agile scrum agile software development kanban microservices lean kubernetes italian agile day kanban board xp cloud pmi-nic pmi devops platform api business model canvas product canvas project management software development feature teams personas tdd wip canvas contract cloudnative cncf legacy governance cost of delay technical debt avatar roadmap development customer experience collaborazione continuous integration extreme programming kanban porfolio app pomodoro technique vision board lean-agile devx citizendevelopers sre software engineering platformengineering cloudnativeitaly k8s devfest google it architecture pair programming ai devparty aaap scaling microfrontends container meeting pareto testing clean code digital strategy ux innovation rest omnichannel docker time to market swarming scatter merge lead time cfd kanban portfolio archetipo apiconf swagger digital user experience agile manifesto vision intercultural transizione trasformazione makeitapp droidcon baas android mobile ios cliente os x server xcode creativity portfolio management education seminar gamification politecnico di milano the big bang theory value stream mapping product design product (business) kaizen gemba a3 reporting beaglebone youscada lego graphicalweb scada svg nodejs cloudfoundry italiano italy a3 board game complexity
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