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Developing open academic practices in
research methods teaching within an HE in FE

Dr Ester Ehiyazaryan

School of Humanities, Education, Social and Sports Science,
University Centre Doncaster
SCORE Fellow, Open University
Aims of the project

•Raising awareness of UCD staff of the value of OER,
through actively involving staff in the evaluation and
embedding of OER in academic practice
•Working towards the embedding of OER in teaching
practice across several disciplines, with a focus on
research methods skills and knowledge.
•Developing an understanding of the elements of the
changing learning blend where OER are introduced.
This includes understanding learners’ needs and
preparedness for OER as well as exploring the use of
online and physical spaces and forms of dialogue to
support the use of OER.
HE in FE context

Student profile:
•Widening participation
•Mature learners in full time
employment with families
and children
•A majority are first
generation entrants to HE.
•Need for accessible,
sustainable and open
education provision
HE in FE context
Learners’ needs:                           Barriers:
•A move from extended face time to         •Blended learning
flexibility                                practices are still
•Blended, networked learning               unfamiliar to staff
•The open learner premise (McAndrew,       •Learners’ digital literacy
2010)                                      skills

Need for sustainable, flexible and         How can OER and open
accessible forms of education, such as     academic practices help
openness in academic practice strives to   with this?

Content open for adaptation by tutors
and free to access for learners enhances
students’ opportunities to access a good
quality education experience.
Challenges of research methods teaching

Drive from HEFCE and ESRC for better preparation of undergraduate
students with research methods skills:
‘Beyond economics and psychology, social science undergraduate
quantitative methods teaching ranges from the absence of any provision
at all through to specialist options, mostly taught in Year 2. The latter
teaching does not give students enough contact time to develop
confidence in their skills…’
(MacInnes, 2009)

Issues with the research methods knowledge and expertise of staff in HE
in FE contexts :
‘FE staff may not be exposed on a daily basis to institutional debates on
research… Partner HEIs may offer free standing modules or workshops on
research methods, or could be invited to present a workshop to introduce
staff to current discourse on research approaches and methodology’
(HEFCE, 2009, p.29).
Challenges of research methods teaching

Challenges for the learner

Key difficulty in RM learning – the         The role of OER
knowledge and concepts are not
immediately related to professional or      • Contextualising abstract
subject contexts which students have          concepts
chosen to study.                            • Discursive resources and
                                              stimuli which create
RM constitute troublesome knowledge:          opportunities for the
                                              learner to think like a
‘when what is to be assessed lies outside     researcher.
their prior knowledge and experience’
(Land and Meyer, 2010, p. 62)

‘Liminal’ or ‘stuck’ places experienced
when complex theory or abstract
knowledge are involved.
OER evaluation by tutors

 Teacher Education
 Applied Social Sciences
 Criminal Justice

 •Questions focused on the pedagogical effectiveness/
 responsiveness of the OER (LOAM tool, Windle et al, 2010)
 •Questions focused on pedagogical, technical and quality issues
 (ORIOLE project)
 •Collection of existing OER set up through Cloudworks
 •OER on Cloudworks were selected to provide a range of
 pedagogical and technical attributes allowing tutors to explore
 OER with different granularity, context specificity, adaptability,
OER evaluation by tutors
OER attribute explored        Research questions
Quality                       How would you qualify the resource
                              Would you use this OER as part of research methods (RM) teaching
Flexibility                   Can the OER be adapted to the purposes of your RM module?
                              What would this adaptation involve?
Interactivity                 Does the OER encourage/afford for students to collaborate?
                              Does the OER afford dialogue between learner and their community?
                              How should this be supported?
Constructive alignment        Is there a match between the OER content and specific learning
                              objectives? Which ones?
                              Briefly describe the framework for teaching and learning and the use of
                              the OER within it.
Pedagogic effectiveness       Does the OER facilitate learners in internalising knowledge?
                              Would learners be able to use the OER autonomously (little
                              introduction or explanation from tutor)?
                              Does the OER address broader learning needs?
                              Does the OER provide access to resources which you would not usually
                              be able to provide?
Tutor’s role                  Would using OER save you time in creating new content?
                              Would OER be able to supplement content where you perceive this as
Table 1. Research questions
Student experience
Aspect of teaching and    Research questions
learning explored
Challenges of learning    How do you feel about studying research methods? Do you enjoy it, are there any parts
research methods          that are difficult?
Resource provision for    What do you think about the resources available for the research methods modules –
RM teaching and           do you have access to enough resources? What kinds of resources do you use?
learning                  Is there an area of research methods where you feel you need more tuition and
                          guidance? Is there an area where you feel you could do with more/more versatile
                          How do you feel about the online resources available from the LRC – academic journals,
                          Ebrary books? Are they accessible/ do you use them? Are there any advantages or
                          drawbacks to using these resources rather than printed textbook material?
OER use strategies        How did you use the OER - was it in the session or as self-directed learning at home?
                          Which do you think was more effective – using the resources as self-directed learning
                          or within the taught lecture?
OER interactivity         How did you feel about the interactive exercises on the online QDA website – did you
                          learn from these?
Effects of OER use on     What are the challenges of using NVivo?
ability to work with      Were you able to apply your theoretical knowledge to the practical analysis with
NVivo                     NVivo?
                          What helped with this transferring theoretical knowledge to practical tasks such as data

Table 2. Student interview questions
OER and understanding abstract concepts in RM

Situating knowledge in context – this can be achieved through creating
interdisciplinary links to subject specific knowledge

interdisciplinarity                      discovery and exploration
Education tutor: Well it is whatever     Sociology tutor: Yes I found that I had a
is around that can help us               look at his external links … and it gave
understand the case, whatever is         me this link to FreeFind, where they can
around which can help us                 refer to other sources and I thought
understand learning, whatever is         that was a really good useful link. Not
around that can help us understand       only for research methods. What I have
change and innovation … if you look      found … So I typed in ‘feminism’ I found
at it from more interdisciplinary        information on feminism… which I think
point of view – you start with a         is useful as yet another source, not only
problem, and say who can tell us         for research modules – what I found
about that problem.                      pretty much with all of these that I
                                         looked at is that there are uses in other
                                         modules as well.
The tutor’s role in introducing OER – access to knowledge or
access to information?

 The tutor’s role in teaching and learning with OER:
 •OER provide access to material which tutors would find it
 difficult to provide themselves
 •Human contact is a necessary element in the knowledge
 construction process (Njenga and Fourie, 2010)
 •Maintaining the boundaries between providing access to
 information and constructing knowledge

 Tutors’ stance: OER provide access to information. The tutor’s
 role is to facilitate the underlying knowledge construction.
The tutor’s role in introducing OER
Tutors’ stance: OER provide access to information. The tutor’s role is to facilitate the
underlying knowledge construction.

Education tutor: These          Criminology tutor:             Sociology tutor: As that
are fantastic resources.        ‘would learners be able        particular one says it is
The clever bit surrounds        to use [the OER]               about improving the use of
how you will actually           autonomously’ –                questionnaires. Which
use them and integrate          undecided because              might be a skill that needs
them into your                  obviously if they sit for      to be spread across three
teaching. That also             half an hour then they         years – if they are choosing
depends on the nature           are going to find things       questionnaire for their
of the open resource as         but I would have to            dissertation then they might
well. Some are more             guide them as to why I         want to revisit to improve
flexible than others,           need them to read or           on their design of
some you will have to           listen to, things like this.   questionnaires. So I have
do more background              So it would have to            placed this as being both for
preparation and some            have some guidance.            Level 5 and for Level 6 the
after-work. Others are          E-moderating/ guiding          Dissertation as an update.
kind of almost                                                 Linking across levels of
freestanding.                                                  study
Prefacing/ embedding
Concerns regarding reuse
•OER could be trigger for creative re-thinking of outdated delivery – however
when external pressures are involved tutors may reuse for time saving rather
than engaging in reuse which offers potential for rethinking and innovating

                                      Engaging in reuse
                                        which offers
                                        potential for
                                       rethinking and

              Prioritising OER
              which are quick
             and easy to reuse
               (time saving)
Some technological barriers

Using iTunesU on campus:
‘iTunes cannot be installed as our infrastructure is not currently
enabled to support the technology iTunes requires i.e. Firewall issues
and Compromising network security.’
(Computing and IT Services)

• The tutor’s role of introducing, prefacing, contextualising is
• No opportunity for embedding the resource in teaching and
  learning delivery
• A low level of openness (of the resources and of the IT
  infrastructure) creates a form of digital divide for smaller HE
Using OER with sociology students: Grounded theory and
coding with NVivo

 •Level 5 Social Sciences students; Social
 Science Research module – qualitative
 •Online QDA – Huddersfield University,
 Graham Gibbs.
 •A stronger element of structured
 independent study beyond the classroom
 •A combination of media:
      •video lectures
      •interactive exercises on coding
      •step by step video guides on using
      •video case studies for postgraduate
      students doing research in different
Using OER with sociology students: Grounded theory and
coding with NVivo
  OER provided:
  •Support with conceptually difficult material (research methods theory)
  •Support with the development of skills in applying procedural
  knowledge within the coding of text

 Temporal sequence, based on Oliver et al. (2002) framework for describing learning designs.
Using OER with sociology students: Grounded theory and
coding with NVivo

 •Key challenge – learners need to     Student 4 Female: I watched
 acquire theoretical knowledge as      some of the videos on QDA. It
 well as procedural skills – OER was   was useful because you could
 seen as supporting self directed      pause it if you didn’t catch it
 study                                 and make notes; sometimes in
                                       a lecture it is really fast and you
                                       can’t obviously pause it, but
 •Advantages - interactivity and
                                       when you are watching a video
 learner control – being able to
                                       you can pause it and make
 pause, rewind, take notes at their
                                       notes and carry on to your own
 own pace. Supportive of self
                                       pace rather than everyone
 directed learning.
                                       else’s. So I thought that was
                                       quite useful. When I watched
                                       on QDA I could make my notes
                                       how I wanted to make them.
Using OER with sociology students: Grounded theory and
coding with NVivo
The value and dangers of interactivity
                                             Researcher: Did you do some of
•OER - useful as they allow the learner to   the interactive coding exercises
practice interactive coding exercises.       – where you had to assign the
                                             code word and …
•Danger – students may learn the
                                             Several: Yes.
procedural layer without understanding
the underlying principles of constant
                                             Researcher: How did you feel
comparison, or stages in coding.             about those?
                                             Student 1 Female: When we
learning of troublesome knowledge            started doing the NVivo I
requires some form of transformation in      remember going back to it and
the learner. Unless this transformation      thinking ‘oh it’s just as simple
takes place, the learner may be unable to    as that then – literally just
acquire knowledge and could instead          copying words and giving it a
engage in a form of ‘mimicry’ or             title.
ritualistic/surface learning (Meyer and
Land, 2005: 382).
Using open data with Sociology students and Early Childhood
 Studies students

•Growing Up in Scotland
– large scale child
development survey.
The equivalent of the
EPPE study; similar to
the Millennium Cohort

•Freely accessible data
through the Economic
and Social Data Service
Using open data with Sociology students and Early Childhood
Studies students

Advantages of using real
world data:
•Addresses troublesome
knowledge – the data is
subject specific and
situates learning in
•Statistical analyses return
results which learners can
relate to knowledge
acquired in other modules
(examples: social policy;
child development)
Using open data with Sociology students and Early Childhood
Studies students

 Learners explored:

 •Food and nutrition – formation of healthy eating habits
 •Neighbourhood and community – active citizenship; social policy
 •Activities with others – distributions of outdoor/ indoor play
 •Demographic factors – work, employment and income
Further work

•OER can help address the difficulties of research methods
teaching as troublesome knowledge
•Develop OER supporting the exploration of open data (available
through ESDS)
•Explore further the relationship between tutor role and learner
autonomy in OER use.
 Higher Education Funding Council for England (2009) Supporting Higher Education in Further Education
 Colleges: Policy, Practice and Prospects. HEFCE.March 2009. .

 Land R. and Meyer, J. (2010) Threshold Concepts and Troublesome Knowledge (5): Dynamics of Assessment.
 In Eds. Meyer, J., Land, R., Baillie, C., Threshold Concepts and Transformational Learning. London: Sense

 MacInness, J. (2009) Proposals to Support and Improve the Teaching of Quantitative Research Methods at
 Undergraduate Level in the UK. Economic and Social Research Council.

 McAndrew, P. (2010) Defining Openness: Updating the Concept of ‘Open’ for a Connected World, Journal of
 Interactive Media in Education. JIME

 Njenga, J. K., &Fourie, L. C. H. (2010) The Myths about e-Learning in Higher Education. British Journal of
 Educational Technology, 41(2): 199-212.

 Oliver, R., Harper, B., Hedberg, J., Wills, S., Agostinho, S. (2002) ‘Formalising the Description of Learning
 Designs’, Edith Cowan University Australia, *Online+, ECU Publications, HERDSA, Available from:, Accessed: 30/11/2011.

 Windle, R, Wharrad, H., Leeder, D., Morales, R. (2010) ‘Analysis of the Pedagogical Attributes of Learning
 Objects’ *Online+, SONET: Educational Technology Group, The University of Nottingham, Available from:, Accessed: 30/11/2011.

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Cambridge 2012 presentation

  • 1. Developing open academic practices in research methods teaching within an HE in FE context Dr Ester Ehiyazaryan School of Humanities, Education, Social and Sports Science, University Centre Doncaster SCORE Fellow, Open University
  • 2. Aims of the project •Raising awareness of UCD staff of the value of OER, through actively involving staff in the evaluation and embedding of OER in academic practice •Working towards the embedding of OER in teaching practice across several disciplines, with a focus on research methods skills and knowledge. •Developing an understanding of the elements of the changing learning blend where OER are introduced. This includes understanding learners’ needs and preparedness for OER as well as exploring the use of online and physical spaces and forms of dialogue to support the use of OER.
  • 3. HE in FE context Student profile: •Widening participation students; •Mature learners in full time employment with families and children •A majority are first generation entrants to HE. •Need for accessible, sustainable and open education provision
  • 4. HE in FE context Learners’ needs: Barriers: •A move from extended face time to •Blended learning flexibility practices are still •Blended, networked learning unfamiliar to staff •The open learner premise (McAndrew, •Learners’ digital literacy 2010) skills Need for sustainable, flexible and How can OER and open accessible forms of education, such as academic practices help openness in academic practice strives to with this? deliver. Content open for adaptation by tutors and free to access for learners enhances students’ opportunities to access a good quality education experience.
  • 5. Challenges of research methods teaching Drive from HEFCE and ESRC for better preparation of undergraduate students with research methods skills: ‘Beyond economics and psychology, social science undergraduate quantitative methods teaching ranges from the absence of any provision at all through to specialist options, mostly taught in Year 2. The latter teaching does not give students enough contact time to develop confidence in their skills…’ (MacInnes, 2009) Issues with the research methods knowledge and expertise of staff in HE in FE contexts : ‘FE staff may not be exposed on a daily basis to institutional debates on research… Partner HEIs may offer free standing modules or workshops on research methods, or could be invited to present a workshop to introduce staff to current discourse on research approaches and methodology’ (HEFCE, 2009, p.29).
  • 6. Challenges of research methods teaching Challenges for the learner Key difficulty in RM learning – the The role of OER knowledge and concepts are not immediately related to professional or • Contextualising abstract subject contexts which students have concepts chosen to study. • Discursive resources and stimuli which create RM constitute troublesome knowledge: opportunities for the learner to think like a ‘when what is to be assessed lies outside researcher. their prior knowledge and experience’ (Land and Meyer, 2010, p. 62) ‘Liminal’ or ‘stuck’ places experienced when complex theory or abstract knowledge are involved.
  • 7. OER evaluation by tutors Teacher Education Applied Social Sciences Criminal Justice •Questions focused on the pedagogical effectiveness/ responsiveness of the OER (LOAM tool, Windle et al, 2010) •Questions focused on pedagogical, technical and quality issues (ORIOLE project) •Collection of existing OER set up through Cloudworks •OER on Cloudworks were selected to provide a range of pedagogical and technical attributes allowing tutors to explore OER with different granularity, context specificity, adaptability, interactivity.
  • 8. OER evaluation by tutors OER attribute explored Research questions Quality How would you qualify the resource Would you use this OER as part of research methods (RM) teaching Flexibility Can the OER be adapted to the purposes of your RM module? What would this adaptation involve? Interactivity Does the OER encourage/afford for students to collaborate? Does the OER afford dialogue between learner and their community? How should this be supported? Constructive alignment Is there a match between the OER content and specific learning objectives? Which ones? Briefly describe the framework for teaching and learning and the use of the OER within it. Pedagogic effectiveness Does the OER facilitate learners in internalising knowledge? Would learners be able to use the OER autonomously (little introduction or explanation from tutor)? Does the OER address broader learning needs? Does the OER provide access to resources which you would not usually be able to provide? Tutor’s role Would using OER save you time in creating new content? Would OER be able to supplement content where you perceive this as weaker? Table 1. Research questions
  • 9. Student experience Aspect of teaching and Research questions learning explored Challenges of learning How do you feel about studying research methods? Do you enjoy it, are there any parts research methods that are difficult? Resource provision for What do you think about the resources available for the research methods modules – RM teaching and do you have access to enough resources? What kinds of resources do you use? learning Is there an area of research methods where you feel you need more tuition and guidance? Is there an area where you feel you could do with more/more versatile resources? How do you feel about the online resources available from the LRC – academic journals, Ebrary books? Are they accessible/ do you use them? Are there any advantages or drawbacks to using these resources rather than printed textbook material? OER use strategies How did you use the OER - was it in the session or as self-directed learning at home? Which do you think was more effective – using the resources as self-directed learning or within the taught lecture? OER interactivity How did you feel about the interactive exercises on the online QDA website – did you learn from these? Effects of OER use on What are the challenges of using NVivo? ability to work with Were you able to apply your theoretical knowledge to the practical analysis with NVivo NVivo? What helped with this transferring theoretical knowledge to practical tasks such as data analysis? Table 2. Student interview questions
  • 10. OER and understanding abstract concepts in RM Situating knowledge in context – this can be achieved through creating interdisciplinary links to subject specific knowledge interdisciplinarity discovery and exploration Education tutor: Well it is whatever Sociology tutor: Yes I found that I had a is around that can help us look at his external links … and it gave understand the case, whatever is me this link to FreeFind, where they can around which can help us refer to other sources and I thought understand learning, whatever is that was a really good useful link. Not around that can help us understand only for research methods. What I have change and innovation … if you look found … So I typed in ‘feminism’ I found at it from more interdisciplinary information on feminism… which I think point of view – you start with a is useful as yet another source, not only problem, and say who can tell us for research modules – what I found about that problem. pretty much with all of these that I looked at is that there are uses in other modules as well.
  • 11. The tutor’s role in introducing OER – access to knowledge or access to information? The tutor’s role in teaching and learning with OER: •OER provide access to material which tutors would find it difficult to provide themselves •Human contact is a necessary element in the knowledge construction process (Njenga and Fourie, 2010) •Maintaining the boundaries between providing access to information and constructing knowledge Tutors’ stance: OER provide access to information. The tutor’s role is to facilitate the underlying knowledge construction.
  • 12. The tutor’s role in introducing OER Tutors’ stance: OER provide access to information. The tutor’s role is to facilitate the underlying knowledge construction. Education tutor: These Criminology tutor: Sociology tutor: As that are fantastic resources. ‘would learners be able particular one says it is The clever bit surrounds to use [the OER] about improving the use of how you will actually autonomously’ – questionnaires. Which use them and integrate undecided because might be a skill that needs them into your obviously if they sit for to be spread across three teaching. That also half an hour then they years – if they are choosing depends on the nature are going to find things questionnaire for their of the open resource as but I would have to dissertation then they might well. Some are more guide them as to why I want to revisit to improve flexible than others, need them to read or on their design of some you will have to listen to, things like this. questionnaires. So I have do more background So it would have to placed this as being both for preparation and some have some guidance. Level 5 and for Level 6 the after-work. Others are E-moderating/ guiding Dissertation as an update. kind of almost Linking across levels of freestanding. study Prefacing/ embedding
  • 13. Concerns regarding reuse •OER could be trigger for creative re-thinking of outdated delivery – however when external pressures are involved tutors may reuse for time saving rather than engaging in reuse which offers potential for rethinking and innovating Engaging in reuse which offers potential for rethinking and innovating curricula Prioritising OER which are quick and easy to reuse (time saving)
  • 14. Some technological barriers Using iTunesU on campus: ‘iTunes cannot be installed as our infrastructure is not currently enabled to support the technology iTunes requires i.e. Firewall issues and Compromising network security.’ (Computing and IT Services) • The tutor’s role of introducing, prefacing, contextualising is disabled • No opportunity for embedding the resource in teaching and learning delivery • A low level of openness (of the resources and of the IT infrastructure) creates a form of digital divide for smaller HE institutions
  • 15. Using OER with sociology students: Grounded theory and coding with NVivo •Level 5 Social Sciences students; Social Science Research module – qualitative methodologies •Online QDA – Huddersfield University, Graham Gibbs. •A stronger element of structured independent study beyond the classroom •A combination of media: •video lectures •interactive exercises on coding •step by step video guides on using Nvivo •video case studies for postgraduate students doing research in different areas
  • 16. Using OER with sociology students: Grounded theory and coding with NVivo OER provided: •Support with conceptually difficult material (research methods theory) •Support with the development of skills in applying procedural knowledge within the coding of text Temporal sequence, based on Oliver et al. (2002) framework for describing learning designs.
  • 17. Using OER with sociology students: Grounded theory and coding with NVivo •Key challenge – learners need to Student 4 Female: I watched acquire theoretical knowledge as some of the videos on QDA. It well as procedural skills – OER was was useful because you could seen as supporting self directed pause it if you didn’t catch it study and make notes; sometimes in a lecture it is really fast and you can’t obviously pause it, but •Advantages - interactivity and when you are watching a video learner control – being able to you can pause it and make pause, rewind, take notes at their notes and carry on to your own own pace. Supportive of self pace rather than everyone directed learning. else’s. So I thought that was quite useful. When I watched on QDA I could make my notes how I wanted to make them.
  • 18. Using OER with sociology students: Grounded theory and coding with NVivo The value and dangers of interactivity Researcher: Did you do some of •OER - useful as they allow the learner to the interactive coding exercises practice interactive coding exercises. – where you had to assign the code word and … •Danger – students may learn the Several: Yes. procedural layer without understanding the underlying principles of constant Researcher: How did you feel comparison, or stages in coding. about those? Student 1 Female: When we learning of troublesome knowledge started doing the NVivo I requires some form of transformation in remember going back to it and the learner. Unless this transformation thinking ‘oh it’s just as simple takes place, the learner may be unable to as that then – literally just acquire knowledge and could instead copying words and giving it a engage in a form of ‘mimicry’ or title. ritualistic/surface learning (Meyer and Land, 2005: 382).
  • 19. Using open data with Sociology students and Early Childhood Studies students •Growing Up in Scotland – large scale child development survey. The equivalent of the EPPE study; similar to the Millennium Cohort Study •Freely accessible data through the Economic and Social Data Service (ESDS)
  • 20. Using open data with Sociology students and Early Childhood Studies students Advantages of using real world data: •Addresses troublesome knowledge – the data is subject specific and situates learning in context. •Statistical analyses return results which learners can relate to knowledge acquired in other modules (examples: social policy; child development)
  • 21. Using open data with Sociology students and Early Childhood Studies students Learners explored: •Food and nutrition – formation of healthy eating habits •Neighbourhood and community – active citizenship; social policy •Activities with others – distributions of outdoor/ indoor play •Demographic factors – work, employment and income
  • 22. Further work •OER can help address the difficulties of research methods teaching as troublesome knowledge •Develop OER supporting the exploration of open data (available through ESDS) •Explore further the relationship between tutor role and learner autonomy in OER use.
  • 23. References Higher Education Funding Council for England (2009) Supporting Higher Education in Further Education Colleges: Policy, Practice and Prospects. HEFCE.March 2009. . Land R. and Meyer, J. (2010) Threshold Concepts and Troublesome Knowledge (5): Dynamics of Assessment. In Eds. Meyer, J., Land, R., Baillie, C., Threshold Concepts and Transformational Learning. London: Sense Publishers. MacInness, J. (2009) Proposals to Support and Improve the Teaching of Quantitative Research Methods at Undergraduate Level in the UK. Economic and Social Research Council. McAndrew, P. (2010) Defining Openness: Updating the Concept of ‘Open’ for a Connected World, Journal of Interactive Media in Education. JIME Njenga, J. K., &Fourie, L. C. H. (2010) The Myths about e-Learning in Higher Education. British Journal of Educational Technology, 41(2): 199-212. Oliver, R., Harper, B., Hedberg, J., Wills, S., Agostinho, S. (2002) ‘Formalising the Description of Learning Designs’, Edith Cowan University Australia, *Online+, ECU Publications, HERDSA, Available from:, Accessed: 30/11/2011. Windle, R, Wharrad, H., Leeder, D., Morales, R. (2010) ‘Analysis of the Pedagogical Attributes of Learning Objects’ *Online+, SONET: Educational Technology Group, The University of Nottingham, Available from:, Accessed: 30/11/2011.