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Fp r             07             2O O g 4: 5 6 P t' l                                                                 p. 1

                                         DREIER STEIN KAHA}I
                                                  BROryNEWOODSGEORGE     LLP
                                         Sanon L. Stein(SBN 045997)

                                         FredBl Griffrn (SBN 066027)
                                         fgriffi n@dreicrstei
                                    4    Muibeth Annaguey     (SBN228431)
                         N 5             TheWaterCruden
                                         162026lh Steet
                         "a, 6           6th Floor, North Tower
                                         SantaMonisq CA 90404

    q { N"7
                                         Telephone; 10.828.9050
                                         Facsimile: 10.828.9   l0l


     G                         9

                                         ROB LOWE and SHERYL LOSf,E
                                                            SUPERIORCOURTOF T}IE STATE OF CALIFORNIA

     ,gi   !r
                                                                         COTJNTY LOS ANGELES

           o                   t3        ROB LOWE, an individual;andSHERYL         c As ENo.        8C388579
     zo    ]tl                           LOWE, anindividual,
           v)                  t4                                                  COMPLAINT FOR:
         o                                                 Plaintiffs,
     v o o                     l5                                                  (r) BREACII OF WRITTEN CONTRACT
     zF                                           v9,                              (CONfl DENTHLITY AGREEMENT);
     |ll EI
     F 7                       t6
     ct                            tAIrM BOYCE,ar individua!and
     4 F                                                                           {Z', I}EFAFIATION;
     EI o                      1 7 DOESI through inchxive,
     q fran                                                                        (3) BREACA Or DrrIY OF LOYALIY;
     ct                        r8                          Defcndaffi.
                                                                                   (4) BREACHOr flDUCIARY DUTY;
                                                                                   (5) TNTENTTONAL TNFLTCTTONOF
                              20                                                   EMOTIONAL IIISTRESS;

                              2r                                                   (o NEGLTGET{TINELICTION OF
                                                                                   EMOTIONAL IIISTRESS;
                                                                                   (7' INTENTIONAL       fiSgEI
                              23                                                   irsnnpnrsENrArroN(oMrss$pf g F
                              24                                                   (B) IEGLrcENr
                                                                                   (ourssrox)i     FFof
                     u25                                                                                     s.,F
                                                                                                                  - 6

                     {                                                                                         ro
                              26                                                                                  za lJ t;
                     fi                                                                                           ,. 8{.
                     t 27                                                                                         gll
                                                                                                                  co       rG
                     J                                                                                        (i t:4
                     FJ28                                                                                     Ll
                                                                                                              c,r =
Ffp r         07    2O O B 4: 5 6 P1 ' 1                                                                                  p.2

                        I           Plaintiffs Rob Lowe ('Rob Lowe") andSherylLowc (She;ryl Lowe') (collectively

                     2                                                                      LauraBoyoe,an indMdual
                             "Plaintiffs" or lhe "Lowcs'), for $eir complaintagainstDefendant
                     3       ("Defendant");
                                          andDOBS I tluough100,inqlusive,

                     4                                       NATTJREO.FIHp ACTTON
                     5              1-     We livc in an agewhereinformmioncanbc distributedworldwidein a matsr of

                     6      seconds.That tlpe of access,
                                                       combin€dwith the public's ttrirst for detailsaboutthe pdvatelives

                     7      ofcelebrities, hasforccd celebrities zealously
                                                                to        grrardtbeir privacy andthe prinacy interests

                     I      their loved ones. This r€quiresthat those their employbe rrsnrrorthy andloyal bccause
                                                                     in                                         aoy

                    9       information abouta celebrityfrom his/lreranployee- no mau€rhow patentlyfalse- will be

                   1 0 instanhneouslydisseminated (at leastinitially) believedtobe true, As sct forth in this

                   ll               LauraBoyoe,a formeremployee the Loweswho wasohargcd
                            laursuit,                         of                      with lhe careof thcir
                   1 2 two childruruhasmadestatemenb violuion of ber prorfse not tq andhasmadefaleo
    o              l3                 aboutRob Lowe andhis wife, Sheryl[,owe. The effect of her betayal reaches
                            slatcrneots                                                                       far
 ;tn               t4       buyondpossiblymarring the Lowos' imagein thepublic eyc,tut hasalreadycaused
 v6                l5       Semendowamountof barmto the entirefamily. Thry areall now grapplingwiththe rcality tbat
 Fl st
 =z                I6             who waspart of their lives for thc last year ol so hasbee,n
                            someone                                                         disclosingdctailsabouther
     >             t7       crnplolmcnt with them aod evenmorecgregiouslSlying aboutthe oonditionsin which she
 A                 t8       u'orked. By hcr intentionalandmaliciouscondust in completedisregardfor the futh or the
                   r9       confidences
                                      entnrstcdto hcr, Dcfendanthascausedsubstantial
                                                                                   harrnto thc lowcs, The Lowcs
                   20       bring this suit to sct the rocordshaightandto lake a standagaiostall thosewho, by beuayingthe
                   2l       confidences thoscthey workfor, celebrityor not, scekto oapitalizeon their positionsfor their
                   22       own Enancialbenefit anil to tbe emotionalandfinancialdstrimentof their cmployers.
                   23                                       JURISDTCTIONAND {ENUE
                   24              2.      This Court hasjurisdiotion ovcr lhis action pursuantto its gencnal

                            Powerssetforth in dre Constitutionof tbe Sate of Califomia and becarue arnoun in
               i26          controv€rsy
              12?                 3.       The Lowes areinficrrned belierre, on that basisallegg that vqruo in this
                                                                  and      and
                            Countyis pmperbecause Defendant
                                                lhe       resides the Couutyof Los Angeles.
              tt            gscpo_r,Doc                         _z-

Ffp r        O ? 2O O g 4: 5 6 PM                                                                                     p. 3

                       I                                             THE PARTIES
                     )                4,      PlaintiffRob Lowe is an individualresidingin the Countyof Sana Barbara.He is
                     3          a well-known actorvrho hasbad may leadandsupportingroleson Elcvision, film andthcahe.
                     4                 5,    PlaintiffSherylLoua is an individual
                                                                                residing the Countyof Santa
                                                                                        in                 Barbara.
                     f          Sheis the wife of Rob Lowe andhasbeena make-upatist for telcvisionand filrn.
                     6                6.     The l,owes malntaintheir r€sidence Santa
                                                                              in     Barbara.
                     I                7.     Lawa Boyce,an individual,is a fomer employee the Lourcs, Shemaintainsher
                     E      residence thc County of Ins Angelcs.

                     9                8.     The Lowesare irfonned andbclieve,andon tbat basisall"ge, pursuant Codoof
                  t0        Civil Proccdure
                                          Section474rtbatthe fiotitiouslynaurodDefendants
                                                                                        suedhereinasDOES I

                  1l        through100,inclwivc, andcachof themwcrc in somemarucrrcsponsible legallyliablefor
        El        t2        theactions,evcnls,transactions circumstanccs
                                                         and           allegedberein. The rue ftrmeeandcapacities
        o         l3        of suchfictitiously namedDefendants,
                                                                                          assooiate, othenn'ise,
                                                                                                   or          arc

                  t4        pesently unlcnown the Lowes. TheLoweswill soekleaveof this Court to amendthis
  !46             l5        Complaintto asscfr&e eue lrameo capacities suchfictitiously nanredDefendants
                                                           and       of                                uilrenthe
  ltl cl          1 6 same becnascertained. convenience, reference Defendants
                          has             For
  .1    ,                                             each       to         shallincludetbeDOE

                  1 7 Defendants, eachof them. BoyceanddreDOE Defendants be collectiv€lyrefe,lred as
                               and                                     shatl                    to
  A               1 8 Defcndants.
                  l9                  9.     Thp Lowes areinformcdandbclieve,andon that basisallegc,that Def€ndaols,
                  20       eachoftherq mc and wereat all timeshoreinmentioned, agents,
                                                                             the                      joint
                  2l       venhuers, co-conqpirators eachof the otherDefendants, at all tirosshereinnrentioned
                                   or              of                          and
                  22       were aotingwithin thc courseandscopeof saidsgmW, employuen" or servicein filtherance of
                  23       thejoint vcntuIeor conspiracy,
                  24       ll

              ill 2 5      tl

                 i26       tl
              Ezt          /l
Ffp r         O ' 7 2O O g 4: 5 6 P M                                                                                    p.4

                                                                GENERAL FACKqROUI{D

                         2             10.   Rob lowe is a 'rcll-known celebritywho hasbeenin the public cye for many
                         J     yeaxs. Due to his celcbrity sktus andthc public's seeming
                                                                                       unqucnchablethirst for the intirratc
                         4     detailsof all cclebritics,
                                                        Rob Lowemust- asmwt all celebrities be abloto tnrstNs cmployces
                         5     not to discloseanv informationor detailspertaining Ns personallifc bccause
                                                                                 to                     suchinfouration
                     6         maybe disseminatcd the globalpublicjn a matter scconds.
                                                to                          of
                     7                I t.   Thus,all employees
                                                              ofthe Lowes,andin particularthoseernployees
                                                                                                        who work in
                     E         6e lowes' household bavehelpedto carefor the Lowes' childrerl re roquiredto sign a

                     9         confidendalityagreernent a conditionof their gmploFtrent, The confidentialityagEement

                    l0         providesin relevantpafl that thc employcc:

                    il                       Srill not givc an/ interviews(whether  oral or written) or wrile or
        J                                    prcpar€, assist
                                                       or       inpreparation anybooks,articles,
                                                                             of                      priograrns,or
                    t2                       otlrcr oral or rnnittencommunications dealingwith the business   or
        c                                    personal  affairsof the 'Lowe's' andthe '[.owE'sParties',nor
        o           l3                       confirm or denyanyinfonnadonof any kind (whetherrumorpdor
  -c I J
  ee                                         known in any wey) relatingto business personalaffairs of rhe
                    14                       olov/E's'andthe
  ;ra                                                            'Lowe'sParti€s'."
  FO                l5
  e Et
  Ft                l6                           IIpF'ENDAI{T'S pMpLOyMENT WITH TIIE LOWES
  qE                17                12.            workedfor the [-owpsoverthe last year or so :ts a f,aflnyto their two
  ct                l8        sons,Matthcw andJobn Owen(eolloctivelywith the Lowes,the 'T-owe Fanrily'). As a condition
                    t9        of hct employment,                                      (the "Confidentiality
                                               Dcfendantsigneda confidendalityagreement
                    20        Agreement')jwt as every otherenrployee thc Lowes hassigncd
                    2l                13,            gcnerdlyworkod2-4 daysper weekfor appmximately
                                             Defendant                                            8-10hours,
                    22                rnoreandtravcledwith the [.oweaon at loasttwo family vacations.
                    23                14.    Over the coutscof her employment,
                                                                             Defendantdeveloped closerelrtionshipwith
                    24        theLoweFamily andfreely talkedaboutpersonal intirnatedetailsaboutberpersonal with
                                                                       and                               life
               ,r 25          Shcryland otheremployees fliends of thc Lowcs,
               126            il
              Y_              tl
Fp n           07    2O O g 4: 5 6 Pt' t                                                                             .P-:J-==_

                     1             15,                                      failedto reponto work andfailedto
                                           ln or aboutNovenrler200?,Defendant

                     2                   callsandmessages behalfof theLowestrying to loceteher. After the
                          reapond numerous
                                to                      on

                     3    I,owes caused missirg person'sre,port befiled on her behaf, Defendantcontactod Lowes'
                                       a                      rc                                       the

                     4    throughone of their e,oployees indicated shewould not be rcturningto work
                                                       urd        th*

                     5             i6.     SinceDefendarrt's    departure, LowcshavelcarnedthatDefgndant
                                                           sudden       the                            had,

                     6                       betrayedtheir tust anil hasalsoengaged a scherne hurrthe lowes by
                          on scvcraloccasions,                                     in       to

                     7            maliciouslies abouteach them.
                          sprcading                      of

                     I             17.     SinceDefendant       herjob,the lnwes havealsobeeninformed
                                                        abandoned                                    and

                     9    believe, on that basisallege,
                                 and                                                     with anothqformer
                                                      thatDefendant been,andis, conspiring

                    t0    employeeandthird partiesto spreadmaliciouslies aboutthe Lovrcsto damage Lowes'

                    ll    r€putation.

                    t2             18.     Suchconduct, onoof theirtrusted
                                                      by                  employees, takcna significurttoll onthe
   o                t3    entirefamily. The Inrvss arefearftl of their safetyespeciallyin light of Deftndant's appalent
 *l l J
 *o                 t4    conte,Ept the Lowes andher openlyadminingto lleing involvedwith violent andphysicalty
 JF                 l5    abttsivepeople.
 Ft tu
 f^z                16
 ::>                                                       FIRST CAUSE OX'ACTION
                                             (Brcech of lYritten Conract -- Confidentirlilv Acrcernent)
 P rn               l8
                                   19.     The Lowes reallegeandiucorpomte reference
                                                                          by        hereineachof theallegationsin
                          ParagnphsI througlt 18, above.
                                   20,     Defendanthasmatcrially breached ConfrdentialityAgreemeut amongother
                                                                         the                      by,
                          &ings, discussing Lowes' business pcrsonalaffsirs with third partiesduring andaftcr hcr
                                           the            and
                                    with the Lowes.
                                   21.     The Lowes havefully perfomred of their dutiesand obligationsin connection
                                                   fureemenq exceptfor thoseduticsand obligationsdratharrc
                          with tlre Confideartiality                                                      be€o
               U    25
                          cxcused rendered
                                 or       Incapableof performingdueto Defc,ndant's
                                                                                 breaches thc Confidentiality
               g          Agreement wt forth above,
               ?    27

               g          9r8090_t.DOC

Rp r          o7     2O O g . 1: 5 ? P l ' 1                                                                        p. 6

                         l           22,        As a directandforeseeable
                                                                       resultof Defondant's
                                                                                          breaches theConfidentiality
                         )    Agrcement, Lowes havesufferedgeneral,specificandincideutaldamages an amountlo be
                                       the                                                    in
                         ?    prove,n trial.
                         4                                    SECONDCAUSDOF ACTION
                         5                                                  (I)efemstion)

                         6           23,                       and
                                               The Lowesreallege incorporate refcrence
                                                                           by        bercineach the allegaions
                                                                                               of             in
                     7        Paragraphs throughZ2,above.
                     I               24.       The Lowesareinformed believe, based
                                                                   and     and   thereon      that in thc lastfew
                     9        months,Defendant madesevcralfalsc anddcfamatory
                                             bas                                      aboutthe lowes,
                    l0               25,       The statements Defendant
                                                            by        against Lowesarc falseaodde&nalory and

                    ll        Expose Lowcsto hatcd, conlcmpqridicule andobloqun and/orcause
                                   the                                                     them to be shuffpd or
        trl         tz       avoidodandtend to injure them in their occupations.
       o            l3               26.       The lnwes ale informed'andbelievg andbasedtherconallege,that Defendant
 ; u)               1 4 rnadethe falseand defrrnatorystatements issuewith knowlodgeof their fatsity and/orwith
 v5                 l5       rccklessdisregad for their tnrth or falsity.
 !c EJ
 Frt                t6              27.        As a direot andproximarcresultoflhe abovodescribsdconductby Defcndant,
 sv                 l7       l,owesbavesuffercdgeneral qpecial
                                                     and     darmages an amountto be determined fial but
                                                                    in                        at
 Hn                 l8       believed be no lessthan$1,000,000.00,
                                     to                         inoludingwithoutlirnitatioq darnagc the lrcwes'
 a                                                                                                to
                    t9       reputalions,
                                        oarEenand standing thecormmrrnity.
                    20              28,        The lowts ae informedand beliwg andbasodthereonallege,tbat Defendant
                    2t                           taud andmaliceard that,tberefore,her conductjustifies an awardof
                             actcdwith opprcasion,
                    22       punitiveandexemplarydalages.
                    23                                        THIRD CAUSE OT'ACTION
                    24                                        (Breachof the Dutv of Lovaltv)

              6 25                  29,        Tho Lowesreallcgcandincorporate reference
                                                                             by        hereineachof ttreatlegations
                    26       Paragraphs through28, above,
              fi 27

              il 28
              o              95EtD0_t.DOC                                      .G

Rpn          07          2O O g 4:5 ? Pl ' 1                                                                                p.?

                             I            30.    Deftndant asthenannyandcaretaker the Lowes' children, ourcda duty to
                         z         give the Lowes hErundividedloyalty andnot to takeanyactionsduring her employment
                         3         wouldbe detimenlal to the l,owcsor their childrcn.This included duty of loyattynot lo useor
                         4         discloseconfidentialinformation,assct fortb in thc Confidentialityfureemenf obtaincd and
                         5         revpaled her during the coruseandscope her emplolme,lrr
                                           to                            of              eitherfor her own personal
                         6        anddealingor to tre detiment of the Lowee.
                         7                31.    The Lowes areinformedandbelieve,andbasedtherconallcge,thatDefendant
                         I                hcr
                                  brcachcd duty of loyatty by tbe actsard conduot
                                                                                allegedherein,including (1) impermissibly
                         9        disclosiugthe Lowes' confideNdial
                                                                 inforrration b third parties,and (2) mafting libelous
                     10           statomeffsagainstRob Lowe andSherylInwe.

                    ll                   32,     By virtre of Dcfcndant's
                                                                        breach herdutyof loyalty,the Loweshavebeen
                    t2                   jn
                                  darnaged an amountnot yet dctermined, to bc provcd at bial,
       o            l3                   33.    The Lowcs arc informedandbelieve,andhsed theroonallege,that Defendant
 -2 . 6

 Ei (A              l4            knewabouther dutiesandobligationsto the lawes, yet intentionaltydisreprded thos€
 vE                 l5            reqPonsibilities doing the ostsdcscribed
                                                 in                       hercrn,with the intemto causedctrimentto thc Lowcs
 FE                 l6            andfor her own persorral
                                                         gain and interest.In dolngso, Defendanlactedwirh oppression,
Fg                  t7            andmalice,and on this basis,the Lowesrcquestthatpunitivedamagcs assessed
                                                                                                bc       against
sl e
a                   l8                    in
                                  Defbndant an amountto be determined the hier of fact.
                    l9                                         rouRTrr   oI,
                                                                     cAUsE acTIoN
                   20                                            (Breochof Fidnciarv Duties)
                   2l                    34,    The Lowes reallegcandincorporate rcference
                                                                                by        helein eachof the allegations
                   22            Paragrapho through 33, above-
                   23                   35.     At all timcs rclcvanthercto,Dcfcndant
                                                                                    owed fiduciary obligationsandduticsto
                   24            lhe Lowesby virtuc ofher statusasa nannychargodwith the careof the Lowes' ohildren. In fris
             g2s                 capacity, bad acce$tto pcrsonalandprivalc inforrnationpcrtainingto every membcrof the

                 -r 26           LoweFarnily-

             b"                  9tt090_t.Doc

Ffp n O ? 2O O g 4: 5 8 P 1 ' l                                                                                      p. 8

                        I            36.    The Lowesareinformedandbeliew, andbasedthereonallege,that Defendanr
                        2           her
                             broached fiduciary obligations dutiesowedto the lowes in doing the aclsdesoribod
                        {    hereinincluding(l)'disclosingconfidenrtial
                                                                     information theLowesto third parties; (2)
                                                                               of                        and
                    4                                                            dctails,in profaneandwlgar
                             while on-duty asa oanny,rcvcalingintimac andsalacious
                    5                a[egiEdlyaboutherpersonal andthat oflrer boyfricnds, Suchbrcaches
                             language,                       life                                    caused
                    6        da:nage the Lowes.

                    7               37.     As a pnoximaie
                                                         resultof saidbreachof fiduciary obligationsandduties,the l.owes
                    E        havebeenandwill be damaged anamowt wbichwill be provodat trial, but whichec<cceds
                                                      in                                                    the
                    I        minimurnj urisdlcdonalanrormt.
                   l0               38.    The Lowcs arc informedandbelicw, andbasedthereonallegg that Defendant

         tr        ll                                        to        yet
                             knewabouther dutiesandobligations theLowps, intentionally          those
                                                                                      disregarded    dutiesand
                   T2 obligationsin doing the actsdesuibodherein,with the intont to barmthe lnwes andfor ho o,np
         o         t3              gpin and interest In doingso, Defendant
                            personat                                     actedwith oppressiorg
                                                                                             fraud andrnalice,and
  -E l
  lc a             l4       on this basis,the Lowes request punitive danagcsbc asseseod
                                                          thst                        agoinstDefendant an
  FO               t5       amormttobe dcte,mined
  tu l a
  F>               t6                                        rIFTrr cAusEoF AgTroN
  3E                                                                                             g)
  E9               t7                                OntentlonalIn lliction of Emotional Dl stres
  A                l8               39.    The Lowesrcallegeandincorporate rcferenoe
                                                                         by         hereineaohofthe allesdisas in
                   I9                I
                            Paragraphs through 38, above.
                   20               40.    Dnuingand afterher emplopnentwith the Lowes, Defendantknew that theLowcs
                   2l       werepartisularly susceptible any statements
                                                       to             thatwould undqmrinetheh reputations good
                   22       parents,
                                                            individuals,faltbfirl asspouses rospectftrl othen
                                                                                          and         of
                   23       becaweof Rob Lorve's cclebrity$anrs.
                   24              4l '    Defendastalsokncn'that lhc lrwes arc protectivcof their children andstriveto
              fi   25       bepositiverole modelsfor the childra andto havcpositlverole modelsaroundthc children. She
                   26       knewthatthe Lowesareraisingtheir childrenin accordance SherylLowe'sJewish
                                                                                 with               religion
                            andmorals. Shchcw tharthe Lowesumuldbe susccptibtc any conductthat miglrrjeopardize
                   28       thc healthn safcty or rnoralrrpbringing rheir ohildrcn.
              s             9JE090-I.DC                                  -8-
Ffp r        07     2008        4: 5 8 P M                                                                            p. 9

                         I                   Def€ndantalsoknewthatthe Lowesareprotcetiveof their privacy andpersonal

                     2        space,

                     3                43-                      while on-dufyandoffduty is outrageowandbeyondthe
                     4             of                         person
                                          zuchthat no reasonable
                             bounds decenoy                                       to
                                                                   couldbe expected ondureit,

                     5                44.    Defbndalt's stalernents conduct dirtcted at, andtrget, eaahof the Lowes'
                                                                   and     are

                     6       susceptibilities asto cause
                                            so          themthc mostda.magc, a result,the Lowes harre
                                                                           As                        suffercd

                     7       damagec that they havebeenforcedto en&rregreatmentalanguish,divlress,shock,

                     I       hurniliatiolUfeelings of helplessness ilrey art underattack.

                     9                45.    As a directandproximate                      malioious,
                                                                   rezultof theintentional,        harmful,unlawful

                   l0                                     the                swerEand seriousinj,rry, including
                             andoffensiveactsof Defeirdant, Loweshavesustained

        tu         ll        but not limited to severe                 humiliatio& andmentalanggishdl to tttc Lowcs' in
        H r.
                                                                                       theninimum jurisdictional amount.
                             an anrolrritwhich will bs provcd at rial, but which exceeds
    513                               46.                             hercin Defendatt sct€d'ilith olryrtssion,fraudand
                                             In doing thc astsdescribed
  -  lfl
  -1 fr
  s;    14                   malice,and on this basis,thc Lowesrequest punitive damages asscssed
                                                                     that             be       against
  vd               15        in an amountto be det€rnined by thc tricr of fast.
  Fg    16                                                    srxrH cAUsE AcTroN
  Eg t 7
  ,q al
                                                       lNesllqentInfliction of DmolionelDistrcss)

  618                                 47.                                                                           in
                                             Tbe Lowps reallcgeandincorporate rcfcrencehercin eacbof tlre allegations
                   l9        Paragraphs tlrough 46, abovc,
                   20                48.              owtd a dutyto the Lowespursusntto (l) her employment
                                             Defetrdaot                                                  relationship

                   2l        with themwhcrebyshewaschargedwith thecareandsupervisionof their two yourg sons,drd
                   22        (2) the ConfidentialityAgreemeot
                                                            with the Loweswherebysheagreedrnt to disclosoany
                   23        informationaboutthe Lowesto anythird puty at anytime (cxceptwhencompelledby legal
                   24        process),

             $25                     49.             knew, or shouldhaveknowa,that her failure to exerciseduecaroin (1)

              i2 6           thc performance her dutiesasthe naruryfor the Lowcs' children ard (2) thc performance
                             prusuaut the Confidentialily Agreement
                                    to                            would cause Lowes sever€
                                                                             the          emotisnaldistress.

             ;r 28
Ffp n A 7            2O O B 4: 5 8 P M                                                                                   p. 1o

                      a               50.     Defendant heachedthose
                                                      has           duties (l ) makingfalseanddefanatory
                      2        statments aboutthe Lowesmd (2) disolosingpersonal
                                                                              informarionaboutthc lnwcs, both mre

                      3        anduntnre,to third paftigs.

                      4               5l,    As a poximate resultof Defeudant's constitutingbrcachcs his dutiesto the
                                                                               acts                 of

                      5        Lowes,the Lowes havesustained     qrd
                                                           sevsro serieusinjury, includingbut not limiled to severe

                      6                distress,
                               emotional       humiliation, rnental
                                                          and     anguish to thc LowBs'damage anamount
                                                                        all                 in       which
                      7    will be provedat trial.

                      8                                      SEVPNTH CAUSEOFACTION
                      9                                 flntentionalMisreoresentelion Omissiou)
                     l0               52.    The Lowts reallcgcandincorporate refarence
                                                                             by        trenein
                                                                                             eactrof the allegationsin

         or          1l             I
                           Paragraphs through51,above,

                                     53.     Dcfcndarq by virtue of her fidrriary ernployment
                                                                                            relationshipwith $e lowes and

         6 13              frrrtherby virtue of her obligationpwsuantto the ConfidentialityAgrcement,owed tbc Lowcs a
   3: u                    duty to fi.illy and complaely disclose tho Louresany andall oonfidentialinformationaboutthe
   i n l5
   vd                      Lowesthat sheintendodto disclosetothird parties.
   Hg                16              54.    At all titnes relerrant
                                                                  herein,Defcndantfailed to discloseto the lorrres,and
   Eg                t7             from the l,owes,the fact that shehadviolatedthe ConfidentialityAgreenccrtand

   H'                r8   discloscdpersonalinformationof theLowcglo third parties. The supprosdon thcsefactswas
                     t9   likely to mislead Lowcs,ancldid in factmislead lowps in light of Dcfcndant's
                                           the                          the                          continucd
                     20            with ths Lowes.
                     2l              55.    Defendant'sfailuresro disclose informationand sup,prcssions thc
                                                                          the                         of
                     22   informationallegedhereinweredonewith rhe intentionto inducethe l,owes to oontinuously
                     ?3   employDdendant.
                     24   /l
               i26        ll
 'f i|
               4 2 7 il

               s          9s8090-l.Doc

Rpr    07      2008        4: 5 9 P1 ' l                                                                              p. l1

  APn- 0?- 3008 t 2t 2 1                                                                                      P.002

                 I                 56,                           thercfailur* to discloec rupprcssion faots
                                           Thstowc*, et thc tinres                      and         of
                2 ' occunrd, at tlrctimcrhcl,owcstookthcrcllons           wcreigrrorant thc
                                                              allogcd                of
                3              oftfie focte
                       otict€nss           u,hich       supprctsed failedto disclosc. thc lpweshadbecn
                                                 Defendarl      and                 lf
                4                          of       not       by        thc    wouldnothevgasdrey
                       awtt of tlrecxlstrnce rhefacts discloeed Defcoder4 L,owcs
                5      dl4 oontintnd havo
                                   to    cmpbycdDefsndad,                                     allowsd
                                                        rllowcdDcfcndant sarcfor theirchildrcn.
                6             esccnb tlpir homce rllowcdDcfcnd*ot
                       Dcfendant               or               ssoers thcirconfidcnrial
                                                                     to                informarion.
                7                 57.      As a prorcirnatc of Defcndant's
                                                         rcgult         flauduhnt                facc endhcr
                                                                                faifurcto dis{lose
                8      supprersion
                                                krein, theLnwcs       !o      DefcnduLcontinucd
                                                              continued ernploy               to
                9     allowDsfendant carcfortheirshildnn,csntinued dlow Defendant
                                  to                             to                 to
                                                                               apccss theirhomes
                                             sccstrto thcltggnfijsfiialinfomationby mson of which
               t0 rnd continuad allov/Defcndant

       o' ll           Dofbndntt bccnrmjueily
                               has           cnriched,

       i tz                       58.                      mnduclof Dvftndant doncby Defendmt
                                           Thsafotqnentioncd                was             wtth$c
   6t3                 inentlonof causingthe                          conducr subjcotcd l,owcs a
                                           Lowerinjuryrnd war dospicable    thal      the     b
  *;           14     cnrclandunfust      in        dirrcgard theirrighls. By rcssonof sushcondust,
                                   hErdEhip conscious       of                                   the
  iB           r5                               cxcmplary punitivodanagcs
                      l,owcsarccntilledto recover       ud                    Defendant
  Pg           16                                        nrcrms cAUsE AqTIQN
  HP I?
                                                    (Ncrlircot lfbrepjrserrilioa -- Ontrsion)
  8-           lE                 59,      Itc l,swssrcallcgo Incorporeto rcfcrcncc
                                                            rrd        by         hcrcincaoh thaallegationc
                                                                                           of             in
               le     Prragrephsthrrough abovc.
                               I       58,
               20                60.       DefcndanL virtucof herfiduelary
                                                   fo                              rrlrtionship
                                                                         crnploytnart          with thr Lpwcs
               2 L furficr by virtueof herobligrtionpurusntto thcContldcntidity        owodthelowesr
               22                              dirclosc theInwesrny andall detcmcnts sheintnndcd
                      futy to ftlly andoompletely     to                           that        to
               27            tothid panics
                      dlsclosc            aboutfieInwcc,
               24                61.       Dcfcnd&rt
                                                   brcachcd dutyb disclose thcInwcs thcsutcnrcnts cmduct
                                                          hor            m                      snd
               25     rtlcgodhcrein.
       ti 21          tl
       -'ti 2t
                      eIGo_r-DoC                                      .l l-
       I:                                                         COMPIA'NT
Rp r          O? 2O O g 4:5 9 P l l                                                                                     p.t4

                       1              62.    At all timcs rclcvantherein,Defendant
                                                                                 failed !o disoloseo the Lorves,
                   2                     tom the [,owes,the fact tlrat shehadviolatedthe ConfiderrtialityAgreenentand

                   3                    personal
                                discloscd      informaoon theLowes thirdparties,The suppression these
                                                         of       to                          of     factswas
                   4            likely to nrislcad Lowes,anddid in factmislead Lowesin light of Ddendant'scontinucd
                                                  thc                        the
                   5                     with OrcLorves,
                   6                  63,    Defendantknew,or shouldhavcknown,that her faihuesto dislose the

                   7        informationand suppressions the infonnationallcgedbereinwould inducelhe Lowegto
                   E        ernployDefendaot

                   9                  64.    Ilrc Lowes,at the timesthesefailurcsto discloseand zupp'rcssion facts
                  l0        occuned,andat the time the Lowestook thc actionsallegedherein,were ignorantof the

                  II        existenoc the factswhich Defendent
                                    of                       suppressed failed to disclose. If the Loweshadbeen
        Irl       12        awareof the existenceof the factsnot discloscd Deli:ndant,the Loweewould not havg asthey
        x         r3        di4 continuedto have employcdDcfcmdant,
                                                                 allowedDefendant cr€ for rhcir childrpn,allowed


                  l4        Dcfcndantacoess their homesor allowedDcfcndurt aocess their confidential infonnation,
                                          to                                    to
 MX               15                  65.    As aproxim& resultofDsfcndant'snegligentfailure to disclosefastsc alleged
 Ft Er 16                   henein, Iowes continuodto ernployDefendalrt,
                                  the                                  continued allow Defcndantto carefor their
 2E^ 1 7
 gY                         children,continucdto allow Defendant
                                                               aocess their homesandconrinuedto allow Defendant
 H6               1 8 acccss their confide,ntiallnformationby rcasonof wtridt Defendanthasbecnwrjustly enrichcd,

                  l9                  66.   As a proximateresultof saidnegligeirtfaihnesto disclosc,the l,oweshavebeen
                  20       andwill be damaged an amountwhich will bc provedat tial.
                  21                 67.    The aforcmerrtioned
                                                              condustof Defendant
                                                                                was doneby Defendartwith the
                  22       intentionof causingths Lowes injury andwasdespiceble
                                                                              @nductthat subjccted Iowes to a
                  23       cruel andwfust hardshipin couscious
                                                             disrcgard their rigbrs. B5rremonof suchcouduct,
                                                                      of                                   lhe
                  24       Lowesarc entitled to recoverexcmplaryandprrritivc damages

              i] 25        il
               i26         tl
              'i zt        II

              '* 28
Ff r
 p           07     2O O g 5: OOPM                                                                              P. l3

                        I                                     PRAYER RpJLrEr
                        2                   Plaintitrs prayfor judgmentagainstDefendant follows:
                                   WHEREFORE,                                         as
                        3                             AS TO THE IIIRST CAUSEOF ACTION
                        4                     (Bresch of Written Qontr.scr(Co-$tidentialitLAsTeemeg0l

                        )          l.      For genetal
                                                     damages, anamounttobeprovenr trial;
                                                           in                   at
                        6          2.      For costsincurredhaein:
                        7                           AS TO TIIE SECONDCAUSE OF'ACTION
                    8                                                (Pefrmatlon)
                    9              3.     For generaldamages, an amount be pmven at trial;
                                                            in        to
                   t0              4.     For punitive damagos an anourtt apprcpriate punishDefendant deter
                                                             in                      to             and

                   ll       othersfrom engaging
                                              insimilar conduct;

                                   5.     For costsincunedhcrein;

       51 3                                          AS TO TrIE, THIRD C&iSE Or ACTr9r-{
 &Z                14                                     (Bryachof lhe Duty Of Lovaltv)
 J8                15              6.     For generaldamages, an amormt be pwen at tiah
                                                            in        to
 HE                t6              7.     For pruritivedamages an amourt appropriate punishDefendant deter
                                                             in                    to              and
 E g 17                     o(hersfmm engagingin sinilarconducq
 518                               E.     For oosts
                   l9                              AS TO TnEFOTJRTII9aUSE OFACTTON
                   20                                      (Brcachof FiduciarvJ.-Tties

                   2l             9-      For generaldamagcs, an amorrnt beproven at trial;
                                                            in         to
                   22             10,     For punitive damages an amourt appropriate prurishDefeodautanddeter
                                                             in                    to
                   23       otben from engagingin similar eonduot;
                   24             11.     For cosb incurrpdherein;

             n2s                                    AS TO TIIE FITTH CAUSE OF ACTION
                                                   (In lenllonal InfUctiouof Epotional Distregg)
             Y27                  12,     For gcneraldarnages, an aruountto be proveoat trial;

             s                                                          -13_
Fl p n A 7 2O O g 5: 0 OP l ' l                                                                                      P. l4

                        I                13.    For punitive damages an amountappropriaeto punishDefcndantanddeter
                        n         others
                                       from engaging similarconduct;
                        3               14-     For costsjncurrcdhcrein;

                        4                                 AS TO THE SDilH CAUSE OJrA-sElON
                        5                                 (Neelieetrt
                                                                    lofliction of EmotionalDbtr$r)
                     6                  15.     For gencral
                                                          damages, anmrountto bepmvcnat bial;
                     7                  16.     For punitive &-ages in an amountappropriatetopunishDefendant deter
                     8           othersfrom eagagingin similar conducq

                     9                  17.    Por costsincurrej heoein;
                    10                                  AS TO TIIE SEVENTH CAUSE OF ACTION

                    1l                                   flntentionsl Misrenreeenlrtion-- Omlsslon)
    r'l             12                  18.    For general
                                                         danages, an amount be provenat fial;
                                                                in        to
    o               l3                  19.    For pwritivc daurages an amountappropriate punishDefendantanddaer
                                                                   in                   to
 *F l
 33, 7 4                         othersfrom cngagingin similar conduct;
 v5                l5                  20.     Forcostsinsunedhe.tein;
 9 l tu            r6                                   AS TO TrrE EIGHTTI CAUSE OF.ACIION
 Eio               t7                                    (NcsliqentMisrepresenjation Opisg.io4)
A                  18                  21.     For ge,neral
                                                          darnages, an arnount bcproven at trial;
                                                                 in          to
                   l9                  22.     For punitivc darnages an amountappropriate punish Defendantanddeter
                                                                   in                   to
                   20       othercfiorn engagingin similarconduct;
                   2t                  23.     For costsing.uredherEin;
                   22       ll
                   23       il

                   24       il

              ij25          /l

                  2 6 ll
             '427 /l
             { 2s.
             ei             9tBo9Q_t.DOC
Hpn              ( ] 7 2O O 8 5:OOP | .1
                                                                                                                 P. l5

                            I                               AS TO ALL CAUSESOF,A.CTrON
                            2                  For any all sushfurthsr elief astheCourtmey deemjust andproper.


       trt             l2
       o               l3
-E l
x-     (,              l4
v5                     l5
fle                    t6
H to
   V                   t7

A                      l8
             tlt                I5E090_t.DOC


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Confidentiality Breach by Former Employee Causes Harm to Celebrity Family

  • 1. Fp r 07 2O O g 4: 5 6 P t' l p. 1 -ic . I DREIER STEIN KAHA}I BROryNEWOODSGEORGE LLP Sanon L. Stein(SBN 045997) 3 lstein(ddreierstcin, com FredBl Griffrn (SBN 066027) LOS'.,#?PP* fgriffi n@dreicrstei 4 Muibeth Annaguey (SBN228431) mannaguey@dreierstein.oom N 5 TheWaterCruden 162026lh Steet "a, 6 6th Floor, North Tower SantaMonisq CA 90404 q { N"7 '8 Telephone; 10.828.9050 3 3 Facsimile: 10.828.9 l0l H AtlomeysforPlaintilh G 9 io 7la ROB LOWE and SHERYL LOSf,E SUPERIORCOURTOF T}IE STATE OF CALIFORNIA ,gi !r Ff rJ te 0 ,B9 t2 l2 COTJNTY LOS ANGELES OF a o t3 ROB LOWE, an individual;andSHERYL c As ENo. 8C388579 zo ]tl LOWE, anindividual, v) t4 COMPLAINT FOR: o Plaintiffs, v o o l5 (r) BREACII OF WRITTEN CONTRACT zF v9, (CONfl DENTHLITY AGREEMENT); |ll EI F 7 t6 ct tAIrM BOYCE,ar individua!and 4 F {Z', I}EFAFIATION; EI o 1 7 DOESI through inchxive, 100, q fran (3) BREACA Or DrrIY OF LOYALIY; & ct r8 Defcndaffi. (4) BREACHOr flDUCIARY DUTY; 19 (5) TNTENTTONAL TNFLTCTTONOF 20 EMOTIONAL IIISTRESS; 2r (o NEGLTGET{TINELICTION OF EMOTIONAL IIISTRESS; 22 (7' INTENTIONAL fiSgEI 23 irsnnpnrsENrArroN(oMrss$pf g F 24 (B) IEGLrcENr MrsRgEE$DthiBtd# (ourssrox)i FFof u25 s.,F s=s - 6 { ro ar) 26 za lJ t; fi ,. 8{. Lo13ifi t 27 gll co rG e J (i t:4 FJ28 Ll F? c,r = a U 95t090_l.DoC COMPI.AINT
  • 2. Ffp r 07 2O O B 4: 5 6 P1 ' 1 p.2 t I Plaintiffs Rob Lowe ('Rob Lowe") andSherylLowc (She;ryl Lowe') (collectively 2 LauraBoyoe,an indMdual "Plaintiffs" or lhe "Lowcs'), for $eir complaintagainstDefendant 3 ("Defendant"); andDOBS I tluough100,inqlusive, allcgeasfollows: 4 NATTJREO.FIHp ACTTON 5 1- We livc in an agewhereinformmioncanbc distributedworldwidein a matsr of 6 seconds.That tlpe of access, combin€dwith the public's ttrirst for detailsaboutthe pdvatelives 7 ofcelebrities, hasforccd celebrities zealously to grrardtbeir privacy andthe prinacy interests of I their loved ones. This r€quiresthat those their employbe rrsnrrorthy andloyal bccause in aoy 9 information abouta celebrityfrom his/lreranployee- no mau€rhow patentlyfalse- will be 1 0 instanhneouslydisseminated (at leastinitially) believedtobe true, As sct forth in this and O. ll LauraBoyoe,a formeremployee the Loweswho wasohargcd laursuit, of with lhe careof thcir "l Fl lll 1 2 two childruruhasmadestatemenb violuion of ber prorfse not tq andhasmadefaleo in (? & o l3 aboutRob Lowe andhis wife, Sheryl[,owe. The effect of her betayal reaches slatcrneots far -Fl 1e ;tn t4 buyondpossiblymarring the Lowos' imagein thepublic eyc,tut hasalreadycaused a <ti v6 l5 Semendowamountof barmto the entirefamily. Thry areall now grapplingwiththe rcality tbat z,> Fl st =z I6 who waspart of their lives for thc last year ol so hasbee,n someone disclosingdctailsabouther zo ;fi > t7 crnplolmcnt with them aod evenmorecgregiouslSlying aboutthe oonditionsin which she 4& EE A t8 u'orked. By hcr intentionalandmaliciouscondust in completedisregardfor the futh or the r9 confidences entnrstcdto hcr, Dcfendanthascausedsubstantial harrnto thc lowcs, The Lowcs 20 bring this suit to sct the rocordshaightandto lake a standagaiostall thosewho, by beuayingthe 2l confidences thoscthey workfor, celebrityor not, scekto oapitalizeon their positionsfor their of 22 own Enancialbenefit anil to tbe emotionalandfinancialdstrimentof their cmployers. 23 JURISDTCTIONAND {ENUE 24 2. This Court hasjurisdiotion ovcr lhis action pursuantto its gencnal jurisdiaion #zs il Powerssetforth in dre Constitutionof tbe Sate of Califomia and becarue arnoun in the 't i26 controv€rsy cxceeds $25,000. r. it 12? 3. The Lowes areinficrrned belierre, on that basisallegg that vqruo in this and and Countyis pmperbecause Defendant lhe resides the Couutyof Los Angeles. in b28 tt gscpo_r,Doc _z- r. CPMPLAINT
  • 3. Ffp r O ? 2O O g 4: 5 6 PM p. 3 I THE PARTIES ) 4, PlaintiffRob Lowe is an individualresidingin the Countyof Sana Barbara.He is 3 a well-known actorvrho hasbad may leadandsupportingroleson Elcvision, film andthcahe. 4 5, PlaintiffSherylLoua is an individual residing the Countyof Santa in Barbara. f Sheis the wife of Rob Lowe andhasbeena make-upatist for telcvisionand filrn. 6 6. The l,owes malntaintheir r€sidence Santa in Barbara. I 7. Lawa Boyce,an individual,is a fomer employee the Lourcs, Shemaintainsher of E residence thc County of Ins Angelcs. in 9 8. The Lowesare irfonned andbclieve,andon tbat basisall"ge, pursuant Codoof 1o t0 Civil Proccdure Section474rtbatthe fiotitiouslynaurodDefendants suedhereinasDOES I A 1l through100,inclwivc, andcachof themwcrc in somemarucrrcsponsible legallyliablefor or -t Fl El t2 theactions,evcnls,transactions circumstanccs and allegedberein. The rue ftrmeeandcapacities (, & o l3 of suchfictitiously namedDefendants, whetherindividual,corporate, assooiate, othenn'ise, or arc lrl 33 - t4 pesently unlcnown the Lowes. TheLoweswill soekleaveof this Court to amendthis !o TR !46 l5 Complaintto asscfr&e eue lrameo capacities suchfictitiously nanredDefendants and of uilrenthe 4> ltl cl 1 6 same becnascertained. convenience, reference Defendants has For .1 , each to shallincludetbeDOE 7/ -, 1 7 Defendants, eachof them. BoyceanddreDOE Defendants be collectiv€lyrefe,lred as and shatl to 2n A 1 8 Defcndants. l9 9. Thp Lowes areinformcdandbclieve,andon that basisallegc,that Def€ndaols, and 20 eachoftherq mc and wereat all timeshoreinmentioned, agents, the joint etnployoes, senrants, 2l venhuers, co-conqpirators eachof the otherDefendants, at all tirosshereinnrentioned or of and 22 were aotingwithin thc courseandscopeof saidsgmW, employuen" or servicein filtherance of 23 thejoint vcntuIeor conspiracy, 24 ll ill 2 5 tl t .i i26 tl Ezt /l I ) i.28 tn 958090_t.DOC n COMPLAINT
  • 4. Ffp r O ' 7 2O O g 4: 5 6 P M p.4 'I GENERAL FACKqROUI{D 2 10. Rob lowe is a 'rcll-known celebritywho hasbeenin the public cye for many J yeaxs. Due to his celcbrity sktus andthc public's seeming unqucnchablethirst for the intirratc 4 detailsof all cclebritics, Rob Lowemust- asmwt all celebrities be abloto tnrstNs cmployces - 5 not to discloseanv informationor detailspertaining Ns personallifc bccause to suchinfouration 6 maybe disseminatcd the globalpublicjn a matter scconds. to of 7 I t. Thus,all employees ofthe Lowes,andin particularthoseernployees who work in E 6e lowes' household bavehelpedto carefor the Lowes' childrerl re roquiredto sign a and 9 confidendalityagreernent a conditionof their gmploFtrent, The confidentialityagEement as l0 providesin relevantpafl that thc employcc: F{ il Srill not givc an/ interviews(whether oral or written) or wrile or J prcpar€, assist or inpreparation anybooks,articles, of priograrns,or lTl t2 otlrcr oral or rnnittencommunications dealingwith the business or (f c personal affairsof the 'Lowe's' andthe '[.owE'sParties',nor o l3 confirm or denyanyinfonnadonof any kind (whetherrumorpdor -c I J ee known in any wey) relatingto business personalaffairs of rhe or 14 olov/E's'andthe ;ra 'Lowe'sParti€s'." JO FO l5 e Et > Ft l6 IIpF'ENDAI{T'S pMpLOyMENT WITH TIIE LOWES 2a 6 E qE 17 12. workedfor the [-owpsoverthe last year or so :ts a f,aflnyto their two Defendant !+€ ct l8 sons,Matthcw andJobn Owen(eolloctivelywith the Lowes,the 'T-owe Fanrily'). As a condition t9 of hct employment, (the "Confidentiality Dcfendantsigneda confidendalityagreement 20 Agreement')jwt as every otherenrployee thc Lowes hassigncd of 2l 13, gcnerdlyworkod2-4 daysper weekfor appmximately Defendant 8-10hours, 22 rnoreandtravcledwith the [.oweaon at loasttwo family vacations. sometimes 23 14. Over the coutscof her employment, Defendantdeveloped closerelrtionshipwith a 24 theLoweFamily andfreely talkedaboutpersonal intirnatedetailsaboutberpersonal with and life ,r 25 Shcryland otheremployees fliends of thc Lowcs, and tl 126 il I 27 Y_ tl /ze i+ 95a090_t.Doc $ COMPLAINT
  • 5. Fp n 07 2O O g 4: 5 6 Pt' t .P-:J-==_ 1 15, failedto reponto work andfailedto ln or aboutNovenrler200?,Defendant 2 callsandmessages behalfof theLowestrying to loceteher. After the reapond numerous to on 3 I,owes caused missirg person'sre,port befiled on her behaf, Defendantcontactod Lowes' a rc the 4 throughone of their e,oployees indicated shewould not be rcturningto work urd th* 5 i6. SinceDefendarrt's departure, LowcshavelcarnedthatDefgndant sudden the had, 6 betrayedtheir tust anil hasalsoengaged a scherne hurrthe lowes by on scvcraloccasions, in to 7 maliciouslies abouteach them. sprcading of I 17. SinceDefendant herjob,the lnwes havealsobeeninformed abandoned and 9 believe, on that basisallege, and with anothqformer thatDefendant been,andis, conspiring has t0 employeeandthird partiesto spreadmaliciouslies aboutthe Lovrcsto damage Lowes' the o< ll r€putation. J F: lq t2 18. Suchconduct, onoof theirtrusted by employees, takcna significurttoll onthe has & o t3 entirefamily. The Inrvss arefearftl of their safetyespeciallyin light of Deftndant's appalent *l l J 4r' *o t4 conte,Ept the Lowes andher openlyadminingto lleing involvedwith violent andphysicalty for JF l5 abttsivepeople. z, Ft tu f^z 16 ::> FIRST CAUSE OX'ACTION fio =d t7 (Brcech of lYritten Conract -- Confidentirlilv Acrcernent) P rn l8 A 19. The Lowes reallegeandiucorpomte reference by hereineachof theallegationsin l9 ParagnphsI througlt 18, above. 20 20, Defendanthasmatcrially breached ConfrdentialityAgreemeut amongother the by, 2l &ings, discussing Lowes' business pcrsonalaffsirs with third partiesduring andaftcr hcr the and 22 with the Lowes. e,uployment 23 21. The Lowes havefully perfomred of their dutiesand obligationsin connection all 24 fureemenq exceptfor thoseduticsand obligationsdratharrc with tlre Confideartiality be€o U 25 -i cxcused rendered or Incapableof performingdueto Defc,ndant's breaches thc Confidentiality of 26 g Agreement wt forth above, as ? 27 a4 2t g 9r8090_t.DOC Lr COMPLAINT
  • 6. Rp r o7 2O O g . 1: 5 ? P l ' 1 p. 6 l 22, As a directandforeseeable resultof Defondant's breaches theConfidentiality of ) Agrcement, Lowes havesufferedgeneral,specificandincideutaldamages an amountlo be the in ? prove,n trial. at 4 SECONDCAUSDOF ACTION 5 (I)efemstion) 6 23, and The Lowesreallege incorporate refcrence by bercineach the allegaions of in 7 Paragraphs throughZ2,above. I I 24. The Lowesareinformed believe, based and and thereon that in thc lastfew allege, 9 months,Defendant madesevcralfalsc anddcfamatory bas aboutthe lowes, statpments l0 25, The statements Defendant by against Lowesarc falseaodde&nalory and the A ll Expose Lowcsto hatcd, conlcmpqridicule andobloqun and/orcause the them to be shuffpd or J FJ trl tz avoidodandtend to injure them in their occupations. frl & o l3 26. The lnwes ale informed'andbelievg andbasedtherconallege,that Defendant -q) ; u) 1 4 rnadethe falseand defrrnatorystatements issuewith knowlodgeof their fatsity and/orwith at <ti v5 l5 rccklessdisregad for their tnrth or falsity. => !c EJ Frt t6 27. As a direot andproximarcresultoflhe abovodescribsdconductby Defcndant, thc 27 sv l7 l,owesbavesuffercdgeneral qpecial and darmages an amountto be determined fial but in at Hn l8 believed be no lessthan$1,000,000.00, to inoludingwithoutlirnitatioq darnagc the lrcwes' a to t9 reputalions, oarEenand standing thecormmrrnity. in 20 28, The lowts ae informedand beliwg andbasodthereonallege,tbat Defendant 2t taud andmaliceard that,tberefore,her conductjustifies an awardof actcdwith opprcasion, 22 punitiveandexemplarydalages. 23 THIRD CAUSE OT'ACTION 24 (Breachof the Dutv of Lovaltv) 6 25 29, Tho Lowesreallcgcandincorporate reference by hereineachof ttreatlegations in I 26 Paragraphs through28, above, I fi 27 il 28 o 95EtD0_t.DOC .G a't COMPLAINT
  • 7. Rpn 07 2O O g 4:5 ? Pl ' 1 p.? I 30. Deftndant asthenannyandcaretaker the Lowes' children, ourcda duty to for z give the Lowes hErundividedloyalty andnot to takeanyactionsduring her employment that 3 wouldbe detimenlal to the l,owcsor their childrcn.This included duty of loyattynot lo useor a 4 discloseconfidentialinformation,assct fortb in thc Confidentialityfureemenf obtaincd and by 5 revpaled her during the coruseandscope her emplolme,lrr to of eitherfor her own personal use 6 anddealingor to tre detiment of the Lowee. 7 31. The Lowes areinformedandbelieve,andbasedtherconallcge,thatDefendant I hcr brcachcd duty of loyatty by tbe actsard conduot allegedherein,including (1) impermissibly 9 disclosiugthe Lowes' confideNdial inforrration b third parties,and (2) mafting libelous 10 statomeffsagainstRob Lowe andSherylInwe. trr ll 32, By virtre of Dcfcndant's breach herdutyof loyalty,the Loweshavebeen of Fl rJ t2 jn darnaged an amountnot yet dctermined, to bc provcd at bial, but rr1 -() d, o l3 33. The Lowcs arc informedandbelieve,andhsed theroonallege,that Defendant lrl -2 . 6 ' Ei (A l4 knewabouther dutiesandobligationsto the lawes, yet intentionaltydisreprded thos€ <it vE l5 reqPonsibilities doing the ostsdcscribed in hercrn,with the intemto causedctrimentto thc Lowcs z> FE l6 andfor her own persorral gain and interest.In dolngso, Defendanlactedwirh oppression, fiaud 2= i.'o Fg t7 andmalice,and on this basis,the Lowesrcquestthatpunitivedamagcs assessed bc against sl e a l8 in Defbndant an amountto be determined the hier of fact. by l9 rouRTrr oI, cAUsE acTIoN 20 (Breochof Fidnciarv Duties) 2l 34, The Lowes reallegcandincorporate rcference by helein eachof the allegations in 22 Paragrapho through 33, above- I 23 35. At all timcs rclcvanthercto,Dcfcndant owed fiduciary obligationsandduticsto 24 lhe Lowesby virtuc ofher statusasa nannychargodwith the careof the Lowes' ohildren. In fris g2s capacity, bad acce$tto pcrsonalandprivalc inforrnationpcrtainingto every membcrof the she !t -r 26 LoweFarnily- I 827 b" 9tt090_t.Doc COMPLAINT
  • 8. Ffp n O ? 2O O g 4: 5 8 P 1 ' l p. 8 I 36. The Lowesareinformedandbeliew, andbasedthereonallege,that Defendanr 2 her broached fiduciary obligations dutiesowedto the lowes in doing the aclsdesoribod aod { hereinincluding(l)'disclosingconfidenrtial information theLowesto third parties; (2) of and 4 dctails,in profaneandwlgar while on-duty asa oanny,rcvcalingintimac andsalacious 5 a[egiEdlyaboutherpersonal andthat oflrer boyfricnds, Suchbrcaches language, life caused 6 da:nage the Lowes. to 7 37. As a pnoximaie resultof saidbreachof fiduciary obligationsandduties,the l.owes E havebeenandwill be damaged anamowt wbichwill be provodat trial, but whichec<cceds in the I minimurnj urisdlcdonalanrormt. l0 38. The Lowcs arc informedandbelicw, andbasedthereonallegg that Defendant tr ll to yet knewabouther dutiesandobligations theLowps, intentionally those disregarded dutiesand _l FI T2 obligationsin doing the actsdesuibodherein,with the intont to barmthe lnwes andfor ho o,np I 'A d o t3 gpin and interest In doingso, Defendant personat actedwith oppressiorg fraud andrnalice,and -E l 19 lc a l4 on this basis,the Lowes request punitive danagcsbc asseseod thst agoinstDefendant an in :A l!O FO t5 amormttobe dcte,mined atAial. 1> tu l a F> t6 rIFTrr cAusEoF AgTroN 3E g) E9 t7 OntentlonalIn lliction of Emotional Dl stres ae A l8 39. The Lowesrcallegeandincorporate rcferenoe by hereineaohofthe allesdisas in I9 I Paragraphs through 38, above. 20 40. Dnuingand afterher emplopnentwith the Lowes, Defendantknew that theLowcs 2l werepartisularly susceptible any statements to thatwould undqmrinetheh reputations good as 22 parents, open-mindcdandprogressirrc individuals,faltbfirl asspouses rospectftrl othen and of 23 becaweof Rob Lorve's cclebrity$anrs. 24 4l ' Defendastalsokncn'that lhc lrwes arc protectivcof their children andstriveto fi 25 bepositiverole modelsfor the childra andto havcpositlverole modelsaroundthc children. She t! i 26 knewthatthe Lowesareraisingtheir childrenin accordance SherylLowe'sJewish with religion s 7n andmorals. Shchcw tharthe Lowesumuldbe susccptibtc any conductthat miglrrjeopardize to 28 thc healthn safcty or rnoralrrpbringing rheir ohildrcn. of H s 9JE090-I.DC -8- COMPLAINT
  • 9. Ffp r 07 2008 4: 5 8 P M p. 9 I Def€ndantalsoknewthatthe Lowesareprotcetiveof their privacy andpersonal 2 space, 3 43- while on-dufyandoffduty is outrageowandbeyondthe Defendant'scondrrct 4 of person zuchthat no reasonable bounds decenoy to couldbe expected ondureit, 5 44. Defbndalt's stalernents conduct dirtcted at, andtrget, eaahof the Lowes' and are 6 susceptibilities asto cause so themthc mostda.magc, a result,the Lowes harre As suffercd 7 damagec that they havebeenforcedto en&rregreatmentalanguish,divlress,shock, in I hurniliatiolUfeelings of helplessness ilrey art underattack. as 9 45. As a directandproximate malioious, rezultof theintentional, harmful,unlawful l0 the swerEand seriousinj,rry, including andoffensiveactsof Defeirdant, Loweshavesustained tu ll but not limited to severe humiliatio& andmentalanggishdl to tttc Lowcs' in emotionaldisfiess, _1 E: H r. t.r theninimum jurisdictional amount. an anrolrritwhich will bs provcd at rial, but which exceeds () 513 46. hercin Defendatt sct€d'ilith olryrtssion,fraudand In doing thc astsdescribed - lfl -1 fr s; 14 malice,and on this basis,thc Lowesrequest punitive damages asscssed that be against Defendant tR vd 15 in an amountto be det€rnined by thc tricr of fast. 7,> Fg 16 srxrH cAUsE AcTroN or 2F Eg t 7 ,q al lNesllqentInfliction of DmolionelDistrcss) 618 47. in Tbe Lowps reallcgeandincorporate rcfcrencehercin eacbof tlre allegations by l9 Paragraphs tlrough 46, abovc, I 20 48. owtd a dutyto the Lowespursusntto (l) her employment Defetrdaot relationship 2l with themwhcrebyshewaschargedwith thecareandsupervisionof their two yourg sons,drd 22 (2) the ConfidentialityAgreemeot with the Loweswherebysheagreedrnt to disclosoany 23 informationaboutthe Lowesto anythird puty at anytime (cxceptwhencompelledby legal 24 process), $25 49. knew, or shouldhaveknowa,that her failure to exerciseduecaroin (1) Defendant IT i2 6 thc performance her dutiesasthe naruryfor the Lowcs' children ard (2) thc performance of il prusuaut the Confidentialily Agreement to would cause Lowes sever€ the emotisnaldistress. 727 I ;r 28 t.! tt 958000_t.Doc Lr COMPLAINT
  • 10. Ffp n A 7 2O O B 4: 5 8 P M p. 1o I a 50. Defendant heachedthose has duties (l ) makingfalseanddefanatory by 2 statments aboutthe Lowesmd (2) disolosingpersonal informarionaboutthc lnwcs, both mre 3 anduntnre,to third paftigs. 4 5l, As a poximate resultof Defeudant's constitutingbrcachcs his dutiesto the acts of 5 Lowes,the Lowes havesustained qrd sevsro serieusinjury, includingbut not limiled to severe 6 distress, emotional humiliation, rnental and anguish to thc LowBs'damage anamount all in which 7 will be provedat trial. 8 SEVPNTH CAUSEOFACTION 9 flntentionalMisreoresentelion Omissiou) - l0 52. The Lowts reallcgcandincorporate refarence by trenein eactrof the allegationsin or 1l I Paragraphs through51,above, F.l dtz o 53. Dcfcndarq by virtue of her fidrriary ernployment relationshipwith $e lowes and 6 13 frrrtherby virtue of her obligationpwsuantto the ConfidentialityAgrcement,owed tbc Lowcs a _a 3: u duty to fi.illy and complaely disclose tho Louresany andall oonfidentialinformationaboutthe to i n l5 vd Lowesthat sheintendodto disclosetothird parties. 4> Hg 16 54. At all titnes relerrant herein,Defcndantfailed to discloseto the lorrres,and 2F Eg t7 from the l,owes,the fact that shehadviolatedthe ConfidentialityAgreenccrtand suppressed H' r8 discloscdpersonalinformationof theLowcglo third parties. The supprosdon thcsefactswas of t9 likely to mislead Lowcs,ancldid in factmislead lowps in light of Dcfcndant's the the continucd 20 with ths Lowes. employment 2l 55. Defendant'sfailuresro disclose informationand sup,prcssions thc the of 22 informationallegedhereinweredonewith rhe intentionto inducethe l,owes to oontinuously ?3 employDdendant. 24 /l It $2s u i26 ll 'f i| 4 2 7 il izs 7_2 s 9s8090-l.Doc COMPLAINT
  • 11. Rpr 07 2008 4: 5 9 P1 ' l p. l1 APn- 0?- 3008 t 2t 2 1 P.002 I 56, thercfailur* to discloec rupprcssion faots Thstowc*, et thc tinres and of and 2 ' occunrd, at tlrctimcrhcl,owcstookthcrcllons wcreigrrorant thc hcrcin, allogcd of 3 oftfie focte otict€nss u,hich supprctsed failedto disclosc. thc lpweshadbecn Defendarl and lf 4 of not by thc wouldnothevgasdrey awtt of tlrecxlstrnce rhefacts discloeed Defcoder4 L,owcs 5 dl4 oontintnd havo to cmpbycdDefsndad, allowsd rllowcdDcfcndant sarcfor theirchildrcn. to 6 esccnb tlpir homce rllowcdDcfcnd*ot Dcfendant or ssoers thcirconfidcnrial to informarion. 7 57. As a prorcirnatc of Defcndant's rcgult flauduhnt facc endhcr faifurcto dis{lose 8 supprersion oflbcrsasallegod krein, theLnwcs !o DefcnduLcontinucd continued ernploy to 9 allowDsfendant carcfortheirshildnn,csntinued dlow Defendant to to to apccss theirhomes sccstrto thcltggnfijsfiialinfomationby mson of which t0 rnd continuad allov/Defcndant to o' ll Dofbndntt bccnrmjueily has cnriched, J i tz 58. mnduclof Dvftndant doncby Defendmt Thsafotqnentioncd was wtth$c {2 6t3 inentlonof causingthe conducr subjcotcd l,owcs a Lowerinjuryrnd war dospicable thal the b eF! *; 14 cnrclandunfust in dirrcgard theirrighls. By rcssonof sushcondust, hErdEhip conscious of the iB r5 cxcmplary punitivodanagcs l,owcsarccntilledto recover ud Defendant agninst E} Pg 16 nrcrms cAUsE AqTIQN oF 3i HP I? (Ncrlircot lfbrepjrserrilioa -- Ontrsion) 8- lE 59, Itc l,swssrcallcgo Incorporeto rcfcrcncc rrd by hcrcincaoh thaallegationc of in le Prragrephsthrrough abovc. I 58, 20 60. DefcndanL virtucof herfiduelary fo rrlrtionship crnploytnart with thr Lpwcs rnd 2 L furficr by virtueof herobligrtionpurusntto thcContldcntidity owodthelowesr Agrcernent, 22 dirclosc theInwesrny andall detcmcnts sheintnndcd futy to ftlly andoompletely to that to 27 tothid panics dlsclosc aboutfieInwcc, 24 61. Dcfcnd&rt brcachcd dutyb disclose thcInwcs thcsutcnrcnts cmduct hor m snd 25 rtlcgodhcrein. ll s26 ti 21 tl -'ti 2t a eIGo_r-DoC .l l- I: COMPIA'NT il fl
  • 12. Rp r O? 2O O g 4:5 9 P l l p.t4 1 62. At all timcs rclcvantherein,Defendant failed !o disoloseo the Lorves, and 2 tom the [,owes,the fact tlrat shehadviolatedthe ConfiderrtialityAgreenentand suppressed 3 personal discloscd informaoon theLowes thirdparties,The suppression these of to of factswas 4 likely to nrislcad Lowes,anddid in factmislead Lowesin light of Ddendant'scontinucd thc the 5 with OrcLorves, employmont 6 63, Defendantknew,or shouldhavcknown,that her faihuesto dislose the 7 informationand suppressions the infonnationallcgedbereinwould inducelhe Lowegto of E ernployDefendaot 9 64. Ilrc Lowes,at the timesthesefailurcsto discloseand zupp'rcssion facts of l0 occuned,andat the time the Lowestook thc actionsallegedherein,were ignorantof the A. II existenoc the factswhich Defendent of suppressed failed to disclose. If the Loweshadbeen and tl J Irl 12 awareof the existenceof the factsnot discloscd Deli:ndant,the Loweewould not havg asthey by x r3 di4 continuedto have employcdDcfcmdant, allowedDefendant cr€ for rhcir childrpn,allowed to 3=2 -lll < l4 Dcfcndantacoess their homesor allowedDcfcndurt aocess their confidential infonnation, to to MX 15 65. As aproxim& resultofDsfcndant'snegligentfailure to disclosefastsc alleged a, Ft Er 16 henein, Iowes continuodto ernployDefendalrt, the continued allow Defcndantto carefor their to 2E^ 1 7 gY children,continucdto allow Defendant aocess their homesandconrinuedto allow Defendant to H6 1 8 acccss their confide,ntiallnformationby rcasonof wtridt Defendanthasbecnwrjustly enrichcd, to A l9 66. As a proximateresultof saidnegligeirtfaihnesto disclosc,the l,oweshavebeen 20 andwill be damaged an amountwhich will bc provedat tial. in 21 67. The aforcmerrtioned condustof Defendant was doneby Defendartwith the 22 intentionof causingths Lowes injury andwasdespiceble @nductthat subjccted Iowes to a the 23 cruel andwfust hardshipin couscious disrcgard their rigbrs. B5rremonof suchcouduct, of lhe 24 Lowesarc entitled to recoverexcmplaryandprrritivc damages againstDefcndalrt. i] 25 il q i26 tl n 'i zt II '* 28 958090_t.DOC E COMPT.AINT
  • 13. Ff r p 07 2O O g 5: OOPM P. l3 I PRAYER RpJLrEr roR 2 Plaintitrs prayfor judgmentagainstDefendant follows: WHEREFORE, as 3 AS TO THE IIIRST CAUSEOF ACTION 4 (Bresch of Written Qontr.scr(Co-$tidentialitLAsTeemeg0l ) l. For genetal damages, anamounttobeprovenr trial; in at 6 2. For costsincurredhaein: 7 AS TO TIIE SECONDCAUSE OF'ACTION 8 (Pefrmatlon) 9 3. For generaldamages, an amount be pmven at trial; in to t0 4. For punitive damagos an anourtt apprcpriate punishDefendant deter in to and A ll othersfrom engaging insimilar conduct; Fl ilz I 5. For costsincunedhcrein; 51 3 AS TO TrIE, THIRD C&iSE Or ACTr9r-{ ,rl - &Z 14 (Bryachof lhe Duty Of Lovaltv) J8 15 6. For generaldamages, an amormt be pwen at tiah in to a> HE t6 7. For pruritivedamages an amourt appropriate punishDefendant deter in to and 3' E g 17 o(hersfmm engagingin sinilarconducq 9ro 518 E. For oosts incunedherein; l9 AS TO TnEFOTJRTII9aUSE OFACTTON 20 (Brcachof FiduciarvJ.-Tties 2l 9- For generaldamagcs, an amorrnt beproven at trial; in to 22 10, For punitive damages an amourt appropriate prurishDefeodautanddeter in to 23 otben from engagingin similar eonduot; 24 11. For cosb incurrpdherein; n2s AS TO TIIE FITTH CAUSE OF ACTION it (In lenllonal InfUctiouof Epotional Distregg) "26 Y27 12, For gcneraldarnages, an aruountto be proveoat trial; in {zr tit CI 9mo9o_l.Doc s -13_ @MPI.AINT
  • 14. Fl p n A 7 2O O g 5: 0 OP l ' l P. l4 I 13. For punitive damages an amountappropriaeto punishDefcndantanddeter in n others from engaging similarconduct; in 3 14- For costsjncurrcdhcrein; 4 AS TO THE SDilH CAUSE OJrA-sElON 5 (Neelieetrt lofliction of EmotionalDbtr$r) 6 15. For gencral damages, anmrountto bepmvcnat bial; in 7 16. For punitive &-ages in an amountappropriatetopunishDefendant deter and 8 othersfrom eagagingin similar conducq 9 17. Por costsincurrej heoein; 10 AS TO TIIE SEVENTH CAUSE OF ACTION A" 1l flntentionsl Misrenreeenlrtion-- Omlsslon) -l -) r'l 12 18. For general danages, an amount be provenat fial; in to (t E o l3 19. For pwritivc daurages an amountappropriate punishDefendantanddaer in to *F l 33, 7 4 othersfrom cngagingin similar conduct; fR v5 l5 20. Forcostsinsunedhe.tein; => 9 l tu r6 AS TO TrrE EIGHTTI CAUSE OF.ACIION 2E Eio t7 (NcsliqentMisrepresenjation Opisg.io4) - qlre -& A 18 21. For ge,neral darnages, an arnount bcproven at trial; in to l9 22. For punitivc darnages an amountappropriate punish Defendantanddeter in to 20 othercfiorn engagingin similarconduct; 2t 23. For costsing.uredherEin; 22 ll 23 il 24 il ij25 /l tl 2 6 ll '427 /l { 2s. ei 9tBo9Q_t.DOC I COMPI"AINT
  • 15. Hpn ( ] 7 2O O 8 5:OOP | .1 P. l5 I AS TO ALL CAUSESOF,A.CTrON 2 For any all sushfurthsr elief astheCourtmey deemjust andproper. 5 DATED:April7,2008 4 5 6 7 8 9 l0 F. 1l J ,l trt l2 (, / o l3 -E l 7)o x- (, l4 <x v5 l5 a> fle t6 3F H to V t7 14 g A l8 l9 20 2l ?2 23 24 25 !-.r g il T 26 ii L! 2t / ! 28 .fr tlt I5E090_t.DOC COMPI.AINT