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Budin Ghyslain, PhD 
Birth date: 1983-11-09 
Nationality: French 
Address: 87b Avenue de Bâle, 68300 Saint-Louis (FR) 
Personal tel: (+41) 079 952 06 52 
Suisse G work Permit 
I am a highly motivated individual with an excellent academic education together with an 
interdisciplinary mindset, outstanding commitment and a wide range of experience in chemical biology, 
including synthetic organic chemistry, biophysics, imaging and cancer biology. I value multi-disciplinary 
work and enjoy devising and implementing innovative solutions in a challenging and dynamic 
atmosphere. My qualities include inquisitiveness, interpersonal skills, and leadership skills. I am 
conscientious and dedicated to continuing personal and professional development. 
2013/11 Senior scientist - Project manager at Intrace Medical SA, Lausanne, Switzerland, 50% 
Current Develop and lead new projects, validation of new in vitro/in vivo assays and protocols. 
Communication and link between the Employer and EPFL. Intellectual property filing 
and tracking. Organization of sales. External communication in conferences and 
2013/06 Consultant for Intrace Medical SA, Lausanne, Switzerland 
2013/11 Written and oral consultation concerning Company’s activities in the field of 
bioluminescent probe and functionalized near infrared fluorescent dyes and other 
scientific questions. Consulting and answering the questions of Company’s customers. 
Company’s external communication in international congress. 
2012/11 Postdoctoral position, Laboratory of Bioorganic chemistry and Molecular Imaging 
Current Supervisor: Prof. E. Dubikovskaya, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, now at 50% 
General project: Development of chemical tools for fluorescence image-guided 
surgery, in vivo bioluminescence and PET imaging 
Drive and coordinate projects within the group, generate strategic input for probe 
design. Interaction with external collaborators. Close supervision of multiple PhD and 
masters students, guide and motivate people. Grants, patents, animal protocol and 
publication writing. 
2010/10 Postdoctoral position, Center for Systems Biology 
2012/10 Supervisor: Prof. R. Weissleder, MGH, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA 
Research project: Development of imaging agent for in vivo detection of cancer targets 
Development of new bioorthogonal probes for in vivo imaging of cancer proliferation 
markers, (Polo-Like Kinase 1, Aurora kinase A, VEGFR2, BCl2). Synthesis of probes 
for detection, quantification and identification of bacteria (Gram positive/Gram 
negative, mycobacterium tuberculosis). Development of tools for identifying clinical 
drug’s specificity. 
2006/09 Ph.D. in organic synthesis, Laboratory of Functional Chemo-System 
2010/06 Supervisors: Dr. C.Mioskowski and Dr. A. Wagner, Strasbourg University, France 
Research project: Molecular toolbox synthesis for functional biology and proteomics 
Synthesis of new molecular tools for protein profiling in living cells. Fluorescent 
chemical labeling of protein in non-denaturing conditions. Synthesis of fluorescent 
probes engaged in bioorthogonal coupling by click-chemistry or Staudinger ligation.
2006/2010 Ph.D. in organic chemistry, Strasbourg University, France 
2004/2006 Master of Science in chemistry (M.Sc.), Strasbourg University, France, Degree ranked 
top of year 
2001-2004 Bachelor of Science in chemistry (B.Sc.), Aix-Marseille III University, France, Degree 
ranked top of year 
2005 Ministry of research and education prize for excellent academic achievements 
2006 PhD fellowship from the French ministry for excellent academic achievements 
2009 Young investigator award, HUPO 8th 
2010 Best poster award, RICT 46th 
2012 Poster distinction award, SAC 65th 
Teaching: Thermodynamic 3rd year Licence (2006/2007), organic chemistry 1st year 
Master (2007/2009), general chemistry 1st year License (2006/2009) 
Formation: CIES (Centre Initiation enseignement supérieur) teaching formation 
Mouse-handling: Module 1 animal training (Switzerland) 
Synthetic Organic and Inorganic Chemistry 
Multistep organic synthesis, peptidic coupling, microwave-assisted reaction, 
methodology. Bioorthogonal reactions, catalytic reactions, protecting group strategies 
Instrumentation: NMR (1H, 13C, DEPT, COSY, NOESY, 31P, 19F), IR, UV, fluorescence. 
Highly experience with U/HPLC (Analytical and preparative), MS. Flash 
chromatography, GC, Isothermal Titration Calorimeter. 
Biology, Biochemistry and imaging 
Cell culture, Electrophoresis gel, fluorescence gel scanning, DNA gel separation, 
western blot, PCR, transfection, proteins pull-down, immunoprecipitation, mass 
spectrometry for proteins identification (nanoLC/MS/MS), antibody drug conjugate. 
FACS, fluorescent confocal microscopy (Deltavision API, Olympus FV1000, Zeiss 
LSM700) intravital microscopy. in vivo imaging on mouse model: bioluminescence, 
fluorescence imaging, IVIS (FLIT, DLIT, DYCE), Computed Tomography, image 
reconstruction, ex vivo analysis. Understanding of a broad range of in vitro and in vivo 
Team work, leadership spirit, organizational and management skills, capacity of 
communication, dynamic. Grants, patents and research proposals writing. Project 
report and oral presentation. Publication writing. Animal protocol writing. 
Project design and management, interdisciplinary project leader. Undergraduates and 
PhDs supervision and training. 
Windows, MacOS 
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, keynote, pages, Chemdraw, Beilstein, Scifinder, reaxys, 
prism, Pymol, Fiji, MestreNova, Living image. 
French: mother tongue 
English: fluent (read, written and spoken), TOEIC 845/990 (2009/03/10) 
Spanish: good knowledge 
German: Beginner (actually learning)
Publications 1-Azidation of β-carbonyl lactones and lactams, D. Kashinath, G. Budin, R. Baati, S. 
Meunier, and A. Wagner, Tetrahedron Letter, 2009, 50, 5379-5381 
2-Molecular tool-box for in vivo functional biology and proteomics: Application to DNA 
topoisomerase II, G. Budin, M. Moune, L. brino, A. Wagner, The journal of 
translational Molecular Medecine, 2009, 5, S1, 175 (abstract paper from the HUPO 
8th congress) 
3-A Chemical Labeling Strategy for Proteomics under Nondenaturing Conditions, G. 
Budin, M. Moune-Dimala, V. Lamour, P. Oudet, C. Mioskowski, S. Meunier, L. Brino A. 
Wagner, ChemBioChem, 2010, 11, 79-82 
4-Optimization of the azobenzene scaffold for reductive cleavage by dithionite; 
development of a novel azobenzene cleavable linker for proteomic applications, G. 
Leriche, G. Budin, L. Brino, A. Wagner, Eur J.Org. Chem., 2010, 4360–4364 
5-Non-denaturing chemical proteomics for protein complex isolation and identification, 
G. Budin, M. Moune-Dimala, G. Leriche, J.M. Saliou, J. Papillon, S. Sanglier-Cianferani, 
A. Van Dorsselaer, V. Lamour, L. Brino, A. Wagner, ChemBioChem, 2010, 11, 2359- 
6-Tailoring drug release profile of low-molecular-weight hydrogels by supramolecular 
co-assembly and thiol-ene orthogonal coupling, D. Díaz Díaz, E. Morin, E.M. Schön, G. 
Budin, A. Wagner, J-S. Remy, J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 641-644 
7-FRET-Based probe with a chemically deactivatable quencher, G. Leriche, G. Budin, 
A. Weiss, L. Brino, A. klymchenko, Y. Mély, A. Wagner, Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 
8-Bioorthogonal Probes for Polo-Like Kinase 1 Imaging and Quantification, G. Budin, 
K.S. Yang, T. Reiner, R. Weissleder, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011, 50 (40), 9378- 
9-Ubiquitous Detection of Gram-Positive Bacteria with Bioorthogonal 
Magnetofluorescent Nanoparticles, H.J. Chung, T. Reiner, G. Budin, C. Min, M. Liong, 
D. Isadore, H. Lee, R. Weissleder, ACS Nano. 2011, 5, 8834-8841 
10-Bioorthogonal imaging of aurora kinase A in live cells, G. budin, K.S. Yang, T. 
Reiner, C. Vinegoni, R. Weissleder, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 6598-6603 
11-A magnetic Gram stain for bacteria detection, G. Budin, H.J. Chung, H. Lee, R. 
Weissleder, Angew. Int. Chem. Ed, 2012, 51 (31) 7752-7755. Selected as ‘Hot paper’ 
12-Magnetic labeling bacteria, G. Budin, R. Weissleder, H. Lee, H.J. Chung, Patent 
issue 2012/03/08, WO 2013187954 A1 
13-μHall Chip for Sensitive Detection of Bacteria, D. Issadore, H.J. Chung, J. Chung, 
G. Budin, R. Weissleder, H. Lee, Adv Healthc Mater. 2013, 2, 1224-1228. 
14-Bioorthogonal approach to identify unsuspected drug targets in live cells, G. Budin, 
K.S. Yang, C. Tassa, O. Kister, R. Weissleder, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 
10593 –10597. Selected as ‘Hot paper’ 
15-A Biocompatible "Split Luciferin" Reaction and its Application for Non-Invasive 
Bioluminescent Imaging of Protease Activity in Living Animals, A. Godinat, G. Budin, A. 
Morales, H.M. Park, L.E. Sanman, M. Bogyo, A. Yu, A. Stahl, E.A. Dubikovskaya, 
Current protocols 2014, 6 (3), 169-89. 
16-Preparation of bioluminescence imaging small biomolecules, S. Riccardo, E. 
Dubikovskaya, G. Budin, G. Karateev, J. Frigell, A. Konovalova, A. Godinat, PCT Int. 
Appl. 2014, WO 2014111906.
17- 6 provisional patents (US-PPA-N.62/006,440); (US-PPA-N.62/006,406); (US-PPA-N. 
61/892,633); (US-PPA-N.61/754,765); (US-PPA-N.61/754,750); (19357/US) 
Congress SECO 46th Semaine d’Etude de Chimie Organique. La Rochelle (France) 2009/05 
HUPO 8th International congress of Human Proteome Organization. Toronto (Canada) 
RICT 46th International Conference on medicinal chemistry, Reims (France) 2010/06. 
ISCM International Symposium Congress on Medicinal chemistry, Brussel (Belgium) 
Center for Systems Biology retreat, Boston (USA) 2011/06 
Annual meeting of the MGH Scientific Advisory Comity SAC 65th Boston (USA) 2012/04 
Revolutionaries for Global Health Summit (Perkin Elmer), Brussel (Belgium) 2013/03 
EMIM 8th European Molecular Imaging Meeting, Torino, (IT) 2013/05 
WMIC 6th World Molecular Imaging Congress, Savannah (USA) 2013/09 
ESMI 9th European Molecular Imaging Meeting, Antwerp, (BE) 2014/06 
Sport: football, volleyball, snowboard 
Culture: cinema, museum, music, literature (Bernard Werber, Dan Brown). 
Alain Wagner, Ph.D. Research Director, Laboratory of Functional Chemo-System (LFCS), Illkirch, FR, tel.(33) 3 68 85 42 97 
Valérie Lamour, Ph.D. Research Director, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Strasbourg, FR, tel.(33) 3 88 65 32 36 
Ralph Weissleder, M.D., Ph.D., Center for Systems Biology, MGH, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA, tel.(1) 617-726-7870

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Resume Budin Ghyslain

  • 1. Budin Ghyslain, PhD PERSONNAL DETAILS Birth date: 1983-11-09 Nationality: French Address: 87b Avenue de Bâle, 68300 Saint-Louis (FR) Personal tel: (+41) 079 952 06 52 E-mail: Suisse G work Permit I am a highly motivated individual with an excellent academic education together with an interdisciplinary mindset, outstanding commitment and a wide range of experience in chemical biology, including synthetic organic chemistry, biophysics, imaging and cancer biology. I value multi-disciplinary work and enjoy devising and implementing innovative solutions in a challenging and dynamic atmosphere. My qualities include inquisitiveness, interpersonal skills, and leadership skills. I am conscientious and dedicated to continuing personal and professional development. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES 2013/11 Senior scientist - Project manager at Intrace Medical SA, Lausanne, Switzerland, 50% Current Develop and lead new projects, validation of new in vitro/in vivo assays and protocols. Communication and link between the Employer and EPFL. Intellectual property filing and tracking. Organization of sales. External communication in conferences and collaborations. 2013/06 Consultant for Intrace Medical SA, Lausanne, Switzerland 2013/11 Written and oral consultation concerning Company’s activities in the field of bioluminescent probe and functionalized near infrared fluorescent dyes and other scientific questions. Consulting and answering the questions of Company’s customers. Company’s external communication in international congress. 2012/11 Postdoctoral position, Laboratory of Bioorganic chemistry and Molecular Imaging Current Supervisor: Prof. E. Dubikovskaya, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, now at 50% General project: Development of chemical tools for fluorescence image-guided surgery, in vivo bioluminescence and PET imaging Drive and coordinate projects within the group, generate strategic input for probe design. Interaction with external collaborators. Close supervision of multiple PhD and masters students, guide and motivate people. Grants, patents, animal protocol and publication writing. 2010/10 Postdoctoral position, Center for Systems Biology 2012/10 Supervisor: Prof. R. Weissleder, MGH, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA Research project: Development of imaging agent for in vivo detection of cancer targets Development of new bioorthogonal probes for in vivo imaging of cancer proliferation markers, (Polo-Like Kinase 1, Aurora kinase A, VEGFR2, BCl2). Synthesis of probes for detection, quantification and identification of bacteria (Gram positive/Gram negative, mycobacterium tuberculosis). Development of tools for identifying clinical drug’s specificity. 2006/09 Ph.D. in organic synthesis, Laboratory of Functional Chemo-System 2010/06 Supervisors: Dr. C.Mioskowski and Dr. A. Wagner, Strasbourg University, France Research project: Molecular toolbox synthesis for functional biology and proteomics Synthesis of new molecular tools for protein profiling in living cells. Fluorescent chemical labeling of protein in non-denaturing conditions. Synthesis of fluorescent probes engaged in bioorthogonal coupling by click-chemistry or Staudinger ligation.
  • 2. EDUCATION 2006/2010 Ph.D. in organic chemistry, Strasbourg University, France 2004/2006 Master of Science in chemistry (M.Sc.), Strasbourg University, France, Degree ranked top of year 2001-2004 Bachelor of Science in chemistry (B.Sc.), Aix-Marseille III University, France, Degree ranked top of year SCHOLARSHIPS AND PRIZES 2005 Ministry of research and education prize for excellent academic achievements 2006 PhD fellowship from the French ministry for excellent academic achievements 2009 Young investigator award, HUPO 8th 2010 Best poster award, RICT 46th 2012 Poster distinction award, SAC 65th TEACHING AND FORMATION Teaching: Thermodynamic 3rd year Licence (2006/2007), organic chemistry 1st year Master (2007/2009), general chemistry 1st year License (2006/2009) Formation: CIES (Centre Initiation enseignement supérieur) teaching formation Mouse-handling: Module 1 animal training (Switzerland) PERSONAL SKILLS Synthetic Organic and Inorganic Chemistry Multistep organic synthesis, peptidic coupling, microwave-assisted reaction, methodology. Bioorthogonal reactions, catalytic reactions, protecting group strategies Instrumentation: NMR (1H, 13C, DEPT, COSY, NOESY, 31P, 19F), IR, UV, fluorescence. Highly experience with U/HPLC (Analytical and preparative), MS. Flash chromatography, GC, Isothermal Titration Calorimeter. Biology, Biochemistry and imaging Cell culture, Electrophoresis gel, fluorescence gel scanning, DNA gel separation, western blot, PCR, transfection, proteins pull-down, immunoprecipitation, mass spectrometry for proteins identification (nanoLC/MS/MS), antibody drug conjugate. FACS, fluorescent confocal microscopy (Deltavision API, Olympus FV1000, Zeiss LSM700) intravital microscopy. in vivo imaging on mouse model: bioluminescence, fluorescence imaging, IVIS (FLIT, DLIT, DYCE), Computed Tomography, image reconstruction, ex vivo analysis. Understanding of a broad range of in vitro and in vivo assays. Competences Team work, leadership spirit, organizational and management skills, capacity of communication, dynamic. Grants, patents and research proposals writing. Project report and oral presentation. Publication writing. Animal protocol writing. Project design and management, interdisciplinary project leader. Undergraduates and PhDs supervision and training. COMPUTING AND LANGUAGES Windows, MacOS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, keynote, pages, Chemdraw, Beilstein, Scifinder, reaxys, prism, Pymol, Fiji, MestreNova, Living image. French: mother tongue English: fluent (read, written and spoken), TOEIC 845/990 (2009/03/10) Spanish: good knowledge German: Beginner (actually learning)
  • 3. PUBLICATIONS AND CONGRESS Publications 1-Azidation of β-carbonyl lactones and lactams, D. Kashinath, G. Budin, R. Baati, S. Meunier, and A. Wagner, Tetrahedron Letter, 2009, 50, 5379-5381 2-Molecular tool-box for in vivo functional biology and proteomics: Application to DNA topoisomerase II, G. Budin, M. Moune, L. brino, A. Wagner, The journal of translational Molecular Medecine, 2009, 5, S1, 175 (abstract paper from the HUPO 8th congress) 3-A Chemical Labeling Strategy for Proteomics under Nondenaturing Conditions, G. Budin, M. Moune-Dimala, V. Lamour, P. Oudet, C. Mioskowski, S. Meunier, L. Brino A. Wagner, ChemBioChem, 2010, 11, 79-82 4-Optimization of the azobenzene scaffold for reductive cleavage by dithionite; development of a novel azobenzene cleavable linker for proteomic applications, G. Leriche, G. Budin, L. Brino, A. Wagner, Eur J.Org. Chem., 2010, 4360–4364 5-Non-denaturing chemical proteomics for protein complex isolation and identification, G. Budin, M. Moune-Dimala, G. Leriche, J.M. Saliou, J. Papillon, S. Sanglier-Cianferani, A. Van Dorsselaer, V. Lamour, L. Brino, A. Wagner, ChemBioChem, 2010, 11, 2359- 2361 6-Tailoring drug release profile of low-molecular-weight hydrogels by supramolecular co-assembly and thiol-ene orthogonal coupling, D. Díaz Díaz, E. Morin, E.M. Schön, G. Budin, A. Wagner, J-S. Remy, J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 641-644 7-FRET-Based probe with a chemically deactivatable quencher, G. Leriche, G. Budin, A. Weiss, L. Brino, A. klymchenko, Y. Mély, A. Wagner, Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 3224-3226 8-Bioorthogonal Probes for Polo-Like Kinase 1 Imaging and Quantification, G. Budin, K.S. Yang, T. Reiner, R. Weissleder, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2011, 50 (40), 9378- 9381 9-Ubiquitous Detection of Gram-Positive Bacteria with Bioorthogonal Magnetofluorescent Nanoparticles, H.J. Chung, T. Reiner, G. Budin, C. Min, M. Liong, D. Isadore, H. Lee, R. Weissleder, ACS Nano. 2011, 5, 8834-8841 10-Bioorthogonal imaging of aurora kinase A in live cells, G. budin, K.S. Yang, T. Reiner, C. Vinegoni, R. Weissleder, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 6598-6603 11-A magnetic Gram stain for bacteria detection, G. Budin, H.J. Chung, H. Lee, R. Weissleder, Angew. Int. Chem. Ed, 2012, 51 (31) 7752-7755. Selected as ‘Hot paper’ 12-Magnetic labeling bacteria, G. Budin, R. Weissleder, H. Lee, H.J. Chung, Patent issue 2012/03/08, WO 2013187954 A1 13-μHall Chip for Sensitive Detection of Bacteria, D. Issadore, H.J. Chung, J. Chung, G. Budin, R. Weissleder, H. Lee, Adv Healthc Mater. 2013, 2, 1224-1228. 14-Bioorthogonal approach to identify unsuspected drug targets in live cells, G. Budin, K.S. Yang, C. Tassa, O. Kister, R. Weissleder, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 10593 –10597. Selected as ‘Hot paper’ 15-A Biocompatible "Split Luciferin" Reaction and its Application for Non-Invasive Bioluminescent Imaging of Protease Activity in Living Animals, A. Godinat, G. Budin, A. Morales, H.M. Park, L.E. Sanman, M. Bogyo, A. Yu, A. Stahl, E.A. Dubikovskaya, Current protocols 2014, 6 (3), 169-89. 16-Preparation of bioluminescence imaging small biomolecules, S. Riccardo, E. Dubikovskaya, G. Budin, G. Karateev, J. Frigell, A. Konovalova, A. Godinat, PCT Int. Appl. 2014, WO 2014111906.
  • 4. 17- 6 provisional patents (US-PPA-N.62/006,440); (US-PPA-N.62/006,406); (US-PPA-N. 61/892,633); (US-PPA-N.61/754,765); (US-PPA-N.61/754,750); (19357/US) Congress SECO 46th Semaine d’Etude de Chimie Organique. La Rochelle (France) 2009/05 HUPO 8th International congress of Human Proteome Organization. Toronto (Canada) 2009/09 RICT 46th International Conference on medicinal chemistry, Reims (France) 2010/06. ISCM International Symposium Congress on Medicinal chemistry, Brussel (Belgium) 2010/09 Center for Systems Biology retreat, Boston (USA) 2011/06 Annual meeting of the MGH Scientific Advisory Comity SAC 65th Boston (USA) 2012/04 Revolutionaries for Global Health Summit (Perkin Elmer), Brussel (Belgium) 2013/03 EMIM 8th European Molecular Imaging Meeting, Torino, (IT) 2013/05 WMIC 6th World Molecular Imaging Congress, Savannah (USA) 2013/09 ESMI 9th European Molecular Imaging Meeting, Antwerp, (BE) 2014/06 INTEREST AND ACTIVITIES Sport: football, volleyball, snowboard Culture: cinema, museum, music, literature (Bernard Werber, Dan Brown). REFERENCES Alain Wagner, Ph.D. Research Director, Laboratory of Functional Chemo-System (LFCS), Illkirch, FR, tel.(33) 3 68 85 42 97 Valérie Lamour, Ph.D. Research Director, Laboratory of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Strasbourg, FR, tel.(33) 3 88 65 32 36 Ralph Weissleder, M.D., Ph.D., Center for Systems Biology, MGH, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA, tel.(1) 617-726-7870