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PES/ENG/IX/108                        -1-

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                            SUBJECT                 -       ENGLISH

                            CLASS                   -       IX

                                CHAPTER                 -        NOTE MAKING

                                          Part II


Good morning students.

Today we have to continue our lesson of note making.

In our previous class we read

   •   How note making is done?

   •   Why note making is done?

   •   When note making is done?

   •   What are the easiest methods to do note making?

   •   How is note making useful?

We also did few examples to make our understanding clear and better.

In today’s class we are going to continue in the same manner. But before we discuss
further, let us know about the learning objectives of this session.

                                LEARNING OBJECTIVES

This lesson will help students to

   •   Recognise new but some common abbreviations

   •   List abbreviations to be used in all spheres of life.
PES/ENG/IX/108                           -2-

    •   State new examples to give better understanding.

Well students as you know we have to use many short forms and abbreviations in our
note making.

Few examples I have given you in the previous class. Some more we are going to see


"Learn 2 wrt fast b4 u go bananas!"


When you are listening to your instructor and trying to take notes at the same time, it
can be a little bit difficult to write quickly enough. Using symbols in your notes will help
you write more quickly. Here are some symbols you can use:


SYMBOL         MEANING                            EXAMPLE

®       leads to, produces, causes, makes         Practice ®improvement.

¬       comes from, is the result of              Success ¬ determination.

        increased, increasing, goes up, rises     Taxes 200% last year.

¯       decreased, decreasing, lowering           Salaries ¯this year.

&       and                                       coffee & cream

@       at                                        I'll be home @ 4:00p.m.

/       per                                       17 miles/gallon

p       page                                      Read p 89.

§       section                                   Read § 7 again.

?       question                                  Answer ? 5.


These are some common expressions of English which you normally get to see and
read in your passages.
PES/ENG/IX/108                       -3-

(For MM) Show these text in two to three frames


For each symbol

Maths Symbols

SYMBOL                     MEANING                EXAMPLE

+     plus, in addition, and, also                He rides a bike + he skates.

-     minus                                       He was - a brain.

=     equal to, is                                Women are = to men.

¹     not equal, is not                           Diet ice cream is ¹to real!

~     about, approximately                        He's ~ 17 yrs old.

ft    foot, feet                                  He's 6 ft tall.

X     times                                       5X the diameter of the earth.

>     greater than                                6>2

<     less than                                   My salary is < yours.

$     money, cost, price                          He left his $ at home.

%     percent                                     12% of the employees came.

~     approximately, more or less                 She made ~ 25 copies.

.·.   therefore                                   I think .·. I am.

#     number                                      Please answer no. 7

no.   numbe                                       Please answer #s. 1-10

 #s   numbers                                     Please answer #s. 1-10

Nos   . numbers                                   Please answer nos. 1-10

ht    height                                      ht 5'3

wt    weight                                      wt 150
PES/ENG/IX/108                               -4-

2          to                                                Time 2 go!

           two                                               2 people.

           too                                                Me 2.


These symbols are going to not only help you in note making but everywhere else
especially in your higher studies.


                                    Initials and Abbreviations

A few more note taking tips for you:

       •   If you are in a hurry, you can leave out a, an, or the, but do not forget to dot your i
           and cross your t later.

       •   Always use 1, 2, 3, instead of writing one, two three in words

       •   Abbreviate any word by leaving out the vowels.

Well let us see examples now.


Before doing the passage let us go through some symbols.

SYMBOL                   MEANING                      EXAMPLE

w/         with (something)                           A war was fought w/ NATO aid.

w/o        without                                    They fought w/o fear.

w/i        within                                     There are problems w/i the company.

i.e.       that is                                    A Siamese, i.e. a cat, is a fun pet.

e.g. for example                                      Professionals, e.g. doctors and lawyers,
met here.

etc.       et cetera, so forth                        Cats, dogs, etc., make good pets.

b/c        because                                    We pay taxes b/c it's the law.
PES/ENG/IX/108                             -5-

b/4        before                                   Chicken b/4 egg?

re:        regarding, about                         I need to see you re: the sales figures.

esp. especially                                     Tobacco, esp. cigarettes, causes

min.       minimum                                  The min. is $400.

       max. maximum                                        The max. number of people in an
                                         elevator is 10.

gov't. government                                   The gov't. helped the people.

ASAP as soon as possible                            Finish your exam ASAP.

wrt        write                                    wrt #3 (write number 3)

rt         right                                    rt side

yr / yrs            year, years                               She's 5 yrs old.

c.         circa, about, around, from the year      This picture is c. 1900

vs         versus, as opposed to                    Purple vs green

ch         chapter                                  Read ch 8.

Q          question                                 Q: What is that?

A          answer

ex         example                                  Look at ex 4.

wd         word                                     1 vocabulary wd.

wds        words                                    25 vocabulary wds

.ref       reference                                ref required.

diff       difference                               What is the diff?

Well try and use these symbols if possible.

Read the passage carefully and underline key points.

(For MM) Show the passage and then highlight the words given in bold

PES/ENG/IX/108                             -6-

                                   THE INDIAN TOLL

According to union transport ministry, although buses constitute only 1.2 % of India’s
vehicles, in 2002 they were responsible for more than 11% of road accidents and
13% deaths. Around 85000 people died every year from road accidents ion India and
the social cost of all this is staggering Rs 55,000 crores. In India, as in Asia, the driver
is main culprit – 78% of accidents are attributed to the driver’s fault. Although there are
programmes for teaching road safety, only a very few drivers attend it. Indeed Dr.
Sanjay K Singh of IIT, Kanpur and transport subject expert argue that bus safety in India
will not improve unless drivers are better off economically, and not over worked. In
addition, he says, road in infrastructure must improve with special lanes of cyclists
and handcarts, and proper footpath for pedestrians.


Now let us make notes.



       a) No. of road accidents each yr.         .      >11%

       b) % accidents by bus drivers                           78%

       c) % deaths daused by these accidents            arund 85,000

       d) Money spent on prob related to accidents      Rs. 55,000 crores


       a) training drivers thru road safety programs

C. reasons fr ths neglection;

       a) underpaid

       b) overworked

D.How can ths be improved?

       a)thru better roads

       b) spcl lanes fr cyclists & handcarts

       c) prpr footpaths fr pedestrians.
PES/ENG/IX/108                          -7-


Well students let us now go through a little long passage.

But we will go step by step.

First let us read the passage only and then highlight the major points in bold.

(For MM) Show the paragraph and then highlight the text in bold


                                 HOW CHILDREN FAIL

For a great many this failure is avowed and absolute. Close to forty per cent of those
who begin high school drops out before they finish. For college the figure is one in

Many others fail in fact if not in name. They complete their schooling only because we
have agreed to push them up through the grades and out of the schools, whether
they know anything or not.

But there is a more important sense in which almost all children fail: except for a
handful, who may or may not be good students, they fail to develop more than a tiny
part of the tremendous capacity for learning, understanding, and creating with which
they were born and of which they made full use during the first two or three years of
their lives.

Why do they fail?

They fail because they are afraid, bored, and confused.

They are afraid, above all else, of failing, of disappointing or displeasing the many
anxious adults around them, whose limitless hopes and expectations for them hang
over their heads like a cloud.

They are bored because the things they are given and told to do in school are so
trivial, so dull, and make such limited and narrow demands on the wide spectrum of
their intelligence, capabilities, and talents.

They are confused because most of the torrent of words that pours over them in
school makes little or no sense. It often flatly contradicts other things they have been
told, and hardly ever has any relation to what they really know - to the rough model of
reality that they carry around in their minds.
PES/ENG/IX/108                           -8-

How does this mass failure take place? What really goes on in the classroom? What are
these children who fail doing? What goes on in their heads? Why don't they make use
of more of their capacity?

: Strategy; Fear and Failure; Real Learning; and How Schools Fail.

 Strategy deals with the ways in which children try to meet, or dodge, the demands that
adults make on them in school.

 Fear and Failure deals with the interaction in children of fear and failure, and the effect
of this on strategy and learning.

Real Learning deals with the difference between what children appear to know or are
expected to know, and what they really know.

How Schools Fail analyses the ways in which schools foster bad strategies, raise
children's fears, produce learning which is usually fragmentary, distorted, and short-
lived, and generally fail to meet the real needs of children.

These four topics are clearly not exclusive. They tend to overlap and blend into each
other. They are, at most, different ways of looking at and thinking about the thinking and
behaviour of children.

 The schools in which the experiences described here took place are private schools
of the highest standards and reputation.. Friends and colleagues, who understand
what I am trying to say about the harmful effect of today's schooling on the character
and intellect of children, and who have visited many more schools than I have, tell me
that the schools I have not seen are not a bit better than those I have, and very often
are worse.


Well students the passage is lengthy but not very difficult. It is time consuming but you
need to concentrate on the flow and the theme of the passage. So do not get anxious
on reading it. Let’s now extract the notes out of the passage in a different way.


Well students let me show you one more way to do the note making.


          •   Most children in school fail.

          •   High School - forty per cent
PES/ENG/IX/108                           -9-

          •   College - thirty three per cent.

          •   Others in fact if not name - complete because pushed, know anything???

          •   But, more importantly, fail to develop full capacity for learning.

   B) Why ? Fail because: afraid, bored, and confused.

          o afraid of failing, disappointing adults

          o bored because they given trivial, dull, things to do

          o confused because most of school makes little or no sense, flatly
            contradicts other things , no relation to what they really know

   C) How?:

          o Strategy - ways in which children try to meet, or dodge, the demands
            made on them

          o Fear and Failure - interaction in children of fear and failure, + effect on
            strategy and learning.

          o Real Learning - compares what children appear to know with what really

          o   How Schools Fail - ways: schools foster bad strategies; raise children's
              fears; produce fragmentary, distorted & short-lived learning; fail to meet
              real needs.


See students how simple theses passages are? These will help you definitely in
grasping and understanding note making.

Well children there are some useful tips to be followed too let us see them.

Useful tips

   •   look at the teacher or TV

   •   ask questions, or ask for clarification

   •   familiarise yourself with the topic beforehand, if possible by background reading
PES/ENG/IX/108                         - 10 -

   •   listen for phrases which indicate that important points are about to be made and
       note these key points

   •   do not try to write everything down

   •   check your notes as soon as possible. Do they make sense? Are they complete?

   •   use abbreviations

   •   leave gaps for points missed and complete later


Apart from these there are some more important note making tips to be kept in mind.
Let us see them.


Note making tips

   •   Take notes in your own words.

   •   Make sure you can read your notes later. Don't cram too much on the page.

   •   Use different note making methods for different purposes, for example flowcharts
       for process planning, tables for comparison.

   •   Organise your notes so that you can easily find what you are looking for.

   •   Title your notes and date them. If you have several pages on one topic, include
       page numbers.

   •   Always record the source of your notes. You will need these for your references.

   •   Avoid cutting and pasting, or copying huge chunks from books or articles - you
       risk committing plagiarism by accident.


So, children, we come to the end of the episode on Note making. Let us have a recap
of what we just learnt.


   •   Recapitulation of the previous class.
PES/ENG/IX/108                         - 11 -

   •    Why and how note making is done/?

   •    Useful tips related to note making being given

   •    Immense practice with explanation is given to the students.

With these exercises we come to the end of today’s lesson. I am sure you will make
good use of what you just learnt. Thank you everybody. Have a good day!

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PES/ENG/IX/108                      - 12 -

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Eng xii essay writting i_126_23.11.09Eng xii essay writting i_126_23.11.09
Eng xii essay writting i_126_23.11.09
Eng xii essay writting ii_125_16.11.09
Eng xii essay writting ii_125_16.11.09Eng xii essay writting ii_125_16.11.09
Eng xii essay writting ii_125_16.11.09
English xii 025
English xii 025English xii 025
English xii 025
Advertisement x 116_eng(for beta)_27.10.09
Advertisement x 116_eng(for beta)_27.10.09Advertisement x 116_eng(for beta)_27.10.09
Advertisement x 116_eng(for beta)_27.10.09
Notice writing x beta_114_27.10.09
Notice writing x beta_114_27.10.09Notice writing x beta_114_27.10.09
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Viii prepositions 1_055_master2_29.10.09
Viii prepositions 1_055_master2_29.10.09Viii prepositions 1_055_master2_29.10.09
Viii prepositions 1_055_master2_29.10.09
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Viii prepositions 1_055_master_29.10.09Viii prepositions 1_055_master_29.10.09
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Ix vocabulary synonymns_antonymns_homonymns
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X paragraph writing_2
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Xi essay writing_part%20_i_122_alpha[1]
Xi essay writing_part%20_i_122_alpha[1]Xi essay writing_part%20_i_122_alpha[1]
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Pair of words1 xPair of words1 x
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Note making part ii alpha

  • 1. PES/ENG/IX/108 -1- • Alpha version of file. • Pl mention all reqd changes at this stage. • Pl mark the portion reqd in Punjabi also. • Word limit- 3100 A PUNJAB EDUSAT SOCIETY PRODUCTION SUBJECT - ENGLISH CLASS - IX CHAPTER - NOTE MAKING Part II ANCHOR Good morning students. Today we have to continue our lesson of note making. In our previous class we read • How note making is done? • Why note making is done? • When note making is done? • What are the easiest methods to do note making? • How is note making useful? We also did few examples to make our understanding clear and better. In today’s class we are going to continue in the same manner. But before we discuss further, let us know about the learning objectives of this session. LEARNING OBJECTIVES This lesson will help students to • Recognise new but some common abbreviations • List abbreviations to be used in all spheres of life.
  • 2. PES/ENG/IX/108 -2- • State new examples to give better understanding. Well students as you know we have to use many short forms and abbreviations in our note making. Few examples I have given you in the previous class. Some more we are going to see now. NOTE MAKING SYMBOLS & ABBREVIATIONS "Learn 2 wrt fast b4 u go bananas!" ANCHOR When you are listening to your instructor and trying to take notes at the same time, it can be a little bit difficult to write quickly enough. Using symbols in your notes will help you write more quickly. Here are some symbols you can use: VO WITH TEXT ON SCREEN SYMBOL MEANING EXAMPLE ® leads to, produces, causes, makes Practice ®improvement. ¬ comes from, is the result of Success ¬ determination. increased, increasing, goes up, rises Taxes 200% last year. ¯ decreased, decreasing, lowering Salaries ¯this year. & and coffee & cream @ at I'll be home @ 4:00p.m. / per 17 miles/gallon p page Read p 89. § section Read § 7 again. ? question Answer ? 5. ANCHOR These are some common expressions of English which you normally get to see and read in your passages.
  • 3. PES/ENG/IX/108 -3- (For MM) Show these text in two to three frames VO WITH TEXT ON SCREEN For each symbol Maths Symbols SYMBOL MEANING EXAMPLE + plus, in addition, and, also He rides a bike + he skates. - minus He was - a brain. = equal to, is Women are = to men. ¹ not equal, is not Diet ice cream is ¹to real! ~ about, approximately He's ~ 17 yrs old. ft foot, feet He's 6 ft tall. X times 5X the diameter of the earth. > greater than 6>2 < less than My salary is < yours. $ money, cost, price He left his $ at home. % percent 12% of the employees came. ~ approximately, more or less She made ~ 25 copies. .·. therefore I think .·. I am. # number Please answer no. 7 no. numbe Please answer #s. 1-10 #s numbers Please answer #s. 1-10 Nos . numbers Please answer nos. 1-10 ht height ht 5'3 wt weight wt 150
  • 4. PES/ENG/IX/108 -4- 2 to Time 2 go! two 2 people. too Me 2. ANCHOR These symbols are going to not only help you in note making but everywhere else especially in your higher studies. ANCHOR Initials and Abbreviations A few more note taking tips for you: • If you are in a hurry, you can leave out a, an, or the, but do not forget to dot your i and cross your t later. • Always use 1, 2, 3, instead of writing one, two three in words • Abbreviate any word by leaving out the vowels. Well let us see examples now. ANCHOR Before doing the passage let us go through some symbols. SYMBOL MEANING EXAMPLE w/ with (something) A war was fought w/ NATO aid. w/o without They fought w/o fear. w/i within There are problems w/i the company. i.e. that is A Siamese, i.e. a cat, is a fun pet. e.g. for example Professionals, e.g. doctors and lawyers, met here. etc. et cetera, so forth Cats, dogs, etc., make good pets. b/c because We pay taxes b/c it's the law.
  • 5. PES/ENG/IX/108 -5- b/4 before Chicken b/4 egg? re: regarding, about I need to see you re: the sales figures. esp. especially Tobacco, esp. cigarettes, causes cancer. min. minimum The min. is $400. max. maximum The max. number of people in an elevator is 10. gov't. government The gov't. helped the people. ASAP as soon as possible Finish your exam ASAP. wrt write wrt #3 (write number 3) rt right rt side yr / yrs year, years She's 5 yrs old. c. circa, about, around, from the year This picture is c. 1900 vs versus, as opposed to Purple vs green ch chapter Read ch 8. Q question Q: What is that? A answer ex example Look at ex 4. wd word 1 vocabulary wd. wds words 25 vocabulary wds .ref reference ref required. diff difference What is the diff? Well try and use these symbols if possible. Read the passage carefully and underline key points. (For MM) Show the passage and then highlight the words given in bold VO WITH TEXT ON SCREEN
  • 6. PES/ENG/IX/108 -6- THE INDIAN TOLL According to union transport ministry, although buses constitute only 1.2 % of India’s vehicles, in 2002 they were responsible for more than 11% of road accidents and 13% deaths. Around 85000 people died every year from road accidents ion India and the social cost of all this is staggering Rs 55,000 crores. In India, as in Asia, the driver is main culprit – 78% of accidents are attributed to the driver’s fault. Although there are programmes for teaching road safety, only a very few drivers attend it. Indeed Dr. Sanjay K Singh of IIT, Kanpur and transport subject expert argue that bus safety in India will not improve unless drivers are better off economically, and not over worked. In addition, he says, road in infrastructure must improve with special lanes of cyclists and handcarts, and proper footpath for pedestrians. ANCHOR Now let us make notes. ROAD ACCIDENTS A.SCENARIO ON ROADS a) No. of road accidents each yr. . >11% b) % accidents by bus drivers 78% c) % deaths daused by these accidents arund 85,000 d) Money spent on prob related to accidents Rs. 55,000 crores B.Solution: a) training drivers thru road safety programs C. reasons fr ths neglection; a) underpaid b) overworked D.How can ths be improved? a)thru better roads b) spcl lanes fr cyclists & handcarts c) prpr footpaths fr pedestrians.
  • 7. PES/ENG/IX/108 -7- ANCHOR Well students let us now go through a little long passage. But we will go step by step. First let us read the passage only and then highlight the major points in bold. (For MM) Show the paragraph and then highlight the text in bold VO WITH TEXT ON SCREEN HOW CHILDREN FAIL For a great many this failure is avowed and absolute. Close to forty per cent of those who begin high school drops out before they finish. For college the figure is one in three. Many others fail in fact if not in name. They complete their schooling only because we have agreed to push them up through the grades and out of the schools, whether they know anything or not. But there is a more important sense in which almost all children fail: except for a handful, who may or may not be good students, they fail to develop more than a tiny part of the tremendous capacity for learning, understanding, and creating with which they were born and of which they made full use during the first two or three years of their lives. Why do they fail? They fail because they are afraid, bored, and confused. They are afraid, above all else, of failing, of disappointing or displeasing the many anxious adults around them, whose limitless hopes and expectations for them hang over their heads like a cloud. They are bored because the things they are given and told to do in school are so trivial, so dull, and make such limited and narrow demands on the wide spectrum of their intelligence, capabilities, and talents. They are confused because most of the torrent of words that pours over them in school makes little or no sense. It often flatly contradicts other things they have been told, and hardly ever has any relation to what they really know - to the rough model of reality that they carry around in their minds.
  • 8. PES/ENG/IX/108 -8- How does this mass failure take place? What really goes on in the classroom? What are these children who fail doing? What goes on in their heads? Why don't they make use of more of their capacity? : Strategy; Fear and Failure; Real Learning; and How Schools Fail. Strategy deals with the ways in which children try to meet, or dodge, the demands that adults make on them in school. Fear and Failure deals with the interaction in children of fear and failure, and the effect of this on strategy and learning. Real Learning deals with the difference between what children appear to know or are expected to know, and what they really know. How Schools Fail analyses the ways in which schools foster bad strategies, raise children's fears, produce learning which is usually fragmentary, distorted, and short- lived, and generally fail to meet the real needs of children. These four topics are clearly not exclusive. They tend to overlap and blend into each other. They are, at most, different ways of looking at and thinking about the thinking and behaviour of children. The schools in which the experiences described here took place are private schools of the highest standards and reputation.. Friends and colleagues, who understand what I am trying to say about the harmful effect of today's schooling on the character and intellect of children, and who have visited many more schools than I have, tell me that the schools I have not seen are not a bit better than those I have, and very often are worse. ANCHOR Well students the passage is lengthy but not very difficult. It is time consuming but you need to concentrate on the flow and the theme of the passage. So do not get anxious on reading it. Let’s now extract the notes out of the passage in a different way. ANCHOR Well students let me show you one more way to do the note making. A) HOW CHILDREN FAIL • Most children in school fail. • High School - forty per cent
  • 9. PES/ENG/IX/108 -9- • College - thirty three per cent. • Others in fact if not name - complete because pushed, know anything??? • But, more importantly, fail to develop full capacity for learning. B) Why ? Fail because: afraid, bored, and confused. o afraid of failing, disappointing adults o bored because they given trivial, dull, things to do o confused because most of school makes little or no sense, flatly contradicts other things , no relation to what they really know C) How?: o Strategy - ways in which children try to meet, or dodge, the demands made on them o Fear and Failure - interaction in children of fear and failure, + effect on strategy and learning. o Real Learning - compares what children appear to know with what really know. o How Schools Fail - ways: schools foster bad strategies; raise children's fears; produce fragmentary, distorted & short-lived learning; fail to meet real needs. ANCHOR See students how simple theses passages are? These will help you definitely in grasping and understanding note making. Well children there are some useful tips to be followed too let us see them. Useful tips • look at the teacher or TV • ask questions, or ask for clarification • familiarise yourself with the topic beforehand, if possible by background reading
  • 10. PES/ENG/IX/108 - 10 - • listen for phrases which indicate that important points are about to be made and note these key points • do not try to write everything down • check your notes as soon as possible. Do they make sense? Are they complete? • use abbreviations • leave gaps for points missed and complete later ANCHOR Apart from these there are some more important note making tips to be kept in mind. Let us see them. VO WITH TEXT ON SCREEN Note making tips • Take notes in your own words. • Make sure you can read your notes later. Don't cram too much on the page. • Use different note making methods for different purposes, for example flowcharts for process planning, tables for comparison. • Organise your notes so that you can easily find what you are looking for. • Title your notes and date them. If you have several pages on one topic, include page numbers. • Always record the source of your notes. You will need these for your references. • Avoid cutting and pasting, or copying huge chunks from books or articles - you risk committing plagiarism by accident. Anchor So, children, we come to the end of the episode on Note making. Let us have a recap of what we just learnt. SUMMARY. • Recapitulation of the previous class.
  • 11. PES/ENG/IX/108 - 11 - • Why and how note making is done/? • Useful tips related to note making being given • Immense practice with explanation is given to the students. With these exercises we come to the end of today’s lesson. I am sure you will make good use of what you just learnt. Thank you everybody. Have a good day! ALPHA STAGE OF SCRIPT Subject: _________________________________, Class: ________________________ Topic: _________________________________________________________________ Script ID: ______________________________________________________________ Date of Receiving by PES: ________________________________________________ Date of Receiving by Subject Specialist: ____________________________________ Name of Subject Specialist: _______________________________________________ Tick (√ ) any one of the following: 1. This Script is approved and frozen for Production.
  • 12. PES/ENG/IX/108 - 12 - 2. Necessary corrections in the Script are suggested and submitted back to Service Provider for making its Beta file. Signature of the Subject Specialist Date and Time: _______________ Countersigned by: Dy. Director SISE Submitted to Service Providers Date _____________________.