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“It’s not you, It’s me”
How to avoid being
coupled with a Javascript
Even if you loved it.
Even if it was the right one.
Even if you loved it.
Even if it was the right one.
Hello, who’s speaking?

           Marco Cedaro
Hello, who’s speaking?
           Marco Cedaro

           About me...
             Frontend Cowboy
                          Nicola Vitto Jr.
Hello, who’s speaking?
           Marco Cedaro

           About me...
             Frontend Cowboy
                           Nicola Vitto Jr.
             Javascript Pervert
                           Roberto Felter
Hello, who’s speaking?
           Marco Cedaro

           About me...
             Frontend Cowboy
                            Nicola Vitto Jr.
             Javascript Pervert
                            Roberto Felter
             Marco.. who?
                      basically anyone else
Hello, who’s speaking?
           Marco Cedaro

           Actually I am:
            a Frontend Developer at
Hello, who’s speaking?
           Marco Cedaro

           Actually I am:
            a Frontend Developer at
            Conference organizer
            with From The Front
Hello, who’s speaking?
           Marco Cedaro

           Actually I am:
            a Frontend Developer at
            Conference organizer
            with From The Front
            and a javascript pervert
General Purpose Frameworks

Love is a given, hatred is acquired.
                            Doug Horton

frame·work n.
A structure for supporting or enclosing something
else, especially a skeletal support used as the basis for
something being constructed.
gen·er·al-pur·pose adj.
Designed for or suitable to more than one use;
broadly useful.
A little history
Once upon a time

code snippet


    if (document.all)

That awkward moment...
That awkward moment...
Why did they get so popular?

     DOM access
      Cross browser implementation
            Community scripts
Community Support
Updating is a mess
General purpose
framework may seem
 the right solution to
  handle complexity

         Long life cycle websites
General purpose       What about updates?
framework may seem
 the right solution to   clientside environment is
  handle complexity           always changing

         Long life cycle websites
General purpose       What about updates?                                              How many patches did
framework may seem
                                                                                             you make in your
 the right solution to   clientside environment is
                              always changing                                             framework over years?
  handle complexity

         Long life cycle websites
situation is even worse

         Short life cycle websites
Counterintuitively     Less analysis and
situation is even worse       foresight

         Short life cycle websites
Did you make any
   Counterintuitively     Less analysis and
                                                                                  patch in your
situation is even worse       foresight
                                                                             framework over years?

         Short life cycle websites
Our job is evolving
It's the browser, baby
It's the browser, baby
Some of them are just
    not built for
Some of them are just
    not built for
Some of them are just
    not built for
Code Portability
Own scripts built on a
 known framework

                         case study
Own scripts built on a    Brand new website
 known framework         with responsive design

                         case study
Own scripts built on a    Brand new website                                           same old frw over 3g?
 known framework         with responsive design                                       or rewrite all scripts?

                         case study


It's the browser, baby
and the devices
and the devices
We need our code to be
We need our code to be
        but how?

Go Vanilla

What is known as a French Kiss in the
 English speaking world is called an
        English Kiss in France.
$.each(items, function(i, item) {

Ext.each(items, function(item, i) {

_.each(items, function(item, i) {

items.each(function(item, i) {
$.each(items, function(i, item) {

Ext.each(items, function(item, i) {

_.each(items, function(item, i) {

items.each(function(item, i) {
$.each(items, function(i, item) {

Ext.each(items, function(item, i) {

_.each(items, function(item, i) {

items.each(function(item, i) {
$.each(items, function(i, item) {
$.each(items, function(i, item) {

for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
$.each(items, function(i, item) {

for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
operations per second (higher is better)
yes, but...

you should

operations per second (higher is better)
operations per second (higher is better)
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {

var len = items.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {

var len = items.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
for (var i = -1; ++i < items.length;) {
for (var i = -1; ++i < items.length;) {
for (var i = -1; ++i < items.length;) {
for (var i = -1; ++i < items.length;) {

var len = items.length;
for (var i = -1; ++i < len;) {
for (var i = -1, item;item = items[++i];) {
for (var i = -1, item;item = items[++i];) {
for (var i = -1, item;item = items[++i];) {
var i = 0;
while (i < items.length) {
var i = 0, len = items.length;
while (i < len) {
Vanilla Loops


             A lot of options

             Performance Benefits


wait, what?
too many characters??

Zip It!

...and minify

Yeah, baby, yeah

Context Binding
var conf = {
    name: "jsDay",

    clicked: function(event) {

myElm.onclick = conf.clicked;
var conf = {
    name: "jsDay",

    clicked: function(event) {

myElm.onclick = conf.clicked;
var conf = {
    name: "jsDay",

    clicked: function(event) {

myElm.onclick = conf.clicked;
var conf = {
    name: "jsDay",

    clicked: function(event) {

myElm.onclick = conf.clicked;
var conf = {
    name: "jsDay",

    clicked: function(event) {

myElm.onclick = conf.clicked;
$.proxy(conf.clicked, conf);



$.proxy(conf.clicked, conf);



$.proxy(conf.clicked, conf);



myElm.onclick = (function(context){
    return function(){
        conf.clicked.apply(context, arguments)
myElm.onclick = (function(context){
    return function(){
        conf.clicked.apply(context, arguments)
myElm.onclick = (function(context){
    return function(){
        conf.clicked.apply(context, arguments)
myElm.onclick = (function(context){
    return function(){
        conf.clicked.apply(context, arguments)
myElm.onclick = (function(context){
    return function(){
        conf.clicked.apply(context, arguments)
myElm.onclick = (function(context){
    return function(){
        conf.clicked.apply(context, arguments)
argh, my eyes are bleeding..

MyNS.bind = function(func, context) {
    return function() {
        func.apply(context, arguments);
MyNS.bind = function(func, context) {
    return function() {
        func.apply(context, arguments);
MyNS.bind = function(func, context) {
    return function() {
        func.apply(context, arguments);
MyNS.bind = function(func, context) {
    return function() {
        func.apply(context, arguments);
MyNS.bind = function(func, context) {
    return function() {
        func.apply(context, arguments);
MyNS.bind = function(func, context) {
    return function() {
        func.apply(context, arguments);

myElm.onclick = MyNS.bind(conf.clicked, conf);
MyNS.bind = function(func, context) {
    return function() {
        func.apply(context, arguments);

myElm.onclick = MyNS.bind(conf.clicked, conf);

myElm.onclick = $.proxy(conf.clicked, conf);

MyNS.bind = function(func, context) {
   return function() {
       return func.apply(context, arguments);

myElm.onclick = MyNS.bind(conf.clicked, conf);
MyNS.bind = function(func, context) {
   $.proxy(func, context);


myElm.onclick = MyNS.bind(conf.clicked, conf);
Design Patterns
Wrapper Pattern
Wrapper Pattern

var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){
    var default = {
        delay: 0,
        duration: 500,
        transition: "easeOut",


var myEff = new AwesomeEffect("myId", {
    duration: 100,
    delay: 1000

//{delay: 1000, duration:100, transition: "easeOut"};
var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){
    var default = {
        delay: 0,
        duration: 500,
        transition: "easeOut",


var myEff = new AwesomeEffect("myId", {
    duration: 100,
    delay: 1000

//{delay: 1000, duration:100, transition: "easeOut"};
var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){
    var default = {
        delay: 0,
        duration: 500,
        transition: "easeOut",


var myEff = new AwesomeEffect("myId", {
    duration: 100,
    delay: 1000

//{delay: 1000, duration:100, transition: "easeOut"};
var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){
    var default = {
        delay: 0,
        duration: 500,
        transition: "easeOut",


var myEff = new AwesomeEffect("myId", {
    duration: 100,
    delay: 1000

//{delay: 1000, duration:100, transition: "easeOut"};
var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){
    var default = {
        delay: 0,
        duration: 500,
        transition: "easeOut",


var myEff = new AwesomeEffect("myId", {
    duration: 100,
    delay: 1000

//{delay: 1000, duration:100, transition: "easeOut"};
var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){
    var default = {
        delay: 0,
        duration: 500,
        transition: "easeOut",


var myEff = new AwesomeEffect("myId", {
    duration: 100,
    delay: 1000

//{delay: 1000, duration:100, transition: "easeOut"};
$.extend(default, config);

Ext.apply(default, config);

_.extend(default, config);

Object.extend(default, config);
MyNS.extend = function(destination, source) {
   $.extend(default, config);

var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){
    var default = {
        delay: 0,
        duration: 500,
        transition: "easeOut",
    var options = MyNS.extend(default, config);
MyNS.extend = function(destination, source) {
   $.extend(default, config);

var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){
    var default = {
        delay: 0,
        duration: 500,
        transition: "easeOut",
    var options = MyNS.extend(default, config);
MyNS.extend = function(destination, source) {
   Ext.apply(default, config);

var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){
    var default = {
        delay: 0,
        duration: 500,
        transition: "easeOut",
    var options = MyNS.extend(default, config);
MyNS.extend = function(destination, source) {
   _.extend(default, config);

var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){
    var default = {
        delay: 0,
        duration: 500,
        transition: "easeOut",
    var options = MyNS.extend(default, config);
MyNS.extend = function(destination, source) {
   Object.extend(default, config);

var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){
    var default = {
        delay: 0,
        duration: 500,
        transition: "easeOut",
    var options = MyNS.extend(default, config);
Wasn’t it bad to delegate?

MyNS.extend = function(destination, source) {
   $.extend(default, config);

var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){
    var default = {
        delay: 0,
        duration: 500,
        transition: "easeOut",
    var options = MyNS.extend(default, config);
MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){

    config = MyNS.extend({
        imageLoading: "/img/loader.gif",
    }, config);

    new LightBox(content, config);
MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){

    config = MyNS.extend({
        imageLoading: "/img/loader.gif",
    }, config);

    new LightBox(content, config);
MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){

    config = MyNS.extend({
        imageLoading: "/img/loader.gif",
    }, config);

    new LightBox(content, config);
MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){

    config = MyNS.extend({
        opacity: true,
        modal: true,
    }, config);

    new FancyBox(content, config);
MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){

    config = MyNS.extend({
        opacity: true,
        modal: true,
    }, config);

    new FancyBox(content, config);
MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){

    config = MyNS.extend({
        opacity: true,
        modal: true,
    }, config);

    new FancyBox(content, config);
Event Driven Design
MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){


MyNS.Layer("Sorry, an error occured");
MyNS.notify("error", {

      msg: "Sorry, an error occured"

MyNS.notify("error", {

      msg: "Sorry, an error occured"


MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){


MyNS.notify("error", {

      msg: "Sorry, an error occured"


MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){


MyNS.notify("error", {

      msg: "Sorry, an error occured"


MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){


MyNS.notify("error", {

      msg: "Sorry, an error occured"


MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){


MyNS.notify("error", {

      msg: "Sorry, an error occured"


MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){


MyNS.notify("error", {

      msg: "Sorry, an error occured"


MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){


MyNS.notify("error", {

      msg: "Sorry, an error occured"


MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){


MyNS.notify("error", {

      msg: "Sorry, an error occured"


MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){



MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){



            Sem antic
MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){



            Sem antic
MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){


               More Flexible

MyNS.notify("error", {

      msg: "Sorry, an error occured"

almost decoupled

What about the dom?
Actually decoupled

Ain’t that bad

2 out of 5 people marry their first love.
Advantages of this
Portability & Maintainability -
Build our own architecture

Improve javascript skills

You got me, I will drop my
are you sure?

it might be the right one

the whole point is

   play with javascript
   discover your limits
   play with javascript
   discover your limits
    play with javascript
   discover your limits
   get to know microframeworks
    play with javascript
   discover your limits
   get to know microframeworks
   let github be your playground
    play with javascript
   discover your limits
   get to know microframeworks
   let github be your playground

      javascript is fun
    play with javascript
   discover your limits
   get to know microframeworks
   let github be your playground

      javascript is fun
 javascript is lovable
    play with javascript
   discover your limits
   get to know microframeworks
   let github be your playground

      javascript is fun
 javascript is lovable
         but you need to...
know when to stop
love your framework


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JsDay - It's not you, It's me (or how to avoid being coupled with a Javascript framework)

  • 1. “It’s not you, It’s me”
  • 2. How to avoid being coupled with a Javascript framework.
  • 3. Even if you loved it. Even if it was the right one.
  • 4. Even if you loved it. Even if it was the right one.
  • 5. Hello, who’s speaking? Marco Cedaro @cedmax
  • 6. Hello, who’s speaking? Marco Cedaro @cedmax About me... Frontend Cowboy Nicola Vitto Jr.
  • 7. Hello, who’s speaking? Marco Cedaro @cedmax About me... Frontend Cowboy Nicola Vitto Jr. Javascript Pervert Roberto Felter
  • 8. Hello, who’s speaking? Marco Cedaro @cedmax About me... Frontend Cowboy Nicola Vitto Jr. Javascript Pervert Roberto Felter Marco.. who? basically anyone else
  • 9. Hello, who’s speaking? Marco Cedaro @cedmax Actually I am: a Frontend Developer at
  • 10. Hello, who’s speaking? Marco Cedaro @cedmax Actually I am: a Frontend Developer at Conference organizer with From The Front
  • 11. Hello, who’s speaking? Marco Cedaro @cedmax Actually I am: a Frontend Developer at Conference organizer with From The Front and a javascript pervert
  • 13.
  • 14. General Purpose Frameworks
  • 15. ABOUT LOVE #1 Love is a given, hatred is acquired. Doug Horton
  • 16. Definition frame·work n. A structure for supporting or enclosing something else, especially a skeletal support used as the basis for something being constructed. gen·er·al-pur·pose adj. Designed for or suitable to more than one use; broadly useful.
  • 17. A little history
  • 18. Once upon a time code snippet “dhtml” if (document.all)
  • 19. Then
  • 20. Then
  • 21. Then
  • 22. Then
  • 23. Then
  • 26. Now
  • 27. Why did they get so popular? DOM access Cross browser implementation Shorthands Community scripts
  • 31. General purpose framework may seem the right solution to handle complexity Long life cycle websites - -
  • 32. General purpose What about updates? framework may seem the right solution to clientside environment is handle complexity always changing Long life cycle websites - -
  • 33. General purpose What about updates? How many patches did framework may seem you make in your the right solution to clientside environment is always changing framework over years? handle complexity Long life cycle websites - -
  • 34. Counterintuitively situation is even worse Short life cycle websites -
  • 35. Counterintuitively Less analysis and situation is even worse foresight Short life cycle websites -
  • 36. Did you make any Counterintuitively Less analysis and patch in your situation is even worse foresight framework over years? Short life cycle websites -
  • 37. Our job is evolving
  • 40. Some of them are just not built for maintainability
  • 41. Some of them are just not built for simplicity
  • 42. Some of them are just not built for love
  • 44. Own scripts built on a known framework case study - -
  • 45. Own scripts built on a Brand new website known framework with responsive design case study - -
  • 46. Own scripts built on a Brand new website same old frw over 3g? known framework with responsive design or rewrite all scripts? case study - -
  • 47. Desktop $LAB .script("jquery.js").wait() .script("scripts.js") Mobile $LAB .script("xui.js").wait() .script("scripts.js")
  • 48. Desktop $LAB .script("jquery.js").wait() .script("scripts.js") Mobile $LAB .script("xui.js").wait() .script("scripts.js")
  • 50. and the devices
  • 51. and the devices
  • 52. We need our code to be PORTABLE
  • 53. We need our code to be PORTABLE but how?
  • 55. Go Vanilla
  • 56. LOVE FACT #2 What is known as a French Kiss in the English speaking world is called an English Kiss in France.
  • 57. Loops
  • 58. $.each(items, function(i, item) { [...] }); Ext.each(items, function(item, i) { [...] }); _.each(items, function(item, i) { [...] }); items.each(function(item, i) { [...] });
  • 59. $.each(items, function(i, item) { [...] }); Ext.each(items, function(item, i) { [...] }); _.each(items, function(item, i) { [...] }); items.each(function(item, i) { [...] });
  • 60. $.each(items, function(i, item) { [...] }); Ext.each(items, function(item, i) { [...] }); _.each(items, function(item, i) { [...] }); items.each(function(item, i) { [...] });
  • 62. $.each(items, function(i, item) { [...] }); for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { [...] };
  • 63. $.each(items, function(i, item) { [...] }); for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { [...] };
  • 64. operations per second (higher is better)
  • 65. yes, but...
  • 66. you should
  • 67. operations per second (higher is better)
  • 68. operations per second (higher is better)
  • 69. for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { [...] };
  • 70. for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { [...] }; var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { [...] };
  • 71. for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { [...] }; var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { [...] };
  • 72. for (var i = -1; ++i < items.length;) { [...] };
  • 73. for (var i = -1; ++i < items.length;) { [...] };
  • 74. for (var i = -1; ++i < items.length;) { [...] };
  • 75. for (var i = -1; ++i < items.length;) { [...] }; var len = items.length; for (var i = -1; ++i < len;) { [...] };
  • 76. for (var i = -1, item;item = items[++i];) { [...] };
  • 77. for (var i = -1, item;item = items[++i];) { [...] };
  • 78. for (var i = -1, item;item = items[++i];) { [...] };
  • 79. var i = 0; while (i < items.length) { [...] i++; };
  • 80. var i = 0, len = items.length; while (i < len) { [...] i++; };
  • 81. Vanilla Loops PROS A lot of options Performance Benefits CONS mmm...
  • 82. wait, what? too many characters??
  • 83. Zip It!
  • 84. ...and minify
  • 85. Yeah, baby, yeah
  • 87. var conf = { name: "jsDay", clicked: function(event) { alert(; } } myElm.onclick = conf.clicked;
  • 88. var conf = { name: "jsDay", clicked: function(event) { alert(; } } myElm.onclick = conf.clicked;
  • 89. var conf = { name: "jsDay", clicked: function(event) { alert(; } } myElm.onclick = conf.clicked;
  • 90. var conf = { name: "jsDay", clicked: function(event) { alert(; } } myElm.onclick = conf.clicked;
  • 91. var conf = { name: "jsDay", clicked: function(event) { alert(; } } myElm.onclick = conf.clicked;
  • 95. myElm.onclick = (function(context){ return function(){ conf.clicked.apply(context, arguments) } })(conf);
  • 96. myElm.onclick = (function(context){ return function(){ conf.clicked.apply(context, arguments) } })(conf);
  • 97. myElm.onclick = (function(context){ return function(){ conf.clicked.apply(context, arguments) } })(conf);
  • 98. myElm.onclick = (function(context){ return function(){ conf.clicked.apply(context, arguments) } })(conf);
  • 99. myElm.onclick = (function(context){ return function(){ conf.clicked.apply(context, arguments) } })(conf);
  • 100. myElm.onclick = (function(context){ return function(){ conf.clicked.apply(context, arguments) } })(conf);
  • 101. argh, my eyes are bleeding..
  • 102. MyNS.bind = function(func, context) {     return function() {         func.apply(context, arguments);     }; }
  • 103. MyNS.bind = function(func, context) {     return function() {         func.apply(context, arguments);     }; }
  • 104. MyNS.bind = function(func, context) {     return function() {         func.apply(context, arguments);     }; }
  • 105. MyNS.bind = function(func, context) {     return function() {         func.apply(context, arguments);     }; }
  • 106. MyNS.bind = function(func, context) {     return function() {         func.apply(context, arguments);     }; }
  • 107. MyNS.bind = function(func, context) {     return function() {         func.apply(context, arguments);     }; } myElm.onclick = MyNS.bind(conf.clicked, conf);
  • 108. MyNS.bind = function(func, context) {     return function() {         func.apply(context, arguments);     }; } myElm.onclick = MyNS.bind(conf.clicked, conf); myElm.onclick = $.proxy(conf.clicked, conf);
  • 110. MyNS.bind = function(func, context) {      return function() {     return func.apply(context, arguments); }; } myElm.onclick = MyNS.bind(conf.clicked, conf);
  • 111. MyNS.bind = function(func, context) {      $.proxy(func, context); } myElm.onclick = MyNS.bind(conf.clicked, conf);
  • 112. Design Patterns
  • 114. Wrapper Pattern
  • 115. var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; [...] } var myEff = new AwesomeEffect("myId", { duration: 100, delay: 1000 }); //{delay: 1000, duration:100, transition: "easeOut"};
  • 116. var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; [...] } var myEff = new AwesomeEffect("myId", { duration: 100, delay: 1000 }); //{delay: 1000, duration:100, transition: "easeOut"};
  • 117. var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; [...] } var myEff = new AwesomeEffect("myId", { duration: 100, delay: 1000 }); //{delay: 1000, duration:100, transition: "easeOut"};
  • 118. var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; [...] } var myEff = new AwesomeEffect("myId", { duration: 100, delay: 1000 }); //{delay: 1000, duration:100, transition: "easeOut"};
  • 119. var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; [...] } var myEff = new AwesomeEffect("myId", { duration: 100, delay: 1000 }); //{delay: 1000, duration:100, transition: "easeOut"};
  • 120. var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; [...] } var myEff = new AwesomeEffect("myId", { duration: 100, delay: 1000 }); //{delay: 1000, duration:100, transition: "easeOut"};
  • 122. MyNS.extend = function(destination, source) { $.extend(default, config); } var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; var options = MyNS.extend(default, config); [...] }
  • 123. MyNS.extend = function(destination, source) { $.extend(default, config); } var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; var options = MyNS.extend(default, config); [...] }
  • 124. MyNS.extend = function(destination, source) { Ext.apply(default, config); } var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; var options = MyNS.extend(default, config); [...] }
  • 125. MyNS.extend = function(destination, source) { _.extend(default, config); } var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; var options = MyNS.extend(default, config); [...] }
  • 126. MyNS.extend = function(destination, source) { Object.extend(default, config); } var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; var options = MyNS.extend(default, config); [...] }
  • 127. Wasn’t it bad to delegate?
  • 128. MyNS.extend = function(destination, source) { $.extend(default, config); } var AwesomeEffect = function(id, config){ var default = { delay: 0, duration: 500, transition: "easeOut", }; var options = MyNS.extend(default, config); [...] }
  • 129. MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){ config = MyNS.extend({ overlayOpacity:0.6, imageLoading: "/img/loader.gif", }, config); new LightBox(content, config); }
  • 130. MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){ config = MyNS.extend({ overlayOpacity:0.6, imageLoading: "/img/loader.gif", }, config); new LightBox(content, config); }
  • 131. MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){ config = MyNS.extend({ overlayOpacity:0.6, imageLoading: "/img/loader.gif", }, config); new LightBox(content, config); }
  • 132. MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){ config = MyNS.extend({ opacity: true, modal: true, }, config); new FancyBox(content, config); }
  • 133. MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){ config = MyNS.extend({ opacity: true, modal: true, }, config); new FancyBox(content, config); }
  • 134. MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){ config = MyNS.extend({ opacity: true, modal: true, }, config); new FancyBox(content, config); }
  • 136. MyNS.Layer = function(content, config){ [...] }
  • 138. MyNS.notify("error", { msg: "Sorry, an error occured" });
  • 139. MyNS.notify("error", { msg: "Sorry, an error occured" }); MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){ MyNS.Layer(payload.msg); });
  • 140. MyNS.notify("error", { msg: "Sorry, an error occured" }); MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){ MyNS.Layer(payload.msg); });
  • 141. MyNS.notify("error", { msg: "Sorry, an error occured" }); MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){ MyNS.Layer(payload.msg); });
  • 142. MyNS.notify("error", { msg: "Sorry, an error occured" }); MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){ MyNS.Layer(payload.msg); });
  • 143. MyNS.notify("error", { msg: "Sorry, an error occured" }); MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){ MyNS.Layer(payload.msg); });
  • 144. MyNS.notify("error", { msg: "Sorry, an error occured" }); MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){ MyNS.Layer(payload.msg); });
  • 145. MyNS.notify("error", { msg: "Sorry, an error occured" }); MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){ MyNS.Layer(payload.msg); });
  • 146. MyNS.notify("error", { msg: "Sorry, an error occured" }); MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){ MyNS.Layer(payload.msg); });
  • 147. Advantages MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){ MyNS.Layer(payload.msg); });
  • 148. Advantages Sem antic MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){ MyNS.Layer(payload.msg); });
  • 149. Advantages Sem antic MyNS.listen("error", function(payload){ MyNS.Layer(payload.msg); }); More Flexible
  • 151. MyNS.notify("error", { msg: "Sorry, an error occured" });
  • 152. almost decoupled
  • 153. What about the dom?
  • 154. Actually decoupled
  • 155. Ain’t that bad
  • 156. LOVE FACT #3 2 out of 5 people marry their first love.
  • 157. Advantages of this approach
  • 158. Portability & Maintainability -
  • 159. Build our own architecture
  • 160. Improve javascript skills
  • 161. You got me, I will drop my framework
  • 162. are you sure?
  • 163. it might be the right one
  • 166. BE A JAVASCRIPT PERVERT play with javascript discover your limits
  • 167. BE A JAVASCRIPT PERVERT play with javascript discover your limits
  • 168. BE A JAVASCRIPT PERVERT play with javascript discover your limits get to know microframeworks
  • 169. BE A JAVASCRIPT PERVERT play with javascript discover your limits get to know microframeworks let github be your playground
  • 170. BE A JAVASCRIPT PERVERT play with javascript discover your limits get to know microframeworks let github be your playground javascript is fun
  • 171. BE A JAVASCRIPT PERVERT play with javascript discover your limits get to know microframeworks let github be your playground javascript is fun javascript is lovable
  • 172. BE A JAVASCRIPT PERVERT play with javascript discover your limits get to know microframeworks let github be your playground javascript is fun javascript is lovable but you need to...
  • 173. know when to stop
  • 174. love your framework @cedmax