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Gwasanaeth Datblygu Cyflenwyr
     Supplier Development Service
• Cyngor a chefnogaeth ar sail un-i-un ar gyfer
  mudiadau sydd yn cystadlu am gytundebau.
   – HCC (Holiaduron Cyn-Gymhwyso)
   – Tenders

• One-to-one advice and support for organisations
  submitting bids.
   – PQQs (Pre-Qualification Questionnaires)
   – Tenders
Pwrpas gweithdy heddiw
        Purpose of today’s workshop
• Edrych yn fras ar rai o’r brif rhesymau ty ôl i’r broses tendro
• Adnabod camau paratoadol gallwch gwblhau rwan yn barod
  ar gyfer HCG a Tendrau yn y dyfodol
• Manylion safleuoedd wê lle mae angen gofrestru a cipolwg ar
  sut mae rhain yn gweithio
• Trosolwg ar y cymorth sydd ar gael i chi

• Briefly examine some of the main reasons behind the tendering
• Identify preparatory steps that you can take now in preparation for
  upcoming PQQs and Tenders
• Details of relevant websites to register on and an insight in to how
  these work
• Overview of the support available to you
Pam fod cyrff cyhoeddus yn tendro?
       Why do public bodies tender?
• Gwerth am arian i ddinesyddion   • Value for money for citizens
• Sicirhau gwasanaeth o            • Ensure a quality service
  ansawdd                          • Access products, services &
• Mynediad at gynnyrch,              expertise
  gwasanaethau ac arbenigedd       • Control risk
• Rheoli risg                      • Increase competition
• Cynyddu cystadleuaeth            • Replace underperforming
• Newid cyflenwyr sy’n               suppliers
  tanberformmio                    • Demonstrate fairness and
• Arddangos tegwch a                 openness
  gonestrwydd                      • Comply with EU legislation and
• Cydymffurfio gyda                  financial regulations
  deddfwriaeth a rheolau’r DU
Pam fod cyrff cyhoeddus yn tendro?
      Why do public bodies tender?
• Cydymffurfiad cyfreithiol      • Legal compliance
• Archwilio cyflenwyr posib i    • Vetting potential suppliers to
  sicrhau eu fod yn ddilys, yn     ensure bona fide & fully capable
  fedrus, ac gyda cemdir           suppliers with good financial
  ariannol da                      standing
• Cyn-cymhwysiad ffurfiol        • Formal pre-qualification
• Meini prawf gosodedig ar       • Pre-determined criteria for
  gyfer gwerthusiad                appraisal
• Safoni                         • Standardisation
• Cysondeb mewn dull             • Consistent approach
• Cysondeb mewn mesuriad         • Consistent measurement
Manteision y broses Tendro
       Benefits of the Tendering process
• Darparu atebolrwydd clir a      • Provides clear public
  chyhoeddus                        accountability
• Amddiffyn gweithwyr oddi        • Protects employees from bias
  wrth rhagfarn                   • Level playing field to judge the
• Safbwynt diduedd i asesu’r        market
  farchnad                        • Ensures value for money
• Sicrhau gwerth am arian         • Potential suppliers have the
• Sicrhau fod gan y cyflenwyr       same clear understanding of
  posib ddealltwriaeth clir o’r     the requirements
  anghenion                       • Sound basis for a properly
• Sylfaen ar gyfer cytundeb         constructed contract
  cynhwysfawr a theilwng          • It prevents complacency
• Rhywstro hunanfoddhad
•   Cryfder ariannol – gall yr           •   Financial strength issue – can the
    ymgesiydd ymdopi gyda maint y            candidate cope financially with this size
    gytundeb – cynaliadwy?                   of contract – sustainability?
•   Dibyniaeth – fydd yr ymgeisydd       •   Dependency issue – will the candidate
    or-ddibynnol ar y cytundeb neu’r         become over-dependent on this
    awdurdod?                                contract or contracting authority?
•   Cynhwysedd – oes gan yr              •   Capacity issue – does the candidate
    ymgeisydd yr adnoddau i gwrdd            have sufficient resources to meet the
    ag anghenion y cytundeb?                 contract demands?
•   Gallu – oes gan yr ymgesiydd yr      •   Capability issue – does the candidate
    sgiliau a phrofiad angenrheidiol i       have the necessary skills & experience
    gwblhau’r gwaith?                        to carry out the work?
•   Manylion statws proffesiynol e.e.    •   Details of professional status, for
    AGGCC                                    example CSSIW
Eich Amcanion
                 Your Objectives
• Osgoi dilead o’r broses     • Avoid elimination
• Creu argraff fafriol        • Create a favourable
• Darparu gwybodaeth yn         impression
  brydlon                     • Provide information
• Darparu’r wybodaeth yn        promptly
  glîr, yn gyflawn ac mewn    • Provide information that is
  modd hawdd i’w ddilyn.        clear, complete and in an
• Sicrhau fod y gwybodaeth      easy to follow format.
  yn gryno ac yn berthnsaol   • Ensure that information is
                                concise and relevant
“Di hwn ddim yn berthnasol i mi, dwi ddim angen deutha nhw pa mor dda „dw i
ohwerydd dwi di bod yn neud y gwaith ers ugain mlynedd”

Os cymerwch chi’r safbwynt yma, mi wnewch chi fethu heb unrhyw

Gall eich cais mond cael ei asesu ar sail beth sydd wedi ei sgwennu ar bapur
a’r tystiolaeth sydd yn cael ei ddarparu.

“This isn’t relevant to me, I don’t need to tell them how good I am because I’ve
been delivering this service for the last 20 years”
If you take this attitude, you will fail without any doubt!
Your application can only be assessed on the basis of what you have provided in
writing, along with the evidence provided.
Dull o ateb cwestiynau
    Approach to answering questions
• Proses o wella parhaus – cadwch ag addaswch fersiynnau
  electronic o pob cais yr ydych yn ei gwblhau
• Mae llawer o gwestiynnau yn dueddol o ymddangos ar bron
  pob tender a PQQ– dros amser mae’n hawdd datblygu rhain
  yn barod, can cyflymu’r broses bob tro.

• Process of refinement – keep and build upon electronic versions
  of all applications you have completed
• Many questions tend to appear regularly on PQQs and Tenders –
  meaning over time it is easy for you to develop a set of good
  responses and shorten the time required.
Dull o ateb cwestiynau
Approach to answering questions

     Please describe your organisation's primary
     business activity(ies).
             Please describe your organisation's primary
             business activity(ies).

•   Beth yw eich maes gwaith?              •   What do you do?
•   Ers faint yw’r busnes yn gweithredu?   •   How long have you been operating?
•   Beth yw’r prif ffynhonellau arian?     •   What are your main sources of
•   Beth sydd yn unigol amdanoch?              income?
•   Beth yw eich prif gryfderau?           •   What is unique about you?
•   Pa prosiectau ydych chi’ delifero a    •   What are your main strengths?
    lle?                                   •   What are the projects you deliver,
•   Beth yw prif elfennau’r prosiectau         and where?
    hyn?                                   •   What are the main activities of these
•   Sut ydych chi’n perfformio ar y            projects?
    prosiectau?                            •   How are you performing on these
•   Gallwch chi gadarnhau hyn gyda             projects?
    tystiolaeth ystadegol neu adborth      •   Can you back this up with statistical
    gan cleient arall?                         evidence or client feedback?
Dull o ateb cwestiynau
       Approach to answering questions
• Astudieuthau Achos                                               • Case Studies
    Teitl y prosiect:
       Project title:
             Cleiant:   (cwmni neu unigolyn)
              Client:   (company or individual)
            Dyddiad:    (dewis o dyddiadau cychwyn a gorffen / mis / blwyddyn / dyddiad cychwyn)
               Date:    (choose from start & end dates / month / year / commencement date)
  Gwerth Ariannol: (unai gwerth y prosiect neu’r gwerth blynnyddol)
   Financial value: (either project value or value per annum)
 Manylion Prosiect:
   Project details:

            Geirda: (enw, cyfeiriad, rhif ffon a ebost) a gerida os yn bosib!!
         Reference: (name, address, phone number & email) + Reference if possible!!
Dull o ateb cwestiynau
           Approach to answering questions
• Pam dewis yr engraifft yma i ddangos eich•    Why you have chosen this example to
  profiad?                                      demonstrate your experience?
• Cafodd ei ddelifero ar amser, o fewn y    •   Was it delivered on time, on budget, to the
  cyllideb, i’r safon cywir?                    right quality?
• Cafoch chi eich camoli can y cleient am y •   Did you receive high praise for the work
  gwaith?                                       from the client/stakeholders?
• Oedd yno rwbath a aeth ty hwnt i ofynnion •   Was there something that you did that went
  y cleient?                                    beyond what the client was looking for?
• A oedd unrhyw fuddianau ychwanegol, •         Did your approach to the work bring any
  megis cyfranu tuag at yr economi lleol,       additional benefit – e.g. contribute to the
  defnyddio is-gontractwyr lleol, creu          local economy by using local subcontractors,
  cyflogaeth neu creu cyfleuoedd ar gyfer y     creating new employment, or providing
  rheini allan o waith ar dymor hir.            opportunities for the long term
                                                economically inactive people?
Dull o ateb cwestiynau
           Approach to answering questions
Rhowch ddisgrifiad o’r gwaith fel a oedd     Give a description of the work that was
angen gan y cleient                          required by the client

Pwysleiswch sut aethoch o gwmpas hyn gan Emphasise how you approached the work,
gyfierio at:                                 include details such as:
          Sut cafodd y gwaith ei gynllunio?        How did you plan the work?
          Pa systemau oedd mewn lle i fontro       What system did you have in place to
          pethau?                                  monitor progress?
          Wneuthoch chi reoli cyswllt gyda’r       Did you manage communication with the
          cleient? Sut?                            client? How?
          Sut wneuthoch chi sicrhau answadd?       How did you maintain quality?
          Faint o staff oedd yn y broses?          How many members of staff involved?
          Is-gontractwyr?                          Sub-contractors?
          Unrhyw sgiliau/profiadau ehangach Expertise/skills of key individuals that were
          gan unrhyw aelodau’r tim?          utilised?
Dull o ateb cwestiynau
        Approach to answering questions
•   Staff / Adnoddau ar gael              •   Staff / Resources Available
     – Staff Training Matrix /                 – Staff Training Matrix / Training
        Anghenion Hyffroddiant                     needs
     – Copiau o dystysgrifau unigol            – Copies of individual training
        ar gyfer cyrsiau perthnsaol                certificates (at hand just in case
        (rhag ofn eu bod yn ofynnol)               required as an example)
     – CVs / PEN Profiles ar gyfer             – CVs / PEN Profiles of key project
        aelodau criadd yr prosiect (nid            individuals (not necessarily each
        o angenrheidrwydd pawb!)                   member of staff!)
     – Adnoddau staff ar gael – tabl i         – Staffing Resources available –
        ddangos faint o bobly yr ydych             table showing how many
        yn eu gyflogi ym mhob rôl –                individuals you employ in each
        gall helpu ddangos yr capasiti             type of role – can help to show
        sydd ganddoch i ymdopi gyda                the capacity you have to deal
        absenoldeb. a.y.y.b                        with staff absence etc.
Dull o ateb cwestiynau
     Approach to answering questions

• Safbwynt ariannol                  • Financial Standing
   – PDF o gyfrifon archwiledig         – PDF Copies of Audited accounts
   – Trosiant ar gyfer y 3 mlynedd      – Turnover figures for previous 3
     blaenorol                            years
   – Copiau PDF o dystysgrifau          – PDF copies of relevant insurance
     yswyritant perthnasol                certificates
Gwasanaethau i fusnes
Services to business

 Helpu busnesau i lenwi PQQ’s a thendrau - rhad ac am ddim
 Assist businesses to fill in PQQ’s and tenders - free service

 Helpu busnesau gydag unrhyw dendr neu holiaduron cyn-
  gymhwyso maent angen cymorth hefo nhw
 Can help businesses with any tender or pre-qualification questionnaire
  they require help with
Gwasanaethau i fusnes
Services to business
 Cofrestru ar Gwerthu i Gymru a chefnogi gyda proffil cwmni ar y
  wefan (CPV CODES)
 Register on Sell2Wales and support with company profile on the website

 Adnabod cyfleon tendro a rhannu’r wybodaeth - Preifat a
 Identify tender opportunities and share information - Public and Private

 Ymwybyddiaeth am ddatblygiadau ar lefel rhanbarthol a lleol
 Awareness of developments on a regional and local level
Gwasanaethau i fusnes
Services to business
 Helpu busnesau i lenwi PQQ’s a thendrau-rhad ac am ddim
 Assist businesses to fill in PQQ’s and tenders-free service

 Helpu busnesau gydag unrhyw dendr neu holiaduron cyn-
  gymhwyso maent angen cymorth hefo nhw
 Can help businesses with any tender or pre-qualification questionnaire
  they require help with
Gwasanaethau i fusnes
Services to business
 Digwyddiadau Cwrdd a’r Prynwr-Sector Gyhoeddus
 Public Sector Meet the Buyer events

 Sesiynnau Briffio i Gyflenwyr (amrywiol)
 Supplier Briefing Sessions (various)

 Gweithdai CHAS/ISO9001/ISO14001
 CHAS/ISO9001/ISO14001 workshops

 Gweithdai “Sut i Dendro”
 “How to Tender” workshops.
Cysylltu gyda’r Gwasanaeth Datblygu Cyflenwyr
Contact the Supplier Development Service

 Derwenna Bridle - 01248 672 610          Gwynedd a Môn   Gwynedd and Anglesey

 Iestyn Gruffudd - 01248 672 659        Conwy a Sir Ddinbych   Conwy and Denbighshire

 Lynne Lewis - 01978 366 366              Wrecsam a Fflint            Wrexham and Flintshire
Gweithdai Sut i Dendro
How to Tender Workshops
15/11/2012    Conwy                 Glasdir, Llanrwst - LL26 0DF

22/11/2012   Gwynedd              Plas Silyn, Penygroes - LL54 6HJ

04/12/2012    Môn         Holland Arms Hotel, Pentre Berw, LL60 6HY

06/12/2012    Conwy     Canolfan Fusnes, Cyffordd Llandudno - LL31 9XX

13/12/2012   Dinbych           Rhyl Commuity Fire Station - LL18 3PL

                                            Derwenna Bridle
Archebu lle yn hanfodol                       01248 672 610
Booking a place is essential

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To bid or not to bid?

  • 2. Gwasanaeth Datblygu Cyflenwyr Supplier Development Service • Cyngor a chefnogaeth ar sail un-i-un ar gyfer mudiadau sydd yn cystadlu am gytundebau. – HCC (Holiaduron Cyn-Gymhwyso) – Tenders • One-to-one advice and support for organisations submitting bids. – PQQs (Pre-Qualification Questionnaires) – Tenders
  • 3. Pwrpas gweithdy heddiw Purpose of today’s workshop • Edrych yn fras ar rai o’r brif rhesymau ty ôl i’r broses tendro • Adnabod camau paratoadol gallwch gwblhau rwan yn barod ar gyfer HCG a Tendrau yn y dyfodol • Manylion safleuoedd wê lle mae angen gofrestru a cipolwg ar sut mae rhain yn gweithio • Trosolwg ar y cymorth sydd ar gael i chi • Briefly examine some of the main reasons behind the tendering process • Identify preparatory steps that you can take now in preparation for upcoming PQQs and Tenders • Details of relevant websites to register on and an insight in to how these work • Overview of the support available to you
  • 4. Pam fod cyrff cyhoeddus yn tendro? Why do public bodies tender? • Gwerth am arian i ddinesyddion • Value for money for citizens • Sicirhau gwasanaeth o • Ensure a quality service ansawdd • Access products, services & • Mynediad at gynnyrch, expertise gwasanaethau ac arbenigedd • Control risk • Rheoli risg • Increase competition • Cynyddu cystadleuaeth • Replace underperforming • Newid cyflenwyr sy’n suppliers tanberformmio • Demonstrate fairness and • Arddangos tegwch a openness gonestrwydd • Comply with EU legislation and • Cydymffurfio gyda financial regulations deddfwriaeth a rheolau’r DU
  • 5. Pam fod cyrff cyhoeddus yn tendro? Why do public bodies tender? • Cydymffurfiad cyfreithiol • Legal compliance • Archwilio cyflenwyr posib i • Vetting potential suppliers to sicrhau eu fod yn ddilys, yn ensure bona fide & fully capable fedrus, ac gyda cemdir suppliers with good financial ariannol da standing • Cyn-cymhwysiad ffurfiol • Formal pre-qualification • Meini prawf gosodedig ar • Pre-determined criteria for gyfer gwerthusiad appraisal • Safoni • Standardisation • Cysondeb mewn dull • Consistent approach • Cysondeb mewn mesuriad • Consistent measurement
  • 6. Manteision y broses Tendro Benefits of the Tendering process • Darparu atebolrwydd clir a • Provides clear public chyhoeddus accountability • Amddiffyn gweithwyr oddi • Protects employees from bias wrth rhagfarn • Level playing field to judge the • Safbwynt diduedd i asesu’r market farchnad • Ensures value for money • Sicrhau gwerth am arian • Potential suppliers have the • Sicrhau fod gan y cyflenwyr same clear understanding of posib ddealltwriaeth clir o’r the requirements anghenion • Sound basis for a properly • Sylfaen ar gyfer cytundeb constructed contract cynhwysfawr a theilwng • It prevents complacency • Rhywstro hunanfoddhad
  • 7. Cyn-Cymhwso Pre-Qualification • Cryfder ariannol – gall yr • Financial strength issue – can the ymgesiydd ymdopi gyda maint y candidate cope financially with this size gytundeb – cynaliadwy? of contract – sustainability? • Dibyniaeth – fydd yr ymgeisydd • Dependency issue – will the candidate or-ddibynnol ar y cytundeb neu’r become over-dependent on this awdurdod? contract or contracting authority? • Cynhwysedd – oes gan yr • Capacity issue – does the candidate ymgeisydd yr adnoddau i gwrdd have sufficient resources to meet the ag anghenion y cytundeb? contract demands? • Gallu – oes gan yr ymgesiydd yr • Capability issue – does the candidate sgiliau a phrofiad angenrheidiol i have the necessary skills & experience gwblhau’r gwaith? to carry out the work? • Manylion statws proffesiynol e.e. • Details of professional status, for AGGCC example CSSIW
  • 8. Eich Amcanion Your Objectives • Osgoi dilead o’r broses • Avoid elimination • Creu argraff fafriol • Create a favourable • Darparu gwybodaeth yn impression brydlon • Provide information • Darparu’r wybodaeth yn promptly glîr, yn gyflawn ac mewn • Provide information that is modd hawdd i’w ddilyn. clear, complete and in an • Sicrhau fod y gwybodaeth easy to follow format. yn gryno ac yn berthnsaol • Ensure that information is concise and relevant
  • 9. Cyn-Cymhwso Pre-Qualification “Di hwn ddim yn berthnasol i mi, dwi ddim angen deutha nhw pa mor dda „dw i ohwerydd dwi di bod yn neud y gwaith ers ugain mlynedd” Os cymerwch chi’r safbwynt yma, mi wnewch chi fethu heb unrhyw amheuaeth. Gall eich cais mond cael ei asesu ar sail beth sydd wedi ei sgwennu ar bapur a’r tystiolaeth sydd yn cael ei ddarparu. “This isn’t relevant to me, I don’t need to tell them how good I am because I’ve been delivering this service for the last 20 years” If you take this attitude, you will fail without any doubt! Your application can only be assessed on the basis of what you have provided in writing, along with the evidence provided.
  • 10. Dull o ateb cwestiynau Approach to answering questions • Proses o wella parhaus – cadwch ag addaswch fersiynnau electronic o pob cais yr ydych yn ei gwblhau • Mae llawer o gwestiynnau yn dueddol o ymddangos ar bron pob tender a PQQ– dros amser mae’n hawdd datblygu rhain yn barod, can cyflymu’r broses bob tro. • Process of refinement – keep and build upon electronic versions of all applications you have completed • Many questions tend to appear regularly on PQQs and Tenders – meaning over time it is easy for you to develop a set of good responses and shorten the time required.
  • 11. Dull o ateb cwestiynau Approach to answering questions Q. Please describe your organisation's primary business activity(ies).
  • 12. Q. Please describe your organisation's primary business activity(ies). • Beth yw eich maes gwaith? • What do you do? • Ers faint yw’r busnes yn gweithredu? • How long have you been operating? • Beth yw’r prif ffynhonellau arian? • What are your main sources of • Beth sydd yn unigol amdanoch? income? • Beth yw eich prif gryfderau? • What is unique about you? • Pa prosiectau ydych chi’ delifero a • What are your main strengths? lle? • What are the projects you deliver, • Beth yw prif elfennau’r prosiectau and where? hyn? • What are the main activities of these • Sut ydych chi’n perfformio ar y projects? prosiectau? • How are you performing on these • Gallwch chi gadarnhau hyn gyda projects? tystiolaeth ystadegol neu adborth • Can you back this up with statistical gan cleient arall? evidence or client feedback?
  • 13. Dull o ateb cwestiynau Approach to answering questions • Astudieuthau Achos • Case Studies Teitl y prosiect: Project title: Cleiant: (cwmni neu unigolyn) Client: (company or individual) Lleoliad: Location: Dyddiad: (dewis o dyddiadau cychwyn a gorffen / mis / blwyddyn / dyddiad cychwyn) Date: (choose from start & end dates / month / year / commencement date) Gwerth Ariannol: (unai gwerth y prosiect neu’r gwerth blynnyddol) Financial value: (either project value or value per annum) Manylion Prosiect: Project details: Geirda: (enw, cyfeiriad, rhif ffon a ebost) a gerida os yn bosib!! Reference: (name, address, phone number & email) + Reference if possible!!
  • 14. Dull o ateb cwestiynau Approach to answering questions • Pam dewis yr engraifft yma i ddangos eich• Why you have chosen this example to profiad? demonstrate your experience? • Cafodd ei ddelifero ar amser, o fewn y • Was it delivered on time, on budget, to the cyllideb, i’r safon cywir? right quality? • Cafoch chi eich camoli can y cleient am y • Did you receive high praise for the work gwaith? from the client/stakeholders? • Oedd yno rwbath a aeth ty hwnt i ofynnion • Was there something that you did that went y cleient? beyond what the client was looking for? • A oedd unrhyw fuddianau ychwanegol, • Did your approach to the work bring any megis cyfranu tuag at yr economi lleol, additional benefit – e.g. contribute to the defnyddio is-gontractwyr lleol, creu local economy by using local subcontractors, cyflogaeth neu creu cyfleuoedd ar gyfer y creating new employment, or providing rheini allan o waith ar dymor hir. opportunities for the long term economically inactive people?
  • 15. Dull o ateb cwestiynau Approach to answering questions Rhowch ddisgrifiad o’r gwaith fel a oedd Give a description of the work that was angen gan y cleient required by the client Pwysleiswch sut aethoch o gwmpas hyn gan Emphasise how you approached the work, gyfierio at: include details such as: Sut cafodd y gwaith ei gynllunio? How did you plan the work? Pa systemau oedd mewn lle i fontro What system did you have in place to pethau? monitor progress? Wneuthoch chi reoli cyswllt gyda’r Did you manage communication with the cleient? Sut? client? How? Sut wneuthoch chi sicrhau answadd? How did you maintain quality? Faint o staff oedd yn y broses? How many members of staff involved? Is-gontractwyr? Sub-contractors? Unrhyw sgiliau/profiadau ehangach Expertise/skills of key individuals that were gan unrhyw aelodau’r tim? utilised?
  • 16. Dull o ateb cwestiynau Approach to answering questions • Staff / Adnoddau ar gael • Staff / Resources Available – Staff Training Matrix / – Staff Training Matrix / Training Anghenion Hyffroddiant needs – Copiau o dystysgrifau unigol – Copies of individual training ar gyfer cyrsiau perthnsaol certificates (at hand just in case (rhag ofn eu bod yn ofynnol) required as an example) – CVs / PEN Profiles ar gyfer – CVs / PEN Profiles of key project aelodau criadd yr prosiect (nid individuals (not necessarily each o angenrheidrwydd pawb!) member of staff!) – Adnoddau staff ar gael – tabl i – Staffing Resources available – ddangos faint o bobly yr ydych table showing how many yn eu gyflogi ym mhob rôl – individuals you employ in each gall helpu ddangos yr capasiti type of role – can help to show sydd ganddoch i ymdopi gyda the capacity you have to deal absenoldeb. a.y.y.b with staff absence etc.
  • 17. Dull o ateb cwestiynau Approach to answering questions • Safbwynt ariannol • Financial Standing – PDF o gyfrifon archwiledig – PDF Copies of Audited accounts – Trosiant ar gyfer y 3 mlynedd – Turnover figures for previous 3 blaenorol years – Copiau PDF o dystysgrifau – PDF copies of relevant insurance yswyritant perthnasol certificates
  • 18. Gwasanaethau i fusnes Services to business  Helpu busnesau i lenwi PQQ’s a thendrau - rhad ac am ddim  Assist businesses to fill in PQQ’s and tenders - free service  Helpu busnesau gydag unrhyw dendr neu holiaduron cyn- gymhwyso maent angen cymorth hefo nhw  Can help businesses with any tender or pre-qualification questionnaire they require help with
  • 19. Gwasanaethau i fusnes Services to business  Cofrestru ar Gwerthu i Gymru a chefnogi gyda proffil cwmni ar y wefan (CPV CODES)  Register on Sell2Wales and support with company profile on the website (CPV CODES)  Adnabod cyfleon tendro a rhannu’r wybodaeth - Preifat a Chyhoeddus  Identify tender opportunities and share information - Public and Private  Ymwybyddiaeth am ddatblygiadau ar lefel rhanbarthol a lleol  Awareness of developments on a regional and local level
  • 20. Gwasanaethau i fusnes Services to business  Helpu busnesau i lenwi PQQ’s a thendrau-rhad ac am ddim  Assist businesses to fill in PQQ’s and tenders-free service  Helpu busnesau gydag unrhyw dendr neu holiaduron cyn- gymhwyso maent angen cymorth hefo nhw  Can help businesses with any tender or pre-qualification questionnaire they require help with
  • 21. Gwasanaethau i fusnes Services to business  Digwyddiadau Cwrdd a’r Prynwr-Sector Gyhoeddus  Public Sector Meet the Buyer events  Sesiynnau Briffio i Gyflenwyr (amrywiol)  Supplier Briefing Sessions (various)  Gweithdai CHAS/ISO9001/ISO14001  CHAS/ISO9001/ISO14001 workshops  Gweithdai “Sut i Dendro”  “How to Tender” workshops.
  • 22. Cysylltu gyda’r Gwasanaeth Datblygu Cyflenwyr Contact the Supplier Development Service Derwenna Bridle - 01248 672 610 Gwynedd a Môn Gwynedd and Anglesey Iestyn Gruffudd - 01248 672 659 Conwy a Sir Ddinbych Conwy and Denbighshire Lynne Lewis - 01978 366 366 Wrecsam a Fflint Wrexham and Flintshire
  • 23. Gweithdai Sut i Dendro How to Tender Workshops 15/11/2012 Conwy Glasdir, Llanrwst - LL26 0DF 22/11/2012 Gwynedd Plas Silyn, Penygroes - LL54 6HJ 04/12/2012 Môn Holland Arms Hotel, Pentre Berw, LL60 6HY 06/12/2012 Conwy Canolfan Fusnes, Cyffordd Llandudno - LL31 9XX 13/12/2012 Dinbych Rhyl Commuity Fire Station - LL18 3PL Derwenna Bridle Archebu lle yn hanfodol 01248 672 610 Booking a place is essential

Editor's Notes

  1. Mae SDS yndarparucyngor a chefnogaeth un i un argyfermudiadausyddyncystadlu am gytundebau. Mae’rcefnogaethhynynrhad ac am ddim!
  2. Mae’r broses caffaelmewnlleigydymffurfiogydadeddfwriaethEwropeaiddYngryno y pwrpasywisicrhautryloywder a cydraddoldebibawbsyddyncystadlu – fodpawbynhollolgyfartel o fewn y broses.
  3. Mae tendroyngalluymddangosfel lot o waithigychwyn, agynhollol honest y trocyntafmae hi.ondcynbelladfodchi’ndrefnusyneich dull a’chparatoimaemoddgwneudpethauyn lot haws ichi’chhyn.
  4. engraifftda o lleallwch chi ehanguarateb a cymeryd y cyfleiwerthueichhynyneffeithiol.Chawnhwddimsgorioddimmaenhw’ngwbodamdanoch chi ynbarod, heblawfodhynnywedieigyfleuyneffeithiol o fewneichymateb.Hefyd, ganfodtendrauyncaeleumarciogantîm o bobl, rhaiohonnyntynamalhebcysylltiaduniongyrcholgyda’rgwaith ac felly yndebygol o wbod -dim amdanoch chi, mae’nbwysigdeuthanhw! Beth ywcemdir y busnes? Be da chi’nneud o dyddiddydd?
  5. DymaengraifftarsytmaemoddehanguatebDoes dim rheswm pam naallwch chi caelpethaufelhynwedieiparatoirwan.Think executive summary
  6. Pan ddaw at brofieichcapasitiicwblhaugwaith, maeastudiaethauachoswastadynelfenhanfodol. Maen’tyndueddol o fodwerth lot o farciau.Discretionary score – felly matter o sillafuallanyn union bethyweichcryfderau, ganhefydddangostrefn a proses gweithioclir – tystiolaetheich bod yngyfarwyddgydalefel ac ansawdd y gwaith. Angenhefyddarparutystiolaethcliro’chllwyddiant.Mae’nbwysigcofioaddasueichymatebion a dewisyrengreifftiaumwyafperthnasoli’rgwaith da chi’ncystadluam
  7. Hardgate questions – pass/fail – unaimae’rwybodaethcywirargael, neudydi o ddimEnwedigcwestiynausyddynscirhaueichteilyngdebiwneudcais, e.e. cadarnhadnadydychyncaeleierlungan y swyddfadrethneuwedicaeleichciciooddiarunrhywgytundebaueraillohwerwydd tan-berfformiad.
  8. GutoCarrod – Powys – 01970 636283Llinos Price – Ceredigion - 01970 636287