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Asaye Nigussie
Advisors:Prof.Zerihun Woldu
Dr.K.S.R Murthy
• deforestation, grazing cattle, human habitation
and over fishing in the park have caused severe
stresses and degradation of park ecosystems,
leaving the sustainability of NSNP resources in
(Alison M. Jones, 2005)
• The park had been excessively encroached by
invasive plant species and the small but rare
groundwater forest had been subjected to
unsustainable illegal harvesting
(Report of African Parks foundation, 2005)
1.1.Statement of the problem
Freeman(2006) Natural Resource Challenges of NSNP
Wild Animals
Grass land
Wild animals
Grazing land
Cut for firewood
Habitat being destroyed
Nowhere for towns
people to graze cattle
Depleted by over-fishing
Fish breeding
area destroyed
Risk to numbers caused by lack of fish
use by
impact on
impact on lake
and resources
Land degraded
1.2.Objectives of the study
1.2.1 General objective :
to analyze the trend of land and
vegetation cover dynamics for the
period starting from 1976-2007 thus to
assess and examine the conservation
status of the area and generate up-to-
date land cover map
• To assess the trends of land and vegetation cover
dynamics in the study area during the period from
1976, 1986 and 2000,
• To generate up to date land cover map for the year
• Studying the conservation status of NSNP focusing
on invasive plants encroachment and land
• To show the annual biomass growth response,
1.2.2.Specific objective
2.Description of the study area
2.1. Location •Located in Africa’s
Great Rift Valley,
575km southwest of
Addis Ababa,
• Diverse Habitat
-Open grass land
-Ground water &
riparian vegetation
-Lake shores
-Dense Bush land
-Acacia woodland
2.2 Climate
According to
-NSNP is
classified in
Hot Semi arid
Arbaminch Meteorological
Station 60 04’N 37036’E,
1300 m a.s.l
Dry season
Wet season
2.3 Biodiversity : Flora and Fauna
Vegetation diversity
GW & riparian vegetation
Ficus sycamorus ,
Cordia africana,
Teclea nobilis
Open grass land
Savanna grass types
Acacia wood land
Acacia mellifera,
Acacia tortilis,
Rhus natalensis
Steep & hill vegtn(1300-1650m)
Combretum molle,
Euclia divinorum
Dodonea angustifolia
High elevation vegetn(>1650m)
Myrisine Africana,
Erythrina brucei,
Arundinaria alpina
Lake shore vegetn
Typha domingensis
Saccharum spotaneum
Sesbania sesban
Rich fauna diversity and next to Mago national park in mammalian diversity
2.4 Topography and Hydrology
Nechisar plains are bounded
by:North lake Abaya ,South
and southwest lake Chamo
Abaya receives 86.484mm3
of discharge annually, while
lake Chamo receives only
Kulfo –flows from North of
Arebamench & runoff joins
lake shores of Chamo-
Irrigation at chamoleto
Arebamench(Traditionaly 40
Seremele- perennial & runs
along the eastern most
cultivated fertile flood
2.5 Socioeconomic
Rural:Weredas adjacent to the
national park livelihood are
farming, fishing, Tourism & petty
Communities inside the park
Kore-Live in Amaro Mountains &
cultivate the Sermele floodplain
Guji- are nomadic pastoralists
grazing approximately 4000 – 5000
heads of stock in the park
Urban :Arebaminch 168,172ha
estimated area,Population 232,000
with 50.8% male and 49.2% female
proportion (SNV,2006).
Livelihood: Farming crops:maize,
sorghum, Fruits:bananas , mangos
,apples and pears,FishingFishing
--TourismTourism service (hotels and tour
operators), Trade ,Employment
3.Materials and Methods
• Software & program :ArcGIS 9.2, ERDAS
Imagine 9.1, Map source,
• GPS-receiver (Garmin),
• Digital Camera,
• Topo map of the study area (1:50,000 scale)
• Multi dated Satellite images (Landsat images
1976-MSS,1986-TM and 2000-ETM+, 2006-
• MODIS NDVI-image(2000&2005)
• SRTM (90m contour interval)
Image processing (Remote sensing techniques)
Image rectification
Image enhancement
Image classification
Image interpretation
Accuracy assessment
ASTER image
-Topo map
-Secondary data
and previous land
use/cover maps,
-Google Earth
image, KML files
-Field ground
-Senior park staff
and Scout
Out puts
Land cover change comparison thematic maps
Up-to-date land cover map of NSNP
Statistical results of cover change dynamics(charts,
graphs, index values)
Impacts of the cover dynamics and the conservation
status of the national park
GIS data integration and statistical analysis
-Cover change comparison
-Land Cover change rate & Conversion matrix
-NDVI Seasonal vegetation cover response
-Landscape fragmentation index
Images for 2000
and 2005
1. Identifying Land use/cover data sources
 Bolton(1970) distribution of main land cover types
 Topo map,1979-1985
 FAO/UNDP(1992), RVLB LU/LC map, Assistance to
land use planning project
2.Sattelite image visual interpretation (TCC/FCC Band
combination, select training site pixels, Google
earth image KML files, field inventory)
3.Unsupervised & Supervised cover classification and
accuracy assessment
4. Land cover classification and result interpretation,
statistical analysis (cover change rate, conversion
matrix, fragmentation index)
3.2.1.Data analysis and Organization
4.Results and Discussion
-Unsupervised classes
of Landsat 2000 gives
the classes which are
verified at field
-10 major land cover
classes are identified
and training classes are
set for each year
satellite image
-Accuracy assessment
for each year cover map
4.1.Unsupervised classification and select basic land cover units
Land and vegetation cover classes identified in NSNP for this study
4.2.Land Cover classification thematic maps
2% 25%
Riparian and GW forest
Wood land
Dense bush land
Bushy shrubbed grass land
Open grass land
Open bushed grass land
Cultivated land
Swamp vegetation
Water body
Riparian and GW forest
Wood land
Dense bush land
Bushy shrubbed grass land
Open grass land
Open bushed grass land
Cultivated land
Swamp vegetation
Water body
12% 14%
Riparian and GW forest
Wood land
Dense bush land
Bushy shrubbed grass land
Open grass land
Open bushed grass land
Cultivated land
Swamp vegetation
Water body
Riparian and GW forest
Wood land
Dense bush land
Bushy shrubbed grass land
Open grass land
Open bushed grass land
Cultivated land
Swamp vegetation
Water body
Land cover classes for 2007
4798, 10%
1819, 4%
3231, 7%
10124, 21%
7610, 16%
3549, 7%
2532, 5%
14531, 30%
Riparian and GW forest
Wood land
Dense bush land
Bushy shrubbed grass land
Open grass land
Degraded grass land
Cultivated land, Swamp and bare
Water body
Accuracy assessment
The final up to date cover map is
generated using the information of
past classification , field inventory
and accurate training selection
GCP were used to validate the
Landsat and ASTER image
classification accuracy assessment
and the error matrix gives average
78% accurate for 1976 Landsat-MSS
80% accurate for 1986 Landsat-TM
72.22% accurate for 2000 Landsat-
ETM+ image and
95% accurate for 2007 Land cover
map using ASTER image
Up- to date Land cover map & Classification Accuracy assessment
1.Cover change comparison for 1976,1986 ,2000
Land cover comparison
1 2 3
Riparianand GW forest
Wooded grass land
Dense bushland
Bushyshrubed grass land
Opengrass land
Openbushed grass land
Cultivated land
Swamp vegetation
Uneven distribution of land cover class for the
spatial and temporal dynamics in the past 24
From 1976 to 1986,
-a total loss of
grassland 562.6ha/year
-Bushy shrubbed
grass land has
increased at a rate of
From 1986-2000
-a drastic loss of the
swamp vegetation at a
rate of 92ha/year
-Riparian and GW
forest have shrunk at a
rate of 3.34ha/year
-cultivated land
expand during the two
periods at a rate of
1.12ha/year and
Cover change comparison for 1976,1986 ,2000 & 2007
Land cover class comparison
Land cover class
-Progress in the Riparian & GW forest, Open grass land,Bushhy shrubbed grass
- Cover decline in cultivated land ,Bare bush grass land, Wood land, Dense bush
-Water body is constant and spatial changes are insignificant
2.Rate of Land cover change
Net change rate
121.12Water body
-92-1.9Swamp vegetation
12144Cultivated land
54.78394.5Bare bushed grass land
31.2-562.6Open grass land
-470714.1Bushy shrubbed grass land
275-224.3Dense bush land
129-424.9Wood land
-60.8546.8Riparian and GW forest
1986-20001976 - 1986Land cover class
Rate of land cover change (ha/year)
Series2 1986 3559.2 1104.58 2873.42 12367.7 6328.4 4881.3 721.197 1892.22 14553.1
Series3 2000 2707.96 2910.78 6726.57 5787.85 6765.12 5648.31 2417.42 595.298 14723.7
Series1 1976 3091.1 5354.35 5116.53 5226.02 11954.4 936.037 280.389 1911.06 14541.9
and GW
grass land
bush land
grass land
grass land
grass land
3.Land cover change Conversion matrix
Conversion Matrix for 1976 and 1986
Land cover types
Riparian and GW forest
Wood land
Dense bush land
Bushy shrubed GL
Open grass land
Bare bushed GL
Cultivated land
Swamp vegetation
Water body
Conversion matrix for 1986 and 2000
Land cover class
Riparian and GW forest
Wood land
Dense bush land
Bushy shrubed GL
Open grass land
Bare bushed GL
Cultivated land
Swamp vegetation
Water body
1976 to 1986
Most covers are
converted dominantly:
to dense bush land, bare
bushy grass land
cultivated land and Bushy
shrubbed grass land
1986 to 2000
Open grass land ,swamp
vegetation and Riparian
vegetation taken by mainly
Bushy shrubbed grass
land and Bare bushed
grass land
4.Landscape fragmentation
368036373635Water body9
182423Swampy vegetation8
134846Cultivated and bare land7
226440Bare bushed grass land6
60253341Open grass land5
2111969Bushy shrubbed grass land4
333434Dense Bush land3
223555Wood land2
79147134Riparian and GW forest1
Pa value for
Pa value for 1986Pa value for
Land cover classesNo
The park habitat is highly treated and most cover classes have shown a
fragmentation index value that describes the NSNP is highly disturbed
Fragmentation of ecosystems into small patches can reduce habitat for wildlife
species that require larger, connected patches and introduce predators, parasites,
and competitors (Core national indicator, 2000)
TRRM rain fall data (2000-2006)
GW & Riparian
Grass land
Bare land
Water body
Wood land
Swamp veget
Bush land
High Biomas
,October &
Less biomas
-January to
march,June to
september and
4.3.MODIS NDVI Image analysis-to see the temporal biomass growth
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
2005 NDVI profiles
2000 NDVI profiles
4.4.NSNP natural resource challenges and conservation status
Though natural processes contribute to change in land cover,
the major driving force is human induced land uses (Allen and
Barnes, 1985)
 Major ecological challenge faced in the NSNP due to anthropogenic and
natural factors
 the surrounding population is currently growing rapidly, consequently
inducing high pressure on the resource base of NSNP
Different studies show Cattle grazing in the Nechisar plain, poaching of wildlife,
illegal fishing and felling of timber from the groundwater forest, farming at Kulfo
and Seremele valley encapsulate the main problems
 Socio-economic setting are influenced by the existing environmental
conditions and Political unrest during the early 1990s led to intense
damages in a relatively short period of time
 Natural challenges includes Bush encroachment, invasive plant expansion
Riparian and GW forest situation
Progress in forest cover
Total cover in the year 2007
4798ha which is highest
compared to previous classes
Supportive measures
-The forest Guarding strategy
implemented by APF-Ethiopia
-Restoration of cultivated areas
at Chamo letto & Seremele
riparian vegetation
-Future afforestation programs
which will be implemented for
Arebaminch town wood supply
- Alternative energy option
-Community participation for
park resource management
Control forest
Sermele forsest restoration
Chamoletto forest degradation
Open Grass land situation
The GL is degraded heavily where
livestock density is high,Land
degradation & erosion are seen at
overgraze plain
-Malvaceae family Invasive
plant(Abutilon bidentatum ) and
Bush encroachment (mainly
Dichrostachys cinerea, Acacia
mellifera and Acacia oerfeta)
Supportive measures
-17 hectares of GL were cleared of
invasive plant species (APF,2005)
-In 2007 Open GL covers 16% of
the total area, higher than the
1986 and 2000 GL spatial cover
? ? ?
5.Conclusion and Recommendation
 In the past three decades as the population around Nechisar
National Park and nearby Arba Minch increases, so do the
Pressure to the park natural resource such as grazing cattle
at Nechisar plain, farming expansion,etc
 The results of the thematic maps for land cover classes of
1976, 1986, 2000 and 2007 shows uneven dynamism for the
different land cover classes except the changes for the water
body is relatively insignificant or uniform
 There is a tremendous land cover change in the open grass
land cover as compared to other cover classes and it’s
calculated a total loss of grassland, 562.6ha/year over the
10years of 1976-1986
 Bushy shrubbed grass land has increased highly for the first
10 years period from 1976-1986 at a rate of 714.1ha/year, and
second period from 1986-2000 by 470ha/year.
Habitat fragmentation is also a serious
challenge in the park for the different land and
vegetation cover classes as the broken
patches of land cover results a fragmented
landscape which is unhealthy for the
ecosystem functioning.
Remote sensing and GIS to study Land cover
dynamics could facilitate for a proactive
planning process that enhances the
implementation of sustainable natural
resource management for decision makers,
park managers and other stakeholders.
• The Nechisar plain is severely affected by environmental and
anthropogenic challenges thus needs priorities to completely
stop Farming, overgrazing and plan appropriate bush
encroachment controlling strategy.
• The dependency of the surrounding community to the natural
resources of the park has to be a priority agenda and for
successful and win-win solution there should be the integration
of different actors to start participatory park management and
ecotourism projects
• The ground water forest which is unique habitat for the country
has to be protected from any exploitation and investment
projects such as water bottling industries which are already
proposed by investors and this should be discouraged unless
detailed impact assessment is conducted.
 The situation in the park has shown improvement once APC
Ethiopia is taking the responsibility to manage the national park,
to realize the vision of APC & to set the Nechisar national park a
model to other treated parks in the country all actors
participation is important
 Due to current situation there should be a quick response for a
wise decision before the park resource is aggressively
devastated while conflicts among the surrounding communities
arise during transitional periods between APC–Ethiopia,
Regional Governments and the Federal Government.
 Finally I recommend for further researchers to study the impact
of vegetation cover dynamics on the situation of endangered
wild life such as Swayenes heartbeets and to conduct a scenario
analysis on the relationships of natural resource degradation
and wildlife extinction.
Thank you!
Lets be responsible for the only Nature!
• My supervisor Prof. Zerihun Woldu
• AAU Earth science department
• AAU Biology department,Herbarium center
• African Parks Foundation (APC p.l.c –NSNP)
• GO’s and NGO’s
• Friends
• Family

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Nechisar park gis based conservation assesment

  • 2. 1.Introduction • deforestation, grazing cattle, human habitation and over fishing in the park have caused severe stresses and degradation of park ecosystems, leaving the sustainability of NSNP resources in question. (Alison M. Jones, 2005) • The park had been excessively encroached by invasive plant species and the small but rare groundwater forest had been subjected to unsustainable illegal harvesting (Report of African Parks foundation, 2005) 1.1.Statement of the problem
  • 3. Freeman(2006) Natural Resource Challenges of NSNP NSNP Forest Springs Wild Animals (land-based) Grass land Wild animals (lake-based) Fish Swamp,Sokke Grazing land Cut for firewood Habitat being destroyed over-grazing Nowhere for towns people to graze cattle Being over-cut Depleted by over-fishing Fish breeding area destroyed Risk to numbers caused by lack of fish Potential use by investors Unknown impact on forest Unknown impact on lake and resources Farming land Land degraded
  • 4. 1.2.Objectives of the study 1.2.1 General objective : to analyze the trend of land and vegetation cover dynamics for the period starting from 1976-2007 thus to assess and examine the conservation status of the area and generate up-to- date land cover map
  • 5. • To assess the trends of land and vegetation cover dynamics in the study area during the period from 1976, 1986 and 2000, • To generate up to date land cover map for the year 2007, • Studying the conservation status of NSNP focusing on invasive plants encroachment and land degradation, • To show the annual biomass growth response, 1.2.2.Specific objective
  • 6. 2.Description of the study area 2.1. Location •Located in Africa’s Great Rift Valley, 575km southwest of Addis Ababa, • Diverse Habitat -Open grass land -Ground water & riparian vegetation -Lake shores -Dense Bush land -Acacia woodland
  • 7. 2.2 Climate According to Ethiopian climate classification -NSNP is classified in Hot Semi arid tropical climate Arbaminch Meteorological Station 60 04’N 37036’E, 1300 m a.s.l Dry season Wet season
  • 8. 2.3 Biodiversity : Flora and Fauna Vegetation diversity GW & riparian vegetation Ficus sycamorus , Cordia africana, Teclea nobilis Open grass land Savanna grass types Acacia wood land Acacia mellifera, Acacia tortilis, Rhus natalensis Steep & hill vegtn(1300-1650m) Combretum molle, Euclia divinorum Dodonea angustifolia High elevation vegetn(>1650m) Myrisine Africana, Erythrina brucei, Arundinaria alpina Lake shore vegetn Typha domingensis Saccharum spotaneum Sesbania sesban
  • 9. Rich fauna diversity and next to Mago national park in mammalian diversity
  • 10. 2.4 Topography and Hydrology Nechisar plains are bounded by:North lake Abaya ,South and southwest lake Chamo Abaya receives 86.484mm3 of discharge annually, while lake Chamo receives only 29.250mm3 Kulfo –flows from North of Arebamench & runoff joins lake shores of Chamo- Irrigation at chamoleto Arebamench(Traditionaly 40 springs)-GWF Seremele- perennial & runs along the eastern most cultivated fertile flood plains,
  • 11. 2.5 Socioeconomic Rural:Weredas adjacent to the national park livelihood are farming, fishing, Tourism & petty trade Communities inside the park Kore-Live in Amaro Mountains & cultivate the Sermele floodplain Guji- are nomadic pastoralists grazing approximately 4000 – 5000 heads of stock in the park Urban :Arebaminch 168,172ha estimated area,Population 232,000 with 50.8% male and 49.2% female proportion (SNV,2006). Livelihood: Farming crops:maize, sorghum, Fruits:bananas , mangos ,apples and pears,FishingFishing --TourismTourism service (hotels and tour operators), Trade ,Employment
  • 12. 3.Materials and Methods • Software & program :ArcGIS 9.2, ERDAS Imagine 9.1, Map source, • GPS-receiver (Garmin), • Digital Camera, • Topo map of the study area (1:50,000 scale) • Multi dated Satellite images (Landsat images 1976-MSS,1986-TM and 2000-ETM+, 2006- ASTER) • MODIS NDVI-image(2000&2005) • SRTM (90m contour interval) 3.1.Materials
  • 13. Landsat MSS (1976) Landsat ETM+ (2000) Landsat TM (1986) Image processing (Remote sensing techniques) Image rectification Image enhancement Image classification Unsupervised Supervised Image interpretation Accuracy assessment ASTER image 2006 -Topo map (1:50,000) -Secondary data and previous land use/cover maps, -Google Earth image, KML files -SRTM -Field ground verification -Senior park staff and Scout interview -Community discussion -Workshop proceedings Out puts Land cover change comparison thematic maps Up-to-date land cover map of NSNP Statistical results of cover change dynamics(charts, graphs, index values) Impacts of the cover dynamics and the conservation status of the national park GIS data integration and statistical analysis -Cover change comparison -Land Cover change rate & Conversion matrix -NDVI Seasonal vegetation cover response -Landscape fragmentation index MODIS-NDVI Images for 2000 and 2005 3.2.Methodology
  • 14. 1. Identifying Land use/cover data sources  Bolton(1970) distribution of main land cover types  Topo map,1979-1985  FAO/UNDP(1992), RVLB LU/LC map, Assistance to land use planning project 2.Sattelite image visual interpretation (TCC/FCC Band combination, select training site pixels, Google earth image KML files, field inventory) 3.Unsupervised & Supervised cover classification and accuracy assessment 4. Land cover classification and result interpretation, statistical analysis (cover change rate, conversion matrix, fragmentation index) 3.2.1.Data analysis and Organization
  • 15. 4.Results and Discussion -Unsupervised classes of Landsat 2000 gives the classes which are verified at field -10 major land cover classes are identified and training classes are set for each year satellite image -Accuracy assessment for each year cover map conducted 4.1.Unsupervised classification and select basic land cover units
  • 16. Land and vegetation cover classes identified in NSNP for this study REPARIAN & GW FOREST1 ACACIA WOOD LAND2 BUSHY SHRUBBED GRASSLAND3 OPEN GRASS LAND4
  • 19. 4.2.Land Cover classification thematic maps 1% 4% 2% 25% 11% 11% 11% 6% 30% Riparian and GW forest Wood land Dense bush land Bushy shrubbed grass land Open grass land Open bushed grass land Cultivated land Swamp vegetation Water body 2% 26% 1% 10% 13% 31% 7% 6% 4% Riparian and GW forest Wood land Dense bush land Bushy shrubbed grass land Open grass land Open bushed grass land Cultivated land Swamp vegetation Water body
  • 20. 1% 5% 12% 14% 12% 14% 6% 6% 30% Riparian and GW forest Wood land Dense bush land Bushy shrubbed grass land Open grass land Open bushed grass land Cultivated land Swamp vegetation Water body 2% 26% 1% 10% 13% 31% 7% 6% 4% Riparian and GW forest Wood land Dense bush land Bushy shrubbed grass land Open grass land Open bushed grass land Cultivated land Swamp vegetation Water body
  • 21. Land cover classes for 2007 4798, 10% 1819, 4% 3231, 7% 10124, 21% 7610, 16% 3549, 7% 2532, 5% 14531, 30% Riparian and GW forest Wood land Dense bush land Bushy shrubbed grass land Open grass land Degraded grass land Cultivated land, Swamp and bare Water body Accuracy assessment The final up to date cover map is generated using the information of past classification , field inventory and accurate training selection GCP were used to validate the Landsat and ASTER image classification accuracy assessment and the error matrix gives average results: 78% accurate for 1976 Landsat-MSS image, 80% accurate for 1986 Landsat-TM image, 72.22% accurate for 2000 Landsat- ETM+ image and 95% accurate for 2007 Land cover map using ASTER image Up- to date Land cover map & Classification Accuracy assessment
  • 22. 1.Cover change comparison for 1976,1986 ,2000 Land cover comparison 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 1 2 3 years(1-1976,2-1986,3-2000) Area(ha) Riparianand GW forest Wooded grass land Dense bushland Bushyshrubed grass land Opengrass land Openbushed grass land Cultivated land Swamp vegetation Waterbody Uneven distribution of land cover class for the spatial and temporal dynamics in the past 24 years From 1976 to 1986, -a total loss of grassland 562.6ha/year -Bushy shrubbed grass land has increased at a rate of 714.1ha/year, From 1986-2000 -a drastic loss of the swamp vegetation at a rate of 92ha/year -Riparian and GW forest have shrunk at a rate of 3.34ha/year -cultivated land expand during the two periods at a rate of 1.12ha/year and 12ha/year
  • 23. Cover change comparison for 1976,1986 ,2000 & 2007 Land cover class comparison 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 RiparianandGW forest Woodland Densebushland Bushyshrubbed grassland Opengrassland Barebushed grassland Cultivated,Swamp andbareland Waterbody Land cover class Area(Ha) 1976 1986 2000 2007 -Progress in the Riparian & GW forest, Open grass land,Bushhy shrubbed grass land - Cover decline in cultivated land ,Bare bush grass land, Wood land, Dense bush land -Water body is constant and spatial changes are insignificant
  • 24. 2.Rate of Land cover change +6.56 -46.95 +82.5 +197.25 -265.7 +122.05 +25.35 -147.95 -7.025 Net change rate 121.12Water body -92-1.9Swamp vegetation 12144Cultivated land 54.78394.5Bare bushed grass land 31.2-562.6Open grass land -470714.1Bushy shrubbed grass land 275-224.3Dense bush land 129-424.9Wood land -60.8546.8Riparian and GW forest 1986-20001976 - 1986Land cover class Rate of land cover change (ha/year) 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 Series2 1986 3559.2 1104.58 2873.42 12367.7 6328.4 4881.3 721.197 1892.22 14553.1 Series3 2000 2707.96 2910.78 6726.57 5787.85 6765.12 5648.31 2417.42 595.298 14723.7 Series1 1976 3091.1 5354.35 5116.53 5226.02 11954.4 936.037 280.389 1911.06 14541.9 Cover classificati on Riparian and GW forest Wooded grass land Dense bush land Bushy shrubed grass land Open grass land Open bushed grass land Cultivated land Swamp vegetation Water body Area(ha)
  • 25. 3.Land cover change Conversion matrix Conversion Matrix for 1976 and 1986 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 R iparian and G W forest W ood land D ense bush land Bushy shrubed grass land O pen grass land Bare bushed grass land C ultivated land Swam p vegetation W aterbody Land cover types Area(ha) Riparian and GW forest Wood land Dense bush land Bushy shrubed GL Open grass land Bare bushed GL Cultivated land Swamp vegetation Water body Conversion matrix for 1986 and 2000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 R iparian and G W forest w ood land D ense bush land Bushy shrubed grass land O pen grass land Bare bushed grass land C ultivated land Swam p vegetation W aterbody Land cover class Area(ha) Riparian and GW forest Wood land Dense bush land Bushy shrubed GL Open grass land Bare bushed GL Cultivated land Swamp vegetation Water body 1976 to 1986 Most covers are converted dominantly: to dense bush land, bare bushy grass land cultivated land and Bushy shrubbed grass land 1986 to 2000 Open grass land ,swamp vegetation and Riparian vegetation taken by mainly Bushy shrubbed grass land and Bare bushed grass land
  • 26. 4.Landscape fragmentation 368036373635Water body9 182423Swampy vegetation8 134846Cultivated and bare land7 226440Bare bushed grass land6 60253341Open grass land5 2111969Bushy shrubbed grass land4 333434Dense Bush land3 223555Wood land2 79147134Riparian and GW forest1 Pa value for 2000 Pa value for 1986Pa value for 1976 Land cover classesNo The park habitat is highly treated and most cover classes have shown a fragmentation index value that describes the NSNP is highly disturbed Fragmentation of ecosystems into small patches can reduce habitat for wildlife species that require larger, connected patches and introduce predators, parasites, and competitors (Core national indicator, 2000)
  • 27. TRRM rain fall data (2000-2006) GW & Riparian Grass land Bare land Water body Wood land Swamp veget Bush land High Biomas growth -April,May ,October & November Less biomas growth -January to march,June to september and december 4.3.MODIS NDVI Image analysis-to see the temporal biomass growth Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 RainfallinNechSarNP(mm) 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Average 2005 NDVI profiles 2000 NDVI profiles
  • 28. 4.4.NSNP natural resource challenges and conservation status Though natural processes contribute to change in land cover, the major driving force is human induced land uses (Allen and Barnes, 1985)  Major ecological challenge faced in the NSNP due to anthropogenic and natural factors  the surrounding population is currently growing rapidly, consequently inducing high pressure on the resource base of NSNP Different studies show Cattle grazing in the Nechisar plain, poaching of wildlife, illegal fishing and felling of timber from the groundwater forest, farming at Kulfo and Seremele valley encapsulate the main problems  Socio-economic setting are influenced by the existing environmental conditions and Political unrest during the early 1990s led to intense damages in a relatively short period of time  Natural challenges includes Bush encroachment, invasive plant expansion
  • 29. Riparian and GW forest situation Progress in forest cover Total cover in the year 2007 4798ha which is highest compared to previous classes Supportive measures -The forest Guarding strategy implemented by APF-Ethiopia -Restoration of cultivated areas at Chamo letto & Seremele riparian vegetation -Future afforestation programs which will be implemented for Arebaminch town wood supply - Alternative energy option project -Community participation for park resource management Control forest degradation Sermele forsest restoration Chamoletto forest degradation
  • 30. Open Grass land situation Challenges The GL is degraded heavily where livestock density is high,Land degradation & erosion are seen at overgraze plain -Malvaceae family Invasive plant(Abutilon bidentatum ) and Bush encroachment (mainly Dichrostachys cinerea, Acacia mellifera and Acacia oerfeta) Supportive measures -17 hectares of GL were cleared of invasive plant species (APF,2005) -In 2007 Open GL covers 16% of the total area, higher than the 1986 and 2000 GL spatial cover
  • 32. 5.Conclusion and Recommendation  In the past three decades as the population around Nechisar National Park and nearby Arba Minch increases, so do the Pressure to the park natural resource such as grazing cattle at Nechisar plain, farming expansion,etc  The results of the thematic maps for land cover classes of 1976, 1986, 2000 and 2007 shows uneven dynamism for the different land cover classes except the changes for the water body is relatively insignificant or uniform  There is a tremendous land cover change in the open grass land cover as compared to other cover classes and it’s calculated a total loss of grassland, 562.6ha/year over the 10years of 1976-1986  Bushy shrubbed grass land has increased highly for the first 10 years period from 1976-1986 at a rate of 714.1ha/year, and second period from 1986-2000 by 470ha/year.
  • 33. Habitat fragmentation is also a serious challenge in the park for the different land and vegetation cover classes as the broken patches of land cover results a fragmented landscape which is unhealthy for the ecosystem functioning. Remote sensing and GIS to study Land cover dynamics could facilitate for a proactive planning process that enhances the implementation of sustainable natural resource management for decision makers, park managers and other stakeholders.
  • 34. Recommendation • The Nechisar plain is severely affected by environmental and anthropogenic challenges thus needs priorities to completely stop Farming, overgrazing and plan appropriate bush encroachment controlling strategy. • The dependency of the surrounding community to the natural resources of the park has to be a priority agenda and for successful and win-win solution there should be the integration of different actors to start participatory park management and ecotourism projects • The ground water forest which is unique habitat for the country has to be protected from any exploitation and investment projects such as water bottling industries which are already proposed by investors and this should be discouraged unless detailed impact assessment is conducted.
  • 35.  The situation in the park has shown improvement once APC Ethiopia is taking the responsibility to manage the national park, to realize the vision of APC & to set the Nechisar national park a model to other treated parks in the country all actors participation is important  Due to current situation there should be a quick response for a wise decision before the park resource is aggressively devastated while conflicts among the surrounding communities arise during transitional periods between APC–Ethiopia, Regional Governments and the Federal Government.  Finally I recommend for further researchers to study the impact of vegetation cover dynamics on the situation of endangered wild life such as Swayenes heartbeets and to conduct a scenario analysis on the relationships of natural resource degradation and wildlife extinction.
  • 36. Thank you! Lets be responsible for the only Nature!
  • 37. Acknowledgement • My supervisor Prof. Zerihun Woldu • HoARENC • AAU Earth science department • AAU Biology department,Herbarium center • African Parks Foundation (APC p.l.c –NSNP) • GO’s and NGO’s • Friends • Family