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                    i---r-     i-l l-r 1--i- | i

                    tL-i                                 r,.*_ff$'-ilffilfffiffi
                                                                                                 Ilece,l*lfuor     2rl)   10

                           Fourrrr ser*esrer                                                                                    00
                                                                                                                Ir'14x" Marks:1

               rime:   3   hrs.                   Note: r.
                                                          7 Anv   missingdala
                                                                      PART   -                                                  (05 M$rks)
    '|                                                                                mat   foundadon?     .
    E ,              a. crassiturhcro,ndauons.Nhen.*,,;Ji;:*ffi'J:Hxlti"$
                                                                                                        soils; commeni          "lrH:-i

    ,ir              : liil[.it***,'t]Hfr',i'l**'**U]niilil*':il;
                       I' ('w 6--"
    inf 2              a'      with
                                      neat slr'etclres'
                                                        discuss the

                                                                                                   i['Il'T';i:ff: $"['f
    11r' i r*;u .,*::,;+: ::' ;:ffi I::"-1'* "",HlHlK
                        Ju'rlr v'"        dre types

                       " fT.
                         joint'                                                       " - ..-^r,,        (osMarks)
    ; t                                                               the stabilrtl :llt ttilr are rhe lunctions ol'
    2a * ;
                                      ,c--,,.) u,,rr. rrrr vou assess
                          Howa'ealchcs:l::'i':1"1}'irliJti:'"T;%:lr'f}i'lJ':[lt:'T'                       (0*rvtarks)'
                                                                                                                                   (0? lvrarls)
                                                                                        in brier, raking thc
    ?ai                         3:',:rulUn{H,",*'.;ttl[}'$:L"
                                $'ffI':-irc,,'ents                                                        of
                                                                                                                   of *t''o:1tilil':i
    1i;                    "           or                     an i<teal   n""" *o'",n(n"        method
    €     - .. fluo'iog
          4 a. List the reqr
                                                                                 of sloped and flat
                                                                                                    roofs' state where
     aE                     -vanrages and disadvantagos
     :.?,   b. s'tate the ad
               z                                                                 pARr-B
                                                                                                        and opetr
         ?-{                                                    L'xptun *'"' '-:,:","
                                                                **plain wirh noar
                                                                                     sketch clog }egged
         FrZ c a. whar are rhe rcquirements .., ,*.n urrrl
                                              of good stairs?
                                                                                           in rhe marksr.(l. M{rks)
         ?E       weil stair'                                 trf doors thar are available
                                              ditTerenr tyee:
          i?   b' Dxplain with ueat sketches'                                               painrhu"tt![Irlll..,
                                                  agoodpoinr'r    Exprainthemethodsof
          ?1 6 r. Nh1t.,$erhecharacrcristrcsof
           .i                                                       the method of stucco
                                                                                           plastenng (t0 M{rks)
           Ig                       ly:fu* - ,,he objeorives oI plastering? Explairr
                                    wh* are rhe objeorives,::l::::[::struction,,?                                                 *""[l,i;::i
                i              b.                                                                  whar   are the mareria]s
                                                 0.,                             "o
               Zi      7 a. ,har d.^you nrean ..:::r""t"'u"
               -;                   eriectrve conslru(tlon '
                                    in cost
                               r, i-'i"i,,,'. I",ll;*fi!,,                                                                             l|,,uH:l]
               i,                   l'p-"1"                    "o,,.,.,:l).,;:, .;,i[t::::T;,:'-i'windows'
                                                                             o[ sr
               ir, : T**J'JH"::*,."J::::iffi; ;.ccrecunsurarf'"-"'lHill,,':,
                                                     "iJt't"'u"o "ot*tagcs
                                                                                                                           md circular c.lurnns


                       t   isli

                                             $l63mg.t$x         $*rmest*y' '$$" ffi. t}*gree $Ixarraim*tiqrn, {}ec*xr} lrer 2{} I {}
                                                                                    Suxwvwy$x?S * $ffi                               t

                                                                                                                                                   Max. Marks:100
                                                                         l I
                                                                   N * te rr "
                                                                                 m.s:**.,rr drr$-lr ^{If.H&' jfsdJj ry***sJx$fxs", x * I t *t i**g
                                                                              rxf /c*s"s l'W{} rJrues#ui*rrus/rorx raclr prrrf-
                                                                          f..,tdi.ssfrug tf,r,I*r, f"r,n*& rnrqv d.rr srufr*r#fy nsss* wred"


                                  a.       Ilefine tl:e ttrnts; 'Trtmion axis, cenlering, linhg in.                                                tfiS Marks)
                                          :,:l},r'ig{iy gxpll*in':ih,e,telnpoil;u:y acijustmr:nls of $ivemier theodolite.
                                  tr.                                                                                                              i$d '{nrk"s)
                                  c.       llrii:fii' rlescrii:* thr prdceclr.:rre [r"lr trteasurilrg thr: rnngnctic trc*rit:gs, t.rsirrg a tlreocl*lit*.
                                                                                                                                                                   {{}{i Mnrks}

                                  d.      ilii.lerepliate i:stwe*:n              i) ['hcc. ]e{'l anc,{ fiiq:* le{"1 cr:nditir,:rrs ii)   clalnping screws emiJ t*t*gent
                                          SCt*lVlr.                                                                                                                {{}.{ il,[,nrks]
  ):      '*
                                                     n dumpy l*vei 1i: bt in prt:F*r ncljilstlnenls, tvhttt                                                        at* ttt
                                           i:'r.rr                                                                              iu"c     the er:nditions   L,hat                bc
                                          r;iitisJi*iJ'J                                                                                                           {{}{r M*rlr.r}

                                  h.      [,ist      t]:.e   cu*ditions tu br siltisll.*d by a verni*r the**t*ljte t* tre in perm *:*** r adj *ou,li?1]il,,
  rs^*                                                                                                                                                                       r,o*,
  s 'i:                                   Illri*l1y cxplain th* test irnti adjustment uf'hurizontal *.xis o{'a verni*r theodolite.                                 {{}8 ft,lsrkr)

.:::       ::)

                                  ul. With the lr*lp iil'a                neat. l;k*" *:xplrrin 1.h* sin6rl*      plarl* methot{ Ji:r i1*tsrmining thu e,l*vation
  i.)     'i.)                            of an iu*cc*siiible r:hjc*t.                                                                                             {   lt} iM*rks}
                                  i   .   Whil ar* th* *onrlJollsntl, oi:ti tntal s{*tir;n'J
  aI) r:                          c..     L,ist th* us*s *t-a ro[*.1 *titti*n.                                                                                     Iffi HTH]


                            r{    ii.
   ,,. }   {.:t

                                  h"       iiiglrtr:rt horilrnntally, a tachconret*r r*xis I.645 and 2^840 corresponcling tt"l stacJix wirr:s, un
                                           "r v*rliu*l sla,ff I2i] rn $wii1r. TJr* f-i:crrl k:ngth *f the ohj*ct glass is 200 rrr:r iu:d tlrs <"ixlc*
   *.;     {)
   I)". r                                  ti"orn thc oliject glass to truni*r"r axis is l5Orum" Calculat* the st.aclia intcn,al.           ({i$ il{arks}
   irj                                     A l;.1*h**lne.{*r is setup *t an intcrrr ,*clinte p*in[ $n ir tra'r"r*r.$e courss PQ nnel thr: I*lk:wing
                                           ol:si:rr,,atioirs 11r$ i:rade nn ii. v*rlic*il1' held sraff:
                                                      St*Sst*lign Y*::Lissl-d;#{lr $is$ilJl}srss:}i                                               Axuil}ilir-r.+-+,li,lnss
                                                                P                           +-   8u'16'                     2.350                          2.]05
   oJj *
                                                                Q                            "F  6r',6'',                   ?.{}55                         1.S95

                                           ilQ;rnd tiru I{i, o1'{"). 'l"nkr-: iir* lttr. r)J'}:n as iZl.:0{lnl,                                                    (t}s t}I*rks)

 '';      "Cl
                                                                                                     Ilr&It'[" *,{}

                            5     *.       $*iine tir* lirilowing, rvitl: r*$p*{(     to a simple circular clu:'e:
 ,{.,                                      Ape.x ol'xi"rs sur:v,i, point  (rl'iax*rt*y. c.*ntral *nglu, n:icl oldinat$.               (ilfi lH*rks)
                                  h.                                        o' settiris, out sirnpln cu:^ves" Iixplain the m*{hod oJ'
  3                                        Lll .lll"" :::lr::1.:'*tir*crs                                                             ::t::::::::



      1I         lle{in* fl *o*ipolind uurv*. A $finlp$unc} *urv* r:*nsistin$ $f tr#o riin:ple.{}ircul*r'*:urues
                 raclii 3S0 nr a*rJ 50il rN is tr: bc laid berwer:n lwt: straights. The angles
                                                                                                    of interueut'i*n
                                                                                                      tirr* varir:us *lem*tll$
                 h*tlve*:,) {.h* trr.ngcnls *rnc} the two str*igtlts ar:e 55n a.nct 25o' O*lcrllate
                                                                                                                    (lt) Marks)
                 t"lf th* compoul:d curve.                                                                   ,r .
      l"r   .    ,A re';$rso c;r.lIv* is to i:rl **t b*t'wt*r*n tw* parr[]*l tm:gelrts l0m
                                                                                             ap*irt' The dislilncs bel'lvt:en
                 Ihe tiingent pDints, m$r$ured parallel to the        tar}gents is St}n. ll ti:* raeiius ol'the {irst b:r"*rich
                                                                                                                   E:1' tlt* tr'r"t:
                 is l j0 ir, o*lo,olate ths r:adiui of th* s**onej brandr. Also, ca.trculate the lengths
                 Irr*-6u|, Wuut i,vi:uld be the equal rilclius of the,br*nchexruf lhe rsver$*          tutve? {}s t!trarks}

    74"          l,lst ttrs rsq$irrsmeuts of a fi:&nsiti$n $urv$'                                                  ttls tuI*rlts)
      Ir         $na r.nilway trnck *f"l.6lpn wirith, the cl*signec{ sp*eci is         90 krnph"'l"ra*sifiCIt} curvss erre t*
                                                                                                      nqr{) strrrig}rts *t t}ro
                 Ir*: ;:r.*vict*ei t* jr>in a *ir.cula.r {:ilrvc with a i'ac}jus ut 5{X} in bstlryeen
                 trn*k. Fhe rate 9t' chang* *f rarlial accel*ration irji*rr:ited to 0.3: m/s3. Iletennine the

                 ii   tr.*ngrli   *f rrnnsirinn requircc{ ii) strift *f"circr.rlar i}rc iii) $up*r eisvation t*n,$l*$rr,*r,
                 Wh;- rhE: v*::riunl curv*s prt:,,,ir1*rl on i'righways'l What ;rr* the dil{ersnt lypes of
                 *r**u*n ernplnyr.od'l                                                                       {lXi frtrrrrlts}

                 'l'I*   {bllor.r,i:ig, p*rpenclir:ulnr of'lsr:ts wer$ tnkr:rt al St:t irrtervals Ii:om a traverse          linc to an
                  ir-r'eg,ular bi: rintiix"y lin*.
                                                                 ^,1'85, (r'*1'5, 4'65' 3' l4m'
                       1"iCI,     J.I5, 4"5fi, 3.{iil.   4-58,,
                  {Jnrr:put* t5* ar** eno}osed hetlve*n thr* t,r*vsrsr: line anci the ir:regular b0undary,
                                                                                                                           Iionr the
                  fir'st t* the lirst n{fs*{. lJse the trap*z.oidal ruie"                                               {t}6 Mnrks}

            b.    {,;*Jr:ul*rr: t5* ;x"ci* of a pliur {i"r:rrr ih.* f*lltlwing readi.ngs of a planinrcter:
                  InitiiiI re*dirrg "" Il.34'8
                  l;'inill r*aelhrg "'' 1.435
                  J:h*: xero *j1" the disr pgsxscl the fixeri incl*x *:;trk twi3e in the clockwise
                                                                                                                   directi*ft. 'I'hr)
                  iu*hrxl 11$imtirv*s plaued::outsicie nhe,pl&n anli the trs{"ing :point wa$ mCIved in clockrvisr:
                  ,llrr'*ii,r,r. 'iotr* ]v{ == 100 crn2.                                                                 ({}s Markr)

                   tr, ,l eont*nr pliul *f a prop*s*r:J res*r,v'oir, tl:e arc*s et:closecl      hy vrr,rious cr:ttt(:urs are giv*tt
                  Cuuti:$r(m) :1{,X}                 1fl5 ili}               115         120         I,Js
                  ,tr** (liit) : -1                  ti   l{}               i5          20           25
                  Ilrterrnirlr"" t1* q:itfr;rr:ity   *f   tJr* r*s*rvuir"ifl tlr* frtll r*s*l'voir level is l'J5'{X}, (Js* prisrnoidnl
                   titrmr"rlii.                                                                                             {f}li Markt}

{},$N    li
         i.    _...-L_"..   .
                                                                                                                                                         #6{ rv45

                      .F,'* nr   rth $               tr}.   {i. []*gx"e*        ffi   xrrrxt,i{lir*iom, tr}e**mher ZSI{}
                                        h$y$$-ffi$,s$$mm ffi M?d S$y#nmsx $ $w                               ffiffi mwh,fr x.xes

     nlrt:: i      hr,s.
                                                                                                                                          Iv'klx" h,{iu,,l<s: I {itl
                                    '       N*tr:: J-,,{r*sn,rr. ff/.xJr,, py}/*:/i.#f            gl*c,*sir.rn.q,se/rcldjru#
                                                         af fsrri'f -J"$y#       ryru*s"dfrrr s   r{r*rn e*r:lt p*rt,
                                                    J"   $fir'.sr*.*g uf*f,r.r, l,/' r,, *r{f;}.r f.,e dJ,i.$r*rffgri_

 tr a.           $ist.ingr:jsh br:r',,ve*n
                     1) Op*n **l ll*w itniJ pipc flr:.w"
                      ii.l l-il,clraulic clepth antl hydr:auiic mean cl*ptir
                     iii) {ir*ctuul}1,rr;u,i*r-l i1r:u,iLr:rl lapicliy varieil {Iow and
                     i,,) [-inil'rrn::r iu]d slcacil, {:1111.1i.                                                                                       ({}4 }{a'ks1

                 hils Iho {itt'ce:;icjcs 1*rtg*ittial to tlrr: icn:ricir^clc, cl*scri*rl r.rn thc                                          "r 'lr'Iv .it*'*r-rlr,
        *- A ti*pexoicl*l crhalrnr:l lvirh sicle .rloi:cs o{'l : I hao r h* <ir*sig,,rru,i;;;;;rl,r*y                                             l*r*I;u**,"0o
                lhat rliuii:xt:t-l*t r.:{'**tlcr:*t* Iinir:,g, {.irr lhe }rrci *ncl{:h* sicles is the minim*.nt.
                i) (lail;uJ*{'e the;tr*i. *{'lining lerluirecl [E]r *ne rnelrg. l*ngth ci{'thq; ci:ilal.
                ii) [f rugr:sit-v- r:o*llic'icnl n -{).(i15. calct.r]atcthu becl sit>gie oL'thec*rrgl lor;l:ru-r:ilnr:rrr 16w..
                                                                                                                         (I{} Marks}
? il.           l:spla.irl tht l*r:rt |;1t{p'r11} .: iru"np, DE:rir,.* an exprr}ssj*n the clelrtl:
                                                                                                           *{' f:yrlruulic,junrp iir
                {*nns *f' tipstr*niu },;*'s nrtn: l:*r.
                                                                                                                                                      {{}S i1{.*r'tr+}
       h. Ii.x3:lnir.r ili* r!r:r[qinp1 o1.i] r,,ei]"i{llriri*1. with i* rr*rrt, i;kr:ti;il.
                                                                                                                                                      {$d M*rir.i}
       c. ln il l*rtangu,lar r:hirmel. thex:: occlrr$ i*, {)ilr.res;:r:ndir:g                                       t6   }:rrg   ": ].$. Ilctcr.rnin* tlie
                cr,iti*a.l      c{,ept.h   and ir:ss r:f''}:.*ircl, in t*rrxs of initial c{eptir y1.
                                                                                                                                                      (il1* &,IrarX*rr]

                n*:x{       skrtr:}r*ri.                                                                                  .
                                                                                                                                                      ({}5 i{:rrks}

               *j' illrr: lJr.riri.
                                                                                                          '              r r ---                    'i,i3'irro.rurr

               l*ifiextll'lfic uiscr:;;ity ?"?5xli.)-12 siokes {rt I.25 orl'is*r. In
                                                                                     *rcler to m,e,>d*i thc fi*w. i{,i,r l2ijrxrn
               diam*tct' pi1:e is itsucl tr: couvev r+*ter of kjnernnric visconirv    Y s/^ !" tl.o;- ;;,;k;., ;;;;;^sir*ujrj
                                                                                               ' v I rr i''q    nJ
                                                                                                                           '                                       hc
               ,,,eiouit,y- ;urr{: d isrrhfri:ge ,in       ti:* r:rodc}?                                                                             (.,? iH* r-ks}

      l:. A mr:tal plilte ul'lOrnnr                        thlc,lrness ir:rd 1]00r:rirn sqlrare,              il; so hrurg that, it can swing               Irec1y

               A je:,{ gf rv;*fsr 75nrm in cliarrrr:l*r,                   h;tvirrgi a. l.rslclcit,y    of      ?.0   mls, srrikes a scri*s lilJ,x"fri;i
               p.lates, ;;rrrii'1|,,*;1 arouncl rlr*                               ;iu,trc*i,
                                                     1:*riphery ,-{.                              sr-rclr t}.rar. ea*h     plate appears su***ssil,*l               1..

                                                                                   PART.*                  TI

)          $how ll-rar thr: rnaxifil*m el'licieni:1. ti:r a j*t strikir:g a singl* eurvecl v&ne, symmetri*atr ahr*ut
           t5e nxis of Ifiq i*t rxr:viltg in thc cJire*ti{rn'r:{'thejet is }6i27.                                   {li} s'ltrr}wi
    li.    A.i*t r.:i iviirl,l. having il v*li:r:ity $1'45 *:is, innpinger; rvilh*tit shoclq ofi a set'iss of vani:s,
           nrr>vinp, 6.1 I5 m/s, lhr: dir:ccticxr oi nrotir:n u{' vi}rlss being in*linud at ?0" t* t}rat i:l' th* .jet.
           'l'he rsiltir.,r: velocity at the r:utlet is 0.9 oJ. theit r:f't}:e in[*t ar:d t]:e a,bsi:lilte ve lc]sity ul'wi]ler
           al tlle r:xit is to lr* nr:rrturl to tli* rnotiot: o['van'*s- Irind
            i; Va.n* *r:gl*s *t tl:e ell[:"an** ilnd lire *xit, ii) wurk don* ()n v                       i1. weight 0f'water

            sirppliecl by th* iet a.nd iii) tlte hyrlruuiic *fticienc,v-                                            {l{r M*rks)
                                                                                                                     &                   *fl
                                                                                                                                          c.{ l
                                                                                                                    iJ voo' ftl
                ii)            il.xtJi*i xncl ir:<iitl l'lo'rv              lr.rrhi:t*s                             i?t"$P;- ,/rV
                iii)           Inrvixti *fdoutw*rc{ lxiiial ti*w trlrhin**                                      ;tnd A--4          .7/'
                f ,I           .L.}..lrlrr{-+.lir ${r!r   }./r/I/vr.r.{   t$lr r/rr*vqt                                <-:----

    h"     W,ftnt       dralt'tubex'1.{)bt*in tn q pr$ssir:n Ii:r *fiici.ret}c} *J. clraflr tubes"
                       u,r,e                                                                                 {i}tt [?hrrks)
           A siggl* j*t pcltgn wheel trirhinei i* t'eeluit'cd to develi:p a p$wer of {'r00{} kW. fiv*riili
           *iYiei*ncy *llth* turhin* is 8?%. A,ril.ilabls trsad at the nr:r'*l* is ?S(}nr r-rf watr:r. Co*J'lic'ient
           3l've]**ity i:f noxxi* is ti,{)7. Spe*d r*ti* is 0,4$, Outi*t angle of the Ynne is 15"" [tr:lativr:
           r,*]ocit,v c{'rviit*r' leavir.rg t}r* i::uck*t is fi.85 tir:r*s ilre ruiative vel*city at lhe inlet, Fin.e] tirc
           cliiln:ul,er oJrlire jet, rli*ciri,rrg;s a.niJ liru {'*r'ce exert*d i:y th* i*t i:n the buck*ts.   {{}ti Mnr}is}

    ;r.    Wh*t is ;r          1,tuvt*rnor            in    a.    tu:rhin*t l-:xi:lain vvittr fi n*i'lt sket*h th* governing                    *f a r*action
           luri:ine.                                                                                                                                 ((}*     l?I.*r ks)

    b.     I)*riv*       itn *xprc$sii:r: {,irr thr:  sp**ilic sperrJ of a tul't:in*. h'{ention its signilicitl}ct. {i}s Marks}
    c.     'l hc fbiJr:rvinp, clrtir w'ere ot>taineit ltorr: thc main cha'r"acteristics ol a Kaplan l.urbinc ol'
           rllnller ciiltrt*:t.*r li'n. I'),, ::;; {.!.?1, Q,, ',': }{)S.{:, N,, '''" {I11.6. irittinral.e lh* runi}er*l*r" tit*

            lsW. I".)el.crmin* th* :;pet:itiL: s;:**:el r>Ii.lrt:                             iult;hi::c,                                            {i}# I?I*rks)

            iirat i*r* rn;]tlo;i:etrifi *llir:ien*3r. m*chanicnl ef'licienuy and                                           overa'l'1    slliciencv, ol'              it
            r:e:rlriirr; ul purn6r?                                                                                                                  {$f: s'xnrk*}
            ${ti}le.                                                                                                                                 {{iil>   ltr{nrks}
            "i'l:e iuip*[,lq]I: *{'n ccntrifugai pilrr}p is tr m in ciiarx*ter *ncl S.irn rvide. it elelivsrs l}tn:i/s *J^
            wirter thr*uglr * height of 45rn wi:ilu runnin.g at Si)0 rplll. If'tltt bl*cle*; *r^* *(rvcd bn*lnv*.r:ci
            *nei th* ,nutiel angi* is 30u, calculiitc 1,he maxx:rnctric eflllci*ncy *nd lhe p*w*r requir*cl t*
            r"r.:n tllx p*xlp. Listirnalc the minirnurll q>eed tr: sta* th* purnp if the diarn*l,*r is
            {i.6rrr.                                                                                                                                 {ot{ i}tnrks)

                                                                                      *     ;t{ *   tli   {c
f"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   f



                                              n"l,)..l   i

                                                                                    l-l-i            _L       I_i l_ L                        i
                                                                              iX    $ tl x'th    Sex1r       estsr     m. $)egx"*e [.{xnmim*ti*m, L}erenr hcr Zt} I t}
                                                                                                             ffiss$H$$nxg F[asxm$mg m*Nd ffirmw*mg
                                               'l"irn*:          .$       hrs.
                                                   N   *te: J. f},ll#f'                                                                                                                             Max. Marks: l0(i
                                                                                       ,d is r:orrrpxi'ro{p, lff$$rs.r Tyv$
                                                                       J" "!-x#c$Je rJflrf{r rlr{r.}/ f:e assr*rr ed, if necs.i.sfiry.
                                                                                                                                                                                             r%ffr-.irrr,o } r* e. s}.
                                                                                                                   IIA lt.[. * z
                                               I                      'I'l:c
                                                                             line skotch r:1'a rosirler:tial huiiciing is giv*n in l:;ig.
                                                                      Illarv to it suitgt:lc. senle                                       Ql.
                                        r            u" PIan at si,ll lev,:[.
                                    r:               b. Fr"r:nt errsvation                                                                                                                                           (25 l'Iarks)

                                                     r. Section on A **A.                                                                                                                                           fl5 Marks)
                                    l-i              d' Schedulc i:l'o1:'rcnings.                                                                                                                                   {15 trWtrks)

                    aJ '*-
                                                                    Msst-ltrary) f*undi]tion, rooj: is                                                                                           CIN   SSM(S(NHT}
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                                                                    Irom plir:th level,                                                                                                       is 2.1 rn
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                                                               ffiwwNgwm m$ ffi*wesffi*effiw.ffis                    *        Wffiffi
                          '['irrr*: 3 ]:rs.
                                                        Ntlfrx J. r$msrrs$'dsr{p $f          rurJ}sdd Erce.vsi*res, sed**sj*e
                                                                   rxd S*x*.sl' lt,p$/f,]
                                                                                          ryrues$r*re*"earxx r*s:Jr p*xfls.
                                                                 J.'e *flf-$;+f'$$, -$'P#{*j *,'*p***$Sesf. I
                                                                                       ff*$.$ -:-&

                                 a.     llxgrl*in th* firll*wing : i) tho*,**terist,ic values ; ii) Partial safuxy
                    a            s.     $istingruisi: h*rw*r:n worki rg str*sx *tmcl }irxit st&t.e rn"etll*d r: 'f' des igri                                   -{{gfiflar}is}
                                 c" lixlilr,l.i:r th* cliJfs:r*r:t typr*s; *f'rein{irruix$l *j.**l r:seri in R{l{1.                                                    {{}S M*rrtr.s}
                                                                                                                                                                       (t)6 M*
                                 a- $*in Lht *$nc*.pt r:l'ci*v*l*;:rncnl length, wit]: rh* h*lp of a n*at sk*tcir.                                                     l}1:rrksi
          *         c.r          b'    A [t{-l buam r:f'sizs 20fi rnm x 400 rnm deei: is cast urr:nolithically ,uvlth             {1,5
                                                                                                                          ls1; mm strab. "Iirs
          Q..a2                        br:iuu is sln:ply support*cl r:v*r a $pelr of 4.2 m iurd s$aceel nt Z or C/c.
                                                                                                                     C*.otut$ the ffii#nrent
       adu                             of r*sistal:c* lurd the maxit:1uln ru:i:ft:rully cli*tritrut*cl loaci the beanl cafi
                                                                                                                            rnr,y^ Llsr 1v{2tr;
     -.o            it                 concr*t* ;xnd F* 415 steel Alsr: find the st*ei rerluirr:<i.
      Eco                                                                                                                         (ts rlfixrkv)
     .= a.i                      $-    Hxpi*in tfue irnpofirtnc*s of siqJ* firce steel irr trtC b*mn" $ive th* s;:re*ifi*ation
                                                                                                                                                                fbr rtr* s{$ne"
     -.             tl)          b'    A dur.i'u-ly rein"forc'ecl heain of'size 25{} mrn x S{}{i mrrx is *ubj*cted t*                {{}4
                                                                                                                      *n rdtir**te IjM tif -t I {l

                                       kN -- rn' Calsulxt* the arn*utrt *f t*nsion mcl oompr*$sion ste*l r"equir*d
                                       concr*t* *rncl mikl steel r*inJ*rsr*rnent ars user*. tiketclithe det*rils.
                                                                                                                                if Iv{;{) gr*:rt,.:
     .ic)                                                                                                                                                             {16 M*rks}
      nd3                        a'    [-]islii:'guish lx*tvr*en eqrrilibrium and c*rnpiitihility turrsi*n, rvith
                                                                                                                  tire ]ieip                           *f   sk*tches.
                                 b' h r*e;tnnguiu.l" b*a:n ?]0 mrrn x 550 mrn rieel: is iiub.iept*d to a snggir:g $h4 *t,4fi{t}S M*rks}
                                                                                                                                        kN ** nr,
                                    shnar &ir*e uf' ]ii kN *nd trviriiing m:r:mout <.:{'' I l.s k":q ^
    f.L                                                                                                      rn at u [;"*, se*:fi*r:. #*sign t]:e
     > {.+                          rsinli:rc*rn*nt if fu.x.?-ti *r:i:*r*tr: *nd I;'r:4tS ste*l *r'* us*d. $ketch
     si --r
                                                                                                                   th* cl*i:ilri.     {i$ Flnri*}
    *l' 6J
                                 *'    Iiixplxin th* struc'tural aciiun
                                                                                       $l&$ffi,;-S                            .

                                                                         *f'cne'-,-3,6dt'"" wxy slabs with rhe h*lp *f skuri:hes.
     tt *r
     r}..       ii
     ts.        t.I              h" il*sig$ n' l{"ii slab lirr * }:utll tx*nsuring {i.5 n: x 5 nr. 'll:* slah is r:ast                   {{}$ ft{ar:}at}
                                                                                                                       rnc;r**}i{hir:all3,   {,ver rhs
                                       b**:'ttls r'vit'h o$I1I)*r$ lii'rld qi$wn. Jhe bearing is 25{}
                                                                                                      rwil^ T'}:* sl*b carriss s=upr::rin:pr:seri li:irrl
     ".       t*t
                                       *i'3 leN/rxr''. uou kl2t) coRcrnm anel l'* +ri
                                                                                            "fi**l:-ik;t*i,         -il-*ttffi;i                                      {r$ Mariuv}
     i)        r'i
     i: -rt     d.)              iI"   I-)*:sigl: rt **:imtnn $J'*fJk*tiv*   i*ilgth 4^rn suhjer:tecl          t* ultirnate               lo;rcl   of 100{} kN" Lln* fufz{}
     (J       'J.
                                       co*cret* itnei s* "{ } 5
    r,r 15
                                 h"                                    ^r -.. _ ,
                                       I)*siRn s slrr:rt idc **lumn rf r*ctlxtguliu se*ti*n suNe.cted
                                                                                   _                                                 {t}s htxrks}
                                                                                                              to an uitirxat* i*ad q:i,600 klN
                                       mre$ ultin'ratc bcnding n:om*nt *f 100
     ,{ :.                                                                         ki'J *- n . 'the csi;lln bends ab*ut rnajr:r &xis.
                                       I*mg{h *f column is 4"5 ttr. Assurn* u'idth -r --ir**
    ,-*        15"
                                       Iru 4l5 stc*l. l)*sign th* kit*r*rls *rn<l skctnh the
                                                                                                                    ; ffi;;'ilu*'t*r*
                                                                                                                     vrrv {r *r:ncrct* a*eJ
    *, ",tl                                                                                     deteils,                                                            {}3 &trsrks}
    "'." c
                                   Ilesign * suit'abl* fr:*ting fi:r a itil cnlunn: 4{}l) x 4(i{}
                                                                                                                  - *-^) n 'vL*s vr
                                                                                                         mm tr: carry '+ Islfid uf l2{}t} khl. $jk*t*ir

    C)                            tht: qt*tliils" [.Js* fu12s q*m*r*I.* ;rr:d Fe 4lf st*el
                                                                                                                                             {x} t}xxrks}
                              {l' Hxplain ttlq* *fli*ctiv* siran {br stair *as<*'tvit*r diflbr*ni rynql {:*nilitions.
    (                        h" 't cl*$g [*gg*d s{*ir ci:s* {*r * hall me*s*rinH ?.1 rn x d.4s has a {lc:cr                                (n,$ klatr$es}
                                  'T"Iier                                                                                   to flo*r height *fl 3.?lr:.
                                          lrl] r*Lmd h**sir:g is 25{i l}rrTl. tr'rr:pilr"tiri: the stair r:nse
                                                                                                               arrd ciesigm t}r* gro*nr{ flight *.,nly.
                                  us* .Ivnt{} uur}flr*t* ar}<$ I;:***1.:n* le* a.nd tlig*rt
                                                                                                                I?'*' spiN:s ir: $rr' sililc eiirection"
                                                                                                                      svracsp rrr the "'"'..'"{i;,;;*
                                  $k*{c.h t}r* d*tails       n.flst**l"

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4th Semester Mechanical Engineering (June-2016) Question Papers

4th semester Civil Engineering (2010 - December) Question Papers

  • 1. f O6CV4? i---r- i-l l-r 1--i- | i ij-t-irt- j tiSf'{ tL-i r,.*_ff$'-ilffilfffiffi Ilece,l*lfuor 2rl) 10 Fourrrr ser*esrer 00 Ir'14x" Marks:1 rime: 3 hrs. Note: r. ::.:;,;;:!::,:,!,,:#iii?:##{:f"XLr_- 7 Anv missingdala PART - (05 M$rks) '| mat foundadon? . E , a. crassiturhcro,ndauons.Nhen.*,,;Ji;:*ffi'J:Hxlti"$ soils; commeni "lrH:-i ,ir : liil[.it***,'t]Hfr',i'l**'**U]niilil*':il; I' ('w 6--" ?2, inf 2 a' with sffii";#'flffi1i;::::1;*l;,.-*,,*i#:*,ij neat slr'etclres' main discuss the featt "'[""Ji i['Il'T';i:ff: $"['f 11r' i r*;u .,*::,;+: ::' ;:ffi I::"-1'* "",HlHlK iA Ju'rlr v'" dre types ()1 " fT. joint' " - ..-^r,, (osMarks) ; t the stabilrtl :llt ttilr are rhe lunctions ol' *" 2a * ; " ,c--,,.) u,,rr. rrrr vou assess Howa'ealchcs:l::'i':1"1}'irliJti:'"T;%:lr'f}i'lJ':[lt:'T' (0*rvtarks)' (0? lvrarls) shores in brier, raking thc ?ai 3:',:rulUn{H,",*'.;ttl[}'$:L" $'ffI':-irc,,'ents of ^ of *t''o:1tilil':i laving 1i; " or an i<teal n""" *o'",n(n" method *-"ilL:'*j € - .. fluo'iog 4 a. List the reqr of sloped and flat roofs' state where aE -vanrages and disadvantagos :.?, b. s'tate the ad .1. z pARr-B and opetr ?-{ L'xptun *'"' '-:,:"," **plain wirh noar sketch clog }egged FrZ c a. whar are rhe rcquirements .., ,*.n urrrl of good stairs? in rhe marksr.(l. M{rks) the ?E weil stair' trf doors thar are available ditTerenr tyee: i? b' Dxplain with ueat sketches' painrhu"tt![Irlll.., agoodpoinr'r Exprainthemethodsof ?1 6 r. Nh1t.,$erhecharacrcristrcsof .i the method of stucco plastenng (t0 M{rks) Ig ly:fu* - ,,he objeorives oI plastering? Explairr wh* are rhe objeorives,::l::::[::struction,,? *""[l,i;::i i b. whar are the mareria]s 0., "o Zi 7 a. ,har d.^you nrean ..:::r""t"'u" ^ -; eriectrve conslru(tlon ' in cost r, i-'i"i,,,'. I",ll;*fi!,, l|,,uH:l] i, l'p-"1" "o,,.,.,:l).,;:, .;,i[t::::T;,:'-i'windows' o[ sr ir, : T**J'JH"::*,."J::::iffi; ;.ccrecunsurarf'"-"'lHill,,':, i) "iJt't"'u"o "ot*tagcs md circular c.lurnns -^-- l'i}{,Jil-:,lli:::];]i,l,l]ill.lffi[T,ffJ#.i{:--,-sand,"-,,..ffi6}trlrlis c6trts*
  • 2. {}s{1v44 t isli $l63mg.t$x $*rmest*y' '$$" ffi. t}*gree $Ixarraim*tiqrn, {}ec*xr} lrer 2{} I {} Suxwvwy$x?S * $ffi t Max. Marks:100 l I N * te rr " m.s:**.,rr drr$-lr ^{If.H&' jfsdJj ry***sJx$fxs", x * I t *t i**g rxf /c*s"s l'W{} rJrues#ui*rrus/rorx raclr prrrf- f..,tdi.ssfrug tf,r,I*r, f"r,n*& rnrqv d.rr srufr*r#fy nsss* wred" d] ,;) gAKL:A :: '{i a. Ilefine tl:e ttrnts; 'Trtmion axis, cenlering, linhg in. tfiS Marks) :,:l},r'ig{iy gxpll*in':ih,e,telnpoil;u:y acijustmr:nls of $ivemier theodolite. tr. i$d '{nrk"s) c. llrii:fii' rlescrii:* thr prdceclr.:rre [r"lr trteasurilrg thr: rnngnctic trc*rit:gs, t.rsirrg a tlreocl*lit*. {{}{i Mnrks} ,;: d. ilii.lerepliate i:stwe*:n i) ['hcc. ]e{'l anc,{ fiiq:* le{"1 cr:nditir,:rrs ii) clalnping screws emiJ t*t*gent _.!X SCt*lVlr. {{}.{ il,[,nrks] ): '* --f-'.r :t $D n dumpy l*vei 1i: bt in prt:F*r ncljilstlnenls, tvhttt at* ttt '' ^) i:'r.rr iu"c the er:nditions L,hat bc r;iitisJi*iJ'J {{}{r M*rlr.r} l:: ai :.. Rr h. [,ist t]:.e cu*ditions tu br siltisll.*d by a verni*r the**t*ljte t* tre in perm *:*** r adj *ou,li?1]il,, rs^* r,o*, s 'i: Illri*l1y cxplain th* test irnti adjustment uf'hurizontal *.xis o{'a verni*r theodolite. {{}8 ft,lsrkr) .::: ::) ul. With the lr*lp iil'a neat. l;k*" *:xplrrin 1.h* sin6rl* plarl* methot{ Ji:r i1*tsrmining thu e,l*vation i.) 'i.) of an iu*cc*siiible r:hjc*t. { lt} iM*rks} i . Whil ar* th* *onrlJollsntl, oi:ti tntal s{*tir;n'J aI) r: c.. L,ist th* us*s *t-a ro[*.1 *titti*n. Iffi HTH] /* .J fl-; ,.i 'fi r{ ii. ,,. } {.:t h" iiiglrtr:rt horilrnntally, a tachconret*r r*xis I.645 and 2^840 corresponcling tt"l stacJix wirr:s, un "r v*rliu*l sla,ff I2i] rn $wii1r. TJr* f-i:crrl k:ngth *f the ohj*ct glass is 200 rrr:r iu:d tlrs <"ixlc* *.; {) I)". r ti"orn thc oliject glass to truni*r"r axis is l5Orum" Calculat* the st.aclia intcn,al. ({i$ il{arks} ;: c, ,i.r ft irj A l;.1*h**lne.{*r is setup *t an intcrrr ,*clinte p*in[ $n ir tra'r"r*r.$e courss PQ nnel thr: I*lk:wing ol:si:rr,,atioirs 11r$ i:rade nn ii. v*rlic*il1' held sraff: St*Sst*lign Y*::Lissl-d;#{lr $is$ilJl}srss:}i Axuil}ilir-r.+-+,li,lnss P +- 8u'16' 2.350 2.]05 oJj * Q "F 6r',6'', ?.{}55 1.S95 ilQ;rnd tiru I{i, o1'{"). 'l"nkr-: iir* lttr. r)J'}:n as iZl.:0{lnl, (t}s t}I*rks) "-i ''; "Cl Ilr&It'[" *,{} . ,u 5 *. $*iine tir* lirilowing, rvitl: r*$p*{( to a simple circular clu:'e: ,{., Ape.x ol'xi"rs sur:v,i, point (rl'iax*rt*y. c.*ntral *nglu, n:icl oldinat$. (ilfi lH*rks) (: h. o' settiris, out sirnpln cu:^ves" Iixplain the m*{hod oJ' 3 Lll .lll"" :::lr::1.:'*tir*crs ::t::::::::
  • 3. / / s6cv44 q}f 1I lle{in* fl *o*ipolind uurv*. A $finlp$unc} *urv* r:*nsistin$ $f tr#o riin:ple.{}ircul*r'*:urues raclii 3S0 nr a*rJ 50il rN is tr: bc laid berwer:n lwt: straights. The angles of interueut'i*n tirr* varir:us *lem*tll$ h*tlve*:,) {.h* trr.ngcnls *rnc} the two str*igtlts ar:e 55n a.nct 25o' O*lcrllate (lt) Marks) t"lf th* compoul:d curve. ,r . l"r . ,A re';$rso c;r.lIv* is to i:rl **t b*t'wt*r*n tw* parr[]*l tm:gelrts l0m ap*irt' The dislilncs bel'lvt:en Ihe tiingent pDints, m$r$ured parallel to the tar}gents is St}n. ll ti:* raeiius ol'the {irst b:r"*rich E:1' tlt* tr'r"t: is l j0 ir, o*lo,olate ths r:adiui of th* s**onej brandr. Also, ca.trculate the lengths Irr*-6u|, Wuut i,vi:uld be the equal rilclius of the,br*nchexruf lhe rsver$* tutve? {}s t!trarks} 74" l,lst ttrs rsq$irrsmeuts of a fi:&nsiti$n $urv$' ttls tuI*rlts) Ir $na r.nilway trnck *f"l.6lpn wirith, the cl*signec{ sp*eci is 90 krnph"'l"ra*sifiCIt} curvss erre t* nqr{) strrrig}rts *t t}ro Ir*: ;:r.*vict*ei t* jr>in a *ir.cula.r {:ilrvc with a i'ac}jus ut 5{X} in bstlryeen trn*k. Fhe rate 9t' chang* *f rarlial accel*ration irji*rr:ited to 0.3: m/s3. Iletennine the ii tr.*ngrli *f rrnnsirinn requircc{ ii) strift *f"circr.rlar i}rc iii) $up*r eisvation t*n,$l*$rr,*r, Wh;- rhE: v*::riunl curv*s prt:,,,ir1*rl on i'righways'l What ;rr* the dil{ersnt lypes of verricnl *r**u*n ernplnyr.od'l {lXi frtrrrrlts} i*- 'l'I* {bllor.r,i:ig, p*rpenclir:ulnr of'lsr:ts wer$ tnkr:rt al St:t irrtervals Ii:om a traverse linc to an ir-r'eg,ular bi: rintiix"y lin*. ^,1'85, (r'*1'5, 4'65' 3' l4m' 1"iCI, J.I5, 4"5fi, 3.{iil. 4-58,, {Jnrr:put* t5* ar** eno}osed hetlve*n thr* t,r*vsrsr: line anci the ir:regular b0undary, Iionr the fir'st t* the lirst n{fs*{. lJse the trap*z.oidal ruie" {t}6 Mnrks} b. {,;*Jr:ul*rr: t5* ;x"ci* of a pliur {i"r:rrr ih.* f*lltlwing readi.ngs of a planinrcter: InitiiiI re*dirrg "" Il.34'8 l;'inill r*aelhrg "'' 1.435 J:h*: xero *j1" the disr pgsxscl the fixeri incl*x *:;trk twi3e in the clockwise directi*ft. 'I'hr) iu*hrxl 11$imtirv*s plaued::outsicie nhe,pl&n anli the trs{"ing :point wa$ mCIved in clockrvisr: ,llrr'*ii,r,r. 'iotr* ]v{ == 100 crn2. ({}s Markr) tr, ,l eont*nr pliul *f a prop*s*r:J res*r,v'oir, tl:e arc*s et:closecl hy vrr,rious cr:ttt(:urs are giv*tt hcltir.v: Cuuti:$r(m) :1{,X} 1fl5 ili} 115 120 I,Js ,tr** (liit) : -1 ti l{} i5 20 25 Ilrterrnirlr"" t1* q:itfr;rr:ity *f tJr* r*s*rvuir"ifl tlr* frtll r*s*l'voir level is l'J5'{X}, (Js* prisrnoidnl titrmr"rlii. {f}li Markt} *:frts*d{
  • 4. *-r*--" i*- li {},$N li i. _...-L_".. . #6{ rv45 .F,'* nr rth $ tr}. {i. []*gx"e* ffi xrrrxt,i{lir*iom, tr}e**mher ZSI{} h$y$$-ffi$,s$$mm ffi M?d S$y#nmsx $ $w ffiffi mwh,fr x.xes 'J nlrt:: i hr,s. Iv'klx" h,{iu,,l<s: I {itl ' N*tr:: J-,,{r*sn,rr. ff/.xJr,, py}/*:/i.#f gl*c,*sir.rn.q,se/rcldjru# af fsrri'f -J"$y# ryru*s"dfrrr s r{r*rn e*r:lt p*rt, J" $fir'.sr*.*g uf*f,r.r, l,/' r,, *r{f;}.r f.,e dJ,i.$r*rffgri_ fl&,I*J'*:"* tr a. $ist.ingr:jsh br:r',,ve*n 1) Op*n **l ll*w itniJ pipc flr:.w" ii.l l-il,clraulic clepth antl hydr:auiic mean cl*ptir iii) {ir*ctuul}1,rr;u,i*r-l i1r:u,iLr:rl lapicliy varieil {Iow and i,,) [-inil'rrn::r iu]d slcacil, {:1111.1i. ({}4 }{a'ks1 hils Iho {itt'ce:;icjcs 1*rtg*ittial to tlrr: icn:ricir^clc, cl*scri*rl r.rn thc "r 'lr'Iv .it*'*r-rlr, watcrll;;" *- A ti*pexoicl*l crhalrnr:l lvirh sicle .rloi:cs o{'l : I hao r h* <ir*sig,,rru,i;;;;;rl,r*y l*r*I;u**,"0o lhat rliuii:xt:t-l*t r.:{'**tlcr:*t* Iinir:,g, {.irr lhe }rrci *ncl{:h* sicles is the minim*.nt. i) (lail;uJ*{'e the;tr*i. *{'lining lerluirecl [E]r *ne rnelrg. l*ngth ci{'thq; ci:ilal. ii) [f rugr:sit-v- r:o*llic'icnl n -{).(i15. calct.r]atcthu becl sit>gie oL'thec*rrgl lor;l:ru-r:ilnr:rrr 16w.. (I{} Marks} ? il. l:spla.irl tht l*r:rt |;1t{p'r11} .: iru"np, DE:rir,.* an exprr}ssj*n the clelrtl: *{' f:yrlruulic,junrp iir {*nns *f' tipstr*niu },;*'s nrtn: l:*r. {{}S i1{.*r'tr+} h. Ii.x3:lnir.r ili* r!r:r[qinp1 o1.i] r,,ei]"i{llriri*1. with i* rr*rrt, i;kr:ti;il. {$d M*rir.i} c. ln il l*rtangu,lar r:hirmel. thex:: occlrr$ i*, {)ilr.res;:r:ndir:g t6 }:rrg ": ].$. Ilctcr.rnin* tlie cr,iti*a.l c{,ept.h and ir:ss r:f''}:.*ircl, in t*rrxs of initial c{eptir y1. (il1* &,IrarX*rr] n*:x{ skrtr:}r*ri. . ({}5 i{:rrks} *j' illrr: lJr.riri. ' r r --- 'i,i3'irro.rurr l*ifiextll'lfic uiscr:;;ity ?"?5xli.)-12 siokes {rt I.25 orl'is*r. In *rcler to m,e,>d*i thc fi*w. i{,i,r l2ijrxrn diam*tct' pi1:e is itsucl tr: couvev r+*ter of kjnernnric visconirv Y s/^ !" tl.o;- ;;,;k;., ;;;;;^sir*ujrj ' v I rr i''q nJ ' hc ,,,eiouit,y- ;urr{: d isrrhfri:ge ,in ti:* r:rodc}? (.,? iH* r-ks} l:. A mr:tal plilte ul'lOrnnr thlc,lrness ir:rd 1]00r:rirn sqlrare, il; so hrurg that, it can swing Irec1y A je:,{ gf rv;*fsr 75nrm in cliarrrr:l*r, h;tvirrgi a. l.rslclcit,y of ?.0 mls, srrikes a scri*s lilJ,x"fri;i p.lates, ;;rrrii'1|,,*;1 arouncl rlr* ;iu,trc*i, 1:*riphery ,-{. sr-rclr t}.rar. ea*h plate appears su***ssil,*l 1..
  • 5. s$il/4$ PART.* TI ) $how ll-rar thr: rnaxifil*m el'licieni:1. ti:r a j*t strikir:g a singl* eurvecl v&ne, symmetri*atr ahr*ut t5e nxis of Ifiq i*t rxr:viltg in thc cJire*ti{rn'r:{'thejet is }6i27. {li} s'ltrr}wi li. A.i*t r.:i iviirl,l. having il v*li:r:ity $1'45 *:is, innpinger; rvilh*tit shoclq ofi a set'iss of vani:s, nrr>vinp, 6.1 I5 m/s, lhr: dir:ccticxr oi nrotir:n u{' vi}rlss being in*linud at ?0" t* t}rat i:l' th* .jet. 'l'he rsiltir.,r: velocity at the r:utlet is 0.9 oJ. theit r:f't}:e in[*t ar:d t]:e a,bsi:lilte ve lc]sity ul'wi]ler al tlle r:xit is to lr* nr:rrturl to tli* rnotiot: o['van'*s- Irind i; Va.n* *r:gl*s *t tl:e ell[:"an** ilnd lire *xit, ii) wurk don* ()n v i1. weight 0f'water sirppliecl by th* iet a.nd iii) tlte hyrlruuiic *fticienc,v- {l{r M*rks) & *fl s 'r, c.{ l r,t_ rirrtrerrt*iJlilX-ik rrrrr:in*s iJ voo' ftl ru;,urion ii) il.xtJi*i xncl ir:<iitl l'lo'rv lr.rrhi:t*s i?t"$P;- ,/rV iii) Inrvixti *fdoutw*rc{ lxiiial ti*w trlrhin** ;tnd A--4 .7/' f ,I .L.}..lrlrr{-+.lir ${r!r }./r/I/vr.r.{ t$lr r/rr*vqt <-:---- h" W,ftnt dralt'tubex'1.{)bt*in tn q pr$ssir:n Ii:r *fiici.ret}c} *J. clraflr tubes" u,r,e {i}tt [?hrrks) A siggl* j*t pcltgn wheel trirhinei i* t'eeluit'cd to develi:p a p$wer of {'r00{} kW. fiv*riili *iYiei*ncy *llth* turhin* is 8?%. A,ril.ilabls trsad at the nr:r'*l* is ?S(}nr r-rf watr:r. Co*J'lic'ient 3l've]**ity i:f noxxi* is ti,{)7. Spe*d r*ti* is 0,4$, Outi*t angle of the Ynne is 15"" [tr:lativr: r,*]ocit,v c{'rviit*r' leavir.rg t}r* i::uck*t is fi.85 tir:r*s ilre ruiative vel*city at lhe inlet, Fin.e] tirc cliiln:ul,er oJrlire jet, rli*ciri,rrg;s a.niJ liru {'*r'ce exert*d i:y th* i*t i:n the buck*ts. {{}ti Mnr}is} ;r. Wh*t is ;r 1,tuvt*rnor in a. tu:rhin*t l-:xi:lain vvittr fi n*i'lt sket*h th* governing *f a r*action luri:ine. ((}* l?I.*r ks) b. I)*riv* itn *xprc$sii:r: {,irr thr: sp**ilic sperrJ of a tul't:in*. h'{ention its signilicitl}ct. {i}s Marks} c. 'l hc fbiJr:rvinp, clrtir w'ere ot>taineit ltorr: thc main cha'r"acteristics ol a Kaplan l.urbinc ol' rllnller ciiltrt*:t.*r li'n. I'),, ::;; {.!.?1, Q,, ',': }{)S.{:, N,, '''" {I11.6. irittinral.e lh* runi}er*l*r" tit* lsW. I".)el.crmin* th* :;pet:itiL: s;:**:el r>Ii.lrt: iult;hi::c, {i}# I?I*rks) iirat i*r* rn;]tlo;i:etrifi *llir:ien*3r. m*chanicnl ef'licienuy and overa'l'1 slliciencv, ol' it r:e:rlriirr; ul purn6r? {$f: s'xnrk*} l:. ${ti}le. {{iil> ltr{nrks} "i'l:e iuip*[,lq]I: *{'n ccntrifugai pilrr}p is tr m in ciiarx*ter *ncl S.irn rvide. it elelivsrs l}tn:i/s *J^ wirter thr*uglr * height of 45rn wi:ilu runnin.g at Si)0 rplll. If'tltt bl*cle*; *r^* *(rvcd bn*lnv*.r:ci *nei th* ,nutiel angi* is 30u, calculiitc 1,he maxx:rnctric eflllci*ncy *nd lhe p*w*r requir*cl t* r"r.:n tllx p*xlp. Listirnalc the minirnurll q>eed tr: sta* th* purnp if the diarn*l,*r is {i.6rrr. {ot{ i}tnrks) * ;t{ * tli {c
  • 6. f" f / i n"l,)..l i i t....^.,.-... i I I I I]t l-l-i _L I_i l_ L i t)6{iv4$ iX $ tl x'th Sex1r estsr m. $)egx"*e [.{xnmim*ti*m, L}erenr hcr Zt} I t} I3. ffiss$H$$nxg F[asxm$mg m*Nd ffirmw*mg 'l"irn*: .$ hrs. N *te: J. f},ll#f' Max. Marks: l0(i ,d is r:orrrpxi'ro{p, lff$$rs.r Tyv$ ,- 4r*esficns;f}0r,n J" "!-x#c$Je rJflrf{r rlr{r.}/ f:e assr*rr ed, if necs.i.sfiry. r%ffr-.irrr,o } r* e. s}. IIA lt.[. * z (:1 I 'I'l:c . F D line skotch r:1'a rosirler:tial huiiciing is giv*n in l:;ig. i: Illarv to it suitgt:lc. senle Ql. ll' r u" PIan at si,ll lev,:[. t./) r: b. Fr"r:nt errsvation (25 l'Iarks) tr r. Section on A **A. fl5 Marks) l-i d' Schedulc i:l'o1:'rcnings. {15 trWtrks) aJ '*- Msst-ltrary) f*undi]tion, rooj: is CIN SSM(S(NHT} l{ccl. and fhe rCI()l'' height- js i,0 m and ]intel level Irom plir:th level, is 2.1 rn cc'l *. =c{l .r - D ! 2 Druw n clogleggecl s{aircnse thal ,6--o-i,'Hl,;,Lr rwo lroors separareo hy 3.r0 rn heigrrt, Y(l) rootrr or size 3"8 x 2"1 m. l)rarv secrii:nat l,-) E ,Jb [|tlJl[r;]fi[f:* *l**ti,,i,*;i-;;,;'r,oth tne GrS :i I')raw the. rvr:rking clrawing for an isolared iboti6g I'or a colrunn of'size ?30 x 450 {}0 Marks) reirrltrrcetJ rvitlr B nurnbet c,l'16 n:nr n:m dia ancl 4 numbers c:f'l2 rnin dia [iYSh u,ith B nrrn diil stir"u6:ps (l$ l$0 rnnr c/u" bars rogether i: il* ..J {-l*,oo*irrg"l.;;'; 1.6 rn with the thiclsness tti''footing d*pth 4i[i nrnr.'['hc {troting nrert camprises c/c hotl: wil_ys. r:f j2 rnr::4ia [{YSD hars @ 140 mn: 5li L; ;i- {20 Marks} tr.v rvrarKsJ ffiiiil:-i,l-:11|i,,111:f:il,,f::i::l::l:{ :li?$':'"0) ancr. cre rine rliagran,r rnr prirnnr"y EI "'r 'erop .:J ::' u i' c: 3*r lriil [,a]r$r!]f nrr. rriiih,il,. l,r rrrn*,r l / r- * r,- : 1,"r ;ffi,ffi"''J;:;'"',i,iffli, ::' ']J rrv"Fr. (ru IYI*rK",} .* :* w{Iret'suprpl-v lavout clerails *. XGI t^.i.. I}ilfi:jll::::l'Ir3',tttrcl liuildinp. shorvn in F ig. on r}:e iir:e rJiasran: of a rcsidenrial uri !.. '. - (2(} lVIarl*^r) I r; (ii f IJ ki {"} ri xu )*r k* oio L 3r":.t '? r]{frr tsi *&,Eu,.. S,$r'i ,rrJli -. i-) u 1.. -) q6 e(*_* .JJ * r'i I :')llj.l.|lii}i.* t/ I ''l-'5 rr', X (,.ilti;ry 7 ri: L I c f*hr,t*hy *4* ri"
  • 7. / I I U$iE {}scvsr $I$.fl*&s $eNm csssr $;Sl" H3 egx"e* X{ xtxrsx *,xrns t$* xx r X} me*rxx fu er 2$ }" S ffiwwNgwm m$ ffi*wesffi*effiw.ffis * Wffiffi '['irrr*: 3 ]:rs. ,Xg* Ntlfrx J. r$msrrs$'dsr{p $f rurJ}sdd Erce.vsi*res, sed**sj*e rxd S*x*.sl' lt,p$/f,] ryrues$r*re*"earxx r*s:Jr p*xfls. J.'e *flf-$;+f'$$, -$'P#{*j *,'*p***$Sesf. I ff*$.$ -:-& q*iltx () 43 a. llxgrl*in th* firll*wing : i) tho*,**terist,ic values ; ii) Partial safuxy LrB&Aw' t k,l f{ a s. $istingruisi: h*rw*r:n worki rg str*sx *tmcl }irxit st&t.e rn"etll*d r: 'f' des igri -{{gfiflar}is} *.^4i,i.,1 g'1MbESy)eKii. .i ---- E) c" lixlilr,l.i:r th* cliJfs:r*r:t typr*s; *f'rein{irruix$l *j.**l r:seri in R{l{1. {{}S M*rrtr.s} (t)6 M* o l* a- $*in Lht *$nc*.pt r:l'ci*v*l*;:rncnl length, wit]: rh* h*lp of a n*at sk*tcir. l}1:rrksi * c.r b' A [t{-l buam r:f'sizs 20fi rnm x 400 rnm deei: is cast urr:nolithically ,uvlth {1,5 ls1; mm strab. "Iirs Q..a2 br:iuu is sln:ply support*cl r:v*r a $pelr of 4.2 m iurd s$aceel nt Z or C/c. C*.otut$ the ffii#nrent d-: adu of r*sistal:c* lurd the maxit:1uln ru:i:ft:rully cli*tritrut*cl loaci the beanl cafi rnr,y^ Llsr 1v{2tr; -.o it concr*t* ;xnd F* 415 steel Alsr: find the st*ei rerluirr:<i. Eco (ts rlfixrkv) ra .= a.i $- Hxpi*in tfue irnpofirtnc*s of siqJ* firce steel irr trtC b*mn" $ive th* s;:re*ifi*ation fbr rtr* s{$ne" xd) x6) -. tl) b' A dur.i'u-ly rein"forc'ecl heain of'size 25{} mrn x S{}{i mrrx is *ubj*cted t* {{}4 *n rdtir**te IjM tif -t I {l &.tr*r*is} kN -- rn' Calsulxt* the arn*utrt *f t*nsion mcl oompr*$sion ste*l r"equir*d concr*t* *rncl mikl steel r*inJ*rsr*rnent ars user*. tiketclithe det*rils. if Iv{;{) gr*:rt,.: .ic) {16 M*rks} nd3 a' [-]islii:'guish lx*tvr*en eqrrilibrium and c*rnpiitihility turrsi*n, rvith tire ]ieip *f sk*tches. .() iSO b' h r*e;tnnguiu.l" b*a:n ?]0 mrrn x 550 mrn rieel: is iiub.iept*d to a snggir:g $h4 *t,4fi{t}S M*rks} kN ** nr, shnar &ir*e uf' ]ii kN *nd trviriiing m:r:mout <.:{'' I l.s k":q ^ -(} f.L rn at u [;"*, se*:fi*r:. #*sign t]:e > {.+ rsinli:rc*rn*nt if fu.x.?-ti *r:i:*r*tr: *nd I;'r:4tS ste*l *r'* us*d. $ketch si --r &r th* cl*i:ilri. {i$ Flnri*} Ted^i *l' 6J *' Iiixplxin th* struc'tural aciiun $l&$ffi,;-S . *f'cne'-,-3,6dt'"" wxy slabs with rhe h*lp *f skuri:hes. tt *r r}.. ii ts. t.I h" il*sig$ n' l{"ii slab lirr * }:utll tx*nsuring {i.5 n: x 5 nr. 'll:* slah is r:ast {{}$ ft{ar:}at} rnc;r**}i{hir:all3, {,ver rhs b**:'ttls r'vit'h o$I1I)*r$ lii'rld qi$wn. Jhe bearing is 25{} rwil^ T'}:* sl*b carriss s=upr::rin:pr:seri li:irrl ". t*t *i'3 leN/rxr''. uou kl2t) coRcrnm anel l'* +ri "fi**l:-ik;t*i, -il-*ttffi;i {r$ Mariuv} i) r'i !. i: -rt d.) iI" I-)*:sigl: rt **:imtnn $J'*fJk*tiv* i*ilgth 4^rn suhjer:tecl t* ultirnate lo;rcl of 100{} kN" Lln* fufz{} st**l (J 'J. co*cret* itnei s* "{ } 5 r,r 15 h" ^r -.. _ , I)*siRn s slrr:rt idc **lumn rf r*ctlxtguliu se*ti*n suNe.cted _ {t}s htxrks} to an uitirxat* i*ad q:i,600 klN mre$ ultin'ratc bcnding n:om*nt *f 100 ,{ :. ki'J *- n . 'the csi;lln bends ab*ut rnajr:r &xis. I*mg{h *f column is 4"5 ttr. Assurn* u'idth -r --ir** I;ifuuiive xL ,-* 15" Iru 4l5 stc*l. l)*sign th* kit*r*rls *rn<l skctnh the ; ffi;;'ilu*'t*r* vrrv {r *r:ncrct* a*eJ *, ",tl deteils, {}3 &trsrks} "'." c Ilesign * suit'abl* fr:*ting fi:r a itil cnlunn: 4{}l) x 4(i{} - *-^) n 'vL*s vr mm tr: carry '+ Islfid uf l2{}t} khl. $jk*t*ir ,S"} C) tht: qt*tliils" [.Js* fu12s q*m*r*I.* ;rr:d Fe 4lf st*el {x} t}xxrks} () {l' Hxplain ttlq* *fli*ctiv* siran {br stair *as<*'tvit*r diflbr*ni rynql {:*nilitions. ( h" 't cl*$g [*gg*d s{*ir ci:s* {*r * hall me*s*rinH ?.1 rn x d.4s has a {lc:cr (n,$ klatr$es} 'T"Iier to flo*r height *fl 3.?lr:. lrl] r*Lmd h**sir:g is 25{i l}rrTl. tr'rr:pilr"tiri: the stair r:nse arrd ciesigm t}r* gro*nr{ flight *.,nly. us* .Ivnt{} uur}flr*t* ar}<$ I;:***1.:n* le* a.nd tlig*rt I?'*' spiN:s ir: $rr' sililc eiirection" svracsp rrr the "'"'..'"{i;,;;* $k*{c.h t}r* d*tails n.flst**l"