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The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch
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For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother’s womb: and
there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs,
which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that able
to receive it, let him receive it.
Matthew 19:12 [kjv]
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The Godhead
- John the Apostle focused, or rather specialized on the deity and the divinity of Christ in his
- The Trinity doctrine is a heresy, and it is hereby proved:
- Psalm 110:1 speaks on the sitting position of Jesus Christ in Heaven placing Christ at the right
hand of God.
- The Lord quoted and interpreted Psalm 110:1 in Matthew 22:41-46, He clarified that the word
LORD in the first count refers to God and the second Lord refers to Christ.
- So according to Psalm 110:1, Christ is sitted at God’s right hand:
What is God’s right hand?
- We should not be ignorant of this that this is The Mystery of The Godhead – 1 Timothy 3:16.
- Other precepts of Scripture which prove that Jesus Christ is sitted at God’s right hand –
Hebrews 1:3, Hebrews 10:12.
Assignment: Find other Scriptures which emphasize that Jesus Christ is sited at God’s right
- The we come to Psalm 16:7-11, mind you – the same book!
- According to the above-mentioned Scripture, Jesus Christ has set God to sit on His right hand.
This then mean that in this case, God is sitted at the right hand of Christ:
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- To prove that it was Jesus Christ speaking in Psalm 16:7-11, we consult Apostle Peter’s
interpretation of the same Scripture in Acts 2:29-36 where He proved that it was Jesus Christ
speaking by the mouth of David [Acts 4:25a].
So, summatively:
Left Right
Psalm 16
Psalm 110
- As shown above, it is not physically possible for Christ to be on God’s right hand, at the same
time, God being on Christ’s right hand.
- So, the words right hand must have a different meaning to God as compared to men’s natural
understanding; ref – Isaiah 55:8-9.
- These men (Apostle Peter and the like) were preaching the Gospel on a strong Scriptural basis
not just speaking about stars and fables.
- The right hand of God speaks of His righteousness.
- Christ on God’s right hand is Christ professing the righteousness of God and God on Christ’s
right hand is God professing Christ’s righteousness.
Warnings when studying the Godhead:
- Apostle John wrote of the position of the Godhead in John 1:1-3 then introduces John the
Baptist in John 1:5-13. After that, God (Christ) manifested in the flesh in John 1:14-18.
Why is John the Baptist a bridge between Word (Christ) in eternity out of time and the
manifestation of Word (Christ) in the flesh?
- This proves that indeed, John the Baptist is the greatest servant of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Christ God
God Christ
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Warning 1:
The Godhead is not like nature | ref – Acts 17:24-31
- Don’t think about right and left as sides when it comes to the subject of the Godhead.
- Theologians ask who Jesus was praying to if he be God. This they think is a viable argument to
prove that Jesus is not God.
- Ignorant they are not to know that God is in the habit of speaking to Himself as shown in
Obadiah 1:1 – it is the Lord God who said He heard a rumour from the LORD.
- Even when God was speaking to Abraham, He was speaking to Himself because these received
not the promise [Hebrews 11:13,39].
Warning 2:
The Godhead should not be thought of naturally | ref – Jude 1:10, 1 Corinthians 2:14
- Nature teaches about the Gospel [Romans 1:20] but it is prohibited to teach about the
- In John 1:1, Word is not referring to the Gospel but to a person as proved in John 1:3.
- Word is a proper noun, it is Jesus Christ’s name before manifestation, in eternity out of time.
- The name Jesus Christ is the name of the Lord at the time of His manifestation in the flesh
(John 1:14) and speaks not to His identity in eternity out of time.
- To say, In the beginning was Jesus Christ is not robbery so long it is done knowledgeably.
- The one who came into this world is not a son of God.
God does not have a son
- The term – son of God – is a manifestational name used by God when He is in a certain office,
in a reduced state so that God can save and relate with His sons.
- In this office, His glorify is reduced.
- In Heaven, there is no son of God, He is one person.
- This message cautiontizes God’s sons not to expect to see God’s son in Heaven.
There is only one True God | ref – Deuteronomy 6:4
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- To learn about the Godhead, we should wean ourselves from the natural father-son
- The father-son relationship does not help us understand the Godhead, but it just shows us the
parameters of operation because the son-office is subordinate and take orders from the Father-
office, that’s why the son-office can pray to the Father-office.
It is one person, one God who occupies both offices – the son-office and the Father-office
- Jesus understood this in the days of His flesh, He understood that He is God but in the inferior
- We see this in the Matthew 19:16-17 account:
- ‘One came’, the Scriptures did not give details of the person who came to the Lord because
emphasis is not to the one who came but the subject in context – what he came to ask.
- The Lord denied the term Good Master because it is only the Father-office which is good, not
the son-office he was in.
We are not saying that Jesus is like God nor that He is equal to God but rather that HE IS THE
- Those who speak of a trinity should then tell where Jesus is seated in Heaven because
according to the Scriptures, there is only one Throne in Heaven | ref – Revelation 22:1-2
- Scriptures which literally prove that Jesus Christ is the One True God – The Acts of the
Apostles 20:28, Isaiah 9:6, Luke 23:39-40, The Acts of the Apostles 7:59.
- Isaiah prophesized and the record is on the 6th verse of the 9th chapter that Christ is from
Everlasting, yet others have his birthday in the Christmas pagan festive.
- In Acts 7:59, Deacon Stephen was calling upon God saying “Lord Jesus …” so the name of God
is Lord Jesus.
His Name:
- Acts 17:59 clarifies John 17:9-11 in showing that the name Jesus Christ belongs to God not the
son of God.
- When then did the Lord first use the name Jesus Christ? – He got it (inherited it) after His
resurrection | ref – Philippians 2:5-9, Hebrews 1:3-4
- The name, Jesus Christ is the more excellent name, and it was first given under Heaven after
His resurrection according to Acts 4:10-12.
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- According to John 17:11, saints are kept in the name of God. Then Jude 1:1 says, the name
Jesus Christ is where saints are preserved so, comparing spiritual things to spiritual, The name
Jesus Christ is the name of God.
- Salvation purposed God to create humanity because He wanted to save part of humanity.
- The son-office was qualified though suffering to inherit the name | ref – Hebrews 2:10-11
- The Father-office did not use the name Jesus Christ in Heaven but rather kept the name in
custody until the son-office overcame death and sin then, He released the name as inheritance.
- He could not use the name in Heaven because Jesus Christ is translated from the Greek –
Iesous Christos which also is from the Hebrew – Yeshua HaMashiach which means, The
Anointed Saviour, in Heaven there is no need of a Saviour.
What of Holy Spirit?
- Holy Spirit is like a currency which the Father and son offices use to operate.
- That is why God is a Spirit (John 4:24), and to relate with Him, one should be in spirit and in
- Holy Spirit is a dimension in which God manifests. Receiving Holy Spirit is receiving access into
the dimension of God alter of the dimension of this world.
Groundwork to THE EUNUCH
- In John 1:5-8, John the Baptist was introduced.
- From John 1:1-8, the Lord was changing dimensions: Word – Creator – Life – Light
- The Lord came out of the Godhead at first to create this world as at John 1:3, Hebrews 11:3
and at that time, He wasn’t there to save sinners.
- At creation, there was no sinner in the world so the Lord could not manifest as Jesus Christ –
Anointed Saviour.
- In John 1:4, the life in Jesus Christ is our light.
Hence, Without Christ = Without Light
- He, the Lord, is Life (John 14:6).
- John the Baptist was not sent to bear witness of Word (the Lord in eternity out of time) but to
witness of the Lord in his John 1:5 form, to witness of Him as Light.
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- In Genesis 1:2, the earth had three problems namely:
▪ Being void
▪ Without form
▪ Darkness
- In dealing with these problems, the Lord addressed the light issue first.
- Men should be there first for the Lord to manifest as the light of men.
- Men were created in darkness (sin) | ref – Romans 5:12, if so:
What then makes John the Baptist different if he is part of the men created in darkness?
- The other questions to be asked are:
Who was John the Baptist in relation to the Light?
Was John the Baptist in darkness when he gave witness for the Light?
- John 5:30 proffers an answer, John the Baptist was a seasonal light witnessing about the Light.
- The Jews sent unto John (John 5:33), in John 1:19.
- The Lord always listens in and gives an ear whenever a person opens his mouth to say
anything about him. He does so to weigh if the witness/testimony is true.
- How blessed John the Baptist was because the Lord certified his work and said his witness and
testimony was true! | ref – John 5:30-
Juxtapose John 1:6-8 to John 5:35
- John was not that Light but he was a burning and shining light so, according to the Scriptures,
John was not in darkness when he did his witnessing, but he was a small light sent to testify of
the True Light.
Assignment: Relate the day 1 light (Genesis 1:3-5) and the day 4 greater and smaller lights
(Genesis 1:14-19).
- Israel was willing for a season to rejoice in John’s light – This means, John was a seasonal light
sent to bear witness for the Unseasonal/Eternal True Light.
- Seasonal in that, the assignment of John was to end at the Lord’s showing to Israel.
Introducing The Eunuch
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Matthew 19:1-12
- The Lord had simply said, No more divorce except on the grounds of fornication YET in verse
10, the disciples concluded that if the conditions were so, it was not good to marry.
- Even the disciples loved Moses when it came to the letter of divorcement.
- In verse 10, the case was not focusing on all men but the man, the man is our Lord Jesus the
Christ | ref – 1 Timothy 2:5
- In verse 5, the Lord quoted from Genesis 2:24.
- The Pharisees were concerned about every men in Israel but the Lord was addressing the man
from Genesis 2:24.
- Ephesians 5:30-32 is Apostle Paul quoting and interpreting Genesis 2:24. He confirmed that
the man is Christ, and the wife is the Church.
- The Pharisees and disciples were talking about their own wives, but the Lord was speaking
about His wife the Church.
- The men of Israel took divorce as a necessity to marriage such that, if they were not allowed
to divorce after marriage, it was better for them not to marry at all.
- If you marry expecting to chicken out later and divorce, you are not a man.
Remember, we are talking about Christ and the Church!
- In verse 11, the Lord changed audience, instead of answering the Pharisees, He started to
address the disciples’ insinuations recorded in verse 10.
- The disciples knew not that their sentiments in verse 10 had a completely different meaning
to the Lord. To the Lord, the disciples were suggesting that He should not marry the Church if
He could not divorce it later.
- The Lord said that Moses had no right to redefine marriage as originally assigned by God in
Genesis 2:24, Moses could not tell the Lord to divorce His Church.
- According to the Lord as put in verse 9, the Lord sited adultery/fornication as the only offense
where divorce can apply.
- 2 Corinthians 11:2 – the Church should be a chaste virgin, if not,
The Lord will reject us at His day!
- Christ will disown you if you a fornicator.
- The question becomes, what other reason did the Pharisees hold as cause to divorce their
wives since they asked, ‘every cause.’
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- Verse 11 is a Disclaimer – This was about Christ and the Church exclusively.
- Idolatry is spiritual adultery, for idolatry, God is willing to disown you.
- God emphasized this by making it the first commandment of the 10 (Decalogue).
- Because, as shown in verse 11, the marriage was to be between the Lord and the Church
exclusively, the disciples having suggested that they will not marry, they could only relate with
the Lord’s wife as eunuchs hence:
The Eunuch
- The term eunuch is not referring to a profession.
- A eunuch is an impotent man in procreation, more rather, his sexuality will have been
manually disabled.
- He is castrated and has no capacity whatsoever to procreate.
- He has zero feelings towards women, a man useless romantically.
The three types of eunuchs:
Class 1: those born eunuchs
Class 2: eunuchs made of men
Class 3: eunuchs who made themselves so for the kingdom of God’s sake
Class 2 eunuchs
- These were mostly palace servants who worked around the Queen and princesses.
- For one to be a palace servant working closer to the Queen, that someone was required by
law to be a eunuch so that the royal house does not suffer scandals and humiliations in the
work of an affair.
Scriptural Demonstration:
- The word chamberlain is a synonym of the word eunuch.
- In Esther 1:10-, we see seven chamberlains interacting with the Queen of the Medo-Persia
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- Queen Vashti was summoned by King Ahasuerus to appear before him naked, only wearing a
- The king sent the seven eunuchs in all confidence; he did not fear that the queen might be
violated because these men were sexually disabled.
- The seven chamberlains were Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, Abagtha, Zethur and Carcas.
Warning: You cannot begin to walk around saying you don’t want to marry so you are a ‘self-
made’ eunuch.
- A eunuch is not a celibate; he is not self-made because this is not a decision-based identity.
- Haggai was the keeper of the virgins from which King Ahasuerus was going to pick a wife
(Esther 2). He was a eunuch; the virgins were safe.
- John the Baptist was a eunuch. The question now is, what type (class) of a eunuch was he?
- The purpose of a eunuch is to work closer to the Queen.
- The Lord in Matthew 19 was talking of His marriage with His Church, the disciples then
volunteered to be eunuchs by saying they won’t marry and because as His servants, they were
to work closer to the Queen – That’s why the Lord introduced the subject of eunuchs.
- If you are a worker in God’s house, you must be a eunuch. You might be a worker at any
capacity, be it you are a Minister, Steward, administrator or helper OR you are a believer
without an official role but when called to serve the Church, do so as a eunuch.
- In Esther 2:1-3, 7-13, Hegai was tasked to facilitate the purification of virgins with oils and
everything necessary for their purification.
- There was also an Ethiopian eunuch who was working for Queen Candace (Acts 8:26-27).
- Those working closer to the Queen had to be eunuchs so that they do not defile the seed
- In Acts 8:32-33, the Ethiopian eunuch was reading from Isaiah 53:7. Contextually, the man he
was reading about appeared to be a eunuch as he was.
- How did the man in Isaiah 53:7-8 appear to be a eunuch:
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- A eunuch cannot father children so, after his death, there was no one left to declare his
- Commoners were not allowed to marry royalty (even in modern royalties) so every commoner
working in the palace especially those closer to the Queen were to be eunuchs.
- In 2 Kings 9:30-34, two or three eunuchs were working for Queen Jezebel.
- These are the same eunuchs who killed Jezebel at the charge of Jehu.
- Jezebel was a prostituting and evil queen who masterminded an end to true worship in Israel.
- You must be a eunuch so that you do not humble the throne by defiling the Queen.
- Ebedmelech was also a Ethiopian eunuch who helped save Prophet Jeremiah when he was
thrown in a pit in Jeremiah 38:7-11.
- From John 3:25-30, we see that John the Baptist worked in close proximity to the Queen (the
Church) so, it was needful that he be a eunuch.
- Becoming a eunuch brought embarrassment to one’s own family even thou it was an honor to
the family royal.
- One’s natural family found it shameful that one decided not to perpetuate their family name
through becoming a eunuch.
- Isaiah 53:7-8 spoke of the humiliation of Jesus and this Ethiopian eunuch of Acts 8 resonated
with it because he was also humiliated.
Isaiah 53 eunuch-like attributes:
Humiliation – “…in his humiliation his judgement was taken away…”
Without descendants – “…who shall declare his generation?”
Death meaning the extinction of a person’s name – “…for his life is taken from the earth…”
- As at Deuteronomy 25:5-, we see that, one of the reasons why people had children was for
the preservation of there names | see also Genesis 38 – the reason why On was killed by God
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- The eunuch is humiliated in that; a man declares his manhood and power through
- At the time of His passion, the Lord had no natural children, so he died as a eunuch so to the
Ethiopian eunuch, Isaiah 53:7-8 appeared to paint an imagery of a eunuch.
The Lord was not a eunuch
- Shown even in Matthew 19 wherein the Lord wanted to marry the Church.
- A eunuch is a seedless man whereas, the Lord is with seed to father children according to
witnesses like Romans 7:4, 1 Peter 1:23-
- So, Matthew 19 from verse 11 is not in respect to the Lord but the disciples, His servants who
were to serve His Wife, His Church.
- A king cannot become a eunuch because he won’t have children, no sons mean no heir to the
throne; so is the same with Lord Jesus, the King of kings.
- John the Baptizer declared himself a fried to the Bridegroom (John chapter 3 around verse
30), this makes him the keeper of the Queen, in the same fashion Hegai was the keeper of the
Is it?
- In John 1:29-31, John the Baptist proves to have had custody of Israel, preparing it for the Lord
her Husband.
- From Luke 1:17, John the Baptist was to make a people prepared for the Lord as did Hegai in
Esther 2:12- who was tasked to prepare virgins to the satisfice of King Ahaserus who would pick
a Queen from them.
- A eunuch is a person with no ulterior motives, without a personal interest towards the Queen.
Actually, a man incapable of any ill intent towards the Queen.
The Scripture comforting all the eunuchs: Esias 56:1-3
- verse 2: Christ is the Sabbath, His Gospel should not be polluted because Christ manifests
Himself to use in word form.
- verse 3: Eunuchs should not think of themselves as dry trees because the Lord will console
- The primary duties of the eunuchs to be in the consolation is:
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 To keep His sabbaths (loving Him = keeping His commandments)
 Please God (in and mostly without convenience – in season, but mostly out of season)
 Take hold of His covenant
- The consolation is, eunuchs will get a place and a name in God.
- God promises to give them eternal life and an eternal reward.
The Life of John the Baptizer as a Eunuch
- At the start (Luke 1:80), John had no life and grew up living in the deserts.
- A desert represents dryness and barrenness, void.
- He wasn’t just in the deserts, but he was a desert himself.
- The Lord actually confirmed John the Baptist’s eunuch-hood in Matthew 11:7- where He
spoke of him as a reed shaken by the wind.
- A reed is a fruitless tiny shrub.
John was a lone reed!
- The Lord reiterated His position in the later verses (15-18) of Matthew 11 where He pointed
out that John the Baptist came neither eating nor drinking.
- The words eating or drinking connotatively have many meanings.
Academic Contradiction:
- Matthew 11:15-18 says John came not eating nor drinking YET Mark 1:5-6 says, John was
eating wild honey. How for?
- This is to point out that the phrase, neither eating nor drinking cannot be taken literally and it
has a different meaning altogether.
- At the basest, the Lord was communicating that John the Baptist had no life.
neither eating nor drinking:
- In 2 Samuel 11:8, David wanted to cover up his misdeeds with Bathsheba, Uriah’s wife. In that
bid, he called for Uriah from the battlefield and sent him to his wife to wash his feet and eat the
mess of meat he gave him, this was a proverbial language to tell him to go and be intimate with
his wife.
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- John also suffered the humiliation of a eunuch when he was called a devil in Matthew 11:18.
Eunuchs do not eat and drink what others do eat and drink!
- Considering Deuteronomy 23:1-, how could one have his privy parts cut of if he be not a
Deuteronomy 23 is the law of the eunuchs
- Based on Deuteronomy 23, eunuchs were not allowed to be in the congregation of the Lord
later on enter into the Sanctuary – one of the reasons why, John the Baptist didn’t wear the
ephod even thou he was an heir to Zacharias the High Priest.
What kind/class of a eunuch was John the Baptist?
Considering Deuteronomy 23, the question then becomes:
How can we (being eunuchs) serve God in the Sanctuary (New Testament Church) when
eunuchs are not allowed to enter the Sanctuary?
- Eunuchs can serve the King of kings buy serving His Church but cannot enter in, defile the
- The NASB (New American Standard Bible) rendering of Deuteronomy 23:1 uses the word
‘emasculated’ which points out to process by which one is made a class 2 eunuch.
- Leviticus 21:10- also re-emphasizes the law of eunuchs.
Apostle Paul was also a eunuch of the class 1 kind.
- He was born so from his mother’s womb.
- This is clarified in 1 Corinthians 7.
- Verses 1-7 tells of the problem of having men who are not eunuchs closer to the Queen. The
Queen is at risk of defilement.
- The full implications of 1 Corinthians 7 are, marriage is a sign that a person cannot contain, is
weak and has been overcome by the need to fornicate.
It is good not to touch a woman!
- Being a eunuch (class 1) is a gift from God.
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- If you do not this gift of God, go ahead and marry least you will embarrass yourself like
catholic priests who end up in sexual offenses.
You cannot make yourself a eunuch. If God did not make your thus, don’t try to make
yourself a eunuch!
- According to verse 24-31, a natural marriage is a very temporal thing passing and vanishing
- Surprisingly, Holy Spirit classifies pleasing one’s own marital spouse (wife or husband) as part
of the things of this world.
- The 1 Corinthians 7 message is not about marriage per say but, it is about service to God
without distraction.
- The only misgiving in 1 Corinthians 7 is, it leaves out the spiritual interpretation and
implication of a eunuch.
- The boy and girl of 1 Corinthians 7 are making a decision to stay unmarried, but they are not
altering their physical anatomy YET, being a eunuch is not decision based but a process-based
- The focus should not be on the natural marriage of men and women but rather, the marriage
of Christ and His Church.
- The Church is a Body comprising of many male and female tabernacles.
John the Baptist was a natural eunuch playing a drama of spiritual eunuchs.
- A eunuch has three main characteristics:
❖ No capacity to steal the Queen’s heart from the King.
❖ No seed (self-made doctrine) in him to defile the Queen.
❖ All his energy is focused on serving the King of kings.
- Servants of God should be eunuched because they are working around the Queen in service to
the King (Revelation 19:9-).
- Its not only about pleasing but attending to the King.
- Only eunuchs are fit to serve the Lord.
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- If you want to know if you be a eunuch or not, OR if you are self-examining to know if you can
serve the Lord or not,
You should say nothing to a person which disrupts and challenges what the Lord has said to
that person. This is a question of Doctrine!
- Because, Jesus is intimate with His Queen through the declaration of the Gospel.
-Do you whisper into Believers’ ears something which is contrary to what has been preached
from the Scriptures?
- Nor give excuses for not serving the Lord. Are eunuchs ever too busy to serve the Lord?
- When King Ahasauras could not sleep and asked for the Book of Chronicles, no one
complained but served at the pleasure of the King.
- In medieval times, when eunuchs died, they were given an honored burial in the palace
- Eunuchs were literally a property of the Throne such that, their natural families could not
request them back.
- A eunuch has no personal feelings towards the Queen as dis Hegai who did not defile the
virgins at Shushan.
Touching the Queen is an offense punishable by death!
- Harman tried to touch Queen Esther’s leg while pleading for his life and by so doing, the Ling
killed him.
Note: Harman did not ask the Queen for any sexual favors, he just touched the leg for crying
out loud!!
- Donald J. Trump once tapped Queen Elizabeth’s should. This became a national
- The Queen should not be touched.
- A eunuch has no personal ideas to implement in the King’s kingdom, he is there to receive
orders and follow through.
We should prostitute ourselves least we are rejected at His day!
- Eunuchs are men of no status ready to be humiliated for the Lord’s sake.
They are preserved in Christ.
- If John the Baptist, the greatest of all Christ’s servants be a eunuch, who are we?
- The sole duty of the Queen is to make sure that the Queen is safe.
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- When called to serve God, no personal issues should be priority!
- If you do not derive meaning from serving the Lord, you are of all men the most miserable (1
Corinthians 15:9).
- People gave themselves up to be eunuchs because of the honor they would receive from the
- Eunuchs were so honored, they needed not book an appointment to commune with the King.
- They abandoned their own lives to be associated with the King’s greatness.
- Eunuchs knew the secrets of the Kingdom. Even scandalous secrets like Amnon raping his
sister Temar.
- When given any responsibility in the Church, you have been given a gold card, an opportunity
to be more closer to the Lord, it is the greatest honor grantable to men | see Psalm 84:10
- Do everything as a eunuch:
Give as a eunuch!
Dance as a eunuch!
Sing as a eunuch!
You cannot become a eunuch without being cut/wounded
- The sword of cutting is the word of our God which the Lord gives through every sermon.
In serving the Lord, you should have a certain disability
- Every sermon should break down your ego, pride, lack of self-control and availability to sin.
- A eunuch has no feelings!
What another child of God does to you should not be enough reason for you to stop serving
the Lord
- Even if that child of God be Apostle T.F Chiwenga!
- Is that person God?
- We have people who have stopped serving the Lord because of uncut members of their flesh.
- John the Baptist, as a eunuch, never preached about himself. So should we | ref – 2
Corinthians 4:5
- He did not even take the bait to fight the Lord in John 3: around verse 30.
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- Eunuchs are the unprofitable servants (Luke 17:10).
- Eunuchs never ask to be consulted when the King decides to do anything with the Queen.
Who are you to be consulted?
Rein in the members of your body
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Sermon Referral:
This sermon is available on Jesus Revelation Ministries YouTube and Sound Accounts.
For more sermons:
➢ YouTube: (Link:
[Jesus Revelation Ministries channel]
➢ Sound Cloud: Apostle T.F Chiwenga
➢ Facebook: Apostle T.F Chiwenga Ministries
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Notes Compilation Addressee:
Brother Tapiwa ‘Nyemba’
The New Testament Church
Jesus Revelation Ministries
South Africa Region
Cape Town Assembly
Contact details [For reviewing and exchange of Notes]:
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The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch
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The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch
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The Godhead Revealed: Jesus Christ is the One True God

  • 1. The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch 1 | P a g e For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that able to receive it, let him receive it. Matthew 19:12 [kjv]
  • 2. The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch 2 | P a g e The Godhead - John the Apostle focused, or rather specialized on the deity and the divinity of Christ in his writing. - The Trinity doctrine is a heresy, and it is hereby proved: - Psalm 110:1 speaks on the sitting position of Jesus Christ in Heaven placing Christ at the right hand of God. - The Lord quoted and interpreted Psalm 110:1 in Matthew 22:41-46, He clarified that the word LORD in the first count refers to God and the second Lord refers to Christ. - So according to Psalm 110:1, Christ is sitted at God’s right hand: What is God’s right hand? - We should not be ignorant of this that this is The Mystery of The Godhead – 1 Timothy 3:16. - Other precepts of Scripture which prove that Jesus Christ is sitted at God’s right hand – Hebrews 1:3, Hebrews 10:12. Assignment: Find other Scriptures which emphasize that Jesus Christ is sited at God’s right hand. - The we come to Psalm 16:7-11, mind you – the same book! - According to the above-mentioned Scripture, Jesus Christ has set God to sit on His right hand. This then mean that in this case, God is sitted at the right hand of Christ: LORD [God] Lord [Christ] Christ [Lord] God [LORD]
  • 3. The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch 3 | P a g e - To prove that it was Jesus Christ speaking in Psalm 16:7-11, we consult Apostle Peter’s interpretation of the same Scripture in Acts 2:29-36 where He proved that it was Jesus Christ speaking by the mouth of David [Acts 4:25a]. So, summatively: Left Right Psalm 16 Psalm 110 - As shown above, it is not physically possible for Christ to be on God’s right hand, at the same time, God being on Christ’s right hand. - So, the words right hand must have a different meaning to God as compared to men’s natural understanding; ref – Isaiah 55:8-9. - These men (Apostle Peter and the like) were preaching the Gospel on a strong Scriptural basis not just speaking about stars and fables. - The right hand of God speaks of His righteousness. - Christ on God’s right hand is Christ professing the righteousness of God and God on Christ’s right hand is God professing Christ’s righteousness. Warnings when studying the Godhead: - Apostle John wrote of the position of the Godhead in John 1:1-3 then introduces John the Baptist in John 1:5-13. After that, God (Christ) manifested in the flesh in John 1:14-18. Why is John the Baptist a bridge between Word (Christ) in eternity out of time and the manifestation of Word (Christ) in the flesh? - This proves that indeed, John the Baptist is the greatest servant of our Lord Jesus Christ. Christ God God Christ
  • 4. The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch 4 | P a g e Warning 1: The Godhead is not like nature | ref – Acts 17:24-31 - Don’t think about right and left as sides when it comes to the subject of the Godhead. - Theologians ask who Jesus was praying to if he be God. This they think is a viable argument to prove that Jesus is not God. - Ignorant they are not to know that God is in the habit of speaking to Himself as shown in Obadiah 1:1 – it is the Lord God who said He heard a rumour from the LORD. - Even when God was speaking to Abraham, He was speaking to Himself because these received not the promise [Hebrews 11:13,39]. Warning 2: The Godhead should not be thought of naturally | ref – Jude 1:10, 1 Corinthians 2:14 - Nature teaches about the Gospel [Romans 1:20] but it is prohibited to teach about the Godhead. - In John 1:1, Word is not referring to the Gospel but to a person as proved in John 1:3. - Word is a proper noun, it is Jesus Christ’s name before manifestation, in eternity out of time. - The name Jesus Christ is the name of the Lord at the time of His manifestation in the flesh (John 1:14) and speaks not to His identity in eternity out of time. - To say, In the beginning was Jesus Christ is not robbery so long it is done knowledgeably. - The one who came into this world is not a son of God. God does not have a son - The term – son of God – is a manifestational name used by God when He is in a certain office, in a reduced state so that God can save and relate with His sons. - In this office, His glorify is reduced. - In Heaven, there is no son of God, He is one person. - This message cautiontizes God’s sons not to expect to see God’s son in Heaven. There is only one True God | ref – Deuteronomy 6:4
  • 5. The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch 5 | P a g e - To learn about the Godhead, we should wean ourselves from the natural father-son relationship. - The father-son relationship does not help us understand the Godhead, but it just shows us the parameters of operation because the son-office is subordinate and take orders from the Father- office, that’s why the son-office can pray to the Father-office. It is one person, one God who occupies both offices – the son-office and the Father-office - Jesus understood this in the days of His flesh, He understood that He is God but in the inferior son-office. - We see this in the Matthew 19:16-17 account: - ‘One came’, the Scriptures did not give details of the person who came to the Lord because emphasis is not to the one who came but the subject in context – what he came to ask. - The Lord denied the term Good Master because it is only the Father-office which is good, not the son-office he was in. We are not saying that Jesus is like God nor that He is equal to God but rather that HE IS THE ONLY TRUE GOD, THE ONE TRUE GOD - Those who speak of a trinity should then tell where Jesus is seated in Heaven because according to the Scriptures, there is only one Throne in Heaven | ref – Revelation 22:1-2 - Scriptures which literally prove that Jesus Christ is the One True God – The Acts of the Apostles 20:28, Isaiah 9:6, Luke 23:39-40, The Acts of the Apostles 7:59. - Isaiah prophesized and the record is on the 6th verse of the 9th chapter that Christ is from Everlasting, yet others have his birthday in the Christmas pagan festive. - In Acts 7:59, Deacon Stephen was calling upon God saying “Lord Jesus …” so the name of God is Lord Jesus. His Name: - Acts 17:59 clarifies John 17:9-11 in showing that the name Jesus Christ belongs to God not the son of God. - When then did the Lord first use the name Jesus Christ? – He got it (inherited it) after His resurrection | ref – Philippians 2:5-9, Hebrews 1:3-4 - The name, Jesus Christ is the more excellent name, and it was first given under Heaven after His resurrection according to Acts 4:10-12.
  • 6. The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch 6 | P a g e - According to John 17:11, saints are kept in the name of God. Then Jude 1:1 says, the name Jesus Christ is where saints are preserved so, comparing spiritual things to spiritual, The name Jesus Christ is the name of God. - Salvation purposed God to create humanity because He wanted to save part of humanity. - The son-office was qualified though suffering to inherit the name | ref – Hebrews 2:10-11 - The Father-office did not use the name Jesus Christ in Heaven but rather kept the name in custody until the son-office overcame death and sin then, He released the name as inheritance. - He could not use the name in Heaven because Jesus Christ is translated from the Greek – Iesous Christos which also is from the Hebrew – Yeshua HaMashiach which means, The Anointed Saviour, in Heaven there is no need of a Saviour. What of Holy Spirit? - Holy Spirit is like a currency which the Father and son offices use to operate. - That is why God is a Spirit (John 4:24), and to relate with Him, one should be in spirit and in truth. - Holy Spirit is a dimension in which God manifests. Receiving Holy Spirit is receiving access into the dimension of God alter of the dimension of this world. Groundwork to THE EUNUCH - In John 1:5-8, John the Baptist was introduced. - From John 1:1-8, the Lord was changing dimensions: Word – Creator – Life – Light - The Lord came out of the Godhead at first to create this world as at John 1:3, Hebrews 11:3 and at that time, He wasn’t there to save sinners. - At creation, there was no sinner in the world so the Lord could not manifest as Jesus Christ – Anointed Saviour. - In John 1:4, the life in Jesus Christ is our light. Hence, Without Christ = Without Light - He, the Lord, is Life (John 14:6). - John the Baptist was not sent to bear witness of Word (the Lord in eternity out of time) but to witness of the Lord in his John 1:5 form, to witness of Him as Light.
  • 7. The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch 7 | P a g e - In Genesis 1:2, the earth had three problems namely: ▪ Being void ▪ Without form ▪ Darkness - In dealing with these problems, the Lord addressed the light issue first. - Men should be there first for the Lord to manifest as the light of men. - Men were created in darkness (sin) | ref – Romans 5:12, if so: What then makes John the Baptist different if he is part of the men created in darkness? - The other questions to be asked are: Who was John the Baptist in relation to the Light? Was John the Baptist in darkness when he gave witness for the Light? - John 5:30 proffers an answer, John the Baptist was a seasonal light witnessing about the Light. - The Jews sent unto John (John 5:33), in John 1:19. - The Lord always listens in and gives an ear whenever a person opens his mouth to say anything about him. He does so to weigh if the witness/testimony is true. - How blessed John the Baptist was because the Lord certified his work and said his witness and testimony was true! | ref – John 5:30- Juxtapose John 1:6-8 to John 5:35 - John was not that Light but he was a burning and shining light so, according to the Scriptures, John was not in darkness when he did his witnessing, but he was a small light sent to testify of the True Light. Assignment: Relate the day 1 light (Genesis 1:3-5) and the day 4 greater and smaller lights (Genesis 1:14-19). - Israel was willing for a season to rejoice in John’s light – This means, John was a seasonal light sent to bear witness for the Unseasonal/Eternal True Light. - Seasonal in that, the assignment of John was to end at the Lord’s showing to Israel. Introducing The Eunuch
  • 8. The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch 8 | P a g e Matthew 19:1-12 - The Lord had simply said, No more divorce except on the grounds of fornication YET in verse 10, the disciples concluded that if the conditions were so, it was not good to marry. - Even the disciples loved Moses when it came to the letter of divorcement. - In verse 10, the case was not focusing on all men but the man, the man is our Lord Jesus the Christ | ref – 1 Timothy 2:5 - In verse 5, the Lord quoted from Genesis 2:24. - The Pharisees were concerned about every men in Israel but the Lord was addressing the man from Genesis 2:24. - Ephesians 5:30-32 is Apostle Paul quoting and interpreting Genesis 2:24. He confirmed that the man is Christ, and the wife is the Church. - The Pharisees and disciples were talking about their own wives, but the Lord was speaking about His wife the Church. - The men of Israel took divorce as a necessity to marriage such that, if they were not allowed to divorce after marriage, it was better for them not to marry at all. - If you marry expecting to chicken out later and divorce, you are not a man. Remember, we are talking about Christ and the Church! - In verse 11, the Lord changed audience, instead of answering the Pharisees, He started to address the disciples’ insinuations recorded in verse 10. - The disciples knew not that their sentiments in verse 10 had a completely different meaning to the Lord. To the Lord, the disciples were suggesting that He should not marry the Church if He could not divorce it later. - The Lord said that Moses had no right to redefine marriage as originally assigned by God in Genesis 2:24, Moses could not tell the Lord to divorce His Church. - According to the Lord as put in verse 9, the Lord sited adultery/fornication as the only offense where divorce can apply. - 2 Corinthians 11:2 – the Church should be a chaste virgin, if not, The Lord will reject us at His day! - Christ will disown you if you a fornicator. - The question becomes, what other reason did the Pharisees hold as cause to divorce their wives since they asked, ‘every cause.’
  • 9. The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch 9 | P a g e - Verse 11 is a Disclaimer – This was about Christ and the Church exclusively. - Idolatry is spiritual adultery, for idolatry, God is willing to disown you. - God emphasized this by making it the first commandment of the 10 (Decalogue). - Because, as shown in verse 11, the marriage was to be between the Lord and the Church exclusively, the disciples having suggested that they will not marry, they could only relate with the Lord’s wife as eunuchs hence: The Eunuch - The term eunuch is not referring to a profession. - A eunuch is an impotent man in procreation, more rather, his sexuality will have been manually disabled. - He is castrated and has no capacity whatsoever to procreate. - He has zero feelings towards women, a man useless romantically. The three types of eunuchs: Class 1: those born eunuchs Class 2: eunuchs made of men Class 3: eunuchs who made themselves so for the kingdom of God’s sake Class 2 eunuchs - These were mostly palace servants who worked around the Queen and princesses. - For one to be a palace servant working closer to the Queen, that someone was required by law to be a eunuch so that the royal house does not suffer scandals and humiliations in the work of an affair. Scriptural Demonstration: - The word chamberlain is a synonym of the word eunuch. - In Esther 1:10-, we see seven chamberlains interacting with the Queen of the Medo-Persia confederacy.
  • 10. The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch 10 | P a g e - Queen Vashti was summoned by King Ahasuerus to appear before him naked, only wearing a crown. - The king sent the seven eunuchs in all confidence; he did not fear that the queen might be violated because these men were sexually disabled. - The seven chamberlains were Mehuman, Biztha, Harbona, Bigtha, Abagtha, Zethur and Carcas. Warning: You cannot begin to walk around saying you don’t want to marry so you are a ‘self- made’ eunuch. - A eunuch is not a celibate; he is not self-made because this is not a decision-based identity. - Haggai was the keeper of the virgins from which King Ahasuerus was going to pick a wife (Esther 2). He was a eunuch; the virgins were safe. - John the Baptist was a eunuch. The question now is, what type (class) of a eunuch was he? - The purpose of a eunuch is to work closer to the Queen. - The Lord in Matthew 19 was talking of His marriage with His Church, the disciples then volunteered to be eunuchs by saying they won’t marry and because as His servants, they were to work closer to the Queen – That’s why the Lord introduced the subject of eunuchs. - If you are a worker in God’s house, you must be a eunuch. You might be a worker at any capacity, be it you are a Minister, Steward, administrator or helper OR you are a believer without an official role but when called to serve the Church, do so as a eunuch. - In Esther 2:1-3, 7-13, Hegai was tasked to facilitate the purification of virgins with oils and everything necessary for their purification. - There was also an Ethiopian eunuch who was working for Queen Candace (Acts 8:26-27). - Those working closer to the Queen had to be eunuchs so that they do not defile the seed royal. - In Acts 8:32-33, the Ethiopian eunuch was reading from Isaiah 53:7. Contextually, the man he was reading about appeared to be a eunuch as he was. - How did the man in Isaiah 53:7-8 appear to be a eunuch:
  • 11. The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch 11 | P a g e - A eunuch cannot father children so, after his death, there was no one left to declare his generation. - Commoners were not allowed to marry royalty (even in modern royalties) so every commoner working in the palace especially those closer to the Queen were to be eunuchs. - In 2 Kings 9:30-34, two or three eunuchs were working for Queen Jezebel. - These are the same eunuchs who killed Jezebel at the charge of Jehu. - Jezebel was a prostituting and evil queen who masterminded an end to true worship in Israel. - You must be a eunuch so that you do not humble the throne by defiling the Queen. - Ebedmelech was also a Ethiopian eunuch who helped save Prophet Jeremiah when he was thrown in a pit in Jeremiah 38:7-11. - From John 3:25-30, we see that John the Baptist worked in close proximity to the Queen (the Church) so, it was needful that he be a eunuch. - Becoming a eunuch brought embarrassment to one’s own family even thou it was an honor to the family royal. - One’s natural family found it shameful that one decided not to perpetuate their family name through becoming a eunuch. - Isaiah 53:7-8 spoke of the humiliation of Jesus and this Ethiopian eunuch of Acts 8 resonated with it because he was also humiliated. Isaiah 53 eunuch-like attributes: Humiliation – “…in his humiliation his judgement was taken away…” Without descendants – “…who shall declare his generation?” Death meaning the extinction of a person’s name – “…for his life is taken from the earth…” - As at Deuteronomy 25:5-, we see that, one of the reasons why people had children was for the preservation of there names | see also Genesis 38 – the reason why On was killed by God
  • 12. The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch 12 | P a g e - The eunuch is humiliated in that; a man declares his manhood and power through childbearing. - At the time of His passion, the Lord had no natural children, so he died as a eunuch so to the Ethiopian eunuch, Isaiah 53:7-8 appeared to paint an imagery of a eunuch. The Lord was not a eunuch - Shown even in Matthew 19 wherein the Lord wanted to marry the Church. - A eunuch is a seedless man whereas, the Lord is with seed to father children according to witnesses like Romans 7:4, 1 Peter 1:23- - So, Matthew 19 from verse 11 is not in respect to the Lord but the disciples, His servants who were to serve His Wife, His Church. - A king cannot become a eunuch because he won’t have children, no sons mean no heir to the throne; so is the same with Lord Jesus, the King of kings. - John the Baptizer declared himself a fried to the Bridegroom (John chapter 3 around verse 30), this makes him the keeper of the Queen, in the same fashion Hegai was the keeper of the women. Is it? - In John 1:29-31, John the Baptist proves to have had custody of Israel, preparing it for the Lord her Husband. - From Luke 1:17, John the Baptist was to make a people prepared for the Lord as did Hegai in Esther 2:12- who was tasked to prepare virgins to the satisfice of King Ahaserus who would pick a Queen from them. - A eunuch is a person with no ulterior motives, without a personal interest towards the Queen. Actually, a man incapable of any ill intent towards the Queen. The Scripture comforting all the eunuchs: Esias 56:1-3 - verse 2: Christ is the Sabbath, His Gospel should not be polluted because Christ manifests Himself to use in word form. - verse 3: Eunuchs should not think of themselves as dry trees because the Lord will console them. - The primary duties of the eunuchs to be in the consolation is:
  • 13. The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch 13 | P a g e  To keep His sabbaths (loving Him = keeping His commandments)  Please God (in and mostly without convenience – in season, but mostly out of season)  Take hold of His covenant - The consolation is, eunuchs will get a place and a name in God. - God promises to give them eternal life and an eternal reward. The Life of John the Baptizer as a Eunuch - At the start (Luke 1:80), John had no life and grew up living in the deserts. - A desert represents dryness and barrenness, void. - He wasn’t just in the deserts, but he was a desert himself. - The Lord actually confirmed John the Baptist’s eunuch-hood in Matthew 11:7- where He spoke of him as a reed shaken by the wind. - A reed is a fruitless tiny shrub. John was a lone reed! - The Lord reiterated His position in the later verses (15-18) of Matthew 11 where He pointed out that John the Baptist came neither eating nor drinking. - The words eating or drinking connotatively have many meanings. Academic Contradiction: - Matthew 11:15-18 says John came not eating nor drinking YET Mark 1:5-6 says, John was eating wild honey. How for? - This is to point out that the phrase, neither eating nor drinking cannot be taken literally and it has a different meaning altogether. - At the basest, the Lord was communicating that John the Baptist had no life. neither eating nor drinking: - In 2 Samuel 11:8, David wanted to cover up his misdeeds with Bathsheba, Uriah’s wife. In that bid, he called for Uriah from the battlefield and sent him to his wife to wash his feet and eat the mess of meat he gave him, this was a proverbial language to tell him to go and be intimate with his wife.
  • 14. The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch 14 | P a g e - John also suffered the humiliation of a eunuch when he was called a devil in Matthew 11:18. Eunuchs do not eat and drink what others do eat and drink! - Considering Deuteronomy 23:1-, how could one have his privy parts cut of if he be not a eunuch? Deuteronomy 23 is the law of the eunuchs - Based on Deuteronomy 23, eunuchs were not allowed to be in the congregation of the Lord later on enter into the Sanctuary – one of the reasons why, John the Baptist didn’t wear the ephod even thou he was an heir to Zacharias the High Priest. What kind/class of a eunuch was John the Baptist? Considering Deuteronomy 23, the question then becomes: How can we (being eunuchs) serve God in the Sanctuary (New Testament Church) when eunuchs are not allowed to enter the Sanctuary? - Eunuchs can serve the King of kings buy serving His Church but cannot enter in, defile the Queen. - The NASB (New American Standard Bible) rendering of Deuteronomy 23:1 uses the word ‘emasculated’ which points out to process by which one is made a class 2 eunuch. - Leviticus 21:10- also re-emphasizes the law of eunuchs. Apostle Paul was also a eunuch of the class 1 kind. - He was born so from his mother’s womb. - This is clarified in 1 Corinthians 7. - Verses 1-7 tells of the problem of having men who are not eunuchs closer to the Queen. The Queen is at risk of defilement. - The full implications of 1 Corinthians 7 are, marriage is a sign that a person cannot contain, is weak and has been overcome by the need to fornicate. It is good not to touch a woman! - Being a eunuch (class 1) is a gift from God.
  • 15. The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch 15 | P a g e - If you do not this gift of God, go ahead and marry least you will embarrass yourself like catholic priests who end up in sexual offenses. You cannot make yourself a eunuch. If God did not make your thus, don’t try to make yourself a eunuch! - According to verse 24-31, a natural marriage is a very temporal thing passing and vanishing away. - Surprisingly, Holy Spirit classifies pleasing one’s own marital spouse (wife or husband) as part of the things of this world. - The 1 Corinthians 7 message is not about marriage per say but, it is about service to God without distraction. - The only misgiving in 1 Corinthians 7 is, it leaves out the spiritual interpretation and implication of a eunuch. - The boy and girl of 1 Corinthians 7 are making a decision to stay unmarried, but they are not altering their physical anatomy YET, being a eunuch is not decision based but a process-based decision. - The focus should not be on the natural marriage of men and women but rather, the marriage of Christ and His Church. - The Church is a Body comprising of many male and female tabernacles. John the Baptist was a natural eunuch playing a drama of spiritual eunuchs. - A eunuch has three main characteristics: ❖ No capacity to steal the Queen’s heart from the King. ❖ No seed (self-made doctrine) in him to defile the Queen. ❖ All his energy is focused on serving the King of kings. - Servants of God should be eunuched because they are working around the Queen in service to the King (Revelation 19:9-). - Its not only about pleasing but attending to the King. - Only eunuchs are fit to serve the Lord.
  • 16. The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch 16 | P a g e - If you want to know if you be a eunuch or not, OR if you are self-examining to know if you can serve the Lord or not, You should say nothing to a person which disrupts and challenges what the Lord has said to that person. This is a question of Doctrine! - Because, Jesus is intimate with His Queen through the declaration of the Gospel. -Do you whisper into Believers’ ears something which is contrary to what has been preached from the Scriptures? - Nor give excuses for not serving the Lord. Are eunuchs ever too busy to serve the Lord? - When King Ahasauras could not sleep and asked for the Book of Chronicles, no one complained but served at the pleasure of the King. - In medieval times, when eunuchs died, they were given an honored burial in the palace cemeteries. - Eunuchs were literally a property of the Throne such that, their natural families could not request them back. - A eunuch has no personal feelings towards the Queen as dis Hegai who did not defile the virgins at Shushan. Touching the Queen is an offense punishable by death! - Harman tried to touch Queen Esther’s leg while pleading for his life and by so doing, the Ling killed him. Note: Harman did not ask the Queen for any sexual favors, he just touched the leg for crying out loud!! - Donald J. Trump once tapped Queen Elizabeth’s should. This became a national embarrassment. - The Queen should not be touched. - A eunuch has no personal ideas to implement in the King’s kingdom, he is there to receive orders and follow through. We should prostitute ourselves least we are rejected at His day! - Eunuchs are men of no status ready to be humiliated for the Lord’s sake. They are preserved in Christ. - If John the Baptist, the greatest of all Christ’s servants be a eunuch, who are we? - The sole duty of the Queen is to make sure that the Queen is safe.
  • 17. The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch 17 | P a g e - When called to serve God, no personal issues should be priority! - If you do not derive meaning from serving the Lord, you are of all men the most miserable (1 Corinthians 15:9). - People gave themselves up to be eunuchs because of the honor they would receive from the King. - Eunuchs were so honored, they needed not book an appointment to commune with the King. - They abandoned their own lives to be associated with the King’s greatness. - Eunuchs knew the secrets of the Kingdom. Even scandalous secrets like Amnon raping his sister Temar. - When given any responsibility in the Church, you have been given a gold card, an opportunity to be more closer to the Lord, it is the greatest honor grantable to men | see Psalm 84:10 - Do everything as a eunuch: Give as a eunuch! Dance as a eunuch! Sing as a eunuch! You cannot become a eunuch without being cut/wounded - The sword of cutting is the word of our God which the Lord gives through every sermon. In serving the Lord, you should have a certain disability - Every sermon should break down your ego, pride, lack of self-control and availability to sin. - A eunuch has no feelings! What another child of God does to you should not be enough reason for you to stop serving the Lord - Even if that child of God be Apostle T.F Chiwenga! - Is that person God? - We have people who have stopped serving the Lord because of uncut members of their flesh. - John the Baptist, as a eunuch, never preached about himself. So should we | ref – 2 Corinthians 4:5 - He did not even take the bait to fight the Lord in John 3: around verse 30.
  • 18. The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch 18 | P a g e - Eunuchs are the unprofitable servants (Luke 17:10). - Eunuchs never ask to be consulted when the King decides to do anything with the Queen. Who are you to be consulted? Rein in the members of your body
  • 19. The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch 19 | P a g e Sermon Referral: This sermon is available on Jesus Revelation Ministries YouTube and Sound Accounts. For more sermons: ➢ YouTube: (Link: [Jesus Revelation Ministries channel] ➢ Sound Cloud: Apostle T.F Chiwenga ➢ Facebook: Apostle T.F Chiwenga Ministries (Link: Have you been pricked unto Salvation?
  • 20. The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch 20 | P a g e Contact:- Website: Mail: WhatsApp: +263 773 005 000 +263 782 500 000 +263 783 000 020 Notes Compilation Addressee: Brother Tapiwa ‘Nyemba’ The New Testament Church Jesus Revelation Ministries South Africa Region Cape Town Assembly Contact details [For reviewing and exchange of Notes]: Email: WhatsApp: +27620749034 There should be a record of these things
  • 21. The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch 21 | P a g e What I have learnt
  • 22. The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch 22 | P a g e What I have learnt
  • 23. The John Series Part 3 E | The Eunuch 23 | P a g e