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Energetic Willow in Romania
Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
Carstoiu Tudor
Fuertbauer Anna November 28, 2014
 The Triple Bottom Line
 Social Factors
 Environmental Factors
 Economic Factors
 Energetic Willow
 EU Policies
 Preconditions in Romania
Concluding Remarks3
Impact on the Triple Bottom Line2
November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
 Energetic Willow
 EU Policies
 Preconditions in Romania
Concluding Remarks3
Impact on the Triple Bottom Line2
November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
• Search for green energy sources intensified
• New political measures to support renewable energy supply
• Research for unconventional energy sources
• Solar, wind, and heat pump already a great success
awareness of
problems and
climate change
• Alternative solution
• Plants or plant-based materials
• Directly burned for heat
• Indirect use as biofuel
• Wood, hemp, corn, willow, bamboo, palm, sugar cane
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November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
Willow as a biomass
• Specifically grown for energy supply  best energy results
• Popular in the Northern Hemisphere
• Different types according to local climate conditions
• Maximize output/ hectare with low input
• Short-rotation energy crops
 no long time scale (conventional forestry)
 harvested each year
 safe and secure energy source
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November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
Salix viminalis
Salix viminalis
• Belongs to the SRWC group (Short Rotation Woody Crops)
• Originally from Sweden (50,000 ha)
• Prefers cold areas and moist soil
• 4900 kcal/kg caloric value
• Very robust and resistant to various diseases
 can even be planted on swamp land
• 3 – 3.5 cm growth/ day
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November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
• Growth in ~ 80 days  2.5m
Salix viminalis
Salix viminalis
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November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
• Plantation-life of 25-30 years
• Special care only during the first year
• Then it grows fast without special intervention
• Investment of 2000€/ha
• Profit of 2800€/ha beginning the second year
 low-cost, “risk-free”, not labour intensive
• Profitable even in small areas for energy
Salix viminalis
• Traditional agriculture machines
• In winter after leaf fall (November – March)
 better exploitation of the stock of labour and machines
• 40-60t/ha dry material
 depends on water availability, plant density, light, temperature
• Rods, billets or chips
• Water content decreases by 14-16% within months  no artificial drying
• Chips may lose energy content due to fast composting
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November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
Salix viminalis
• Mechanically or hydraulically compressed
 compact product with a high caloric value
(even higher than beech wood)
• 60% cost savings compared to gas heating
• 40% cost savings compared to wood heating
• Low production costs, huge demand
 1 t of briquettes instead of 1.5-2 t of wood
that still requires work before burning
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November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
• 2003: direct subsidies for farmers
that cultivate biomass
• 45€/ha if production is covered by
a processing contract
• Total limit 1.5m ha, raised to 2.0m
ha in 2006 (and then pro-rate
• Romania was a strong user
• Energy crop was a controversial
issue  bonus is stopped now
• But still eligible for the general
single farm payment if following
certain rules and conditions
Shortage of fossil fuels, environmental concerns  RES  but still some inconveniences 
intervention  energy independence and environmental protection
EC Regulation No. 1782/2003
November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
2 31
• 2003: direct subsidies for farmers
that cultivate biomass
• 45€/ha if production is covered by
a processing contract
• Total limit 1.5m ha, raised to 2.0m
ha in 2006 (and then pro-rate
• Romania was a strong user
• Energy crop was a controversial
issue  bonus is stopped now
• But still eligible for the general
single farm payment if following
certain rules and conditions
• 2020:
 20% of energy production with
 20% reduction of CO2 emissions
• Each Member State submitted a
National Action Plan
 set share of renewables in
transport, heating and energy
 support mechanisms
 cooperation with other Member
Shortage of fossil fuels, environmental concerns  RES  but still some inconveniences 
intervention  energy independence and environmental protection
• Includes other mechanisms to
support the growth of energetic
willow  training, investment
• Rural Development programs 
support investment and
• “Health check” of the CAP (2008)
 shift money from direct aid to
Rural Development program (10%
 reinforce renewables programs,
co-financed by the EU in regions
with low GDP
EC Regulation No. 1782/2003 CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) European Directive 2009/28/CE
November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
2 31
The ongoing modernization of agriculture and the vast availability of land are great
• 9.4 million ha arable land  about 1 million ha remain uncultivated (called fallow, decreasing
from 3 million some years ago)
• Almost half a million ha of degraded land (not producing anything)  2% of the total area of
the country
 may find some productive use sooner or later
• The county with most degraded land is Alba(with 43,376 ha); second, Cluj (with 33,452 ha)
• Reason: Three strong waves of emigration
 1989: After the revolution
 2002: Limitation of visas in Schengen countries
 2007: Entrance in the EU
Land availability
Structural change in
• Development from subsistence agriculture to activities that are more lucrative
• Agriculture is modernizing at a quite fast pace
 Agriculture (6-7% of annual GDP) brought 18.5 billion Euros into the economy in 2013, the
best result in history and a plus of 28% compared to 2012
November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
2 31
Know-how about energetic willow is already present and there are incentive to share it
15November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
Building on the
shoulders of giants
• Vertical organization of industries in the first world ‘matters’ not just for the growth of the first
world but also for the growth of other nations
• The leading know-how in this sector is found at the Swedish company SalixEnergi Europa AB
 more than 30 year of experience
• Incentives to create win-win solutions  expansion of the market for energy willow and thus
the use of this of this source of biomass at a larger scale strongly depends on how fast the
diffusion takes place
• The core complementary asset (land) is not that easy to acquire or manage at a very large scale
 fragmented markets  division of inventive labour
• Owner of the technology has a strong interest in convincing many firms to invest in the different
varieties of energetic willow
 Licensing the technology and spreading the know-how to other players
• SalixEnergi Europa AB has signed license and distribution agreements for certain energy willow
varieties with three Romanian companies: S.C. Rebina Agrar S.R.L., S.C. Agrifarm S.R.L.,
Kontrastwege S.R.L. … but also several others around Europe
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Know-how about energetic willow is already present and there are incentive to share it
16November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
Building on the
shoulders of giants
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Despite the good soil conditions, energetic willow is not yet widespread
• Favourable conditions for the cultivation of energetic willow in riverbeds and unused flood
• Large general good groundwater supply, especially in the Danube Meadow and the Danube
• Where needed, irrigation also an option, as Romania has quite high groundwater level in many
Soil conditions
Infant industry
• Short rotation coppice are still at the beginning in Romania
• In 2010, only 49 test plantations were realized
• In 2012, about 850 ha of energetic willow existed
• Long way until saturation, many options available
November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
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Also Romania needs to implement the EU “20-20-20” directive
• Romania has to use 20% renewable energy by 2020
• Renewable sources energy production rate is insignificant compared to the rest of the EU
 only 1.14% of the total electric energy production
Renewables in
• Law 220/2008 regarding the production of renewable energy was introduced in 2008
 not applied until recently due to the strong tensions caused
• Secondary requirements had to be added in order to solve the technical problems associated
with wind and photovoltaic energy, caused by discontinuity of natural forces
• Introduced a state aid scheme for green certificates
• Energy suppliers that use biomass receive two certificates for every MW/ hour produced
• Power stations that use energetic plants like willow get a free certificate
• Stimulation of the production of renewable energy started enthusiastic, but bureaucratic
labyrinth  investors needs a lot of patience
November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
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The Romanian National Program for Rural Development (P.N.D.R.) provides further
incentives for cultivating energetic willow
• Together with the European Union program Phare, it invests around 10 billion Euro in rural
• Grants for energetic willow crops are on the rise through the measures
 112: Installing of young farmers
 121: Modernization of agricultural tools
• Economically underdeveloped areas have priority
November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
2 31
 The Triple Bottom Line
 Social Factors
 Environmental Factors
 Economic Factors
Concluding Remarks3
Impact on the Triple Bottom Line2
November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
TBL: Social, environmental, economic
3BL: People, planet, profit
• Is an accounting framework for the three pillars of sustainability
 company's responsibility lies with stakeholders rather than shareholders
 coordinate stakeholder interests instead of maximizing shareholder profit
• Many organizations have adopted the TBL framework to evaluate their performance in a
broader context
• Interest in triple bottom line accounting has been growing in both for-profit, non-profit and
government sectors
• Became the dominant approach to public sector full cost accounting in 2007
• Growing number of financial institutions incorporate a triple bottom line approach in their
• Similar, UN standards apply to natural capital and human capital measurement to assist in
measurements required by TBL, e.g. the EcoBudget standard for reporting ecological footprint
The Triple Bottom
November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
2 31
TBL: Social, environmental, economic
3BL: People, planet, profit
The Triple Bottom
November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
2 31
TBL: Social, environmental, economic
3BL: People, planet, profit
• Fair and beneficial business practices toward labour/community/region
• Reciprocal social structure  well-being of corporate, labour and other stakeholder interests
are interdependent
• “Give back" by contributing to the strength and growth of the community
 E.g. health care and education
• Quantifying this bottom line is relatively new, problematic and often subjective
• Benefit the natural order as much as possible or at the least do no harm
 minimise environmental impact
• Reduce the ecological footprint
 careful consumption of energy and reduction of manufacturing waste
• A business which manufactures and sells a problematic product should bear part of the cost of
its ultimate disposal
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November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
TBL: Social, environmental, economic
3BL: People, planet, profit
• The "profit" aspect needs to be seen as the real economic benefit enjoyed by the host society
• Often confused to be limited to the internal profit made by a company or organization which
remains the starting point
 real economic impact the organization has on its economic environment
• Not simply traditional corporate accounting profit + social and environmental impacts
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November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
What are the possible impacts of planting energetic willow in Romania?
Triple Bottom Line
November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
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Social Factors
• Productive use for the large amount of unused land
 Additional income by renting or producing themselves
 Revival
Give use to land
Support areas with
low economic
• Special impact on land with low economic value
 Helps people that live in areas with low economic development where families own lots of
land but are nevertheless poor
• Productive use
 price of abandoned land increases
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November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
Social Factors
• Jobs for unskilled labour
• Harvesting in winter (usually less work during this period)
• New jobs at willow-selling units
• Agricultural machinery used all year long
Better use of
• Additional income source for traditional farmers (not labour intensive)
 Risk diversification
 More robust than most other crops
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November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
• Save alternative energy source for small villages
• Heating of municipal buildings
 Save money and reduce hard labour required for transforming wood
Environmental Factors
• Real alternative to coal, natural gas and oil and other biomass
 1000kg of dry energetic willow = 700kg high-quality black coal
• High calorific value of 4900 kcal/kg  higher than oak (3460 kcal/kg)
• First step towards a green, sustainable and independent energy supply in Romania:
Planting 20,000 ha  1,000,000 tonnes of pellets  heating source of 4,900,000 Gcal/year 
heat for more than 145,000 apartments
Green energy
Low carbon fuel
• Co2 emissions close to zero
• Only some emissions occur during harvesting,
transport etc.
• Absorbs emissions during its growth
• Natural cycle maintained due to the short
rotation  decomposing vs. burning
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November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
Environmental Factors
CO2 emission and
(wood pellets)
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November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
Environmental Factors
• Protect forests and countervail deforestation in Romania caused by the need for a cheap
energy supply
• Energetic willow as a low-cost, viable alternative even for countries with huge forest areas
• Same output on smaller area (due to the high energy willow output per hectare)
• Growing demand for biomass  secure sufficient supply by planting more efficient alternatives
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November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
Environmental Factors
• Treatment of environmental problems with plants instead of excavating and disposing
contaminated material
• Energetic willow can take up high amounts of heavy metal without losing its vitality
• More efficient than other plants  hyper-accumulator:
Concentrates metal  higher metal content in the plant then in the soil
• Ions permeate into roots and are then transported to the whole plant body
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November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
• Cheap alternative wastewater treatment
• Save costs compared to biological treatment
• Bringing it in contact with contaminated water  slow but constant purification
• High evapotranspiration capacity of 15-20l/m2/day  clean 20-30 tonnes of sludge per hectare
• Flooding plant with wastewater even leads to a faster growth of energetic willow
Economic Factors
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November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
Low investment,
sustainable profits
• Traditional agricultural equipment can be used with just slight adaptations
• Initial planting costs about 1,500 – 2,500 €/ ha (only once for a harvest of 25-30 years)
• Starting from the second year, harvest of about 40-60t/ ha  annual profits of about 1500-
1600 €/ ha with only minor costs (200€/ ha) and little care required
• Kontrastwege SRL (energetic willow business)
 yearly turnover of about 200,000 €
 owns the distribution license in Romania for various types of salix viminalis
 started with 146 ha in 2011, now 240 ha
 profit per ha of willow is twice the profit they would get from a ha of corn
 customers are usually small farmers or guesthouses in rural areas that use it for in-house
heat production
 Also large biomass power stations are important clients (demand is expected to increase)
Economic Factors
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November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
Efficient use of
• Plantation along roads  effective against snowstorms and car accidents
• County of Arad (Romania)
 first test on a 20km long route between Semlac and Nădlac
 now investment of about 112,000€ in the expansion of the project to an area of 67 ha
 price of 50€/ t, harvest of 40t/ ha  costs recovered after the first harvest in two years
• Positive impact on society’s security for no cost
Unused land
becomes profitable
• The plant can be cultivated on land that is otherwise unused, creating value where there is
• Under favorable conditions (intensive irrigation) production can reach up to 60 t / ha
Economic Factors
• If willow is cultivated on sufficiently large areas (1,000-1,5000 ha)  investment in a pellets
plant feasible
 cheap alternative energy source for cities
 central heating of their houses can be installed
• If no pellets plants available  more economic to use copped energetic willow
• Low cost of producing one kWh of energy
 all end-users can save money by using energetic willow for heating
 wood, gas and diesel can be successfully replaced
Cheap energy
source for cities
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November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
Concluding Remarks3
Impact on the Triple Bottom Line2
November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
Energetic willow is a proven economic resource with great profitability, stability and a long
term perspective
• Obvious positive impact for the
• Strong social potential due to its
contribution to rural development
• Geopolitical conditions (the need
for energy independence) support
the development of energetic
• Demand is expected to increase
 trend of continuous increasing
cost of traditional sources like oil,
gas and wood
 multiple uses of energetic willow
Energetic willow
November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
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 High fertility and yield  Lack of integrated bio-energy consumer market
 High environmental tolerance  Necessity of fast utilization after harvesting
 Long exploitation of plantations  Energy overproduction
 Low labour consumption and advantageous year
schedule on labour demand during cultivation
 High volume of biomass
 Improvement of local economy  High moisture content in fresh harvested
 Reduction of unemployment  Threats resulting from monoculture cultivation
on large agricultural areas
 Diversification of energy resources  Unexpected weather and climate changes
 Low capital consumption during vegetation  Damages caused by diseases and pests
 High energy effectiveness
 Reduced consumption of conventional fuels
 Environmental friendly biomass utilization for
energy purposes
 Exploitation of lie fallows
 Efficient assimilation of heavy metals
 Possible cultivation on soils unusable for other
 Possible reclamation of deteriorated lands
 Constant price increase in fossil fuels
 Increase of ecological awareness of the society
 Financial support from EU and local institutions
Thank you for your attention!

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  • 1. 124.06.2014 Energetic Willow in Romania Globalization, Sustainability and Technology Carstoiu Tudor Fuertbauer Anna November 28, 2014
  • 2.  The Triple Bottom Line  Social Factors  Environmental Factors  Economic Factors  Energetic Willow  EU Policies  Preconditions in Romania 2 AGENDA Introduction1 Concluding Remarks3 Impact on the Triple Bottom Line2 November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
  • 3.  Energetic Willow  EU Policies  Preconditions in Romania 3 AGENDA Introduction1 Concluding Remarks3 Impact on the Triple Bottom Line2 November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
  • 4. Background ENERGETIC WILLOW 4 • Search for green energy sources intensified • New political measures to support renewable energy supply • Research for unconventional energy sources • Solar, wind, and heat pump already a great success Increasing awareness of environmental problems and climate change Biomass • Alternative solution • Plants or plant-based materials • Directly burned for heat • Indirect use as biofuel • Wood, hemp, corn, willow, bamboo, palm, sugar cane 2 31 November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
  • 5. Willow as a biomass ENERGETIC WILLOW 5 • Specifically grown for energy supply  best energy results • Popular in the Northern Hemisphere • Different types according to local climate conditions • Maximize output/ hectare with low input • Short-rotation energy crops  no long time scale (conventional forestry)  harvested each year  safe and secure energy source Willow 2 31 November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
  • 6. Salix viminalis ENERGETIC WILLOW 6 Salix viminalis • Belongs to the SRWC group (Short Rotation Woody Crops) • Originally from Sweden (50,000 ha) • Prefers cold areas and moist soil • 4900 kcal/kg caloric value • Very robust and resistant to various diseases  can even be planted on swamp land • 3 – 3.5 cm growth/ day 2 31 November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology • Growth in ~ 80 days  2.5m
  • 7.
  • 8. Salix viminalis ENERGETIC WILLOW 8 Salix viminalis 2 31 November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology • Plantation-life of 25-30 years • Special care only during the first year • Then it grows fast without special intervention • Investment of 2000€/ha • Profit of 2800€/ha beginning the second year  low-cost, “risk-free”, not labour intensive • Profitable even in small areas for energy independence
  • 10. Salix viminalis ENERGETIC WILLOW 10 • Traditional agriculture machines • In winter after leaf fall (November – March)  better exploitation of the stock of labour and machines • 40-60t/ha dry material  depends on water availability, plant density, light, temperature • Rods, billets or chips • Water content decreases by 14-16% within months  no artificial drying • Chips may lose energy content due to fast composting Harvest 2 31 November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
  • 11. Salix viminalis ENERGETIC WILLOW 11 • Mechanically or hydraulically compressed  compact product with a high caloric value (even higher than beech wood) • 60% cost savings compared to gas heating • 40% cost savings compared to wood heating • Low production costs, huge demand  1 t of briquettes instead of 1.5-2 t of wood that still requires work before burning Briquettes 2 31 November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
  • 12. • 2003: direct subsidies for farmers that cultivate biomass • 45€/ha if production is covered by a processing contract • Total limit 1.5m ha, raised to 2.0m ha in 2006 (and then pro-rate deduction) • Romania was a strong user • Energy crop was a controversial issue  bonus is stopped now • But still eligible for the general single farm payment if following certain rules and conditions 12 Shortage of fossil fuels, environmental concerns  RES  but still some inconveniences  intervention  energy independence and environmental protection EU POLICIES EC Regulation No. 1782/2003 November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology 2 31
  • 13. • 2003: direct subsidies for farmers that cultivate biomass • 45€/ha if production is covered by a processing contract • Total limit 1.5m ha, raised to 2.0m ha in 2006 (and then pro-rate deduction) • Romania was a strong user • Energy crop was a controversial issue  bonus is stopped now • But still eligible for the general single farm payment if following certain rules and conditions • 2020:  20% of energy production with renewables  20% reduction of CO2 emissions • Each Member State submitted a National Action Plan  set share of renewables in transport, heating and energy production  support mechanisms  cooperation with other Member States 13 Shortage of fossil fuels, environmental concerns  RES  but still some inconveniences  intervention  energy independence and environmental protection EU POLICIES • Includes other mechanisms to support the growth of energetic willow  training, investment support • Rural Development programs  support investment and infrastructure • “Health check” of the CAP (2008)  shift money from direct aid to Rural Development program (10% cut)  reinforce renewables programs, co-financed by the EU in regions with low GDP EC Regulation No. 1782/2003 CAP (Common Agricultural Policy) European Directive 2009/28/CE November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology 2 31
  • 14. The ongoing modernization of agriculture and the vast availability of land are great preconditions PRECONDITIONS IN ROMANIA 14 • 9.4 million ha arable land  about 1 million ha remain uncultivated (called fallow, decreasing from 3 million some years ago) • Almost half a million ha of degraded land (not producing anything)  2% of the total area of the country  may find some productive use sooner or later • The county with most degraded land is Alba(with 43,376 ha); second, Cluj (with 33,452 ha) • Reason: Three strong waves of emigration  1989: After the revolution  2002: Limitation of visas in Schengen countries  2007: Entrance in the EU Land availability Structural change in agriculture • Development from subsistence agriculture to activities that are more lucrative • Agriculture is modernizing at a quite fast pace  Agriculture (6-7% of annual GDP) brought 18.5 billion Euros into the economy in 2013, the best result in history and a plus of 28% compared to 2012 November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology 2 31
  • 15. Know-how about energetic willow is already present and there are incentive to share it PRECONDITIONS IN ROMANIA 15November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology Building on the shoulders of giants • Vertical organization of industries in the first world ‘matters’ not just for the growth of the first world but also for the growth of other nations • The leading know-how in this sector is found at the Swedish company SalixEnergi Europa AB  more than 30 year of experience • Incentives to create win-win solutions  expansion of the market for energy willow and thus the use of this of this source of biomass at a larger scale strongly depends on how fast the diffusion takes place • The core complementary asset (land) is not that easy to acquire or manage at a very large scale  fragmented markets  division of inventive labour • Owner of the technology has a strong interest in convincing many firms to invest in the different varieties of energetic willow  Licensing the technology and spreading the know-how to other players • SalixEnergi Europa AB has signed license and distribution agreements for certain energy willow varieties with three Romanian companies: S.C. Rebina Agrar S.R.L., S.C. Agrifarm S.R.L., Kontrastwege S.R.L. … but also several others around Europe 2 31
  • 16. Know-how about energetic willow is already present and there are incentive to share it PRECONDITIONS IN ROMANIA 16November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology Building on the shoulders of giants 2 31
  • 17. Despite the good soil conditions, energetic willow is not yet widespread PRECONDITIONS IN ROMANIA 17 • Favourable conditions for the cultivation of energetic willow in riverbeds and unused flood plains • Large general good groundwater supply, especially in the Danube Meadow and the Danube Delta • Where needed, irrigation also an option, as Romania has quite high groundwater level in many areas Soil conditions Infant industry • Short rotation coppice are still at the beginning in Romania • In 2010, only 49 test plantations were realized • In 2012, about 850 ha of energetic willow existed • Long way until saturation, many options available November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology 2 31
  • 18. Also Romania needs to implement the EU “20-20-20” directive PRECONDITIONS IN ROMANIA 18 • Romania has to use 20% renewable energy by 2020 • Renewable sources energy production rate is insignificant compared to the rest of the EU  only 1.14% of the total electric energy production Renewables in Romania Legislative framework • Law 220/2008 regarding the production of renewable energy was introduced in 2008  not applied until recently due to the strong tensions caused • Secondary requirements had to be added in order to solve the technical problems associated with wind and photovoltaic energy, caused by discontinuity of natural forces • Introduced a state aid scheme for green certificates • Energy suppliers that use biomass receive two certificates for every MW/ hour produced • Power stations that use energetic plants like willow get a free certificate • Stimulation of the production of renewable energy started enthusiastic, but bureaucratic labyrinth  investors needs a lot of patience November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology 2 31
  • 19. The Romanian National Program for Rural Development (P.N.D.R.) provides further incentives for cultivating energetic willow PRECONDITIONS IN ROMANIA 19 • Together with the European Union program Phare, it invests around 10 billion Euro in rural development • Grants for energetic willow crops are on the rise through the measures  112: Installing of young farmers  121: Modernization of agricultural tools • Economically underdeveloped areas have priority P.N.D.R. November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology 2 31
  • 20.  The Triple Bottom Line  Social Factors  Environmental Factors  Economic Factors 20 AGENDA Introduction1 Concluding Remarks3 Impact on the Triple Bottom Line2 November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
  • 21. TBL: Social, environmental, economic 3BL: People, planet, profit THE TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE FRAMEWORK 21 • Is an accounting framework for the three pillars of sustainability  company's responsibility lies with stakeholders rather than shareholders  coordinate stakeholder interests instead of maximizing shareholder profit • Many organizations have adopted the TBL framework to evaluate their performance in a broader context • Interest in triple bottom line accounting has been growing in both for-profit, non-profit and government sectors • Became the dominant approach to public sector full cost accounting in 2007 • Growing number of financial institutions incorporate a triple bottom line approach in their work • Similar, UN standards apply to natural capital and human capital measurement to assist in measurements required by TBL, e.g. the EcoBudget standard for reporting ecological footprint The Triple Bottom Line November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology 2 31
  • 22. TBL: Social, environmental, economic 3BL: People, planet, profit THE TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE FRAMEWORK 22 The Triple Bottom Line November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology 2 31
  • 23. TBL: Social, environmental, economic 3BL: People, planet, profit THE TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE FRAMEWORK 23 • Fair and beneficial business practices toward labour/community/region • Reciprocal social structure  well-being of corporate, labour and other stakeholder interests are interdependent • “Give back" by contributing to the strength and growth of the community  E.g. health care and education • Quantifying this bottom line is relatively new, problematic and often subjective Social Environmental • Benefit the natural order as much as possible or at the least do no harm  minimise environmental impact • Reduce the ecological footprint  careful consumption of energy and reduction of manufacturing waste • A business which manufactures and sells a problematic product should bear part of the cost of its ultimate disposal 2 31 November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
  • 24. TBL: Social, environmental, economic 3BL: People, planet, profit THE TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE FRAMEWORK 24 • The "profit" aspect needs to be seen as the real economic benefit enjoyed by the host society • Often confused to be limited to the internal profit made by a company or organization which remains the starting point  real economic impact the organization has on its economic environment • Not simply traditional corporate accounting profit + social and environmental impacts 2 31 November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology Economic
  • 25. What are the possible impacts of planting energetic willow in Romania? TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE 25 Triple Bottom Line November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology 2 31
  • 26. Social Factors TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE 26 • Productive use for the large amount of unused land  Additional income by renting or producing themselves  Revival Give use to land Support areas with low economic development • Special impact on land with low economic value  Helps people that live in areas with low economic development where families own lots of land but are nevertheless poor • Productive use  price of abandoned land increases 2 31 November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
  • 27. Social Factors TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE 27 • Jobs for unskilled labour • Harvesting in winter (usually less work during this period) • New jobs at willow-selling units • Agricultural machinery used all year long Better use of resources Diversification • Additional income source for traditional farmers (not labour intensive)  Risk diversification  More robust than most other crops 2 31 November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology Energy independence • Save alternative energy source for small villages • Heating of municipal buildings  Save money and reduce hard labour required for transforming wood
  • 28.
  • 29. Environmental Factors TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE 29 • Real alternative to coal, natural gas and oil and other biomass  1000kg of dry energetic willow = 700kg high-quality black coal • High calorific value of 4900 kcal/kg  higher than oak (3460 kcal/kg) • First step towards a green, sustainable and independent energy supply in Romania: Planting 20,000 ha  1,000,000 tonnes of pellets  heating source of 4,900,000 Gcal/year  heat for more than 145,000 apartments Green energy source Low carbon fuel • Co2 emissions close to zero • Only some emissions occur during harvesting, transport etc. • Absorbs emissions during its growth • Natural cycle maintained due to the short rotation  decomposing vs. burning 2 31 November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
  • 30. Environmental Factors TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE 30 CO2 emission and reabsorption timescale (wood pellets) 2 31 November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
  • 31. Environmental Factors TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE 31 • Protect forests and countervail deforestation in Romania caused by the need for a cheap energy supply • Energetic willow as a low-cost, viable alternative even for countries with huge forest areas • Same output on smaller area (due to the high energy willow output per hectare) • Growing demand for biomass  secure sufficient supply by planting more efficient alternatives Stopping deforestation 2 31 November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
  • 32. Environmental Factors TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE 32 Phytoremediation • Treatment of environmental problems with plants instead of excavating and disposing contaminated material • Energetic willow can take up high amounts of heavy metal without losing its vitality • More efficient than other plants  hyper-accumulator: Concentrates metal  higher metal content in the plant then in the soil • Ions permeate into roots and are then transported to the whole plant body 2 31 November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology • Cheap alternative wastewater treatment • Save costs compared to biological treatment • Bringing it in contact with contaminated water  slow but constant purification • High evapotranspiration capacity of 15-20l/m2/day  clean 20-30 tonnes of sludge per hectare • Flooding plant with wastewater even leads to a faster growth of energetic willow
  • 33. Economic Factors TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE 33 2 31 November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology Low investment, sustainable profits • Traditional agricultural equipment can be used with just slight adaptations • Initial planting costs about 1,500 – 2,500 €/ ha (only once for a harvest of 25-30 years) • Starting from the second year, harvest of about 40-60t/ ha  annual profits of about 1500- 1600 €/ ha with only minor costs (200€/ ha) and little care required • Kontrastwege SRL (energetic willow business)  yearly turnover of about 200,000 €  owns the distribution license in Romania for various types of salix viminalis  started with 146 ha in 2011, now 240 ha  profit per ha of willow is twice the profit they would get from a ha of corn  customers are usually small farmers or guesthouses in rural areas that use it for in-house heat production  Also large biomass power stations are important clients (demand is expected to increase)
  • 34. Economic Factors TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE 34 2 31 November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology Efficient use of roadsides • Plantation along roads  effective against snowstorms and car accidents • County of Arad (Romania)  first test on a 20km long route between Semlac and Nădlac  now investment of about 112,000€ in the expansion of the project to an area of 67 ha  price of 50€/ t, harvest of 40t/ ha  costs recovered after the first harvest in two years • Positive impact on society’s security for no cost Unused land becomes profitable • The plant can be cultivated on land that is otherwise unused, creating value where there is none • Under favorable conditions (intensive irrigation) production can reach up to 60 t / ha
  • 35. Economic Factors TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE 35 • If willow is cultivated on sufficiently large areas (1,000-1,5000 ha)  investment in a pellets plant feasible  cheap alternative energy source for cities  central heating of their houses can be installed • If no pellets plants available  more economic to use copped energetic willow • Low cost of producing one kWh of energy  all end-users can save money by using energetic willow for heating  wood, gas and diesel can be successfully replaced Cheap energy source for cities 2 31 November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
  • 36. 36 AGENDA Introduction1 Concluding Remarks3 Impact on the Triple Bottom Line2 November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology
  • 37. Energetic willow is a proven economic resource with great profitability, stability and a long term perspective CONCLUDING REMARKS 37 • Obvious positive impact for the environment • Strong social potential due to its contribution to rural development • Geopolitical conditions (the need for energy independence) support the development of energetic willow • Demand is expected to increase  trend of continuous increasing cost of traditional sources like oil, gas and wood  multiple uses of energetic willow Energetic willow November 28, 2014 Globalization, Sustainability and Technology 2 31 POSITIVE ARGUMENTS NEGATIVE ARGUMENTS  High fertility and yield  Lack of integrated bio-energy consumer market  High environmental tolerance  Necessity of fast utilization after harvesting  Long exploitation of plantations  Energy overproduction  Low labour consumption and advantageous year schedule on labour demand during cultivation  High volume of biomass  Improvement of local economy  High moisture content in fresh harvested biomass  Reduction of unemployment  Threats resulting from monoculture cultivation on large agricultural areas  Diversification of energy resources  Unexpected weather and climate changes  Low capital consumption during vegetation  Damages caused by diseases and pests  High energy effectiveness  Reduced consumption of conventional fuels  Environmental friendly biomass utilization for energy purposes  Exploitation of lie fallows  Efficient assimilation of heavy metals  Possible cultivation on soils unusable for other crops  Possible reclamation of deteriorated lands  Constant price increase in fossil fuels  Increase of ecological awareness of the society  Financial support from EU and local institutions
  • 38. 3824.06.2014 Thank you for your attention! Q&A