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“ Genius is the gold in the mine; talent is
  the miner who works and brings it out. ”
 Lady Marguerite Blessington

                                        Donets Basin
                                        Mina de carvão-Ucrânia

      Ruby e Ruby on Rails - 2006

Rails Summit Latin America - 2008

           RubyConf Brasil - 2010
Patterns e
         em Ruby
Fabio Akita (@akitaonrails)
Pattern   PADRÃO

 Pattern   PADRÃO

Christopher Alexander
"...each pattern represents our current best
guess ... to solve the problem presented. ..., the
patterns are still hypotheses, all ... of them -and
are therefore all tentative, all free to evolve under
the impact of new experience and observation"

                 —Christopher Alexander, A Pattern Language, p. xv
require 'erubis'

 def render_erb(filepath)
   content =
   template =
   context = { title: "Hello World",
     paragraph: "This is an ERB template." }
   output = template.evaluate(context)

 puts render_erb("sample.erb")

   <head><title><%= @title %></title></head>
     <p><%= @paragraph %></p>

   <head><title>Hello World</title></head>
     <p>This is an ERB template.</p>

require 'rdiscount'

 def render_markdown(filepath)
   content =
   template =
   output = template.to_html

 puts render_markdown("")

# Hello World

 This is a Markdown example

 * [Markdown](

 <h1>Hello World</h1>

 <p>This is a Markdown example</p>

 <li><a href="

def render(filepath)
  case filepath
  when /erb$/ then render_erb(filepath)
  when /md$/ then render_markdown(filepath)
  when /sass$/ then render_sass(filepath)

puts render("sample.erb")
  --------------------------   -----------------------   ----------------------------
  ERB                          .erb, .rhtml              none (included ruby stdlib)
  Interpolated String          .str                      none (included ruby core)
  Erubis                       .erb, .rhtml, .erubis     erubis
  Haml                         .haml                     haml
  Sass                         .sass                     haml (< 3.1) or sass (>= 3.1)
  Scss                         .scss                     haml (< 3.1) or sass (>= 3.1)
  Less CSS                     .less                     less
  Builder                      .builder                  builder
  Liquid                       .liquid                   liquid
  RDiscount                    .markdown, .mkd, .md      rdiscount
  Redcarpet                    .markdown, .mkd, .md      redcarpet
  BlueCloth                    .markdown, .mkd, .md      bluecloth
  Kramdown                     .markdown, .mkd, .md      kramdown
  Maruku                       .markdown, .mkd, .md      maruku
  RedCloth                     .textile                  redcloth
  RDoc                         .rdoc                     rdoc
  Radius                       .radius                   radius
  Markaby                      .mab                      markaby
  Nokogiri                     .nokogiri                 nokogiri
  CoffeeScript                 .coffee                   coffee-script (+ javascript)
  Creole (Wiki markup)         .wiki, .creole            creole
  WikiCloth (Wiki markup)      .wiki, .mediawiki, .mw    wikicloth
  Yajl                         .yajl                     yajl-ruby

Template Engines supported by Tilt
require 'tilt'

  template ="sample.erb")
  context = { title: "Hello World",
    paragraph: "This is an ERB template." }
  output = template.render(context)

  puts output

  template ="")
  output = template.render

  puts output

ERB and Markdown through Tilt
require 'tilt'

  template ="sample.erb")
  context = { title: "Hello World",
    paragraph: "This is an ERB template." }
  output = template.render(context)

  puts output

  template ="")
  output = template.render

  puts output

Same example as previously
module Tilt
     @preferred_mappings =
     @template_mappings = { |h, k| h[k] = [] }

     # Hash of template path pattern => template implementation class mappings.
     def self.mappings

     # Register a template implementation by file extension.
     def self.register(template_class, *extensions)
       if template_class.respond_to?(:to_str)
         # Support register(ext, template_class) too
         extensions, template_class = [template_class], extensions[0]

       extensions.each do |ext|
         ext = normalize(ext)

require 'tilt/string'
  register StringTemplate, 'str'

  require 'tilt/erb'
  register ERBTemplate,    'erb', 'rhtml'
  register ErubisTemplate, 'erb', 'rhtml', 'erubis'

  require 'tilt/haml'
  register HamlTemplate,   'haml'

  require 'tilt/css'
  register SassTemplate, 'sass'
  register ScssTemplate, 'scss'
  register LessTemplate, 'less'


> Tilt["erb"]
  => Tilt::ErubisTemplate

  > Tilt["md"]
  => Tilt::RDiscountTemplate

  > Tilt["haml"]
  => Tilt::HamlTemplate

  > Tilt['coffee']
  => Tilt::CoffeeScriptTemplate

module Tilt
    # Create a new template for the given
    # file using the file's extension
    # to determine the the template mapping.
    def, line=nil, options={}, &block)
      if template_class = self[file], line, options, &block)
        fail "No template engine registered for

Tilt overrided #new
module Tilt
    # Base class for template implementations.
    # Subclasses must implement the #prepare method and one
    # of the #evaluate or #precompiled_template methods.
    class Template
      def render(, locals={}, &block)
        evaluate scope, locals || {}, &block

      def prepare; ... end
      def evaluate(scope, locals, &block); ... end
      def precompiled(locals); ... end
      def precompiled_template(locals); ... end
      def precompiled_preamble(locals); ... end
      def precompiled_postamble(locals); ''; end
      def compiled_method(locals_keys); ... end

Tilt::Template Lint
module Tilt
    # RedCloth implementation. See:
    class RedClothTemplate < Template
      def self.engine_initialized?
        defined? ::RedCloth

      def initialize_engine
        require_template_library 'redcloth'

      def prepare
        @engine =
        @output = nil

      def evaluate(scope, locals, &block)
        @output ||= @engine.to_html

Tilt::RedClothTemplate Implementation
Rails         Mongrel

         Sinatra     CGI    Thin

        Ramaze             Webrick

Simple Web
Rails         Mongrel

         Sinatra     CGI    Thin

        Ramaze             Webrick

Simple Web
Rails          Mongrel

         Sinatra     Rack
                     CGI     Thin

        Ramaze              Webrick

Simple Web
class HelloWorld
    def call(env)
        {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"},
        ["Hello world!"]]

  hello_world = ->(env) {
      {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"},
      ["Hello world!"]]

Minimal Rack Compliant
hello_world = ->(env) {
      {"Content-Type" => "text/html"},
      ["<h1>Hello world!</h1>"]]

  use Rack::ContentType, "text/html"
  use Rack::ShowExceptions
  use Rack::Auth::Basic, "Rack Demo" do |username, password|
    'secret' == password

  # Setup Rack
  run {
    "/hello" => hello_world,
    "/" => "index.html" )
  } )

module Rack
    class ContentType
      include Rack::Utils

      def initialize(app, content_type = "text/html")
        @app, @content_type = app, content_type

      def call(env)
        status, headers, body =
        headers =

        unless STATUS_WITH_NO_ENTITY_BODY.include?(status)
          headers['Content-Type'] ||= @content_type

        [status, headers, body]

use   ActionDispatch::Static
  use   Rack::Lock
  use   Rack::Runtime
  use   Rack::MethodOverride
  use   ActionDispatch::RequestId
  use   Rails::Rack::Logger
  use   ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions
  use   ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions
  use   ActionDispatch::RemoteIp
  use   ActionDispatch::Reloader
  use   ActionDispatch::Callbacks
  use   ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement
  use   ActiveRecord::QueryCache
  use   ActionDispatch::Cookies
  use   ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore
  use   ActionDispatch::Flash
  use   ActionDispatch::ParamsParser
  use   ActionDispatch::Head
  use   Rack::ConditionalGet
  use   Rack::ETag
  use   ActionDispatch::BestStandardsSupport
  use   Warden::Manager
  use   OmniAuth::Strategies::Twitter
  use   OmniAuth::Strategies::Facebook
  run   Rubyconf2012::Application.routes

rake middleware (Rails)
Chain of Responsibility
class Relationship
  attr_accessor :state

  def initialize
    @state = :dating

  def get_married
    @state = :married

  def get_divorced
    @state = :divorced

  def make_vows; "I do"; end
  def eat_wedding_cake; "Yummy"; end
class Relationship
  attr_accessor :state

  def initialize
    @state = :dating

  def get_married
    raise "Must date before marry" unless @state == :dating
    @state = :married

  def get_divorced
    raise "Must be married before divorce" unless @state == :married
    @state = :divorced

  def make_vows; "I do"; end
  def eat_wedding_cake; "Yummy"; end
class Relationship
  include AASM

  aasm do
    state :dating, initial: true
    state :married
    state :divorced

    event :get_married,
          :before => :make_vows,
          :after => :eat_wedding_cake do
      transitions from: [:dating], to: :married

    event :get_divorced do
      transitions from: [:married], to: :divorced

  def make_vows; "I do"; end
  def eat_wedding_cake; "Yummy"; end
class Relationship
  attr_accessor :dating, :married, :divorced

  def initialize
    @dating, @married, @divorced = true, false, false

  def get_married
    raise "Must date before marry" unless dating
    @dating, @married = false, true

  def get_divorced
    raise "Must be married before divorce" unless married
    @married, @divorced = false, true

  def make_vows; "I do"; end
  def eat_wedding_cake; "Yummy"; end
class SaleOrder
  attr_accessor :items, :value, :checkout_date
  def initialize(*args)
    @items, @value, @checkout_date = args

sale =
  ['Biscuit', 'Cheese'], 15.0, "2012-07-07")
require 'money'
require 'time'
class SaleOrder
  attr_reader :value, :checkout_date
  def initialize(options = {})
    @items, @value, @checkout_date = [],, "USD"), nil
    self.items = options[:items] || []
    self.value = options[:value] || 0.0
    self.checkout_date = options[:checkout_date]
  def items=(items); @items += items.dup; end
  def items(index); @items[index]; end
  def value=(value); @value =, "USD"); end
  def checkout_date=(date)
    @checkout_date = Date.parse(date) if date

sale = ['Biscuit', 'Cheese'],
  value: 15.0, checkout_date: "2012-07-07")
Primitive Obsession
def slug(title)
    # 1
    if title.nil?
      title.strip.downcase.tr_s('^[a-z0-9]', '-')

     # 2
     title.strip.downcase.tr_s('^[a-z0-9]', '-') if title

     # 3
     (title || "").strip.downcase.tr_s('^[a-z0-9]', '-')

    # 4
    title.strip.downcase.tr_s('^[a-z0-9]', '-') rescue nil

class Object
    def try(*a, &b)
      if a.empty? && block_given?
        yield self
        public_send(*a, &b)

  class NilClass
    def try(*args)

ActiveSupport - Try
require 'active_support/core_ext/object/try'

  def slug(title)
      try(:tr_s, '^[a-z0-9]', '-')

  <%= title ? title.downcase : "" %>

  <%= title.try(:downcase) %>

class NullObject
    def method_missing(*args, &block)

    def   to_a;   []; end
    def   to_s;   ""; end
    def   to_f;   0.0; end
    def   to_i;   0; end
                               def Maybe(value)
                                 value.nil? ? : value
    def tap; self; end
    def to_value; nil; end
                               class Object
                                 def to_value

def slug(title)
    Maybe(title).strip.downcase.tr_s('^[a-z0-9]', '-')

  def slug(title)
    title = Maybe(title)
    if title.to_value
      # do something useful
    title.strip.downcase.tr_s('^[a-z0-9]', '-')

git clone git://
  cd null
  gem build null.gemspec
  gem install null-0.1.gem

  > require 'null'
  > Maybe(someobj)
  #=> null

  > (100.0 / (NULL * 15.5) - 150)
  #=> null

  object = Maybe(someobj)
  if object.truthy?
    # something useful

Null Object
class SalesOrder <, :total, :buyer_name)
  def html_receipt
    html_items = products.inject("") do |html, item|
      html += "<li>#{item}</li>"

    html = %{<h1>Thanks for the Purchase #{buyer_name}!</h1>
      <p>You purchased:</p>
      <p>Total: $#{total}</p>}

order =["Bacon", "Cheese"], 10.0, "John Doe" )
> order.html_receipt

=> "<h1>Thanks for the Purchase John Doe!</h1>
    <p>You purchased:</p>
    <p>Total: $10.0</p>"
class SalesOrder <, :total, :buyer_name)
  def html_receipt
    html_items = products.inject("") do |html, item|
      html += "<li>#{item}</li>"

    html = %{<h1>Thanks for the Purchase #{buyer_name}!</h1>
      <p>You purchased:</p>
      <p>Total: $#{total}</p>}

order =["Bacon", "Cheese"], 10.0, "John Doe" )
class SalesOrder <, :total, :buyer_name)

class SalesOrderDecorator < SimpleDelegator
  def html_receipt
    html_items = products.inject("") do |html, item|
      html += "<li>#{item}</li>"

    html = %{<h1>Thanks for the Purchase #{buyer_name}!</h1>
      <p>You purchased:</p>
      <p>Total: $#{total}</p>}

order =["Bacon", "Cheese"], 10.0, "John Doe" )
decorated_order =
> decorated_order.html_receipt

=> "<h1>Thanks for the Purchase John Doe!</h1>
    <p>You purchased:</p>
    <p>Total: $10.0</p>"


=> 10.0

> decorated_order.products

=> ["Bacon", "Cheese"]
# original
order =["Bacon", "Cheese"], 10.0, "John Doe" )
decorated_order =

# new
class SalesOrderDecorator < SimpleDelegator
  def initialize(*args)
    if args.first.is_a?(SalesOrder)
      order =*args)

decorated_order =["Bacon", "Cheese"], 10.0,
"John Doe" )


Adapter (Proxy, Bridge)

Chain of Responsibility


 Primitive Obsession

      Null Object

Decorator (Presenter)
+55 11 3729 14 22
                              +55 11 3729 14 22

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Genius is the gold in the mine

  • 1. “ Genius is the gold in the mine; talent is the miner who works and brings it out. ” Lady Marguerite Blessington Donets Basin Mina de carvão-Ucrânia
  • 2.
  • 3. @akitaonrails Ruby e Ruby on Rails - 2006 Rails Summit Latin America - 2008 RubyConf Brasil - 2010
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. Patterns e Anti-Patterns em Ruby Fabio Akita (@akitaonrails)
  • 8.
  • 9. Pattern PADRÃO
  • 10. STANDARD Pattern PADRÃO Default
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 16. "...each pattern represents our current best guess ... to solve the problem presented. ..., the patterns are still hypotheses, all ... of them -and are therefore all tentative, all free to evolve under the impact of new experience and observation" —Christopher Alexander, A Pattern Language, p. xv
  • 17. require 'erubis' def render_erb(filepath) content = template = context = { title: "Hello World", paragraph: "This is an ERB template." } output = template.evaluate(context) end puts render_erb("sample.erb") ERB
  • 18. <html> <head><title><%= @title %></title></head> <body> <p><%= @paragraph %></p> </body> </html> <html> <head><title>Hello World</title></head> <body> <p>This is an ERB template.</p> </body> </html> ERB
  • 19. require 'rdiscount' def render_markdown(filepath) content = template = output = template.to_html end puts render_markdown("") Markdown
  • 20. # Hello World This is a Markdown example * [Markdown]( syntax/) <h1>Hello World</h1> <p>This is a Markdown example</p> <ul> <li><a href=" syntax/">Markdown</a></li> </ul> Markdown
  • 21. def render(filepath) case filepath when /erb$/ then render_erb(filepath) when /md$/ then render_markdown(filepath) when /sass$/ then render_sass(filepath) ... end end puts render("sample.erb")
  • 23.
  • 24. ENGINE FILE EXTENSIONS REQUIRED LIBRARIES -------------------------- ----------------------- ---------------------------- ERB .erb, .rhtml none (included ruby stdlib) Interpolated String .str none (included ruby core) Erubis .erb, .rhtml, .erubis erubis Haml .haml haml Sass .sass haml (< 3.1) or sass (>= 3.1) Scss .scss haml (< 3.1) or sass (>= 3.1) Less CSS .less less Builder .builder builder Liquid .liquid liquid RDiscount .markdown, .mkd, .md rdiscount Redcarpet .markdown, .mkd, .md redcarpet BlueCloth .markdown, .mkd, .md bluecloth Kramdown .markdown, .mkd, .md kramdown Maruku .markdown, .mkd, .md maruku RedCloth .textile redcloth RDoc .rdoc rdoc Radius .radius radius Markaby .mab markaby Nokogiri .nokogiri nokogiri CoffeeScript .coffee coffee-script (+ javascript) Creole (Wiki markup) .wiki, .creole creole WikiCloth (Wiki markup) .wiki, .mediawiki, .mw wikicloth Yajl .yajl yajl-ruby Template Engines supported by Tilt
  • 25. require 'tilt' template ="sample.erb") context = { title: "Hello World", paragraph: "This is an ERB template." } output = template.render(context) puts output template ="") output = template.render puts output ERB and Markdown through Tilt
  • 26. require 'tilt' template ="sample.erb") context = { title: "Hello World", paragraph: "This is an ERB template." } output = template.render(context) puts output template ="") output = template.render puts output Same example as previously
  • 27. module Tilt ... @preferred_mappings = @template_mappings = { |h, k| h[k] = [] } # Hash of template path pattern => template implementation class mappings. def self.mappings @template_mappings end ... # Register a template implementation by file extension. def self.register(template_class, *extensions) if template_class.respond_to?(:to_str) # Support register(ext, template_class) too extensions, template_class = [template_class], extensions[0] end extensions.each do |ext| ext = normalize(ext) mappings[ext].unshift(template_class).uniq! end end ... tilt.rb
  • 28. require 'tilt/string' register StringTemplate, 'str' require 'tilt/erb' register ERBTemplate, 'erb', 'rhtml' register ErubisTemplate, 'erb', 'rhtml', 'erubis' require 'tilt/haml' register HamlTemplate, 'haml' require 'tilt/css' register SassTemplate, 'sass' register ScssTemplate, 'scss' register LessTemplate, 'less' ... Tilt#register
  • 29. > Tilt["erb"] => Tilt::ErubisTemplate > Tilt["md"] => Tilt::RDiscountTemplate > Tilt["haml"] => Tilt::HamlTemplate > Tilt['coffee'] => Tilt::CoffeeScriptTemplate Tilt#[]
  • 30. module Tilt ... # Create a new template for the given # file using the file's extension # to determine the the template mapping. def, line=nil, options={}, &block) if template_class = self[file], line, options, &block) else fail "No template engine registered for #{File.basename(file)}" end end Tilt overrided #new
  • 32. module Tilt # Base class for template implementations. # Subclasses must implement the #prepare method and one # of the #evaluate or #precompiled_template methods. class Template ... def render(, locals={}, &block) evaluate scope, locals || {}, &block end protected def prepare; ... end def evaluate(scope, locals, &block); ... end def precompiled(locals); ... end def precompiled_template(locals); ... end def precompiled_preamble(locals); ... end def precompiled_postamble(locals); ''; end def compiled_method(locals_keys); ... end end end Tilt::Template Lint
  • 33. module Tilt # RedCloth implementation. See: # class RedClothTemplate < Template def self.engine_initialized? defined? ::RedCloth end def initialize_engine require_template_library 'redcloth' end def prepare @engine = @output = nil end def evaluate(scope, locals, &block) @output ||= @engine.to_html end end end Tilt::RedClothTemplate Implementation
  • 35. Rails Mongrel Sinatra CGI Thin Ramaze Webrick Simple Web
  • 36. Rails Mongrel Sinatra CGI Thin Ramaze Webrick Simple Web
  • 37. Rails Mongrel Sinatra Rack CGI Thin Ramaze Webrick Simple Web
  • 38. class HelloWorld def call(env) [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, ["Hello world!"]] end end hello_world = ->(env) { [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, ["Hello world!"]] } Minimal Rack Compliant
  • 39. hello_world = ->(env) { [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/html"}, ["<h1>Hello world!</h1>"]] } use Rack::ContentType, "text/html" use Rack::ShowExceptions use Rack::Auth::Basic, "Rack Demo" do |username, password| 'secret' == password end # Setup Rack run { "/hello" => hello_world, "/" => "index.html" ) } ) rackup
  • 40. module Rack class ContentType include Rack::Utils def initialize(app, content_type = "text/html") @app, @content_type = app, content_type end def call(env) status, headers, body = headers = unless STATUS_WITH_NO_ENTITY_BODY.include?(status) headers['Content-Type'] ||= @content_type end [status, headers, body] end end end rackup
  • 41. use ActionDispatch::Static use Rack::Lock ... use Rack::Runtime use Rack::MethodOverride use ActionDispatch::RequestId use Rails::Rack::Logger use ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions use ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions use ActionDispatch::RemoteIp use ActionDispatch::Reloader use ActionDispatch::Callbacks use ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement use ActiveRecord::QueryCache use ActionDispatch::Cookies use ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore use ActionDispatch::Flash use ActionDispatch::ParamsParser use ActionDispatch::Head use Rack::ConditionalGet use Rack::ETag use ActionDispatch::BestStandardsSupport use Warden::Manager use OmniAuth::Strategies::Twitter use OmniAuth::Strategies::Facebook run Rubyconf2012::Application.routes rake middleware (Rails)
  • 43. class Relationship attr_accessor :state def initialize @state = :dating end def get_married make_vows @state = :married eat_wedding_cake end def get_divorced @state = :divorced end def make_vows; "I do"; end def eat_wedding_cake; "Yummy"; end end
  • 44. class Relationship attr_accessor :state def initialize @state = :dating end def get_married raise "Must date before marry" unless @state == :dating make_vows @state = :married eat_wedding_cake end def get_divorced raise "Must be married before divorce" unless @state == :married @state = :divorced end def make_vows; "I do"; end def eat_wedding_cake; "Yummy"; end end
  • 45.
  • 46. class Relationship include AASM aasm do state :dating, initial: true state :married state :divorced event :get_married, :before => :make_vows, :after => :eat_wedding_cake do transitions from: [:dating], to: :married end event :get_divorced do transitions from: [:married], to: :divorced end end def make_vows; "I do"; end def eat_wedding_cake; "Yummy"; end end
  • 47. class Relationship attr_accessor :dating, :married, :divorced def initialize @dating, @married, @divorced = true, false, false end def get_married raise "Must date before marry" unless dating make_vows @dating, @married = false, true eat_wedding_cake end def get_divorced raise "Must be married before divorce" unless married @married, @divorced = false, true end def make_vows; "I do"; end def eat_wedding_cake; "Yummy"; end end
  • 48. State
  • 49. class SaleOrder attr_accessor :items, :value, :checkout_date def initialize(*args) @items, @value, @checkout_date = args end end sale = ['Biscuit', 'Cheese'], 15.0, "2012-07-07")
  • 50. require 'money' require 'time' class SaleOrder attr_reader :value, :checkout_date def initialize(options = {}) @items, @value, @checkout_date = [],, "USD"), nil self.items = options[:items] || [] self.value = options[:value] || 0.0 self.checkout_date = options[:checkout_date] end def items=(items); @items += items.dup; end def items(index); @items[index]; end def value=(value); @value =, "USD"); end def checkout_date=(date) @checkout_date = Date.parse(date) if date end end sale = ['Biscuit', 'Cheese'], value: 15.0, checkout_date: "2012-07-07")
  • 52. def slug(title) # 1 if title.nil? title.strip.downcase.tr_s('^[a-z0-9]', '-') end # 2 title.strip.downcase.tr_s('^[a-z0-9]', '-') if title # 3 (title || "").strip.downcase.tr_s('^[a-z0-9]', '-') # 4 title.strip.downcase.tr_s('^[a-z0-9]', '-') rescue nil end http:/ /
  • 53. class Object def try(*a, &b) if a.empty? && block_given? yield self else public_send(*a, &b) end end end class NilClass def try(*args) nil end end ActiveSupport - Try
  • 54. require 'active_support/core_ext/object/try' def slug(title) title.try(:strip).try(:downcase). try(:tr_s, '^[a-z0-9]', '-') end <%= title ? title.downcase : "" %> <%= title.try(:downcase) %> http:/ /
  • 55. class NullObject def method_missing(*args, &block) self end def to_a; []; end def to_s; ""; end def to_f; 0.0; end def to_i; 0; end def Maybe(value) value.nil? ? : value def tap; self; end end def to_value; nil; end end class Object def to_value self end end http:/ /
  • 56. def slug(title) Maybe(title).strip.downcase.tr_s('^[a-z0-9]', '-') end def slug(title) title = Maybe(title) if title.to_value # do something useful end title.strip.downcase.tr_s('^[a-z0-9]', '-') end http:/ /
  • 57. git clone git:// cd null gem build null.gemspec gem install null-0.1.gem > require 'null' > Maybe(someobj) #=> null > (100.0 / (NULL * 15.5) - 150) #=> null object = Maybe(someobj) if object.truthy? # something useful end http:/ /
  • 59. class SalesOrder <, :total, :buyer_name) def html_receipt html_items = products.inject("") do |html, item| html += "<li>#{item}</li>" end html = %{<h1>Thanks for the Purchase #{buyer_name}!</h1> <p>You purchased:</p> <ul> #{html_items} </ul> <p>Total: $#{total}</p>} end end order =["Bacon", "Cheese"], 10.0, "John Doe" )
  • 60. > order.html_receipt => "<h1>Thanks for the Purchase John Doe!</h1> <p>You purchased:</p> <ul> <li>Bacon</li><li>Cheese</li> </ul> <p>Total: $10.0</p>"
  • 61. class SalesOrder <, :total, :buyer_name) def html_receipt html_items = products.inject("") do |html, item| html += "<li>#{item}</li>" end html = %{<h1>Thanks for the Purchase #{buyer_name}!</h1> <p>You purchased:</p> <ul> #{html_items} </ul> <p>Total: $#{total}</p>} end end order =["Bacon", "Cheese"], 10.0, "John Doe" )
  • 62. class SalesOrder <, :total, :buyer_name) end class SalesOrderDecorator < SimpleDelegator def html_receipt html_items = products.inject("") do |html, item| html += "<li>#{item}</li>" end html = %{<h1>Thanks for the Purchase #{buyer_name}!</h1> <p>You purchased:</p> <ul> #{html_items} </ul> <p>Total: $#{total}</p>} end end order =["Bacon", "Cheese"], 10.0, "John Doe" ) decorated_order =
  • 63. > decorated_order.html_receipt => "<h1>Thanks for the Purchase John Doe!</h1> <p>You purchased:</p> <ul> <li>Bacon</li><li>Cheese</li> </ul> <p>Total: $10.0</p>" > => 10.0 > decorated_order.products => ["Bacon", "Cheese"]
  • 64. # original order =["Bacon", "Cheese"], 10.0, "John Doe" ) decorated_order = # new class SalesOrderDecorator < SimpleDelegator def initialize(*args) if args.first.is_a?(SalesOrder) super(args.first) else order =*args) super(order) end end ... end decorated_order =["Bacon", "Cheese"], 10.0, "John Doe" ) decorated_order.html_receipt
  • 66. Strategy Factory Adapter (Proxy, Bridge) Chain of Responsibility State Primitive Obsession Null Object Decorator (Presenter)
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  • 77. +55 11 3729 14 22
  • 78. MUITO OBRIGADO +55 11 3729 14 22