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Event Sourcing
- what could go wrong?
Andrzej Ludwikowski
About me
➔ @aludwikowski
What is Event Sourcing?
Order {
items=[itemA, itemB]
What is Event Sourcing?
Order {
items=[itemA, itemB]
● 9000 BC, Mesopotamian Clay Tablets,
e.g. for market transactions
● 2005, Event Sourcing
“Enterprise applications that use Event Sourcing
are rarer, but I have seen a few applications (or
parts of applications) that use it.”
Why Event Sourcing?
● complete log of every state change
● debugging
● performance
● scalability
Command Service
Query Service
Data access
Commands Queries
ES and CQRS level 1
Command Service
Query Service
Data access
Commands Queries
ES and CQRS level 1
● Entry-level, synchronous & transactional event sourcing
● slick-eventsourcing
ES and CQRS level 1
+ easy to implement
+ easy to reason about
+ 0 eventual consistency
- performance
- scalability
ES and CQRS level 2
Command Service
Query Service
Data access
Commands Queries
ES and CQRS level 2
+/- performance
+/- scalability
- eventual consistency
- increased events DB load
- lags
ES and CQRS level 3
Command Service
Query Service
Data access
Commands Queries
ES and CQRS level 3.1
Command Service
Query Service
Data access
Commands Queries
ES and CQRS level 3.1.1
Command Service
Query Service
Data access
Commands Queries
ES and CQRS level 3.1.1
Command Service
Query Service
Data access
Commands Queries
At-least-once delivery
ES and CQRS level 3.1.1
Command Service
Query Service
Data access
Commands Queries
ES and CQRS level 3.1.1
Command Service
Query Service
Data access
Commands Queries
ES and CQRS level 3.1.1
Command Service
Query Service
Data access
Commands Queries
ES and CQRS level 3.1.1
Command Service
Query Service
Data access
Commands Queries
ES and CQRS level 3.1.1
Command Service
Query Service
Data access
Commands Queries
ES and CQRS level 3.1.1
Command Service
Query Service
Data access
Commands Queries
ES and CQRS level 3.2
Query Service
Data access
Command Service
Command Service
Command Service
ES and CQRS level 3.x
+ performance
+ scalability
- eventual consistency
- complex implementation
ES and CQRS alternatives
● Change Capture Data (CDC) logging instead of message queue?
● message queue instead of DB?
ES implementation?
● custom
● library
● framework
ES from domain perspective
● commands, events, state
● 2 main methods on state
○ process(command: Command): List[Event]
○ apply(event: Event): State
ES from application perspective
● snapshotting
● fail-over
● recover
● debugging
● sharding
● serialization & schema evolution
● concurrency access
● etc.
import javax.persistence.*;
import java.util.List;
public class Issue {
private IssueId id;
private String name;
private IssueStatus status;
@OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.MERGE)
private List<IssueComment> comments;
public void changeStatusTo(IssueStatus newStatus) {
if (this.status == IssueStatus.DONE
&& newStatus == IssueStatus.NEW || this.status == IssueStatus.NEW
&& newStatus == IssueStatus.DONE) {
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Cannot change issue status from %s to %s",
this.status, newStatus));
this.status = newStatus;
import org.axonframework.commandhandling.*
import org.axonframework.eventsourcing.*
@Aggregate(repository = "userAggregateRepository")
public class User {
private UserId userId;
private String passwordHash;
public boolean handle(AuthenticateUserCommand cmd) {
boolean success = this.passwordHash.equals(hashOf(cmd.getPassword()));
if (success) {
apply(new UserAuthenticatedEvent(userId));
return success;
public void on(UserCreatedEvent event) {
this.userId = event.getUserId();
this.passwordHash = event.getPassword();
private String hashOf(char[] password) {
return DigestUtils.sha1(String.valueOf(password));
import akka.Done
import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.*
import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json}
class UserEntity extends PersistentEntity {
override def initialState = None
override def behavior: Behavior = {
case Some(user) => Actions().onReadOnlyCommand[GetUser.type, Option[User]] {
case (GetUser, ctx, state) => ctx.reply(state)
}.onReadOnlyCommand[CreateUser, Done] {
case (CreateUser(name), ctx, state) => ctx.invalidCommand("User already exists")
case None => Actions().onReadOnlyCommand[GetUser.type, Option[User]] {
case (GetUser, ctx, state) => ctx.reply(state)
}.onCommand[CreateUser, Done] {
case (CreateUser(name), ctx, state) => ctx.thenPersist(UserCreated(name))(_ => ctx.reply(Done))
}.onEvent {
case (UserCreated(name), state) => Some(User(name))
ES packaging
import java.time.Instant
import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
final case class User private[domain] (userId: UserId,
createdAt: Instant,
name: String,
email: Email) {
def applyEvent(userEvent: UserEvent): Try[User] = ??? //pattern matching
def process(userCommand: UserCommand): Try[List[UserEvent]] = ??? //pattern matching
object User {
def from(u: UserCreated): User = User(u.userId, u.createdAt,,
ES packaging
● snapshotting
● fail-over
● recover
● debugging
● sharding
● serialization & schema evolution
● concurrency access
● etc.
ES packaging
● domain logic
● domain validation
● 0 framework/library imports
library vs. framework
● Akka Persistence vs. Lagom
Event storage
● file
● Event Store
● MongoDB
● Kafka
● Cassandra
Event storage for Akka Persistence
● file
● Event Store
● MongoDB
● Kafka
● Cassandra
akka-persistence-jdbc trap
val theTag = s"%$tag%"
SELECT "#$ordering", "#$deleted", "#$persistenceId", "#$sequenceNumber",
"#$message", "#$tags"
SELECT * FROM #$theTableName
WHERE "#$tags" LIKE $theTag
AND "#$ordering" > $theOffset
AND "#$ordering" <= $maxOffset
ORDER BY "#$ordering"
WHERE rownum <= $max"""
akka-persistence-jdbc trap
SELECT * FROM events_journal
WHERE tags LIKE ‘%some_tag%’;
Cassandra perfect for ES?
● partitioning by design
● replication by design
● leaderless (no single point of failure)
● optimised for writes (2 nodes = 100 000 tx/s)
● near-linear horizontal scaling
ScyllaDB ?
● Cassandra without JVM
○ same protocol, SSTable compatibility
● C++ and Seastar lib
● 1,000,000 IOPS
● not fully supported by Akka Persistence
Event serialization
● plain text
● binary
○ java serialization
○ Avro
○ Protocol Buffers (Protobuf)
○ Thrift
○ Kryo
Plain text Binary
human-readable deserialization required
Plain text Binary
human-readable deserialization required
problems with precision (JSON IEEE 754) -
Plain text Binary
human-readable deserialization required
problems with precision (JSON IEEE 754) -
storage consumption compress
Plain text Binary
human-readable deserialization required
problems with precision (JSON IEEE 754) -
storage consumption compress
slow fast
Plain text Binary
human-readable deserialization required
problems with precision (JSON IEEE 754) -
storage consumption compress
slow fast
poor schema evolution support full schema evolution support
● java serialization
● Avro
● Protocol Buffers (Protobuf)
● Thrift
● Kryo
● java serialization
● Avro
● Protocol Buffers (Protobuf)
● Thrift
● Kryo
● java serialization
● Avro
● Protocol Buffers (Protobuf)
● Thrift
● Kryo
● java serialization
● Avro
● Protocol Buffers (Protobuf)
● Thrift
● Kryo
Multi-language support
● Avro
○ C, C++, C#, Go, Haskell, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scala
● Protocol Buffers (Protobuf)
○ even more than Avro
Full compatibility
● backward - V2 can read V1
● forward - V2 can read V3
Full compatibility
V1, V2
Schema evolution - full compatibility
Protocol Buffers Avro
Add field + (optional) + (default value)
Remove field + + (default value)
Rename field + + (aliases)
Protobuf schema management
message UserCreatedEvent {
string user_id = 1;
string operation_id = 2;
int64 created_at = 3;
string name = 4;
string email = 5;
package user.application
userId: String,
operationId: String,
createdAt: Long,
name: String,
email: String
Protobuf schema management
package user.domain
userId: UserId,
operationId: OperationId,
createdAt: Instant,
name: String,
email: Email
) extends UserEvent
package user.application
userId: String,
operationId: String,
createdAt: Long,
name: String,
email: String
Protobuf schema management
● def toDomain(event: UserCreatedEvent): UserEvent.UserCreated
● def toSerializable(event: UserEvent.UserCreated): UserCreatedEvent
Protobuf schema management
+ clean domain
- a lot of boilerplate code
Avro schema management
package user.domain
userId: UserId,
operationId: OperationId,
createdAt: Instant,
name: String,
email: Email
) extends UserEvent
"type" : "record",
"name" : "UserCreated",
"namespace" :
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "userId",
"type" : "string" }, {
"name" : "operationId",
"type" : "string" }, {
"name" : "createdAt",
"type" : "long" }, {
"name" : "name",
"type" : "string" }, {
"name" : "email",
"type" : "string"
} ]
Avro deserialization
Bytes Deserialization Object
Reader SchemaWriter Schema
Avro writer schema source
● add schema to the payload
● custom solution
○ schema in /resources
○ schema in external storage (must be fault-tolerant)
● Schema Registry
Avro schema management
package user.domain
userId: UserId,
operationId: OperationId,
createdAt: Instant,
name: String,
email: Email
) extends UserEvent
"type" : "record",
"name" : "UserCreated",
"namespace" :
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "userId",
"type" : "string" }, {
"name" : "operationId",
"type" : "string" }, {
"name" : "createdAt",
"type" : "long" }, {
"name" : "name",
"type" : "string" }, {
"name" : "email",
"type" : "string"
} ]
Protocol Buffers vs. Avro
"type" : "record",
"name" : "UserCreated",
"namespace" :
"fields" : [ {
"name" : "userId",
"type" : "string" }, {
"name" : "operationId",
"type" : "string" }, {
"name" : "createdAt",
"type" : "long" }, {
"name" : "name",
"type" : "string" }, {
"name" : "email",
"type" : "string"
} ]
message UserCreatedEvent {
string user_id = 1;
string operation_id = 2;
int64 created_at = 3;
string name = 4;
string email = 5;
Avro schema management
+ less boilerplate code
+/- clean domain
- reader & writer schema distribution
Memory consumption
Immutable vs. mutable state?
● add/remove ImmutableList 17.496 ops/s
● add/remove TreeMap 2201.731 ops/s
Fixing state
● healing command
Updating all aggregates
User(id)Command(user_id) Event(user_id)Event(user_id)Event(user_id)
Event + seq_noEvent + seq_no
Handling duplicates
Event + seq_no
At-least-once delivery
Broken read model
ad model
ead model
Broken read model
ad model
ead model
read model update + offset
ES and CQRS level 3.2
Query Service
Data access
Command Service
Command Service
Command Service
Cluster = split brain
5 4
Load balancer
Cluster = split brain
5 4
Load balancer
Cluster = split brain
5 4
Load balancer
Cluster = split brain
5 4
Load balancer
Cluster = split brain
5 4
Load balancer
Cluster best practises
● very good monitoring & alerting
● a lot of failover tests
● cluster also on dev/staging
● keep it as small as possible (code base, number of nodes, etc.)
● understand event/state schema evolution
● eventual consistency is your friend
● scaling is complex
● log-based processing mindset
About me
➔ @aludwikowski

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Andrzej Ludwikowski - Event Sourcing - co może pójść nie tak?

  • 1. Event Sourcing - what could go wrong? Andrzej Ludwikowski
  • 2. About me ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ @aludwikowski
  • 3. What is Event Sourcing? DB Order { items=[itemA, itemB] }
  • 4. What is Event Sourcing? DB DB Order { items=[itemA, itemB] } ItemAdded(itemA) ItemAdded(itemC) ItemRemoved(itemC) ItemAdded(itemB)
  • 6. History ● 9000 BC, Mesopotamian Clay Tablets, e.g. for market transactions
  • 7. History ● 2005, Event Sourcing “Enterprise applications that use Event Sourcing are rarer, but I have seen a few applications (or parts of applications) that use it.”
  • 8. Why Event Sourcing? ● complete log of every state change ● debugging ● performance ● scalability
  • 9. ES and CQRS Command Service Domain Events Client Query Service Data access Commands Queries Read modelRead modelRead models
  • 10. ES and CQRS level 1 Command Service Domain Events Client Query Service Data access Commands Queries Read modelRead modelRead models Transaction
  • 11. ES and CQRS level 1 ● Entry-level, synchronous & transactional event sourcing ● slick-eventsourcing
  • 12. ES and CQRS level 1 + easy to implement + easy to reason about + 0 eventual consistency - performance - scalability
  • 13. ES and CQRS level 2 Command Service Domain Events Client Query Service Data access Commands Queries Read modelRead modelRead models Updater Transaction
  • 14. ES and CQRS level 2 +/- performance +/- scalability - eventual consistency - increased events DB load - lags
  • 15. ES and CQRS level 3 Command Service Domain Events Client Query Service Data access Commands Queries Read modelRead modelRead models Updater Transaction event bus
  • 16. ES and CQRS level 3.1 Command Service Domain Events Client Query Service Data access Commands Queries Read modelRead modelRead models Updater event bus Transaction
  • 17. ES and CQRS level 3.1.1 Command Service Domain Events Client Query Service Data access Commands Queries Read modelRead modelRead models Updater event bus Transaction
  • 18. ES and CQRS level 3.1.1 Command Service Domain Events Client Query Service Data access Commands Queries Read modelRead modelRead models Updater event bus Transaction At-least-once delivery
  • 19. ES and CQRS level 3.1.1 Command Service Domain Events Client Query Service Data access Commands Queries Read modelRead modelRead models Updater event bus Transaction
  • 20. ES and CQRS level 3.1.1 Command Service Domain Events Client Query Service Data access Commands Queries Read modelRead modelRead models Updater event bus Transaction
  • 21. ES and CQRS level 3.1.1 Command Service Domain Events Client Query Service Data access Commands Queries Read modelRead modelRead models Updater event bus Transaction
  • 22. ES and CQRS level 3.1.1 Command Service Domain Events Client Query Service Data access Commands Queries Read modelRead modelRead models Updater event bus Transaction
  • 23. ES and CQRS level 3.1.1 Command Service Domain Events Client Query Service Data access Commands Queries Read modelRead modelRead models Updater event bus Transaction
  • 24. ES and CQRS level 3.1.1 Command Service Domain Events Client Query Service Data access Commands Queries Read modelRead modelRead models Updater event bus Transaction ?
  • 25. ES and CQRS level 3.2 Events Client Query Service Data access Commands Queries Read modelRead modelRead models Updater event bus Command Service Domain Command Service Domain Command Service Domain Transaction Sharded Cluster
  • 26. ES and CQRS level 3.x + performance + scalability - eventual consistency - complex implementation
  • 27. ES and CQRS alternatives ● Change Capture Data (CDC) logging instead of message queue? ● message queue instead of DB?
  • 28. ES implementation? ● custom ● library ● framework
  • 29. ES from domain perspective ● commands, events, state ● 2 main methods on state ○ process(command: Command): List[Event] ○ apply(event: Event): State
  • 30. ES from application perspective ● snapshotting ● fail-over ● recover ● debugging ● sharding ● serialization & schema evolution ● concurrency access ● etc.
  • 31. import javax.persistence.*; import java.util.List; @Entity public class Issue { @EmbeddedId private IssueId id; private String name; private IssueStatus status; @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.MERGE) private List<IssueComment> comments; ... public void changeStatusTo(IssueStatus newStatus) { if (this.status == IssueStatus.DONE && newStatus == IssueStatus.NEW || this.status == IssueStatus.NEW && newStatus == IssueStatus.DONE) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Cannot change issue status from %s to %s", this.status, newStatus)); } this.status = newStatus; } ... }
  • 32. import org.axonframework.commandhandling.* import org.axonframework.eventsourcing.* @Aggregate(repository = "userAggregateRepository") public class User { @AggregateIdentifier private UserId userId; private String passwordHash; @CommandHandler public boolean handle(AuthenticateUserCommand cmd) { boolean success = this.passwordHash.equals(hashOf(cmd.getPassword())); if (success) { apply(new UserAuthenticatedEvent(userId)); } return success; } @EventSourcingHandler public void on(UserCreatedEvent event) { this.userId = event.getUserId(); this.passwordHash = event.getPassword(); } private String hashOf(char[] password) { return DigestUtils.sha1(String.valueOf(password)); } }
  • 33. import akka.Done import com.lightbend.lagom.scaladsl.* import play.api.libs.json.{Format, Json} import class UserEntity extends PersistentEntity { override def initialState = None override def behavior: Behavior = { case Some(user) => Actions().onReadOnlyCommand[GetUser.type, Option[User]] { case (GetUser, ctx, state) => ctx.reply(state) }.onReadOnlyCommand[CreateUser, Done] { case (CreateUser(name), ctx, state) => ctx.invalidCommand("User already exists") } case None => Actions().onReadOnlyCommand[GetUser.type, Option[User]] { case (GetUser, ctx, state) => ctx.reply(state) }.onCommand[CreateUser, Done] { case (CreateUser(name), ctx, state) => ctx.thenPersist(UserCreated(name))(_ => ctx.reply(Done)) }.onEvent { case (UserCreated(name), state) => Some(User(name)) } } }
  • 35. import java.time.Instant import* import* import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} final case class User private[domain] (userId: UserId, createdAt: Instant, name: String, email: Email) { def applyEvent(userEvent: UserEvent): Try[User] = ??? //pattern matching def process(userCommand: UserCommand): Try[List[UserEvent]] = ??? //pattern matching } object User { def from(u: UserCreated): User = User(u.userId, u.createdAt,, }
  • 36. ES packaging ● snapshotting ● fail-over ● recover ● debugging ● sharding ● serialization & schema evolution ● concurrency access ● etc.
  • 37. ES packaging ● domain logic ● domain validation ● 0 framework/library imports
  • 38. library vs. framework ● Akka Persistence vs. Lagom
  • 39. Event storage ● file ● RDBMS ● Event Store ● MongoDB ● Kafka ● Cassandra
  • 40. Event storage for Akka Persistence ● file ● RDBMS ● Event Store ● MongoDB ● Kafka ● Cassandra
  • 41. akka-persistence-jdbc trap val theTag = s"%$tag%" sql""" SELECT "#$ordering", "#$deleted", "#$persistenceId", "#$sequenceNumber", "#$message", "#$tags" FROM ( SELECT * FROM #$theTableName WHERE "#$tags" LIKE $theTag AND "#$ordering" > $theOffset AND "#$ordering" <= $maxOffset ORDER BY "#$ordering" ) WHERE rownum <= $max"""
  • 42. akka-persistence-jdbc trap SELECT * FROM events_journal WHERE tags LIKE ‘%some_tag%’;
  • 43. Cassandra perfect for ES? ● partitioning by design ● replication by design ● leaderless (no single point of failure) ● optimised for writes (2 nodes = 100 000 tx/s) ● near-linear horizontal scaling
  • 44. ScyllaDB ? ● Cassandra without JVM ○ same protocol, SSTable compatibility ● C++ and Seastar lib ● 1,000,000 IOPS ● not fully supported by Akka Persistence
  • 45. Event serialization ● plain text ○ JSON ○ XML ○ YAML ● binary ○ java serialization ○ Avro ○ Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) ○ Thrift ○ Kryo
  • 46. Plain text Binary human-readable deserialization required
  • 47. Plain text Binary human-readable deserialization required problems with precision (JSON IEEE 754) -
  • 48. Plain text Binary human-readable deserialization required problems with precision (JSON IEEE 754) - storage consumption compress
  • 49. Plain text Binary human-readable deserialization required problems with precision (JSON IEEE 754) - storage consumption compress slow fast
  • 50. Plain text Binary human-readable deserialization required problems with precision (JSON IEEE 754) - storage consumption compress slow fast poor schema evolution support full schema evolution support
  • 51. Binary ● java serialization ● Avro ● Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) ● Thrift ● Kryo
  • 52. Binary ● java serialization ● Avro ● Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) ● Thrift ● Kryo
  • 53. Binary ● java serialization ● Avro ● Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) ● Thrift ● Kryo
  • 54. Binary ● java serialization ● Avro ● Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) ● Thrift ● Kryo
  • 55. Multi-language support ● Avro ○ C, C++, C#, Go, Haskell, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scala ● Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) ○ even more than Avro
  • 59. ● forward - V2 can read V3 Full compatibility Application Events V1, V2 V2 Application Application V2 V3
  • 60. Schema evolution - full compatibility Protocol Buffers Avro Add field + (optional) + (default value) Remove field + + (default value) Rename field + + (aliases)
  • 61. Protobuf schema management //user-events.proto message UserCreatedEvent { string user_id = 1; string operation_id = 2; int64 created_at = 3; string name = 4; string email = 5; } package user.application UserCreatedEvent( userId: String, operationId: String, createdAt: Long, name: String, email: String )
  • 62. Protobuf schema management package user.domain UserCreated( userId: UserId, operationId: OperationId, createdAt: Instant, name: String, email: Email ) extends UserEvent package user.application UserCreatedEvent( userId: String, operationId: String, createdAt: Long, name: String, email: String )
  • 63. Protobuf schema management ● def toDomain(event: UserCreatedEvent): UserEvent.UserCreated ● def toSerializable(event: UserEvent.UserCreated): UserCreatedEvent
  • 64. Protobuf schema management + clean domain - a lot of boilerplate code
  • 65. Avro schema management package user.domain UserCreated( userId: UserId, operationId: OperationId, createdAt: Instant, name: String, email: Email ) extends UserEvent { "type" : "record", "name" : "UserCreated", "namespace" : "", "fields" : [ { "name" : "userId", "type" : "string" }, { "name" : "operationId", "type" : "string" }, { "name" : "createdAt", "type" : "long" }, { "name" : "name", "type" : "string" }, { "name" : "email", "type" : "string" } ] }
  • 66. Avro deserialization Bytes Deserialization Object Reader SchemaWriter Schema
  • 67. Avro writer schema source ● add schema to the payload ● custom solution ○ schema in /resources ○ schema in external storage (must be fault-tolerant) ● Schema Registry
  • 68. Avro schema management package user.domain UserCreated( userId: UserId, operationId: OperationId, createdAt: Instant, name: String, email: Email ) extends UserEvent { "type" : "record", "name" : "UserCreated", "namespace" : "", "fields" : [ { "name" : "userId", "type" : "string" }, { "name" : "operationId", "type" : "string" }, { "name" : "createdAt", "type" : "long" }, { "name" : "name", "type" : "string" }, { "name" : "email", "type" : "string" } ] }
  • 69. Protocol Buffers vs. Avro { "type" : "record", "name" : "UserCreated", "namespace" : "", "fields" : [ { "name" : "userId", "type" : "string" }, { "name" : "operationId", "type" : "string" }, { "name" : "createdAt", "type" : "long" }, { "name" : "name", "type" : "string" }, { "name" : "email", "type" : "string" } ] } message UserCreatedEvent { string user_id = 1; string operation_id = 2; int64 created_at = 3; string name = 4; string email = 5; }
  • 70. Avro schema management + less boilerplate code +/- clean domain - reader & writer schema distribution
  • 72.
  • 73. Immutable vs. mutable state? ● add/remove ImmutableList 17.496 ops/s ● add/remove TreeMap 2201.731 ops/s
  • 74.
  • 76. Updating all aggregates User(id)Command(user_id) Event(user_id)Event(user_id)Event(user_id)
  • 77. Event + seq_noEvent + seq_no Handling duplicates Events Read modelRead modelRead models Updater event bus Event + seq_no At-least-once delivery
  • 78. Broken read model Events ad model ead model Read models Updater event bus
  • 79. Broken read model Events ad model ead model Read models Updater event bus read model update + offset
  • 80. ES and CQRS level 3.2 Events Client Query Service Data access Commands Queries Read modelRead modelRead models Updater event bus Command Service Domain Command Service Domain Command Service Domain Transaction Sharding Clustering
  • 81. Cluster = split brain 1 5 4 3 Load balancer 2
  • 82. Cluster = split brain 1 5 4 3 Load balancer 2 User(1) Command(1)
  • 83. Cluster = split brain 1 5 4 3 Load balancer 2 User(1)
  • 84. Cluster = split brain 1 5 4 3 Load balancer 2 User(1) Command(1) User(1)
  • 85. Cluster = split brain 1 5 4 3 Load balancer 2 User(1) Command(1) User(1) Command(1)
  • 86. Cluster best practises ● very good monitoring & alerting ● a lot of failover tests ● cluster also on dev/staging ● keep it as small as possible (code base, number of nodes, etc.)
  • 87. Summary ● understand event/state schema evolution ● eventual consistency is your friend ● scaling is complex ● log-based processing mindset
  • 88.
  • 90. About me ➔ ➔ ➔ ➔ @aludwikowski