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Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Feed Summary
Investment Trends
Market Details
Exit Outlook
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Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Feed Summary
Investment Trends
Market Details
Exit Outlook
Feed Summary
Investment Trend Summary
Exit Outlook Summary
Summary of Key Markets
Notable Companies in the Sector
Recent News
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Note: Mega Companies includes IPO’d companies, Mega Acquisitions and Unicorn. Data is taken from Tracxn Platform as on October 26, 2018.
Nutraceuticals Feed Summary
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary
Products derived from natural sources with extra health benefits in addition to the basic nutritional value found in food.
• Inclusions: The feed covers companies manufacturing
and marketing nutraceutical ingredients/raw materials,
functional foods, functional beverages, and dietary
supplements with detailed product sub-classification.
• Exclusions: The feed does not cover marketing
companies, distributors, retail chains, animal nutrition
products, and online platforms selling nutraceuticals.
• Excludes funding information of Chinese companies
Feed in Numbers
FundedCovered on
IPO’d Cos
Late Stage Cos
Series A+ Cos
(1933, Haifa)
(1906, Chicago)
(1897, Basel)
Top Companies
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Investment Trend Summary
Summary of Funding Activity in Nutraceuticals
$300M - Series C
Body Armor (2011, Beverly Hills, $335M)
$35M - Series B
Before brands (2015, San Francisco, $48.1M)
$159M - PE
BOTAMEDI GROUP (2001, Seoul, $159M)
$35M - PE
OmniActive(2004, Mumbai, $35M)
$157M - PE
True Health (1987, Cottonwood, $157M)
$30M - Series B
Harmless Harvest (2009, San Francisco, $30M)
$35M - Series D
Prolacta Bioscience (1999, Los Angeles,
$29M - Series B
Care/of (2016, New York City, $42.9M)
$35M - Series B
MycoTechnology (2013, Aurora, $74.7M)
$27.1M - Series B
Foodspring (2013, Berlin, $33.7M)
Top Geos of InvestmentEntrepreneurial Activity Global Funding Trend
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Investment Trend Summary
AccelFoods (#3), Forerunner Ventures (#2), Angel Capital
Management (#1)
Series A/B
AccelFoods (#2), CAVU Venture Partners (#2), Ampersand Capital
Partners (#1)
Series C+
CPP Investment Board (#2), Aisling Capital (#1), CAVU Venture
Partners (#1)
Incubators Brand Capital (#3), 500 Startups (#2), SOSV (#2)
Other Notable
North Castle Partners (#8), Department of Biotechnology (#6),
CircleUp (#4)
Debt Investors TPG (#3), Enterprise Ventures (#2), Siparex (#2)
Most Active InvestorsRecent Investments
427 448
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
Y-o-Y # of Companies Founded 48 50 71 81 71 46
$ Funding
$190M $127M
$307M $367M
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
$ Funding $ Funding Predicted
# Rounds # Rounds Predicted
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Summary of exit outlook in Nutraceuticals
Exit Outlook Summary
Most Active AcquirersTop Investors in Exits
Enterprise Ventures 3
Science In Sport (1992, Manly)
OptiBiotix Health (2012, York)
North Castle
EAS sports nutrition (1992, Monterey)
Leiner (1996, Carson)
Steelpoint Capital
EAS sports nutrition (1992, Monterey)
Leiner (1996, Carson)
TA Associates
Natrol (1980, Chatsworth)
Premier Nutrition (1997, San Francisco)
Afternic 1
Radient Technologies (2001, Edmonton,
May 2018 Frutarom Acq by IFF Inc. for $7.1B
Dec 2017 Atrium Innovations Acq by Nestlé for $2.3B
Feb 2017 Mead johnson Acq by Reckitt Benckiser for $17.9B
Nov 2016
BAI Brands Acq by Dr Pepper Snapple Group for
Jul 2013 Elan Acq by Perrigo for $8.6B
Nov 2012 Schiff Nutrition Acq by Reckitt Benckiser for $1.4B
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Exit Outlook Summary
Abbott 2
EAS sports nutrition (Oct 2004, $320M), ZonePerfect (Jul
2003, $160M)
Joint Juice (Aug 2013, $180M), Premier Nutrition (Aug 2013,
Mead johnson (Feb 2017, $17.9B), Schiff Nutrition (Nov 2012,
$1.4B), Schiff Vitamins (Nov 2012)
Glanbia 3
Optimum Nutrition (Aug 2008, $315M), ThinkThin
products (Nov 2015, $217M), Amazing Grass (Jan 2017)
Balchem 2
SensoryEffects (Mar 2014, $567M), Albion Laboratories (Feb
2016, $112M)
Recent IPOs Top Acquisitions
Advanced Enzyme Technologies
Aug 2016
Manufactures enzymes for nutrition, food…
IPO MCap: $300M Current MCap: $265M
Bajaj Health May 2016
Manufacturer and supplier of Supplements,…
IPO MCap: $17.6M Current MCap: $44.8M
Fredun Group Mar 2016
Pharma group with multiple subsidiaries w…
IPO MCap: - Current MCap: $16.4M
Rapid Nutrition Mar 2017
Manufactures and exports nutritional prod…
IPO MCap: - Current MCap: -
Arev Nutrition Feb 2017
Manufactures coconut based health drink p…
IPO MCap: - Current MCap: -
HL Science Oct 2016
Manufactures health supplements
IPO MCap: $121M Current MCap: $180M
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Marketmap: Nutraceuticals
Companies 4652
Funded 653 Series A+ 194
Funding $5.3B Last 2 yrs $1.2B
Most Active Investors
Seed AccelFoods (3)
Series A/B AccelFoods (2)
Series C+ CPP Investment Board (2)
Others North Castle Partners (8)
Incubators Brand Capital (3)
Top Cities
Bay Area 110 Cos $435M
Beverly Hills 10 Cos $335M
Feed in Numbers
Unicorns 3 Soonicorns 5
Minicorns 13 Editor Picks 71
Acquihired - Deadpooled 190
Top Companies
Lonza (1897, Basel)
Frutarom (1933, Haifa)
Ingredion (1906, Chicago)
IPOs 116 Advanced Enzyme
Technologies, HL Science
Acquisitions 178 Mead Johnson, Elan
Top Acquirers Reckitt Benckiser, Glanbia
For any Feedback and Query reach out to
* Upcoming Business Model
Funding data excludes Debt, Grants & Post-IPO rounds. Excludes all details for Chinese companies
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > BlueBox
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Key Sub Sectors in Nutraceuticals Sector
Summary of Key Markets
Top Markets of Investment Activity
# Cos on
Last 2 Years
$ Invested # Round
Supplements >
Multicategory 1431 $303M 26
Supplements > Herbal Supplements >
Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals 679 $69.4M 12
Nutraceutical Ingredients
214 $123M 7
287 $56.5M 9
Supplements >
Others 260 $52.4M 7
Foods >
Health Snack 166 $19.9M 10
Functional Beverages >
Sports Drink 33 $308M 3
Functional Beverages >
Probiotic Drink 24 $34.1M 4
Foods > Functional Foods >
Probiotics 76 $11.7M 6
Contract Manufacturing
224 $25M 4
Sub Sectors
# Cos
Companies that develop ingestible products that
contain a dietary ingredient intended...
3175 314 $3.4B
Functional Beverages
Companies that develop health drinks which include
ingredients like herbs, vitamins,...
260 75 $1.1B
Nutraceutical Ingredients
Companies manufacturing raw materials used for
manufacturing nutraceutical products
214 64 $276M
Companies manufacturing healthy snacks and foods
492 110 $267M
Companies that manufacture more than one type of
nutritional product
287 51 $161M
Contract Manufacturing
Companies providing contract manufacturing services
for finished nutraceutical products
224 39 $88.6M
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Summary of Key Markets
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
List of Notable Companies in Nutraceuticals
Notable Companies in the Sector (1/4)
Note: *(Founded Year, Location, Total Funding)
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies in the Sector
(1980, Los Angeles)*
(1935, Pittsburgh)
Mega LifeSciences
(1982, Bangkok)
Advanced Enzyme
(1989, Thane, $18.3M)
Weider Global Nutrition
(1936, Gilbert)
HL Science
(2000, Uiwang)
Venture Life
(2010, Bracknell)
Kyung Nam Pharm
(1993, Changwon, $1.8B)
Cell Biotech
(1995, Gimpo-si)
(2012, Sydney)
(1997, Sydney)
Bajaj Health
(1993, Mumbai)
Science In Sport
(1992, Manly)
Clover Corporation
(1988, Melbourne)
Kolmar BNH
(2004, Sejong)
Pochiraju Industries
(1995, Krishnagiri)
OptiBiotix Health
(2012, York)
Ganga Pharmaceuticals
(1989, Mumbai)
Vita Lifesciences
(1947, Melbourne)
(2008, Boca Raton, $186M)
Plandai Biotech
(2004, Goodyear, $15.3M)
Algae Tec
(2007, Subiaco, $14.8M)
Mix1 Life
(2006, Orlando, $12.2M)
True Drinks
(2008, Irvine, $11.8M)
(1983, Kailua-kona, $3.6M)
(1999, Irvine, $3.4M)
(2009, Coconut Creek, $3.2M)
Radient Technologies
(2001, Edmonton, $2.6M)
Zivo Bioscience
(2014, Keego Harbor, $2M)
Entia Biosciences
(2007, Sherwood, $1.5M)
Targeted Medical
(1999, Los Angeles, $1.2M)
Pacific Health Labs
(1998, Iselin, $1M)
Therapeutic Solutions
International (TSI)
(2010, Oceanside, $270k)
Game Plan
(1999, Henderson, $263k)
(2006, Denver, $245k)
Emergent Health
(2006, King Of Prussia, $240k)
(1998, Vancouver, $164k)
GeneLink BioSciences
(1994, Orlando, $105k)
(1897, Basel)
(1909, Tokyo)
AXIM Biotech
(2014, New York City)
(1906, Chicago)
Natto Pharma
(2004, Oslo)
Arev Nutrition
(2016, Vancouver)
(1932, Sydney)
Canadian Bioceutical
(2014, Toronto)
Dabur India
(1884, Ghaziabad)
(1998, Oslo)
(2004, Saint George)
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
List of Notable Companies in Nutraceuticals
Notable Companies in the Sector (2/4)
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies in the Sector
Go Life International
(2011, Knysna)
(2006, Denver)
(1988, Los Angeles)
(1995, Brehand)
(1996, Tampa)
(2003, Pisa)
(1991, Lund)
Taxus Cardium
(2003, San Diego)
(2005, Gothenburg)
Adia Nutrition
(2011, Kurtistown)
Aroma Celte
(2011, Ploufragan)
(1995, New York City)
(1967, New Hampton)
(1990, Stockholm)
(2004, Boca Raton)
(1998, Lynnwood)
(2006, Las Vegas)
(2005, Tokyo)
(2002, Hunt Valley)
(2000, Tainan)
Immune Tree
(1993, Bluffdale)
(1996, Vaudreuil-dorion)
(2001, Denver)
Jurak World Wide
(1997, Las Vegas)
Kimia Farma
(1817, Jakarta)
Kino Biotech
(2010, Singapore)
(1963, Seoul)
Murad Chia Jei
(1995, Kaohsiung City)
MYOS RENS Technology
(2011, Cedar Knolls)
(1999, Poway)
Natural Alternatives
(1980, San Marcos)
Nature's Sunshine
(1972, Lehi)
(1984, League City)
New Earth
(2013, Klamath Falls)
(2002, Melissa)
Piramal Phytocare
(2001, Mumbai)
Pivotal Therapeutics
(2010, Vaughan)
(1983, Wellington)
ProPhase Labs
(1989, Doylestown)
(1999, Reading)
Rapid Nutrition
(2001, Coorparoo)
Reliv International
(1988, Chesterfield)
(1963, Fuji)
Source Natural
(1995, Bangalore)
Synergy CHC
(2012, Westbrook)
Taiwan Indigena
(2014, Taipei)
(1893, Torrance)
USANA Health Sciences
(1992, Salt Lake City)
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
List of Notable Companies in Nutraceuticals
Notable Companies in the Sector (3/4)
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies in the Sector
(1946, Vancouver)
Vivanza Biosciences
(2016, Ahmedabad)
(2008, Houston)
(1997, Edmonton)
(1960, Kilkenny)
Lightspace Corporation
(2003, Boston)
Nutripure Beverages
(1966, Newport Beach)
Star Combo
(2004, Sydney)
(1974, Tauranga)
(2011, Mixco)
(2009, Saint Paul)
E-Pharm Nutrition
(2011, Urbana)
Fredun Group
(1987, Mumbai)
Lactose India
(1991, Ahmedabad)
Maabarot Group
(1963, Kibbutz Gaton)
(1926, Irvine)
Neptune Wellness
(1998, Laval)
New Nordic
(1990, Roskilde)
Roopa Industries
(2000, Hyderabad)
Mead johnson
(1900, Chicago)
(1969, Dublin)
(1933, Haifa)
The DuPont Nutrition
and Health
(1989, Copenhagen)
Atrium Innovations
(1999, Westmount)
BAI Brands
(2009, Princeton, $56.8M)
Schiff Nutrition
(1936, Parsippany)
Chr. Hansen
(2010, Copenhagen)
(1979, Kearny)
Fortitech Premixes
(1986, Schenectady)
(2012, Chicago)
(2006, Maryland Heights)
(2001, Burnaby)
Omega Protein
(1913, Houston)
(1961, Diemen)
Elder Pharamaceuticals
(1989, Mumbai)
EAS sports nutrition
(1992, Monterey)
Optimum Nutrition
(1986, Sidney)
(1987, Benicia)
Renew Life
(1997, Palm Harbor)
(1991, Brentford)
(1992, Somerset)
(2007, Sydney)
(1996, Carson)
ThinkThin products
(1999, Los Angeles)
(1998, Kfar Saba, $21M)
New Zealand
(1971, Palmerston North)
Eu Yan Sang
(1879, Singapore)
Scitec Nutrition
(1996, Budapest)
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
List of Notable Companies in Nutraceuticals
Notable Companies in the Sector (4/4)
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies in the Sector
Nutrition Physiology
(1993, Guymon)
Joint Juice
(2001, San Francisco, $155M)
Premier Nutrition
(1997, San Francisco)
BBI Healthcare
(2006, Bridgend)
(1996, Beverly)
Manuka Health
(2006, Auckland)
(1980, Chatsworth)
Novel Ingredient
(1995, East Hanover)
Albion Laboratories
(1956, Clearfield)
(2009, Pittsburgh)
(2016, Redmond)
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals
Notable Companies by Market (1/15)
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market
Nutraceutical Ingredients
Nutraceutical Ingredients
Enzymotec (1998, Kfar Saba, $21M)
Bio-functional lipid ingredients and final products
for nutritional and pharmaceutical application
Minicorn. Stage: Acquired
Frutarom, Ofer-Hi Tech, Millennium II Materials
Technology Fund and 7 Other Investors
Advanced Enzyme Technologies (1989,
Thane, $18.3M)
Manufactures enzymes for nutrition, food
processing and industrial processing
Soonicorn. Stage: Public
Avendus, Deutsche Bank, Kuwait Investment
Authority and 5 Other Investors
ChromaDex (1999, Irvine, $3.4M)
Discover and develop patented ingredient
Editor's Pick. Stage: Public
Western Alliance Bancorporation, Hercules Capital,
DSM and 1 Other Investors
Nutraceutical Ingredients
Radient Technologies (2001, Edmonton,
Develops and markets high-value naturally derived
plant extracts
Editor's Pick. Stage: Public
Aurora Cannabis, Koniag Development
Corporation, Afternic and 2 Other Investors
Frutarom (1933, Haifa)
Traditional company manufacturing flavor and fine
Unicorn. Stage: Acquired
Bank Leumi
Lonza (1897, Basel)
Company offering a suite of CDMO services to
pharma, biotech and specialty ingredient markets
Editor's Pick. Stage: Public
United States Department of Defense, EDBI
Ingredion (1906, Chicago)
Food ingredients manufacturer
Unicorn. Stage: Public
Nutraceutical Ingredients
Natto Pharma (2004, Oslo)
Manufactures patented vitamin k2 ingredient
Editor's Pick. Stage: Public
New Zealand Pharmaceuticals (1971,
Palmerston North)
Manufacturer of pharma intermediates &
diagnostic products for pharma & biotech
Stage: Acquired
Direct Capital
OptiBiotix Health (2012, York)
Discovers and develops microbial strains,
compounds, and formulations, which modulate the
human microbiome
Stage: Public
Seneca Partners, Enterprise Ventures
Albion Laboratories (1956, Clearfield)
Manufactures mineral ingredients for plant and
human nutrition industry
Stage: Acquired
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals
Notable Companies by Market (2/15)
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market
Nutraceutical Ingredients
Nutraceutical Ingredients
Balchem (1967, New Hampton)
Manufactures nutraceutical ingredients for human
and animal nutrition products
Stage: Public
Clover Corporation (1988, Melbourne)
Manufactures a range of nutraceutical ingredients
Stage: Public
Equip Super
Fortitech Premixes (1986, Schenectady)
Manufactures customized blends of functional
Stage: Acquired
Lehman Brothers, Trilantic Capital Partners North
InterHealth Nutraceuticals (1987, Benicia)
Researching, developing and supplying
nutraceutical and speciality ingredients.
Stage: Acquired
National Institutes of Health, Kainos Capital
Nutraceutical Ingredients
MYOS RENS Technology (2011, Cedar Knolls)
Nutritional supplements, functional foods, and
therapeutic products
Stage: Public
Omega Protein (1913, Houston)
Biopharma company manufacturing and marketing
nutritional products
Stage: Acquired
Optigenex (2002, Melissa)
Manufactures patented natural cellular DNA care
Stage: Public
Pharmachem Labratories (1979, Kearny)
Nutraceutical ingredients manufacturer
Stage: Acquired
The DuPont Nutrition and Health (1989,
Manufactures a range of health ingredients
Stage: Acquired
Nutraceutical Ingredients
SensoryEffects (2006, Maryland Heights)
Ingredient solutions for human health and nutrition
Stage: Acquired
Highlander Partners
Bajaj Health (1993, Mumbai)
Manufacturer and supplier of Supplements, APIs &
Intermediates and formulations
Stage: Public
Neptune Wellness Solutions (1998, Laval)
Nutraceutical ingredients manufacturer
Stage: Public
Novel Ingredient (1995, East Hanover)
Manufacturing and marketing a range of
nutraceutical ingredients
Stage: Acquired
GenNx360 Capital Partners, Maranon Capital
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals
Notable Companies by Market (3/15)
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market
Kyung Nam Pharm (1993, Changwon, $1.8B)
Manufacture and sale of OTC drugs and nutritionals
in Korea
Stage: Public
E&Investment, Korea Investment Partners
MMUSA (1995, Blaine, $284M)
Manufactures a range of nutritional supplement
Soonicorn. Stage: Funded
Nutrafuels (2009, Coconut Creek, $3.2M)
Manufacturing and marketing oral spray vitamins
and supplements
Stage: Public
Entia Biosciences (2007, Sherwood, $1.5M)
Develops and markets health-related nutraceuticals
and cosmeceuticals
Stage: Public
Therapeutic Solutions International
(TSI) (2010, Oceanside, $270k)
Developing and commercialising nutraceuticals
Stage: Public
Game Plan (1999, Henderson, $263k)
Nutritional supplements manufacturer and
Stage: Public
MusclePharm (2006, Denver, $245k)
Manufacturing and marketing a range of nutritional
Stage: Public
Iconic Private Equity Partners
Emergent Health (2006, King Of Prussia,
Engages in development and sale of proprietary
regenerative medicine, nutraceuticals and
Stage: Public
GeneLink BioSciences (1994, Orlando, $105k)
Genome-based nutritional supplements
Stage: Public
Canadian Bioceutical (2014, Toronto)
Manufacturing and marketing a range of
nutraceuticals and bioceuticals
Stage: Public
CGX Life Sciences, Canadian Bioceutical
Elan (1969, Dublin)
Manufacturer of OTC products, prescription
pharmaceuticals, nutritional products, and APIs
Stage: Acquired
Signet Healthcare Partners
GNC (1935, Pittsburgh)
Supplements for sports nutrition
Stage: Public
Thomas H Lee Partners
Go Life International (2011, Knysna)
Manufactures a range of health supplements
Stage: Public
Herbalife (1980, Los Angeles)
Manufacturer of nutritional supplements
Stage: Public
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals
Notable Companies by Market (4/15)
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market
MusclePharm Corporation (2006, Denver)
Manufactures a range of nutritional supplements
Stage: Public
NHTC (1988, Los Angeles)
Herbal dietary supplements
Stage: Public
Pharmanutra (2003, Pisa)
Manufactures a range of nutritional supplements
Stage: Public
Protexin (1992, Somerset)
Probiotics and fiber supplements
Stage: Acquired
Vita Lifesciences (1947, Melbourne)
Manufactures a range of nutritional supplements
Stage: Public
Aroma Celte (2011, Ploufragan)
Manufactures health supplements and personal
care products
Stage: Public
Atrium Innovations (1999, Westmount)
Traditional company manufacturing and marketing
nutritional health supplements
Stage: Acquired
CPP Investment Board
Coenzyme-A Technologies (1998,
Manufactures a range of health supplement
Stage: Public
EAS sports nutrition (1992, Monterey)
Performance Nutrition Products & Protein
Stage: Acquired
Steelpoint Capital Partners, North Castle Partners
Elder Pharamaceuticals (1989, Mumbai)
Fully Integrated Pharma Company
Stage: Acquired
Gelstat (2002, Hunt Valley)
Research, development and marketing of a range of
health supplements
Stage: Public
HL Science (2000, Uiwang)
Manufactures health supplements
Stage: Public
Immunotec (1996, Vaudreuil-dorion)
Manufactures nutritional supplements and skin
care products
Stage: Public
Nexxus Capital
Kimia Farma (1817, Jakarta)
Manufactures generic pharmaceuticals and
nutritional supplements
Stage: Public
Mead johnson (1900, Chicago)
Nutraceutical company manufacturing infant
nutrition products
Stage: Acquired
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals
Notable Companies by Market (5/15)
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market
Mega LifeSciences (1982, Bangkok)
Traditional company engaged in manufacturing
nutritional & herbal supplements, OTC and ethical
Stage: Public
Lombard Investments
Natrol (1980, Chatsworth)
Manufacturing and marketing a range of nutritional
Stage: Acquired
TA Associates Management
Natural Alternatives International (1980,
San Marcos)
Formulator, manufacturer and marketer of
customized nutritional supplements
Stage: Public
Neurogenesis (1984, League City)
Manufactures a range of nutritional supplements
Stage: Public
Pochiraju Industries (1995, Krishnagiri)
Indian Pharma and Biotech Manufacturer
Stage: Public
Reliv International (1988, Chesterfield)
Manufacturing and marketing a range of nutritional
Stage: Public
USANA Health Sciences (1992, Salt Lake City)
Personalized cellular nutrition
Stage: Public
Vitality (1946, Vancouver)
Manufacturing and marketing a range of vitamin
and mineral supplements
Stage: Public
Vivanza Biosciences (2016, Ahmedabad)
Manufactures generic pharmacutical formulations
and nutritional supplements
Stage: Public
Zurvita (2008, Houston)
Manufactures branded health supplements
Stage: Public
BBI Healthcare (2006, Bridgend)
Manufactures women's health, digestive health,
energy and heart health products
Stage: Acquired
E-Pharm Nutrition (2011, Urbana)
Traditional company engaged in manufacturing and
marketing nutritional supplements
Stage: Public
Leiner (1996, Carson)
Specializes in storebrand OTC products, vitamins
and nutritional supplements
Stage: Acquired
Steelpoint Capital Partners, North Castle Partners,
AEA Investors
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals
Notable Companies by Market (6/15)
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market
Maabarot Group (1963, Kibbutz Gaton)
Manufactures a range of food products and
nutritional supplements for human and animal
Stage: Public
New Nordic (1990, Roskilde)
Develops and markets dietary supplements and
natural medicines
Stage: Public
Roopa Industries (2000, Hyderabad)
Traditional company manufacturing nutraceuticals,
bulk drugs and chemicals
Stage: Public
Schiff Nutrition (1936, Parsippany)
Schiff Nutrition is a nutritional supplement
company which offers specialty supplements,
vitamins, and minerals.
Stage: Acquired
Vemedia (1961, Diemen)
Manufacturing and marketing branded nutritional
Stage: Acquired
IK Investment Partners, Indufin Capital Partners
Venture Life (2010, Bracknell)
Company focused on developing, manufacturing
and commercialising products for the ageing
Stage: Public
TherapeuticsMD (2008, Boca Raton, $186M)
Health drugs for women
Stage: Public
MidCap Financial, Venrock
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals
Notable Companies by Market (7/15)
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market
Herbal Supplements
Plandai Biotech (2004, Goodyear, $15.3M)
Developing bioavailable extracts from live plant
materials for use in nutraceuticals
Editor's Pick. Stage: Public
Lincoln Park Capital
Algae Tec (2007, Subiaco, $14.8M)
Manufacturer of algae using carbon capture and
production of algae-based products
Editor's Pick. Stage: Public
Gencor, Reliance Industries
Cyanotech (1983, Kailua-kona, $3.6M)
Manufactures natural ingredients based health
Stage: Public
Zivo Bioscience (2014, Keego Harbor, $2M)
Bioactive compounds from algal strain
Editor's Pick. Stage: Public
Health Enterprise Partners
Herbal Supplements
Blackmores (1932, Sydney)
Health products for humans and animals, including
vitamins, herbal and mineral nutritional
Stage: Public
Dabur India (1884, Ghaziabad)
Manufactures and Markets FMCG Goods
Stage: Public
Baring Private Equity Partners
Olmix (1995, Brehand)
Developing and marketing algal extracts for use in
plant, animal and human health products
Stage: Public
Idinvest Partners
Eu Yan Sang (1879, Singapore)
Chinese medicine and herbs brand
Stage: Acquired
Herbal Supplements
Euglena (2005, Tokyo)
Developing and marketing microalgae for use in
functional foods
Stage: Public
SBI Investment, Inspire Corporation, Hikari Private
Immune Tree (1993, Bluffdale)
Manufactures a range of health supplement
Stage: Public
Jurak World Wide (1997, Las Vegas)
Manufactures natural ingredients based health
Stage: Public
Kwangdong Pharmaceutical (1963, Seoul)
Combining oriental and western medical science
across a range of indications.
Stage: Public
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals
Notable Companies by Market (8/15)
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market
Herbal Supplements
Manuka Health (2006, Auckland)
Manufacturing and marketing natural ingredients
based health supplements
Stage: Acquired
Callaghan Innovation, Waterman Capital, Pacific
Equity Partners
Murad Chia Jei Biotechnology (1995,
Kaohsiung City)
Preventive health related herbal nutraceutical
Stage: Public
Naprodis (1999, Poway)
Natural supplements for skin care and immunity
Stage: Public
Nature's Sunshine (1972, Lehi)
Traditional company manufacturing and marketing
health and wellness products
Stage: Public
Herbal Supplements
Piramal Phytocare (2001, Mumbai)
Manufactures a range of natural ingredients based
health supplements
Stage: Public
Promisia (1983, Wellington)
Manufactures natural ingredients based dietary
supplement for joint support
Stage: Public
Provexis (1999, Reading)
Specialty company commercializaing proprietary
anti-thrombotic technology
Stage: Public
DSM, Enterprise Ventures
Taiwan Indigena Botanica (2014, Taipei)
Herbal supplements for medicinal use
Stage: Public
Tsumura (1893, Torrance)
Large Japanese manufacturer of herbal (Kampo)
medicines and OTC drugs
Stage: Public
Herbal Supplements
Ganga Pharmaceuticals (1989, Mumbai)
Manufactures natural ingredients based health
Stage: Public
Comvita (1974, Tauranga)
Natural skin care supplements
Stage: Public
Fredun Group (1987, Mumbai)
Pharma group with multiple subsidiaries with focus
on generics, herbal products and APIs
Stage: Public
Naturade (1926, Irvine)
Manufacturing and marketing a range of natural
ingredients based nutritional supplements
Stage: Public
Redux Holdings, Towerview Capital, Thyra Global
Management and 1 Other Investors
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals
Notable Companies by Market (9/15)
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market
Protein Supplements
Mix1 Life (2006, Orlando, $12.2M)
Manufacturing and marketing protein shakes
Stage: Public
Highland Capital Partners
Pacific Health Labs (1998, Iselin, $1M)
Traditional company manufacturing and marketing
sports nutrition products
Stage: Public
Hormel Health Labs
Science In Sport (1992, Manly)
Manufactures and markets sports nutrition
Editor's Pick. Stage: Public
Enterprise Ventures, Array Venture Capital
MaxiNutrition (1991, Brentford)
Sports nutrition company specializing in protein
Stage: Acquired
Darwin Private Equity
Protein Supplements
ISatori (2001, Denver)
Manufactures sports nutrition supplements
Stage: Public
Optimum Nutrition (1986, Sidney)
Manufacturing and marketing sports nutrition
Stage: Acquired
Premier Nutrition (1997, San Francisco)
Manufactures protein powder and bars
Stage: Acquired
TA Associates Management
Weider Global Nutrition (1936, Gilbert)
Developing and marketing sports nutrition
Stage: Public
Prolacta Bioscience (1999, Los Angeles,
Human milk fortifier supplement products for
premature infants
Soonicorn. Stage: Series D
PROOF.VC, Aisling Capital, Health Evolution
Partners and 12 Other Investors
Eqology (1998, Oslo)
Manufactures omega 3 supplements
Stage: Public
New Earth (2013, Klamath Falls)
Developing and marketing proprietary food and
health supplements
Stage: Public
Synergy CHC (2012, Westbrook)
Manufactures a range of health supplements and
personal care products
Stage: Public
Knight Therapeutics
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals
Notable Companies by Market (10/15)
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market
Ceapro (1997, Edmonton)
Production of active ingredients using plants as a
feedstock for human and animal consumption
Stage: Public
Lightspace Corporation (2003, Boston)
Provider of herbal formulation for males
Stage: Public
Star Combo (2004, Sydney)
Dietary supplements for improving strength and
Stage: Public
Diabion (2011, Mixco)
Manufacturing and marketing proprietary diabetes
management formula
Stage: Public
Functional Foods
Chr. Hansen (2010, Copenhagen)
Bioscience company that develops natural solutions
for the food, nutritional, pharmaceutical and
agricultural industries.
Stage: Acquired
European Investment Bank, Ardian, PAI Partners
Oragenics (1996, Tampa)
Develops novel treatments for infectious diseases
and oral mucositis as well as probiotics for oral
Stage: Public
Intrexon, Third Security
Taxus Cardium (2003, San Diego)
Dedicated to building on its core products and drug
delivery platform
Stage: Public
Connecticut Innovations
Zinzino (2005, Gothenburg)
Manufacturer providing personalized supplements
using Omega6/Omega3 ratio.
Stage: Public
Functional Foods
Adia Nutrition (2011, Kurtistown)
Manufactures and markets probiotic chews and
Stage: Public
BioGaia (1990, Stockholm)
Healthcare company that develops and sells
probiotic nutraceutical products with proven health
Stage: Public
Cell Biotech (1995, Gimpo-si)
Manufacturer of probiotic products
Stage: Public
KTB Ventures, SBI Investment Korea
GenMont (2000, Tainan)
Manufacturer of probiotic and baby nutrition
Stage: Public
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals
Notable Companies by Market (11/15)
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market
Functional Foods
Nutraceutix (2016, Redmond)
Contract manufacturing organization offering
probiotics to functional food and consumer health
Stage: Acquired
Pivotal Therapeutics (2010, Vaughan)
Canadian, commercial-stage biopharma developing
highly-purified prescription Omega 3 Therapy for
Stage: Public
Renew Life (1997, Palm Harbor)
Traditional company manufacturing and marketing
a range of nutraceutical products
Stage: Acquired
Swander Pace Capital, Twin Bridge Capital Partners
Bioxyne (1997, Sydney)
Developing probiotic-based dietary supplements
for immune health and immunotherapy
Stage: Public
BioScience Managers
Functional Foods
Enterologics (2009, Saint Paul)
Developing probiotics as live biotherapeutics to
treat gastrointestinal (GI) diseases.
Stage: Public
Nutrition Physiology Company (1993,
Specialty company engaged in manufacturing
probiotics for animals
Stage: Acquired
Medical Foods
Targeted Medical Pharma (1999, Los
Angeles, $1.2M)
Aminoacid-based medical foods for CNS,
inflammation, metabolic and respiratory disorders
Stage: Public
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals
Notable Companies by Market (12/15)
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market
Health Snack
ThinkThin products (1999, Los Angeles)
Manufactures a range of protein bars and smoothies
Stage: Acquired
ZonePerfect (1996, Beverly)
Manufactures a range of flavored protein bars
Stage: Acquired
RXBAR (2012, Chicago)
Meal replacement protein bars
Stage: Acquired
Functional Beverages
Energy Drink
Celsius (2004, Boca Raton)
Functional beverage company manufacturing
energy drinks
Stage: Public
Horizons Ventures, zVentures
Drinkeq (2006, Las Vegas)
Nutritional energy drinks manufacturer
Stage: Public
Fortified Juice
Suja Life (2012, San Diego, $208M)
Manufacturer and brand of cold pressed juices and
Soonicorn. Stage: Series E
Coca-Cola, Goldman Sachs, Participant Media and 7
Other Investors
Joint Juice (2001, San Francisco, $155M)
Liquid supplement for joint health
Minicorn. Stage: Acquired
BAI Brands (2009, Princeton, $56.8M)
Manufactures and markets flavoured antioxidant
Unicorn. Stage: Acquired
Stroud Companies, Dr Pepper Snapple Group,
Strand Equity Partners and 2 Other Investors
Burcon (1998, Vancouver, $164k)
Manufactures plant protein based health drinks
Stage: Public
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals
Notable Companies by Market (13/15)
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market
Functional Beverages
Fortified Juice
Arev Nutrition (2016, Vancouver)
Manufactures coconut based health drink products
Stage: Public
Nutripure Beverages (1966, Newport Beach)
Fortified water for immunity and general wellness
Stage: Public
FRS (2004, San Mateo, $148M)
Nutraceutical company manufacturing functional
beverages for sportspersons
Soonicorn. Stage: Series D
Oak Investment Partners
True Drinks (2008, Irvine, $11.8M)
Manufactures flavored water and energy drink
Stage: Public
Toba Capital
Kino Biotech (2010, Singapore)
Bio-nutraceutical and cosmeceutical company
Stage: Public
Contract Manufacturing
Contract Manufacturing
Probi (1991, Lund)
Contract manufacturer of probiotic supplements
Stage: Public
Bactolac Pharmaceutical (1995, New York
Contract manufacturer of a range of nutritional
Stage: Public
Kolmar BNH (2004, Sejong)
Offers nutrition supplements and cosmetics
Stage: Public
Quintessa Investments
Sankyo (1963, Fuji)
Contract manufacturer of pharmaceutical and
nutraceutical supplements
Stage: Public
Source Natural (1995, Bangalore)
Contract manufacturer of ayurvedic, health &
dietary supplements
Stage: Public
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals
Notable Companies by Market (14/15)
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market
Contract Manufacturing
Contract Manufacturing
Vitaco (2007, Sydney)
Contract manufacturing of a range of nutritional
Stage: Acquired
Next Capital
Ajinomoto (1909, Tokyo)
Multi category food and beverage manufacturer
Editor's Pick. Stage: Public
AXIM Biotech (2014, New York City)
Public, early-stage Biotech involved in
pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and bioenergy from
cannabis, most importantly, developing pharma-
functional chewing gum containing cannabinoids
Editor's Pick. Stage: Public
Medical Marijuana
ForeverGreen (2004, Saint George)
Manufactures a range of nutritional supplement
Stage: Public
Medlab (2012, Sydney)
Company developing pharmaceuticals,
nutraceuticals and biologics for treating chronic
Stage: Public
ProPhase Labs (1989, Doylestown)
ProPhase Labs
Stage: Public
Dutchess Capital
Rapid Nutrition (2001, Coorparoo)
Manufactures and exports nutritional products
Stage: Public
Scitec Nutrition (1996, Budapest)
Manufacturing and marketing a range of
nutraceutical products
Stage: Acquired
Enterprise Investors
Seroyal (2009, Pittsburgh)
Traditional company engaged in manufacturing
nutraceutical products
Stage: Acquired
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals
Notable Companies by Market (15/15)
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market
Vega (2001, Burnaby)
Manufactures branded nutritional snacks and
Stage: Acquired
VMG Partners
Glanbia (1960, Kilkenny)
Global performance nutrition and ingredients group
Stage: Public
Lactose India (1991, Ahmedabad)
Producing and providing nutraceutical ingredient &
Stage: Public
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
List of Notable Companies in Nutraceuticals in China
Notable Companies in the Sector in China
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies in the Sector in China
China YCT International
(1989, Jining)
CK Life Sciences
(2000, Hong Kong)
Quantum Hi-Tech
(2000, Guangzhou)
Rodobo International
(2002, Harbin)
Tasly Holding Group
(1994, Tianjin)
(1997, Guangzhou)
Yunnan Beiyao Group
(1902, Kunming)
Guizhou Xinbang
(1995, Guiyang)
(1997, Xiamen)
Baolingbao Biology
(1997, Dezhou)
Guilin Layn Natural
Ingredients Corp
(2003, Guangxi)
Hainan Hai
(1965, Haikou)
Eagle Health Holdings
(2001, Xiamen)
Zhejiang Novus
(2015, Shaoxing)
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Recent News in Nutraceuticals Sector
Recent News
Oct 2018 CELSIUS Names Matt Kahn as EVP Marketing, PR Newswire
Oct 2018
Grounded in Goodness, Healthy Times Pays Tribute to Legacy with
New Packaging, PR Newswire
Oct 2018
U.S. nutramax laboratories plans $20 mln expansion to create jobs,
Oct 2018 The message for the Horlicks maker in the Complan deal, Livemint
Oct 2018
Red Bull's Rampage freeride app puts a virtual mountain in your
living room, TechRadar
Oct 2018
Compound Solutions Aggressively Pursues Patent Violators of its
goBHB® ketone, PRWeb
Oct 2018
Ingredion Announces Preliminary Third Quarter 2018 EPS and
Adjusted EPS and Revises Adjusted EPS Guidance; Board Authorizes
Repurchase of up to an Additional 8 Million Shares of Stock, ACN
Oct 2018
Optimum Nutrition Introduces Gold Standard 100% Isolate™,
Created For The Macro-Conscious Athlete, PR Newswire
Oct 2018
Nutrex Announces IsoFit, a Premium Dessert Isolate that Ignites
Muscle Protein Synthesis, PRWeb
Oct 2018
Carotenoids Market Will Cross USD 300 Million By 2024, The
Camping Canuck
Oct 2018
Plant-based Waters Market In-depth Analysis & Global Forecast To
2024, The Camping Canuck
Oct 2018 Current And Future Trends Of Polyphenols Market,
Key Recent News Key Recent News
Oct 2018
Crystal Clear Forecast Of The Global Probiotic Supplements
Oct 2018 Sido Muncul targets 20% growth next year, IDN Financials
Oct 2018
Global Thymidine Market 2018-2025 includes Worldwide
Manufacturers: Lonza, Carbopharm GmbH, Zhejiang NHU, Zhejiang
Xianfeng Science Technology,
Oct 2018
Bluebonnet Targeted Choice Joint Support Formula Utilizes BioCell
Collagen, Nutraceuticals World
Oct 2018
Kraft Heinz to sell part of Indian businesses to drugmaker Zydus:
Bloomberg, Reuters
Oct 2018
ProcessPro ERP Selected by Quicksilver Scientific to Support
Supplement Manufacturing, PR Newswire
Oct 2018
HumanN Launches SuperBeets Line Based on Best-Selling Product,
PR Newswire
Oct 2018
All-Star Outfielder Andy Van Slyke Teams Up with NUGENIX® to
Defeat Low Vitality, PR Newswire
Oct 2018
Fidia Announces Presentation of New Data Evaluating HYMOVIS®
(HYADD®4) Effects on Metalloprotease Inhibition at 2018
ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting, Business Wire
Oct 2018
USANA Health Sciences Reports Results for Third Quarter 2018;
Updates 2018 Outlook; Board Increases Share Repurchase
Authorization, Business Wire
Oct 2018
FutureCeuticals Launches New Product - S7: Boosts NO by 230%, PR
Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Recent News
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Feed Summary
Investment Trends
Market Details
Exit Outlook
Funding Trends
Median Deal Size and Trend
New Entrants in Funding Club
Distribution of companies by Funding Range
Funding Funnel of the Sector
Top Investments and Investors
Investors in Unicorn club
Some more Sector Reports you might want to check out
Join 4000+ people taking sharper decisions with Tracxn
Database Technology
Sep 2018
Online Rental
Sep 2018
Online Video
Sep 2018
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Investments ($M) and number of rounds in Nutraceuticals; 2011-2018
Global Funding Trends (1/2)
Note: Funding excludes Grant, Debt and Post IPO rounds. Excludes all details for Chinese companies
Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Global Funding Trends
3 Year CAGR
6 Year CAGR 12% # of Rounds22% $ Funding
9% # of Rounds
62% $ Funding
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018*
$ Funding Predicted $ Funding # Rounds Predicted # Rounds
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
$12M $3M $15M $12M $17M $20M $10M $14M
$73M $84M $70M
$194M $301M
$112M $25M $91M $45M $173M $152M $229M
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 YTD
Seed Early Stage Late Stage
Total $ Invested
18 14 25 24 43 44 21 23
16 17
25 28
9 5 4 10 3 9 9 6
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 YTD
Seed Early Stage Late Stage
Total # of Rounds
Note: Mega Rounds = rounds with size > $20M. Funding excludes Grant, Debt and Post IPO rounds. Excludes all details for Chinese companies
Stage-wise Number of RoundsStage-wise $ Invested
New Entrants in Funded Club
Global Funding Trends (2/2)
Investments ($M) and number of rounds in Nutraceuticals; 2011-2018
Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Global Funding Trends
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 YTD Total
Entrants in Funding Club Avg. Ticket Size
$2M $0.9M $1.8M $1M $1.7M $3.1M $2.4M $1.9M
$0K $108M $0K
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 YTD
$ Funding Predicted $ Funding # of Rounds Predicted # Rounds
Mega Rounds
1 - 2 - 3 7 8 6
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201835
Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Funding Trends by Geography
Investments ($M) and number of rounds in Nutraceuticals
Funding Trends by Geography
Funding Trends by Geography Top Cities of Funding
City $ Funding # Rounds
Bay Area 435M 52
Beverly Hills 335M 4
Blaine 284M 1
San Diego 209M 12
Los Angeles 166M 29
Seoul 159M 1
Cottonwood 157M 1
Gilbert 123M 4
Lagos 80M 1
Aurora 74.7M 5
Total Funding
# Rounds
South Korea
Note: Excludes funding information of China companies
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201836
Trend of Average Deal Size ($M)
$0.6 $0.5
$0.6 $0.6
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
$3.8 $4.5
$3.4 $3.4
$4.3 $3.8
$9.2 $10.6 $9.2 $10.1
$18.1 $15.6
$57.5 $50.7
Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Median Deal Size and Trend
Median and Average Deal Size in $M (per Stage) in Nutraceuticals; 2011-2017
Median Deal Size and Trend
Note: Excludes funding information of Chinese companies. *Graph not to scale
Median Deal Size and Range
$5K* $4.5M
$100K $20M
$1M $40.3M
$50K $300M
Series C+
Series B
Series A
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Note: 444 companies with undisclosed funding amount are not included
Funding Range
No. of Companies
Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Distribution of companies by Funding Range
No. of companies by funding range in Nutraceuticals; as of Oct 2018
Distribution of companies by Funding Range
$ Investment
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Stage No. of Companies
Note: Numbers in the brackets show the count of companies
Time to raise
next round
Series C+
Series B
Series A
14% 3%
- 4%
30% 17%
- 4%
56% 13%
- 5%
66% 17%
- 4%
- 19%
- 4%
Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Funding Funnel
Number of companies progressing to subsequent funding stages in Nutraceuticals
Funding Funnel
16 Months
18 Months
27 Months
Investment backedBootstrapped
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201839
Note: Seed Stage (Seed, Angel), Early Stage (Series A, Series B), Late Stage (Series C+, PE)
Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Notable Investments in last 24 months
Major funding rounds by Stage in Nutraceuticals; Oct 2016-Oct 2018
Notable Investments in last 24 months (1/3)
$300M - Series C Aug 2018
Body Armor (2011, Beverly Hills, $335M)
Functional beverage company manufacturing sports
drink products with coconut water base
$159M - PE May 2018
BOTAMEDI GROUP (2001, Seoul, $159M)
Herbal products for neurodegenerative diseases
$157M - PE Jan 2017
True Health (1987, Cottonwood, $157M)
Manufactures a range of nutritional supplement
$35M - PE Jan 2017
OmniActive (2004, Mumbai, $35M)
Supplying ingredients and technologies to the global
nutraceutical and functional food industry
Everstone Capital
$35M - Series D Dec 2016
Prolacta Bioscience (1999, Los Angeles,
Human milk fortifier supplement products for
premature infants
Aisling Capital, Health Evolution Partners, EW
Healthcare Partners
$21.2M - PE Jan 2017
UAS Laboratories (1979, Wausau, $21.2M)
Contract manufacturing organization
$11.5M - Series E Nov 2017
Suja Life (2012, San Diego, $208M)
Manufacturer and brand of cold pressed juices and
$9M - Series D May 2018
Prolacta Bioscience (1999, Los Angeles,
Human milk fortifier supplement products for
premature infants
$3.3M - Series D May 2017
Prolacta Bioscience (1999, Los Angeles,
Human milk fortifier supplement products for
premature infants
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201840
Note: Seed Stage (Seed, Angel), Early Stage (Series A, Series B), Late Stage (Series C+, PE)
Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Notable Investments in last 24 months
Major funding rounds by Stage in Nutraceuticals; Oct 2016-Oct 2018
Notable Investments in last 24 months (2/3)
$35M - Series B Sep 2017
MycoTechnology (2013, Aurora, $74.7M)
Food processing technology platform for filtering
S2G Ventures, Bunge, Emerson Collective, Seventure
Partners, Middleland Capital, Tao Capital Partners,
Eighteen94 Capital, GreatPoint Ventures, Closed
Loop Capital, Continental Grain
$35M - Series B Mar 2017
Before brands (2015, San Francisco, $48.1M)
Nutraceutical company commercializing products to
support immune health in infants and toddlers
Gurnet Point Capital
$30M - Series B Feb 2018
Harmless Harvest (2009, San Francisco, $30M)
Manufactures branded coconut water and coconut
water probiotics
Danone Manifesto Ventures, AccelFoods
$29M - Series B Aug 2018
Care/of (2016, New York City, $42.9M)
Monthly subscription box for a range of dietary
Goldman Sachs Investment Partners, Goodwater
Capital, RRE Ventures, Tusk Ventures, Juxtapose,
Beth Kaplan, David Katzman
$27.1M - Series B Jan 2018
Foodspring (2013, Berlin, $33.7M)
Fitness food brand
Btov, Ringier AG, Fonterra
$26.1M - Series B Dec 2017
Aloha (2012, West Palm Beach, $70.9M)
A wellness company manufacturing vegan foods and
dietary supplements
$25.5M - Series B Nov 2017
Vital Proteins (2013, Elk Grove Village, $25.5M)
Manufactures collagen based health supplements
CAVU Venture Partners
$23.5M - Series B Aug 2018
MycoTechnology (2013, Aurora, $74.7M)
Food processing technology platform for filtering
$20M - Series B Dec 2016
Elysium Health (2014, Palo, $26.2M)
Develops and manufactures cellular health
General Catalyst Partners, Breyer Capital, Sound
Ventures, Morningside Ventures
$20M - Series A Dec 2017
Nuritas (2014, Dublin, $30M)
Discovery of natural active ingredients with
scientifically proven health benefits
Cultivian Sandbox
$12M - Series A Jun 2018
NextFoods (2006, Boulder, $36M)
Functional beverage company manufacturing
probiotic fortified juice
301, Emil Capital Partners
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201841
Note: Seed Stage (Seed, Angel), Early Stage (Series A, Series B), Late Stage (Series C+, PE)
Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Notable Investments in last 24 months
Major funding rounds by Stage in Nutraceuticals; Oct 2016-Oct 2018
Notable Investments in last 24 months (3/3)
$6.1M - Series A Oct 2016
Elysium Health (2014, Palo, $26.2M)
Develops and manufactures cellular health
$3.1M - Series A Sep 2017
Adeo Health Science (2017, Boston, $3.1M)
Manufactures proprietary baby food designed to
introduce 8 allergens
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Most Active Investors (VC, PE) by Stage in Nutraceuticals; Last 5 years (Oct 2013-Oct 2018)
Most Active VC & PE Investors
Note: Seed Stage (Seed, Angel), Early Stage (Series A, Series B), Late Stage (Series C+, PE)
Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Most Active VC & PE Investors
AccelFoods (3 Investments)
Fresh Bar, Native State Foods, Kalot Superfood
Forerunner Ventures(2 Investments)
Aloha, Ritual
Fireside Ventures
Upfront Ventures
Rivet Ventures
Norwest Venture Partners
Highland Capital Partners
BFG Partners
Good Day Chocolate
First Beverage Group
Lifeaid Beverage
AccelFoods (2 Investments)
Harmless Harvest, Exo
CAVU Venture Partners (2 Investments)
Vital Proteins, Health-Ade
Seventure Partners
S2G Ventures
BFG Partners
First Beverage Group
RRE Ventures
Middleland Capital
Goodwater Capital
CPP Investment Board (2 Investments)
Atrium Innovations, Cooper
Aisling Capital
Prolacta Bioscience
S2G Ventures
CAVU Venture Partners
OhYeah! Nutrition
The Ecosystem Integrity Fund
EW Healthcare Partners
Prolacta Bioscience
Everstone Capital
Charterhouse Capital Partners
Diana Capital
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201843
Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Most Active Ecosystem Investors
Top Ecosystem Investors in Nutraceuticals; Last 5 years (Oct 2013-Oct 2018)
Most Active Ecosystem Investors
Brand Capital(3 Investments)
Avesthagen, Lifezen, Genmedic
500 Startups(2 Investments)
Your Superfoods, The Fit Body
SOSV(2 Investments)
Protes, TruEnergy
Y Combinator(2 Investments)
Multiply Labs, Gainful
The Brandery
Mercatus Capital
Purdue Foundry
North Castle Partners(8 Investments)
Atkins, SmartyPants Vitamins, VitaCup
Department of Biotechnology(6
Natural Remedies, Arjuna Natural Extracts, Lipomic Healthcare
CircleUp(4 Investments)
SmartyPants Vitamins, Smari Organics, Trovita Health
IndieBio(4 Investments)
Drink Spira, Peer-to-Peer Probiotics, Pure Cultures
DSM(3 Investments)
ChromaDex, Natreon, Nutrileads
1315 Capital(2 Investments)
JDS Therapeutics, Nutrition 21
Eighteen94 Capital(2 Investments)
MycoTechnology, UCAN
Callaghan Innovation(2 Investments)
Manuka Health, Douglas Nutrition
University of Cambridge(2 Investments)
Ampika Healthcare, Ampika
Dr Pepper Snapple Group(2 Investments)
Body Armor, BAI Brands
TPG(3 Investments)
Suja Life, Schiff Vitamins, Schiff Nutrition
Enterprise Ventures(2 Investments)
Science In Sport, OptiBiotix Health
Siparex(2 Investments)
Berkem, VF Bioscience
Five Points Capital
Bevolution Group
Hercules Capital
MidCap Financial
Penta Mezz
Silicon Valley Bank
Elysium Health
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201844
Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Investors in Unicorn club
Investors in Unicorn Club (1/3)
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201845
Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Investors in Unicorn club
Investors in Unicorn Club (2/3)
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201846
Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Investors in Unicorn club
Investors in Unicorn Club (3/3)
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201847
Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Unicorn Investors in the Sector
Unicorn Investors in the Sector
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Feed Summary
Investment Trend
Market Details
Exit Outlook
Key Sub Sectors
Detailed Sector Taxonomy
Top Markets of Investment Activity
Top Markets of Early Stage Investors
Other Notable Markets
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Medical Devices
Sep 2018
Biopharma Contract Services
Sep 2018
Biotech R&D
Sep 2018
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Marketmap: Nutraceuticals
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > BlueBox
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Key Sub Sectors
Key Sub Sectors in Nutraceuticals
Market Top Companies
# Cos
Companies that develop ingestible products that contain a dietary ingredient intended to add
Kyung Nam Pharm (1993, Changwon,
MMUSA (1995, Blaine, $284M)
3175 314 $3.4B
Functional Beverages
Companies that develop health drinks which include ingredients like herbs, vitamins,
minerals, amino....
Joint Juice (2001, San Francisco, Acquired)
Body Armor (2011, Beverly Hills, $335M)
260 75 $1.1B
Nutraceutical Ingredients
Companies manufacturing raw materials used for manufacturing nutraceutical products
Fluxome (2002, Stenlose, Acquired)
MycoTechnology (2013, Aurora, $74.7M)
214 64 $276M
Companies manufacturing healthy snacks and foods
Cooke Pharma (1995, Belmont, Acquired)
Beloxxi Group (1994, Lagos, $80M)
492 110 $267M
Companies that manufacture more than one type of nutritional product
Atkins (1960, Denver, Acquired)
Foodspring (2013, Berlin, $33.7M)
287 51 $161M
Contract Manufacturing
Companies providing contract manufacturing services for finished nutraceutical products
Ryt-way (1965, Lakeville, Acquired)
UAS Laboratories (1979, Wausau, $21.2M)
224 39 $88.6M
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Key Sub Sectors
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Detailed Sector Taxonomy (1/3)
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Detailed Sector Taxonomy
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Detailed Sector Taxonomy (2/3)
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Detailed Sector Taxonomy
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Detailed Sector Taxonomy (3/3)
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Detailed Sector Taxonomy
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Rank Market
Last 2 Years
$ Invested # Round Top Funded Company
Supplements > Multicategory
Companies that manufacture more than one type of supplement
(Companies covered 1431 | Funded 160 | Total Funding $2.6B)
True Health
(1987, Cottonwood, $157M)
Supplements > Herbal Supplements > Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals
Companies that extract biologically active compounds from plants for use in manufacturing
(Companies covered 679 | Funded 66 | Total Funding $106M)
Elysium Health
(2014, Palo, $26.2M)
Nutraceutical Ingredients
Companies manufacturing raw materials used for manufacturing nutraceutical products
(Companies covered 214 | Funded 64 | Total Funding $276M)
(2013, Aurora, $74.7M)
Companies that manufacture more than one type of nutritional product
(Companies covered 287 | Funded 51 | Total Funding $161M)
(2013, Berlin, $33.7M)
Supplements > Others
Companies developing nutritional products that cannot be classified in current business models.
(Companies covered 260 | Funded 28 | Total Funding $107M)
Prolacta Bioscience
(1999, Los Angeles, $93.7M)
Foods > Health Snack
Companies that manufacture light meal products with nutritional value
(Companies covered 166 | Funded 33 | Total Funding $118M)
(1981, Los Angeles, $18.6M)
Functional Beverages > Sports Drink
Companies that produce soft drinks containing electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and chloride,
and a high percentage of sugar, designed to restore energy after or during…
(Companies covered 33 | Funded 8 | Total Funding $362M)
Body Armor
(2011, Beverly Hills, $335M)
Note: The numbers in the bracket represent the change in a 2 year period.
Top Markets of Investment Activity (1/2)
Top Markets by Funding in Nutraceuticals in last 2 years (October 2016 - September 2018)
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Top Markets of Investment Activity
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201856
Top Markets of Investment Activity (2/2)
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Top Markets of Investment Activity
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Rank Market # Investments Key Investments
Supplements > Herbal Supplements > Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals
Companies that extract biologically active compounds from plants for use in manufacturing supplements
(Companies created 679 | Funded 66 | Total Funding $106M )
1 Elysium Health (2014, Palo, $26.2M)
Supplements > Vitamins
Companies that manufacture supplements with a vitamin as the primary dietary ingredient
(Companies created 65 | Funded 9 | Total Funding $228M )
1 Ritual (2015, Los Angeles, $15.3M)
Note: Investors considered - Sequoia Capital, Accel Partners, Andreessen Horowitz, NEA, Greylock Partners, General Catalyst Partners, Benchmark Capital, KPCB, Khosla Ventures, Redpoint Ventures, Founders Fund, SV Angel, Index Ventures, Bessemer
Venture Partners, Lightspeed Venture Partners, Venrock, Draper Fisher Jurvetson, Institutional Venture Partners, Intel Capital, Battery Ventures
Top Markets of Early Stage Investors
Top Markets where Early Stage Investors are investing in last 2 years (October 2016 - September 2018)
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Top Markets of Early Stage Investors
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Incubators LRM (#2), Y Combinator (#1)
Seed First Round Capital (#1), Highland Capital Partners (#1)
Series A/B Penta Mezz (#1), Goldman Sachs Investment Partners (#1)
Series C+ CPP Investment Board (#2), Diana Capital (#1)
Polisano Pharmaceuticals
Sep - 2018
Acq by Grampet
Vital Foods Sep - 2018
Acq by Mundipharma
Ausway Aug - 2018
Acq by Star Combo
Zarbees Jul - 2018
Acq by Johnson & Johnson
Supernaturals Jul - 2018
Acq by Nordwind Capital
Protexin Jun - 2018
Acq by Archer Daniels Midland
Company for $242M
Rawvelo (2016, London)
$1.2M - Seed
Vital Plan (2008, Raleigh, $2M)
$29M - Series B
Care/of (2016, New York City, $42.9M)
Guardian (2016, Mumbai)
$1.2M - Seed
Vitl (2015, London, $1.9M)
$511k - Series A
Innerbeing (2014, Hyderabad, $511k)
Oct 2018
ProcessPro ERP Selected by Quicksilver Scientific to Support
Supplement Manufacturing, PR Newswire
Oct 2018
USANA Health Sciences Reports Results for Third Quarter
2018; Updates 2018 Outlook; Board Increases Share
Repurchase Authorization, Business Wire
Oct 2018
dupont, cargill, chs inc., bunge, roquette, profiled in food
protein ingredients market forecast report 2018-2024 other
players – archer daniels midland company, mead johnson
nutrition, mgp ingredients rousselot, tessenderlo group, The
Camping Canuck
Oct 2018
Kibow Biotech to Exhibit Its "Enteric Dialysis®" Technology
and Renadyl™ to Delay The Need For Hemo/Peritoneal
Dialysis at the Annual ASN 2018 - Kidney Week Conference,
Oct 2018
Amway takes Flipkart to court for ‘illegally’ selling its goods,
Oct 2018
Herbalife Nutrition to launch high-protein coffee mix,
Nuffoods Spectrum
Oct 2018
Natural Health Trends Announces Third Quarter 2018
Preliminary Revenue Estimate, GlobeNewswire
Oct 2018
Perrigo replaces CEO Roehrhoff with consumer goods
veteran, Reuters
Oct 2018
NutraFuels Inc. (OTCQB: NTFU), Cannabidiol (CBD)
Nutraceutical Manufacturers, Attends Southern Hemp Expo
and Prepares for Launching CBD Twists and CBD Drink
Shots, Two New Single-Dose Options for Consumers,
Oct 2018 Vitality Reports Second Quarter Results, CNW
Series C+
Series A+
Funding Funnel
Supplements > Multicategory: Market Factsheet
Most Active Investors
Recent InvestmentsCompanies that manufacture
more than one type of supplement
(1995, Blaine, $284M)
True Health
(1987, Cottonwood, $157M)
(2012, West Palm Beach, $70.9M)
Before brands
(2015, San Francisco, $48.1M)
(2016, New York City, $42.9M)
Top Companies
#1 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Multicategory
Companies Created 1431 | Funded 160 | Total Funding $2.6B
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Predicted Funding YoY Funding
Rounds Predicted Rounds
YoY Funding and Rounds
Market: Multicategory
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201859
Supplements > Multicategory: Top Companies
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Multicategory
#1 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Market: Multicategory (1/2)
Analyst’s Pick
MMUSA (1995, Blaine, $284M)
Manufactures a range of nutritional supplement
Soonicorn. Stage: Funded
True Health (1987, Cottonwood, $157M)
Manufactures a range of nutritional supplement
Minicorn. Stage: Funded
WM Partners
Aloha (2012, West Palm Beach, $70.9M)
A wellness company manufacturing vegan foods
and dietary supplements
Minicorn. Stage: Series B
First Round Capital, Highland Capital Partners,
Forerunner Ventures and 23 Other Investors
Before brands (2015, San Francisco, $48.1M)
Nutraceutical company commercializing products
to support immune health in infants and toddlers
Minicorn. Stage: Series B
Gurnet Point Capital
Analyst’s Pick
Care/of (2016, New York City, $42.9M)
Monthly subscription box for a range of dietary
Editor's Pick. Stage: Series B
Goldman Sachs Investment Partners, Goodwater
Capital, RRE Ventures and 5 Other Investors
Keraplast Technologies (1997, San Antonio,
Keratin extraction technology for developing health
and beauty products
Editor's Pick. Stage: Series A
Unomi (2006, Austin, $3.7M)
Personalized dietary supplements
Editor's Pick. Stage: Series A
Multiply Labs (2016, San Francisco, $2.8M)
Designing personalized supplement pill as per
individual needs
Editor's Pick. Stage: Series A
Graph Ventures, Fenox Venture Capital, CRCM
Venture and 7 Other Investors
Analyst’s Pick
4Life (2014, Sandy)
Manufactures a range of proprietary health and
nutritional supplements
Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded
Agati Healthcare (2010, Mumbai)
Developing and manufacturing biopharmaceuticals,
biosimilars and health supplements products
Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded
Avion Pharmaceuticals (2011, Alpharetta)
Speciality pharma company developing drugs in
TAs such as women’s health, pediatrics and
Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded
BariMelts (2017, Miami)
Fast melting dietary supplements for weight loss
surgery patients
Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded
Hantian Labs (2013, London)
Skin care and hormone balance supplements
Editor's Pick. Stage: Acquired
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201860
Supplements > Multicategory: Top Companies
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Multicategory
#1 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Market: Multicategory (2/2)
Analyst’s Pick
Life Extension (1980, Lauderdale)
Developing and marketing a range of nutritional
Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded
MitoSynergy (2008, Kaukauna)
Dietary supplements for fitness and sports
Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded
Modern Era Naturals (2014, Toronto)
Manufactures and markets lipid encapsulated
Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded
Nature's Way (1968, Green Bay)
Supplements for daily requirements
Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded
Never Too Hungover (2006, Las Vegas)
Vitamin and mineral blend for prevention of
Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded
Nordic Naturals (1995, San Francisco)
Dietary supplements for daily needs
Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded
Analyst’s Pick
This is Bio (2010, Krakow)
Healthcare & nutrition brand
Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded
Young Living (1993, Lehi)
Direct to consumer brand of essential oils
Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Note: Overall Rating is a combination of Funding and Team rating, along with Execution, Size and Growth metrics
Supplements > Multicategory: Leaderboard
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Multicategory
#1 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Better than Market Average
Market: Multicategory
Location Stage Funding Team
Execution Quality Size Metrics 6M Growth Metrics
# App
Web Traffic
Δ % Δ % Δ %
5.0 Herbalife 1980 Los Angeles Public - - 4 4 5 50 90k 5.7k 848k 5.3k 10k 12% 865 20% -148 -3%
USANA Health
Salt Lake
Public - - 5 4 4 22 47k - 368k 1.3k 3k 5% 112 10% - -
5.0 Zurvita 2008 Houston Public - - 4 - 3 - 252k 2.6k 30k 705 -141k -36% 71 11% 7 -
5.0 GNC 1935 Pittsburgh Public - - 4 4 4 47 16k 211k 300k 2.1k 1k 6% 97 5% -6696 -3%
5.0 IDLife 2014 Frisco Unfunded - - 5 4 4 - 488k 3.2k 3k 40 37k 8% 1 3% -2 -
5.0 Hairfinity 2004 Slidell Unfunded - - 5 - - - 314k 44k 30k 348 -58k -16% 176 100% 1.7k 4%
5.0 Vestige 2004 Delhi Unfunded - - 5 5 5 - 42k 140 3.8M 26.8k -12k -22% 12.8k 85% 11 8%
5.0 Lifeplus 1992 Batesville Unfunded - - 4 - 3 2 158k 2.4k 8k 71 23k 17% 7 11% -27 -1%
Nestle Health
Unfunded - - 3 3 4 2 656k 2.3k 3k 21 11k 2% 1 5% 360 19%
5.0 FuXion 2004 Lima Unfunded - - 5 - 2 - 972k 15k 8k 128 772k 393% 8 2% - -
5.0 Plexus 2006 Scottsdale Unfunded - - 4 - - 1 68k 12k 38k 141 1k 1% 7 5% -100 -1%
5.0 Immunotec 1996
Public - - 5 4 3 5 103k 277 34k 194 -9k -8% 53 35% -15 -5%
1999 Daventry Unfunded - - 3 - - - 809k 4.7k 8k 11 79k 11% 5 83% 304 7%
5.0 LivePure 2012 Las Vegas Unfunded - - 5 4 4 - 357k 4.5k 8k 46 -267k -43% 7 15% -75 -2%
4.9 Xyngular 2010 Lehi Unfunded - 4 5 4 4 - 99k 2.9k 3k 22 -5k -5% - - 124 5%
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
ICICI Venture (#1), 2x Consumer Products Growth Partners
Series A/B General Catalyst Partners (#1), Breyer Capital (#1)
Series C+ Lincoln Park Capital (#1), Castanea Partners (#1)
Manuka Health Oct - 2018
Acq by Hong Leong Group for $144M
BioGanix Jun - 2017
Acq by Relevium technologies
Go Epic Health Nov - 2016
Acq by Leone Asset
Fredun Group Mar - 2016
IPO'd on BOM
Ganga Pharmaceuticals Feb - 2016
IPO'd on BOM
Vitamin Research Products
Aug - 2015
Acq by Health Products
$395k - Seed
NeuroClub (2018, Virginia Beach,
$19.4M - Series A
Manus Bio (2011, Cambridge, $28.8M)
$8.9M - Series C
Amazentis (2007, Lausanne, $8.9M)
$4.2M - Series A
Constance Therapeutics (2008, San
Francisco, $4.7M)
Series A
Manus Bio (2011, Cambridge, $28.8M)
$9.1M - Series A
Manus Bio (2011, Cambridge, $28.8M)
Oct 2018 Sido Muncul targets 20% growth next year, IDN Financials
Oct 2018
Angelica Extract Category - Global Procurement Market
Report (2018-2022) Featuring Merck, Ultra International,
Bio-Botanica, NOW Health Group, Mighty International, and
Young Living Essential Oils -,
Business Wire
Oct 2018
Go Epic Health Updates on Cholesterade® Case Studies and
Clinical Research, GlobeNewswire
Oct 2018
Go Epic Health Updates on Cholesterade(R) Case Studies and
Clinical Research, NewMediaWire
Oct 2018
Dabur India to strengthen distribution network, Fashion
Oct 2018
EastGate Biotech Receives Approval to Commence a Phase 2
Trial for Liquid Insulin Mouth Rinse Solution Addressing
Patient Compliance in the Type 2 Diabetes Market, Newswire
Oct 2018
DolCas Biotech to Launch Organic Olive Tree Ingredient in
US, BioSpace
Oct 2018
Arjuna Natural to Market Curcugreen™ Directly to the US
Market, PR Newswire
Oct 2018
Malaysia's Hong Leong acquires NZ-based Manuka Health:
Report, Deal Street Asia
Sep 2018
Nature’s Sunshine Products announces Terrence Moorehead
to its Board of Directors as CEO, Talent4Boards
Sep 2018
HangZing launches anti-hangover supplement line, Nuffoods
Series C+
Series A+
Funding Funnel
Supplements > Herbal Supplements > Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals: Market Factsheet
Most Active Investors
Recent InvestmentsCompanies that extract
biologically active compounds
from plants for use in
manufacturing supplements
Manus Bio
(2011, Cambridge, $28.8M)
Elysium Health
(2014, Palo, $26.2M)
(2007, Lausanne, $8.9M)
(1998, Bangalore, $7.5M)
Constance Therapeutics
(2008, San Francisco, $4.7M)
Top Companies
#2 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals
Companies Created 679 | Funded 66 | Total Funding $106M
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Predicted Funding YoY Funding
Rounds Predicted Rounds
YoY Funding and Rounds
Market: Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201863
Supplements > Herbal Supplements > Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals: Top Companies
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals
#2 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Market: Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals
Analyst’s Pick
Manus Bio (2011, Cambridge, $28.8M)
Microbial biotechnology firm aiming to produce
phytochemicals using microbial fermentation
Editor's Pick. Stage: Series A
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Nelstone
Ventures, Small Business Innovation Research and
5 Other Investors
Elysium Health (2014, Palo, $26.2M)
Develops and manufactures cellular health
Minicorn. Stage: Series B
Silicon Valley Bank, General Catalyst Partners,
Breyer Capital and 6 Other Investors
Plandai Biotech (2004, Goodyear, $15.3M)
Developing bioavailable extracts from live plant
materials for use in nutraceuticals
Editor's Pick. Stage: Public
Lincoln Park Capital
Analyst’s Pick
Amazentis (2007, Lausanne, $8.9M)
Developing nutritional products to slow aging and
improve quality of life
Editor's Pick. Stage: Series C
Waypoint Capital
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Note: Overall Rating is a combination of Funding and Team rating, along with Execution, Size and Growth metrics
Supplements > Herbal Supplements > Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals: Leaderboard
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals
#2 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Better than Market Average
Market: Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals
Location Stage Funding Team
Execution Quality Size Metrics 6M Growth Metrics
# App
Web Traffic
Δ % Δ % Δ %
1972 Lehi Public - - 5 4 3 8 151k 5.4k 3k 22 31k 25% 2 10% -132 -2%
5.0 VMALife 2015 Singapore Unfunded - - 5 - 3 - 1.3M - 3k 65 331k 36% 7 10% - -
5.0 Allysian 2015 Richmond Unfunded - 3 4 2 3 - 622k 183 3k 82 -61k -9% 4 4% -2 -1%
5.0 Dabur India 1884 Ghaziabad Public - - - - 5 55 98k 5k - - -2k -1% - - 607 14%
Boss Level
2017 Frisco Funded - - - - 5 - 3.3M 11 - - 2M 105% - - 1 2%
5.0 Kyani 2005 Idaho Falls Unfunded - - 5 4 4 - 161k 7.7k 75k 257 31k 23% - - -132 -2%
Series A $4.7M - - - 4 3 1.8M 155 - - 426k 31% - - 31 25%
2015 Berlin Funded - 2 - - 4 - 2.1M 1.3k - - 824k 72% - - 44 4%
4.9 Thrivous 2015 Orem Unfunded - - - - 5 - 356k 2.4k - -
-75% - - 249 12%
4.9 MegaCare 1995 Henderson Funded - - - - 4 - 884k 11 - - - - - - 1 7%
4.9 Natreon 1998
Funded $2.5M - - - 4 4 2.2M 161 - - -6.4M -75% - - 26 19%
4.9 Voke Tab 2011 Bozeman Seed $100k - - - 4 - 2.5M 244 - - 2M 122% - - -11 -5%
4.9 DATSUSARA 2007
Unfunded - 2 - - 4 - 454k 3.3k - - -56k -11% - - 109 3%
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Incubators Thrive Agtech (#1), NDRC (#1)
Seed Koniag Development Corporation (#1), Afternic (#1)
Series A/B Seventure Partners (#1), Ajinomoto (#1)
Series C+ Everstone Capital (#1), Vecata (#1)
Mazza Innovation Jul - 2018
Acq by Sensient
Frutarom May - 2018
Acq by IFF Inc. for $7.1B
IBR Feb - 2018
Acq by Frutarom for $21M
Omega Protein Dec - 2017
Acq by Cooke Aquaculture for $500M
NutraGenesis Nov - 2017
Acq by Innophos for $28M
$23.5M - Series B
MycoTechnology (2013, Aurora,
$20M - Series A
Nuritas (2014, Dublin, $30M)
$7M - Series B
MycoTechnology (2013, Aurora,
$2.5M - Series A
Mazza Innovation (2011, Delta,
$35M - Series B
MycoTechnology (2013, Aurora,
Series A
Nutrileads (2012, Wageningen)
Oct 2018
Compound Solutions Aggressively Pursues Patent Violators
of its goBHB® ketone, PRWeb
Oct 2018
Ingredion Announces Preliminary Third Quarter 2018 EPS
and Adjusted EPS and Revises Adjusted EPS Guidance; Board
Authorizes Repurchase of up to an Additional 8 Million
Shares of Stock, ACN Newswire
Oct 2018
Bluebonnet Targeted Choice Joint Support Formula Utilizes
BioCell Collagen, Nutraceuticals World
Oct 2018
FutureCeuticals Launches New Product - S7: Boosts NO by
230%, PR Newswire
Oct 2018
basf, cardax, inc., algaeon, inc., profiled in astaxanthin market
forecast report 2018-2024 other players – archer daniels
midland company, fuji chemical industries usa, inc, divis
nutraceuticals,, The Camping Canuck
Oct 2018
Lonza Opens Monoplant for Clovis Oncology’s Rubraca,
Oct 2018
Lonza boosts ADC manufacturing with new investment,
Oct 2018
MBA Engineering and Noblegen partner to offer N2
generation systems, gasworld
Oct 2018
Nuritas Announces Formation of Scientific Advisory Board,
Oct 2018
Radient Technologies Inc. Receives Controlled Drugs and
Substances Licence for Its Manufacturing Facility, CMOCRO
Oct 2018
Sweegen and Ingredion bring non-GMO Reb D stevia to
Colombia, CNW
Oct 2018
New Partnership set to save manufacturers money and
reduce CO2 emissions, BQ Live
Series C+
Series A+
Funding Funnel
Nutraceutical Ingredients: Market Factsheet
Most Active Investors
Recent InvestmentsCompanies manufacturing raw
materials used for manufacturing
nutraceutical products
(2013, Aurora, $74.7M)
(2004, Mumbai, $35M)
(2014, Dublin, $30M)
(2002, Stenlose, $27.7M)
Oceans Omega
(2009, Montvale, $22.3M)
Top Companies
#3 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Nutraceutical Ingredients
Companies Created 214 | Funded 64 | Total Funding $276M
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Predicted Funding YoY Funding
Rounds Predicted Rounds
YoY Funding and Rounds
Market: Nutraceutical Ingredients
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201866
Nutraceutical Ingredients: Top Companies
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Nutraceutical Ingredients
#3 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Market: Nutraceutical Ingredients
Analyst’s Pick
Nuritas (2014, Dublin, $30M)
Discovery of natural active ingredients with
scientifically proven health benefits
Editor's Pick. Stage: Series A
Cultivian Sandbox, European Union, Enterprise
Ireland and 5 Other Investors
Oceans Omega (2009, Montvale, $22.3M)
Functional food company developing and marketing
omega-3 concentrates
Editor's Pick. Stage: Series B
Enzymotec (1998, Kfar Saba, $21M)
Bio-functional lipid ingredients and final products
for nutritional and pharmaceutical application
Minicorn. Stage: Acquired
Frutarom, Ofer-Hi Tech, Millennium II Materials
Technology Fund and 7 Other Investors
Advanced Enzyme Technologies (1989,
Thane, $18.3M)
Manufactures enzymes for nutrition, food
processing and industrial processing
Soonicorn. Stage: Public
Avendus, Deutsche Bank, Kuwait Investment
Authority and 5 Other Investors
Analyst’s Pick
ChromaDex (1999, Irvine, $3.4M)
Discover and develop patented ingredient
Editor's Pick. Stage: Public
Western Alliance Bancorporation, Hercules Capital,
DSM, National Science Foundation
Radient Technologies (2001, Edmonton,
Develops and markets high-value naturally derived
plant extracts
Editor's Pick. Stage: Public
Aurora Cannabis, Koniag Development
Corporation, Afternic and 2 Other Investors
Frutarom (1933, Haifa)
Traditional company manufacturing flavor and fine
Unicorn. Stage: Acquired
Bank Leumi
Ingredion (1906, Chicago)
Food ingredients manufacturer
Unicorn. Stage: Public
Analyst’s Pick
Lonza (1897, Basel)
Company offering a suite of CDMO services to
pharma, biotech and specialty ingredient markets
Editor's Pick. Stage: Public
United States Department of Defense, EDBI
Monteloeder (1996, Elche)
Provider of nutraceutical ingredients
Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded
Natto Pharma (2004, Oslo)
Manufactures patented vitamin k2 ingredient
Editor's Pick. Stage: Public
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Note: Overall Rating is a combination of Funding and Team rating, along with Execution, Size and Growth metrics
Nutraceutical Ingredients: Leaderboard
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Nutraceutical Ingredients
#3 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Better than Market Average
Market: Nutraceutical Ingredients
Location Stage Funding Team
Execution Quality Size Metrics 6M Growth Metrics
# App
Web Traffic
Δ % Δ % Δ %
5.0 Rousselot 1891 Eindhoven Unfunded - - - - 5 7 1.6M 1.4k - - 3M 197% - - 440 46%
The DuPont
Nutrition and
Acquired - - - - 3 39 640k 3.5k - - 68k 12% - - 130 4%
Suntava Purple
2007 Afton Acquired $5.8M - - - 3 - 10M 97 - - - - - - 2 1%
Arla Food
2000 Viby Unfunded - - - - 4 5 1.1M 3.3k - - -820k -47% - - 807 32%
2012 York Public - 3 - - 3 59 2.8M 585 - - -3.7M -79% - - 191 47%
4.9 Balchem 1967
Public - - - - 3 12 2M 100 - - -2.7M -60% - - 13 15%
Funded - - - - 3 4 4.6M 87 - - - - - - 16 22%
4.8 Solutex 2004 Alcobendas Series A $3M - - - 3 - 10M - - - 12M 132% - - - -
4.8 Taiyo 1946
Unfunded - - - - 3 2 972k 112 - - - - - - 4 3%
4.8 ChromaDex 1999 Irvine Public $3.4M - - - - 23 710k 2.3k - - -36k -5% - - 33 2%
2001 Edmonton Public $2.6M - - - - 28 2.8M 120 - - 322k 14% - - 9 8%
2006 Oslo Unfunded - 4 - - 3 2 2.9M 312 - - - - - - 65 26%
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201868
#4 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Diversified
Companies Created 287 | Funded 51 | Total Funding $161M
Market: Diversified
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201869
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Diversified
#4 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Market: Diversified
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201870
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Diversified
#4 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Better than Market Average
Market: Diversified
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201871
#5 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Others
Companies Created 260 | Funded 28 | Total Funding $107M
Market: Others
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201872
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Others
#5 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Market: Others
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201873
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Others
#5 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Better than Market Average
Market: Others
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201874
#6 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Health Snack
Companies Created 166 | Funded 33 | Total Funding $118M
Market: Health Snack
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201875
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Health Snack
#6 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Market: Health Snack
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201876
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Health Snack
#6 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Better than Market Average
Market: Health Snack
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201877
#7 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Sports Drink
Companies Created 33 | Funded 8 | Total Funding $362M
Market: Sports Drink
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201878
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Sports Drink
#7 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Market: Sports Drink
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201879
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Sports Drink
#7 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Better than Market Average
Market: Sports Drink
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201880
#8 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Probiotic Drink
Companies Created 24 | Funded 6 | Total Funding $90.6M
Market: Probiotic Drink
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201881
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Probiotic Drink
#8 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Market: Probiotic Drink
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201882
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Probiotic Drink
#8 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Better than Market Average
Market: Probiotic Drink
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201883
#9 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Probiotics
Companies Created 76 | Funded 24 | Total Funding $39.1M
Market: Probiotics
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201884
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Probiotics
#9 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Better than Market Average
Market: Probiotics
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201885
#10 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Contract Manufacturing
Companies Created 224 | Funded 39 | Total Funding $88.6M
Market: Contract Manufacturing
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201886
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Contract Manufacturing
#10 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Market: Contract Manufacturing
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201887
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Contract Manufacturing
#10 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Better than Market Average
Market: Contract Manufacturing
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201888
#11 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Prebiotics
Companies Created 17 | Funded 6 | Total Funding $27.3M
Market: Prebiotics
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201889
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Prebiotics
#11 Top Markets of Investment Activity
Better than Market Average
Market: Prebiotics
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201890
#2 Top Markets of Early Stage Investors
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Vitamins
Companies Created 65 | Funded 9 | Total Funding $228M
Market: Vitamins
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201891
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Vitamins
#2 Top Markets of Early Stage Investors
Market: Vitamins
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201892
Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Vitamins
#2 Top Markets of Early Stage Investors
Better than Market Average
Market: Vitamins
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Public Companies
Feed Summary
Investment Trend
Market Details
Exit Outlook
Notable Acquisitions
Top Acquirers
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Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Public companies (1/15)
Performance indicators of public companies in Nutraceuticals
IPO Date Company
Revenue P/E
Jul 2017
Eagle Health Holdings (2001, Xiamen)
Developing and marketing a range of health food products
$55.2M $961M 5.87 ASX:EHH
Mar 2017
Rapid Nutrition (2001, Coorparoo)
Manufactures and exports nutritional products
Feb 2017
Arev Nutrition (2016, Vancouver)
Manufactures coconut based health drink products
Oct 2016
HL Science (2000, Uiwang)
Manufactures health supplements
$180M $121M $28.5M 26.88 KOSDAQ:239610
Aug 2016
Advanced Enzyme Technologies (1989, Thane)
Manufactures enzymes for nutrition, food processing and industrial
$265M $300M $51.5M 18.78
May 2016
Bajaj Health (1993, Mumbai)
Manufacturer and supplier of Supplements, APIs & Intermediates
and formulations
$44.8M $17.6M $35.9M 21.81 BOM:539872
Mar 2016
Fredun Group (1987, Mumbai)
Pharma group with multiple subsidiaries with focus on generics,
herbal products and APIs
$16.4M $9M 40.84 BOM:539730
Feb 2016
Ganga Pharmaceuticals (1989, Mumbai)
Manufactures natural ingredients based health supplements
$8.9M $489k BOM:539680
Jan 2016
Canadian Bioceutical (2014, Toronto)
Manufacturing and marketing a range of nutraceuticals and
Nutraceuticals > Exit Outlook > Public Companies
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Public companies (2/15)
Performance indicators of public companies in Nutraceuticals
IPO Date Company
Revenue P/E
Jul 2015
Medlab (2012, Sydney)
Company developing pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and biologics
for treating chronic diseases
$67.7M $25.9M $3.4M ASX:MDC
Dec 2014
Aroma Celte (2011, Ploufragan)
Manufactures health supplements and personal care products
Aug 2014
OptiBiotix Health (2012, York)
Discovers and develops microbial strains, compounds, and
formulations, which modulate the human microbiome
$94.7M $9.7M $360k LON:OPTI
Jul 2014
Kolmar BNH (2004, Sejong)
Offers nutrition supplements and cosmetics
$633M $13.7M 18.46 KOSDAQ:200130
Jun 2014
Zivo Bioscience (2014, Keego Harbor)
Bioactive compounds from algal strain
May 2014
Nutrafuels (2009, Coconut Creek)
Manufacturing and marketing oral spray vitamins and supplements
Mar 2014
Venture Life (2010, Bracknell)
Company focused on developing, manufacturing and
commercialising products for the ageing population
$49.8M $43.8M $17.6M LON:VLG
Dec 2013
Mix1 Life (2006, Orlando)
Manufacturing and marketing protein shakes
Nov 2013
Mega LifeSciences (1982, Bangkok)
Traditional company engaged in manufacturing nutritional & herbal
supplements, OTC and ethical products
$479M $247M BKK:MEGA
Nutraceuticals > Exit Outlook > Public Companies
Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018
Public companies (3/15)
Performance indicators of public companies in Nutraceuticals
IPO Date Company
Revenue P/E
Aug 2013
Science In Sport (1992, Manly)
Manufactures and markets sports nutrition products
$63.8M $16.9M $15.1M LON:SIS
Dec 2012
Euglena (2005, Tokyo)
Developing and marketing microalgae for use in functional foods
Jun 2012
MYOS RENS Technology (2011, Cedar Knolls)
Nutritional supplements, functional foods, and therapeutic products
Jun 2012
Plandai Biotech (2004, Goodyear)
Developing bioavailable extracts from live plant materials for use in
Dec 2011
Kino Biotech (2010, Singapore)
Bio-nutraceutical and cosmeceutical company
$16.8M TPE:4154
Dec 2011
Radient Technologies (2001, Edmonton)
Develops and markets high-value naturally derived plant extracts
$237M $220k CVE:RTI
Oct 2011
Burcon (1998, Vancouver)
Manufactures plant protein based health drinks
May 2011
Game Plan (1999, Henderson)
Nutritional supplements manufacturer and distributor.
May 2011
Pivotal Therapeutics (2010, Vaughan)
Canadian, commercial-stage biopharma developing highly-purified
prescription Omega 3 Therapy for CVD
$263k CNSX:PVO
Nutraceuticals > Exit Outlook > Public Companies
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
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Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
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Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
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Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
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Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
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Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape
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Tracxn - Nutraceuticals Startup Landscape

  • 2. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Contents Feed Summary Investment Trends Market Details Exit Outlook Investors News Appendix 2 TAKE SHARPER DECISIONS WITH TRACXN  Analyst team Covering 250+ Sectors  Proprietary Business Model tagging  6000+ On-demand Queries answered  Sector Reports, Market Maps  One-Click Connect with Founders Join 500+ Investors & Corporates to get the Tracxn Advantage
  • 3. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Contents Feed Summary Investment Trends Market Details Exit Outlook Investors News Appendix 3 Feed Summary Investment Trend Summary Exit Outlook Summary BlueBox Summary of Key Markets Notable Companies in the Sector Recent News
  • 4. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Note: Mega Companies includes IPO’d companies, Mega Acquisitions and Unicorn. Data is taken from Tracxn Platform as on October 26, 2018. Nutraceuticals Feed Summary 4 Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary Products derived from natural sources with extra health benefits in addition to the basic nutritional value found in food. • Inclusions: The feed covers companies manufacturing and marketing nutraceutical ingredients/raw materials, functional foods, functional beverages, and dietary supplements with detailed product sub-classification. • Exclusions: The feed does not cover marketing companies, distributors, retail chains, animal nutrition products, and online platforms selling nutraceuticals. • Excludes funding information of Chinese companies Feed in Numbers Overview $5.3B Funding 156 Mega Companies 6534652 FundedCovered on Tracxn 3 Unicorns 5 Soonicorns 13 Minicorns 116 IPO’d Cos 194 Late Stage Cos 72 178 Acquisitions 190 DeadPooled - Acquihired Series A+ Cos Frutarom (1933, Haifa) Ingredion (1906, Chicago) Lonza (1897, Basel) Top Companies
  • 5. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Investment Trend Summary Summary of Funding Activity in Nutraceuticals 5 $300M - Series C Body Armor (2011, Beverly Hills, $335M) $35M - Series B Before brands (2015, San Francisco, $48.1M) $159M - PE BOTAMEDI GROUP (2001, Seoul, $159M) $35M - PE OmniActive(2004, Mumbai, $35M) $157M - PE True Health (1987, Cottonwood, $157M) $30M - Series B Harmless Harvest (2009, San Francisco, $30M) $35M - Series D Prolacta Bioscience (1999, Los Angeles, $93.7M) $29M - Series B Care/of (2016, New York City, $42.9M) $35M - Series B MycoTechnology (2013, Aurora, $74.7M) $27.1M - Series B Foodspring (2013, Berlin, $33.7M) Top Geos of InvestmentEntrepreneurial Activity Global Funding Trend *YTD *YTD Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Investment Trend Summary Seed AccelFoods (#3), Forerunner Ventures (#2), Angel Capital Management (#1) Series A/B AccelFoods (#2), CAVU Venture Partners (#2), Ampersand Capital Partners (#1) Series C+ CPP Investment Board (#2), Aisling Capital (#1), CAVU Venture Partners (#1) Incubators Brand Capital (#3), 500 Startups (#2), SOSV (#2) Other Notable Investors North Castle Partners (#8), Department of Biotechnology (#6), CircleUp (#4) Debt Investors TPG (#3), Enterprise Ventures (#2), Siparex (#2) Most Active InvestorsRecent Investments 313 351 427 448 302 72 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018* Y-o-Y # of Companies Founded 48 50 71 81 71 46 $2.7B $180M $159M $124M $80M US Europe South Korea India Nigeria $ Funding $654M $190M $127M $307M $367M $540M $1.4B 55 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018* $ Funding $ Funding Predicted # Rounds # Rounds Predicted
  • 6. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Summary of exit outlook in Nutraceuticals Exit Outlook Summary 66 Most Active AcquirersTop Investors in Exits Enterprise Ventures 3 Science In Sport (1992, Manly) OptiBiotix Health (2012, York) North Castle Partners 2 EAS sports nutrition (1992, Monterey) Leiner (1996, Carson) Steelpoint Capital Partners 2 EAS sports nutrition (1992, Monterey) Leiner (1996, Carson) TA Associates Management 2 Natrol (1980, Chatsworth) Premier Nutrition (1997, San Francisco) Afternic 1 Radient Technologies (2001, Edmonton, $2.6M) May 2018 Frutarom Acq by IFF Inc. for $7.1B Dec 2017 Atrium Innovations Acq by Nestlé for $2.3B Feb 2017 Mead johnson Acq by Reckitt Benckiser for $17.9B Nov 2016 BAI Brands Acq by Dr Pepper Snapple Group for $1.7B Jul 2013 Elan Acq by Perrigo for $8.6B Nov 2012 Schiff Nutrition Acq by Reckitt Benckiser for $1.4B Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Exit Outlook Summary Abbott 2 EAS sports nutrition (Oct 2004, $320M), ZonePerfect (Jul 2003, $160M) POST HOLDINGS 2 Joint Juice (Aug 2013, $180M), Premier Nutrition (Aug 2013, $180M) Reckitt Benckiser 3 Mead johnson (Feb 2017, $17.9B), Schiff Nutrition (Nov 2012, $1.4B), Schiff Vitamins (Nov 2012) Glanbia 3 Optimum Nutrition (Aug 2008, $315M), ThinkThin products (Nov 2015, $217M), Amazing Grass (Jan 2017) Balchem 2 SensoryEffects (Mar 2014, $567M), Albion Laboratories (Feb 2016, $112M) Recent IPOs Top Acquisitions Advanced Enzyme Technologies Aug 2016 Manufactures enzymes for nutrition, food… IPO MCap: $300M Current MCap: $265M Bajaj Health May 2016 Manufacturer and supplier of Supplements,… IPO MCap: $17.6M Current MCap: $44.8M Fredun Group Mar 2016 Pharma group with multiple subsidiaries w… IPO MCap: - Current MCap: $16.4M Rapid Nutrition Mar 2017 Manufactures and exports nutritional prod… IPO MCap: - Current MCap: - Arev Nutrition Feb 2017 Manufactures coconut based health drink p… IPO MCap: - Current MCap: - HL Science Oct 2016 Manufactures health supplements IPO MCap: $121M Current MCap: $180M
  • 7. FACTSHEET Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Marketmap: Nutraceuticals FOODS PROBIOTICS & PREBIOTICS* MEDICAL FOODS* MEAL REPLACEMENT HEALTH SNACK MULTI-CATEGORY ENERGY DRINK SPORTS DRINK FORTIFIED JUICE PROBIOTIC DRINK FUNCTIONAL BEVERAGESNUTRACEUTICAL INGREDIENTS DIVERSIFIED MULTI-CATEGORY HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS PLANT EXTRACTS & PHYTO-CHEM. VITAMINS MINERALS SUPPLEMENTS PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS ALGAL EXTRACTS CONTRACT MANUFACTURING Overview Companies 4652 Funded 653 Series A+ 194 Funding $5.3B Last 2 yrs $1.2B Most Active Investors Seed AccelFoods (3) Series A/B AccelFoods (2) Series C+ CPP Investment Board (2) Others North Castle Partners (8) Incubators Brand Capital (3) Top Cities Bay Area 110 Cos $435M Beverly Hills 10 Cos $335M Feed in Numbers Unicorns 3 Soonicorns 5 Minicorns 13 Editor Picks 71 Acquihired - Deadpooled 190 Top Companies Lonza (1897, Basel) Frutarom (1933, Haifa) Ingredion (1906, Chicago) Exits IPOs 116 Advanced Enzyme Technologies, HL Science Acquisitions 178 Mead Johnson, Elan Top Acquirers Reckitt Benckiser, Glanbia For any Feedback and Query reach out to * Upcoming Business Model Funding data excludes Debt, Grants & Post-IPO rounds. Excludes all details for Chinese companies 7 Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > BlueBox
  • 8. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Key Sub Sectors in Nutraceuticals Sector Summary of Key Markets 8 Top Markets of Investment Activity # Cos on Platform Last 2 Years $ Invested # Round Supplements > Multicategory 1431 $303M 26 Supplements > Herbal Supplements > Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals 679 $69.4M 12 Nutraceutical Ingredients 214 $123M 7 Diversified 287 $56.5M 9 Supplements > Others 260 $52.4M 7 Foods > Health Snack 166 $19.9M 10 Functional Beverages > Sports Drink 33 $308M 3 Functional Beverages > Probiotic Drink 24 $34.1M 4 Foods > Functional Foods > Probiotics 76 $11.7M 6 Contract Manufacturing 224 $25M 4 Sub Sectors # Cos Tracked # Funded Total Funding Supplements Companies that develop ingestible products that contain a dietary ingredient intended... 3175 314 $3.4B Functional Beverages Companies that develop health drinks which include ingredients like herbs, vitamins,... 260 75 $1.1B Nutraceutical Ingredients Companies manufacturing raw materials used for manufacturing nutraceutical products 214 64 $276M Foods Companies manufacturing healthy snacks and foods 492 110 $267M Diversified Companies that manufacture more than one type of nutritional product 287 51 $161M Contract Manufacturing Companies providing contract manufacturing services for finished nutraceutical products 224 39 $88.6M Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Summary of Key Markets
  • 9. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 List of Notable Companies in Nutraceuticals Notable Companies in the Sector (1/4) 9 Note: *(Founded Year, Location, Total Funding) Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies in the Sector Public Herbalife (1980, Los Angeles)* GNC (1935, Pittsburgh) Mega LifeSciences (1982, Bangkok) Advanced Enzyme Technologies (1989, Thane, $18.3M) Weider Global Nutrition (1936, Gilbert) HL Science (2000, Uiwang) Venture Life (2010, Bracknell) Kyung Nam Pharm (1993, Changwon, $1.8B) Cell Biotech (1995, Gimpo-si) Medlab (2012, Sydney) Public Bioxyne (1997, Sydney) Bajaj Health (1993, Mumbai) Science In Sport (1992, Manly) Clover Corporation (1988, Melbourne) Kolmar BNH (2004, Sejong) Pochiraju Industries (1995, Krishnagiri) OptiBiotix Health (2012, York) Ganga Pharmaceuticals (1989, Mumbai) Vita Lifesciences (1947, Melbourne) TherapeuticsMD (2008, Boca Raton, $186M) Public Plandai Biotech (2004, Goodyear, $15.3M) Algae Tec (2007, Subiaco, $14.8M) Mix1 Life (2006, Orlando, $12.2M) True Drinks (2008, Irvine, $11.8M) Cyanotech (1983, Kailua-kona, $3.6M) ChromaDex (1999, Irvine, $3.4M) Nutrafuels (2009, Coconut Creek, $3.2M) Radient Technologies (2001, Edmonton, $2.6M) Zivo Bioscience (2014, Keego Harbor, $2M) Entia Biosciences (2007, Sherwood, $1.5M) Public Targeted Medical Pharma (1999, Los Angeles, $1.2M) Pacific Health Labs (1998, Iselin, $1M) Therapeutic Solutions International (TSI) (2010, Oceanside, $270k) Game Plan (1999, Henderson, $263k) MusclePharm (2006, Denver, $245k) Emergent Health (2006, King Of Prussia, $240k) Burcon (1998, Vancouver, $164k) GeneLink BioSciences (1994, Orlando, $105k) Lonza (1897, Basel) Public Ajinomoto (1909, Tokyo) AXIM Biotech (2014, New York City) Ingredion (1906, Chicago) Natto Pharma (2004, Oslo) Arev Nutrition (2016, Vancouver) Blackmores (1932, Sydney) Canadian Bioceutical (2014, Toronto) Dabur India (1884, Ghaziabad) Eqology (1998, Oslo) ForeverGreen (2004, Saint George)
  • 10. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 List of Notable Companies in Nutraceuticals Notable Companies in the Sector (2/4) 10 Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies in the Sector Public Go Life International (2011, Knysna) MusclePharm Corporation (2006, Denver) NHTC (1988, Los Angeles) Olmix (1995, Brehand) Oragenics (1996, Tampa) Pharmanutra (2003, Pisa) Probi (1991, Lund) Taxus Cardium (2003, San Diego) Zinzino (2005, Gothenburg) Adia Nutrition (2011, Kurtistown) Public Aroma Celte (2011, Ploufragan) Bactolac Pharmaceutical (1995, New York City) Balchem (1967, New Hampton) BioGaia (1990, Stockholm) Celsius (2004, Boca Raton) Coenzyme-A Technologies (1998, Lynnwood) Drinkeq (2006, Las Vegas) Euglena (2005, Tokyo) Gelstat (2002, Hunt Valley) Public GenMont (2000, Tainan) Immune Tree (1993, Bluffdale) Immunotec (1996, Vaudreuil-dorion) ISatori (2001, Denver) Jurak World Wide (1997, Las Vegas) Kimia Farma (1817, Jakarta) Kino Biotech (2010, Singapore) Kwangdong Pharmaceutical (1963, Seoul) Murad Chia Jei Biotechnology (1995, Kaohsiung City) Public MYOS RENS Technology (2011, Cedar Knolls) Naprodis (1999, Poway) Natural Alternatives International (1980, San Marcos) Nature's Sunshine (1972, Lehi) Neurogenesis (1984, League City) New Earth (2013, Klamath Falls) Optigenex (2002, Melissa) Piramal Phytocare (2001, Mumbai) Pivotal Therapeutics (2010, Vaughan) Promisia (1983, Wellington) Public ProPhase Labs (1989, Doylestown) Provexis (1999, Reading) Rapid Nutrition (2001, Coorparoo) Reliv International (1988, Chesterfield) Sankyo (1963, Fuji) Source Natural (1995, Bangalore) Synergy CHC (2012, Westbrook) Taiwan Indigena Botanica (2014, Taipei) Tsumura (1893, Torrance) USANA Health Sciences (1992, Salt Lake City)
  • 11. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 List of Notable Companies in Nutraceuticals Notable Companies in the Sector (3/4) 11 Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies in the Sector Public Vitality (1946, Vancouver) Vivanza Biosciences (2016, Ahmedabad) Zurvita (2008, Houston) Ceapro (1997, Edmonton) Glanbia (1960, Kilkenny) Lightspace Corporation (2003, Boston) Nutripure Beverages (1966, Newport Beach) Star Combo (2004, Sydney) Comvita (1974, Tauranga) Diabion (2011, Mixco) Public Enterologics (2009, Saint Paul) E-Pharm Nutrition (2011, Urbana) Fredun Group (1987, Mumbai) Lactose India (1991, Ahmedabad) Maabarot Group (1963, Kibbutz Gaton) Naturade (1926, Irvine) Neptune Wellness Solutions (1998, Laval) New Nordic (1990, Roskilde) Roopa Industries (2000, Hyderabad) Acquired Mead johnson (1900, Chicago) Elan (1969, Dublin) Frutarom (1933, Haifa) The DuPont Nutrition and Health (1989, Copenhagen) Atrium Innovations (1999, Westmount) BAI Brands (2009, Princeton, $56.8M) Schiff Nutrition (1936, Parsippany) Chr. Hansen (2010, Copenhagen) Pharmachem Labratories (1979, Kearny) Acquired Fortitech Premixes (1986, Schenectady) RXBAR (2012, Chicago) SensoryEffects (2006, Maryland Heights) Vega (2001, Burnaby) Omega Protein (1913, Houston) Vemedia (1961, Diemen) Elder Pharamaceuticals (1989, Mumbai) EAS sports nutrition (1992, Monterey) Optimum Nutrition (1986, Sidney) InterHealth Nutraceuticals (1987, Benicia) Acquired Renew Life (1997, Palm Harbor) MaxiNutrition (1991, Brentford) Protexin (1992, Somerset) Vitaco (2007, Sydney) Leiner (1996, Carson) ThinkThin products (1999, Los Angeles) Enzymotec (1998, Kfar Saba, $21M) New Zealand Pharmaceuticals (1971, Palmerston North) Eu Yan Sang (1879, Singapore) Scitec Nutrition (1996, Budapest)
  • 12. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 List of Notable Companies in Nutraceuticals Notable Companies in the Sector (4/4) 12 Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies in the Sector Acquired Nutrition Physiology Company (1993, Guymon) Joint Juice (2001, San Francisco, $155M) Premier Nutrition (1997, San Francisco) BBI Healthcare (2006, Bridgend) ZonePerfect (1996, Beverly) Manuka Health (2006, Auckland) Natrol (1980, Chatsworth) Novel Ingredient (1995, East Hanover) Albion Laboratories (1956, Clearfield) Seroyal (2009, Pittsburgh) Acquired Nutraceutix (2016, Redmond)
  • 13.
  • 14. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals Notable Companies by Market (1/15) 14 Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market Nutraceutical Ingredients Nutraceutical Ingredients Enzymotec (1998, Kfar Saba, $21M) Bio-functional lipid ingredients and final products for nutritional and pharmaceutical application Minicorn. Stage: Acquired Frutarom, Ofer-Hi Tech, Millennium II Materials Technology Fund and 7 Other Investors Advanced Enzyme Technologies (1989, Thane, $18.3M) Manufactures enzymes for nutrition, food processing and industrial processing Soonicorn. Stage: Public Avendus, Deutsche Bank, Kuwait Investment Authority and 5 Other Investors ChromaDex (1999, Irvine, $3.4M) Discover and develop patented ingredient technologies Editor's Pick. Stage: Public Western Alliance Bancorporation, Hercules Capital, DSM and 1 Other Investors Nutraceutical Ingredients Radient Technologies (2001, Edmonton, $2.6M) Develops and markets high-value naturally derived plant extracts Editor's Pick. Stage: Public Aurora Cannabis, Koniag Development Corporation, Afternic and 2 Other Investors Frutarom (1933, Haifa) Traditional company manufacturing flavor and fine ingredients Unicorn. Stage: Acquired Bank Leumi Lonza (1897, Basel) Company offering a suite of CDMO services to pharma, biotech and specialty ingredient markets Editor's Pick. Stage: Public United States Department of Defense, EDBI Ingredion (1906, Chicago) Food ingredients manufacturer Unicorn. Stage: Public Nutraceutical Ingredients Natto Pharma (2004, Oslo) Manufactures patented vitamin k2 ingredient Editor's Pick. Stage: Public New Zealand Pharmaceuticals (1971, Palmerston North) Manufacturer of pharma intermediates & diagnostic products for pharma & biotech companies Stage: Acquired Direct Capital OptiBiotix Health (2012, York) Discovers and develops microbial strains, compounds, and formulations, which modulate the human microbiome Stage: Public Seneca Partners, Enterprise Ventures Albion Laboratories (1956, Clearfield) Manufactures mineral ingredients for plant and human nutrition industry Stage: Acquired
  • 15. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals Notable Companies by Market (2/15) 15 Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market Nutraceutical Ingredients Nutraceutical Ingredients Balchem (1967, New Hampton) Manufactures nutraceutical ingredients for human and animal nutrition products Stage: Public Clover Corporation (1988, Melbourne) Manufactures a range of nutraceutical ingredients Stage: Public Equip Super Fortitech Premixes (1986, Schenectady) Manufactures customized blends of functional ingredients Stage: Acquired Lehman Brothers, Trilantic Capital Partners North America InterHealth Nutraceuticals (1987, Benicia) Researching, developing and supplying nutraceutical and speciality ingredients. Stage: Acquired National Institutes of Health, Kainos Capital Nutraceutical Ingredients MYOS RENS Technology (2011, Cedar Knolls) Nutritional supplements, functional foods, and therapeutic products Stage: Public Omega Protein (1913, Houston) Biopharma company manufacturing and marketing nutritional products Stage: Acquired Optigenex (2002, Melissa) Manufactures patented natural cellular DNA care ingredients Stage: Public Pharmachem Labratories (1979, Kearny) Nutraceutical ingredients manufacturer Stage: Acquired The DuPont Nutrition and Health (1989, Copenhagen) Manufactures a range of health ingredients Stage: Acquired Nutraceutical Ingredients SensoryEffects (2006, Maryland Heights) Ingredient solutions for human health and nutrition Stage: Acquired Highlander Partners Bajaj Health (1993, Mumbai) Manufacturer and supplier of Supplements, APIs & Intermediates and formulations Stage: Public Neptune Wellness Solutions (1998, Laval) Nutraceutical ingredients manufacturer Stage: Public Novel Ingredient (1995, East Hanover) Manufacturing and marketing a range of nutraceutical ingredients Stage: Acquired GenNx360 Capital Partners, Maranon Capital
  • 16. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals Notable Companies by Market (3/15) 16 Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market Supplements Multicategory Kyung Nam Pharm (1993, Changwon, $1.8B) Manufacture and sale of OTC drugs and nutritionals in Korea Stage: Public E&Investment, Korea Investment Partners MMUSA (1995, Blaine, $284M) Manufactures a range of nutritional supplement products Soonicorn. Stage: Funded Nutrafuels (2009, Coconut Creek, $3.2M) Manufacturing and marketing oral spray vitamins and supplements Stage: Public Entia Biosciences (2007, Sherwood, $1.5M) Develops and markets health-related nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals Stage: Public Therapeutic Solutions International (TSI) (2010, Oceanside, $270k) Developing and commercialising nutraceuticals Stage: Public Multicategory Game Plan (1999, Henderson, $263k) Nutritional supplements manufacturer and distributor. Stage: Public MusclePharm (2006, Denver, $245k) Manufacturing and marketing a range of nutritional supplements Stage: Public Iconic Private Equity Partners Emergent Health (2006, King Of Prussia, $240k) Engages in development and sale of proprietary regenerative medicine, nutraceuticals and phytonutritionals Stage: Public GeneLink BioSciences (1994, Orlando, $105k) Genome-based nutritional supplements Stage: Public Multicategory Canadian Bioceutical (2014, Toronto) Manufacturing and marketing a range of nutraceuticals and bioceuticals Stage: Public CGX Life Sciences, Canadian Bioceutical Elan (1969, Dublin) Manufacturer of OTC products, prescription pharmaceuticals, nutritional products, and APIs Stage: Acquired Signet Healthcare Partners GNC (1935, Pittsburgh) Supplements for sports nutrition Stage: Public Thomas H Lee Partners Go Life International (2011, Knysna) Manufactures a range of health supplements Stage: Public Herbalife (1980, Los Angeles) Manufacturer of nutritional supplements Stage: Public
  • 17. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals Notable Companies by Market (4/15) 17 Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market Supplements Multicategory MusclePharm Corporation (2006, Denver) Manufactures a range of nutritional supplements Stage: Public NHTC (1988, Los Angeles) Herbal dietary supplements Stage: Public Pharmanutra (2003, Pisa) Manufactures a range of nutritional supplements Stage: Public Protexin (1992, Somerset) Probiotics and fiber supplements Stage: Acquired Vita Lifesciences (1947, Melbourne) Manufactures a range of nutritional supplements Stage: Public Aroma Celte (2011, Ploufragan) Manufactures health supplements and personal care products Stage: Public Multicategory Atrium Innovations (1999, Westmount) Traditional company manufacturing and marketing nutritional health supplements Stage: Acquired CPP Investment Board Coenzyme-A Technologies (1998, Lynnwood) Manufactures a range of health supplement products Stage: Public EAS sports nutrition (1992, Monterey) Performance Nutrition Products & Protein Supplements Stage: Acquired Steelpoint Capital Partners, North Castle Partners Elder Pharamaceuticals (1989, Mumbai) Fully Integrated Pharma Company Stage: Acquired Multicategory Gelstat (2002, Hunt Valley) Research, development and marketing of a range of health supplements Stage: Public HL Science (2000, Uiwang) Manufactures health supplements Stage: Public Immunotec (1996, Vaudreuil-dorion) Manufactures nutritional supplements and skin care products Stage: Public Nexxus Capital Kimia Farma (1817, Jakarta) Manufactures generic pharmaceuticals and nutritional supplements Stage: Public Mead johnson (1900, Chicago) Nutraceutical company manufacturing infant nutrition products Stage: Acquired
  • 18. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals Notable Companies by Market (5/15) 18 Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market Supplements Multicategory Mega LifeSciences (1982, Bangkok) Traditional company engaged in manufacturing nutritional & herbal supplements, OTC and ethical products Stage: Public Lombard Investments Natrol (1980, Chatsworth) Manufacturing and marketing a range of nutritional supplements Stage: Acquired TA Associates Management Natural Alternatives International (1980, San Marcos) Formulator, manufacturer and marketer of customized nutritional supplements Stage: Public Neurogenesis (1984, League City) Manufactures a range of nutritional supplements Stage: Public Multicategory Pochiraju Industries (1995, Krishnagiri) Indian Pharma and Biotech Manufacturer Stage: Public B I R A Reliv International (1988, Chesterfield) Manufacturing and marketing a range of nutritional supplements Stage: Public USANA Health Sciences (1992, Salt Lake City) Personalized cellular nutrition Stage: Public Vitality (1946, Vancouver) Manufacturing and marketing a range of vitamin and mineral supplements Stage: Public Vivanza Biosciences (2016, Ahmedabad) Manufactures generic pharmacutical formulations and nutritional supplements Stage: Public Multicategory Zurvita (2008, Houston) Manufactures branded health supplements Stage: Public BBI Healthcare (2006, Bridgend) Manufactures women's health, digestive health, energy and heart health products Stage: Acquired E-Pharm Nutrition (2011, Urbana) Traditional company engaged in manufacturing and marketing nutritional supplements Stage: Public Leiner (1996, Carson) Specializes in storebrand OTC products, vitamins and nutritional supplements Stage: Acquired Steelpoint Capital Partners, North Castle Partners, AEA Investors
  • 19. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals Notable Companies by Market (6/15) 19 Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market Supplements Multicategory Maabarot Group (1963, Kibbutz Gaton) Manufactures a range of food products and nutritional supplements for human and animal consumption Stage: Public New Nordic (1990, Roskilde) Develops and markets dietary supplements and natural medicines Stage: Public Roopa Industries (2000, Hyderabad) Traditional company manufacturing nutraceuticals, bulk drugs and chemicals Stage: Public Schiff Nutrition (1936, Parsippany) Schiff Nutrition is a nutritional supplement company which offers specialty supplements, vitamins, and minerals. Stage: Acquired TPG Multicategory Vemedia (1961, Diemen) Manufacturing and marketing branded nutritional supplements Stage: Acquired IK Investment Partners, Indufin Capital Partners Venture Life (2010, Bracknell) Company focused on developing, manufacturing and commercialising products for the ageing population Stage: Public Vitamins TherapeuticsMD (2008, Boca Raton, $186M) Health drugs for women Stage: Public MidCap Financial, Venrock
  • 20. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals Notable Companies by Market (7/15) 20 Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market Supplements Herbal Supplements Plandai Biotech (2004, Goodyear, $15.3M) Developing bioavailable extracts from live plant materials for use in nutraceuticals Editor's Pick. Stage: Public Lincoln Park Capital Algae Tec (2007, Subiaco, $14.8M) Manufacturer of algae using carbon capture and production of algae-based products Editor's Pick. Stage: Public Gencor, Reliance Industries Cyanotech (1983, Kailua-kona, $3.6M) Manufactures natural ingredients based health supplements Stage: Public Zivo Bioscience (2014, Keego Harbor, $2M) Bioactive compounds from algal strain Editor's Pick. Stage: Public Health Enterprise Partners Herbal Supplements Blackmores (1932, Sydney) Health products for humans and animals, including vitamins, herbal and mineral nutritional supplements. Stage: Public Dabur India (1884, Ghaziabad) Manufactures and Markets FMCG Goods Stage: Public Baring Private Equity Partners Olmix (1995, Brehand) Developing and marketing algal extracts for use in plant, animal and human health products Stage: Public Idinvest Partners Eu Yan Sang (1879, Singapore) Chinese medicine and herbs brand Stage: Acquired Herbal Supplements Euglena (2005, Tokyo) Developing and marketing microalgae for use in functional foods Stage: Public SBI Investment, Inspire Corporation, Hikari Private Equity Immune Tree (1993, Bluffdale) Manufactures a range of health supplement products Stage: Public Jurak World Wide (1997, Las Vegas) Manufactures natural ingredients based health tonic Stage: Public Kwangdong Pharmaceutical (1963, Seoul) Combining oriental and western medical science across a range of indications. Stage: Public
  • 21. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals Notable Companies by Market (8/15) 21 Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market Supplements Herbal Supplements Manuka Health (2006, Auckland) Manufacturing and marketing natural ingredients based health supplements Stage: Acquired Callaghan Innovation, Waterman Capital, Pacific Equity Partners Murad Chia Jei Biotechnology (1995, Kaohsiung City) Preventive health related herbal nutraceutical products Stage: Public Naprodis (1999, Poway) Natural supplements for skin care and immunity boost Stage: Public Nature's Sunshine (1972, Lehi) Traditional company manufacturing and marketing health and wellness products Stage: Public Herbal Supplements Piramal Phytocare (2001, Mumbai) Manufactures a range of natural ingredients based health supplements Stage: Public Promisia (1983, Wellington) Manufactures natural ingredients based dietary supplement for joint support Stage: Public Provexis (1999, Reading) Specialty company commercializaing proprietary anti-thrombotic technology Stage: Public DSM, Enterprise Ventures Taiwan Indigena Botanica (2014, Taipei) Herbal supplements for medicinal use Stage: Public Tsumura (1893, Torrance) Large Japanese manufacturer of herbal (Kampo) medicines and OTC drugs Stage: Public Herbal Supplements Ganga Pharmaceuticals (1989, Mumbai) Manufactures natural ingredients based health supplements Stage: Public Comvita (1974, Tauranga) Natural skin care supplements Stage: Public Fredun Group (1987, Mumbai) Pharma group with multiple subsidiaries with focus on generics, herbal products and APIs Stage: Public Naturade (1926, Irvine) Manufacturing and marketing a range of natural ingredients based nutritional supplements Stage: Public Redux Holdings, Towerview Capital, Thyra Global Management and 1 Other Investors
  • 22. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals Notable Companies by Market (9/15) 22 Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market Supplements Protein Supplements Mix1 Life (2006, Orlando, $12.2M) Manufacturing and marketing protein shakes Stage: Public Highland Capital Partners Pacific Health Labs (1998, Iselin, $1M) Traditional company manufacturing and marketing sports nutrition products Stage: Public Hormel Health Labs Science In Sport (1992, Manly) Manufactures and markets sports nutrition products Editor's Pick. Stage: Public Enterprise Ventures, Array Venture Capital MaxiNutrition (1991, Brentford) Sports nutrition company specializing in protein supplements Stage: Acquired Darwin Private Equity Protein Supplements ISatori (2001, Denver) Manufactures sports nutrition supplements Stage: Public Optimum Nutrition (1986, Sidney) Manufacturing and marketing sports nutrition products Stage: Acquired Premier Nutrition (1997, San Francisco) Manufactures protein powder and bars Stage: Acquired TA Associates Management Weider Global Nutrition (1936, Gilbert) Developing and marketing sports nutrition products Stage: Public Others Prolacta Bioscience (1999, Los Angeles, $93.7M) Human milk fortifier supplement products for premature infants Soonicorn. Stage: Series D PROOF.VC, Aisling Capital, Health Evolution Partners and 12 Other Investors Eqology (1998, Oslo) Manufactures omega 3 supplements Stage: Public New Earth (2013, Klamath Falls) Developing and marketing proprietary food and health supplements Stage: Public Synergy CHC (2012, Westbrook) Manufactures a range of health supplements and personal care products Stage: Public Knight Therapeutics
  • 23. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals Notable Companies by Market (10/15) 23 Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market Supplements Others Ceapro (1997, Edmonton) Production of active ingredients using plants as a feedstock for human and animal consumption Stage: Public GCCIR, AVAC Group Lightspace Corporation (2003, Boston) Provider of herbal formulation for males Stage: Public Star Combo (2004, Sydney) Dietary supplements for improving strength and focus Stage: Public Diabion (2011, Mixco) Manufacturing and marketing proprietary diabetes management formula Stage: Public Foods Functional Foods Chr. Hansen (2010, Copenhagen) Bioscience company that develops natural solutions for the food, nutritional, pharmaceutical and agricultural industries. Stage: Acquired European Investment Bank, Ardian, PAI Partners Oragenics (1996, Tampa) Develops novel treatments for infectious diseases and oral mucositis as well as probiotics for oral health Stage: Public Intrexon, Third Security Taxus Cardium (2003, San Diego) Dedicated to building on its core products and drug delivery platform Stage: Public Connecticut Innovations Zinzino (2005, Gothenburg) Manufacturer providing personalized supplements using Omega6/Omega3 ratio. Stage: Public Functional Foods Adia Nutrition (2011, Kurtistown) Manufactures and markets probiotic chews and drinks Stage: Public BioGaia (1990, Stockholm) Healthcare company that develops and sells probiotic nutraceutical products with proven health benefits Stage: Public Centrecourt Cell Biotech (1995, Gimpo-si) Manufacturer of probiotic products Stage: Public KTB Ventures, SBI Investment Korea GenMont (2000, Tainan) Manufacturer of probiotic and baby nutrition supplements Stage: Public
  • 24. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals Notable Companies by Market (11/15) 24 Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market Foods Functional Foods Nutraceutix (2016, Redmond) Contract manufacturing organization offering probiotics to functional food and consumer health companies Stage: Acquired Pivotal Therapeutics (2010, Vaughan) Canadian, commercial-stage biopharma developing highly-purified prescription Omega 3 Therapy for CVD Stage: Public Renew Life (1997, Palm Harbor) Traditional company manufacturing and marketing a range of nutraceutical products Stage: Acquired Swander Pace Capital, Twin Bridge Capital Partners Bioxyne (1997, Sydney) Developing probiotic-based dietary supplements for immune health and immunotherapy Stage: Public BioScience Managers Functional Foods Enterologics (2009, Saint Paul) Developing probiotics as live biotherapeutics to treat gastrointestinal (GI) diseases. Stage: Public Nutrition Physiology Company (1993, Guymon) Specialty company engaged in manufacturing probiotics for animals Stage: Acquired Medical Foods Targeted Medical Pharma (1999, Los Angeles, $1.2M) Aminoacid-based medical foods for CNS, inflammation, metabolic and respiratory disorders Stage: Public
  • 25. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals Notable Companies by Market (12/15) 25 Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market Foods Health Snack ThinkThin products (1999, Los Angeles) Manufactures a range of protein bars and smoothies Stage: Acquired ZonePerfect (1996, Beverly) Manufactures a range of flavored protein bars Stage: Acquired RXBAR (2012, Chicago) Meal replacement protein bars Stage: Acquired Functional Beverages Energy Drink Celsius (2004, Boca Raton) Functional beverage company manufacturing energy drinks Stage: Public Horizons Ventures, zVentures Drinkeq (2006, Las Vegas) Nutritional energy drinks manufacturer Stage: Public Fortified Juice Suja Life (2012, San Diego, $208M) Manufacturer and brand of cold pressed juices and smoothies Soonicorn. Stage: Series E Coca-Cola, Goldman Sachs, Participant Media and 7 Other Investors Joint Juice (2001, San Francisco, $155M) Liquid supplement for joint health Minicorn. Stage: Acquired BAI Brands (2009, Princeton, $56.8M) Manufactures and markets flavoured antioxidant drinks Unicorn. Stage: Acquired Stroud Companies, Dr Pepper Snapple Group, Strand Equity Partners and 2 Other Investors Burcon (1998, Vancouver, $164k) Manufactures plant protein based health drinks Stage: Public
  • 26. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals Notable Companies by Market (13/15) 26 Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market Functional Beverages Fortified Juice Arev Nutrition (2016, Vancouver) Manufactures coconut based health drink products Stage: Public Nutripure Beverages (1966, Newport Beach) Fortified water for immunity and general wellness Stage: Public Multicategory FRS (2004, San Mateo, $148M) Nutraceutical company manufacturing functional beverages for sportspersons Soonicorn. Stage: Series D Oak Investment Partners True Drinks (2008, Irvine, $11.8M) Manufactures flavored water and energy drink products Stage: Public Toba Capital Kino Biotech (2010, Singapore) Bio-nutraceutical and cosmeceutical company Stage: Public Contract Manufacturing Contract Manufacturing Probi (1991, Lund) Contract manufacturer of probiotic supplements Stage: Public Bactolac Pharmaceutical (1995, New York City) Contract manufacturer of a range of nutritional supplements Stage: Public Kolmar BNH (2004, Sejong) Offers nutrition supplements and cosmetics Stage: Public Quintessa Investments Sankyo (1963, Fuji) Contract manufacturer of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical supplements Stage: Public Source Natural (1995, Bangalore) Contract manufacturer of ayurvedic, health & dietary supplements Stage: Public
  • 27. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals Notable Companies by Market (14/15) 27 Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market Contract Manufacturing Contract Manufacturing Vitaco (2007, Sydney) Contract manufacturing of a range of nutritional supplements Stage: Acquired Next Capital Diversified Diversified Ajinomoto (1909, Tokyo) Multi category food and beverage manufacturer Editor's Pick. Stage: Public AXIM Biotech (2014, New York City) Public, early-stage Biotech involved in pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and bioenergy from cannabis, most importantly, developing pharma- functional chewing gum containing cannabinoids Editor's Pick. Stage: Public Medical Marijuana ForeverGreen (2004, Saint George) Manufactures a range of nutritional supplement products Stage: Public Medlab (2012, Sydney) Company developing pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and biologics for treating chronic diseases Stage: Public Diversified ProPhase Labs (1989, Doylestown) ProPhase Labs Stage: Public Dutchess Capital Rapid Nutrition (2001, Coorparoo) Manufactures and exports nutritional products Stage: Public Scitec Nutrition (1996, Budapest) Manufacturing and marketing a range of nutraceutical products Stage: Acquired Enterprise Investors Seroyal (2009, Pittsburgh) Traditional company engaged in manufacturing nutraceutical products Stage: Acquired ARCC
  • 28. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 List of Notable Companies by Market in Nutraceuticals Notable Companies by Market (15/15) 28 Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies by Market Diversified Diversified Vega (2001, Burnaby) Manufactures branded nutritional snacks and supplements Stage: Acquired VMG Partners Glanbia (1960, Kilkenny) Global performance nutrition and ingredients group Stage: Public Lactose India (1991, Ahmedabad) Producing and providing nutraceutical ingredient & APIs Stage: Public
  • 29. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 List of Notable Companies in Nutraceuticals in China Notable Companies in the Sector in China 29 Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Notable Companies in the Sector in China Public China YCT International Group (1989, Jining) CK Life Sciences (2000, Hong Kong) Quantum Hi-Tech Biological (2000, Guangzhou) Rodobo International (2002, Harbin) Tasly Holding Group (1994, Tianjin) Xiangxue Pharmaceutical (1997, Guangzhou) Yunnan Beiyao Group (1902, Kunming) Guizhou Xinbang Pharmaceutical (1995, Guiyang) Public Kingdomway (1997, Xiamen) Baolingbao Biology (1997, Dezhou) Guilin Layn Natural Ingredients Corp (2003, Guangxi) Hainan Hai (1965, Haikou) Eagle Health Holdings (2001, Xiamen) Acquired Zhejiang Novus Pharmaceuticals (2015, Shaoxing)
  • 30. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Recent News in Nutraceuticals Sector Recent News 30 Oct 2018 CELSIUS Names Matt Kahn as EVP Marketing, PR Newswire Oct 2018 Grounded in Goodness, Healthy Times Pays Tribute to Legacy with New Packaging, PR Newswire Oct 2018 U.S. nutramax laboratories plans $20 mln expansion to create jobs, Oct 2018 The message for the Horlicks maker in the Complan deal, Livemint Oct 2018 Red Bull's Rampage freeride app puts a virtual mountain in your living room, TechRadar Oct 2018 Compound Solutions Aggressively Pursues Patent Violators of its goBHB® ketone, PRWeb Oct 2018 Ingredion Announces Preliminary Third Quarter 2018 EPS and Adjusted EPS and Revises Adjusted EPS Guidance; Board Authorizes Repurchase of up to an Additional 8 Million Shares of Stock, ACN Newswire Oct 2018 Optimum Nutrition Introduces Gold Standard 100% Isolate™, Created For The Macro-Conscious Athlete, PR Newswire Oct 2018 Nutrex Announces IsoFit, a Premium Dessert Isolate that Ignites Muscle Protein Synthesis, PRWeb Oct 2018 Carotenoids Market Will Cross USD 300 Million By 2024, The Camping Canuck Oct 2018 Plant-based Waters Market In-depth Analysis & Global Forecast To 2024, The Camping Canuck Oct 2018 Current And Future Trends Of Polyphenols Market, Key Recent News Key Recent News Oct 2018 Crystal Clear Forecast Of The Global Probiotic Supplements Industry, Oct 2018 Sido Muncul targets 20% growth next year, IDN Financials Oct 2018 Global Thymidine Market 2018-2025 includes Worldwide Manufacturers: Lonza, Carbopharm GmbH, Zhejiang NHU, Zhejiang Xianfeng Science Technology, Oct 2018 Bluebonnet Targeted Choice Joint Support Formula Utilizes BioCell Collagen, Nutraceuticals World Oct 2018 Kraft Heinz to sell part of Indian businesses to drugmaker Zydus: Bloomberg, Reuters Oct 2018 ProcessPro ERP Selected by Quicksilver Scientific to Support Supplement Manufacturing, PR Newswire Oct 2018 HumanN Launches SuperBeets Line Based on Best-Selling Product, PR Newswire Oct 2018 All-Star Outfielder Andy Van Slyke Teams Up with NUGENIX® to Defeat Low Vitality, PR Newswire Oct 2018 Fidia Announces Presentation of New Data Evaluating HYMOVIS® (HYADD®4) Effects on Metalloprotease Inhibition at 2018 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting, Business Wire Oct 2018 USANA Health Sciences Reports Results for Third Quarter 2018; Updates 2018 Outlook; Board Increases Share Repurchase Authorization, Business Wire Oct 2018 FutureCeuticals Launches New Product - S7: Boosts NO by 230%, PR Newswire Nutraceuticals > Feed Summary > Recent News
  • 31. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Contents Feed Summary Investment Trends Market Details Exit Outlook Investors News Appendix 31 Funding Trends Median Deal Size and Trend New Entrants in Funding Club Distribution of companies by Funding Range Funding Funnel of the Sector Top Investments and Investors Investors in Unicorn club
  • 32. Some more Sector Reports you might want to check out Join 4000+ people taking sharper decisions with Tracxn Database Technology Sep 2018 Online Rental Sep 2018 Online Video Sep 2018
  • 33. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Investments ($M) and number of rounds in Nutraceuticals; 2011-2018 Global Funding Trends (1/2) 33 Note: Funding excludes Grant, Debt and Post IPO rounds. Excludes all details for Chinese companies Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Global Funding Trends #Rounds $Funding 3 Year CAGR 6 Year CAGR 12% # of Rounds22% $ Funding 9% # of Rounds 62% $ Funding $654M $168M $100M $190M $127M $307M $367M $540M $1.4B 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 $0k $200M $400M $600M $800M $1.B $1.2B $1.4B $1.6B 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018* $ Funding Predicted $ Funding # Rounds Predicted # Rounds
  • 34. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 $12M $3M $15M $12M $17M $20M $10M $14M $44M $73M $84M $70M $117M $194M $301M $158M $112M $25M $91M $45M $173M $152M $229M $482M 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 YTD Seed Early Stage Late Stage $168M $654M Total $ Invested 18 14 25 24 43 44 21 23 16 17 19 16 25 28 41 17 9 5 4 10 3 9 9 6 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 YTD Seed Early Stage Late Stage 43 46 Total # of Rounds 34 Note: Mega Rounds = rounds with size > $20M. Funding excludes Grant, Debt and Post IPO rounds. Excludes all details for Chinese companies Stage-wise Number of RoundsStage-wise $ Invested New Entrants in Funded Club Global Funding Trends (2/2) Investments ($M) and number of rounds in Nutraceuticals; 2011-2018 Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Global Funding Trends 36 23 23 35 39 31 19 206 $2.0M $1.9M $0.0M $0.5M $1.0M $1.5M $2.0M $2.5M $3.0M $3.5M 0 50 100 150 200 250 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 YTD Total Entrants in Funding Club Avg. Ticket Size $2M $0.9M $1.8M $1M $1.7M $3.1M $2.4M $1.9M $568M $73M $0K $108M $0K $190M $253M $355M $1.3B 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 200000000 400000000 600000000 800000000 1E+09 1.2E+09 1.4E+09 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 YTD $ Funding Predicted $ Funding # of Rounds Predicted # Rounds Mega Rounds 1 - 2 - 3 7 8 6
  • 35. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201835 Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Funding Trends by Geography Investments ($M) and number of rounds in Nutraceuticals Funding Trends by Geography Funding Trends by Geography Top Cities of Funding City $ Funding # Rounds Bay Area 435M 52 Beverly Hills 335M 4 Blaine 284M 1 San Diego 209M 12 Los Angeles 166M 29 Seoul 159M 1 Cottonwood 157M 1 Gilbert 123M 4 Lagos 80M 1 Aurora 74.7M 5 Total Funding 186 93 2 31 1 22 5 7 # Rounds $2.7B $180M $159M $124M $80M $31.9M $23M $9.5M US Europe South Korea India Nigeria Canada Israel Australia Note: Excludes funding information of China companies
  • 36. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201836 Trend of Average Deal Size ($M) $0.8 $0.3 $0.7 $0.6 $0.5 $0.6 $0.6 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 $3.8 $4.5 $3.4 $3.4 $4.3 $3.8 $6.1 $2.8 $9.2 $10.6 $9.2 $10.1 $18.1 $15.6 $15.9 $8.2 $30.4 $11.3 $57.5 $50.7 $38.2 Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Median Deal Size and Trend Median and Average Deal Size in $M (per Stage) in Nutraceuticals; 2011-2017 Median Deal Size and Trend Note: Excludes funding information of Chinese companies. *Graph not to scale Median Deal Size and Range $5K* $4.5M $100K $20M $1M $40.3M $50K $300M $13.3M $11.3M $3M $367K Series C+ Series B Series A Seed Stage
  • 37. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Note: 444 companies with undisclosed funding amount are not included 37 <$1M $1-10M $10-50M $50-100M $100M+ Funding Range 68 100 50 5 10 No. of Companies Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Distribution of companies by Funding Range No. of companies by funding range in Nutraceuticals; as of Oct 2018 Distribution of companies by Funding Range $22M $342M $1B $376M $3.5B $ Investment
  • 38. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Stage No. of Companies Funding Funnel 100% 14% 4% 2% 2% 38 Note: Numbers in the brackets show the count of companies Time to raise next round 72 109 194 653 4652 Series C+ Series B Series A Funded Founded Next Round 100M+ Valuation Exits Acqui- Hired Dead Pooled Others 14% 3% (160) 3% (156) - 4% (190) 82% (3809) 30% 17% (112) 17% (108) - 4% (29) 66% (430) 56% 13% (25) 11% (21) - 5% (9) 39% (76) 66% 17% (19) 14% (15) - 4% (4) 30% (33) - 19% (14) 14% (10) - 4% (3) 1% (1) Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Funding Funnel Number of companies progressing to subsequent funding stages in Nutraceuticals Funding Funnel 16 Months 18 Months 27 Months Investment backedBootstrapped 5 3 106 78 Soonicorns Unicorns Acquisitions IPOs
  • 39. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201839 Note: Seed Stage (Seed, Angel), Early Stage (Series A, Series B), Late Stage (Series C+, PE) Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Notable Investments in last 24 months Major funding rounds by Stage in Nutraceuticals; Oct 2016-Oct 2018 Notable Investments in last 24 months (1/3) LATE STAGE $300M - Series C Aug 2018 Body Armor (2011, Beverly Hills, $335M) Functional beverage company manufacturing sports drink products with coconut water base Coca-Cola $159M - PE May 2018 BOTAMEDI GROUP (2001, Seoul, $159M) Herbal products for neurodegenerative diseases $157M - PE Jan 2017 True Health (1987, Cottonwood, $157M) Manufactures a range of nutritional supplement products $35M - PE Jan 2017 OmniActive (2004, Mumbai, $35M) Supplying ingredients and technologies to the global nutraceutical and functional food industry Everstone Capital LATE STAGE $35M - Series D Dec 2016 Prolacta Bioscience (1999, Los Angeles, $93.7M) Human milk fortifier supplement products for premature infants Aisling Capital, Health Evolution Partners, EW Healthcare Partners $21.2M - PE Jan 2017 UAS Laboratories (1979, Wausau, $21.2M) Contract manufacturing organization $11.5M - Series E Nov 2017 Suja Life (2012, San Diego, $208M) Manufacturer and brand of cold pressed juices and smoothies $9M - Series D May 2018 Prolacta Bioscience (1999, Los Angeles, $93.7M) Human milk fortifier supplement products for premature infants LATE STAGE $3.3M - Series D May 2017 Prolacta Bioscience (1999, Los Angeles, $93.7M) Human milk fortifier supplement products for premature infants PROOF.VC
  • 40. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201840 Note: Seed Stage (Seed, Angel), Early Stage (Series A, Series B), Late Stage (Series C+, PE) Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Notable Investments in last 24 months Major funding rounds by Stage in Nutraceuticals; Oct 2016-Oct 2018 Notable Investments in last 24 months (2/3) EARLY STAGE $35M - Series B Sep 2017 MycoTechnology (2013, Aurora, $74.7M) Food processing technology platform for filtering compounds S2G Ventures, Bunge, Emerson Collective, Seventure Partners, Middleland Capital, Tao Capital Partners, Eighteen94 Capital, GreatPoint Ventures, Closed Loop Capital, Continental Grain $35M - Series B Mar 2017 Before brands (2015, San Francisco, $48.1M) Nutraceutical company commercializing products to support immune health in infants and toddlers Gurnet Point Capital $30M - Series B Feb 2018 Harmless Harvest (2009, San Francisco, $30M) Manufactures branded coconut water and coconut water probiotics Danone Manifesto Ventures, AccelFoods EARLY STAGE $29M - Series B Aug 2018 Care/of (2016, New York City, $42.9M) Monthly subscription box for a range of dietary supplements Goldman Sachs Investment Partners, Goodwater Capital, RRE Ventures, Tusk Ventures, Juxtapose, Beth Kaplan, David Katzman $27.1M - Series B Jan 2018 Foodspring (2013, Berlin, $33.7M) Fitness food brand Btov, Ringier AG, Fonterra $26.1M - Series B Dec 2017 Aloha (2012, West Palm Beach, $70.9M) A wellness company manufacturing vegan foods and dietary supplements $25.5M - Series B Nov 2017 Vital Proteins (2013, Elk Grove Village, $25.5M) Manufactures collagen based health supplements CAVU Venture Partners EARLY STAGE $23.5M - Series B Aug 2018 MycoTechnology (2013, Aurora, $74.7M) Food processing technology platform for filtering compounds $20M - Series B Dec 2016 Elysium Health (2014, Palo, $26.2M) Develops and manufactures cellular health supplement General Catalyst Partners, Breyer Capital, Sound Ventures, Morningside Ventures $20M - Series A Dec 2017 Nuritas (2014, Dublin, $30M) Discovery of natural active ingredients with scientifically proven health benefits Cultivian Sandbox $12M - Series A Jun 2018 NextFoods (2006, Boulder, $36M) Functional beverage company manufacturing probiotic fortified juice 301, Emil Capital Partners
  • 41. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201841 Note: Seed Stage (Seed, Angel), Early Stage (Series A, Series B), Late Stage (Series C+, PE) Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Notable Investments in last 24 months Major funding rounds by Stage in Nutraceuticals; Oct 2016-Oct 2018 Notable Investments in last 24 months (3/3) EARLY STAGE $6.1M - Series A Oct 2016 Elysium Health (2014, Palo, $26.2M) Develops and manufactures cellular health supplement $3.1M - Series A Sep 2017 Adeo Health Science (2017, Boston, $3.1M) Manufactures proprietary baby food designed to introduce 8 allergens
  • 42. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Most Active Investors (VC, PE) by Stage in Nutraceuticals; Last 5 years (Oct 2013-Oct 2018) Most Active VC & PE Investors 42 Note: Seed Stage (Seed, Angel), Early Stage (Series A, Series B), Late Stage (Series C+, PE) Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Most Active VC & PE Investors SEED STAGE AccelFoods (3 Investments) Fresh Bar, Native State Foods, Kalot Superfood 1 Forerunner Ventures(2 Investments) Aloha, Ritual 2 Fireside Ventures Yogabars 3 Upfront Ventures Ritual 4 Rivet Ventures Ritual 5 Norwest Venture Partners Ritual 6 Highland Capital Partners Aloha 7 BFG Partners Good Day Chocolate 8 First Beverage Group Health-Ade 9 KarpReilly Lifeaid Beverage 10 EARLY STAGE AccelFoods (2 Investments) Harmless Harvest, Exo 1 CAVU Venture Partners (2 Investments) Vital Proteins, Health-Ade 2 Seventure Partners MycoTechnology 3 S2G Ventures MycoTechnology 4 BFG Partners Barnana 5 First Beverage Group VitaCup 6 RRE Ventures Care/of 7 Btov Foodspring 8 Middleland Capital MycoTechnology 9 Goodwater Capital Care/of 10 LATE STAGE CPP Investment Board (2 Investments) Atrium Innovations, Cooper 1 Aisling Capital Prolacta Bioscience 2 S2G Ventures UCAN 3 CAVU Venture Partners OhYeah! Nutrition 4 The Ecosystem Integrity Fund KeVita 5 EW Healthcare Partners Prolacta Bioscience 6 Unigrains Nutrisens 7 Everstone Capital OmniActive 8 Charterhouse Capital Partners Cooper 9 Diana Capital Megafood 10
  • 43. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201843 Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Most Active Ecosystem Investors Top Ecosystem Investors in Nutraceuticals; Last 5 years (Oct 2013-Oct 2018) Most Active Ecosystem Investors INCUBATOR/ACCELERATOR Brand Capital(3 Investments) Avesthagen, Lifezen, Genmedic 1 500 Startups(2 Investments) Your Superfoods, The Fit Body 2 SOSV(2 Investments) Protes, TruEnergy 3 Y Combinator(2 Investments) Multiply Labs, Gainful 4 The Brandery Gainful 5 Food-X TruEnergy 6 LRM VitalNext 7 Mercatus Capital DIAllium 8 NDRC Nuritas 9 Purdue Foundry ChopSaver 10 OTHER NOTABLE INVESTORS North Castle Partners(8 Investments) Atkins, SmartyPants Vitamins, VitaCup 1 Department of Biotechnology(6 Investments) Natural Remedies, Arjuna Natural Extracts, Lipomic Healthcare 2 CircleUp(4 Investments) SmartyPants Vitamins, Smari Organics, Trovita Health 3 IndieBio(4 Investments) Drink Spira, Peer-to-Peer Probiotics, Pure Cultures 4 DSM(3 Investments) ChromaDex, Natreon, Nutrileads 5 1315 Capital(2 Investments) JDS Therapeutics, Nutrition 21 6 Eighteen94 Capital(2 Investments) MycoTechnology, UCAN 7 Callaghan Innovation(2 Investments) Manuka Health, Douglas Nutrition 8 University of Cambridge(2 Investments) Ampika Healthcare, Ampika 9 Dr Pepper Snapple Group(2 Investments) Body Armor, BAI Brands 10 DEBT INVESTORS TPG(3 Investments) Suja Life, Schiff Vitamins, Schiff Nutrition 1 Enterprise Ventures(2 Investments) Science In Sport, OptiBiotix Health 2 Siparex(2 Investments) Berkem, VF Bioscience 3 Five Points Capital Bevolution Group 4 Hercules Capital ChromaDex 5 MidCap Financial TherapeuticsMD 6 Penta Mezz Twinlab 7 Silicon Valley Bank Elysium Health 8
  • 44. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201844 Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Investors in Unicorn club Investors in Unicorn Club (1/3)
  • 45. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201845 Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Investors in Unicorn club Investors in Unicorn Club (2/3)
  • 46. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201846 Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Investors in Unicorn club Investors in Unicorn Club (3/3)
  • 47. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201847 Nutraceuticals > Investment Trends > Unicorn Investors in the Sector Unicorn Investors in the Sector
  • 48. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Contents Feed Summary Investment Trend Market Details Exit Outlook Investors News Appendix 48 BlueBox Key Sub Sectors Detailed Sector Taxonomy Top Markets of Investment Activity Top Markets of Early Stage Investors Other Notable Markets Market Deep Dive
  • 49. Some more Sector Reports you might want to check out Join 4000+ people taking sharper decisions with Tracxn Medical Devices Sep 2018 Biopharma Contract Services Sep 2018 Biotech R&D Sep 2018
  • 50. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Marketmap: Nutraceuticals 50 Nutraceuticals > Market Details > BlueBox
  • 51. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Key Sub Sectors 51 Key Sub Sectors in Nutraceuticals Market Top Companies # Cos Tracked # Funded Total Funding Supplements Companies that develop ingestible products that contain a dietary ingredient intended to add additio.... Kyung Nam Pharm (1993, Changwon, Public) MMUSA (1995, Blaine, $284M) 3175 314 $3.4B Functional Beverages Companies that develop health drinks which include ingredients like herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino.... Joint Juice (2001, San Francisco, Acquired) Body Armor (2011, Beverly Hills, $335M) 260 75 $1.1B Nutraceutical Ingredients Companies manufacturing raw materials used for manufacturing nutraceutical products Fluxome (2002, Stenlose, Acquired) MycoTechnology (2013, Aurora, $74.7M) 214 64 $276M Foods Companies manufacturing healthy snacks and foods Cooke Pharma (1995, Belmont, Acquired) Beloxxi Group (1994, Lagos, $80M) 492 110 $267M Diversified Companies that manufacture more than one type of nutritional product Atkins (1960, Denver, Acquired) Foodspring (2013, Berlin, $33.7M) 287 51 $161M Contract Manufacturing Companies providing contract manufacturing services for finished nutraceutical products Ryt-way (1965, Lakeville, Acquired) UAS Laboratories (1979, Wausau, $21.2M) 224 39 $88.6M Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Key Sub Sectors
  • 52. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Detailed Sector Taxonomy (1/3) 52 Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Detailed Sector Taxonomy
  • 53. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Detailed Sector Taxonomy (2/3) 53 Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Detailed Sector Taxonomy
  • 54. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Detailed Sector Taxonomy (3/3) 54 Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Detailed Sector Taxonomy
  • 55. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Rank Market Last 2 Years $ Invested # Round Top Funded Company 1 (-) Supplements > Multicategory Companies that manufacture more than one type of supplement (Companies covered 1431 | Funded 160 | Total Funding $2.6B) $303M (+$222M) 26 (-4) True Health (1987, Cottonwood, $157M) 2 (+7) Supplements > Herbal Supplements > Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals Companies that extract biologically active compounds from plants for use in manufacturing supplements (Companies covered 679 | Funded 66 | Total Funding $106M) $69.4M (+$66.3M) 12 (+9) Elysium Health (2014, Palo, $26.2M) 3 (-1) Nutraceutical Ingredients Companies manufacturing raw materials used for manufacturing nutraceutical products (Companies covered 214 | Funded 64 | Total Funding $276M) $123M (+$84.5M) 7 (-4) MycoTechnology (2013, Aurora, $74.7M) 4 (+3) Diversified Companies that manufacture more than one type of nutritional product (Companies covered 287 | Funded 51 | Total Funding $161M) $56.5M (+$44.4M) 9 (+3) Foodspring (2013, Berlin, $33.7M) 5 (+3) Supplements > Others Companies developing nutritional products that cannot be classified in current business models. (Companies covered 260 | Funded 28 | Total Funding $107M) $52.4M (+$49.4M) 7 (+1) Prolacta Bioscience (1999, Los Angeles, $93.7M) 6 (-4) Foods > Health Snack Companies that manufacture light meal products with nutritional value (Companies covered 166 | Funded 33 | Total Funding $118M) $19.9M (-$75.1M) 10 (-10) Barnana (1981, Los Angeles, $18.6M) 7 (-3) Functional Beverages > Sports Drink Companies that produce soft drinks containing electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and chloride, and a high percentage of sugar, designed to restore energy after or during… (Companies covered 33 | Funded 8 | Total Funding $362M) $308M (+$272M) 3 (-5) Body Armor (2011, Beverly Hills, $335M) 55 Note: The numbers in the bracket represent the change in a 2 year period. Top Markets of Investment Activity (1/2) Top Markets by Funding in Nutraceuticals in last 2 years (October 2016 - September 2018) Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Top Markets of Investment Activity
  • 56. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201856 Top Markets of Investment Activity (2/2) Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Top Markets of Investment Activity
  • 57. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Rank Market # Investments Key Investments 1 Supplements > Herbal Supplements > Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals Companies that extract biologically active compounds from plants for use in manufacturing supplements (Companies created 679 | Funded 66 | Total Funding $106M ) 1 Elysium Health (2014, Palo, $26.2M) 2 Supplements > Vitamins Companies that manufacture supplements with a vitamin as the primary dietary ingredient (Companies created 65 | Funded 9 | Total Funding $228M ) 1 Ritual (2015, Los Angeles, $15.3M) Note: Investors considered - Sequoia Capital, Accel Partners, Andreessen Horowitz, NEA, Greylock Partners, General Catalyst Partners, Benchmark Capital, KPCB, Khosla Ventures, Redpoint Ventures, Founders Fund, SV Angel, Index Ventures, Bessemer Venture Partners, Lightspeed Venture Partners, Venrock, Draper Fisher Jurvetson, Institutional Venture Partners, Intel Capital, Battery Ventures 57 Top Markets of Early Stage Investors Top Markets where Early Stage Investors are investing in last 2 years (October 2016 - September 2018) Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Top Markets of Early Stage Investors
  • 58. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Incubators LRM (#2), Y Combinator (#1) Seed First Round Capital (#1), Highland Capital Partners (#1) Series A/B Penta Mezz (#1), Goldman Sachs Investment Partners (#1) Series C+ CPP Investment Board (#2), Diana Capital (#1) Polisano Pharmaceuticals Sep - 2018 Acq by Grampet Vital Foods Sep - 2018 Acq by Mundipharma Ausway Aug - 2018 Acq by Star Combo Zarbees Jul - 2018 Acq by Johnson & Johnson Supernaturals Jul - 2018 Acq by Nordwind Capital Protexin Jun - 2018 Acq by Archer Daniels Midland Company for $242M Seed Rawvelo (2016, London) $1.2M - Seed Vital Plan (2008, Raleigh, $2M) $29M - Series B Care/of (2016, New York City, $42.9M) Angel Guardian (2016, Mumbai) $1.2M - Seed Vitl (2015, London, $1.9M) $511k - Series A Innerbeing (2014, Hyderabad, $511k) Oct 2018 ProcessPro ERP Selected by Quicksilver Scientific to Support Supplement Manufacturing, PR Newswire Oct 2018 USANA Health Sciences Reports Results for Third Quarter 2018; Updates 2018 Outlook; Board Increases Share Repurchase Authorization, Business Wire Oct 2018 dupont, cargill, chs inc., bunge, roquette, profiled in food protein ingredients market forecast report 2018-2024 other players – archer daniels midland company, mead johnson nutrition, mgp ingredients rousselot, tessenderlo group, The Camping Canuck Oct 2018 Kibow Biotech to Exhibit Its "Enteric Dialysis®" Technology and Renadyl™ to Delay The Need For Hemo/Peritoneal Dialysis at the Annual ASN 2018 - Kidney Week Conference, BioSpace Oct 2018 Amway takes Flipkart to court for ‘illegally’ selling its goods, Indiatimes Oct 2018 Herbalife Nutrition to launch high-protein coffee mix, Nuffoods Spectrum Oct 2018 Natural Health Trends Announces Third Quarter 2018 Preliminary Revenue Estimate, GlobeNewswire Oct 2018 Perrigo replaces CEO Roehrhoff with consumer goods veteran, Reuters Oct 2018 NutraFuels Inc. (OTCQB: NTFU), Cannabidiol (CBD) Nutraceutical Manufacturers, Attends Southern Hemp Expo and Prepares for Launching CBD Twists and CBD Drink Shots, Two New Single-Dose Options for Consumers, NewMediaWire Oct 2018 Vitality Reports Second Quarter Results, CNW News 88 15 39 160 1431 M&A/IPO Series C+ Series A+ Funded Companies Covered Funding Funnel Supplements > Multicategory: Market Factsheet 58 Exits Most Active Investors Recent InvestmentsCompanies that manufacture more than one type of supplement MMUSA (1995, Blaine, $284M) True Health (1987, Cottonwood, $157M) Aloha (2012, West Palm Beach, $70.9M) Before brands (2015, San Francisco, $48.1M) Care/of (2016, New York City, $42.9M) Top Companies #1 Top Markets of Investment Activity Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Multicategory Companies Created 1431 | Funded 160 | Total Funding $2.6B 0 10 20 $0k $100M $200M $300M 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Predicted Funding YoY Funding Rounds Predicted Rounds YoY Funding and Rounds Market: Multicategory
  • 59. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201859 Supplements > Multicategory: Top Companies Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Multicategory #1 Top Markets of Investment Activity Market: Multicategory (1/2) Analyst’s Pick MMUSA (1995, Blaine, $284M) Manufactures a range of nutritional supplement products Soonicorn. Stage: Funded True Health (1987, Cottonwood, $157M) Manufactures a range of nutritional supplement products Minicorn. Stage: Funded WM Partners Aloha (2012, West Palm Beach, $70.9M) A wellness company manufacturing vegan foods and dietary supplements Minicorn. Stage: Series B First Round Capital, Highland Capital Partners, Forerunner Ventures and 23 Other Investors Before brands (2015, San Francisco, $48.1M) Nutraceutical company commercializing products to support immune health in infants and toddlers Minicorn. Stage: Series B Gurnet Point Capital Analyst’s Pick Care/of (2016, New York City, $42.9M) Monthly subscription box for a range of dietary supplements Editor's Pick. Stage: Series B Goldman Sachs Investment Partners, Goodwater Capital, RRE Ventures and 5 Other Investors Keraplast Technologies (1997, San Antonio, $4.9M) Keratin extraction technology for developing health and beauty products Editor's Pick. Stage: Series A Unomi (2006, Austin, $3.7M) Personalized dietary supplements Editor's Pick. Stage: Series A Multiply Labs (2016, San Francisco, $2.8M) Designing personalized supplement pill as per individual needs Editor's Pick. Stage: Series A Graph Ventures, Fenox Venture Capital, CRCM Venture and 7 Other Investors Analyst’s Pick 4Life (2014, Sandy) Manufactures a range of proprietary health and nutritional supplements Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded Agati Healthcare (2010, Mumbai) Developing and manufacturing biopharmaceuticals, biosimilars and health supplements products Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded Avion Pharmaceuticals (2011, Alpharetta) Speciality pharma company developing drugs in TAs such as women’s health, pediatrics and cardiology Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded BariMelts (2017, Miami) Fast melting dietary supplements for weight loss surgery patients Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded Hantian Labs (2013, London) Skin care and hormone balance supplements Editor's Pick. Stage: Acquired
  • 60. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201860 Supplements > Multicategory: Top Companies Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Multicategory #1 Top Markets of Investment Activity Market: Multicategory (2/2) Analyst’s Pick Life Extension (1980, Lauderdale) Developing and marketing a range of nutritional products Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded MitoSynergy (2008, Kaukauna) Dietary supplements for fitness and sports Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded Modern Era Naturals (2014, Toronto) Manufactures and markets lipid encapsulated supplements Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded Nature's Way (1968, Green Bay) Supplements for daily requirements Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded Never Too Hungover (2006, Las Vegas) Vitamin and mineral blend for prevention of hangover Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded Nordic Naturals (1995, San Francisco) Dietary supplements for daily needs Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded Analyst’s Pick This is Bio (2010, Krakow) Healthcare & nutrition brand Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded Young Living (1993, Lehi) Direct to consumer brand of essential oils Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded
  • 61. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Note: Overall Rating is a combination of Funding and Team rating, along with Execution, Size and Growth metrics 61 Supplements > Multicategory: Leaderboard Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Multicategory #1 Top Markets of Investment Activity Better than Market Average Market: Multicategory Overall Rating Company Name Foun ded Year Location Stage Funding Team Execution Quality Size Metrics 6M Growth Metrics App Rating App UX Web UX News Web Traffic Rank Social Follow ing Mobile Downl oads # App Revie ws Web Traffic Rank Mobile Downloads Social Following Δ % Δ % Δ % 5.0 Herbalife 1980 Los Angeles Public - - 4 4 5 50 90k 5.7k 848k 5.3k 10k 12% 865 20% -148 -3% 5.0 USANA Health Sciences 1992 Salt Lake City Public - - 5 4 4 22 47k - 368k 1.3k 3k 5% 112 10% - - 5.0 Zurvita 2008 Houston Public - - 4 - 3 - 252k 2.6k 30k 705 -141k -36% 71 11% 7 - 5.0 GNC 1935 Pittsburgh Public - - 4 4 4 47 16k 211k 300k 2.1k 1k 6% 97 5% -6696 -3% 5.0 IDLife 2014 Frisco Unfunded - - 5 4 4 - 488k 3.2k 3k 40 37k 8% 1 3% -2 - 5.0 Hairfinity 2004 Slidell Unfunded - - 5 - - - 314k 44k 30k 348 -58k -16% 176 100% 1.7k 4% 5.0 Vestige 2004 Delhi Unfunded - - 5 5 5 - 42k 140 3.8M 26.8k -12k -22% 12.8k 85% 11 8% 5.0 Lifeplus 1992 Batesville Unfunded - - 4 - 3 2 158k 2.4k 8k 71 23k 17% 7 11% -27 -1% 5.0 Nestle Health Science 2011 Bridgewate r Unfunded - - 3 3 4 2 656k 2.3k 3k 21 11k 2% 1 5% 360 19% 5.0 FuXion 2004 Lima Unfunded - - 5 - 2 - 972k 15k 8k 128 772k 393% 8 2% - - 5.0 Plexus 2006 Scottsdale Unfunded - - 4 - - 1 68k 12k 38k 141 1k 1% 7 5% -100 -1% 5.0 Immunotec 1996 Vaudreuil- dorion Public - - 5 4 3 5 103k 277 34k 194 -9k -8% 53 35% -15 -5% 5.0 Viridian Nutrition 1999 Daventry Unfunded - - 3 - - - 809k 4.7k 8k 11 79k 11% 5 83% 304 7% 5.0 LivePure 2012 Las Vegas Unfunded - - 5 4 4 - 357k 4.5k 8k 46 -267k -43% 7 15% -75 -2% 4.9 Xyngular 2010 Lehi Unfunded - 4 5 4 4 - 99k 2.9k 3k 22 -5k -5% - - 124 5%
  • 62. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Incubators Seed ICICI Venture (#1), 2x Consumer Products Growth Partners (#1) Series A/B General Catalyst Partners (#1), Breyer Capital (#1) Series C+ Lincoln Park Capital (#1), Castanea Partners (#1) Manuka Health Oct - 2018 Acq by Hong Leong Group for $144M BioGanix Jun - 2017 Acq by Relevium technologies Go Epic Health Nov - 2016 Acq by Leone Asset Fredun Group Mar - 2016 IPO'd on BOM Ganga Pharmaceuticals Feb - 2016 IPO'd on BOM Vitamin Research Products Aug - 2015 Acq by Health Products $395k - Seed NeuroClub (2018, Virginia Beach, $395k) $19.4M - Series A Manus Bio (2011, Cambridge, $28.8M) $8.9M - Series C Amazentis (2007, Lausanne, $8.9M) $4.2M - Series A Constance Therapeutics (2008, San Francisco, $4.7M) Series A Manus Bio (2011, Cambridge, $28.8M) $9.1M - Series A Manus Bio (2011, Cambridge, $28.8M) Oct 2018 Sido Muncul targets 20% growth next year, IDN Financials Oct 2018 Angelica Extract Category - Global Procurement Market Report (2018-2022) Featuring Merck, Ultra International, Bio-Botanica, NOW Health Group, Mighty International, and Young Living Essential Oils -, Business Wire Oct 2018 Go Epic Health Updates on Cholesterade® Case Studies and Clinical Research, GlobeNewswire Oct 2018 Go Epic Health Updates on Cholesterade(R) Case Studies and Clinical Research, NewMediaWire Oct 2018 Dabur India to strengthen distribution network, Fashion Network Oct 2018 EastGate Biotech Receives Approval to Commence a Phase 2 Trial for Liquid Insulin Mouth Rinse Solution Addressing Patient Compliance in the Type 2 Diabetes Market, Newswire Oct 2018 DolCas Biotech to Launch Organic Olive Tree Ingredient in US, BioSpace Oct 2018 Arjuna Natural to Market Curcugreen™ Directly to the US Market, PR Newswire Oct 2018 Malaysia's Hong Leong acquires NZ-based Manuka Health: Report, Deal Street Asia Sep 2018 Nature’s Sunshine Products announces Terrence Moorehead to its Board of Directors as CEO, Talent4Boards Sep 2018 HangZing launches anti-hangover supplement line, Nuffoods Spectrum News 24 10 15 66 679 M&A/IPO Series C+ Series A+ Funded Companies Covered Funding Funnel Supplements > Herbal Supplements > Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals: Market Factsheet 62 Exits Most Active Investors Recent InvestmentsCompanies that extract biologically active compounds from plants for use in manufacturing supplements Manus Bio (2011, Cambridge, $28.8M) Elysium Health (2014, Palo, $26.2M) Amazentis (2007, Lausanne, $8.9M) Avesthagen (1998, Bangalore, $7.5M) Constance Therapeutics (2008, San Francisco, $4.7M) Top Companies #2 Top Markets of Investment Activity Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals Companies Created 679 | Funded 66 | Total Funding $106M 0 5 10 $0k $50M $100M 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Predicted Funding YoY Funding Rounds Predicted Rounds YoY Funding and Rounds Market: Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals
  • 63. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201863 Supplements > Herbal Supplements > Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals: Top Companies Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals #2 Top Markets of Investment Activity Market: Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals Analyst’s Pick Manus Bio (2011, Cambridge, $28.8M) Microbial biotechnology firm aiming to produce phytochemicals using microbial fermentation Editor's Pick. Stage: Series A Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Nelstone Ventures, Small Business Innovation Research and 5 Other Investors Elysium Health (2014, Palo, $26.2M) Develops and manufactures cellular health supplement Minicorn. Stage: Series B Silicon Valley Bank, General Catalyst Partners, Breyer Capital and 6 Other Investors Plandai Biotech (2004, Goodyear, $15.3M) Developing bioavailable extracts from live plant materials for use in nutraceuticals Editor's Pick. Stage: Public Lincoln Park Capital Analyst’s Pick Amazentis (2007, Lausanne, $8.9M) Developing nutritional products to slow aging and improve quality of life Editor's Pick. Stage: Series C Waypoint Capital
  • 64. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Note: Overall Rating is a combination of Funding and Team rating, along with Execution, Size and Growth metrics 64 Supplements > Herbal Supplements > Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals: Leaderboard Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals #2 Top Markets of Investment Activity Better than Market Average Market: Plant Extracts and Phyto-chemicals Overall Rating Company Name Foun ded Year Location Stage Funding Team Execution Quality Size Metrics 6M Growth Metrics App Rating App UX Web UX News Web Traffic Rank Social Follow ing Mobile Downl oads # App Revie ws Web Traffic Rank Mobile Downloads Social Following Δ % Δ % Δ % 5.0 Nature's Sunshine 1972 Lehi Public - - 5 4 3 8 151k 5.4k 3k 22 31k 25% 2 10% -132 -2% 5.0 VMALife 2015 Singapore Unfunded - - 5 - 3 - 1.3M - 3k 65 331k 36% 7 10% - - 5.0 Allysian 2015 Richmond Unfunded - 3 4 2 3 - 622k 183 3k 82 -61k -9% 4 4% -2 -1% 5.0 Dabur India 1884 Ghaziabad Public - - - - 5 55 98k 5k - - -2k -1% - - 607 14% 5.0 Boss Level Labs 2017 Frisco Funded - - - - 5 - 3.3M 11 - - 2M 105% - - 1 2% 5.0 Kyani 2005 Idaho Falls Unfunded - - 5 4 4 - 161k 7.7k 75k 257 31k 23% - - -132 -2% 5.0 Constance Therapeutics 2008 San Francisco Series A $4.7M - - - 4 3 1.8M 155 - - 426k 31% - - 31 25% 4.9 Your Superfoods 2015 Berlin Funded - 2 - - 4 - 2.1M 1.3k - - 824k 72% - - 44 4% 4.9 Thrivous 2015 Orem Unfunded - - - - 5 - 356k 2.4k - - - 1000k -75% - - 249 12% 4.9 MegaCare 1995 Henderson Funded - - - - 4 - 884k 11 - - - - - - 1 7% 4.9 Natreon 1998 New Brunswick Funded $2.5M - - - 4 4 2.2M 161 - - -6.4M -75% - - 26 19% 4.9 Voke Tab 2011 Bozeman Seed $100k - - - 4 - 2.5M 244 - - 2M 122% - - -11 -5% 4.9 DATSUSARA 2007 Valley Village Unfunded - 2 - - 4 - 454k 3.3k - - -56k -11% - - 109 3%
  • 65. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Incubators Thrive Agtech (#1), NDRC (#1) Seed Koniag Development Corporation (#1), Afternic (#1) Series A/B Seventure Partners (#1), Ajinomoto (#1) Series C+ Everstone Capital (#1), Vecata (#1) Mazza Innovation Jul - 2018 Acq by Sensient Frutarom May - 2018 Acq by IFF Inc. for $7.1B IBR Feb - 2018 Acq by Frutarom for $21M Omega Protein Dec - 2017 Acq by Cooke Aquaculture for $500M NutraGenesis Nov - 2017 Acq by Innophos for $28M $23.5M - Series B MycoTechnology (2013, Aurora, $74.7M) $20M - Series A Nuritas (2014, Dublin, $30M) $7M - Series B MycoTechnology (2013, Aurora, $74.7M) $2.5M - Series A Mazza Innovation (2011, Delta, $2.8M) $35M - Series B MycoTechnology (2013, Aurora, $74.7M) Series A Nutrileads (2012, Wageningen) Oct 2018 Compound Solutions Aggressively Pursues Patent Violators of its goBHB® ketone, PRWeb Oct 2018 Ingredion Announces Preliminary Third Quarter 2018 EPS and Adjusted EPS and Revises Adjusted EPS Guidance; Board Authorizes Repurchase of up to an Additional 8 Million Shares of Stock, ACN Newswire Oct 2018 Bluebonnet Targeted Choice Joint Support Formula Utilizes BioCell Collagen, Nutraceuticals World Oct 2018 FutureCeuticals Launches New Product - S7: Boosts NO by 230%, PR Newswire Oct 2018 basf, cardax, inc., algaeon, inc., profiled in astaxanthin market forecast report 2018-2024 other players – archer daniels midland company, fuji chemical industries usa, inc, divis nutraceuticals,, The Camping Canuck Oct 2018 Lonza Opens Monoplant for Clovis Oncology’s Rubraca, PharmTech Oct 2018 Lonza boosts ADC manufacturing with new investment, BioPharmaDive Oct 2018 MBA Engineering and Noblegen partner to offer N2 generation systems, gasworld Oct 2018 Nuritas Announces Formation of Scientific Advisory Board, PM360 Oct 2018 Radient Technologies Inc. Receives Controlled Drugs and Substances Licence for Its Manufacturing Facility, CMOCRO Oct 2018 Sweegen and Ingredion bring non-GMO Reb D stevia to Colombia, CNW Oct 2018 New Partnership set to save manufacturers money and reduce CO2 emissions, BQ Live News 40 12 26 64 214 M&A/IPO Series C+ Series A+ Funded Companies Covered Funding Funnel Nutraceutical Ingredients: Market Factsheet 65 Exits Most Active Investors Recent InvestmentsCompanies manufacturing raw materials used for manufacturing nutraceutical products MycoTechnology (2013, Aurora, $74.7M) OmniActive (2004, Mumbai, $35M) Nuritas (2014, Dublin, $30M) Fluxome (2002, Stenlose, $27.7M) Oceans Omega (2009, Montvale, $22.3M) Top Companies #3 Top Markets of Investment Activity Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Nutraceutical Ingredients Companies Created 214 | Funded 64 | Total Funding $276M 0 5 10 $0k $50M $100M $150M 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Predicted Funding YoY Funding Rounds Predicted Rounds YoY Funding and Rounds Market: Nutraceutical Ingredients
  • 66. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201866 Nutraceutical Ingredients: Top Companies Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Nutraceutical Ingredients #3 Top Markets of Investment Activity Market: Nutraceutical Ingredients Analyst’s Pick Nuritas (2014, Dublin, $30M) Discovery of natural active ingredients with scientifically proven health benefits Editor's Pick. Stage: Series A Cultivian Sandbox, European Union, Enterprise Ireland and 5 Other Investors Oceans Omega (2009, Montvale, $22.3M) Functional food company developing and marketing omega-3 concentrates Editor's Pick. Stage: Series B Enzymotec (1998, Kfar Saba, $21M) Bio-functional lipid ingredients and final products for nutritional and pharmaceutical application Minicorn. Stage: Acquired Frutarom, Ofer-Hi Tech, Millennium II Materials Technology Fund and 7 Other Investors Advanced Enzyme Technologies (1989, Thane, $18.3M) Manufactures enzymes for nutrition, food processing and industrial processing Soonicorn. Stage: Public Avendus, Deutsche Bank, Kuwait Investment Authority and 5 Other Investors Analyst’s Pick ChromaDex (1999, Irvine, $3.4M) Discover and develop patented ingredient technologies Editor's Pick. Stage: Public Western Alliance Bancorporation, Hercules Capital, DSM, National Science Foundation Radient Technologies (2001, Edmonton, $2.6M) Develops and markets high-value naturally derived plant extracts Editor's Pick. Stage: Public Aurora Cannabis, Koniag Development Corporation, Afternic and 2 Other Investors Frutarom (1933, Haifa) Traditional company manufacturing flavor and fine ingredients Unicorn. Stage: Acquired Bank Leumi Ingredion (1906, Chicago) Food ingredients manufacturer Unicorn. Stage: Public Analyst’s Pick Lonza (1897, Basel) Company offering a suite of CDMO services to pharma, biotech and specialty ingredient markets Editor's Pick. Stage: Public United States Department of Defense, EDBI Monteloeder (1996, Elche) Provider of nutraceutical ingredients Editor's Pick. Stage: Unfunded Natto Pharma (2004, Oslo) Manufactures patented vitamin k2 ingredient Editor's Pick. Stage: Public
  • 67. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Note: Overall Rating is a combination of Funding and Team rating, along with Execution, Size and Growth metrics 67 Nutraceutical Ingredients: Leaderboard Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Nutraceutical Ingredients #3 Top Markets of Investment Activity Better than Market Average Market: Nutraceutical Ingredients Overall Rating Company Name Foun ded Year Location Stage Funding Team Execution Quality Size Metrics 6M Growth Metrics App Rating App UX Web UX News Web Traffic Rank Social Follow ing Mobile Downl oads # App Revie ws Web Traffic Rank Mobile Downloads Social Following Δ % Δ % Δ % 5.0 Rousselot 1891 Eindhoven Unfunded - - - - 5 7 1.6M 1.4k - - 3M 197% - - 440 46% 5.0 The DuPont Nutrition and Health 1989 Copenhage n Acquired - - - - 3 39 640k 3.5k - - 68k 12% - - 130 4% 5.0 Suntava Purple Corn 2007 Afton Acquired $5.8M - - - 3 - 10M 97 - - - - - - 2 1% 4.9 Arla Food Ingredients 2000 Viby Unfunded - - - - 4 5 1.1M 3.3k - - -820k -47% - - 807 32% 4.9 OptiBiotix Health 2012 York Public - 3 - - 3 59 2.8M 585 - - -3.7M -79% - - 191 47% 4.9 Balchem 1967 New Hampton Public - - - - 3 12 2M 100 - - -2.7M -60% - - 13 15% 4.9 Jennewein Biotech 2005 Rheinbreitb ach Funded - - - - 3 4 4.6M 87 - - - - - - 16 22% 4.8 Solutex 2004 Alcobendas Series A $3M - - - 3 - 10M - - - 12M 132% - - - - 4.8 Taiyo 1946 Minneapoli s Unfunded - - - - 3 2 972k 112 - - - - - - 4 3% 4.8 ChromaDex 1999 Irvine Public $3.4M - - - - 23 710k 2.3k - - -36k -5% - - 33 2% 4.8 Radient Technologies 2001 Edmonton Public $2.6M - - - - 28 2.8M 120 - - 322k 14% - - 9 8% 4.7 Kappa Bioscience 2006 Oslo Unfunded - 4 - - 3 2 2.9M 312 - - - - - - 65 26%
  • 68. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201868 #4 Top Markets of Investment Activity Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Diversified Companies Created 287 | Funded 51 | Total Funding $161M Market: Diversified
  • 69. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201869 Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Diversified #4 Top Markets of Investment Activity Market: Diversified
  • 70. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201870 Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Diversified #4 Top Markets of Investment Activity Better than Market Average Market: Diversified
  • 71. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201871 #5 Top Markets of Investment Activity Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Others Companies Created 260 | Funded 28 | Total Funding $107M Market: Others
  • 72. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201872 Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Others #5 Top Markets of Investment Activity Market: Others
  • 73. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201873 Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Others #5 Top Markets of Investment Activity Better than Market Average Market: Others
  • 74. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201874 #6 Top Markets of Investment Activity Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Health Snack Companies Created 166 | Funded 33 | Total Funding $118M Market: Health Snack
  • 75. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201875 Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Health Snack #6 Top Markets of Investment Activity Market: Health Snack
  • 76. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201876 Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Health Snack #6 Top Markets of Investment Activity Better than Market Average Market: Health Snack
  • 77. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201877 #7 Top Markets of Investment Activity Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Sports Drink Companies Created 33 | Funded 8 | Total Funding $362M Market: Sports Drink
  • 78. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201878 Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Sports Drink #7 Top Markets of Investment Activity Market: Sports Drink
  • 79. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201879 Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Sports Drink #7 Top Markets of Investment Activity Better than Market Average Market: Sports Drink
  • 80. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201880 #8 Top Markets of Investment Activity Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Probiotic Drink Companies Created 24 | Funded 6 | Total Funding $90.6M Market: Probiotic Drink
  • 81. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201881 Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Probiotic Drink #8 Top Markets of Investment Activity Market: Probiotic Drink
  • 82. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201882 Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Probiotic Drink #8 Top Markets of Investment Activity Better than Market Average Market: Probiotic Drink
  • 83. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201883 #9 Top Markets of Investment Activity Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Probiotics Companies Created 76 | Funded 24 | Total Funding $39.1M Market: Probiotics
  • 84. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201884 Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Probiotics #9 Top Markets of Investment Activity Better than Market Average Market: Probiotics
  • 85. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201885 #10 Top Markets of Investment Activity Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Contract Manufacturing Companies Created 224 | Funded 39 | Total Funding $88.6M Market: Contract Manufacturing
  • 86. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201886 Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Contract Manufacturing #10 Top Markets of Investment Activity Market: Contract Manufacturing
  • 87. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201887 Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Contract Manufacturing #10 Top Markets of Investment Activity Better than Market Average Market: Contract Manufacturing
  • 88. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201888 #11 Top Markets of Investment Activity Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Prebiotics Companies Created 17 | Funded 6 | Total Funding $27.3M Market: Prebiotics
  • 89. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201889 Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Prebiotics #11 Top Markets of Investment Activity Better than Market Average Market: Prebiotics
  • 90. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201890 #2 Top Markets of Early Stage Investors Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Vitamins Companies Created 65 | Funded 9 | Total Funding $228M Market: Vitamins
  • 91. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201891 Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Vitamins #2 Top Markets of Early Stage Investors Market: Vitamins
  • 92. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 201892 Nutraceuticals > Market Details > Market: Vitamins #2 Top Markets of Early Stage Investors Better than Market Average Market: Vitamins
  • 93. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Public Companies Contents Feed Summary Investment Trend Market Details Exit Outlook Investors News Appendix 93 Notable Acquisitions Top Acquirers Acqui-hires
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  • 95. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Public companies (1/15) 95 Performance indicators of public companies in Nutraceuticals IPO Date Company Current MCap IPO Mcap Revenue P/E Exchange Ticker Jul 2017 Eagle Health Holdings (2001, Xiamen) Developing and marketing a range of health food products $55.2M $961M 5.87 ASX:EHH Mar 2017 Rapid Nutrition (2001, Coorparoo) Manufactures and exports nutritional products SWX:RAP Feb 2017 Arev Nutrition (2016, Vancouver) Manufactures coconut based health drink products CNSX:ARV Oct 2016 HL Science (2000, Uiwang) Manufactures health supplements $180M $121M $28.5M 26.88 KOSDAQ:239610 Aug 2016 Advanced Enzyme Technologies (1989, Thane) Manufactures enzymes for nutrition, food processing and industrial processing $265M $300M $51.5M 18.78 NSE:ADVENZYM ES May 2016 Bajaj Health (1993, Mumbai) Manufacturer and supplier of Supplements, APIs & Intermediates and formulations $44.8M $17.6M $35.9M 21.81 BOM:539872 Mar 2016 Fredun Group (1987, Mumbai) Pharma group with multiple subsidiaries with focus on generics, herbal products and APIs $16.4M $9M 40.84 BOM:539730 Feb 2016 Ganga Pharmaceuticals (1989, Mumbai) Manufactures natural ingredients based health supplements $8.9M $489k BOM:539680 Jan 2016 Canadian Bioceutical (2014, Toronto) Manufacturing and marketing a range of nutraceuticals and bioceuticals CNSX:BCC Nutraceuticals > Exit Outlook > Public Companies
  • 96. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Public companies (2/15) 96 Performance indicators of public companies in Nutraceuticals IPO Date Company Current MCap IPO Mcap Revenue P/E Exchange Ticker Jul 2015 Medlab (2012, Sydney) Company developing pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals and biologics for treating chronic diseases $67.7M $25.9M $3.4M ASX:MDC Dec 2014 Aroma Celte (2011, Ploufragan) Manufactures health supplements and personal care products EURONEXT:MLA RO Aug 2014 OptiBiotix Health (2012, York) Discovers and develops microbial strains, compounds, and formulations, which modulate the human microbiome $94.7M $9.7M $360k LON:OPTI Jul 2014 Kolmar BNH (2004, Sejong) Offers nutrition supplements and cosmetics $633M $13.7M 18.46 KOSDAQ:200130 Jun 2014 Zivo Bioscience (2014, Keego Harbor) Bioactive compounds from algal strain OTCMKT:ZIVO May 2014 Nutrafuels (2009, Coconut Creek) Manufacturing and marketing oral spray vitamins and supplements $17.5M OTCMKTS:NTFU Mar 2014 Venture Life (2010, Bracknell) Company focused on developing, manufacturing and commercialising products for the ageing population $49.8M $43.8M $17.6M LON:VLG Dec 2013 Mix1 Life (2006, Orlando) Manufacturing and marketing protein shakes MIXX Nov 2013 Mega LifeSciences (1982, Bangkok) Traditional company engaged in manufacturing nutritional & herbal supplements, OTC and ethical products $479M $247M BKK:MEGA Nutraceuticals > Exit Outlook > Public Companies
  • 97. Copyright © 2018, Tracxn Technologies Private Limited. All rights reserved.Feed Report - Nutraceuticals - Oct 2018 Public companies (3/15) 97 Performance indicators of public companies in Nutraceuticals IPO Date Company Current MCap IPO Mcap Revenue P/E Exchange Ticker Aug 2013 Science In Sport (1992, Manly) Manufactures and markets sports nutrition products $63.8M $16.9M $15.1M LON:SIS Dec 2012 Euglena (2005, Tokyo) Developing and marketing microalgae for use in functional foods TYO:2931 Jun 2012 MYOS RENS Technology (2011, Cedar Knolls) Nutritional supplements, functional foods, and therapeutic products $9M $526k NASDAQ:MYOS Jun 2012 Plandai Biotech (2004, Goodyear) Developing bioavailable extracts from live plant materials for use in nutraceuticals OTC:PLPL Dec 2011 Kino Biotech (2010, Singapore) Bio-nutraceutical and cosmeceutical company $16.8M TPE:4154 Dec 2011 Radient Technologies (2001, Edmonton) Develops and markets high-value naturally derived plant extracts $237M $220k CVE:RTI Oct 2011 Burcon (1998, Vancouver) Manufactures plant protein based health drinks $65.9k NASDAQ:BUR May 2011 Game Plan (1999, Henderson) Nutritional supplements manufacturer and distributor. GPLHE May 2011 Pivotal Therapeutics (2010, Vaughan) Canadian, commercial-stage biopharma developing highly-purified prescription Omega 3 Therapy for CVD $263k CNSX:PVO Nutraceuticals > Exit Outlook > Public Companies