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Role of farm women in Indian Agriculture
“In order to awaken the people, it is the woman who have to
be awakened. Once she is on move, the family moves, the
village moves, the nation moves”
Pandit Jawaharalal Nehru
According to Swaminathan,
“Some historians believe that it was woman who first
domesticated crop plants and thereby initiated the art and
science of farming. While men went out hunting in search of
food, women started gathering seeds from the native flora and
began cultivating those of interest from the point of view of
food, feed, fodder, fibre and fuel.”
Objectives of the seminar
To know the status of women
To assess the role of women in agriculture and allied activities
To enlist some of the research evidence related to role of
women in Agriculture
Status of women in worldwide
Women and Poverty
70 % of the 1.2 billion people living in poverty are women
Women as Workers
Women do more than
67% of the hours of work done in the world
Earn only 10% of the world’s income
And own only 1% of the world’s property
The value of unremunerated work was estimated at about $16
billion, from which $11 billion represents the invisible
contribution of women
Women are paid 30-40% less than men for comparable work
on an average.
60-80% of the food in most developing countries is produced
by women.
Women hold between 10-20% managerial and administrative
Women make up less than 5% of the world’s heads of state.
† Census 2001, women - 48.26 % of the total population
of India.
Among the total population
† literacy rate -54.16%
† Rural women literacy rate -31.6%
† Urban women literacy rate-54.01%
† Female share of non-agricultural wage employment is only 17%
† Participation of women in the workforce is only
13.9% in the urban sector and
29.9% in the rural sector
Status of women in India
Women’s wage rates are, on an average
only 75 % of men’s wage rates
constitute only 25% of the family income
In no Indian State women and men earn equal wages in
Women occupy
only 9% of parliamentary seats
less than 4% seats in High Courts and Supreme Court
less than 3% administrators and managers are women.
Source: ESCAP ,2001
Literacy rates of male and female in 2001(%)
Distribution of women workers in India
Year Total Female
Cultivators(%) Agricultural
Labourers (%)
Industry and
Service (%)
1951 173,543 45.3 31.3 23.3
1961 212,467 55.7 23.9 20.4
1971 263,900 29.6 50.5 19.90
1981 321.357 33.2 46.2 20.6
1991 402,813 34.5 43.6 21.9
2001 494 million 36.5 43.5 20.0
Source : Registrar General of India, New Delhi, 2001
Women supervising the agricultural operations
performed by the labourers
Source: Percentage of the respondents’relationship to the farm work as per the research.
Decision Making Pattern of Rural Families
Activity Decision making pattern (percentage)
Male share Female share joint by
Male & Female
Adoption of HYV 83 - 17
Use of fertilizers and plant
protection measures
80 - 20
Purchase of farm machinery 72 - 28
Purchase and sale of animals 21 - 64
Sale of milk and milk product 11 - 78
Procurement of credit 50 - 50
Marketing farm produce 32 6 62
Investment of added profit 26 7 67
(Bala 2003) 13
Share of Farm Women in Agricultural Operations
Activity Involvement (percentage )
Land preparation 32
Sowing and cleaning 80
Intercultural activities 86
Harvesting –reaping, winnowing,
drying, cleaning and storage
Time and Energy Distribution by Rural Women
Activities Duration
Domestic activities 7.55 903 40.5
Agriculture allied
7.00 283 39.69
Sleep 6.50 283 12.76
Rest and recreation 2.15 155 6.97
Total 23.20 2255 100.0
Joshi (1999)
Why women in agriculture?
In order to eradicating poverty
To ensure food security
To increase their stake in agriculture
To increase economic contribution
Ownership in land , livestock, etc.
Importance of women in agriculture
Woman is the moulder and builder of any nation’s destiny.
They play a significant role in any economy.
They are regarded as the backbone of the rural scene.
Most of the women perform various types of work for their
livelihood and agriculture is considered as the biggest
unorganized sector where large number of rural women take
part actively.
Multi-Dimensional Role of Women
(i) Agriculture :Sowing,transplanting,weeding,irrigation fertilizer
application, plant protection, harvesting, winnowing, storing
(ii) Domestic: Cooking, child rearing, water collection, fuel wood
gathering, household maintenance.
(iii) Allied Activities: Cattle management, fodder collection
milking etc.
(iv) Horticulture: vegetable production, flower production, fruit
(v)Sericulture: silk worm rearing, cocoon production.
Tasks of women in agriculture
Women's participation in the labour force
Women's roles in farming systems
Women in biological diversity
Women in the cash crop sector
Women in the post-harvest sector
Employment and enterprises of women
Heading households and household production
Tasks of women in Agriculture
Problems in women participation are
1.Some of the farm women may inhibited to participate .
2.Most of the women were willing to take up jobs, though they
remained unemployed.
3.New jobs require a different kind of skills .
4.As wage-earning agriculture labourers, women suffer other
kind of disadvantages also.
5.While men attended farmer’s camps to learn about the use of
new implements, fertilizers, pesticide and crop rotation,etc.
6.Constraints on time and mobility by women’s dual domestic
and agricultural roles .
7.Inefficient transfer of agricultural knowledge from husband to
8.Lack of incentives to increase productivity .
Suggestions to over come the above problems
The women in rural area should be educated .
To promote rural development programmes .
A good and democratic leadership should be created at the
grass roots level.
Women’s clubs and other organizations should be set up in the
Several meetings and training of village women should be
The training should be able to create awareness, generate
interest, motivate learning, impart knowledge, change attitude
and generate skills.
Risks / work stress factors
Physical Stress / Risk of injury
Risk / Stress due to Vehicle / Machinery
Environmental Risks / Stress
Invisibility of Women’s Work
Non recognition of Women’s role in decision making.
Historical and Complex Causes reinforced by social, cultural,
political and religious practices and beliefs.
No recognition of women in institutional work.
Correct the statistical invisibility of women’s work through
preparation of an account that should include in detail the work
that women undertake.
Policies and funds allocation need to take cognizance of this,
and address women’s needs.
Adequate attention is given to the educational process through
which women engage with the institutions in an informed and
empowered way.
Agricultural education be made gender sensitive and research,
development, extension and services be engendered to give due
recognition to the multiple role played by women agriculturists.
Evolution of Policy
Gender mainstreaming started from the VI Five Year Plan
when ‘opportunities for independent employment and income’
for women was recognized as a necessary condition for raising
social status of women.
Plan Focus
6th Five Year Plan Shift from Welfare to Developmental Issues
7th Five Year Plan Raising Economic and Social Status of Women
8th Five Year Plan Increased Emphasis on Economic Activities
9th Five Year Plan From Development to Empowerment
10th Five Year Plan From Women Alone to Gender Mainstreaming
11th Five Year plan Propose to Move Towards a Holistic Approach
Women contribution to agriculture
Responsible for household food and nutrition security.
90% of the hoeing and weeding in food production.
80% of the work on food storage and transport.
More than 90% of post harvest management including food
processing, providing water and energy.
More than 60% of harvesting and marketing.
Research evidences
A study on the knowledge and participation of rural
women in agricultural operation with respect to
paddy crop and their value orientation in Dharwad
District of Karnataka state -1979
Malati N.Dipali
Participation of rural women in farm operations with respect to
paddy cultivation
Sl. No Items (farm operation ) number Percentage
1 Sowing 132 85.2
2 Weeding 129 83.2
3 Storage of grains 125 80.6
4 Land preparation 120 77.4
5 Cleaning seeds for sowing 114 73.5
6 Gap filling 102 65.8
7 Manure and fertilizer application 102 65.8
8 Harvesting 98 63.2
9 Threshing and winnowing 97 62.6
10 Labour supervision 47 30.3
11 Plant protection measures 30 19.4
12 Seed treatment 20 12.9
13 Ploughing 0 00.0
Malati N.Dipali, 1979
Participation of rural women in agriculture in kundapur
taluk of coastal Karnataka-1993
Nagabhushanum , K .
Sridhar Herle P.
And Naika K.V
Extent of participation of farm women in agriculture
Sl.No Group Number Percent
1 Low 17 14.20
2 Medium 85 70.80
3 High 18 15.00
Total 120 100.00
Nagabhushanum, 1993
Participation of farm women in different cultivation practices
Sl.No Practices Regular Occasional Never
No % No % No %
1 Land preparation 35 29.2 25 20.8 60 50.0
2 Seed selection 44 36.7 34 28.3 42 35.0
3 Transplanting 80 66.7 19 15.8 21 17.5
4 Fertilizer
66 55.0 34 28.3 20 16.7
5 Weeding 76 63.3 28 23.3 16 13.3
6 Plant protection
57 47.5 32 26.7 31 25.8
7 Harvesting 80 66.7 24 20.0 16 13.3
Nagabhushanum, 1993
Participation of women in agricultural activities –
Meera Singh
N.C .Varma
Nature of participation in pre-harvest operation
Pre-harvest operation Percentage
Percentage of respondent
involved in
Actual doing Supervision Both
Land preparation 10.4 45.4 16.6 38.5
Ploughing 4.3 - 100.0 -
Application of fertilizer 41.7 39.8 38.3 3.0
Dropping the seeds 42.3 98.6 - 1.5
Behind the plough 42.3 98.6 - 1.5
Sowing 42.3 98.6 - 1.5
Transplanting 42.3 98.6 - 1.5
Weeding and hoeing 42.3 98.6 - 1.5
Application of pesticide 4.3 - 100.0 -
Irrigation 30.6 83.7 - 16.3
Scaring of birds 42.3 98.6 - 1.5
Participation of women in post -harvest activities
Pre-harvest operation Percentage
Percentage of respondent involved
Actual doing supervision both
Carrying the produce from field to
97.5 57.2 42.8 0.6
Harvesting 98.8 57.4 42.4 1.2
Threshing 98.8 57.4 42.4 1.2
Winnowing 98.8 57.4 42.4 1.2
Storage of food grains 99.3 82.7 9.3 8.3
Various post harvest operation 89.0 33.8 30.3 35.9
Grain processing 99.4 20.7 8.4 14.2
Work participation of women in coffee cultivation in Wayanad
District of Kerala
SindhuSadanandan, 1998
Extent of work participation in coffee
Sl. No Work
Frequency of
1 High 32 43
2 Medium 13 17
3 Low 30 40
Sindhu Sadanandan, 1998
Extent of work participation of women coffee growers in
different operation of coffee cultivation
Sl. No Operation Extent of work participation
Percentage rank
1 Gleening collection 57 I
2 Harvesting 52 II
3 Weeding 50 III
4 Post-harvest operation 48 IV
5 Planting 48 IV
6 Jungle cleaning 42 V
7 Cover digging 40 VI
8 Desuckering 39 VII
9 Lime application 36 VIII
10 Staking 30 IX
Sindhu Sadanandan, 1998
Participation of farm women in commercial poultry
Amudha, S,. 1999
Overall extent of participation of farm women in poultry
farming activities
Sl. No Extent of
Small poultry
farm women
No. %
Big poultry
farm women
No. %
No. %
1 Low 7 12.0 16 27.0 23 19.0
2 Medium 34 57.0 35 58.0 69 58.0
3 High 19 31.0 9 15.0 28 23.0
Total 6 100.0 60 100.0 120 100.0
Amudha, S,. 1999
Studies on involvement of women in agriculture
and allied activities in kalahandi district of Orissa
– 2002
M.M.Hossain and
Role of farm women in decision making
Variables Number of
Percentage Rank
1. Backyard kitchen
118 78.7 I
2. Family budgeting 150 100.0 II
3. Goat rearing 107 71.3 III
4. Cattle management 121 80.7 IV
5. Selection of crops and
141 94.0 V
6. Raising of fruits
97 64.7 VI
7. Poultry keeping 149 99.3 VII
M.M.Hossain and S.N.Mishra, 2002
Participation of women in crop production
Sl.No Variables Number of
1 Seed treatment 32 21.3
2 Nursery raising sowing 68 45.5
3 Application of manure & fertilizer 44 29.3
4 Uprooting of seedling and
89 59.3
5 Weeding 87 58.0
6 Plant protection measures 51 34.0
7 Harvesting 103 68.6
8 Threshing and winnowing 85 56.6
9 Storage 71 47.3
M.M.Hossain and S.N.Mishra, 2002
Participation of women in vegetable and fruit cultivation
Sl.No Variables Number of
1 Use of HYV hybrid varieties 82 54.6
2 Nursery raising 103 68.6
3 Sowing/planning 110 73.3
4 Backyard kitchen gardening 136 90.6
5 Development of fruit orchard 40 26.8
6 Application of manure & fertilizer 41 27.3
7 Interculture 109 72.6
8 Plant protection measures 29 19.0
9 Harvesting 115 76.6
10 Preservation of fruits and vegetables 108 72.0
11 Marketing 51 34.5
M.M.Hossain and S.N.Mishra, 2002
Participation of women in livestock enterprise
Sl. No Variables Number of
1 Cattle management 122 81.3
2 Goat rearing 128 85.3
3 Poultry keeping 90 60.0
4 Cleaning of shed 101 67.3
5 Feeding 108 72.0
6 Milking 120 80.0
7 Marketing 41 27.3
M.M.Hossain and S.N.Mishra, 2002
Participation of women in other income generation activity
Sl . No Variables Number of
1 Leaf planting 40 26.6
2 Rope making 50 30.0
3 Bamboo works 61 40.6
4 Mushroom cultivation 55 36.6
5 Papad making 78 52.0
M.M.Hossain and S.N.Mishra, 2002
Constraints faced by women in agriculture and
allied activities
Sl. No Variables Number of
1 Illiteracy and lack of
131 87.3
2 Conservative attitude 122 81.3
3 Financial constraints 124 82.6
4 Rising price of farm inputs
and low price of produce
98 65.3
5 Liquor addiction by male
counter parts
52 34.7
6 Lack of appropriate
technology and
89 59.3
M.M.Hossain and S.N.Mishra, 2002
A study on decision making pattern and
participation of rural women in farming enterprise
A study on decision making pattern and participation of rural women in
farming enterprise
Decision activity Independent
male decisions
female decisions
Joint decisions No decisions
F % F % F % F %
1 Pre sowing 884 59.4 58 4.1 301 21.2 21 7 15.3
2 Sowing 839 59.1 54 3.8 310 21.8 217 15.3
3 Crop care and nurturing 830 58.5 55 3.9 315 22.2 220 15.5
4 Harvesting and storage 772 54.5 62 4.4 369 26.0 217 15.3
5 Retention of produce for seed 857 60.4 59 4.2 285 20.1 219 15.4
6 Seed treatment and storage 843 59.4 58 4.1 301 21.2 218 15.4
7 Marketing/sale of produce 857 60.4 51 3.6 294 20.7 218 15.4
8 Purchase of ,farm inputs
and implements
932 65.6 35 2.5 221 15.6 232 16.3
9 Obtaining bank loans and credit for
942 66.3 33 2.3 177 12.5 268 18.9
10 Repayment of loan 962 67.8 32 2.3 154 10.9 272 19.2
Wakle, 2003
Percentage distribution of women in participation in major cash crop
Sl . No Decision activity No participation Jointly with male
Jointly with female
F % F % F % F %
1 Seed selection 986 69.5 385 27.1 17 1.2 31 2.2
2 Nursery raising 526 37.1 326 23 559 39.4 8 0.6
3 Land preparation for
1313 92.5 40 2.8 66 4.7 - -
4 Application of manure &
500 35.2 466 32.8 445 31.4 8 0.6
5 Transplanting 1307 92.1 56 4.0 56 4.0 - -
6 Weeding 464 32.7 129 9.1 804 56.7 22 1.6
7 Plant protection measures 496 35.0 303 21.4 614 43.4 6 0.4
8 Harvesting 488 34.4 360 25.4 555 39.1 16 1.1
Wakle, 2003
Percentage distribution of rural women in participation in post
harvest activities
S l No Decision activity No
Joint with male Joint with
F % F % F % F %
1 Threshing 599 42.2 373 26.3 413 29.1 34 2.4
2 Dehusking 592 41.1 377 26.6 416 29.3 34 2.4
3 Cleaning 547 38.6 365 25.7 473 33.3 34 2.4
4 Shelling 544 38.3 362 25.5 477 33.6 36 2.5
5 Grading 543 38.3 400 28.2 440 31.0 36 2.5
6 Drying/storage for
household consumption
431 30.4 152 10.7 653 46.6 186 12.9
7 Parboiling 718 50.6 171 12.1 453 31.9 77 5.4
8 Marketing 1013 71.4 337 23.8 36 2.5 33 2.3
9 Any other 1418 99.9 001 0.1
Wakle, 2003
Role of farm women in Indian Agriculture

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Role of farm women in Indian Agriculture

  • 1. 1
  • 2. Role of farm women in Indian Agriculture 2
  • 3. “In order to awaken the people, it is the woman who have to be awakened. Once she is on move, the family moves, the village moves, the nation moves” Pandit Jawaharalal Nehru 3
  • 4. According to Swaminathan, “Some historians believe that it was woman who first domesticated crop plants and thereby initiated the art and science of farming. While men went out hunting in search of food, women started gathering seeds from the native flora and began cultivating those of interest from the point of view of food, feed, fodder, fibre and fuel.” 4
  • 5. Objectives of the seminar To know the status of women To assess the role of women in agriculture and allied activities To enlist some of the research evidence related to role of women in Agriculture 5
  • 6. Status of women in worldwide Women and Poverty 70 % of the 1.2 billion people living in poverty are women Women as Workers Women do more than 67% of the hours of work done in the world Earn only 10% of the world’s income And own only 1% of the world’s property The value of unremunerated work was estimated at about $16 billion, from which $11 billion represents the invisible contribution of women 6
  • 7. Cont… Women are paid 30-40% less than men for comparable work on an average. 60-80% of the food in most developing countries is produced by women. Women hold between 10-20% managerial and administrative jobs. Women make up less than 5% of the world’s heads of state. 7
  • 8. † Census 2001, women - 48.26 % of the total population of India. Among the total population † literacy rate -54.16% † Rural women literacy rate -31.6% † Urban women literacy rate-54.01% † Female share of non-agricultural wage employment is only 17% † Participation of women in the workforce is only 13.9% in the urban sector and 29.9% in the rural sector Status of women in India 8
  • 9. Cont……. Women’s wage rates are, on an average only 75 % of men’s wage rates constitute only 25% of the family income In no Indian State women and men earn equal wages in agriculture. Women occupy only 9% of parliamentary seats less than 4% seats in High Courts and Supreme Court less than 3% administrators and managers are women. 9
  • 10. Source: ESCAP ,2001 Literacy rates of male and female in 2001(%) 10
  • 11. Distribution of women workers in India Year Total Female Population Million Cultivators(%) Agricultural Labourers (%) Industry and Service (%) 1951 173,543 45.3 31.3 23.3 1961 212,467 55.7 23.9 20.4 1971 263,900 29.6 50.5 19.90 1981 321.357 33.2 46.2 20.6 1991 402,813 34.5 43.6 21.9 2001 494 million 36.5 43.5 20.0 Source : Registrar General of India, New Delhi, 2001 11
  • 12. Women supervising the agricultural operations performed by the labourers 12 Source: Percentage of the respondents’relationship to the farm work as per the research.
  • 13. Decision Making Pattern of Rural Families Activity Decision making pattern (percentage) Male share Female share joint by Male & Female Adoption of HYV 83 - 17 Use of fertilizers and plant protection measures 80 - 20 Purchase of farm machinery 72 - 28 Purchase and sale of animals 21 - 64 Sale of milk and milk product 11 - 78 Procurement of credit 50 - 50 Marketing farm produce 32 6 62 Investment of added profit 26 7 67 (Bala 2003) 13
  • 14. Share of Farm Women in Agricultural Operations Activity Involvement (percentage ) Land preparation 32 Sowing and cleaning 80 Intercultural activities 86 Harvesting –reaping, winnowing, drying, cleaning and storage 84 14
  • 15. Time and Energy Distribution by Rural Women Activities Duration Hours/day Energy Percentage Domestic activities 7.55 903 40.5 Agriculture allied activities 7.00 283 39.69 Sleep 6.50 283 12.76 Rest and recreation 2.15 155 6.97 Total 23.20 2255 100.0 Joshi (1999) 15
  • 16. Why women in agriculture? In order to eradicating poverty To ensure food security To increase their stake in agriculture To increase economic contribution Ownership in land , livestock, etc. 16
  • 17. Importance of women in agriculture Woman is the moulder and builder of any nation’s destiny. They play a significant role in any economy. They are regarded as the backbone of the rural scene. Most of the women perform various types of work for their livelihood and agriculture is considered as the biggest unorganized sector where large number of rural women take part actively. 17
  • 18. Multi-Dimensional Role of Women (i) Agriculture :Sowing,transplanting,weeding,irrigation fertilizer application, plant protection, harvesting, winnowing, storing etc. (ii) Domestic: Cooking, child rearing, water collection, fuel wood gathering, household maintenance. (iii) Allied Activities: Cattle management, fodder collection milking etc. 18
  • 19. Cont… (iv) Horticulture: vegetable production, flower production, fruit production. (v)Sericulture: silk worm rearing, cocoon production. 19
  • 20. Tasks of women in agriculture 20
  • 21. Women's participation in the labour force Women's roles in farming systems Women in biological diversity Women in the cash crop sector Women in the post-harvest sector Employment and enterprises of women Heading households and household production 21 Tasks of women in Agriculture
  • 22. Problems in women participation are 1.Some of the farm women may inhibited to participate . 2.Most of the women were willing to take up jobs, though they remained unemployed. 3.New jobs require a different kind of skills . 4.As wage-earning agriculture labourers, women suffer other kind of disadvantages also. 22
  • 23. Cont.. 5.While men attended farmer’s camps to learn about the use of new implements, fertilizers, pesticide and crop rotation,etc. 6.Constraints on time and mobility by women’s dual domestic and agricultural roles . 7.Inefficient transfer of agricultural knowledge from husband to wife. 8.Lack of incentives to increase productivity . 23
  • 24. Suggestions to over come the above problems The women in rural area should be educated . To promote rural development programmes . A good and democratic leadership should be created at the grass roots level. Women’s clubs and other organizations should be set up in the village. 24
  • 25. Cont… Several meetings and training of village women should be conducted. The training should be able to create awareness, generate interest, motivate learning, impart knowledge, change attitude and generate skills. 25
  • 26. Risks / work stress factors Physical Stress / Risk of injury Risk / Stress due to Vehicle / Machinery Environmental Risks / Stress 26
  • 27. Invisibility of Women’s Work Non recognition of Women’s role in decision making. Historical and Complex Causes reinforced by social, cultural, political and religious practices and beliefs. No recognition of women in institutional work. 27
  • 28. Recommendation Correct the statistical invisibility of women’s work through preparation of an account that should include in detail the work that women undertake. Policies and funds allocation need to take cognizance of this, and address women’s needs. 28
  • 29. Cont… Adequate attention is given to the educational process through which women engage with the institutions in an informed and empowered way. Agricultural education be made gender sensitive and research, development, extension and services be engendered to give due recognition to the multiple role played by women agriculturists. 29
  • 30. Evolution of Policy Gender mainstreaming started from the VI Five Year Plan when ‘opportunities for independent employment and income’ for women was recognized as a necessary condition for raising social status of women. Plan Focus 6th Five Year Plan Shift from Welfare to Developmental Issues 7th Five Year Plan Raising Economic and Social Status of Women 8th Five Year Plan Increased Emphasis on Economic Activities 9th Five Year Plan From Development to Empowerment 10th Five Year Plan From Women Alone to Gender Mainstreaming 11th Five Year plan Propose to Move Towards a Holistic Approach 30
  • 31. Women contribution to agriculture Responsible for household food and nutrition security. 90% of the hoeing and weeding in food production. 80% of the work on food storage and transport. More than 90% of post harvest management including food processing, providing water and energy. More than 60% of harvesting and marketing. 31
  • 33. A study on the knowledge and participation of rural women in agricultural operation with respect to paddy crop and their value orientation in Dharwad District of Karnataka state -1979 Malati N.Dipali 33
  • 34. Participation of rural women in farm operations with respect to paddy cultivation Sl. No Items (farm operation ) number Percentage 1 Sowing 132 85.2 2 Weeding 129 83.2 3 Storage of grains 125 80.6 4 Land preparation 120 77.4 5 Cleaning seeds for sowing 114 73.5 6 Gap filling 102 65.8 7 Manure and fertilizer application 102 65.8 8 Harvesting 98 63.2 9 Threshing and winnowing 97 62.6 10 Labour supervision 47 30.3 11 Plant protection measures 30 19.4 12 Seed treatment 20 12.9 13 Ploughing 0 00.0 34 n=155 Malati N.Dipali, 1979
  • 35. Participation of rural women in agriculture in kundapur taluk of coastal Karnataka-1993 Nagabhushanum , K . Sridhar Herle P. And Naika K.V 35
  • 36. Extent of participation of farm women in agriculture Sl.No Group Number Percent 1 Low 17 14.20 2 Medium 85 70.80 3 High 18 15.00 Total 120 100.00 36 Nagabhushanum, 1993
  • 37. Participation of farm women in different cultivation practices Sl.No Practices Regular Occasional Never No % No % No % 1 Land preparation 35 29.2 25 20.8 60 50.0 2 Seed selection 44 36.7 34 28.3 42 35.0 3 Transplanting 80 66.7 19 15.8 21 17.5 4 Fertilizer application 66 55.0 34 28.3 20 16.7 5 Weeding 76 63.3 28 23.3 16 13.3 6 Plant protection measures 57 47.5 32 26.7 31 25.8 7 Harvesting 80 66.7 24 20.0 16 13.3 37 Nagabhushanum, 1993
  • 38. Participation of women in agricultural activities – 1996 Meera Singh S.Sitalakshmi N.C .Varma 38
  • 39. Nature of participation in pre-harvest operation Pre-harvest operation Percentage (N=163) Percentage of respondent involved in Actual doing Supervision Both Land preparation 10.4 45.4 16.6 38.5 Ploughing 4.3 - 100.0 - Application of fertilizer 41.7 39.8 38.3 3.0 Dropping the seeds 42.3 98.6 - 1.5 Behind the plough 42.3 98.6 - 1.5 Sowing 42.3 98.6 - 1.5 Transplanting 42.3 98.6 - 1.5 Weeding and hoeing 42.3 98.6 - 1.5 Application of pesticide 4.3 - 100.0 - Irrigation 30.6 83.7 - 16.3 Scaring of birds 42.3 98.6 - 1.5 39
  • 40. Participation of women in post -harvest activities Pre-harvest operation Percentage (N=163) Percentage of respondent involved in Actual doing supervision both Carrying the produce from field to home 97.5 57.2 42.8 0.6 Harvesting 98.8 57.4 42.4 1.2 Threshing 98.8 57.4 42.4 1.2 Winnowing 98.8 57.4 42.4 1.2 Storage of food grains 99.3 82.7 9.3 8.3 Various post harvest operation 89.0 33.8 30.3 35.9 Grain processing 99.4 20.7 8.4 14.2 40
  • 41. Work participation of women in coffee cultivation in Wayanad District of Kerala SindhuSadanandan, 1998 41
  • 42. Extent of work participation in coffee cultivation Sl. No Work participation category Frequency of respondent Percentage 1 High 32 43 2 Medium 13 17 3 Low 30 40 42 Sindhu Sadanandan, 1998
  • 43. Extent of work participation of women coffee growers in different operation of coffee cultivation Sl. No Operation Extent of work participation Percentage rank 1 Gleening collection 57 I 2 Harvesting 52 II 3 Weeding 50 III 4 Post-harvest operation 48 IV 5 Planting 48 IV 6 Jungle cleaning 42 V 7 Cover digging 40 VI 8 Desuckering 39 VII 9 Lime application 36 VIII 10 Staking 30 IX 43 Sindhu Sadanandan, 1998
  • 44. Participation of farm women in commercial poultry farming Amudha, S,. 1999 44
  • 45. Overall extent of participation of farm women in poultry farming activities Sl. No Extent of participation Small poultry farm women (n=60) No. % Big poultry farm women (n=60) No. % Total (N=120) No. % 1 Low 7 12.0 16 27.0 23 19.0 2 Medium 34 57.0 35 58.0 69 58.0 3 High 19 31.0 9 15.0 28 23.0 Total 6 100.0 60 100.0 120 100.0 45 Amudha, S,. 1999
  • 46. Studies on involvement of women in agriculture and allied activities in kalahandi district of Orissa – 2002 M.M.Hossain and S.N.Mishra 46
  • 47. Role of farm women in decision making Sl. No Variables Number of respondent Percentage Rank 1. Backyard kitchen gardening 118 78.7 I 2. Family budgeting 150 100.0 II 3. Goat rearing 107 71.3 III 4. Cattle management 121 80.7 IV 5. Selection of crops and varieties 141 94.0 V 6. Raising of fruits &vegetables 97 64.7 VI 7. Poultry keeping 149 99.3 VII N=150 47 M.M.Hossain and S.N.Mishra, 2002
  • 48. Participation of women in crop production Sl.No Variables Number of respondent Percentage 1 Seed treatment 32 21.3 2 Nursery raising sowing 68 45.5 3 Application of manure & fertilizer 44 29.3 4 Uprooting of seedling and transplanting 89 59.3 5 Weeding 87 58.0 6 Plant protection measures 51 34.0 7 Harvesting 103 68.6 8 Threshing and winnowing 85 56.6 9 Storage 71 47.3 N=150 48 M.M.Hossain and S.N.Mishra, 2002
  • 49. Participation of women in vegetable and fruit cultivation Sl.No Variables Number of respondent Percentage 1 Use of HYV hybrid varieties 82 54.6 2 Nursery raising 103 68.6 3 Sowing/planning 110 73.3 4 Backyard kitchen gardening 136 90.6 5 Development of fruit orchard 40 26.8 6 Application of manure & fertilizer 41 27.3 7 Interculture 109 72.6 8 Plant protection measures 29 19.0 9 Harvesting 115 76.6 10 Preservation of fruits and vegetables 108 72.0 11 Marketing 51 34.5 N=150 49 M.M.Hossain and S.N.Mishra, 2002
  • 50. Participation of women in livestock enterprise Sl. No Variables Number of respondent Percentage 1 Cattle management 122 81.3 2 Goat rearing 128 85.3 3 Poultry keeping 90 60.0 4 Cleaning of shed 101 67.3 5 Feeding 108 72.0 6 Milking 120 80.0 7 Marketing 41 27.3 N=150 50 M.M.Hossain and S.N.Mishra, 2002
  • 51. Participation of women in other income generation activity Sl . No Variables Number of respondent Percentage 1 Leaf planting 40 26.6 2 Rope making 50 30.0 3 Bamboo works 61 40.6 4 Mushroom cultivation 55 36.6 5 Papad making 78 52.0 N=150 51 M.M.Hossain and S.N.Mishra, 2002
  • 52. Constraints faced by women in agriculture and allied activities Sl. No Variables Number of respondent Percentage 1 Illiteracy and lack of knowledge 131 87.3 2 Conservative attitude 122 81.3 3 Financial constraints 124 82.6 4 Rising price of farm inputs and low price of produce 98 65.3 5 Liquor addiction by male counter parts 52 34.7 6 Lack of appropriate technology and infrastructure 89 59.3 N=150 52 M.M.Hossain and S.N.Mishra, 2002
  • 53. 53 A study on decision making pattern and participation of rural women in farming enterprise WAKLE, P.K, BELLURKAR, C.M AND GHOLVE, M.A., 2003
  • 54. A study on decision making pattern and participation of rural women in farming enterprise Sl. No Decision activity Independent male decisions Independent female decisions Joint decisions No decisions F % F % F % F % 1 Pre sowing 884 59.4 58 4.1 301 21.2 21 7 15.3 2 Sowing 839 59.1 54 3.8 310 21.8 217 15.3 3 Crop care and nurturing 830 58.5 55 3.9 315 22.2 220 15.5 4 Harvesting and storage 772 54.5 62 4.4 369 26.0 217 15.3 5 Retention of produce for seed 857 60.4 59 4.2 285 20.1 219 15.4 6 Seed treatment and storage 843 59.4 58 4.1 301 21.2 218 15.4 7 Marketing/sale of produce 857 60.4 51 3.6 294 20.7 218 15.4 8 Purchase of ,farm inputs and implements 932 65.6 35 2.5 221 15.6 232 16.3 9 Obtaining bank loans and credit for farming 942 66.3 33 2.3 177 12.5 268 18.9 10 Repayment of loan 962 67.8 32 2.3 154 10.9 272 19.2 54 Wakle, 2003
  • 55. Percentage distribution of women in participation in major cash crop production Sl . No Decision activity No participation Jointly with male members Jointly with female members Always independent F % F % F % F % 1 Seed selection 986 69.5 385 27.1 17 1.2 31 2.2 2 Nursery raising 526 37.1 326 23 559 39.4 8 0.6 3 Land preparation for transplanting 1313 92.5 40 2.8 66 4.7 - - 4 Application of manure & fertilizer 500 35.2 466 32.8 445 31.4 8 0.6 5 Transplanting 1307 92.1 56 4.0 56 4.0 - - 6 Weeding 464 32.7 129 9.1 804 56.7 22 1.6 7 Plant protection measures 496 35.0 303 21.4 614 43.4 6 0.4 8 Harvesting 488 34.4 360 25.4 555 39.1 16 1.1 55 Wakle, 2003
  • 56. Percentage distribution of rural women in participation in post harvest activities S l No Decision activity No participation Joint with male Joint with female Always independent F % F % F % F % 1 Threshing 599 42.2 373 26.3 413 29.1 34 2.4 2 Dehusking 592 41.1 377 26.6 416 29.3 34 2.4 3 Cleaning 547 38.6 365 25.7 473 33.3 34 2.4 4 Shelling 544 38.3 362 25.5 477 33.6 36 2.5 5 Grading 543 38.3 400 28.2 440 31.0 36 2.5 6 Drying/storage for household consumption 431 30.4 152 10.7 653 46.6 186 12.9 7 Parboiling 718 50.6 171 12.1 453 31.9 77 5.4 8 Marketing 1013 71.4 337 23.8 36 2.5 33 2.3 9 Any other 1418 99.9 001 0.1 56 Wakle, 2003