meaning habitual residence of choice domicile scope importance adoption position in india position in england legitimation legitimacy subsequent events. subsequent ceremony change in domicile chnge in religion polygamous into monogamous status effect of subsequent changes hasmi v. hashmi hyde v. hyde proper law theory lex situs lex actus lex domicile movable property capacity to transfer cranstown v. johnson penn v. baltimore mocambique rule boys v. chaplin distillers co. case monroe george's case proper law of tort lex domicili lex fori capacity of parties. formal validity and illegality alwahab's case vita food products case localisation theory theory of intention proper law of contract usa v. bank of england christina case parliament blege case immediate right to possession defacto possession admitted owner proprietary immunity vienna convention consulars immunity for different acts receiving state sending state sovereign identity diplomats proprietary personal immunity of sovereign transmission remission collier v. rivaz foreign court theory double renvoi single renvoi doctrine of renvoi jurisprudence and history jurisprudence and politics jurisprudence and economics jurisprudence and phsychology jurisprudence and ethics jurisprudence and sociology relationship with other social sciences value definitions how to understand law development history specialities of the subject definition objectives purpose introduction to jurisprudence lunatics minors married women refugees fugitives dependents essential elements as proof physical presence mental intention different from domicile of origin domicile of choice not temporary intention intention to reside acuires by choice place of birth - not a necessary factor mothers domicile-illegitimate child fathers domicile-legitimate child origin of origin
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