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David Paterson 
Head of Public Affairs & CSR 
Brewing BBBrrreeewwwiiinnnggg aaaa BBBBeeeetttttttteeeerrrr WWWWoooorrrrlllldddd 
HHHHEEEEIIIINNNNEEEEKKKKEEEENNNN’’’’ssss aaaapppppppprrrrooooaaaacccchhhh ttttoooo ssssuuuussssttttaaaaiiiinnnnaaaabbbbiiiilllliiiittttyyyy
WWWWeeee’’’’rrrreeee tttthhhheeee ffffoooouuuurrrrtttthhhh 
llllaaaarrrrggggeeeesssstttt ppppuuuubbbb ooooppppeeeerrrraaaattttoooorrrr 
wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaarrrroooouuuunnnndddd 1111,,,,111100000000 
MMMMoooorrrreeee tttthhhhaaaannnn 99995555%%%% ooooffff 
oooouuuurrrr bbbbeeeeeeeerrrr ssssoooolllldddd iiiinnnn 
UUUUKKKK iiiissss bbbbrrrreeeewwwweeeedddd iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee 
OOOOuuuurrrr ccccoooommmmmmmmiiiittttmmmmeeeennnntttt ttttoooo ggggrrrroooowwwwiiiinnnngggg aaaa 
rrrreeeessssppppoooonnnnssssiiiibbbblllleeee aaaannnndddd ssssuuuussssttttaaaaiiiinnnnaaaabbbblllleeee bbbbuuuussssiiiinnnneeeessssssss 
hhhhaaaassss bbbbeeeeeeeennnn rrrreeeeccccooooggggnnnniiiisssseeeedddd bbbbyyyy 
BBBBuuuussssiiiinnnneeeessssssss iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee CCCCoooommmmmmmmuuuunnnniiiittttyyyy
Brewing BBBrrreeewwwiiinnnggg aaaa BBBBeeeetttttttteeeerrrr WWWWoooorrrrlllldddd – AAAA bbbbuuuussssiiiinnnneeeessssssss pppprrrriiiioooorrrriiiittttyyyy 
HHHHeeeeaaaalllltttthhhh &&&& SSSSaaaaffffeeeettttyyyy
beers to 
SSSSuuuussssttttaaaaiiiinnnnaaaabbbbiiiilllliiiittttyyyy ==== VVVVaaaalllluuuueeee CCCCrrrreeeeaaaattttiiiioooonnnn
We know the impact of WWWeee kkknnnooowww ttthhheee iiimmmpppaaacccttt ooofff aaaaggggrrrriiiiccccuuuullllttttuuuurrrreeee hhhhaaaassss aaaa 
ssssiiiiggggnnnniiiiffffiiiiccccaaaannnntttt iiiimmmmppppaaaacccctttt oooonnnn oooouuuurrrr ccccaaaarrrrbbbboooonnnn ffffoooooooottttpppprrrriiiinnnntttt 
Source: Carbon Footprint Baseline Model – 2011 data, 23 OpCos, , weighted average, data per 15.10.2012 
Agriculture 8% 
Malting 6% 
Brewing 17% 
Packaging + end of life 31% 
Distribution 9% 
Cooling 29%
Sustainability is integrated SSSuuussstttaaaiiinnnaaabbbiiillliiitttyyy iiisss iiinnnttteeegggrrraaattteeeddd aaaaccccrrrroooossssssss oooouuuurrrr ssssuuuuppppppppllllyyyy 
cccchhhhaaaaiiiinnnn,,,, ffffrrrroooommmm bbbbaaaarrrrlllleeeeyyyy ttttoooo bbbbaaaarrrr 
SSSSmmmmaaaarrrrttttDDDDiiiissssppppeeeennnnsssseeee:::: lllleeeessssssss wwwwaaaasssstttteeee,,,, lllleeeessssssss eeeennnneeeerrrrggggyyyy &&&& tttthhhheeee 
ppppeeeerrrrffffeeeecccctttt cccchhhhiiiilllllllleeeedddd ppppiiiinnnntttt iiiinnnn aaaa GGGGrrrreeeeaaaatttt BBBBrrrriiiittttiiiisssshhhh PPPPuuuubbbb 
• Revolutionised draught dispense 
• Engineering innovation unique to HEINEKEN UK 
• Identified dual waste & quality issue: 
– Up to 90% of energy to cool the cellar is waste, 
and 75% of water 
– Poor hygiene and cleaning standards & lack of 
• SmartDispense: the solution: 
– Less frequent line cleaning saves the average 
pub around 12,000 pints of water 
– Reduces energy use by up to 90%
Sustainability: a commercial SSSuuussstttaaaiiinnnaaabbbiiillliiitttyyy::: aaa cccooommmmmmeeerrrccciiiaaalll ooooppppppppoooorrrrttttuuuunnnniiiittttyyyy 
• Critical that we work together with our 
customers and lessees across our entire supply 
• Paid-for line cleaning service introduces new 
revenue stream for HEINEKEN 
• Critical to sell in cost-saving for publicans as 
well as environmental and quality benefits 
• Differentiator for HEINEKEN in the marketplace: 
passion for quality 
CCCCOOOO2 eeeemmmmiiiissssssssiiiioooonnnnssss 
Tadcaster now home TTTaaadddcccaaasssttteeerrr nnnooowww hhhooommmeee ttttoooo llllaaaarrrrggggeeeesssstttt ssssoooollllaaaarrrr 
iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllllaaaattttiiiioooonnnn aaaatttt aaaannnnyyyy UUUUKKKK bbbbrrrreeeewwwweeeerrrryyyy 
• Investing in renewable energy key to achieving our 2020 target: 
reducing C02 emissions in production by 40% worldwide 
• 4,000 solar panels generating 876 megawatt hours (“MWh”) 
each year, enough to power 185 homes 
• Combined with biogas on site, 8% of site’s energy use will now 
come from renewable sources 
BBBBaaaaBBBBFFFF CCCCoooommmmmmmmiiiittttmmmmeeeennnntttt |||| RRRRaaaaiiiissssiiiinnnngggg FFFFaaaarrrrmmmmiiiinnnngggg SSSSttttaaaannnnddddaaaarrrrddddssss 
Aim for sustainable sourcing of 
• 20% of barley 
• 40% of hops 
• 60% of apples 
50% of main 
raw materials 
2222000011115555 2222000022220000 
BBBBaaaasssseeeedddd oooonnnn MMMMaaaassssssss BBBBaaaallllaaaannnncccceeee PPPPrrrriiiinnnncccciiiipppplllleeee
Our global commitment: OOOuuurrr ggglllooobbbaaalll cccooommmmmmiiitttmmmeeennnttt::: 55550000%%%% ooooffff rrrraaaawwww 
mmmmaaaatttteeeerrrriiiiaaaallllssss ssssoooouuuurrrrcccceeeedddd ssssuuuussssttttaaaaiiiinnnnaaaabbbbllllyyyy bbbbyyyy 2222000022220000 
Our Sustainable OOOuuurrr SSSuuussstttaaaiiinnnaaabbbllleee SSSSoooouuuurrrrcccciiiinnnngggg ssssttttrrrraaaatttteeeeggggyyyy 
DDDDeeeeffffiiiinnnniiiittttiiiioooonnnn |||| SSSSoooouuuurrrrcccceeeedddd ssssuuuussssttttaaaaiiiinnnnaaaabbbbllllyyyy 
- Generally accepted standard for non-segregated supply chains 
- Retain flexibility for appropriate quality blends 
- Keep input cost stable 
- Raise bar for overall farming rather than stimulate development 
of niche market 
DDDDeeeeffffiiiinnnniiiittttiiiioooonnnn |||| SSSSuuuussssttttaaaaiiiinnnnaaaabbbblllleeee VVVVoooolllluuuummmmeeee 
“Any agricultural product in scope of the Sustainable Agriculture program, that has 
been: (1) cultivated in accordance with an approved Code of Practice and (2) has 
been allocated to HNK by our supplier, in accordance with the mass balance 
Approved Codes of Practice 
SAI Principles & Practices -FSA Code of Practice 
3rd party benchmark 
Volume contractually allocated to 
HNK in acc with mass balance 
SAI Principles SSSAAAIII PPPrrriiinnnccciiipppllleeesss &&&& PPPPrrrraaaaccccttttiiiicccceeeessss ((((PPPP&&&&PPPP)))) |||| FFFFaaaarrrrmmmmeeeerrrr SSSSeeeellllffff AAAAsssssssseeeessssssssmmmmeeeennnntttt 
•Food Quality & Safety 
•Rural, Social, 
Economic conditions 
•Working Conditions 
•Soil treatment 
•Water usage and 
depletion avoidance 
•Farmers Income 
•Food Supply 
•Optimisation of 
•Site Selection and 
•Yield, Variety, 
•Planting Material 
•Crop Management 
“Efficient production of safe, high quality agricultural products, in a way 
that protects and improves the natural environment, the social and 
economic conditions of farmers, their employees and local communities, 
and safeguards the health and welfare of all farmed species.”
• All of the barley we use for the beers we 
brew in the UK is grown in the UK 
• As of 2014, 100% of they barley we buy 
from the UK is now Red Tractor certified 
• In the UK, working with our partners, we 
want to take this commitment to 
sustainable supply chain to the next level 
BBBBaaaarrrrlllleeeeyyyy |||| WWWWhhhhaaaatttt wwwweeee’’’’rrrreeee ddddooooiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee UUUUKKKK
AAAApppppppplllleeeessss |||| WWWWhhhhaaaatttt wwwweeee’’’’rrrreeee ddddooooiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee UUUUKKKK 
• We use around 30% of the UK’s apples in our ciders 
• Worked with many of our apple farmers in 
Herefordshire for up to three generations
AAAApppppppplllleeeessss |||| WWWWhhhhaaaatttt wwwweeee’’’’rrrreeee ddddooooiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee UUUUKKKK 
• Orchard Management Programme provides farmers with 
platform to share best practice, advice and guidance 
amongst the apple farmer community, including on 
sustainability issues 
• Annual Golden Apple awards to celebrate examples of 
best practice 
• In 2014, we’ve trialled a self-assessment questionnaire 
based on SAI principles for our farmers to complete 
• Will be rolled out to meet our target to source 60% of 
bittersweet apples sustainably by crop year 2015
The Proof of TTThhheee PPPrrroooooofff ooofff tttthhhheeee PPPPuuuuddddddddiiiinnnngggg............ |||| BBBBeeeesssstttt PPPPrrrraaaaccccttttiiiicccceeee 
Improved soil fertility prevents erosion, i.e. less 
risk of decreasing yield 
French Coopération (Arvalis affiliate): wildflower 
meadows stimulate biodiversity  less risk of diseases 
12% yield 
benefit as a 
result of 
compost as 
SAI standards 
inspired the 
German hop 
farmers to 
define a 
code for 

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Brewing a Better World: HEINEKEN's approach to sustainability

  • 1. David Paterson Head of Public Affairs & CSR HEINEKEN UK 1 Brewing BBBrrreeewwwiiinnnggg aaaa BBBBeeeetttttttteeeerrrr WWWWoooorrrrlllldddd HHHHEEEEIIIINNNNEEEEKKKKEEEENNNN’’’’ssss aaaapppppppprrrrooooaaaacccchhhh ttttoooo ssssuuuussssttttaaaaiiiinnnnaaaabbbbiiiilllliiiittttyyyy
  • 3. AAAAbbbboooouuuutttt HHHHEEEEIIIINNNNEEEEKKKKEEEENNNN UUUUKKKK 3 WWWWeeee’’’’rrrreeee tttthhhheeee ffffoooouuuurrrrtttthhhh llllaaaarrrrggggeeeesssstttt ppppuuuubbbb ooooppppeeeerrrraaaattttoooorrrr wwwwiiiitttthhhh aaaarrrroooouuuunnnndddd 1111,,,,111100000000 ppppuuuubbbbssss MMMMoooorrrreeee tttthhhhaaaannnn 99995555%%%% ooooffff oooouuuurrrr bbbbeeeeeeeerrrr ssssoooolllldddd iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee UUUUKKKK iiiissss bbbbrrrreeeewwwweeeedddd iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee UUUUKKKK OOOOuuuurrrr ccccoooommmmmmmmiiiittttmmmmeeeennnntttt ttttoooo ggggrrrroooowwwwiiiinnnngggg aaaa rrrreeeessssppppoooonnnnssssiiiibbbblllleeee aaaannnndddd ssssuuuussssttttaaaaiiiinnnnaaaabbbblllleeee bbbbuuuussssiiiinnnneeeessssssss hhhhaaaassss bbbbeeeeeeeennnn rrrreeeeccccooooggggnnnniiiisssseeeedddd bbbbyyyy BBBBuuuussssiiiinnnneeeessssssss iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee CCCCoooommmmmmmmuuuunnnniiiittttyyyy
  • 4. Brewing BBBrrreeewwwiiinnnggg aaaa BBBBeeeetttttttteeeerrrr WWWWoooorrrrlllldddd – AAAA bbbbuuuussssiiiinnnneeeessssssss pppprrrriiiioooorrrriiiittttyyyy 4 EEEEnnnneeeerrrrggggyyyy WWWWaaaatttteeeerrrr RRRReeeessssppppoooonnnnssssiiiibbbblllleeee CCCCoooonnnnssssuuuummmmppppttttiiiioooonnnn SSSSoooouuuurrrrcccciiiinnnngggg CCCCoooommmmmmmmuuuunnnniiiittttiiiieeeessss HHHHeeeeaaaalllltttthhhh &&&& SSSSaaaaffffeeeettttyyyy
  • 5. Doing Good Boost IIIImmmmaaaaggggeeee Save CCCCoooosssstttt MMMMiiiittttiiiiggggaaaatttteeee RRRRiiiisssskkkk Retain RRRReeeessssoooouuuurrrrcccceeeessss Licence– to- OOOOppppeeeerrrraaaatttteeee SSSSeeeellllllll oooouuuurrrr beers to mmmmoooorrrreeee consumers SSSSuuuussssttttaaaaiiiinnnnaaaabbbbiiiilllliiiittttyyyy ==== VVVVaaaalllluuuueeee CCCCrrrreeeeaaaattttiiiioooonnnn
  • 6. 6 We know the impact of WWWeee kkknnnooowww ttthhheee iiimmmpppaaacccttt ooofff aaaaggggrrrriiiiccccuuuullllttttuuuurrrreeee hhhhaaaassss aaaa ssssiiiiggggnnnniiiiffffiiiiccccaaaannnntttt iiiimmmmppppaaaacccctttt oooonnnn oooouuuurrrr ccccaaaarrrrbbbboooonnnn ffffoooooooottttpppprrrriiiinnnntttt Source: Carbon Footprint Baseline Model – 2011 data, 23 OpCos, , weighted average, data per 15.10.2012 Legend Agriculture 8% Malting 6% Brewing 17% Packaging + end of life 31% Distribution 9% Cooling 29%
  • 7. Sustainability is integrated SSSuuussstttaaaiiinnnaaabbbiiillliiitttyyy iiisss iiinnnttteeegggrrraaattteeeddd aaaaccccrrrroooossssssss oooouuuurrrr ssssuuuuppppppppllllyyyy cccchhhhaaaaiiiinnnn,,,, ffffrrrroooommmm bbbbaaaarrrrlllleeeeyyyy ttttoooo bbbbaaaarrrr 7
  • 9. SSSSmmmmaaaarrrrttttDDDDiiiissssppppeeeennnnsssseeee:::: lllleeeessssssss wwwwaaaasssstttteeee,,,, lllleeeessssssss eeeennnneeeerrrrggggyyyy &&&& tttthhhheeee ppppeeeerrrrffffeeeecccctttt cccchhhhiiiilllllllleeeedddd ppppiiiinnnntttt iiiinnnn aaaa GGGGrrrreeeeaaaatttt BBBBrrrriiiittttiiiisssshhhh PPPPuuuubbbb 9 • Revolutionised draught dispense • Engineering innovation unique to HEINEKEN UK • Identified dual waste & quality issue: – Up to 90% of energy to cool the cellar is waste, and 75% of water – Poor hygiene and cleaning standards & lack of expertise • SmartDispense: the solution: – Less frequent line cleaning saves the average pub around 12,000 pints of water – Reduces energy use by up to 90%
  • 10. Sustainability: a commercial SSSuuussstttaaaiiinnnaaabbbiiillliiitttyyy::: aaa cccooommmmmmeeerrrccciiiaaalll ooooppppppppoooorrrrttttuuuunnnniiiittttyyyy • Critical that we work together with our customers and lessees across our entire supply chain • Paid-for line cleaning service introduces new revenue stream for HEINEKEN • Critical to sell in cost-saving for publicans as well as environmental and quality benefits • Differentiator for HEINEKEN in the marketplace: passion for quality 10
  • 12. Tadcaster now home TTTaaadddcccaaasssttteeerrr nnnooowww hhhooommmeee ttttoooo llllaaaarrrrggggeeeesssstttt ssssoooollllaaaarrrr iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllllaaaattttiiiioooonnnn aaaatttt aaaannnnyyyy UUUUKKKK bbbbrrrreeeewwwweeeerrrryyyy • Investing in renewable energy key to achieving our 2020 target: reducing C02 emissions in production by 40% worldwide • 4,000 solar panels generating 876 megawatt hours (“MWh”) each year, enough to power 185 homes • Combined with biogas on site, 8% of site’s energy use will now come from renewable sources 12
  • 14. BBBBaaaaBBBBFFFF CCCCoooommmmmmmmiiiittttmmmmeeeennnntttt |||| RRRRaaaaiiiissssiiiinnnngggg FFFFaaaarrrrmmmmiiiinnnngggg SSSSttttaaaannnnddddaaaarrrrddddssss 14 Aim for sustainable sourcing of • 20% of barley • 40% of hops • 60% of apples Minimum 50% of main raw materials supplied 2222000011115555 2222000022220000 BBBBaaaasssseeeedddd oooonnnn MMMMaaaassssssss BBBBaaaallllaaaannnncccceeee PPPPrrrriiiinnnncccciiiipppplllleeee
  • 15. Our global commitment: OOOuuurrr ggglllooobbbaaalll cccooommmmmmiiitttmmmeeennnttt::: 55550000%%%% ooooffff rrrraaaawwww mmmmaaaatttteeeerrrriiiiaaaallllssss ssssoooouuuurrrrcccceeeedddd ssssuuuussssttttaaaaiiiinnnnaaaabbbbllllyyyy bbbbyyyy 2222000022220000 15
  • 16. Our Sustainable OOOuuurrr SSSuuussstttaaaiiinnnaaabbbllleee SSSSoooouuuurrrrcccciiiinnnngggg ssssttttrrrraaaatttteeeeggggyyyy 16
  • 17. 17 DDDDeeeeffffiiiinnnniiiittttiiiioooonnnn |||| SSSSoooouuuurrrrcccceeeedddd ssssuuuussssttttaaaaiiiinnnnaaaabbbbllllyyyy - Generally accepted standard for non-segregated supply chains - Retain flexibility for appropriate quality blends - Keep input cost stable - Raise bar for overall farming rather than stimulate development of niche market RRRRaaaattttiiiioooonnnnaaaalllleeee HHHHEEEEIIIINNNNEEEEKKKKEEEENNNN CCCCllllaaaaiiiimmmm::::
  • 18. DDDDeeeeffffiiiinnnniiiittttiiiioooonnnn |||| SSSSuuuussssttttaaaaiiiinnnnaaaabbbblllleeee VVVVoooolllluuuummmmeeee 18 “Any agricultural product in scope of the Sustainable Agriculture program, that has been: (1) cultivated in accordance with an approved Code of Practice and (2) has been allocated to HNK by our supplier, in accordance with the mass balance approach” Approved Codes of Practice SAI Principles & Practices -FSA Code of Practice 3rd party benchmark Volume contractually allocated to HNK in acc with mass balance approach
  • 19. SAI Principles SSSAAAIII PPPrrriiinnnccciiipppllleeesss &&&& PPPPrrrraaaaccccttttiiiicccceeeessss ((((PPPP&&&&PPPP)))) |||| FFFFaaaarrrrmmmmeeeerrrr SSSSeeeellllffff AAAAsssssssseeeessssssssmmmmeeeennnntttt SOCIETY (PEOPLE) •Food Quality & Safety •Rural, Social, Economic conditions •Working Conditions •Training ENVIRONMENT (PLANET) •Soil treatment •Water usage and depletion avoidance •Biodiversity •Energy ECONOMY (PROFIT) •Farmers Income •Food Supply •Optimisation of Benefits •Diversification FARMING SYSTEMS •Site Selection and Management •Yield, Variety, Fertiliser •Planting Material •Crop Management 19 “Efficient production of safe, high quality agricultural products, in a way that protects and improves the natural environment, the social and economic conditions of farmers, their employees and local communities, and safeguards the health and welfare of all farmed species.”
  • 20. • All of the barley we use for the beers we brew in the UK is grown in the UK • As of 2014, 100% of they barley we buy from the UK is now Red Tractor certified • In the UK, working with our partners, we want to take this commitment to sustainable supply chain to the next level 20 BBBBaaaarrrrlllleeeeyyyy |||| WWWWhhhhaaaatttt wwwweeee’’’’rrrreeee ddddooooiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee UUUUKKKK
  • 21. 21 AAAApppppppplllleeeessss |||| WWWWhhhhaaaatttt wwwweeee’’’’rrrreeee ddddooooiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee UUUUKKKK • We use around 30% of the UK’s apples in our ciders • Worked with many of our apple farmers in Herefordshire for up to three generations
  • 22. 22 AAAApppppppplllleeeessss |||| WWWWhhhhaaaatttt wwwweeee’’’’rrrreeee ddddooooiiiinnnngggg iiiinnnn tttthhhheeee UUUUKKKK • Orchard Management Programme provides farmers with platform to share best practice, advice and guidance amongst the apple farmer community, including on sustainability issues • Annual Golden Apple awards to celebrate examples of best practice • In 2014, we’ve trialled a self-assessment questionnaire based on SAI principles for our farmers to complete • Will be rolled out to meet our target to source 60% of bittersweet apples sustainably by crop year 2015
  • 23. 23 The Proof of TTThhheee PPPrrroooooofff ooofff tttthhhheeee PPPPuuuuddddddddiiiinnnngggg............ |||| BBBBeeeesssstttt PPPPrrrraaaaccccttttiiiicccceeee Improved soil fertility prevents erosion, i.e. less risk of decreasing yield French Coopération (Arvalis affiliate): wildflower meadows stimulate biodiversity less risk of diseases 12% yield increase, £200/acre benefit as a result of compost as natural fertilizer SAI standards inspired the German hop farmers to define a common code for sustainable agriculture.
  • 24. 24