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@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Building a Kafka Connector
Verified Integrations Program
Jeff Bean
Partner Solution Architect
Lisa Sensmeier
Partner Marketing
Todd McGrath
Partner Solution Architect
● Why Kafka Connect
● Kafka Connect Architecture
● Building a Connector
● Common Issues
● Examples
● Verification Criteria & Process
When Pipelines Attack
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Connector ConverterSMTs Converter
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Connector ConverterSMTs Converter
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
● A logical job that copies data in and out of Apache Kafka®
● Maintains tasks
● Provides lifecycle and configuration information
● Ultimately a JAR available to the connect JVM
● Stateless! Use Kafka topics or source / target for state
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
poll(…) poll(…) poll(…)
start(…) start(…)
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Kafka Connect - Connector and Task Lifecycles
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Kafka Connect - Connector and Task Lifecycles
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
● Lifecycle managed by a connector
● Runs in a worker
● Manages one or more topic partitions
● The assignment is dynamic at runtime
● Does the actual copying and transforming of things
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
● Actual JVM processes running on a computer of some kind
● Tasks get allocated to workers
● Can run in standalone or distributed mode
○ Standalone is good for dev, one-offs, and conference demos
○ Distributed good for scale and fault tolerance
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Task(s) Other
Recovery from Failures
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Recovery from Failures
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
stop() stop() stop()stop()
stop() Other
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Delivery Guarantees
● Framework-managed offsets
● At-least-once default
● Exactly once available with connector support
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
● Convert input data to bytes for storing in Kafka
● Convert input data from bytes to output to somewhere else
● Sit between the connector and Kafka in either direction
@twitter_handle | #hashtag | @confluentinc
Single Message Transform
Single Message
● Mask sensitive information
● Add identifiers
● Tag events
● Lineage/provenance
● Remove unnecessary columns
● Route high priority events to
faster datastores
● Direct events to different
Elasticsearch indexes
● Cast data types to match
● Remove unnecessary columns
Modify events before storing in Kafka:
Modify events going out of
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Where SMTs Live
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Built-in Transformations
● InsertField – Add a field using either static data or record metadata
● ReplaceField – Filter or rename fields
● MaskField – Replace field with valid null value for the type (0, empty string, etc.)
● ValueToKey – Set the key to one of the value’s fields
● HoistField – Wrap the entire event as a single field inside a Struct or a Map
● ExtractField – Extract a specific field from Struct and Map and include only this field in results
● SetSchemaMetadata – Modify the schema name or version
● TimestampRouter – Modify the topic of a record based on original topic and timestamp, which is
useful when using a sink that needs to write to different tables or indexes based on timestamps
● RegexpRouter – Modify the topic of a record based on the original topic, replacement string, and a
regular expression
Kafka Connect API
SourceConnector and SinkConnector
class Connector {
String version();
ConfigDef config();
Class<? extends Task> taskClass();
void start(Map<String, String> props);
List<Map<String, String>> taskConfigs(int maxTasks);
void stop();
SourceConnector and SinkConnector
class SinkConnector extends Connector {}
class SourceConnector extends Connector {}
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Starting a connector
void start(Map<String, String> props);
•The user-specified connector
•Optionally talk to external system to get
information about tasks
•Determine the task configuration
•Optionally start thread(s) to monitor
external system, and if needed
ask for task reconfiguration
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Task configs
List<Map<String, String>> taskConfigs(int maxTasks);
•Tell Connect the configurations for each
of the tasks
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Considerations - Testing
•Design for testability
•Unit tests and integration tests in your build
-look for reusable integration tests (PR5516) using
embedded ZK & Kafka
•Continuous integration for regression tests
•System tests use real ZK, Kafka, Connect, and external systems
•Performance and soak tests
•See the Connect Verification Guide for more detailed information on testing.
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
SourceConnector and
SinkConnector - Stoppingvoid stop();
•Notification that the connector is being
•Clean up any resources that were
allocated so far
abstract class SourceTask implements Task {
protected SourceTaskContext context;
void start(Map<String, String> props);
List<SourceRecord> poll() throws InterruptedException;
void stop();
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
SourceTask - Starting
•This task’s configuration that was created
by your connector
•Read previously committed offsets to
know where in the external system to start
•Create any resources it might need
- Connections to external system
- Buffers, queues, threads, etc.
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
SourceTask - getting records
•The topic partitions assigned to this task's
•Optionally pre-allocate writers and
•Consumer will by default start based on
its own committed offsets
•Or use context.offsets(...) to set the
desired starting point
● Called frequently
● Get the next batch of records
that Connect should write to
● block until there are “enough”
records to return
● return null if no records right
● For systems that push data
● use separate thread to receive
and process the data and
● poll then dequeues and returns
List<SourceRecord> poll() throws InterruptedException;
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
topic : String
partition : Integer
keySchema : Schema
key : Object
valueSchema : Schema
value : Object
timestamp : Long
headers : Headers
sourcePartition : Map
sourceOffset : Map
• Topic where the record is to be written
• Optional partition # for the topic
• Optional key and the schema that describes it
• Optional value and the schema that describes it
• Optional headers
• Optional timestamp
• Source “partition” and “offset"
- Describes where this record originated
- Defined by connector, used only by connector
- Connect captures last partition+offset that it writes, periodically committed to
- When task starts up, it reads these to know where it should start
- TIP: reuse the same partition Map instance
• Serialized via Converters
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Connect Schemas
name : String
version : String
doc : String
type : Type
parameters : Map
fields : List<Field>
name : String
schema : Schema
index : int
• Name (required), version, and documentation
• Type of schema: primitive, Map, Array, Struct
• Whether the value described by the schema is optional
• Optional metadata parameters
• Information about the structure:
- For Struct schemas, the fields
- For Map schemas, the key schema and value schema
- For Array schemas, the element schema
• Name of field that this schema describes
• Schema for field value
• Index of field within the Struct
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
SourceTask - Stopping
•Clean up resources that were allocated so
farvoid stop();
abstract class SinkTask implements Task {
protected SingTaskContext context;
void start(Map<String, String> props);
void open(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions);
void put(Collection<SinkRecord> records);
Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> preCommit(
Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> currentOffsets
void close(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions);
void stop();
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
SinkTask - Starting
void start(Map<String, String> props);
•This task’s configuration that was created
by your connector
- includes topics and topics.regex property
•Start the task and create any resources it
might need
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
SinkTask - Assigned topic
void open(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions);
•Optionally pre-allocate writers and
•Consumer will by default start based on
its own committed offsets
•Or use context.offsets(...) to set the
desired starting point
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
SinkTask - Process records
•The topic partitions assigned to this task's
•Optionally pre-allocate writers and
● Called frequently with next batch of
records returned from the consumer
● Size of batch depends on
● availability of records in our assigned
topic partitions, and
● consumer settings in worker,
● consumer.fetch.min.bytes and
● and
● Either write directly to external
system or
buffer them and write when there are
“enough” to send
void put(Collection<SinkRecord> records);
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
• Topic, partition, and offset from where the record was
• Optional key and the schema that describes it
• Optional value and the schema that describes it
• Timestamp and whether its create/append/none
• Headers
- ordered list of name-value pairs
- utility to convert value to desired type, if possible
• Deserialized via Converters
topic : String
partition : Integer
keySchema : Schema
key : Object
valueSchema : Schema
value : Object
timestamp : Long
timestampType : enum
offset : long
headers : Headers
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Sink Connectors and Exactly
Once Semantics (EOS)
• Must track the offsets of records that were written to external
- typically involves atomically storing offsets in external system
- for convenience can optionally still have consumer commit those offsets
• When a task restarts and is assigned topic partitions, it
- looks in the external system for the next offset for each topic partition
- set in the task context the exact offsets where to start consuming
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
SinkTask - Committing offsets
•The topic partitions assigned to this task's
•Optionally pre-allocate writers and
•Consumer will by default start based on
its own committed offsets
•Or use context.offsets(...) to set the
desired starting point
● Called periodically based upon
● defaults to 60 seconds
● Supplied the current offsets for
consumed records as of the
last call to put(…)
● Return the offsets that the
consumer should actually
● should reflect what was
actually written so far to the
external system for EOS
● or return null if consumer
should not commit offsets
Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> preCommit(
Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata>
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
•Close any writers / resources for these topic
void close(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions);
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
void stop();
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Considerations - Configuration
•Only way to control a connector
•Make as simple as possible, but no simpler
•Use validators and recommenders in ConfigDef
•Strive for backward compatibility
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Considerations - Ordering
•Each Kafka topic partition is totally ordered
•Design connectors around this notion
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Considerations - Scaling
•Use tasks to parallelize work
-each task runs in its own thread
-you can start other threads, but always clean them up properly
•Sink connectors - typically use # of tasks specified by user
•Source connectors - only one task (or several) may make sense
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Considerations - Version Compatibility
•Connectors are by definition multi-body problems
-external system
-Connect runtime
-Kafka broker
•Specify what versions can be used together
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Considerations - Resilience
•What are the failure modes?
•Can you retry (forever with exponential backoff) rather than fail?
-consider RetriableException
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Considerations - Logging
•Don’t overuse ERROR or WARN
•Use INFO level so users know what’s happening under normal
and when misbehaving
•Use DEBUG so users can diagnose why it’s behaving strangely
•Use TRACE for you
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Considerations - Security
•Use PASSWORD configuration type in ConfigDef
•Communicate securely with external system
•Don’t log records (except maybe at TRACE)
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Considerations - Naming things
•Don’t use org.apache.kafka.* packages
•These are reserved for use by the Apache Kafka project
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Considerations - Licensing
•Indicate your license, whether Open Source License or proprietary
Lifecycle Management
● How to make sure systems are ready before sending them
○ SinkTaskContext.pause() / SinkTaskContext.resume() -
when target is not ready
○ - called when partition is assigned to a
sink task
○ Connector.start() - Database Creation
○ taskConfigs()
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
● Apache Kafka gaurantees ordering but the Connector
Developer has to ensure it as well
● Parallel transactions might complete out of order on the
target system
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
● There’s an open request for API access to the DLQ
● The DLQ is just a Kafka topic, it can be written to by a
producer, but this violates Kafka Connect guidelines
● The DLQ is for records it cannot process, not for errors
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
Push vs Pull
● Kafka Connect source / sink paradigm “reverses the polarity” of the Kafka
producer / consumer paradigm on purpose.
○ Producer PUSH to Kafka, Source Connector PULLS from sink (Framework
PUSHes to Kafka)
○ Consumer PULL from Kafka, Sink Connector PUSHES to sink (Framework
PULLs from Kafka)
● What if I want a target to PULL via sink connector?
○ The connector PULLs
○ Sink task can call SinkTaskContext.pause, check for liveness on target and
then SinkTaskContext.resume when ready.
•Source and Sink connector
•Source: Next release of MongoDB
CDC connector from Debezium
•Sink: Next release of from HPG’s
community connector
Confluent Supported
@jwfbean | @confluentinc
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How to Build an Apache Kafka® Connector

  • 1. @jwfbean | @confluentinc Building a Kafka Connector Verified Integrations Program
  • 2. Speakers Jeff Bean Partner Solution Architect Lisa Sensmeier Partner Marketing Todd McGrath Partner Solution Architect
  • 3. Agenda ● Why Kafka Connect ● Kafka Connect Architecture ● Building a Connector ● Common Issues ● Examples ● Verification Criteria & Process
  • 7. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 7 PRODUCER CONSUMER Sink ConnectorSMTsSource Connector ConverterSMTs Converter KAFKA CONNECT KAFKA CONNECT
  • 8. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 8 PRODUCER CONSUMER Sink ConnectorSMTsSource Connector ConverterSMTs Converter KAFKA CONNECT KAFKA CONNECT
  • 9. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 9 Connectors ● A logical job that copies data in and out of Apache Kafka® ● Maintains tasks ● Provides lifecycle and configuration information ● Ultimately a JAR available to the connect JVM ● Stateless! Use Kafka topics or source / target for state
  • 10. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 10RESTAPI RESTAPI RESTAPI C TTTT TTTT Other Task(s) Other Task(s) Other Task(s) start(…) poll(…) poll(…) poll(…) poll(…) Other Connector(s) start(…) start(…) start(…) TTTT Running
  • 11. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 11 Kafka Connect - Connector and Task Lifecycles REST API REST API RESTAPI KAFKA CONNECT validate CC start(…) deploy Starting
  • 12. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 12 Kafka Connect - Connector and Task Lifecycles RESTAPI RESTAPI RESTAPI C taskConfigs(…) TTTT Running
  • 13. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 13 Tasks ● Lifecycle managed by a connector ● Runs in a worker ● Manages one or more topic partitions ● The assignment is dynamic at runtime ● Does the actual copying and transforming of things
  • 14. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 14 Workers ● Actual JVM processes running on a computer of some kind ● Tasks get allocated to workers ● Can run in standalone or distributed mode ○ Standalone is good for dev, one-offs, and conference demos ○ Distributed good for scale and fault tolerance
  • 15. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 15RESTAPI RESTAPI RESTAPI C TTTT TTTT Other Task(s) Other Task(s) Other Task(s) Other Connector(s) Recovery from Failures
  • 17. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 17RESTAPI RESTAPI C TTTT TTTT Stopping stop() stop() stop()stop() stop() Other Task(s) Other Connector(s ) Other Task(s)
  • 18. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 18 Delivery Guarantees ● Framework-managed offsets ● At-least-once default ● Exactly once available with connector support
  • 20. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 20 Converters ● Convert input data to bytes for storing in Kafka ● Convert input data from bytes to output to somewhere else ● Sit between the connector and Kafka in either direction
  • 21. @twitter_handle | #hashtag | @confluentinc 21 Single Message Transform (SMT)
  • 22. Single Message Transforms ● Mask sensitive information ● Add identifiers ● Tag events ● Lineage/provenance ● Remove unnecessary columns ● Route high priority events to faster datastores ● Direct events to different Elasticsearch indexes ● Cast data types to match destination ● Remove unnecessary columns Modify events before storing in Kafka: Modify events going out of Kafka:
  • 24. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 24 Built-in Transformations ● InsertField – Add a field using either static data or record metadata ● ReplaceField – Filter or rename fields ● MaskField – Replace field with valid null value for the type (0, empty string, etc.) ● ValueToKey – Set the key to one of the value’s fields ● HoistField – Wrap the entire event as a single field inside a Struct or a Map ● ExtractField – Extract a specific field from Struct and Map and include only this field in results ● SetSchemaMetadata – Modify the schema name or version ● TimestampRouter – Modify the topic of a record based on original topic and timestamp, which is useful when using a sink that needs to write to different tables or indexes based on timestamps ● RegexpRouter – Modify the topic of a record based on the original topic, replacement string, and a regular expression
  • 26. 3 1 SourceConnector and SinkConnector class Connector { String version(); ConfigDef config(); Class<? extends Task> taskClass(); void start(Map<String, String> props); List<Map<String, String>> taskConfigs(int maxTasks); void stop(); ... }
  • 27. 3 2 SourceConnector and SinkConnector class SinkConnector extends Connector {} class SourceConnector extends Connector {}
  • 28. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 33 Starting a connector void start(Map<String, String> props); •The user-specified connector configuration •Optionally talk to external system to get information about tasks •Determine the task configuration •Optionally start thread(s) to monitor external system, and if needed ask for task reconfiguration
  • 29. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 34 Task configs List<Map<String, String>> taskConfigs(int maxTasks); •Tell Connect the configurations for each of the tasks
  • 30. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 35 Considerations - Testing •Design for testability •Unit tests and integration tests in your build -look for reusable integration tests (PR5516) using embedded ZK & Kafka •Continuous integration for regression tests •System tests use real ZK, Kafka, Connect, and external systems •Performance and soak tests •See the Connect Verification Guide for more detailed information on testing.
  • 31. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 36 SourceConnector and SinkConnector - Stoppingvoid stop(); •Notification that the connector is being stopped •Clean up any resources that were allocated so far
  • 32. 3 7 SourceTask abstract class SourceTask implements Task { protected SourceTaskContext context; void start(Map<String, String> props); List<SourceRecord> poll() throws InterruptedException; void stop(); ... }
  • 33. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 38 SourceTask - Starting •This task’s configuration that was created by your connector •Read previously committed offsets to know where in the external system to start reading •Create any resources it might need - Connections to external system - Buffers, queues, threads, etc.
  • 34. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 39 SourceTask - getting records •The topic partitions assigned to this task's consumer •Optionally pre-allocate writers and resources •Consumer will by default start based on its own committed offsets •Or use context.offsets(...) to set the desired starting point ● Called frequently ● Get the next batch of records that Connect should write to Kafka ● block until there are “enough” records to return ● return null if no records right now ● For systems that push data ● use separate thread to receive and process the data and enqueue ● poll then dequeues and returns records List<SourceRecord> poll() throws InterruptedException;
  • 35. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 40 SourceRecord topic : String partition : Integer keySchema : Schema key : Object valueSchema : Schema value : Object timestamp : Long headers : Headers sourcePartition : Map sourceOffset : Map • Topic where the record is to be written • Optional partition # for the topic • Optional key and the schema that describes it • Optional value and the schema that describes it • Optional headers • Optional timestamp • Source “partition” and “offset" - Describes where this record originated - Defined by connector, used only by connector - Connect captures last partition+offset that it writes, periodically committed to connect-offsetstopic - When task starts up, it reads these to know where it should start - TIP: reuse the same partition Map instance • Serialized via Converters SourceRecord
  • 36. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 41 Connect Schemas name : String version : String doc : String type : Type parameters : Map fields : List<Field> name : String schema : Schema index : int Field Schema • Name (required), version, and documentation • Type of schema: primitive, Map, Array, Struct • Whether the value described by the schema is optional • Optional metadata parameters • Information about the structure: - For Struct schemas, the fields - For Map schemas, the key schema and value schema - For Array schemas, the element schema • Name of field that this schema describes • Schema for field value • Index of field within the Struct
  • 37. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 42 SourceTask - Stopping •Clean up resources that were allocated so farvoid stop();
  • 38. 4 3 SinkTask abstract class SinkTask implements Task { protected SingTaskContext context; void start(Map<String, String> props); void open(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions); void put(Collection<SinkRecord> records); Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> preCommit( Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> currentOffsets ); void close(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions); void stop(); ...
  • 39. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 44 SinkTask - Starting void start(Map<String, String> props); •This task’s configuration that was created by your connector - includes topics and topics.regex property •Start the task and create any resources it might need
  • 40. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 45 SinkTask - Assigned topic partitions void open(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions); •Optionally pre-allocate writers and resources •Consumer will by default start based on its own committed offsets •Or use context.offsets(...) to set the desired starting point
  • 41. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 46 SinkTask - Process records •The topic partitions assigned to this task's consumer •Optionally pre-allocate writers and resources ● Called frequently with next batch of records returned from the consumer ● Size of batch depends on ● availability of records in our assigned topic partitions, and ● consumer settings in worker, including: ● consumer.fetch.min.bytes and consumer.fetch.max.bytes ● and consumer.max.poll.records ● Either write directly to external system or buffer them and write when there are “enough” to send void put(Collection<SinkRecord> records);
  • 42. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 47 SinkRecord • Topic, partition, and offset from where the record was consumed • Optional key and the schema that describes it • Optional value and the schema that describes it • Timestamp and whether its create/append/none • Headers - ordered list of name-value pairs - utility to convert value to desired type, if possible • Deserialized via Converters topic : String partition : Integer keySchema : Schema key : Object valueSchema : Schema value : Object timestamp : Long timestampType : enum offset : long headers : Headers SinkRecord
  • 43. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 48 Sink Connectors and Exactly Once Semantics (EOS) • Must track the offsets of records that were written to external system - typically involves atomically storing offsets in external system - for convenience can optionally still have consumer commit those offsets • When a task restarts and is assigned topic partitions, it - looks in the external system for the next offset for each topic partition - set in the task context the exact offsets where to start consuming
  • 44. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 49 SinkTask - Committing offsets •The topic partitions assigned to this task's consumer •Optionally pre-allocate writers and resources •Consumer will by default start based on its own committed offsets •Or use context.offsets(...) to set the desired starting point ● Called periodically based upon worker’s ● defaults to 60 seconds ● Supplied the current offsets for consumed records as of the last call to put(…) ● Return the offsets that the consumer should actually commit ● should reflect what was actually written so far to the external system for EOS ● or return null if consumer should not commit offsets Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> preCommit( Map<TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata> currentOffsets);
  • 45. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 50 SinkTask •Close any writers / resources for these topic partitions void close(Collection<TopicPartition> partitions);
  • 48. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 53 Considerations - Configuration •Only way to control a connector •Make as simple as possible, but no simpler •Use validators and recommenders in ConfigDef •Strive for backward compatibility
  • 49. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 54 Considerations - Ordering •Each Kafka topic partition is totally ordered •Design connectors around this notion
  • 50. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 55 Considerations - Scaling •Use tasks to parallelize work -each task runs in its own thread -you can start other threads, but always clean them up properly •Sink connectors - typically use # of tasks specified by user •Source connectors - only one task (or several) may make sense
  • 51. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 56 Considerations - Version Compatibility •Connectors are by definition multi-body problems -external system -Connect runtime -Kafka broker •Specify what versions can be used together
  • 52. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 57 Considerations - Resilience •What are the failure modes? •Can you retry (forever with exponential backoff) rather than fail? -consider RetriableException
  • 53. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 58 Considerations - Logging •Don’t overuse ERROR or WARN •Use INFO level so users know what’s happening under normal operation and when misbehaving •Use DEBUG so users can diagnose why it’s behaving strangely •Use TRACE for you
  • 54. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 59 Considerations - Security •Use PASSWORD configuration type in ConfigDef •Communicate securely with external system •Don’t log records (except maybe at TRACE)
  • 55. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 60 Considerations - Naming things •Don’t use org.apache.kafka.* packages •These are reserved for use by the Apache Kafka project
  • 56. @jwfbean | @confluentinc 61 Considerations - Licensing •Indicate your license, whether Open Source License or proprietary
  • 57. FAQs
  • 58. Lifecycle Management ● How to make sure systems are ready before sending them records? ○ SinkTaskContext.pause() / SinkTaskContext.resume() - when target is not ready ○ - called when partition is assigned to a sink task ○ Connector.start() - Database Creation ○ taskConfigs()
  • 59. @jwfbean | @confluentinc Ordering ● Apache Kafka gaurantees ordering but the Connector Developer has to ensure it as well ● Parallel transactions might complete out of order on the target system
  • 60. @jwfbean | @confluentinc DLQ ● There’s an open request for API access to the DLQ ● The DLQ is just a Kafka topic, it can be written to by a producer, but this violates Kafka Connect guidelines ● The DLQ is for records it cannot process, not for errors
  • 61. @jwfbean | @confluentinc Push vs Pull ● Kafka Connect source / sink paradigm “reverses the polarity” of the Kafka producer / consumer paradigm on purpose. ○ Producer PUSH to Kafka, Source Connector PULLS from sink (Framework PUSHes to Kafka) ○ Consumer PULL from Kafka, Sink Connector PUSHES to sink (Framework PULLs from Kafka) ● What if I want a target to PULL via sink connector? ○ The connector PULLs ○ Sink task can call SinkTaskContext.pause, check for liveness on target and then SinkTaskContext.resume when ready.
  • 63. 68 MongoDB •Source and Sink connector •Source: Next release of MongoDB CDC connector from Debezium •Sink: Next release of from HPG’s community connector • mongodb-connector-for-apache-kafka-and-mongodb-atlas •
  • 68.
  • 70. 76 Sign up, ask questions, or start the process Email Kafka Summit San Francisco code KS19Online25 for 25% off Q&A