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© 2015, The Technology Firm
Baseling/Troubleshooting HTTP
Getting Started
From Throughput & Latency Course
Tony Fortunato,
Sr Network Performance Specialist
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
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 Don’t forget to Like the video on youtube when you find
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and always appreciate your feedback.
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
About Your Presenter
 Tony Fortunato is a Sr Network Performance Specialist with The
Technology Firm ( who has experience with
training, designing, implementing, and troubleshooting networks
since 1989.
 Tony will teach or troubleshoot on your network, with your staff and
your tools as part of his customized onsite training service.
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
A Little bit about HTTP
 HTTP is
• Used to send or receive data
 HTTP is not
• Just for surfing the web
• Reserved for web browsers
• Just used over TCP port 80
 For the purposes of this session, we will focus on the
HTTP/WEB browsing operation.
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
Sample Test Configuration
Go to
No Capture filter
Tip: To quickly eliminate all local traffic,
simply filter on all traffic to and from your
router’s MAC address.
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
Anatomy of a HTTP Connection
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
 You can start with a basic DNS display filter to get an idea of how many DNS packets
are required to build your webpage.
 For specific DNS analysis, filter on a specific DNS transaction ID.
 In this example, it took 28ms to resolve this domain name.
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
 If you would like to find out how many DNS requests were sent, then you can use this
Wireshark display filter
 This is a great way of documenting how many external references a webpage has
• i.e More DNS references, more external dependencies, more time to build
 Also helpful to see which browser extensions are loaded
• For example; bing search engine will have bing DNS name looksup
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
 If you need to analyze or check DNS response time frequently, you may find manually
performing this exercise very time consuming.
 That’s when you can look for products that will do this for you or figure out a better
way of efficiently figuring it out
Network Instruments Observer
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
DNS - Errors
 Since DNS is UDP based, no error messages are typically returned if the server is
completely down
 In some cases, if just the DNS service is down, you might see an ICMP port
unreachable message from the server
 Packet 1 you can see the lookup to goes unanswered
 Packet 6 My computer tries to lookup dns.msfncsi to the same DNS ip address, what
is msfncsi? Hang on and you’ll see..
 Packet 7 we can see my computer use its secondary DSN of
 Packet 8 we can see the DNS reply from
 In this example it took over 6.5 seconds before trying the secondary DNS
Windows Event Viewer
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
DNS – ICMP Messages
 By filtering on ICMP and DNS you can identify if there are any underlying issues
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
Not all DNS Servers Are Created Equal
 Not all servers are created equal which also applies to the path to and from these
 In this example you can see that has better performance compared to, the local server
Local DNS
Remote DNS
 The client was very close to improving performance by using a local DNS server, but
this local server did not cache any of the name lookups, so it wasn’t doing much to
improve performance.
 Don’t forget about LDAP, NetBIOS/WINS or other name servers you may be using
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
Improving DNS Performance - Example
 In my office, I enable the DNS service on my Cisco router so it can cache common domain names
we access (i.e. email, google, youtube, thetechfirm, etc..)
 It was pretty easy to enable
• Router1# configure terminal
Router1(config)# ip dns server
Router1(config)# ip domain-lookup
Router1(config)# ip name-server
 You can even add your own local hosts
• Router1(config)# ip host churchill
 I took a trace before and after to document the difference.
Router with no ip dns enabled
Router with ip dns enabled first query
Router with ip dns enabled second query
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
Active Probing - MSFTNCSI
 Microsoft is probing a certain address ( and to check
your internet connection and display an “active” network icon. It’s also probing
 NOTE: If you prevent NCSI (Network Connection Status Indicator) from connecting to, applications that perform checks for the existence of
Internet connectivity might work more slowly. Also, if a computer is brought into a hot
spot that requires sign-in, the computer might not detect that hot spot.
 You can disable Active Probing either to stop these DNS queries.
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
Stop NCSI Packets by Changing a Registry Setting
 For best results, close all programs on the computer on which you are changing the registry
 To open a command prompt as an administrator, click Start, point to All Programs, click
Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.
 If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you
want, and then click Continue.
• regedit
 Navigate to:
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesNlaSvcParametersInternet
 Under the Internet key, double-click EnableActiveProbing, and then in Value data, type: 0
 The default for this value is 1. Setting the value to 0 prevents NCSI from connecting to a site on
the Internet during checks for connectivity.
 Click OK.
 Restart the computer.
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
 Since ARP is required by IP for MAC address resolution, you have an opportunity to
measure ARP response time as well.
 In this trace, the ARP response took 1 ms to reply
 This exercise is also helpful to understand the impact of Network Load Balancing,
Global Load Balancing, and other configurations that modify MAC addresses
 Also another good way to look for ARP spoofing, ARP flooding or other anomalies
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
 Since we are focusing on web browsing, I will cover some TCP basics
 The first thing is to locate a TCP SYN and SYN, ACK packet
 Sometimes you may have to use a combination of IP and TCP port filter
 In this example, the TCP SYN ACK took 48ms
 Other things worth noting:
• Win= is that device TCP Receiver Window Size
• WS=Windows Scaling Option to increase your TCP Window Size
• MSS= is that device Maximum Segment Size
• SACK_PERM=indicates Selective Acknowledgements are enabled
o RFC 1072, and more recently by RFC 2018
 In this example:
• (Me) supports SACK, and (server) doesn’t
• We are both using the maximum MSS
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
 HTTP currently has three versions:
• .9
• 1.0
• 1.1
 Some benefits that 1.1 brought with it was
• Pipelining: the ability to send multiple commands over a connection
• KeepAlive: keeps the TCP connection open
 I always set my browser for 1.1, even if the server, proxy or firewall doesn’t support it
everything should still work fine. Give it a test.
Internet Explorer
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
HTTP Response Time
 One way to calculate HTTP response time is to use a display filter http and measure the delta time
 In some cases you can reference the HTTP ETAG to ensure it’s the proper response
 The ETAG is one of several mechanisms that HTTP provides for web cache validation
 In this example you can see that the client and server are using HTTP ver 1.1
 We can also see that the server is an Apache server when we look into the packet
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
HTTP Response Time
 When calculating delay, try to avoid filtering on just the application layer (HTTP)
 In this example we see the GET command in packet 10
 The server sends back a TCP ACK in packet 11 proving it received packet 10, 49 ms
 The server then sends the data in packet 12
 This type of behavior may start pointing to an overloaded server and worth monitoring
 You also need to determine if your internal proxy, Firewall or NAT device is sending
these on the server’s behalf or if it really came from the webserver
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
HTTP Response Time – Wireshark Specific
 Wireshark will note
• what packet number the request or response
• Calculated response time
 You should always validate that the calculated times are the same as your manual
calculations since everybody does it a bit differently
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
HTTP Agent Examples
 Identifies the Application that sent the packet
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
HTTP Reports - Wireshark
 Wireshark also has some helpful HTTP reports
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
HTTP Commands
Method/Commands References
GET RFC 1945
PUT RFC 1945
More common
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
Category Description
1yz Informational.
2yz Success.
3yz Redirection.
4yz Client error.
5yz Server error.
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
Code Description References
100 Continue. RFC 2616
101 Switching protocols. RFC 2616
102 Processing. RFC 2518
200 Ok.
201 Created.
202 Accepted.
203 Non-authoritive information.
204 No content.
205 Reset content.
206 Partial content.
226 IM used.
300 Multiple choices.
301 Moved permanently.
302 Moved temporarily.
303 See other.
304 Not modified.
305 Use proxy.
400 Bad request.
401 Unauthorized.
402 Payment required.
403 Forbidden.
404 Not found.
405 Method not allowed.
406 Not acceptable.
407 Proxy authentication required.
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
e Description References
407 Proxy authentication required.
408 Request timeout.
409 Conflict.
410 Gone.
411 Length required.
412 Precondition failed.
413 Request entity too large.
414 Request URI too large.
415 Unsupported media type.
426 Upgrade Required.
428 Precondition Required. RFC 6585
429 Too Many Requests. RFC 6585
431 Request Header Fields Too Large. RFC 6585
500 Internal server error. RFC 2616
501 Not implemented. RFC 2616
502 Bad gateway. RFC 2616
503 Service unavailable. RFC 2616
504 Gateway timeout. RFC 2616
505 HTTP version not supported. RFC 2616
Variant Also Negotiates
RFC 2295
507 Insufficient Storage. RFC 4918
508 Loop Detected. RFC 5842
510 Not Extended. RFC 2774
511 Network Authentication Required. RFC 6585
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
HTTP Reports – Network Instruments Observer
 NI Observer also has some helpful HTTP reports
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
HTTP Credentials
 When someone logs into a website, you should note the authentication/encryption
 Protocol Analyzers can decode Basic Authorization using a base64 encoded string
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
Sample Baseline Items To Document
 Client IP address
 Client HTTP ver
 Server name
 Server HTTP ver
 HTTP Errors
 Total Bytes
 Number of DNS name lookups
 DNS Errors
 TCP response time to server
 DNS response time to server
 Max Packet Size
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
HTTP Baseline to
TASK Results
Client IP address
Client HTTP ver 1.1
Client Browser IE 11
Server name
Server HTTP ver 1.1
Server App IIS 8.5
Total Bytes 2.8 MB
Number of DNS name lookups 250
TCP response time to server 35 ms avg to
DNS response time to server 40 ms avg
Number of other Server IP’s 86 – used http display filter and endpoint report
Server IP, number of Bytes, resp - top 5 , 33,824, 35 ms, 19,336, 43 ms, 15,885, 23 ms, 15,593, 64 ms, 14,896, 34 ms
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
Graphically Show Results
CNN Baseline - IP servers by Bytes
Dependency Analysis:
The number if devices required to ‘build’ your page will affect the total user
Youare only as fastas yourslowesttime!
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
Other HTTP Reporting Options
 You can use built in features that some web browsers provide
• Chrome Developer Tools
 Internet Explorer Developer Tools
© 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM
Inefficient MSS From A Firewall/NAT Device
 In this example the Firewall could not support the maximum MSS of 1460
 We see the webserver, or proxy/firewall/NAT with a MSS of 512
 When the users experienced a problem, we noticed the MSS would drop to 2 Bytes
• Some users even reported their PC’s would reboot
© 2015, The Technology Firm
Getting Started
Thanks for Watching
Tony Fortunato,
Sr Network Performance Specialist

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HTTP Performance Analysis Using Wireshark

  • 1. © 2015, The Technology Firm Baseling/Troubleshooting HTTP Getting Started From Throughput & Latency Course Tony Fortunato, Sr Network Performance Specialist
  • 2. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM Notes  Nothing beats attending a live event, but if you can’t make it, head to for the replay.  Check with for future dates and topics.  Use the Q&A icon to post questions and I will answer them as I see them. I will also leave some time at the end as well.  Don’t forget to Like the video on youtube when you find a topic interesting. I use this to determine future topics and always appreciate your feedback.
  • 3. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM About Your Presenter  Tony Fortunato is a Sr Network Performance Specialist with The Technology Firm ( who has experience with training, designing, implementing, and troubleshooting networks since 1989.  Tony will teach or troubleshoot on your network, with your staff and your tools as part of his customized onsite training service.
  • 4. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM A Little bit about HTTP  HTTP is • Used to send or receive data  HTTP is not • Just for surfing the web • Reserved for web browsers • Just used over TCP port 80  For the purposes of this session, we will focus on the HTTP/WEB browsing operation.
  • 5. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM Sample Test Configuration 5 Go to No Capture filter Internet Tip: To quickly eliminate all local traffic, simply filter on all traffic to and from your router’s MAC address.
  • 6. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM Anatomy of a HTTP Connection 6 Wireshark DNS ARP TCP HTTP
  • 7. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM DNS  You can start with a basic DNS display filter to get an idea of how many DNS packets are required to build your webpage.  For specific DNS analysis, filter on a specific DNS transaction ID. 7  In this example, it took 28ms to resolve this domain name. Wireshark Wireshark
  • 8. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM DNS  If you would like to find out how many DNS requests were sent, then you can use this Wireshark display filter  This is a great way of documenting how many external references a webpage has • i.e More DNS references, more external dependencies, more time to build  Also helpful to see which browser extensions are loaded • For example; bing search engine will have bing DNS name looksup Wireshark
  • 9. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM DNS 9  If you need to analyze or check DNS response time frequently, you may find manually performing this exercise very time consuming.  That’s when you can look for products that will do this for you or figure out a better way of efficiently figuring it out Network Instruments Observer
  • 10. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM DNS - Errors 10  Since DNS is UDP based, no error messages are typically returned if the server is completely down  In some cases, if just the DNS service is down, you might see an ICMP port unreachable message from the server  Packet 1 you can see the lookup to goes unanswered  Packet 6 My computer tries to lookup dns.msfncsi to the same DNS ip address, what is msfncsi? Hang on and you’ll see..  Packet 7 we can see my computer use its secondary DSN of  Packet 8 we can see the DNS reply from  In this example it took over 6.5 seconds before trying the secondary DNS Wireshark Windows Event Viewer
  • 11. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM DNS – ICMP Messages  By filtering on ICMP and DNS you can identify if there are any underlying issues 11
  • 12. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM Not all DNS Servers Are Created Equal  Not all servers are created equal which also applies to the path to and from these servers/networks  In this example you can see that has better performance compared to, the local server 12 Local DNS Remote DNS  The client was very close to improving performance by using a local DNS server, but this local server did not cache any of the name lookups, so it wasn’t doing much to improve performance.  Don’t forget about LDAP, NetBIOS/WINS or other name servers you may be using
  • 13. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM Improving DNS Performance - Example  In my office, I enable the DNS service on my Cisco router so it can cache common domain names we access (i.e. email, google, youtube, thetechfirm, etc..)  It was pretty easy to enable • Router1# configure terminal Router1(config)# ip dns server Router1(config)# ip domain-lookup Router1(config)# ip name-server  You can even add your own local hosts • Router1(config)# ip host churchill  I took a trace before and after to document the difference. 13 Router with no ip dns enabled Router with ip dns enabled first query Router with ip dns enabled second query
  • 14. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM Active Probing - MSFTNCSI  Microsoft is probing a certain address ( and to check your internet connection and display an “active” network icon. It’s also probing  NOTE: If you prevent NCSI (Network Connection Status Indicator) from connecting to, applications that perform checks for the existence of Internet connectivity might work more slowly. Also, if a computer is brought into a hot spot that requires sign-in, the computer might not detect that hot spot.  You can disable Active Probing either to stop these DNS queries. 14
  • 15. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM Stop NCSI Packets by Changing a Registry Setting  For best results, close all programs on the computer on which you are changing the registry setting.  To open a command prompt as an administrator, click Start, point to All Programs, click Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.  If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and then click Continue. • regedit  Navigate to: • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesNlaSvcParametersInternet  Under the Internet key, double-click EnableActiveProbing, and then in Value data, type: 0  The default for this value is 1. Setting the value to 0 prevents NCSI from connecting to a site on the Internet during checks for connectivity.  Click OK.  Restart the computer. 15
  • 16. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM ARP  Since ARP is required by IP for MAC address resolution, you have an opportunity to measure ARP response time as well. 16  In this trace, the ARP response took 1 ms to reply  This exercise is also helpful to understand the impact of Network Load Balancing, Global Load Balancing, and other configurations that modify MAC addresses  Also another good way to look for ARP spoofing, ARP flooding or other anomalies
  • 17. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM TCP  Since we are focusing on web browsing, I will cover some TCP basics 17  The first thing is to locate a TCP SYN and SYN, ACK packet  Sometimes you may have to use a combination of IP and TCP port filter  In this example, the TCP SYN ACK took 48ms  Other things worth noting: • Win= is that device TCP Receiver Window Size • WS=Windows Scaling Option to increase your TCP Window Size • MSS= is that device Maximum Segment Size • SACK_PERM=indicates Selective Acknowledgements are enabled o RFC 1072, and more recently by RFC 2018  In this example: • (Me) supports SACK, and (server) doesn’t • We are both using the maximum MSS
  • 18. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM HTTP  HTTP currently has three versions: • .9 • 1.0 • 1.1  Some benefits that 1.1 brought with it was • Pipelining: the ability to send multiple commands over a connection • KeepAlive: keeps the TCP connection open  I always set my browser for 1.1, even if the server, proxy or firewall doesn’t support it everything should still work fine. Give it a test. 18 Internet Explorer
  • 19. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM HTTP Response Time  One way to calculate HTTP response time is to use a display filter http and measure the delta time  In some cases you can reference the HTTP ETAG to ensure it’s the proper response  The ETAG is one of several mechanisms that HTTP provides for web cache validation  In this example you can see that the client and server are using HTTP ver 1.1  We can also see that the server is an Apache server when we look into the packet 19
  • 20. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM HTTP Response Time  When calculating delay, try to avoid filtering on just the application layer (HTTP)  In this example we see the GET command in packet 10  The server sends back a TCP ACK in packet 11 proving it received packet 10, 49 ms later  The server then sends the data in packet 12  This type of behavior may start pointing to an overloaded server and worth monitoring  You also need to determine if your internal proxy, Firewall or NAT device is sending these on the server’s behalf or if it really came from the webserver 20
  • 21. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM HTTP Response Time – Wireshark Specific  Wireshark will note • what packet number the request or response • Calculated response time  You should always validate that the calculated times are the same as your manual calculations since everybody does it a bit differently 21
  • 22. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM HTTP Agent Examples  Identifies the Application that sent the packet 22
  • 23. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM HTTP Reports - Wireshark  Wireshark also has some helpful HTTP reports 23
  • 24. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM HTTP Commands Method/Commands References GET RFC 1945 POST RFC 1945 HEAD RFC 1945 LINK RFC 1945 DELETE RFC 1945 OPTIONS RFC 2068 PATCH RFC 2068 PUT RFC 1945 TRACE RFC 2068 UNLINK RFC 1945 24 More common
  • 25. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM HTTP STATUS CODE Categories Category Description 1yz Informational. 2yz Success. 3yz Redirection. 4yz Client error. 5yz Server error. 25
  • 26. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM HTTP STATUS CODES Code Description References 100 Continue. RFC 2616 101 Switching protocols. RFC 2616 102 Processing. RFC 2518 200 Ok. 201 Created. 202 Accepted. 203 Non-authoritive information. 204 No content. 205 Reset content. 206 Partial content. 226 IM used. 300 Multiple choices. 301 Moved permanently. 302 Moved temporarily. 303 See other. 304 Not modified. 305 Use proxy. 400 Bad request. 401 Unauthorized. 402 Payment required. 403 Forbidden. 404 Not found. 405 Method not allowed. 406 Not acceptable. 407 Proxy authentication required. 26
  • 27. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM HTTP STATUS CODES e Description References 407 Proxy authentication required. 408 Request timeout. 409 Conflict. 410 Gone. 411 Length required. 412 Precondition failed. 413 Request entity too large. 414 Request URI too large. 415 Unsupported media type. 426 Upgrade Required. 427 428 Precondition Required. RFC 6585 429 Too Many Requests. RFC 6585 430 431 Request Header Fields Too Large. RFC 6585 500 Internal server error. RFC 2616 501 Not implemented. RFC 2616 502 Bad gateway. RFC 2616 503 Service unavailable. RFC 2616 504 Gateway timeout. RFC 2616 505 HTTP version not supported. RFC 2616 506 Variant Also Negotiates (Experimental). RFC 2295 507 Insufficient Storage. RFC 4918 508 Loop Detected. RFC 5842 509 510 Not Extended. RFC 2774 511 Network Authentication Required. RFC 6585 27
  • 28. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM HTTP Reports – Network Instruments Observer  NI Observer also has some helpful HTTP reports 28
  • 29. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM HTTP Credentials  When someone logs into a website, you should note the authentication/encryption  Protocol Analyzers can decode Basic Authorization using a base64 encoded string 29 Observer Wireshark
  • 30. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM Sample Baseline Items To Document  Client IP address  Client HTTP ver  Server name  Server HTTP ver  HTTP Errors  Total Bytes  Number of DNS name lookups  DNS Errors  TCP response time to server  DNS response time to server  Max Packet Size 30
  • 31. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM HTTP Baseline to TASK Results Client IP address Client HTTP ver 1.1 Client Browser IE 11 Server name Server HTTP ver 1.1 Server App IIS 8.5 Total Bytes 2.8 MB Number of DNS name lookups 250 TCP response time to server 35 ms avg to DNS response time to server 40 ms avg Number of other Server IP’s 86 – used http display filter and endpoint report Server IP, number of Bytes, resp - top 5 , 33,824, 35 ms, 19,336, 43 ms, 15,885, 23 ms, 15,593, 64 ms, 14,896, 34 ms 31
  • 32. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM Graphically Show Results 32 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 CNN Baseline - IP servers by Bytes Dependency Analysis: The number if devices required to ‘build’ your page will affect the total user experience! Youare only as fastas yourslowesttime!
  • 33. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM Other HTTP Reporting Options  You can use built in features that some web browsers provide • Chrome Developer Tools 33  Internet Explorer Developer Tools
  • 34. © 2015, The Technology Firm WWW.THETECHFIRM.COM Inefficient MSS From A Firewall/NAT Device  In this example the Firewall could not support the maximum MSS of 1460  We see the webserver, or proxy/firewall/NAT with a MSS of 512  When the users experienced a problem, we noticed the MSS would drop to 2 Bytes • Some users even reported their PC’s would reboot 34
  • 35. © 2015, The Technology Firm Baselining Getting Started HTTP Thanks for Watching Tony Fortunato, Sr Network Performance Specialist