Pool                                                                          Northwest Pool
             Mon, Wed & Fri -- 9 - 10 a.m.                                                             Tue & Thu -- 9 - 10 a.m.
Dates                    Adult             Senior                         Dates                               Adult                Senior
June 13 - July 8*   80847       $36 80852       $30.00                    June 14 - July 7*             80857         $24    80862                  $20.00
July 11 - Aug 5*    80848       $36 80853       $30.00                    July 12 - Aug 4*              80858         $24    80863                  $20.00
Aug 8 - 19*         80849       $18 80854       $15.00                    Aug 9 - 18*                   80859         $12    80864                  $10.00
                   *The sessions beginning the weeks of June 13 , July 11 , and Aug 8 will run from 8:45 - 9:45 am at Northwest Pool ONLY*

         Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center                                         Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center
               Mon, Wed & Fri -- 12 - 1 p.m.                                                    Tue & Thu -- 10 - 11 a.m.
Dates                       Adult            Senior                       Dates                        Adult                   Senior
June 13 - July 8       80936      $33 80941       $27.50                  June 14 - July 7       80946          $24    80951                        $20.00
July 11 - Aug 5        80937      $36 80942       $30.00                  July 12 - Aug 4        80947          $24    80952                        $20.00
Aug 8 - Sep 2          80938      $36 80943       $30.00                  Aug 9 - Sept 1         80948          $24    80953                        $20.00

           Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center
             Tues & Thur -- 6:15 - 7:15 p.m.
Dates                       Adult             Senior
June 14 - July 7       80956       $24 80961       $20.00
July 12 - Aug 4        80957       $24 80962       $20.00
Aug 9 - Sept 1         80958       $24 80963       $20.00

 Parks, Recreation & Community Services                                                                                                      775-334-2262           13
           Water Babies
           This parent-assisted program helps small children (6 months to 3 years old) become accustomed to the
           water while in the familiar hands of mom or dad.
                           Idlewild Pool                      Northwest Pool             Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center
                    12 - 12:30 pm -- Mon / Wed          6:15 - 6:45 pm -- Tue/Thur             9:45 - 10:15 am -- Sat
                 Dates                   Course      Dates                   Course      Dates                  Course
                 June 20 - 29         80760    $28   June 21 - 30         80790    $28   June 4 - 25         80817    $28
                 July 11 - 20         80761    $28   July 12 - 21         80791    $28   July 9 - 30         80818    $28
                 August 1 - 10        80762    $28   August 2 - 11        80792    $28   Aug 6 - 27          80819    $28
                    12 - 12:30 pm -- Tue / Thur                                           11:15 - 11:45 am -- Tue / Thur
                 Dates                   Course                                          Dates                  Course
                 June 21 - 30         80763    $28                                       June 21 - 30        80820    $28
                 July 12 - 21         80764    $28                                       July 12 - 21        80821    $28
                 August 2 - 11        80765    $28                                       August 2 - 11       80822    $28

           Tiny Tots
           Certified American Red Cross instruction begins with basic physical and mental adjustment to the water.
           Participants are taught basic safety and swim readiness skills using play as the primary form of teaching.
           This class does not teach children to be accomplished swimmers, but helps to develop a comfort level in
           the water and establish the basic building blocks for the future instruction. Participants are 3 - 5 years old.
           Five students per instructor.

                           Idlewild Pool                       Northwest Pool            Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center
                   9:40 - 10:10 am -- Mon - Thur        10 - 10:30 am -- Mon - Thur        10:15 - 10:45 am -- Saturday
                 Dates                   Course      Dates                   Course      Dates                  Course
                 June 20 - 30         80766    $56   June 20 - 30        80793     $56   June 4 - 25         80823    $28
                 July 11 - 21         80767    $56   July 11 - 21        80794     $56   July 9 - 30         80824    $28
                 August 1 - 11        80768    $56   August 1 - 11       80795     $56   Aug 6 - 27          80825    $28
                  10:20 - 10:50 am -- Mon - Thur      10:40 - 11:10 am -- Mon - Thur        10 - 10:30 am -- Mon / Wed
                 Dates                   Course      Dates                   Course      Dates                  Course
                 June 20 - 30         80769    $56   June 20 - 30        80796     $56   June 20 - 29        80826    $28
                 July 11 - 21         80770    $56   July 11 - 21        80797     $56   July 11 - 20        80827    $28
                 August 1 - 11        80771    $56   August 1 - 11       80798     $56   August 1 - 10       80828    $28
                    11 - 11:30 am -- Mon - Thur       11:20 - 11:50 am -- Mon - Thur         4:30 - 5 pm -- Tue / Thurs
                 Dates                   Course      Dates                   Course      Dates                  Course
                 June 20 - 30         80772    $56   June 20 - 30        80799     $56   June 21 - 30        80829    $28
                 July 11 - 21         80773    $56   July 11 - 21        80800     $56   July 12 - 21        80830    $28
                 August 1 - 11        80774    $56   August 1 - 11       80801     $56   August 2 - 11       80831    $28
                     5:30 - 6 pm -- Mon - Thur           5:30 - 6 pm -- Mon - Thur
                 Dates                   Course      Dates                   Course
                 June 20 - 30         80775    $56   June 20 - 30        80802     $56
                 July 11 - 21         80776    $56   July 11 - 21        80803     $56
                 August 1 - 11        80777    $56   August 1 - 11       80804     $56

 14        WWW.RENO.GOV                                                                       printed on 30% recycled paper
Learn to Swim
Students will be introduced to the fundamentals and techniques of the front and back crawl, unsupported
movement, under water exploration, compact diving and stroke development. Advanced students will
refine the strokes and skills presented in previous lessons. This course is broken out into six levels of
progressive instruction, and is geared for students 6 years and up, with a 10 student per instructor ratio.
                 Idlewild Pool                          Northwest Pool               Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center
        9:40 - 10:25 am -- Mon - Fri             10 - 10:45 am -- Mon - Fri             10:15 - 11 am -- Saturday
     Dates                     Course        Dates                   Course         Dates                  Course
     June 20 - July 1      80778     $70     June 20 - July 1    80805     $70      June 4 - 25         80832    $28
     July 11 - 22          80779     $70     July 11 - 22        80806     $70      July 9 - 30         80833    $28
     August 1 - 12         80780     $70     August 1 - 12       80807     $70      Aug 6 - 27          80834    $28
       10:35 - 11:20 am -- Mon - Fri             11 - 11:45 am -- Mon - Fri          10:45 - 11:30 am -- Mon / Wed
     Dates                     Course        Dates                   Course         Dates                  Course
     June 20 - July 1      80781     $70     June 20 - July 1    80808     $70      June 20 - 29        80835    $28
     July 11 - 22          80782     $70     July 11 - 22        80809     $70      July 11 - 20        80836    $28
     August 1 - 12         80783     $70     August 1 - 12       80810     $70      August 1 - 10       80837    $28
       6:10 - 6:55 pm -- Mon - Thur               6:15 - 7 pm -- Mon - Fri              5:15 - 6 pm -- Tue / Thurs
     Dates                     Course        Dates                   Course         Dates                  Course
     June 20 - 30          80784     $56     June 20 - July 1    80811     $70      June 21 - 30
                                                                                        e               80838    $28
     July 11 - 21          80785     $56     July 11 - 22        80812     $70      July
                                                                                    Jul 12 - 21         80839    $28
     August 1 - 11         80786     $56     August 1 - 12       80813     $70      August 2 - 11
                                                                                       g                80840    $28

Adult Stroke Clinic - This program is designed to help those 15 years and older refine their skills.
Instructors work with participants to identify goals for success and design the aims of the course to goal
completion. Participants must be 15 years of age or older. There must be at least three participants to run
this course.                                     Northwest Pool
                                                       Adult Stroke Clinic
                                                  6:15 - 7 p -- Mon - Fri
                                                t                      Course
                                             June 20 - July 1     81004      $70
                                             July 11 - 22         81005      $70
                                             August 1 - 12        81006      $70

Pre-Competitive Programs
These Programs are designed for the advanced swimmer who is not in adult lessons or on an organized
swim team, Participants will have the opportunity to improve stroke development as well as enhance
competitive swim team skills. The pre-requisite for this course is: Completion of Level V of the American
Red Cross Learn To Swim course (or equivalent). Participants must be 8 years of age or older.
                                Idlewild Pool River Otters              Northwest Pool Natadors
                           10:35 - 11:20 am -- Mon - Fri             11 - 11:45 am -- Mon - Fri
                         Dates                      Course       Dates                   Course
                         June 20 - July 1      80787       $70   June 20 - July 1    80814      $70
                         July 11 - 22          80788       $70   July 11 - 22        80815      $70
                         August 1 - 12         80789       $70   August 1 - 12       80816      $70

Parks, Recreation & Community Services                                                                          775-334-2262       15
Idlewild Pool
                                                   1805 Idlewild Dr. · 334-2267
                                  Outdoor 50 Meter 8 laned pool with 1-meter boards and a tot pool
                   Program                      Dates                   Times              Days               Fee

                                                                     1 - 3:50 pm         Mon - Fri
                  Public Swim               Jun 10 - Aug 28                                                $5 Adult
                                                                       1 - 5 pm          Saturday          $3 Youth
                                                                                                       $2 Child / Senior
                                                                  11:35 - 12:50 pm
                                                                                         Mon - Fri
                   Lap Swim                 June 10 - Sep 8           6 - 7 pm
                                                                   11:55 - 12:55 pm      Saturday       Passes available
                 Water Babies                                       12 - 12:30 pm       Mon / Wed
                                        See Schedule on page 1                                          $28 per session
                (6 mo. - 2 yrs)                                     12 - 12:30 pm       Tue / Thur
                                                                   9:40 - 10:10 am
                    Tiny Tots                                      10:20 - 10:50 am
                                        See Schedule on page 1                          Mon - Thur      $56 per session
                   (3 - 5 yrs)                                      11 - 11:30 am
                                                                     5:30 - 6 pm
                                                                   9:40 - 10:25 am
                 Learn to Swim                                                           Mon - Fri      $70 per session
                                        See Schedule on page 2     10:35 - 11:20 am
                   (6 -17 yrs)
                                                                    6:10 - 6:55 pm      Mon - Thurs     $56 per session
              Idlewild River Otters     See Schedule on page 2     10:35 - 11:20 am      Mon - Fri      $70 per session

              Idlewild Beach Party              July 1                  1-4 pm              Fri          $2 per person

              Private/Semi-Private                                                                      $30 for 1 Child
                                                   Call 334-2267 for more information
                     Lessons                                                                          $55 for 2-5 Children
               Private Pool Rental                Call 334-2267 for more information                     $140 per hour
                    Dog Daze                    Sep 11               11am - 3pm            Sun               Free

                                              Idlewild Pool will be closed June 17, 18, 19
                                          This schedule runs June 10 - September 11, 2011
                                             *Public Swim and Lap Swim closed Sundays

 16        WWW.RENO.GOV                                                                       printed on 30% recycled paper
Northwest Pool

                                           2925 Apollo Way · 334-2203
                             Indoor 25-yard pool featuring 8 lanes and a teaching pool
           Program                       Dates                   Times             Days               Fee
                              through Jun 9 /                 7:30 - 9 pm        Tue / Thur
                              Aug 29 - Sep 4                    1 - 4 pm            Sun
          Public Swim                                         1 - 3:45 pm        Mon - Fri
                                    Jun 10- Aug 21            7:30 - 9 pm        Tue / Thur
                                                                1 - 4 pm            Sun
                                                                                                    $5 Adult
                                                                7 - 9 am
                                                                                                    $3 Youth
                                    through Jun 9           11:30 - 1:30 pm      Mon - Fri      $2 Child / Senior
                                    Aug 29 - Sep 5          6:15 - 7:15 pm
                                                               12 - 1 pm            Sun
           Lap Swim
                                                              6 - 8:45 am
                                                            11:55 - 12:55 pm     Mon - Fri
                                    Jun 10- Aug 21
                                                                6 - 7 pm
                                                               12 - 1 pm            Sun         Passes available

                                    through Jun 11             9 - 10 am         Mon - Fri    $6-Adults, $5-Seniors
         Water Fitness
                                   June 14 - Aug 21          8:45 - 9:45 am      Mon - Fri
         Water Babies           See Schedule on page 1       6:15 - 6:45 pm      Tue / Thu
                                                                                        hur     $28 per session
                                                             10 - 10:30 am
                                                            10:40 - 11:10 am
           Tiny Tots            See Schedule on page 1                           Mon - Thur     $56 per session
                                                            11:20 - 11:50 am
                                                              5:30 - 6 pm
                                                             10 - 10:45 am
         Learn to Swim          See Schedule on page 2       11 - 11:45 am       Mon - Fri      $70 per session
                                                              6:15 - 7 pm
       Northwest Natadors
        o                       See Schedule on page 2
                                        d                     11 - 11:45
                                                                   11:45am       Mon - Fri       $70 per session
       Adult Stroke Clinic
                 k Cli          See Schedule on page 2        6:15 - 7 pm        Mon - Fri       $70 per session

      Private/Semi-Private                                                                       $30 for 1 Child
                                            Call 334-2203 for more information
             Lessons                                                                          $55 for 2-5 Children
       Private Pool Rental                  Call 334-2203 for more information                    $70 per hour

                               This schedule runs April 1 - September 5, 2011
                       Northwest Pool will be closed for maintenance August 22 - Sept 5

Parks, Recreation & Community Services                                                                      775-334-2262       17
Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center Pool
                                                    1301 Valley Road · 334-2262
                                        Indoor 25-yard pool featuring 4 lanes - closed Sundays
                  Program                       Dates                         Times                 Days                  Fee
                 Public Swim                   on-going                12:00 - 2:30 pm    Saturday
                                                                                                                      $5 - Adults
                                                                          7 - 10 am
                                                                                           Mon-Fri                    $3 - Youth
                  Lap Swim                     on-going                    1 - 2 pm                                  $2 - Seniors
                                                                        11 am - 12 pm     Saturday
                Water Babies                                           9:45 - 10:15 am       Sat
                                        see schedule on page 15                                                  $28 per session
               (6 mo. - 2 yrs.)                                        11:15 - 11:45 am  Tue / Thur
                                                                       10:15 - 10:45 am      Sat
                  Tiny Tots
                                        see schedule on page 15         10 - 10:30 am    Mon / Wed               $28 per session
                 (3 - 5 yrs.)
                                                                         4:30 - 5 pm     Tue / Thur
                                                                        11 - 11:45 am        Sat
                Learn to Swim
                                        See schedule on page 16        10:45 - 11:30 am Mon / Wed                $28 per session
                (6 - 17 years)
                                                                         5:15 - 6 pm     Tue / Thur
                                                                           12 - 1 pm    Mon/Wed/Fri
                                                                                                                     $6 - Adults
                                                                          10 - 11 am     Tue / Thur
                Water Fitness                  on-going                                                              $5 - Seniors
                                                                         6:15 - 7:15 pm           Tue / Thur             class

              Private Pool Rental                  Call 334-2262 for more information
                                                                                   on                                $70 per hour
                                                     Schedule subject to change
                                            This schedule runs April 1 - September 5, 2011

                                                           Traner Pool
                                                 1600 Carville Drive · 334-2269
                            Outdoor 25-yard pool featuring double flume slide and water play features
                            Program                Dates                   Times           Days                Fee

                                                                                                           $4 - Adults
                         Public Swim              on-going                 1-4pm           Daily          $2.50 - Youth
                                                                                                        $2 - Child/Seniors

                      Private Pool Rental             Call 334-2262 for more information                   $70 per hour

                                                    Schedule subject to change
                                             This schedule runs June 11 - July 31, 2011

 18        WWW.RENO.GOV                                                                             printed on 30% recycled paper

                                                                                                                  Senior Services
                                                       Senior Fitness Group
                                                       The class will contain cardio exercise, and will utilize
                                                       the exercise machines and weights in the weight
                                                       room. The purpose and direction of the classes will
                                                       be for weight reduction and
                                                       general condition of the body.
                                                       Age: 55+. Fee: $20 per month.
                                                       Mon/Wed            10 & 11 a.m.       EMNECC
                                                       Tue/Thur           10 a.m.            NRRC

                                                       Senior Yoga/Senior Dimensions
Stretch and Tone at the                                This modified yoga program for mature adults is
Washoe County                                          designed to help improve strength and flexibility.
Senior Center                                          Stretch and hold poses in simple ways to gradually
Helping to maintain health, boost energy and           ease tight joints and muscles and build strength.
improve confidence, each one hour session              Regain mobility, coordination, balance and fullness of
includes: 20 minute warm-up and strength training      breath. Leave class feeling relaxed and refreshed.
(Monday-chairs, Wednesday-dynabands, Friday-           Age: 55+. $20 per month.
sticks), 20 minute low intensity cardio endurance      Mon/Wed/Fri        10 - 11 a.m.        NRRC
exercises and 20 minutes of stretching cool
                                                       Mon/Wed/Fri        12 - 1 p.m.         EMNECC
down to improve flexibility and balance. We keep
motivation going with music and instruction while      Sit & Get Fit
also providing a source of fun, stress relief and a    This is a weight training
place to meet friends.                                 program designed to
Age: 55+. Fee: $10 per month.                          strengthen the muscles
1155 East Ninth Street.                                used for walking and
 Mon/Wed/Fri 9 - 10 a.m.                               getting out of a chair.
                                                       Exercises are done while
Chair Yoga                                             seated and standing,
This course is designed to help senior participants    holding a chair for balance.
with yoga poses either seated or standing beside       Age: 55+ Fee: $5 per month.
a chair. The gentle movement will help to build
strength and flexibility along with learning to        Mon/Wed/ Teglia’s Paradise
                                                                                     8:30 - 9:30 a.m.
breathe deeply to calm the nerves and relax the        Fri      Park Activity Center
body and mind. Poses will incorporate left and right                  Neil Road Recreation
                                                       Mon/Wed                             2 - 3 p.m.
brain as well as balance for better mobility. Dress                   Center
comfortably with low heeled shoes.                     Tue/Thu        EMNECC                  10-11 a.m.
Age: 55+. Fee: $5 per month.                   NEW

Wednesdays        1:30 - 2:15 p.m. EMNECC

Parks, Recreation & Community Services                                                          775-334-2262             19
Senior Services

                                                                           Brunch and a Movie Club
                                                                           Join friends for brunch at a local buffet followed
                  Senior Tai Chi                                           by a good movie at the downtown
                  This Tai Chi course is for beginners along with          theater. Meets the first Thursday of
                  regular practitioners . Instructor Bill McKee has        every month, departing from Neil
                  been practicing Tai Chi for over 20 years. He’ll teach   Road Recreation Center at 8:30 a.m.,
                  a Yang style short form class.                           Teglia’s Paradise Park Activity Center
                  Sample one class for free.                               at 9 a.m., EMNECC at 9:15 a.m., and Orvis Ring at
                  Age: 55+. Fee: $20 per month                     !
                                                              NEW          9:30 a.m. Returns - 3 p.m. Fee: $20
                  Tues/Thurs 12 - 1 p.m.       EMNECC                      July 7        76198           Aug 4     76199

                  Conversation Café                                        Drop-In Programs
                  Conversation Café is a lively, hosted, drop-
                  in conversation among diverse people about               Neil Road Recreation Center
                  our feelings, thoughts and actions in this               Pickle ball            Tues/Thurs        9 a.m.
                  complex, changing world. The simple structure
                  of Conversation Café and the spirit of respect,          Pinochle               Wed               1 p.m.
                  curiosity and warm-welcome help people shift from        Beginner Bridge        Tues              1 p.m.
                  small talk to BIG talk. Cafés are unique because         Conversation Cafe      Tues              10 a.m.
                  they foster inquiry rather than debate – minds and
                                                                                                  1st Thurs of
                  hearts are both involved. Come in and share coffee,      Bunco                                    1 p.m.
                                                                                                  each month
                  refreshments and ideas as we explore a different
                  topic each week. Neil Road Recreation Center,                                   2nd Thurs of
                                                                           Dominoes                                 1 p.m.
                                                                                                  each month
                  Tuesdays at 10 a.m. There is a $0.50 drop in fee.
                                                                                                  3rd Thurs of
                                                                           Rummikub                                 1 p.m.
                                                                                                  each month
                                                                           Bingo                  Fridays           1 p.m.
                                                                           Badminton              Fridays           6 p.m.
                                                                           Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center
                                                                           Cribbage               Thursdays         1 p.m.
                                                                           Pan Cards              Fridays           1 p.m.
                                                                           Teglia’s Paradise Park Activity Center
                                                                           Pinochle               Mon/Wed           9:30 a.m.
                                                                           Advanced Bridge        Tues              9 a.m.
                                                                           Intermediate Bridge Wednesday            9:30 a.m.
                                                                           Bunco                  Thursdays         1 p.m.

   20             WWW.RENO.GOV                                                                   printed on 30% recycled paper

                                                                                                                          Senior Services
Dinner and a Show
Join us on these local outings. Price includes both

                                                           Senior Connection
dinner and show tickets. Space is limited, so register
early. Additional trips will be scheduled in the fall.
Call 334-2262 for information or view monthly
                                                                                            Publication for Seniors 55+
           Angry Housewives -                            Senior Connection Newsletter
June 11                                          $33     Stay current on the activities we offer. A typical
           The Musical
                                                         issue includes descriptions of upcoming classes
June 21 Reno Rodeo 2011                          $20     and events, activity calendars and much more.
           Artown:                                       Check out the facility calendars to locate drop-in
July 13                                          $15
           Steve Riley and the Mamo                      card games and other adventures. Pick up a copy
           Reno Aces Baseball vs.                        each month at Teglia’s Paradise Park, the Neil Road
July 15                                          $29     Recreation Center, the Evelyn Mount Northeast
           Colorado Springs Sky Sox
                                                         Community Center, public libraries or download a
           Artown                                        copy from our website WWW.RENO.GOV.
July 31                                          $15
           Playing For Change
           Lake Tahoe Shakespeare                        Senior Lunch Program
July 27                                          $44
           festival: “Twelfth Night”                     Seniors can enjoy a hot meal or a fresh salad for
           Senior Social -                               lunch at the Neil Road Recreation Center. Salads
Aug 11     Hot August Nights                     $10     must be ordered a day in advance but hot meals
           @NRRC                                         can be ordered that morning before 9:15 a.m.
                                                         Lunches are served Monday through Friday at
           Hot August Nights -                           12:15 p.m. Even if you are not a senior, you can
Aug 13     Controlled Cruise                     $10     join us for lunch for $4 per person. Additional
           *in Sparks                                    eligibility information applies.
           Eldorado presents                             For more information, call 689-8484 or visit
Aug 21                                           $40
           “Hairspray”                                   WWW.RENO.GOV.
Senior Travelers
Travel to a different regional destination each           Neil Road Recreation Center
month. Departs from the Evelyn Mount Northeast            hosts regular visits from local Social Service
Community Center, Neil Road Recreation Center or          providers to help you get needed services.
the Teglia’s Paradise Park Activity Center.               Call 689-8484 to find out what service providers
Fee: $40. Age: 55+. Call 334-2262 for information or      are at the center and when you might schedule
view monthly newsletter.                                  an appointment to see someone!
June 16     Virginia City & Gold Hill       77108
July 21     Emerald Bay Cruise              77109
Aug 18      Squaw Valley & Tahoe City       77110
Sept 15    Old Sacramento                   80398
Oct 20     Apple Hill                       80399

Parks, Recreation & Community Services                                                         775-334-2262                       21
Senior services   Senior Computer Classes                               Crochet Circle
                                                   Learn computer       Join this stress free
                                                   skills and bring     group to learn a
                                                   the world to         variety of stitches and
                                                   your fingertips.     create afghans, lap
                                                   Communicate          blankets and much,
                                                   with friends,        much more. Projects
                                                   family and the       require time spent as ‘home work’ for completion.
                                                   world! Classes run   All skill levels welcome. Supply list: one 8 oz. skein of
                                                   for three weeks      worsted weight yarn and an ‘H’ aluminum crochet
                                                   each. There are      hook. Age: 55+.
                  some exceptions due to holidays. $20 per month.       Mondays from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. at EMNECC
                  Pre-registration required.                             Jun 6 - 27              76500            $20
                  Basic PC             Mon      9 - 11 a.m.   EMNECC
                                                                         Jul 11 - 25             76501            $20
                                                11:30 p.m. -
                  Microsoft Word I     Mon                   EMNECC      Aug 1 - 22              76502            $20
                                                1:30 p.m.
                                                11:30 a.m. -             Sep 12 - 26                              $20
                  Open Lab             Wed                   EMNECC
                                                1:30 p.m.
                                                                        Join the volunteer crochet group on the 3rd
                                                9 a.m. -
                  Internet/E-mail      Wed                    EMNECC    and 4th Thursday of each month to complete
                                                11 a.m.
                                                                        community service projects. Call 334-2262 for
                  Job search                    2 p.m. -                more information.
                                       Thurs                  NRRC
                  workshop                      4 p.m.
                  Digital                       11:30 a.m. -
                  Photography II                1:30 p.m.

                  Colin Ross & the Senior Music Program 2011
                  Accomplished musician Colin Ross will direct
                  seniors with their vocal or instrumental talents in
                  a series of workshops each month culminating in
                  a final performance at the end of each session.
                  Those who attend can highlight their talents and
                  skills by singing solo, playing an instrument, or
                  they can be part of the chorus. Any skill level is
                  accepted and no audition is required, however,
                                                                        Every month seniors gather to tango, waltz
                  the music director makes final decisions on solos.
                                                                        and swing, getting exercise, building friendships
                  These workshops are enlivening, educational
                                                                        and having fun. The music varies from live to
                  and fun. The next session starts in June and will
                                                                        DJ, and occasionally is accompanied by a holiday
                  run through August with a final performance on
                                                                                                   celebration. Light
                  August 30.
                                                                                                   refreshments are
                  Age: 55+.
                  Fee: $10 per day or $25 per month
                                                                                                   Fee: $5
                  Location: Neil Road Recreation Center
                  Tuesdays          2 - 3:30 p.m.          NRRC                                           Upcoming dates:
                                                                                                              June 26
                                                                                                              July 10
                                                                                                              July 24
                                                                                                              Aug 14
                                                                                                              Aug 28

   22             WWW.RENO.GOV                                                                  printed on 30% recycled paper
Adult Leagues

                                                                                                        ADULT LEAGUES
                               SPO RTS
                      VOLLEYBALL                                   CO-ED KICKBALL
 Registration         League    Team     Reg #   Registration       League      Team        Reg #
                      Begins    Fee                                 Begins      Fee
 Volleyball – Summer Sunday Spiking League               Mondays – Reno Sports Complex
                  Sundays – Plumas Gym           Apr 25 - Jun 13    July 18     $360
 May 9 - Jun 13       Jun 26    $160     80510
      Volleyball – Fall Non-Spiking League
      Mondays & Wednesdays – Plumas Gym
                                                 Registration      League      Team       Reg #
 Jul 25 - Sep 6       Sep 19    $160     80514                     Begins      Fee
        Volleyball – Fall Spiking League                    Co-ed Softball League
       Tuesdays & Thursdays – Plumas Gym         Weeknights – Reno Sports Complex & Idlewild Park
 Jul 25 - Sep 6       Sep 20    $160     80512   Apr 25 - Jun 13 July 18       $535       80156
    Volleyball – Fall Sunday Spiking League                   Men’s Softball League
                  Sundays – Plumas Gym           Weeknights – Reno Sports Complex & Idlewild Park
 Jul 25 - Sep 6       Sep 25    $160     80516   Apr 25 - Jun 13 July 18       $535       80158

                                                                ULTIMATE FRISBEE
 Registration         League    Team     Reg #
                                                 Registration       League      Team        Reg #
                      Begins    Fee
                                                                    Begins      Fee
  Men’s Winter League returns in November
                                                 June 13 - Aug 1    Aug 16      $115         74063

                                                 To register for one of these leagues, download a
                                                 sport-specific registration form from our website
                                                 and submit it according to the instructions therein.
                                                 To receive a registration form without the use of
                                                 the Internet, call the Athletics Office at 334-2262.

Parks, Recreation & Community Services                                                  775-334-2262         23

                Since 1991, Rosewood Lakes Golf Course has
                provided golfers from all over the world
                extraordinary golf surrounded by the natural
                beauty of the Nevada desert. Rosewood Lakes
                Golf Course is renowned for its generous greens,
                berm-lined fairways and panoramic views.

                Superbly conditioned fairways and greens coexist
                with native wildlife, making for a pleasurable golf
                experience year-round. Four sets of tees ranging
                from 5,073 to 6,693 yards make the course
                challenging for all levels, even the most serious
                enthusiast. For tee times call 857-2892 or visit

                                                                      Reno Tennis Center
                                                                      The Reno Tennis Center is centrally located at 2601
                                                                      Plumas Street. Sixteen hardcourts await players of
                                                                      all abilities. League, lessons, camps and open play
                                                                      are available. Open year-round, four courts are
                                                                      also lighted for play in the darker days of the year.
                                                                      Contact Andres Durandegui, Director of Tennis, at
                                                                      689-2975 for more information.

                                                                      Four courts were fully reconstructed in early
                                                                      2008, and more courts will be rebuilt in the
                                                                      future years as part of the Reno City Council’s
                                                                      investment in recreation facilities. Thirty other
                                                                      courts can be found throughout the community
                                                                      at parks like Barbara Bennett, Whitaker, Mira Loma
                                                                      and Crystal Lake.

  24            WWW.RENO.GOV                                                               printed on 30% recycled paper

                                                                                                       Urban forestry
Urba n For
Urban Forestry
Our urban forest encompasses trees and
vegetation on both public and private property
within the city limits. A dedicated staff of arborists
and a professional Urban Forester maintain over
24,000 publicly owned trees in city parks and along
public streets. Their work is vital to both public
safety and tree preservation.

Reno’s arborists are concerned about trees that appear to be dead, dying, or
diseased, that have large broken limbs, low limbs, or limbs blocking traffic signs,
signals or intersection sight lines. To report concerns about trees causing a public
hazard call Reno Direct at 334-INFO. Information on planting and caring for trees

                               Firewood Sales
                               Reno Urban Forestry sells firewood to the general
                               public during the months of September and March.
                               The wood yard is located at 190 Telegraph is open
                               Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30
                               p.m. for wood cutting. The wood is in log form and
                               requires people to saw their own rounds for splitting.
                               The cost is $75 per cord. Customers must first sign
                               a waiver of liability and pay in advance at the Park
                               Maintenance Office, 2055 Idlewild Drive. Office
                               hours are 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Friday, excluding
                               holidays. Payment by cash or check only.

Parks, Recreation & Community Services                                                  775-334-2262         25

                                                       The Whitewater Park has grown into a cultural icon, an essential
                                                       ingredient of Downtown that is the envy of cities across the
                                                       country. Opened in 2004, the half-mile Whitewater Park features
                                                       five drop pools over 1400 feet in the north channel; six pools
                                                                         over 1200 feet in the south channel. The north
                                                                         and south channels are created by Wingfield
                                                                         Park, a grassy island park with an amphitheater
                                                                         and facilities for concerts, festivals, picnics,
                                                                         outdoor sports and recreation. Visitors to the
                                                                         park will commonly see people using kayaks,
                                                                         canoes, rafts, or inner tubes pass through the
                                                                         park any time of the year. Kayak, raft and tube
                                                                         rentals are available by local concessionaires.
                                                                         As with all river systems, safety precautions
                                                                         should be exercised (i.e. use of personal
                                                                         flotation devices). No lifeguard on duty.
                                                                         Call us at 334-2414 for more information.

           Sky Tavern Junior Ski Program
           The Sky Tavern Junior Ski Program is a non-profit organization that operates the
           ski and snowboard instruction program at Sky Tavern each winter. For additional
           information on the program please call 323-5125 or visit

           Project Discovery Leadership
           Challenge Program
           Project Discovery programs consist of a
           progressive series of carefully designed
           high-impact training activities to enhance
           skills related to leadership, team-building,
           communication and problem solving. The
           Sky Tavern site is one of the largest ropes
           courses in the U.S. For more information on
           Project Discovery, call 849-3393 or visit their
           website at WWW.PROJECTDISCOVERY.COM.

 26        WWW.RENO.GOV                                                                   printed on 30% recycled paper

Build a closer bond with your dog. Dog’s shot record
must be brought to the first class. Saturdays.
           Comstock Park 9 - 10 a.m.
June 18 - Aug 6          80106           $75
Aug 13 - Sept 17         80108           $75
   McKinley Arts & Culture Center 1 - 2 p.m.
June 18 - Aug 6          80107           $75

Aug 13 - Sept 17         80109           $75

Idlewild Park Train Ride
The train runs weekends 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. from April 10 - September 26 and Tuesdays through Fridays 10 a.m. – 3
p.m. from June 2 - September 3. On Labor Day, the train runs 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. as well.
Cost: $2. Free for ages 2 and under.

Parks, Recreation & Community Services                                                         775-334-2262         27

         Tra ils
         Life in northern Nevada is all about enjoying the
         outdoors. Reno, Sparks and Washoe County have
         pooled resources and information to create a guide
         about public trails in and around the Truckee Meadows.
         The guide helps readers find new places
         for mountain biking, horseback riding, trail
         running, serious hiking or a leisurely stroll
         under infinitely blue Nevada skies.

         Primary funding for the guide was
         generously provided by a Federal
         Highway Administration Recreational
         Trails Program grant, along with
         support from the sponsors:
         Reno-Sparks Convention & Visitors
         Authority, Saint Mary’s Regional
         Medical Center and Scheels.

                                                                                Truckee Meadows Trails Guides are
                                                                                available online as a downloadable
                                                                                 PDF and at all City of Reno
                                                                                 recreation facilities.
                                                                                  In addition to this resource, we
                                                                                   have just unveiled an interactive
                                                                                   trail map feature on the WWW.
                                                                                    RENO.GOV website. Using GPS
                                                                                    technology and the Google
                                                                                    Maps platform, users can see
                                                                                   trails on street, satellite and
                                                                topographic maps, and zoom in/out to a variety
                                        of elevations. A trail description and color map can then be downloaded
                as a PDF. To find the interactive map, visit the WWW.RENO.GOV homepage, then navigate to
         Government > Parks, Recreation & Community Services > Reno Trails Map. Enjoy!

 28      WWW.RENO.GOV                                                                    printed on 30% recycled paper
Parks & Rec Summer Guide
Parks & Rec Summer Guide
Parks & Rec Summer Guide
Parks & Rec Summer Guide
Parks & Rec Summer Guide
Parks & Rec Summer Guide
Parks & Rec Summer Guide
Parks & Rec Summer Guide
Parks & Rec Summer Guide
Parks & Rec Summer Guide
Parks & Rec Summer Guide
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Parks & Rec Summer Guide

  • 1. Parks, Recreation & Community Services City of Reno Summer 2011 Swim Lessons p.14 Pool Schedules p.16 Summer Camps p.37 WWW.RENO.GOV
  • 2. Us Information C ont act .gov ren odirect@reno ation Email us at: r General Inform o cies 334-2262 f r After-Hours Emergen o 352-4249 f ine @ l Follow us on DIRECTORY – PARKS, RECREATION & COMMUNITY SERVICES Facility Address Phone Fax Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center 1301 Valley Road 334-2262 321-8338 (EMNECC) Southside Cultural Center 190 East Liberty Street 334-2260 334-2449 McKinley Arts & Culture Center 925 Riverside Drive 334-2417 334-2598 Teglia’s Paradise Park Activity Center 2745 Elementary Drive 356-3176 - Neil Road Recreation Center 3925 Neil Road 689-8484 689-8487 Park Maintenance/Urban Forestry 2055 Idlewild Drive 334-2270 334-2471 Special Events Office 925 Riverside Drive 334-2417 334-2598 Rosewood Lakes Golf Course 6800 Pembroke Drive 857-2892 857-4488 Sibayan Youth & Recreation Center 1090 Bresson Avenue 326-6666 - Reno Tennis Center 1901 Plumas Street 689-2975 - Northwest Pool 2925 Apollo Way 334-2203 - Idlewild Pool 1805 Idlewild Drive 334-2267 - Traner Pool 1600 Carville Drive 334-2269 - Plumas Gym 475 Monroe Street 334-2262 - Athletic League Rain-out Hotline 334-6268 - = Key Registration Sites. Contact us for drop-in programs and schedules. All class schedules, facility hours and instructors are subject to change and/or cancellation. HOLIDAYS – CENTERS AND OFFICES CLOSED Contact us for hours at Rosewood Lakes Golf Course & Northwest Pool Independence Day Labor Day Monday, September 5 Monday, July 4 (Observed) Nevada Day Friday, October 28 Veterans Day Friday, November 11 2 WWW.RENO.GOV printed on 30% recycled paper
  • 3. Hot Information Topic TABLE OF CONTENTS Program Registration 4 City Continues to Facility Schedules 5 Focus on High Adaptive Recreation 6 Quality Service Dance 8 Martial Arts 10 The start of the 2011 Summer-Fun time of year is almost upon us and we are preparing an enjoyable, Fitness 11 and satisfying season for Reno residents, visitors and those who live in the Truckee Meadows. Pools & Aquatics 14 Over the past two years, the City of Reno Parks, Senior Services 19 Recreation and Community Services Department has undergone significant reduction in staffing Adult Sports 23 levels, its additional reliance on volunteers, and the Golf & Tennis 24 need to focus City resources on priority recreation, parks, arts, and culture services. The prioritization of Urban Forestry 25 services have been chosen by the Reno City Council with input by citizens, user groups, neighborhood Outdoors 26 organizations, and the Boards and Commissions representing Parks and Recreation. Trails 28 Despite the reduction in resources, the City staff Park Listings 29 remains committed to providing the highest quality service to our citizens, volunteers, user groups, Rentable Shelters & Facilities 31 and all participants in our programs and services. We continue to rely on our dedicated volunteers to Arts & Culture 34 help us provide these services, maintain our parks, and delivering our programs. Consult our website at Youth Programs 35 WWW.RENO.GOV for more information on becoming a volunteer. Special Events 39 We look forward to a brighter future for our community and we invite you to continue to join us in improving your quality of life by engaging in the programs and services offered by the City of Reno Parks, Recreation, & Community Services Department. We’re waiting for You! Parks, Recreation & Community Services 775-334-2262 3
  • 4. Registratio Information Register in Person, By Phone, Fax or Online n • Fill out a Household Account Form Mission Statement (valid through May each year) To provide excellent parks, recreation, • Sierra Kids and camps require a Participant and cultural opportunities which Information Form enhance the quality of life within the • Call or visit a site listed on page 2 or for Reno community. online service, go to WWW.RENO.GOV and select Parks, Rec. & Community Services • Registration/payment is required in advance, prior to use of programs, services or facilities. Senior Dimensions Registration/payment is taken up until the Health Plan of Nevada, Inc. registration deadlines or when a program is full. (HPN) has contracted with the Call for more information or download the rules City of Reno to provide all and forms from our website. of HPN’s contracted Medicare members certain • Requests for Refunds, Transfers or Credits must fitness and wellness services and be received on the written form by the criteria benefits. Any eligible person enrolled deadlines. Call for more information or download with HPN can receive a basic the rules and form from our website. fitness membership with the City or fitness program enrollment Some programs have a registration deadline at no charge. Programs and many fill to capacity. It is advised to register in this brochure with the early to ensure your space. Fees are subject to Senior Dimensions logo qualify as City Council approval and can change. programs available as part of this HPN Medicare benefit. Volunteering Scholarships Volunteering is the perfect way to develop a new The City of Reno is committed to providing skill, to discover a new talent or give back to the recreational opportunities to all residents community. Volunteer opportunities for the City regardless of economic circumstances. of Reno Parks Recreation and Community Services For this reason, a limited fund scholarship Division include but are not limited to: Greenhouse program is available to those who qualify. horticulture, Friends of the Rose Garden, Adopt- If you have wanted to participate in our a-flower bed, Seniors, Inclusion and Adaptive senior programs, all-day camps, before- Recreation, Golf, Arts, Community Garden, Special and after-school programs or qualified Events, and Administration. Long-term volunteers activities but couldn’t because of financial receive background checks prior to serving. For circumstances, we encourage you to apply. more information contact April Wolfe at 333-7765. Information is kept strictly confidential. For additional information call 334-2260. 4 WWW.RENO.GOV printed on 30% recycled paper
  • 5. Facility Information S ched ules Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center Northwest Pool 1301 Valley Road 2925 Apollo Way (775) 334-2262 (775) 334-2203 Monday - Thursday 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. Mon/Wed/Fri 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Friday 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Tue/Thur 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Available for Saturday Available for events/rentals Sunday events/rentals Sunday 12 p.m. - 4 p.m. Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center Teglia’s Paradise Park Activity Center Pool 2745 Elementary Drive (775) 334-2262 (775) 356-3176 Monday 7 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Tuesday - Wednesday 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Tuesday 7 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Available for Monday/Thursday/Friday Wednesday 7 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. events/rentals) Thursday 7 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. Available for Saturday - Sunday Friday 7 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. events/rentals Rosewood Lakes Golf Course Saturday 8 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. 6800 Pembroke Drive Sunday Available for (775) 857-2892 events/rentals 7 days a week 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Neil Road Recreation Center March - November 3925 Neil Road Southside Cultural Center (775) 689-8484 190 East Liberty Street Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. (775) 334-2260 Available for Hours to be Saturday - Sunday Monday - Friday events/rentals determined Parks Maintenance McKinley Arts & Culture Center 2055 Idlewild Drive 925 Riverside Drive (775) 334-2270 (775) 334- 2417 Monday - Friday 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. = Key Registration Sites Facility schedules and hours of operation are subject to change. Facilities have activities offered at specific times within each operating day. Contact each facility for specifics. Parks, Recreation & Community Services 775-334-2262 5
  • 6. Adaptive Adaptive Recreation RECREATION Access for All Adaptive Golf Rosewood Lakes Golf The City of Reno welcomes the opportunity to Course offers six week provide accommodations to people with disabilities sessions of golf instruction. so that full participation in leisure and recreation Whether you are an programs, classes, services and facilities may be absolute beginner or enjoyed by all. If you or a family member require a seasoned veteran, a reasonable accommodation to participate in a you’ll find a place at our golf clinics taught by golf program, please call a minimum of five business professionals. Fee: $60 per session days prior to the start of the program. Sundays July 10 - Aug 21 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Wednesdays Sept 14 - Oct 19 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. Efforts will be made to accommodate your request. If you have any questions or need additional information please contact Inclusion Services at 334-2262. Hearing impaired individuals can use Nevada Relay - dial 711 for assistance. Adaptive REConnection is the best way Newsletter to stay current on adaptive recreation opportunities. A typical issue includes upcoming community events, sports and social RENO programs and area resources. Download a copy from our website or call Inclusion/Adaptive Services RENO at 334-2262 to have each issue emailed to you. U.S. Paralympics, a division of the U.S. Olympic Committee, and the City of Reno have partnered to create Paralympic Sport Reno. Paralympic Sport Reno is a community-based sports club developed to involve Out and About youth and adults with physical and visual disabilities in This community outing sports and physical activity, regardless of skill level and program is geared raise the profile of Paralympic sport nationally. Contact for young adults ages us for a detailed schedule of activities and clinics. 15 years and up with disabilities and their About U.S. Paralympics: caregivers/companions. U.S. Paralympics, a division of the U.S. Olympic Join us for bowling, Committee, is dedicated to becoming the world cooking, golfing, fishing, leader in paralympic sports movement and to field trips and more. promoting excellence in the lives of persons with Contact us for a detailed schedule of activities. physical disabilities. 6 WWW.RENO.GOV printed on 30% recycled paper
  • 7. Adaptive Adaptive Recreation RECREATION Adaptive Equipment Rental Program Northern California/Nevada Adaptive What do you do when you Cycling Series want to play but don’t Join us while we have the toys? cycle various YOU RENT! locations in Our adaptive Northern recreation California equipment is and Nevada available to rent throughout the (sport wheelchairs, summer. There roller sleds, bowling ramp, handcycles, etc.). Renting will be a series makes it affordable for participants to try before of organized rides in the Bay Area, Sacramento, they buy, be a weekend warrior, gain skills, and Lake Tahoe and Reno. Each ride will offer routes of be involved in more than one sport. varying distances for beginner to advanced cyclists. For more information call Inclusion/ Aug 6 Lake Tahoe, CA Adaptive Services at 334-2262. Oct 22 Berkeley, CA For more information or to sign up contact: April Wolfe - City of Reno Parks, Recreation & Community Services 775-333-7765 or Parks, Recreation & Community Services 775-334-2262 7
  • 8. ANCE Dance Classes D Cla sses Tap Dance Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center Beginner Tap – Age 7 - 12 Ballet Dance Saturday 12:30 p.m. - 1:20 p.m. Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center June 18 - July 16 (4) 80455 $20 Creative Ballet – Ages 3 - 6 July 23 - Aug 13 (4) 80456 $20 Monday 5:30 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. *no class July 2 June 6 - June 27 (4) 80607 $35 Sept 10 - Oct 15 (6) 80457 $30 Aug 1 - Aug 22 (4) 80608 $35 Beginner Adult Tap – Ages 13+ Aug 29 - Sept 26 (4) 80609 $35 Saturday 11:30 a.m. - 12:20 p.m. *no class Sept. 5 June 18 - July 16 (4) 80370 $20 Oct 3 - Oct 24 (4) 80610 $35 July 23 - Aug 13 (4) 80371 $20 Creative Ballet – Ages 3 - 6 *no class July 2 Tuesday 5:30 p.m. - 6:15 p.m. Sept 10 - Oct 15 (6) 80372 $30 June 7 - June 28 (5) 80612 $35 Intermediate Adult Tap – Ages 13+ Aug 2 - Aug 30 (4) 80613 $40 Wednesday 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. Sept 6 - Sept 27 (4) 80614 $35 June 15 - July 27 (7) 80376 $35 Beginner Ballet – Ages 4 - 6 Sept 7 - Oct 19 (7) 80377 $35 Monday 5 p.m. - 5:50 p.m. Advanced Tap – Ages 13+ June 13 - July 11 (4) 80355 $20 Monday 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. July 18 - Aug 8 (4) 80356 $20 June 13 - July 11 (4) 80386 $20 Sept 12 - Oct 17 (6) 80357 $30 *no class July 4 Beginner Ballet – Ages 7 - 12 July 18 - Aug 8 (4) 80387 $20 Saturday 10:30 p.m. - 11:20 a.m. Sept 12 - Oct 17 (6) 80390 $30 Jun 18 - July 16 (4) 80360 $20 Senior Tap – Ages 50+ July 23 - Aug 13 (4) 80361 $20 Wednesday 9 p.m. - 10 a.m. Sept 10 - Oct 15 (6) 80362 $30 June 15 - July 27 (7) 80395 $35 Intermediate Ballet – Ages 7 - 12 Sept 7 - Oct 19 (7) 80396 $35 Wednesday 5 p.m. - 5:50 p.m. *Instructor approval required for June 15 - July 27 (6) 80365 $30 advanced classes Sept 7 - Oct 19 (7) 80366 $35 8 WWW.RENO.GOV printed on 30% recycled paper
  • 9. Dance Classes Dance Classes Ballet/Jazz Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center This is a fun and exciting way of learning two kinds of dance. Students will learn basic and intermediate ballet steps plus enjoy the jam-in style of jazz dance. Students have recital opportunities. Tights, leotard, ballet and/or jazz shoes are required. Ballet Jazz – Ages 6-10 Tuesday 6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. June 7 - 28 (4) 81055 $35 August 2 - 30 (4) 81056 $40 Sept 6 - 27 (4) 81058 $35 Hip-Hop Jazz Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center Enjoy this fun fast action class while dancing to favorite pop artists. A dance combination of Belly Dance lyrical, hip hop and jazz will be taught. Loose fitting Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center athletic clothes and jazz shoes are required. Beginner Belly Dance – Ages 13+ Ages 6 - 10 – Monday 6:15 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. Thursday 6 p.m. - 7:15 p.m. June 6 - June 27 (4) 80718 $35 June 30 - Aug 4 80656 $55 Aug 11 - Sept 15 80661 $55 Aug 1 - Aug 22 (4) 80719 $35 Sept 22 - Oct 27 80656 $55 Aug 29 - Sept 26 (4) 80731 $35 Intermediate Belly Dance – Ages 13+ Ages 10+ – Tuesday 7:15 p.m. - 8:15 p.m. Thursday 7:15 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. June 30 - Aug 4 80658 $55 June 7 - June 28 (4) 80722 $35 Aug 11 - Sept 15 80663 $55 Aug 2 - Aug 30 (5) 80723 $40 Sept 22 - Oct 27 80656 $55 Sept 6 - 27 (4) 80727 $35 Beginner Belly Dance – Ages 13+ Wednesday 5:45 p.m. - 7 p.m. June 29 - Aug 3 80704 $55 Senior Ballroom Dance Workshop Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center Aug 10 - Sept 14 80706 $55 Join other active seniors and learn a variety of Sept 21 - Oct 26 80665 $55 dances. You don’t need a partner to attend these dance classes, just lots of enthusiasm! A $0.50 drop-in fee or Senior Activity Pass applies. Troupe Jasmine Advanced/Rehearsal – 13+ Ages 55+ – Tuesday 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. Wednesday 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. May 3 - Aug 30 80212 June 29 - Aug 3 80711 Aug 10 - Sept 14 80712 *Instructor approval required for Sept 21 - Oct 26 80713 advanced classes Parks, Recreation & Community Services 775-334-2262 9
  • 10. Martial AR Martial Arts Jujitsu TS Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center Dan Zan Ryu Jujitsu is an internationally recognized system of Hawaiian jujitsu that engages student in a lifetime of self discovery. DZR teaches self- Valentine’s Kempo Karate defense that is effective on the streets and Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center competitive on the mat or in the cage, while Valentine’s Kempo Karate is a traditional form of developing students’ character and ethical Karate, which gives students of all ages the training principles. Students of DZR not only practice to progress through the belt ranks of White Belt techniques, but also belief in Kokua (helping spirit) - Black Belt. The focus is on respect, discipline and and Ohana (family spirit). honor. Jujitsu – Ages 13+ Beginner – Ages 8+ Tues/Thurs 7 - 8 p.m. & Sat 10 - 11 a.m. Monday/Wednesday 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. June 2 - 30 (13) 81365 $60 June 6 - June 22 (6) $40 July 2 - 30 (13) 81366 $60 July 6 - July 27 (7) $40 August 2 - 30 (13) 81367 $60 Aug 1 - Aug 29 (10) $40 Kid’s Jujitsu – Ages 5-13 Sept 5 - Sept 28 (8) $40 Tuesday/Thursday 6 p.m. - 7 p.m. Oct 3 - Oct 31 (9) $40 June 14 - 30 (6) 81358 $40 Nov 2 - Nov 30 (9) $40 July 5 - 28 (8) 81359 $50 Dec 5 - Dec 28 (8) $40 Aug 2 - 30 (7) 81360 $45 Advanced – Ages 8+ Goju-Ryu Karate School Monday/Wednesday 8 p.m. - 9 p.m. Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center Learn how to defend yourself with Goju-Ryu June 6 - June 22 (6) $40 Japanese style martial art. Goju-Ryu Karate July 6 - July 27 (7) $40 contains five progressive programs of instruction. The first is devoted to the warming up exercises Aug 1 - Aug 29 (10) $40 used by the Instructor. The second basic form deals Sept 5 - Sept 28 (8) $40 with the fundamentals of blocking, striking and Oct 3 - Oct 31 (9) $40 kicking. The third basic move leads into the two major programs, Kata and Kumite. Nov 2 - Nov 30 (9) $40 Goju-Ryu Karate – Ages 7-12 Dec 5 - Dec 28 (8) $40 Tuesday 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. June 7 - July 5 82955 $40 July 12 - July 26 82605 $40 Aug 2 - Aug 30 82606 $40 Goju-Ryu Karate – Ages 13+ Thursday 6:30 p.m. - 8 p.m. June 2 - June 30 82957 $40 July 7 - July 28 83607 $40 Aug 4 - Aug 25 82606 $40 10 WWW.RENO.GOV printed on 30% recycled paper
  • 11. ess Cl asses Fitness Fitn Personal Training Get the coaching and motivation Jazzercise you need to achieve the fitness When you love your workout, lifestyle you want with ACE the results come easy. Certified Personal Trainers. That’s why Jazzercise blends Fitness should be a lifestyle aerobics, yoga, pilates and kick activity - like brushing your boxing movements into fun teeth. This one-on-one dance routines set to fresh program will help get you new music. All fitness levels started on an exercise lifestyle are welcome! Taught by Joy designed to keep you fit and healthy. Brackney at the California The first session is an assessment of Building in Idlewild Park. your fitness level and a conversation For ages 16+. about your goals. In later sessions, the instructors Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri 9 - 10 a.m. teach proper techniques to develop strength, June 1 - 29 81062 $36 endurance and flexibility. July 1 -29 81063 $36 Homework - additional independent workouts - can be expected to complement and reinforce training August 1 - 31 81064 $36 sessions. EMNECC, by appointment. Fee: $25 for a 45 minute session. $36 for one month, $65 for two months, $90 for three months Contact Laurel at 972-4825 or Sheryl at 813-2930 for information or to schedule an appointment. Baby-Boot Camp Baby Boot Camp stroller-based fitness classes are designed specifically to help moms get fit. It takes the place of a personal Workout while mixing Latin dance moves with trainer at a time aerobic steps. The routines feature interval in your life when training sessions where fast and slow rhythms and you need one resistance training are combined to tone and sculpt more than ever. your body while burning fat. You do not have to Classes combine know how to dance to Zumba. Appropriate fitness strength-training clothes required. Must be registered to participate. exercises with cardiovascular drills. Pilates, yoga and Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. at the Evelyn abdominal exercises help improve core strength. Mount Northeast Community Center. The stroller, resistance tubes and even your child are used as an integral part of the workout. June 1 - 22 82312 $30 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, 9:30 a.m. at Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center Register online at Parks, Recreation & Community Services 775-334-2262 11
  • 12. itness a c i l i t i e s FITNESS F F Reno’s two recreation centers are great facilities for The Neil Road Recreation Center has a circuit training fitness and exercise activity. At the Evelyn Mount room that uses both hydraulic resistance equipment Northeast Community Center patrons have access and calisthenics to provide a full-body workout. to a weight room fully equipped with dumbbell and Patrons can also use the gymnasium for activities barbell weight equipment, cable resistance machines, like volleyball, basketball and pickle ball. Miguel Ribera a universal machine, floor mats and Swiss balls. Park makes other activity possible including strolling, The cardio room is filled with treadmills, elliptical soccer, and more. trainers, stair steppers, and upright & recumbent Fees to use the facility vary and are based on the bicycles. EMNECC also has locker rooms, a full-sized ammenities one plans to use. Stop by one of these gymnasium, a four-lane lap pool and paved pathways facilities for a tour and to discuss with staff which through the adjacent Dick Taylor Park that provide fees apply to you. variety to any workout routine. * These fees below do not apply at NRRC. Drop-in Fitness, etc. is $.50 for seniors. Pool Fees LAP SWIM/PUBLIC SWIM Open Gym Fees Single Punch Pass Quarterly Single Punch Pass Quarterly Annual Admission (10 Visits) (3 months) Admit. (10 Visits) (3 mths) Adult (18+) $5 $45 $150 $360 Adult (18+) $2 $20 $60 Senior/Child Youth/Senior $2 $15 $60 $150 $1 $10 $30 (55+/under 6) (8-17/55+) Youth (6-17) $3 $25 $90 $225 Fitness Center Fees Water FITNESS CLASSES Single Punch Pass Quarterly Single Admission Admission (10 Visits) (3 months) Adult (18+) $6 Adult (18+) $4 $35 $80 Youth/Senior Youth/Senior $5 $3 $25 $60 (8-17/55+) (14-17/55+) Combination Passes and Fees FITNESS CENTER & OPEN GYM FITNESS CENTER & POOL Good for the Fitness Center and Open Gym Good for the Fitness Center, Open Swim and Lap Swim Single Punch Pass Quarterly Single Punch Pass Quarterly Admission (10 Visits) (3 months) Admission (10 Visits) (3 months) Adult (18+) $5 $45 $100 Adult (18+) $6 $55 $120 Youth/Senior Youth/ (14-17/55+) $4 $35 $80 Senior $5 $45 $100 (14-17/55+) PREMIUM - Good for the Fitness Center, Open Gym, Open Swim and Lap Swim Single Punch Pass Quarterly Admission (10 Visits) (3 months) Adult (18+) $7 $65 $175 Youth/Senior $6 $55 $150 (14-17/55+) 12 WWW.RENO.GOV printed on 30% recycled paper
  • 13. Water Fitness water Fitness Water is a great environment for exercise. Buoyancy takes the impact off of leg joints allowing exercises to improve muscular strength, balance and fitness levels. Get high-impact results from a low-impact workout. No swimming skills are required. Northwest Pool Northwest Pool Mon, Wed & Fri -- 9 - 10 a.m. Tue & Thu -- 9 - 10 a.m. Dates Adult Senior Dates Adult Senior June 13 - July 8* 80847 $36 80852 $30.00 June 14 - July 7* 80857 $24 80862 $20.00 July 11 - Aug 5* 80848 $36 80853 $30.00 July 12 - Aug 4* 80858 $24 80863 $20.00 Aug 8 - 19* 80849 $18 80854 $15.00 Aug 9 - 18* 80859 $12 80864 $10.00 *The sessions beginning the weeks of June 13 , July 11 , and Aug 8 will run from 8:45 - 9:45 am at Northwest Pool ONLY* Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center Mon, Wed & Fri -- 12 - 1 p.m. Tue & Thu -- 10 - 11 a.m. Dates Adult Senior Dates Adult Senior June 13 - July 8 80936 $33 80941 $27.50 June 14 - July 7 80946 $24 80951 $20.00 July 11 - Aug 5 80937 $36 80942 $30.00 July 12 - Aug 4 80947 $24 80952 $20.00 Aug 8 - Sep 2 80938 $36 80943 $30.00 Aug 9 - Sept 1 80948 $24 80953 $20.00 Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center Tues & Thur -- 6:15 - 7:15 p.m. Dates Adult Senior June 14 - July 7 80956 $24 80961 $20.00 July 12 - Aug 4 80957 $24 80962 $20.00 Aug 9 - Sept 1 80958 $24 80963 $20.00 Parks, Recreation & Community Services 775-334-2262 13
  • 14. Aquatics Water Babies This parent-assisted program helps small children (6 months to 3 years old) become accustomed to the water while in the familiar hands of mom or dad. Idlewild Pool Northwest Pool Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center 12 - 12:30 pm -- Mon / Wed 6:15 - 6:45 pm -- Tue/Thur 9:45 - 10:15 am -- Sat Dates Course Dates Course Dates Course June 20 - 29 80760 $28 June 21 - 30 80790 $28 June 4 - 25 80817 $28 July 11 - 20 80761 $28 July 12 - 21 80791 $28 July 9 - 30 80818 $28 August 1 - 10 80762 $28 August 2 - 11 80792 $28 Aug 6 - 27 80819 $28 12 - 12:30 pm -- Tue / Thur 11:15 - 11:45 am -- Tue / Thur Dates Course Dates Course June 21 - 30 80763 $28 June 21 - 30 80820 $28 July 12 - 21 80764 $28 July 12 - 21 80821 $28 August 2 - 11 80765 $28 August 2 - 11 80822 $28 Tiny Tots Certified American Red Cross instruction begins with basic physical and mental adjustment to the water. Participants are taught basic safety and swim readiness skills using play as the primary form of teaching. This class does not teach children to be accomplished swimmers, but helps to develop a comfort level in the water and establish the basic building blocks for the future instruction. Participants are 3 - 5 years old. Five students per instructor. Idlewild Pool Northwest Pool Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center 9:40 - 10:10 am -- Mon - Thur 10 - 10:30 am -- Mon - Thur 10:15 - 10:45 am -- Saturday Dates Course Dates Course Dates Course June 20 - 30 80766 $56 June 20 - 30 80793 $56 June 4 - 25 80823 $28 July 11 - 21 80767 $56 July 11 - 21 80794 $56 July 9 - 30 80824 $28 August 1 - 11 80768 $56 August 1 - 11 80795 $56 Aug 6 - 27 80825 $28 10:20 - 10:50 am -- Mon - Thur 10:40 - 11:10 am -- Mon - Thur 10 - 10:30 am -- Mon / Wed Dates Course Dates Course Dates Course June 20 - 30 80769 $56 June 20 - 30 80796 $56 June 20 - 29 80826 $28 July 11 - 21 80770 $56 July 11 - 21 80797 $56 July 11 - 20 80827 $28 August 1 - 11 80771 $56 August 1 - 11 80798 $56 August 1 - 10 80828 $28 11 - 11:30 am -- Mon - Thur 11:20 - 11:50 am -- Mon - Thur 4:30 - 5 pm -- Tue / Thurs Dates Course Dates Course Dates Course June 20 - 30 80772 $56 June 20 - 30 80799 $56 June 21 - 30 80829 $28 July 11 - 21 80773 $56 July 11 - 21 80800 $56 July 12 - 21 80830 $28 August 1 - 11 80774 $56 August 1 - 11 80801 $56 August 2 - 11 80831 $28 5:30 - 6 pm -- Mon - Thur 5:30 - 6 pm -- Mon - Thur Dates Course Dates Course June 20 - 30 80775 $56 June 20 - 30 80802 $56 July 11 - 21 80776 $56 July 11 - 21 80803 $56 August 1 - 11 80777 $56 August 1 - 11 80804 $56 14 WWW.RENO.GOV printed on 30% recycled paper
  • 15. Aquatics Learn to Swim Students will be introduced to the fundamentals and techniques of the front and back crawl, unsupported movement, under water exploration, compact diving and stroke development. Advanced students will refine the strokes and skills presented in previous lessons. This course is broken out into six levels of progressive instruction, and is geared for students 6 years and up, with a 10 student per instructor ratio. Idlewild Pool Northwest Pool Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center 9:40 - 10:25 am -- Mon - Fri 10 - 10:45 am -- Mon - Fri 10:15 - 11 am -- Saturday Dates Course Dates Course Dates Course June 20 - July 1 80778 $70 June 20 - July 1 80805 $70 June 4 - 25 80832 $28 July 11 - 22 80779 $70 July 11 - 22 80806 $70 July 9 - 30 80833 $28 August 1 - 12 80780 $70 August 1 - 12 80807 $70 Aug 6 - 27 80834 $28 10:35 - 11:20 am -- Mon - Fri 11 - 11:45 am -- Mon - Fri 10:45 - 11:30 am -- Mon / Wed Dates Course Dates Course Dates Course June 20 - July 1 80781 $70 June 20 - July 1 80808 $70 June 20 - 29 80835 $28 July 11 - 22 80782 $70 July 11 - 22 80809 $70 July 11 - 20 80836 $28 August 1 - 12 80783 $70 August 1 - 12 80810 $70 August 1 - 10 80837 $28 6:10 - 6:55 pm -- Mon - Thur 6:15 - 7 pm -- Mon - Fri 5:15 - 6 pm -- Tue / Thurs Dates Course Dates Course Dates Course June 20 - 30 80784 $56 June 20 - July 1 80811 $70 June 21 - 30 e 80838 $28 July 11 - 21 80785 $56 July 11 - 22 80812 $70 July Jul 12 - 21 80839 $28 August 1 - 11 80786 $56 August 1 - 12 80813 $70 August 2 - 11 g 80840 $28 Adult Stroke Clinic - This program is designed to help those 15 years and older refine their skills. Instructors work with participants to identify goals for success and design the aims of the course to goal completion. Participants must be 15 years of age or older. There must be at least three participants to run this course. Northwest Pool Adult Stroke Clinic dul 6:15 - 7 p -- Mon - Fri pm Dates t Course Cour June 20 - July 1 81004 $70 July 11 - 22 81005 $70 August 1 - 12 81006 $70 Pre-Competitive Programs These Programs are designed for the advanced swimmer who is not in adult lessons or on an organized swim team, Participants will have the opportunity to improve stroke development as well as enhance competitive swim team skills. The pre-requisite for this course is: Completion of Level V of the American Red Cross Learn To Swim course (or equivalent). Participants must be 8 years of age or older. Idlewild Pool River Otters Northwest Pool Natadors 10:35 - 11:20 am -- Mon - Fri 11 - 11:45 am -- Mon - Fri Dates Course Dates Course June 20 - July 1 80787 $70 June 20 - July 1 80814 $70 July 11 - 22 80788 $70 July 11 - 22 80815 $70 August 1 - 12 80789 $70 August 1 - 12 80816 $70 Parks, Recreation & Community Services 775-334-2262 15
  • 16. Idlewild Pool Aquatics 1805 Idlewild Dr. · 334-2267 Outdoor 50 Meter 8 laned pool with 1-meter boards and a tot pool Program Dates Times Days Fee 1 - 3:50 pm Mon - Fri Public Swim Jun 10 - Aug 28 $5 Adult 1 - 5 pm Saturday $3 Youth $2 Child / Senior 11:35 - 12:50 pm Mon - Fri Lap Swim June 10 - Sep 8 6 - 7 pm 11:55 - 12:55 pm Saturday Passes available Water Babies 12 - 12:30 pm Mon / Wed See Schedule on page 1 $28 per session (6 mo. - 2 yrs) 12 - 12:30 pm Tue / Thur 9:40 - 10:10 am Tiny Tots 10:20 - 10:50 am See Schedule on page 1 Mon - Thur $56 per session (3 - 5 yrs) 11 - 11:30 am 5:30 - 6 pm 9:40 - 10:25 am Learn to Swim Mon - Fri $70 per session See Schedule on page 2 10:35 - 11:20 am (6 -17 yrs) 6:10 - 6:55 pm Mon - Thurs $56 per session Idlewild River Otters See Schedule on page 2 10:35 - 11:20 am Mon - Fri $70 per session Idlewild Beach Party July 1 1-4 pm Fri $2 per person Private/Semi-Private $30 for 1 Child Call 334-2267 for more information Lessons $55 for 2-5 Children Private Pool Rental Call 334-2267 for more information $140 per hour Dog Daze Sep 11 11am - 3pm Sun Free Idlewild Pool will be closed June 17, 18, 19 This schedule runs June 10 - September 11, 2011 *Public Swim and Lap Swim closed Sundays 16 WWW.RENO.GOV printed on 30% recycled paper
  • 17. Northwest Pool Aquatics 2925 Apollo Way · 334-2203 Indoor 25-yard pool featuring 8 lanes and a teaching pool Program Dates Times Days Fee through Jun 9 / 7:30 - 9 pm Tue / Thur Aug 29 - Sep 4 1 - 4 pm Sun Public Swim 1 - 3:45 pm Mon - Fri Jun 10- Aug 21 7:30 - 9 pm Tue / Thur 1 - 4 pm Sun $5 Adult 7 - 9 am $3 Youth through Jun 9 11:30 - 1:30 pm Mon - Fri $2 Child / Senior Aug 29 - Sep 5 6:15 - 7:15 pm 12 - 1 pm Sun Lap Swim 6 - 8:45 am 11:55 - 12:55 pm Mon - Fri Jun 10- Aug 21 6 - 7 pm 12 - 1 pm Sun Passes available through Jun 11 9 - 10 am Mon - Fri $6-Adults, $5-Seniors Water Fitness class June 14 - Aug 21 8:45 - 9:45 am Mon - Fri Water Babies See Schedule on page 1 6:15 - 6:45 pm Tue / Thu hur $28 per session 10 - 10:30 am 10:40 - 11:10 am Tiny Tots See Schedule on page 1 Mon - Thur $56 per session 11:20 - 11:50 am 5:30 - 6 pm 10 - 10:45 am Learn to Swim See Schedule on page 2 11 - 11:45 am Mon - Fri $70 per session 6:15 - 7 pm Northwest Natadors o See Schedule on page 2 d 11 - 11:45 11:45am Mon - Fri $70 per session Adult Stroke Clinic k Cli See Schedule on page 2 6:15 - 7 pm Mon - Fri $70 per session Private/Semi-Private $30 for 1 Child Call 334-2203 for more information Lessons $55 for 2-5 Children Private Pool Rental Call 334-2203 for more information $70 per hour This schedule runs April 1 - September 5, 2011 Northwest Pool will be closed for maintenance August 22 - Sept 5 Parks, Recreation & Community Services 775-334-2262 17
  • 18. Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center Pool Aquatics 1301 Valley Road · 334-2262 Indoor 25-yard pool featuring 4 lanes - closed Sundays Program Dates Times Days Fee Public Swim on-going 12:00 - 2:30 pm Saturday $5 - Adults 7 - 10 am Mon-Fri $3 - Youth Lap Swim on-going 1 - 2 pm $2 - Seniors 11 am - 12 pm Saturday Water Babies 9:45 - 10:15 am Sat see schedule on page 15 $28 per session (6 mo. - 2 yrs.) 11:15 - 11:45 am Tue / Thur 10:15 - 10:45 am Sat Tiny Tots see schedule on page 15 10 - 10:30 am Mon / Wed $28 per session (3 - 5 yrs.) 4:30 - 5 pm Tue / Thur 11 - 11:45 am Sat Learn to Swim See schedule on page 16 10:45 - 11:30 am Mon / Wed $28 per session (6 - 17 years) 5:15 - 6 pm Tue / Thur 12 - 1 pm Mon/Wed/Fri Mo $6 - Adults 10 - 11 am Tue / Thur e Water Fitness on-going $5 - Seniors 6:15 - 7:15 pm Tue / Thur class Private Pool Rental Call 334-2262 for more information on $70 per hour Schedule subject to change This schedule runs April 1 - September 5, 2011 Traner Pool 1600 Carville Drive · 334-2269 Outdoor 25-yard pool featuring double flume slide and water play features Program Dates Times Days Fee $4 - Adults Public Swim on-going 1-4pm Daily $2.50 - Youth $2 - Child/Seniors Private Pool Rental Call 334-2262 for more information $70 per hour Schedule subject to change This schedule runs June 11 - July 31, 2011 18 WWW.RENO.GOV printed on 30% recycled paper
  • 19. IOR SENFitness Senior Services Senior Fitness Group The class will contain cardio exercise, and will utilize the exercise machines and weights in the weight room. The purpose and direction of the classes will be for weight reduction and general condition of the body. Age: 55+. Fee: $20 per month. Mon/Wed 10 & 11 a.m. EMNECC Tue/Thur 10 a.m. NRRC Senior Yoga/Senior Dimensions Stretch and Tone at the This modified yoga program for mature adults is Washoe County designed to help improve strength and flexibility. Senior Center Stretch and hold poses in simple ways to gradually Helping to maintain health, boost energy and ease tight joints and muscles and build strength. improve confidence, each one hour session Regain mobility, coordination, balance and fullness of includes: 20 minute warm-up and strength training breath. Leave class feeling relaxed and refreshed. (Monday-chairs, Wednesday-dynabands, Friday- Age: 55+. $20 per month. sticks), 20 minute low intensity cardio endurance Mon/Wed/Fri 10 - 11 a.m. NRRC exercises and 20 minutes of stretching cool Mon/Wed/Fri 12 - 1 p.m. EMNECC down to improve flexibility and balance. We keep motivation going with music and instruction while Sit & Get Fit also providing a source of fun, stress relief and a This is a weight training place to meet friends. program designed to Age: 55+. Fee: $10 per month. strengthen the muscles 1155 East Ninth Street. used for walking and Mon/Wed/Fri 9 - 10 a.m. getting out of a chair. Exercises are done while Chair Yoga seated and standing, This course is designed to help senior participants holding a chair for balance. with yoga poses either seated or standing beside Age: 55+ Fee: $5 per month. a chair. The gentle movement will help to build strength and flexibility along with learning to Mon/Wed/ Teglia’s Paradise 8:30 - 9:30 a.m. breathe deeply to calm the nerves and relax the Fri Park Activity Center body and mind. Poses will incorporate left and right Neil Road Recreation Mon/Wed 2 - 3 p.m. brain as well as balance for better mobility. Dress Center comfortably with low heeled shoes. Tue/Thu EMNECC 10-11 a.m. ! Age: 55+. Fee: $5 per month. NEW Wednesdays 1:30 - 2:15 p.m. EMNECC Parks, Recreation & Community Services 775-334-2262 19
  • 20. IOR SENservices Senior Services Brunch and a Movie Club Join friends for brunch at a local buffet followed Senior Tai Chi by a good movie at the downtown This Tai Chi course is for beginners along with theater. Meets the first Thursday of regular practitioners . Instructor Bill McKee has every month, departing from Neil been practicing Tai Chi for over 20 years. He’ll teach Road Recreation Center at 8:30 a.m., a Yang style short form class. Teglia’s Paradise Park Activity Center Sample one class for free. at 9 a.m., EMNECC at 9:15 a.m., and Orvis Ring at Age: 55+. Fee: $20 per month ! NEW 9:30 a.m. Returns - 3 p.m. Fee: $20 Tues/Thurs 12 - 1 p.m. EMNECC July 7 76198 Aug 4 76199 Conversation Café Drop-In Programs Conversation Café is a lively, hosted, drop- in conversation among diverse people about Neil Road Recreation Center our feelings, thoughts and actions in this Pickle ball Tues/Thurs 9 a.m. complex, changing world. The simple structure of Conversation Café and the spirit of respect, Pinochle Wed 1 p.m. curiosity and warm-welcome help people shift from Beginner Bridge Tues 1 p.m. small talk to BIG talk. Cafés are unique because Conversation Cafe Tues 10 a.m. they foster inquiry rather than debate – minds and 1st Thurs of hearts are both involved. Come in and share coffee, Bunco 1 p.m. each month refreshments and ideas as we explore a different topic each week. Neil Road Recreation Center, 2nd Thurs of Dominoes 1 p.m. each month Tuesdays at 10 a.m. There is a $0.50 drop in fee. 3rd Thurs of Rummikub 1 p.m. each month Bingo Fridays 1 p.m. Badminton Fridays 6 p.m. Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center Cribbage Thursdays 1 p.m. Pan Cards Fridays 1 p.m. Teglia’s Paradise Park Activity Center Pinochle Mon/Wed 9:30 a.m. Advanced Bridge Tues 9 a.m. Intermediate Bridge Wednesday 9:30 a.m. Bunco Thursdays 1 p.m. 20 WWW.RENO.GOV printed on 30% recycled paper
  • 21. IOR SENservices Senior Services Dinner and a Show Join us on these local outings. Price includes both Senior Connection dinner and show tickets. Space is limited, so register early. Additional trips will be scheduled in the fall. Call 334-2262 for information or view monthly Publication for Seniors 55+ newsletter. Angry Housewives - Senior Connection Newsletter June 11 $33 Stay current on the activities we offer. A typical The Musical issue includes descriptions of upcoming classes June 21 Reno Rodeo 2011 $20 and events, activity calendars and much more. Artown: Check out the facility calendars to locate drop-in July 13 $15 Steve Riley and the Mamo card games and other adventures. Pick up a copy Reno Aces Baseball vs. each month at Teglia’s Paradise Park, the Neil Road July 15 $29 Recreation Center, the Evelyn Mount Northeast Colorado Springs Sky Sox Community Center, public libraries or download a Artown copy from our website WWW.RENO.GOV. July 31 $15 Playing For Change Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Senior Lunch Program July 27 $44 festival: “Twelfth Night” Seniors can enjoy a hot meal or a fresh salad for Senior Social - lunch at the Neil Road Recreation Center. Salads Aug 11 Hot August Nights $10 must be ordered a day in advance but hot meals @NRRC can be ordered that morning before 9:15 a.m. Lunches are served Monday through Friday at Hot August Nights - 12:15 p.m. Even if you are not a senior, you can Aug 13 Controlled Cruise $10 join us for lunch for $4 per person. Additional *in Sparks eligibility information applies. Eldorado presents For more information, call 689-8484 or visit Aug 21 $40 “Hairspray” WWW.RENO.GOV. Senior Travelers Travel to a different regional destination each Neil Road Recreation Center month. Departs from the Evelyn Mount Northeast hosts regular visits from local Social Service Community Center, Neil Road Recreation Center or providers to help you get needed services. the Teglia’s Paradise Park Activity Center. Call 689-8484 to find out what service providers Fee: $40. Age: 55+. Call 334-2262 for information or are at the center and when you might schedule view monthly newsletter. an appointment to see someone! June 16 Virginia City & Gold Hill 77108 July 21 Emerald Bay Cruise 77109 Aug 18 Squaw Valley & Tahoe City 77110 Sept 15 Old Sacramento 80398 Oct 20 Apple Hill 80399 Parks, Recreation & Community Services 775-334-2262 21
  • 22. Senior services Senior Computer Classes Crochet Circle Learn computer Join this stress free skills and bring group to learn a the world to variety of stitches and your fingertips. create afghans, lap Communicate blankets and much, with friends, much more. Projects family and the require time spent as ‘home work’ for completion. world! Classes run All skill levels welcome. Supply list: one 8 oz. skein of for three weeks worsted weight yarn and an ‘H’ aluminum crochet each. There are hook. Age: 55+. some exceptions due to holidays. $20 per month. Mondays from 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. at EMNECC Pre-registration required. Jun 6 - 27 76500 $20 Basic PC Mon 9 - 11 a.m. EMNECC Jul 11 - 25 76501 $20 11:30 p.m. - Microsoft Word I Mon EMNECC Aug 1 - 22 76502 $20 1:30 p.m. 11:30 a.m. - Sep 12 - 26 $20 Open Lab Wed EMNECC 1:30 p.m. Join the volunteer crochet group on the 3rd 9 a.m. - Internet/E-mail Wed EMNECC and 4th Thursday of each month to complete 11 a.m. community service projects. Call 334-2262 for Job search 2 p.m. - more information. Thurs NRRC workshop 4 p.m. Digital 11:30 a.m. - NRRC Photography II 1:30 p.m. Colin Ross & the Senior Music Program 2011 Accomplished musician Colin Ross will direct seniors with their vocal or instrumental talents in a series of workshops each month culminating in a final performance at the end of each session. Those who attend can highlight their talents and skills by singing solo, playing an instrument, or they can be part of the chorus. Any skill level is accepted and no audition is required, however, Every month seniors gather to tango, waltz the music director makes final decisions on solos. and swing, getting exercise, building friendships These workshops are enlivening, educational and having fun. The music varies from live to and fun. The next session starts in June and will DJ, and occasionally is accompanied by a holiday run through August with a final performance on celebration. Light August 30. refreshments are Age: 55+. provided. Fee: $10 per day or $25 per month Fee: $5 Location: Neil Road Recreation Center Tuesdays 2 - 3:30 p.m. NRRC Upcoming dates: June 26 July 10 July 24 Aug 14 Aug 28 22 WWW.RENO.GOV printed on 30% recycled paper
  • 23. Adult Leagues ADULT LEAGUES SPO RTS VOLLEYBALL CO-ED KICKBALL Registration League Team Reg # Registration League Team Reg # Begins Fee Begins Fee Volleyball – Summer Sunday Spiking League Mondays – Reno Sports Complex Sundays – Plumas Gym Apr 25 - Jun 13 July 18 $360 May 9 - Jun 13 Jun 26 $160 80510 Volleyball – Fall Non-Spiking League SOFTBALL Mondays & Wednesdays – Plumas Gym Registration League Team Reg # Jul 25 - Sep 6 Sep 19 $160 80514 Begins Fee Volleyball – Fall Spiking League Co-ed Softball League Tuesdays & Thursdays – Plumas Gym Weeknights – Reno Sports Complex & Idlewild Park Jul 25 - Sep 6 Sep 20 $160 80512 Apr 25 - Jun 13 July 18 $535 80156 Volleyball – Fall Sunday Spiking League Men’s Softball League Sundays – Plumas Gym Weeknights – Reno Sports Complex & Idlewild Park Jul 25 - Sep 6 Sep 25 $160 80516 Apr 25 - Jun 13 July 18 $535 80158 BASKETBALL ULTIMATE FRISBEE Registration League Team Reg # Registration League Team Reg # Begins Fee Begins Fee Men’s Winter League returns in November June 13 - Aug 1 Aug 16 $115 74063 To register for one of these leagues, download a sport-specific registration form from our website and submit it according to the instructions therein. To receive a registration form without the use of the Internet, call the Athletics Office at 334-2262. Parks, Recreation & Community Services 775-334-2262 23
  • 24. GOLF & TENNIS Since 1991, Rosewood Lakes Golf Course has provided golfers from all over the world extraordinary golf surrounded by the natural beauty of the Nevada desert. Rosewood Lakes Golf Course is renowned for its generous greens, berm-lined fairways and panoramic views. Superbly conditioned fairways and greens coexist with native wildlife, making for a pleasurable golf experience year-round. Four sets of tees ranging from 5,073 to 6,693 yards make the course challenging for all levels, even the most serious enthusiast. For tee times call 857-2892 or visit WWW.ROSEWOODLAKES.COM. Reno Tennis Center The Reno Tennis Center is centrally located at 2601 Plumas Street. Sixteen hardcourts await players of all abilities. League, lessons, camps and open play are available. Open year-round, four courts are also lighted for play in the darker days of the year. Contact Andres Durandegui, Director of Tennis, at 689-2975 for more information. Four courts were fully reconstructed in early 2008, and more courts will be rebuilt in the future years as part of the Reno City Council’s investment in recreation facilities. Thirty other courts can be found throughout the community at parks like Barbara Bennett, Whitaker, Mira Loma and Crystal Lake. 24 WWW.RENO.GOV printed on 30% recycled paper
  • 25. estry Urban forestry Urba n For Urban Forestry Our urban forest encompasses trees and vegetation on both public and private property within the city limits. A dedicated staff of arborists and a professional Urban Forester maintain over 24,000 publicly owned trees in city parks and along public streets. Their work is vital to both public safety and tree preservation. Reno’s arborists are concerned about trees that appear to be dead, dying, or diseased, that have large broken limbs, low limbs, or limbs blocking traffic signs, signals or intersection sight lines. To report concerns about trees causing a public hazard call Reno Direct at 334-INFO. Information on planting and caring for trees can be found at WWW.COMMUNITYFORESTRY.ORG. Firewood Sales Reno Urban Forestry sells firewood to the general public during the months of September and March. The wood yard is located at 190 Telegraph is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. for wood cutting. The wood is in log form and requires people to saw their own rounds for splitting. The cost is $75 per cord. Customers must first sign a waiver of liability and pay in advance at the Park Maintenance Office, 2055 Idlewild Drive. Office hours are 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday - Friday, excluding holidays. Payment by cash or check only. Parks, Recreation & Community Services 775-334-2262 25
  • 26. Outdoors OUTDOORS The Whitewater Park has grown into a cultural icon, an essential ingredient of Downtown that is the envy of cities across the country. Opened in 2004, the half-mile Whitewater Park features five drop pools over 1400 feet in the north channel; six pools over 1200 feet in the south channel. The north and south channels are created by Wingfield Park, a grassy island park with an amphitheater and facilities for concerts, festivals, picnics, outdoor sports and recreation. Visitors to the park will commonly see people using kayaks, canoes, rafts, or inner tubes pass through the park any time of the year. Kayak, raft and tube rentals are available by local concessionaires. As with all river systems, safety precautions should be exercised (i.e. use of personal flotation devices). No lifeguard on duty. Call us at 334-2414 for more information. Sky Tavern Junior Ski Program The Sky Tavern Junior Ski Program is a non-profit organization that operates the ski and snowboard instruction program at Sky Tavern each winter. For additional information on the program please call 323-5125 or visit WWW.SKYTAVERN.COM. Project Discovery Leadership Challenge Program Project Discovery programs consist of a progressive series of carefully designed high-impact training activities to enhance skills related to leadership, team-building, communication and problem solving. The Sky Tavern site is one of the largest ropes courses in the U.S. For more information on Project Discovery, call 849-3393 or visit their website at WWW.PROJECTDISCOVERY.COM. 26 WWW.RENO.GOV printed on 30% recycled paper
  • 27. Park OUTDOORS Programs Build a closer bond with your dog. Dog’s shot record must be brought to the first class. Saturdays. Comstock Park 9 - 10 a.m. June 18 - Aug 6 80106 $75 Aug 13 - Sept 17 80108 $75 McKinley Arts & Culture Center 1 - 2 p.m. June 18 - Aug 6 80107 $75 Aug 13 - Sept 17 80109 $75 Idlewild Park Train Ride The train runs weekends 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. from April 10 - September 26 and Tuesdays through Fridays 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. from June 2 - September 3. On Labor Day, the train runs 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. as well. Cost: $2. Free for ages 2 and under. Parks, Recreation & Community Services 775-334-2262 27
  • 28. Trails Tra ils Life in northern Nevada is all about enjoying the outdoors. Reno, Sparks and Washoe County have pooled resources and information to create a guide about public trails in and around the Truckee Meadows. The guide helps readers find new places for mountain biking, horseback riding, trail running, serious hiking or a leisurely stroll under infinitely blue Nevada skies. Primary funding for the guide was generously provided by a Federal Highway Administration Recreational Trails Program grant, along with support from the sponsors: Reno-Sparks Convention & Visitors Authority, Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center and Scheels. Truckee Meadows Trails Guides are available online as a downloadable PDF and at all City of Reno recreation facilities. In addition to this resource, we have just unveiled an interactive trail map feature on the WWW. RENO.GOV website. Using GPS technology and the Google Maps platform, users can see trails on street, satellite and topographic maps, and zoom in/out to a variety of elevations. A trail description and color map can then be downloaded as a PDF. To find the interactive map, visit the WWW.RENO.GOV homepage, then navigate to Government > Parks, Recreation & Community Services > Reno Trails Map. Enjoy! 28 WWW.RENO.GOV printed on 30% recycled paper