mohd hasim ujang modified budget system innovation for handicapped people international public policy national gdp program and performance budget system outcome based budgetting national bugdetting system national fiscal policy the mechanics of pump priming role of bureaucracy in national economy the gini coefficient conundrum sabah economy in malaysia nep policy imbalance in addressing poverty correcting social imbalance rural and urban poverty new economic policy economic hardships among marginalized citizens economic inequality in malaysia currency fluctuation and regulation capital control and currency bnm regulation mahathir and asian financial crisis malaysian monetary policy bank negara malaysia malaysian currency control contingency reserve allocation warrant malaysian national budgeting tan sri sulaiman mahbob malaysian gdp malaysian operating expenditure outcome based budgeting malaysian fiscal policy malaysian current account malaysian development expenditure how national interests influence decision-making foreign policy decision-making nikita krushev cuban missile crisis soft power and nuclear deterrent president kennedy and the cold war cold war nuclear rivalry doctrine of mutually-assured destruction policy cycle case study a look into cuban missle crisis politics of bureaucracy foreign policy foundations sustainable forestry in malaysia renewable energy in malaysia sustainable development in malaysia sustainable development agility for disabled people policy recommendation development and disability agility for handicapped people exoskeleton and mobility policy brief sample advanced prosthetics advanced ambulation methods for disabled people advanced physiotherapy human kinetics exoskeletons and disability no more crutches no more wheelchair national framework for disability-inclusive plan national strategies for people with disability asean education and development education case study in cambodia disability and development rural-centric development poverty affects education disability and education rural education disability-inclusive policy non-state actors theoretical analysis on international relations foreign policy postgraduate international relations university malaya marxism emanuel kant liberalism globalization realism bureaucracy re-deployment malaysian consular service organizational restructuring manpower right-sizing pembangunan organisasi ministry of foreign affairs case study hierarchical analysis population growth childcare issues care centres economic inequality fertility employment issues for women and children cost and benefit analysis international public policy and management master of public policy malaysia privatization policy public private partnership landfill management kota kinabalu compost solid waste management
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