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Hoare Logic
{P} C {Q}
Hodor Logic
{P} C {Q}
I put on my
mink and
wizard behat
Questing in the world of
front end testing
What's the benefit?
Meet The Team
Don’t feed the druid after midnight
Each test has a different approach
Quality Assurance
Unit Test
Continuous Integration
Front End Test
Dreaded Bugbear
Wizards are squishy
The glue
(cucumber syntax)
(browser emulation)
(web driver)
(web driver)
(web driver)
Selenium RC
Feature: Party harmony
As a leader, I want to ensure harmony and mutual trust, so that
we work as a team
Scenario: Teach members to respect others’ property
Given that the Wizard has 10 cookies
And the Bard eats 1 cookie
Then the Bard mysteriously catches fire
Cucumber Syntax
Readable testing language
class FeatureContext … {
* @Given that the wizard has :num cookies
public function wizardHasCookies($num) {
// $this->wizard is a pre-existing condition... like syphilis
and converts it into
Feature: Party harmony
As a leader, I want to ensure harmony and mutual trust, so that
we work as a team
Scenario: Teach members to respect others’ property
Given that the Wizard has 10 cookies
And the Bard eats 1 cookie
Then the Bard mysteriously catches fire
Cucumber Syntax
What’s missing?
Given that the wizard has 10 cookies
And the Bard eats 1 cookie
Then the Bard mysteriously catches fire
Fire spell fizzled (OutOfManaException)
1 scenario (1 failed)
3 steps (2 passed, 1 failed)
0m0.03s (14.19Mb)
Remember {P} C {Q}
Set your starting states
Feature: Party harmony
As a leader, I want to ensure harmony and mutual trust, so that
we work as a team
The Wizard’s fire spell is fully charged
And the Bard is currently not on fire
Scenario: Teach members to respect others’ property
Given that the Wizard has 10 cookies
And the Bard eats 1 cookie
Then the Bard mysteriously catches fire
Remember {P} C {Q}
Set your starting states
As a leader, I want to ensure harmony and
mutual trust, so that we work as a team
User stories
As a <role>, I want to <desire> so that
Front end testing is code coverage for your user stories
User stories
Features are your contract with the stakeholders
Scenarios are the use cases that outline the user story
Legend has it...
… that someone once convinced their PO to
write all their front end tests.
class MinkContext … {
* Clicks link with specified id|title|alt|text.
* @When /^(?:|I )follow "(?P<link>(?:[^"]|")*)"$/
public function clickLink($link) {
$link = $this->fixStepArgument($link);
Mink provides...
Lets drop the metaphor and get to actual
$ composer require behat/behat="~3.0,>=3.0.5"
Getting started
$ composer require behat/mink-extension="~2.0"
Behat (cucumber syntax)
Mink (browser emulator)
Web drivers
$ composer require behat/mink-goutte-driver="~1.0"
$ composer require behat/mink-selenium2-driver="~1.2"
$ ./vendor/bin/behat --init
+d features - place your *.feature files here
+d features/bootstrap - place your context classes here
+f features/bootstrap/FeatureContext.php - place your definitions,
transformations and hooks here
Create a new test suite
use BehatMinkExtensionContextMinkContext;
class FeatureContext extends MinkContext … {
$ ./vendor/bin/behat -dl
Given /^(?:|I )am on "(?P<page>[^"]+)"$/
When /^(?:|I )reload the page$/
When /^(?:|I )move backward one page$/
When /^(?:|I )move forward one page$/
When /^(?:|I )press "(?P<button>(?:[^"]|")*)"$/
When /^(?:|I )follow "(?P<link>(?:[^"]|")*)"$/
When /^(?:|I )fill in "(?P<field>(?:[^"]|")*)" with "(?P<value>(?:
What does Mink bring to the table?
paths: [ %paths.base%/features/ ]
contexts: [ FeatureContext ]
base_url: "[your website]"
goutte: ~
Feature: Authentication and authorisation
As a security conscious developer I wish to ensure that only
valid users can access our website.
Scenario: Attempt to login with invalid details
Given I am on "/login"
When I fill in "email" with ""
And I fill in "password" with "invalid"
And I press "Login"
Then I should see "Invalid Email or Password"
Our first feature
$ ./vendor/bin/behat --config behat.yml features/auth.feature
Scenario: Attempt to login with an invalid account
Given I am on "/login"
When I fill in "email" with ""
And I fill in "password" with "invalid"
And I press "Login"
Then I should see "Invalid Email or Password"
1 scenarios (1 passed)
5 steps (5 passed)
Feature: Authentication and authorisation
As a security conscious developer I wish to ensure that only
valid users can access our website.
Scenario: Attempt to login with invalid details
Given I login as "" with password "invalid"
Then I should see "Invalid Email or Password"
Scenario: Attempt to login with an invalid account
Given I login as "" with password "invalid"
Then I should see "Invalid Email or Password"
1 scenario (1 undefined)
* @Given I login as :arg1 with password :arg2
public function iLoginAsWithPassword($arg1, $arg2) {
throw new PendingException();
class FeatureContext … {
* @Given I login as :username with password :password
public function iLoginAsWithPassword($username, $password) {
$this->fillField("email", $username);
$this->fillField("password", $password);
Scenario: Attempt to login with an invalid account
Given I login as "" with password "invalid"
Then I should see "Invalid Email or Password"
1 scenarios (1 passed)
2 steps (2 passed)
Feature: Authentication and authorisation
As a security conscious developer I wish to ensure that only
valid users can access our website.
Scenario: Attempt to register a new user
Given I am on "/signup"
When I fill in "email" with ""
And I fill in "password" with "valid"
And I fill in "password2" with "valid"
And I fill in "first_name" with "some"
And I fill in "last_name" with "guy"
And I press "Create my speaker profile"
Then I should see "You’ve successfully created your account"
Our first hurdle
This ones easy, you do…. oh….
Migration and seeding
Doctrine, Propel, Laravel, Phinx
$ composer require robmorgan/phinx="~0.4"
Phinx to the rescue
$ php vendor/bin/phinx init
Phinx by Rob Morgan - version 0.4.3
Created ./phinx.xml
$ php vendor/bin/phinx create InitialMigration
#!/usr/bin/env bash
mysql -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS $DATABASE" -uroot -p123
mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE $DATABASE" -uroot -p123
vendor/bin/phinx migrate
But it’s a bit extreme
SAVEPOINT identifier;
# Run tests
Roll your own solution
Activation emails?
smtp-sink, FakeSMTP, etc
# Stop the currently running service
sudo service postfix stop
# Dumps outgoing emails to file as "day.hour.minute.second"
smtp-sink -d "%d.%H.%M.%S" localhost:2500 1000 &
you could just read the activation code from
the database directly
class DatabaseContext {
public function __construct($dsn, $user, $pass) {
$this->dbh = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pass);
* @When /^there is no user called :user$/
public function removeUser($user) {
$this->dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM `users` WHERE username=?")
A new context
paths: [ %paths.base%/features/ ]
- FeatureContext
- DatabaseContext:
- mysql:host=localhost;dbname=opencfp
- root
- 123
actually send the email and read it via SMTP
How far is too far?
What are your priorities?
Taking it too far
True story
// Make sure your server and your behat client have the same time set
// Share the secret key between the two. The code should be valid for
// 30 second periods
$code = sha1($secret_key . floor(time() / 30));
if ($request->get("code") === $code) {
// Bypass captcha
Easier way
Simple but safe bypass
Our first talk
Set the stage
Feature: Manage paper submissions
In order to ensure that speakers can submit their papers
As an speaker I need to be able to manage my own submissions
There is a speaker registered as "" with a
password "secrets"
I login as "" with password "secrets"
Scenario: Add a new talk to our submissions
Our first talk
Talk submission in 3, 2, 1...
Scenario: Add a new talk to our submissions
Given I am on "talk/create"
And I fill in the following:
| title | Behat Talk |
| description | Awesome |
| type | regular |
| category | testing |
| level | mid |
And I check "desired"
And I press "Submit my talk!"
Then I should see "Success: Successfully added talk."
Tyranny of JavaScript
Deleting a talk
Well that won’t work
Feature: Manage paper submissions
In order to ensure that speakers can submit their papers
As an speaker I need to be able to manage my own submissions
Scenario: Delete a talk
Given create a talk called "Behat Talk"
And I am on "/dashboard"
When I follow "Delete"
And I should not see "Behat Talk Changed"
The text "Behat Talk Changed" appears in the text of this page,
but it should not. (BehatMinkExceptionResponseTextException)
// Guzzle using web scraper
// Java-based distributed browser workers (support JavaScript)
// node.js headless browser proxy (support JavaScript)
Some take the scenic route
# …
base_url: "[your website]"
goutte: ~
selenium2: ~
Setting up for Selenium
$ java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.*.jar
@javascript # Or we could use @selenium2
Feature: Manage paper submissions
In order to ensure that speakers can submit their papers
As an speaker I need to be able to manage my own submissions
Start Selenium Server
Specify javascript requirement
$ ./vendor/bin/behat --tags speaker,talk
Run specific tags
Feature: Manage paper submissions
In order to ensure that speakers can submit their papers
As an speaker I need to be able to manage my own submissions
Scenario: Create a new talk
Given I am logged in as a speaker ...
Feature: Submitting and managing talks
As a speaker I wish be able to submit talks so I can get a chance
to talk at a conference.
Scenario: Delete a talk
Given create a talk called "Behat Talk"
And I am on "/dashboard"
When I fill "Delete"
And I accept alerts
And I should not see "Behat Talk"
Enable JavaScript
Run as JavaScript
Feature: Submitting and managing talks
As a speaker I wish be able to submit talks so I can get a chance
to talk at a conference.
Scenario: Delete a talk
Given create a talk called "Behat Talk"
And I am on "/dashboard"
When I follow "Delete"
And I accept alerts
And I should not see "Behat Talk"
class FeatureContext … {
public function takeAScreenshotCalled($filename) {
$driver = get_class($this->getSession()->getDriver());
if ($driver == 'BehatMinkDriverSelenium2Driver') {
$ss = $this->getSession()
file_put_contents($filename, $ss);
Advanced Usage
with extra bells and whistles
use BehatBehatHookScopeAfterFeatureScope; // @AfterFeature
AfterScenarioScope; // @AfterScenario
AfterStepScope; // @AfterStep
BeforeFeatureScope; // @BeforeFeature
BeforeScenarioScope; // @BeforeScenario
BeforeStepScope; // @BeforeStep
FeatureScope; // @Feature
ScenarioScope; // @Scenario
StepScope; // @Step
Listen in close
class FeatureContext … {
* @AfterScenarioScope
public function afterScenario(AfterScenarioScope $scope) {
$scenario = $scope->getScenario()->getTitle();
$filename = make_safe_filename($scenario);
// Take a screenshot and put it on a dashboard
// where people can see it
class FeatureContext … {
* @AfterStep
public function afterStep(AfterStepScope $scope) {
$code = $event->getTestResult()->getResultCode();
if ($code == TestResult::FAILED) {
// Take a screenshot
Some days everything is made of glass
Common Gotchas
Expect breakages
And that’s a good thing
Speed vs Coverage
Find the right balance
Keep Selenium updated
Browsers change faster than fashion trends
Behat documents points to v2.5 docs but
doesn’t tell you.
or ask me later via @thomas_shone
Thank you
Photo from Flickr by John Morey, TrojanRat, Gerry Machen, USFS Region 5,
Peregrina Tyss and Thomas Hawk
The reason why testing is painful
class MemoryContext {
* @Transform /^memory:(.*)$/
public function fromMemory($key) {
if (!isset($this->memory[$key])) {
throw new LogicException("Entry $key does not exist");
return $this->memory[$key];
paths: [ %paths.base%/features/web ]
contexts: [ BaseContext, WebContext ]
paths: [ %paths.base%/features/api ]
contexts: [ BaseContext, ApiContext ]
Multiple contexts
paths: [ %paths.base%/features/web ]
contexts: [ BaseContext, AdminContext ]
role: admin
paths: [ %paths.base%/features/web ]
contexts: [ BaseContext, SpeakerContext ]
tags: @speaker
Grouping and filtering
$ ./vendor/bin/behat --suite admin
Run a specific suite
Feature: Managing the CFP
In order to ensure that speakers can submit their papers
As an admin
I need to be able to open the call for papers
$ ./vendor/bin/behat --suite speaker
Run a specific suite
Feature: Submitting to the CFP
In order to ensure that the conference has papers
As an speaker
I need to be able to submit papers
$ java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.*.jar -role hub
Selenium Grid
$ java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.*.jar -role node -hub http://
Start the grid
Add a node
wd_host: ""
version: ""
Because magic...

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I put on my mink and wizard behat

  • 4. I put on my mink and wizard behat Questing in the world of front end testing
  • 6. Meet The Team Don’t feed the druid after midnight
  • 7. Task Each test has a different approach
  • 12.
  • 15. The glue Behat (cucumber syntax) Mink (browser emulation) Goutte (web driver) Selenium (web driver) Zombie (web driver) Guzzle (curl) Selenium RC (java) Zombie.js (node.js)
  • 16. Feature: Party harmony As a leader, I want to ensure harmony and mutual trust, so that we work as a team Scenario: Teach members to respect others’ property Given that the Wizard has 10 cookies And the Bard eats 1 cookie Then the Bard mysteriously catches fire Cucumber Syntax Readable testing language
  • 17. class FeatureContext … { /** * @Given that the wizard has :num cookies */ public function wizardHasCookies($num) { // $this->wizard is a pre-existing condition... like syphilis $this->wizard->setNumberOfCookies($num); } } and converts it into FeatureContext.php
  • 18. Feature: Party harmony As a leader, I want to ensure harmony and mutual trust, so that we work as a team Scenario: Teach members to respect others’ property Given that the Wizard has 10 cookies And the Bard eats 1 cookie Then the Bard mysteriously catches fire Cucumber Syntax What’s missing?
  • 19. Scenario: Given that the wizard has 10 cookies And the Bard eats 1 cookie Then the Bard mysteriously catches fire Fire spell fizzled (OutOfManaException) 1 scenario (1 failed) 3 steps (2 passed, 1 failed) 0m0.03s (14.19Mb) Remember {P} C {Q} Set your starting states
  • 20. Feature: Party harmony As a leader, I want to ensure harmony and mutual trust, so that we work as a team Background: The Wizard’s fire spell is fully charged And the Bard is currently not on fire Scenario: Teach members to respect others’ property Given that the Wizard has 10 cookies And the Bard eats 1 cookie Then the Bard mysteriously catches fire Remember {P} C {Q} Set your starting states
  • 21. ??? As a leader, I want to ensure harmony and mutual trust, so that we work as a team
  • 22. User stories As a <role>, I want to <desire> so that <benefit>
  • 23. Front end testing is code coverage for your user stories User stories Coverage Features are your contract with the stakeholders Contract Scenarios are the use cases that outline the user story Scenarios
  • 24. Legend has it... … that someone once convinced their PO to write all their front end tests.
  • 25. class MinkContext … { /** * Clicks link with specified id|title|alt|text. * * @When /^(?:|I )follow "(?P<link>(?:[^"]|")*)"$/ */ public function clickLink($link) { $link = $this->fixStepArgument($link); $this->getSession()->getPage()->clickLink($link); } } Mink provides... MinkContext.php
  • 26. OK... Lets drop the metaphor and get to actual code
  • 27. $ composer require behat/behat="~3.0,>=3.0.5" Getting started $ composer require behat/mink-extension="~2.0" Behat (cucumber syntax) Mink (browser emulator) Web drivers $ composer require behat/mink-goutte-driver="~1.0" $ composer require behat/mink-selenium2-driver="~1.2"
  • 28. $ ./vendor/bin/behat --init +d features - place your *.feature files here +d features/bootstrap - place your context classes here +f features/bootstrap/FeatureContext.php - place your definitions, transformations and hooks here Initialize Create a new test suite
  • 29. use BehatMinkExtensionContextMinkContext; class FeatureContext extends MinkContext … { … } Context FeatureContext.php
  • 30. $ ./vendor/bin/behat -dl Given /^(?:|I )am on "(?P<page>[^"]+)"$/ When /^(?:|I )reload the page$/ When /^(?:|I )move backward one page$/ When /^(?:|I )move forward one page$/ When /^(?:|I )press "(?P<button>(?:[^"]|")*)"$/ When /^(?:|I )follow "(?P<link>(?:[^"]|")*)"$/ When /^(?:|I )fill in "(?P<field>(?:[^"]|")*)" with "(?P<value>(?: [^"]|")*)"$/ Context What does Mink bring to the table?
  • 31. default: suites: default: paths: [ %paths.base%/features/ ] contexts: [ FeatureContext ] extensions: BehatMinkExtension: base_url: "[your website]" sessions: default: goutte: ~ Configuration behat.yml
  • 32. Feature: Authentication and authorisation As a security conscious developer I wish to ensure that only valid users can access our website. Scenario: Attempt to login with invalid details Given I am on "/login" When I fill in "email" with "" And I fill in "password" with "invalid" And I press "Login" Then I should see "Invalid Email or Password" Our first feature auth.feature
  • 33. $ ./vendor/bin/behat --config behat.yml features/auth.feature Scenario: Attempt to login with an invalid account Given I am on "/login" When I fill in "email" with "" And I fill in "password" with "invalid" And I press "Login" Then I should see "Invalid Email or Password" 1 scenarios (1 passed) 5 steps (5 passed) Victory output
  • 34. Feature: Authentication and authorisation As a security conscious developer I wish to ensure that only valid users can access our website. Scenario: Attempt to login with invalid details Given I login as "" with password "invalid" Then I should see "Invalid Email or Password" Simplify auth.feature
  • 35. Scenario: Attempt to login with an invalid account Given I login as "" with password "invalid" Then I should see "Invalid Email or Password" 1 scenario (1 undefined) /** * @Given I login as :arg1 with password :arg2 */ public function iLoginAsWithPassword($arg1, $arg2) { throw new PendingException(); } Simplify output
  • 36. class FeatureContext … { /** * @Given I login as :username with password :password */ public function iLoginAsWithPassword($username, $password) { $this->visit("/login"); $this->fillField("email", $username); $this->fillField("password", $password); $this->pressButton("Login"); } } Simplify FeatureContext.php
  • 37. Scenario: Attempt to login with an invalid account Given I login as "" with password "invalid" Then I should see "Invalid Email or Password" 1 scenarios (1 passed) 2 steps (2 passed) Simplify output
  • 38. Feature: Authentication and authorisation As a security conscious developer I wish to ensure that only valid users can access our website. Scenario: Attempt to register a new user Given I am on "/signup" When I fill in "email" with "" And I fill in "password" with "valid" And I fill in "password2" with "valid" And I fill in "first_name" with "some" And I fill in "last_name" with "guy" And I press "Create my speaker profile" Then I should see "You’ve successfully created your account" Our first hurdle This ones easy, you do…. oh….
  • 39. Migration and seeding Doctrine, Propel, Laravel, Phinx
  • 40. $ composer require robmorgan/phinx="~0.4" Phinx to the rescue Install $ php vendor/bin/phinx init Phinx by Rob Morgan - version 0.4.3 Created ./phinx.xml Configuration $ php vendor/bin/phinx create InitialMigration Creating SID E N O TE
  • 41. #!/usr/bin/env bash DATABASE="opencfp" mysql -e "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS $DATABASE" -uroot -p123 mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE $DATABASE" -uroot -p123 vendor/bin/phinx migrate vendor/bin/behat But it’s a bit extreme
  • 42. SAVEPOINT identifier; # Run tests ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT identifier; RELEASE SAVEPOINT identifier; Transaction/Rollback Roll your own solution
  • 44. # Stop the currently running service sudo service postfix stop # Dumps outgoing emails to file as "day.hour.minute.second" smtp-sink -d "%d.%H.%M.%S" localhost:2500 1000 & vendor/bin/behat smtp-sink
  • 45. Or…. you could just read the activation code from the database directly
  • 46. class DatabaseContext { public function __construct($dsn, $user, $pass) { $this->dbh = new PDO($dsn, $user, $pass); } /** * @When /^there is no user called :user$/ */ public function removeUser($user) { $this->dbh->prepare("DELETE FROM `users` WHERE username=?") ->query([$user]); } } A new context DatabaseContext.php SID E N O TE
  • 47. default: suites: default: paths: [ %paths.base%/features/ ] contexts: - FeatureContext - DatabaseContext: - mysql:host=localhost;dbname=opencfp - root - 123 Configuration behat.yml SID E N O TE
  • 48. Or…. actually send the email and read it via SMTP
  • 49. How far is too far? What are your priorities?
  • 50. Taking it too far True story
  • 51. // Make sure your server and your behat client have the same time set // Share the secret key between the two. The code should be valid for // 30 second periods $code = sha1($secret_key . floor(time() / 30)); if ($request->get("code") === $code) { // Bypass captcha } Easier way Simple but safe bypass
  • 52. Our first talk Set the stage Feature: Manage paper submissions In order to ensure that speakers can submit their papers As an speaker I need to be able to manage my own submissions Background: There is a speaker registered as "" with a password "secrets" I login as "" with password "secrets" Scenario: Add a new talk to our submissions ...
  • 53. Our first talk Talk submission in 3, 2, 1... Scenario: Add a new talk to our submissions Given I am on "talk/create" And I fill in the following: | title | Behat Talk | | description | Awesome | | type | regular | | category | testing | | level | mid | And I check "desired" And I press "Submit my talk!" Then I should see "Success: Successfully added talk."
  • 55. Well that won’t work talks.feature Feature: Manage paper submissions In order to ensure that speakers can submit their papers As an speaker I need to be able to manage my own submissions Scenario: Delete a talk Given create a talk called "Behat Talk" And I am on "/dashboard" When I follow "Delete" And I should not see "Behat Talk Changed" The text "Behat Talk Changed" appears in the text of this page, but it should not. (BehatMinkExceptionResponseTextException)
  • 56. // Guzzle using web scraper behat/mink-goutte-driver // Java-based distributed browser workers (support JavaScript) behat/mink-selenium2-driver behat/mink-sahi-driver // node.js headless browser proxy (support JavaScript) behat/mink-zombie-driver Drivers Some take the scenic route
  • 57. default: # … extensions: BehatMinkExtension: base_url: "[your website]" sessions: default: goutte: ~ javascript: selenium2: ~ Configuration Setting up for Selenium
  • 58. $ java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.*.jar Selenium @javascript # Or we could use @selenium2 Feature: Manage paper submissions In order to ensure that speakers can submit their papers As an speaker I need to be able to manage my own submissions Start Selenium Server Specify javascript requirement
  • 59. $ ./vendor/bin/behat --tags speaker,talk Tags Run specific tags @speaker Feature: Manage paper submissions In order to ensure that speakers can submit their papers As an speaker I need to be able to manage my own submissions @talk Scenario: Create a new talk Given I am logged in as a speaker ... SID E N O TE
  • 60. Feature: Submitting and managing talks As a speaker I wish be able to submit talks so I can get a chance to talk at a conference. @javascript Scenario: Delete a talk Given create a talk called "Behat Talk" And I am on "/dashboard" When I fill "Delete" And I accept alerts And I should not see "Behat Talk" Enable JavaScript talks.feature
  • 61. Run as JavaScript talks.feature Feature: Submitting and managing talks As a speaker I wish be able to submit talks so I can get a chance to talk at a conference. Scenario: Delete a talk Given create a talk called "Behat Talk" And I am on "/dashboard" When I follow "Delete" And I accept alerts And I should not see "Behat Talk"
  • 62. class FeatureContext … { public function takeAScreenshotCalled($filename) { $driver = get_class($this->getSession()->getDriver()); if ($driver == 'BehatMinkDriverSelenium2Driver') { $ss = $this->getSession() ->getDriver() ->getScreenshot(); file_put_contents($filename, $ss); } } } Screenshot FeatureContext.php
  • 63. Advanced Usage with extra bells and whistles
  • 64. use BehatBehatHookScopeAfterFeatureScope; // @AfterFeature AfterScenarioScope; // @AfterScenario AfterStepScope; // @AfterStep BeforeFeatureScope; // @BeforeFeature BeforeScenarioScope; // @BeforeScenario BeforeStepScope; // @BeforeStep FeatureScope; // @Feature ScenarioScope; // @Scenario StepScope; // @Step Hooks Listen in close
  • 65. class FeatureContext … { /** * @AfterScenarioScope */ public function afterScenario(AfterScenarioScope $scope) { $scenario = $scope->getScenario()->getTitle(); $filename = make_safe_filename($scenario); // Take a screenshot and put it on a dashboard // where people can see it } } Hooks FeatureContext.php
  • 66. class FeatureContext … { /** * @AfterStep */ public function afterStep(AfterStepScope $scope) { $code = $event->getTestResult()->getResultCode(); if ($code == TestResult::FAILED) { // Take a screenshot } } } Hooks FeatureContext.php
  • 67. Some days everything is made of glass Common Gotchas
  • 69. Speed vs Coverage Find the right balance
  • 70. Keep Selenium updated Browsers change faster than fashion trends
  • 71. Behat documents points to v2.5 docs but doesn’t tell you. Use
  • 72. Questions? or ask me later via @thomas_shone
  • 73. Thank you Photo from Flickr by John Morey, TrojanRat, Gerry Machen, USFS Region 5, Peregrina Tyss and Thomas Hawk
  • 74. Permutations The reason why testing is painful
  • 75. class MemoryContext { /** * @Transform /^memory:(.*)$/ */ public function fromMemory($key) { if (!isset($this->memory[$key])) { throw new LogicException("Entry $key does not exist"); } return $this->memory[$key]; } } Transformations MemoryContext.php
  • 76. default: suites: web: paths: [ %paths.base%/features/web ] contexts: [ BaseContext, WebContext ] api: paths: [ %paths.base%/features/api ] contexts: [ BaseContext, ApiContext ] Configuration Multiple contexts
  • 77. default: suites: admin: paths: [ %paths.base%/features/web ] contexts: [ BaseContext, AdminContext ] filters: role: admin speaker: paths: [ %paths.base%/features/web ] contexts: [ BaseContext, SpeakerContext ] filters: tags: @speaker Configuration Grouping and filtering
  • 78. $ ./vendor/bin/behat --suite admin Suites Run a specific suite Feature: Managing the CFP In order to ensure that speakers can submit their papers As an admin I need to be able to open the call for papers
  • 79. $ ./vendor/bin/behat --suite speaker Suites Run a specific suite @speaker Feature: Submitting to the CFP In order to ensure that the conference has papers As an speaker I need to be able to submit papers
  • 80. $ java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.*.jar -role hub Selenium Grid $ java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.*.jar -role node -hub http:// [gridserver]:4444/grid/register Start the grid Add a node