ntcp pharmacokinetics drug development liver function tests liver membrane transporters cellular transport intestinal hepatitis drug drug interactions liver cell cell culture fluorescence dyes drug delivery assay primacyt drug discovery hepatocytes isotopes contract research drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics drug drug interaction study of toxicology drug to drug interaction efflux membrane uptake transporters psc833 cynomolgus monkey toxicology assay toxicology and applied pharmacology drug interaction tool oatp transporters presentation pharmacokinetics profile talinolol oatp mk571 drug interaction studies pharmacokinetics & pharmacodynamics primary human hepatocytes research toxicology stable transfected hepatic oatps ddi asbt oatp1b3 oatp2b1 oatp1b1 slco estrone organic anion transporting polypeptide uptake transporter inhibition mdr1 p-glycoprotein drug transport drug-drug interaction hek293
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