portraits runaway medical examiner bled to death blood poverty lincoln drive making love cock mentality self=defense give and take bitching control beer equalizer empowerment ex new rules kiss caked with blood self-recrimination betrayal fury deception lies abstract art visceral resignation fear shell-of-the-woman bonds break free disgust glass of wine tension nondescript devoid-of-passion virtual strangers stage make-up tattoo-that-speaks-of-you siamese-twins inner-turmoil outward-expressions bogus call identifying mark tattoos predatory eyes distrustful gopher brass first kill serial killer irish take-for-granted swings-both-ways lover's spat underestimated mentor post-mortem carotid artery lethargic forensics silver bleeding butterfly tattoo driving aggressive green eyes police officer homicide crime scene crosswired novice performance counterproductive harmony partnership partners ariel thea essence fading grasp life yvette thomas capture forever core of life car crash death wound sixty feet below warped humor satisfaction self-denial pleasures of the flesh beast massage sexual distraction penis finish line dormant passion contradictions drive along the road center city hairpin turns philadelphia technically proficient rendering life onto canvas woman portrait life's complexities elusive butterfly awakened passion the philly grind constant failure
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