cfcs water vapours n20 ch4 co2 pakistan atmosphere climate change greenhouse effect pollutants atmosphere earth acid rain causes of emission of greenhouse gases effects of global warming nitrous oxide methane chloroflurocarbons carbondioxide greenhouse gases global warming lipids and proteins combination lipoprotein separation plasma lipoprotein very low density lipoprotein high density lipoprtein low density lipoprotein vldl hdl ldl sds page lipoprotein triglycerides macrobiomolecule electric field gel electrophoresis electrophoresis lipids tetrahedral field hole formalism energy levels terms analytical chemistry inorganic spectroscopy high spin complexes d9 d8 d7 d6 d5 d4 d3 d2 d1 configuration leslie eleazer orgel f or f/p orgel diagram d orgel diagram orgel diagram schematic diagram biology psychology eye presentation overview of structure of eye rods and cones retina cornea lens middle layer of eye inner layer of eye outer layer human eye structure powerpoint wallpaper graphic display motivational quotes quotes white star black star orbital angular momentum spin angular momentum total angular momentum zeeman effect paschen back effect crystal field splitting effect laporte rule spin orbit coupling l-s coupling scheme russel saunders coupling
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