health equity cook county place matters social determinants of health chicago public health structural racism roc chicago cook county place matters wells fargo race education policy obesity public policy segregation roc united poverty violence prevention social justice equity; early childhood; education; cook county; p cook county place matters: health equity; public p income #fightfor15 equity-stripping world health organization chicago tribune mortgage foreclosure predatory lending fair housing soci jim crow home owners loan corporation whiteness redlining geography society retireronald mcdonalds child health; race; segregation; poverty; public h emergency response community health first aid police brutality training street medic racial segregation nutrition power and policy change harvey illinois organizing pulic policy harvey illinoois iom empowerment institute of medicine social structure leadership human rights public health ethics irene juaniza restaurant workers minimum wage life expectancy labor organizing working conditions food justice restaurant industry medical care research education health equity; structural racism; jim crow; epidem immigration detention reproductive justice popular education movement building community organizing feminist voices julian bond barbara ransby freedom summer raising of america childhood development illinois equity health equity; public health accreditation board; health equity; cook county place matters; social d
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