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Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data
in Tensor Formats
M. Espig, W. Hackbusch, A. Litvinenko, H. G. Matthies and E. Zander, 13. Januar 2012
SCScientifi omputing
Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
Analysis of high dimensional data
Computing the maximum norm
Computation of the characteristic
Computation of level sets and frequency
Numerical Experiments
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Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 2
Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
An example of SPDE
∂t u(x, t) = · (κ(x, ω) u(x, t)) + f(x, t), x ∈ G ⊂ Rd , t ∈ [0, T],
where ω ∈ Ω, and U = L2(G).
For each ω ∈ Ω seek for u(x, t) ∈ L2([0, T]) ⊗ U.
Let S := L2([0, T]) ⊗ L2(Ω), one is looking for u(t, x, ω) ∈ U ⊗ S.
Further decomposition
L2(Ω) = L2(×jΩj) ∼= j L2(Ωj) ∼= j L2(R, Γj) results in
u(t, x, ω) ∈ U ⊗ S = L2(G) ⊗ L2([0, T]) ⊗ j L2(R, Γj) .
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Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 3
Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
Discretisation and Tensorial quantities
span {wn}N
n=1 = UN ⊂ U, dim UN = N,
span {τk}K
k=1 = TK ⊂ L2([0, T]) = SI, dim TK = K,
span {Xjm
jm=1 = SII,Jm
⊂ L2(R, Γm) = SII, dim SII,Jm
= Jm,
1 m M,
Let P := [0, T] × Ω, an approximation to u : P → U is thus given by
u(x, t, ω1, . . . , ωM) ≈
. . .
jM =1
n,k wn
(x) ⊗ τk
(t) ⊗
(ωm) .
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Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
Tensorial quantities
We can write for all
n = 1, . . . , N, k = 1, . . . , K, m = 1, . . . , M, jm = 1, . . . , Jm :
n,k = u(xn, tk, ωj1
1 , . . . , ωjM
M ),
has R = N × K × M
m=1 Jm terms.
Look for
n,k ) ≈
wρ ⊗ τρ ⊗
Xρm ,
where R R , wρ ∈ RN, τρ ∈ RK , Xρm ∈ RJm .
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Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 5
Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
Values of interest
With the last tensor representation one wants to perform different
evaluation for specific parameters (t, ω1, . . . , ωM),
finding maxima and minima,
finding ‘level sets’ and quantiles.
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Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
Spatial discretisation and PCE
UN := {ϕn(x)}N
n=1 ⊂ U:
u(x, ω) =
un(θ) =
n Hα(θ(ω)), where
J is taken as a finite subset of N
0 , R := |J|.
u(θ) =
where uα := [uα
1 , . . . , uα
n ]T .
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Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
Discretized equation in tensor form
KLE: κ(x, ω) = κ0(x) + ∞
j=1 κjgj(x)ξj(θ), where
ξj(θ) = 1
κj G (κ(x, ω) − κ0(x)) gj(x)dx.
Knowing PCE κ(x, ω) = α κ(α)Hα(θ), compute
ξj(θ) = α∈J ξ
j Hα(θ), where ξ
j = 1
κj G κ(α)(x)gj(x)dx.
Further compute ξ
j ≈ s
k=1(ξl, k)αk
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Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
Discretized equation in tensor form
[Matthies, Keese 04, 05, 07]
Au := ∞
j=0 Aj ⊗ ∆j
α∈J uα ⊗ eα = α∈J fα ⊗ eα =: f,
where eα denotes the canonical basis in M
µ=1 RRµ .
f = α∈J
αfi ⊗ eα = ∞
λifi ⊗ gi, where
gi := α∈J fi
Splitting gi further, obtain
f ≈ R
˜fk ⊗ M
µ=1 gkµ.
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Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
Final discretized stochastic PDE
Au = f, where
A:= s
˜Al ⊗ M
µ=1 ∆lµ , ˜Al ∈ RN×N, ∆lµ ∈ RRµ×Rµ ,
u:= r
j=1 uj ⊗ M
µ=1 ujµ , uj ∈ RN, ujµ ∈ RRµ ,
f:= R
˜fk ⊗ M
µ=1 gkµ, ˜fk ∈ RN and gkµ ∈ RRµ .
[Wähnert, Espig, Hackbusch, Litvinenko, Matthies 02.2012]
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Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 10
Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
Computing the maximum norm Computation of the characteristic
T := d
µ=1 Rnµ ,
Rr (T) := Rr := r
µ=1 viµ ∈ T : viµ ∈ Rnµ ,
I := ×d
µ=1 Iµ, where Iµ := {i ∈ N : 1 i nµ}.
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Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 11
Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
Computing the maximum norm Computation of the characteristic
Maximum norm and corresponding index
Let u = r
µ=1 ujµ ∈ Rr , compute
u ∞ := maxi:=(i1,...,id )∈I|ui| = maxi:=(i1,...,id )∈I
ujµ iµ
Computing u ∞ is equivalent to the following e.v. problem.
Let i∗
:= (i∗
1 , . . . , i∗
d ) ∈ I, #I = d
µ=1 nµ.
u ∞ = |ui∗ | =
ujµ i∗
and e(i∗
where ei∗
∈ Rnµ the i∗
µ-th canonical vector in Rnµ (µ ∈ N d ).
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Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 12
Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
Computing the maximum norm Computation of the characteristic
u e(i∗
 =
ujµ ei∗
ui∗ =
from which follows
u e(i∗
= ui∗ e(i∗
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Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 13
Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
Computing the maximum norm Computation of the characteristic
Let D(u) := r
µ=1 diag (ujµ)lµ lµ∈N nµ
, obtain
D(u)v = u v for all v ∈ T.
Elements of u are the eigenvalues of D(u) and all eigenvectors e(i)
are of the following form:
where i := (i1, . . . , id ) ∈ I is the index of ui. Therefore u ∞ is the
largest eigenvalue of D(u) with corresp. e.v. e(i∗
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Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 14
Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
Computing the maximum norm Computation of the characteristic
Computing u ∞, u ∈ Rr by vector iteration
1: Choose y0 := d
1, where 1 := (1, . . . , 1)T ∈ Rnµ ,
kmax ∈ N, and take ε := 10e − 7
2: for k = 1, 2, . . . , kmax do
qk = u yk−1, λk = yk−1, qk , zk = qk/ qk, qk ,
yk = Appε(zk).
4: end for
yk = Appε(zk), [Approximate iteration, Khoromskij, Hackbusch,
Tyrtyshnikov 05],
Algorithms in [Espig, Hackbusch 2010]
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Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 15
Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
Computing the maximum norm Computation of the characteristic
Definition (Characteristic, Sign)
The characteristic χI(u) ∈ T of u ∈ T in I ⊂ R is for every multi-
index i ∈ I pointwise defined as
(χI(u))i :=
1, ui ∈ I;
0, ui /∈ I.
Furthermore, the sign(u) ∈ T is for all i ∈ I pointwise defined by
(sign(u))i :=
1, ui > 0;
−1, ui < 0;
0, ui = 0.
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Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 16
Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
Computing the maximum norm Computation of the characteristic
Let u ∈ T, a, b ∈ R, and 1 = d
˜1µ, where
˜1µ := (1, . . . , 1)t ∈ Rnµ .
(i) If I = R<b, then we have χI(u) = 1
2 (1 + sign(b1 − u)).
(ii) If I = R>a, then we have χI(u) = 1
2 (1 − sign(a1 − u)).
(iii) If I = (a, b), then we have
χI(u) = 1
2 (sign(b1 − u) − sign(a1 − u)).
Computing sign(u), u ∈ Rr , via hybrid Newton-Schulz iteration:
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Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 17
Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
Computing the maximum norm Computation of the characteristic
Computing sign(u), u ∈ Rr
1: Choose u0 := u and ε ∈ R+.
2: while 1 − uk−1 uk−1 < ε u do
3: if 1 − uk−1 uk−1 < u then
4: zk := 1
2 uk−1 (31 − uk−1 uk−1)
5: else
6: zk := 1
2 (uk−1 + u−1
7: end if
8: uk := Appεk
9: end while
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Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 18
Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
Definition (Level Set, Frequency)
Let I ⊂ R and u ∈ T. The level set LI(u) ∈ T of u respect to I is
pointwise defined by
(LI(u))i :=
ui, ui ∈ I ;
0, ui /∈ I ,
for all i ∈ I.
The frequency FI(u) ∈ N of u respect to I is defined as
FI(u) := # supp χI(u). (5)
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Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 19
Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
Let I ⊂ R, u ∈ T, and χI(u) its characteristic. We have
LI(u) = χI(u) u
and rank(LI(u)) rank(χI(u))rank(u).
The frequency FI(u) ∈ N of u respect to I is
FI(u) = χI(u), 1 ,
where 1 = d
˜1µ, ˜1µ := (1, . . . , 1)T ∈ Rnµ .
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Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 20
Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
2D L-shape domain, N = 557.
KLE terms for q(x, ω) = eκ(x,ω): lk = 10,
stoch. dim. mk = 10 and pk = 2,
shifted lognormal distrib. for κ(x, ω),
covκ(x, y) is of the Gaussian type, x = y = 0.3.
RHS: lf = 10, mf = 10, pf = 2 and Beta distrib. {4, 2} for RVs.
covf (x, y) is of the Gaussian type, x = y = 0.6.
Total stoch. dim. mu = mk + mf = 20, |J| = 231
u =
ujµ ∈ R557
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Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 0.5 1 1.5
Shifted lognormal distribution with parameters {µ = 0.5, σ2 = 1.0}
(on the left) and Beta distribution with parameters {4, 2} (on the
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Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 22
Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
Mean (on the left) and standard deviation (on the right) of κ(x, ω)
(lognormal random field with parameters µ = 0.5 and σ = 1).
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Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
Mean (on the left) and standard deviation (on the right) of f(x, ω)
(beta distribution with parameters α = 4, β = 2 and Gaussian cov.
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Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
(on the left) and standard deviation (on the right) of the solution u.
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Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
Computed u ∞ after 20 iterations.
The maximal rank of the intermediate iterants (uk)20
k=1 was 143
k=1 ⊂ R143 is the sequence of generated tensors.
The approximation error εk = 10−6
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Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 26
Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
Level sets
Now we compute level sets
sign(b u ∞1 − u)
for b ∈ {0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8}.
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Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
The computing time to get any row is around 10 minutes.
Tensor u has 320 ∗ 557 = 1, 942, 138, 911, 357 entries.
R1 := rank(sign(b u ∞1 − u)) ,
R2 := max1 k kmaxrank(uk),
1−ukmax ukmax
(b u ∞1−u) .
b R1 R2 kmax Error
0.2 12 24 12 2.9×10−8
0.4 12 20 20 1.9×10−7
0.6 8 16 12 1.6×10−7
0.8 8 15 8 1.2×10−7
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Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 28
Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
1. P. Wähnert, W.Hackbusch, M. Espig, A. Litvinenko, H. Matthies:
Efficient approximation of the stoch. Galerkin matrix in the
canonical tensor format, (in preparation) MPI Leipzig, 2011.
2. Dissertation of Mike Espig, Leipzig 2008.
3. Mike Espig, W. Hackbusch: A regularized Newton method for
the efficient approx. of tensor represented in the c.t. format, MPI
Leipzig 2010
4. H. G. Matthies, Uncertainty Quantification with Stochastic Finite
Elements, Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics, Wiley,
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Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments
Project MUNA, German Luftfahrtforschungsprogramm funded by
the Ministry of Economics (BMWA).
Elmar Zander:
A Malab/Octave toolbox for stochastic Galerkin methods
(KLE, PCE, sparse grids, tensors, many examples etc)
Stoch. Galerkin lib.:
M. Espig, M. Schuster, A. Killaitis, N. Waldren, P. Wähnert, S.
Handschuh, H. Auer
Tensor Calculus lib.:
SCScientifi omputing
Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 30

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Efficient Analysis of high-dimensional data in tensor formats

  • 1. Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats M. Espig, W. Hackbusch, A. Litvinenko, H. G. Matthies and E. Zander, 13. Januar 2012 CC SCScientifi omputing
  • 2. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Outline Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computing the maximum norm Computation of the characteristic Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 2
  • 3. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments An example of SPDE ∂ ∂t u(x, t) = · (κ(x, ω) u(x, t)) + f(x, t), x ∈ G ⊂ Rd , t ∈ [0, T], where ω ∈ Ω, and U = L2(G). For each ω ∈ Ω seek for u(x, t) ∈ L2([0, T]) ⊗ U. Let S := L2([0, T]) ⊗ L2(Ω), one is looking for u(t, x, ω) ∈ U ⊗ S. Further decomposition L2(Ω) = L2(×jΩj) ∼= j L2(Ωj) ∼= j L2(R, Γj) results in u(t, x, ω) ∈ U ⊗ S = L2(G) ⊗ L2([0, T]) ⊗ j L2(R, Γj) . CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 3
  • 4. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Discretisation and Tensorial quantities span {wn}N n=1 = UN ⊂ U, dim UN = N, span {τk}K k=1 = TK ⊂ L2([0, T]) = SI, dim TK = K, span {Xjm }Jm jm=1 = SII,Jm ⊂ L2(R, Γm) = SII, dim SII,Jm = Jm, 1 m M, Let P := [0, T] × Ω, an approximation to u : P → U is thus given by u(x, t, ω1, . . . , ωM) ≈ N n=1 K k=1 J1 j1=1 . . . JM jM =1 ˆuj1,...,jM n,k wn (x) ⊗ τk (t) ⊗ M m=1 Xjm (ωm) . CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 4
  • 5. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Tensorial quantities We can write for all n = 1, . . . , N, k = 1, . . . , K, m = 1, . . . , M, jm = 1, . . . , Jm : uj1,...,jm,...,jM n,k = u(xn, tk, ωj1 1 , . . . , ωjM M ), has R = N × K × M m=1 Jm terms. Look for (uj1,...,jm,...,jM n,k ) ≈ R ρ=1 uρ wρ ⊗ τρ ⊗ M m=1 Xρm , where R R , wρ ∈ RN, τρ ∈ RK , Xρm ∈ RJm . CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 5
  • 6. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Values of interest With the last tensor representation one wants to perform different tasks: evaluation for specific parameters (t, ω1, . . . , ωM), finding maxima and minima, finding ‘level sets’ and quantiles. CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 6
  • 7. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Spatial discretisation and PCE UN := {ϕn(x)}N n=1 ⊂ U: u(x, ω) = N n=1 un(ω)ϕn(x), un(θ) = α∈J uα n Hα(θ(ω)), where J is taken as a finite subset of N (N) 0 , R := |J|. u(θ) = α∈J uα Hα(θ(ω)), where uα := [uα 1 , . . . , uα n ]T . CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 7
  • 8. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Discretized equation in tensor form KLE: κ(x, ω) = κ0(x) + ∞ j=1 κjgj(x)ξj(θ), where ξj(θ) = 1 κj G (κ(x, ω) − κ0(x)) gj(x)dx. Knowing PCE κ(x, ω) = α κ(α)Hα(θ), compute ξj(θ) = α∈J ξ (α) j Hα(θ), where ξ (α) j = 1 κj G κ(α)(x)gj(x)dx. Further compute ξ (α) j ≈ s l=1(ξl)j ∞ k=1(ξl, k)αk . CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 8
  • 9. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Discretized equation in tensor form [Matthies, Keese 04, 05, 07] Au := ∞ j=0 Aj ⊗ ∆j α∈J uα ⊗ eα = α∈J fα ⊗ eα =: f, where eα denotes the canonical basis in M µ=1 RRµ . f = α∈J ∞ i=0 √ λifi αfi ⊗ eα = ∞ i=0 √ λifi ⊗ gi, where gi := α∈J fi αeα. Splitting gi further, obtain f ≈ R k=1 ˜fk ⊗ M µ=1 gkµ. CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 9
  • 10. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Final discretized stochastic PDE Au = f, where A:= s l=1 ˜Al ⊗ M µ=1 ∆lµ , ˜Al ∈ RN×N, ∆lµ ∈ RRµ×Rµ , u:= r j=1 uj ⊗ M µ=1 ujµ , uj ∈ RN, ujµ ∈ RRµ , f:= R k=1 ˜fk ⊗ M µ=1 gkµ, ˜fk ∈ RN and gkµ ∈ RRµ . [Wähnert, Espig, Hackbusch, Litvinenko, Matthies 02.2012] CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 10
  • 11. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Computing the maximum norm Computation of the characteristic Notation Let T := d µ=1 Rnµ , Rr (T) := Rr := r i=1 d µ=1 viµ ∈ T : viµ ∈ Rnµ , I := ×d µ=1 Iµ, where Iµ := {i ∈ N : 1 i nµ}. CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 11
  • 12. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Computing the maximum norm Computation of the characteristic Maximum norm and corresponding index Let u = r j=1 d µ=1 ujµ ∈ Rr , compute u ∞ := maxi:=(i1,...,id )∈I|ui| = maxi:=(i1,...,id )∈I r j=1 d µ=1 ujµ iµ . (1) Computing u ∞ is equivalent to the following e.v. problem. Let i∗ := (i∗ 1 , . . . , i∗ d ) ∈ I, #I = d µ=1 nµ. u ∞ = |ui∗ | = r j=1 d µ=1 ujµ i∗ µ and e(i∗ ) := d µ=1 ei∗ µ , where ei∗ µ ∈ Rnµ the i∗ µ-th canonical vector in Rnµ (µ ∈ N d ). CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 12
  • 13. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Computing the maximum norm Computation of the characteristic Then u e(i∗ ) =   r j=1 d µ=1 ujµ     d µ=1 ei∗ µ   = r j=1 d µ=1 ujµ ei∗ µ = r j=1 d µ=1 (ujµ)i∗ µ ei∗ µ =   r j=1 d µ=1 (ujµ)i∗ µ   ui∗ = d µ=1 e(i∗ µ), from which follows u e(i∗ ) = ui∗ e(i∗ ) . CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 13
  • 14. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Computing the maximum norm Computation of the characteristic Let D(u) := r j=1 d µ=1 diag (ujµ)lµ lµ∈N nµ , obtain D(u)v = u v for all v ∈ T. Corollary Elements of u are the eigenvalues of D(u) and all eigenvectors e(i) are of the following form: e(i) = d µ=1 eiµ , where i := (i1, . . . , id ) ∈ I is the index of ui. Therefore u ∞ is the largest eigenvalue of D(u) with corresp. e.v. e(i∗ ). CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 14
  • 15. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Computing the maximum norm Computation of the characteristic Computing u ∞, u ∈ Rr by vector iteration 1: Choose y0 := d µ=1 1 nµ 1, where 1 := (1, . . . , 1)T ∈ Rnµ , kmax ∈ N, and take ε := 10e − 7 2: for k = 1, 2, . . . , kmax do 3: qk = u yk−1, λk = yk−1, qk , zk = qk/ qk, qk , yk = Appε(zk). 4: end for yk = Appε(zk), [Approximate iteration, Khoromskij, Hackbusch, Tyrtyshnikov 05], Algorithms in [Espig, Hackbusch 2010] CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 15
  • 16. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Computing the maximum norm Computation of the characteristic Definition (Characteristic, Sign) The characteristic χI(u) ∈ T of u ∈ T in I ⊂ R is for every multi- index i ∈ I pointwise defined as (χI(u))i := 1, ui ∈ I; 0, ui /∈ I. (2) Furthermore, the sign(u) ∈ T is for all i ∈ I pointwise defined by (sign(u))i :=    1, ui > 0; −1, ui < 0; 0, ui = 0. (3) CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 16
  • 17. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Computing the maximum norm Computation of the characteristic Lemma Let u ∈ T, a, b ∈ R, and 1 = d µ=1 ˜1µ, where ˜1µ := (1, . . . , 1)t ∈ Rnµ . (i) If I = R<b, then we have χI(u) = 1 2 (1 + sign(b1 − u)). (ii) If I = R>a, then we have χI(u) = 1 2 (1 − sign(a1 − u)). (iii) If I = (a, b), then we have χI(u) = 1 2 (sign(b1 − u) − sign(a1 − u)). Computing sign(u), u ∈ Rr , via hybrid Newton-Schulz iteration: CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 17
  • 18. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Computing the maximum norm Computation of the characteristic Computing sign(u), u ∈ Rr 1: Choose u0 := u and ε ∈ R+. 2: while 1 − uk−1 uk−1 < ε u do 3: if 1 − uk−1 uk−1 < u then 4: zk := 1 2 uk−1 (31 − uk−1 uk−1) 5: else 6: zk := 1 2 (uk−1 + u−1 k−1) 7: end if 8: uk := Appεk (zk) 9: end while CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 18
  • 19. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Definition (Level Set, Frequency) Let I ⊂ R and u ∈ T. The level set LI(u) ∈ T of u respect to I is pointwise defined by (LI(u))i := ui, ui ∈ I ; 0, ui /∈ I , (4) for all i ∈ I. The frequency FI(u) ∈ N of u respect to I is defined as FI(u) := # supp χI(u). (5) CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 19
  • 20. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Proposition Let I ⊂ R, u ∈ T, and χI(u) its characteristic. We have LI(u) = χI(u) u and rank(LI(u)) rank(χI(u))rank(u). The frequency FI(u) ∈ N of u respect to I is FI(u) = χI(u), 1 , where 1 = d µ=1 ˜1µ, ˜1µ := (1, . . . , 1)T ∈ Rnµ . CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 20
  • 21. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments 2D L-shape domain, N = 557. KLE terms for q(x, ω) = eκ(x,ω): lk = 10, stoch. dim. mk = 10 and pk = 2, shifted lognormal distrib. for κ(x, ω), covκ(x, y) is of the Gaussian type, x = y = 0.3. RHS: lf = 10, mf = 10, pf = 2 and Beta distrib. {4, 2} for RVs. covf (x, y) is of the Gaussian type, x = y = 0.6. Total stoch. dim. mu = mk + mf = 20, |J| = 231 u = 231 j=1 21 µ=1 ujµ ∈ R557 ⊗ 20 µ=1 R3 . CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 21
  • 22. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Shifted lognormal distribution with parameters {µ = 0.5, σ2 = 1.0} (on the left) and Beta distribution with parameters {4, 2} (on the right). CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 22
  • 23. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Mean (on the left) and standard deviation (on the right) of κ(x, ω) (lognormal random field with parameters µ = 0.5 and σ = 1). CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 23
  • 24. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Mean (on the left) and standard deviation (on the right) of f(x, ω) (beta distribution with parameters α = 4, β = 2 and Gaussian cov. function). CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 24
  • 25. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments M (on the left) and standard deviation (on the right) of the solution u. CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 25
  • 26. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Results Computed u ∞ after 20 iterations. The maximal rank of the intermediate iterants (uk)20 k=1 was 143 (uk)20 k=1 ⊂ R143 is the sequence of generated tensors. The approximation error εk = 10−6 CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 26
  • 27. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Level sets Now we compute level sets sign(b u ∞1 − u) for b ∈ {0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8}. CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 27
  • 28. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments The computing time to get any row is around 10 minutes. Tensor u has 320 ∗ 557 = 1, 942, 138, 911, 357 entries. R1 := rank(sign(b u ∞1 − u)) , R2 := max1 k kmaxrank(uk), Error= 1−ukmax ukmax (b u ∞1−u) . b R1 R2 kmax Error 0.2 12 24 12 2.9×10−8 0.4 12 20 20 1.9×10−7 0.6 8 16 12 1.6×10−7 0.8 8 15 8 1.2×10−7 CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 28
  • 29. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Literature 1. P. Wähnert, W.Hackbusch, M. Espig, A. Litvinenko, H. Matthies: Efficient approximation of the stoch. Galerkin matrix in the canonical tensor format, (in preparation) MPI Leipzig, 2011. 2. Dissertation of Mike Espig, Leipzig 2008. 3. Mike Espig, W. Hackbusch: A regularized Newton method for the efficient approx. of tensor represented in the c.t. format, MPI Leipzig 2010 4. H. G. Matthies, Uncertainty Quantification with Stochastic Finite Elements, Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics, Wiley, 2007. CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 29
  • 30. Motivation Discretisation Analysis of high dimensional data Computation of level sets and frequency Numerical Experiments Acknowledgement Project MUNA, German Luftfahrtforschungsprogramm funded by the Ministry of Economics (BMWA). Elmar Zander: A Malab/Octave toolbox for stochastic Galerkin methods (KLE, PCE, sparse grids, tensors, many examples etc) Stoch. Galerkin lib.: M. Espig, M. Schuster, A. Killaitis, N. Waldren, P. Wähnert, S. Handschuh, H. Auer Tensor Calculus lib.: CC SCScientifi omputing Efficient Analysis of High Dimensional Data in Tensor Formats Seite 30