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IO-Efficient Point Location
           and Map Overlay
      in Low-Density Subdivisions

      Shripad Thite                  
            Department of Computer Science
            Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
                    The Netherlands
                           Joint work with
           Mark de Berg, Herman Haverkort, and Laura Toma
1-1                                                         19-Feb-2007 @ ˚rhus Universitet
Point location
       Map = polygonal subdivision of the plane

       Given a point in the plane, identified by its coordinates,
       find the region of the map that contains the point

                   IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
Map overlay
       Combine various attributes of data from different maps or
       map layers to compute the interaction of these attributes

       Given two polygonal subdivisions of the plane, red and
       blue, compute all intersections between a red edge and a
       blue edge

                   IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
Geographic Information System (GIS)
       A GIS is a spatial database with algorithms for managing,
       analyzing, and displaying geographic information

       Applications with tremendous environmental, social, and
       economic impact—infrastructure planning, social engi-
       neering, facility location, agriculture
       Require algorithms for fundamental problems well-studied
       in Computational Geometry—adjacency, containment,
       proximity . . .
       . . . with a twist—geographic data is huge!
                   IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
Geometric algorithms for GIS
      Conventional analysis of algorithms accounts for worst-case
      behavior, often for inputs that do not occur in practice

      Complex algorithms are too hard to implement and make
      little impact on applications

      Simplifying assumptions about the computational model are
      not valid or hold only approximately

      Goal: Design theoretically efficient practical algorithms ac-
      companied by an analysis of the algorithm complexity on a
      refined model of computation for realistic inputs
                     IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
Massive data
       Practical inputs have gigabytes and terabytes of data

       We need algorithms whose performance scales well for
       increasingly large input data sets encountered in practice

       Traditional algorithms suffer from poor memory usage

       Poor cache behavior causes thrashing where excessive
       time is spent transferring data in and out of memory

                    IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
External-memory algorithms
       The cost of data transfer significantly influences the real
       cost of an algorithm, often dominating CPU operations

       External-memory algorithms seek to minimize data trans-
       fer, by utilizing locality of reference

       Goal: Develop external-memory algorithms and data
       structures for geometric problems, where it is often harder
       to exploit locality

                    IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
External-memory model
       Model of computation where memory is organized in two
       levels—internal and external memory [Aggarwal & Vitter]

       CPU operations can take place only on data in internal
       memory, which is limited in size to M words

                         Internal                             External
        CPU              memory                               memory
                         (cache)                              (disk)
       External memory is large enough for input, working space,
       and output
                   IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
External-memory model
       Both internal and external memory organized in blocks
       of B words each

       One input/output operation (one IO) transfers one block
       of B words between internal and external memory
       The IO-cost of an algorithm is the number of IO-
       operations it performs

       IO-complexity accurately models cost of data transfer be-
       tween disk and main memory, as a function of memory
       architecture parameters B and M
                   IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
External-memory algorithms
        Designed to minimize Input/Output (IO) operations be-
        tween slow but large external memory and fast but small
        internal memory
        Each IO operation reads or writes B words stored in a
        block; internal memory of size M holds M/B blocks

        Two-level memory model introduced by Aggarwal and
        Vitter has become a popular design and analysis tool

        Lots of IO-efficient algorithms developed and proved use-
        ful in practice
                    IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
Remember ...
        Map = polygonal subdivision of the plane

        Point location: Given a point in the plane, identified by
        its coordinates, find the region of the map that contains
        the point

        Map overlay: Given two polygonal subdivisions of the
        plane, red and blue, compute all intersections between a
        red edge and a blue edge

                    IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
Previous work
        External-Memory Algorithms for Processing Line
        Segments in Geographic Information Systems
        Arge, Vengroff, and Vitter; ESA’95
          overlay two maps in O(sort(n) + t/B) optimal IOs
          where t = number of intersections
          batched point location in O((n + k)/B logM/B (n/B))
          IOs, where k = number of query points
          using Θ(n logM/B (n/B)) blocks of storage (???)

        We improve on space usage as well as query time, for
        low-density maps, at the expense of O(sort(n)) pre-
        processing ; our algorithms are simpler to implement
                   IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
        Creating a linear size index supporting queries in loga-
        rithmic time
                usual hierarchical decompositions support
                O(log n) query time but using O(n log n) space

        Support efficient batched queries on the index
               to answer k queries presented in a batch more
               efficiently than k individual queries
        Can we overlay two maps in O(scan(n)) IOs?
        Existing solutions too complicated and/or not IO-optimal
                    IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite

                  IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
        Space-filling curve visits points in order of their Z-index
        (a.k.a. Morton block index)

           0 00     01                        0000   0001   0100   0101

           1                           01
               10   11                        0010   0011   0110   0111
                                              1000   1001   1100   1101
                0    1

        bit-interleaved order          11
                                              1010   1011   1110   1111
                                               00     01     10     11

                     IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
Quadtree meets Z-curve
        Z-curve visits every quadtree cell in a contiguous interval

        The leaves of a quadtree define a subdivision of the Z-

        Two quadtree cells are either disjoint or nested

        Z-intervals of two quadtree cells are either disjoint or

                     IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
Example            0                          7            8

                                    3        4
                          2                          9            10
                                    5        6

                                    12       13
                                                     21          22
                                    14       15

                                    17       18
                                                    23            24
                                    19       20

                 IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
I. Fat Triangulations

Fat triangulation
        A δ-fat triangulation is one whose minimum angle is at
        least δ > 0
        Our input is a triangulation with fatness δ

                                            max. degree 2π/δ

        We assume B = Ω(1/δ) and M = Ω(1/δ 3 )
                    IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
Linear quadtree
        Our data structure is a linear quadtree:

             a linear quadtree stores only leaves (no pointers)

             internal nodes are represented implicitly and can be
             computed as required

        We store quadtree leaves in Z-order

                    IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
Linear quadtree
        Recursively partition the bounding box into four quad-

        Novel stopping condition:

            Stop splitting a quadtree cell when all edges inter-
            secting the cell are incident on a common vertex

        Lemma: Quadtree contains O(n/δ 2 ) cells, each cell in-
        tersected by at most 2π/δ triangles; total number of
        triangle-cell intersections is O(n/δ 2 ).
                    IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
Building local quadtrees
        Top-down recursive algorithm to build quadtree not IO-
             quadtree may have depth Θ(n), hence IO-cost is
             O(n2 /B)

        Instead, for each vertex v, build a local quadtree for the
        triangles incident on v

        Since vertex degree is at most 2π/δ, a local quadtree can
        be built entirely in internal memory

                     IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
Building local quadtrees
        Lemma: The union of all local quadtrees is identical to
        the global quadtree

        We need to show that every cell in the global quadtree
        appears in some local quadtree

             Proof: Every triangle T intersects a cell C of the
             global quadtree if and only if C belongs to the local
             quadtree of at least one of the vertices of T .

                    IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite

                 IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
Example            0                          7            8

                                    3        4
                          2                          9            10
                                    5        6

                                    12       13
                                                     21          22
                                    14       15

                                    17       18
                                                    23            24
                                    19       20

                 IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
Building an index
        Each triangle stored with every quadtree cell that it in-

        The Z-index of a cell is its order along the space-filling

        Whenever triangle T intersects cell C, the pair (T, C) is
        stored with associated key equal to the Z-index of C

                    IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
Indexing triangles
        Sort the O(n/δ 2 ) cell-triangle pairs in Z-order of cells

                                               = O(sort(n/δ 2 )) IOs

        Build a cache-oblivious B-tree on the set of cell-triangle
        pairs sorted by key (Z-index of cell)

        B-tree has size O(n/δ 2 ) and depth O(logB (n/δ 2 ))

                     IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
How to locate a single point
        Search the B-tree from root to leaf with Z-index of p for
        quadtree cell containing point p

                                               = O(logB (n/δ 2 )) IOs

        Check p against all triangles intersecting the cell (at most
        2π/δ) in internal memory; all these triangles have the
        same key and are stored together

                     IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
How to locate a batch of k points
        Sort the k query points by Z-index

                                                     = O(sort(k)) IOs

        Merge the sorted query points and the sorted leaf cells
        by scanning in parallel

                                           = O(scan(n/δ 2 + k)) IOs

                    IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
How to overlay two triangulations
        Quadtree leaves subdivide the Z-curve into disjoint inter-

        Since quadtree leaves are sorted in Z-order, the intervals
        are in sorted order

        Merge the two sorted sets of intervals, corresponding to
        the quadtrees of the two triangulations

                                               = O(scan(n/δ 2 )) IOs
                     IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
How to support updates
        Each of the following operations affects O(1/δ 4 ) entries
        in the B-tree:

             insert/delete a vertex

             flip an edge

        Each update affects a local quadtree; perform corre-
        sponding changes to the global quadtree

                           = O( δ14 logB (n/δ 2 )) IOs per update
                    IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
Summary: fat triangulations
        We build a linear quadtree, from local quadtrees of small
        neighborhoods, using a novel stopping condition

        The quadtree leaves are stored in a cache-oblivious B-
        tree, indexed by their order along the Z-order space-filling
        The B-tree has linear size and logarithmic depth, thus
        supporting efficient queries and updates

        Two such quadtrees can be overlaid by scanning; the two
        indexes are merged in the process

                     IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
II. Low-Density Maps

Low-density maps
        The density of a set S of objects is the smallest number
        λ such that every disk D intersects at most λ objects of
        S whose diameter is at least the diameter of D

        The density of a planar map is the density of its edge set

        Our input is a map with density λ

        We assume B = Ω(λ)

        A δ-fat triangulation has density λ = O(1/δ)
                     IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
Compressed quadtree
        An annulus is the set-theoretic difference of two ordinary
        nested cells

                                                              ordinary cell


                                                   annulus cell
        An annulus can be represented by two nested Z-intervals
                    IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
Compressed linear quadtree
        We introduce compressed linear quadtrees:

            a compressed quadtree has many fewer nodes than
            an ordinary quadtree

            a compressed quadtree has more complicated cells
            (annuli); our storage scheme handles such cells

                    IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
Quadtree of guarding points
        Build a compressed quadtree of guarding points of edges

            Guarding points of an edge = vertices of the axis-
            aligned bounding square

        Stopping condition:

            Stop splitting a quadtree cell when it contains only
            one guarding point

        Lemma [de Berg et al.]: A square containing g guard-
        ing points intersects at most g + 4λ edges
                    IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite

                 IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
How to build a quadtree of points
        Sort guarding points in Z-order

        For each consecutive pair of points, output their local
        quadtree: their canonical bounding square and its four

        Sort all cells and remove duplicates

        Result: Compressed quadtree of guarding points in
        O(sort(n)) IOs, where leaf cells are sorted in Z-order
                    IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite

                 IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
Computing cell-edge intersections
        We distribute the edges of the subdivision among the
        quadtree leaf cells

            For each edge e, we compute the quadtree cells that
            it intersects in a batched filtering

            use cache-oblivious distribution sweeping?

        A quadtree leaf cell not intersected by any edge is re-
        peatedly merged with a predecessor or successor cell in

                    IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
Small-size quadtree
        Lemma: Compressed quadtree of guarding points con-
        tains O(n) leaf cells, each leaf intersected by at most
        O(λ) faces; total number of face-cell intersections is

        Build a B-tree on the set of cell-edge pairs sorted by key
        (Z-index of cell)

        B-tree has O(n) leaves and depth O(logB n)

                     IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
How to locate a single point
        Search the B-tree from root to leaf with Z-index of p for
        quadtree cell containing point p

                                                  = O(logB n) IOs

        Check p against all O(λ) faces intersecting the cell, in
        internal memory; all these faces have the same key and
        are stored together

                    IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
How to locate a batch of k points
        Sort the k query points by Z-index

                                                     = O(sort(k)) IOs

        Merge the sorted query points and the sorted leaf cells
        by scanning in parallel

                                              = O(scan(n + k)) IOs

                    IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
How to overlay two maps
        Quadtree leaves subdivide the Z-curve into disjoint inter-

        Since quadtree leaves are sorted in Z-order, the intervals
        are in sorted order

        Merge the two sorted sets of intervals, corresponding to
        the quadtrees of the two maps

                                                   = O(scan(n)) IOs
                     IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
Summary: low-density maps
        We introduce compressed linear quadtrees
        We build a compressed linear quadtree of the set of O(n)
        guarding points for the edges of the subdivision

        We store the quadtree leaves (only) in sorted order along
        the Z-order space-filling curve
        We build a 1D index, a B-tree of linear size, on the
        quadtree leaves supporting efficient queries
        Making construction and update algorithms cache-
        oblivious remains an open problem
                    IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
        The Z-order of a point is its bit-interleaved order

          Z(x0 x1 . . . xb , y0 y1 . . . yb ) = x0 y0 x1 y1 . . . xb yb
                                                   2b-bit integer

        The canonical bounding box of two points is computed
        from the longest common prefix of the bitstring repre-
        senting their coordinates

        Several optimizations described in our paper

                       IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
        We preprocess a fat triangulation or low-density subdivi-
        sion in O(sort(n)) IOs so we can:

             answer k batched point location queries in
             O(scan(n) + sort(k )) IOs

             overlay two maps in O(scan(n)) IOs

        We give simple, practical, implementable, fast, scalable

        Our algorithms for triangulations are cache-oblivious
                    IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
To read more ...
        I/O-Efficient Map Overlay and Point Location in
        Low-Density Subdivisions
        Mark de Berg, Herman Haverkort, ST, Laura Toma∼sthite/pubs/

        Condensed version to appear at EuroCG 2007

        Thanks to Sariel Har-Peled for valuable discussions
                    IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite
Future work
        Implementation (in TPIE?)

        IO-efficient range searching in low-density subdivisions

        IO-efficient overlay of general subdivisions, not assuming
        fatness or low density

                    IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite


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IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay in Low-Density Subdivisions

  • 1. IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay in Low-Density Subdivisions Shripad Thite Department of Computer Science Technische Universiteit Eindhoven The Netherlands Joint work with Mark de Berg, Herman Haverkort, and Laura Toma 1-1 19-Feb-2007 @ ˚rhus Universitet A
  • 2. Point location Map = polygonal subdivision of the plane Given a point in the plane, identified by its coordinates, find the region of the map that contains the point IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 2-1
  • 3. Map overlay Combine various attributes of data from different maps or map layers to compute the interaction of these attributes Given two polygonal subdivisions of the plane, red and blue, compute all intersections between a red edge and a blue edge IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 3-1
  • 4. Geographic Information System (GIS) A GIS is a spatial database with algorithms for managing, analyzing, and displaying geographic information Applications with tremendous environmental, social, and economic impact—infrastructure planning, social engi- neering, facility location, agriculture Require algorithms for fundamental problems well-studied in Computational Geometry—adjacency, containment, proximity . . . . . . with a twist—geographic data is huge! IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 4-1
  • 5. Geometric algorithms for GIS Conventional analysis of algorithms accounts for worst-case behavior, often for inputs that do not occur in practice Complex algorithms are too hard to implement and make little impact on applications Simplifying assumptions about the computational model are not valid or hold only approximately Goal: Design theoretically efficient practical algorithms ac- companied by an analysis of the algorithm complexity on a refined model of computation for realistic inputs IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 5-1
  • 6. Massive data Practical inputs have gigabytes and terabytes of data We need algorithms whose performance scales well for increasingly large input data sets encountered in practice Traditional algorithms suffer from poor memory usage Poor cache behavior causes thrashing where excessive time is spent transferring data in and out of memory cache IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 6-1
  • 7. External-memory algorithms The cost of data transfer significantly influences the real cost of an algorithm, often dominating CPU operations External-memory algorithms seek to minimize data trans- fer, by utilizing locality of reference Goal: Develop external-memory algorithms and data structures for geometric problems, where it is often harder to exploit locality IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 7-1
  • 8. External-memory model Model of computation where memory is organized in two levels—internal and external memory [Aggarwal & Vitter] CPU operations can take place only on data in internal memory, which is limited in size to M words Internal External CPU memory memory (cache) (disk) External memory is large enough for input, working space, and output IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 8-1
  • 9. External-memory model Both internal and external memory organized in blocks of B words each One input/output operation (one IO) transfers one block of B words between internal and external memory The IO-cost of an algorithm is the number of IO- operations it performs IO-complexity accurately models cost of data transfer be- tween disk and main memory, as a function of memory architecture parameters B and M IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 9-1
  • 10. External-memory algorithms Designed to minimize Input/Output (IO) operations be- tween slow but large external memory and fast but small internal memory Each IO operation reads or writes B words stored in a block; internal memory of size M holds M/B blocks Two-level memory model introduced by Aggarwal and Vitter has become a popular design and analysis tool Lots of IO-efficient algorithms developed and proved use- ful in practice IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 10-1
  • 11. Remember ... Map = polygonal subdivision of the plane Point location: Given a point in the plane, identified by its coordinates, find the region of the map that contains the point Map overlay: Given two polygonal subdivisions of the plane, red and blue, compute all intersections between a red edge and a blue edge IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 11-1
  • 12. Previous work External-Memory Algorithms for Processing Line Segments in Geographic Information Systems Arge, Vengroff, and Vitter; ESA’95 overlay two maps in O(sort(n) + t/B) optimal IOs where t = number of intersections batched point location in O((n + k)/B logM/B (n/B)) IOs, where k = number of query points using Θ(n logM/B (n/B)) blocks of storage (???) We improve on space usage as well as query time, for low-density maps, at the expense of O(sort(n)) pre- processing ; our algorithms are simpler to implement IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 12-1
  • 13. Challenges Creating a linear size index supporting queries in loga- rithmic time usual hierarchical decompositions support O(log n) query time but using O(n log n) space Support efficient batched queries on the index to answer k queries presented in a batch more efficiently than k individual queries Can we overlay two maps in O(scan(n)) IOs? Existing solutions too complicated and/or not IO-optimal IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 13-1
  • 14. Quadtree IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 14-1
  • 15. Z-curve Space-filling curve visits points in order of their Z-index (a.k.a. Morton block index) 0 00 01 0000 0001 0100 0101 00 1 01 10 11 0010 0011 0110 0111 1000 1001 1100 1101 0 1 10 bit-interleaved order 11 1010 1011 1110 1111 00 01 10 11 IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 15-1
  • 16. Quadtree meets Z-curve Z-curve visits every quadtree cell in a contiguous interval The leaves of a quadtree define a subdivision of the Z- curve Two quadtree cells are either disjoint or nested Z-intervals of two quadtree cells are either disjoint or nested IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 16-1
  • 17. Example 0 7 8 1 3 4 2 9 10 5 6 12 13 21 22 11 14 15 17 18 23 24 16 19 20 IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 17-1
  • 19. Fat triangulation A δ-fat triangulation is one whose minimum angle is at least δ > 0 δ δ Our input is a triangulation with fatness δ max. degree 2π/δ We assume B = Ω(1/δ) and M = Ω(1/δ 3 ) IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 19-1
  • 20. Linear quadtree Our data structure is a linear quadtree: a linear quadtree stores only leaves (no pointers) internal nodes are represented implicitly and can be computed as required We store quadtree leaves in Z-order IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 20-1
  • 21. Linear quadtree Recursively partition the bounding box into four quad- rants Novel stopping condition: Stop splitting a quadtree cell when all edges inter- secting the cell are incident on a common vertex Lemma: Quadtree contains O(n/δ 2 ) cells, each cell in- tersected by at most 2π/δ triangles; total number of triangle-cell intersections is O(n/δ 2 ). IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 21-1
  • 22. Building local quadtrees Top-down recursive algorithm to build quadtree not IO- efficient quadtree may have depth Θ(n), hence IO-cost is O(n2 /B) Instead, for each vertex v, build a local quadtree for the triangles incident on v Since vertex degree is at most 2π/δ, a local quadtree can be built entirely in internal memory IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 22-1
  • 23. Building local quadtrees Lemma: The union of all local quadtrees is identical to the global quadtree We need to show that every cell in the global quadtree appears in some local quadtree Proof: Every triangle T intersects a cell C of the global quadtree if and only if C belongs to the local quadtree of at least one of the vertices of T . IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 23-1
  • 24. Example IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 24-1
  • 25. Example 0 7 8 1 3 4 2 9 10 5 6 12 13 21 22 11 14 15 17 18 23 24 16 19 20 IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 25-1
  • 26. Building an index Each triangle stored with every quadtree cell that it in- tersects The Z-index of a cell is its order along the space-filling Z-curve Whenever triangle T intersects cell C, the pair (T, C) is stored with associated key equal to the Z-index of C IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 26-1
  • 27. Indexing triangles Sort the O(n/δ 2 ) cell-triangle pairs in Z-order of cells = O(sort(n/δ 2 )) IOs Build a cache-oblivious B-tree on the set of cell-triangle pairs sorted by key (Z-index of cell) B-tree has size O(n/δ 2 ) and depth O(logB (n/δ 2 )) IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 27-1
  • 28. How to locate a single point Search the B-tree from root to leaf with Z-index of p for quadtree cell containing point p = O(logB (n/δ 2 )) IOs Check p against all triangles intersecting the cell (at most 2π/δ) in internal memory; all these triangles have the same key and are stored together IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 28-1
  • 29. How to locate a batch of k points Sort the k query points by Z-index = O(sort(k)) IOs Merge the sorted query points and the sorted leaf cells by scanning in parallel = O(scan(n/δ 2 + k)) IOs IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 29-1
  • 30. How to overlay two triangulations Quadtree leaves subdivide the Z-curve into disjoint inter- vals Since quadtree leaves are sorted in Z-order, the intervals are in sorted order Merge the two sorted sets of intervals, corresponding to the quadtrees of the two triangulations = O(scan(n/δ 2 )) IOs IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 30-1
  • 31. How to support updates Each of the following operations affects O(1/δ 4 ) entries in the B-tree: insert/delete a vertex flip an edge Each update affects a local quadtree; perform corre- sponding changes to the global quadtree = O( δ14 logB (n/δ 2 )) IOs per update IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 31-1
  • 32. Summary: fat triangulations We build a linear quadtree, from local quadtrees of small neighborhoods, using a novel stopping condition The quadtree leaves are stored in a cache-oblivious B- tree, indexed by their order along the Z-order space-filling curve The B-tree has linear size and logarithmic depth, thus supporting efficient queries and updates Two such quadtrees can be overlaid by scanning; the two indexes are merged in the process IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 32-1
  • 34. Low-density maps The density of a set S of objects is the smallest number λ such that every disk D intersects at most λ objects of S whose diameter is at least the diameter of D The density of a planar map is the density of its edge set Our input is a map with density λ We assume B = Ω(λ) A δ-fat triangulation has density λ = O(1/δ) IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 34-1
  • 35. Compressed quadtree An annulus is the set-theoretic difference of two ordinary nested cells ordinary cell compress annulus cell An annulus can be represented by two nested Z-intervals IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 35-1
  • 36. Compressed linear quadtree We introduce compressed linear quadtrees: a compressed quadtree has many fewer nodes than an ordinary quadtree a compressed quadtree has more complicated cells (annuli); our storage scheme handles such cells IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 36-1
  • 37. Quadtree of guarding points Build a compressed quadtree of guarding points of edges Guarding points of an edge = vertices of the axis- aligned bounding square Stopping condition: Stop splitting a quadtree cell when it contains only one guarding point Lemma [de Berg et al.]: A square containing g guard- ing points intersects at most g + 4λ edges IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 37-1
  • 38. Example IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 38-1
  • 39. How to build a quadtree of points Sort guarding points in Z-order For each consecutive pair of points, output their local quadtree: their canonical bounding square and its four children Sort all cells and remove duplicates Result: Compressed quadtree of guarding points in O(sort(n)) IOs, where leaf cells are sorted in Z-order IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 39-1
  • 40. Example IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 40-1
  • 41. Computing cell-edge intersections We distribute the edges of the subdivision among the quadtree leaf cells For each edge e, we compute the quadtree cells that it intersects in a batched filtering use cache-oblivious distribution sweeping? A quadtree leaf cell not intersected by any edge is re- peatedly merged with a predecessor or successor cell in Z-order IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 41-1
  • 42. Small-size quadtree Lemma: Compressed quadtree of guarding points con- tains O(n) leaf cells, each leaf intersected by at most O(λ) faces; total number of face-cell intersections is O(nλ). Build a B-tree on the set of cell-edge pairs sorted by key (Z-index of cell) B-tree has O(n) leaves and depth O(logB n) IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 42-1
  • 43. How to locate a single point Search the B-tree from root to leaf with Z-index of p for quadtree cell containing point p = O(logB n) IOs Check p against all O(λ) faces intersecting the cell, in internal memory; all these faces have the same key and are stored together IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 43-1
  • 44. How to locate a batch of k points Sort the k query points by Z-index = O(sort(k)) IOs Merge the sorted query points and the sorted leaf cells by scanning in parallel = O(scan(n + k)) IOs IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 44-1
  • 45. How to overlay two maps Quadtree leaves subdivide the Z-curve into disjoint inter- vals Since quadtree leaves are sorted in Z-order, the intervals are in sorted order Merge the two sorted sets of intervals, corresponding to the quadtrees of the two maps = O(scan(n)) IOs IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 45-1
  • 46. Summary: low-density maps We introduce compressed linear quadtrees We build a compressed linear quadtree of the set of O(n) guarding points for the edges of the subdivision We store the quadtree leaves (only) in sorted order along the Z-order space-filling curve We build a 1D index, a B-tree of linear size, on the quadtree leaves supporting efficient queries Making construction and update algorithms cache- oblivious remains an open problem IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 46-1
  • 47. Implementation The Z-order of a point is its bit-interleaved order Z(x0 x1 . . . xb , y0 y1 . . . yb ) = x0 y0 x1 y1 . . . xb yb 2b-bit integer The canonical bounding box of two points is computed from the longest common prefix of the bitstring repre- senting their coordinates Several optimizations described in our paper IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 47-1
  • 48. Summary We preprocess a fat triangulation or low-density subdivi- sion in O(sort(n)) IOs so we can: answer k batched point location queries in O(scan(n) + sort(k )) IOs overlay two maps in O(scan(n)) IOs We give simple, practical, implementable, fast, scalable algorithms! Our algorithms for triangulations are cache-oblivious IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 48-1
  • 49. To read more ... I/O-Efficient Map Overlay and Point Location in Low-Density Subdivisions Mark de Berg, Herman Haverkort, ST, Laura Toma∼sthite/pubs/ Condensed version to appear at EuroCG 2007 Thanks to Sariel Har-Peled for valuable discussions IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 49-1
  • 50. Future work Implementation (in TPIE?) IO-efficient range searching in low-density subdivisions IO-efficient overlay of general subdivisions, not assuming fatness or low density IO-Efficient Point Location and Map Overlay / Shripad Thite 50-1