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A fast atmospheric correction algorithm applied to 
Landsat TM images 
a DLR, German Aerospace Research Establishment, Institute for Optoelectronics , D-8031 
Wessling, F.R, Germany 
Published online: 07 May 2007. 
To cite this article: RUDOLF RICHTER (1990) A fast atmospheric correction algorithm applied to Landsat TM images, 
International Journal of Remote Sensing, 11:1, 159-166, DOI: 10.1080/01431169008955008 
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INT. J. REMOTE SENSING, 1990, VOL. II, NO. 1,159-166 
A fast atmospheric correction algorithm applied to Landsat TM images 
DLR, German Aerospace Research Establishment, Institute for Optoelectronics, 
D-8031 Wessling, F.R. Germany 
(Received 6 June 1989; injinalform 28 July 1989) 
Abstract. A fast atmospheric correction algorithm for the reflective bands 
(0·4-2·Slim) of remote sensing instruments is presented. It proceeds in two steps: 
(1) calculation of the ground reflectance of each pixel based on precomputed 
planetary albedo functions for different standard atmospheres, aerosol types and 
optical depths, or actual atmospheric measurement data (e.g. radiosonde), (2) 
approximate correction of the adjacencyeffectby taking into account the average 
reflectance in an N x N pixel neighbourhood and using appropriate weighting 
functions for the difference in reflectance. The correction functions are provided 
by the models LOWTRAN-7 and SENSAT-3. 
I. Introduction 
Spaceborne optical sensors recording from the visible to the short wave infrared 
spectrum (0·4-2·5/lm) receive solar radiance reflected at the Earth's surface and 
scattered by the atmosphere. The task of land and ocean observing sensors is the 
mapping of surface reflectance. Since the atmosphere modifies the radiance reflected 
at the ground and contributes an additive path radiance term, it is necessary to correct 
the atmospheric effect to retrieve the surface reflectance. 
Atmospherically corrected surface reflectance images improve the accuracy of 
surface type classification (Kaufman 1985) and Earth reflectance data are also a basis 
for estimating the radiation budget of the Earth (Kimes and Sellers 1985). 
Similar aspects as discussed here are also treated by Kaufman (1985) and Kim 
(1988). However, they are working with the monochromatic centre band wavelength, 
whereas this Letter takes into account the wavelength dependence of atmospheric 
parameters and the sensor spectral response function. The correction functions of the 
algorithm are precomputed by using the models LOWTRAN-7 (Kneizys et al. 1988, 
Isaacs et al. 1987) and SENSAT-3 (Richter 1989). 
To enable the immediate processing of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images a 
catalogue of atmospheric correction functions for TM bands 1-5 and 7 has been 
compiled for different standard atmospheres, aerosol types, solar zenith angles and 
ground altitudes (0, 0·5, I km above sea level). These ground altitudes (corresponding 
to pressure levels of 1013, 956, and 902 mbar, respectively, of LOWTRAN standard 
atmospheres) were selected to account for the pressure dependence of the Rayleigh 
optical depth for places of different elevation. The catalogue is especially useful, when 
no atmospheric data are available and one has to resort to average climatological 
atmospheres, e.g. a mid-latitude summer atmosphere. If the TM scene contains 
known reference targets (e.g., lakes, concrete runways) different types of aerosol can 
be selected (e.g., rural, urban, based on LOWTRAN) and the visibility (i.e. aerosol 
concentration) can be varied until the reflectance of the target is matched. 
0143-1161/90 $3.00 © 1990 Taylor & Francis Ltd 
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160 R. Richter 
Ofcourse, the error in the retrieved surface reflectance will be less, when measured 
atmospheric data (e.g., radiosonde) are available. However, even in the worst case, 
when the scene contains no reference target and climatological average atmospheric 
parameters are taken, a first rough estimate of surface reflectance can readily be 
obtained with the proposed algorithm and might be a valuable information. 
2. Atmospheric correction algorithm 
The first step of the algorithm compares measured and model-derived planetary 
(Earth/atmosphere) albedos to calculate the surface reflectance. The measured 
planetary albedo Ppis related to the digital number (DN) in channel i (Markham and 
Barker 1985): 
Es(A,) cos Os 
where L(A,), Es(Ai ) , co(i) and c1(i) are spectral radiance, extraterrestrial solar irra­diance, 
offset and slope of calibration coefficients, respectively, Ai is the centre 
wavelength, Os is the solar zenith angle and d is the Earth-Sun distance in astronom­ical 
The model-derived planetary albedo is given below (equations (4)-(6». The model 
first calculates the solar radiance reflected from a uniform Lambert surface of 
reflectance p(A), which is received by a spaceborne sensor (Kaufman 1985) 
where Lo, Ea, Tdir, Tdir are path radiance for a black ground (p = 0), global irradiance 
on the ground and direct and diffuse transmittance (ground to sensor), respectively. 
Model LOWTRAN-7 calculates the path radiance Lp in the form 
Lp(A) = Lo(A)+Ea(A) p(A)Tdir(A) (3) 
Thus, Lo(A) can be obtained by a LOWTRAN run with p = O. The term Tdir, which is 
needed in the second step of the algorithm, can then be evaluated from equation (3). 
The model-derived planetary albedo is now calculated with band-integrated 
pp(Model)= ao(Atm, 0., OS' cp)+a,(Atm, 0., Os) x P (4) 
d 2 fA' <I>(A)Lo(A)dA 
7t A, 
fA' <I>(A)EiA)[Tdi,(A) +Tdir(A)]dA 
= cos e, fA' <I>(A) Es(A)dA 
where p is the average in-band surface reflectance (p "'" Jp(A)<I>(A)dA), Atm indicates 
the dependence on atmospheric parameters, 0. is the sensor view angle, cp is the 
relative azimuth angle and <I> is the normalized spectral response function of the 
Downloaded by [University of Leeds] at 08:15 19 August 2014
Remote Sensing Letters 161 
sensor. If the measured planetary albedo (equation (I» agrees with the model-derived 
value (equation (4)-(6) the first step of the algorithm yields the surface reflectance p(l): 
p(l)=I_ [ Cn)d? () {co(i)+c,(i)xDN}-a ] a o l E, A.i cos s 
2.1. Approximate correction of the adjacency effect 
The second step of the algorithm computes the average reflectance in an N x N 
pixel window centred on the considered pixel: 
I N2 
P(l)=-2 2: p?) 
N j~l 
The model-derived reflectance pel) of equation (7) is based on the assumption of a 
Lambertian ground (see equation (2», whereas the measurement (equation (1» 
actually consists of the direct reflected radiance from the pixel with surface reflectance 
p and the diffuse background reflectance pel) from the neighbourhood 
L(A) = Lo(A)+E.(A) P(,()'di.(A) +E.(A) p(l)(,()'dif(,() 
n n 
Comparing equations (2) and (9) one obtains p(l)('di'+'dif) =P'di'+P(l)'dif, from 
which the final surface reflectance p=p(2) results: 
p(2)=p(I)+q(p(l)_p(l)) (10) 
q=f.2 'dif(,() <I>('()d'( 
., 'di'(,() 
The appropriate window size, N, in equation (8) depends on the pixel size, the 
atmospheric parameters, the spectral band and the spatial frequencies of the scene 
itself (Kaufman 1985). This aspect is discussed in §4. 
3. TM version of the atmospheric correction algorithm 
Two simplifying assumptions were made for the TM version of the algorithm: 
(I) The relative azimuth angle dependence of the path scattered radiance is 
neglected for the standard catalogue, because the largest off-nadir angle of 
TM is 7'5°. All radiances of the catalogue are evaluated for the nadir view. 
The evaluation of Landsat TM subscenes with actual atmospheric data is 
made with the sensor view angle and relative azimuth angle corresponding to 
the centre of the image. 
(2) The function a, of equation (6) depends on the global irradiance E., which 
itself depends to some extent on the ground albedo. The subsequent results are 
based on a ground albedo of 30 per cent for al to minimize reflectance errors 
in the 10-40 per cent region. 
Table I summarizes the absolute surface reflectance errors for the TM bands due 
to these assumptions, assuming the standard mid-latitude summer atmosphere with 
an urban aerosol content. 
All bands are treated independently using the same atmospheric parameters. The 
choice of the ground albedo to calculate E. can be selected independently for each 
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162 R. Richter 
Table I. Maximum absolute reflectance errors for TM due to model approximations as a 
function of surface reflectance. 
Absolute reflectance error (per cent) 
Ground Band I Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 
(per cent) 0' 7' 0' 7' 0' 7' 0' 7' 
5 0·5 3 0·5 1·5 0·5 0·5 0·5 0·5 
30 0 2·5 0 0·5 0 0·5 0 0 
70 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 
Angle 0'; nadir view, angle 7'; off-nadir view. 
Atmospheric parameters: mid-latitude summer (LOWTRAN) atmosphere, urban aerosol 
content, visibility range 5-40km, solar zenith angle range 30'-60'. 
For TM bands 5 and 7 the reflectance error is <0·7 and 0·5 per cent, respectively. 
band. It can thus be adapted to the reflectance level of a particular scene and will 
improve the accuracy of the ground reflectance image. Of course, the method also 
depends on the sensor calibration accuracy, i.e. on the correct values coU), cIU) for 
each band i(Slater et af. 1987). 
Due to the simplifying assumptions, a fast atmospheric correction algorithm is 
created. For an image size of 512 x 512 pixels the first step of the algorithm requires 
one minute execution time per channel on a personal computer with a 386 processor. 
The second step of the algorithm also requires one minute execution time per channel 
(without the low pass filter image of p(l). 
Figure 1 shows the functions ao, a l and q for TM bands 1 and 5 for the mid­latitude 
summer atmosphere, an urban aerosol (6 visibilities) and a range of solar 
zenith angles. Function ao (the planetary albedo for the ground reflectance zero, 
ranging from 0 to I) is about an order of magnitude lower in band 5 than the 
corresponding values in band I, which is to be expected. The same applies to the 
function q, which is a measure of the strength of the adjacency effect. Thus, the 
adjacency effect plays a minor role in TM bands 5 and 7 and can usually be neglected 
in these bands (Tame et af. 1987). 
4. Atmospheric correction of a TM scene of Munich 
A single date scene is selected to keep this Letter within the page limits. The full 
potential of the method can best be exploited for multitemporal scenes (radiometric 
normalization), which will be the topic of a forthcoming paper. 
Figure 2 shows the results of processing Landsat-5 TM bands 1,2 and 3 of a scene 
of Munich dated 9 July 1984. Atmospheric data were measured by a radiosonde up to 
an altitude of 13km. Data of the altitude region 13-IOOkm were taken from the 
LOWTRAN mid-latitude summer atmosphere. The urban boundary layer aerosol 
type was selected at a visibility of 15km. This choice is the result of several visibility 
iterations: for dark targets (e.g. lakes) an incorrect visibility can lead to negative 
reflectance values. The rural aerosol was also tested and found to be inadequate, since 
its higher path radiance leads to negative reflectance values for dark targets of the 
scene. The selected aerosol type is in accord with the wind direction (blowing from 
south on this day), thus providing an urban type of aerosol to the centre and north of 
the city.. 
Downloaded by [University of Leeds] at 08:15 19 August 2014
Remote Sensing Letters 163 
1.2 f----=~ 
1.0 ,"'=::=-I-o--P~-t-----1 
q 0.6 f==t=:::Jc):::::i'~ 
0.4 r--~-+==f:::::-9 
q 0.06 
1 - r---- 
2 ~ 
3 ~=:::::::: 
_4 _I ----r--- 5 I I 
6 I I 
30 40 50 60 70 
0.6 r----t-=-..k 
0.2 f-------F"'--.ol::: 
30 40 SO 60 70 
30 40 50 60 70 
0.7 r====t--=P",---J;::::O--c--I 
0, 0.5 f------I-------;f"-..~-l_'~~ 
0.4 ----I----!----""-.---i '-_---'---_----.J'-_---'---_---"JI 
30 40 50 60 70 
0.1 4 1----j---f-------t-~y71 
0.1 2 f---I---f--::7'7"7-'- 
30 40 50 60 70 
0.015 f---I---f---I--r-----7I 
Figure I. Atmospheric correction functions for TM band 1 (left) and band 5 (right). 
Atmosphere, mid-latitude summer; aerosol, urban; ground at sea level. Visibilities: (I) 
=5 km, (2)=7 km, (3)= IOkm, (4)= 15km, (5)=23 km, (6)=40km. 
Figure 2 (a) shows the original image and figure 2 (b) the colour-coded reflectance 
image of the first step of the algorithm using the TM band i( i = 1, 2, 3) calibration 
coefficients co(i) and c, (i) (Price 1989). Figure 2 (c) displays a reflectance image which 
approximatley accounts for the adjacency effect. It is distinctly superior to figure 2 (b). 
The appropriate window size, N, for the correction of the adjacency effect was found 
to be in the range 7-35 pixels; i.e. about 100-500 m to either side of a pixel. At the first 
glance, this is a surprising result since the aerosol scale height (and thus the effective 
scattering range) is about 1-2 km (Kaufman 1985). However, this is based on the 
assumption of a large homogeneous surface (several times the length of the scale 
height). Since the Munich scene consists of many small fields of different reflectances, 
the effective range of the adjacency effect is reduced to about 100-500 m. Reflectance 
values of the pixels in the Munich scene generally change less than I per cent, when 
the N = 7 window is used instead of the N = 35 window, which saves computer time 
for the calculation of the low pass filter image. 
An exception is demonstrated by the 6 per cent reflectance of a lake target in 
band 4 (see table 2) at a 7 x 7 pixels window size. The 35 x 35 pixels window, i.e. about 
Downloaded by [University of Leeds] at 08:15 19 August 2014
164 R. Richter 
(b) (c) 
Figure 2. Landsat-S Thematic Mapper scene of Munich (9 July 1984), bands I, 2 and 3. 
(a) original scene, (b) ground reflectance image (step I) and (e) ground reflectance image 
(step 2) corrected for adjacency effect. RGB colour coding: red = band 3, green= band 
2, blue=band I. 
I x I km", reduces the reflectance at the centre of the lake to I per cent. This reflectance 
value is also confirmed by the following consideration: the lake (diameter 0·5 km) is 
surrounded for several kilometres by agricultural fields with reflectance values of 
30-50 per cent in TM band 4. A calculation with models SENSAT-3 and 
LOWTRAN-7, using the approximate equations of Tanre et al. (1981), shows a 5 per 
cent increase in TM band 4 reflectance for a target (diameter 0·5 km) of I per cent 
reflectance, which is surrounded by a homogeneous background of 40 per cent 
reflectance. Thus a I per cent reflectance value of the lake in TM band 4 is increased to 
an apparent 6 per cent by the adjacency effect. 
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Remote Sensing Letters 165 
Table 2. Surface reflectance calculated for several targets. 
Surface reflectance (per cent) in TM bands 
Target 2 3 4 5 7 
Lake 4 6 2 6 I 1 
Meadow 4 8 5 41 24 13 
Coniferous 4 5 3 26 9 4 
Concrete (runway) 20 20 20 31 31 30 
A window of 7 x 7 pixels is assumed for the adjacency correction. 
Table 2 shows retrieved reflectance values for several targets. The comparison 
with values given in the literature is difficult, since the reflectance range of natural 
targets (e.g., meadow) is rather large and there is the possibility of mixed signatures. 
Therefore, a comparison with simultaneous ground measurements is planned for the 
5. Summary 
A fast atmospheric correction algorithm for the reflective solar spectrum is 
presented, which approximately accounts for the adjacency effect. The algorithm 
transforms the original radiance image into a reflectance image. 
A catalogue of atmospheric correction functions has been compiled for Landsat 
TM for different standard atmospheres, solar zenith angles, ground altitudes, 
aerosol types and visibilities. In many cases the catalogue enables the quasi­operational 
conversion of TM radiance images into reflectance images. If the scene 
contains reference targets of known reflectance, a check of the correctness of the 
selected atmospheric parameters is possible. The catalogue will be extended to include 
the SPOT HRV (High Resolution Visible) sensor (Begni 1982). 
I thank the referees for their helpful comments. 
BEGNl, G., 1982, Selection of the optimum spectral bands for the SPOT satellite. Photo­grammetric 
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ISAACS, R. G., WANG, W. c., WORSHAM, R. D., and GOLDENBERG, S., 1987, Multiple scattering 
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KAUFMAN, Y. J., t985, The atmospheric elTect on the separability offield classes measured from 
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KIM, H. H., 1988, Atmospheric Effect Removal from Space Imagery, ESA SP-287, 193-196 
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KIMES, D. S., and SELLERS, P. J., 1985, Inferring hemispherical reflectance of the Earth's surface 
for global energy budgets from remotely sensed nadir or directional radiance values. 
Remote Sensing of Environment, 18,205-223. 
W.O., SELBY, J. E. A., and CLOUGH, S. A., 1988, Users' Guide to LOWTRAN-7. 
AFGL-TR-88-0177, Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Bedford, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 
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166 Remote Sensing Letters 
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Establishment, Wessling, F.R. Germany. 
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upon space measurements of ground reflectance. Applied Optics, 20. 3676-3684. 
Downloaded by [University of Leeds] at 08:15 19 August 2014

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A fast atmospheric correction algorithm applied to landsat tm images

  • 1. This article was downloaded by: [University of Leeds] On: 19 August 2014, At: 08:15 Publisher: Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK International Journal of Remote Sensing Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: A fast atmospheric correction algorithm applied to Landsat TM images RUDOLF RICHTER a a DLR, German Aerospace Research Establishment, Institute for Optoelectronics , D-8031 Wessling, F.R, Germany Published online: 07 May 2007. To cite this article: RUDOLF RICHTER (1990) A fast atmospheric correction algorithm applied to Landsat TM images, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 11:1, 159-166, DOI: 10.1080/01431169008955008 To link to this article: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http://
  • 2. INT. J. REMOTE SENSING, 1990, VOL. II, NO. 1,159-166 A fast atmospheric correction algorithm applied to Landsat TM images RUDOLF RICHTER DLR, German Aerospace Research Establishment, Institute for Optoelectronics, D-8031 Wessling, F.R. Germany (Received 6 June 1989; injinalform 28 July 1989) Abstract. A fast atmospheric correction algorithm for the reflective bands (0·4-2·Slim) of remote sensing instruments is presented. It proceeds in two steps: (1) calculation of the ground reflectance of each pixel based on precomputed planetary albedo functions for different standard atmospheres, aerosol types and optical depths, or actual atmospheric measurement data (e.g. radiosonde), (2) approximate correction of the adjacencyeffectby taking into account the average reflectance in an N x N pixel neighbourhood and using appropriate weighting functions for the difference in reflectance. The correction functions are provided by the models LOWTRAN-7 and SENSAT-3. I. Introduction Spaceborne optical sensors recording from the visible to the short wave infrared spectrum (0·4-2·5/lm) receive solar radiance reflected at the Earth's surface and scattered by the atmosphere. The task of land and ocean observing sensors is the mapping of surface reflectance. Since the atmosphere modifies the radiance reflected at the ground and contributes an additive path radiance term, it is necessary to correct the atmospheric effect to retrieve the surface reflectance. Atmospherically corrected surface reflectance images improve the accuracy of surface type classification (Kaufman 1985) and Earth reflectance data are also a basis for estimating the radiation budget of the Earth (Kimes and Sellers 1985). Similar aspects as discussed here are also treated by Kaufman (1985) and Kim (1988). However, they are working with the monochromatic centre band wavelength, whereas this Letter takes into account the wavelength dependence of atmospheric parameters and the sensor spectral response function. The correction functions of the algorithm are precomputed by using the models LOWTRAN-7 (Kneizys et al. 1988, Isaacs et al. 1987) and SENSAT-3 (Richter 1989). To enable the immediate processing of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images a catalogue of atmospheric correction functions for TM bands 1-5 and 7 has been compiled for different standard atmospheres, aerosol types, solar zenith angles and ground altitudes (0, 0·5, I km above sea level). These ground altitudes (corresponding to pressure levels of 1013, 956, and 902 mbar, respectively, of LOWTRAN standard atmospheres) were selected to account for the pressure dependence of the Rayleigh optical depth for places of different elevation. The catalogue is especially useful, when no atmospheric data are available and one has to resort to average climatological atmospheres, e.g. a mid-latitude summer atmosphere. If the TM scene contains known reference targets (e.g., lakes, concrete runways) different types of aerosol can be selected (e.g., rural, urban, based on LOWTRAN) and the visibility (i.e. aerosol concentration) can be varied until the reflectance of the target is matched. 0143-1161/90 $3.00 © 1990 Taylor & Francis Ltd Downloaded by [University of Leeds] at 08:15 19 August 2014
  • 3. 160 R. Richter Ofcourse, the error in the retrieved surface reflectance will be less, when measured atmospheric data (e.g., radiosonde) are available. However, even in the worst case, when the scene contains no reference target and climatological average atmospheric parameters are taken, a first rough estimate of surface reflectance can readily be obtained with the proposed algorithm and might be a valuable information. 2. Atmospheric correction algorithm The first step of the algorithm compares measured and model-derived planetary (Earth/atmosphere) albedos to calculate the surface reflectance. The measured planetary albedo Ppis related to the digital number (DN) in channel i (Markham and Barker 1985): 7tL(Ai)d 2 pp(Measurement) Es(A,) cos Os (I) where L(A,), Es(Ai ) , co(i) and c1(i) are spectral radiance, extraterrestrial solar irra­diance, offset and slope of calibration coefficients, respectively, Ai is the centre wavelength, Os is the solar zenith angle and d is the Earth-Sun distance in astronom­ical units. The model-derived planetary albedo is given below (equations (4)-(6». The model first calculates the solar radiance reflected from a uniform Lambert surface of reflectance p(A), which is received by a spaceborne sensor (Kaufman 1985) (2) where Lo, Ea, Tdir, Tdir are path radiance for a black ground (p = 0), global irradiance on the ground and direct and diffuse transmittance (ground to sensor), respectively. Model LOWTRAN-7 calculates the path radiance Lp in the form Lp(A) = Lo(A)+Ea(A) p(A)Tdir(A) (3) 7t Thus, Lo(A) can be obtained by a LOWTRAN run with p = O. The term Tdir, which is needed in the second step of the algorithm, can then be evaluated from equation (3). The model-derived planetary albedo is now calculated with band-integrated terms: pp(Model)= ao(Atm, 0., OS' cp)+a,(Atm, 0., Os) x P (4) (5) (6) d 2 fA' <I>(A)Lo(A)dA 7t A, a o cos«""'f""::=-<I>-(-A)-E-s(A-)-dA-d? fA' <I>(A)EiA)[Tdi,(A) +Tdir(A)]dA A, a l = cos e, fA' <I>(A) Es(A)dA A, where p is the average in-band surface reflectance (p "'" Jp(A)<I>(A)dA), Atm indicates the dependence on atmospheric parameters, 0. is the sensor view angle, cp is the relative azimuth angle and <I> is the normalized spectral response function of the Downloaded by [University of Leeds] at 08:15 19 August 2014
  • 4. Remote Sensing Letters 161 sensor. If the measured planetary albedo (equation (I» agrees with the model-derived value (equation (4)-(6) the first step of the algorithm yields the surface reflectance p(l): (7) (8) (9) (II) p(l)=I_ [ Cn)d? () {co(i)+c,(i)xDN}-a ] a o l E, A.i cos s 2.1. Approximate correction of the adjacency effect The second step of the algorithm computes the average reflectance in an N x N pixel window centred on the considered pixel: I N2 P(l)=-2 2: p?) N j~l The model-derived reflectance pel) of equation (7) is based on the assumption of a Lambertian ground (see equation (2», whereas the measurement (equation (1» actually consists of the direct reflected radiance from the pixel with surface reflectance p and the diffuse background reflectance pel) from the neighbourhood L(A) = Lo(A)+E.(A) P(,()'di.(A) +E.(A) p(l)(,()'dif(,() n n Comparing equations (2) and (9) one obtains p(l)('di'+'dif) =P'di'+P(l)'dif, from which the final surface reflectance p=p(2) results: p(2)=p(I)+q(p(l)_p(l)) (10) where q=f.2 'dif(,() <I>('()d'( ., 'di'(,() The appropriate window size, N, in equation (8) depends on the pixel size, the atmospheric parameters, the spectral band and the spatial frequencies of the scene itself (Kaufman 1985). This aspect is discussed in §4. 3. TM version of the atmospheric correction algorithm Two simplifying assumptions were made for the TM version of the algorithm: (I) The relative azimuth angle dependence of the path scattered radiance is neglected for the standard catalogue, because the largest off-nadir angle of TM is 7'5°. All radiances of the catalogue are evaluated for the nadir view. The evaluation of Landsat TM subscenes with actual atmospheric data is made with the sensor view angle and relative azimuth angle corresponding to the centre of the image. (2) The function a, of equation (6) depends on the global irradiance E., which itself depends to some extent on the ground albedo. The subsequent results are based on a ground albedo of 30 per cent for al to minimize reflectance errors in the 10-40 per cent region. Table I summarizes the absolute surface reflectance errors for the TM bands due to these assumptions, assuming the standard mid-latitude summer atmosphere with an urban aerosol content. All bands are treated independently using the same atmospheric parameters. The choice of the ground albedo to calculate E. can be selected independently for each Downloaded by [University of Leeds] at 08:15 19 August 2014
  • 5. 162 R. Richter Table I. Maximum absolute reflectance errors for TM due to model approximations as a function of surface reflectance. Absolute reflectance error (per cent) Ground Band I Band 2 Band 3 Band 4 reflectance (per cent) 0' 7' 0' 7' 0' 7' 0' 7' 5 0·5 3 0·5 1·5 0·5 0·5 0·5 0·5 30 0 2·5 0 0·5 0 0·5 0 0 70 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 Angle 0'; nadir view, angle 7'; off-nadir view. Atmospheric parameters: mid-latitude summer (LOWTRAN) atmosphere, urban aerosol content, visibility range 5-40km, solar zenith angle range 30'-60'. For TM bands 5 and 7 the reflectance error is <0·7 and 0·5 per cent, respectively. band. It can thus be adapted to the reflectance level of a particular scene and will improve the accuracy of the ground reflectance image. Of course, the method also depends on the sensor calibration accuracy, i.e. on the correct values coU), cIU) for each band i(Slater et af. 1987). Due to the simplifying assumptions, a fast atmospheric correction algorithm is created. For an image size of 512 x 512 pixels the first step of the algorithm requires one minute execution time per channel on a personal computer with a 386 processor. The second step of the algorithm also requires one minute execution time per channel (without the low pass filter image of p(l). Figure 1 shows the functions ao, a l and q for TM bands 1 and 5 for the mid­latitude summer atmosphere, an urban aerosol (6 visibilities) and a range of solar zenith angles. Function ao (the planetary albedo for the ground reflectance zero, ranging from 0 to I) is about an order of magnitude lower in band 5 than the corresponding values in band I, which is to be expected. The same applies to the function q, which is a measure of the strength of the adjacency effect. Thus, the adjacency effect plays a minor role in TM bands 5 and 7 and can usually be neglected in these bands (Tame et af. 1987). 4. Atmospheric correction of a TM scene of Munich A single date scene is selected to keep this Letter within the page limits. The full potential of the method can best be exploited for multitemporal scenes (radiometric normalization), which will be the topic of a forthcoming paper. Figure 2 shows the results of processing Landsat-5 TM bands 1,2 and 3 of a scene of Munich dated 9 July 1984. Atmospheric data were measured by a radiosonde up to an altitude of 13km. Data of the altitude region 13-IOOkm were taken from the LOWTRAN mid-latitude summer atmosphere. The urban boundary layer aerosol type was selected at a visibility of 15km. This choice is the result of several visibility iterations: for dark targets (e.g. lakes) an incorrect visibility can lead to negative reflectance values. The rural aerosol was also tested and found to be inadequate, since its higher path radiance leads to negative reflectance values for dark targets of the scene. The selected aerosol type is in accord with the wind direction (blowing from south on this day), thus providing an urban type of aerosol to the centre and north of the city.. Downloaded by [University of Leeds] at 08:15 19 August 2014
  • 6. Remote Sensing Letters 163 1.2 f----=~ 1.0 ,"'=::=-I-o--P~-t-----1 O.B ",-~o... q 0.6 f==t=:::Jc):::::i'~ 0.4 r--~-+==f:::::-9 0.14 0.12 0.10 O.OB q 0.06 0.04 1 - r---- 2 ~ 3 ~=:::::::: _4 _I ----r--- 5 I I 6 I I G, 30 40 50 60 70 SOLAR ZENITH ANGLE (DEGREE) -- 0.6 r----t-=-..k 0.2 f-------F"'--.ol::: 30 40 SO 60 70 SOLAR ZENITH ANGLE (DEGREE) - 30 40 50 60 70 SOLAR ZENITH ANGLE (DEGREE) - 0.7 r====t--=P",---J;::::O--c--I 0, 0.5 f------I-------;f"-..~-l_'~~ 0.4 ----I----!----""-.---i '-_---'---_----.J'-_---'---_---"JI 30 40 50 60 70 SOLAR ZENITH ANGLE (DEGREE) - 0.1 4 1----j---f-------t-~y71 0.1 2 f---I---f--::7'7"7-'- O.OB I::::::;:::d=::::::: 30 40 50 60 70 SOLAR ZENITH ANGLE (DEGREE) - 0.015 f---I---f---I--r-----7I Figure I. Atmospheric correction functions for TM band 1 (left) and band 5 (right). Atmosphere, mid-latitude summer; aerosol, urban; ground at sea level. Visibilities: (I) =5 km, (2)=7 km, (3)= IOkm, (4)= 15km, (5)=23 km, (6)=40km. Figure 2 (a) shows the original image and figure 2 (b) the colour-coded reflectance image of the first step of the algorithm using the TM band i( i = 1, 2, 3) calibration coefficients co(i) and c, (i) (Price 1989). Figure 2 (c) displays a reflectance image which approximatley accounts for the adjacency effect. It is distinctly superior to figure 2 (b). The appropriate window size, N, for the correction of the adjacency effect was found to be in the range 7-35 pixels; i.e. about 100-500 m to either side of a pixel. At the first glance, this is a surprising result since the aerosol scale height (and thus the effective scattering range) is about 1-2 km (Kaufman 1985). However, this is based on the assumption of a large homogeneous surface (several times the length of the scale height). Since the Munich scene consists of many small fields of different reflectances, the effective range of the adjacency effect is reduced to about 100-500 m. Reflectance values of the pixels in the Munich scene generally change less than I per cent, when the N = 7 window is used instead of the N = 35 window, which saves computer time for the calculation of the low pass filter image. An exception is demonstrated by the 6 per cent reflectance of a lake target in band 4 (see table 2) at a 7 x 7 pixels window size. The 35 x 35 pixels window, i.e. about Downloaded by [University of Leeds] at 08:15 19 August 2014
  • 7. 164 R. Richter (a) (b) (c) Figure 2. Landsat-S Thematic Mapper scene of Munich (9 July 1984), bands I, 2 and 3. (a) original scene, (b) ground reflectance image (step I) and (e) ground reflectance image (step 2) corrected for adjacency effect. RGB colour coding: red = band 3, green= band 2, blue=band I. I x I km", reduces the reflectance at the centre of the lake to I per cent. This reflectance value is also confirmed by the following consideration: the lake (diameter 0·5 km) is surrounded for several kilometres by agricultural fields with reflectance values of 30-50 per cent in TM band 4. A calculation with models SENSAT-3 and LOWTRAN-7, using the approximate equations of Tanre et al. (1981), shows a 5 per cent increase in TM band 4 reflectance for a target (diameter 0·5 km) of I per cent reflectance, which is surrounded by a homogeneous background of 40 per cent reflectance. Thus a I per cent reflectance value of the lake in TM band 4 is increased to an apparent 6 per cent by the adjacency effect. Downloaded by [University of Leeds] at 08:15 19 August 2014
  • 8. Remote Sensing Letters 165 Table 2. Surface reflectance calculated for several targets. Surface reflectance (per cent) in TM bands Target 2 3 4 5 7 Lake 4 6 2 6 I 1 Meadow 4 8 5 41 24 13 Coniferous 4 5 3 26 9 4 Concrete (runway) 20 20 20 31 31 30 A window of 7 x 7 pixels is assumed for the adjacency correction. Table 2 shows retrieved reflectance values for several targets. The comparison with values given in the literature is difficult, since the reflectance range of natural targets (e.g., meadow) is rather large and there is the possibility of mixed signatures. Therefore, a comparison with simultaneous ground measurements is planned for the future. 5. Summary A fast atmospheric correction algorithm for the reflective solar spectrum is presented, which approximately accounts for the adjacency effect. The algorithm transforms the original radiance image into a reflectance image. A catalogue of atmospheric correction functions has been compiled for Landsat TM for different standard atmospheres, solar zenith angles, ground altitudes, aerosol types and visibilities. In many cases the catalogue enables the quasi­operational conversion of TM radiance images into reflectance images. If the scene contains reference targets of known reflectance, a check of the correctness of the selected atmospheric parameters is possible. The catalogue will be extended to include the SPOT HRV (High Resolution Visible) sensor (Begni 1982). Acknowledgment I thank the referees for their helpful comments. References BEGNl, G., 1982, Selection of the optimum spectral bands for the SPOT satellite. Photo­grammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 48,1613-1620. ISAACS, R. G., WANG, W. c., WORSHAM, R. D., and GOLDENBERG, S., 1987, Multiple scattering LOWTRAN and FASCODE models. Applied Optics, 26, 1272-1281. KAUFMAN, Y. J., t985, The atmospheric elTect on the separability offield classes measured from satellites. Remote Sensing ojEnvironment, 18, 21-34. KIM, H. H., 1988, Atmospheric Effect Removal from Space Imagery, ESA SP-287, 193-196 (Paris: European Space Agency). KIMES, D. S., and SELLERS, P. J., 1985, Inferring hemispherical reflectance of the Earth's surface for global energy budgets from remotely sensed nadir or directional radiance values. Remote Sensing of Environment, 18,205-223. KNElZYS, F. X., SHElTLE, E. P., ABREU, L. W., CHETWYND, J. H., ANDERSON, G. P., GALLERY, W.O., SELBY, J. E. A., and CLOUGH, S. A., 1988, Users' Guide to LOWTRAN-7. AFGL-TR-88-0177, Air Force Geophysics Laboratory, Bedford, Massachusetts, U.S.A. MARKHAM, B. L., and BARKER, J. L., 1985, Spectral characterization of the LANDSAT Thematic Mapper sensors. International Journal ojRemote Sensing, 6, 697-716. PRICE, J. C,; 1989, Calibration comparison for the Landsat 4 and 5 multispectral scanners and thematic mappers. Applied Optics, 28,465-471. Downloaded by [University of Leeds] at 08:15 19 August 2014
  • 9. 166 Remote Sensing Letters RICHTER, R., 1989, Model SENSAT-3, DLR-IB 552/06-89, German Aerospace Research Establishment, Wessling, F.R. Germany. SLATER, P. N., BIGGAR, S. F., HOLM, R. G., JACKSON, R. D., MAO,Y., MORAN, M. S., PALMER, J. M., and YUAN, B., 1987, Reflectance- and radiance-based methods for the in-flight absolute calibration of multispectral sensors. Remote Sensing ofEnvironment, 22,11-37. TANRE, D., DESCHAMPS, P. Y., DUHAUT, P., and HERMAN, M., 1987, Adjacency effect produced by the atmospheric scattering in Thematic Mapper data. Journal of Geophysical Research,92, 12000-12006. TANRE, D., HERMAN, M., and DF.5CHAMPS, P. Y., 1981, Influence of the background contri­bution upon space measurements of ground reflectance. Applied Optics, 20. 3676-3684. Downloaded by [University of Leeds] at 08:15 19 August 2014