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Mammalian development involves a
phase of rapid proliferation and migration of
cells, with little or no differentiation. This
proliferative phase lasts until three germ layers
have formed
After fertilization of ovum, a series of cell
give rise to an egg cell mass known as the
MORULA. Fluid seeps into morula, and its cells
realign themselves to form fluid filled hollow ball, the
BLASTOCYST. Its consists of
1) Inner cell mass / Embryoblast
2) Trophoblast
The inner cell mass seperates into two layers
a. Epiblast embryo proper
b. Hyboblast
The trophoblast cells are associated
with implantation of the
embryo and formation of placenta.
 Some cells of inner cell
mass differentiate into
flattened cell, that come
to line its free surface.
These constitute the
germ layer
 The remaining cell of
inner cell mass become
columnar. These cells
form the second germ
A space appears between the
ectoderm and the trophoblast. This is
AMNIOTIC CAVITY, filled by amniotic fluid/liquor
Flattened cells arising from the
endoderm spread and line the inside of the
blastocystic cavity. In this way, a cavity called
The cells of
trophoblast give origin to
mass of cells called
Small cavities appear in the extra
embryonic mesoderm which join together to form
large cavity called the EXTRA EMBRYONIC
formation extra embryonic mesoderm is split into
two layers
1. Parietal / Somatopleuric extra embryonic
Extra embryonic
coelom does not extend
into that part of extra
embryonic mesoderm
which attaches the wall of
amniotic cavity to the
trophoblast. This
mesoderm forms a
structure called the
With the
appearance of the extra
embryonic mesoderm, and
At one circular area near
the margin of the disc, the
cubical cells of the endoderm
becomes columnar. This area
is called the PROCHORDAL
Soon after the
formation of prochordal plate
some of the ectodermal cells
lying along the central axis,
near the tail end of the disc,
The cells that
proliferate in the region of
the primitive streak pass
sideways, pushing
themselves between the
ectoderm and endoderm.
These cells form the
The process of
The intra
embryonic mesoderm
spreads throughout the
disc except in the
region of prochordal
plate. Which remains
relatively thin, and later
forms the bucco-
pharyngeal membrane.
As the embryonic
disc enlarges in size, and
also elongates, the
connecting stalk becomes
relatively small, Some intra
embryonic mesoderm
arising from the primitive
streak, passes backward
into the connecting stalk.
In this region the ectoderm
and endoderm remain in
contact, and forms the
 It is a midline structure, that
develops in the region extending from the cranial
end of primitive streak to the caudal end of
prochordal plate.
1. Cranial end of
primitive streak
becomes thickened,
This thickened part of
the streak is called
the primitive knot /
primitive node /
Henson’s node.
2. A depression appears in the centre of the
primitive knot. This depression is called the
3. Cells in the primitive knot multiply and pass
cranially in the middle line, between the
ectoderm and endoderm, reaching up to the
caudal margin of the prochordal plate. These
cells form a solid cord called the notochordal
process / head process.
4. The cavity of the blastopore now extends into
the notochordal process, and converts it into a
tube called the notochordal canal.
5. The floor of the notochordal canal begins to
break down. Gradually the whole canal comes
to communicate with the yolk sac and the
amniotic cavity. Thus, at this stage, the
amniotic cavity and the yolk sac are in
communication with each other.
6. Gradually the walls of the canal becomes
flattened to form the notochordal plate.
7. However, this process of flattening is soon
 The nervous system develops as a thickening
within the ectodermal layer at the rostal end of
the embryo. This thickening constitutes the
neural plate, which rapidly forms raised margins
called the neural fold.
 These folds in turn encompass and delineate a
deepening midline depression, the neural
 The two edges of neural plate come nearer each
other and eventually fuse, thus converting the
neural groove into the neural tube.
 The process of formation of neural tube is called
 The band of specialized cells from the neuro
ectoderm that lies along the
outer surface of each side of the neural tube in
the early stages of embryonic development.
 These cells have the capacity to migrate and
differentiate with in the developing embryo.
 Cranial to the
prochordal plate the
mesoderm of two sides
meets in the midline.
 At the edges of the
embryonic disc, the intra
embryonic mesoderm is
continuous with the extra
embryonic mesoderm.
The intra embryonic
mesoderm now becomes
subdivided into three
a. Paraxial mesoderm
b. Lateral plate
c. Intermediate
the paraxial
mesoderm now
segmented into cubical
masses called
somitomeres. Which give
rise to somites /
metameres / primitive
Formation of intra embryonic
 Small cavities appear in the lateral plate
mesoderm. These coalesce to form one large
cavity called intra embryonic coelom
• At first, this is a closed cavity but soon it
comes to
communicate with the extra embryonic
• With the formation
of the intra embryonic
coelom, the lateral
plate mesoderm splits
a. Somatopleuric /
intra embryonic
b. Splanchnopleuric /
• The intra embryonic coelom gives rise to
pericardial, pleural, and
peritonial cavities.
• Pericardium is formed from that part of intra
embryonic coelom which lies cranial to prochordal
• The heart is formed in the
mesoderm forming the floor
this part of the
coelom. This is, therefore,
called the
cardiogenic area.
• Cranial to the cardiogenic area the
somatopleuric and
splanchnopleuric mesoderm are continuous
with each other
This unsplit mesoderm forms a structure
called the septum
Folding of embryo:
 After formation of the
secondary yolk sac, there is
progressive increase in the
size of the embryonic disc.
 With further enlargement,
the embryonic disc
becomes folded on itself, at
the head and tail ends.
These are called the head
and tail folds.
 The head fold is critical to the formation of
primitive stomatodeum / oral cavity.
 Through this fold ectoderm comes to line the
stomatodeum, with the stomatodeum seperated
from the foregut by the buccopharngeal
membrane, but this soon breaks down so that the
stomatodeum communicates directly with the
 Laterally the stomatodeum becomes limited
by the first pair of pharyngeal / branchial arches.
The pharyngeal arches:
 The branchial arches form in the pharyngeal wall
as a result of proliferating lateral plate mesoderm
and subsequent reinforcement by migrating
neural crest cells.
 Six cylindrical thickening thus form. That expand
from the lateral wal of pharynx, pass beneath the
floor of the pharynx, and approach their anatomic
counterparts expanding from the opposite side.
 The arches progressively separate the primitive
stomatodeum from the developing heart.
• Arches are seperated
externally by small clefts
called the branchial
groove / ectodermal clefts.
And internally by small
depressions called
pharyngeal pouches /
endodermal pouches.
Branchial arches:
 At first there are six arches. The fifth arch
disappears and only five remain.
 The first arch is also called the mandibular arch,
and the second arch, the hyoid arch.
 Each pharyngeal arch contains
1. a skeletal element
2. striated muscle
3. nerve of the arch
4. arterial arch
• The neural crest mesenchyme condenses to form
a bar of cartilage, the arch cartilag.
• The cartilage of first arch is called Meckel’s
cartilage, and that of second arch is called
Reichert’s cartilage.
• Some of the mesenchyme sorrounding the
cartilagenous bar develops into striated muscle.
• The nerve consists of two components,
1. motor supply muscles of arch
pretrematic branch
2. sensory
post trematic branch
Supply the
epithelium that covers the
anterior half of the arch.
Supply the
epithelium that covers the
posterior half of the arch.
Fate of ectodermal cleft:
 The dorsal part of first cleft
develops into the epithelial
lining of external acoustic
 The pinna is formed from a
series of swellings or hillocks,
that arise on the first and
second arches, where they
adjoin the first clefts.
 The second, third and fourth
grooves normally are
obliterated by over growth of
the second arch forming a
cervical sinus that sometimes
persists and opens into the
side of the neck ( branchial
Fate of endodermal pouches:
Development of face:
 After the formation of
head fold, the
developing brain and
the pericardium form
two prominent bulgings
on the ventral aspect of
the embryo.
 These bulgings are
seperated by the
stomatodeum. The
floor of stomatodeum
is formed by the
• Mesoderm covering the
developing forebrain
proliferates, and forms a
downward projection that
overlaps the upper part of
the stomatodeum. This
downward projection is
called the frontonasal
• The first branchial arch, which forms the lateral
wall of stomatodeum, gives a bud from its dorsal
end, called the maxillary process.
• It grows ventro-medially cranial to the main
part of the arch which is now called the
mandibular process.
• At about 28 days, localised thickenings develop
within ectoderm of the frontonasal process, just
rostal to the opening of the stomatodeum. These
thickenings are called the nasal placodes.
• The placodes soon sink below the surface to
form nasal pits. The edges of each pit are raised
above the surface: the medial raised edge is
called the medial nasal process and the lateral
raised edge is called the lateral nasal process.
• The medial nasal processes of both sides,
together with the frontonasal process, give rise
to the middle portion of the nose, middle portion
of the upper lip, anterior portion of the maxilla,
and the primary palate.
The mandibular processes of the two
sides grow towards each other, and fuse in the
midline to form the lower lip, and the lower jaw.
• Each maxillary process now grows medially and
fuses, first with the lateral nasal process and then
with the medial nasal process. the medial and
lateral processes also fuses with each other. In
this way the nasal pits are cut off from the
• The frontonasal
process becomes much
narrower from side to
side, with the result that
the two external nares
come close together.
• The deeper part of the
frontonasal process
ultimately forms the
nasal septum.
• Mesoderm becomes
heaped up in the median
plane to form the
prominence of nose.
• A groove appears
between the regions of
the nose and the bulging
forebrain called the
• As the nose becomes
prominent the external
After formation of upper lip and lower
lip, the stomatodeum is very broad. In its lateral
part, it is bounded above by the maxillary process
and below by the mandibular process. These
processes undergo progressive fusion with each
other to form the cheeks.
• The region of the eye is first seen as an
ectodermal thickening ,the lens placode, which
appears on the ventro- lateral side of the
developing forebrain, lateral and cranial to the
nasal placode.
• The developing eye ball produces a bulging
which , at first directed laterally and lie in the
angles between the maxillary processes and the
lateral nasal processes.
• With the narrowing of the frontonasal process
they come to face forwards.
• The eyelids are derived from folds of
ectoderm that arre formed above and below
the eyes, and by mesoderm enclosed with in
the folds.
• The external ear is
formed around the
dorsal part of the first
ectodermal cleft.
• A series of mesodermal thickenings ( called
tubercles or hillocks ) appear on the mandibular
and hyoid arches where they adjoin this cleft.
• The pinna is formed by fusion of these
• The pinna first lies caudal to the developing
jaw. Later it is pushed upward and backward to
its definitive position due to great enlargement of
the mandibular process.
Development of palate:
 The palate as a whole forms from two primordia which
can be classified as
1. the primary palate.
2. the secondary palate
 At around the sixth week of development the primary
palate begins to take shape, arising from the medial
nasal process.
 The formation of secondary palate comencess
between seventh and eight weeks from two palatine
processes and completes around the third month of
• Three outgrowths appear in the oral cavity, the
nasal septum grows downward from the
frontonasal process along the midline, and two
palatine processes, one from each side, extend
from the maxillary processes towards the midline.
• The shelves are directed first downward on
each side of the tongue. After the seventh week
of develoment, the tongue is withdrawn from
between the shelves, which now elevate and fuse
with each other. Their fusion begins anteriorly and
proceeds backwards.
• Each palatal process
fuses with the posterior
margin of the primitive
• The medial edges of the
palatal processes fuse with
the free lower edge of the
nasal septum, thus
seperating the two nasal
cavities from each other
and from the mouth.
• At a later stage, the
mesoderm in the palate
undergoes intra
ossification to form the
hard palate. However,
ossification does not
extend into the most
posterior portion, which
remains as the soft
Development of tongue:
 The development of tongue starts at fourth
month of intra uterine life.
 The tongue develops in relation to the
pharyngeal arches in the floor of developing
 The medial most part of the mandibular arches
proliferate to form two lingual swellings.
 The lingual swellings are partially seperated
from each other by another midline swelling
called tuberculum impar.
• Immediately behind
tuberculum impar, the
epithelium proliferates to
form a down growth called
thyroglossal duct from which
the thyroid gland develops.
• The site of this down
growth is subsequently
marked by a depression
called the foramen ceacum.
• Another midline swelling
seen in relation to medial
 The anterior two third of tongue is formed by
fusion of
a. The tuberculum impar, and
b. The two lingual swellings.
 The second arch mesoderm gets buried
below the surface. The third arch mesoderm
grows over it to fuse with the mesoderm of the
first arch. The posterior one third of the tongue
is thus formed by third arch mesoderm.
 The posterior-most part of the tongue is
derived from the fourth arch.
 The musculature of the tongue is derived
from the occipetal myotomes.
Parts of tongue Embryonic part from
which derived
Taste Motor
Epithelium over
anterior two- third first arch Mandibular
lingual br
Epithelium over
posterior one third second arch glosso-
Epithelium over
posterior most part third arch
laryngeal br
of vagus
laryngeal br
of vagus
Thank you

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1. DEV OF FACE.pptx

  • 1.
  • 3. FORMATION OF GERM LAYERS Mammalian development involves a phase of rapid proliferation and migration of cells, with little or no differentiation. This proliferative phase lasts until three germ layers have formed 1. ENDODERM 2. ECTODERM 3. MESODERM
  • 4. After fertilization of ovum, a series of cell division give rise to an egg cell mass known as the MORULA. Fluid seeps into morula, and its cells realign themselves to form fluid filled hollow ball, the BLASTOCYST. Its consists of 1) Inner cell mass / Embryoblast 2) Trophoblast The inner cell mass seperates into two layers a. Epiblast embryo proper b. Hyboblast The trophoblast cells are associated with implantation of the embryo and formation of placenta.
  • 5.
  • 6.  Some cells of inner cell mass differentiate into flattened cell, that come to line its free surface. These constitute the ENDODERM First germ layer  The remaining cell of inner cell mass become columnar. These cells form the second germ
  • 7. A space appears between the ectoderm and the trophoblast. This is AMNIOTIC CAVITY, filled by amniotic fluid/liquor amnii. Flattened cells arising from the endoderm spread and line the inside of the blastocystic cavity. In this way, a cavity called PRIMARY YOLK SAC is formed.
  • 8. The cells of trophoblast give origin to mass of cells called the EXTRA EMBRYONIC MESODERM / PRIMARY MESODERM. Small cavities appear in the extra embryonic mesoderm which join together to form large cavity called the EXTRA EMBRYONIC COELOM / CHORIONIC CAVITY. With its formation extra embryonic mesoderm is split into two layers 1. Parietal / Somatopleuric extra embryonic mesoderm
  • 9. Extra embryonic coelom does not extend into that part of extra embryonic mesoderm which attaches the wall of amniotic cavity to the trophoblast. This mesoderm forms a structure called the CONNECTING STALK. With the appearance of the extra embryonic mesoderm, and
  • 10. At one circular area near the margin of the disc, the cubical cells of the endoderm becomes columnar. This area is called the PROCHORDAL PLATE. Soon after the formation of prochordal plate some of the ectodermal cells lying along the central axis, near the tail end of the disc,
  • 11. The cells that proliferate in the region of the primitive streak pass sideways, pushing themselves between the ectoderm and endoderm. These cells form the INTRA EMBRYONIC MESODERM / SECONDARY MESODERM. THIRD GERM LAYER The process of
  • 12. The intra embryonic mesoderm spreads throughout the disc except in the region of prochordal plate. Which remains relatively thin, and later forms the bucco- pharyngeal membrane.
  • 13. As the embryonic disc enlarges in size, and also elongates, the connecting stalk becomes relatively small, Some intra embryonic mesoderm arising from the primitive streak, passes backward into the connecting stalk. In this region the ectoderm and endoderm remain in contact, and forms the CLOACAL MEMBRANE.
  • 14. FORMATION OF NOTOCHORD  NOTOCHORD :  It is a midline structure, that develops in the region extending from the cranial end of primitive streak to the caudal end of prochordal plate.
  • 15. STAGES: 1. Cranial end of primitive streak becomes thickened, This thickened part of the streak is called the primitive knot / primitive node / Henson’s node.
  • 16. 2. A depression appears in the centre of the primitive knot. This depression is called the blastopore. 3. Cells in the primitive knot multiply and pass cranially in the middle line, between the ectoderm and endoderm, reaching up to the caudal margin of the prochordal plate. These cells form a solid cord called the notochordal process / head process.
  • 17.
  • 18. 4. The cavity of the blastopore now extends into the notochordal process, and converts it into a tube called the notochordal canal. 5. The floor of the notochordal canal begins to break down. Gradually the whole canal comes to communicate with the yolk sac and the amniotic cavity. Thus, at this stage, the amniotic cavity and the yolk sac are in communication with each other. 6. Gradually the walls of the canal becomes flattened to form the notochordal plate. 7. However, this process of flattening is soon
  • 19. FORMATION OF NEURAL TUBE  The nervous system develops as a thickening within the ectodermal layer at the rostal end of the embryo. This thickening constitutes the neural plate, which rapidly forms raised margins called the neural fold.  These folds in turn encompass and delineate a deepening midline depression, the neural groove.  The two edges of neural plate come nearer each other and eventually fuse, thus converting the neural groove into the neural tube.  The process of formation of neural tube is called
  • 20.
  • 21. THE NEURAL CREST :  The band of specialized cells from the neuro ectoderm that lies along the outer surface of each side of the neural tube in the early stages of embryonic development.  These cells have the capacity to migrate and differentiate with in the developing embryo.
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  • 25. SUBDIVISION OF INTRA EMBRYONIC MESODERM:  Cranial to the prochordal plate the mesoderm of two sides meets in the midline.  At the edges of the embryonic disc, the intra embryonic mesoderm is continuous with the extra embryonic mesoderm.
  • 26. The intra embryonic mesoderm now becomes subdivided into three parts: a. Paraxial mesoderm b. Lateral plate mesoderm c. Intermediate mesoderm
  • 27. the paraxial mesoderm now segmented into cubical masses called somitomeres. Which give rise to somites / metameres / primitive segments.
  • 28. Formation of intra embryonic coelom:  Small cavities appear in the lateral plate mesoderm. These coalesce to form one large cavity called intra embryonic coelom
  • 29. • At first, this is a closed cavity but soon it comes to communicate with the extra embryonic coelom.
  • 30. • With the formation of the intra embryonic coelom, the lateral plate mesoderm splits into: a. Somatopleuric / parietal intra embryonic mesoderm b. Splanchnopleuric / visceral
  • 31. • The intra embryonic coelom gives rise to pericardial, pleural, and peritonial cavities. • Pericardium is formed from that part of intra embryonic coelom which lies cranial to prochordal plate. • The heart is formed in the splanchnopleuric mesoderm forming the floor this part of the coelom. This is, therefore, called the cardiogenic area.
  • 32. • Cranial to the cardiogenic area the somatopleuric and splanchnopleuric mesoderm are continuous with each other This unsplit mesoderm forms a structure called the septum transversum.
  • 33. Folding of embryo:  After formation of the secondary yolk sac, there is progressive increase in the size of the embryonic disc.  With further enlargement, the embryonic disc becomes folded on itself, at the head and tail ends. These are called the head and tail folds.
  • 34.  The head fold is critical to the formation of primitive stomatodeum / oral cavity.  Through this fold ectoderm comes to line the stomatodeum, with the stomatodeum seperated from the foregut by the buccopharngeal membrane, but this soon breaks down so that the stomatodeum communicates directly with the foregut.  Laterally the stomatodeum becomes limited by the first pair of pharyngeal / branchial arches.
  • 35.
  • 36. The pharyngeal arches:  The branchial arches form in the pharyngeal wall as a result of proliferating lateral plate mesoderm and subsequent reinforcement by migrating neural crest cells.  Six cylindrical thickening thus form. That expand from the lateral wal of pharynx, pass beneath the floor of the pharynx, and approach their anatomic counterparts expanding from the opposite side.  The arches progressively separate the primitive stomatodeum from the developing heart.
  • 37. • Arches are seperated externally by small clefts called the branchial groove / ectodermal clefts. And internally by small depressions called pharyngeal pouches / endodermal pouches.
  • 38. Branchial arches:  At first there are six arches. The fifth arch disappears and only five remain.  The first arch is also called the mandibular arch, and the second arch, the hyoid arch.  Each pharyngeal arch contains 1. a skeletal element 2. striated muscle 3. nerve of the arch 4. arterial arch
  • 39. A SKELETAL ELEMENT: • The neural crest mesenchyme condenses to form a bar of cartilage, the arch cartilag. • The cartilage of first arch is called Meckel’s cartilage, and that of second arch is called Reichert’s cartilage.
  • 40. MUSCLES AND NERVES: • Some of the mesenchyme sorrounding the cartilagenous bar develops into striated muscle. • The nerve consists of two components, 1. motor supply muscles of arch pretrematic branch 2. sensory post trematic branch
  • 41. PRE TREMATIC BRANCH: Supply the epithelium that covers the anterior half of the arch. POST TREMATIC BRANCH: Supply the epithelium that covers the posterior half of the arch.
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  • 43.
  • 44. Fate of ectodermal cleft:  The dorsal part of first cleft develops into the epithelial lining of external acoustic meatus.  The pinna is formed from a series of swellings or hillocks, that arise on the first and second arches, where they adjoin the first clefts.  The second, third and fourth grooves normally are obliterated by over growth of the second arch forming a cervical sinus that sometimes persists and opens into the side of the neck ( branchial
  • 45. Fate of endodermal pouches:
  • 46.
  • 47. Development of face:  After the formation of head fold, the developing brain and the pericardium form two prominent bulgings on the ventral aspect of the embryo.  These bulgings are seperated by the stomatodeum. The floor of stomatodeum is formed by the buccopharyngeal
  • 48. • Mesoderm covering the developing forebrain proliferates, and forms a downward projection that overlaps the upper part of the stomatodeum. This downward projection is called the frontonasal process.
  • 49. • The first branchial arch, which forms the lateral wall of stomatodeum, gives a bud from its dorsal end, called the maxillary process. • It grows ventro-medially cranial to the main part of the arch which is now called the mandibular process.
  • 50. • At about 28 days, localised thickenings develop within ectoderm of the frontonasal process, just rostal to the opening of the stomatodeum. These thickenings are called the nasal placodes. • The placodes soon sink below the surface to form nasal pits. The edges of each pit are raised above the surface: the medial raised edge is called the medial nasal process and the lateral raised edge is called the lateral nasal process.
  • 51. • The medial nasal processes of both sides, together with the frontonasal process, give rise to the middle portion of the nose, middle portion of the upper lip, anterior portion of the maxilla, and the primary palate. • LOWER LIP: The mandibular processes of the two sides grow towards each other, and fuse in the midline to form the lower lip, and the lower jaw.
  • 52. UPPER LIP: • Each maxillary process now grows medially and fuses, first with the lateral nasal process and then with the medial nasal process. the medial and lateral processes also fuses with each other. In this way the nasal pits are cut off from the stomatodeum.
  • 53. • The frontonasal process becomes much narrower from side to side, with the result that the two external nares come close together. • The deeper part of the frontonasal process ultimately forms the nasal septum.
  • 54. • Mesoderm becomes heaped up in the median plane to form the prominence of nose. • A groove appears between the regions of the nose and the bulging forebrain called the forehead. • As the nose becomes prominent the external
  • 55. CHEEKS: After formation of upper lip and lower lip, the stomatodeum is very broad. In its lateral part, it is bounded above by the maxillary process and below by the mandibular process. These processes undergo progressive fusion with each other to form the cheeks.
  • 56. EYE: • The region of the eye is first seen as an ectodermal thickening ,the lens placode, which appears on the ventro- lateral side of the developing forebrain, lateral and cranial to the nasal placode. • The developing eye ball produces a bulging which , at first directed laterally and lie in the angles between the maxillary processes and the lateral nasal processes. • With the narrowing of the frontonasal process they come to face forwards.
  • 57. • The eyelids are derived from folds of ectoderm that arre formed above and below the eyes, and by mesoderm enclosed with in the folds.
  • 58. EXTERNAL EAR: • The external ear is formed around the dorsal part of the first ectodermal cleft. • A series of mesodermal thickenings ( called tubercles or hillocks ) appear on the mandibular and hyoid arches where they adjoin this cleft. • The pinna is formed by fusion of these thickenings.
  • 59. • The pinna first lies caudal to the developing jaw. Later it is pushed upward and backward to its definitive position due to great enlargement of the mandibular process.
  • 60. Development of palate:  The palate as a whole forms from two primordia which can be classified as 1. the primary palate. 2. the secondary palate  At around the sixth week of development the primary palate begins to take shape, arising from the medial nasal process.  The formation of secondary palate comencess between seventh and eight weeks from two palatine processes and completes around the third month of gestation.
  • 61. • Three outgrowths appear in the oral cavity, the nasal septum grows downward from the frontonasal process along the midline, and two palatine processes, one from each side, extend from the maxillary processes towards the midline. • The shelves are directed first downward on each side of the tongue. After the seventh week of develoment, the tongue is withdrawn from between the shelves, which now elevate and fuse with each other. Their fusion begins anteriorly and proceeds backwards.
  • 62. • Each palatal process fuses with the posterior margin of the primitive palate. • The medial edges of the palatal processes fuse with the free lower edge of the nasal septum, thus seperating the two nasal cavities from each other and from the mouth.
  • 63. • At a later stage, the mesoderm in the palate undergoes intra membraneous ossification to form the hard palate. However, ossification does not extend into the most posterior portion, which remains as the soft palate.
  • 64. Development of tongue:  The development of tongue starts at fourth month of intra uterine life.  The tongue develops in relation to the pharyngeal arches in the floor of developing mouth.  The medial most part of the mandibular arches proliferate to form two lingual swellings.  The lingual swellings are partially seperated from each other by another midline swelling called tuberculum impar.
  • 65. • Immediately behind tuberculum impar, the epithelium proliferates to form a down growth called thyroglossal duct from which the thyroid gland develops. • The site of this down growth is subsequently marked by a depression called the foramen ceacum. • Another midline swelling seen in relation to medial
  • 66.  The anterior two third of tongue is formed by fusion of a. The tuberculum impar, and b. The two lingual swellings.  The second arch mesoderm gets buried below the surface. The third arch mesoderm grows over it to fuse with the mesoderm of the first arch. The posterior one third of the tongue is thus formed by third arch mesoderm.  The posterior-most part of the tongue is derived from the fourth arch.  The musculature of the tongue is derived from the occipetal myotomes.
  • 67.
  • 68. Parts of tongue Embryonic part from which derived General sensation Taste Motor Epithelium over anterior two- third first arch Mandibular lingual br facial chordtympani Epithelium over posterior one third second arch glosso- pharyngeal glosso- pharyngeal Epithelium over posterior most part third arch superior laryngeal br of vagus superior laryngeal br of vagus MUSCLE occipital myotomes hypoglossal