sarpe genioplasty forsus twin force bite corrector le fort 1 orthognathic surgery lip function idiopathic condylar resorption facial asymmetry symphyseal distraction disctraction osseuse génioplastie facial proportions inferior border osteotomy centre de croissance site de croissance condylar resorption arthrosis condylar hypoplasia condylar fracture condylar hyperplasia surgical treatment planning treatment planning prosthodontics archwire progression surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion marpe distraction osteogenesis mandibular distraction total joint replacement alloplastic joint replacement high condylectomy inferior border oseotomy fonction labiale ostéotomie du bord inférieur du corpus proportion (équilibre) de la face growth bone remodelling internal root resorption miniscrew tad dental implants short face syndrome vis bologna expansion mandibulaire rapide bologna distractor éruption ectopique des 1res molaires supérieures compétence labiale remodelage osseux croissance mandibulaire crossbow xbow sus2 corrector âge dentaire âge chronologique éruption dentaire cervical vertebra maturation maturation des vertèbres cervicales âge squelettique brachyfacial rotation de la mandibule patron de croissance cartilage primaire rotation du maxillaire dolichofacial ossification intramembraneuse croissance crâniofaciale ossification endochondrale chondrogénèse stades de puberté croissance normale croissance physique orthodontic management surgical management progressive condylar resorption joint arthritis rheumatoid arthritis low inflammatory arthritis high inflammatory arthritis hyperplasie condylienne hemimandibular hyperplasia osteochondroma bilateral sagittal split osteotomy advantages class ii malocclusion pendulum pendulum appliance self-ligating bracket and cantilever spring for im side effect in second order removable appliance and cantilever spring for cani surgical exposure of impacted canine segmented approach self-ligating bracket and torque torque control literature review about torque efficacy torquing moment juvenile arthritis résorption condylienne idiopathique ostéoarthrose des atm désordre temporomandibulaire pathophysiologie de la résorption condylienne arthrite rhumatoïde juvénile fracture condylienne hyperplasie hémimandibulaire asymétrie faciale transposition dentaire incisives latérales inférieures 2es molaires inférieures 2es prémolaires inférieures exposition ouverte closed eruption technique exposition fermée technique chirurgicale pour expisition des canines open eruption technique traction des canines traitement d'interception complications des canines incluses prévalence des canines incluses canine incluse stability of sarpe "quoi faire dans ces situations cliniques" cantilever bite jumper impacted canine and class ii herbst class ii treatment with speed modern self ligating brackets niti spring clip advantage of speed molar protraction space closure archwire selection friction sliding mechanics finishing effective torque tooth translation bracket deformation enmasse retraction arch leveling forces and moments active zone wire sequence passive zone supercable force level roth prescription tooth axis boone gauge speed rhomboid bracket height mucogingival problem parodontie periodontics implants operative dentistry endodontics stability eprac lambeau palatin lambeau vestibulaire dystopies dentaires self ligating brackets bracket placement orthodontic retainer reduction proximale constriction palatine expansion palatine rapide articul crois postrieur articule croise posterieur constriction palatine mcanotherapie traitement precoce avantage et desavantage de lextraction pilote stabilite de lexpansion palatine traitement en 2 phases mainteneur despace extraction pilote
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