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Dr Varsha Atul Shah
Department of Neonatal & Developmental Medicine
Singapore General Hospital
Diaper Rash
īē ‘Nappy rash’, ‘ammoniacal dermatitis’
īē Irritant dermatitis

īē Exposure to

  urine & stools
Diaper Rash
īē Skin creases spared
īē Exclude superimposed Candidal
Diaper Rash
 īš Frequent diaper changes
 īš Exposure of region to allow drying

 īš Zinc oxide creams; even prophylactically
Candida albicans Rash
īē Moist, warm areas
īē Frequently intertriginous areas
    īš Neck folds, axillae
      diaper area
īē   Confluent,
    plaques with sharply
    demarcated edges
Candida albicans Rash
īē   Satellite lesions (pustules on
    contiguous areas of skin)

īē   Skin folds involved

    īš Miconazole   cream,
Staphylococcus aureus
īē   Staphylococcal pustulosis

īē   Bullous Impetigo

īē   Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome
Staphylococcal Pustulosis
īē   Usually at 3-5dys old

īē   Discrete pustules with
    erythematous base
Staphylococcal Pustulosis
īē   Diaper area, periumbilical, neck,
    lateral aspect of chest

    īš Systemic

Bullous Impetigo
īē   Flaccid blisters, rupture quickly,
    become superficial round/oval

    īš Systemic Cloxacillin,
Seborrhoeic Dermatitis
īē   Onset within 1st 2mths

īē   Greasy yellow scales
    on an erythematous
    base, minimal
Seborrhoeic Dermatitis
īē   Face, eyebrows, scalp (cradle cap)
Seborrhoeic Dermatitis
īē   Diaper area, flexural areas (posterior
    auricular sulcus, neck, axillae, inguinal
Seborrhoeic Dermatitis
īē Localised or generalised
īē If severe, fissures may develop &
īē Cause
    īš Pityrosporum   ovale
Seborrhoeic Dermatitis
īē   Spontaneously improves by end of
    1st yr

    īš Cradle cap shampoo
    īš Olive oil on scalp to soften crusts (for
      1hr before washing off)
    īš 1% Hydrocortisone cream sparingly
Atopic Dermatitis
īē   Atopic dermatitis
    & seborrhoeic
    dermatitis share
    clinical features
Atopic Dermatitis
īē   Difficult to distinguish
    during neonatal
Atopic Dermatitis
Differentiating features
īē Pruritic (cardinal feature)
    īš Irritable,
              scratching & rubbing against
     nearby objects
īē Diaper area spared
īē Recurrence after clearing

īē Dry, white scaling

īē Strong family history of atopy
Atopic Dermatitis
 īš Emollientsliberally particularly
   immediately after bath
 īš 0.5% or 1% Hydrocortisone cream
 īš Treat superimposed infections
Erythema Toxicum
īē   50-70% of term babies; rare in

īē   Basic lesion is a small
    (1-3mm) papule,
    evolves into pustule
    with a prominent
    halo of erythema
Erythema Toxicum
īē Few to numerous, small areas of red
  skin with yellow-white centre
īē Usually on trunk, frequently on
  & face
īē Palms & soles

  almost always
Erythema Toxicum
īē Most noticeable at
  48hrs; may appear
  as late as 7-10dys
īē Smear: Eosinophils

īē Benign, resolves

Salmon Patch
īē Naevus simplex or macular
īē 30-40% infants

īē Distended dermal

īē Flat, pink macular lesion
Salmon Patch
    īš Forehead

    īš Upper eyelid      Most resolve by 1 yr

    īš Nasolabial area

īē   Crying makes fading
    lesion more
Salmon Patch
īš Glabella(‘angel’s kiss’)   Most resolve by 1 yr
īš Nape of neck (‘stork bite’) Usually persists
Port-wine Stain
īē Nevus flammeus
īē 0.3% neonates, seen at birth

īē Most commonly on

    īš Also trunk, back,
īē   Often unilateral
Port-wine Stain
īē At birth, pink & macular
īē With time, darken to reddish purple
  (especially face), papulonodular
  surface (on limbs greater tendency to
Port-wine Stain
īē Vascular malformation of dilated
  capillary-like vessels
īē Do not involute

īē Majority are isolated
Port-wine Stain
īē   Exclude Sturge-Weber syndrome,
    Klipple-Trenaunay syndrome

    īš Pulse-laser   therapy
Strawberry Haemangioma
īē   Bright red, raised, well circumscribed
Strawberry Haemangioma
īē   At birth, may be
    absent or pale macule
    with irregular margins
Strawberry Haemangioma
īē Grow rapidly during 1st 6mths;
  continue to grow till 1yr
īē More common in head, neck & trunk;
  in premature
Strawberry Haemangioma
īē   Majority involute with by age 4-5yrs
    (50% by 5 yrs)
Strawberry Haemangioma
īē   Complications
    īš Obstruction:   Eye, ear, airway
Strawberry Haemangioma
īē   Complications
    īš Ulceration
Strawberry Haemangioma
īē   Complications
    īš Bleeding

    īš Associated    visceral involvement
      ī¸Liver,   GIT, lungs, CNS
Naevus Sebaceum
īē   Single yellowish
    slightly raised
    hairless plaque

īē   Scalp or face
Naevus Sebaceum
īē   Excessive sebaceous glands &
    hair follicles
Naevus Sebaceum
īēRisk of benign or malignant tumours in
 15% (rarely before puberty)
    īš Excision

     before puberty

     Basal Cell Carcinoma
     developed on
     Naevus Sebaceum
CafÊ au lait Spots
īē Light brown, round or oval, macules
īē Smooth edges

īē Vary in size
CafÊ au lait Spots
īē Do not resolve with time
īē Histology: Increased melanin within
  basal keratinocytes, without
īē Few small spots

  of little
CafÊ au lait Spots
Disorders with CafÊ au lait Spots
īē   Neurofibromatosis       īē   Tuberous sclerosis
īē   McCune-Albright         īē   Bloom syndrome
    syndrome                īē   Epidermal naevus
īē   Russell-Silver              syndrome
    syndrome                īē   Gaucher disease
īē   Multiple lentigenes     īē   Chēdiak-Higashi
īē   Ataxia telangiectasia       syndrome
īē   Fanconi anaemia
CafÊ au lait Spots - Neurofibromatosis
Mongolian Spots
īē 90% blacks, 80% asians, 10% whites
īē Brown, grey, blue macules

īē Commonly

  lumbosacral area;
  occasionally upper
  back, limbs, face
īē Vary in size &

Mongolian Spots
īē Infiltration of melanocytes deep
  in dermis
īē Often fade within 1st few

  yrs due to decreasing
  transparency of skin
  rather than true
Sucking Blisters
īē Clear blister
īē Lip, finger, hand, wrist

īē Friction of

  repeated sucking
Sucking Blisters
īē Some may be healed & appear like
īē Resolves spontaneously

         Sucking Pad
īē from prolonged stage II of labour
īē instrumental delivery, especially
īē themisshapen head can cause some
parental alarm
īē subperiostial swelling
īē boundaries is limited by bony margin,
doesn't cross midline

īš Reassurance
īš will resolve with time 4-8 weeks.
īš Anaemia from the quantity of bleed into
the haematoma
īš Jaundice from haemolysis within it.
īš Calcification
Eye Sepsis
īē Eye swab Gram stain & culture
īē Gutt Chloramphenical 1 drop 6H

īē Chlamydia if associated cough

īē Gonococcal
Blocked Nasolacrimal Duct
īē   Tearing, sticky eye

īē   Nasolacrimal duct
īē Intermittent strabismus may be
  normal in 1st 3-4mths
īē Any misalignment after 4mths
  considered abnormal
īē Divergent squint always abnormal

īē Pseudosquint if wide, flat nasal bridge
īē   Hirschberg corneal reflex test
Preauricular Sinus
īē Common
īē Remnant of 1st branchial cleft
īē   From anterior end of upper helix of pinna, runs
    downwards &
    forwards, towards
    the cheek, for
Preauricular Sinus
īē   Associated with renal hypoplasia,
    hearing impairment
    (Branchio-oto-renal [BOR] syndrome)

    īš Surgeryonly if discharging, infection,
     preauricular abscess
Preauricular Skin Tag
īē   Isolated

    īš Cosmetic

    īš Removal
Preauricular Skin Tag
īē   Associated with other malformations

    īš Cleftlip/palate
    īš Syndromes: Goldenhar, Treacher-Collins,
      Nager, etc.
īē Not obvious at birth
īē Diagnosed at 1-2mths

īē Face turns away

  from affected
īē   Sternomastoid tumour palpable at
īē   Facial asymmetry, plagiocephaly &
    amblyopia if left untreated
īē   Exclude visual impairment as
    underlying cause

    īš Physiotherapy  for passive stretching
    īš Sternomastoid release if deformity
      persists after 1yr
Oral Cavity
īē Cystic swelling from
  floor of mouth
īē Under the tongue
īē A mucous cyst related to sublingual
  salivary gland
īē Most disappear spontaneously

īē Surgery may be required
Oral Thrush
īē   White curd-like plaques on orobuccal
    mucosa, extends to pharynx if severe

īē   Adherent,
    difficult to
    scrape off
Oral Thrush
īē   May affect feeding

    īš Miconazoleoral gel
    īš Syrup Nystatin 100 000U qds
Natal Teeth
īē Erupted teeth at birth
īē Usually lower incisors

(c.f. Neonatal teeth: Erupt during 1st mth)
Natal Teeth
īē   Predeciduous teeth (1/4000 births)
    īš Usuallyloose
    īš Roots absent or poorly formed

    īš Removed to avoid aspiration

īē   True deciduous teeth (1/2000 births)
    īš True teeth that erupt early
    īš Should not be extracted
Facial Nerve Palsy
īē Birth trauma
īē Lower motor neuron lesion

īē Varying severity

īē Difficulty with sucking, drooling of
  feed on affected side
īē Most resolve spontaneously within
Facial Nerve Palsy
Umbilical Cord
Umbilical Cord
īē   Routine care: Clean with alcohol to
    base of cord (where it attaches to
    skin), exposure to air to help dry cord
Umbilical Cord
īē Usually separates within 1wk after
  birth (mean 7-14dys)
īē Delayed separation (> 14dys)
    īš Neutrophil   function/chemotactic
    īš Bacterial infection
Umbilical Sepsis
īē   Periumbilical erythema
    & induration

īē   Purulent discharge
Umbilical Sepsis
īē   Risk of haematogenous spread,
    extension to liver, portal vein
    phlebitis & later portal hypertension

    īš Prompt   parenteral antibacterial therapy
Umbilical Granuloma
īē Common
īē Granulation tissue at base

īē Soft, granular,

  dull red or pink
īē Seropurulent

Umbilical Granuloma
īē   Differentiate from gastric/intestinal

    īš Cauterisation with silver nitrate
    īš Repeat at intervals of several dys until
      base is dry
Umbilical Polyp
īē Rare
īē Remnant of vitelline duct or urachus

īē Firm &

  bright red
  (intestinal or
  urinary tract
Umbilical Polyp
īēMucoid secretion, faecal material or
    īš Surgical   excision of entire VI or urachal
Umbilical Hernia
īē Imperfect closure or weakness of
  umbilical ring
īē Soft, skin-coloured

  swelling that protrudes
  during crying, coughing
  or straining
īē Easily reduced
Umbilical Hernia
īē Most disappear spontaneously by
īē 80% close spontaneously by 3-4yrs

īē Risk of incarceration exceedingly low

īē Surgery rarely indicated
    īš Persists
             at 3-4yrs
    īš Becomes strangulated
Spinal Dysraphism
īē   Lumbosacral region
    īš Skin dimple/sinus tract
    īš Hairy patch

    īš Pigmented naevus

    īš Haemangioma

    īš Lipoma

īē   Ultrasound spine
Hormonal Withdrawal
īē   Vaginal discharge (thick, mucous)
Hormonal Withdrawal
īē   Gynaecomastia
Hormonal Withdrawal
īē   Milk production (‘witch’s milk’)
Hormonal Withdrawal
īē   Bleeding PV (pseudomenses)

īē   Reassure parents
īē Common in newborn
īē Transilluminant, painless, palpate
  above swelling
īē Resolve

  spontaneously in mths
    īš Surgery if persists
     after 1-2yrs
Inguinal Hernia
īē Scrotal/groin mass which fluctuates
  in size
īē Obvious during crying &

īē Reducible

    īš Bilateralherniorraphy
    īš Risk of strangulation
Undescended Testis
īē   May be incompletely descended or

    īš Orchidopexy  before 1yr
    īš Testicular cancer
īē Physiological in infancy
īē 90% under 3yrs have phimosis

īē Slowly resolves

  in childhood
īē   Urethra opens on ventral aspect of
īē   Usually associated with chordee
    (ventral shortening) causing ventral
    bend in shaft

īē   Absolute contraindication
    to circumcision
Congenital Talipes
īē   Postural
    īš Inutero  positioning
    īš Passive stretching

īē   Structural
    īš Not easily correctable
    īš Orthopaedic surgeon for serial casting
Congenital Talipes Equinovarus
Congenital Talipes Calcaneovalgus
Neonatal Jaundice
Common Causes
īē Physiologic

īē Haemolytic
    īš ABO/Rh incompatibility
    īš G6PD deficiency

īē Breastmilk jaundice
īē Breastfeeding jaundice
Physiologic Jaundice
īē   Appears around D2-3

īē   Peaks around D4-5

īē   Falls after D5-7
Neonatal Jaundice

īē   Adequate fluid intake

īē   Phototherapy
    īš Criteriadependent on birthweight,
      postnatal age & presence of haemolysis
Neonatal Jaundice

īē Not recommended
īē Not effective

īē Risk of dehydration & sunburn
Prolonged Neonatal Jaundice
Jaundice beyond

īē   14dys in term baby

īē   21dys in preterm baby
Prolonged Neonatal Jaundice
Some Causes

īē Breastmilk jaundice
īē Hypothyroidism

īē Urinary tract infection

īē Biliary atresia

īē Neonatal hepatitis
Prolonged Neonatal Jaundice

īē   Liver function test
    īš Total   & direct bilirubin
īē Urine FEME & culture
īē Thyroid function test
Breastfeeding Jaundice
īē ‘Breast-nonfeeding’ or ‘starvation
īē Early onset, exaggeration of early
  jaundice with higher SB in 1st 5dys
īē Due to inadequate frequency of
  breastfeeding & insufficient caloric
  intake which enhances bilirubin
Breastmilk Jaundice
īē Late onset
īē Prolongation of physiologic jaundice,
  SB continues to rise from D5
īē Levels stay elevated, then fall slowly,
  returning to normal by 4-12wks
īē In 3rd wk, ~ 1/3 full term exclusively
  breastfed babies will be clinically
Breastmilk Jaundice
īē Baby is well with good weight gain
īē LFT is normal

īē If breastfeeding is stopped, SB will
  fall rapidly in 48hrs
īē If resumed, SB may rise a little, if at
  all, but will not reach previous high
Neonatal Pyrexia
īē Temperature    37.5oC
īē Admit for monitoring of temperature

īē Investigations
    īš FBC,   Blood, Urine, CSF cultures, CXR
īē   IV antibiotics after cultures taken
Common Parental
Q.Can I feed water to my baby?

īē Breastfeeding preferred
īē Infant formula

īē Only milk till 4-6mths old

īē No water or other food/drinks

īē Wean from 4-6mths
Q.Should I Wake baby up for a
īē During the 1st mth
  īš Should   be fed at least every 3-4hrs

  īš Ifbaby sleeps longer than 4-5hrs &
   starts missing feeds, wake baby up to
īē   Q.My baby takes very long to burp or
    doesn't burp easily?

īē Babies do not always need to burp
  after feeding
īē Unnecessary to persist if baby
  doesn’t burp after a 20 minutes
īē Breastfed babies swallow less air
Weight Gain
Q. Is my baby’s weight gain is adequate?

īē   Full term baby lose 6-10% BW (water)
īē   Regain BW by 7-10dys
īē   By 1mth, gain ~ 1kg
īē   Subsequently,
    īš 20g/dy till 5mth
    īš 15g/dy from 5-12mth

īē   Double BW by 4-5mth, triple BW by 1yr
Bowel Movements
Q.Why my baby is
  passing green stool?
īē Meconium
  īš 1st48hrs
  īš Sticky, thick dark-green
    or black
  īš Odourless

  īš Mucus, epithelial

    debris & bile
Bowel Movements
īē   Transitional Stools
    īš With onset of feeding, stools gradually
      change colour & consistency
    īš Softer, greenish
Bowel Movements
īē   Breastfed
    īš Bright   yellow, loose, seed-like particles
Bowel Movements
īē   Formula fed
    īš Tan or yellow
    īš Firmer than breastfed stools
Bowel Movements
īē First few weeks, stool 2-6 times/dy;
  breastfed more frequently than
  formula fed
īē Change in bowel movements with time

īē Stools become more solid
    īš Intestineshold more & absorb greater
      amount nutrients from milk
īē   Gastrocolic reflex diminishes & no
    longer BO after each feed
Bowel Movements
īē   Frequency varies from baby to baby

īē   Infrequent stools not a sign of
    constipation as long as stools soft (no
    firmer than peanut butter), baby
    otherwise well, gaining weight &
    feeding normally
Bowel Movements
īē After 6wks, some have only 1 BO/wk

Formula fed
īē Some stool once in 2-3dys
Bowel Movements
īē   Babies less than 6mths commonly
    grunt, groan, push, strain, draw up
    legs & become flushed in face during
    bowel movements

īē   This is not constipation
Constipated stools
īē Hard, dry

īē Hypothyroidism

īē Hirshsprung disease
īē Normal to be tense, angry & red-
  faced when crying
īē Normal to drawing up legs & flex
  arms, tense
īē Hunger

īē Soiled diaper

īē Too hot or cold

īē Tired or overstimulated

īē Reaction to mum’s mood

īē Unwell
īē Unexplained bouts of crying
īē Suddenly cry inconsolably, often
  screaming, face flushed, abdomen
  distended & tense, legs drawn up &
  momentarily extended, hands
  clenched, pass flatus
īē Usually last 1-2hrs, late afternoon or
īē   Usually begins from 2-4wks & stops
    by 3mths

īē   Cause: Uncertain

īē   Reassure parents if baby otherwise
    well & fine in between crying
 īš Exclude  medical cause
 īš Identify possible allergenic food in
   infant’s or nursing mum’s diet
 īš Hold & soothe baby, prone across lap &
   rub back, swaddle
 īš Improve feeding techniques
     ī¸Burping, avoid under & overfeeding
     ī¸Colic drops

     ī¸â€œI Love u’ Massage
Nasal Stuffiness
īē Relatively narrow nasal passages
īē No need to clean out nostrils with
  cotton bud
īē Especially noticeable at night, when it
  is quiet
īē Reassure parents if
    īš Itis not affecting feeding
    īš Baby is otherwise well
īē   Exclude upper/lower respiratory
    tract infection

īē   Pooling of saliva & secretions in
īē   Occasional cough may be associated
    with choking/feeding

īē   Exclude bronchiolitis
Nasal Stuffiness, Phlegm
            & Cough
If otherwise well,

īē Reassure parents
īē Medication unnecessary

īē Avoid sedating cough mixtures in 1st
  6mths, especially in exprem
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Common neonatal problems

  • 1. COMMON NEONATAL PROBLEMS Dr Varsha Atul Shah Department of Neonatal & Developmental Medicine Singapore General Hospital
  • 3. Diaper Rash īē ‘Nappy rash’, ‘ammoniacal dermatitis’ īē Irritant dermatitis īē Exposure to urine & stools
  • 4. Diaper Rash īē Skin creases spared īē Exclude superimposed Candidal infection
  • 5. Diaper Rash Rx īš Frequent diaper changes īš Exposure of region to allow drying īš Zinc oxide creams; even prophylactically
  • 6. Candida albicans Rash īē Moist, warm areas īē Frequently intertriginous areas īš Neck folds, axillae diaper area īē Confluent, erythematous plaques with sharply demarcated edges
  • 7. Candida albicans Rash īē Satellite lesions (pustules on contiguous areas of skin) īē Skin folds involved Rx īš Miconazole cream, powder
  • 8. Staphylococcus aureus īē Staphylococcal pustulosis īē Bullous Impetigo īē Staphylococcal Scalded Skin Syndrome
  • 9. Staphylococcal Pustulosis īē Usually at 3-5dys old īē Discrete pustules with erythematous base
  • 10. Staphylococcal Pustulosis īē Diaper area, periumbilical, neck, lateral aspect of chest Rx īš Systemic Cloxacillin
  • 11. Bullous Impetigo īē Flaccid blisters, rupture quickly, become superficial round/oval erosions Rx īš Systemic Cloxacillin, Cephalosporin
  • 12. Seborrhoeic Dermatitis īē Onset within 1st 2mths īē Greasy yellow scales on an erythematous base, minimal pruritus
  • 13. Seborrhoeic Dermatitis īē Face, eyebrows, scalp (cradle cap)
  • 14. Seborrhoeic Dermatitis īē Diaper area, flexural areas (posterior auricular sulcus, neck, axillae, inguinal folds)
  • 15. Seborrhoeic Dermatitis īē Localised or generalised īē If severe, fissures may develop & become secondarily infected īē Cause īš Pityrosporum ovale (yeast)
  • 16. Seborrhoeic Dermatitis īē Spontaneously improves by end of 1st yr Rx īš Cradle cap shampoo īš Olive oil on scalp to soften crusts (for 1hr before washing off) īš 1% Hydrocortisone cream sparingly
  • 17. Atopic Dermatitis īē Atopic dermatitis & seborrhoeic dermatitis share clinical features
  • 18. Atopic Dermatitis īē Difficult to distinguish during neonatal period
  • 19. Atopic Dermatitis Differentiating features īē Pruritic (cardinal feature) īš Irritable, scratching & rubbing against nearby objects īē Diaper area spared īē Recurrence after clearing īē Dry, white scaling īē Strong family history of atopy
  • 20. Atopic Dermatitis Rx īš Emollientsliberally particularly immediately after bath īš 0.5% or 1% Hydrocortisone cream sparingly īš Treat superimposed infections
  • 21. Erythema Toxicum īē 50-70% of term babies; rare in preterm īē Basic lesion is a small (1-3mm) papule, evolves into pustule with a prominent halo of erythema
  • 22. Erythema Toxicum īē Few to numerous, small areas of red skin with yellow-white centre īē Usually on trunk, frequently on extremities & face īē Palms & soles almost always spared
  • 23. Erythema Toxicum īē Most noticeable at 48hrs; may appear as late as 7-10dys īē Smear: Eosinophils īē Benign, resolves spontaneously
  • 24. Salmon Patch īē Naevus simplex or macular haemangioma īē 30-40% infants īē Distended dermal capillaries īē Flat, pink macular lesion
  • 25. Salmon Patch īš Forehead īš Upper eyelid Most resolve by 1 yr īš Nasolabial area īē Crying makes fading lesion more prominent
  • 26. Salmon Patch īš Glabella(‘angel’s kiss’) Most resolve by 1 yr īš Nape of neck (‘stork bite’) Usually persists
  • 27. Port-wine Stain īē Nevus flammeus īē 0.3% neonates, seen at birth īē Most commonly on face īš Also trunk, back, limbs īē Often unilateral
  • 28. Port-wine Stain īē At birth, pink & macular īē With time, darken to reddish purple (especially face), papulonodular surface (on limbs greater tendency to fade)
  • 29. Port-wine Stain īē Vascular malformation of dilated capillary-like vessels īē Do not involute īē Majority are isolated
  • 30. Port-wine Stain īē Exclude Sturge-Weber syndrome, Klipple-Trenaunay syndrome Rx īš Pulse-laser therapy
  • 31. Strawberry Haemangioma īē Bright red, raised, well circumscribed
  • 32. Strawberry Haemangioma īē At birth, may be absent or pale macule with irregular margins
  • 33. Strawberry Haemangioma īē Grow rapidly during 1st 6mths; continue to grow till 1yr īē More common in head, neck & trunk; in premature infants
  • 34. Strawberry Haemangioma īē Majority involute with by age 4-5yrs (50% by 5 yrs)
  • 35. Strawberry Haemangioma īē Complications īš Obstruction: Eye, ear, airway
  • 36. Strawberry Haemangioma īē Complications īš Ulceration
  • 37. Strawberry Haemangioma īē Complications īš Bleeding īš Associated visceral involvement ī¸Liver, GIT, lungs, CNS
  • 38. Naevus Sebaceum īē Single yellowish slightly raised hairless plaque īē Scalp or face
  • 39. Naevus Sebaceum īē Excessive sebaceous glands & malformed hair follicles
  • 40. Naevus Sebaceum īēRisk of benign or malignant tumours in 15% (rarely before puberty) Rx īš Excision before puberty Basal Cell Carcinoma developed on Naevus Sebaceum
  • 41. CafÊ au lait Spots īē Light brown, round or oval, macules īē Smooth edges īē Vary in size
  • 42. CafÊ au lait Spots īē Do not resolve with time īē Histology: Increased melanin within basal keratinocytes, without melanocyte proliferation īē Few small spots of little significance
  • 43. CafÊ au lait Spots Disorders with CafÊ au lait Spots īē Neurofibromatosis īē Tuberous sclerosis īē McCune-Albright īē Bloom syndrome syndrome īē Epidermal naevus īē Russell-Silver syndrome syndrome īē Gaucher disease īē Multiple lentigenes īē Chēdiak-Higashi īē Ataxia telangiectasia syndrome īē Fanconi anaemia
  • 44. CafÊ au lait Spots - Neurofibromatosis
  • 45. Mongolian Spots īē 90% blacks, 80% asians, 10% whites īē Brown, grey, blue macules īē Commonly lumbosacral area; occasionally upper back, limbs, face īē Vary in size & number
  • 46. Mongolian Spots īē Infiltration of melanocytes deep in dermis īē Often fade within 1st few yrs due to decreasing transparency of skin rather than true disappearance
  • 47. Sucking Blisters īē Clear blister īē Lip, finger, hand, wrist īē Friction of repeated sucking
  • 48. Sucking Blisters īē Some may be healed & appear like calluses īē Resolves spontaneously Sucking Pad
  • 50. Cephalhaematoma īē from prolonged stage II of labour īē instrumental delivery, especially ventouse īē themisshapen head can cause some parental alarm īē subperiostial swelling īē boundaries is limited by bony margin, doesn't cross midline
  • 51. Cephalhaematoma Treatment īš Reassurance īš will resolve with time 4-8 weeks. complications īš Anaemia from the quantity of bleed into the haematoma īš Jaundice from haemolysis within it. īš Calcification
  • 52. Eye
  • 53. Eye Sepsis īē Eye swab Gram stain & culture īē Gutt Chloramphenical 1 drop 6H īē Chlamydia if associated cough īē Gonococcal
  • 54. Blocked Nasolacrimal Duct īē Tearing, sticky eye īē Nasolacrimal duct massage
  • 55. Squints īē Intermittent strabismus may be normal in 1st 3-4mths īē Any misalignment after 4mths considered abnormal īē Divergent squint always abnormal īē Pseudosquint if wide, flat nasal bridge
  • 56. Squints īē Hirschberg corneal reflex test
  • 57. Ear
  • 58. Preauricular Sinus īē Common īē Remnant of 1st branchial cleft īē From anterior end of upper helix of pinna, runs downwards & forwards, towards the cheek, for 5-10mm
  • 59. Preauricular Sinus īē Associated with renal hypoplasia, hearing impairment (Branchio-oto-renal [BOR] syndrome) Rx īš Surgeryonly if discharging, infection, preauricular abscess
  • 60. Preauricular Skin Tag īē Isolated īš Cosmetic īš Removal
  • 61. Preauricular Skin Tag īē Associated with other malformations īš Cleftlip/palate īš Syndromes: Goldenhar, Treacher-Collins, Nager, etc.
  • 62. Neck
  • 63. Torticollis īē Not obvious at birth īē Diagnosed at 1-2mths īē Face turns away from affected side
  • 64. Torticollis īē Sternomastoid tumour palpable at 3-4wks
  • 65. Torticollis īē Facial asymmetry, plagiocephaly & amblyopia if left untreated
  • 66. Torticollis īē Exclude visual impairment as underlying cause Rx īš Physiotherapy for passive stretching īš Sternomastoid release if deformity persists after 1yr
  • 68. Ranula īē Cystic swelling from floor of mouth īē Under the tongue
  • 69. Ranula īē A mucous cyst related to sublingual salivary gland īē Most disappear spontaneously īē Surgery may be required
  • 70. Oral Thrush īē White curd-like plaques on orobuccal mucosa, extends to pharynx if severe īē Adherent, difficult to scrape off
  • 71. Oral Thrush īē May affect feeding Rx īš Miconazoleoral gel īš Syrup Nystatin 100 000U qds
  • 72. Natal Teeth īē Erupted teeth at birth īē Usually lower incisors (c.f. Neonatal teeth: Erupt during 1st mth)
  • 73. Natal Teeth īē Predeciduous teeth (1/4000 births) īš Usuallyloose īš Roots absent or poorly formed īš Removed to avoid aspiration īē True deciduous teeth (1/2000 births) īš True teeth that erupt early īš Should not be extracted
  • 74. Facial Nerve Palsy īē Birth trauma īē Lower motor neuron lesion īē Varying severity īē Difficulty with sucking, drooling of feed on affected side īē Most resolve spontaneously within weeks
  • 77. Umbilical Cord īē Routine care: Clean with alcohol to base of cord (where it attaches to skin), exposure to air to help dry cord
  • 78. Umbilical Cord īē Usually separates within 1wk after birth (mean 7-14dys) īē Delayed separation (> 14dys) īš Neutrophil function/chemotactic defects īš Bacterial infection
  • 79. Umbilical Sepsis īē Periumbilical erythema & induration īē Purulent discharge
  • 80. Umbilical Sepsis īē Risk of haematogenous spread, extension to liver, portal vein phlebitis & later portal hypertension Rx īš Prompt parenteral antibacterial therapy
  • 81. Umbilical Granuloma īē Common īē Granulation tissue at base īē Soft, granular, dull red or pink īē Seropurulent secretion
  • 82. Umbilical Granuloma īē Differentiate from gastric/intestinal mucosa Rx īš Cauterisation with silver nitrate īš Repeat at intervals of several dys until base is dry
  • 83. Umbilical Polyp īē Rare īē Remnant of vitelline duct or urachus īē Firm & bright red (intestinal or urinary tract mucosa)
  • 84. Umbilical Polyp īēMucoid secretion, faecal material or urine Rx īš Surgical excision of entire VI or urachal remnant
  • 85. Umbilical Hernia īē Imperfect closure or weakness of umbilical ring īē Soft, skin-coloured swelling that protrudes during crying, coughing or straining īē Easily reduced
  • 86. Umbilical Hernia īē Most disappear spontaneously by 1-2yrs īē 80% close spontaneously by 3-4yrs īē Risk of incarceration exceedingly low īē Surgery rarely indicated īš Persists at 3-4yrs īš Becomes strangulated
  • 87. Spine
  • 88. Spinal Dysraphism īē Lumbosacral region īš Skin dimple/sinus tract īš Hairy patch īš Pigmented naevus īš Haemangioma īš Lipoma īē Ultrasound spine
  • 90. Hormonal Withdrawal īē Vaginal discharge (thick, mucous)
  • 91. Hormonal Withdrawal īē Gynaecomastia
  • 92. Hormonal Withdrawal īē Milk production (‘witch’s milk’)
  • 93. Hormonal Withdrawal īē Bleeding PV (pseudomenses) īē Reassure parents
  • 94. Groin
  • 95. Hydrocele īē Common in newborn īē Transilluminant, painless, palpate above swelling īē Resolve spontaneously in mths Rx īš Surgery if persists after 1-2yrs
  • 96. Inguinal Hernia īē Scrotal/groin mass which fluctuates in size īē Obvious during crying & straining īē Reducible Rx īš Bilateralherniorraphy īš Risk of strangulation
  • 97. Undescended Testis īē May be incompletely descended or ectopic Rx īš Orchidopexy before 1yr īš Testicular cancer
  • 98. Phimosis īē Physiological in infancy īē 90% under 3yrs have phimosis īē Slowly resolves in childhood
  • 99. Hypospadias īē Urethra opens on ventral aspect of penis
  • 100. Hypospadias īē Usually associated with chordee (ventral shortening) causing ventral bend in shaft īē Absolute contraindication to circumcision
  • 101. Feet
  • 102. Congenital Talipes Equinovarus īē Postural īš Inutero positioning īš Passive stretching īē Structural īš Not easily correctable īš Orthopaedic surgeon for serial casting
  • 106. Neonatal Jaundice Common Causes īē Physiologic īē Haemolytic īš ABO/Rh incompatibility īš G6PD deficiency īē Breastmilk jaundice īē Breastfeeding jaundice
  • 107. Physiologic Jaundice īē Appears around D2-3 īē Peaks around D4-5 īē Falls after D5-7
  • 108. Neonatal Jaundice Management īē Adequate fluid intake īē Phototherapy īš Criteriadependent on birthweight, postnatal age & presence of haemolysis
  • 109. Neonatal Jaundice Sunning īē Not recommended īē Not effective īē Risk of dehydration & sunburn
  • 110. Prolonged Neonatal Jaundice Jaundice beyond īē 14dys in term baby īē 21dys in preterm baby
  • 111. Prolonged Neonatal Jaundice Some Causes īē Breastmilk jaundice īē Hypothyroidism īē Urinary tract infection īē Biliary atresia īē Neonatal hepatitis
  • 112. Prolonged Neonatal Jaundice Investigations īē Liver function test īš Total & direct bilirubin īē Urine FEME & culture īē Thyroid function test
  • 113. Breastfeeding Jaundice īē ‘Breast-nonfeeding’ or ‘starvation jaundice’ īē Early onset, exaggeration of early jaundice with higher SB in 1st 5dys īē Due to inadequate frequency of breastfeeding & insufficient caloric intake which enhances bilirubin absorption
  • 114. Breastmilk Jaundice īē Late onset īē Prolongation of physiologic jaundice, SB continues to rise from D5 īē Levels stay elevated, then fall slowly, returning to normal by 4-12wks īē In 3rd wk, ~ 1/3 full term exclusively breastfed babies will be clinically jaundiced
  • 115. Breastmilk Jaundice īē Baby is well with good weight gain īē LFT is normal īē If breastfeeding is stopped, SB will fall rapidly in 48hrs īē If resumed, SB may rise a little, if at all, but will not reach previous high level
  • 117. Neonatal Pyrexia Definition īē Temperature 37.5oC Management īē Admit for monitoring of temperature īē Investigations īš FBC, Blood, Urine, CSF cultures, CXR īē IV antibiotics after cultures taken
  • 118. Common Parental Concerns
  • 119. Feeding Q.Can I feed water to my baby? īē Breastfeeding preferred īē Infant formula īē Only milk till 4-6mths old īē No water or other food/drinks īē Wean from 4-6mths
  • 120. Feeding Q.Should I Wake baby up for a feed? īē During the 1st mth īš Should be fed at least every 3-4hrs īš Ifbaby sleeps longer than 4-5hrs & starts missing feeds, wake baby up to feed
  • 121. Burping īē Q.My baby takes very long to burp or doesn't burp easily? īē Babies do not always need to burp after feeding īē Unnecessary to persist if baby doesn’t burp after a 20 minutes īē Breastfed babies swallow less air
  • 122. Weight Gain Q. Is my baby’s weight gain is adequate? īē Full term baby lose 6-10% BW (water) īē Regain BW by 7-10dys īē By 1mth, gain ~ 1kg īē Subsequently, īš 20g/dy till 5mth īš 15g/dy from 5-12mth īē Double BW by 4-5mth, triple BW by 1yr
  • 123. Bowel Movements Q.Why my baby is passing green stool? īē Meconium īš 1st48hrs īš Sticky, thick dark-green or black īš Odourless īš Mucus, epithelial debris & bile
  • 124. Bowel Movements īē Transitional Stools īš With onset of feeding, stools gradually change colour & consistency īš Softer, greenish
  • 125. Bowel Movements īē Breastfed īš Bright yellow, loose, seed-like particles
  • 126. Bowel Movements īē Formula fed īš Tan or yellow īš Firmer than breastfed stools
  • 127. Bowel Movements īē First few weeks, stool 2-6 times/dy; breastfed more frequently than formula fed īē Change in bowel movements with time īē Stools become more solid īš Intestineshold more & absorb greater amount nutrients from milk īē Gastrocolic reflex diminishes & no longer BO after each feed
  • 128. Bowel Movements īē Frequency varies from baby to baby īē Infrequent stools not a sign of constipation as long as stools soft (no firmer than peanut butter), baby otherwise well, gaining weight & feeding normally
  • 129. Bowel Movements Breastfed īē After 6wks, some have only 1 BO/wk Formula fed īē Some stool once in 2-3dys
  • 130. Bowel Movements īē Babies less than 6mths commonly grunt, groan, push, strain, draw up legs & become flushed in face during bowel movements īē This is not constipation
  • 131. Constipation Constipated stools īē Hard, dry Consider īē Hypothyroidism īē Hirshsprung disease
  • 132. Crying īē Normal to be tense, angry & red- faced when crying īē Normal to drawing up legs & flex arms, tense abdomen
  • 133. Crying Causes īē Hunger īē Soiled diaper īē Too hot or cold īē Tired or overstimulated īē Reaction to mum’s mood īē Unwell
  • 134. Colic īē Unexplained bouts of crying īē Suddenly cry inconsolably, often screaming, face flushed, abdomen distended & tense, legs drawn up & momentarily extended, hands clenched, pass flatus īē Usually last 1-2hrs, late afternoon or evening
  • 135. Colic īē Usually begins from 2-4wks & stops by 3mths īē Cause: Uncertain īē Reassure parents if baby otherwise well & fine in between crying
  • 136. Colic Rx īš Exclude medical cause īš Identify possible allergenic food in infant’s or nursing mum’s diet īš Hold & soothe baby, prone across lap & rub back, swaddle īš Improve feeding techniques ī¸Burping, avoid under & overfeeding ī¸Colic drops ī¸â€œI Love u’ Massage
  • 137. Nasal Stuffiness īē Relatively narrow nasal passages īē No need to clean out nostrils with cotton bud īē Especially noticeable at night, when it is quiet īē Reassure parents if īš Itis not affecting feeding īš Baby is otherwise well
  • 138. Phlegm īē Exclude upper/lower respiratory tract infection īē Pooling of saliva & secretions in oropharynx
  • 139. Cough īē Occasional cough may be associated with choking/feeding īē Exclude bronchiolitis
  • 140. Nasal Stuffiness, Phlegm & Cough If otherwise well, īē Reassure parents īē Medication unnecessary īē Avoid sedating cough mixtures in 1st 6mths, especially in exprem