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Architectural Good Practices
How to create blockchains that work well
V1.0, 4 October 2019
IBM Blockchain Platform Technical Series
Architectural Good Practices
Modeling Blockchain Applications
What’s New in Technology
Using IBM Blockchain Platform
Technical Introduction
Other Considerations
Optimizing Performance
GDPR ComplianceGDPR
What does performance
mean in the context of
A simple analogy to start with…
How would you maximize the throughput of a Ferris wheel?
People = transactions Stalls = client apps
Gondolas/Pods = organizations
Recap on Hyperledger Fabric transaction process
Chaincode B
Hyperledger Fabric Network
So, what do we mean by performance?
Performance can mean anything… and in a de-centralized network the concept is even more vague.
Client App PeerOrg 1 PeerOrg 2 OrdererPeerOrg N
and what about the breaking point?
When transactions starts timing out…
Response time:
75 ms?
Endorsement: 10 ms
Committing: 5 ms
20 ms
10 ms
10 ms
5 ms
20 ms
Response time
system latency?
& validation
throughput ?
& validation
throughput ?
& validation
throughput ?
throughput ?
Network latency?
Note: Response time figures are
not representative.
What are the Hyperledger Fabric performance levers?
0 1 2 3
Blockchain WorldState
• Indexing
• Size of payload
World State
Orderers / Channels (configtx.yaml)
• "absolute_max_bytes"
• "max_message_count"
• "timeout"
• World state queries
• Query aggregation (e.g. Sum)
• Business logic complexity
• Query to external sources (oracles)
• VSCC Transaction validation
• Peer’s resources
Committing peers
• ESCC Transaction signing
• Peer’s resources
Endorsing peers
What are the Client Application performance levers?
! Events
• GRPCs Connections reuse
• Endorsement load balancing
• Don’t always hit the same peer
• Complex Endorsement policies
• More endorsers = more invocations
• Channel Event Hubs impact
• How many events should you wait for?
• More peers an organization has on a
channel means more events to listen to
• Network latency
• To the orderer
• To the peers of every orgs
1 Fabric components
Fabric SDK / Client Application
Keeping up with the
• 2018 has been an active year for
Blockchain and Hyperledger Fabric.
• Lots of work in the field of
performance has been delivered,
providing a constant stream of
optimization opportunity and new
• As versions of the software evolve,
those reports are markers of a vibrant
community, however not every tuning
still applies…
The context of blockchain performance
Performance must be seen in context of the wider system architecture
• What external applications submit transactions?
• Are there any SLAs?
• Can they process events successfully?
Getting started with
Hyperledger Fabric
performance testing
Performance testing requires a systemic
approach involving:
• Many test cycles
• High-volume of data to process
• Multiple configurations to support
Agility in
Efficient load
From insight to
Capturing the
right data
Things to look for in a Blockchain performance tool
Pick the right tool!
Without the proper tools, progress will be slow...
Performance Traffic
Engine (PTE)
+ Multiple deployment
options (K8S, Cello, Cloud)
- Complex to manage and
+ Aligned with Fabric
- Does not use your client
+ Basic metrics are
provided out of the box
- Missing advanced
metrics (ESCC, VSCC)
+ All the analysis you
can think of J
- Upfront investment
Hyperledger Caliper
+ Pre-defined topologies
- Work required for
distributed network
+ Support distributed
- Does not use your client
+ Basic metrics are
provided out of the box
- Limited support for
remote topologies
(Docker stats)
+ All the analysis you
can think of J
- Upfront investment
Custom + Perfect for existing
project topologies
- Upfront time investment
to create topology
+ Complete flexibility in
generating the load
- Upfront time investment
to ensure your tool is
+ All the metrics you can
think of J
- Upfront investment
+ All the analysis you
can think of J
- Upfront investment
Deployment Data analysis
What are your options?
• Generic framework that supports many
blockchain technologies
• Benchmark layer defines the test cases
to invoke
• Blockchain (north bound interfaces) NBIs
define the integration point with the
underlying blockchain (e.g. chaincode
• Resource Monitor currently supports:
• Local processes (e.g. client app)
• Remote/Local docker containers (e.g. peers)
Overview of Hyperledger Caliper
Structure of an Hyperledger Caliper project
The two things to define:
1. Network configuration
2. Benchmark tests
Output of a Hyperledger Caliper test run
Use of custom performance test harness
• What if you want to test your Hyperledger Fabric client app?
• This is where a simple test harness can be useful!
Creates a series of promises
invoking your node.js client library
Capture execution time and
measure throughput
Using Node.js child process,
create has many clients are
• In Fabric v1.4 the peer and the orderer host an HTTP server that offers a RESTful
“operations” API that includes two ways to expose metrics:
• a pull model based on Prometheus (open-source monitoring solution)
• a push model based on StatsD (statistics aggregation daemon)
Metric Name Description
endorser_propsal_duration The time to complete a proposal.
broadcast_validate_duration The time to validate a transaction in seconds
The time from first transaction enqueing to the block being
cut in seconds
ledger_blockstorage_commit_time Time for committing the block and private data to storage
ledger_statedb_commit_time Time for committing block changes to state db
couchdb_processing_time Time for the function to complete request to CouchDB
Leveraging the HL Fabric v1.4 metrics
It includes many
metrics that are
in performance
Summary of some of the key metrics in performance testing:
What we learned so far
from real projects and
things to watch for…
1. Make sure you reuse your connections
2. Ensure your connection profile is
properly configured
3. Load balance endorsement requests
across multiple peers
4. Sample code is not a guarantee of
5. If starting a new project, leverage the
new HL Fabric v1.4 programming
Optimizing the client application
Latency per tx when not
reusing client connections
Enabling the peers that need to endorse2
1. Understanding the effect of:
– Preferred Max Bytes
Represents the threshold at which a block will be
– Block size
– Timeout
2. The peer and its dual personality
– Commit versus endorsement
– State validation is the most expensive operations
• Driven primarily by payload size and frequency
3. Increasing the number of endorsing
peers helps throughput
Transactions and the Orderer
Block commit State commit State validation
1. Test your queries against separate
CouchDB first
Use _explain and execution_stats to confirm
index is used
2. Avoid $or or $regexp in selectors
It ignores the index and forces CouchDB to
perform a full scan
3. Use pagination to improve performance
Pagination is supported since Hyperledger
Fabric v1.3
Considerations for queries
It’s all about the use-case
• Consider your non-functional requirements to drive the network topology
• There is no recipe about the “best” block size or the ideal number of peers
• Leverage the new fabric programming model to simplify your client application tuning
Other Considerations
Optimizing Performance
GDPR ComplianceGDPR
Integrating with Existing Systems – Possibilities
1. System
2. Blockchain
4. Call out to existing systems
3. Call into blockchain network
from existing systems
Blockchain network Existing
• Blockchain is a network system of record
• Two-way exchange
– Events from blockchain network create
actions in existing systems
– Cumulative actions in existing systems
result in Blockchain interaction
Integrating with Existing Systems – Using Middleware
• Transformation between blockchain and existing systems’ formats
– GBO, ASBO is most likely approach
– Standard approach will be for gateway products to bridge these formats
– Gateway connects to peer in blockchain network and existing systems
• Smart contracts can call out to existing systems
– Query is most likely interaction for smart decisions
• e.g. all payments made before asset transfer?
• Warning: Take care over predictability: transaction must provide same outputs each time it executes…
Non-determinism in blockchain
• Blockchain is a distributed processing system
– Smart contracts are run multiple times and in
multiple places
– As we will see, smart contracts need to run
deterministically in order for consensus to work
• Particularly when updating the world state
• It’s particularly difficult to achieve determinism with
off-chain processing
– Implement oracle services that are guaranteed to
be consistent for a given transaction, or
– Detect duplicates for a transaction in the
blockchain, middleware or external system
Business Considerations
• As a B2B system, blockchain adds a number of aspects that are not typical in other projects:
– Who pays for the development and operation of the network?
– Where are the blockchain peers hosted?
– When and how do new participants join the network?
– What are the rules of confidentiality in the network?
– Who is liable for bugs in (for example) shared smart contracts?
– For private networks, what are the trusted forms of identity?
• Remember that each business network participant may have different requirements (e.g. trust)
– Evaluate the incentives of potential participants to work out a viable business model
• Mutual benefit → shared cost (e.g. sharing reference information)
• Asymmetric benefit → money as leveler (e.g. pay for access to KYC)
Trade-offs Between Non-Functional Requirements
Consider the trade-offs between
performance, security and resiliency!
o The amount of data being shared
o Number and location of peers
o Latency and throughput
o Batching characteristics
o Type of data being shared, and with whom
o How is identity achieved
o Confidentiality of transaction queries
o Who verifies (endorses) transactions
o Resource failure
o Malicious activity
o Non-determinism
Non-Functional Requirements as a slider
Multi-tenant Cloud
Low Controls
Single Site Development
Higher re-use
High Controls
High Availability & DR
Ready For Growth
Highly Modular
Custom Build
Leading Edge
Resilient Design
Dev Options
Sized For Growth
Production Readiness
Blockchain Network Complexity
Blockchain Network
Security/Privacy Complexity
Blockchain SC Complexity
Adjust the sliders with
the client early in the
project so all parties are
aligned on the
expectations of
robustness, isolation,
security controls etc. as
all these factors have
material impact on the
cost and complexity of
the solution.
$ $$$
Privacy & Confidentiality: Toolbox and Patterns
ü IBM Blockchain Platform delivers the
most comprehensive privacy
toolbox of any blockchain
technology provider.
ü IBM Research is the industry
leading expert behind these
technology advancements
ü Tools are often combined in patterns
to achieve the P&C requirements for
given industry data.
ü Many patterns are in use today in
production blockchain solutions:
TradeLens and IBM Food Trust, and
other IBM delivered solutions
ü All blockchain solutions have an
accompanied application stack. At
scale P&C has been a key focus
IBMs large program deliveries for
ü Sharing needs of your industry
include public, dynamic, and secret
Recommended Pattern for unobservable secret bilateral sharing
All parties ensure
verifiability without
if activity is
who is
Private Data
• Identify key operational considerations
• Consensus is the art of maintaining a consistent ledger
• It is possible to integrate with existing systems, but take care over determinism
• Security requirements solved through techniques such as encryption and signing
• Also consider business and non-functional requirements
Other Considerations
Optimizing Performance
GDPR ComplianceGDPR
GDPR Topics
• Summary of GDPR
• “Right to Erasure” and Blockchain
• Hyperledger Fabric Block
• Solution
• Non-Compliant Solutions
• Further Information
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – Overview
• Employee or Customer
• New rights include:
– Information about processing
– Obtain access to PD
– Request corrections to PD
– Data be erased
– Object to being used for
– Restriction of processing
– Data portability
– Automated processing of PD
Data Controller
Determines the
purpose and means
by which personal
data is processed
Contracts with
processor must be
GDPR compliant
Organisations can be either/both
Data Processor
Processes data on
behalf of data
Legal Contract
specifies GDPR
duties to the controller
Any information
relating to an identified
or identifiable natural
Personal Data
• GDPR became law on 25th May 2018
• Applies to organisations operating within the EU, also applies to
organisations outside the EU who offer goods/services to EU individuals
• Fines of €20m or 4% of global revenues
The processor must provide sufficient guarantees
they will implement measures to meet GDPR.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – Links
• Rights for citizens
• What is Personal Data?
– Examples: Names, Address, Email, ID Card number, Location Data, IP Address, Cookie ID,
Advertising ID
• What is a data controller or processor?
• Official Journal
Further Reading
• UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) Data Protection Act (DPA) document that
helps determine if data is considered Personal Data. DPA is being superseded by GDPR:
– DPA and GDPR
– Anonymisation
• NHS in the UK document on Anonymisation and Pseudonymisation Standard:
• WP216 opinion 05/2014 on Anonymisation Techniques (often cited in GDPR information):
GDPR Topics
• Summary of GDPR
• “Right to Erasure” and Blockchain
• Hyperledger Fabric Block
• Solution
• Non-Compliant Solutions
• Further Information
The “Right to Erasure” and blockchain
Enables an individual to request the deletion or removal of their personal data
Transactions in
the blockchain
are immutable
Data in the
world state is
Further Reading
• UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) “Right to Erasure” guidance:
GDPR Topics
• Summary of GDPR
• “Right to Erasure” and Blockchain
• Hyperledger Fabric Block
• Solution
• Non-Compliant Solutions
• Further Information
Summary of a Hyperledger Fabric Block
Header Number Previous hash (merkel root) Data hash (merkel root)
Signature Client signature of transaction payload
Payload Header Channel Header (timestamp, tx_id, type, …) Signature Header (client certificate)
Data Client certificate MspId
Proposal payload Proposal hash
Array of keys read (key and version of value)
Array of keys written (key/value and delete flag)
Array of range_queries (start/end key and list)
Events (chaincode_id, tx_id, name, payload)
Chaincode response (status, message, payload)
Chaincode ID (path, name, version)
Array of endorsers (mspid, certificate, signature)
Block Metadata
Array of orderers (mspid, certificate, signature)
Array of transaction valid flags
• Fields highlighted in red could potentially contain Personal Data recorded on the blockchain.
Block Fields and Personal Data
This slide describes the potential areas that Personal Data could be included in the block:
• Proposal payload : These are the transaction input arguments.
• Client certificate: If the client certificate is individual to a Data Subject then it could be
considered PD.
• Key: The key written to or read from the world state. If PD is used in the key name then it will be
included here.
• Value: The value of any keys written to the world state. If PD is used in the key value then it will
be included here.
• Events: Events emitted from chaincode could include PD.
• Chaincode response: Any response from invoking the chaincode could include PD.
It is assumed that endorser and orderer certificates are issued to an organization and do not
include Personal Data.
Remember that Fabric configuration blocks also contain certificates!
GDPR Topics
• Summary of GDPR
• “Right to Erasure” and Blockchain
• Hyperledger Fabric Block
• Solution
• Non-Compliant Solutions
• Further Information
Solution – Store data off-chain
Data Store
Salted hash
stored on-chain
matches hash in
data store
• What
– Store Personal Data (PD) in an off-chain mutable data storage
• How
– Store only proofs as a salted hash of the PD on-chain
– The salt must be stored securely, and should be unique for each PD
– The salted hash can be stored in an off-chain data store and linked to the PD
– Salt and salted hash can be in different data stores to the PD
– Warning: Hashes and salted hashes are considered pseudonymous data and
still fall under the scope of GDPR.
• Why
– PD, salted hash and salt can be deleted at any point from the data store(s)
causing the hash on-chain to be anonymized
Personal Data
salted hash
salted hash
salted hash
Notes – Store data off-chain
• Alternative solutions
⎼ There are alternative solutions that balance the right-to-erasure with
checking the integrity of the PD. For example a crypto random number
(CRN) is linked with the PD both of which are stored in an off-chain data
store. The CRN is then stored on-chain. The CRN is not computed from
the value of the PD (as in the case of a hash) and is perhaps easier to
anonymise, but doesn’t provide proof of the actual value of PD.
⎼ It is best practice to associate a CRN with a single PD record
• Reidentification of data
– Check the risk of reidentification of the data stored on-chain. For example
transaction correlation or improper controls that allows someone to
associate the data stored on-chain with the off-chain PD.
• It is important to consult with IBM Security counsel on any solution.
GDPR Topics
• Summary of GDPR
• “Right to Erasure” and Blockchain
• Hyperledger Fabric Block
• Solution
• Non-Compliant Solutions
• Further Information
Store Personal Data in Private Data Collections
Hashes of PD stored
on blockchain
PD passed in the
transient data field and
stored in the private
world state and private
writeset storage
• What
– Send Personal Data in transient part of blockchain transaction, save
PD in private state and hashes on the blockchain
• How
– PD is sent in the transient data field to the Smart Contract (FAB
2450), data stored in private state, hashes are stored on the
channel and writeset is stored in the private writeset storage (FAB
1151). Available in Fabric v1.2.
• Why not compliant
– FAB 1151 stores the private data writeset in storage similar to a
blockchain. This private writeset storage cannot be deleted (other
than a blockToLive policy on the collection) and therefore a request
to erase PD cannot be processed.
Private Data Collections : Further Information
• Further enhancements to Private Data Collections in Fabric will enable data in the private
writeset and world state to be deleted on demand. This may make it suitable for storing
personal data within the bounds of GDPR regulation. Currently there is no timeframe for
this additional feature. Further information can be found here:
Encrypt data
All PD is encrypted
before being added
to blockchain
Private Key
Public Key
Data Store• What
– Encrypt Personal Data before being stored on blockchain
• How
– Public/Private Keys must be secured in a mutable data store
• Why not compliant
– Unproven for compliance with GDPR. Encrypted data is
considered pseudonymous data, and introduces complexity of
key management.
GDPR Topics
• Summary of GDPR
• “Right to Erasure” and Blockchain
• Hyperledger Fabric Block
• Solution
• Non-Compliant Solutions
• Further Information
Further Information
• GDPR consideration for blockchain solution architects
• Blockchain and GDPR
Thank you
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2019. All rights reserved. The information contained in these
materials is provided for informational purposes only, and is provided AS IS without warranty
of any kind, express or implied. Any statement of direction represents IBM's current intent, is
subject to change or withdrawal, and represents only goals and objectives. IBM, the IBM
logo, and other IBM products and services are trademarks of the International Business
Machines Corporation, in the United States, other countries or both. Other company, product,
or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
IBM Blockchain Platform - Architectural Good Practices v1.0

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  • 1. Architectural Good Practices How to create blockchains that work well V1.0, 4 October 2019 IBM Blockchain Platform Technical Series Architectural Good Practices Modeling Blockchain Applications What’s New in Technology Using IBM Blockchain Platform Technical Introduction
  • 3. What does performance mean in the context of blockchain?
  • 4. A simple analogy to start with… How would you maximize the throughput of a Ferris wheel? People = transactions Stalls = client apps Gondolas/Pods = organizations
  • 5. Recap on Hyperledger Fabric transaction process Client Application SDK Membership Services Peer Endorser Ledger Committer A Chaincode B !Events Ordering-Service O O O O ü Fabric-CA ü External-CA Hyperledger Fabric Network optionaloptional Admin
  • 6. So, what do we mean by performance? Performance can mean anything… and in a de-centralized network the concept is even more vague. Client App PeerOrg 1 PeerOrg 2 OrdererPeerOrg N and what about the breaking point? When transactions starts timing out… Response time: 75 ms? Endorsement: 10 ms Committing: 5 ms 20 ms 10 ms 10 ms 5 ms Ordering: 20 ms Response time or system latency? Endorsement & validation throughput ? Endorsement & validation throughput ? Endorsement & validation throughput ? Block throughput ? Network latency? Note: Response time figures are not representative.
  • 7. What are the Hyperledger Fabric performance levers? A B 0 1 2 3 Peer Ledger Blockchain WorldState !Events Chaincode Channels Local MSP 1 4 3 2 1 3 4 • Indexing • Size of payload World State Orderers / Channels (configtx.yaml) • "absolute_max_bytes" • "max_message_count" • "timeout" • World state queries • Query aggregation (e.g. Sum) • Business logic complexity • Query to external sources (oracles) Chaincode 2 • VSCC Transaction validation • Peer’s resources Committing peers • ESCC Transaction signing • Peer’s resources Endorsing peers
  • 8. What are the Client Application performance levers? ! Events ChannelsClient Application SDK (HFC) Local MSP 1 • GRPCs Connections reuse • Endorsement load balancing • Don’t always hit the same peer • Complex Endorsement policies • More endorsers = more invocations • Channel Event Hubs impact • How many events should you wait for? • More peers an organization has on a channel means more events to listen to 3 2 3 2 • Network latency • To the orderer • To the peers of every orgs 1 Fabric components Fabric SDK / Client Application Channels
  • 9. Keeping up with the community… • 2018 has been an active year for Blockchain and Hyperledger Fabric. • Lots of work in the field of performance has been delivered, providing a constant stream of optimization opportunity and new ideas… • As versions of the software evolve, those reports are markers of a vibrant community, however not every tuning still applies…
  • 10. The context of blockchain performance Performance must be seen in context of the wider system architecture • What external applications submit transactions? • Are there any SLAs? • Can they process events successfully?
  • 11. Getting started with Hyperledger Fabric performance testing
  • 12. Performance testing requires a systemic approach involving: • Many test cycles • High-volume of data to process • Multiple configurations to support Deployment Tool Data Analysis Load Generator Tool System Monitoring Tool Agility in deployment Efficient load generation From insight to action Capturing the right data Things to look for in a Blockchain performance tool Pick the right tool! Without the proper tools, progress will be slow...
  • 13. 13 Hyperledger Performance Traffic Engine (PTE) test/tree/master/tools/PTE + Multiple deployment options (K8S, Cello, Cloud) - Complex to manage and configure + Aligned with Fabric release - Does not use your client application + Basic metrics are provided out of the box - Missing advanced metrics (ESCC, VSCC) + All the analysis you can think of J - Upfront investment Hyperledger Caliper + Pre-defined topologies - Work required for distributed network topologies + Support distributed clients - Does not use your client application + Basic metrics are provided out of the box - Limited support for remote topologies (Docker stats) + All the analysis you can think of J - Upfront investment Custom + Perfect for existing project topologies - Upfront time investment to create topology + Complete flexibility in generating the load - Upfront time investment to ensure your tool is accurate + All the metrics you can think of J - Upfront investment + All the analysis you can think of J - Upfront investment Deployment Data analysis Load Generator Monitoring What are your options?
  • 14. • Generic framework that supports many blockchain technologies • Benchmark layer defines the test cases to invoke • Blockchain (north bound interfaces) NBIs define the integration point with the underlying blockchain (e.g. chaincode deploy) • Resource Monitor currently supports: • Local processes (e.g. client app) • Remote/Local docker containers (e.g. peers) Overview of Hyperledger Caliper
  • 15. Structure of an Hyperledger Caliper project The two things to define: 1. Network configuration 2. Benchmark tests 1 2
  • 16. Output of a Hyperledger Caliper test run
  • 17. Use of custom performance test harness • What if you want to test your Hyperledger Fabric client app? • This is where a simple test harness can be useful! Creates a series of promises invoking your node.js client library Capture execution time and measure throughput Using Node.js child process, create has many clients are required
  • 18. • In Fabric v1.4 the peer and the orderer host an HTTP server that offers a RESTful “operations” API that includes two ways to expose metrics: • a pull model based on Prometheus (open-source monitoring solution) • a push model based on StatsD (statistics aggregation daemon) Metric Name Description endorser_propsal_duration The time to complete a proposal. broadcast_validate_duration The time to validate a transaction in seconds blockcutter_block_fill_duration The time from first transaction enqueing to the block being cut in seconds ledger_blockstorage_commit_time Time for committing the block and private data to storage ledger_statedb_commit_time Time for committing block changes to state db couchdb_processing_time Time for the function to complete request to CouchDB Leveraging the HL Fabric v1.4 metrics It includes many metrics that are useful in performance testing. Summary of some of the key metrics in performance testing:
  • 19. What we learned so far from real projects and things to watch for…
  • 20. 1. Make sure you reuse your connections 2. Ensure your connection profile is properly configured 3. Load balance endorsement requests across multiple peers 4. Sample code is not a guarantee of scalability 5. If starting a new project, leverage the new HL Fabric v1.4 programming model! Optimizing the client application Latency per tx when not reusing client connections 1 Enabling the peers that need to endorse2
  • 21. 1. Understanding the effect of: (configtx.yaml) – Preferred Max Bytes Represents the threshold at which a block will be cut – Block size – Timeout 2. The peer and its dual personality – Commit versus endorsement – State validation is the most expensive operations • Driven primarily by payload size and frequency 3. Increasing the number of endorsing peers helps throughput Transactions and the Orderer Block commit State commit State validation
  • 22. 1. Test your queries against separate CouchDB first Use _explain and execution_stats to confirm index is used 2. Avoid $or or $regexp in selectors It ignores the index and forces CouchDB to perform a full scan 3. Use pagination to improve performance Pagination is supported since Hyperledger Fabric v1.3 Considerations for queries
  • 23. It’s all about the use-case • Consider your non-functional requirements to drive the network topology • There is no recipe about the “best” block size or the ideal number of peers • Leverage the new fabric programming model to simplify your client application tuning
  • 25. 25 Integrating with Existing Systems – Possibilities Transform Existing systems 1. System events 2. Blockchain events 4. Call out to existing systems 3. Call into blockchain network from existing systems Blockchain network Existing systems ! !
  • 26. 26 • Blockchain is a network system of record • Two-way exchange – Events from blockchain network create actions in existing systems – Cumulative actions in existing systems result in Blockchain interaction Integrating with Existing Systems – Using Middleware • Transformation between blockchain and existing systems’ formats – GBO, ASBO is most likely approach – Standard approach will be for gateway products to bridge these formats – Gateway connects to peer in blockchain network and existing systems • Smart contracts can call out to existing systems – Query is most likely interaction for smart decisions • e.g. all payments made before asset transfer? • Warning: Take care over predictability: transaction must provide same outputs each time it executes…
  • 27. 27 Non-determinism in blockchain • Blockchain is a distributed processing system – Smart contracts are run multiple times and in multiple places – As we will see, smart contracts need to run deterministically in order for consensus to work • Particularly when updating the world state • It’s particularly difficult to achieve determinism with off-chain processing – Implement oracle services that are guaranteed to be consistent for a given transaction, or – Detect duplicates for a transaction in the blockchain, middleware or external system getDateTime() getExchangeRate() getTemperature() random() incrementValue inExternalSystem(…)
  • 28. 28 Business Considerations • As a B2B system, blockchain adds a number of aspects that are not typical in other projects: – Who pays for the development and operation of the network? – Where are the blockchain peers hosted? – When and how do new participants join the network? – What are the rules of confidentiality in the network? – Who is liable for bugs in (for example) shared smart contracts? – For private networks, what are the trusted forms of identity? • Remember that each business network participant may have different requirements (e.g. trust) – Evaluate the incentives of potential participants to work out a viable business model • Mutual benefit → shared cost (e.g. sharing reference information) • Asymmetric benefit → money as leveler (e.g. pay for access to KYC)
  • 29. 29 Trade-offs Between Non-Functional Requirements Consider the trade-offs between performance, security and resiliency! Performance o The amount of data being shared o Number and location of peers o Latency and throughput o Batching characteristics Security o Type of data being shared, and with whom o How is identity achieved o Confidentiality of transaction queries o Who verifies (endorses) transactions Resiliency o Resource failure o Malicious activity o Non-determinism
  • 30. 30 Non-Functional Requirements as a slider Multi-tenant Cloud Low Controls Single Site Development SaaS Constrained Monolithic Higher re-use Proven Low Low Low Dedicated High Controls High Availability & DR On-Premise Ready For Growth Highly Modular Custom Build Leading Edge High High High Isolation Security Resilient Design Dev Options Sized For Growth Componentisation Re-Use Production Readiness Blockchain Network Complexity Blockchain Network Security/Privacy Complexity Blockchain SC Complexity Adjust the sliders with the client early in the project so all parties are aligned on the expectations of robustness, isolation, security controls etc. as all these factors have material impact on the cost and complexity of the solution. $ $$$
  • 31. 31 Privacy & Confidentiality: Toolbox and Patterns ü IBM Blockchain Platform delivers the most comprehensive privacy toolbox of any blockchain technology provider. ü IBM Research is the industry leading expert behind these technology advancements ü Tools are often combined in patterns to achieve the P&C requirements for given industry data. ü Many patterns are in use today in production blockchain solutions: TradeLens and IBM Food Trust, and other IBM delivered solutions ü All blockchain solutions have an accompanied application stack. At scale P&C has been a key focus IBMs large program deliveries for decades . ü Sharing needs of your industry include public, dynamic, and secret bilateral Recommended Pattern for unobservable secret bilateral sharing All parties ensure verifiability without knowing: if activity is real Activity Obfuscation Noise who is acting Identity Obfuscation IdMixer transaction details Data Isolation Private Data Collections
  • 32. 33 Summary • Identify key operational considerations • Consensus is the art of maintaining a consistent ledger • It is possible to integrate with existing systems, but take care over determinism • Security requirements solved through techniques such as encryption and signing • Also consider business and non-functional requirements
  • 34. 35 GDPR Topics • Summary of GDPR • “Right to Erasure” and Blockchain • Hyperledger Fabric Block • Solution • Non-Compliant Solutions • Further Information
  • 35. 36 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – Overview • Employee or Customer • New rights include: – Information about processing – Obtain access to PD – Request corrections to PD – Data be erased – Object to being used for marketing – Restriction of processing – Data portability – Automated processing of PD Data Subject Data Controller Determines the purpose and means by which personal data is processed Contracts with processor must be GDPR compliant Organisations can be either/both Data Processor Processes data on behalf of data controller Legal Contract specifies GDPR duties to the controller Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person Personal Data • GDPR became law on 25th May 2018 • Applies to organisations operating within the EU, also applies to organisations outside the EU who offer goods/services to EU individuals • Fines of €20m or 4% of global revenues The processor must provide sufficient guarantees they will implement measures to meet GDPR.
  • 36. 37 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) – Links • Rights for citizens – • What is Personal Data? – – Examples: Names, Address, Email, ID Card number, Location Data, IP Address, Cookie ID, Advertising ID – • What is a data controller or processor? – • Official Journal –
  • 37. 38 Further Reading • UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) Data Protection Act (DPA) document that helps determine if data is considered Personal Data. DPA is being superseded by GDPR: – – DPA and GDPR – – Anonymisation • • NHS in the UK document on Anonymisation and Pseudonymisation Standard: – 03/NHSBSA%20Anonymisation%20and%20Pseudonymisation%20Standard.pdf • WP216 opinion 05/2014 on Anonymisation Techniques (often cited in GDPR information): –
  • 38. 39 GDPR Topics • Summary of GDPR • “Right to Erasure” and Blockchain • Hyperledger Fabric Block • Solution • Non-Compliant Solutions • Further Information
  • 39. 40 The “Right to Erasure” and blockchain Enables an individual to request the deletion or removal of their personal data Config Block 0 Config Block 1 Transaction Block 2 Transaction Block 3 Genesis Worldstate Blockchain Transactions in the blockchain are immutable Data in the world state is mutable
  • 40. 41 Further Reading • UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) “Right to Erasure” guidance: –
  • 41. 42 GDPR Topics • Summary of GDPR • “Right to Erasure” and Blockchain • Hyperledger Fabric Block • Solution • Non-Compliant Solutions • Further Information
  • 42. 43 Summary of a Hyperledger Fabric Block Header Number Previous hash (merkel root) Data hash (merkel root) BlockData (repeatedpertransaction) Signature Client signature of transaction payload Payload Header Channel Header (timestamp, tx_id, type, …) Signature Header (client certificate) Data Client certificate MspId Proposal payload Proposal hash Array of keys read (key and version of value) Array of keys written (key/value and delete flag) Array of range_queries (start/end key and list) Events (chaincode_id, tx_id, name, payload) Chaincode response (status, message, payload) Chaincode ID (path, name, version) Array of endorsers (mspid, certificate, signature) Block Metadata Array of orderers (mspid, certificate, signature) Array of transaction valid flags • Fields highlighted in red could potentially contain Personal Data recorded on the blockchain. DataIndex Block
  • 43. 44 Block Fields and Personal Data This slide describes the potential areas that Personal Data could be included in the block: • Proposal payload : These are the transaction input arguments. • Client certificate: If the client certificate is individual to a Data Subject then it could be considered PD. • Key: The key written to or read from the world state. If PD is used in the key name then it will be included here. • Value: The value of any keys written to the world state. If PD is used in the key value then it will be included here. • Events: Events emitted from chaincode could include PD. • Chaincode response: Any response from invoking the chaincode could include PD. It is assumed that endorser and orderer certificates are issued to an organization and do not include Personal Data. Remember that Fabric configuration blocks also contain certificates!
  • 44. 45 GDPR Topics • Summary of GDPR • “Right to Erasure” and Blockchain • Hyperledger Fabric Block • Solution • Non-Compliant Solutions • Further Information
  • 45. 46 Solution – Store data off-chain Config Block 0 Config Block 1 Transaction Block 2 Transaction Block 3 Genesis Worldstate Blockchain Data Store Salted hash stored on-chain matches hash in data store • What – Store Personal Data (PD) in an off-chain mutable data storage • How – Store only proofs as a salted hash of the PD on-chain – The salt must be stored securely, and should be unique for each PD – The salted hash can be stored in an off-chain data store and linked to the PD – Salt and salted hash can be in different data stores to the PD – Warning: Hashes and salted hashes are considered pseudonymous data and still fall under the scope of GDPR. • Why – PD, salted hash and salt can be deleted at any point from the data store(s) causing the hash on-chain to be anonymized Personal Data Salt salted hash salted hash salted hash
  • 46. 47 Notes – Store data off-chain • Alternative solutions ⎼ There are alternative solutions that balance the right-to-erasure with checking the integrity of the PD. For example a crypto random number (CRN) is linked with the PD both of which are stored in an off-chain data store. The CRN is then stored on-chain. The CRN is not computed from the value of the PD (as in the case of a hash) and is perhaps easier to anonymise, but doesn’t provide proof of the actual value of PD. ⎼ It is best practice to associate a CRN with a single PD record • Reidentification of data – Check the risk of reidentification of the data stored on-chain. For example transaction correlation or improper controls that allows someone to associate the data stored on-chain with the off-chain PD. • It is important to consult with IBM Security counsel on any solution.
  • 47. 48 GDPR Topics • Summary of GDPR • “Right to Erasure” and Blockchain • Hyperledger Fabric Block • Solution • Non-Compliant Solutions • Further Information
  • 48. 49 Store Personal Data in Private Data Collections Config Block 0 Config Block 1 Transaction Block 2 Transaction Block 3 Genesis Worldstate Blockchain Hashes of PD stored on blockchain PD passed in the transient data field and stored in the private world state and private writeset storage • What – Send Personal Data in transient part of blockchain transaction, save PD in private state and hashes on the blockchain • How – PD is sent in the transient data field to the Smart Contract (FAB 2450), data stored in private state, hashes are stored on the channel and writeset is stored in the private writeset storage (FAB 1151). Available in Fabric v1.2. • Why not compliant – FAB 1151 stores the private data writeset in storage similar to a blockchain. This private writeset storage cannot be deleted (other than a blockToLive policy on the collection) and therefore a request to erase PD cannot be processed. Private State
  • 49. 50 Private Data Collections : Further Information • Further enhancements to Private Data Collections in Fabric will enable data in the private writeset and world state to be deleted on demand. This may make it suitable for storing personal data within the bounds of GDPR regulation. Currently there is no timeframe for this additional feature. Further information can be found here: –
  • 50. 51 Encrypt data Config Block 0 Config Block 1 Transaction Block 2 Transaction Block 3 Genesis Worldstate Blockchain All PD is encrypted before being added to blockchain Private Key Public Key Data Store• What – Encrypt Personal Data before being stored on blockchain • How – Public/Private Keys must be secured in a mutable data store • Why not compliant – Unproven for compliance with GDPR. Encrypted data is considered pseudonymous data, and introduces complexity of key management.
  • 51. 52 GDPR Topics • Summary of GDPR • “Right to Erasure” and Blockchain • Hyperledger Fabric Block • Solution • Non-Compliant Solutions • Further Information
  • 52. 53 Further Information • GDPR consideration for blockchain solution architects – • Blockchain and GDPR –
  • 53. Thank you © Copyright IBM Corporation 2019. All rights reserved. The information contained in these materials is provided for informational purposes only, and is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind, express or implied. Any statement of direction represents IBM's current intent, is subject to change or withdrawal, and represents only goals and objectives. IBM, the IBM logo, and other IBM products and services are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation, in the United States, other countries or both. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.