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ESC. 351
the Environmental Perspective
• Our Common Future (the Brundtland
Report), published by the UN World
Commission on Environment and
Development (WCED) (1987)
• elevating sustainable development to a
global ethic
definition of sustainable
development which meets today’s
needs without placing the ability of
future generations to meet their
needs at risk
UN’s Previous Goals:
“Millennium Development Goals”
Halve the
number of
people living
under $1.25 a
day. MET
Ensure that
complete primary
school. NOT
Reduce by
three quarters
the maternal
mortality ratio.
UN New Goals:
“Sustainable Development Goals”
•MDGs have been criticized for being too
narrow. Made no mention of human rights,
nor specifically addressed economic
•Many MDGs were not met
•Hence, Sustainable Development Goals were
UN New Goals:
“Sustainable Development Goals”
•MDGs have been criticized for being too
narrow. Made no mention of human rights,
nor specifically addressed economic
•Many MDGs were not met
•Hence, Sustainable Development Goals were
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
1) End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
2) End hunger, achieve food security and
improved nutrition, and promote sustainable
3) Ensure healthy lives and promote
wellbeing for all at all ages.
4) Ensure inclusive and equitable quality
education and promote lifelong learning
opportunities for all.
5) Achieve gender equality and empower all
women and girls.
6) Ensure availability and sustainable management
of water and sanitation for all.
7) Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable
and modern energy for all.
8) Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable
economic growth, full and productive employment,
and decent work for all.
9) Build resilient infrastructure, promote
inclusive and sustainable industrialization,
and foster innovation.
10) Reduce inequality within and among
11) Make cities and human settlements
inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
12) Ensure sustainable consumption and
production patterns.
13) Take urgent action to combat climate
change and its impacts.
14) Conserve and sustainably use the oceans,
seas and marine resources for sustainable
15) Protect, restore and promote sustainable
use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably
manage forests, combat desertification and halt
and reverse land degradation, and halt
biodiversity loss.
16) Promote peaceful and inclusive
societies for sustainable development,
provide access to justice for all and
build effective, accountable and
inclusive institutions at all levels.
17) Strengthen the means of
implementation and revitalise the
global partnership for sustainable
Sustainable Development
- the three (four ) pillars -
A. Transforming the world to sustainability
We are the global community of environment and sustainability
Together we can redraw the future:
• influence governments
• drive new kinds of enterprise
• inspire communitites
1. Population
• Global human population
Milestone (bn) Year achieved Years to achieve
2 1930 130
3 1959 29
4 1974 15
5 1987 13
6 1999 12
7 2011 12
8 Expected by 2024 13
9 Expected by 2038 14
1. Population
• Population change – growing at 1.13% per year
• Many reasons for population growth
• Growth rate reducing (2.19% in 1963)
• Estimated to reduce to 1% by 2020 and < 0.5% by 2050
• Various impacts from reducing growth rate
China –
UK –
environmental, social and economic issues
1. population
2. other megatrends
implications from trends
the environmental perspective
• Our Common Future (the Brundtland Report), published
by the UN World Commission on Environment and
Development (WCED) (1987)
• elevating sustainable development to a global ethic
The environmental
The environmental problems can be divided
into 3 main categories:
•The deterioration of ecosystems:
•Direct impacts on human health; &
•Depletion of raw material resources &
physical space.
These problems are then SUB-DIVIDED
according to the scale of the problem:
scale and scope of the
( regional; fluvial; continental )
Environmental Problems & Geographical Scale
Geog.scale type of environmental pollution
Local - noise, smell, air pollution, soil and water pollution
Regional -soil pollution, over-fertilization & pollution, water
pollution, drought, waste disposal, air pollution
- pollution of rivers, regional waters.
- ozone levels, acidification, winter smog, heavy
Global - climate change, sea level rise, impact on ozon layer.
a. Globalisation
2. Megatrends
● Economic
● Financial
● Cultural
● Political
“The increased interconnectedness and
interdependence of people and countries.”
● Sociological
● Technological
● Geographic
● Ecological
The process whereby systems expand from
being regional or national to encompass the
entire planet. This is a broad trend that has been
underway for centuries.
Concepts of Globalisation
a. Globalisation
a. Globalisation
● Globalization can be characterized as both more complicated and more surprising than was
anticipated in terms of sustainable development.
● Many differences over discussions as the process of globalization has diverse implications to
various people.
- Though the prevailing view is that globalization has mostly negative impacts, especially in the
case of developing nations.
- The increasing complexity of our global society means that sustainable development cannot be
addressed from a single perspective, country or scientific discipline.
● In such case, sustainable human development becomes a multifaceted process. It seeks a balance
between the ecological, economic and social spheres, while also taking account of political
(participation and democratisation), ethical (responsibility, solidarity, social justice and sufficiency)
and cultural (local diversity and artistic expression) considerations.
b. Urbanisation
Source: UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Percentage of population in urban areas,
The world urban population is expected to increase from 50% to 72% of total population by
Source: UN Report World Population Ageing 1950 - 2050
b. Urbanisation
• More than half of the world’s population now lives in towns and cities and this number will
swell to about 5 million by 2030.
• Much of this urbanization will bring huge social, economic and environmental
• UN projections show the world’s rural population has already stopped growing, but the
world can expect to add close to 1.5 billion urbanites in the next 15 years, and 3 billion by
• How the world meets the challenge of sustainable development will be intimately tied
to this process;
- Smart Cities that can use cloud technology, can take advantage of
automatization in mobile devices and in social networks to connect city departments
• Critical Issues;
- “Mega Slums” and Feral Cities” – mass migration to cities can cause
overcrowding and poverty which overwhelms the governments’ ability to
require even basic needs.
- There are such areas where already police and security forces do not dare to
c. Rural Areas
Rural Population (% of total population) in 2019
● The rural population of the world has grown slowly since 1950 and is expected to reach
its peak in a few years.
● The global rural population is now close to 3.4 billion and is expected to rise slightly and
then decline to 3.1 billion by 2050.
● Africa and Asia are home to nearly 90% of the world’s rural population in 2018. India
has the largest rural population (893 million), followed by China (578 million).
United Nations
c. Rural Areas
Sustainable rural development is vital to the economic,
social and environmental viability of nations.
Strategies to deal with rural development should take into
consideration the remoteness and potentials in rural areas and
provide targeted differentiated approaches.
Investments in environmental protection, rural infrastructure
and in rural health and education are critical to sustainable rural
development and can enhance national well-being.
Rural development depends on developing and implementing
comprehensive strategies for dealing with climate change, drought,
desertification and natural disaster.
c. Rural Areas
2. Other megatrends
Global ‘middle class’
• Economic growth
• Improved medical care
• Technological
2. Other megatrends
Energy consumption
• Underestimated trend – energy needed for the processing and use of ALL
• For example, some modes of transport are known to be more efficient
than others, but ALL require energy, whether this is fossil fuels in
vehicles or calories for energy to propel a bicycle.
2. Other megatrends
• The largest amount of electricity
generated in Turkey in 2019, was
through coal, with a total of 114.6
terawatt hours generated.
• Total consumption of 231.10 bn kWh
of electric energy per year.
• Per capita this is an average of 2,770
• Total production of all electric energy
producing facilities is 262 bn kWh,
which is 113% of the countries own
usage. (Turkey could provide itself
completely with self-produced energy)
• Turkey is trading energy with foreign
countries – imports and exports play
an important role.
Source: Statista, 2021
2. Other megatrends
Source: Olivier&Peters, 2019
Source: BP Statistical
Review of World Energy
Final energy consumption by s.ector, EU-27, 1990-2018
(million tonnes of oil equivalent)
1 000
•lndintry Rcwid traMp,oct ■ ttansport Hou�l'lo
�: Eurosta:t (onl da1a code. nrg_bal_cl
Sel'IICH Other
GDP per capita vs. Energy use, 2015
Annual energy use per capita, measured in kilowatt-hours per person vs. gross domestic product (GDP)
per capita, measured as 2011 international-$.
� 100,000kWh
0kWh �t
United States
�nited Kingdom
$1,000 $2,000 $5,000 $10,000 $20,000 $50,000 $100,000
GDP per capita
Source: International Energy Agency (IEA) via The World Bank • CC BY
Kaynağa göre Toplam Enerji Arzı (TES), Türkiye 1990-2019
Credit: IEA, World Energy Balances 2020
Sektör Bazında Toplam Nihai Tüketim (TFC), Türkiye 1990-2018
Credit: IEA, World Energy Balances 2020
Kaynağa Göre Toplam Nihai Tüketim (TFC), Türkiye 1990-
Credit: IEA, World Energy Balances 2020
Sektörlere göre Nihai Kömür Tüketimi, Türkiye 1990-2018 Credit: IEA, World Energy Balances 2020
Sektörlere göre Petrol Ürünleri Nihai Tüketimi, Türkiye 1990-
Credit: IEA, World Energy Balances 2020
Türkiye'de Birincil Enerji Dağıtımı
The Concept(s)
• Biophysical exchange processes,
between society and Nature, and the
related sustainability problems.
• For the production and reproduction of
its biophysical structures society
• Foods, water, fuel, minerals, metals etc.
• Scarcity, overuse or, planetary overshoot
• Urban Metabolism
• Industrial Metabolism
• Agrarian/Rural Metabolsim
• National Metabolism
Material Flow and Its History
• Material Flow Analysis
• Direct Material Consumption
• DMC/Capita = Metabolic Rate
• DMC/GDP = Material Intensity
• GDP/DMC = Material Productivity
I Food Q,.
- -
I Food[»_
- ..
Social Metabolism
Mate ·a1s
domes ·cally
e raced
Economy Output
Expo s to other
- exc ange it the environment
exchange .,ith olher economies
Material flows in EU, 2017, billion tonnes per year (Gt/year)
Materials extracted
EU Environment
EU sodety and economy
Rest of the world
Emissions to air
I 2.6 Waste landfilled
8Non-metallic mineral
(!» Fossil energy materials/carriers
C') Metal ores
Dissipative flows
Emi;ssions to air
Emissions to
Waste landfilled
Carbon Footprint
3. Implications from trends
Biodiversity loss/
ecosystem decline
the environmental problems
The environmental problems can be divided
into 3 main categories:
•The deterioration of ecosystems:
•Direct impacts on human health; &
•Depletion of raw material resources &
physical space.
These problems are then SUB-DIVIDED
according to the scale of the problem:
To introduce the environmental parameter
into the design of products, processes and/or activities
in an effective manner
The environmental parameter becomes a
business opportunity!
Eco-design: Key message
The Business Perspective
Stages in the relation Company-Environment
• Ignore (Passive)
• Dilute (Reactive)
• Treat (Active)
• Prevent (Proactive)
Dilution and dispersion
Responses of businesses to pollution
•Lack of environmental “culture”
•Tendency to prefer “eop”
•Non-awareness of competitive advantages
of environmentally respectful systems
Passive, Reactive, Active
•Limited implementation of legislation
•Limited impact of the non-compliance
•Inappropriate evaluation and allocation
of environmental costs
Passive, Reactive, Active
•Insufficient information about polluting
sources and loads
•Inappropriate evaluation and allocation of
environmental costs
•Ignorance of future outcomes
Passive, Reactive, Active
• Reduction of management and treatment
• Generation of savings on purchases
• Generation of energy savings
• Improvement of competitiveness
• Reduction of contingency risks
3. Implications from trends
• Resource consumption increasing: Due to increasing population and
growing industries, more resources are consumed to provide goods and
• Resources being depleted: Earth’s finite resources are depleted in excess
amounts such as fossil fuels, nuclear energy, deforestation.
• ‘Need’ for more rare earth elements: Mostly metals which are highly
demanded e.g. cell phones, computer memories, rechargeable batteries,
fluorescent lighting, etc.
3. Implications from trends
• Biodiversity loss/ecosystem decline – 6th extinction event: Destruction
of habitats, pollution, deforestation, over-harvesting are among the
factors forcing species to extinction.
• Planet’s ‘resilience’ decreasing: Due to climate
change, ozone layer depletion, chemical pollution,
ocean acidification, N and P release to biosphere and
oceans decrease the resilience of our planet.
• Reduced function of ecosystem services:
unsustainable management practices leads reduced
functioning - such as excessive use of chemicals in
agricultural production.
3. Implications from trends
Despite increasing
there is still a
global quality of
life imbalance.
● Between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of the global population using an
improved drinking water source has increased from 76 per cent to 90 per cent.
● Water scarcity affects more than 40 per cent of the global population and is
projected to rise
● 127 countries have adopted right-to-information or freedom-of-information laws
● Targets of developing effective, accountable and transparent institutions and ensuring
responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels
● 2019 was the second warmest year on record and the end of the warmest decade
(2010- 2019) ever recorded. Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels and other greenhouse gases
in the atmosphere rose to new records in 2019
● Six climate-positive actions proposed: Green transition, Green jobs and sustainable
and inclusive growth, Green economy, Invest in sustainable solutions, Confront all
climate risks, Cooperation
● Before the pandemic, major progress was made in improving the health of millions
of people
● Strengthen the capacity of all countries, in particular developing countries, for
early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks
● Human activity has altered almost 75 percent of the earth’s surface, Around 1
million animal and plant species are threatened with extinction
● By 2020, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial
and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, in particular forests,
wetlands, mountains and drylands, in line with obligations under international
● According to WWF, one of the main causes of habitat loss is land for human
habitation with urban areas doubling since 1992
● Rapid urban population growth can outstrip the pace at which infrastructure such
as clean water, sanitation, health, jobs and education can be offered
● Global energy demand is expected to increase by 50% over the next 30 years as a
result of population growth and economic development
● Experts estimate that by 2050, 5 billion people – more than half the global
population – will live in water stressed regions
● Data from the WHO and the Global Alliance on Health and Pollution show
exposures to polluted soil, water and air (both indoor and outdoor) resulted in 8.4
million deaths in 2012
● By 2030, (From the baseline of 2012) reduce by two-thirds the number of deaths
and disability from pollution of air (indoor and outdoor), soil and water
● Greater investment in quality education is key to alleviating poverty and ending
population growth, still one in four girls does not attend secondary school
● Generally, the more years a woman spends in education, the smaller her family
● The World Bank has warned that extreme poverty will not decrease in 2021 due
to population growth eclipsing economic growth in the poorest nation
● Ensuring everyone is empowered to choose small families is key to eradicating
=> Climate Change
1. The science and causes of climate change
2. The impacts and consequences of climate change
3. Action to tackle climate change
B. Why do we need to be sustainable?
Climate Change
Solar radiation passes through
the clear atmosphere.
Incoming solar radiation:
343 Watt per m2
N H 0 u s
gy Is absorbed by.IN
E G A s
Some of the Infrared radiation is
abSOfbed and rHmltted by the
green�use gas molecules. The
dlrect effect is the warming of the
earth'• surface and thetroposphere,
E s
Surface ga· more heat and
lnfnnd raclatlon Is emttled again
... ana I mnverted Into heat caualng
Hltllaelon of longwave (Infrared
sou= 0!<4nogan univeisity o:llego in Cllnat'a. Departmo,11 Of geog�y. l)n;,cr'$ly Ci O:dOr<I, $(IIOCI or �ar:phy: Uniled s.ale$ Env:r(lnmenlal PltlllOelicn Aceney (EPA), w�; Clim� c;l',ange
1996. The science or Cln-ae dlange. COOl�blJtion ol wctld� Qlll4) 1 lo !he &900lld as&e!lSffi!llll repon ol the ir'll!UJ:0'.n!1'111N!m8l panel en di'nale charge, UNEP and"""°· Cll/l'bl:IQe lriJersil}' pre� 1996-
What is Climate Change
GHG increase
GHG emission
Global Warming
1. The science and causes of climate change
• Greenhouse Effect
• Global Warming
• Climate Change
Structure of Our Atmosphere
1. The science and causes of climate change
• Burning fossil fuels, e.g. coal, gas and
• Deforestation - trees absorb carbon
dioxide during photosynthesis.
• Agriculture - agricultural practices
lead to the release of NOx emissions
into the atmosphere.
• Orbital changes - the Earth has
natural warming and cooling periods
caused by Milankovitch cycles
• Volcanic activity - during a volcanic
eruption carbon dioxide is released
into the atmosphere.
• Solar output - there can be
fluctuations in the amount of
radiation from the sun.
2. The impacts and consequences of climate change
Ice breaks up
Trees flower
IPCC forecasts a
temperature rise of
2.5 to 10 degrees
Fahrenheit over
the next century.
Plant & Animal
ranges shifted
Warming of
the climate
Snow and ice
More severe
weather and
ocean acidity
Changes in
Change in the
distribution of
disease vectors
•Earth’s global average surface temperature was 0.95 Celcius above the
20th century average in 2019
Warming of the climate system: 2019 was the second
warmest year on record.
•Annual average Arctic sea-ice has decreased in every season and every
Snow and ice diminishing: Greenland and Antarctic ice
sheets losing mass
•Increased precipitation in mid-latitude N hemisphere, higher salinity
due to increased/changed precipitation in some areas.
•Increase in warm extremes and decrease in cold extremes.
More severe weather and pattern changes.
2. The impacts and consequences of climate change
•Geographical ranges, seasonal activities, migration patterns, abundance
and interactions changed.
Changes in vegetation zones: Terrestrial and marine and
freshwater species have shifted ranges
•It is expected to fall another 0.3 to 0.4 pH units by the end of the century.
Increased ocean acidity: pH dropped by 0.1 since the
beginning of the Industrial era
•Higher temperatures increase the area for species (mosquitoes, ticks) to
carry malaria and dengue fever.
Change in the distribution of disease vectors: Vector-borne
disease accounts for one-sixth of illness/disability suffered
2. The impacts and consequences of climate change
Increase in the number of heat-
related deaths
2. The impacts and consequences of climate change
Extreme weather, shifting
Melting ice and rising seas
More frequent heat waves, forest
fires, droughts, cyclones, floods
Reduction in crop yields
Loss of biodiversity and
Damage to sensitive habitats and
species – corals
Damage to property and injury to
individuals, and rising costs
Many plants and animal species
are struggling to cope
Changes to natural cycles
3. Action to tackle climate change
• IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Provides regular
assessments of the scientific basis of climate change, its impacts and future
risks, and options for adaptation and mitigation.
• Global policy: Adaptation strategy of United Nations to Climate Change by
aiming a long-term objective of:
“Stabilise GHG concentrations in the atmosphere to a level that would
prevent dangerous human interference with the global climate system”
• Other policies/commitments – emissions trading, CDM, JI: Policies to combat
climate change and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions cost-effectively.
Emissions trading: A cap is set on the total amount of certain greenhouse gases that can be
emitted by installations covered by the system. Within the cap, companies receive or buy
emission allowances which they can trade with one another as needed.
CDM-JI: Two project-based mechanisms which feed the carbon market.
The CDM involves investment in emission reduction or removal enhancement projects in
developing countries that contribute to their sustainable development, while JI enables
developed countries to carry out emission reduction or removal enhancement projects in
other developed countries.
• Conference of the Parties (CoP): A supreme decision-making body of the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).
- Review the national communications and emission inventories submitted by Parties
- Assess the effects of the measures taken by Parties
3. Action to tackle climate change
• Kyoto (1997): Operationalizes UNFCCC by committing industrialized countries and
economies in transition to limit and reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions in accordance
with agreed individual targets- reduce emissions by 5.2% (05-12), mechanisms established.
• Copenhagen (2009): Conference aiming a long-term goal of limiting the maximum global
average temperature increase to no more than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.
• Durban (2011): The negotiations advanced, in a balanced fashion, the implementation of
the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol - 2nd commitment period est. (2020) , ALL nations to
set targets.
• Doha (2012): reduce emissions by 18%, new agreement by 2015.
• Paris (2015): Legally binding international treaty on climate change, adopted by 196 Parties -
Agreement from 2020 signed in April 2016. Commitment to keep warming <2°C (1.5°C
considered). Long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies, finance for
mitigation and adaptation.
A selection of key CoP meetings
Section 3: Action to tackle climate change
Reduce the magnitude Adapt to the consequences
Use cleaner energy sources; gas over coal Build sea walls around vulnerable coastal areas
Use renewables – solar, wind, biomass, ground heat
pumps, anaerobic digestion
Give land back to mangroves and everglades to
break tidal surges during storms
Build a smart electrical grid Open wildlife migration corridors so species can
move as the climate warms
Carbon capture and storage/utilization Develop sustainable forms of agriculture
Improve efficiency of equipment and avoidance Flood protection
Geo-engineering – sequestration, solar radiation
Improve medical provisions – heat stress, disease
3. Action to tackle climate change
Current Emissions
55.6 Gt (gigatones) CO2
in 2018
1. China – 28%
2. USA – 15%
3. India – 7%
4. Russia – 5%
5. Japan – 3%
6. UK – 0.9%
Source: Olivier&Peters, 2019
3. Action to tackle climate change
• The UK Climate Change Act (2008) set a GHG reduction target of
80% by 2050; the first country-level carbon reduction law. Over 80
other countries have now set targets
UK Case Study
3. Action to tackle climate change
UK Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions 1990-
2014 MtCO2e)
Source: GOV.UK
200 500 600 700 900 1200
Ultraviolet Visible Infrared
Penetration of Sunlight into Skin
(greater depth of penetration with increase of wavelength)
Layers of the Atmosphere
0 10 15 20 25
Stratospheric Ozone
(The Ozone Layer)
Tropospheric Ozone
Layers of the Atmosphere
Ozone Amount
C .Sustainable development and UN SD Goals
Definition: Sustainable development is the concept of needs and
limitations imposed by technology and society on the environment's
ability to meet the present and future need.
• The concept of sustainable development received its first major
international recognition in 1972 at the UN Conference on the Human
Environment held in Stockholm.
• The term was popularised 15 years later in Our Common Future, the
report of the World Commission on Environment and Development,
which included what is deemed the 'classic' definition of sustainable
“Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generations to meet their own needs” (Brundtland, 1987)
● SD is the concept of warning of the negative environmental consequences of
economic growth and globalization, which tried to find possible solutions to
the problems caused by industrialization and population growth.
● Sustainable development can be successfully achieved by
○ conservation or reduction of excessive resource use
○ recycling and reuse of materials and
○ more use of renewable resources like solar energy, rather than non-
renewable resources such as oil and coal
• “Agenda 2030: UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG),
New York
• A new global development framework
• Signatures of 193 countries
• "Sustainable Development Goals” under 17 headings
• Sustainable consumption and production, sustainable
cities, climate change, fighting against drought, putting
environmental objectives such as biodiversity
conservation on the sustainable development agenda.
• Goal 12: “Ensuring Sustainable Consumption and
Production Patterns”
• UN Stockholm Conference
• BM Human Environment Declaration
• Brundtland Report
• Definition of “Sustainable Development”
• UN Conference on Environment and Development,
• Rio Declaration
• UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
• Biological Diversity Convention
• World Sustainable Development
Summit (Rio+10)
• UN Sustainable Development Conference
• Roadmap for development: "The Future We Want”
• 10 Year Framework of Programmes (10YFP) for
Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns
• Sustainable Consumption and Production
International Experts Meeting, Marrakech
• The start of the Marrakech Process
The process leading to Sustainable Development Goals
(SDGs)1: Sustainable development and UN SD Goals
� �
For Sustainable Development
Source: Raworth (2012)
A Safe and Just Space
What are safe planetary boundaries?
Climate change
● Boundaries are human determined values of the control variable
set at a “safe” distance from a dangerous level (for processes
without known thresholds at the continental to global scales) or
from its global threshold.
● Much of the uncertainty in quantifying planetary boundaries is due
to our lack of scientific knowledge about the nature of the
biophysical thresholds themselves
● The nine planetary boundaries identified cover the global
biogeochemical cycles of nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon, and water;
the major physical circulation systems of the planet (the climate,
stratosphere, ocean systems)
3. Sustainable capitals
• 5 types of sustainable capital from where we derive the
goods and services needed to improve the quality of lives
• Sources of ‘value’ – too much focus on financial
• Natural capital – understanding value, not determining price
3. Sustainable capitals
Source: Forum for the future
Natural In their extraction and use, substances taken from the earth do not exceed the environment's capacity to disperse, absorb,
recycle or otherwise neutralise their effects
In their manufacture and use, artificial substances do not exceed the environment's capacity to disperse, absorb, recycle or
otherwise neutralise their harmful effects
The capacity of the environment to provide ecological system integrity, biological diversity and productivity is protected or
Human At all ages, individuals enjoy a high standard of health
Individuals are adept at relationships and social participation, and throughout life set and achieve high personal standards of
their development and learning
Access to varied/satisfying opportunity for work, personal creativity, and recreation
Social There are trusted and accessible systems of governance and justice
Communities and society at large share key positive values and a sense of purpose
Society promotes stewardship of natural resources and people development
Homes, communities and society provide safe, supportive living/working environments
Manufactured Infrastructure, technologies and processes minimise use of natural resources and maximise human innovation and skills
Finance Financial capital accurately represents the value of the other capitals
Skills Map
ESC 351 Lecture Notes
Prof.Dr. Nilgün Cılız
Institute of Environmental Sciences
Sustainable Development and Cleaner Production Center
The biosphere, (from Greek bios = life, sphaira,
sphere) is the layer of the planet Earth where life
exists. This layer ranges from heights of up to ten
kilometres above sea level, used by some birds
in flight, to depths of the ocean such as the
Puerto Rico trench, at more than 8 kilometres
These are the extremes; however, in general the
layer of the Earth containing life is thin: the upper
atmosphere has little oxygen and very low
temperatures, while ocean depths greater than
1000 m are dark and cold. In fact, it has been
said that the biosphere is like the peel in relation
to the size of an apple.
The biosphere is one of the four layers that surround
the Earth along with the lithosphere (rock),
hydrosphere (water) and atmosphere (air) and it is
the sum of all the ecosystems.
The biosphere is unique. So far there has been no
existence of life elsewhere in the universe. Life on
Earth depends on the sun. Energy, provided as sun
light, is captured by plants in the marvellous
phenomenon of photosynthesis. The captured energy
transforms carbon dioxide into organic compounds
such as sugars and produces oxygen. The vast
majority of species of animals, fungi, parasitic plants
and many bacteria depend directly or indirectly on
• The life on earth originated more than 3.5
G years ago.
•Since then biological processes have become
increasingly important in determining the
distribution of elements and compounds into which
they incorporated.
•Functioning of biochemical cycles and basic
concepts of the Earth system are very important.
In order to understand them better, it is necessary
to know something about the chemistry of living
To build their structures and to carry out the biochemical cycles that take place within their cells, organisms
need a source of energy.
The needed energy is obtained via biochemical pathways driven either by sunlight or by energy contained in
reduced chemical compounds.
Life is based on interactions among set of large organic molecules, each of which is assembled from smaller
molecules. In addition to Carbon and hydrogen, most naturally occurring organic molecules contain one or
more of four key elements, all of which are from the second and third period of periodic table: N, O, P, and S.
Impacts on natural ecological systems, habitats and individuals
• Resource depletion – fossil fuels, critical resources, rare earth elements
• Change in land use - deforestation and intensive agriculture
• Reduced biodiversity at ecosystem, species and genetic level
• Species extinction
• Reduced enjoyment of the land – ecosystem damage and biodiversity loss
• Reduced ecological stability – resistance, regeneration and eco-succession
• Unknowns – atmospheric aerosol loading and ‘novel entities’
• Increased poverty, reduced access to clean water, reduced air quality (concerns
from direct and indirect emissions)
Ecosystem services
• An ecosystem is a dynamic complex of plant, animal and
micro-organism communities and the non-living
environment interacting as a functional unit
• Ecosystems provide a range of ‘services’ that are
essential to support our way of life and well-being
• The benefits people obtain from ecosystems can
provide more than one service
Ecosystem services
• Provisioning – that provided by ecosystems
• Food, water, fuel, fibre, genetic resources, medicines
Ecosystem services
• Regulating – the benefits obtained from the control of
ecosystem processes
• Air and water quality, climate regulation, disease and
pest control, natural hazard regulation
Ecosystem services
• Cultural – the non-material benefits provided
by ecosystems
• Recreation, eco-tourism, educational benefits,
spiritual enrichment, inspiration, scientific
Ecosystem services
• Supporting – necessary to support all other services
• Soil formation, photosynthesis, nutrient cycling,
primary production, water cycling
•Water is an important constituent of biotic community. In nature, it occurs on the land, below
its surface, in atmosphere and in the biomass.
•97% of the total volume of water available is in oceans, 2% stored in the form of ice sheets and
less than 1% is available as fresh water.
•In the atmosphere most of water is present in the form of moisture or in vapour form. Water
vapour comes from evaporation from the oceans, lakes, rivers, ice-fields and glaciers,
transpiration from plants and animal respiration.
•Water plays a significant role in the continuity of life due to its unique qualities.
•Hydrosphere is the discontinuous layer of water at or near the Earth’s surface. The
liquid and frozen surface water, ground water present in soil and rocks, and the water
vapour in the atmosphere are its components.
•About 1,347 million cubic kilometres of water distributed between these reservoirs.
•But, it is a stark fact that Earth’s fresh water reserve is only 2.7 per cent of the total and
out of this, 2.2 per cent is locked up in polar ice caps and glaciers.
•And 0.5 per cent is distributed in ground water.
•The rivers carry only 0.0001 per cent total water reserves.
Ground ater
Inland la
Soil moistur
Atmospheric wat r v r
Ri er
Vol,ont ( J(! k
- - ---
1.310. 3
29. 49
0. 242
0. 014
Percmt of Total
0. 0()()1
Some of the precipitation runs over the Earth’s surface and reaches lakes, rivers and
marshes, ultimately meeting the oceans. If the surface is covered with dense vegetation,
much of the precipitation may be held on different parts of the plants and trees. This process
is called ‘interception’ and it prevents water from reaching the ground. In such a case water
may evaporate directly from the plant surfaces into the atmosphere.
The precipitation reaching the ground, as rain or melted snow, distributes in different ways:
(1) evaporate and reach the atmosphere, (2) infiltrate the soil, (3) detained in catchment
areas, including lakes, (4) become over-land flow ( a form of run-off).
In turn, moisture retained by the soil can be lost by evaporation or being withdrawn by plants
(transpiration). The combined process is called ‘evapotranspiration’. It can be defined as the
sum of water used by vegetation and water lost by evaporation.
Biological characteristics of water are due to the
presence of biological constituents, like algae and
other biological matter that exist even in natural water.
All living aquatic organisms release organic matter to
the water through excretion of waste products or death.
Colour and smell and taste are due to minerals and
organic matter and aquatic growth and decay of
Presence of pathogens, toxicants and coliforms in
waters pose health hazards to animals and humans.
Water pollution is the presence of some inorganic, organic, biological, radiological or physical
foreign substance in the water that tends to degrade its quality.
Normally, water is never pure in a chemical sense. It contains impurities of various kinds dissolved as
well as suspended. These include dissolved gases (H2S, CO2, NH3, N2), dissolved minerals (Ca,
Mg, Na, salts), suspended matter (clay, silt, sand) and microbes. These are natural impurities derived
from the atmosphere, catchment areas and the soil. They are in very low amounts and normally do
not pollute water. All these substances when present in small quantities do not cause any harm and
may even have some positive effects in improving the water quality. However, if their concentration
increases substantially, they affect adversely the water quality and make the water unfit for use. Such
water is said to be polluted. The polluted water is turbid, unpleasant, bad smelling, unfit for drinking,
bath and washing and incompatible in supporting life.
Water pollution is also caused by the presence of undesirable and hazardous materials and
pathogens beyond certain limits. Much of the pollution is due to anthropogenic activities like
discharge of sewage, effluents and wastes from domestic and industrial establishments, particulate
matter and metals and their compounds due to mining and metallurgy and fertilizer and pesticide
runoffs from agricultural activities.
Taking all the factors into account it can be said that ‘natural water’ is a dilute solution of elements
dissolved from the Earth’s crust and washed from the atmosphere. The total ionic concentration can
vary from as low as 100 mg/L in snow, rain, hail and some mountain streams, to as high as 40,000 mg/L
in the saline lakes of internal drainage systems. Freshwater, generally, contains non-toxic and non-
hazardous total dissolved solids below 1,000 ppm.
The naturally occurring impurities are alkaline and alkaline earth salts, heavy metals iron and
manganese, and organic decomposition products of plants and biota. Brackish water contains
dissolved solids in the range 1,000- 10,000 ppm and salty water (sea water) >10,000 ppm. Of the major
ions in water are cations—Ca(60%), Mg(20%), Na(15%) and K(5%), and anions—HCO3(55%),
Cl(25%) and SO4 (20%). The concentration of major ions in natural water is the result of geochemical
balance between source contributions and removal mechanisms.
Fig. 8.1: Representation of Ionic Compositio� of Natural Waters
It is difficult to judge whether a particular body of water is polluted or
not, in absolute terms. Therefore, in broad terms, water is said to be
polluted when it contained enough impurities to make it unfit for a
particular use, such as drinking, swimming or fishing.
For some industrial purposes water of very high purity, with
impurities in ultra-trace level, is demanded. It is not only the flowing
and stagnant water that is contaminated but even the underground
water sources (aquifers) have not altogether escaped the polluting
influence of modern industrial, agricultural and community activities.
Some of the aquatic systems are choked with an excess of organic
substances and organisms to be poisoned with toxic substances.
Contaminant PermittedLevel (mgIL) Contaminant PermittedLevel (mgIL)
Chloride 250 Sulfate 250
Sodium 200 Magnesium 50
Nitrate 50 Potassium 10
Nitrite 3 Zinc 3
Copper 2 Fluoride (F) 2
Phosphorus 2 Barium 0.7
Manganese 0.5 Boron 0.3
Iron 0.3 Aluminum 0.2
Molybdenum 0.07 Cyanide (CN) 0.07
Chromium 0.02 Nickel 0.02
Arsenic 0.01 . Lead 0.01
Selenium 0.01 Antimony 0.005
Cadmium 0.003 Mercury 0.001
pH 6.0-9.0
Denilrificalion by
bacteria to
Wat r n
Sublim tion
o sublim ·on
tmo ph e
Cond nsation
Oc ns
Throughout the history, the quality of water
has been an important factor in determining
the growth of civilizations and welfare of
human settlements.
Some of the factors that affect the quaility of
water are suspended and dissolved solids,
biological substances, pH, biological oxygen
demand (BOD), and chemical oxygen demand
At present, many industrially produced toxic
substances pose the greatest hazard to the
quality of water. Water pollutants are varied
and are classified under various categories.
What are the criteria to specify the water quality data, which is influenced by various geographical,
natural and anthropological contaminants, an indicator that is understandable and useable by the
public? Criteria are based on specific levels of pollutants that would make the water harmful if
used for drinking, swimming, farming, fish production, or industrial processes. These criteria are
combined to provide a water quality index (WQI). Water quality index is based on some very
important parameters that can provide a simple indicator of water quality.
The water quality index is evaluated taking into account various parameters (DO, fecal coliform, pH,
BODs, temperature change, total phosphorous, nitrate, turbidity and total dissolved solids) that
influence the water quality. More weightage is given to important factors (e.g. Coliform is weighed more
heavily, DO is more important than pH etc.).
lndu trial
R off •.,l!llr�-, ud, suspen d particl , s. · dissol ed gases and minerals
--·· b___..,.. · contamina ·on· organic fu · oil and Q::t•.:r
d pho pha et
op ·d e ; org nic debri ; tannery and animal aste·
d bed,,�·�· =
lno.-ganic and o,gan•c particula m.a� o ·d and liquid as ; ttace elemen ;
ydrocarbo and petrocllemicals; haiardo ch micals
m ts
Dissolved inorganic & organic
Mining wst•:na; asl>estc>S; and
dust; sulfur-bearins particulate
Domestic, agricultural, mining &
Decayof ��ma ,sewa&e
Oil drilling & transport
Sal &dissol d ma
Discharge of hot dftuen from
power plan and industrial cstabli­
terioration ofw ter quality· un esthetic; hazardous
chemicals detrimental to h 1th
Turbidity; c dusion ofsunlight; dettimental to aquatic
5.....-..... con mina ·on; I ching· ilt· h zardous
Acid-mine drainage; cutropbication of water bocli
Unhealthy & unhygienic and health hazard
Hydrocarbon detrimental to all organisms· oil spillage
in high seas; damage to qu tic ecology
Trace elemen ; radioactiv waste; in 'cidc , pesti-
cides and herbicides
Deterioration o w ter quality; una thctic
Affe physi pro�rties of water; :reduction in
dissolved ga es h drastic ffi n the quatic
Water pollutants are from: (i) natural and (ii)
anthropogenic sources, and they may originate
from a point source or from a dispersed source.
Natural sources are meteorological and
geographical like volcanic activity and
earthquakes, landslides and streams runoff,
dissolved minerals, aquatic growth and decay.
Anthropogenic sources are domestic, municipal
sewage and other sanitary waste discharge, and
agricultural and industrial waste, mining waste and
leachates, and products from other human-related
activities. Radioactive substances and heat are
also water pollutants.
Point- and Non-point Sources
Pollutants are from point- as well as from non-point sources. Point sources are domestic, municipal
and sewer discharge, power generation plants and industrial waste discharge. Some of them like,
breweries, slaughterhouses and sanitary operations, paper mills and wastewater treatment plants
contribute major quantities of oxygen-demanding substances. These substances can deplete dissolved
oxygen (DO) and create anaerobic conditions in water bodies. Suspended matter also contributes to
oxygen depletion in water bodies by blocking penetration of sunlight and interfering with photosynthetic
activity. This results in an increase in oxygen demand-BOD and COD. Nitrogen and phosphorous
containing compounds (nutrients) can promote accelerated eutrophication of water bodies.
Heat is a universal pollutant, as it drastically alters the ecology of water bodies, by lowering the amount
of dissolved oxygen in water; thus, accentuating the oxygen deficiency for aquatic organisms. Trace
metals, hydrocarbons, hazardous chemicals, bacteria and a variety of pathogens are other pollutants
that can cause a wide variety of problems in watercourses.
Non-point sources are storm drainage, operations involving agricultural, timber and forest-product
operations. Mobile vehicular discharge is also a source of contamination affecting through atmospheric
Domestic Sewage
Domestic and municipal sewage carries used water from houses, offices and other buildings in a city.
It is also called sanitary sewage. Most of is ( nearly 99.9% ) is water. Through the contaminants add up
to not more than 0.1 per cent, they contain a wide variety of dissolved and suspended impurities.
The nature of these impurities and the large volume of sewage in which they are carried make
disposal of domestic wastewater a significant technical problem. Sewage is the primary source of
pathogenic organisms, oxygen-demanding waste matter and plant nutrients.
At one time it used to be said that ‘the solution to pollution is dilution’. The growth of cities all over the
world has given rise to such large volumes of sewage that dilution alone no longer assures the natural
processes of stream self-purification. Since early 20th century centralized sewage treatment plants
have been set up in all populated areas of the developed world. Instead of discharging sewage directly
into a nearby body of water, it is first passed through a series of physical, chemical and biological
processes that remove most of pollutants.
Industrial Sewage
Industrial sewage consists of polluted water from industrial and chemical processes. These discharges
usually contain specific pollutants, which are related to the nature of products handled in an industry and
the process followed. Industries located along waterways contribute a number of chemical pollutants,
some of which are toxic in any concentration. Such pollutants may originate from metallurgical , paper
and pulp, cloth and cellulose fibers, and food, beverage and tannery wastes, and detergents, plastics
and petrochemicals. Discharge from hospitals and utility sources and power generation plants also
comes in this category. In highly industrialized zones, if the industrial sewage were not separately
treated before discharge into waterways, serious pollution conditions would develop.
Industries contribute to water pollution through atmospheric pollution also. Hot water from power
generating installations, discharged into water streams, cause thermal pollution.
Storm Sewage & Agricultural Sources
Storm sewage or storm water is runoff from precipitation that is
collected in a system of pipes or open channels. Such sewage
carries organic materials, suspended and dissolves solids
and other substances picked up as the water travels over the
ground. Sewage discharge from domestic, municipal, food
processing and other industrial concerns contain a variety of
pollutants detrimental to water quality.
Agricultural wastes, generally, consist of organic products.
Fertilizers and other chemicals are spread over agricultural lands.
These materials and crop, animal and chemical wastes enter
water bodies, mainly in run-off from watershed lands, and cause
pollution. The inflow of manures from livestock feed lots also
adds to organic pollutants. Many of the pesticides, fungicides,
herbicides and other industrial chemicals are highly toxic. They
are carcinogenic and mutagenic.
0 .y n- m ndin ub t n .
ousehold r
r g
L . .6· C
S Ur◄
J . UT S
Qu It'
m d D
u tic li
; h rm to u · li�
u ti li
Agricultural Sources
Agricultural Sources
Agriculture, as the single largest user of freshwater on a global basis and as a major cause of degradation of
surface and groundwater resources through erosion and chemical runoff, has cause to be concerned about the
global implications of water quality. The associated agro-food processing industry is also a significant source of
organic pollution in most countries. Aquaculture is now recognised as a major problem in freshwater, estuarine
and coastal environments, leading to eutrophication and ecosystem damage. The principal environmental and
public health dimensions of the global freshwater quality problem are highlighted below:
· Five million people die annually from water-borne diseases.
· Ecosystem dysfunction and loss of biodiversity.
· Contamination of marine ecosystems from land-based activities.
· Contamination of groundwater resources.
· Global contamination by persistent organic pollutants.
Agricultural Sources
Experts predict that, because pollution can no longer be remedied by dilution (i.e. the flow regime is fully
utilized) in many countries, freshwater quality will become the principal limitation for sustainable development
in these countries early in the next century. This "crisis" is predicted to have the following global dimensions:
· Decline in sustainable food resources (e.g. freshwater and coastal fisheries) due to pollution.
· Cumulative effect of poor water resource management decisions because of inadequate water quality data in
many countries.
· Many countries can no longer manage pollution by dilution, leading to higher levels of aquatic pollution.
· Escalating cost of remediation and potential loss of "creditworthiness".
Agricultural Sources
Mining Wastes
Mining, milling, dressing and processing of ores give rise to dust, ore and metal discards and
large quantities of effluents, which are discharged into streams, ponds and lakes. They not only
increase sediments but also release toxic metals into water sources.
Common trace metals found in sediments and mine effluents are Cd, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb and
Zn. Of these, heavy metals Cd, Hg and Pb and metalloids, such as As, are among the most harmful
of the elemental pollutants. Most of them have a great affinity for sulphur and attack –SH groups
and disulphide bonds in proteins and other biological macromolecules. Cadmium, being chemically
similar to zinc, replaces the latter in enzymes and thus affects enzyme action of Zn-containing
proteins. Mercury is of great concern as a heavy-metal pollutant. Lead occurs in water in Pb (II)
state. It is highly poisonous and causes anaemia, central nervous system disorders, kidney and liver
. (
Bo n (B)
dmium (C )
'"tlll'lf'llo■Mt·um (C )
Co ( )
Iron (Fi )
dcnium ( )
ilvcr (Ag)
. (Zn)
.c; carcinnn-ic
........-.· carcin nic
• h&J'.BC ic
. . ; dom . d ind trial
moder te 1
Highly oxic
nonto ic bu i
n n ic. bu i n 1
Atmospheric Deposition
There is accumulated evidence to establish a close relationship between atmospheric pollution and
declining water quality on the globe. Airborne pollutants can be deposited on land or water. This type
of deposition can take place, some times, at great distances from its original source. The deposition
itself can take several forms: ’wet deposition’ occurs when air pollutants fall with rain, snow or fog.
‘Dry deposition’ takes place as dry particles or gases. These pollutants can fall directly on water or
having fallen on land can be washed into a body of water as runoff.
There is evidence showing that atmospheric pollutants can reach even the ground water. Therefore,
as pollution falls, part of it might end up in streams, lakes or estuaries and aquifers and affect the
water quality there. Presence of secondary porosity and fractures within the rocks mass over the
aquifers can lead to the movement of ground pollutants through the ground water.
Water pollution has wider ecological impact than just being unsuitable for consumption or posing
health hazards. Most of the water withdrawn from resources is used for consumption—household use,
and ‘water-carriage’ of wastes and discards in domestic, sanitary and municipal jurisdiction. Similarly,
major consumption of water in indutrial plants is for ‘water-carriage’ of wastes, for removal of
byproducts and impurities and as a coolant. Thus, water is the major conduit in direct transmission of
toxic agents, trace elements, like As,Cd,Cr,Hg,Pb, and Se and persistent hazardous organic chemicals
and infectious agents and vectors for several diseases, such as cholera, gastrointestinal diseases,
malaria,schistosomiasis, typhoid fewer, filiariasis, encephalitis.
Increase in human settlements, urbanization and population explosion pose a greater demand for
water—for domestic use, flush-toilets, washing and bathing, swimming pools, lawns and gardening,
recreational activities, automobile and other vehicular uses, constraction, sanitation and healthcare
centers, agricultural and industrial operations. But, available water is limşted. So, the adverse effects
of water pollution on ecological systems at local, regional, continental and global levels would become
more and more serious.
eforestation &
Anim hu bandry
Mining & onstruction
Domestic & municipal
ecrease in green vegetation; decrease in transpiration; decrease in rainfall;
land deteriora ion; increase in pollution in water bodies.
ncr e in sedimentation and storm runoff; land deteriora ion; incre
pollutants in water bodies.
Lowering of water table· increase in sediments and po utants· leaching.
Increase in pollutants in waterbodies; loss ofaquatic life; inferior waterquality;
sanitary and heaJth hazards.
Increase in pollutan • oxic and hazardou chemical � health hazards· increase
in mp ra re of water bodi ; l of aquati life.
The blue algae take up carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous compounds from the water and utilizing
sunlight produce high-energy compounds. Algae are consumed by zooplanktons, which, in turn, from the
food for aquatic animals. Bacteria consume dissolved carbon (organic matter) and produce CO2, which is
in turn used by algae. Thus, a food cycle is established (photosynthesis and respiration) within the normal
ecology of water bodies.
In the stratified in water body the level (depth) at which photosynthesis is equal to respiration is
termed compensation level. It roughly corresponds to a depth at which the attenuation of sunlight is ~1
per cent of what is received at the water surface. The region above the compensation level is called the
trophogenic zone, where photosynthesis is in excess of respiration. The zone below the compensation
level is called the tropholytic zone, where respiration is in excess of photosynthesis.
The transparency of the water and the depth to which light can penetrate in it are inversely related to its
turbidity. Turbidity interferes with photosynthesis, leading to the reduction of the depth of the
compensation level and shifting the water-body towards tropholytic environment. This disturbs the
ecological balance of watercourse, with reduction of phytoplankton and decrease in dissolved oxygen
Al e Plan on
De &
Fig. 10.5: Ecology of Stationary Water Bodfes
-- ______________.......__ ____________......__...,___________________________,__._______._..
o ynth is>
--·· phic · ·
Co nsa ·on Level
F g. 10.6: S ratificatio of S a ionary Water Bodies
Domestic, agricultural and industrial sewage and sludge contain nutrients in the form of carbon,
nitrogen and phosphorous compounds. Dumping of large quantities of such wastes produces
uncontrolled growth of plankton (free-floating algae) in the top layer (epilimnion region) of the lakes.
Algal blooms interfere with the aquatic activities. Dense layer of these organisms would block out
sunlight from reaching organisms in deeper parts of the water body. They may also act as a barrier to
the penetration of O2 into the water, which may result in depletion of fish species. Excessive algal
productivity can result in chocking by weeds and odour to the water.
When the algae die, they drop to the lake bottom (benthal region; hypolimnion region) and become a
source of carbon for decomposing aerobic bacteria. Aerobic bacteria use the available oxygen in
decomposing dead algae thus, boosting biochemical oxygen demand in the water. Thus, the
hypolimnion region can become anaerobic, and subsequently this process may extends to the
metalimnion region also.
The aerobic activity produces turbidity, thereby causing a decrease in the penetration of sun light.
This limits photosynthetic algal activity (in the epilimnion region). Eventually the epilimnion region also
becomes anaerobic.. At this state, all aerobic aquatic life disappears and the algae concentrate on the
lake surface as large green mass. The entire process of the aging of stationary water bodies is called
Benthal sediments are important sources of
inorganic and organic matter in lakes and oceans.
The environment around the benthal sediments is
anaerobic. Bottom sediments undergo continuous
leaching. Phosphorous exchange with sediments
aggravates eutrophication by making this essential
element available to algae.
This stratification is temperature-dependent, and
there exists a temperature-depth relationship in a
water body. The inflection-point of thermal
stratification is called thermocline.
Water supports a very complex ecosystem in which intricate physical, chemical and biological processes
occur. The hydrological cycle comprises cycles of freezing and thawing, mechanical stress reversals,
dynamic equilibrium state that exists between precipitation, percolation, runoff and evaporation.
Precipitation of atmospheric moisture occurs only when temperature of air mass is lowered to or below
the dew point(saturation point). Air temperature is lowered due to: (i) heat loss by IR radiation, (ii)
adiabatic cooling as large air masses expand and (iii) mixing of hot air (moisture) with cooler air
masses. Water loss by evaporation is a physical process. The transpiration process enhances water
loss from land. While evaporation is a physical process, transpiration is a physicochemical as well as a
biochemical process by which plants and other photosynthetic organisms draw solutions containing
essential growth nutrients from the soil.
The ecosystem may be regarded as an ‘entropy pump’ that extracts solar energy to produce organized
‘open systems’. The balance between photosynthesis and respiration (P-R cycle) is primarily
responsible for regulating the concentrations of O2 and CO2 in the atmosphere.
------- CO, Catabo ·sm of
Organi Nutrients
F g. , 0.8: Photosynt esis-Resp1raUon (P-R) Cycle
Pollution of surface waters frequently results from a disturbance in the balance between
photosynthesis (P) and respiration (R). Adding either an excess of organic waste or an excess of
inorganic nutrients ( phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers) also upsets this balance. Photosynthesis
<<respiration and heterotrophic processes tend to dominate and dissolved oxygen (DO) may become
Case 2: there is progressive accumulation of autotrophic biomass (algae, aquatic plants and weeds).
Eventually this biomass decomposes, thereby enhancing rate of respiration (R>>P), which again may
reduce DO. Trace metals and other compounds may accumulate in the food chain with deleterious
effects on organisms, animals and humans ( Plankton Fish Man ). Dying fish and
malodour are indicators of very low oxygen level in a water body. For many natural waters, inorganic
fertilizers are often more serious pollutants than biological wastes.
Spatial Separation of the P-R Cycle
The P-R cycle can also be disturbed by spatial separation of two processes. There is horizontal
separation of P-R functions in rivers and streams and vertical separation in stratified stationary water
Spatial Separation of the P-R Cycle: In Stationary
Water Bodies
In a stratified lake, an excessive production of
algae and O2 in the upper strata may cause
anaerobic conditions (lack of DO) in the lower
strata. This is because much of the O2 from the
photosynthetic process escapes to the
atmosphere and, therefore, does not become
available to the heterotrophs in the deeper
strata of the water body.
Vertical separation of the P-R functions in lakes
can be induced by organic nutrients, which
encourage surface algal growth. The resultant
anaerobic condition stifles higher trophic levels.
Algal blooms deplete DO and lead to fish-kills.
Spatial Separation of the P-R Cycle: In Rivers
Streams have the inherent capacity for re-
aeration. The DO profile as a function of time
or flow is a balance between natural aeration
and de-oxygenation by microorganisms. The
DO in a stream is inversely related to the
abundance of microorganisms in water. The
latter increases with nutrient supply.
Longitudinal separation of the P-R process in
rivers can be caused by local influx of organic
(and inorganic) waste, which stimulates
increase of bacterial activity and concomitant
O2 consumption. This results in enhanced
algal growth downstream, which upon decay
exerts an oxygen demand still further along
the stream.
Spatial Separation of the P-R Cycle: In Estuaries
Estuaries are regions of interaction between
rivers and near-shore ocean waters, where tidal
action and river flow mix fresh and salt water.
Estuaries have intermediate salinity between
streams and seas. Such areas include bays,
mouths of rivers, salt marshes, and lagoons.
These brackish water ecosystems shelter and
feed marine life, birds, and wildlife.
Ecological imbalance of estuaries due to
wastewater discharge affects the habitat and
food supply of fish, clams and shrimp.
Pollutants are concentrated by bioaccumulation
by a factor of 10^3 in fish and other aquatic
The UNITED NATIONS suggests that EACH PERSON needs about
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on ther farms by
Prof.Dr.Nilgün Kıran Cılız
Lecturer Institute of Environmental Sciences
Director, Sustainable Development and Clenaer Production
Agriculture and Food
What are safe planetary boundaries?
* A sustainable food system ‘is a food system
that ensures food security and nutrition for all
in such a way that the economic, social and
environmental bases to generate food security
and nutrition or future generations are not
* The transition to more resilient and
sustainable food systems therefore concerns
all of the interrelated and connected
activities that go into producing and
consuming food: producing, processing,
transporting, storing, marketing and
consuming. A systems approach is therefore
rooted in an understanding of these linkages,
the interactions among them, and the policy
levers and options available for all actors in
the sector.
* The transition to more resilient and
sustainable food systems therefore concerns
all of the interrelated and connected
activities that go into producing and
consuming food:
Producing Processing Transporting Storing Marketing Consuming
- Biodiversity
- Energy
- Soil
- Water
- Farm
- Thriving local
- Entire value
Social equity
- Food quality &
- Labor rights
- Community
Major elements of a sustainable development path for
agriculture and food systems proposed by FAO are:
• Shifting towards healthier diets;
• Reducing food losses and waste;
• Increasing agricultural production on existing crop and
pasture land and make it more resilient to climatic
• Preserving the environment through lowering resource use
intensity and improving stewardship of natural resources;
• Making rural areas attractive places to live and creating
new economic opportunities for smallholder farmers and
entrepreneurs along the value chain, especially women and
Among the sustainable development goals, the ones
strictly related to agriculture are:
• Ending extreme poverty including hunger,
• Achieving health and wellbeing at all ages,
• Improving agriculture systems and raise rural prosperity,
• Curbing human-induced climate change and ensure
sustainable energy,
• Securing ecosystem services and biodiversity, and
ensuring good management of water and other natural
Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food
security and improved nutrition,
and promote sustainable
Potential and Indicative Indicator
Potential lead
agency or
Proportion of population below minimum
level of dietary energy consumption (MDG
Percentage of women of reproductive age
(15-49) with anemia
Prevalence of stunting and wasting in
children under 5 years of age
Percentage of infants under 6 months who
are exclusively breast fed
Percentage of women, 15-49 years of age,
who consume at least 5 out of 10 defined
food groups
Table 1: Suggested SDG Indicators for Goal 2 by UN
Source: Indicators and a Monitoring Framework for the Sustainable Development Goals; A report by the Leadership
Council of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network; March 20, 2015
Potential and Indicative Indicator
Potential lead
agency or
Crop yield gap (actual yield as % of
attainable yield)
Number of agricultural extension workers
per 1000 farmers [or share of farmers
covered by agricultural extension
programs and services]
15 Nitrogen use efficiency in food systems FAO, IFA
[Crop water productivity (tons of
harvested product per unit irrigation
water)] – to be developed
Table 1 cont’d
Source: Indicators and a Monitoring Framework for the Sustainable Development Goals; A report by the Leadership
Council of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network; March 20, 2015
Complementary National Indicators
Percentage of population with shortfalls of: iron, zinc,
iodine, vitamin A, folate, vitamin B12, [and vitamin D]
Proportion of infants 6–23 months of age who receive a
minimum acceptable diet
2.3 Percentage children born with low birth weight
2.4 Cereal yield growth rate (% p.a.)
2.5 Livestock yield gap (actual yield as % of attainable yield)
[Phosphorus use efficiency in food systems] – to be
2.7 Share of calories from non-staple crops
Source: Indicators and a Monitoring Framework for the Sustainable Development Goals; A report by the Leadership
Council of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network; March 20, 2015
Table 2: Complementary National Indicators for Goal 2
Complementary National Indicators
Percentage of total daily energy intake from protein in
[Access to drying, storage and processing facilities] – to be
[Indicator on genetic diversity in agriculture] – to be
2.11 [Indicator on irrigation access gap] – to be developed
[Farmers with nationally appropriate crop insurance (%)] –
to be developed
Public and private R&D expenditure on agriculture and
rural development (% of GNI)
2.14 [Indicator on food price volatility] – to be developed
Source: Indicators and a Monitoring Framework for the Sustainable Development Goals; A report by the Leadership
Council of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network; March 20, 2015
Table 2 cont’d
* Increasing food demand
* ½ habitable land used for farming
* Pollution & social problems
✓ Agriculture is responsible for 70% of freshwater withdrawals.
✓ Large scale production systems are significant driver of
deforestation, biodiversity loss, land degradation and
conversion of natural habitat.
✓ Food losses and waste account for at least 30 percent of total
global food production.
✓ Unsustainable fishery practices often result in devastating
impacts on the aquatic environment and its resources. Today,
almost 30 percent of global fish stocks are overexploited, and
about 57 percent fully exploited.
✓ The dependence of the global food system on fossil fuels
contributes to GHG emissions and may also increase input costs
to the extent that they become unaffordable.
* Water scarcity
* Soil
* Biodiversity
* Economic impacts
* Social impacts
• 70 % of the world’s surface water
• Excess nutrients (phosphorus),
• 47% population: sever water stress in
✓ Better water treatment
✓ Efficient irrigation
Figure 1: Agricultural water use
% change in total agriculture water use, 1990-92 to 2002-2004
An example: Nestle’s “Water Scarcity” Project Results:
• Fertile soil essential for healthy crops
and livestock, promotes biodiversity and
is carbon sink
• 40 % of all cultivable land degraded
• Degraded land → decreasing yields
• Supports natural ecosystems services
(air quality improvement, disease
control etc.)
• Raw material availability
• Cannot deny next generations
• Value estimated: $ 16-64 trillion
• Unstable & high fuel price, technologies to
conserve energy and produce biodiesel and
• Reduce dependence on fossil fuels + retains
gge + save money (15% of production costs)
• China : project ‘Dream farm’ could lead to
energy savings of 2608 EJ
• 70% of developing countries rely on
• Businesses partner with NGO’s (analyze
impacts) & build relationships with the
entire supply chain
→Supply in long term ensured
• Economic viability: profitable through
increasing yields (previous cases)
Table 3: Summary of Adoption and Impact of Agricultural
Sustainability Technologies and Practices on 286
Projects in 57 Countries
Source: Food and agriculture organization of the UN
• Businesses have responsibilities:
• Heterogeneity in agro-climatic environments
• Economically profitable + increasing final
• Access to information (technologies,
• Lack of institutions to facilitate the promotion
and adaption (research, NGO’s)
• Political constraints (benefits → resistance
of agrochemical industries)
The new food system challenge
• Change behavior towards healthier diets
and reduce food loss and waste
• Increase productivity by more than 60% on
existing crop and pasture land by 2050
• Preserve the environment through lower
resource intensity and sound use of inputs
• Make farming an attractive economic
opportunity for (young) people living in
rural areas
Sustainab e Agr·culturall nte,ns,ifica,tio,n (SAi)
• Labor
• Seed
• Water
Ag Retailer
tt ...
• Financial capital
• Knowledge
• Crap protecnon
• Infrastructure
• echnology
• Fert'IlitIMS. • Market!.
• Samelle s land and water
• Efficient u e of Input
• Min'mized GHG emission
• Increased nat. r I capital
• Strengthened resilience
• Reduced water/air pollution OUTPUTS
* The Solution, an initiative of the UN Sustainable
Development Solutions Network (SDSN), aims to bring
together different actors, including governments,
NGOs, the private sector, and academia, under a
shared commitment to sustainable food systems while
promoting rural prosperity and mitigating
environmental impact.
* It provides farmers with tailored tools and best
management practices on the 4 ‘Rights’ — Right
Rate, Source, Time, and Place — required to
sustainably enhance crop production.
I ,
lllli 'II
I .1111
P1in ·1pk,
* Performance-based management
* A shared value approach
* Customized and science-based Best
Management Practices
* Access to a worldwide network of
international experts
* Iterative approach and continuous
Source: IFA Meetings; Paris, January 2015
Key Features of the Nutrient Solution
1) Promoting Soil Nutrient Management
2) Strengthening Agricultural Extension Systems
3) Developing a real time performance
monitoring system for extension
4) Supporting the establishment of agribusiness
and retail centers
5) Establishing a network of universities to work
on Good Agronomic Practices
10 actions for improving Nutrient Use Efficiency
Nutri nt
& Biological
Manure &
se age
0 capture
& reuse
Source: Sutton M.A. et al. 2012).
Full Chain NUEN,P
Crop NUE ,P
Co p 10n
Tran o
Choi es
Cons pt1on
& DI t Clo c s
Spa ·at
optimiza ·on
& in egrat1on
Indicators for Sustainable
*Agriculture and its role in the SDGs
*Investing in the agricultural sector can address not
only hunger and malnutrition but also other challenges
including poverty; water and energy use; climate change;
and unsustainable production and consumption.
Connection to many of the 17 SDGs:
* Agriculture’s connection to SDGs:
Rural people represent the
largest segment of the world’s
extreme poor by far – more
than 70% of the total. Growth
in agriculture is at least twice
as effective in reducing poverty
than from any other sector.
Potential and Indicative Indicators
*GOAL1: End Poverty
Rate (%) *
Gap *
Proportion of
living below
Total fertility
* Preliminary SDG indicators for OECD Countires
* Agriculture’s connection to SDGs:
It includes targets on ending hunger, achieving food
security and improved nutrition and promoting
sustainable agriculture.
Source: UN, Zero Hunger Challenge
Potential and Indicative Indicators
Targets Indicators
2.3. by 2030 double the agricultural
productivity and the incomes of
small-scale food producers,
particularly women, indigenous
peoples, family farmers, pastoralists
and fishers, including through secure
and equal access to land, other
productive resources and inputs,
knowledge, financial services,
markets and opportunities for value
addition and non-farm employment
6. Losses from natural disasters, by climate and
non-climate-related events (in US$ and lives lost)
13. Crop yield gap (actual yield as % of attainable
15. Nitrogen use efficiency in food systems
16. [Crop water productivity (tons of harvested
product per unit irrigation water)] – to be
Complementary National Indicators:
2.4. Cereal yield growth rate (% p.a.)
2.5. Livestock yield gap (actual yield as % of
attainable yield)
2.6. [Phosphorus use efficiency in food systems] –
to be developed
Targets Potential and Indicative Indicators
2.4. by 2030 ensure sustainable
food production systems and
implement resilient agricultural
practices that increase
productivity and production, that
help maintain cosystems, that
strengthen capacity for
adaptation to limate change,
extreme weather, drought,
flooding and other disasters, and
that rogressively improve land
and soil quality
6. Losses from natural disasters, by climate and non-
climate-related events (in US$ and lives lost)
13. Crop yield gap (actual yield as % of attainable
15. Nitrogen use efficiency in food systems
Complementary National Indicators:
2.4. Cereal yield growth rate (% p.a.)
2.5. Livestock yield gap (actual yield as % of
attainable yield)
2.6. [Phosphorus use efficiency in food systems] – to
be developed
Potential and Indicative Indicators
* Agriculture’s connection to SDGs:
Agricultural extension enables
farmers to access to the skills,
tools, inputs and knowledge they
need to thrive.
* GOAL 4: Quality Education
Potential and Indicative Indicators
rates *
Programme for
Student Assessment
(PISA) Results *
Early Child
Index (ECDI)
rates for girls
and boys
rates for
women and
* Preliminary SDG indicators for OECD Countires
* Agriculture’s connection to SDGs:
Women farmers produce 20-30%
less than their male counterparts,
mostly due to differences in their
access and use of resources.
Women produce over half the
food worldwide, so bridging this
gap could reduce global hunger by
as much as 17%.
* GOAL 5: Gender Equality
Potential and Indicative Indicators
Proportion of
seats held by
women in
parliaments (%) *
pay gap *
Percentage of
women aged 20-
24 who were
married or in a
union by age 18
Average number of
hours spent on paid
and unpaid work
combined by sex
Gender gap in
wages, by sector
of economic
Adolescent birth
* Preliminary SDG indicators for OECD Countires
* Agriculture’s connection to SDGs:
By 2030, global water demand
will increase more than 50%,
with agriculture alone requiring
more than what can be
sustained to feed the world
even before domestic and
industrial needs are met.
* GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
Potential and Indicative Indicators
Gross freshwater
abstractions as
percent of total
resources *
connected to
treatment *
Proportion of
total water
Percentage of
population with
basic hand washing
facilities with soap
and water at home
Percentage of
flows treated
to national
* Preliminary SDG indicators for OECD Countires
* Agriculture’s connection to SDGs:
By 2030, energy demand is
expected to increase as much
as 50%, driven mostly by
developing world demand.
More crops are likely to be
diverted for use as biofuels,
doubling or even tripling as a
proportion of total use.
* GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
Potential and Indicative Indicators
intensity *
Share of
energy in gross
primary energy
consumption *
Share of the
population using
modern cooking
solutions, by
Share of the
population using
reliable electricity,
by urban/rural
Implicit incentives
for low-carbon
energy in the
electricity sector
* Preliminary SDG indicators for OECD Countires
* Agriculture’s connection to SDGs:
GOAL 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable
economic growth, full and productive employment and
decent work for all
Agriculture is an engine of
pro-poor economic
growth in rural areas.
Entrepreneurship across
the rural and food sectors
can generate employment
and growth.
* GOAL 8: Decent work and Economic Growth
Potential and Indicative Indicators
Gross National
Income (GNI)
per capita*
Employment to
population ratio
(EPR) (ages 15–
64) *
Youth employment
rate, by formal and
informal sector
income, including
in-kind services
Percentage of own-
account and contributing
family workers in total
Percentage of
young people not
in education,
employment or
* Preliminary SDG indicators for OECD Countires
* Agriculture’s connection to SDGs:
GOAL 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and
production patterns
Average per capita
consumption is expected to
grow through 2030, despite
population increases. At
the same time, around one
third of food produced is
* GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption
Potential and Indicative Indicators
generated *
consumption *
Global Food
Loss Index
Consumption of
Disclosure of
* Preliminary SDG indicators for OECD Countires
* Agriculture’s connection to SDGs:
GOAL 13: Take urgent action to combat climate
change and its impacts
By 2030, agriculture’s
carbon mitigation
potential could reach as
much as 7,5 % of total
global emissions,
depending on the price
of carbon and adoption
of agricultural
productivity measures.
* GOAL 13: Climate Action
Potential and Indicative Indicators
Production Based
Energy Related
CO2 Emissions
Per Capita *
GHG emissions as
percent of GDP *
Official climate
financing from
countries that is
incremental to ODA
(in US$)
* Preliminary SDG indicators for OECD Countires
* Agriculture’s connection to SDGs:
GOAL 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of
terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat
desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and
halt biodiversity loss
Improving the efficiency
of farmland can help
meet the world’s
growing consumption
demand while
minimising the loss of
natural habitats and
forests for additional
* GOAL 15: Life On Land
Potential and Indicative Indicators
areas *
Red List Index
for Birds *
Area of forest under
sustainable forest
management as a
percent of forest area
Annual change in
forest area and land
under cultivation
tenure security
and governance
of forests
* Preliminary SDG indicators for OECD Countires
LCA for Effective Value Chain Systems
LCA is a “cradle-to-grave” approach that focuses on
improvements of product, process or business
activity in all stages of its development from the
extraction of raw materials to the point when all
materials are returned to the earth. As a part of
well-developed value chain systems LCA should be
implemented to entire life cycle of the product in
order to improve the environmental, social, and
economic impacts.
The UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative has grouped
environmental impacts into two groups into Life Cycle
Impact Assessment Midpoint-Damage Framework.
Resource consumption and emissions in the life cycle
inventory (LCI) analysis are linked to mid-point impact
categories such as climate change, resource depletion,
human toxicity, photochemical ozone depletion,
acidification and eutrophication and final damage (end-
point) categories which are human health, ecosystem
quality, and resource depletion within this framework.
:3" � �
Q. Q.
::, I I
,.... ,:;:, '1:J
0 0 0
� 5· 5·
( )
I smog formation
I carcinogenesis
I� :::,,
I ozone layer depletion
I :::l
- Q
I climate change
I radiation
I ecotoxicitiy 1�
,...,. I
0 tn
_.., �
'< ,....
� I acidification I t1)
� I land usage
I effect on species
I . :3
I fossil fuels depletion
I mineral depletion �
How is biomass used as a source of energy and
Through photosynthesis, plants convert sunlight energy into
chemical energy
Amount of harvested
biomass, %
1- Food and feed 82
2- Fuel 11
3- Material 7
Source; OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2007-2016
Primarily used as food and feed,
it is increasingly demanded for fuel and material purposes
*The global demand for energy is increased by 37% to
*The Goal 7 calls for ensuring access to affordable,
reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
*In particular Target 7.2 states “by 2030, increase
substantially the share of renewable energy in the global
energy mix"
*Biofuel use will almost triple from 2012 to 2040.
*Biofuel use will make up 8% of total road transport fuel
demand by 2040
Source:* IEA, 2014
*Fuel Production from Biomass
*Food Security vs. Energy Demand
• Food security,
• Acess to land,
• Biodiversity loss,
• Increased greenhouse gas
emissions from land use
Source:1 UNEP, 2014
Supply Low
Food Supply 71 300
48 80
4 115
Additional land requirement
expand by around 320 to 850 Mha.
to 2050 1
*Biofuels and Materials from two sources:
Source:1 IRENA, 2014
38-45 % of the total biomass supply for energy purposes will be met by
Agricultural Residues by 20301
Straw, maize stover,
residues from sugar
beet, oilseeds, grass
cuttings, olive pits,
seed husks, nut shells
2- Agricultural
1- Crop
*The most favorable Agrowastes
million tons
Africa Asia Europe America Ocenia Turkey
Rice Straw 20.9 667.6 3.9 37.2 1.7 0.18
Wheat straw 5.34 145.20 132.59 62.64 8.57 3.5
Corn stover 0 33.90 28.61 140.86 0.24 4.13
Baggase 11.73 74.88 0.01 87.62 6.49 -
Source: Sarkar et. al, 2012
Fine Chemicals
Health and
Feed Food
Performance Materials
Commodity chemicals
Chemicals and
Electricity and Heat
Added Value
The Agricultural Residue Value Triangle
*Conversion Technologies
Thermochemical and Biochemical Routes
Size Reduction,
Upgrading and
Oil Upgrading
Fuels, Energy
and Chemicals
Fuels, Energy
and Char
Fuels &
Chemicals, Fuels
and Materials
*Bio-based Products from
Agricultural Residues
Products derived
and biochemical
• Bioethanol
• Biodiesel
• Syngas
• Cellulose Paper
• Pulp
• Clothing fibres,
films and filters
• Lignin derived
adhesives like
High-Value Added
• Phenols, organic
acids, furfural
and HMF
• Biopolymers and
• Woodplastic-
• Bio-based
• Pharmaceuticals
*Bio-based Products from
Agricultural Residues
Technology Value-added product
Pyrolysis Acetic acid, phenol, substituted
phenols, CO, methane
Fast thermolysis Acetylene, ethylene
Alkali fusion Phenolic acids
Enzymatic oxidation Oxidized lignin for paints and coatings
Microbial conversion Vanilic and ferulic acids
Oxidative Vanillin, dimethylsulfide
Hydrolysis Phenol, substituted phenols
Hydrogenation Phenol, cresols, substituted phenols
2nd Generation
Bioethanol from
Agricultural residue
3rd Generation
Value Added Product
Activated Carbon
Bioethanol via SSF
Biochemical Conversion
Agricultural Residue
Lignin Rich Residue
Activated Carbon Production
via Pyrolysis
*BU-SDCPC Renewable Energy Laboratory
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
*Compare the relative merits of bio-based products to
traditional products
*Water, soil and biodiversity impacts at different stages of
the supply chain
* Important sustainability concerns linked to the
mobilisation of the wastes and residues.
*Midpoint vs Endpoint approach of LCA
*BU-SDCPC LCA Laboratory
GaBi diagram:Balance
EDIP 2003, Acidification potential
EDIP 2003, Aquatic eutrophication
EDIP 2003, Global w arming
EDIP 2003, Photochemical ozone formation - impact on human health and materials
EDIP 2003, Stratospheric ozone depletion
EDIP 2003, Terrestrial eutrophication
Quantity view
Bioethanol Product_CombustE10
Bioethanol Product_CombustE85
Gasoline Product_Combust
Agricultural residue based bioethanol blend (E10 and E85) life
cycle vs. Conventional Gasoline life cycle
Prof. Dr. Nilgün CILIZ
Soils, Watershed Processes, and
Marine Sediments
Prof.Dr. Nilgün Kıran Cılız
Sustainable Development and Cleaner Production Center
Institute of Environmental Sciences
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
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ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
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ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
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ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
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ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
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ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
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ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
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ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf
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ESC 351 - Nilgün Kıran Cılız.pdf

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  • 2. the Environmental Perspective • Our Common Future (the Brundtland Report), published by the UN World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) (1987) • elevating sustainable development to a global ethic
  • 3. definition of sustainable development development which meets today’s needs without placing the ability of future generations to meet their needs at risk
  • 4. UN’s Previous Goals: “Millennium Development Goals” Halve the number of people living under $1.25 a day. MET Ensure that children everywhere complete primary school. NOT MET Reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio.
  • 5. UN New Goals: “Sustainable Development Goals” •MDGs have been criticized for being too narrow. Made no mention of human rights, nor specifically addressed economic development. •Many MDGs were not met •Hence, Sustainable Development Goals were proposed.
  • 6. UN New Goals: “Sustainable Development Goals” •MDGs have been criticized for being too narrow. Made no mention of human rights, nor specifically addressed economic development. •Many MDGs were not met •Hence, Sustainable Development Goals were proposed.
  • 9. 1) End poverty in all its forms everywhere. 2) End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. 3) Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages. 4) Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
  • 10. 5) Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. 6) Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. 7) Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. 8) Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.
  • 11. 9) Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation. 10) Reduce inequality within and among countries. 11) Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. 12) Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
  • 12. 13) Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. 14) Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. 15) Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation, and halt biodiversity loss.
  • 13. 16) Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. 17) Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development.
  • 16. A. Transforming the world to sustainability We are the global community of environment and sustainability representatives Together we can redraw the future: • influence governments • drive new kinds of enterprise • inspire communitites
  • 17. 1. Population • Global human population Milestone (bn) Year achieved Years to achieve 2 1930 130 3 1959 29 4 1974 15 5 1987 13 6 1999 12 7 2011 12 8 Expected by 2024 13 9 Expected by 2038 14
  • 18. 1. Population • Population change – growing at 1.13% per year • Many reasons for population growth • Growth rate reducing (2.19% in 1963) • Estimated to reduce to 1% by 2020 and < 0.5% by 2050 • Various impacts from reducing growth rate China – 0.52% UK – 0.63%
  • 19. content: environmental, social and economic issues 1. population 2. other megatrends implications from trends
  • 20. the environmental perspective • Our Common Future (the Brundtland Report), published by the UN World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) (1987) • elevating sustainable development to a global ethic
  • 21. The environmental problems The environmental problems can be divided into 3 main categories: •The deterioration of ecosystems: •Direct impacts on human health; & •Depletion of raw material resources & physical space. These problems are then SUB-DIVIDED according to the scale of the problem:
  • 22. scale and scope of the problem: local; ( regional; fluvial; continental ) global
  • 23. Environmental Problems & Geographical Scale Geog.scale type of environmental pollution Local - noise, smell, air pollution, soil and water pollution Regional -soil pollution, over-fertilization & pollution, water pollution, drought, waste disposal, air pollution - pollution of rivers, regional waters. - ozone levels, acidification, winter smog, heavy metals. Global - climate change, sea level rise, impact on ozon layer. (Fig.1.1)
  • 24. a. Globalisation 2. Megatrends ● Economic ● Financial ● Cultural ● Political “The increased interconnectedness and interdependence of people and countries.” -WHO ● Sociological ● Technological ● Geographic ● Ecological The process whereby systems expand from being regional or national to encompass the entire planet. This is a broad trend that has been underway for centuries. Concepts of Globalisation
  • 26. a. Globalisation ● Globalization can be characterized as both more complicated and more surprising than was anticipated in terms of sustainable development. ● Many differences over discussions as the process of globalization has diverse implications to various people. - Though the prevailing view is that globalization has mostly negative impacts, especially in the case of developing nations. - The increasing complexity of our global society means that sustainable development cannot be addressed from a single perspective, country or scientific discipline. ● In such case, sustainable human development becomes a multifaceted process. It seeks a balance between the ecological, economic and social spheres, while also taking account of political (participation and democratisation), ethical (responsibility, solidarity, social justice and sufficiency) and cultural (local diversity and artistic expression) considerations.
  • 27. b. Urbanisation Source: UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs Percentage of population in urban areas, 2030.
  • 28. The world urban population is expected to increase from 50% to 72% of total population by 2050. Source: UN Report World Population Ageing 1950 - 2050 b. Urbanisation • More than half of the world’s population now lives in towns and cities and this number will swell to about 5 million by 2030. • Much of this urbanization will bring huge social, economic and environmental transformations. • UN projections show the world’s rural population has already stopped growing, but the world can expect to add close to 1.5 billion urbanites in the next 15 years, and 3 billion by 2050.
  • 29. • How the world meets the challenge of sustainable development will be intimately tied to this process; - Smart Cities that can use cloud technology, can take advantage of automatization in mobile devices and in social networks to connect city departments directly. • Critical Issues; - “Mega Slums” and Feral Cities” – mass migration to cities can cause overcrowding and poverty which overwhelms the governments’ ability to require even basic needs. - There are such areas where already police and security forces do not dare to tread.
  • 30. c. Rural Areas Rural Population (% of total population) in 2019
  • 31. ● The rural population of the world has grown slowly since 1950 and is expected to reach its peak in a few years. ● The global rural population is now close to 3.4 billion and is expected to rise slightly and then decline to 3.1 billion by 2050. ● Africa and Asia are home to nearly 90% of the world’s rural population in 2018. India has the largest rural population (893 million), followed by China (578 million). United Nations c. Rural Areas
  • 32. Sustainable rural development is vital to the economic, social and environmental viability of nations. Strategies to deal with rural development should take into consideration the remoteness and potentials in rural areas and provide targeted differentiated approaches. Investments in environmental protection, rural infrastructure and in rural health and education are critical to sustainable rural development and can enhance national well-being. Rural development depends on developing and implementing comprehensive strategies for dealing with climate change, drought, desertification and natural disaster. c. Rural Areas
  • 33. 2. Other megatrends Global ‘middle class’ • Economic growth • Improved medical care • Technological development
  • 34. 2. Other megatrends Energy consumption • Underestimated trend – energy needed for the processing and use of ALL resources/activity • For example, some modes of transport are known to be more efficient than others, but ALL require energy, whether this is fossil fuels in vehicles or calories for energy to propel a bicycle.
  • 35. 2. Other megatrends • The largest amount of electricity generated in Turkey in 2019, was through coal, with a total of 114.6 terawatt hours generated. • Total consumption of 231.10 bn kWh of electric energy per year. • Per capita this is an average of 2,770 kWh • Total production of all electric energy producing facilities is 262 bn kWh, which is 113% of the countries own usage. (Turkey could provide itself completely with self-produced energy) • Turkey is trading energy with foreign countries – imports and exports play an important role. (Worlddata) Source: Statista, 2021
  • 36. 2. Other megatrends Source: Olivier&Peters, 2019 Source: BP Statistical Review of World Energy
  • 37. Final energy consumption by s.ector, EU-27, 1990-2018 (million tonnes of oil equivalent) 1200 1 000 BOO 600 400 200 0 •lndintry Rcwid traMp,oct ■ ttansport Hou�l'lo �: Eurosta:t (onl da1a code. nrg_bal_cl Sel'IICH Other eurostat• GDP per capita vs. Energy use, 2015 Annual energy use per capita, measured in kilowatt-hours per person vs. gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, measured as 2011 international-$. 200,000kWh 150,000kWh ro � 100,000kWh 50,000kWh 0kWh �t a United States � .l;:iiD�n �nited Kingdom $1,000 $2,000 $5,000 $10,000 $20,000 $50,000 $100,000 GDP per capita Source: International Energy Agency (IEA) via The World Bank • CC BY
  • 38. Kaynağa göre Toplam Enerji Arzı (TES), Türkiye 1990-2019 Credit: IEA, World Energy Balances 2020
  • 39. Sektör Bazında Toplam Nihai Tüketim (TFC), Türkiye 1990-2018 Credit: IEA, World Energy Balances 2020
  • 40. Kaynağa Göre Toplam Nihai Tüketim (TFC), Türkiye 1990- 2018 Credit: IEA, World Energy Balances 2020
  • 41. Sektörlere göre Nihai Kömür Tüketimi, Türkiye 1990-2018 Credit: IEA, World Energy Balances 2020
  • 42. Sektörlere göre Petrol Ürünleri Nihai Tüketimi, Türkiye 1990- 2018 Credit: IEA, World Energy Balances 2020
  • 44. The Concept(s) • Biophysical exchange processes, between society and Nature, and the related sustainability problems. • For the production and reproduction of its biophysical structures society • Foods, water, fuel, minerals, metals etc. • Scarcity, overuse or, planetary overshoot • Urban Metabolism • Industrial Metabolism • Agrarian/Rural Metabolsim • National Metabolism
  • 45. Material Flow and Its History • Material Flow Analysis • Direct Material Consumption • DMC/Capita = Metabolic Rate • DMC/GDP = Material Intensity • GDP/DMC = Material Productivity
  • 46. I Food Q,. - - I Food[»_ - .. Waste Water
  • 48. Input Mate ·a1s domes ·cally e raced Economy Output Wastes, emissions, etc. Expo s to other economies - exc ange it the environment exchange .,ith olher economies
  • 51. Material flows in EU, 2017, billion tonnes per year (Gt/year) Materials extracted 5.4 Biomass etals Minerals EU Environment EU sodety and economy Rest of the world Emissions to air I 2.6 Waste landfilled 0.7•
  • 52. Imports 1.70 Natural eBiomass Legend 8Non-metallic mineral (!» Fossil energy materials/carriers C') Metal ores Material Backfiling 0.21 Recycling 0.72 Total Incineration 0.11 accumulation 2.72 Exports o.n Dissipative flows 0.26 Emi;ssions to air 2.59 Emissions to water 0.01 Waste landfilled 0.71•
  • 54. 3. Implications from trends Population growth Biodiversity loss/ ecosystem decline Climate change Inertia Pressures
  • 55. the environmental problems The environmental problems can be divided into 3 main categories: •The deterioration of ecosystems: •Direct impacts on human health; & •Depletion of raw material resources & physical space. These problems are then SUB-DIVIDED according to the scale of the problem:
  • 56. To introduce the environmental parameter into the design of products, processes and/or activities in an effective manner The environmental parameter becomes a business opportunity! Eco-design: Key message
  • 57. The Business Perspective Stages in the relation Company-Environment • Ignore (Passive) • Dilute (Reactive) • Treat (Active) • Prevent (Proactive)
  • 58. PASSIVE Ignore pollution REACTIVE Dilution and dispersion PROACTIVE Cleaner Production Responses of businesses to pollution CONSTRUCTIVE End-of-pipe treatment
  • 59. •Lack of environmental “culture” •Routine •Tendency to prefer “eop” •Non-awareness of competitive advantages of environmentally respectful systems Passive, Reactive, Active
  • 60. •Limited implementation of legislation •Limited impact of the non-compliance sanctions •Inappropriate evaluation and allocation of environmental costs Passive, Reactive, Active
  • 61. •Insufficient information about polluting sources and loads •Inappropriate evaluation and allocation of environmental costs •Ignorance of future outcomes •“Inequality” Passive, Reactive, Active
  • 62. • Reduction of management and treatment costs • Generation of savings on purchases • Generation of energy savings • Improvement of competitiveness • Reduction of contingency risks Proactive
  • 63. 3. Implications from trends • Resource consumption increasing: Due to increasing population and growing industries, more resources are consumed to provide goods and services. • Resources being depleted: Earth’s finite resources are depleted in excess amounts such as fossil fuels, nuclear energy, deforestation. • ‘Need’ for more rare earth elements: Mostly metals which are highly demanded e.g. cell phones, computer memories, rechargeable batteries, fluorescent lighting, etc.
  • 64. 3. Implications from trends • Biodiversity loss/ecosystem decline – 6th extinction event: Destruction of habitats, pollution, deforestation, over-harvesting are among the factors forcing species to extinction. • Planet’s ‘resilience’ decreasing: Due to climate change, ozone layer depletion, chemical pollution, ocean acidification, N and P release to biosphere and oceans decrease the resilience of our planet. • Reduced function of ecosystem services: unsustainable management practices leads reduced functioning - such as excessive use of chemicals in agricultural production.
  • 65. 3. Implications from trends Despite increasing resource consumption, there is still a global quality of life imbalance.
  • 66. BIODIVERSITY 05 HEALTH AND WELLBEING 04 CLIMATE CHANGE 03 HUMAN RIGHTS 02 WATER 01 ● Between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of the global population using an improved drinking water source has increased from 76 per cent to 90 per cent. ● Water scarcity affects more than 40 per cent of the global population and is projected to rise ● 127 countries have adopted right-to-information or freedom-of-information laws ● Targets of developing effective, accountable and transparent institutions and ensuring responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels ● 2019 was the second warmest year on record and the end of the warmest decade (2010- 2019) ever recorded. Carbon dioxide (CO2) levels and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere rose to new records in 2019 ● Six climate-positive actions proposed: Green transition, Green jobs and sustainable and inclusive growth, Green economy, Invest in sustainable solutions, Confront all climate risks, Cooperation ● Before the pandemic, major progress was made in improving the health of millions of people ● Strengthen the capacity of all countries, in particular developing countries, for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks ● Human activity has altered almost 75 percent of the earth’s surface, Around 1 million animal and plant species are threatened with extinction ● By 2020, ensure the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems and their services, in particular forests, wetlands, mountains and drylands, in line with obligations under international agreements
  • 67. POVERTY 10 EDUCATION 09 POLLUTION 08 RESOURCES 07 POPULATION 06 ● According to WWF, one of the main causes of habitat loss is land for human habitation with urban areas doubling since 1992 ● Rapid urban population growth can outstrip the pace at which infrastructure such as clean water, sanitation, health, jobs and education can be offered ● Global energy demand is expected to increase by 50% over the next 30 years as a result of population growth and economic development ● Experts estimate that by 2050, 5 billion people – more than half the global population – will live in water stressed regions ● Data from the WHO and the Global Alliance on Health and Pollution show exposures to polluted soil, water and air (both indoor and outdoor) resulted in 8.4 million deaths in 2012 ● By 2030, (From the baseline of 2012) reduce by two-thirds the number of deaths and disability from pollution of air (indoor and outdoor), soil and water ● Greater investment in quality education is key to alleviating poverty and ending population growth, still one in four girls does not attend secondary school ● Generally, the more years a woman spends in education, the smaller her family size ● The World Bank has warned that extreme poverty will not decrease in 2021 due to population growth eclipsing economic growth in the poorest nation ● Ensuring everyone is empowered to choose small families is key to eradicating poverty
  • 68. => Climate Change 1. The science and causes of climate change 2. The impacts and consequences of climate change 3. Action to tackle climate change B. Why do we need to be sustainable? Climate Change
  • 69. E E G Solar radiation passes through the clear atmosphere. Incoming solar radiation: 343 Watt per m2 N H 0 u s gy Is absorbed by.IN -wannatt;.. E G A s Some of the Infrared radiation is abSOfbed and rHmltted by the green�use gas molecules. The dlrect effect is the warming of the earth'• surface and thetroposphere, E s Surface ga· more heat and lnfnnd raclatlon Is emttled again ... ana I mnverted Into heat caualng Hltllaelon of longwave (Infrared sou= 0!<4nogan univeisity o:llego in Cllnat'a. Departmo,11 Of geog�y. l)n;,cr'$ly Ci O:dOr<I, $(IIOCI or �ar:phy: Uniled s.ale$ Env:r(lnmenlal PltlllOelicn Aceney (EPA), w�; Clim� c;l',ange 1996. The science or Cln-ae dlange. COOl�blJtion ol wctld� Qlll4) 1 lo !he &900lld as&e!lSffi!llll repon ol the ir'll!UJ:0'.n!1'111N!m8l panel en di'nale charge, UNEP and"""°· Cll/l'bl:IQe lriJersil}' pre� 1996-
  • 70. What is Climate Change GHG increase GHG emission impact Global Warming CLIMATE CHANGE Kaynak: US EPA, 2012 19
  • 71. 1. The science and causes of climate change • Greenhouse Effect • Global Warming • Climate Change
  • 72. Structure of Our Atmosphere
  • 74. 1. The science and causes of climate change • Burning fossil fuels, e.g. coal, gas and oil. • Deforestation - trees absorb carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. • Agriculture - agricultural practices lead to the release of NOx emissions into the atmosphere.
  • 76. • Orbital changes - the Earth has natural warming and cooling periods caused by Milankovitch cycles • Volcanic activity - during a volcanic eruption carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere. • Solar output - there can be fluctuations in the amount of radiation from the sun.
  • 77.
  • 78. 2. The impacts and consequences of climate change Glaciers shrink Ice breaks up earlier Trees flower sooner IPCC forecasts a temperature rise of 2.5 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit over the next century. Plant & Animal ranges shifted Warming of the climate system Snow and ice diminishing More severe weather and pattern changes Increased ocean acidity Changes in vegetation zones Change in the distribution of disease vectors
  • 79. •Earth’s global average surface temperature was 0.95 Celcius above the 20th century average in 2019 Warming of the climate system: 2019 was the second warmest year on record. •Annual average Arctic sea-ice has decreased in every season and every decade Snow and ice diminishing: Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets losing mass •Increased precipitation in mid-latitude N hemisphere, higher salinity due to increased/changed precipitation in some areas. •Increase in warm extremes and decrease in cold extremes. More severe weather and pattern changes. 2. The impacts and consequences of climate change
  • 80. •Geographical ranges, seasonal activities, migration patterns, abundance and interactions changed. Changes in vegetation zones: Terrestrial and marine and freshwater species have shifted ranges •It is expected to fall another 0.3 to 0.4 pH units by the end of the century. Increased ocean acidity: pH dropped by 0.1 since the beginning of the Industrial era •Higher temperatures increase the area for species (mosquitoes, ticks) to carry malaria and dengue fever. Change in the distribution of disease vectors: Vector-borne disease accounts for one-sixth of illness/disability suffered worldwide 2. The impacts and consequences of climate change
  • 81. Increase in the number of heat- related deaths 2. The impacts and consequences of climate change Extreme weather, shifting rainfalls Melting ice and rising seas More frequent heat waves, forest fires, droughts, cyclones, floods CONSEQUENCES Reduction in crop yields Loss of biodiversity and ecosystems Damage to sensitive habitats and species – corals Damage to property and injury to individuals, and rising costs Many plants and animal species are struggling to cope Changes to natural cycles
  • 82. 3. Action to tackle climate change • IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: Provides regular assessments of the scientific basis of climate change, its impacts and future risks, and options for adaptation and mitigation. • Global policy: Adaptation strategy of United Nations to Climate Change by aiming a long-term objective of: “Stabilise GHG concentrations in the atmosphere to a level that would prevent dangerous human interference with the global climate system”
  • 83. • Other policies/commitments – emissions trading, CDM, JI: Policies to combat climate change and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions cost-effectively. Emissions trading: A cap is set on the total amount of certain greenhouse gases that can be emitted by installations covered by the system. Within the cap, companies receive or buy emission allowances which they can trade with one another as needed. CDM-JI: Two project-based mechanisms which feed the carbon market. The CDM involves investment in emission reduction or removal enhancement projects in developing countries that contribute to their sustainable development, while JI enables developed countries to carry out emission reduction or removal enhancement projects in other developed countries. • Conference of the Parties (CoP): A supreme decision-making body of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). - Review the national communications and emission inventories submitted by Parties - Assess the effects of the measures taken by Parties
  • 84. 3. Action to tackle climate change • Kyoto (1997): Operationalizes UNFCCC by committing industrialized countries and economies in transition to limit and reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions in accordance with agreed individual targets- reduce emissions by 5.2% (05-12), mechanisms established. • Copenhagen (2009): Conference aiming a long-term goal of limiting the maximum global average temperature increase to no more than 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. • Durban (2011): The negotiations advanced, in a balanced fashion, the implementation of the Convention and the Kyoto Protocol - 2nd commitment period est. (2020) , ALL nations to set targets. • Doha (2012): reduce emissions by 18%, new agreement by 2015. • Paris (2015): Legally binding international treaty on climate change, adopted by 196 Parties - Agreement from 2020 signed in April 2016. Commitment to keep warming <2°C (1.5°C considered). Long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies, finance for mitigation and adaptation. A selection of key CoP meetings
  • 85. Section 3: Action to tackle climate change MITIGATION ADAPTATION Reduce the magnitude Adapt to the consequences Use cleaner energy sources; gas over coal Build sea walls around vulnerable coastal areas Use renewables – solar, wind, biomass, ground heat pumps, anaerobic digestion Give land back to mangroves and everglades to break tidal surges during storms Build a smart electrical grid Open wildlife migration corridors so species can move as the climate warms Carbon capture and storage/utilization Develop sustainable forms of agriculture Improve efficiency of equipment and avoidance Flood protection Geo-engineering – sequestration, solar radiation management Improve medical provisions – heat stress, disease control
  • 86. 3. Action to tackle climate change Current Emissions 55.6 Gt (gigatones) CO2 in 2018 1. China – 28% 2. USA – 15% 3. India – 7% 4. Russia – 5% 5. Japan – 3% 6. UK – 0.9% Source: Olivier&Peters, 2019
  • 87. 3. Action to tackle climate change • The UK Climate Change Act (2008) set a GHG reduction target of 80% by 2050; the first country-level carbon reduction law. Over 80 other countries have now set targets UK Case Study
  • 88. 3. Action to tackle climate change 0,0 100,0 200,0 300,0 400,0 500,0 600,0 700,0 800,0 900,0 UK Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions 1990- 2014 MtCO2e) Source: GOV.UK
  • 90. 800 400 200 500 600 700 900 1200 Ultraviolet Visible Infrared C B A Penetration of Sunlight into Skin (greater depth of penetration with increase of wavelength) Dermis Epi Subcut
  • 91. Layers of the Atmosphere 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 5 0 10 15 20 25 Stratospheric Ozone (The Ozone Layer) Tropospheric Ozone Layers of the Atmosphere Altitude (Kilometers) Ozone Amount
  • 92. C .Sustainable development and UN SD Goals Definition: Sustainable development is the concept of needs and limitations imposed by technology and society on the environment's ability to meet the present and future need. • The concept of sustainable development received its first major international recognition in 1972 at the UN Conference on the Human Environment held in Stockholm. • The term was popularised 15 years later in Our Common Future, the report of the World Commission on Environment and Development, which included what is deemed the 'classic' definition of sustainable development: “Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (Brundtland, 1987)
  • 93. ● SD is the concept of warning of the negative environmental consequences of economic growth and globalization, which tried to find possible solutions to the problems caused by industrialization and population growth. ● Sustainable development can be successfully achieved by ○ conservation or reduction of excessive resource use ○ recycling and reuse of materials and ○ more use of renewable resources like solar energy, rather than non- renewable resources such as oil and coal
  • 94. • “Agenda 2030: UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), New York • A new global development framework • Signatures of 193 countries • "Sustainable Development Goals” under 17 headings • Sustainable consumption and production, sustainable cities, climate change, fighting against drought, putting environmental objectives such as biodiversity conservation on the sustainable development agenda. • Goal 12: “Ensuring Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns” 43 • UN Stockholm Conference • BM Human Environment Declaration 1972 1987 1992 2002 2012 • Brundtland Report • Definition of “Sustainable Development” • UN Conference on Environment and Development, Rio • Rio Declaration • UN Framework Convention on Climate Change • Biological Diversity Convention • World Sustainable Development Summit (Rio+10) • UN Sustainable Development Conference (Rio+20) • Roadmap for development: "The Future We Want” • 10 Year Framework of Programmes (10YFP) for Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns 2015 2003 • Sustainable Consumption and Production International Experts Meeting, Marrakech • The start of the Marrakech Process The process leading to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)1: Sustainable development and UN SD Goals
  • 96. Source: Raworth (2012) A Safe and Just Space
  • 97. What are safe planetary boundaries? Climate change
  • 98. INTRODUCING THE CONCEPT OF PLANETARY BOUNDARIES ● Boundaries are human determined values of the control variable set at a “safe” distance from a dangerous level (for processes without known thresholds at the continental to global scales) or from its global threshold. ● Much of the uncertainty in quantifying planetary boundaries is due to our lack of scientific knowledge about the nature of the biophysical thresholds themselves ● The nine planetary boundaries identified cover the global biogeochemical cycles of nitrogen, phosphorus, carbon, and water; the major physical circulation systems of the planet (the climate, stratosphere, ocean systems)
  • 99. 3. Sustainable capitals • 5 types of sustainable capital from where we derive the goods and services needed to improve the quality of lives • Sources of ‘value’ – too much focus on financial • Natural capital – understanding value, not determining price
  • 100. 3. Sustainable capitals Source: Forum for the future Natural In their extraction and use, substances taken from the earth do not exceed the environment's capacity to disperse, absorb, recycle or otherwise neutralise their effects In their manufacture and use, artificial substances do not exceed the environment's capacity to disperse, absorb, recycle or otherwise neutralise their harmful effects The capacity of the environment to provide ecological system integrity, biological diversity and productivity is protected or enhanced Human At all ages, individuals enjoy a high standard of health Individuals are adept at relationships and social participation, and throughout life set and achieve high personal standards of their development and learning Access to varied/satisfying opportunity for work, personal creativity, and recreation Social There are trusted and accessible systems of governance and justice Communities and society at large share key positive values and a sense of purpose Society promotes stewardship of natural resources and people development Homes, communities and society provide safe, supportive living/working environments Manufactured Infrastructure, technologies and processes minimise use of natural resources and maximise human innovation and skills Finance Financial capital accurately represents the value of the other capitals
  • 102. WATER POLLUTION ESC 351 Lecture Notes Prof.Dr. Nilgün Cılız Institute of Environmental Sciences Sustainable Development and Cleaner Production Center
  • 104. BIOSPHERE The biosphere, (from Greek bios = life, sphaira, sphere) is the layer of the planet Earth where life exists. This layer ranges from heights of up to ten kilometres above sea level, used by some birds in flight, to depths of the ocean such as the Puerto Rico trench, at more than 8 kilometres deep. These are the extremes; however, in general the layer of the Earth containing life is thin: the upper atmosphere has little oxygen and very low temperatures, while ocean depths greater than 1000 m are dark and cold. In fact, it has been said that the biosphere is like the peel in relation to the size of an apple. The biosphere is one of the four layers that surround the Earth along with the lithosphere (rock), hydrosphere (water) and atmosphere (air) and it is the sum of all the ecosystems. The biosphere is unique. So far there has been no existence of life elsewhere in the universe. Life on Earth depends on the sun. Energy, provided as sun light, is captured by plants in the marvellous phenomenon of photosynthesis. The captured energy transforms carbon dioxide into organic compounds such as sugars and produces oxygen. The vast majority of species of animals, fungi, parasitic plants and many bacteria depend directly or indirectly on photosynthesis.
  • 105. • The life on earth originated more than 3.5 G years ago. •Since then biological processes have become increasingly important in determining the distribution of elements and compounds into which they incorporated. •Functioning of biochemical cycles and basic concepts of the Earth system are very important. In order to understand them better, it is necessary to know something about the chemistry of living organisms.
  • 106. THE CHEMISTRY BASIS OF LIFE To build their structures and to carry out the biochemical cycles that take place within their cells, organisms need a source of energy. The needed energy is obtained via biochemical pathways driven either by sunlight or by energy contained in reduced chemical compounds. Life is based on interactions among set of large organic molecules, each of which is assembled from smaller molecules. In addition to Carbon and hydrogen, most naturally occurring organic molecules contain one or more of four key elements, all of which are from the second and third period of periodic table: N, O, P, and S.
  • 107. Impacts on natural ecological systems, habitats and individuals • Resource depletion – fossil fuels, critical resources, rare earth elements • Change in land use - deforestation and intensive agriculture • Reduced biodiversity at ecosystem, species and genetic level • Species extinction • Reduced enjoyment of the land – ecosystem damage and biodiversity loss • Reduced ecological stability – resistance, regeneration and eco-succession • Unknowns – atmospheric aerosol loading and ‘novel entities’ • Increased poverty, reduced access to clean water, reduced air quality (concerns from direct and indirect emissions)
  • 108. Ecosystem services • An ecosystem is a dynamic complex of plant, animal and micro-organism communities and the non-living environment interacting as a functional unit • Ecosystems provide a range of ‘services’ that are essential to support our way of life and well-being • The benefits people obtain from ecosystems can provide more than one service
  • 109. Ecosystem services • Provisioning – that provided by ecosystems • Food, water, fuel, fibre, genetic resources, medicines 7.1
  • 110. Ecosystem services • Regulating – the benefits obtained from the control of ecosystem processes • Air and water quality, climate regulation, disease and pest control, natural hazard regulation 7.1
  • 111. Ecosystem services • Cultural – the non-material benefits provided by ecosystems • Recreation, eco-tourism, educational benefits, spiritual enrichment, inspiration, scientific discovery 7.1
  • 112. Ecosystem services • Supporting – necessary to support all other services • Soil formation, photosynthesis, nutrient cycling, primary production, water cycling 7.1
  • 113. •Water is an important constituent of biotic community. In nature, it occurs on the land, below its surface, in atmosphere and in the biomass. •97% of the total volume of water available is in oceans, 2% stored in the form of ice sheets and less than 1% is available as fresh water. •In the atmosphere most of water is present in the form of moisture or in vapour form. Water vapour comes from evaporation from the oceans, lakes, rivers, ice-fields and glaciers, transpiration from plants and animal respiration. •Water plays a significant role in the continuity of life due to its unique qualities. •Hydrosphere is the discontinuous layer of water at or near the Earth’s surface. The liquid and frozen surface water, ground water present in soil and rocks, and the water vapour in the atmosphere are its components. •About 1,347 million cubic kilometres of water distributed between these reservoirs. •But, it is a stark fact that Earth’s fresh water reserve is only 2.7 per cent of the total and out of this, 2.2 per cent is locked up in polar ice caps and glaciers. •And 0.5 per cent is distributed in ground water. •The rivers carry only 0.0001 per cent total water reserves.
  • 114. Source Oen le Ground ater Inland la Soil moistur Atmospheric wat r v r Ri er Vol,ont ( J(! k m ) - - --- 1.310. 3 29. 49 6.73 0. 242 0.074 0. 014 0.()()17 Percmt of Total 97. 3 2.22 0.5 0.02 0.00 0.001 0. 0()()1
  • 116. HYDROLOGIC CYCLE Some of the precipitation runs over the Earth’s surface and reaches lakes, rivers and marshes, ultimately meeting the oceans. If the surface is covered with dense vegetation, much of the precipitation may be held on different parts of the plants and trees. This process is called ‘interception’ and it prevents water from reaching the ground. In such a case water may evaporate directly from the plant surfaces into the atmosphere. The precipitation reaching the ground, as rain or melted snow, distributes in different ways: (1) evaporate and reach the atmosphere, (2) infiltrate the soil, (3) detained in catchment areas, including lakes, (4) become over-land flow ( a form of run-off). In turn, moisture retained by the soil can be lost by evaporation or being withdrawn by plants (transpiration). The combined process is called ‘evapotranspiration’. It can be defined as the sum of water used by vegetation and water lost by evaporation.
  • 117. BIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF WATER Biological characteristics of water are due to the presence of biological constituents, like algae and other biological matter that exist even in natural water. All living aquatic organisms release organic matter to the water through excretion of waste products or death. Colour and smell and taste are due to minerals and organic matter and aquatic growth and decay of vegetation. Presence of pathogens, toxicants and coliforms in waters pose health hazards to animals and humans.
  • 119. WATER POLLUTION Water pollution is the presence of some inorganic, organic, biological, radiological or physical foreign substance in the water that tends to degrade its quality. Normally, water is never pure in a chemical sense. It contains impurities of various kinds dissolved as well as suspended. These include dissolved gases (H2S, CO2, NH3, N2), dissolved minerals (Ca, Mg, Na, salts), suspended matter (clay, silt, sand) and microbes. These are natural impurities derived from the atmosphere, catchment areas and the soil. They are in very low amounts and normally do not pollute water. All these substances when present in small quantities do not cause any harm and may even have some positive effects in improving the water quality. However, if their concentration increases substantially, they affect adversely the water quality and make the water unfit for use. Such water is said to be polluted. The polluted water is turbid, unpleasant, bad smelling, unfit for drinking, bath and washing and incompatible in supporting life. Water pollution is also caused by the presence of undesirable and hazardous materials and pathogens beyond certain limits. Much of the pollution is due to anthropogenic activities like discharge of sewage, effluents and wastes from domestic and industrial establishments, particulate matter and metals and their compounds due to mining and metallurgy and fertilizer and pesticide runoffs from agricultural activities.
  • 120. FRESH WATER Taking all the factors into account it can be said that ‘natural water’ is a dilute solution of elements dissolved from the Earth’s crust and washed from the atmosphere. The total ionic concentration can vary from as low as 100 mg/L in snow, rain, hail and some mountain streams, to as high as 40,000 mg/L in the saline lakes of internal drainage systems. Freshwater, generally, contains non-toxic and non- hazardous total dissolved solids below 1,000 ppm. The naturally occurring impurities are alkaline and alkaline earth salts, heavy metals iron and manganese, and organic decomposition products of plants and biota. Brackish water contains dissolved solids in the range 1,000- 10,000 ppm and salty water (sea water) >10,000 ppm. Of the major ions in water are cations—Ca(60%), Mg(20%), Na(15%) and K(5%), and anions—HCO3(55%), Cl(25%) and SO4 (20%). The concentration of major ions in natural water is the result of geochemical balance between source contributions and removal mechanisms.
  • 121. Mg2+ S04- Fig. 8.1: Representation of Ionic Compositio� of Natural Waters
  • 122. FRESH WATER It is difficult to judge whether a particular body of water is polluted or not, in absolute terms. Therefore, in broad terms, water is said to be polluted when it contained enough impurities to make it unfit for a particular use, such as drinking, swimming or fishing. For some industrial purposes water of very high purity, with impurities in ultra-trace level, is demanded. It is not only the flowing and stagnant water that is contaminated but even the underground water sources (aquifers) have not altogether escaped the polluting influence of modern industrial, agricultural and community activities. Some of the aquatic systems are choked with an excess of organic substances and organisms to be poisoned with toxic substances.
  • 123. � TABLE 8.1: MAXIMUM PERMITTED LEVELS (mg/L) OF IONS IN DRINKING WATER Contaminant PermittedLevel (mgIL) Contaminant PermittedLevel (mgIL) Chloride 250 Sulfate 250 Sodium 200 Magnesium 50 Nitrate 50 Potassium 10 Nitrite 3 Zinc 3 Copper 2 Fluoride (F) 2 Phosphorus 2 Barium 0.7 Manganese 0.5 Boron 0.3 Iron 0.3 Aluminum 0.2 Molybdenum 0.07 Cyanide (CN) 0.07 Chromium 0.02 Nickel 0.02 Arsenic 0.01 . Lead 0.01 Selenium 0.01 Antimony 0.005 Cadmium 0.003 Mercury 0.001 pH 6.0-9.0 �
  • 124.
  • 125.
  • 127.
  • 128. Volcanic te Wat r n Sublim tion o sublim ·on tmo ph e Cond nsation Evapotranspiration Oc ns
  • 129. FACTORS THAT AFFECT WATER QUALITY Throughout the history, the quality of water has been an important factor in determining the growth of civilizations and welfare of human settlements. Some of the factors that affect the quaility of water are suspended and dissolved solids, biological substances, pH, biological oxygen demand (BOD), and chemical oxygen demand (COD). At present, many industrially produced toxic substances pose the greatest hazard to the quality of water. Water pollutants are varied and are classified under various categories.
  • 130. WATER QUALITY INDEX (WQI) What are the criteria to specify the water quality data, which is influenced by various geographical, natural and anthropological contaminants, an indicator that is understandable and useable by the public? Criteria are based on specific levels of pollutants that would make the water harmful if used for drinking, swimming, farming, fish production, or industrial processes. These criteria are combined to provide a water quality index (WQI). Water quality index is based on some very important parameters that can provide a simple indicator of water quality. The water quality index is evaluated taking into account various parameters (DO, fecal coliform, pH, BODs, temperature change, total phosphorous, nitrate, turbidity and total dissolved solids) that influence the water quality. More weightage is given to important factors (e.g. Coliform is weighed more heavily, DO is more important than pH etc.).
  • 131. .co Factors eteorological Agricultural lndu trial imber&Pa UTIO S RO OU POLLUTING OURCE QUALITY QualilyIPollution TA ECfWATE R off •.,l!llr�-, ud, suspen d particl , s. · dissol ed gases and minerals --·· b___..,.. · contamina ·on· organic fu · oil and Q::t•.:r d pho pha et op ·d e ; org nic debri ; tannery and animal aste· d bed,,�·�· = lno.-ganic and o,gan•c particula m.a� o ·d and liquid as ; ttace elemen ; ydrocarbo and petrocllemicals; haiardo ch micals m ts
  • 132. �...., 8.4• PHY ICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF WATER POLLUTED DUE TO HUMAN ACTIVmES P""""4ttr /Po/Jultlnl Color trien Odor Poisons tc Thermal Soura Dissolved inorganic & organic matter ining Mining wst•:na; asl>estc>S; and dust; sulfur-bearins particulate Domestic, agricultural, mining & industrial Decayof ��ma ,sewa&e Oil drilling & transport Sal &dissol d ma Discharge of hot dftuen from power plan and industrial cstabli­ hmen Effects terioration ofw ter quality· un esthetic; hazardous chemicals detrimental to h 1th Turbidity; c dusion ofsunlight; dettimental to aquatic life 5.....-..... con mina ·on; I ching· ilt· h zardous compounds Acid-mine drainage; cutropbication of water bocli Unhealthy & unhygienic and health hazard Hydrocarbon detrimental to all organisms· oil spillage in high seas; damage to qu tic ecology Trace elemen ; radioactiv waste; in 'cidc , pesti- cides and herbicides Deterioration o w ter quality; una thctic Affe physi pro�rties of water; :reduction in dissolved ga es h drastic ffi n the quatic eoology
  • 133. SOURCES OF WATER POLLUTANTS Water pollutants are from: (i) natural and (ii) anthropogenic sources, and they may originate from a point source or from a dispersed source. Natural sources are meteorological and geographical like volcanic activity and earthquakes, landslides and streams runoff, dissolved minerals, aquatic growth and decay. Anthropogenic sources are domestic, municipal sewage and other sanitary waste discharge, and agricultural and industrial waste, mining waste and leachates, and products from other human-related activities. Radioactive substances and heat are also water pollutants.
  • 134. Point- and Non-point Sources Pollutants are from point- as well as from non-point sources. Point sources are domestic, municipal and sewer discharge, power generation plants and industrial waste discharge. Some of them like, breweries, slaughterhouses and sanitary operations, paper mills and wastewater treatment plants contribute major quantities of oxygen-demanding substances. These substances can deplete dissolved oxygen (DO) and create anaerobic conditions in water bodies. Suspended matter also contributes to oxygen depletion in water bodies by blocking penetration of sunlight and interfering with photosynthetic activity. This results in an increase in oxygen demand-BOD and COD. Nitrogen and phosphorous containing compounds (nutrients) can promote accelerated eutrophication of water bodies. Heat is a universal pollutant, as it drastically alters the ecology of water bodies, by lowering the amount of dissolved oxygen in water; thus, accentuating the oxygen deficiency for aquatic organisms. Trace metals, hydrocarbons, hazardous chemicals, bacteria and a variety of pathogens are other pollutants that can cause a wide variety of problems in watercourses. Non-point sources are storm drainage, operations involving agricultural, timber and forest-product operations. Mobile vehicular discharge is also a source of contamination affecting through atmospheric pollution.
  • 135. Domestic Sewage Domestic and municipal sewage carries used water from houses, offices and other buildings in a city. It is also called sanitary sewage. Most of is ( nearly 99.9% ) is water. Through the contaminants add up to not more than 0.1 per cent, they contain a wide variety of dissolved and suspended impurities. The nature of these impurities and the large volume of sewage in which they are carried make disposal of domestic wastewater a significant technical problem. Sewage is the primary source of pathogenic organisms, oxygen-demanding waste matter and plant nutrients. At one time it used to be said that ‘the solution to pollution is dilution’. The growth of cities all over the world has given rise to such large volumes of sewage that dilution alone no longer assures the natural processes of stream self-purification. Since early 20th century centralized sewage treatment plants have been set up in all populated areas of the developed world. Instead of discharging sewage directly into a nearby body of water, it is first passed through a series of physical, chemical and biological processes that remove most of pollutants.
  • 136.
  • 137. Industrial Sewage Industrial sewage consists of polluted water from industrial and chemical processes. These discharges usually contain specific pollutants, which are related to the nature of products handled in an industry and the process followed. Industries located along waterways contribute a number of chemical pollutants, some of which are toxic in any concentration. Such pollutants may originate from metallurgical , paper and pulp, cloth and cellulose fibers, and food, beverage and tannery wastes, and detergents, plastics and petrochemicals. Discharge from hospitals and utility sources and power generation plants also comes in this category. In highly industrialized zones, if the industrial sewage were not separately treated before discharge into waterways, serious pollution conditions would develop. Industries contribute to water pollution through atmospheric pollution also. Hot water from power generating installations, discharged into water streams, cause thermal pollution.
  • 138. Storm Sewage & Agricultural Sources Storm sewage or storm water is runoff from precipitation that is collected in a system of pipes or open channels. Such sewage carries organic materials, suspended and dissolves solids and other substances picked up as the water travels over the ground. Sewage discharge from domestic, municipal, food processing and other industrial concerns contain a variety of pollutants detrimental to water quality. Agricultural wastes, generally, consist of organic products. Fertilizers and other chemicals are spread over agricultural lands. These materials and crop, animal and chemical wastes enter water bodies, mainly in run-off from watershed lands, and cause pollution. The inflow of manures from livestock feed lots also adds to organic pollutants. Many of the pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and other industrial chemicals are highly toxic. They are carcinogenic and mutagenic.
  • 139. 0 .y n- m ndin ub t n . ousehold r r g r p L . .6· C UTA S Ur◄ J . UT S Human I DIS UT G I Qu It' m d D u tic li ; h rm to u · li� u ti li s
  • 141. Agricultural Sources Agriculture, as the single largest user of freshwater on a global basis and as a major cause of degradation of surface and groundwater resources through erosion and chemical runoff, has cause to be concerned about the global implications of water quality. The associated agro-food processing industry is also a significant source of organic pollution in most countries. Aquaculture is now recognised as a major problem in freshwater, estuarine and coastal environments, leading to eutrophication and ecosystem damage. The principal environmental and public health dimensions of the global freshwater quality problem are highlighted below: · Five million people die annually from water-borne diseases. · Ecosystem dysfunction and loss of biodiversity. · Contamination of marine ecosystems from land-based activities. · Contamination of groundwater resources. · Global contamination by persistent organic pollutants.
  • 142. Agricultural Sources Experts predict that, because pollution can no longer be remedied by dilution (i.e. the flow regime is fully utilized) in many countries, freshwater quality will become the principal limitation for sustainable development in these countries early in the next century. This "crisis" is predicted to have the following global dimensions: · Decline in sustainable food resources (e.g. freshwater and coastal fisheries) due to pollution. · Cumulative effect of poor water resource management decisions because of inadequate water quality data in many countries. · Many countries can no longer manage pollution by dilution, leading to higher levels of aquatic pollution. · Escalating cost of remediation and potential loss of "creditworthiness".
  • 144. Mining Wastes Mining, milling, dressing and processing of ores give rise to dust, ore and metal discards and large quantities of effluents, which are discharged into streams, ponds and lakes. They not only increase sediments but also release toxic metals into water sources. Common trace metals found in sediments and mine effluents are Cd, Cu, Fe, Hg, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn. Of these, heavy metals Cd, Hg and Pb and metalloids, such as As, are among the most harmful of the elemental pollutants. Most of them have a great affinity for sulphur and attack –SH groups and disulphide bonds in proteins and other biological macromolecules. Cadmium, being chemically similar to zinc, replaces the latter in enzymes and thus affects enzyme action of Zn-containing proteins. Mercury is of great concern as a heavy-metal pollutant. Lead occurs in water in Pb (II) state. It is highly poisonous and causes anaemia, central nervous system disorders, kidney and liver dysfunction.
  • 145. . ( Berylfu Bo n (B) dmium (C ) '"tlll'lf'llo■Mt·um (C ) Co ( ) Iron (Fi ) olu:.ll'l -� ■.. .. u dcnium ( ) ilvcr (Ag) . (Zn) C Effect .c; carcinnn-ic ........-.· carcin nic ·c 1i • h&J'.BC ic . . ; dom . d ind trial te ind ind moder te 1 san Highly oxic - nonto ic bu i n n ic. bu i n 1
  • 146. Atmospheric Deposition There is accumulated evidence to establish a close relationship between atmospheric pollution and declining water quality on the globe. Airborne pollutants can be deposited on land or water. This type of deposition can take place, some times, at great distances from its original source. The deposition itself can take several forms: ’wet deposition’ occurs when air pollutants fall with rain, snow or fog. ‘Dry deposition’ takes place as dry particles or gases. These pollutants can fall directly on water or having fallen on land can be washed into a body of water as runoff. There is evidence showing that atmospheric pollutants can reach even the ground water. Therefore, as pollution falls, part of it might end up in streams, lakes or estuaries and aquifers and affect the water quality there. Presence of secondary porosity and fractures within the rocks mass over the aquifers can lead to the movement of ground pollutants through the ground water.
  • 147. ECOLOGICAL IMPACT Water pollution has wider ecological impact than just being unsuitable for consumption or posing health hazards. Most of the water withdrawn from resources is used for consumption—household use, and ‘water-carriage’ of wastes and discards in domestic, sanitary and municipal jurisdiction. Similarly, major consumption of water in indutrial plants is for ‘water-carriage’ of wastes, for removal of byproducts and impurities and as a coolant. Thus, water is the major conduit in direct transmission of toxic agents, trace elements, like As,Cd,Cr,Hg,Pb, and Se and persistent hazardous organic chemicals and infectious agents and vectors for several diseases, such as cholera, gastrointestinal diseases, malaria,schistosomiasis, typhoid fewer, filiariasis, encephalitis. Increase in human settlements, urbanization and population explosion pose a greater demand for water—for domestic use, flush-toilets, washing and bathing, swimming pools, lawns and gardening, recreational activities, automobile and other vehicular uses, constraction, sanitation and healthcare centers, agricultural and industrial operations. But, available water is limşted. So, the adverse effects of water pollution on ecological systems at local, regional, continental and global levels would become more and more serious.
  • 148. ABLE 8.8: HYDROLOGICAL EFFECTS OF URBANIZATIO Operation eforestation & agnculture Anim hu bandry Mining & onstruction Domestic & municipal ndustrial Effects ecrease in green vegetation; decrease in transpiration; decrease in rainfall; land deteriora ion; increase in pollution in water bodies. ncr e in sedimentation and storm runoff; land deteriora ion; incre pollutants in water bodies. Lowering of water table· increase in sediments and po utants· leaching. Increase in pollutants in waterbodies; loss ofaquatic life; inferior waterquality; sanitary and heaJth hazards. Increase in pollutan • oxic and hazardou chemical � health hazards· increase in mp ra re of water bodi ; l of aquati life.
  • 149. ECOLOGY OF STATIONARY WATER BODIES The blue algae take up carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous compounds from the water and utilizing sunlight produce high-energy compounds. Algae are consumed by zooplanktons, which, in turn, from the food for aquatic animals. Bacteria consume dissolved carbon (organic matter) and produce CO2, which is in turn used by algae. Thus, a food cycle is established (photosynthesis and respiration) within the normal ecology of water bodies. In the stratified in water body the level (depth) at which photosynthesis is equal to respiration is termed compensation level. It roughly corresponds to a depth at which the attenuation of sunlight is ~1 per cent of what is received at the water surface. The region above the compensation level is called the trophogenic zone, where photosynthesis is in excess of respiration. The zone below the compensation level is called the tropholytic zone, where respiration is in excess of photosynthesis. The transparency of the water and the depth to which light can penetrate in it are inversely related to its turbidity. Turbidity interferes with photosynthesis, leading to the reduction of the depth of the compensation level and shifting the water-body towards tropholytic environment. This disturbs the ecological balance of watercourse, with reduction of phytoplankton and decrease in dissolved oxygen (DO).
  • 150. Atmosph Al e Plan on De & Defecation MIDC carbon Sunlight Fig. 10.5: Ecology of Stationary Water Bodfes
  • 151. -- ______________.......__ ____________......__...,___________________________,__._______._.. o ynth is> --·· phic · · Co nsa ·on Level F g. 10.6: S ratificatio of S a ionary Water Bodies
  • 152. ECOLOGY OF STATIONARY WATER BODIES Domestic, agricultural and industrial sewage and sludge contain nutrients in the form of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous compounds. Dumping of large quantities of such wastes produces uncontrolled growth of plankton (free-floating algae) in the top layer (epilimnion region) of the lakes. Algal blooms interfere with the aquatic activities. Dense layer of these organisms would block out sunlight from reaching organisms in deeper parts of the water body. They may also act as a barrier to the penetration of O2 into the water, which may result in depletion of fish species. Excessive algal productivity can result in chocking by weeds and odour to the water. When the algae die, they drop to the lake bottom (benthal region; hypolimnion region) and become a source of carbon for decomposing aerobic bacteria. Aerobic bacteria use the available oxygen in decomposing dead algae thus, boosting biochemical oxygen demand in the water. Thus, the hypolimnion region can become anaerobic, and subsequently this process may extends to the metalimnion region also. The aerobic activity produces turbidity, thereby causing a decrease in the penetration of sun light. This limits photosynthetic algal activity (in the epilimnion region). Eventually the epilimnion region also becomes anaerobic.. At this state, all aerobic aquatic life disappears and the algae concentrate on the lake surface as large green mass. The entire process of the aging of stationary water bodies is called eutrophication.
  • 153. Benthal sediments are important sources of inorganic and organic matter in lakes and oceans. The environment around the benthal sediments is anaerobic. Bottom sediments undergo continuous leaching. Phosphorous exchange with sediments aggravates eutrophication by making this essential element available to algae. This stratification is temperature-dependent, and there exists a temperature-depth relationship in a water body. The inflection-point of thermal stratification is called thermocline.
  • 154. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF WASTEWATER DISCHARGE Water supports a very complex ecosystem in which intricate physical, chemical and biological processes occur. The hydrological cycle comprises cycles of freezing and thawing, mechanical stress reversals, dynamic equilibrium state that exists between precipitation, percolation, runoff and evaporation. Precipitation of atmospheric moisture occurs only when temperature of air mass is lowered to or below the dew point(saturation point). Air temperature is lowered due to: (i) heat loss by IR radiation, (ii) adiabatic cooling as large air masses expand and (iii) mixing of hot air (moisture) with cooler air masses. Water loss by evaporation is a physical process. The transpiration process enhances water loss from land. While evaporation is a physical process, transpiration is a physicochemical as well as a biochemical process by which plants and other photosynthetic organisms draw solutions containing essential growth nutrients from the soil. The ecosystem may be regarded as an ‘entropy pump’ that extracts solar energy to produce organized ‘open systems’. The balance between photosynthesis and respiration (P-R cycle) is primarily responsible for regulating the concentrations of O2 and CO2 in the atmosphere.
  • 155. ------- CO, Catabo ·sm of Organi Nutrients e F g. , 0.8: Photosynt esis-Resp1raUon (P-R) Cycle
  • 156. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF WASTEWATER DISCHARGE Pollution of surface waters frequently results from a disturbance in the balance between photosynthesis (P) and respiration (R). Adding either an excess of organic waste or an excess of inorganic nutrients ( phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers) also upsets this balance. Photosynthesis <<respiration and heterotrophic processes tend to dominate and dissolved oxygen (DO) may become exhausted. Case 2: there is progressive accumulation of autotrophic biomass (algae, aquatic plants and weeds). Eventually this biomass decomposes, thereby enhancing rate of respiration (R>>P), which again may reduce DO. Trace metals and other compounds may accumulate in the food chain with deleterious effects on organisms, animals and humans ( Plankton Fish Man ). Dying fish and malodour are indicators of very low oxygen level in a water body. For many natural waters, inorganic fertilizers are often more serious pollutants than biological wastes.
  • 157. Spatial Separation of the P-R Cycle The P-R cycle can also be disturbed by spatial separation of two processes. There is horizontal separation of P-R functions in rivers and streams and vertical separation in stratified stationary water bodies.
  • 158. Spatial Separation of the P-R Cycle: In Stationary Water Bodies In a stratified lake, an excessive production of algae and O2 in the upper strata may cause anaerobic conditions (lack of DO) in the lower strata. This is because much of the O2 from the photosynthetic process escapes to the atmosphere and, therefore, does not become available to the heterotrophs in the deeper strata of the water body. Vertical separation of the P-R functions in lakes can be induced by organic nutrients, which encourage surface algal growth. The resultant anaerobic condition stifles higher trophic levels. Algal blooms deplete DO and lead to fish-kills.
  • 159. Spatial Separation of the P-R Cycle: In Rivers Streams have the inherent capacity for re- aeration. The DO profile as a function of time or flow is a balance between natural aeration and de-oxygenation by microorganisms. The DO in a stream is inversely related to the abundance of microorganisms in water. The latter increases with nutrient supply. Longitudinal separation of the P-R process in rivers can be caused by local influx of organic (and inorganic) waste, which stimulates increase of bacterial activity and concomitant O2 consumption. This results in enhanced algal growth downstream, which upon decay exerts an oxygen demand still further along the stream.
  • 160. Spatial Separation of the P-R Cycle: In Estuaries Estuaries are regions of interaction between rivers and near-shore ocean waters, where tidal action and river flow mix fresh and salt water. Estuaries have intermediate salinity between streams and seas. Such areas include bays, mouths of rivers, salt marshes, and lagoons. These brackish water ecosystems shelter and feed marine life, birds, and wildlife. Ecological imbalance of estuaries due to wastewater discharge affects the habitat and food supply of fish, clams and shrimp. Pollutants are concentrated by bioaccumulation by a factor of 10^3 in fish and other aquatic organisms.
  • 162. I. IMPROVE WATER SUPPLY, SANITATION & HYGIENE The UNITED NATIONS suggests that EACH PERSON needs about people o1nd almost 2.S b n II In 31 do no1 have xcess to adeqtgte sanitation .lpprolCkN due to �deq�te �er supply. �nllaUDn .ind t,yo ne 21o/o to ensure their basic needs for OVERALL reduce sby 37o/o o the world's population has o1ecess10 sanllatlon Access to atlon. 1he pro1Cllceol 00od hygltM anda sale Wiltr supply could� !Msof 35o/o
  • 164. I - I ,
  • 165.
  • 166.
  • 167. , 0 A/om who no lo er sp hours eachday etching wa er A/om could increase y elds on ther farms by
  • 168. 44
  • 169.
  • 170. Prof.Dr.Nilgün Kıran Cılız Lecturer Institute of Environmental Sciences Director, Sustainable Development and Clenaer Production Center e-mail: Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
  • 171. What are safe planetary boundaries? ..
  • 172. * A sustainable food system ‘is a food system that ensures food security and nutrition for all in such a way that the economic, social and environmental bases to generate food security and nutrition or future generations are not compromised’.
  • 173. * The transition to more resilient and sustainable food systems therefore concerns all of the interrelated and connected activities that go into producing and consuming food: producing, processing, transporting, storing, marketing and consuming. A systems approach is therefore rooted in an understanding of these linkages, the interactions among them, and the policy levers and options available for all actors in the sector.
  • 174. * The transition to more resilient and sustainable food systems therefore concerns all of the interrelated and connected activities that go into producing and consuming food: Producing Processing Transporting Storing Marketing Consuming
  • 175. Environmental soundness - Biodiversity - Energy - Soil - Water Economical viability - Farm profitability - Thriving local economies - Entire value chain Social equity - Food quality & safety - Labor rights - Community health Sustainable agriculture
  • 176. Major elements of a sustainable development path for agriculture and food systems proposed by FAO are: • Shifting towards healthier diets; • Reducing food losses and waste; • Increasing agricultural production on existing crop and pasture land and make it more resilient to climatic extremes; • Preserving the environment through lowering resource use intensity and improving stewardship of natural resources; • Making rural areas attractive places to live and creating new economic opportunities for smallholder farmers and entrepreneurs along the value chain, especially women and youth.
  • 177. Among the sustainable development goals, the ones strictly related to agriculture are: • Ending extreme poverty including hunger, • Achieving health and wellbeing at all ages, • Improving agriculture systems and raise rural prosperity, • Curbing human-induced climate change and ensure sustainable energy, • Securing ecosystem services and biodiversity, and ensuring good management of water and other natural resources
  • 178. Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.
  • 179. Indicator Number Potential and Indicative Indicator Potential lead agency or agencies 8 Proportion of population below minimum level of dietary energy consumption (MDG Indicator) FAO, WHO 9 Percentage of women of reproductive age (15-49) with anemia FAO, WHO 10 Prevalence of stunting and wasting in children under 5 years of age WHO, UNICEF 11 Percentage of infants under 6 months who are exclusively breast fed WHO, UNICEF 12 Percentage of women, 15-49 years of age, who consume at least 5 out of 10 defined food groups FAO, WHO Table 1: Suggested SDG Indicators for Goal 2 by UN Source: Indicators and a Monitoring Framework for the Sustainable Development Goals; A report by the Leadership Council of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network; March 20, 2015
  • 180. Indicator Number Potential and Indicative Indicator Potential lead agency or agencies 13 Crop yield gap (actual yield as % of attainable yield) FAO 14 Number of agricultural extension workers per 1000 farmers [or share of farmers covered by agricultural extension programs and services] FAO 15 Nitrogen use efficiency in food systems FAO, IFA 16 [Crop water productivity (tons of harvested product per unit irrigation water)] – to be developed FAO Table 1 cont’d Source: Indicators and a Monitoring Framework for the Sustainable Development Goals; A report by the Leadership Council of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network; March 20, 2015
  • 181. Indicator Number Complementary National Indicators 2.1 Percentage of population with shortfalls of: iron, zinc, iodine, vitamin A, folate, vitamin B12, [and vitamin D] 2.2 Proportion of infants 6–23 months of age who receive a minimum acceptable diet 2.3 Percentage children born with low birth weight 2.4 Cereal yield growth rate (% p.a.) 2.5 Livestock yield gap (actual yield as % of attainable yield) 2.6 [Phosphorus use efficiency in food systems] – to be developed 2.7 Share of calories from non-staple crops Source: Indicators and a Monitoring Framework for the Sustainable Development Goals; A report by the Leadership Council of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network; March 20, 2015 Table 2: Complementary National Indicators for Goal 2
  • 182. Indicator Number Complementary National Indicators 2.8 Percentage of total daily energy intake from protein in adults 2.9 [Access to drying, storage and processing facilities] – to be developed 2.10 [Indicator on genetic diversity in agriculture] – to be developed 2.11 [Indicator on irrigation access gap] – to be developed 2.12 [Farmers with nationally appropriate crop insurance (%)] – to be developed 2.13 Public and private R&D expenditure on agriculture and rural development (% of GNI) 2.14 [Indicator on food price volatility] – to be developed Source: Indicators and a Monitoring Framework for the Sustainable Development Goals; A report by the Leadership Council of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network; March 20, 2015 Table 2 cont’d
  • 183. * Increasing food demand * ½ habitable land used for farming * Pollution & social problems
  • 184. ✓ Agriculture is responsible for 70% of freshwater withdrawals. ✓ Large scale production systems are significant driver of deforestation, biodiversity loss, land degradation and conversion of natural habitat. ✓ Food losses and waste account for at least 30 percent of total global food production. ✓ Unsustainable fishery practices often result in devastating impacts on the aquatic environment and its resources. Today, almost 30 percent of global fish stocks are overexploited, and about 57 percent fully exploited. ✓ The dependence of the global food system on fossil fuels contributes to GHG emissions and may also increase input costs to the extent that they become unaffordable.
  • 185. * Water scarcity * Soil * Biodiversity * Economic impacts * Social impacts
  • 186. * • 70 % of the world’s surface water • Excess nutrients (phosphorus), pesticides • 47% population: sever water stress in 2050 ✓ Better water treatment ✓ Efficient irrigation
  • 187. Figure 1: Agricultural water use % change in total agriculture water use, 1990-92 to 2002-2004
  • 188. An example: Nestle’s “Water Scarcity” Project Results:
  • 189. * • Fertile soil essential for healthy crops and livestock, promotes biodiversity and is carbon sink • 40 % of all cultivable land degraded • Degraded land → decreasing yields
  • 190. * • Supports natural ecosystems services (air quality improvement, disease control etc.) • Raw material availability • Cannot deny next generations • Value estimated: $ 16-64 trillion
  • 191. * • Unstable & high fuel price, technologies to conserve energy and produce biodiesel and ethanol • Reduce dependence on fossil fuels + retains gge + save money (15% of production costs) • China : project ‘Dream farm’ could lead to energy savings of 2608 EJ
  • 192. • 70% of developing countries rely on farming • Businesses partner with NGO’s (analyze impacts) & build relationships with the entire supply chain →Supply in long term ensured • Economic viability: profitable through increasing yields (previous cases) *
  • 193. Table 3: Summary of Adoption and Impact of Agricultural Sustainability Technologies and Practices on 286 Projects in 57 Countries Source: Food and agriculture organization of the UN
  • 194. • Businesses have responsibilities: * Fair returns Education Labour conditions Training Health care
  • 195. • Heterogeneity in agro-climatic environments • Economically profitable + increasing final demand • Access to information (technologies, pollution) • Lack of institutions to facilitate the promotion and adaption (research, NGO’s) • Political constraints (benefits → resistance of agrochemical industries)
  • 196. The new food system challenge • Change behavior towards healthier diets and reduce food loss and waste • Increase productivity by more than 60% on existing crop and pasture land by 2050 • Preserve the environment through lower resource intensity and sound use of inputs • Make farming an attractive economic opportunity for (young) people living in rural areas
  • 197. Sustainab e Agr·culturall nte,ns,ifica,tio,n (SAi) INPUT PROVIDERS -.._ ••• ,,,__..., TRAINING PROVIDERS .... • Labor • Seed • Water Ag Retailer tt ... PUTS • Financial capital • Knowledge • Crap protecnon • Infrastructure • echnology • Fert'IlitIMS. • Market!. SUSTAINABlllTY OUTCOMES • Samelle s land and water • Efficient u e of Input • Min'mized GHG emission • Increased nat. r I capital • Strengthened resilience • Reduced water/air pollution OUTPUTS PRODUCTION INCOME NIUTIU ION NAT10NAL/LOCAL � MARKET tf PROCESSOR or TRADER FINANCE INSURANCE PROVIDERS SERVICE PROVIDERS - ._ INFORMATION INTEIRNATIONA MARKET PROVIDERS cological ocioeconomic
  • 198. * The Solution, an initiative of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), aims to bring together different actors, including governments, NGOs, the private sector, and academia, under a shared commitment to sustainable food systems while promoting rural prosperity and mitigating environmental impact. * It provides farmers with tailored tools and best management practices on the 4 ‘Rights’ — Right Rate, Source, Time, and Place — required to sustainably enhance crop production.
  • 199. I , lllli 'II I .1111 P1in ·1pk,
  • 200. * Performance-based management * A shared value approach * Customized and science-based Best Management Practices * Access to a worldwide network of international experts * Iterative approach and continuous improvement Source: IFA Meetings; Paris, January 2015
  • 202. NS Components 1) Promoting Soil Nutrient Management 2) Strengthening Agricultural Extension Systems 3) Developing a real time performance monitoring system for extension 4) Supporting the establishment of agribusiness and retail centers 5) Establishing a network of universities to work on Good Agronomic Practices
  • 203. 10 actions for improving Nutrient Use Efficiency Nutri nt Resource N&P Fertilizer & Biological itrogen Fixation Manure & se age fertilizer produc Unrntended 0 capture & reuse Source: Sutton M.A. et al. 2012). Full Chain NUEN,P Crop NUE ,P ivestock production Co p 10n Tran o Choi es - Food Cons pt1on & DI t Clo c s Spa ·at optimiza ·on & in egrat1on
  • 205. *Agriculture and its role in the SDGs *Investing in the agricultural sector can address not only hunger and malnutrition but also other challenges including poverty; water and energy use; climate change; and unsustainable production and consumption. Agriculture Connection to many of the 17 SDGs:
  • 206. * Agriculture’s connection to SDGs: GOAL1: Resource: POVERTY ALLEVIATION _________ Rural people represent the largest segment of the world’s extreme poor by far – more than 70% of the total. Growth in agriculture is at least twice as effective in reducing poverty than from any other sector.
  • 207. Potential and Indicative Indicators *GOAL1: End Poverty GOAL 1 Poverty Rate (%) * Poverty Gap * Proportion of population living below $1.25/day Total fertility rate * Preliminary SDG indicators for OECD Countires
  • 208. * Agriculture’s connection to SDGs: GOAL 2: ZERO HUNGER _________ It includes targets on ending hunger, achieving food security and improved nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture. Source: UN, Zero Hunger Challenge
  • 209. GOAL 2: Potential and Indicative Indicators Targets Indicators 2.3. by 2030 double the agricultural productivity and the incomes of small-scale food producers, particularly women, indigenous peoples, family farmers, pastoralists and fishers, including through secure and equal access to land, other productive resources and inputs, knowledge, financial services, markets and opportunities for value addition and non-farm employment 6. Losses from natural disasters, by climate and non-climate-related events (in US$ and lives lost) 13. Crop yield gap (actual yield as % of attainable yield) 15. Nitrogen use efficiency in food systems 16. [Crop water productivity (tons of harvested product per unit irrigation water)] – to be developed Complementary National Indicators: 2.4. Cereal yield growth rate (% p.a.) 2.5. Livestock yield gap (actual yield as % of attainable yield) 2.6. [Phosphorus use efficiency in food systems] – to be developed
  • 210. Targets Potential and Indicative Indicators 2.4. by 2030 ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain cosystems, that strengthen capacity for adaptation to limate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding and other disasters, and that rogressively improve land and soil quality 6. Losses from natural disasters, by climate and non- climate-related events (in US$ and lives lost) 13. Crop yield gap (actual yield as % of attainable yield) 15. Nitrogen use efficiency in food systems Complementary National Indicators: 2.4. Cereal yield growth rate (% p.a.) 2.5. Livestock yield gap (actual yield as % of attainable yield) 2.6. [Phosphorus use efficiency in food systems] – to be developed GOAL 2: Potential and Indicative Indicators
  • 211. * Agriculture’s connection to SDGs: GOAL 4: Resource: EDUCATION _________ Agricultural extension enables farmers to access to the skills, tools, inputs and knowledge they need to thrive.
  • 212. * GOAL 4: Quality Education Potential and Indicative Indicators GOAL 4 Secondary education completion rates * Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) Results * Early Child Development Index (ECDI) Primary completion rates for girls and boys Teritary enrollment rates for women and men * Preliminary SDG indicators for OECD Countires
  • 213. * Agriculture’s connection to SDGs: GOAL 5: Resource: GENDER EQUALITY _________ Women farmers produce 20-30% less than their male counterparts, mostly due to differences in their access and use of resources. Women produce over half the food worldwide, so bridging this gap could reduce global hunger by as much as 17%.
  • 214. * GOAL 5: Gender Equality Potential and Indicative Indicators GOAL 5 Proportion of seats held by women in national parliaments (%) * Gender pay gap * Percentage of women aged 20- 24 who were married or in a union by age 18 Average number of hours spent on paid and unpaid work combined by sex Gender gap in wages, by sector of economic activity Adolescent birth rate * Preliminary SDG indicators for OECD Countires
  • 215. * Agriculture’s connection to SDGs: GOAL 6: Source: WATER USE By 2030, global water demand will increase more than 50%, with agriculture alone requiring more than what can be sustained to feed the world even before domestic and industrial needs are met.
  • 216. * GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation Potential and Indicative Indicators GOAL 6 Gross freshwater abstractions as percent of total renewable resources * Population connected to wastewater treatment * Proportion of total water resources used Percentage of population with basic hand washing facilities with soap and water at home Percentage of wastewater flows treated to national standards * Preliminary SDG indicators for OECD Countires
  • 217. * Agriculture’s connection to SDGs: GOAL 7: Source: ENERGY USE By 2030, energy demand is expected to increase as much as 50%, driven mostly by developing world demand. More crops are likely to be diverted for use as biofuels, doubling or even tripling as a proportion of total use.
  • 218. * GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy Potential and Indicative Indicators GOAL 7 Primary energy intensity * Share of renewable energy in gross primary energy consumption * Share of the population using modern cooking solutions, by urban/rural Share of the population using reliable electricity, by urban/rural Implicit incentives for low-carbon energy in the electricity sector * Preliminary SDG indicators for OECD Countires
  • 219. * Agriculture’s connection to SDGs: GOAL 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all ECONOMIC GROWTH AND EMPLOYMENT Agriculture is an engine of pro-poor economic growth in rural areas. Entrepreneurship across the rural and food sectors can generate employment and growth.
  • 220. * GOAL 8: Decent work and Economic Growth Potential and Indicative Indicators GOAL 8 Gross National Income (GNI) per capita* Employment to population ratio (EPR) (ages 15– 64) * Youth employment rate, by formal and informal sector Household income, including in-kind services Percentage of own- account and contributing family workers in total employment Percentage of young people not in education, employment or training * Preliminary SDG indicators for OECD Countires
  • 221. * Agriculture’s connection to SDGs: GOAL 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns Source: SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION _________ Average per capita consumption is expected to grow through 2030, despite population increases. At the same time, around one third of food produced is wasted.
  • 222. * GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption Potential and Indicative Indicators GOAL 12 Municipal waste generated * Domestic material consumption * Global Food Loss Index Consumption of ozone-depleting substances Aerosol optical depth Disclosure of Natural Resource Rights Holdings * Preliminary SDG indicators for OECD Countires
  • 223. * Agriculture’s connection to SDGs: GOAL 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts Source: CLIMATE CHANGE By 2030, agriculture’s carbon mitigation potential could reach as much as 7,5 % of total global emissions, depending on the price of carbon and adoption of agricultural productivity measures.
  • 224. * GOAL 13: Climate Action Potential and Indicative Indicators GOAL 13 Production Based Energy Related CO2 Emissions Per Capita * GHG emissions as percent of GDP * Official climate financing from developed countries that is incremental to ODA (in US$) * Preliminary SDG indicators for OECD Countires
  • 225. * Agriculture’s connection to SDGs: GOAL 15: Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss Source: ECOSYSTEM MANAGEMENT Improving the efficiency of farmland can help meet the world’s growing consumption demand while minimising the loss of natural habitats and forests for additional cultivation.
  • 226. * GOAL 15: Life On Land Potential and Indicative Indicators GOAL 15 Terrestrial protected areas * Red List Index for Birds * Area of forest under sustainable forest management as a percent of forest area Annual change in forest area and land under cultivation Improved tenure security and governance of forests Living Planet Index * Preliminary SDG indicators for OECD Countires
  • 227. LCA for Effective Value Chain Systems LCA is a “cradle-to-grave” approach that focuses on improvements of product, process or business activity in all stages of its development from the extraction of raw materials to the point when all materials are returned to the earth. As a part of well-developed value chain systems LCA should be implemented to entire life cycle of the product in order to improve the environmental, social, and economic impacts.
  • 228. The UNEP/SETAC Life Cycle Initiative has grouped environmental impacts into two groups into Life Cycle Impact Assessment Midpoint-Damage Framework. Resource consumption and emissions in the life cycle inventory (LCI) analysis are linked to mid-point impact categories such as climate change, resource depletion, human toxicity, photochemical ozone depletion, acidification and eutrophication and final damage (end- point) categories which are human health, ecosystem quality, and resource depletion within this framework.
  • 229. :3" � � � -· Q. Q. ::, I I ,.... ,:;:, '1:J 0 0 0 � 5· 5· � 5l ,L ( ) I smog formation I� I carcinogenesis I� :::,, § Q I ozone layer depletion I :::l ::r l"t) - Q ..;;; I� - l"t) I climate change ,.... � :::,, ("") 1/ - t1) I radiation ::f � l"t) t""':i I ecotoxicitiy 1� C ,...,. I 0 tn _.., � '< ,.... � I acidification I t1) ..Q .., 1;1 � I land usage - ,.... I effect on species I . :3 Q I fossil fuels depletion 1�1 ,.... t1) -· Q 1�1 - I mineral depletion � - � t1)
  • 230. How is biomass used as a source of energy and fuels? Through photosynthesis, plants convert sunlight energy into chemical energy
  • 231. *Biomass Purpose Amount of harvested biomass, % 1- Food and feed 82 2- Fuel 11 3- Material 7 Source; OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2007-2016 Primarily used as food and feed, BUT, it is increasingly demanded for fuel and material purposes
  • 232. *The global demand for energy is increased by 37% to 2040. *The Goal 7 calls for ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. *In particular Target 7.2 states “by 2030, increase substantially the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix" *Biofuel use will almost triple from 2012 to 2040. *Biofuel use will make up 8% of total road transport fuel demand by 2040 Source:* IEA, 2014 *Fuel Production from Biomass
  • 233. *Food Security vs. Energy Demand Challenges • Food security, • Acess to land, • Biodiversity loss, • Increased greenhouse gas emissions from land use change Source:1 UNEP, 2014 Supply Low Estimate, Mha High Estimate, Mha Food Supply 71 300 Biofuel Suply 48 80 Biomaterial Supply 4 115 Additional land requirement expand by around 320 to 850 Mha. to 2050 1
  • 234. *Biofuels and Materials from two sources: Source:1 IRENA, 2014 38-45 % of the total biomass supply for energy purposes will be met by Agricultural Residues by 20301 Straw, maize stover, residues from sugar beet, oilseeds, grass cuttings, olive pits, seed husks, nut shells etc. 2- Agricultural Residue 1- Crop Production
  • 235. *The most favorable Agrowastes Agricultural Waste, million tons Africa Asia Europe America Ocenia Turkey Rice Straw 20.9 667.6 3.9 37.2 1.7 0.18 Wheat straw 5.34 145.20 132.59 62.64 8.57 3.5 Corn stover 0 33.90 28.61 140.86 0.24 4.13 Baggase 11.73 74.88 0.01 87.62 6.49 - Source: Sarkar et. al, 2012
  • 236. Pharma Fine Chemicals Health and Lifestyle Food Feed Food Performance Materials Fermentation Commodity chemicals Fertiliser Chemicals and Materials Fuel Electricity and Heat Biofuels Energy Volume Added Value The Agricultural Residue Value Triangle
  • 237. *Conversion Technologies Thermochemical and Biochemical Routes BIOMASS Size Reduction, Torrefaction, Pelletisation Combustion Gasification Pyrolysis Syngas Upgrading and Conversion Oil Upgrading Energy Fuels, Energy and Chemicals Fuels, Energy and Char Extraction Hydrogenation Transesterification Fuel Fuel Thermochemical Pathways Pretreatment Fractionation Hydrolysis Upgrading Fermentation Fuels & Chemicals Chemicals, Fuels and Materials Biochemical Pathways
  • 238. *Bio-based Products from Agricultural Residues Products derived from thermochemical and biochemical conversion routes • Bioethanol • Biodiesel • Syngas Macromolecules • Cellulose Paper • Pulp • Clothing fibres, films and filters • Lignin derived adhesives like polyurethane Innovative High-Value Added Products • Phenols, organic acids, furfural and HMF • Biopolymers and fibers • Woodplastic- composites • Bio-based plastics • Pharmaceuticals
  • 239. *Bio-based Products from Agricultural Residues Technology Value-added product Pyrolysis Acetic acid, phenol, substituted phenols, CO, methane Fast thermolysis Acetylene, ethylene Alkali fusion Phenolic acids Enzymatic oxidation Oxidized lignin for paints and coatings Microbial conversion Vanilic and ferulic acids Oxidative Vanillin, dimethylsulfide Hydrolysis Phenol, substituted phenols Hydrogenation Phenol, cresols, substituted phenols
  • 240. 2nd Generation Bioethanol from Agricultural residue 3rd Generation Value Added Product Activated Carbon Bioethanol via SSF Biochemical Conversion Agricultural Residue CORN STOVER WHEAT STRAW Lignin Rich Residue Activated Carbon Production via Pyrolysis *BU-SDCPC Renewable Energy Laboratory PRODUCTS
  • 241. *ASSESSING THE SUSTAINABILITY OF BIO-BASED PRODUCTS Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) *Compare the relative merits of bio-based products to traditional products *Water, soil and biodiversity impacts at different stages of the supply chain * Important sustainability concerns linked to the mobilisation of the wastes and residues.
  • 242. *Midpoint vs Endpoint approach of LCA
  • 243. *BU-SDCPC LCA Laboratory GaBi diagram:Balance EDIP 2003, Acidification potential g f e d c b EDIP 2003, Aquatic eutrophication g f e d c b EDIP 2003, Global w arming g f e d c b EDIP 2003, Photochemical ozone formation - impact on human health and materials g f e d c b EDIP 2003, Stratospheric ozone depletion g f e d c b EDIP 2003, Terrestrial eutrophication g f e d c b Quantity view 3,5e-5 3,0e-5 2,5e-5 2,0e-5 1,5e-5 1,0e-5 0,5e-5 0,0e-5 Bioethanol Product_CombustE10 Bioethanol Product_CombustE85 Gasoline Product_Combust Agricultural residue based bioethanol blend (E10 and E85) life cycle vs. Conventional Gasoline life cycle
  • 244. Prof. Dr. Nilgün CILIZ Soils, Watershed Processes, and Marine Sediments
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  • 252. ESC 351 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Prof.Dr. Nilgün Kıran Cılız Sustainable Development and Cleaner Production Center Institute of Environmental Sciences