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Quick Reference Guide:
    Server Hosting
Server Hosting
                                                                                                                           Quick Reference Guide


GENERAL INFORMATION ...........................................................................................................................................2

CO-LOCATED SERVER HOSTING ..............................................................................................................................3

DEDICATED SERVER HOSTING.................................................................................................................................3

MANAGED SERVER HOSTING ...................................................................................................................................4

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ...........................................................................................................................4

           1.     W il l I h a ve r oo t / Adm i n c o n tr o l o f m y hos te d s e r ver? ( Su perU s er Ac c es s ) ......................4
           2.     Ma y I hos t a du l t con ten t on a hoste d ser ver? ................................................................................4
           3.     Wh a t da tabas es do you s upp or t? ..........................................................................................................4
           4.     Wh a t is the co nnec tion s pee d o f th e hos ted se r vers? ...............................................................4
           5.     D o y ou o f fe r s t r ea m ing me di a or R e al A ud io /V i de o? ...................................................................4
           6.     H ow o f ten d o you bac k u p? .......................................................................................................................5
           7.     D o y ou a l low te ln e t ac c es s ? ....................................................................................................................5
           8.     Can I setup Anonymous FTP access ? ................................................................................................5
           9.     Is th ere a minimu m co n trac t p eriod for yo ur Ser ver Hos tin g so lutions ? ..........................5
           10.       W h a t is y ou r t r a f f ic a ll oc a t io n? .........................................................................................................5

MWEB Business                                                                        1                                                 Version: 02/290304                                                                                                                 Copyright © MWEB Business
Server Hosting
                                                                                    Quick Reference Guide


       T yp e of Ho st in g:                  Hos tin g O f a Ser ver In O ur In te rne t D a taCe ntre

       Ha rdw are Platf or ms A va ilab le: P r o v id e You r Own Ser v e r or R e n t O ne o f Thr ee
                                              L e ve ls o f Se r ver F r om U s

       P l atf or m s A va i l ab l e:        M ic r oso f t & L in u x Pl a tf or ms

       Pa cka ges A va ilab le:               Co -Loc a ted , D ed ica te d & Ma nag ed

       In c lu de d In the Packa ge s:        5 U in R ack Sp ace
                                              1 x IP a ddress
                                              1 00 Mb N e two r k c on nec t i vi t y
                                              1 x 64 Kb /s i n In tern e t Ba ndw id th
                                              2 4 H ou r R eb oo t Ser v ice

       O pt io na l Ex t ra s:                A d di t io na l R ac k S pace ( I n 1U inc r eme n ts )
                                              Ad ditio na l IP Addr esses
                                              Ad ditio na l In tern et ban dwid th ( in 6 4 Kb /s time s lo ts)
                                              Hos t C onnec t + R ou te r Ren tal (A d irec t c on nec tion to
                                              th e ser ver fro m yo ur loc al ne twork)
                                              H a r dw ar e r e n ta l ( 3 Leve ls w i th mu l t ip le o p tio ns)
                                              Man age men t, Su pp or t & Backu ps
                                              M ic r oso f t AS P L ic ens in g

MWEB Business                                          2                                     Version: 02/290304                                                                       Copyright © MWEB Business
Server Hosting
                                                                                                Quick Reference Guide


       Co -Loc a ted      Ser ver      H osting      a l lows      MW EB        Bus iness       to     p ro vide    th e     b asic
       in fr as truc tu re aro und h os tin g a se r ver in an In te rne t Da ta C en tre . It is esse n tially an
       “ In fras truc tu re Solu tion ” w here ou r C o-Loc ate d c us to me rs pro vide the ir ow n se r vers
       a nd h ouse t h em in our w o r l d c l ass In t er ne t D a t a C en t r e .

       Ha rdwar e man age men t, O per a tin g Sys tem Mana geme n t, So ftwa re Ma na ge me n t and
       b ac k ups are t he s o le r es po ns i bi li t y o f a C o- L oca te d Ser v er H os t ing C us to mer .

       C o - l oca te d S er ve r c us t om ers a r e pro v i de d w i th a tt e nde d ac c es s to the ir s er v er
       d ur ing o ffice hou rs on ly.


       D e dic a ted    S er ver    H os t in g   t ak es   th e       c o ncep t   e xp la in ed    ab o ve   ( In fr as tr uc tur e
       P r o v is ion ing ) an d ad ds a r en ta l s e r ver to t he m i x.

       W e o f f er thr ee ( 3) le ve ls o f s er ve r r en t al s p eci f ica t ions , a n en try l e ve l s er v e r , a m id
       r ang e s er ve r an d a h ig h en d s er v e r .

       W i th th e o p t io n for m u l ti p l e p r o c e s s o r s , h ig h a va i la b i l i t y R AM a n d mu lti p le h a r d
       d r i v es i n m u l ti pl e R A I D c on f igu r a t ions , th e D ed ic a te d S er ve r H os t in g s o lu t io n is
       tar ge ted a t c l ien ts who ha ve th e in- ho use ca pab ility to sup por t a ser ve r , bu t do no t
       w a n t the ad ded f is c a l l oa d o f p ur c has ing or m an ag ing t h e s er v er h ar dw ar e .

MWEB Business                                                      3                                     Version: 02/290304                                                                                   Copyright © MWEB Business
Server Hosting
                                                                                       Quick Reference Guide


       Man age d Se r ver Hos tin g takes a to tally o u tso urce d ap pr oach to hos ting a serve r on the

       We pr o vide in fras truc tu re and a re n ta l s er ver an d app ly a ma nage me n t, su pp or t and
       d is as t er r ec o v er y p lan t o the s olu t io n .


       1.       W ill I have root /Admin control of my hosted server? ( S uperUser Access)

                I f y o u are a C o- Loca te d or D e d ic a t ed S er ve r H os t in g c us t om er , y es , y ou ha v e
                total adminis trative access to the hos ted s erver.
                I f y o u a r e a Ma n a g e d Ser ve r H o s t in g c u s t o m e r , yo u w i l l n o t b e a ll o we d
                a dm in is tr a ti v e acc es s t o t he s er ve r . (We man age the se r ver to SLA le ve ls)

       2.       Ma y I hos t a du lt co nt ent on a h ost ed serv er ?

                No . W e do n o t a llow ad ult c on te nt o f an y k ind on o ur ser vers .

       3.       Wh at d atab as es d o y ou su ppor t?

                O ur sup por t te am can s upp or t b o th Micros o ft SQL Stan dar d & Ad vance d
                Ser ver d a ta bases and the MySQ L Da ta base

       4.       Wh at is t he co nne ct io n s pee d o f th e ho st ed s er vers ?

                O ur en tire r an ge o f se r ver hosting ser vers are con nec ted via F as t Eth ern et
                ( 100 Mb /s) t o C is c o s w i tc hes in o ur In t er n e t D a ta C e n tr e . As a w ho le , o ur
                In tern et Da ta Cen tre is con necte d to th e b o th th e Te lko m AT M n e twork and
                th e SAIX back bon e for r edu nda nc y.

       5.       D o yo u of f e r st re amin g me d ia o r R e a lA ud i o / V ide o?

                Y es . Al l ou r s e r ver h os ti ng c us to mers h av e th e a bi li t y t o p r o v id e s tr ea ming
                m ed ia , bu t i t mus t be c o n fi gur ed o n the s er ve r .

MWEB Business                                                    4                              Version: 02/290304                                                                          Copyright © MWEB Business
Server Hosting
                                                                                          Quick Reference Guide

       6.      H o w of t en d o y ou bac ku p?

               Man age d       Ser ver      hos ting        c usto mers   are   back ed   up   u tilis ing   a   1   +   6
               me th odo log y. Th is mea ns that we co nduc t one fu ll an d s ix incre men tal
               b ackups a w eek . C o- loc a ted an d De dic a te d Ser ver h os ting cus tomers a re
               r espo nsible for the ir ow n back ups .

       7.      Do yo u a llo w te lnet a cce ss ?

               F r om a s ec u r i t y p er s p ec ti v e , w e r ec om men d t ha t you to n o t c o n fi gur e t el ne t
               acc es s to t h e h os ted s er ver . R a t her u t il ise S SH or o ne o f th e o t he r s ec u r e
               r emo te access s o ftwar e pack ages .

       8.      Ca n I se tup A no ny mo us FT P ac ces s?

               Yes . An onymous FT P acc ess can be c on fig ure d to the H os ted Ser ver . If yo u
               a r e a Man age d S er v e r H os ti ng c us t om er , p le as e c o n tac t our T ec hn ic a l
               Ass istanc e C en tr e . If yo u are a C o-Loca ted or De dic a ted Se r ver hos tin g
               c us t om er , y o u c an s et t h is u p you r s e l f

       9.      Is t he re a min imum c ont ra ct pe r io d fo r yo ur Serv er Ho st in g so lut ions ?

               Y es . Eac h o f our w eb hos t in g s o lu t io ns c a r r i es a mi n im um t er m o f o ne ( 1 )
               y e ar w i th t w o ( 2 ) an d t hr ee ( 3 ) ye ar t er ms p os s ib le i n t he D ed ic a t ed &
               M an age d Se r ver h os tin g s o lu t ions .

       10.     Wh at is you r t raff ic allo cat ion ?

               O ur tra f f ic a l loc a t io n i s l ik e no o t her ma jo r I S P in S o u th A fr ic a . W e do n o t
               p r o v ide you w i th a tra f f ic a l loc at i on per mo n th . Ins t ea d , w e pr ovi de y ou w i t h
               In tern et ban dwid th to yo ur ser ver in 6 4 Kb /s time s l ots .

               I E O n a s ing le 64Kb /s t i me s lo t , y ou c ou ld tr ans f er a ppro x i ma te l y 2 0
               G ig a B ytes o f mon t h l y t r a f f ic

MWEB Business                                                    5                              Version: 02/290304                                                                          Copyright © MWEB Business

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Server Hosting Guide

  • 1. Quick Reference Guide: Server Hosting
  • 2. Server Hosting Quick Reference Guide TA BLE OF CON T ENTS GENERAL INFORMATION ...........................................................................................................................................2 CO-LOCATED SERVER HOSTING ..............................................................................................................................3 DEDICATED SERVER HOSTING.................................................................................................................................3 MANAGED SERVER HOSTING ...................................................................................................................................4 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ...........................................................................................................................4 1. W il l I h a ve r oo t / Adm i n c o n tr o l o f m y hos te d s e r ver? ( Su perU s er Ac c es s ) ......................4 2. Ma y I hos t a du l t con ten t on a hoste d ser ver? ................................................................................4 3. Wh a t da tabas es do you s upp or t? ..........................................................................................................4 4. Wh a t is the co nnec tion s pee d o f th e hos ted se r vers? ...............................................................4 5. D o y ou o f fe r s t r ea m ing me di a or R e al A ud io /V i de o? ...................................................................4 6. H ow o f ten d o you bac k u p? .......................................................................................................................5 7. D o y ou a l low te ln e t ac c es s ? ....................................................................................................................5 8. Can I setup Anonymous FTP access ? ................................................................................................5 9. Is th ere a minimu m co n trac t p eriod for yo ur Ser ver Hos tin g so lutions ? ..........................5 10. W h a t is y ou r t r a f f ic a ll oc a t io n? .........................................................................................................5 MWEB Business 1 Version: 02/290304 Copyright © MWEB Business
  • 3. Server Hosting Quick Reference Guide GENERAL INFORMATION T yp e of Ho st in g: Hos tin g O f a Ser ver In O ur In te rne t D a taCe ntre Ha rdw are Platf or ms A va ilab le: P r o v id e You r Own Ser v e r or R e n t O ne o f Thr ee L e ve ls o f Se r ver F r om U s P l atf or m s A va i l ab l e: M ic r oso f t & L in u x Pl a tf or ms Pa cka ges A va ilab le: Co -Loc a ted , D ed ica te d & Ma nag ed In c lu de d In the Packa ge s: 5 U in R ack Sp ace 1 x IP a ddress 1 00 Mb N e two r k c on nec t i vi t y 1 x 64 Kb /s i n In tern e t Ba ndw id th 2 4 H ou r R eb oo t Ser v ice O pt io na l Ex t ra s: A d di t io na l R ac k S pace ( I n 1U inc r eme n ts ) Ad ditio na l IP Addr esses Ad ditio na l In tern et ban dwid th ( in 6 4 Kb /s time s lo ts) Hos t C onnec t + R ou te r Ren tal (A d irec t c on nec tion to th e ser ver fro m yo ur loc al ne twork) H a r dw ar e r e n ta l ( 3 Leve ls w i th mu l t ip le o p tio ns) Man age men t, Su pp or t & Backu ps M ic r oso f t AS P L ic ens in g MWEB Business 2 Version: 02/290304 Copyright © MWEB Business
  • 4. Server Hosting Quick Reference Guide CO-LOCATED SERVER HOSTING Co -Loc a ted Ser ver H osting a l lows MW EB Bus iness to p ro vide th e b asic in fr as truc tu re aro und h os tin g a se r ver in an In te rne t Da ta C en tre . It is esse n tially an “ In fras truc tu re Solu tion ” w here ou r C o-Loc ate d c us to me rs pro vide the ir ow n se r vers a nd h ouse t h em in our w o r l d c l ass In t er ne t D a t a C en t r e . Ha rdwar e man age men t, O per a tin g Sys tem Mana geme n t, So ftwa re Ma na ge me n t and b ac k ups are t he s o le r es po ns i bi li t y o f a C o- L oca te d Ser v er H os t ing C us to mer . C o - l oca te d S er ve r c us t om ers a r e pro v i de d w i th a tt e nde d ac c es s to the ir s er v er d ur ing o ffice hou rs on ly. DEDICATED SERVER HOSTING D e dic a ted S er ver H os t in g t ak es th e c o ncep t e xp la in ed ab o ve ( In fr as tr uc tur e P r o v is ion ing ) an d ad ds a r en ta l s e r ver to t he m i x. W e o f f er thr ee ( 3) le ve ls o f s er ve r r en t al s p eci f ica t ions , a n en try l e ve l s er v e r , a m id r ang e s er ve r an d a h ig h en d s er v e r . W i th th e o p t io n for m u l ti p l e p r o c e s s o r s , h ig h a va i la b i l i t y R AM a n d mu lti p le h a r d d r i v es i n m u l ti pl e R A I D c on f igu r a t ions , th e D ed ic a te d S er ve r H os t in g s o lu t io n is tar ge ted a t c l ien ts who ha ve th e in- ho use ca pab ility to sup por t a ser ve r , bu t do no t w a n t the ad ded f is c a l l oa d o f p ur c has ing or m an ag ing t h e s er v er h ar dw ar e . MWEB Business 3 Version: 02/290304 Copyright © MWEB Business
  • 5. Server Hosting Quick Reference Guide MANAGED SERVER HOSTING Man age d Se r ver Hos tin g takes a to tally o u tso urce d ap pr oach to hos ting a serve r on the Internet. We pr o vide in fras truc tu re and a re n ta l s er ver an d app ly a ma nage me n t, su pp or t and d is as t er r ec o v er y p lan t o the s olu t io n . FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1. W ill I have root /Admin control of my hosted server? ( S uperUser Access) I f y o u are a C o- Loca te d or D e d ic a t ed S er ve r H os t in g c us t om er , y es , y ou ha v e total adminis trative access to the hos ted s erver. I f y o u a r e a Ma n a g e d Ser ve r H o s t in g c u s t o m e r , yo u w i l l n o t b e a ll o we d a dm in is tr a ti v e acc es s t o t he s er ve r . (We man age the se r ver to SLA le ve ls) 2. Ma y I hos t a du lt co nt ent on a h ost ed serv er ? No . W e do n o t a llow ad ult c on te nt o f an y k ind on o ur ser vers . 3. Wh at d atab as es d o y ou su ppor t? O ur sup por t te am can s upp or t b o th Micros o ft SQL Stan dar d & Ad vance d Ser ver d a ta bases and the MySQ L Da ta base 4. Wh at is t he co nne ct io n s pee d o f th e ho st ed s er vers ? O ur en tire r an ge o f se r ver hosting ser vers are con nec ted via F as t Eth ern et ( 100 Mb /s) t o C is c o s w i tc hes in o ur In t er n e t D a ta C e n tr e . As a w ho le , o ur In tern et Da ta Cen tre is con necte d to th e b o th th e Te lko m AT M n e twork and th e SAIX back bon e for r edu nda nc y. 5. D o yo u of f e r st re amin g me d ia o r R e a lA ud i o / V ide o? Y es . Al l ou r s e r ver h os ti ng c us to mers h av e th e a bi li t y t o p r o v id e s tr ea ming m ed ia , bu t i t mus t be c o n fi gur ed o n the s er ve r . MWEB Business 4 Version: 02/290304 Copyright © MWEB Business
  • 6. Server Hosting Quick Reference Guide 6. H o w of t en d o y ou bac ku p? Man age d Ser ver hos ting c usto mers are back ed up u tilis ing a 1 + 6 me th odo log y. Th is mea ns that we co nduc t one fu ll an d s ix incre men tal b ackups a w eek . C o- loc a ted an d De dic a te d Ser ver h os ting cus tomers a re r espo nsible for the ir ow n back ups . 7. Do yo u a llo w te lnet a cce ss ? F r om a s ec u r i t y p er s p ec ti v e , w e r ec om men d t ha t you to n o t c o n fi gur e t el ne t acc es s to t h e h os ted s er ver . R a t her u t il ise S SH or o ne o f th e o t he r s ec u r e r emo te access s o ftwar e pack ages . 8. Ca n I se tup A no ny mo us FT P ac ces s? Yes . An onymous FT P acc ess can be c on fig ure d to the H os ted Ser ver . If yo u a r e a Man age d S er v e r H os ti ng c us t om er , p le as e c o n tac t our T ec hn ic a l Ass istanc e C en tr e . If yo u are a C o-Loca ted or De dic a ted Se r ver hos tin g c us t om er , y o u c an s et t h is u p you r s e l f 9. Is t he re a min imum c ont ra ct pe r io d fo r yo ur Serv er Ho st in g so lut ions ? Y es . Eac h o f our w eb hos t in g s o lu t io ns c a r r i es a mi n im um t er m o f o ne ( 1 ) y e ar w i th t w o ( 2 ) an d t hr ee ( 3 ) ye ar t er ms p os s ib le i n t he D ed ic a t ed & M an age d Se r ver h os tin g s o lu t ions . 10. Wh at is you r t raff ic allo cat ion ? O ur tra f f ic a l loc a t io n i s l ik e no o t her ma jo r I S P in S o u th A fr ic a . W e do n o t p r o v ide you w i th a tra f f ic a l loc at i on per mo n th . Ins t ea d , w e pr ovi de y ou w i t h In tern et ban dwid th to yo ur ser ver in 6 4 Kb /s time s l ots . I E O n a s ing le 64Kb /s t i me s lo t , y ou c ou ld tr ans f er a ppro x i ma te l y 2 0 G ig a B ytes o f mon t h l y t r a f f ic MWEB Business 5 Version: 02/290304 Copyright © MWEB Business