applied anatomy anatomy sree mookambika institute of medical sciences dr.n.mugunthan surgical anatomy smims clinical anatomy dr.mugunthan mugunthan mgmcri applied midgut development practical histology external piles internal piles piles haemorroids rectal prolapse colonoscopy sigmoidoscopy bleeding rectum carcinoma anal canal rectum speech mechanism of speech vestibular fold vocal nodule stridor voice vocal cord larynx compartment dorsal digital expansion extensor retinaculum inguinal lymph nodes varicose veins saphenous vein venous &lymphatic drainage of upper limb femoral nerve femoral hernia femoral canal femoral artery femoral triangle axillary lymph nodes carcinoma breast peaud'orange breast mammary gland erb's paralysis erb's point klumpkey's paralysis brachial plexus subsartorial canal hunters canal adductor canal &obturator nerve medial compartment of thigh anterior biceps muscles cubital fossa anterior compartment of arm felon pulp space ulnar bursa radial bursa thenar space midpalmar space fascial spaces of hand dermatome dermatomes of upper limb pointing index finger ape thumb carpal tunnel syndrome median nerve cancer thyroid cancer hoarseness of voice dyspnoea dysphagia thyroid surgery microstructure thyroid gland radiology radiology clinics superior mesenteric artery jejunum mesentery ileum embryology hindgut congenital endodermal cloaca congenital anomalies meckels diverticulum anomalies git foregut gastrointestinal system facial nerve origin nerve bells palsy nuclear componants intercostal nerve block intercostal artery walls external intercostal thorax costal vertebra innermost intercostal intercostal nerve transverse thoracis cabg internal thoracic artery ribs internal intercostal intercostal vein potts fracture subtalar joint ankle joint eversion transverse tarsal joint inversion of foot ankle sprain midtarsal joint foot joint health tips movements of shoulder rotator cuff shoulder joint supraspinatus tendinitis ulnar artery median cubital vein radial artery basilic vein brachial artery cephalic vein palmar arch axillary artery dr hyperplasia applied histology atrophy histology
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