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© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
ChipGlobe @ IoT Security Circle Europe 2019 - May 28, 2019
Ensuring high security of a motion control device by utilizing Sensors and
Sensors, iMotor Control and OPTIGATM Trust X from Infineon
and AWS (Amazon Web Services)
By Dieter Rudolf, Director Business Development, ChipGlobe GmbH
Pictures by ChipGlobe and Infineon1
Our Identity - Vision, Mission, Values, Company
Chipglobe in a nutshell
• ASIC /RTL2GDS & Functional Verification Services
• Embedded System development from idea to prototype
• 15+ years successful project expertize and excellent
QoR with Global Semiconductor Companies.
Long term and good relationships in projects
• Specialized Experts
More than 70 senior experts in Munich Headquarters, ODC
Belgrade, Singapore Subsidiary and ODC Vietnam
(ODC = Offshore Design Center)
• Embedded Systems Solution Provider:
+ Infineon Security Partner Network (ISPN)
+ Infineon Design House
+ Turnkey Solutions
Pictures by ChipGlobe and Infineon2© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
Why is Security so Important?
3 Pictures Shutterstock© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
Why is Security so Important?
4 Pictures Shutterstock© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
Why is Security so Important - Examples?
Myth #9:”Our systems are so complicated and complex. Attackers therefore do not find any gaps”.
• Steel mills
• Water treatment plants
• Power grids
• Factories
• Power plants and countless other systems
have been hacked because of this naive belief or lack of safety awareness.
• Promoted safe application has been hacked
• Can ruin a company and their reputation
5© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
Security Challenges in todays IoT applications
 Rarely hardware encryption
between sensors and data consolidation
/ control devices (local server, cloud)
 Security threats
when using unprotected hardware
 Hardware based protection is safer
than software protection
(e.g. OPTIGATM Trust X based on unique key
providing complete secure key management
infrastructure in hardware)
 Different areas of security and
safety requirements in a system
- Hardware level
- Software level
- Communication level
- Cloud / big data level
- Apps level / control software level
Pictures by ChipGlobe and Infineon6© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
ChipGlobe Demonstrator of motion control device
Real Life comparison of Safe + Unsafe operation / Sniffing and Hacking
• Instead of connecting to local
Gateway via WLAN, the Wemos
ESP32 boards could directly
connect to AWS (Amazon Web
Services) for data aggregation.
• All needed is a WLAN connection –
same as for connecting to local
• Implementing OPTIGATM Trust X
increases security
Pictures by ChipGlobe and Infineon7© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
ChipGlobe HTTP/HTTPS Service for motor control
consolidating secure and unsecure data – Unsecure Mode
• Rule Engine Subscribe = Harry Potter Wizzard Box
- e.g. if temperature is above certain limit, then switch on motor
(3 different speed levels can be selected)
- If current is above certain limit, then motor will be stopped
• User interface accessible through WLAN and a browser - all you
need is an IP address
• Works with any laptop with a WLAN + web interface
(e.g. Chrome)
• Even Browser to MQTT Server is secure, but hardware can be
Pictures by ChipGlobe8© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
ChipGlobe HTTP/HTTPS Service for motor control
consolidating secure and unsecure data – Secure Mode
• OPTIGATM Trust X can be used with any application
protocol, that is based on TLS handshake protocol (we used:
• Gateway/MQTT Server can be replaced by direct connection
to AWS (Amazon Web services)
No local server needed
Pictures by ChipGlobe and Infineon9
ChipGlobe HTTP/HTTPS Service for motor control
consolidating secure and unsecure data – demo setup
• Hardware Level Encryption is key for security
• IoT microcontrollers need less resources to implement
hardware encryption with Trust X compared to a software
security implementation
• Export Control easier for hardware encrypted systems
Pictures by ChipGlobe10© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
Screenshots of unsafe communication mode - Sniffing
(Setup without OPTIGATM Trust X)
data is easily readable / invitation for hacker!
Open readable data:
- Sensor manufacturer
- Sensor type (the shown value is printed for testing)
- Control unit (without OPTIGATMTrust-X)
- Parameter unit
- Sensor value (in mA)
Pictures by ChipGlobe11© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
Screenshot of safe communication mode using OPTIGATM Trust X - Sniffing
Encrypted data cannot be modified/hacked 
 Safe data aquisition and control systems
Pictures by ChipGlobe and Infineon12© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
Applications with need for Security – ChipGlobe has proven Solutions
Pictures by ChipGlobe and Infineon
• Touch Screen Controlled Environments in Safety Critical Areas
• Safe and Secure Car Communication Systems
• Any Sensors/Actuators with Security Requirements
• Smart Home / Home Automation
• Health Related Systems
• Safe/Secure Industrial Control
• Smart Grids and Green Energy Solutions
(e.g. power meters)
• Industrial Process Control and Automation
13© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
Hardware Development
 Hardware based Security Designs connecting to sensors for LAN/WLAN/GSM and IoT, Cloud Access.
 From Concept / Spec to final product including certifications
(Prototypes/Demonstrators + products for production series)
Software Development
 Software + Embedded Software Design and Development
 Connection to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and
other Safe German Clouds
Support Functions
 Github, Documentation, Hotline Expert Support
 Member of Infineon ISPN (Infineon Security Partner Network)
ChipGlobe can help with Secure Encrypted Hardware Designs
and Embedded Turnkey Systems
Pictures by ChipGlobe and Infineon14© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
Components of ChipGlobe High Security Motion Control Demo
Motion Control
EVAL-M1-099M-C - Infineon Technologies Our EVAL-M1-099M is a Control Board for
iMOTION™ Modular Application Design Kit (MADK). It is powered by IRMCK099M iMOTION™
Motor Control IC featuring advanced Motor Control Engine (MCE), which enables state-of-the-art
Sensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) without need for any coding.
EVAL-M1-05F310 evaluation board is a complete power stage, powerd by IRSM005-310MH.
The board is purposed to drive 3-phase motors in low voltage domain. It is equipped
with MADK™ M1 20 pin interface connctor. Therefor, it can be used with Eval-M1-099M-
C control boards. In combination with these boards, it is a complete motor control system.
Micro Controler Unit
Wemos board, building upon ESP32, a series of low-cost, low-power system on a chip
microcontrollers with integrated WI-FI and dual-mode Bluetooth. The ESP32 series employs a
Tensilica Xtensa LX6 microprocessor in dual-core variation and includes in-built antenna
switches, RF balun, power amplifier, low-noise receive amplifier, filters, and power-management
The OPTIGA™ Trust X is a security solution based on advanced security controller with
built-in tamper proof NVM for secure storage and Symmetric/Asymmetric crypto engine to
support ECC 256, AES-128 and SHA-256. This new security technology greatly enhances
overall system security. Each device can be shipped with a unique elliptic-curve keypair
and a corresponding X.509 certificate enabling easy integration into existing PKI
Temperature Sensor
The DPS310 is a miniaturized digital barometric air pressure sensor from Infineon with a
high accuracy and a low current consumption, capable of measuring both pressure and
temperature. The internal signal processor converts the output from the pressure and
temperature sensor elements to 24 bit results. Each unit is individually calibrated, the
calibration coefficients calculated during this process are stored in the calibration registers.
The available raw data of the sensor can be calibrated by using the pre-calibrated
coefficients as they are used in the application to convert the measurement results to high
accuracy pressure and temperature values.
Current Sensor
The TLI4970 is a high-precision current sensor based on Infineon's proven Hall technology. The
coreless concept significantly reduces footprint compared with existing solutions. TLI4970 is an
easy-to-use, fully digital solution that does not require external calibration or additional parts
such as A/D converters, 0 pAmps or reference voltage. It thus significantly reduces overall
implementation efforts as well as PCB space and cost.
The DragonBoard™ 410c is development board based on a
Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 400 series processor. It features advanced processing power,
Wi-Fi, Bluetooth connectivity, and GPS, all packed into a board the size of a credit card.
Based on the 64-bit capable Snapdragon 410E processor, the DragonBoard 410c is
designed to support rapid software development, education and prototyping, and is
compliant with the 96Boards Consumer Edition specification. It is ideal for embedded
computing and Internet of Things (IoT) products.
Connecting to the local Qualcomm gateway using HTTPS via WLAN
Trademarks used are owned by the respective companies in Germany, the U.S. and / or other countries
15© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
Chipglobe is Infineon Associated Security Partner in Infineon Partner Ecosystem
and also ISPN partner (Infineon Security Partner Network)
Pictures by ChipGlobe and Infineon
Dr. Max Mergenthaler Volker Frisch Dieter Rudolf
Digital Demand Generation CEO Director Business Development
Infineon Technologies AG ChipGlobe GmbH ChipGlobe GmbH
16© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
What can we do to make you successful?
ChipGlobe GmbH
Cincinnatistrasse 60
81549 Munich, Germany
Tel. +49 (89) 1222 469 0
Office Address (ODC):
Professor-Messerschmidt-Strasse 1a
85579 Neubiberg, Munich
Chipglobe Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. (ODC)
25 International Business Park #04-64
German Centre
Singapore 609916
ChipGlobe d.o.o Beograd (ODC)
Milutina Milankovića 9đ
11070 Belgrade
FORTYONE – Building C, 6th floor
36/10 Nguyen Gia Tri
Ward 25, Binh Thanh District
Ho Chi Minh City
Talk to us!
17 Pictures by ChipGlobe© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH

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ChipGlobe - Dieter Rudolf - Secure IoT communication - for Infineon IoT Security Circle Europe 28.5.2019

  • 1. © 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH ChipGlobe @ IoT Security Circle Europe 2019 - May 28, 2019 Ensuring high security of a motion control device by utilizing Sensors and Sensors, iMotor Control and OPTIGATM Trust X from Infineon and AWS (Amazon Web Services) By Dieter Rudolf, Director Business Development, ChipGlobe GmbH ISPN Partner Pictures by ChipGlobe and Infineon1
  • 2. Our Identity - Vision, Mission, Values, Company Chipglobe in a nutshell • ASIC /RTL2GDS & Functional Verification Services • Embedded System development from idea to prototype • 15+ years successful project expertize and excellent QoR with Global Semiconductor Companies. Long term and good relationships in projects • Specialized Experts More than 70 senior experts in Munich Headquarters, ODC Belgrade, Singapore Subsidiary and ODC Vietnam (ODC = Offshore Design Center) • Embedded Systems Solution Provider: + Infineon Security Partner Network (ISPN) + Infineon Design House + Turnkey Solutions Pictures by ChipGlobe and Infineon2© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
  • 3. Why is Security so Important? 3 Pictures Shutterstock© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
  • 4. Why is Security so Important? 4 Pictures Shutterstock© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
  • 5. Why is Security so Important - Examples? Myth #9:”Our systems are so complicated and complex. Attackers therefore do not find any gaps”. • Steel mills • Water treatment plants • Power grids • Factories • Power plants and countless other systems have been hacked because of this naive belief or lack of safety awareness. state-change=1558950304715 • Promoted safe application has been hacked • Can ruin a company and their reputation 5© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
  • 6. Security Challenges in todays IoT applications  Rarely hardware encryption between sensors and data consolidation / control devices (local server, cloud)  Security threats when using unprotected hardware  Hardware based protection is safer than software protection (e.g. OPTIGATM Trust X based on unique key providing complete secure key management infrastructure in hardware)  Different areas of security and safety requirements in a system - Hardware level - Software level - Communication level - Cloud / big data level - Apps level / control software level Pictures by ChipGlobe and Infineon6© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
  • 7. ChipGlobe Demonstrator of motion control device Real Life comparison of Safe + Unsafe operation / Sniffing and Hacking • Instead of connecting to local Gateway via WLAN, the Wemos ESP32 boards could directly connect to AWS (Amazon Web Services) for data aggregation. • All needed is a WLAN connection – same as for connecting to local server. • Implementing OPTIGATM Trust X increases security Pictures by ChipGlobe and Infineon7© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
  • 8. ChipGlobe HTTP/HTTPS Service for motor control consolidating secure and unsecure data – Unsecure Mode • Rule Engine Subscribe = Harry Potter Wizzard Box - e.g. if temperature is above certain limit, then switch on motor (3 different speed levels can be selected) - If current is above certain limit, then motor will be stopped • User interface accessible through WLAN and a browser - all you need is an IP address • Works with any laptop with a WLAN + web interface (e.g. Chrome) • Even Browser to MQTT Server is secure, but hardware can be hacked! Pictures by ChipGlobe8© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
  • 9. ChipGlobe HTTP/HTTPS Service for motor control consolidating secure and unsecure data – Secure Mode • OPTIGATM Trust X can be used with any application protocol, that is based on TLS handshake protocol (we used: MQTT and HTTPS) • Gateway/MQTT Server can be replaced by direct connection to AWS (Amazon Web services) No local server needed Pictures by ChipGlobe and Infineon9
  • 10. ChipGlobe HTTP/HTTPS Service for motor control consolidating secure and unsecure data – demo setup • Hardware Level Encryption is key for security • IoT microcontrollers need less resources to implement hardware encryption with Trust X compared to a software security implementation • Export Control easier for hardware encrypted systems Pictures by ChipGlobe10© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
  • 11. Screenshots of unsafe communication mode - Sniffing (Setup without OPTIGATM Trust X) data is easily readable / invitation for hacker! Open readable data: - Sensor manufacturer - Sensor type (the shown value is printed for testing) - Control unit (without OPTIGATMTrust-X) - Parameter unit - Sensor value (in mA) Pictures by ChipGlobe11© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
  • 12. Screenshot of safe communication mode using OPTIGATM Trust X - Sniffing Encrypted data cannot be modified/hacked   Safe data aquisition and control systems Pictures by ChipGlobe and Infineon12© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
  • 13. Applications with need for Security – ChipGlobe has proven Solutions Pictures by ChipGlobe and Infineon • Touch Screen Controlled Environments in Safety Critical Areas • Safe and Secure Car Communication Systems • Any Sensors/Actuators with Security Requirements • Smart Home / Home Automation • Health Related Systems • Safe/Secure Industrial Control • Smart Grids and Green Energy Solutions (e.g. power meters) • Industrial Process Control and Automation 13© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
  • 14. Hardware Development  Hardware based Security Designs connecting to sensors for LAN/WLAN/GSM and IoT, Cloud Access.  From Concept / Spec to final product including certifications (Prototypes/Demonstrators + products for production series) Software Development  Software + Embedded Software Design and Development  Connection to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and other Safe German Clouds Support Functions  Github, Documentation, Hotline Expert Support  Member of Infineon ISPN (Infineon Security Partner Network) ChipGlobe can help with Secure Encrypted Hardware Designs and Embedded Turnkey Systems Pictures by ChipGlobe and Infineon14© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
  • 15. Components of ChipGlobe High Security Motion Control Demo Motion Control EVAL-M1-099M-C - Infineon Technologies Our EVAL-M1-099M is a Control Board for iMOTION™ Modular Application Design Kit (MADK). It is powered by IRMCK099M iMOTION™ Motor Control IC featuring advanced Motor Control Engine (MCE), which enables state-of-the-art Sensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) without need for any coding. EVAL-M1-05F310 evaluation board is a complete power stage, powerd by IRSM005-310MH. The board is purposed to drive 3-phase motors in low voltage domain. It is equipped with MADK™ M1 20 pin interface connctor. Therefor, it can be used with Eval-M1-099M- C control boards. In combination with these boards, it is a complete motor control system. Micro Controler Unit Wemos board, building upon ESP32, a series of low-cost, low-power system on a chip microcontrollers with integrated WI-FI and dual-mode Bluetooth. The ESP32 series employs a Tensilica Xtensa LX6 microprocessor in dual-core variation and includes in-built antenna switches, RF balun, power amplifier, low-noise receive amplifier, filters, and power-management modules. OPTIGATM Trust X The OPTIGA™ Trust X is a security solution based on advanced security controller with built-in tamper proof NVM for secure storage and Symmetric/Asymmetric crypto engine to support ECC 256, AES-128 and SHA-256. This new security technology greatly enhances overall system security. Each device can be shipped with a unique elliptic-curve keypair and a corresponding X.509 certificate enabling easy integration into existing PKI infrastructure. Temperature Sensor The DPS310 is a miniaturized digital barometric air pressure sensor from Infineon with a high accuracy and a low current consumption, capable of measuring both pressure and temperature. The internal signal processor converts the output from the pressure and temperature sensor elements to 24 bit results. Each unit is individually calibrated, the calibration coefficients calculated during this process are stored in the calibration registers. The available raw data of the sensor can be calibrated by using the pre-calibrated coefficients as they are used in the application to convert the measurement results to high accuracy pressure and temperature values. Current Sensor The TLI4970 is a high-precision current sensor based on Infineon's proven Hall technology. The coreless concept significantly reduces footprint compared with existing solutions. TLI4970 is an easy-to-use, fully digital solution that does not require external calibration or additional parts such as A/D converters, 0 pAmps or reference voltage. It thus significantly reduces overall implementation efforts as well as PCB space and cost. Gateway The DragonBoard™ 410c is development board based on a Qualcomm® Snapdragon™ 400 series processor. It features advanced processing power, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth connectivity, and GPS, all packed into a board the size of a credit card. Based on the 64-bit capable Snapdragon 410E processor, the DragonBoard 410c is designed to support rapid software development, education and prototyping, and is compliant with the 96Boards Consumer Edition specification. It is ideal for embedded computing and Internet of Things (IoT) products. Laptop Connecting to the local Qualcomm gateway using HTTPS via WLAN Trademarks used are owned by the respective companies in Germany, the U.S. and / or other countries 15© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
  • 16. Chipglobe is Infineon Associated Security Partner in Infineon Partner Ecosystem and also ISPN partner (Infineon Security Partner Network) Pictures by ChipGlobe and Infineon Dr. Max Mergenthaler Volker Frisch Dieter Rudolf Digital Demand Generation CEO Director Business Development Infineon Technologies AG ChipGlobe GmbH ChipGlobe GmbH 16© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH
  • 17. What can we do to make you successful? ChipGlobe GmbH Cincinnatistrasse 60 81549 Munich, Germany Tel. +49 (89) 1222 469 0 Office Address (ODC): Professor-Messerschmidt-Strasse 1a 85579 Neubiberg, Munich Germany Chipglobe Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. (ODC) 25 International Business Park #04-64 German Centre Singapore 609916 ChipGlobe d.o.o Beograd (ODC) Milutina Milankovića 9đ 11070 Belgrade FORTYONE – Building C, 6th floor CHIPGLOBE VIETNAM CO., LTD 36/10 Nguyen Gia Tri Ward 25, Binh Thanh District Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam Talk to us! 17 Pictures by ChipGlobe© 22.5.2019 – Dieter Rudolf , Chipglobe GmbH