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Annual report 2008
The consumer cooperative movement shall create
economic benefits, and enable its members through
their consumption to contribute towards sustainable
development for people and the environment.
Contents I KF annual report 2008
CEO’s statement                       2   Directors’ report                           38
KF’s strategic approach               7   Consolidated Income Statement
Group overview                        8   for the KF Group                            43
Grocery retail sector                10   Consolidated Balance Sheet for the KF Group 44
International outlook                13   Changes in Group equity for the KF Group    46
                                          Cash Flow Statement for the KF Group        46
Grocery retail group                 14   Income Statement for the KF
Coop Sverige                         14   Cooperative Society                         47
Daglivs                              20   Balance Sheet for the KF Cooperative Society 48
Mataffä                        20   Changes in equity for the
                                          KF Cooperative Society                       50
Real estate and finance              22   Cash Flow Statement for the
MedMera Bank                         22   KF Cooperative Society                       50
KF Fastigheter                       24   Accounting policies                         51
KF Invest                            26   Notes                                       54
KF Sparkassa                         26   Auditor’s report                            70

Media group                          28   Key ratios and definitions                  71
Akademibokhandelsgruppen and Bokus   28   Member control                              72
Norstedts Förlagsgrupp               30   Consumer societies                          74
PAN Vision                           31   Work of the Board of Directors              76
Tidningen Vi magazine                32   Chairman’s statement                        77
                                          Board of Directors                          78
Other companies                      34   Group management                            80
Läckeby Water Group                  34
Löplabbet                            34   Sustainability report                       81
Vår Gård Saltsjöbaden                35
                                          Contacts                                   104
KF Gymnasiet                         35
 The year in brief
• The most important event over the year was when Coop
 Sverige, which previously formed part of Coop Norden,
 returned to KF as a wholly owned subsidiary at the end of
                                                                              • Internet store Mataffä was launched in April, and KF
                                                                                acquired three Vi shops over the year. KF took over as
                                                                                owner of environmental technology company Läckeby Water
 2007. In its first year of business within the KF Group, Coop                  Group (81 per cent) and Löplabbetgruppen (70 per cent).
 Sverige reported an operating profit of SEK 153 million
 (–110), which is its best result in ten years. Excluding non-                • A partnership was initiated with Green Cargo concerning col-
 recurring items, the operating profit amounted to SEK 198                      lective, cost-effective and environmentally friendly logistics
 million.                                                                       solutions which will considerably reduce the Group’s emis-
                                                                                sions of carbon dioxide from transportation.
• The KF Group’s net sales amounted to SEK 35,817 million
 (26,208), an increase of 37 per cent, due mainly to the fact                 • A powerful programme of improvements, involving both
 that Coop Sverige was integrated into KF and that Daglivs                      investments and reductions in expenses, commenced at
 and several other businesses were taken over. The Group’s                      Coop Sverige in order to turn profit into long-term profitabil-
 operating businesses are reporting a profit of SEK 755 mil-                    ity. The demand for reduced expenses led to the staff being
 lion (594), adjusted for items affecting comparability. The                    notified that there would be redundancies equivalent to
 operating profit for the KF Group overall amounted to SEK                      1,000 full-time positions.
 380 million (357). The stagnation on the financial markets
 have affected profit after financial items, which amounted to                • The number of members in the consumer societies contin-
 SEK 110 million (476).                                                         ued to rise over the year, amounting to more than 3 million.
                                                                                Coop MedMera reward vouchers with a total redemption
• The consumer cooperatives’ share of the grocery retail mar-
                                                                                value of SEK 450 million in discounts were returned to mem-
 ket for the biggest players remained unchanged at 21.4 per
                                                                                bers who had taken part in the Coop MedMera Premium Pro-
                                                                                gramme over the year.

 Key ratios                                                           2008                2007              2006        2005             2004

 KF Group
 Net sales, ex. VAT, SEK billions                                    35.8                26.2               24.4        25.2            29.0
 Balance sheet total, SEK billions                                   19.3                20.5               14.8        14.1            13.3
 Profit after financial items, SEK millions                           110                 476                701         715           1,084
 Number of sales outlets                                              440                  61                 58          56              54
 Average number of employees                                        8,996               1,216              1,175       1,271           1,321
 Return on capital employed, %                                         7.7                5.2                 7.2         7.3            11.0
 Return on equity, %                                                   1.5                5.8                 9.4         9.8           18.6
 Equity ratio, %                                                     34.3                31.7               42.9        42.3            40.2
 Net liabilities, SEK millions*                                     1,184                  11               –146         190              68

 Retail societies
 Sales, ex. VAT, SEK billions                                        16.9                16.2              15.9          15.7             16
 Number of sales outlets                                              413                 418               434          444             470
 Average number of employees                                        6,150               6,500             7,200        7,700           8,317
 Number of societies, total                                            48                  51                54           58              60
 Number of members, thousands                                       3,130               3,085             3,038        3,000           2,940
 * This increase is due mainly to extensive investments over the year in both grocery retail trade and properties.
KF I Business report 2008

    CEO’s statement
    There is no doubt that 2008 will be a year that goes down in history. Few people could have pre-
    dicted the fastest, most widespread decline in the global economy for many decades, which led to
    large parts of the leading economies tumbling into recession at the end of 2008. However, for the
    Swedish retail trade the year as a whole was relatively positive, given the circumstances.

    Global recession and a new                     Like all other companies, the KF          tant than ever now to develop a new
    approach                                    Group has to adapt to the prevailing cir-    approach. Under all circumstances we
    Most analysts have a pessimistic view of    cumstances. Although the financial situ-     are prepared to implement extraordinary
    financial development in 2009. It is        ation within the Group is good, we have      measures if the global crisis worsens still
    harder now than it has been for a very      to adapt more quickly to the new situa-      further over the year.
    long time to assess the depth and the       tion as regards demand if the economic
    scale of the problems in the financial                                                   An eventful 2008
    markets and their direct consequences                                                    KF’s integration of Coop Sverige AB as a
    for the real economy.                                                                    wholly owned subsidiary has gone very
                                                KF’s integration of Coop Sverige
       After twelve years of good develop-                                                   well. Coop has tangibly improved its
                                                AB as a wholly owned subsidiary
    ment, the trend for the Swedish grocery                                                  operating profit, and the operating profit
                                                       has gone very well.
    retail trade will probably turn in 2009,                                                 reported for 2008 is its best in more
    even though the retail trade is less sus-                                                than a decade. The action programme to
    ceptible to the economic cycle than         situation worsens significantly in future.   improve profitability began over the
    many other industries. Above all, this      All Group companies have decided upon        course of the year with a view to being
    applies to the sale of food. However, a     or initiated change programmes of vary-      implemented fully by 2010 at the latest.
    shift towards what are known as value       ing sizes. In particular, Coop has an        Work on reducing expenses by at least
    concepts has already been perceptible.      improvements programme that is more          SEK 1.5 billion while at the same time
    At the same time, the development of        extensive than has been the case in          doubling investments in the shop move-
    environmentally friendly products is        many years. The main reason for these        ment is going according to plan.
    positive. High food quality is generally    measures is not the stagnation in the           Coop Norden is continuing as a pure
    always something which Swedish con-         economy, but the aim of adapting the         purchasing company, Coop Trading A/S,
    sumers appreciate, but when times are       company’s expense levels to the level        at a Nordic level, and in addition it is
    hard views on the pricing of various con-   experienced by the very best of our com-     now a development centre for our own
    cepts are more crucial to households.       petitors in the industry. Our aim is also    private brands. The Finnish consumer
       Recessions have a tendency to be rein-   to streamline and develop the manage-        cooperative movement, SOK, became a
    forced still further by psychological       ment and control of operations.              co-owner over the year. Coop Trading is
    effects such as expectations of the econ-      The KF Group is in a good position to     one of the biggest retail purchasing com-
    omy. Households and companies there-        face the future, even though macroeco-       panies in the Nordic region, and over
    fore tend, quite naturally, to be more      nomic conditions are weaker than they        time this should help to further improve
    restrained and maintain a short-term        have been in many years. This change of      conditions for purchasing and permit
    view.                                       circumstances means it is more impor-        faster development of our own private

The KF Group is in a good position to
            face the future, even though macroeco-
             nomic conditions are weaker than they
                   have been in many years.

                                                                                                           Lars Idermark
                                                                                                           President & CEO

   The company acquired some more Vi         ments have been achieved in purchasing             KF Fastigheter has had one of its best
shops over the year, which are working       and logistics as well, and this is particu-     results in a number of years, with suc-
according to the business model to com-      larly important in the grocery retail sector.   cessful sales. The rate of investment in
bine the resources and benefits of scale        In terms of sales and profits, the           new shopping centres remains high.
of the Group with entrepreneurship.          media companies have not developed                 Several other Group companies, such
Buying food online via Mataffä         entirely in line with expectations. This is     as Läckeby Water Group, Vår Gård Salt-
has exceeded our expectations and is         due mainly to major necessary changes           sjöbaden, Tidningen Vi, MedMera Bank
growing rapidly. Coop Sverige’s super-       internally and considerably worse sales         et al. have been able to demonstrate very
market segment has had one of its better     development than in previous years.             good development in terms of profits
years in a very long time, with very good    Moreover, the entire industry has been          and business as a whole. Over the year,
profitability, and it has even taken mar-    hit by a downturn. Only online book             KF acquired 70 per cent of Löplabbet-
ket shares. Coop Forum has also imple-       sales have continued to demonstrate             gruppen, which is also developing well.
mented a radical change and taken on         good growth. The media companies                   The Group’s asset management has
measures to counter remaining sources        now are permeated by a radical new              had a taste of the very adverse develop-
of loss. All hypermarkets will be mod-       approach, with greater coordination             ment of the financial market. Despite
ernised by the end of the first six months   between Group companies. KF is the              the fact that the Swedish stock exchange
of 2009. Radical changes are taking          biggest bookseller in Sweden, and obvi-         has fallen by more than 40 per cent,
place at Coop Bygg and a new strategy is     ous synergies within the Group will be          assets management has not fallen by
being implemented. Major improve-            realised gradually.                             more than 4.9 per cent, due to a cautious

KF I Business report 2008

    investment philosophy which has been         benefits for business, benefits for mem-      mation. The decision to embark upon a
    effective in the prevailing market situa-    bers, and benefits for society. New finan-    more in-depth partnership with Green
    tion.                                        cial targets have also been set for the       Cargo in respect of rail transport and
       The operating profit for the KF Group     Group. The objective is to achieve a 14       logistics will be followed by a number of
    for 2008 is entirely acceptable, given       per cent return on equity over an eco-        similar initiatives in the future. The cor-
    that business has been affected by both      nomic cycle and satisfactory equity/          porate culture will also undergo change.
    the reduction in demand and the fall in      assets ratio. The Group currently has a       Straightness, clarity, professionalism,
                                                 good financial position. With the new         sound business practice and a well
                                                 Group strategy and clear financial objec-     defined culture of consistency will all set
                                                 tives, our course is set clearly for the      the tone. To this will be added the val-
        The future is something we               coming years.                                 ues which constitute the basis for the
      can create together with good                 New forms of control and monitoring        operations of the consumer cooperative
      staff, clear managers, in-depth            for the Group’s sustainability work have      movement.
          customer relations and                 also been introduced over the year. Our          Our rate of investment will remain
             long-term owners.                   aim is to maintain a high level of            high. Acquisitions, partnerships and
                                                 responsibility within all our operations;     divestment of operations will provide
    the stock exchange. In addition, profit is   financially, environmentally and socially.    the means for reinforcement of the long-
    affected by what are known as structural     At the same time, the Group must be a         term targets of the Group.
    expenses for implementation of planned       leader in the field of sustainable develop-      Important steps have been taken
    changes which aim to bring about good        ment in the grocery retail trade. Our         towards changing and renewing opera-
    profitability and growth in a few years'     overall sustainability strategy is focusing   tions over the last few years, and further
    time. One strength is that cooperation       on initiatives for reducing environmen-       measures will be implemented in 2009.
    within the overall consumer cooperative      tal impact, further developing our pro-       Therefore, we have every reason to main-
    movement has been deepened over the          file with regard to organic products and      tain a positive attitude towards the con-
    year. This tangibly increases our strength   reinforcing our partnerships with Koop-       sumer cooperative movement’s future
    on the market in future. The number of       eration Utan Gränser and Vi-skogen.           opportunities as an interesting alterna-
    members continued to increase over the                                                     tive to other business models.
    year and now amounts to more than 3          Continued renewal and a fast pace                The future is something we can create
    million, which gives us vital power in       in 2009                                       together with good staff, clear managers,
    our work on developing our special fea-      The KF Group is undergoing extensive          in-depth customer relations and long-
    tures as a corporate group owned by its      changes. Some measures are so radically       term owners. Development is not
    members. With Coop MedMera reward            different compared to before that both        defined by fate; it is decided mainly by
    vouchers, SEK 450 million was returned       managers and staff alike are facing major     our own abilities, will and ambition. We
    to members in redeemed value.                challenges when it comes to taking on         believe in the strategies we have selected,
                                                 board these necessary changes. While          and so we feel a sense of optimism.
    Strategy for adding value                    the Group is cutting back on expenses,
    In 2008, the Board of Directors has          the business model for several Group
    decided on a new Group strategy for          subsidiaries is being altered. Coop Sver-     Lars Idermark
    adding value with three cornerstones:        ige is undergoing the biggest transfor-       President & CEO

Organization chart                            MEMBERS/OWNERS
                                       (More than 3 million members over 48
                                               consumer societies)

                                              GENERAL MEETING
                                          AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS

                                           KOOPERATIVA FÖRBUNDET
                                                KF GROUP

   Grocery retail group     Real estate and finance                  Media group               Other companies

    Coop Sverige               KF Fastigheter                 Norstedts Förlagsgrupp         Vår Gård Saltsjöbaden
    – Coop Konsum              MedMera Bank                   Akademibokhandeln              KF Gymnasiet
    – Coop Nära                KF Invest                      Bokus                          Läckeby Water Group
    – Coop Extra               KF Sparkassa                   PAN Vision                     Löplabbet
    – Coop Forum                                              Tidningen Vi magazine          KF Shared Services
    – Coop Bygg                                                                              KF Revision

1     “The consumer cooperative movement
      shall create economic benefits, and
      enable its members through their con-
      sumption to contribute towards sus-
      tainable development for people and
      the environment.”
                                                                              2        Value base
                                                                                       • Confidence in our distinctive nature as a
                                                                                         company owned by its members
                                                                                       • Influence
                                                                                       • Member ownership
                                                                                       • Concern for people and the environment
                                                                                       • Honesty

                                                                                       • Innovative thinking

                          Benefits for business, benefits for
                          members, and benefits for society
                          form the basis for KF’s strategic
                          Benefits for business Profitable, value-
                          profiled grocery retail trade.
                          Benefits for members Inexpensive,
                          sustainable goods/services and a clean
                          Benefits for society Contributing
                          towards sustainable development for
                          people and the environment.
KF Fastigheter building sustainable shopping centres
KF Fastigheter’s biggest project to   The Bromma area is planned for completion by 2012 and
                                      will have grown by then to around 100,000 sq m. This
date got off the ground in 2008       project is permeated by sustainability and environmental
with the conversion of Hangar 3 at    awareness. KF Fastigheter is working to develop, plan and
the Bromma Center trading area        produce buildings for the food sector which have
                                      extremely low warmup costs.
which took place in June.                A heat pump which will use the excess heat from Coop
                                      is being installed at the Bromma Center. There will also be
                                      a manned goods delivery area at the Bromma Center in
                                      2010. This will allow vehicles to unload more quickly,
                                      result in fewer queues and hence lower carbon dioxide
                                      emissions. In addition, staffing the facility from the early
                                      morning onwards will allow goods to be unloaded before
                                      the shops open, which will allow goods to be transported
                                      when there is less traffic.
KF’s strategic approach
  KF is a federation of consumer cooperatives and a retail group, with groceries as its core business.
  Members and customers must be able to buy value-for-money goods of the required quality all over
  Sweden. This requires consumer cooperative retail to be competitive and profitable. Everything we
  do has to stem from the cooperative value base, which is founded on the concept of economic bene-
  fit and sustainable development. The basis for creation of profitable, value-profiled grocery retail
  trade has been reinforced significantly on account of the fact that Coop Sverige has been consoli-
  dated in KF since the end of 2007 and is run as a wholly owned subsidiary.

  Group strategy for enhanced value growth
• All our business areas must achieve profitability                        • Developing and making the most of staff skills
  on a par with the market.                                                  Enhanced management and greater professional expertise are
  Acquisitions and partnerships may enhance our opportunities to             key to our initiative for development for managers and staff.
  create greater efficiency, growth and profitability. Our core busi-        Maintaining an ongoing overview of management and control will
  ness must be given priority, and other business must be regularly          create a coordinated, efficient group.
  tested and evaluated in respect of financial returns and risk profile.
                                                                           • Values and profiles clarified to reinforce
• Focus on core business – grocery retail trade                              Group brands
  Investments in our core business, Coop Sverige, will be given pri-         The Coop brand is a “master brand” which must represent suc-
  ority over the next few years. The operations of the consumer              cessful, profitable, innovative and well profiled retail operations.
  cooperative movement must meet the needs of our members/                   Efficient, reliable communication will be an important instrument
  owners in their everyday consumption.                                      for building a new corporate culture.

• New business opportunities are being created in                          • At the forefront of new approaches
  which benefits for business, benefits for members                          KF and the consumer cooperative movement have a tradition of
  and benefits for society can interact.                                     leading the way when it comes to new approaches and innova-
                                                                             tion. We will now take back this leading position.
  The cooperative form of company, where the owners are members
  are customers, must be developed and modernised. The special
                                                                           • Communication and influence
  nature of the cooperative movement must be emphasised by
  means of improved offers for customers and members, which in               The consumer cooperative movement will use active communica-
  turn will lead to increased profitability for the entire organisation.     tion and new forms of influence to develop and modify itself as a
                                                                             member-owned company. Its unique form of ownership will be uti-
• Increased cost-effectiveness through constant                              lised as a competitive advantage.
  efforts to improve
                                                                           • Greater cooperation with the rest of
  The Coop Sverige improvement programme is being imple-
  mented in order to achieve efficiency and cost levels which can            the consumer cooperative movement
  match up to those enjoyed by the best of our competitors. Simi-            Improvement work at Coop Sverige is having positive effects on
  lar measures are also being implemented for other operations,              the consumer cooperative movement as a whole. Further syner-
  with the media companies being given high priority.                        gistic opportunities can be exploited in order to achieve greater
                                                                             efficiency and good profitability for the entire consumer coopera-
• Leading player in the field of sustainable                                 tive movement.
  development – green growth
  Our environmental strategy will be integrated in our business
  model, and the consumer cooperative movement will retain and
  develop its leading position in the field of sustainable develop-
  ment on commercial grounds.

KF I Business report 2008

    Group overview
    KF is a retail group, and the grocery retail trade forms its core business. The property and finance
    companies are also active in the grocery retail trade, but they also operate on other markets. The
    media group includes a range of companies with their own strong brands. The Group is also home
    to a number of companies with different business approaches, as well as companies offering
    internal services.

                         Grocery retail group

      Operations           Coop Sverige works with the grocery retail trade and       Daglivs is situated in       Mataffä is a retail
                           – together with the retail societies – is responsible      Kungsholmen, Stockholm       store which uses the
                           for 21.4 per cent of the Swedish grocery retail mar-       and is one of the biggest,   Internet as its sales outlet
                           ket for the six biggest players. Cilab (Coop Inköp och     most successful food         and offers a complete
                           Logistik AB) is responsible for purchasing for Coop        stores in Sweden. Almost     range of groceries for
                           Sverige and the retail societies. International purchas-   13,000 customers visit       delivery in the Stockholm
                           ing takes place via Coop Trading and Intercoop.            the store every day.         area.

      Key ratios
      Net sales                    SEK 31,004 millions                                SEK 478 millions             SEK 27 millions
      Average number of employees 7,318                                               109                          26
      Find out more on             p. 14                                              p. 20                        p. 21

                         Real estate and finance

                                                                                      KF Invest                    KF Sparkassa

       Operations          MedMera Bank manages          KF Fastigheter manages       KF Invest is the Group’s     KF Sparkassa offers mem-
                           the Coop MedMera Pre-         a real estate portfolio in   financial function, and      bers of the consumer coop-
                           mium Programme and            excess of SEK 6 billion      manages KF’s financial       eratives savings services
                           publishes and handles         and works with develop-      assets as well as dealing    at competitive interest
                           the cooperative move-         ment and renewal of          with the financial expo-     rates. Around 90,000
                           ment’s 3.5 or so million      store networks, mainly       sures to which the Group     members have accounts
                           Coop MedMera cards.           for Coop Sverige and the     is subject on account of     with Sparkassan.
                                                         retail societies.            its operations.

      Key ratios
      Net sales                    SEK 305 millions      SEK 560 millions                                          Deposits SEK 3.8 billion
      Average number of employees 53                     93                           8
      Find out more on             p. 22                 p. 24                        p. 26                        p. 26

Media group

 Akademibokhandelsgrup-         Bokus sells books and        Norstedts Förlagsgrupp          PAN Vision Group is one      Tidningen Vi is a maga-
 pen has 61 stores all over     other media online. It       publishes some 500 new          of the leading Nordic dis-   zine about society and
 Sweden and is responsible      sells a wide range of        titles each year: fiction,      tributors in digital home    culture which is published
 for more than 40 per cent      books, covering some         non-fiction, books for chil-    entertainment and has        twelve times a year. The
 of the book trading market     3.5 million titles pub-      dren and young people,          three main markets; com-     company also publishes
 and almost 15 per cent of      lished in countries such     dictionaries, audiobooks        puter games, films and       Vi Läser magazine, which
 the total book market in       as Sweden, the UK, the       and games. This business        peripherals for computer     specialises in books and
 Sweden.                        USA and Germany.             is collected together           games and computers.         reading.
                                                             under the publishing
                                                             houses Norstedts and
                                                             Rabén och Sjögren.

  SEK 1,513 millions             Part of Akademi-             SEK 500 millions              SEK 1,406 millions             SEK 25 millions
  573                            bokhandelsgruppen            174                           214                            13
  p. 28                         p. 29                         p. 30                         p. 31                          p. 32

Other companies

                                                                                                                          KF Revision            KF Shared Services

 Läckeby Water Group            Löplabbet (70%) is Scan-     Vår Gård Saltsjöbaden is a     KF Gymnasiet offers a         KF Revision works      KF Shared Services
 (81%) is a civil engineering   dinavia’s leading chain      conference facility which      broad economic educa-         mainly with internal   is an internal service
 company which works            for running shoes and        acts as a meeting place        tion with emphasis on         audits within the      and skills company
 with water and effluent        running accessories,         for companies, authorities     trading, finance and man-     entire KF Group.       which provides IT,
 treatment, as well as the      with 13 stores of its own,   and organisations. This        agement and close links                              HR and finance ser-
 production of biogas from      three franchise stores       facility is unique thanks to   between theory and prac-                             vices as well as
 organic waste. The com-        and an online store.         its attractive location and    tice.                                                internal services to
 pany also supplies purifi-                                  art collection.                                                                     KF and KF’s subsidi-
 cation products, services                                                                                                                       aries.
 and operating services.

 SEK 537 millions               SEK 12 m (fr o m 2008-10-27) SEK 54 million                 SEK 18 millions
 177                            62                           37                             20                             6                     76
 p. 34                          p. 34                        p. 35                          p. 35

KF I Business report 2008

     Grocery retail sector
     The Swedish grocery retail market        u The transformation of the grocery          cent at current prices to SEK 587 billion
     has undergone some major                 retail market has meant that the number      in total. If we take into account price
     changes over the past few years.         of shops has fallen by 40 per cent over      changes and calendar effects, develop-
     More and more sales are taking           the last 15 years, while at the same time    ment remains at 1.3 per cent. Develop-
     place in hypermarkets and discount       the average shop area has increased by       ment in the grocery retail trade was
     stores. Their share of grocery retail    150 per cent and the average net sales       strongest, which was up 5.7 per cent at
     sales has increased from around          per shop have more than doubled.             current prices, while trading in con-
     10 per cent in 1990 to more than            New outlets have come into being          sumer durables rose by just 1.5 per cent.
     25 per cent in 2008. A number of         over the past few years, such as online      In 2008, price increases among suppliers
     new international hard discount          stores and subscriptions to goods, but       resulted in an increase in turnover in the
     players have entered the market in       this development is still in its infancy.    grocery retail trade, but with limited
     the 2000s. Their market share is         Ongoing industry slippage between res-       volume growth.
     increasing, but it is still only a few   taurants and grocery retail sales means         The economic downturn and credit
     per cent of the total market. The        that more and more ready meals are           crunch that affected the world – and
     smaller, traditional convenience         being sold in convenience stores, while      Sweden as well – in the latter half of
     stores are still responsible for         at the same time eating out and fast food    2008 hit sales of consumer durables
                                              are increasing, at the expense of cooking    hard, but they had less of an effect on
     almost half of all sales, and their
                                              at home.                                     groceries. However, price tends to take
     decline has slowed over the past
                                                                                           on increasing importance in an eco-
     few years.
                                              Size and growth                              nomic downturn, even for groceries.
                                              As welfare has increased in Sweden, less
                                              and less household money is being spent      Weak forecast for 2009
                                              on basic needs such as accommodation         In its economic forecast in December
                                              and food. Of total private consumption,      2008, Handelns utredningsinstitut –
                                              groceries for around 17 per cent. The        HUI – made a massive reduction in its
                                              amount spent on food is one of the ele-      earlier forecast for the retail trade in
                                              ments which, in percentage terms, has        2009. According to HUI, sales in the
                                              grown the least over the last decade. Sta-   retail trade in volume terms are expected
                                              ble price development of food, often         to remain unchanged compared with
                                              below the general rate of inflation, has     2008. However, at current prices an
                                              contributed to this. At the end of 2007      increase in sales of 0.5 per cent is
                                              and throughout 2008, however, the            expected due to price increases. HUI is
                                              price of food rose again. The Swedish        anticipating slightly higher growth for
                                              retail market demonstrated continuing        the retail trade in 2010.
                                              growth in 2008 and increased by 3.3 per

Environmentally products
produced fairly
                                   Änglamark is Coop’s own range of goods which are organic, Fairtrade,
According to a survey of Swedish   environmentally friendly and suitable for people who suffer from allergies.
consumers, Coop Änglamark is       The purpose of Änglamark is to promote sustainable consumption in
                                   which the health, environment and ethical perspectives of individuals are
perceived as the most environ-     central cornerstones. This range includes organic products which are cul-
mentally friendly brand.           tivated without chemical pesticides or artificial fertilisers, and meat and
                                   dairy products from animals who have spent time outdoors and been
                                   allowed to eat organic feed in a non-stressful environment.
                                      Goods also have to be manufactured under fair conditions, which
                                   means – for example – that people working in Third World plantations
                                   should not have to be exposed to pesticides that are banned in Sweden.
                                   Änglamark currently carries a range of some 200 products.
KF I Business report 2008

     The weakest development is anticipated         Fifty or so new stores were established in     and upgraded stores, equivalent to
     for branches in the consumer durables          2008, Netto and Coop being responsible         around SEK 835 million.
     trade, while the grocery retail trade is       for most of them.
     expected to undergo weak but stable                                                           Trends
     development over the coming two years.         Market position of the consumer                Four long-term trends are often cited
                                                    cooperative movement                           both in Sweden and internationally as
     Market players                                 Competition was still intensive in the         regards the grocery retail trade; conven-
     During the economic prosperity of              grocery retail trade, and the market           ience, health, indulgence and responsi-
     2006–2007, the smaller convenience             share for the consumer cooperative             ble/sustainable development. The con-
     stores underwent positive development          movement among the biggest players             venience trend often focuses on saving
     after having previously been condemned         remained unchanged at 21.4 per cent.           time such as by means of fast food,
     by analysts. As a consequence of the eco-      The KF grocery retail group represents         ready meals and shopping online. The
     nomic downturn, however, price has             around 55 per cent of the turnover for         health trend has resulted in – among
     taken on greater importance, and so dis-       the consumer cooperative movement’s            other things – increased sales of whole-
     count store chains and hypermarkets are        retail trade. The retail societies represent   grain products and fruit and vegetables,
     developing more strongly than other            45 per cent.                                   while at the same time light products
     store types. Changes are also taking              Coop’s market share has been falling        have seen an enormous decline due to
     place on the local markets. The coopera-       for a long time now. Within the KF gro-        changes in dietary advice. The fact that
     tion movement is traditionally strong in       cery retail group, therefore, extensive        food and drink have taken on an
     Northern Sweden, while companies such          work has been done on renewal and effi-        enhanced status as a means of indul-
     as Bergendahls, Netto and Lidl are             ciency over the last couple of years in        gence can be seen in the increase in sales
     strong in the southern parts of the coun-      order to increase profitability and mar-       of various kinds of premium products,
     try, as is Axfood in West and East Göta-       ket shares for the cooperation. Work           such as luxury chocolate, exclusive olive
     land.                                          continued in 2008 and involved –               oils and hand-made ice cream. The trend
        Now companies are moving, which             among other things – emphasis on               towards sustainable development
     means that chains are focusing on geo-         increased sales and cost reductions. Stra-     appears to involve customers’ increased
     graphical areas where they previously          tegic investments are also still continu-      interest in climate smart food and the
     held weak positions. The rate of estab-        ing in the form of new establishments          strong development of Fairtrade prod-
     lishment has been high in the grocery          and by repairing and modernising exist-        ucts, for example.
     retail trade throughout the 2000s, with        ing stores. Over the year, Coop has               The ongoing economic downturn is
     around 60–70 new stores each year.             implemented major investments in new           highly likely to weaken or modify these
                                                                                                   trends, at least temporarily. The credit
                                                                                                   crunch is benefitting stores and products
          Convenience goods trade, the six leading players                                         that are perceived as offering value for
                                                                                                   money, such as discount stores and pri-
                                                                                                   vate labels. At the same time, there are a
                                                                                                   number of analysts who reckon that
            Ica                             Cooperative movement
            50%                             21.4% (+/−0)                                           these general trends are so strong that it
            (−0.3)                                                                                 is more a matter of adapting business to
                                            1.9% (+0.4)                                            meet these trends in a way which people
                                         Lidl                                                      perceive to offer value for money. One
                                         2.8% (+0.2)
                     Axfood              Bergendahl                                                interpretation is that demand can be
                     16.1% (+0.2)        inc. Vi stores                                            said to be more and more hourglass
                                         7.8% (−0.5)
                                                                                                   shaped, with emphasis on both premium
         Source: Fri Köpenskap and KF                                                              products and discount products. The
                                                                                                   mid-price segment, then, is the one that
                                                                                                   will see the most reduction.

International outlook
The grocery retailing trade still differs widely between the Western world and developing countries. At the same
time, the grocery retail trade is becoming ever more worldwide, with a limited number of international groups
ever increasing in size. The 15 biggest grocery retail players are responsible for more than 30 per cent of total
turnover in the industry. With benefits of scale, not least as regards purchasing, the international players often
have cost benefits compared with smaller local shops or chains. The consumer cooperative grocery retail trade
traditionally holds a strong position in the Nordic countries, and development has been positive in other parts of
Western Europe as well over the past few years.

u Four major corporate groups dominate          ment has been particularly strong in Fin-     Cooperation progressing in the UK
the international grocery retail market.        land, where market shares in the grocery      After many years of stagnation, the con-
American company Wal-Mart is the big-           retail trade have grown enormously and        sumer cooperative movement in the UK
gest company in the world and holds a           now amount to more than 41 per cent. In       appears to be making progress. With a
dominant position in the USA with a             Denmark and Norway too, the consumer          proud history as the homeland of cooper-
turnover of USD 375 billion, of which 24        cooperatives have undergone growth,           ation and its strongest foothold, the lack
per cent takes place in 13 countries out-       with market shares of 37 and 24 per cent      of collaboration and renewal in the 1960s
side the USA. French company Carrefour          respectively.                                 and 1970s caused a gradually declining
is established in 30 countries and has a           In Switzerland, two competing cooper-      trend. In early 2000, an external com-
turnover of USD 113 billion, of which 54        ative grocery retail players – Migros and     mission was tasked with suggesting meas-
per cent takes place outside France. Brit-      Coop Schweiz – dominate, and together         ures for modernising cooperation. A
ish company Tesco has a turnover of             they cover almost half of the total grocery   number of topics raised in this proposal
USD 95 billion, of which 27 per cent            retail market. On the Italian market,         were better internal cooperation, clearer
takes place in 13 countries outside its         Coop Italia is one of the few major play-     systems for control and monitoring, a
own domestic market, and the German             ers, with a market share of 17 per cent. In   uniform brand and commercialising the
Metro group has a turnover of USD 87            the United Kingdom and Spain, the             special nature of cooperation. At the same
billion, 60 per cent of which is outside        cooperation holds a relatively small part     time, the two biggest societies were
Germany (figures for 2007).                     of the market, but development is strong.     merged to form the Co-operative Group,
   Dutch company Royal Ahold, which is          Acquisitions and positive sales develop-      which became the dominant society. This
a co-owner of Ica, is the eighth biggest        ment in both countries have led to con-       was the start of a strong conversion of the
grocery retail group worldwide. The big         siderably increased market shares, 8 and      cooperation, which is now starting to
players have opted mainly to expand into        12 per cent respectively.                     bear fruit.
the growing markets in Asia and Eastern            There have been certain established           In 2007 United Co-operatives, the big-
Europe over the past few years.                 partnerships in respect of cross-border       gest remaining society, was merged with
                                                purchasing for a fairly long time now.        the group; and the Co-operative Group
Consumer cooperative movement                   Intercoop, which is owned by six national     became the biggest consumer society in
internationally                                 consumer cooperative movements and            the world. In 2008, the group bought out
The consumer cooperative movement is            works with the purchasing of non-food         one of its competitors – Somerfield – and
strong mainly in Western Europe,                goods in Asia, is one example of an inter-    their market share increased from 5 to 8
although it is significantly large in certain   national purchasing partnership. Coop         per cent at a stroke.
other countries as well, such as Japan and      Trading, where the Nordic countries              The grocery retail trade within the
Canada. After a stagnant development in         work in partnership for certain interna-      Co-operative Group has now seen posi-
many countries in the 1990s and early           tional purchases and the development of       tive sales growth for 12 quarters in a row,
2000s, the consumer cooperative grocery         private label products, is another. In some   and despite the lack of discount stores
retail trade has developed positively over      of the former Eastern Bloc states, the        and hypermarkets in the economic down-
the past few years. In the Nordic region,       consumer cooperative movement accord-         turn, sales are now increasing by more
the consumer cooperatives have tradition-       ing to the Nordic model has started a col-    than for the market overall.
ally held a strong position. Its develop-       lective purchasing company so as to be
                                                able to reduce its purchasing costs.
KF I Business report 2008

     Grocery retail group
     As of the end of 2007, the national grocery retail trade that had been part of Coop Norden returned to KF in Sweden.
     This means that Coop is now a wholly owned subsidiary of KF and forms the core of the Group’s grocery retail
     group. Other companies are the Daglivs store and the Internet-based Mataffä, both with the Stockholm
     region as their market. Cilab is responsible for purchasing and logistics, and Coop Trading is responsible for inter-
     national procurement and own-brand development. Intercoop Ltd is a buying office of non-food items in Asiatic
     countries. This company is co-owned with the Spanish and Italian cooperative movements via Coop Trading.

     Coop Sverige
     u Coop Sverige runs grocery retail trade       used to be part of Coop Norden, but           staff were notified that there would be
     in chains such as Coop Konsum, Coop            since the end of 2007 it has been inte-       redundancies equivalent to 1,000 full-
     Extra, Coop Nära, Coop Forum and               grated in the KF Group as a wholly            time positions. SEK 500 million will be
     Coop Bygg. Coop must use its moti-             owned subsidiary.                             saved by means of cutbacks and a more
     vated, committed staff to offer members                                                      efficient organisation.
     and customers a broad range of products        Positive development                             Profitability is to be increased over the
     so that efficiency, price, quality, service    Over the past few years, Coop Sverige         next two years, mainly by continuing to
     and consideration make the company’s           has achieved enormous performance             adapt expenses to the same levels as
     ranges competitive.                            development and is showing a positive         those implemented by our biggest com-
       Together with the retail consumer            result for 2008; a figure which is also the   petitors.
     societies, Coop accounts for 21.4 per          company’s best in ten years. Compared
     cent of the grocery retail market for the      with 2007, operating profit is up SEK         Store development
     biggest players in Sweden. Coop Sverige        263 million and amounted to SEK 153           While savings and streamlining are
                                                    million. Excluding non-recurring items,       being implemented, Coop Sverige is
                                                    the operating profit amounted to SEK          looking at the same time to the future
                                                    198 million. This improvement was             through extensive investments in new
         Coop Sverige
                                                    mainly due to a reduction in personnel        stores, as well as renovating and convert-
         Board of Directors: Chairman
         Lars Idermark, Håkan Ahlqvist,
                                                    and purchasing expenses. Sales rose           ing existing units. Four new Coop
         Eivor Andersson, Johnny Capor,             from SEK 29,322 million (pro forma) to        Forum stores, six Coop Extra, one Coop
         Knut Faremo, Mats Lundquist,               SEK 31,004 million.                           Nära and seven Coop Bygg stores were
         Jan Sundling, Elisabeth Andersson
                                                                                                  opened in 2008.
         (trade union representative),
         Frank Hjort (trade union representa-       Emphasis on streamlining                         Investments in the alteration and
         tive), Rose-Marie Borgström (trade         After a fairly long period of weak eco-       renewal of stores amounted to around
         union representative), Lennart Wallkulle   nomic development, with falling sales         SEK 835 million over the year.
         (trade union representative)
                                                    and negative operating results, an exten-        The conversion to more attractive,
         CEO: Karl Wistrand
         Sales ex. VAT: SEK 31 billion
                                                    sive improvements programme was               more rational stores and hypermarkets
         Operating profit: SEK 153 million
                                                    introduced in the latter half of 2008.        are also reinforcing opportunities for
         Average number of employees: 7,318         This programme includes all parts of the      greater profitability and competitiveness.
                                                    organisation and involves both financial      Great emphasis is also placed on contin-
                                                    cutbacks and aggressive strategies.           uing to develop established store con-
                                                    Expenses are to be reduced by SEK             cepts. Stores must be modern and attrac-
                                                    1,500 million by 2010. Among other            tive, and have an ecological profile. A
                                                    things, we will be reducing the number        number of stores underwent redesign
                                                    of staff we employ, and over the year         over the year, including Coop Avenyn in

                                                                  Coop must be the obvious choice for environmentally
                                                                aware customers who care about how goods and services
                                                                     are produced, and for customers who strive to
                                                                                maintain healthy habits.

Stores and hypermarkets
Coop Konsum
Value-for-money goods, top quality fresh goods and also Sweden’s broadest range of
organic options are all part of what makes Coop Konsum a healthy business. These stores
also offer inspiration for food and recipes which bear the Keyhole label and lists of nutri-
ents. 169 stores.

Coop Extra
Coop Extra aims to be the best food store in each location. Customers must find it easy
and straightforward to shop here, with great ranges of products at great prices. 36 stores.

Coop Nära
Coop Nära is all about speed, convenience and simplicity. These are local stores, with gen-
erous opening hours and good ranges of products. 98 stores.

Coop Forum
Customers should be able to find everything under one roof at Coop Forum. The hyper-
markets that offer a broad range of goods, with emphasis on foods, can often be found
next to major commercial centres. 42 hypermarkets.
                                                                                                    En plats för idéer och smarta affärer

Coop Bygg
Coop Bygg offers a broad range of do-it-yourself and gardening goods. The stores are well
stocked and offer low prices. 32 units.

Stockholm store Daglivs is one of the biggest, most successful food stores in Sweden. This
store has a range guarantee, which means that customers can order and buy more or less
anything they like.

Mataffä is an online store which offers a complete range of everyday commodities for
home delivery in the Stockholm region.

In addition, there are 413 stores and hypermarkets within the retail societies.

KF I Business report 2008

     Gothenburg, which won the “Store of         partnership was entered into with Green      city stores. A self-scanning concept has
     the Year” award as part of the Stora        Cargo, which will relate initially to rail   been developed by means of fast self-
     Dagligvarupriset (Major Convenience         transport. This will involve a reduction     service checkouts, mainly in the hearts
     Goods Prize), established by Fri Köpen-     in Coop’s impact on our climate by           of major cities, where customers often
     skap and Movement.                          around 10 per cent and remove 120            buy only a few items at a time and are in
                                                 trucks from the roads between Helsing-       a hurry.
     Environmentally friendly logistics          borg and Umeå every working day.                The Coop MedMera card and the cus-
     solutions                                                                                tomer database are important tools for
     The improvement work will also include      Efficient purchasing                         enhancing our offers to members, and
     a review of purchasing and logistics        The entire consumer cooperative move-        these will be developed further. Custom-
     functions. These have undergone con-        ment works together via the collective       ers who are members of the consumer
     stant improvement over the past few         purchasing company Cilab, Coop Inköp         cooperative movement are offered a
     years, and delivery reliability to stores   och Logistik, which is responsible for       range of benefits and discounts thanks
     has increased.                              national purchasing for Coop Sverige         to their membership.
        KF and Coop have signed the trade        and the retail societies.
     and industry call for reduced carbon           Coop Norden was phased out at the         Market communication
     dioxide emissions, which involves prom-     end of 2007. To make the most of the         Coop Sverige communicates actively
     ising to reduce emissions by 30 per cent    benefits of collective Nordic purchasing,    with its customers and members by
     by 2020. A major step was taken towards     the procurement company Coop Trad-           means of campaigns and recurring activ-
     the target in December 2008, when a         ing was launched by the owners of the        ities. Market communication will allow
                                                 former Coop Norden – KF, FDB in              Coop to reinforce and clarify its profile
                                                 Denmark and Coop NKL in Norway.              as a modern, attractive grocery retailer
                                                 The Finnish cooperative movement SOK         with a range of products and services
         New stores in 2008:                     also came on board last year. Coop           which meet customers’ needs and wishes
                                                 Trading are also co-owners – together        and are at the cutting edge of develop-
         Coop Forum
                                                 with the cooperative movements in            ments as regards organic and environ-
         Häggvik, Sollentuna                     Spain and Italy – of Intercoop Ltd,          mentally friendly goods. Coop also
         Kungsbacka                              which deals with purchasing non-food         states its commitment on issues relating
         Stora Bernstorp, Malmö
                                                 goods in Asia.                               to consumption and sustainable devel-
         Västberga, Stockholm
         Coop Bygg                               Technology to simplify everyday life            Besides traditional channels such as
                                                 Technical development is continuing,         newspapers and TV, Coop is also using
         Katrineholm                             and Coop Sverige is constantly working       the Internet to communicate with its
         Kungsbacka                              to develop new products and services to      members and customers. The number of
         Ludvika                                 enhance the ranges on offer to custom-       activities on the website and visitors to
         Ulricehamn                              ers. The cooperative movement was the        the site has increased over the year. The
                                                 first company to introduce self-scanning     service for searching Coop’s own recipes
         Coop Extra                              checkouts for customers buying a lot of      is very popular. Recipes can also be
                                                 goods. Similar solutions have also been      found in folders and brochures set out in
         Katrineholm                             launched over the year for customers in      the stores. Mersmak magazine is pub-
         Ludvika                                                                              lished eleven times a year and is highly

         Coop Nära

appreciated by its readers. This magazine   Sustainability in stores                        The Differ branding agency has car-
has a broad circulation and around a        Sustainable enterprise is an important       ried out a survey among Swedish con-
million copies of each edition are pub-     part of the Coop Sverige business con-       sumers regarding how environmentally
lished. In 2008, a cooperation took         cept. The consumer cooperative move-         friendly brands on the Swedish market
place with Barnens Egen Matskola,           ment was the first organisation in the       are considered to be. Spontaneously, the
where some 4 000 pupils from grade 5        industry to develop products and serv-       majority of people who took part in the
were able to learn how to cook healthy,     ices for sustainable consumption. Coop       survey thought that Coop Änglamark
nutritious food.                            has offered a large number of organic        was the most environmentally friendly
                                            products in its stores for many years        brand, and in 2008 Coop was named
Coop Membership Panel                       now. In addition, all its stores received    the most environmentally friendly chain
The Coop web-based Membership Panel         KRAV accreditation in 2008, which            in the industry.
provides the company with a new, effec-     requires a large range of KRAV-labelled
tive way to communicate with its mem-       (Swedish certification scheme for            Successful platform
bers. Coop has carried out a number of      organic products) products, among other      Coop Sverige has stores in good retail
surveys over the year in which members      things.                                      locations. Improvements made to the
have been asked to provide their views                                                   operation of stores and hypermarkets, as
on various issues. The results from the     Broad range of products                      well as sharpened offers and prices
Membership Panels are collated in the       Coop aims to appeal to a broad group of      through the Coop MedMera reward
Coop report, which is presented at the      customers with all kinds of different        scheme, are enhancing competitiveness.
annual Coop day to which journalists        requirements and varying financial           Coop Sverige represents ecology and the
and other formers of public opinion are     means. Our aim is to be able to meet the     environment, which must permeate eve-
invited. The Stora Änglamarkspriset         wishes and needs of all customer groups.     rything it does. Work is ongoing now to
award is also presented on Coop day.        Our stores offer a broad range of goods      further improve customer relations in
This award was established in 2002 in       in all categories, from cut-price to pre-    order to ensure that customers receive
order to encourage and emphasise good       mium.                                        the service they demand, that they can
environmental and ecological initiatives.      Coop provides products under a range      find the things they are looking for in
The award for this year focuses on food     of different brands, including its three     Coop stores, and that they view Coop
and climate.                                biggest own brands Coop Änglamark,           Sverige as a reliable supplier of everyday
   Coop’s initiatives concerning direct     Coop and X-tra. Coop Änglamark offers        commodities.
communication with customers will be        a broad range of goods which are
developed in future, the Coop MedMera       organic, Fairtrade, environmentally          New working methods
member card being an important instru-      friendly or suitable for people who suffer   New working methods and reorganisa-
ment for this. Custom offers are becom-     from allergies. The Coop brand repre-        tions have taken place over the year in
ing a more and more important element       sents top quality products at a good         connection with the integration of Coop
of our efforts to meet the requirements     price. X-tra is Coop’s own cut-price         into KF as a wholly owned subsidiary.
and wishes of our customers. Coop is        brand, which allows customers the               As of 1 January 2009, service com-
adapting its market communication in        opportunity to buy good products at          pany KF Shared Services will be dealing
accordance with this.                       really low prices.                           with finance, IT, HR and personnel
                                                                                         issues for the entire group. The general
                                                                                         HR function operates collectively, and
                                                                                         communication issues will be dealt with
                                                                                         by the Group’s operations working in
                                                                                         close cooperation.

Buying food online
Mataffä is the answer   Mataffä is a grocery retail store which uses the
                              Internet as its sales outlet. Customers are offered a
to members’ requests for      complete range of everyday commodities for delivery in
them to be able to buy good   the Stockholm region. This operation is run from a new
products quickly and conve-   picking store south of Stockholm, and deliveries take
                              place between 10:00 and 22:00 on weekdays. Custom-
niently.                      ers can pay online, receive an invoice or make a pay-
                              ment via a card terminal at the time of delivery. By using
                              their Coop MedMera cards, customers can also donate
                              money to Kooperation Utan Gränser. Mataffä
                              offers a broad range of organic and Fairtrade products,
                              and all goods are delivered using biogas vehicles. This
                              organisation holds KRAV accreditation.
KF I Business report 2008

  Benefits of scale and opportunities for      The measures implemented will con-           As far as logistics are concerned, the
cooperation are available in a number of    tinue to take effect over years to come.     company is working to reduce transpor-
areas within the KF Group. For instance,    The emphasis in future will be on work-      tation and warehousing costs. A large
Coop Sverige is working together with       ing to an even greater extent on how we      number of projects have been imple-
KF Fastigheter on setting up new stores     deal with customers. Coop has also           mented in this field over the year, and
and exploiting new locations. The mar-      worked in partnership with the consumer      work on specialisation, prioritisation and
keting functions at Coop Sverige and        societies to introduce an in-store quality   resource assurance is constantly ongoing
MedMera Bank collaborate. This will         review system in order to guarantee the      for the implementation of new projects.
bond membership issues more closely         standard of ranges and services.                The partnership with Green Cargo
with business operations and the stores.                                                 regarding transportation of goods by rail
                                            Efficient purchasing                         provides both financial and environmen-
Employees                                   Cilab (Coop Inköp och Logistik AB) is        tal benefits. Environmental initiatives
An extensive management review for          responsible for purchasing for Coop          have been implemented in other areas as
charting the need for training and fur-     Sverige and the retail consumer societies.   well. Coop’s truck drivers are receiving
ther development of managers has been       In 1008, Cilab also took over deliveries     training on how to drive frugally, which
implemented throughout the entire           to OKQ8 within the Motorist and Non-         is resulting in lower fuel consumption
Group over the year. 600 people from        food segments. The company continued         and reductions in carbon dioxide emis-
Coop Sverige took part. This pro-           to develop in 2008 by means of – among       sions. All vehicles have also been fitted
gramme is an important part of the          other things – enhanced business con-        with trip computers which record data
change and improvement work ongoing         trol and reporting. Service levels have      such as fuel consumption and idling.
throughout the entire Group.                also improved significantly over the year       The past year also saw enhancement of
   All employees have been invited over     thanks to improved goods control proce-      the quality of purchasing operations.
the year to information meetings relat-     dures together with other logistics meas-    Cilab entered into a new contract with
ing to the improvement programme. A         ures.                                        Everfresh concerning deliveries of fruit
project entitled “Jättelyftet” (The Mas-       Over the year, Cilab initiated a major    and vegetables for all of Coop Sverige
sive Lift) was implemented at various       initiative, “Mat från Regionen” (Food        and the retail societies. Collective pur-
locations all over Sweden in the autumn.    from the Region), in cooperation with        chasing allows better purchasing terms
The management at KF and Coop took          players such as LRF (The Federation of       and quality to be attained.
part in a total of four meetings and pro-   Swedish Farmers) in order to meet mem-          Cilab will be responsible for and exe-
vided information for some 8 000 staff      bers’ requirements to be able to buy         cute all frozen goods logistics in south-
concerning the situation and future         more locally produced goods in stores        ern Sweden from the start of 2009. The
prospects for the Group.                    and hypermarkets.                            new setup will reduce costs thanks to
                                                                                         lower picking costs, less tied-up capital
                                                                                         and purchasing benefits compared with
                                                                                         the present solution. Reliable delivery to
                                                                                         the stores is also expected to increase as
                                                                                         all goods will be collected together in a
                                                                                         single warehouse.

KF I Business report 2008

     u Daglivs is situated in Kungsholmen,          non-recurring expenses in connection        Daglivs
     Stockholm and is one of the biggest,           with the change of ownership.               Board of Directors: Chairman Pär Jansson,
     most successful grocery retail stores in          Sales for 2008 amounted to a total of    Johnny Capor, Magnus Ros, Jonny Olsson
                                                                                                CEO: Per Ekstrand
     Sweden. Daglivs has been part of the KF        SEK 478 million, excluding VAT, which
                                                                                                Turnover: SEK 478 million
     Group since late 2007. Daglivs was             represents an increase of 1.2 per cent on
                                                                                                Average number of employees: 109
     opened in 1982 and currently has 4,200         2007.
     sq m of floor space over two floors.              Extensive work has taken place over
        Daglivs provides more than 30,000           the year in order to introduce organisa-
     items, which gives it the biggest range of     tional improvements.
     all grocery retail stores in supermarket          Over the year, Daglivs has received
     format in Sweden. This store has a             KRAV accreditation in addition to the
     “range guarantee”, which means that            Swan label. Major emphasis is placed on
     customers can submit their requirements        in-store energy savings and planned
     and get more or less any goods they like       transportation in order to ensure the
     from the range. These goods are deliv-         lowest possible energy consumption and
     ered to the store as long as they are avail-   carbon dioxide emissions.
     able, but if they are not the customer            In future, the company will continue
     receives 2,000 points on their Coop            to focus on renewal and changes to its
     MedMera account instead. Daglivs also          store in order to reinforce added value
     has the most customers of any store in         for its customers. A new customer serv-
     Sweden. Almost 13,000 customers visit          ice team will be set up, so helping to
     the store every day.                           improve service levels.
        2008 was a very good year in terms of          Cost savings will continue in 2009
     profit and turnover, given the new com-        while initiatives are implemented,
     petitive situation on a local level and        including giving store staff additional

     u Mataffä is a grocery retail store      deliveries are transported using vehicles   Mataffä
     which uses the Internet as its sales outlet.   which run on biogas, and Mataffären         Board of Directors: Chairman Pär Jansson
     Customers are offered a complete range         holds KRAV accreditation.                   Johnny Capor, Martin Fridolf, Karl Wistrand
     of everyday commodities for delivery in           Customers can pay online, receive an     CEO: Claes Hessel
     the Stockholm region. This service             invoice or make a payment via a card        Turnover: SEK 27 million
     began before the summer of 2008 and            terminal at the time of delivery. Coop      Average number of employees: 26
     rapidly became a success. Home deliver-        MedMera cards can be used to pay for
     ies take place between 10:00 and 22:00         purchases or collect points.
     on weekdays. This operation is run from           Mataffären’s aim is to become the
     a new picking store south of Stockholm.        dominant player in the online grocery
        Mataffä has a distinctive fresh       retail trade and to lead developments in
     produce profile and offers a broad range       this field.
     of organic and Fairtrade products. All

What do KRAV-labelled and Fairtrade products entail?
Coop is the biggest grocery retailer                    Fairtrade labelling means – among other
                                                     things – that growers and employees in devel-
for both KRAV-labelled and Fairtrade                 oping countries enjoy improved economic
goods.                                               terms, child labour and discrimination are coun-
                                                     tered, democracy and organisation rights are
The KRAV label appears on foods which have           developed, and environmental awareness and
been produced in a sustainable way. Chemical         organic production are promoted.
pesticides, artificial fertilisers and genetically      As well as receiving higher payments, grow-
modified organisms (GMOs) must not be used.          ers also receive an additional premium. This is
No synthetic colourings or flavourings can be        used to develop the local society, contributing
used, and hardened fats are not permitted. Ani-      to new schools or healthcare, for example.
mal husbandry is at great pains to safeguard         Rules and criteria are developed by Fairtrade
animal health and natural behaviours. An             Labelling Organizations International (FLO),
inspector calls at least once a year and makes       together with representatives of the growers.
sure that production is taking place in accord-      Inspection and certification are dealt with by
ance with KRAV rules.                                FLO-Cert, an independent body.
KF I Business report 2008

     Real estate and finance
     These operations include KF Fastigheter, one of Sweden's biggest property companies focusing on
     the retail trade, and MedMera Bank, which has a central function in the relationship between members
     and business operations in the consumer cooperative movement, primarily through its handling of the
     Coop MedMera member card. KF Invest is the financial function for the Group, while KF Sparkassa
     administers deposits from members and offers competitive interest rates on savings accounts.

     MedMera Bank
     u The main objective of MedMera Bank         are offered a broad range of financial       financial services. Interest in the Coop
     is to manage the Coop MedMera reward         services, as are a number of partners.       MedMera card with Visa – which was
     scheme, which gives consumer coopera-           MedMera Bank also assists the retail      launched very successfully in 2007 – has
     tive movement members benefits in the        trade with information and advertising       continued to increase in 2008. The part-
     form of discounts, cheques and offers        services, such as monthly mailings of        ner programme has also been extended
     with both the cooperative movement           Coop Mersmak magazine together with          over the year, which ensures even more
     and a number of partner companies.           account and points information and           benefits for customers with MedMera
     MedMera Bank issues and manages the          reward vouchers and targeted offers to       cards. Löplabbet and Familjens Jurist –
     cooperative movement’s 3.5 million or        members. On average, MedMera Bank            among others – have been added. All in
     so Coop MedMera cards in circulation.        communicates with 1.1 million Swedish        all, this has helped to bring about an
     The bank is also responsible for all card    households every month.                      increase in volume for the reward
     acquisitions within the consumer coop-                                                    scheme. KF’s acquisition of Daglivs, the
     erative movement. The technical infra-       Positive development in 2008                 biggest supermarket in Sweden, also
     structure allows the bank to keep all        MedMera Bank focuses primarily on a          resulted in an increase in the numbers
     checkouts online in all connected stores.    large number of private individuals,         of new members.
        MedMera Bank has been running             offering them loans and consumption             The Hotel Voucher is one of the most
     banking operating since 2007 and is          credit linked with the Coop MedMera          popular benefits in the Coop MedMera
     regulated by the Swedish Financial           card. Overall, MedMera Bank has low          programme. Members are offered prefer-
     Supervisory Authority. Members and           risk exposure in respect of credit, while    ential rates in a large number of hotels in
     consumer cooperative movement stores         at the same time a low risk profile policy   Sweden and the rest of the Nordic
                                                  is applied to investments. Most of the       region, as well as in a number of cities in
                                                  bank’s customers are private individuals,    Europe. Since this scheme started, more
                                                  but the bank also aims at public sector      than 2 million nights have been booked;
         MedMera Bank                             companies, municipalities and county         around 570,000 of which were booked
         Board of Directors: Chairman Lars        councils. The credit crunch has not          in 2008.
         Idermark, Johnny Capor, Kent Ryberg,     affected MedMera Bank to any appreci-           MedMera Bank has shifted its empha-
         Thomas Johansson, Laszlo Kriss,          able extent in 2008. MedMera Bank has        sis from operating mainly as a service
         Håkan Smith, Karl Wistrand, Jeanette
         Franzén (trade union representative),
                                                  opted to follow fully the Riksbank’s         organisation for the rest of the consumer
         Anne-Marie Rydergren (trade union rep-   interest rate cuts.                          cooperative movement to also actively
         resentative), replaced by Susanne           Development over the past year has        develop and sell new and existing prod-
         Hansson in February 2009)
                                                  been positive in terms of both the influx    ucts. By establishing sales teams and
         CEO: Ivar Fransson
                                                  of new members and the demand for            sales coaches, the bank will be able to
         Net sales ex. VAT: SEK 305 million
         Profit after financial items: SEK 19.6
         Average number of employees: 53

In May 2008, Dagens Nyheter
                                                                                           named Coop MedMera Visa as
                                                                                           the best “food card”.

                                                                                           Coop MedMera card
                                                                                           The Coop MedMera card is a membership
                                                                                           card and it acts as proof of membership
                                                                                           for the local consumer society. This card
give stores and consumer societies more     tions in order to prevent crime and            is also a key to the rewards programme
support with offering products to mem-      fraud. Advanced data storage systems are       or reward scheme, as well as other serv-
                                                                                           ices and offers from the consumer socie-
bers.                                       being develop in order to achieve the          ties, KF and Coop Sverige as well as other
  The option of becoming a member of        best security possible, and the cards          participating companies; Akademibokhan-
the consumer cooperative movement           themselves are undergoing technical            deln, Bokus, KappAhl, Löplabbet,
                                                                                           Familjens Jurist, Expert, OKQ8 and Apollo.
online was launched over the year, and      development as well.                           More than 1,200 stores and hypermar-
this has been very successful.                 The launch of new products and coop-        kets, as well as 800 OK petrol stations,
                                            eration with new partners have been            are affiliated to the rewards programme.
                                                                                              There are around 3.5 million Coop Med-
Technical development at the                given priority of late. Greater benefits for   Mera cards among the cooperative move-
cutting edge                                members are the most important consid-         ment’s members – more than 3 million of
The Coop MedMera card is also an            eration; while at the same time Med-           them. The Coop MedMera card allows
                                                                                           members to register their purchases and
important tool for enhancing service lev-   Mera Bank and Coop Sverige are work-
                                                                                           get points which are then converted into
els and developing in-store technology.     ing together to try to enhance business        reward vouchers. In addition to reward
New services are constantly being devel-    benefits as well. Above all, the rewards       vouchers, members receive benefits and
oped. For a number of years now, cus-       programme and customer database must           discount offers for hotels, travel and vari-
                                                                                           ous events, among other things.
tomers with Coop MedMera cards have         be used in a way that involves clearer            If cardholders collect 5,000 points,
had the option of scanning their own        links between the Coop MedMera card            they receive a reward voucher which gives
goods in-store, thereby making it easier    and the stores; this will also allow finan-    a discount in 1,200 stores or on travel or
                                                                                           nights in hotels.
to get through the checkout and pay.        cial benefits for members to be enhanced.         Coop Mersmak magazine is mailed out
Over the year, too, a number of stores         Supplementary services such as              to more than a million households spend-
have been fitted out with fast checkouts    Bistånd på köpet (develop aid by auto-         ing more than SEK 1,200 a month, or
                                                                                           which make 12 or more visits to a store in
offering self-service, a service highly     matic rounding off) allow members to           a month. There is a special card, called
appreciated by customers in cities who      easily donate money to help reduce pov-        the KF Inköpskort, for organisations and
are buying only a few goods and are in a    erty throughout the world. This allows         companies.
hurry.                                      the MedMera scheme to promote bene-
   A lot of the technical development in    fits in society as well. The prevailing eco-   Coop MedMera Visa
progress also involves security, an issue   nomic downturn will affect profits over        Since 2007 there has been a debit and
                                                                                           credit card, Coop MedMera Visa, which
which is taking on ever more impor-         the coming year, and there will be
                                                                                           allows customers to pay with their Coop
tance. The handling of card numbers         strong focus on measures to counter this       MedMera cards and collect points all over
and personal details is regulated in law    in 2009.                                       the world. Coop MedMera Visa is a debit
and demands advanced technical solu-                                                       and credit card offering credit options of
                                                                                           up to SEK 100,000. The annual fee is SEK
                                                                                           95 per card. One point is received for
                                                                                           every krona spent, regardless of where
                                                                                           the purchase takes place.

KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008
KF Annual report 2008

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KF Annual report 2008

  • 1. Annual report 2008 The consumer cooperative movement shall create economic benefits, and enable its members through their consumption to contribute towards sustainable development for people and the environment.
  • 2. Contents I KF annual report 2008 CEO’s statement 2 Directors’ report 38 KF’s strategic approach 7 Consolidated Income Statement Group overview 8 for the KF Group 43 Grocery retail sector 10 Consolidated Balance Sheet for the KF Group 44 International outlook 13 Changes in Group equity for the KF Group 46 Cash Flow Statement for the KF Group 46 Grocery retail group 14 Income Statement for the KF Coop Sverige 14 Cooperative Society 47 Daglivs 20 Balance Sheet for the KF Cooperative Society 48 Mataffä 20 Changes in equity for the KF Cooperative Society 50 Real estate and finance 22 Cash Flow Statement for the MedMera Bank 22 KF Cooperative Society 50 KF Fastigheter 24 Accounting policies 51 KF Invest 26 Notes 54 KF Sparkassa 26 Auditor’s report 70 Media group 28 Key ratios and definitions 71 Akademibokhandelsgruppen and Bokus 28 Member control 72 Norstedts Förlagsgrupp 30 Consumer societies 74 PAN Vision 31 Work of the Board of Directors 76 Tidningen Vi magazine 32 Chairman’s statement 77 Board of Directors 78 Other companies 34 Group management 80 Läckeby Water Group 34 Löplabbet 34 Sustainability report 81 Vår Gård Saltsjöbaden 35 Contacts 104 KF Gymnasiet 35
  • 3. 2008 The year in brief • The most important event over the year was when Coop Sverige, which previously formed part of Coop Norden, returned to KF as a wholly owned subsidiary at the end of • Internet store Mataffä was launched in April, and KF acquired three Vi shops over the year. KF took over as owner of environmental technology company Läckeby Water 2007. In its first year of business within the KF Group, Coop Group (81 per cent) and Löplabbetgruppen (70 per cent). Sverige reported an operating profit of SEK 153 million (–110), which is its best result in ten years. Excluding non- • A partnership was initiated with Green Cargo concerning col- recurring items, the operating profit amounted to SEK 198 lective, cost-effective and environmentally friendly logistics million. solutions which will considerably reduce the Group’s emis- sions of carbon dioxide from transportation. • The KF Group’s net sales amounted to SEK 35,817 million (26,208), an increase of 37 per cent, due mainly to the fact • A powerful programme of improvements, involving both that Coop Sverige was integrated into KF and that Daglivs investments and reductions in expenses, commenced at and several other businesses were taken over. The Group’s Coop Sverige in order to turn profit into long-term profitabil- operating businesses are reporting a profit of SEK 755 mil- ity. The demand for reduced expenses led to the staff being lion (594), adjusted for items affecting comparability. The notified that there would be redundancies equivalent to operating profit for the KF Group overall amounted to SEK 1,000 full-time positions. 380 million (357). The stagnation on the financial markets have affected profit after financial items, which amounted to • The number of members in the consumer societies contin- SEK 110 million (476). ued to rise over the year, amounting to more than 3 million. Coop MedMera reward vouchers with a total redemption • The consumer cooperatives’ share of the grocery retail mar- value of SEK 450 million in discounts were returned to mem- ket for the biggest players remained unchanged at 21.4 per bers who had taken part in the Coop MedMera Premium Pro- cent. gramme over the year. Key ratios 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 KF Group Net sales, ex. VAT, SEK billions 35.8 26.2 24.4 25.2 29.0 Balance sheet total, SEK billions 19.3 20.5 14.8 14.1 13.3 Profit after financial items, SEK millions 110 476 701 715 1,084 Number of sales outlets 440 61 58 56 54 Average number of employees 8,996 1,216 1,175 1,271 1,321 Return on capital employed, % 7.7 5.2 7.2 7.3 11.0 Return on equity, % 1.5 5.8 9.4 9.8 18.6 Equity ratio, % 34.3 31.7 42.9 42.3 40.2 Net liabilities, SEK millions* 1,184 11 –146 190 68 Retail societies Sales, ex. VAT, SEK billions 16.9 16.2 15.9 15.7 16 Number of sales outlets 413 418 434 444 470 Average number of employees 6,150 6,500 7,200 7,700 8,317 Number of societies, total 48 51 54 58 60 Number of members, thousands 3,130 3,085 3,038 3,000 2,940 * This increase is due mainly to extensive investments over the year in both grocery retail trade and properties.
  • 4. KF I Business report 2008 CEO’s statement There is no doubt that 2008 will be a year that goes down in history. Few people could have pre- dicted the fastest, most widespread decline in the global economy for many decades, which led to large parts of the leading economies tumbling into recession at the end of 2008. However, for the Swedish retail trade the year as a whole was relatively positive, given the circumstances. Global recession and a new Like all other companies, the KF tant than ever now to develop a new approach Group has to adapt to the prevailing cir- approach. Under all circumstances we Most analysts have a pessimistic view of cumstances. Although the financial situ- are prepared to implement extraordinary financial development in 2009. It is ation within the Group is good, we have measures if the global crisis worsens still harder now than it has been for a very to adapt more quickly to the new situa- further over the year. long time to assess the depth and the tion as regards demand if the economic scale of the problems in the financial An eventful 2008 markets and their direct consequences KF’s integration of Coop Sverige AB as a for the real economy. wholly owned subsidiary has gone very KF’s integration of Coop Sverige After twelve years of good develop- well. Coop has tangibly improved its AB as a wholly owned subsidiary ment, the trend for the Swedish grocery operating profit, and the operating profit has gone very well. retail trade will probably turn in 2009, reported for 2008 is its best in more even though the retail trade is less sus- than a decade. The action programme to ceptible to the economic cycle than situation worsens significantly in future. improve profitability began over the many other industries. Above all, this All Group companies have decided upon course of the year with a view to being applies to the sale of food. However, a or initiated change programmes of vary- implemented fully by 2010 at the latest. shift towards what are known as value ing sizes. In particular, Coop has an Work on reducing expenses by at least concepts has already been perceptible. improvements programme that is more SEK 1.5 billion while at the same time At the same time, the development of extensive than has been the case in doubling investments in the shop move- environmentally friendly products is many years. The main reason for these ment is going according to plan. positive. High food quality is generally measures is not the stagnation in the Coop Norden is continuing as a pure always something which Swedish con- economy, but the aim of adapting the purchasing company, Coop Trading A/S, sumers appreciate, but when times are company’s expense levels to the level at a Nordic level, and in addition it is hard views on the pricing of various con- experienced by the very best of our com- now a development centre for our own cepts are more crucial to households. petitors in the industry. Our aim is also private brands. The Finnish consumer Recessions have a tendency to be rein- to streamline and develop the manage- cooperative movement, SOK, became a forced still further by psychological ment and control of operations. co-owner over the year. Coop Trading is effects such as expectations of the econ- The KF Group is in a good position to one of the biggest retail purchasing com- omy. Households and companies there- face the future, even though macroeco- panies in the Nordic region, and over fore tend, quite naturally, to be more nomic conditions are weaker than they time this should help to further improve restrained and maintain a short-term have been in many years. This change of conditions for purchasing and permit view. circumstances means it is more impor- faster development of our own private labels. 2
  • 5. The KF Group is in a good position to face the future, even though macroeco- nomic conditions are weaker than they have been in many years. Lars Idermark President & CEO The company acquired some more Vi ments have been achieved in purchasing KF Fastigheter has had one of its best shops over the year, which are working and logistics as well, and this is particu- results in a number of years, with suc- according to the business model to com- larly important in the grocery retail sector. cessful sales. The rate of investment in bine the resources and benefits of scale In terms of sales and profits, the new shopping centres remains high. of the Group with entrepreneurship. media companies have not developed Several other Group companies, such Buying food online via Mataffä entirely in line with expectations. This is as Läckeby Water Group, Vår Gård Salt- has exceeded our expectations and is due mainly to major necessary changes sjöbaden, Tidningen Vi, MedMera Bank growing rapidly. Coop Sverige’s super- internally and considerably worse sales et al. have been able to demonstrate very market segment has had one of its better development than in previous years. good development in terms of profits years in a very long time, with very good Moreover, the entire industry has been and business as a whole. Over the year, profitability, and it has even taken mar- hit by a downturn. Only online book KF acquired 70 per cent of Löplabbet- ket shares. Coop Forum has also imple- sales have continued to demonstrate gruppen, which is also developing well. mented a radical change and taken on good growth. The media companies The Group’s asset management has measures to counter remaining sources now are permeated by a radical new had a taste of the very adverse develop- of loss. All hypermarkets will be mod- approach, with greater coordination ment of the financial market. Despite ernised by the end of the first six months between Group companies. KF is the the fact that the Swedish stock exchange of 2009. Radical changes are taking biggest bookseller in Sweden, and obvi- has fallen by more than 40 per cent, place at Coop Bygg and a new strategy is ous synergies within the Group will be assets management has not fallen by being implemented. Major improve- realised gradually. more than 4.9 per cent, due to a cautious 3
  • 6. KF I Business report 2008 investment philosophy which has been benefits for business, benefits for mem- mation. The decision to embark upon a effective in the prevailing market situa- bers, and benefits for society. New finan- more in-depth partnership with Green tion. cial targets have also been set for the Cargo in respect of rail transport and The operating profit for the KF Group Group. The objective is to achieve a 14 logistics will be followed by a number of for 2008 is entirely acceptable, given per cent return on equity over an eco- similar initiatives in the future. The cor- that business has been affected by both nomic cycle and satisfactory equity/ porate culture will also undergo change. the reduction in demand and the fall in assets ratio. The Group currently has a Straightness, clarity, professionalism, good financial position. With the new sound business practice and a well Group strategy and clear financial objec- defined culture of consistency will all set tives, our course is set clearly for the the tone. To this will be added the val- The future is something we coming years. ues which constitute the basis for the can create together with good New forms of control and monitoring operations of the consumer cooperative staff, clear managers, in-depth for the Group’s sustainability work have movement. customer relations and also been introduced over the year. Our Our rate of investment will remain long-term owners. aim is to maintain a high level of high. Acquisitions, partnerships and responsibility within all our operations; divestment of operations will provide the stock exchange. In addition, profit is financially, environmentally and socially. the means for reinforcement of the long- affected by what are known as structural At the same time, the Group must be a term targets of the Group. expenses for implementation of planned leader in the field of sustainable develop- Important steps have been taken changes which aim to bring about good ment in the grocery retail trade. Our towards changing and renewing opera- profitability and growth in a few years' overall sustainability strategy is focusing tions over the last few years, and further time. One strength is that cooperation on initiatives for reducing environmen- measures will be implemented in 2009. within the overall consumer cooperative tal impact, further developing our pro- Therefore, we have every reason to main- movement has been deepened over the file with regard to organic products and tain a positive attitude towards the con- year. This tangibly increases our strength reinforcing our partnerships with Koop- sumer cooperative movement’s future on the market in future. The number of eration Utan Gränser and Vi-skogen. opportunities as an interesting alterna- members continued to increase over the tive to other business models. year and now amounts to more than 3 Continued renewal and a fast pace The future is something we can create million, which gives us vital power in in 2009 together with good staff, clear managers, our work on developing our special fea- The KF Group is undergoing extensive in-depth customer relations and long- tures as a corporate group owned by its changes. Some measures are so radically term owners. Development is not members. With Coop MedMera reward different compared to before that both defined by fate; it is decided mainly by vouchers, SEK 450 million was returned managers and staff alike are facing major our own abilities, will and ambition. We to members in redeemed value. challenges when it comes to taking on believe in the strategies we have selected, board these necessary changes. While and so we feel a sense of optimism. Strategy for adding value the Group is cutting back on expenses, In 2008, the Board of Directors has the business model for several Group decided on a new Group strategy for subsidiaries is being altered. Coop Sver- Lars Idermark adding value with three cornerstones: ige is undergoing the biggest transfor- President & CEO 4
  • 7. Organization chart MEMBERS/OWNERS (More than 3 million members over 48 consumer societies) GENERAL MEETING AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS KOOPERATIVA FÖRBUNDET KF GROUP Grocery retail group Real estate and finance Media group Other companies Coop Sverige KF Fastigheter Norstedts Förlagsgrupp Vår Gård Saltsjöbaden – Coop Konsum MedMera Bank Akademibokhandeln KF Gymnasiet – Coop Nära KF Invest Bokus Läckeby Water Group – Coop Extra KF Sparkassa PAN Vision Löplabbet – Coop Forum Tidningen Vi magazine KF Shared Services – Coop Bygg KF Revision Daglivs Mataffä Cilab 1 “The consumer cooperative movement shall create economic benefits, and enable its members through their con- sumption to contribute towards sus- tainable development for people and the environment.” 2 Value base • Confidence in our distinctive nature as a company owned by its members • Influence • Member ownership • Concern for people and the environment • Honesty 3 • Innovative thinking Benefits for business, benefits for members, and benefits for society form the basis for KF’s strategic work. Benefits for business Profitable, value- profiled grocery retail trade. Benefits for members Inexpensive, sustainable goods/services and a clean conscience. Benefits for society Contributing towards sustainable development for people and the environment.
  • 8. KF Fastigheter building sustainable shopping centres KF Fastigheter’s biggest project to The Bromma area is planned for completion by 2012 and will have grown by then to around 100,000 sq m. This date got off the ground in 2008 project is permeated by sustainability and environmental with the conversion of Hangar 3 at awareness. KF Fastigheter is working to develop, plan and the Bromma Center trading area produce buildings for the food sector which have extremely low warmup costs. which took place in June. A heat pump which will use the excess heat from Coop is being installed at the Bromma Center. There will also be a manned goods delivery area at the Bromma Center in 2010. This will allow vehicles to unload more quickly, result in fewer queues and hence lower carbon dioxide emissions. In addition, staffing the facility from the early morning onwards will allow goods to be unloaded before the shops open, which will allow goods to be transported when there is less traffic.
  • 9. KF’s strategic approach KF is a federation of consumer cooperatives and a retail group, with groceries as its core business. Members and customers must be able to buy value-for-money goods of the required quality all over Sweden. This requires consumer cooperative retail to be competitive and profitable. Everything we do has to stem from the cooperative value base, which is founded on the concept of economic bene- fit and sustainable development. The basis for creation of profitable, value-profiled grocery retail trade has been reinforced significantly on account of the fact that Coop Sverige has been consoli- dated in KF since the end of 2007 and is run as a wholly owned subsidiary. Group strategy for enhanced value growth • All our business areas must achieve profitability • Developing and making the most of staff skills on a par with the market. Enhanced management and greater professional expertise are Acquisitions and partnerships may enhance our opportunities to key to our initiative for development for managers and staff. create greater efficiency, growth and profitability. Our core busi- Maintaining an ongoing overview of management and control will ness must be given priority, and other business must be regularly create a coordinated, efficient group. tested and evaluated in respect of financial returns and risk profile. • Values and profiles clarified to reinforce • Focus on core business – grocery retail trade Group brands Investments in our core business, Coop Sverige, will be given pri- The Coop brand is a “master brand” which must represent suc- ority over the next few years. The operations of the consumer cessful, profitable, innovative and well profiled retail operations. cooperative movement must meet the needs of our members/ Efficient, reliable communication will be an important instrument owners in their everyday consumption. for building a new corporate culture. • New business opportunities are being created in • At the forefront of new approaches which benefits for business, benefits for members KF and the consumer cooperative movement have a tradition of and benefits for society can interact. leading the way when it comes to new approaches and innova- tion. We will now take back this leading position. The cooperative form of company, where the owners are members are customers, must be developed and modernised. The special • Communication and influence nature of the cooperative movement must be emphasised by means of improved offers for customers and members, which in The consumer cooperative movement will use active communica- turn will lead to increased profitability for the entire organisation. tion and new forms of influence to develop and modify itself as a member-owned company. Its unique form of ownership will be uti- • Increased cost-effectiveness through constant lised as a competitive advantage. efforts to improve • Greater cooperation with the rest of The Coop Sverige improvement programme is being imple- mented in order to achieve efficiency and cost levels which can the consumer cooperative movement match up to those enjoyed by the best of our competitors. Simi- Improvement work at Coop Sverige is having positive effects on lar measures are also being implemented for other operations, the consumer cooperative movement as a whole. Further syner- with the media companies being given high priority. gistic opportunities can be exploited in order to achieve greater efficiency and good profitability for the entire consumer coopera- • Leading player in the field of sustainable tive movement. development – green growth Our environmental strategy will be integrated in our business model, and the consumer cooperative movement will retain and develop its leading position in the field of sustainable develop- ment on commercial grounds. 7
  • 10. KF I Business report 2008 Group overview KF is a retail group, and the grocery retail trade forms its core business. The property and finance companies are also active in the grocery retail trade, but they also operate on other markets. The media group includes a range of companies with their own strong brands. The Group is also home to a number of companies with different business approaches, as well as companies offering internal services. Grocery retail group Operations Coop Sverige works with the grocery retail trade and Daglivs is situated in Mataffä is a retail – together with the retail societies – is responsible Kungsholmen, Stockholm store which uses the for 21.4 per cent of the Swedish grocery retail mar- and is one of the biggest, Internet as its sales outlet ket for the six biggest players. Cilab (Coop Inköp och most successful food and offers a complete Logistik AB) is responsible for purchasing for Coop stores in Sweden. Almost range of groceries for Sverige and the retail societies. International purchas- 13,000 customers visit delivery in the Stockholm ing takes place via Coop Trading and Intercoop. the store every day. area. Key ratios Net sales SEK 31,004 millions SEK 478 millions SEK 27 millions Average number of employees 7,318 109 26 Find out more on p. 14 p. 20 p. 21 Real estate and finance KF Invest KF Sparkassa Operations MedMera Bank manages KF Fastigheter manages KF Invest is the Group’s KF Sparkassa offers mem- the Coop MedMera Pre- a real estate portfolio in financial function, and bers of the consumer coop- mium Programme and excess of SEK 6 billion manages KF’s financial eratives savings services publishes and handles and works with develop- assets as well as dealing at competitive interest the cooperative move- ment and renewal of with the financial expo- rates. Around 90,000 ment’s 3.5 or so million store networks, mainly sures to which the Group members have accounts Coop MedMera cards. for Coop Sverige and the is subject on account of with Sparkassan. retail societies. its operations. Key ratios Net sales SEK 305 millions SEK 560 millions Deposits SEK 3.8 billion Average number of employees 53 93 8 Find out more on p. 22 p. 24 p. 26 p. 26 8
  • 11. Media group Akademibokhandelsgrup- Bokus sells books and Norstedts Förlagsgrupp PAN Vision Group is one Tidningen Vi is a maga- pen has 61 stores all over other media online. It publishes some 500 new of the leading Nordic dis- zine about society and Sweden and is responsible sells a wide range of titles each year: fiction, tributors in digital home culture which is published for more than 40 per cent books, covering some non-fiction, books for chil- entertainment and has twelve times a year. The of the book trading market 3.5 million titles pub- dren and young people, three main markets; com- company also publishes and almost 15 per cent of lished in countries such dictionaries, audiobooks puter games, films and Vi Läser magazine, which the total book market in as Sweden, the UK, the and games. This business peripherals for computer specialises in books and Sweden. USA and Germany. is collected together games and computers. reading. under the publishing houses Norstedts and Rabén och Sjögren. SEK 1,513 millions Part of Akademi- SEK 500 millions SEK 1,406 millions SEK 25 millions 573 bokhandelsgruppen 174 214 13 p. 28 p. 29 p. 30 p. 31 p. 32 Other companies KF Revision KF Shared Services Läckeby Water Group Löplabbet (70%) is Scan- Vår Gård Saltsjöbaden is a KF Gymnasiet offers a KF Revision works KF Shared Services (81%) is a civil engineering dinavia’s leading chain conference facility which broad economic educa- mainly with internal is an internal service company which works for running shoes and acts as a meeting place tion with emphasis on audits within the and skills company with water and effluent running accessories, for companies, authorities trading, finance and man- entire KF Group. which provides IT, treatment, as well as the with 13 stores of its own, and organisations. This agement and close links HR and finance ser- production of biogas from three franchise stores facility is unique thanks to between theory and prac- vices as well as organic waste. The com- and an online store. its attractive location and tice. internal services to pany also supplies purifi- art collection. KF and KF’s subsidi- cation products, services aries. and operating services. SEK 537 millions SEK 12 m (fr o m 2008-10-27) SEK 54 million SEK 18 millions 177 62 37 20 6 76 p. 34 p. 34 p. 35 p. 35 9
  • 12. KF I Business report 2008 Grocery retail sector The Swedish grocery retail market u The transformation of the grocery cent at current prices to SEK 587 billion has undergone some major retail market has meant that the number in total. If we take into account price changes over the past few years. of shops has fallen by 40 per cent over changes and calendar effects, develop- More and more sales are taking the last 15 years, while at the same time ment remains at 1.3 per cent. Develop- place in hypermarkets and discount the average shop area has increased by ment in the grocery retail trade was stores. Their share of grocery retail 150 per cent and the average net sales strongest, which was up 5.7 per cent at sales has increased from around per shop have more than doubled. current prices, while trading in con- 10 per cent in 1990 to more than New outlets have come into being sumer durables rose by just 1.5 per cent. 25 per cent in 2008. A number of over the past few years, such as online In 2008, price increases among suppliers new international hard discount stores and subscriptions to goods, but resulted in an increase in turnover in the players have entered the market in this development is still in its infancy. grocery retail trade, but with limited the 2000s. Their market share is Ongoing industry slippage between res- volume growth. increasing, but it is still only a few taurants and grocery retail sales means The economic downturn and credit per cent of the total market. The that more and more ready meals are crunch that affected the world – and smaller, traditional convenience being sold in convenience stores, while Sweden as well – in the latter half of stores are still responsible for at the same time eating out and fast food 2008 hit sales of consumer durables are increasing, at the expense of cooking hard, but they had less of an effect on almost half of all sales, and their at home. groceries. However, price tends to take decline has slowed over the past on increasing importance in an eco- few years. Size and growth nomic downturn, even for groceries. As welfare has increased in Sweden, less and less household money is being spent Weak forecast for 2009 on basic needs such as accommodation In its economic forecast in December and food. Of total private consumption, 2008, Handelns utredningsinstitut – groceries for around 17 per cent. The HUI – made a massive reduction in its amount spent on food is one of the ele- earlier forecast for the retail trade in ments which, in percentage terms, has 2009. According to HUI, sales in the grown the least over the last decade. Sta- retail trade in volume terms are expected ble price development of food, often to remain unchanged compared with below the general rate of inflation, has 2008. However, at current prices an contributed to this. At the end of 2007 increase in sales of 0.5 per cent is and throughout 2008, however, the expected due to price increases. HUI is price of food rose again. The Swedish anticipating slightly higher growth for retail market demonstrated continuing the retail trade in 2010. growth in 2008 and increased by 3.3 per 10
  • 13. Environmentally products produced fairly Änglamark is Coop’s own range of goods which are organic, Fairtrade, According to a survey of Swedish environmentally friendly and suitable for people who suffer from allergies. consumers, Coop Änglamark is The purpose of Änglamark is to promote sustainable consumption in which the health, environment and ethical perspectives of individuals are perceived as the most environ- central cornerstones. This range includes organic products which are cul- mentally friendly brand. tivated without chemical pesticides or artificial fertilisers, and meat and dairy products from animals who have spent time outdoors and been allowed to eat organic feed in a non-stressful environment. Goods also have to be manufactured under fair conditions, which means – for example – that people working in Third World plantations should not have to be exposed to pesticides that are banned in Sweden. Änglamark currently carries a range of some 200 products.
  • 14. KF I Business report 2008 The weakest development is anticipated Fifty or so new stores were established in and upgraded stores, equivalent to for branches in the consumer durables 2008, Netto and Coop being responsible around SEK 835 million. trade, while the grocery retail trade is for most of them. expected to undergo weak but stable Trends development over the coming two years. Market position of the consumer Four long-term trends are often cited cooperative movement both in Sweden and internationally as Market players Competition was still intensive in the regards the grocery retail trade; conven- During the economic prosperity of grocery retail trade, and the market ience, health, indulgence and responsi- 2006–2007, the smaller convenience share for the consumer cooperative ble/sustainable development. The con- stores underwent positive development movement among the biggest players venience trend often focuses on saving after having previously been condemned remained unchanged at 21.4 per cent. time such as by means of fast food, by analysts. As a consequence of the eco- The KF grocery retail group represents ready meals and shopping online. The nomic downturn, however, price has around 55 per cent of the turnover for health trend has resulted in – among taken on greater importance, and so dis- the consumer cooperative movement’s other things – increased sales of whole- count store chains and hypermarkets are retail trade. The retail societies represent grain products and fruit and vegetables, developing more strongly than other 45 per cent. while at the same time light products store types. Changes are also taking Coop’s market share has been falling have seen an enormous decline due to place on the local markets. The coopera- for a long time now. Within the KF gro- changes in dietary advice. The fact that tion movement is traditionally strong in cery retail group, therefore, extensive food and drink have taken on an Northern Sweden, while companies such work has been done on renewal and effi- enhanced status as a means of indul- as Bergendahls, Netto and Lidl are ciency over the last couple of years in gence can be seen in the increase in sales strong in the southern parts of the coun- order to increase profitability and mar- of various kinds of premium products, try, as is Axfood in West and East Göta- ket shares for the cooperation. Work such as luxury chocolate, exclusive olive land. continued in 2008 and involved – oils and hand-made ice cream. The trend Now companies are moving, which among other things – emphasis on towards sustainable development means that chains are focusing on geo- increased sales and cost reductions. Stra- appears to involve customers’ increased graphical areas where they previously tegic investments are also still continu- interest in climate smart food and the held weak positions. The rate of estab- ing in the form of new establishments strong development of Fairtrade prod- lishment has been high in the grocery and by repairing and modernising exist- ucts, for example. retail trade throughout the 2000s, with ing stores. Over the year, Coop has The ongoing economic downturn is around 60–70 new stores each year. implemented major investments in new highly likely to weaken or modify these trends, at least temporarily. The credit crunch is benefitting stores and products Convenience goods trade, the six leading players that are perceived as offering value for 2008/(2007) money, such as discount stores and pri- vate labels. At the same time, there are a number of analysts who reckon that Ica Cooperative movement 50% 21.4% (+/−0) these general trends are so strong that it (−0.3) is more a matter of adapting business to Netto 1.9% (+0.4) meet these trends in a way which people Lidl perceive to offer value for money. One 2.8% (+0.2) Axfood Bergendahl interpretation is that demand can be 16.1% (+0.2) inc. Vi stores said to be more and more hourglass 7.8% (−0.5) shaped, with emphasis on both premium Source: Fri Köpenskap and KF products and discount products. The mid-price segment, then, is the one that will see the most reduction. 12
  • 15. International outlook The grocery retailing trade still differs widely between the Western world and developing countries. At the same time, the grocery retail trade is becoming ever more worldwide, with a limited number of international groups ever increasing in size. The 15 biggest grocery retail players are responsible for more than 30 per cent of total turnover in the industry. With benefits of scale, not least as regards purchasing, the international players often have cost benefits compared with smaller local shops or chains. The consumer cooperative grocery retail trade traditionally holds a strong position in the Nordic countries, and development has been positive in other parts of Western Europe as well over the past few years. u Four major corporate groups dominate ment has been particularly strong in Fin- Cooperation progressing in the UK the international grocery retail market. land, where market shares in the grocery After many years of stagnation, the con- American company Wal-Mart is the big- retail trade have grown enormously and sumer cooperative movement in the UK gest company in the world and holds a now amount to more than 41 per cent. In appears to be making progress. With a dominant position in the USA with a Denmark and Norway too, the consumer proud history as the homeland of cooper- turnover of USD 375 billion, of which 24 cooperatives have undergone growth, ation and its strongest foothold, the lack per cent takes place in 13 countries out- with market shares of 37 and 24 per cent of collaboration and renewal in the 1960s side the USA. French company Carrefour respectively. and 1970s caused a gradually declining is established in 30 countries and has a In Switzerland, two competing cooper- trend. In early 2000, an external com- turnover of USD 113 billion, of which 54 ative grocery retail players – Migros and mission was tasked with suggesting meas- per cent takes place outside France. Brit- Coop Schweiz – dominate, and together ures for modernising cooperation. A ish company Tesco has a turnover of they cover almost half of the total grocery number of topics raised in this proposal USD 95 billion, of which 27 per cent retail market. On the Italian market, were better internal cooperation, clearer takes place in 13 countries outside its Coop Italia is one of the few major play- systems for control and monitoring, a own domestic market, and the German ers, with a market share of 17 per cent. In uniform brand and commercialising the Metro group has a turnover of USD 87 the United Kingdom and Spain, the special nature of cooperation. At the same billion, 60 per cent of which is outside cooperation holds a relatively small part time, the two biggest societies were Germany (figures for 2007). of the market, but development is strong. merged to form the Co-operative Group, Dutch company Royal Ahold, which is Acquisitions and positive sales develop- which became the dominant society. This a co-owner of Ica, is the eighth biggest ment in both countries have led to con- was the start of a strong conversion of the grocery retail group worldwide. The big siderably increased market shares, 8 and cooperation, which is now starting to players have opted mainly to expand into 12 per cent respectively. bear fruit. the growing markets in Asia and Eastern There have been certain established In 2007 United Co-operatives, the big- Europe over the past few years. partnerships in respect of cross-border gest remaining society, was merged with purchasing for a fairly long time now. the group; and the Co-operative Group Consumer cooperative movement Intercoop, which is owned by six national became the biggest consumer society in internationally consumer cooperative movements and the world. In 2008, the group bought out The consumer cooperative movement is works with the purchasing of non-food one of its competitors – Somerfield – and strong mainly in Western Europe, goods in Asia, is one example of an inter- their market share increased from 5 to 8 although it is significantly large in certain national purchasing partnership. Coop per cent at a stroke. other countries as well, such as Japan and Trading, where the Nordic countries The grocery retail trade within the Canada. After a stagnant development in work in partnership for certain interna- Co-operative Group has now seen posi- many countries in the 1990s and early tional purchases and the development of tive sales growth for 12 quarters in a row, 2000s, the consumer cooperative grocery private label products, is another. In some and despite the lack of discount stores retail trade has developed positively over of the former Eastern Bloc states, the and hypermarkets in the economic down- the past few years. In the Nordic region, consumer cooperative movement accord- turn, sales are now increasing by more the consumer cooperatives have tradition- ing to the Nordic model has started a col- than for the market overall. ally held a strong position. Its develop- lective purchasing company so as to be able to reduce its purchasing costs. 13
  • 16. KF I Business report 2008 Grocery retail group As of the end of 2007, the national grocery retail trade that had been part of Coop Norden returned to KF in Sweden. This means that Coop is now a wholly owned subsidiary of KF and forms the core of the Group’s grocery retail group. Other companies are the Daglivs store and the Internet-based Mataffä, both with the Stockholm region as their market. Cilab is responsible for purchasing and logistics, and Coop Trading is responsible for inter- national procurement and own-brand development. Intercoop Ltd is a buying office of non-food items in Asiatic countries. This company is co-owned with the Spanish and Italian cooperative movements via Coop Trading. Coop Sverige u Coop Sverige runs grocery retail trade used to be part of Coop Norden, but staff were notified that there would be in chains such as Coop Konsum, Coop since the end of 2007 it has been inte- redundancies equivalent to 1,000 full- Extra, Coop Nära, Coop Forum and grated in the KF Group as a wholly time positions. SEK 500 million will be Coop Bygg. Coop must use its moti- owned subsidiary. saved by means of cutbacks and a more vated, committed staff to offer members efficient organisation. and customers a broad range of products Positive development Profitability is to be increased over the so that efficiency, price, quality, service Over the past few years, Coop Sverige next two years, mainly by continuing to and consideration make the company’s has achieved enormous performance adapt expenses to the same levels as ranges competitive. development and is showing a positive those implemented by our biggest com- Together with the retail consumer result for 2008; a figure which is also the petitors. societies, Coop accounts for 21.4 per company’s best in ten years. Compared cent of the grocery retail market for the with 2007, operating profit is up SEK Store development biggest players in Sweden. Coop Sverige 263 million and amounted to SEK 153 While savings and streamlining are million. Excluding non-recurring items, being implemented, Coop Sverige is the operating profit amounted to SEK looking at the same time to the future 198 million. This improvement was through extensive investments in new Coop Sverige mainly due to a reduction in personnel stores, as well as renovating and convert- Board of Directors: Chairman Lars Idermark, Håkan Ahlqvist, and purchasing expenses. Sales rose ing existing units. Four new Coop Eivor Andersson, Johnny Capor, from SEK 29,322 million (pro forma) to Forum stores, six Coop Extra, one Coop Knut Faremo, Mats Lundquist, SEK 31,004 million. Nära and seven Coop Bygg stores were Jan Sundling, Elisabeth Andersson opened in 2008. (trade union representative), Frank Hjort (trade union representa- Emphasis on streamlining Investments in the alteration and tive), Rose-Marie Borgström (trade After a fairly long period of weak eco- renewal of stores amounted to around union representative), Lennart Wallkulle nomic development, with falling sales SEK 835 million over the year. (trade union representative) and negative operating results, an exten- The conversion to more attractive, CEO: Karl Wistrand Sales ex. VAT: SEK 31 billion sive improvements programme was more rational stores and hypermarkets Operating profit: SEK 153 million introduced in the latter half of 2008. are also reinforcing opportunities for Average number of employees: 7,318 This programme includes all parts of the greater profitability and competitiveness. organisation and involves both financial Great emphasis is also placed on contin- cutbacks and aggressive strategies. uing to develop established store con- Expenses are to be reduced by SEK cepts. Stores must be modern and attrac- 1,500 million by 2010. Among other tive, and have an ecological profile. A things, we will be reducing the number number of stores underwent redesign of staff we employ, and over the year over the year, including Coop Avenyn in 14
  • 17. Coop must be the obvious choice for environmentally aware customers who care about how goods and services are produced, and for customers who strive to maintain healthy habits. Stores and hypermarkets Coop Konsum Value-for-money goods, top quality fresh goods and also Sweden’s broadest range of organic options are all part of what makes Coop Konsum a healthy business. These stores also offer inspiration for food and recipes which bear the Keyhole label and lists of nutri- ents. 169 stores. Coop Extra Coop Extra aims to be the best food store in each location. Customers must find it easy and straightforward to shop here, with great ranges of products at great prices. 36 stores. Coop Nära Coop Nära is all about speed, convenience and simplicity. These are local stores, with gen- erous opening hours and good ranges of products. 98 stores. Coop Forum Customers should be able to find everything under one roof at Coop Forum. The hyper- markets that offer a broad range of goods, with emphasis on foods, can often be found next to major commercial centres. 42 hypermarkets. En plats för idéer och smarta affärer Coop Bygg Coop Bygg offers a broad range of do-it-yourself and gardening goods. The stores are well stocked and offer low prices. 32 units. Daglivs Stockholm store Daglivs is one of the biggest, most successful food stores in Sweden. This store has a range guarantee, which means that customers can order and buy more or less anything they like. Mataffä Mataffä is an online store which offers a complete range of everyday commodities for home delivery in the Stockholm region. In addition, there are 413 stores and hypermarkets within the retail societies. 15
  • 18. KF I Business report 2008 Gothenburg, which won the “Store of partnership was entered into with Green city stores. A self-scanning concept has the Year” award as part of the Stora Cargo, which will relate initially to rail been developed by means of fast self- Dagligvarupriset (Major Convenience transport. This will involve a reduction service checkouts, mainly in the hearts Goods Prize), established by Fri Köpen- in Coop’s impact on our climate by of major cities, where customers often skap and Movement. around 10 per cent and remove 120 buy only a few items at a time and are in trucks from the roads between Helsing- a hurry. Environmentally friendly logistics borg and Umeå every working day. The Coop MedMera card and the cus- solutions tomer database are important tools for The improvement work will also include Efficient purchasing enhancing our offers to members, and a review of purchasing and logistics The entire consumer cooperative move- these will be developed further. Custom- functions. These have undergone con- ment works together via the collective ers who are members of the consumer stant improvement over the past few purchasing company Cilab, Coop Inköp cooperative movement are offered a years, and delivery reliability to stores och Logistik, which is responsible for range of benefits and discounts thanks has increased. national purchasing for Coop Sverige to their membership. KF and Coop have signed the trade and the retail societies. and industry call for reduced carbon Coop Norden was phased out at the Market communication dioxide emissions, which involves prom- end of 2007. To make the most of the Coop Sverige communicates actively ising to reduce emissions by 30 per cent benefits of collective Nordic purchasing, with its customers and members by by 2020. A major step was taken towards the procurement company Coop Trad- means of campaigns and recurring activ- the target in December 2008, when a ing was launched by the owners of the ities. Market communication will allow former Coop Norden – KF, FDB in Coop to reinforce and clarify its profile Denmark and Coop NKL in Norway. as a modern, attractive grocery retailer The Finnish cooperative movement SOK with a range of products and services New stores in 2008: also came on board last year. Coop which meet customers’ needs and wishes Trading are also co-owners – together and are at the cutting edge of develop- Coop Forum with the cooperative movements in ments as regards organic and environ- Häggvik, Sollentuna Spain and Italy – of Intercoop Ltd, mentally friendly goods. Coop also Kungsbacka which deals with purchasing non-food states its commitment on issues relating Stora Bernstorp, Malmö goods in Asia. to consumption and sustainable devel- Västberga, Stockholm opment. Coop Bygg Technology to simplify everyday life Besides traditional channels such as Enköping Technical development is continuing, newspapers and TV, Coop is also using Eskilstuna Katrineholm and Coop Sverige is constantly working the Internet to communicate with its Kungsbacka to develop new products and services to members and customers. The number of Ludvika enhance the ranges on offer to custom- activities on the website and visitors to Mariestad Ulricehamn ers. The cooperative movement was the the site has increased over the year. The first company to introduce self-scanning service for searching Coop’s own recipes Coop Extra checkouts for customers buying a lot of is very popular. Recipes can also be Bulltofta Falköping goods. Similar solutions have also been found in folders and brochures set out in Katrineholm launched over the year for customers in the stores. Mersmak magazine is pub- Ludvika lished eleven times a year and is highly Mariestad Nyköping Coop Nära Örebro 16
  • 19. appreciated by its readers. This magazine Sustainability in stores The Differ branding agency has car- has a broad circulation and around a Sustainable enterprise is an important ried out a survey among Swedish con- million copies of each edition are pub- part of the Coop Sverige business con- sumers regarding how environmentally lished. In 2008, a cooperation took cept. The consumer cooperative move- friendly brands on the Swedish market place with Barnens Egen Matskola, ment was the first organisation in the are considered to be. Spontaneously, the where some 4 000 pupils from grade 5 industry to develop products and serv- majority of people who took part in the were able to learn how to cook healthy, ices for sustainable consumption. Coop survey thought that Coop Änglamark nutritious food. has offered a large number of organic was the most environmentally friendly products in its stores for many years brand, and in 2008 Coop was named Coop Membership Panel now. In addition, all its stores received the most environmentally friendly chain The Coop web-based Membership Panel KRAV accreditation in 2008, which in the industry. provides the company with a new, effec- requires a large range of KRAV-labelled tive way to communicate with its mem- (Swedish certification scheme for Successful platform bers. Coop has carried out a number of organic products) products, among other Coop Sverige has stores in good retail surveys over the year in which members things. locations. Improvements made to the have been asked to provide their views operation of stores and hypermarkets, as on various issues. The results from the Broad range of products well as sharpened offers and prices Membership Panels are collated in the Coop aims to appeal to a broad group of through the Coop MedMera reward Coop report, which is presented at the customers with all kinds of different scheme, are enhancing competitiveness. annual Coop day to which journalists requirements and varying financial Coop Sverige represents ecology and the and other formers of public opinion are means. Our aim is to be able to meet the environment, which must permeate eve- invited. The Stora Änglamarkspriset wishes and needs of all customer groups. rything it does. Work is ongoing now to award is also presented on Coop day. Our stores offer a broad range of goods further improve customer relations in This award was established in 2002 in in all categories, from cut-price to pre- order to ensure that customers receive order to encourage and emphasise good mium. the service they demand, that they can environmental and ecological initiatives. Coop provides products under a range find the things they are looking for in The award for this year focuses on food of different brands, including its three Coop stores, and that they view Coop and climate. biggest own brands Coop Änglamark, Sverige as a reliable supplier of everyday Coop’s initiatives concerning direct Coop and X-tra. Coop Änglamark offers commodities. communication with customers will be a broad range of goods which are developed in future, the Coop MedMera organic, Fairtrade, environmentally New working methods member card being an important instru- friendly or suitable for people who suffer New working methods and reorganisa- ment for this. Custom offers are becom- from allergies. The Coop brand repre- tions have taken place over the year in ing a more and more important element sents top quality products at a good connection with the integration of Coop of our efforts to meet the requirements price. X-tra is Coop’s own cut-price into KF as a wholly owned subsidiary. and wishes of our customers. Coop is brand, which allows customers the As of 1 January 2009, service com- adapting its market communication in opportunity to buy good products at pany KF Shared Services will be dealing accordance with this. really low prices. with finance, IT, HR and personnel issues for the entire group. The general HR function operates collectively, and communication issues will be dealt with by the Group’s operations working in close cooperation. 17
  • 20. Buying food online Mataffä is the answer Mataffä is a grocery retail store which uses the Internet as its sales outlet. Customers are offered a to members’ requests for complete range of everyday commodities for delivery in them to be able to buy good the Stockholm region. This operation is run from a new products quickly and conve- picking store south of Stockholm, and deliveries take place between 10:00 and 22:00 on weekdays. Custom- niently. ers can pay online, receive an invoice or make a pay- ment via a card terminal at the time of delivery. By using their Coop MedMera cards, customers can also donate money to Kooperation Utan Gränser. Mataffä offers a broad range of organic and Fairtrade products, and all goods are delivered using biogas vehicles. This organisation holds KRAV accreditation.
  • 21. KF I Business report 2008 Benefits of scale and opportunities for The measures implemented will con- As far as logistics are concerned, the cooperation are available in a number of tinue to take effect over years to come. company is working to reduce transpor- areas within the KF Group. For instance, The emphasis in future will be on work- tation and warehousing costs. A large Coop Sverige is working together with ing to an even greater extent on how we number of projects have been imple- KF Fastigheter on setting up new stores deal with customers. Coop has also mented in this field over the year, and and exploiting new locations. The mar- worked in partnership with the consumer work on specialisation, prioritisation and keting functions at Coop Sverige and societies to introduce an in-store quality resource assurance is constantly ongoing MedMera Bank collaborate. This will review system in order to guarantee the for the implementation of new projects. bond membership issues more closely standard of ranges and services. The partnership with Green Cargo with business operations and the stores. regarding transportation of goods by rail Efficient purchasing provides both financial and environmen- Employees Cilab (Coop Inköp och Logistik AB) is tal benefits. Environmental initiatives An extensive management review for responsible for purchasing for Coop have been implemented in other areas as charting the need for training and fur- Sverige and the retail consumer societies. well. Coop’s truck drivers are receiving ther development of managers has been In 1008, Cilab also took over deliveries training on how to drive frugally, which implemented throughout the entire to OKQ8 within the Motorist and Non- is resulting in lower fuel consumption Group over the year. 600 people from food segments. The company continued and reductions in carbon dioxide emis- Coop Sverige took part. This pro- to develop in 2008 by means of – among sions. All vehicles have also been fitted gramme is an important part of the other things – enhanced business con- with trip computers which record data change and improvement work ongoing trol and reporting. Service levels have such as fuel consumption and idling. throughout the entire Group. also improved significantly over the year The past year also saw enhancement of All employees have been invited over thanks to improved goods control proce- the quality of purchasing operations. the year to information meetings relat- dures together with other logistics meas- Cilab entered into a new contract with ing to the improvement programme. A ures. Everfresh concerning deliveries of fruit project entitled “Jättelyftet” (The Mas- Over the year, Cilab initiated a major and vegetables for all of Coop Sverige sive Lift) was implemented at various initiative, “Mat från Regionen” (Food and the retail societies. Collective pur- locations all over Sweden in the autumn. from the Region), in cooperation with chasing allows better purchasing terms The management at KF and Coop took players such as LRF (The Federation of and quality to be attained. part in a total of four meetings and pro- Swedish Farmers) in order to meet mem- Cilab will be responsible for and exe- vided information for some 8 000 staff bers’ requirements to be able to buy cute all frozen goods logistics in south- concerning the situation and future more locally produced goods in stores ern Sweden from the start of 2009. The prospects for the Group. and hypermarkets. new setup will reduce costs thanks to lower picking costs, less tied-up capital and purchasing benefits compared with the present solution. Reliable delivery to the stores is also expected to increase as all goods will be collected together in a single warehouse. 19
  • 22. KF I Business report 2008 Daglivs u Daglivs is situated in Kungsholmen, non-recurring expenses in connection Daglivs Stockholm and is one of the biggest, with the change of ownership. Board of Directors: Chairman Pär Jansson, most successful grocery retail stores in Sales for 2008 amounted to a total of Johnny Capor, Magnus Ros, Jonny Olsson CEO: Per Ekstrand Sweden. Daglivs has been part of the KF SEK 478 million, excluding VAT, which Turnover: SEK 478 million Group since late 2007. Daglivs was represents an increase of 1.2 per cent on Average number of employees: 109 opened in 1982 and currently has 4,200 2007. sq m of floor space over two floors. Extensive work has taken place over Daglivs provides more than 30,000 the year in order to introduce organisa- items, which gives it the biggest range of tional improvements. all grocery retail stores in supermarket Over the year, Daglivs has received format in Sweden. This store has a KRAV accreditation in addition to the “range guarantee”, which means that Swan label. Major emphasis is placed on customers can submit their requirements in-store energy savings and planned and get more or less any goods they like transportation in order to ensure the from the range. These goods are deliv- lowest possible energy consumption and ered to the store as long as they are avail- carbon dioxide emissions. able, but if they are not the customer In future, the company will continue receives 2,000 points on their Coop to focus on renewal and changes to its MedMera account instead. Daglivs also store in order to reinforce added value has the most customers of any store in for its customers. A new customer serv- Sweden. Almost 13,000 customers visit ice team will be set up, so helping to the store every day. improve service levels. 2008 was a very good year in terms of Cost savings will continue in 2009 profit and turnover, given the new com- while initiatives are implemented, petitive situation on a local level and including giving store staff additional training. Mataffä u Mataffä is a grocery retail store deliveries are transported using vehicles Mataffä which uses the Internet as its sales outlet. which run on biogas, and Mataffären Board of Directors: Chairman Pär Jansson Customers are offered a complete range holds KRAV accreditation. Johnny Capor, Martin Fridolf, Karl Wistrand of everyday commodities for delivery in Customers can pay online, receive an CEO: Claes Hessel the Stockholm region. This service invoice or make a payment via a card Turnover: SEK 27 million began before the summer of 2008 and terminal at the time of delivery. Coop Average number of employees: 26 rapidly became a success. Home deliver- MedMera cards can be used to pay for ies take place between 10:00 and 22:00 purchases or collect points. on weekdays. This operation is run from Mataffären’s aim is to become the a new picking store south of Stockholm. dominant player in the online grocery Mataffä has a distinctive fresh retail trade and to lead developments in produce profile and offers a broad range this field. of organic and Fairtrade products. All 20
  • 23. What do KRAV-labelled and Fairtrade products entail? Coop is the biggest grocery retailer Fairtrade labelling means – among other things – that growers and employees in devel- for both KRAV-labelled and Fairtrade oping countries enjoy improved economic goods. terms, child labour and discrimination are coun- tered, democracy and organisation rights are The KRAV label appears on foods which have developed, and environmental awareness and been produced in a sustainable way. Chemical organic production are promoted. pesticides, artificial fertilisers and genetically As well as receiving higher payments, grow- modified organisms (GMOs) must not be used. ers also receive an additional premium. This is No synthetic colourings or flavourings can be used to develop the local society, contributing used, and hardened fats are not permitted. Ani- to new schools or healthcare, for example. mal husbandry is at great pains to safeguard Rules and criteria are developed by Fairtrade animal health and natural behaviours. An Labelling Organizations International (FLO), inspector calls at least once a year and makes together with representatives of the growers. sure that production is taking place in accord- Inspection and certification are dealt with by ance with KRAV rules. FLO-Cert, an independent body.
  • 24. KF I Business report 2008 Real estate and finance These operations include KF Fastigheter, one of Sweden's biggest property companies focusing on the retail trade, and MedMera Bank, which has a central function in the relationship between members and business operations in the consumer cooperative movement, primarily through its handling of the Coop MedMera member card. KF Invest is the financial function for the Group, while KF Sparkassa administers deposits from members and offers competitive interest rates on savings accounts. MedMera Bank u The main objective of MedMera Bank are offered a broad range of financial financial services. Interest in the Coop is to manage the Coop MedMera reward services, as are a number of partners. MedMera card with Visa – which was scheme, which gives consumer coopera- MedMera Bank also assists the retail launched very successfully in 2007 – has tive movement members benefits in the trade with information and advertising continued to increase in 2008. The part- form of discounts, cheques and offers services, such as monthly mailings of ner programme has also been extended with both the cooperative movement Coop Mersmak magazine together with over the year, which ensures even more and a number of partner companies. account and points information and benefits for customers with MedMera MedMera Bank issues and manages the reward vouchers and targeted offers to cards. Löplabbet and Familjens Jurist – cooperative movement’s 3.5 million or members. On average, MedMera Bank among others – have been added. All in so Coop MedMera cards in circulation. communicates with 1.1 million Swedish all, this has helped to bring about an The bank is also responsible for all card households every month. increase in volume for the reward acquisitions within the consumer coop- scheme. KF’s acquisition of Daglivs, the erative movement. The technical infra- Positive development in 2008 biggest supermarket in Sweden, also structure allows the bank to keep all MedMera Bank focuses primarily on a resulted in an increase in the numbers checkouts online in all connected stores. large number of private individuals, of new members. MedMera Bank has been running offering them loans and consumption The Hotel Voucher is one of the most banking operating since 2007 and is credit linked with the Coop MedMera popular benefits in the Coop MedMera regulated by the Swedish Financial card. Overall, MedMera Bank has low programme. Members are offered prefer- Supervisory Authority. Members and risk exposure in respect of credit, while ential rates in a large number of hotels in consumer cooperative movement stores at the same time a low risk profile policy Sweden and the rest of the Nordic is applied to investments. Most of the region, as well as in a number of cities in bank’s customers are private individuals, Europe. Since this scheme started, more but the bank also aims at public sector than 2 million nights have been booked; MedMera Bank companies, municipalities and county around 570,000 of which were booked Board of Directors: Chairman Lars councils. The credit crunch has not in 2008. Idermark, Johnny Capor, Kent Ryberg, affected MedMera Bank to any appreci- MedMera Bank has shifted its empha- Thomas Johansson, Laszlo Kriss, able extent in 2008. MedMera Bank has sis from operating mainly as a service Håkan Smith, Karl Wistrand, Jeanette Franzén (trade union representative), opted to follow fully the Riksbank’s organisation for the rest of the consumer Anne-Marie Rydergren (trade union rep- interest rate cuts. cooperative movement to also actively resentative), replaced by Susanne Development over the past year has develop and sell new and existing prod- Hansson in February 2009) been positive in terms of both the influx ucts. By establishing sales teams and CEO: Ivar Fransson of new members and the demand for sales coaches, the bank will be able to Net sales ex. VAT: SEK 305 million Profit after financial items: SEK 19.6 million Average number of employees: 53 22
  • 25. In May 2008, Dagens Nyheter named Coop MedMera Visa as the best “food card”. Coop MedMera card The Coop MedMera card is a membership card and it acts as proof of membership for the local consumer society. This card give stores and consumer societies more tions in order to prevent crime and is also a key to the rewards programme support with offering products to mem- fraud. Advanced data storage systems are or reward scheme, as well as other serv- ices and offers from the consumer socie- bers. being develop in order to achieve the ties, KF and Coop Sverige as well as other The option of becoming a member of best security possible, and the cards participating companies; Akademibokhan- the consumer cooperative movement themselves are undergoing technical deln, Bokus, KappAhl, Löplabbet, Familjens Jurist, Expert, OKQ8 and Apollo. online was launched over the year, and development as well. More than 1,200 stores and hypermar- this has been very successful. The launch of new products and coop- kets, as well as 800 OK petrol stations, eration with new partners have been are affiliated to the rewards programme. There are around 3.5 million Coop Med- Technical development at the given priority of late. Greater benefits for Mera cards among the cooperative move- cutting edge members are the most important consid- ment’s members – more than 3 million of The Coop MedMera card is also an eration; while at the same time Med- them. The Coop MedMera card allows members to register their purchases and important tool for enhancing service lev- Mera Bank and Coop Sverige are work- get points which are then converted into els and developing in-store technology. ing together to try to enhance business reward vouchers. In addition to reward New services are constantly being devel- benefits as well. Above all, the rewards vouchers, members receive benefits and oped. For a number of years now, cus- programme and customer database must discount offers for hotels, travel and vari- ous events, among other things. tomers with Coop MedMera cards have be used in a way that involves clearer If cardholders collect 5,000 points, had the option of scanning their own links between the Coop MedMera card they receive a reward voucher which gives goods in-store, thereby making it easier and the stores; this will also allow finan- a discount in 1,200 stores or on travel or nights in hotels. to get through the checkout and pay. cial benefits for members to be enhanced. Coop Mersmak magazine is mailed out Over the year, too, a number of stores Supplementary services such as to more than a million households spend- have been fitted out with fast checkouts Bistånd på köpet (develop aid by auto- ing more than SEK 1,200 a month, or which make 12 or more visits to a store in offering self-service, a service highly matic rounding off) allow members to a month. There is a special card, called appreciated by customers in cities who easily donate money to help reduce pov- the KF Inköpskort, for organisations and are buying only a few goods and are in a erty throughout the world. This allows companies. hurry. the MedMera scheme to promote bene- A lot of the technical development in fits in society as well. The prevailing eco- Coop MedMera Visa progress also involves security, an issue nomic downturn will affect profits over Since 2007 there has been a debit and credit card, Coop MedMera Visa, which which is taking on ever more impor- the coming year, and there will be allows customers to pay with their Coop tance. The handling of card numbers strong focus on measures to counter this MedMera cards and collect points all over and personal details is regulated in law in 2009. the world. Coop MedMera Visa is a debit and demands advanced technical solu- and credit card offering credit options of up to SEK 100,000. The annual fee is SEK 95 per card. One point is received for every krona spent, regardless of where the purchase takes place. 23