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Department Of public health dentistry
Hormones and it’s Regulation
Hormonal disorders and it’s oral manifestations.
The hypothalamus is the portion of the anterior end of the
diencephalon that lies below the hypothalamic sulcus.
Hypothalamus and pituitary acts as a single unit due to
their structural and functional relationship.
The anterior pituitary is connected with the
hypothalamus through the hypophyseal portal circulation.
This allows the hormones of the
hypothalamus to reach pituitary.
The posterior pituitary is an extension of the
hypothalamus and is mainly formed by
dilated ends of the axons of some
hypothalamic neurones.
This allows the hormones of the
hypothalamus to reach pituitary.
The posterior pituitary is an extension of the
hypothalamus and is mainly formed by
dilated ends of the axons of some
hypothalamic neurones.
Hypothalamic hormones:
hormones Acting on Leading to
GHRH somatotrophs Release of GH.
TRH Thyrotrophs and
Release of TSH and
CRH corticotrophs Release of ACTH
GnRH Gonadotrophs Release of LH and
Somatostatin Somatotrophs,
Inhibition of GH
Inhibition of TSH
Dopamine mammotrophs Inhibition of PRL
Principal hypothalamic regulatory mechanism
Function Afferents from Integrating Areas
Temperature regulation Temperature receptors
in the skin, deep tissues,
cord, hypothalamus,
and other parts of the
Anterior hypothalamus,
response to heat;
posterior hypothalamus,
response to cold
control of:
Catecholamines Limbic areas concerned
with emotion
Dorsal and posterior
Vasopressin Osmoreceptors,
“volume receptors,”
Supraoptic and
paraventricular nuclei
Function Afferents from Integrating Areas
Oxytocin Touch receptors in
breast, uterus, genitalia
Supraoptic and
paraventricular nuclei
Temperature receptors in
Paraventricular nuclei
Limbic system, anterior
pituitary cells sensitive to
circulating blood cortisol
level, suprachiasmatic
nuclei(diurnal rhythm)
Paraventricular nuclei
Follicle stimulating
hormone and lutenizing
hormone via GnRH
Hypothalamic cells
sensitive to estrogens,
eyes, touch receptors
in skin and genitalia of
reflex ovulating species
Preoptic area
Prolactin via PIH and
Touch receptors in
breasts, other unknown
Arcuate nucleus; other
areas (hypothalamus
inhibits secretion)
Growth hormone via
somatostatin and GRH
Unknown receptors Periventricular nucleus.
function Afferents from Integrating areas
thirst Osmoreceptors located
in the organum
vasculosum of the
lamina terminalis.
Lateral superior
hunger Glucostat cells sensitive
to rate of glucose
utilization; leptin
Ventromedial, arcuate,
and paraventricular
nuclei; lateral
Sexual behaviour Cells sensitive to
circulating estrogen and
Anterior ventral
hypothalamus plus, in
the male, piriform
function Afferents from Integrating areas
Defensive reactions Sense organs and
Limbic system and
Control of body rhythms Retina via
The pituitary gland is an endocrine gland, about the size of pea.
Weighing 0.5 grams to 1grams in humans.
It is situated at the base of brain.
Most of the pituitary hormones control other endocrine glands.
Endocrine glands: The gland which have no ducts and pour their
secretions directly into the blood or into the interstitial fluid.
Classical endocrine glands: hormones which act at some distant
site after being carried by blood. e.g. thyroid gland
Paracrine gland: hormones act on adjacent cells. e.g. somatostatin
from islet cells.
Autocrine gland: The secretion of the gland act on the same cell.e.g.
platelet activating factor.
HORMONES: They are the chemicals produced within the body by
some specialised cells and have specific effects on the activity of
certain organs through specific receptors.
 Chemical nature of hormones:
a. Steroid hormones: cortisol, testosterone, esterogen
b. Protein or peptide hormones: insulin, growth hormone, glucagon
 Nature of action:
a. General : thyroxine, insulin.
b. Local : somatostatin.
 According to the receptors through which the hormone acts:
a. Hormones having intracellular receptor: thyroxine, cortisol.
b. Hormones having membrane bound receptors: insulin, glucagon,
 According to solubility of the hormones:
a. Water soluble: peptide hormones.
b. Lipid soluble: thyroid hormones.
Pars distalis: largest hormone
producing cell.
Pars intermedia: poorly
defined in human.
Pars tuberalis: upward
extension to the anterior lobe
and attached to pituitary
Posterior lobe
Infundibular stalk: the stem that
connects the pars nervosa to the base of
Pars nervosa: the
bulk of posterior
Median eminence: this
section of
neurohypophysis is
above the pars tuberalis.
HISTOLOGY: Depending on the staining
property, the cells of anterior pituitary are
classified into two types namely
chromophobe and chromophil cells.
• Chromophobe cell
• 50% of the total cell
• Have granules and stain
• Non seceretory and
precursors of
chromophil cell
• Chromophil cell
• Large number of
granules and darkly
• Staining cells are:
• Acidophilic cells(33%)
• Basophilic cells(15%)
Chromophil cell:
 Acidophil cell:
a. Growth hormone
b. Prolactin
 Basophil cell:
a. Adrenocorticotrophic hormone
b. Thyroid stimulating hormone
c. Follicle stimulating hormone
d. Lutenising hormone (LH in females) or interstial cell
stimulating hormone (ICSH in males)
Presently the pituitary cells are also named as
1. Somatotrophs- growth hormone.
2. Corticotrophs - adrenocorticotrophic
3. Thyrotrophs -thyroid stimulating hormones.
4. Gonadotrophs – follicle stimulating
5. Lactotrophs- secrete prolactin.
 SOURCE: acidophil cell of anterior pituitary.
 CHEMISTRY: single chain polypeptide with
191 amino acids.
Metabolic effects of Growth Hormone:
 Effect of GH on protein metabolism:
Increase the transport of amino acid through cell
membrane and increasing the acceleration of the protein
Increase RNA translation
Increases transcription of DNA or RNA.
Inhibiting the breakdown of cellular protein.
 Effects of GH on fat metabolism:
Causes mobilisation of fatty acids from the
adipose tissues.
 Carbohydrate metabolism:
Decrease in the peripheral utilization of glucose
for the production of energy,
Increase in the deposition of the glycogen in
the cells,
Decrease in the uptake of glucose by the cells.
Effect of growth hormone on bones:
Increase in the protein deposits by chondrocytes
and osteogenic cells.
Increase in the multiplication of osteogenic cells.
Increase in the formation of new bones by
conversion of chondrocytes into osteogenic cells.
Mode of action:
No direct action on bones.
GH stimulates the liver to secrete somatomedin.
Sometimes inspite of the presence of GH
dwarfism occurs due to absence of
It is a polypeptide.
In humans only two types are present :
Insulin like growth factor1, also called somatomedin C
and act on bones and causes growth.
Insulin like growth factor2 acts on the growth of the
Duration of action of the GH.
The action of hormone lasts for 20mins.
But somatomedin binds with plasma protein very
strongly so molecules of it are released slowly.
The action takes about 20hours.
The mode of action of somatomedin is by the
formation of the second messenger called cyclic
Regulation of GH secretion.
Ghrelin is a polypeptide hormone
synthesized by epithelial cells of fundus of
stomach, hypothalamus, pituitary, kidney and
placenta and stimulates somatotrophes
Source of secretion: mammotrophs of anterior
Chemistry: it is a protein with 198 amino acids.
Its secretion is pulsatile i.e. shows no fixed
plasma value.
Effects of Prolactin.
It helps in developement of the mammary glands.
After child birth, PRL helps in initiation and maintenance
of lactation with the help of other hormones.
PRL inhibits synthesis and secretion of GnRH and leads
to ammenorrhoea, in lactating women causes lactational
ammenorhoea and PRL in man leads to impotence.
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone
Source of secretion: Corticotrophs of the anterior
Chemistry: polypeptide with 39 amino acids.
It is secreted in the form of a large precursor molecule
called prepro-opiomelanocortin.
ACTH acts via membrane receptors with production of
Regulation of ACTH.
Functions of ACTH
It causes stimulation of the adrenal cortex and is
also trophic to it.
It acts against stress.
It stimulates secretion of glucocorticoids mainly.
It stimulates melanocytes and lipolysis.
Biological clock
Various phsiological processes in the body show
rhythmical changes.
These rhythmical changes are due to some
mechanism operating like a clock within the body
hence called biological clock.
There is a increased ACTH secretion in the
Circadian rhythm means the change which
occur daily.
It probably operates through the
hypothalamus which gets information about
the night and day from retina through the
retinohypothalamic fibres via the
suprachiasmatic nucleus.
Circadian rhythm means the change which
occur daily.
It probably operates through the
hypothalamus which gets information about
the night and day from retina through the
retinohypothalamic fibres via the
suprachiasmatic nucleus.
Thyroid stimulating hormone.
Source of secretion: From the thyrotrophs of the anterior
pituitary gland.
It is glycoprotein in nature and glycosylation helps in the
stability of the molecule.
It is composed of two subunits: alpha and beta.
Function of TSH.
It stimulates thyroid acinar cells to secrete
thyroid hormones.
It is also trophic to the thyroid gland.
Regulation of TSH.
Hormones of Posterior pituitary.
Antidiuretic hormone(ADH)
Also known as vasopressin.
Source of secretion:
The majority of which is released from the supra-
optic nucleus in the hypothalamus.
Chemistry: polypepetide with 9 amino acids.
Retention and re-absorption of water from distal
convoluted tubule and collecting ducts in the
In absence of ADH, the re-absorption of water does
not occur and dilute urine is excreted and leads to
large amount of water loss through urine.
Regulation of secretion of ADH
Source of secretion:
Paraventricular nucleus.
Supraoptic nucleus in the hypothalamus.
Polypeptide having 9 amino acids.
Oxytocin is one of the few hormones to create a
positive feedback loop.
For example, uterine contractions stimulate the
release of oxytocin from the posterior pituitary,
which, in turn, increases uterine contractions and
this positive feedback loop continues throughout
Action on mammary gland: causes contraction
of myo-epithelial cells and ejection of milk.
This reflex is known as milk down reflex.
Milk Ejection Reflex: when the infant sucks the
touch receptors are carried by the somatic
afferent nerve fibers and reach the ventricular
and supra-optic nucleus of the hypothalami.
Action on mammary gland: causes contraction
of myo-epithelial cells and ejection of milk.
This reflex is known as milk down reflex.
Milk Ejection Reflex: when the infant sucks the
touch receptors are carried by the somatic
afferent nerve fibers and reach the ventricular
and supra-optic nucleus of the hypothalami.
Action of oxytocin on uterus
On pregnant uterus: it causes contraction of the
uterus and helps in the expulsion of foetus.
Non-pregnant uterus: facilitate the transport of
sperm through the female genital tract up to the
fallopian tube by producing the uterine
Disorders of pituitary gland.
Due to HYPERACTIVITY of Anterior pituitary:
a. Gigantism
b. Acromegaly
c. Cushing syndrome
Due to Hypoactive Anterior pituitary:
a. Dwarfism
b. Acromicria
c. Simmonds disease or pituitary cachexia
Due to hypoactive posterior pituitary:
a. Diabetes insipidus
Due to hyperactive posterior pituitary:
a. Syndrome of inappropriate hypersecretion of
Due to hypoactive anterior and posterior
a. Dystrophia adiposogenitalis or frolich’s
Gigantism :
The person affected grows big like a giant and
hence the name of condition gigantism.
CAUSE: due to excessive secretion of growth
hormone before the union of the epiphyses of
the long bones.
The individual grows to a height of 7 to 8ft.
Gigantism :
The person affected grows big like a giant and
hence the name of condition gigantism.
CAUSE: due to excessive secretion of growth
hormone before the union of the epiphyses of
the long bones.
The individual grows to a height of 7 to 8ft.
Oral manifestations of gigantism:
Enlarged maxilla and mandible.
Marked increase in the vertical dimension of
Large size of teeth (macrodontia ) and early
eruption of teeth.
Macroglossia and hypercemetosis of teeth.
Oral manifestations of gigantism:
Enlarged maxilla and mandible.
Marked increase in the vertical dimension of
Large size of teeth (macrodontia ) and early
eruption of teeth.
Macroglossia and hypercemetosis of teeth.
This condition is due to hyperseretion of GH in
adults after fusion of epiphysis with shaft of the
This condition is due to hyperseretion of GH in
adults after fusion of epiphysis with shaft of the
Oral manifestations of acromegaly:
The striking facial features are:
Protrusion of the supraorbital ridges,
Broadening of nose,
Thickening of lips,
Thickening and wrinkles formation on forehead and
protrusion of lower jaw prognathism. Thus face with
these features are called acromegalic or guerilla face.
Oral manifestations of acromegaly:
The striking facial features are:
Protrusion of the supraorbital ridges,
Broadening of nose,
Thickening of lips,
Thickening and wrinkles formation on forehead and
protrusion of lower jaw prognathism. Thus face with
these features are called acromegalic or guerilla face.
Enlargement of the hands and feet with
bowing of spine called KYPHOSIS.
Joint pain,
General overgrowth of the body hair.
Thyroid gland, parathyroid gland and
adrenal glands show hyperactivity.
Enlargement of the hands and feet with
bowing of spine called KYPHOSIS.
Joint pain,
General overgrowth of the body hair.
Thyroid gland, parathyroid gland and
adrenal glands show hyperactivity.
Cushing’s disease:
characterised by increased secretion
of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from
the anterior pituitary .
Cushing’s disease:
characterised by increased secretion
of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from
the anterior pituitary .
Clinical features of cushing’s disease:
Persistent hyperglycemia,
Increased capillary fragility resulting in
ecchymosis, easy brusiability,
Severe osteoporosis leads to pathological bone
fracture under low impact trauma. The bones
commonly affected are maxilla , mandible and
alveolar bone.
Abnormal fat deposition in the orofacial region
produces puffy and bilateral edematous swelling-
Abnormal fat deposition on the neck- buffalo hump.
Decreased immunity.
Due to suppression of inflammatory response,
people with cushing’s disease show few sign’s of
inflammation and also demonstrate poor wound
healing and this includes healing of EXTRACTION
Abnormal fat deposition in the orofacial region
produces puffy and bilateral edematous swelling-
Abnormal fat deposition on the neck- buffalo hump.
Decreased immunity.
Due to suppression of inflammatory response,
people with cushing’s disease show few sign’s of
inflammation and also demonstrate poor wound
healing and this includes healing of EXTRACTION
It results due to growth hormone defeciency in
infancy or early childhood.
It results due to growth hormone defeciency in
infancy or early childhood.
Oral manifestations:
Small face in comparison to the skull.
Delayed exfoliation of deciduos teeth.
Delayed eruption of permanent teeth.
Underdevelopement of maxilla and mandible.
Lack of development of third molars.
PANHYPOPITUITARISM: Due to hypofunction of
pituitary as a whole.
These cases respond well to treatement by growth
LARON SYNDROME: disorder characterized by
an insensitivity to growth hormone (GH), usually
caused by a mutant growth hormone receptor.
It causes short stature and an increased sensitivity
to insulin which means that they are less likely to
develop diabetes mellitus type 2.
PANHYPOPITUITARISM: Due to hypofunction of
pituitary as a whole.
These cases respond well to treatement by growth
LARON SYNDROME: disorder characterized by
an insensitivity to growth hormone (GH), usually
caused by a mutant growth hormone receptor.
It causes short stature and an increased sensitivity
to insulin which means that they are less likely to
develop diabetes mellitus type 2.
Dwarfism due to ACHONDROPLASIA:
This condition results due to failure of the
epiphyseal plates to grow due to genetic defects.
The subject is short in height due to decreased
length of the extremities but is other wise
Dwarfism due to ACHONDROPLASIA:
This condition results due to failure of the
epiphyseal plates to grow due to genetic defects.
The subject is short in height due to decreased
length of the extremities but is other wise
Rare disease in adult characterised by the atrophy of the extremities of
the body
Cause: defeciency of GH realeasing hormone from adults.
Atrophy and degeneration of acidophilic cells in the anterior pituitary.
Clinical manifestations:
Atrophy and thinning of extremities.
The facial bones, especially sphenoid and mandibular, are also
Rare disease in adult characterised by the atrophy of the extremities of
the body
Cause: defeciency of GH realeasing hormone from adults.
Atrophy and degeneration of acidophilic cells in the anterior pituitary.
Clinical manifestations:
Atrophy and thinning of extremities.
The facial bones, especially sphenoid and mandibular, are also
Simmonds disease:
Also called pituitary cachexia.
Cause: due to defeciency of all pituitary
Syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone(SIADH)
Cause: commonly results from malignancies resulting in
damage to the hypothalamus or pituitary which causes
failure of the feedback loop that regulates ADH.
Signs and symptoms:
Lethargy and weakness,
Confusion ,
Cerbral edema,
Muscle cramps,
Decreased urine output.
• The following laboratory tests may be helpful in the
diagnosis of SIADH:
• Serum sodium, potassium, chloride, and bicarbonate.
• Plasma osmolality.
• Serum creatinine.
• Blood urea nitrogen.
• Blood glucose.
• Urine osmolality.
• Serum uric acid.
• Serum cortisol.
CAUSE: can occur with damage to the
hypothalamus or the pituitary.
May be a result of defect in renal tubules do not
respond to ADH.
Diagnostic tests:
Serum sodium
Urine specific gravity
Serum osmolality
Urine osmolality
Vasopressin test and water deprivation test:
increased hyperosmolality is diagnostic for
Hand schuller christian disease’s one of the
Fröhlich's syndrome
Fröhlich's syndrome, also called Adiposogenital
Dystrophy, rare childhood metabolic disorder
characterized by obesity, growth retardation, and
retarded development of the genital organs.
It is usually associated with tumours of the
hypothalamus, causing increased appetite and
depressed secretion of gonadotropin.
The endocrine system is responsible for hormonal secretion and
is closely related to the central nervous system, as it diversifies
its functions through the hypothalamus and pituitary glands.
It controls physiological processes and maintains homeostasis.
The neuroendocrine system is responsible for adaptation to
environmental changes.
Therefore, in dentistry, it is important to be aware of the risks
and difficulties that may arise during the dental management of
patients with endocrine disorders, and that visits to the dental
clinics often represent a stressful situation
Guyton. Textbook of physiology: 4th edition.
Sembulingam 19th edition.
Mahapatra: Essentials of medical physiology.
Ganong’s: Review of medical physiology.
Shafer’s: Text book of oral pathology.

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The Hypothalamus-Pituitary Axis: Regulating Hormone Secretion

  • 2. Contents: Introduction Hypothalamus Pituitary Parts Histology Hormones and it’s Regulation Hormonal disorders and it’s oral manifestations. Conclusion Refrences
  • 4. Hypothalamus: The hypothalamus is the portion of the anterior end of the diencephalon that lies below the hypothalamic sulcus. Hypothalamus and pituitary acts as a single unit due to their structural and functional relationship. The anterior pituitary is connected with the hypothalamus through the hypophyseal portal circulation.
  • 5.
  • 6. This allows the hormones of the hypothalamus to reach pituitary. The posterior pituitary is an extension of the hypothalamus and is mainly formed by dilated ends of the axons of some hypothalamic neurones.
  • 7. This allows the hormones of the hypothalamus to reach pituitary. The posterior pituitary is an extension of the hypothalamus and is mainly formed by dilated ends of the axons of some hypothalamic neurones.
  • 8. Hypothalamic hormones: hormones Acting on Leading to GHRH somatotrophs Release of GH. TRH Thyrotrophs and mammotrophs Release of TSH and PRL CRH corticotrophs Release of ACTH GnRH Gonadotrophs Release of LH and FSH. Somatostatin Somatotrophs, thyrotrophs Inhibition of GH Inhibition of TSH Dopamine mammotrophs Inhibition of PRL
  • 9.
  • 10. Principal hypothalamic regulatory mechanism Function Afferents from Integrating Areas Temperature regulation Temperature receptors in the skin, deep tissues, spinal cord, hypothalamus, and other parts of the brain Anterior hypothalamus, response to heat; posterior hypothalamus, response to cold Neuroendocrine control of: Catecholamines Limbic areas concerned with emotion Dorsal and posterior hypothalamus Vasopressin Osmoreceptors, “volume receptors,” others Supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei
  • 11. Function Afferents from Integrating Areas Oxytocin Touch receptors in breast, uterus, genitalia Supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei Thyroid-stimulating hormone Temperature receptors in infants Paraventricular nuclei Adrenocorticotrophin hormone Limbic system, anterior pituitary cells sensitive to circulating blood cortisol level, suprachiasmatic nuclei(diurnal rhythm) Paraventricular nuclei
  • 12. FUNCTION AFFERENTS FROM INTEGRATING AREAS Follicle stimulating hormone and lutenizing hormone via GnRH Hypothalamic cells sensitive to estrogens, eyes, touch receptors in skin and genitalia of reflex ovulating species Preoptic area Prolactin via PIH and PRH Touch receptors in breasts, other unknown receptors Arcuate nucleus; other areas (hypothalamus inhibits secretion) Growth hormone via somatostatin and GRH Unknown receptors Periventricular nucleus.
  • 13. function Afferents from Integrating areas thirst Osmoreceptors located in the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis. Lateral superior hypothalamus hunger Glucostat cells sensitive to rate of glucose utilization; leptin receptors Ventromedial, arcuate, and paraventricular nuclei; lateral hypothalamus Sexual behaviour Cells sensitive to circulating estrogen and androgen Anterior ventral hypothalamus plus, in the male, piriform cortex
  • 14. function Afferents from Integrating areas Defensive reactions Sense organs and neurocortex Limbic system and hypothalamus Control of body rhythms Retina via retinohypothalamic fibers Suprachiasmatic nuclei
  • 15. THE PITUITARY GLAND. The pituitary gland is an endocrine gland, about the size of pea. Weighing 0.5 grams to 1grams in humans. It is situated at the base of brain. OTHER NAME: HYPOPHYSIS CEREBRI. Most of the pituitary hormones control other endocrine glands.
  • 16. Terminologies: Endocrine glands: The gland which have no ducts and pour their secretions directly into the blood or into the interstitial fluid. TYPES: Classical endocrine glands: hormones which act at some distant site after being carried by blood. e.g. thyroid gland Paracrine gland: hormones act on adjacent cells. e.g. somatostatin from islet cells.
  • 17. Autocrine gland: The secretion of the gland act on the same cell.e.g. platelet activating factor.
  • 18. HORMONES: They are the chemicals produced within the body by some specialised cells and have specific effects on the activity of certain organs through specific receptors. Classification:  Chemical nature of hormones: a. Steroid hormones: cortisol, testosterone, esterogen b. Protein or peptide hormones: insulin, growth hormone, glucagon etc.  Nature of action: a. General : thyroxine, insulin. b. Local : somatostatin.
  • 19.  According to the receptors through which the hormone acts: a. Hormones having intracellular receptor: thyroxine, cortisol. b. Hormones having membrane bound receptors: insulin, glucagon, epinephrine.  According to solubility of the hormones: a. Water soluble: peptide hormones. b. Lipid soluble: thyroid hormones.
  • 21. Anterior pituitary Pars distalis: largest hormone producing cell. Pars intermedia: poorly defined in human. Pars tuberalis: upward extension to the anterior lobe and attached to pituitary stalk.
  • 22. Posterior lobe Infundibular stalk: the stem that connects the pars nervosa to the base of brain. Pars nervosa: the bulk of posterior pituitary Median eminence: this section of neurohypophysis is above the pars tuberalis.
  • 23. HISTOLOGY: Depending on the staining property, the cells of anterior pituitary are classified into two types namely chromophobe and chromophil cells.
  • 24. • Chromophobe cell • 50% of the total cell • Have granules and stain properly • Non seceretory and precursors of chromophil cell • Chromophil cell • Large number of granules and darkly stained • Staining cells are: • Acidophilic cells(33%) • Basophilic cells(15%)
  • 25. Chromophil cell:  Acidophil cell: a. Growth hormone b. Prolactin  Basophil cell: a. Adrenocorticotrophic hormone b. Thyroid stimulating hormone c. Follicle stimulating hormone d. Lutenising hormone (LH in females) or interstial cell stimulating hormone (ICSH in males)
  • 26. Presently the pituitary cells are also named as follows: 1. Somatotrophs- growth hormone. 2. Corticotrophs - adrenocorticotrophic hormone. 3. Thyrotrophs -thyroid stimulating hormones. 4. Gonadotrophs – follicle stimulating hormones. 5. Lactotrophs- secrete prolactin.
  • 28. GROWTH HORMONE:  SOURCE: acidophil cell of anterior pituitary.  CHEMISTRY: single chain polypeptide with 191 amino acids.
  • 29. Metabolic effects of Growth Hormone:  Effect of GH on protein metabolism: Increase the transport of amino acid through cell membrane and increasing the acceleration of the protein synthesis. Increase RNA translation Increases transcription of DNA or RNA. Inhibiting the breakdown of cellular protein.
  • 30.  Effects of GH on fat metabolism: Causes mobilisation of fatty acids from the adipose tissues.  Carbohydrate metabolism: Decrease in the peripheral utilization of glucose for the production of energy, Increase in the deposition of the glycogen in the cells, Decrease in the uptake of glucose by the cells.
  • 31. Effect of growth hormone on bones: Increase in the protein deposits by chondrocytes and osteogenic cells. Increase in the multiplication of osteogenic cells. Increase in the formation of new bones by conversion of chondrocytes into osteogenic cells.
  • 32. Mode of action: No direct action on bones. GH stimulates the liver to secrete somatomedin. Sometimes inspite of the presence of GH dwarfism occurs due to absence of somatomedin.
  • 33. Somatomedin: It is a polypeptide. In humans only two types are present : Insulin like growth factor1, also called somatomedin C and act on bones and causes growth. Insulin like growth factor2 acts on the growth of the foetus.
  • 34. Duration of action of the GH. The action of hormone lasts for 20mins. But somatomedin binds with plasma protein very strongly so molecules of it are released slowly. The action takes about 20hours. The mode of action of somatomedin is by the formation of the second messenger called cyclic amp.
  • 35. Regulation of GH secretion.
  • 36. Ghrelin is a polypeptide hormone synthesized by epithelial cells of fundus of stomach, hypothalamus, pituitary, kidney and placenta and stimulates somatotrophes directly.
  • 37. Prolactin: Source of secretion: mammotrophs of anterior pituitary. Chemistry: it is a protein with 198 amino acids. Its secretion is pulsatile i.e. shows no fixed plasma value.
  • 38. Effects of Prolactin. It helps in developement of the mammary glands. After child birth, PRL helps in initiation and maintenance of lactation with the help of other hormones. PRL inhibits synthesis and secretion of GnRH and leads to ammenorrhoea, in lactating women causes lactational ammenorhoea and PRL in man leads to impotence.
  • 39.
  • 40. Adrenocorticotrophic hormone Source of secretion: Corticotrophs of the anterior pituitary. Chemistry: polypeptide with 39 amino acids. It is secreted in the form of a large precursor molecule called prepro-opiomelanocortin. ACTH acts via membrane receptors with production of cAMP.
  • 42. Functions of ACTH It causes stimulation of the adrenal cortex and is also trophic to it. It acts against stress. It stimulates secretion of glucocorticoids mainly. It stimulates melanocytes and lipolysis.
  • 43. Biological clock Various phsiological processes in the body show rhythmical changes. These rhythmical changes are due to some mechanism operating like a clock within the body hence called biological clock. There is a increased ACTH secretion in the morning.
  • 44. Circadian rhythm means the change which occur daily. It probably operates through the hypothalamus which gets information about the night and day from retina through the retinohypothalamic fibres via the suprachiasmatic nucleus.
  • 45. Circadian rhythm means the change which occur daily. It probably operates through the hypothalamus which gets information about the night and day from retina through the retinohypothalamic fibres via the suprachiasmatic nucleus.
  • 46. Thyroid stimulating hormone. Source of secretion: From the thyrotrophs of the anterior pituitary gland. It is glycoprotein in nature and glycosylation helps in the stability of the molecule. It is composed of two subunits: alpha and beta.
  • 47. Function of TSH. It stimulates thyroid acinar cells to secrete thyroid hormones. It is also trophic to the thyroid gland.
  • 49. Hormones of Posterior pituitary. Antidiuretic hormone(ADH) Also known as vasopressin. Source of secretion: The majority of which is released from the supra- optic nucleus in the hypothalamus. Chemistry: polypepetide with 9 amino acids.
  • 50. ACTIONS: Retention and re-absorption of water from distal convoluted tubule and collecting ducts in the kidneys. In absence of ADH, the re-absorption of water does not occur and dilute urine is excreted and leads to large amount of water loss through urine.
  • 52.
  • 53. OXYTOCIN Source of secretion: Paraventricular nucleus. Supraoptic nucleus in the hypothalamus. Chemistry: Polypeptide having 9 amino acids.
  • 54. Action: Oxytocin is one of the few hormones to create a positive feedback loop. For example, uterine contractions stimulate the release of oxytocin from the posterior pituitary, which, in turn, increases uterine contractions and this positive feedback loop continues throughout labour.
  • 55. Action on mammary gland: causes contraction of myo-epithelial cells and ejection of milk. This reflex is known as milk down reflex. Milk Ejection Reflex: when the infant sucks the touch receptors are carried by the somatic afferent nerve fibers and reach the ventricular and supra-optic nucleus of the hypothalami.
  • 56. Action on mammary gland: causes contraction of myo-epithelial cells and ejection of milk. This reflex is known as milk down reflex. Milk Ejection Reflex: when the infant sucks the touch receptors are carried by the somatic afferent nerve fibers and reach the ventricular and supra-optic nucleus of the hypothalami.
  • 57. Action of oxytocin on uterus On pregnant uterus: it causes contraction of the uterus and helps in the expulsion of foetus. Non-pregnant uterus: facilitate the transport of sperm through the female genital tract up to the fallopian tube by producing the uterine contractions.
  • 58. Disorders of pituitary gland. Due to HYPERACTIVITY of Anterior pituitary: a. Gigantism b. Acromegaly c. Cushing syndrome Due to Hypoactive Anterior pituitary: a. Dwarfism b. Acromicria c. Simmonds disease or pituitary cachexia
  • 59. Due to hypoactive posterior pituitary: a. Diabetes insipidus Due to hyperactive posterior pituitary: a. Syndrome of inappropriate hypersecretion of ADH(SIADH) Due to hypoactive anterior and posterior pituitary: a. Dystrophia adiposogenitalis or frolich’s syndrome:
  • 60. Gigantism : The person affected grows big like a giant and hence the name of condition gigantism. CAUSE: due to excessive secretion of growth hormone before the union of the epiphyses of the long bones. The individual grows to a height of 7 to 8ft.
  • 61. Gigantism : The person affected grows big like a giant and hence the name of condition gigantism. CAUSE: due to excessive secretion of growth hormone before the union of the epiphyses of the long bones. The individual grows to a height of 7 to 8ft.
  • 62. Oral manifestations of gigantism: Enlarged maxilla and mandible. Marked increase in the vertical dimension of face. Large size of teeth (macrodontia ) and early eruption of teeth. Macroglossia and hypercemetosis of teeth.
  • 63. Oral manifestations of gigantism: Enlarged maxilla and mandible. Marked increase in the vertical dimension of face. Large size of teeth (macrodontia ) and early eruption of teeth. Macroglossia and hypercemetosis of teeth.
  • 64. Acromegaly This condition is due to hyperseretion of GH in adults after fusion of epiphysis with shaft of the bone.
  • 65. Acromegaly This condition is due to hyperseretion of GH in adults after fusion of epiphysis with shaft of the bone.
  • 66. Oral manifestations of acromegaly: The striking facial features are: Protrusion of the supraorbital ridges, Broadening of nose, Thickening of lips, Thickening and wrinkles formation on forehead and protrusion of lower jaw prognathism. Thus face with these features are called acromegalic or guerilla face.
  • 67. Oral manifestations of acromegaly: The striking facial features are: Protrusion of the supraorbital ridges, Broadening of nose, Thickening of lips, Thickening and wrinkles formation on forehead and protrusion of lower jaw prognathism. Thus face with these features are called acromegalic or guerilla face.
  • 68. GENERAL FEATURES OF ACROMEGALY: Enlargement of the hands and feet with bowing of spine called KYPHOSIS. Joint pain, General overgrowth of the body hair. Thyroid gland, parathyroid gland and adrenal glands show hyperactivity.
  • 69. GENERAL FEATURES OF ACROMEGALY: Enlargement of the hands and feet with bowing of spine called KYPHOSIS. Joint pain, General overgrowth of the body hair. Thyroid gland, parathyroid gland and adrenal glands show hyperactivity.
  • 70. Cushing’s disease: characterised by increased secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from the anterior pituitary .
  • 71. Cushing’s disease: characterised by increased secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from the anterior pituitary .
  • 72. Clinical features of cushing’s disease: Persistent hyperglycemia, Increased capillary fragility resulting in ecchymosis, easy brusiability, Severe osteoporosis leads to pathological bone fracture under low impact trauma. The bones commonly affected are maxilla , mandible and alveolar bone.
  • 73. Abnormal fat deposition in the orofacial region produces puffy and bilateral edematous swelling- Moon FACIES. Abnormal fat deposition on the neck- buffalo hump. Decreased immunity. Due to suppression of inflammatory response, people with cushing’s disease show few sign’s of inflammation and also demonstrate poor wound healing and this includes healing of EXTRACTION SOCKET and JAW FRACTURE WOUNDS.
  • 74. Abnormal fat deposition in the orofacial region produces puffy and bilateral edematous swelling- Moon FACIES. Abnormal fat deposition on the neck- buffalo hump. Decreased immunity. Due to suppression of inflammatory response, people with cushing’s disease show few sign’s of inflammation and also demonstrate poor wound healing and this includes healing of EXTRACTION SOCKET and JAW FRACTURE WOUNDS.
  • 75. DWARFISM: It results due to growth hormone defeciency in infancy or early childhood.
  • 76. DWARFISM: It results due to growth hormone defeciency in infancy or early childhood.
  • 77. Oral manifestations: Small face in comparison to the skull. Delayed exfoliation of deciduos teeth. Delayed eruption of permanent teeth. Underdevelopement of maxilla and mandible. Lack of development of third molars.
  • 78. PANHYPOPITUITARISM: Due to hypofunction of pituitary as a whole. These cases respond well to treatement by growth hormone. LARON SYNDROME: disorder characterized by an insensitivity to growth hormone (GH), usually caused by a mutant growth hormone receptor. It causes short stature and an increased sensitivity to insulin which means that they are less likely to develop diabetes mellitus type 2.
  • 79. PANHYPOPITUITARISM: Due to hypofunction of pituitary as a whole. These cases respond well to treatement by growth hormone. LARON SYNDROME: disorder characterized by an insensitivity to growth hormone (GH), usually caused by a mutant growth hormone receptor. It causes short stature and an increased sensitivity to insulin which means that they are less likely to develop diabetes mellitus type 2.
  • 80. Dwarfism due to ACHONDROPLASIA: This condition results due to failure of the epiphyseal plates to grow due to genetic defects. The subject is short in height due to decreased length of the extremities but is other wise normal.
  • 81. Dwarfism due to ACHONDROPLASIA: This condition results due to failure of the epiphyseal plates to grow due to genetic defects. The subject is short in height due to decreased length of the extremities but is other wise normal.
  • 82. Acromicria: Rare disease in adult characterised by the atrophy of the extremities of the body Cause: defeciency of GH realeasing hormone from adults. Atrophy and degeneration of acidophilic cells in the anterior pituitary. Clinical manifestations: Atrophy and thinning of extremities. The facial bones, especially sphenoid and mandibular, are also underdeveloped.
  • 83. Acromicria: Rare disease in adult characterised by the atrophy of the extremities of the body Cause: defeciency of GH realeasing hormone from adults. Atrophy and degeneration of acidophilic cells in the anterior pituitary. Clinical manifestations: Atrophy and thinning of extremities. The facial bones, especially sphenoid and mandibular, are also underdeveloped.
  • 84. Simmonds disease: Also called pituitary cachexia. Cause: due to defeciency of all pituitary hormones.
  • 85. Syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone(SIADH) Cause: commonly results from malignancies resulting in damage to the hypothalamus or pituitary which causes failure of the feedback loop that regulates ADH. Signs and symptoms: Lethargy and weakness, Confusion , Cerbral edema, Muscle cramps, Decreased urine output.
  • 86. • The following laboratory tests may be helpful in the diagnosis of SIADH: • Serum sodium, potassium, chloride, and bicarbonate. • Plasma osmolality. • Serum creatinine. • Blood urea nitrogen. • Blood glucose. • Urine osmolality. • Serum uric acid. • Serum cortisol.
  • 87. DIABETES INSIPIDUS CAUSE: can occur with damage to the hypothalamus or the pituitary. May be a result of defect in renal tubules do not respond to ADH. Diagnostic tests: Serum sodium Urine specific gravity Serum osmolality Urine osmolality
  • 88. Vasopressin test and water deprivation test: increased hyperosmolality is diagnostic for DI. Hand schuller christian disease’s one of the feature is DIABETES INSIPIDUS.
  • 89. Fröhlich's syndrome Fröhlich's syndrome, also called Adiposogenital Dystrophy, rare childhood metabolic disorder characterized by obesity, growth retardation, and retarded development of the genital organs. It is usually associated with tumours of the hypothalamus, causing increased appetite and depressed secretion of gonadotropin.
  • 90. Conclusion: The endocrine system is responsible for hormonal secretion and is closely related to the central nervous system, as it diversifies its functions through the hypothalamus and pituitary glands. It controls physiological processes and maintains homeostasis. The neuroendocrine system is responsible for adaptation to environmental changes. Therefore, in dentistry, it is important to be aware of the risks and difficulties that may arise during the dental management of patients with endocrine disorders, and that visits to the dental clinics often represent a stressful situation
  • 91. References: Guyton. Textbook of physiology: 4th edition. Sembulingam 19th edition. Mahapatra: Essentials of medical physiology. Ganong’s: Review of medical physiology. Shafer’s: Text book of oral pathology.