psychiatry depression malingering mental health disorder & suicide causes of suicides suicide in india global data suicide p300 wave eeg changes in psychiatric disorders eeg artifacts activation procedures sleep spindles delta waves theta waves beta waves alpha waves major frequency ranges of rhythms eeg montages electrode placement electroencephalogram action potential resting membrane potential anankastic anxious obsessive-compulsive dependent avoidant anxious and fearful features cluster c personality disorders apathy psychosis pathological laughter and crying catastrophic reaction anosognosia anxiety diorders mania neurocognitive disorder stroke cerebrovascular disease neuropsychiatric disorders psychological tests interview technique othmer lipian & mills resnick subtypes dr. roger's model hikikomori susto spell root work mal de ojo locura hwa-byung windigo brain fag latah shenjing shuairuo ataque de nervios run amok koro dhat possession taxon exotic psychiatric syndromes culture bound syndrome tbi dementia adhd schizophrenia spect pet scan fmri mri ct scan imaging methods types of imaging radiology neuro imaging brain imaging deceptive syndromes factitious disorder perception illusion phantom limb hallucination medical
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