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International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER)
             Vol.2, Issue.6, Nov-Dec. 2012 pp-4224-4227       ISSN: 2249-6645

                      A Review on Two-Temperature Thermoelasticity
                                                           Kiran Bala
                         Research scholar in Mathematics, Singhania University, Rajasthan,India .
                    Department of Mathematics, Government College, Barwala, Panchkula, Haryana, India

ABSTRAC: The present paper deals with the review on             have an inherent paradox arising from the assumption that
the development of the theory of two-temperature                the thermal waves propagate at infinite velocity and it is a
thermoelasticity. The basic equations of two-temperature        physically unreasonable result.
thermoelasticityin context of Lord and Shulman [6] theory                 Generalized thermoelasticity theories have been
and Green and Naghdi[15] theories of generalized                developed with the objective of removing the paradox of
thermoelasticity are reviewed. Relevant literature on two-      infinite speed of heat propagation inherent in the
temperature thermoelasticity is also reviewed.                  conventional coupled dynamical theory of thermoelasticity
                                                                in which the parabolic type heat conduction equation is
KeyWords:Two-temperature, generalized thermoelasticity,         based on Fourier's law of heat conduction. This newly
basic equations                                                 emerged theory which admits finite speed of heat
                                                                propagation is now referred to as the hyperbolic
                   1. INTRODUCTION                              thermoelasticity theory, since the heat equation for rigid
           Thermoelasticity deals with the dynamical system     conductor is hyperbolic-type differential equation. The first
whose interactions with the surrounding include not only        generalized theory of thermoelasticity is due to Lord and
mechanical work and external work but the exchange of           Shulman [6] who coupled elasticity with a way in which
heat also. Changes in temperatures causes thermal effects       temperature can travel with a finite wave speed. The
on materials. Some of these thermal effects include thermal     approach of Lord and Shulman [6] begins with the full
stress, strain, and deformation. Thermal deformation simply     nonlinear equations but they are mainly interested in
means that as the "thermal" energy (and temperature) of a       developing a linear theory since they begin with "small
material increases, so does the vibration of its                strains and small temperature changes". The second
atoms/molecules and this increased vibration results in what    generalization to the coupled theory is known as the
can be considered a stretching of the molecular bonds -         generalized theory with two relaxation times. Muller[7]
which causes the material to expand. Of course, if the          introduced the theory of generalized thermoelasticity with
thermal energy (and temperature) of a material decreases,       two relaxation times. A more explicit version wasthen
the material will shrink or contract. Thus, thermoelasticity    introduced by Green and Laws [8], Green and Lindsay [9]
is based on temperature changes induced by expansion and        and independently by Suhubi[10]. In this theory the
compression of the test part. Thus, the theory of               temperature rates are considered among the constitutive
thermoelasticity is concerned with predicting the               variables. This theory also predicts finite speeds of
thermomechanical behaviour of elastic solids. It represents     propagation for heat and elastic waves similar to the Lord-
a generalization of both the theory of elasticity and theory    Shulman theory. It differs from the latter in that Fourier's
of heat conduction in solids.The theory of thermoelasticity     law of heat conduction is not violated if the body under
was founded in 1838 by Duhamel [1], who derived the             consideration has a centre of symmetry. Dhaliwal and
equations for the strain in an elastic body with temperature    Sherief[11] extended the Lord and Shulman (L-S) theory
gradients. Neumann [2], obtained the same results in 1841.      for an anisotropic media. Chandrasekharaiah[12]referred to
           However, the theory was based on independence        this wave-like thermal disturbance as "second sound".
of the thermal and mechanical effects. The total strain was     These writers investigate the propagation of a thermal pulse
determined by superimposing the elastic strain and the          in a thermoelastic shell employing each of the linearized
thermal expansion caused by the temperature distribution        equations for the three thermoelastic theories, Classical,
only. The theory thus did not describe the motion associated    Lord-Shulman and Green-Lindsay. Their numerical results
with the thermal state, nor did it include the interaction      typically demonstrates that Classical theory leads to a
between the strain and the temperature distributions. Hence,    smooth pulse while that of Lord-Shulman is less smooth
thermodynamic arguments were needed, and it was                 showing discontinuities in derivatives. The theory of Green
Thomson [3], in 1857 who first used the laws of                 and Lindsay [9] leads to strong pulse behaviour displaying
thermodynamics to determine the stresses and strains in an      distinct jumps such as to the behaviour of stainless steel run
elastic body in response to varying temperatures.               tanks which holds cryogenic liquids for rocket fuel at
           There are three types of thermoelasticity i.e.       NASA's John C. Stennis Space Centre, the strong pulse
uncoupled, coupled and generalized thermoelasticity. The        solution is definitely of interest.
theory of classical uncoupled theory of thermoelasticity                  Green and Naghdi[13-15] proposed three new
predicts two phenomena not compatible with physical             thermoelastic theories based on entropyequality than the
observations. First, the equation of heat conduction of this    usual entropy inequality. The constitutive assumption for
theory does not contain any elastic term contrary to the fact   the heat flux vector are different in each theory. Thus they
that the elastic changes produce heat effects. Second, the      obtained three theories which are called thermoelasticity of
heat equation is of parabolic type predicting infinite speeds   type I, thermoelasticity of type II and thermoelasticity of
of propagation for heat waves. The classical uncoupled and      type III. Green and Naghdi[15] postulated a new concept
coupled thermoelastic theories of Biot[4] and Nowacki[5]        ingeneralizedthermoelasticity which is called the

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International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER)
             Vol.2, Issue.6, Nov-Dec. 2012 pp-4224-4227       ISSN: 2249-6645
thermoelasticity without energy dissipation. The principal     temperature generalized thermoelasticity, based on the
feature of this theory is that in contrast to the classical    theory of Youssef to solve boundary value problems of one-
thermoelasticity, the heat flow does not involve energy        dimensional finite piezoelectric rod with loading on its
dissipation. Also, the samepotential function which is         boundary with different types of heating.Abbas and Youssef
defined to derive the stress tensor is used to determine the   [31]analysed a finite element model of two-temperature
constitutive equation for the entropy flux vector. In          generalized     magneto-thermoelasticity.Ezzat[32]
addition, the theory permits the transmission of heat as       studied the two-temperature theory in generalized magneto-
thermal waves at finite speeds. Dhaliwal and Wang [16]         thermo-viscoelasticity. Mukhopadhyay and Kumar[33]
formulated the heat-flux dependent thermoelasticity theory     studiedthermoelastic interactions on two-temperature
for an elastic material with voids. This theory includes the   generalized thermoelasticity in an infinite medium with a
heat-flux among the constitutive variables and assumes an      cylindrical cavity.Youssef[34] constructed a model of two-
evolution equation for the heat-flux.         Hetnarski and    temperature generalized thermoelasticity for an elastic half-
Ignaczack[17] examined five generalizations to the coupled     space with constant elastic parameters. Ezzat and Awad[35]
theory and obtained a number of important analytical           derived the equations of motion and the constitutive
results. Literature on generalized thermoelasticity is         relations for the theory of micropolar generalized two-
available in the books like "Thermoelastic Solids" by          temperature thermoelasticity. Kaushal et al. [36]solved the
Suhubi[10], "Thermoelastic Deformations" by lesan and          boundary-value problem in frequency domain in the context
Scalia[18], "Thermoelastic Models of Continua" by Iesan        of two generalized theories of thermoelasticity (Lord and
[19], "Thermoelasticity with Finite Wave Speeds" by            Shulman, Green and Lindsay) by employing the Hankel
Ignaczak and Ostoja-Starzewski [20] etc.                       transform. Kumar[37]established a variational
                                                               principle of convolutional type and a reciprocal principle in
              II.LITERATURE SURVEY                             the context of linear theory of two-temperature
          Chen and Gurtin[21] and Chen et al. [22-23] have     generalized thermoelasticity, for a homogeneous and
formulated a theory of heat conduction in deformable           isotropic body.         Kumar and Mukhopadhyay[38]
bodies, which depends on two distinct temperatures, the        investigated the propagation of harmonic plane waves in
conductive temperature  and the thermodynamic                 elastic media in the context of the linear theory of two-
temperature T. The two-temperature theory involves a           temperature-generalized thermoelasticity. Youssef [39]
material parameter a* > 0. The limit a*→ 0 implies that →     solved a problem of thermoelastic interactions in an elastic
T and hence classical theory can be recovered from two-        infinite medium with cylindrical cavity thermally shocked
temperature theory. The two-temperature model has been         at its bounding surface and subjected to moving heat source
widely used to predict the electron and phonon temperature     with constant velocity. Youssef and El-Bary[40]studied
distributions in ultrashort laser processing of metals. For    two-temperature generalized thermoelasticity with variable
time-independent situations, the difference between these      thermal conductivity.Awad[41] write a note on the spatial
two temperatures is proportional to the heat supply, and in    decay estimates in non-classical linear thermoelastic semi-
the absence of any heat supply, the two temperatures are       cylindrical bounded domains. El-Karamany[42] presented
identical. For time-dependent problems, however, and for       two-temperature            theory          in           linear
wave propagation problems in particular, the two               micropolarthermoviscoelastic       anisotropic      solid.El-
temperatures are in general different, regardless of the       Karamany and Ezzat [43] introduced the two general
presence of a heat supply. The two temperatures T and          models of fractional heat conduction law for non-
and the strain are found to have representations in the       homogeneous anisotropic elastic solid, obtained the
form of a travelling wave plus a response, which occurs        constitutive equations for the two-temperature fractional
instantaneously throughout the body. Warren and Chen [24]      thermoelasticity theory, proved uniqueness and reciprocal
investigated the wave propagation in the two-temperature       theorems and established the convolutional variational
theory of thermoelasticity. Following Boley and Tolins,        principle.El-Karamany and Ezzat[44] gave the constitutive
[25], they studied the wave propagation in the two-            laws for two-temperature Green–Naghdi theories and
temperature theory of coupled thermoelasticity.                proved that the two-temperature thermoelasticity theory
          Youssef [26] developed a new theory of               admits dissipation of energy and the theory of elasticity
generalized thermoelasticity by taking into account the        without energy dissipation is valid only when the two-
theory of heat conduction in deformable bodies, which          temperatures coincide.Ezzat and El-Karamany[45] studied
depends on two distinct temperatures, the conductive           the two-temperature theory in generalized magneto-
temperature and the thermodynamic temperature where the        thermoelasticity with two relaxation times. Ezzat and El-
difference between these two temperatures is proportional      Karamany[46] constructed fractional order heat conduction
to the heat supply. Youssef and Al-Harby[27] studied the       law      in   magneto-thermoelasticity     involving      two
state-space approach of two-temperature generalized            temperatures.Miglani and Kaushal [47] studied theaxi-
thermoelasticity of infinite body with a spherical cavity      symmetric deformation in generalized thermoelasticity with
subjected to different types of thermal loading . Youssef      two temperatures.Mukhopadhyayet. al.[48] presented the
and Al-Lehaibi[28]applied the state space techniques of        theory of two-temperature thermoelasticity with two phase-
two-temperature generalized thermoelasticityto one-            lags. Singh and Bijarnia[49] studied the propagation of
dimensional problemof half-space subjected to thermal          plane waves in anisotropic two-temperature generalized
shock and traction free. Youssef [29] studied two-             thermoelasticity.Youssef [50] presented a theory of two-
dimensional problem of a two-temperature generalized           temperature thermoelasticity without energy dissipation.
thermoelastic half-space subjected to ramp type heating.       Banik and Kanoria [51] studied the effects of three-phase-
Youssef andBassiouny[30]used          the theory of two-       lag on two-temperature generalized thermoelasticity for
                                                                                          4225 | Page
International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER)
                Vol.2, Issue.6, Nov-Dec. 2012 pp-4224-4227       ISSN: 2249-6645
infinite medium with spherical cavity.Bijarnia and Singh                  conductive temperature and satisfying the relation − T =
[52] studied the propagation of plane waves in an                         a* ,ii , where a* > 0, is the two-temperature parameter and
anisotropic generalized thermoelastic solid with diffusion.               K, K* are material characterstic constants.
Ezzat et al. [53] introduced both modified Ohm's and
Fourier's laws to the equations of the linear theory of                                IV. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
magneto-thermo-viscoelasticity involving two-temperature                           Author is highly grateful to Dr.Baljeet Singh,
theory, allowing the second sound effects obtained the exact              Assistant Professor, Post Graduate Government College,
formulas of temperature, displacements, stresses, electric                Sector 11, Chandigarh for his valuable guidance while
field, magnetic field and current density.Singh and Bala[54]              preparing this review.
studied the reflection of P and SV waves from the free
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Thermal Properties
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A Review on Two-Temperature Thermoelasticity

  • 1. International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.6, Nov-Dec. 2012 pp-4224-4227 ISSN: 2249-6645 A Review on Two-Temperature Thermoelasticity 12 Kiran Bala 1 Research scholar in Mathematics, Singhania University, Rajasthan,India . 2 Department of Mathematics, Government College, Barwala, Panchkula, Haryana, India ABSTRAC: The present paper deals with the review on have an inherent paradox arising from the assumption that the development of the theory of two-temperature the thermal waves propagate at infinite velocity and it is a thermoelasticity. The basic equations of two-temperature physically unreasonable result. thermoelasticityin context of Lord and Shulman [6] theory Generalized thermoelasticity theories have been and Green and Naghdi[15] theories of generalized developed with the objective of removing the paradox of thermoelasticity are reviewed. Relevant literature on two- infinite speed of heat propagation inherent in the temperature thermoelasticity is also reviewed. conventional coupled dynamical theory of thermoelasticity in which the parabolic type heat conduction equation is KeyWords:Two-temperature, generalized thermoelasticity, based on Fourier's law of heat conduction. This newly basic equations emerged theory which admits finite speed of heat propagation is now referred to as the hyperbolic 1. INTRODUCTION thermoelasticity theory, since the heat equation for rigid Thermoelasticity deals with the dynamical system conductor is hyperbolic-type differential equation. The first whose interactions with the surrounding include not only generalized theory of thermoelasticity is due to Lord and mechanical work and external work but the exchange of Shulman [6] who coupled elasticity with a way in which heat also. Changes in temperatures causes thermal effects temperature can travel with a finite wave speed. The on materials. Some of these thermal effects include thermal approach of Lord and Shulman [6] begins with the full stress, strain, and deformation. Thermal deformation simply nonlinear equations but they are mainly interested in means that as the "thermal" energy (and temperature) of a developing a linear theory since they begin with "small material increases, so does the vibration of its strains and small temperature changes". The second atoms/molecules and this increased vibration results in what generalization to the coupled theory is known as the can be considered a stretching of the molecular bonds - generalized theory with two relaxation times. Muller[7] which causes the material to expand. Of course, if the introduced the theory of generalized thermoelasticity with thermal energy (and temperature) of a material decreases, two relaxation times. A more explicit version wasthen the material will shrink or contract. Thus, thermoelasticity introduced by Green and Laws [8], Green and Lindsay [9] is based on temperature changes induced by expansion and and independently by Suhubi[10]. In this theory the compression of the test part. Thus, the theory of temperature rates are considered among the constitutive thermoelasticity is concerned with predicting the variables. This theory also predicts finite speeds of thermomechanical behaviour of elastic solids. It represents propagation for heat and elastic waves similar to the Lord- a generalization of both the theory of elasticity and theory Shulman theory. It differs from the latter in that Fourier's of heat conduction in solids.The theory of thermoelasticity law of heat conduction is not violated if the body under was founded in 1838 by Duhamel [1], who derived the consideration has a centre of symmetry. Dhaliwal and equations for the strain in an elastic body with temperature Sherief[11] extended the Lord and Shulman (L-S) theory gradients. Neumann [2], obtained the same results in 1841. for an anisotropic media. Chandrasekharaiah[12]referred to However, the theory was based on independence this wave-like thermal disturbance as "second sound". of the thermal and mechanical effects. The total strain was These writers investigate the propagation of a thermal pulse determined by superimposing the elastic strain and the in a thermoelastic shell employing each of the linearized thermal expansion caused by the temperature distribution equations for the three thermoelastic theories, Classical, only. The theory thus did not describe the motion associated Lord-Shulman and Green-Lindsay. Their numerical results with the thermal state, nor did it include the interaction typically demonstrates that Classical theory leads to a between the strain and the temperature distributions. Hence, smooth pulse while that of Lord-Shulman is less smooth thermodynamic arguments were needed, and it was showing discontinuities in derivatives. The theory of Green Thomson [3], in 1857 who first used the laws of and Lindsay [9] leads to strong pulse behaviour displaying thermodynamics to determine the stresses and strains in an distinct jumps such as to the behaviour of stainless steel run elastic body in response to varying temperatures. tanks which holds cryogenic liquids for rocket fuel at There are three types of thermoelasticity i.e. NASA's John C. Stennis Space Centre, the strong pulse uncoupled, coupled and generalized thermoelasticity. The solution is definitely of interest. theory of classical uncoupled theory of thermoelasticity Green and Naghdi[13-15] proposed three new predicts two phenomena not compatible with physical thermoelastic theories based on entropyequality than the observations. First, the equation of heat conduction of this usual entropy inequality. The constitutive assumption for theory does not contain any elastic term contrary to the fact the heat flux vector are different in each theory. Thus they that the elastic changes produce heat effects. Second, the obtained three theories which are called thermoelasticity of heat equation is of parabolic type predicting infinite speeds type I, thermoelasticity of type II and thermoelasticity of of propagation for heat waves. The classical uncoupled and type III. Green and Naghdi[15] postulated a new concept coupled thermoelastic theories of Biot[4] and Nowacki[5] ingeneralizedthermoelasticity which is called the 4224 | Page
  • 2. International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.6, Nov-Dec. 2012 pp-4224-4227 ISSN: 2249-6645 thermoelasticity without energy dissipation. The principal temperature generalized thermoelasticity, based on the feature of this theory is that in contrast to the classical theory of Youssef to solve boundary value problems of one- thermoelasticity, the heat flow does not involve energy dimensional finite piezoelectric rod with loading on its dissipation. Also, the samepotential function which is boundary with different types of heating.Abbas and Youssef defined to derive the stress tensor is used to determine the [31]analysed a finite element model of two-temperature constitutive equation for the entropy flux vector. In generalized magneto-thermoelasticity.Ezzat[32] addition, the theory permits the transmission of heat as studied the two-temperature theory in generalized magneto- thermal waves at finite speeds. Dhaliwal and Wang [16] thermo-viscoelasticity. Mukhopadhyay and Kumar[33] formulated the heat-flux dependent thermoelasticity theory studiedthermoelastic interactions on two-temperature for an elastic material with voids. This theory includes the generalized thermoelasticity in an infinite medium with a heat-flux among the constitutive variables and assumes an cylindrical cavity.Youssef[34] constructed a model of two- evolution equation for the heat-flux. Hetnarski and temperature generalized thermoelasticity for an elastic half- Ignaczack[17] examined five generalizations to the coupled space with constant elastic parameters. Ezzat and Awad[35] theory and obtained a number of important analytical derived the equations of motion and the constitutive results. Literature on generalized thermoelasticity is relations for the theory of micropolar generalized two- available in the books like "Thermoelastic Solids" by temperature thermoelasticity. Kaushal et al. [36]solved the Suhubi[10], "Thermoelastic Deformations" by lesan and boundary-value problem in frequency domain in the context Scalia[18], "Thermoelastic Models of Continua" by Iesan of two generalized theories of thermoelasticity (Lord and [19], "Thermoelasticity with Finite Wave Speeds" by Shulman, Green and Lindsay) by employing the Hankel Ignaczak and Ostoja-Starzewski [20] etc. transform. Kumar[37]established a variational principle of convolutional type and a reciprocal principle in II.LITERATURE SURVEY the context of linear theory of two-temperature Chen and Gurtin[21] and Chen et al. [22-23] have generalized thermoelasticity, for a homogeneous and formulated a theory of heat conduction in deformable isotropic body. Kumar and Mukhopadhyay[38] bodies, which depends on two distinct temperatures, the investigated the propagation of harmonic plane waves in conductive temperature  and the thermodynamic elastic media in the context of the linear theory of two- temperature T. The two-temperature theory involves a temperature-generalized thermoelasticity. Youssef [39] material parameter a* > 0. The limit a*→ 0 implies that → solved a problem of thermoelastic interactions in an elastic T and hence classical theory can be recovered from two- infinite medium with cylindrical cavity thermally shocked temperature theory. The two-temperature model has been at its bounding surface and subjected to moving heat source widely used to predict the electron and phonon temperature with constant velocity. Youssef and El-Bary[40]studied distributions in ultrashort laser processing of metals. For two-temperature generalized thermoelasticity with variable time-independent situations, the difference between these thermal conductivity.Awad[41] write a note on the spatial two temperatures is proportional to the heat supply, and in decay estimates in non-classical linear thermoelastic semi- the absence of any heat supply, the two temperatures are cylindrical bounded domains. El-Karamany[42] presented identical. For time-dependent problems, however, and for two-temperature theory in linear wave propagation problems in particular, the two micropolarthermoviscoelastic anisotropic solid.El- temperatures are in general different, regardless of the Karamany and Ezzat [43] introduced the two general presence of a heat supply. The two temperatures T and models of fractional heat conduction law for non- and the strain are found to have representations in the homogeneous anisotropic elastic solid, obtained the form of a travelling wave plus a response, which occurs constitutive equations for the two-temperature fractional instantaneously throughout the body. Warren and Chen [24] thermoelasticity theory, proved uniqueness and reciprocal investigated the wave propagation in the two-temperature theorems and established the convolutional variational theory of thermoelasticity. Following Boley and Tolins, principle.El-Karamany and Ezzat[44] gave the constitutive [25], they studied the wave propagation in the two- laws for two-temperature Green–Naghdi theories and temperature theory of coupled thermoelasticity. proved that the two-temperature thermoelasticity theory Youssef [26] developed a new theory of admits dissipation of energy and the theory of elasticity generalized thermoelasticity by taking into account the without energy dissipation is valid only when the two- theory of heat conduction in deformable bodies, which temperatures coincide.Ezzat and El-Karamany[45] studied depends on two distinct temperatures, the conductive the two-temperature theory in generalized magneto- temperature and the thermodynamic temperature where the thermoelasticity with two relaxation times. Ezzat and El- difference between these two temperatures is proportional Karamany[46] constructed fractional order heat conduction to the heat supply. Youssef and Al-Harby[27] studied the law in magneto-thermoelasticity involving two state-space approach of two-temperature generalized temperatures.Miglani and Kaushal [47] studied theaxi- thermoelasticity of infinite body with a spherical cavity symmetric deformation in generalized thermoelasticity with subjected to different types of thermal loading . Youssef two temperatures.Mukhopadhyayet. al.[48] presented the and Al-Lehaibi[28]applied the state space techniques of theory of two-temperature thermoelasticity with two phase- two-temperature generalized thermoelasticityto one- lags. Singh and Bijarnia[49] studied the propagation of dimensional problemof half-space subjected to thermal plane waves in anisotropic two-temperature generalized shock and traction free. Youssef [29] studied two- thermoelasticity.Youssef [50] presented a theory of two- dimensional problem of a two-temperature generalized temperature thermoelasticity without energy dissipation. thermoelastic half-space subjected to ramp type heating. Banik and Kanoria [51] studied the effects of three-phase- Youssef andBassiouny[30]used the theory of two- lag on two-temperature generalized thermoelasticity for 4225 | Page
  • 3. International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) Vol.2, Issue.6, Nov-Dec. 2012 pp-4224-4227 ISSN: 2249-6645 infinite medium with spherical cavity.Bijarnia and Singh conductive temperature and satisfying the relation − T = [52] studied the propagation of plane waves in an a* ,ii , where a* > 0, is the two-temperature parameter and anisotropic generalized thermoelastic solid with diffusion. K, K* are material characterstic constants. Ezzat et al. [53] introduced both modified Ohm's and Fourier's laws to the equations of the linear theory of IV. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS magneto-thermo-viscoelasticity involving two-temperature Author is highly grateful to Dr.Baljeet Singh, theory, allowing the second sound effects obtained the exact Assistant Professor, Post Graduate Government College, formulas of temperature, displacements, stresses, electric Sector 11, Chandigarh for his valuable guidance while field, magnetic field and current density.Singh and Bala[54] preparing this review. studied the reflection of P and SV waves from the free surface of a two-temperature thermoelastic solid half-space. REFERENCES [1] J. M. C. Duhamel,., Me’moiresur’lecalcul des actions III. THE BASIC EQUATIONS OF TWO- mol’eculairesd’evelopp’ees par les changements de TEMPERATURE GENERALIZED temp‘eraturedans les corps solides,M’emoirs par Divers THERMOELASTICITY Savans (Acad. Sci. Paris), 5, 1838, 440-498. [2] K. E. 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