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Facebook Admin Panel                 4
Add Insights to Your Toolbox         5
Your Insights are Public             6      HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR EDGERANK
                                            THROUGH ENGAGEMENT
Important Metrics to Track           7
What is “Talking About This”         8      Engage with Amazing Content         21
Facebook Stories                     9      Respond to Fans                     22
EdgeRank                             10     Rich Media Posts                   23,24
How to Improve Your EdgeRank        11,12   Showcase Exclusive Content          25
                                            Ask Fans To Tag You           26
FEATURES OF TIMELINE                        Add Your Shows to Facebook          27
                                            Be Active & Proactive               28
Cover Photo                          14
BandPage Banner                      15
Arrange Your Apps                    16
Pinned Posts                         17
Featured Posts                 18           GLOSSARY                           30-33
Design Notes                         19     CONTACT                             34
Whenever you are the Admin of a Page on Facebook, you’ll have access to that Page’s
Admin Panel. From the Admin Panel, you can see all of your Page’s notifications, new
likes, a micro-version of Facebook Insights, and messages to the Page by your fans.

Think of the Admin Panel as your control center, where you can very easily edit key
settings, see what fans are responding to, and how well your Page is currently

You may not realize just how valuable Facebook Insights are. If you plan on posting
regularly, you should check your Insights every week, even if just for 5 minutes.

By doing this, you can see which posts are getting reach, going viral and engagement and
what is resonating with your LikeBase.

LikeBase is a term that we like to use that refers to the portion of your fans who have
specifically Liked your Page, that your posts can now organically reach.

As of April 2012, Facebook now displays some basic Insights of all Pages publicly.
This is important to know for a few reasons:

- Other bands and Facebook users can now check to see if your Page is growing or
  stagnant, as well as metrics like what market you are popular in. That means if you’re
  courting a potential sponsor or manager, or you’re doing a big press push, you’ll want
  to keep your numbers steadily growing and remain active on the Page.

- You can also view other Page’s Insights who have similar fan-bases to see what their
  fans react well to, what city works for them, and which week they got the most
  engagement (And then do some research to see why that week got so many fans
  publishing Stories about them!)

 Facebook Insights provides you many numbers and stats to check out. Depending on
 your goals, you should try to track specific analytics based on your goals.

 However, there are generic metrics that all Pages should track and have a good
 understanding of:

 # of Likes for your Page (LikeBase)
    LikeBase is important as it’s the maximum amount of users who can see your posts directly.

 Demographics that Like your Page
   The better information you have, the more you can tailor your posts to that fan base.

 Engagement (Comments, Likes, Shares) Per Post
    Knowing which posts work and which don’t helps inform you what your fan base responds to and can help
    shape future posts

 Organic Reach & Viral Reach of your Content
    Are most of your post views coming from your LikeBase? Or are most views resulting from a few, well
    connected Superfans sharing your content to their friends? These numbers help shed light on the total
    impact of your posts.


         # of People Talking About This is the number of unique Facebook
         users who have commented, shared, or liked one of your
         posts, tagged your Page in a post/photo, or interacted with your
         Page in some way that has created a “Story” in the past 7 days.

This is a key metric to track, as it is a closest indicator of engagement and potential viral
reach within Facebook.

You can find this number under your cover photo or under your “Likes” Application on
your Page.

 A Facebook Story is basically any action that would involve a
  fan posting content that is connected in some way to your
   For example: If a fan likes or comments on one of your
   posts, likes your Page or RSVPs to an event, or even tags you in
   a photo - they have created a Story about you.

 A Story can be seen by a Facebook User’s friends and on ticker

 Every time a fan creates a Story that involves your Page, you’ll
  see benefits in the reach (viral and organic) of your posts.

 The more users who are producing Stories about you to their
  feed gives you three benefits:
     Improves the amount of impressions
     Improved chances of your post gaining Viral Reach
     Improves your EdgeRank.

Who actually see the posts you send out?

     Facebook doesn’t show your entire LikeBase every update you put out. For
      example, if you have 1,000 fans, on average only 16% (160) of those fans
      will see your Story show up in their news feed.

     Facebook has a advanced system (EdgeRank) that decides in what order and
      how many fans see which posts on their news feeds– this is based on their
      past history with the page, how “viral” the story is, and how new the post is.

     EdgeRank is an algorithm that ranks a post in the Facebook News Feed
      based on several variables, like how often and frequently fans are
      interacting with your Page’s Stories.

     The higher your Edgerank, the more of your fans will see your posts on their
      news feed more often, higher up on the feed, and for longer.


 Look at your Facebook Insights and see which of your posts got the most
  Engagement. Some LikeBases respond better to short, snappy text
  posts, while others expect a more visual experience. Use insights to better
  understand your audience!

 Ask fans to tag photos of you and to RSVP to the shows if they plan on going
  – both actions create Stories that improve your EdgeRank relationship with
  your fans.

 The higher your “# of fans talking about this” metric goes, the better your
  EdgeRank is during that week (at least for those 7 days)


 Set goals – figure out which metric you’d like to improve
  and set your Page’s ideal situation. (for example:” I want to
  raise my Page’s # of fans talking about this by 10% each

 Keep track of your progress using Facebook Insights and be
  flexible if the tactics you’re using aren’t working – adjust
  tactics and try again!


 Cover photos are 851 pixels wide and 315 pixels tall. If you upload an image
  that's smaller than these dimensions, it will get stretched to this larger size.
    Tip: When creating your image, try starting a new file that is 851h x 315w pixels.
         That way you know exactly how it will look live.

 Cover photos come with some restrictions – if you do any of the below items
  Facebook maintains the right to suspend your play by the rules!

     It can’t have price/purchase info (ex: “4.99 CD sale this week!”)
     It can’t have contact info – good places to place this are in your “about
      section” and your BandPage Biography section.
     It can’t have references to Facebook actions (ex: “Like this Page to unlock…”)
     It can’t contain “Calls to Action” (ex: “Click on our new video below!”)

 Your BandPage banner is 810 Pixels wide by up to 360 Pixels in height.

 If you’re using BandPage Plus – you can actually have two banners. One
  banner would be for users have liked your Page and one for users who
  have not yet done so. By doing this, you’ll be able to have a call to action
  in your banner asking fans to like you, but once they have, the messaging
  can then change to whatever else you’d like to advertise.

 The three boxes to the right of your photo can be used to showcase apps
  like BandPage. Any apps that are not in this “Top 3” will have far less
  clicks and usage, so make sure you highlight the apps that are important
  for your fans to interact with.

 Keep in mind that any apps that are no longer in use or broken (with the
  Timeline change) should be removed from the three apps that you’re

Pinned Posts are Page posts that admins have chosen to display prominently at
the top of their Page.

     A Pinned Post always appears in the top left of a Page's timeline and has a
      flag in its top-right corner.

     A post a Page admin pins to the top of their Page will remain there for 7
      days. After that, it’ll return to the date it was posted on the Page’s timeline.

Featured Posts are posts that you want to highlight within your timeline – as users
come to the page, these posts now take up both Timeline Columns and allow you to
show off full panoramic photography.

Adding Featured Posts (by hitting the star button) and Milestones throughout your
Page creates a backstory for your page, and great content for fans to explore.

  When working with creative assets, care should be taken to make sure that you get
  the most bang for your buck. Upon creation of a new design, if you use the below
  sizes you will get a perfectly proportioned picture that will fit perfectly and get the
  most screen real estate.

 Cover Photo                                                                  Profile Picture*
   851 x 315 pixels                                                              180 x 180 pixels

 Images*                                                                      App Image
   404 x 404 pixels                                                              111 x 74 pixels

 Highlighted Post Images & Milestone Images                                   BandPage Banner
   843 x 403 pixels                                                              810 x (upto)360 pixels

*For these shapes, anything above this size is fine as it will scale down and users can click on that image to see the
full size image. As long as it is at –least- this size you’ll get the full real estate on the news feed as possible.

 Fans want to connect with artists they love on a
  personal level. Keep your posts personal and don’t
  overexpose yourself with self promotion. Talk
  about items outside of just your own music.

 Post regularly, at least a few times a week, keeping
  your fans engaged on an ongoing basis.

 Share videos, pictures, and audio while you’re on
  the road or even just hanging out during your day.

 Always try to be authentic in the way you engage
  your fans.

 Great posts will lead to more Engagement
  (Comments, Likes & Shares), which will improve
  your Edgerank and get your posts to be more
  visible on Facebook.

   After you’ve posted something new on your Page, spend time responding to your fans
    in the comments.

   Responding re-engages fans that already commented and increases the likelihood of
    other people commenting and liking. They see that you’re listening and responding
    and will want to be a part of that.

   When Facebook’s Edgerank system sees that your content getting traction shortly after
    it’s posted, it will show that content to more of your Fans, so make sure you encourage
    fans to interact and respond back to posts quickly on new posts

 We’ve found that sending out rich media (like
  pictures, videos & music) gets higher
  engagement, interaction and shares than plain
  text post.

 On some Pages, we’ve found the overall
  difference in engagement was 2-3x higher for
  rich media posts!

 When sending out photos, try to send out images that are
   as close to being a “square” image as possible. This is
   because Facebook only gives you 404x404 pixels of real
   estate, and if your picture is very wide or very long, you’ll
   lose out on the available space you could use.

 Make sure the main idea of the picture is easily conveyed
  to a fan when they’re looking through her news feed.
Videos and Music:

 Send out your tracks with one line or less of messaging and let the music
  or video speak for itself, which will also create listener curiosity that will
  lead them to play the track. Otherwise they may read the description and
  decide to skip over the song without listening, or mentally check out if its
  “too long”. Historically, when paired with rich media, paragraphs get less
  traction, so add just a sentence or two around your media posts.
 Give fans a reason why they should not just read your posts, but
  actually visit your Facebook Page.

 Share exclusive interviews, music, merchandise, photos, art or videos.

 The more times you update your
  Facebook Page with content that can
  only be found there, the more your fans
  will be educated that FB is an important
  part of the full experience.

 Don’t be afraid to have fun and be silly –
  your fans on Facebook want to see the
  real you and don’t want to always talk
  music 100% of the time.
                                                   The Foot. Behind The Scenes –
                                                   Exclusively on their Facebook Page

When a fan tags a photo of you OR tags your page you get 2 important

1.   A Facebook Story is created that shows up in fans’ Facebook feeds and
     their friends’ feeds

2.   Facebook’s EdgeRank algorithm will automatically detect that they’re a
     bigger fan of yours than the average person, and will show more of your
     posts to them more often

 Add (and keep current) your tour
  dates - either via an app like
  BandPage and/or through Facebook

 Add Show Time, Location, and Ticket
  Purchase info – the more fans have
  to hunt, the less chance they’ll buy
  your wares.

 Encourage your fans to RSVP or hit
  “I’m Going” to events – each time
  they do this it increases your
  Edgerank relationship with that fan
  and also helps spread word of the

 The worst thing you can do is let your Page go
  stagnant – make sure that you’re posting at least
  one piece of content per week.

 If you miss a week, don’t try to make up for it by
  posting a week’s worth of Posts at once. Just like in
  real life, if you forgot to say hi to a friend, you
  wouldn’t tell them hi 20 times to make up for the
  last 20 days you haven’t talked to them. You’ll
  weaken your Page’s Edgerank since those posts will
  get less engagement and users will block your posts.
  Simply go back to your regular programming.

 If you plan to no longer use a Page or have moved
  on to a new project – let your fans know where you
  have moved to, give them a couple warnings, and
  then deactivate the page. Last thing you want is for
  someone to go searching, find your out of date and
  incorrect page, and associate that with your

 Admin
    An Admin is anyone who has access to all of the features, settings and can
     post as a Page. This is usually the band members and their managers or
     social media experts.

 Admin Panel
    The Admin Panel is your Page’s main control hub. From the Admin Panel, an
     Admin can change the settings of the page, see messages to the
     Page, check insights, and manage ads.

 EdgeRank
    Pages with high EdgeRank Scores will be more likely to show up in the
     newsfeed than Pages with low EdgeRank Scores. EdgeRank is a black box
     (private) algorithm that Facebook uses, based on Engagement that
     determines the placement of posts by Pages and Users.

 Engagement
    When talking about Posts, the amount of interaction (shares, likes and
     comments) that a post ends up receiving. The higher the better at raising
     your EdgeRank.

 Featured Posts
     Posts that have been selected by an Admin to be displayed over two
      Timeline panels (panoramic) instead of the square space that a typical post

 LikeBase
    The number of users who have “Liked” your Page. The higher this
       number, the more fans who can see your content organically without it being

 Milestones
     Much like Featured Posts (they have the same dimensions), Milestones are
      used to annotate specific items on a timeline. These are used more so for
      actual notable changes (Band added a new member, new album) than status

 Pinned Posts
     Pinned Posts are Posts that an Admin has decided to feature at the top of
      their Page for 7 days. This way, new posts don’t bury whatever campaign that
      they are promoting.

   Reach – The number of unique users who see your Post.

      Organic: Users who saw your Story in a News Feed, ticker or on your Page (whether
       they’ve liked your Page or not)

      Viral: Users who saw your content through a Story published by a friend – this could
       be by their liking your post, sharing your post or taking other actions related to the
       post that created a story that was visible to other users.

   Real Estate
      When talking about Facebook Real Estate, this refers to have much space your
       content has when it is featured. A featured post or Milestone has more Facebook
       Real Estate for instance. An image post that is smaller than 404x404 pixels would
       have much less real estate, as the image would not be stretched and would not use
       all of space allotted to it.

   Story
      Any piece of content generated by a user or a page – when a user creates a Story
       about your Page, that means that they have interacted in some way with your Page
       that has published that interaction and improved the EdgeRank between yourself
       and that Page.

 Superfans
     Not all Likes are created equal – Superfans are the fans who that are
      extremely engaged and use social media heavily. If one fan shares your post to
      their friends and family, a Superfan could share it to 3,000 colleagues.
      Superfans are critical because they are usually the ones who comment/share
      first, and that momentum is important for encouraging your average fan to
      participate, as well as getting your Story into more news feeds.

 # of People Talking About This
     The number of unique Facebook users who have created a Story about your
      page within the last 7 days. This is a key metric to track, as it can give you a
      real pulse on how your page is performing and how much it is being talked
      about. The higher this number is, the better your EdgeRank (theoretically)
      would be.


Please let us know if this was helpful for you and if you would like to see more
articles or demos like this!

Any Questions, Ideas, Thoughts? We’d love to hear them!




                                                                       presented by
                                                                       Matt Conn
                                                                       Dr. of Pages

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How To Use Facebook Timeline As a Musician

  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS GET THE PULSE OF YOUR PAGE Facebook Admin Panel 4 Add Insights to Your Toolbox 5 Your Insights are Public 6 HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR EDGERANK THROUGH ENGAGEMENT Important Metrics to Track 7 What is “Talking About This” 8 Engage with Amazing Content 21 Facebook Stories 9 Respond to Fans 22 EdgeRank 10 Rich Media Posts 23,24 How to Improve Your EdgeRank 11,12 Showcase Exclusive Content 25 Ask Fans To Tag You 26 FEATURES OF TIMELINE Add Your Shows to Facebook 27 Be Active & Proactive 28 Cover Photo 14 BandPage Banner 15 Arrange Your Apps 16 Pinned Posts 17 Featured Posts 18 GLOSSARY 30-33 Design Notes 19 CONTACT 34
  • 4. FACEBOOK ADMIN PANEL Whenever you are the Admin of a Page on Facebook, you’ll have access to that Page’s Admin Panel. From the Admin Panel, you can see all of your Page’s notifications, new likes, a micro-version of Facebook Insights, and messages to the Page by your fans. Think of the Admin Panel as your control center, where you can very easily edit key settings, see what fans are responding to, and how well your Page is currently performing. 4
  • 5. ADD INSIGHTS TO YOUR TOOLBOX You may not realize just how valuable Facebook Insights are. If you plan on posting regularly, you should check your Insights every week, even if just for 5 minutes. By doing this, you can see which posts are getting reach, going viral and engagement and what is resonating with your LikeBase. LikeBase is a term that we like to use that refers to the portion of your fans who have specifically Liked your Page, that your posts can now organically reach. 5
  • 6. YOUR INSIGHTS ARE PUBLIC As of April 2012, Facebook now displays some basic Insights of all Pages publicly. This is important to know for a few reasons: - Other bands and Facebook users can now check to see if your Page is growing or stagnant, as well as metrics like what market you are popular in. That means if you’re courting a potential sponsor or manager, or you’re doing a big press push, you’ll want to keep your numbers steadily growing and remain active on the Page. - You can also view other Page’s Insights who have similar fan-bases to see what their fans react well to, what city works for them, and which week they got the most engagement (And then do some research to see why that week got so many fans publishing Stories about them!) 6
  • 7. IMPORTANT METRICS TO TRACK Facebook Insights provides you many numbers and stats to check out. Depending on your goals, you should try to track specific analytics based on your goals. However, there are generic metrics that all Pages should track and have a good understanding of:  # of Likes for your Page (LikeBase) LikeBase is important as it’s the maximum amount of users who can see your posts directly.  Demographics that Like your Page The better information you have, the more you can tailor your posts to that fan base.  Engagement (Comments, Likes, Shares) Per Post Knowing which posts work and which don’t helps inform you what your fan base responds to and can help shape future posts  Organic Reach & Viral Reach of your Content Are most of your post views coming from your LikeBase? Or are most views resulting from a few, well connected Superfans sharing your content to their friends? These numbers help shed light on the total impact of your posts. 7
  • 8. # OF PEOPLE TALKING ABOUT THIS? # of People Talking About This is the number of unique Facebook users who have commented, shared, or liked one of your posts, tagged your Page in a post/photo, or interacted with your Page in some way that has created a “Story” in the past 7 days. This is a key metric to track, as it is a closest indicator of engagement and potential viral reach within Facebook. You can find this number under your cover photo or under your “Likes” Application on your Page. 8
  • 9. WHAT IS A FACEBOOK STORY?  A Facebook Story is basically any action that would involve a fan posting content that is connected in some way to your Page. For example: If a fan likes or comments on one of your posts, likes your Page or RSVPs to an event, or even tags you in a photo - they have created a Story about you.  A Story can be seen by a Facebook User’s friends and on ticker feeds.  Every time a fan creates a Story that involves your Page, you’ll see benefits in the reach (viral and organic) of your posts.  The more users who are producing Stories about you to their feed gives you three benefits:  Improves the amount of impressions  Improved chances of your post gaining Viral Reach  Improves your EdgeRank. 9
  • 10. EDGERANK Who actually see the posts you send out?  Facebook doesn’t show your entire LikeBase every update you put out. For example, if you have 1,000 fans, on average only 16% (160) of those fans will see your Story show up in their news feed.  Facebook has a advanced system (EdgeRank) that decides in what order and how many fans see which posts on their news feeds– this is based on their past history with the page, how “viral” the story is, and how new the post is.  EdgeRank is an algorithm that ranks a post in the Facebook News Feed based on several variables, like how often and frequently fans are interacting with your Page’s Stories.  The higher your Edgerank, the more of your fans will see your posts on their news feed more often, higher up on the feed, and for longer. 10
  • 11. HOW TO IMPROVE EDGERANK  Look at your Facebook Insights and see which of your posts got the most Engagement. Some LikeBases respond better to short, snappy text posts, while others expect a more visual experience. Use insights to better understand your audience!  Ask fans to tag photos of you and to RSVP to the shows if they plan on going – both actions create Stories that improve your EdgeRank relationship with your fans.  The higher your “# of fans talking about this” metric goes, the better your EdgeRank is during that week (at least for those 7 days) 11
  • 12. HOW TO IMPROVE EDGERANK  Set goals – figure out which metric you’d like to improve and set your Page’s ideal situation. (for example:” I want to raise my Page’s # of fans talking about this by 10% each month”)  Keep track of your progress using Facebook Insights and be flexible if the tactics you’re using aren’t working – adjust tactics and try again! 12
  • 14. COVER PHOTO  Cover photos are 851 pixels wide and 315 pixels tall. If you upload an image that's smaller than these dimensions, it will get stretched to this larger size. Tip: When creating your image, try starting a new file that is 851h x 315w pixels. That way you know exactly how it will look live.  Cover photos come with some restrictions – if you do any of the below items Facebook maintains the right to suspend your play by the rules!  It can’t have price/purchase info (ex: “4.99 CD sale this week!”)  It can’t have contact info – good places to place this are in your “about section” and your BandPage Biography section.  It can’t have references to Facebook actions (ex: “Like this Page to unlock…”)  It can’t contain “Calls to Action” (ex: “Click on our new video below!”) 14
  • 15. BANDPAGE BANNER  Your BandPage banner is 810 Pixels wide by up to 360 Pixels in height.  If you’re using BandPage Plus – you can actually have two banners. One banner would be for users have liked your Page and one for users who have not yet done so. By doing this, you’ll be able to have a call to action in your banner asking fans to like you, but once they have, the messaging can then change to whatever else you’d like to advertise. 15
  • 16. ARRANGE YOUR APPS  The three boxes to the right of your photo can be used to showcase apps like BandPage. Any apps that are not in this “Top 3” will have far less clicks and usage, so make sure you highlight the apps that are important for your fans to interact with.  Keep in mind that any apps that are no longer in use or broken (with the Timeline change) should be removed from the three apps that you’re showcasing. 16
  • 17. PINNED POSTS Pinned Posts are Page posts that admins have chosen to display prominently at the top of their Page.  A Pinned Post always appears in the top left of a Page's timeline and has a flag in its top-right corner.  A post a Page admin pins to the top of their Page will remain there for 7 days. After that, it’ll return to the date it was posted on the Page’s timeline. 17
  • 18. FEATURED POSTS Featured Posts are posts that you want to highlight within your timeline – as users come to the page, these posts now take up both Timeline Columns and allow you to show off full panoramic photography. Adding Featured Posts (by hitting the star button) and Milestones throughout your Page creates a backstory for your page, and great content for fans to explore. 18
  • 19. DESIGN NOTES When working with creative assets, care should be taken to make sure that you get the most bang for your buck. Upon creation of a new design, if you use the below sizes you will get a perfectly proportioned picture that will fit perfectly and get the most screen real estate.  Cover Photo  Profile Picture* 851 x 315 pixels 180 x 180 pixels  Images*  App Image 404 x 404 pixels 111 x 74 pixels  Highlighted Post Images & Milestone Images  BandPage Banner 843 x 403 pixels 810 x (upto)360 pixels *For these shapes, anything above this size is fine as it will scale down and users can click on that image to see the full size image. As long as it is at –least- this size you’ll get the full real estate on the news feed as possible. 19
  • 21. ENGAGE WITH AMAZING CONTENT  Fans want to connect with artists they love on a personal level. Keep your posts personal and don’t overexpose yourself with self promotion. Talk about items outside of just your own music.  Post regularly, at least a few times a week, keeping your fans engaged on an ongoing basis.  Share videos, pictures, and audio while you’re on the road or even just hanging out during your day.  Always try to be authentic in the way you engage your fans.  Great posts will lead to more Engagement (Comments, Likes & Shares), which will improve your Edgerank and get your posts to be more visible on Facebook. 21
  • 22. RESPOND TO FANS  After you’ve posted something new on your Page, spend time responding to your fans in the comments.  Responding re-engages fans that already commented and increases the likelihood of other people commenting and liking. They see that you’re listening and responding and will want to be a part of that.  When Facebook’s Edgerank system sees that your content getting traction shortly after it’s posted, it will show that content to more of your Fans, so make sure you encourage fans to interact and respond back to posts quickly on new posts 22
  • 23. SEND OUT RICH MEDIA  We’ve found that sending out rich media (like pictures, videos & music) gets higher engagement, interaction and shares than plain text post.  On some Pages, we’ve found the overall difference in engagement was 2-3x higher for rich media posts! 23
  • 24. RICH MEDIA TIPS Photos:  When sending out photos, try to send out images that are as close to being a “square” image as possible. This is because Facebook only gives you 404x404 pixels of real estate, and if your picture is very wide or very long, you’ll lose out on the available space you could use.  Make sure the main idea of the picture is easily conveyed to a fan when they’re looking through her news feed. Videos and Music:  Send out your tracks with one line or less of messaging and let the music or video speak for itself, which will also create listener curiosity that will lead them to play the track. Otherwise they may read the description and decide to skip over the song without listening, or mentally check out if its “too long”. Historically, when paired with rich media, paragraphs get less traction, so add just a sentence or two around your media posts. 24
  • 25. SHOWCASE EXCLUSIVE CONTENT  Give fans a reason why they should not just read your posts, but actually visit your Facebook Page.  Share exclusive interviews, music, merchandise, photos, art or videos.  The more times you update your Facebook Page with content that can only be found there, the more your fans will be educated that FB is an important part of the full experience.  Don’t be afraid to have fun and be silly – your fans on Facebook want to see the real you and don’t want to always talk music 100% of the time. The Foot. Behind The Scenes – Exclusively on their Facebook Page 25
  • 26. ASK YOUR FANS TO TAG YOU When a fan tags a photo of you OR tags your page you get 2 important benefits: 1. A Facebook Story is created that shows up in fans’ Facebook feeds and their friends’ feeds 2. Facebook’s EdgeRank algorithm will automatically detect that they’re a bigger fan of yours than the average person, and will show more of your posts to them more often 26
  • 27. ADD YOUR SHOWS TO FACEBOOK  Add (and keep current) your tour dates - either via an app like BandPage and/or through Facebook Events.  Add Show Time, Location, and Ticket Purchase info – the more fans have to hunt, the less chance they’ll buy your wares.  Encourage your fans to RSVP or hit “I’m Going” to events – each time they do this it increases your Edgerank relationship with that fan and also helps spread word of the show. 27
  • 28. BE ACTIVE & PROACTIVE  The worst thing you can do is let your Page go stagnant – make sure that you’re posting at least one piece of content per week.  If you miss a week, don’t try to make up for it by posting a week’s worth of Posts at once. Just like in real life, if you forgot to say hi to a friend, you wouldn’t tell them hi 20 times to make up for the last 20 days you haven’t talked to them. You’ll weaken your Page’s Edgerank since those posts will get less engagement and users will block your posts. Simply go back to your regular programming.  If you plan to no longer use a Page or have moved on to a new project – let your fans know where you have moved to, give them a couple warnings, and then deactivate the page. Last thing you want is for someone to go searching, find your out of date and incorrect page, and associate that with your prescience. 28
  • 30. GLOSSARY  Admin  An Admin is anyone who has access to all of the features, settings and can post as a Page. This is usually the band members and their managers or social media experts.  Admin Panel  The Admin Panel is your Page’s main control hub. From the Admin Panel, an Admin can change the settings of the page, see messages to the Page, check insights, and manage ads.  EdgeRank  Pages with high EdgeRank Scores will be more likely to show up in the newsfeed than Pages with low EdgeRank Scores. EdgeRank is a black box (private) algorithm that Facebook uses, based on Engagement that determines the placement of posts by Pages and Users.  Engagement  When talking about Posts, the amount of interaction (shares, likes and comments) that a post ends up receiving. The higher the better at raising your EdgeRank. 30
  • 31. GLOSSARY  Featured Posts  Posts that have been selected by an Admin to be displayed over two Timeline panels (panoramic) instead of the square space that a typical post occupies  LikeBase  The number of users who have “Liked” your Page. The higher this number, the more fans who can see your content organically without it being shared.  Milestones  Much like Featured Posts (they have the same dimensions), Milestones are used to annotate specific items on a timeline. These are used more so for actual notable changes (Band added a new member, new album) than status updates.  Pinned Posts  Pinned Posts are Posts that an Admin has decided to feature at the top of their Page for 7 days. This way, new posts don’t bury whatever campaign that they are promoting. 31
  • 32. GLOSSARY  Reach – The number of unique users who see your Post.  Organic: Users who saw your Story in a News Feed, ticker or on your Page (whether they’ve liked your Page or not)  Viral: Users who saw your content through a Story published by a friend – this could be by their liking your post, sharing your post or taking other actions related to the post that created a story that was visible to other users.  Real Estate  When talking about Facebook Real Estate, this refers to have much space your content has when it is featured. A featured post or Milestone has more Facebook Real Estate for instance. An image post that is smaller than 404x404 pixels would have much less real estate, as the image would not be stretched and would not use all of space allotted to it.  Story  Any piece of content generated by a user or a page – when a user creates a Story about your Page, that means that they have interacted in some way with your Page that has published that interaction and improved the EdgeRank between yourself and that Page. 32
  • 33.  Superfans  Not all Likes are created equal – Superfans are the fans who that are extremely engaged and use social media heavily. If one fan shares your post to their friends and family, a Superfan could share it to 3,000 colleagues. Superfans are critical because they are usually the ones who comment/share first, and that momentum is important for encouraging your average fan to participate, as well as getting your Story into more news feeds.  # of People Talking About This  The number of unique Facebook users who have created a Story about your page within the last 7 days. This is a key metric to track, as it can give you a real pulse on how your page is performing and how much it is being talked about. The higher this number is, the better your EdgeRank (theoretically) would be. 33
  • 34. THANK YOU FOR READING! Please let us know if this was helpful for you and if you would like to see more articles or demos like this! Any Questions, Ideas, Thoughts? We’d love to hear them! @BandPage /BandPage presented by Matt Conn Dr. of Pages 34